The Wingham Advance, 1908-11-05, Page 8THE WINGHA31 ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Y EMBER ,rr 1908. $t, Helens. WhItechli>Klrch.. Wroxeter, lYlt4rrls. l�luevale. Wedding bells are Pinging, Lewis Beccroft Is home from the liar, A. McLean And family are now Mr. and Mrs, It. Craig spent Sunday James Alasters, fl. ` . R. agent here, Nest. comfortably settled in their new home last visiting Mr. L. Spelran, Grey. was. relieving.at Brussels last week. >Gallarv4'an passed off vary quietly, (known as the old rashes) an Ann Con, Decker of T,upknow ciallecl Dere Mr. I;. Bveritt is very poorly just street,. D, McCutclleon, W, Rands and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Adams have now, also Mr. H. Rintoul ; net McLean are in Lucknow this week, moved from Wingbant to Bluevale, an Monday, have been able to :attend to their Thos, Grant, who. bought Mr, Me. We welcome this esteemed, couple to Miss Mary Anis McPherson visited ditties as mail carrier for a day or Leah's former property, leas taken McLean Bros, and Bird Bros, have our village.. p threshed out the 8th line, rets wall in Dungwnnon. for a fere days. Hanna two. Possession. We welcome him Anal pretty Members of L. (? I' No, y family to our village, this year, , .,, 780 are reHanna RIDAY - beenrenlay led ropteachDtilll Xui sok has rifles and u nmun tions for thedRifle Messrs. Thos, Lovell John Mch and Mrs. R. McLean of Reston, M:rn,, Is �v�n[nd Noattend �Q nh� coat a transactionri Monday y g g ' vrbittng at her liptne ui 11fcI{►liap. tt g+ t , for h. Mrs. `I'. Forts of St. Helens spent a Club --•10 Roils rifles (military) and 3800 and Herbert Edgar look hale and I of business. g P CIi►bavfl of soon into nr'actice a Rifle lNa Northwest, They t h the Accompanied her of motherIcI ill pa they The atnniversary of Bluevale Metho• Bros, few days. in Win ham last week, A few evenings, ago when Mr. Arab, ; a'y t or u 1 e eye Cutcheon s, 0th line, 111c- dist Olinreh rows veryeach 1 spent art of last week at Frank Mr. Robs, Mcs arse had the misfor- P the cutin C Y j Ileo, G, W, Itivars of 13e1 rwve Preaach- Bros, Luno to break his aim lash week. Clow was lit Wingham, ire called, at Chester Smith, who has spent the Bargain Mr. McRachern of Leaskdwle will the borne of a friend And while they past year or so at Colpoy's Bay, visit- A• petition Is ready to be presented ed ApPro krlat a sermthere on unday' preach in Calvin Church. on Sunday, were talking, Mx. Crow's team struck ed his parents here for some .days... to Morris COuncil, asking for the sub- per under the auspices of the Willing May Cameron and Afar far home, where they arrived without He has decided to take a business edu- mission of it Local Option by-law at Workers. After an exe,elir. nt supper, Misses AI Y,Q G rte toy the ralaprowchin municipal elections, Mutiay are visiting their aunt, Mrs, shins°y' patron, IIs left lz>st cectek for that As the petitiop is sufllc.Ietrtly signed a past program was handed to the McDonald of Ripley, y Don't forget .the National supper an Sound purpose and is now studying in Owen by 25 per cent, .of the ratepayers, the Chrairrriwn, Rev. J. �V, And �pry F. It Sound Business College, We wish consisted of addresses by Rev's, 'West,, OUI' desire our determination is that r?vt3l'y Friday's business shall eclipse J. R. Rutherford attended the fun- Thursday is expected a the Methodistll him, every success. UotutciI will have to take action, Powell, McTavish and Rivers; songs t eral of the late Rev, R, Leask of `1'p• church. Itis expected that there will � , and recitations b Miss W. Alba Chia- 2 buyers be ane news Phonograph there play There was a large attendance e W. The Council root Oct, lAetu accord- Y the last. �Vhy 