HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-05, Page 4a T 4 THE W.INGIT-0I .A.DWANCE, THURSDAY, NOVE BES t , 1908, _ - ,..,.,._,.,,_..,_...,,.-.....<,.._�.,�.__..",....,..._...m.,_,,.,._,r...�...�..._..�.,...............,�,,,.,..,.....,....,.,,X..-. ,•, a • Viewed Laurier to pelt Sl Wilfrid w d Front Different �` �i0 Incapable le lty. i W if id 1 g serifs . tai altlt. a Ritchie & Goss IttO Glovernment, 1110 very spin -^--^-� loathes an idealist Inside the Liberal rT `�(.. ' C�► t, We give below extracts from sev- part•. 11'0 has no sympatby with the Are You Papt'loularC1#C �` , ing§4111 ,4�bballa earl papers, irrespective of politics, oil Ideals of true Liberalism, R, I,, Bor, REAL ESTATE � tits results pF the elections, �'txey don can stake the Conservative Op- Aitij'R INSURANCE B*rd Theo, Rail - Proprietor, contain hints for the politicians of position at Ott WA the party of public err j Iia y g you want things t0 be us( $o Then both parties. honesty, the pilrty of public rights, the party of fair play to public owner - we'd , • (Toronto World.) ■ Bargain wed like' 'ort for a customer. We ve romised shi Let Borden ut itis hand to the p op p �t�e�, �� ou satisfac�ion - rGtntSod au that st le p &t and R. L. Borden is a better and strong- lough and the so - ows of his trossnt ��� " �yN���'�°� E-+� y -p • EXbftorial Y Y or mau to -day than ever before. IIs defeat will be forgotten in the joys of l3otne exceptional values in prtce will please you -we'll keep our promise. „ ,,..,,,,,,�„ hits grown. But he has been hamper- the success hs ,na p • Day � rc r (� ��, y yet ese rvinnd, by If 3'Uu want one, it Will a y At I �.l Vie Our Vest ads, are satisfied customers. Collie here -.The new Parliament will meet ed by tin effort more or less marked the simple process of deserv>ng sac- sarins` ■,l for your next Suit pr Overcoat. early in January, probably on Wed• for twelve years to maintain the Tup- cess, pay You to see us. nesday, the 5th, or Wednesday, the per tradition, a very ancient and deca- (The Turonto News,) The good old Province Of On - 12th, Mr, Charles Max -oil, M. P, for dent cult. He has been lrimpered Looking to the long future, it is for- tario is all right, Bonaventtire will be Speaker, and most of all by a dread to cull a great. p , Innate for the Conservative party n Trousers, �+�y �+ / / Mr. McIntyre, Al. P. for South Perth, federal convention to promulgate a - Bargains �� 1 rV�t74� t7� en's Ft rn1`sh1n��/ y platform In keeping with the ideals of that it did not aupceed in this elec- 1 is spoken of as Deputy Speaker. p F g tion. The Government now will have Town Properties younger Canada.. Sir Wilfrid bay to face the results of ntalitdrninistriti- , Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc., passed thrpugh the flys and lass come tion a the A quantity of Men's Trousers to clear at about half -.It is understood that Sir Wilfrid out not unscot•ctted. He is in power , g revenues, heavy borrow- � }mice. Good color, good workinan0lip, correct in- ever lint; that's new and up-to-date. Laurier will elect to sit fpr Quebec iogs in the money markets and the At right prices. "�'(• a have a y p for another term. What will he do to - . styles, regular price $1.75. Special price to clear, , Cali and see our elegant Stock. Rast, but it will not be possible for get in line with pnblio opinion? Will increasing burden of the •Traiiscpn- number Of places adtgiral?ly suit- a pair .................... •,.,,,•,,,,•.......................•„ OOc ' frits, under the conatitutipn, to make tinental Railway. The Immediate ed for retired farmers.. �N0 ret - Small Prices --Bi Values. he discard anyone, will he insist on future looks almost desperate to the t his choice until Parliament bas suet. p _ more efficiency irk the conduct of pub- tier or healthier tOWti in Ontario � The same rule applies to Mr, Borden, p 4rty iiI ofilcet and it is well 4hat the , p lip bt181neFa, wall he drive out, will he Glodernment which made the situation than j4 Ingham. Property bought �6isterS And OvercoatsQr den who will, it is presumed, sit for Rall, scourge the len who have defiled the here can alwa s be re -sold. f fax. The law of Parliament is that a will have to deal with it. There is S temple of state? The public have serious danger ■ member returned for two constituen- g that i£ 11 r, Borden lead At (,��r{�' ! Maxwell given sirs a new lease t power on the now carried the county lIs wonlJ Iq[lll P 1� , cies must make his election for which express stipulation that he clean hie y Ritchie cosens Robt. of the places he will serve by formally have beporne a sort of Conservative ! house, and fumigate his corridors. One doz, Men's Ulsters and Overcoats to clear at half rice. resigning one seat when the House is Mackenzie, and have gone out of office P T���U Men's F in session, �, (Prof. C4oldwin Smits,) sacrifice five years hence as a is prede- $7.00 Coat for $3.50 $6.00 Coat for $3.00 111 ens Furnisher'. It is not difficult to forecast the gen- aacrifioe for the offences of his prede- REAL ESTATE AND fi 50 Coat for 2, 75. 