The Wingham Advance, 1908-11-05, Page 5N 4 L2 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1908. ......+-....w.-w+....,... .w_..N.. _.....»...-.,. _.., ......_...._.... ...+w.. _... .. ...._. .. _,... __._. .M -:•..w.......: .. _ _..:....s..,,........L m_w.w,...n-.w,e...r..-..r_e.,:..,�. �w.e..w.na...n..r.,nw....-r..... ..-.....,.._ Ar musual Carl- An ase LADIES CORDON TMUSEHQLU "MIN Long, deep, regular breathing, is one of tine bebt ways to induce sleep. Baking powder spread over grease 0poto on a carpet and left for sonde tllpe, will remove spots. Nervous people, and those with weak hearts, should give up drinking coffee. Before wearing for, after t}iey .are taken out for the winter, hang there for a few hours in the bright sunshine, This will take the dead look from the _ furs. Scra��ps of soap should never be wast- ed. % hen too small for washing', they should be collected and made in- to soap jelly, which is just the tiling for washing flannels. To make it, simply cut the soap into very small bits and boll to a jolly with a little soft water, To remove old putty from a win- dow -sash, heat an iron rod of solder., 'iron and pass it slowly over the putty, Remove the putty quickly before it :.hits time to harden again. A mixture that .will remove grease from the finest fabrics without injur- ing• them umy be made as follows 'Cake I quart clear rain water, 2 ozs. ammonia, I teaspoon saltpetre, and 1 oz. shaving soap, out up flue. Put a pad of blotting -paper under the spot in the garment when rubbing it.' Iron rust spots can be removed by covering the spots with lemon and salt, moistening the mixture with a little water, then placing it in the sun. Redampen the spots until they disap- pear, which will sometimes be several 5 exec est Ya ue ,aAa„,o y Have You Corns ? To make a broom last longer, dip it There iv but one painless cure, Put- frequently in hot water, shake well, ; nam's. Takes out the corn, root and and hang up to dry. A broom should branch -does it harmlessly in 24 A never be kept standing on the brush, = hours. Insist on Putnam's Painlbss It should be suspended by a string, or A Cort. Extractor only, place brush upright, with the handle wAre Thankf 1 only resting uponthefloor. ,.., •„� �, ,� �, What A Pin Did. - - The extraordinary course followed, - 0 by a pin embedded in a man's body GOOD HOME RECIPE. ri An otherwise normal boy baby, November 9thshifted , q with six perfectly formed fingers oil It " H each, hand, and six perfectly formed�;QUALITY . thYn�s, -' toes on each foot, was born a few days from which Cooper died, is the leading place for Rubbers and Cold ago in Toronto. The baby, which ” A Cooper Dundalk minns his gooney and with- great �O NOT PASS US BY. was fully developed, weighed from OVERCOATS and our store will there- s ten to twt lve pouials at birtl., The fore be closed all day on it cures rheumatism gout and lum- broke it off, a fragment remaining in father of the child, has an extra finger I;ling and in Ft fele heel,;. this 1]nger v'Im healed cowplura'y`. To -day that I:a•-er i.: r ,r t 11 ft .h 5,-,Ili,r'ugtii: (IMMlatale.c -,ell ;,t. ('),to a box t.r l.o))t frca fi,,wl as annuli ns zti hu',l acid I owe i to lirut•Ilult, the muscle of the leg Cooper left the 1 on one hand, which, doctors say, is = to Dundalk feeling very down -hearted not very unusual, but for a youngster "cul thi:) C'ollpnr., l: plan ]` '. ftn 1 limnlo of illi:; p:tllrr to - 'l't)1't)tl to come into the world with an extra For Fall and a finger on each hand and an extra toe _ Buffalo stating that lie had found the on each foot, all properly formed, is a money and asking what disposal he _ rarity. The case has aroused great in - f! ffEV cl WntVr W ar _ terest in local medical circles. too good to be true, thought Wilt - and he had a real suspicionthat A Strange Coiucidenco. „ Of }'e superior Style and R ,7 _ A strange coincidence was reported from pear Brockville. A Dlr. 0ltthin Workmanship, In prices 3 resided at Cardinal, and was night• t from and R watchman on the Cleveland canal reward offered and express the bal- ante to Dundalk. He was doubly sur - 4 work there, Ilia daughter was absent prised to get a parcel by Saturday's . from. home on a visit twenty miles (� ]]'jj�j ��jj �n !1>r $21.009 mcoed away, when ono night she was awak-t3 from deep sleep 4�•1�iJ a a with the al- most certain Assurance that she had heard her father- call her name in ag- Cash Prices for the Fall of 908 onizing tones. A little litter she re- See our Special a ceived tt telegram announcing the death of her father, who had been No. 9-18--4 Holes, square ................ V6.50 4 found by a fellow -workman in an un- ' $10.00 Mack Beaver conscious condition. He lingered for 9-20--4 tt dt .............. t . 1.7.50 tt tt a few hours then passed away. En- Overcoat- ` quiry shows that the awakening of the daughter %v;w coincident with the - -- death agonies of her father.. LADIES CORDON TMUSEHQLU "MIN Long, deep, regular breathing, is one of tine bebt ways to induce sleep. Baking powder spread over grease 0poto on a carpet and left for sonde tllpe, will remove spots. Nervous people, and those with weak hearts, should give up drinking coffee. Before wearing for, after t}iey .are taken out for the winter, hang there for a few hours in the bright sunshine, This will take the dead look from the _ furs. Scra��ps of soap should never be wast- ed. % hen too small for washing', they should be collected and made in- to soap jelly, which is just the tiling for washing flannels. To make it, simply cut the soap into very small bits and boll to a jolly with a little soft water, To remove old putty from a win- dow -sash, heat an iron rod of solder., 'iron and pass it slowly over the putty, Remove the putty quickly before it :.hits time to harden again. A mixture that .will remove grease from the finest fabrics without injur- ing• them umy be made as follows 'Cake I quart clear rain water, 2 ozs. ammonia, I teaspoon saltpetre, and 1 oz. shaving soap, out up flue. Put a pad of blotting -paper under the spot in the garment when rubbing it.' Iron rust spots can be removed by covering the spots with lemon and salt, moistening the mixture with a little water, then placing it in the sun. Redampen the spots until they disap- pear, which will sometimes be several 5 exec est Ya ue ,aAa„,o y Have You Corns ? To make a broom last longer, dip it There iv but one painless cure, Put- frequently in hot water, shake well, ; nam's. Takes out the corn, root and and hang up to dry. A broom should branch -does it harmlessly in 24 A never be kept standing on the brush, = hours. Insist on Putnam's Painlbss It should be suspended by a string, or A Cort. Extractor only, place brush upright, with the handle wAre Thankf 1 only resting uponthefloor. ,.., •„� �, ,� �, What A Pin Did. - - The extraordinary course followed, - 0 by a pin embedded in a man's body GOOD HOME RECIPE. pin there, and paid no attention to it. In the course of some weeks thepipMondayNext, its posititon and traveled pointt ri g. - i sire ms he is the luckiest roan in Proton. November 9thshifted , ju- 1 was described at a Paddington in- quest, says the Standard of Empire. 7� For a many . thYn�s, the right lung, which the pointper- so per- forated, setting up blood poisoning, In the meantime allow us to remind you that this ) from which Cooper died, is the leading place for Rubbers and Cold - ” A Cooper Dundalk minns his gooney and with- great �O NOT PASS US BY. y loan named was getting in - to bed, when a batpin, which was ly- and our store will there- ionli.. t:iclnival d,I lie�ua�iaLrlrt.,., alt, �,.,lor ing on the mattress, stuck in his ,left thigh. He pulled at the pin, and fore be closed all day on it cures rheumatism gout and lum- broke it off, a fragment remaining in missed the wad and advertised in I;ling and in Ft fele heel,;. this 1]nger v'Im healed cowplura'y`. To -day that I:a•-er i.: r ,r t 11 ft .h 5,-,Ili,r'ugtii: (IMMlatale.c -,ell ;,t. ('),to a box t.r l.o))t frca fi,,wl as annuli ns zti hu',l acid I owe i to lirut•Ilult, the muscle of the leg Cooper left the ED c „ = pin there, and paid no attention to it. In the course of some weeks thepipMondayNext, its posititon and traveled pointt It cannot 6therwico bo cured." f g. - i sire ms he is the luckiest roan in Proton. November 9thshifted , foremost up the thigh, and right Last week The Herald reported his across the body in a diagonal direc- doctor had boon t,,o -ting Lu•t no good had ressL&ed, and this tion. It eventually lodged against ,hirn, v, m,i the trial clicision. A fir' y' -t1, lit b7g of i,ain-Bak. ss} vod Mr. the right lung, which the pointper- so per- forated, setting up blood poisoning, In the meantime allow us to remind you that this ) from which Cooper died, is the leading place for Rubbers and Cold New Theory About Rheumatism. Weather Footwear of all kinds. This disease is constitutional -cause Dundalk minns his gooney and with- by -virus in the blood that circulates to all. parts of the body. To cure, you �O NOT PASS US BY. Must use a constitutional treatment. Nothing so completely dispels the poi- , ` - _. • y-.: Son from the system as Ferrozone. It = purifies and renews the blood, clears it eeevery taint. The system is az• d and strengthened and thus enabled I L, L, ICOO to tight off threatened attacks. Not mel; a friend tl'h0 tUIVItiWI 1110 to try Jalli-llulc. 