11vt . Every week a greater number` of buyers are. becoming ionto on Monday. Ing the new Ainbarel or four -minute C. Cur1•i.e's auction style of household lag to adjournment. Dlerhibers all i>,ninr, Mas Andrews and Air. Willis. Mr, Jas. Ramage, Gen, and Blake recor4s. There will also be addresses effects on. Tuesday week; on the present; Reeve in. the chair, Minutes The program was much Annoyed, and more familiar with the enormous dividends our special rallies It them. We Greens returned from. the West last on the four nations by able speakers. whole, fair prices were realized, Mr, of last meeting read and confirmed. the proceeds were about $02, p pay week. They say the Nest is all right. Currie has- rented Miss Laurie's rest. A petition was presented by Andrew advertise just what we Have and have What we advertise. Titus cul' patrons are (Intended for lash week,) a but prefer good old Ontario yet, deuce, where he and his family will Knight and others asking for the con - Mrs. H. Winfield son and daughter, live at least for the winter. struction of aa, drain in the locality of Teacher Wanted. ever satisfied' never disappointed, Our local sportsmen have been ' r of Chicago, are visiting at the home lots 28 and Z9, con. 9, ander Lire tt t, searching the woods ]steely for some, r, g 'i'Vq were very much surprised on visions of the Municipal Drainage Act, of Mrs, .0 Winfield, had de- Taylor-Oarnpbell That said pati- Mate teacher for U. S. S. No. 12, thin to shoat. Isaac and Jacek are learning that Miss C. Laurie chasing wild duck this afternoon. An interesting service was held at aided to leave Wroxeter in, the near tion be accepted and that Engineer Culross, for 1009. State qualifications, Miss Beatrice Anderson has secured the DlethodwG church on Sunday oven fntu e, She has lived here since child- Roger be instructed to examine the salary and experience. Address a position in Wingham High School ing last, when Dir, and Alrs. J. Spar- hood, and identified herself with every described area and make his report` JOBN I, ABItAM, s! ! In s!and commenced her duties Monday, ling, and Mr, and Mrs. J. T. ,Holmes gopd. work in this locality. Being of accordingly --carried, Delmore P, O., Ont.Aithaugh we aro sorry to lose her. had their two infants baptized. Rev. a most amiable and cheerful disposi- The Court of Revision on By-laws��'Id s Offerings, Wear.A l wish leer sitaresa o 1'Vin lose, W. A. Finlay performed the service. tion, she made many friends whovery Nos. 9 and 10, known as the MODonalcl� Special A few days ago a horse came gallop- touch regret her going away. She -In- and Johnston Drain By-laws, were Farm For Sale. Anniversary services will be held in ing into the village from the north tends to make her home in Kansas. opened according- to notice, but no - Calvin Church on Sunday, Nov. 15th, with a few fragments of harness hang- Hallowe'en was duly, or rather tin- appeals were made, On motion of ,. Rev. Dr, Murray, formerly of Kincar- First-class farm, pleasantly situat- ing to it. Mr. J. Gillespie, who hap- duly, observed in our usually quiet 'OampbelI and McOutcheon, the CUtli't While we claim and claim justly, that our Ladies' Wear department affords dine, will preach morning and event poned to be on the street at the time, town. There was a general carrying of Revision on By-law No, 9 wag ed, 0, adjoining Bluevale , station, Iota , ] y, p ing• A good old-time tesmeeting will succeeded in turnip it into the Vres- siva of steel and other articles un- closed and the By-law as road, was + 30, con. 1, Dian rig, 100 acres, all be held Mondayevening followin g y y , cleared except 12 acres well fenced,you an almost unlimited choice of steles at any tlnle'a I'an�e Of garments