1`hA l.l;;bt t i):allltl till) T- il^•.t tul1v .vnantl a d put an slnt)llt X`gpt !L llytlt, sletil`ekl ft`rihnl+i only does- Ferrozone relieve at once - }�lprY�inll• fur ntt,ry n1,its tl1 of ))rt)t, ii 11, it cures rheumatism gout and lum- foul cl s+t aait,, d s iTlltlta i'ii o:q llt,xt si:-n so' T tint (,n %viih ilea Jinit-litfl•'. Well, t0 Cut n 1 -al" it l'y F•llolf, ltl !ty fe tia•y y{ I lint attay tilt) bago psrmanently. Results gauran. At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. teed. 50c boxes at all dealers. 04 A Honest Man. The Dundalk Herald reports the fol- lowin •-"Jas A W'It h' th' k At The Centra! Hardware Sure Steel Manges ' Glass Base Burners Putty, &c, Happy Thought Ranges New Century 'Washers Pandora Ranges Sunlit 'Washers Cross -Cut Saws Wringers Axes Carpet Sweepers Cow Chains Horse Blankets Tar Paper GaIv. Iron Pails Plain Paper Lanterns Carpet Felt Etc., Etc. A good wriety of Fancy Lamps and Silverware. All go at Lowest Possible Prices. wart & Co. 9-20-0 ................1 18.50 MAKS A CHANGE. 9-18•-4 t` with Reservoir.........., 22,75 9-18-6 a tt u , .......... 22.95 -` Brussels 9-20-4 tt a tt A New Back For An Old One. How The Pr tt tt • • • • ••••,.... 22.75 It is done in Wiogham, ning ove ntime l toer nill .keep up th th its. e been run- 9-20�-6 It ...... , ..... 25.00 orders.. Cast high shelf 2,G5 extra, high closet 6,60 The back aches at times with a dull A well at the rear of the Leckie 1 �" a s feeling making you worry and restless block was drilled by (leo. Edwards. water front $2.50, thermometer $ 1.00. sharp pains shoot across the region of ` An abundant supply of water was the kidneys, it is agony to bend, stoop found at 31 feet. or lift. Tho rubbing of liniments or The W, 0. T. U. have leased the application, of plasters does no good in rooms in the brick block belonging to Call and let us explain the many good points in these cases, they do not reach the Peter Ferguson, one door south of the this Rangel. It will be to your advantrfge to know how Cause. To get rld of these symptoms Excelsior Knitting factory and will and exchange the bad back for a new take immediate possession. we are selling such superior goods at the above prices. and stronger one follow the example The electric street lights have been A full line of home manufacture. Wood Stoves, Base of this � Abirr m citizen, g The duty owing to a break in the H. S. 1i, Ont., of Victoria Street, machinery which is away for amend- Barllers, Surface Burners, 'Wood ]Teeters olid Box Stoves Winggham, Ont., says ; "illy bade had been sore and tender Ment, Owing to the dark nights the At proportionately low prices. Every Stove Warranted. for.years and stooping or liftin��zt any: lights are greatly missed. Call and he convinced. thing would cause me much stltfer•ing, Last week A. J. Lowry disposed of and it wohld take me many seconds to his harness business here to 0. House, straighten myself tip again, My rest of Hensall, who will take possession would be broken several times each about the middle of next month. The alight with the frequent and irregular latter sold his business at Hensall to secretions of the kidneys and the John Davidson, it former resident of urine wits of it high sediment, Color ting filled Brussels. i + Gild would usually caushi and Z Jas, O'Neill, who has been the G, T. would often awake as tired as on go- h 9t aceit at s ted rassels for osit on the �n ire audit Al e'XV y U oil' Ing to bed. I had tried numerous ITe office ePt d, Osteine , ILn ltatva it medies without ariy apparent rosults. Booth's Kidney Pi is were advertised. _l't'd Western railway at Scranton, and procuring a box from. Mr. McXib+ Pennsylvania, and has consequently ' )tendered his resignation hero. THE BICE HARDWARE