as g g' byterian church stable, No one turn- mentionable. The night hawks were dually passed. On motion of Camp- and in good condition. ' There are aelegant as is t0 be found in Cit stores—we note Olt t`vO values Friday' Of 3 It was a great surprise to the people ed up all day to claim the animal and no respectors of persons. Some of the bell and Shaw, the Court of Revision g" r of St. Helens when word came on in the evening it was learned that it gates were found in trees, others on on By-law No. 10 was closed and the large bank barn, large brick hoose Ll T ., and kitchen, with frame summer kit. Surprising interest. Saturday saying that Rev. R, Leask was a livery horse from Lacknow, the roof of the coal shed and still more By-law as read was dually passed. had passed away. It was only about which a couple of men had over to on the top of the iron bridge. The Richard Procter presented his bond sheen, orchard, a never -failing spring three months ago that Mr. and Mrs. Teeswater where it got awn from latter ones were securely tiled with as collector for the current year, well, an artesian well with water g r y y y piped to house and barn; pig pen and $5.00 AND $6.00 DRESS SKIRTS $3.69. LADIES' KNIT GOODS TO BE CLEARED Leask spent a few weeks visiting old them, running to Whitechurch, It ropes. The participants •must have which was accepted -by the Council as friends here, where he labored over 20 left the buggyat Jos. Tiflin's ate been ver much exhausted after their satisfactor poultry house, If silo, with- dement This lot consists of Panamas, Ser es, Lnstres FRIDAY. g y y' floors; frost -proof silo, 10 x it Ten and Venetians, black and colors, nicely trim. Ladies' Knitted Wool, Golf Coats, Jackets, Un - years, near the 6th con, extraordinary feats and efforts. these Accounts were ordered to be paid scree of cod corn will • go with the med with silk or self bands and folds, all derskirts, Vests, eta„ will be on display Fri- arecttffyrences of opinion. about these as follows: -R. Messer, repairing cul- p y Fri - Although Friday was a poor day for c __ _ _, escapades, but a halt should be called vert N. boundary, $2 50 ; D. Ramsay farm, if the latter is sold before corn sizes, regular $5.00 and $6.00 values -Special day at such prices as will sell them quick - the rifle shooting match, a large num- when these persons turn themselves $25, and Mr. Cook $32.20, drain For- is harvested. Apply on premises, Friday , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , • , $3.69 ly. Como early. her turned out and some good scores . HOWICIC. into vandals and wantonly destroy est award; McKinnon Bros., gravel- JAS. B. NICOL, Proprietor• were made. John McDonald and ho art Some of our citizens are lin W. bd , Stuart Miller had chosen sides, and Council. met in Gorrie, Oct. 21 ; property. y g y, $40.35. S. VanNorman Bluevale P. O. the total scores were -McDonald, 329; minutes of last melting were road and indignant and righteously so, because inspecting W. bdy., $1.59; Jas. Tay - Miller, 33S, making a win for the lat- adopted. of, property mutilated. We wish to lor, work and tile Grasby drain, $200; tp y ff ,/p [��rQQy��p p T ter's side of 9 points. The losing side Geo. Wylie and Wm. Finlay waited` sound a note of warning in regard to Win. Connelly, part payment Kelly Ladies' drench �1d Glares -Y ajC �'ie�'S Wear 8J der' will furnish an oyster supper, which on the Council with reference to a certain young persons -if they are drain, $100, R. B. Alcock, contract of we are anxiously looking for- ditch on the road. Hainstock--Dow- not nmre careful in the future, the tilling Sommerville bridge, $2S5; W. r ward to. ney-That Coun. Winter go and ar- heavy hand of the Iaw will come down H. Fraser; digging ditch Forrest SITUATIONS �r /� y+ range the matter --carried. upon them, and more will happen, Mr. sward, $8; J. Hall, cement culvert, priced Friday, William F. Dulmage and James Editor; their names will be printed in $7; Wm. Skelton, two culverts, $0.50; 15 doz. in all, very fine French Kid Gloves in Kerby presented - it petition to the your newsy paper, so the general pub- selectors of jurors, each $1; Jno. with leading business houses = greys, champagne:;. light browns and blacks, CANADA VOTES SOLiD. Council, signed b. a large number lic may know who are the hoodlums Coultas, drawing cement tile, $3; W. await .our graduates. worth $1.00 and $1.25, to be cleared out Fri- r- g y g - a5c MEN'S SKIRTS 49c. . of the ratepayers, asking the Coun- who dwell in our midst. We trust a Salter, gravel, $1,80; W. J. Palmer, day at per pair .. ..... 490 , There may be a difference of opinion, all to .submit the question of hav- word of warning is sufficient for the filling east approach to Sommerville LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER A saving of up to 7G cents. S Dcz. Mens fine, soft hosonl Shirts in fancy amongst the voters of Canada regard- wise, bridge, $37 ; Sellars & McCauley, gra- eltecks and stripes, Crescent maize, regular g g Ing Tavern Licenses issued in the Tp. and all modern office methods Ing political matters, but when it of Howtek, said vote to be taken at ' ,----++-• welling east bdy., $38.37 ;Goo, Dullard, which ensure rapid advancement 75C -Special Friday ... ............. . • , , , , , , . 49c comes to it question of a newspaper to the municipal election. inspecting E. bdy„ $5; Miller Bros., A saving of 20 cents. suit the Canadian people the vote is Winter -Downs Salem. making cement tile, $51.51 ; Gerry & GREGG SHORTHAND - y -That this matter _ solid for the Family Herald and Week- be left over until the Nov, meeting, as Walker, cement, $22.50; Wm. Laid- = taught by the only teacher in • $2.50 WORK JACKETS $1.55. ly Star of Montreal. It is marvellous the Council wants to et legal advice Hallowe'en passed off very quietly law, farm bridge on Kelly drain, $15 ; the Province who attended tris F+p'S �peCla� Sade 10 only, heavy waterproof duck Pea Jackets, what Po ularity that paper enjoys. It -carried. g g around here on Saturday night last. Wm, Craig, drawing gravel and mak. Aumsoit's SCHOOL, heavy linings, deep corduroy collar, regular is welt deserved too, for it is beyond J. Willits and Fred. McIntosh re- Mr. Chester Hi ing cement tile, $25 ; Robt. Young, $2.50 -Special. Friday ..... . ....... . . a 1,55 question the best dollar's worth to be p Higgins, who spent part farm bridge on' Cole drain, $15 ; Jas. TIIRPE COURSESe Stenography, y • v`� q seated s petition signed by 2t ratepay- of the summer put West, returned Commercial. Telegraphy. .A saving of Ov cents. had. Every hoarse in Canada should ers asking the Council to have some home last week. Cruikshank, gravel, $3.18 ; D. W. � = Enter any day. Write for particulars, ' receive that great weekly, when it can work done on B line. Coun. Under- Campbell, .repairing bridge, $1; 'Wm. i MEN'S $10 AND $12 OVERCOATS $0.00. be had for one dollar it, year. In this wood -ryas appointed to look after the Miss Minnie Gallaher and her aunt, Knox, repairing bridge, 25c; Organ = FALL 7enM FROM SEPT. t sr 1S only, section it reaches almost every home, . -Mrs. Balfour, spent last Thursday Russell, repairing bridge, 50c; 11. - - y, Alen's Overcoats in fancy Tweeds, plain and not one of them would think of matter. Ferguson billed the Council for afternoon with the former's grand Kirkby, gravel, $5.36; Jno. Watson, = Win ham Business College , i greys and blanks, well tailored, stylish