bons Pharmacy bac I commencedttreat- g .lent, Al:y back Troon strengthened Monday evening election returns and the pain has not returned. The were received by the Conservatives in secretions were brought to normal the W. 0. T. U. rooms and by the Llb- arid. the urine cleared, I believe erals In the Town Hili, The inability 'INGRAM x 1 �P1 ?tooth's JCidney Pills the best and to gain Just Huron rather chilled the �„! Iniost reliable of all "medics and will burrah business for the Liberala and greatly recommend than..)f the reports from the Dominion did dealers. Prion 50 eppts, not bring much joy to the Ctfneorva• ommThe R. T. Booth Co., Ltd. e lo4 Ont., Solo Ctamt'adtad Ageuto. Fort Prle, 81176s as the jubilation Nva>s Welt ext pe• Get from any prescription pharma., cist the following: It'luid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime, The above is considered as the most certain prescription ever written to relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Uri- nary difficulties, This mixture acts promptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. Some persons wlro suffer with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it saythe results are simply surprising, the relief being effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or oth- er organs. Atix some and give it a trial. It cer- tainly comes highly recommended. It is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it. A druggist here at home, when asked, stated that ire could either sup- ply the ingredients or mix the pre- scription for our readers, also recom- 4 mended it as harriiless. L _.__ &-- RULES FOR HEALTH. c } 1 + i Saturday Will Be A DIC DAV In Clothing Depaphs"llent We're aiming straight for' Big Business on Saturday, and along with Special Offerings in every Department throughout the store, we'll have a Big Day in Ready-to- wear Clothing. A Manufacturer's Clearance .of Men's -& Boys' Suits and Overcoats, of the best makes. All new, right -up-to-the-minute patterns and styles. Every garment marked in plain figures and at a Big Saving to every cus- tomer. Come Saturday morning and get first choice. 18 MEN'S SUITS. -Choice patterns, medium and dark Wor- steds and Tweeds, well tailored, good trimmings; every Suit good enough for best wear; good value at $12.60 - Saturday Price, only......................................$9.6o MEN'S SUITS. -In good wearing Tweeds, dark small pat- terns, strong liuings, well tailored -Saturday Bargain ...... $8.00 OVERCOATS. -Special value in Boys' New Winter Over- coats, made of plain and fancy Olotb, and strong linings. Every Coat is a Bargain, Prices are. , , , -.$375, $4.00, $6.00, $6,00, $6.60, $8.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS. -All the New Fall and Winter Over- ate in. We have a large stock to show you. See our Special Coats at ........................$8.00, Sio.00 and $12,00 MENS' PANTS, -10 Dozen Pairs of Men's Pants, in new patterns, to sell at CUT PRICES. Good. strong Tweeds and Worsteds. Prices begin at..........................•$1,00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR, -All the Best makes are in stock, including Penman's, Watson's and Tiger Brand. • See our Saturday Bargain, at per garment . . ......... . . ....60o and 75o BOYS' UNDERWEAR. -Lots of Boys' fleece -lined and ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers, all sizes. Clearing line at... , , 26o Co., .: 1OWN Ir~ Don't worry. Don't hurry. Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. "� �`.. G UE FIRST. READ D e ft Simplify 1 Simplify i Simplify Be regular, Be systematic. Or- ITEF , �� der is heat>en's first law.” THEEN Decide on the L�usincss Colle„e Don't overeat, Dont starve. Let t your moderation be known to all � `r{! ` 9i° 1 � ��, 1 sending ��' "t t , t., we as,. the privilege of tending you n )f 6 Pj A mStee and rest abundant.. Sleep is intensely •interesting, bandsomely nature s sweet .'estoi•er, d � ” { i.l,israte:l FREE CATALOGUE,. LY Court the fresh air day and night. CiF�t'>",; tact, you really owl's it to yca;se!F t4 get x Learn how to breathe, The "breath = <' e rr-, E copy ata it thoroughly be,oreyou ,'- Forest Cit9 a co and read of life" is in the air. �% r �'- The rid $hnrthard selwct the Business College to e{tend. Be cheerful. "A light heart lives ��%;• t3 �011o(de ootaT;0 This Catalogue explains a,l about our long." �a school, our faculty, our diilerent course; �,1' • Work like a man, but don't be `1-e1ls wby w° hone=-dy balisve our Col- worked ol worked to death. F .r t best ,r leave lees to °F; tl: c n.,st. for you. After reading t•hA bock the will lea �� Avoid passion and' excit©meat. A l�:>r ;, you to iudge'or yourscif. Sending for a copy places you und'r no =1_, moment's anger may cause life-lorig , jii�=*° obligation. Just mail your name and address cn a postcard. misery. "Seek peace and pursue it.' Think only healthful thoughts. Students admitted anytime. Special openings September and Jant:ary. "- d The Forest City Business and �+horthand C ollee-e .