gar- lettingtheir subscriptions expire, g mother, Mrs. J. Gallaher, part payment ins ectin cement work � g $24.00 GREY SQUIRREL SETS $17,5`0, ments, reg. $10 and $12 -Special Friday .... $0.69 P P taken- damages for water not being at Sommerville bridge flEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL, 3 only, The Family Herald and Weekly Star taken away from his property. Mr. Thos. Grant, who has been liv- $35; Alex. m finest quality (trey Squirrel Sats, new A saving of up to ts.st. is too good to miss even a single Coun's. Winter and Underwood were ing in these parts for the past sum- Cloa I gravel, $1.22 ; M. Procter, Empire muff, 71 inch throw, regular $24.00 - co drawing cenhent tile, $3, Special Friday, per set- . . .. . ..... ........ Py appointed to look into the matter, mer, moved to Wroxeter, where he Council adjourned to meet again on A saving of $0.50. i John Ferguson handed in a bill to intends to reside for some time, the 16th day of November next. the Council for $d damages for The workers in Salem Sunda Grey. water being backed upon his pro- Y W. Craik, Clerk. �p�g p 14IARi<IOT S'.COLES $4.98, House FurnishingDept, art Underwood and Winter were School have called a meeting for next Ada Ladles CU�lAdT 10 onl Mink Marmot Stolep P Y• _ y. ,deep i•ictr brown The annual fowl supper held in a ornted to o and ins ect the situ- Thursday evening to make arrange- - 2 _ _ , P,p g P color, reliably quality, iopd size, regular $7 Molesworth will be on Thanksgiving anon and report to the Council. ments for their Xmas. entertainment. ST: THOMAS - - ONTARIO and. $8 values -Special Friday ......... ...$1.98 night. A good program is tieing pre A large number of accounts were A very interesting and happy event Why Catarrh Is Dangerous. A saving of up. to $3 03. pared, examined and passed, and Council ad- took place at the residence of Air. 28th year! A leading Canadian Underprices In 0urned to meet in Fordwich on Robt, • Dlclntosh, B line, Uowu;k, on g Usually t it comes with a cold. Be- College." 1 ndowment allows ex - Mr. Cecil Day and Mr. Miss rson of j ing slight it is neglected, but the seed ca tiouall reasonable rates. A tull $5.00 AND $10.00 STORM COLLARS $1.90, 7 7 Gorrie, accompanied by bliss LOOmn- Nov. 21st. Wednesday evening, Oct. a th, at g , p year's tuitiouwith board, 5 only, large Storm Collars in assorted styles, Seasonable Goods. of Toronto and_Dlrs. Day loyal Sun- - - .5 o'clock, when his eldest daughter, is sown for a dangerous harvest, per- $168 day at Mr. Lorenzo Frain's. Edna, was united in the holy bonds haps consumption. To cure at once, rooin and laundry - - generous size cape and high collar, made of matrimony to Mr. Jas. Lorne Laird tribal, Catarrhozone. It destroys the ForCatalogue, address for genuine comfort, regular $9 and $10 - Mr. Geo. McDonald had cite:a suc- c n 1 0 y + Catarrh, clears awn mucous, The 2 and upwards Special Friday • •.$4,05 15c WHITE ENAMELLED CURTAIN q Fordyce: � germ of y P y ........................... � , , cessful turns bee Mondayafternoon, con. els hn's w. To the strains of Cleanses the passage of the nose and and in return for the ' We congratulate the St. Helens' e d Iss hn s wedding march played throat.' The hacking cough and A saving of up to $5.05. POLES 10c. peoples` goad boys in capturing the wild -cat. by Miss Maude Skilling, the groom, sneezing work, he gave s'good social dance. unattended, took his lace under a - cold soon disappear, and 12 doz. white enamelled cottage curtain poles, The Sunday School Rally held in J. Webster has gone to Powassin on beautiful arch of evergreens and health is yours again. Nothing brass brackets and ends complete, regular his annual hunting expedition. known for colds, catarrh and throat 15c -Special Friday 10c Staples P y .............. Roe's Church last Sunday was 's sue- g maple leaves. The bride, most trouble that c e curative as Cater- PONE .50 �p��C Goods Uta i'1rs cess, there being a full school pre- J. Ramage has returned from the •beautifully attired in whit, silk mull, rhozone. It cure by a new method Dress p 50c COLORED MADRAS 33c PER YARD. sent" Mr. Day and' bliss Loombs gave West after doing homestead duties, and leaning on the arm of her father that never yet failed, At all dealers its. 5 different patterns and colors in fancy curtain two duets which were very spore- took her position bride the groom. 25c and 1. Now Fru•riot,. HaIlowe en passed very quietly this The ceremon was erformed b Rev. $ Get Oatarrhozono norv, madras sellin re ularl at 50c er ard- P • y P F' p y Ou*� S g y ..P...Y ..... IMe ,r__„_year, nothing being don, of a serious L. Perrin, Wroxeter. Over •one bun- y' to bi.+ Cleared Out Special Friday .... ............ nature, dred guests were present from Wing- ' 1�_ '• Goderich, Nov. 2 -George Levy, for- Chas. Taylor has returned from ham, Teeswater, Wroxeter, Gorrie, T}iery's all kinds of Fruit, but • CARPET REMNANTS AND ENDS. merly of Colborne township, and for Muskoka and looks mneh improved Fordwiab, .and other places. The Turnberry. o Friday P only one kind that gives entire • Carpet ends and remnants of up to 12 yards, will a time of London, where his wife is by the change. bride was the recipient of a great Turnberry council met in the clerk's y be sold Friday at -a price. Look them up. living, met with an accident this Stuart Miller and Will Webster at- many beautiful presents testifying to office, Bluevale, on Wednesday, Oct. satisfaction—that's THE BEST. m01•ning which will. probably result tended the concert ilea b Gu the great esteem in which she is justly 28. Members of council all present; CREAM & WHITE SCRIM 100 PER YD, fatally. He was working for George g y y held. A most delicious and appeti- minutes of last meeting were read and Bissett and was milking a cow at his Bros. on Monday night, in Wingham, zing wedding dinner was served at redo ted. An account from O. A. 12e LIGHT PRINT, 9e PER YARD. 225 yards scrinh in white and cream, neat pat - farm in Goderich township when, in Anniversary services are being held the close of the ceremony. The rest I Jones for $5, for levelling Thompson's Currants and About 30 different patterns-li bt colored'prints �Frid selling d........regularly tip t. 15c -Special some way, he got under the animal's at Calvin church, St. Helens, Nov, 15 of the evening was s ent in vocal and � P n p y per yard. , r . .. . . . . ... . . . . . , ......... lOc P drain on L• th 12th Con. Turnberry and . . -mostly whits grounds in dainty patterns, A saving of from 2. feet and his ribs were broken in,:pene- and a tea -meeting on the following instrumental music and a general Culrbss-filed. Mr. • Rutherford was splendid washers, regular 12 c per d, Friday 9c i to 5o per yard. Crating the Iungs, liver and kidneys. Monday. social time. The many friends of the appointed to meet member or mem- Raisins. P 11 P 3' y PI A saving of sic per yard. highly respected young couple wish bars of Culross Council and make ar- As formerly, you can depend, on them every prosperity in their rangenients re Bryce culvert. The __. s�stz> rBeAt i” au,�aaen journey through lift'. EVERY OURves this and RAISIN 50c NAVY VENETIAN CLOTH 370. Friday's {ry *� rp q ® �+ �.-_- •r� _ �i,..� following accounts were passed and that leaves this story, 100 yards of good quality naw blue Venetian 1 1 l d U� s 1 duce -encs cheques issued: -John Musgrove, $3, y g q Y y ¢ . • ~��' selecting jurors; John McTavish, $3, cloth, 42 inches wide, regular 500 value, Do betkill� How To Improve Health, selecting jurors; ; John Burgess, $6, Special Friday ........... . . . .. . .. 