�' "As a man thinketh in his Heart su is he." I�"orget yourself in living for LOIiDO142 - - ONTARIO Q others. Jl W1 WESTERVELT, Principal J. w. WESTERVEL T, Jr„ C,A A. Vic. Pane, ,^ Look for the good in everybody and everything. You will find what you habitually look look for. So live in body, soul atspirit that you will radiate healthh.. Health is P says -"There The Clifford J!1x rens sa s "There is tact from this disease. In fact, ono contagious as well as disease, an epidemic of smallpox in the town- case is reported here, the scource (if Don't carry the whole earth on your strips of Carrick and Normlinby, with- which is unknown. Every precaution shoulder, still less the universe. Trust in three or four miles from Gifford is being taken to prevent its spread the Eternal. and many families are under gnaran- Finally learn to wait in the "pat- tine. The neighbors as a rule come to ..ere, even to guarding against impor- ience of hope." Clifford for their dealing, and it is dlif- tation from the neighboring munici- "God is in His world." fioult for this village to keep from con- polities. ,., "Tho onl./ thing I oat! cio novo i3 to taka the fln er co-_-gAstely off. It cannot 6therwico bo cured." f g. - i sire ms he is the luckiest roan in Proton. P.D.C.R,A.O.V., P,C.A2.T,0.C, the well-known. Frienc l / Society lender, of Peter Streot, Toronto. :tAi -c st n y aer beef^ rs, L.1 . Ed ards Last week The Herald reported his rnsuctl. Vor -t-vri rzontho the iv doctor had boon t,,o -ting Lu•t no good had ressL&ed, and this loss of $ti00 in cash while on the train ,hirn, v, m,i the trial clicision. A fir' y' -t1, lit b7g of i,ain-Bak. ss} vod Mr. � � oj� � T � �lt i� V �r �'>�� WIVES' beNaw York city and Buffi.lo a compensated him for. Ito : e,ya : "Tho L?ood poi.:+ i. is cIn the r t ,- ). , #Inf;er aprt:�tld rlo illy ha,ncl FLltcl. FtY'm .t.l.1 ea,11u-©d l7try„te)za,.)C .L�:,Crtl�`• couple of weeks ago. He arrived in Aftar Ynonth:s' treatm nt, Via dac..,or said hero wns lit) taut(,, t.sl,l. y:lm�]i)ll:i;ll,'7liue:;t,o-.LYr:+o,:iu/ts;nre�t ]tc:J:•r of 1t111r1vn. It i.; it hrld:al bale, Dundalk minns his gooney and with- , 1 whic1 1 .. Tsltlar llvvio ill and I lia l tv carry it in w> C3ti11g. I•left tllat doctor t'ad Cd)}Y:3t:lt'ocl out any clue as to whether it was lost ` - _. • y-.: )•l:cvQ, tllcc;s, fl`t;ter..nrr't+1t.4.:lltl tilt "IJ11 dis- t' �' + il; 1, is tf 1:0 al)-�• = from his pocket or stolen. He noti- 1. Webb ;tW;Iy to Cu118:i]Cr nbell .1 woull!.t h.wo the op.'Iaii 11 1•"1 nY.1lC`r1, and f, 1)11iC`it1)iht,C.t.,.l'ittt. - + ti� "''X11,iF1`1'illlirl;ittlli'a113,:RnllLtlR7llt mel; a friend tl'h0 tUIVItiWI 1110 to try Jalli-llulc. 1`hA l.l;;bt t i):allltl till) T- il^•.t tul1v .vnantl a d put an slnt)llt X`gpt !L llytlt, sletil`ekl ft`rihnl+i fied the police in Buffalo as soon as he }�lprY�inll• fur ntt,ry n1,its tl1 of ))rt)t, ii 11, pili;rt•fpi:rt:�:uul:;tt)l):31ho171retiin,.,r. It is hirlllyn11tisepite; ills+at)frcru-Iul: foul cl s+t aait,, d s iTlltlta i'ii o:q llt,xt si:-n so' T tint (,n %viih ilea Jinit-litfl•'. Well, t0 Cut n 1 -al" it l'y F•llolf, ltl !ty fe tia•y y{ I lint attay tilt) missed the wad and advertised in I;ling and in Ft fele heel,;. this 1]nger v'Im healed cowplura'y`. To -day that I:a•-er i.: r ,r t 11 ft .h 5,-,Ili,r'ugtii: (IMMlatale.c -,ell ;,t. ('),to a box t.r l.o))t frca fi,,wl as annuli ns zti hu',l acid I owe i to lirut•Ilult, three city dailies. He chine on home ED c „ = to Dundalk feeling very down -hearted "cul thi:) C'ollpnr., l: plan ]` '. ftn 1 limnlo of illi:; p:tllrr to - 'l't)1't)tl � ..yy� �,y K�. but was surprised to receive a tele- - -' graph message from. a stranger in _ Buffalo stating that lie had found the money and asking what disposal he would make of it. This was almost Huron Stovesshire too good to be true, thought Wilt - and he had a real suspicionthat there was some scheme on. However _ he wired back instructing the strang- er to take from the pocket book the and R reward offered and express the bal- ante to Dundalk. He was doubly sur - am e s prised to get a parcel by Saturday's . express and on opening it he could hardly believe his eyes. There was the money complete. The Hader in- formed Mr. Wiltshire that he found Cash Prices for the Fall of 908 the money in the toilet room on the ; New York Central train coming into No. 9-18--4 Holes, square ................ V6.50 Buffalo. This is a rare case of hon - esty when the temptation to be dis< 9-18-6 tr '` .. . ........ . .... 16.50 honest was exceeding inviting." 9-20--4 tt dt .............. t . 1.7.50 tt tt ' At The Centra! Hardware Sure Steel Manges ' Glass Base Burners Putty, &c, Happy Thought Ranges New Century 'Washers Pandora Ranges Sunlit 'Washers Cross -Cut Saws Wringers Axes Carpet Sweepers Cow Chains Horse Blankets Tar Paper GaIv. Iron Pails Plain Paper Lanterns Carpet Felt Etc., Etc. A good wriety of Fancy Lamps and Silverware. All go at Lowest Possible Prices. wart & Co. 9-20-0 ................1 18.50 MAKS A CHANGE. 9-18•-4 t` with Reservoir.........., 22,75 9-18-6 a tt u , .......... 22.95 -` Brussels 9-20-4 tt a tt A New Back For An Old One. How The Pr tt tt • • • • ••••,.... 22.75 It is done in Wiogham, ning ove ntime l toer nill .keep up th th its. e been run- 9-20�-6 It ...... , ..... 25.00 orders.. Cast high shelf 2,G5 extra, high closet 6,60 The back aches at times with a dull A well at the rear of the Leckie 1 �" a s feeling making you worry and restless block was drilled by (leo. Edwards. water front $2.50, thermometer $ 1.00. sharp pains shoot across the region of ` An abundant supply of water was the kidneys, it is agony to bend, stoop found at 31 feet. or lift. Tho rubbing of liniments or The W, 0. T. U. have leased the application, of plasters does no good in rooms in the brick block belonging to Call and let us explain the many good points in these cases, they do not reach the Peter Ferguson, one door south of the this Rangel. It will be to your advantrfge to know how Cause. To get rld of these symptoms Excelsior Knitting factory and will and exchange the bad back for a new take immediate possession. we are selling such superior goods at the above prices. and stronger one follow the example The electric street lights have been A full line of home manufacture. Wood Stoves, Base of this � Abirr m citizen, g The duty owing to a break in the H. S. 1i, Ont., of Victoria Street, machinery which is away for amend- Barllers, Surface Burners, 'Wood ]Teeters olid Box Stoves Winggham, Ont., says ; "illy bade had been sore and tender Ment, Owing to the dark nights the At proportionately low prices. Every Stove Warranted. for.years and stooping or liftin��zt any: lights are greatly missed. Call and he convinced. thing would cause me much stltfer•ing, Last week A. J. Lowry disposed of and it wohld take me many seconds to his harness business here to 0. House, straighten myself tip again, My rest of Hensall, who will take possession would be broken several times each about the middle of next month. The alight with the frequent and irregular latter sold his business at Hensall to secretions of the kidneys and the John Davidson, it former resident of urine wits of it high sediment, Color ting filled Brussels. i + Gild would usually caushi and Z Jas, O'Neill, who has been the G, T. would often awake as tired as on go- h 9t aceit at s ted rassels for osit on the �n ire audit Al e'XV y U oil' Ing to bed. I had tried numerous ITe office ePt d, Osteine , ILn ltatva it medies without ariy apparent rosults. Booth's Kidney Pi is were advertised. _l't'd Western railway at Scranton, and procuring a box from. Mr. McXib+ Pennsylvania, and has consequently ' )tendered his resignation hero. THE BICE HARDWARE bons Pharmacy bac I commencedttreat- g .lent, Al:y back Troon strengthened Monday evening election returns and the pain has not returned. The were received by the Conservatives in secretions were brought to normal the W. 0. T. U. rooms and by the Llb- arid. the urine cleared, I believe erals In the Town Hili, The inability 'INGRAM x 1 �P1 ?tooth's JCidney Pills the best and to gain Just Huron rather chilled