37e r: p selecting j6ors, Ames Gofton, $8.12, �1 ' ' , A saving of 13c per yard. 1fl Grocery Dept, No better way than to improve the gravel; J. A. McLean, $36.25, plank Seeing Is Believing. : You can, Gond save - r blood -cleanse and enrich it, give it g• $6 Turn- g and teaming; Ii. Godkin, 100 BLEACHED COTTON 710. nourishment and strength. This Can berry shat•e drain; Allan Me`1'avi.kb, Therefore come along. We want CANNED CORN 7c �� be quickly done by Dr. Hamiltons 50c dams es ; John. N, Sanborn, 50c, you t0 examine our Fruit and we 100 yds only of 32 in. heavy bleached cotton, worry and fuel, too, a ;�w!�-� Pills which have a vhtalizind, 'purify- damages; John H. Smlth, $2 25, good even nullity and weight, regular 100- S es- pec i l r,ri brand ash.. .corn, regular IOc Ing effect that is tmequallA in any brushing, con. 0; Jas. Kirton, $1.25, are confidant you'll buy, Special Friday ................... . .......... 7::}c : -Special Fridsy , ............... , ... , ....... 7e with this rang � ,��r� � other medicine. With lots of pure rep. culvert • Will. Deans, $3, rep. cut- A saving of 2!o per yard. • �� n x > ALL OTHER FRUITS A8 IDEAL HOUSEHOLD AMI:IONIA 7c. � ��.tr~ rich blood circulating to all partes of vert; F. Heyes, 50c, opening drain ; THEY COME TO H.1ND the body, with snap and vim running Thos. Barrett, $1.75, rep, drain; Hugh $1.50 FRENCH BROADCLOTHS $1.19. 3•doz, only packages of powdered household am - ARE you having bad luck with your x 'Ili through every vein and artery, robust McKinnon, $61, gravel and ravyi- NyILL BE ' OF THE VERY mania, regular 10c—Special Fr•ida 7c be ;.in •? �,t hewlth is uitevitable. No ciesnsin g BEST QUALITY Finest imported French broadcloths in newest g P y' ' >i, a g ling; D. McCormack, $2.25, inspect-' shades of navy, brown, green, garnet and building tonic is as good as Dr. Hamil- Ing gravelling; D. McCormack, 1,50; 250 JERSEY CREAM BAKING POWDER 100. Most likely It's the fault of your - tort's Pills. Sold by all dealers, radia , H. liennin s McCormack, wo$1.5 black, full 54 inches wide, regular $1.50 per rangy. - g g • g , a1 yard -Special Friday . . . ... . ...............$1,19 The Little Eaton Baking Powder, put tip in 11 Ib road grader; Alex. Forsyth, $2,2i, A saving bt 3tc per yard. glass jags, regular 25c -Special Friday...... 19c NO matter linty good the cook"how e, • - - grading; Charles Gray, $1, brushing ; petfact file recipe, you can't exi,ect suc- �- Blyth. John Kelly, $1.$50, moving grader, J. HenryChristieCess rem an u»cvt:niy heated Ove». y Obris. Skeinr. 22,50, re ctilv,rt.i _ . _ ....... _., . ei.ies yy. Monda John Burgess, clerk During this entire month w Isaac Marwood and family moved Council adjourned to meet again on �•� Oxford� out to their farm on Monda y, Nov. 23 at ten o'clock, a.m. g e are quoting specially low prices in our lm - l00 The Orangemen will celebrate the mense range of Fur and Fur -lined Coats for Ladies and Gentlemen. On Frida mattes ­P01-ts out of ilia most lncxper- Then the Gurney -Oxford reversible fifth of, November by having an "At " ienced cooks, grate saves fuel and gives you a quick home" in their lodge rooin. That is because the Oven is evrnl bright fire. Nothing but fine white, , � t r rs l r • . . a . do your shopping' early', 1t will pay you, its we confidently .look for another record- s tndrauga,ly-borne ashes get through it. The Ministerial Association met at East Wawanosh. t hcruzd and perfectly ventilated. "1'he Cali in and sec the Imperial oxford the reihtory Monday morning Rev- Report for S. S. No. 9, East `Vawa- bz"ealring day 