the �„! Iniost reliable of all "medics and will burrah business for the Liberala and greatly recommend than..)f the reports from the Dominion did dealers. Prion 50 eppts, not bring much joy to the Ctfneorva• ommThe R. T. Booth Co., Ltd. e lo4 Ont., Solo Ctamt'adtad Ageuto. Fort Prle, 81176s as the jubilation Nva>s Welt ext pe• Get from any prescription pharma., cist the following: It'luid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime, The above is considered as the most certain prescription ever written to relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Uri- nary difficulties, This mixture acts promptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. Some persons wlro suffer with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it saythe results are simply surprising, the relief being effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or oth- er organs. Atix some and give it a trial. It cer- tainly comes highly recommended. It is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it. A druggist here at home, when asked, stated that ire could either sup- ply the ingredients or mix the pre- scription for our readers, also recom- 4 mended it as harriiless. L _.__ &-- RULES FOR HEALTH. c } 1 + i Saturday Will Be A DIC DAV In Clothing Depaphs"llent We're aiming straight for' Big Business on Saturday, and along with Special Offerings in every Department throughout the store, we'll have a Big Day in Ready-to- wear Clothing. A Manufacturer's Clearance .of Men's -& Boys' Suits and Overcoats, of the best makes. All new, right -up-to-the-minute patterns and styles. Every garment marked in plain figures and at a Big Saving to every cus- tomer. Come Saturday morning and get first choice. 18 MEN'S SUITS. -Choice patterns, medium and dark Wor- steds and Tweeds, well tailored, good trimmings; every Suit good enough for best wear; good value at $12.60 - Saturday Price, only......................................$9.6o MEN'S SUITS. -In good wearing Tweeds, dark small pat- terns, strong liuings, well tailored -Saturday Bargain ...... $8.00 OVERCOATS. -Special value in Boys' New Winter Over- coats, made of plain and fancy Olotb, and strong linings. Every Coat is a Bargain, Prices are. , , , -.$375, $4.00, $6.00, $6,00, $6.60, $8.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS. -All the New Fall and Winter Over- ate in. We have a large stock to show you. See our Special Coats at ........................$8.00, Sio.00 and $12,00 MENS' PANTS, -10 Dozen Pairs of Men's Pants, in new patterns, to sell at CUT PRICES. Good. strong Tweeds and Worsteds. Prices begin at..........................•$1,00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR, -All the Best makes are in stock, including Penman's, Watson's and Tiger Brand. • See our Saturday Bargain, at per garment . . ......... . . ....60o and 75o BOYS' UNDERWEAR. -Lots of Boys' fleece -lined and ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers, all sizes. Clearing line at... , , 26o Co., .: 1OWN Ir~ Don't worry. Don't hurry. Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. "� �`.. G UE FIRST. READ D e ft Simplify 1 Simplify i Simplify Be regular, Be systematic. Or- ITEF , �� der is heat>en's first law.” THEEN Decide on the L�usincss Colle„e Don't overeat, Dont starve. Let t your moderation be known to all � `r{! ` 9i° 1 � ��, 1 sending ��' "t t , t., we as,. the privilege of tending you n )f 6 Pj A mStee and rest abundant.. Sleep is intensely •interesting, bandsomely nature s sweet .'estoi•er, d � ” { i.l,israte:l FREE CATALOGUE,. LY Court the fresh air day and night. CiF�t'>",; tact, you really owl's it to yca;se!F t4 get x Learn how to breathe, The "breath = <' e rr-, E copy ata it thoroughly be,oreyou ,'- Forest Cit9 a co and read of life" is in the air. �% r �'- The rid $hnrthard selwct the Business College to e{tend. Be cheerful. "A light heart lives ��%;• t3 �011o(de ootaT;0 This Catalogue explains a,l about our long." �a school, our faculty, our diilerent course; �,1' • Work like a man, but don't be `1-e1ls wby w° hone=-dy balisve our Col- worked ol worked to death. F .r t best ,r leave lees to °F; tl: c n.,st. for you. After reading t•hA bock the will lea �� Avoid passion and' excit©meat. A l�:>r ;, you to iudge'or yourscif. Sending for a copy places you und'r no =1_, moment's anger may cause life-lorig , jii�=*° obligation. Just mail your name and address cn a postcard. misery. "Seek peace and pursue it.' Think only healthful thoughts. Students admitted anytime. Special openings September and Jant:ary. "- d The Forest City Business and �+horthand C ollee-e .