7+riday. Gurnev-Oxfard clivi,lec[ flue keeps the Range—let us explain thesC and outer Me. Cooper gave some of his thoughts , oven just as loot in the front ,s ttt the gtheLordDay.nosh . Sr. IV—Gwendolyn Currie, _ / back that means perfectly mvoo balcing hilpSr. Ill which makeros of the onets bet rangetion for regarding Epworth League of the llTebho• Verna Erthe t 13hie11, MaggiDeacon. Pocock, Jessie Thanksg��ing Days and roasting. g your Ititchen, dist Church held their "At Rome" last Currie. Sr.. II -Annie Currie, Fiona Tuesday evening, A large gatherin __ Deacon, .Maudie Rintoul, Part II-- Retnlrn tiohets at Sita 1e Pathe You'll �; real�{� ' r , 011 all of young., people thoroughly enjoyed Harold Reid, George Pocock, Thomas g . the evening. The schoolroom was Currie. Se, I. -Ales. Leaver, Charlie between all stations in Canada. Special l�liCe5 are strictly C�SII Or Trade, �-ttq • decorated with the :,eague colors, red Currie, Helen Pocock. Jr. L -James Ggod going Nov. 6. 7, 8, 0. , winter wi.-t '� this heater and white, � Perdue, John Taylor, Itathleen Kerr. Return limit Nov. 10th 1908. Store o sill at S a. m. Closes at ni. Anniversary services were held in Average attendance, 20.-- Annie L. p P' Ifyou batt n cotcl house last as going. up t a Mo much coal- r t Rev. Lawrence, teacher. r�/� ttx�r foimc) that the most of the Beat was cin u the cliaannc —'ust Call St Andrews church on Sunday. � Sr�'VRTSlT1l:N. t in and inspect the Wg Haig gof Millbank preached to amore p, large Cori re atibns. A siteeessful tett- riaily until and includh,g N6v'r. 3rd. °� meeting was held oil Moriday Evening. I;eiairn tiekets At SINGtLIC k'ARE to all + `4' After tea, Was served a cad pro rain pointe in Hunting lltstrict. Itet»rn linilt tin all tickets, Saturday, r was r,ndei~ed in thb aiudiltbrium of the �iT'' g Deo, 5th,1UU3, br until clone at navigation, Art Laurel. Base Burner chttrash, tlrnn If earlier, to points reached by steamers, 'r �t •• it Canservea lire boat genernteal .. fs i S es it into the toi1M-»•drrtws Da i,B 'Belch � � ��� � u����a �� - , the calci air from the Iter and thc,rou ht • heats it. assay ` o Western Canada. No other heater will get so much heat out bf the cool It burro tend keep so much of that beat In the loom', Tho Art I.iaurtl will do this This to a& discggtecabl8 result of food : • The attractive route % via Chicago becnuna itliaa the largest anti n+Jst direct radiating aurinco- of unY fermentation thiLt Nerviline Stops tit ` find St. Paul. Minneapolis or Duluth. IJAW(I heater an the market. once, '['aka ten dro ar, of Nyrvlline lli assure ebpy f tlme•tabfe ontltted "Nero 4er want fn telt yaza Ail nbeut this haatdr- wlil j+ou Cati I» soon, p Socur d W pax and tVostrrhh liana. aweetenpd wMer. g da vfd chioago," from .Grand Trunk ino*�h ana Tori estive It is �i+ warmed and so4tlied, tli estive tabu• TIF[E 1D.t#INTY ]C1E5ta��ltT. A oat or address d, D. Marionntd, Dte- �1�f3 � � t itr'tc r 1p, .irx�rlttEd� "birt ]ftto. bles corrected, this rising of �its eeas84 trtct Ilassenger Agent, Toronto, and you are well, When suet, it simple ta►►a bar;katia? �'arvtrt Sian � • remedy does so flinch its foolish to be ror tiokbls itud full Infbrniatlbn, call ori without It, ror tndlgestton, sola" All grotei'g W. ARWW, Town Agent, or writio it r 1 dyu10t%,ail 61,6 0.4" �,ohk!,yi W.14,xdIll 6totn6th, heatrtburn And tick li'oAd. "hal Arid; ilothing hAlf so L1,M tl 3, D. McDonald _ alit ae P0146ft'et lrtett+vi1111e. Gleet a Ze IDIett A Phs+tblixor ,A,garab, vartlihtb, t y . If3U1'C � Vi�'I1 t�3 IA1'�. baittlo from yout, doslor tt�- *r, til OTS. PER PAO ZACIIL 1 _ .- .._. _, ....,., _- . _.....— ,.., _v..t_:a.4a...,,.--, .__� .... -_,,., rami..•....��. -.,,.r _ _sass.,,--- _ .� .' "'