�' "As a man thinketh in his Heart su is he." I�"orget yourself in living for LOIiDO142 - - ONTARIO Q others. Jl W1 WESTERVELT, Principal J. w. WESTERVEL T, Jr„ C,A A. Vic. Pane, ,^ Look for the good in everybody and everything. You will find what you habitually look look for. So live in body, soul atspirit that you will radiate healthh.. Health is P says -"There The Clifford J!1x rens sa s "There is tact from this disease. In fact, ono contagious as well as disease, an epidemic of smallpox in the town- case is reported here, the scource (if Don't carry the whole earth on your strips of Carrick and Normlinby, with- which is unknown. Every precaution shoulder, still less the universe. Trust in three or four miles from Gifford is being taken to prevent its spread the Eternal. and many families are under gnaran- Finally learn to wait in the "pat- tine. The neighbors as a rule come to ..ere, even to guarding against impor- ience of hope." Clifford for their dealing, and it is dlif- tation from the neighboring munici- "God is in His world." fioult for this village to keep from con- polities. ,., "Tho onl./ thing I oat! cio novo i3 to taka the fln er co-_-gAstely off. It cannot 6therwico bo cured." f ro sa:d o..o of tho load ng docto:'rs of Torwnto to Mr. V % C.'1'Mmard.-, P.D.C.R,A.O.V., P,C.A2.T,0.C, the well-known. Frienc l / Society lender, of Peter Streot, Toronto. :tAi -c st n y aer beef^ rs, L.1 . Ed ards cl:,t the middlo lingo+ Of Lis loft Land vary badly and Noo:l poison rnsuctl. Vor -t-vri rzontho the iv doctor had boon t,,o -ting Lu•t no good had ressL&ed, and this ,hirn, v, m,i the trial clicision. A fir' y' -t1, lit b7g of i,ain-Bak. ss} vod Mr. � � oj� � T � �lt i� V �r �'>�� WIVES' Edwards from life-long Int?tilation whiel :$500 )Pould ilot; l:l;.tvo compensated him for. Ito : e,ya : "Tho L?ood poi.:+ i. is cIn the r t ,- ). , #Inf;er aprt:�tld rlo illy ha,ncl FLltcl. FtY'm .t.l.1 ea,11u-©d l7try„te)za,.)C .L�:,Crtl�`• ,, . , , � ; ,, . , �. W iv. I ,dill 1,1 )t ho. i Ah r.11 1 hal tL tilt, i Aftar Ynonth:s' treatm nt, Via dac..,or said hero wns lit) taut(,, t.sl,l. y:lm�]i)ll:i;ll,'7liue:;t,o-.LYr:+o,:iu/ts;nre�t ]tc:J:•r of 1t111r1vn. It i.; it hrld:al bale, amputation xould htiva to take plocb it' I intena> cc i;o _< Va arra. My hand, At t, i ll',It t1!113, 'R aS till 6'CJ0lis11 till a nth discolored, , 1 whic1 1 .. Tsltlar llvvio ill and I lia l tv carry it in w> C3ti11g. I•left tllat doctor t'ad Cd)}Y:3t:lt'ocl rill », j n' ;1»tt rl tt'r tnrtl:,, t r:lclit+{ ll:tttcl:. t:'.t:tirp,,+l rn <1 t1,rCe, cr.:vwa, F1YAftt st r tlftt`1' f1 f+ v Vyet'F4 {rC.ltllit`71G lip ill;lrt 1'(,111 iBC {hat O1)eratln)1 tP(tll fl b(, I1r.CP::.4:1i'S', - )•l:cvQ, tllcc;s, fl`t;ter..nrr't+1t.4.:lltl tilt "IJ11 dis- t' �' + il; 1, is tf 1:0 al)-�• and the 1:ntfel! would hnvp to he opt ilud "11 1 cat 1111-1 bout) cot) d It r s;:rajlo 1. t'a�ca, , x7 l,ttit'•..� l:4 t•,L71 1.1:7rf1>al)pp,ralil 1. Webb ;tW;Iy to Cu118:i]Cr nbell .1 woull!.t h.wo the op.'Iaii 11 1•"1 nY.1lC`r1, and f, 1)11iC`it1)iht,C.t.,.l'ittt. - + ti� "''X11,iF1`1'illlirl;ittlli'a113,:RnllLtlR7llt mel; a friend tl'h0 tUIVItiWI 1110 to try Jalli-llulc. 1`hA l.l;;bt t i):allltl till) T- il^•.t tul1v .vnantl a d put an slnt)llt X`gpt !L llytlt, sletil`ekl ft`rihnl+i c rs,t , antl cured l;y it. It a.twtlus {lie }�lprY�inll• fur ntt,ry n1,its tl1 of ))rt)t, ii 11, pili;rt•fpi:rt:�:uul:;tt)l):31ho171retiin,.,r. It is hirlllyn11tisepite; ills+at)frcru-Iul: foul cl s+t aait,, d s iTlltlta i'ii o:q llt,xt si:-n so' T tint (,n %viih ilea Jinit-litfl•'. Well, t0 Cut n 1 -al" it l'y F•llolf, ltl !ty fe tia•y y{ I lint attay tilt) .1 �'`w r.F'rt,l )ly t n`Ctl tl:r,r i`ll[`t t, 1:C 11l Fln}' I;ling and in Ft fele heel,;. this 1]nger v'Im healed cowplura'y`. To -day that I:a•-er i.: r ,r t 11 ft .h 5,-,Ili,r'ugtii: (IMMlatale.c -,ell ;,t. ('),to a box t.r l.o))t frca fi,,wl as annuli ns zti hu',l acid I owe i to lirut•Ilult, -:m-Bu',: t'`7, '�t :rrnit+ ED '__V c•ric_.,c.�iO�,.yi'1v I "cul thi:) C'ollpnr., l: plan ]` '. ftn 1 limnlo of illi:; p:tllrr to - 'l't)1't)tl � ..yy� �,y K�. ll•tttl�]iilU t�+., ter, r!l)rl . it(III AVM li4'C,+'V?free, t Dallfllt,� t