5.00 Coat for 2 50 � -In referring to the defeat of Alex. eral result of the election. The pass- cessors. As it is, the Opposition will INSURANCE , WINGHAM 4.50 Coat for 2, 25 4.00 Coat for 2.00 age ans as were used with hardly any of the Autonomy bill by such go to PaI•liatnent formidable in num- t f� me + McLaren in North Perth, the Strat- begs and with some addition to its ford Herald says -,"That very quer- , retest on the art of the people was fighting strength, There is as sound tionable kinds of political schemes F P F P �p� Price, were used to defeat Mr. litacLaren is a sadly conclusive proof of popular and important public work to be done INCREASE YOUR SALARY.. PROPER Men S Rail Coats At Half apathy, of the power of graft, and at in Opposition as in office. While it is PREPARATION DOES 1T. ATTEND beyond question. Doubtless unknown the same time of the strength of the natural that politicians should desire You'll .. �••.. w ot,a-.y...�u.l� ,,..�.....,, �,.. to the rank and file of the Liberal g ELLIOTT Seasonable AOdB at half price is goof] buying. - art dirt g vote, practically Papal, which was to capture the Treasury benches, and erha-,s need a Rain Coat this season. If so, this is the Kings For Bargains We Want Your Trade P y. y tactics were indulged in while it is certain that the Govern- a p l that would bring the blush of shame sura to be cast on the side of tit© Ito- j place to get it. 1 to any honest man's creek, Then, whether Oatholte Premier. It is doubtful ment deserved to be beaten, there is b whether much would have been gain- every reason to think that during the TORONTO, ONT. $10.00 Rain Coat for $5.00 $3.50 Rain Coat for $4,25 f - � i too the "fine Italian sand" of the G. next four or Ova sass the Conserve- And the time to commence is RIGII.1' 6.00 Rain Coat fur 3. 00 5.00 Rain Coat for 2.50 Pre are ForCo.1d at�or ' ' ed by a change. Mr. Borden's general y i T. R. was not absent. Enough Con- bearing has been good; but he has at tive party on the Opposition osition benches NOW. One hundred and one students i a servative voters were designedly sent pp from other business colleges have p VIIAT' g y were not good, and b his connection F y Sir Wilfrid Nothing Hied wonid satisfy us -nothing �y ! ■ his side some man whose reputations can do far better service for Canada izcd this college within ono year. N'tIAT 't out on train crews to overcome Dr. Dors Trus llnovn, We give the bort. i than will be performed b (� r} }pp Rankin's majority in spite of all other g y else should satisfy yon..ALL GRADUATES wUn]en s Rain Coats �t Hall Peace with whom be has probably suffered. Laurier, burdened by all the difficut- infiuences brought to bear. The same P y READILY SECURE EnrYLOYMl;\T. Write ■ I Our Stock in the -..many different lines is full to overflowing, The contest was a fight between two ties which he faces and by the char- for Catalogue. SS plan has before been attempted in atter of a considerable section of the - i Light, medium and heat/ and the tIInB is approaching when customers will factions tabors sanies "Conservative" W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL g , y weight Rain goats to clear, Stratford, but not on so large a scale „ , want. their Fall and Winter supplies, Read o and Liberals have ceased to have •support with which he will have to Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts. You'll be fortunate to get a good, well made, fashionable l as on tate 2(3th. deal in the House of Commons, garment at half price. carefully the lines given below. any meaning. No principle, no great •"""^^ p •ee. ' DRESS GOODS. -We show the largest stock of the best goods in -Says the Weekly Sun: "There question, was put forward on either side. � $13.00 Coat for $6 50 $12.00 Coat for $6.00 Black and colors,. the most up-to-date, and at popular prices. probably never was an election in THE GREAT SCHOOL. 10.00 Coat for 5.00 7.00 Coat for 3.50 (Thu Weekly Sun.) Growing Children �1C�} p 6.00 Coat for 3.00 5.00 Coat for 2.50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR, -See our Extra Special lino of Fleece -lined, whits the use of appropriations for perhaps the most satisfactory fee- b �4ATFORD, CENTRSL at 50 cents. The best on earth. public works as a means of influencing LADIES' UNDERWEAR. -A choice selection from 25a to $1,25. the vote of constituencies was so gen- turn in the result is found c the re- turns from the East. Nova Scotia has Need A Strength -Building Tonic. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. -Beat lines in all Wool and Union, erally made use of as in the contest been favored for ears at the expense ONT, 12 Doz. Whisks, good quality, Well bound, only.... , l0C just closed. The returns do not ap- y F Daughter Of Mrs. Palmer, FURS. -Large seleatiou of best goods from most reliable mannfao- of the rest of Canada, and more par- RA Our pnst record and our present grade - , - = tnrera. OUT $10.00 Special Scarf is a Band You can't boat it. pear to show results which indicate Madoc, Ont. of wtrk stumps us as the great praoti• P y titularly of Ontario. It has had error- cal training school of Western Ontario, that this sort of campaigning is politi- -- Colored Sill{ Twist, per spool, only. ................ 1C COON COATS, -The best $50.00 Coon Coat in the trade. mous grants for useless public works-, Three departments -COMMERCIAL, F caIty profitable. Telford, who appeal- bounties for iron and steel industries, RESTORED T.O HEALTH BY VINO[,. SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC, f LADIES' FUR JA.CRETS,-Ladies' Fur and Far -lined Jackets in ed for re-election in North Grey on the best makes and at close prices, and the tax on imported coal is a bur-- our graduates are in demand as Busi- i account of the vast sums he had ob• "I am ver much leased with what ness College teachers its well as office DIAMOND DYE, all shades, per package Se or 2 for STAPLES. -That 25o Wrapperette for 10o Is the talo of the country. den on Ontario for the benefit of the y P assimtants. Individual instruction, Bin• 15e or 4 for 25e. We are headquarters. t - tained for the riding, went down to Vinol has done -for my little girl. ter NOW. Large oataloguo free. Write r - Provinces down by the sea. Still, defeat; Calvert, who obtained a whol- She had no appetite whatever. My for it, WANTED. ALL KINDS TRADE- , notwithstanding the enormous extent druggist advised us to try Vinol and 2 Bettor, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples, dto. � J ly needless postotiiee for Glencoe, had gg Y ELLIOTT �, MCLACFiLAlV to which public resources have been we did so. Her appetite has been PNINCIPAL! ((( WANTED. -Potatoes, Butter Eggs Dried Apples, Tub butter, 22c. Eggs, 2Lc. his majority'reduced almost to the good ever since talon Vinol and it �b , PP i ; - r gg , made use of for rivets benefit in that b g ' White Beane Wood and Oats. Also choice young Chickens - � vanishing point, and as against Lan- P has built her up in every way." Mrs. - , 3' g i Province, the Government has sus - caster, the whole power of the im- W. It. Palmer, Madoe, Ontario. Ducks and Geese; must be fist and dry picked. A . tanned what Is virtually a defeat to This Is because lder is a genuine I N U mense patronage in a new Weiland that quarter. If what has occurred tonic and body-builder which contains ARTIIITR J. IR�YIN ULUx Ln canal was used in vain. Only in South there conveys the lesson that perman- peptonate of iron together with every D.D.S., L.D.S. Ontario and North Simeoe does this one of the body-building, medicinsil Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pan - est political success is to be secured, J; y sort of appeal appear to have been elements of cod liver oil but without nsylvania College and ficent stn of Good Goods Cheap Prices - not by misuse of public funds and one drop of oil to upset the stomach _ effective, and in North Simaoe it Dental Surgery of Ontario. seems to have worked the wrong public resources, but by honest and and retard its work. Vinol acts di - way." efficient government, a most benefl- rectly on the stomach, creates a beal- -Office in Macdonald Block - tial result will have been attained. thy appetite, and enables the diges- ele elements to obtain the necessary W. J. PRICE Toronto Star. elements from the foal rates to make r1' b _... .. ( 1 rich, red blood, health flesh and mtts- •`- • =" = = Some of the dealings with the tim- elf' tissue to create strength. B.S,A., L.D,S., D.D.S. "" " '" " ' n�4'alt t0 Boner Graduate of University of Toronto _ _.. _ ber limits undoubtedly created a bad b Ont rno M K bb f q e J on c i _... . .__.._... _.._ . ,_. _ . .. _ .•. neflt, n on,adrua CC t 1 "_ __.. _... .,... ,.. n- and Licentiate a Royal College at • impression. Abettor impression was gist,'tVingham. Det tat surgeons of Ontario created by the change in the law pro- viding for greater publicity in sales• OBaxaE IN $EA9ER snoox - WrnOBAM The Opening gnu(� a�nOR pBut eople vote does not mean that the Miss Elizabeth E. Grant people are indifferent to the manner CANADIAM HOME CIRCLES in which the public resources are dealt Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony and e Interpretation. Pupils prepared for , ��t a 1 n 1 n of a Savings its. Whatever profit comes from Consarvatorq or r ivornity - Do p 0 the handling of land., timber and examinations, Terme on reg 0 Q ` Its g application. Wingham Circle No. 434 = Opel q I rnines, must go to the people of Cana- STUDIO - IST FLOOR-11LIILCYALD BLOCK ! 9p 8p p90 Q9 6 8 6 ©a nAccount, i s a duty da, ,and, if necessary, the Iowa and 86 pppp l� 0 8 9Mcots rho 1st Thursday in each month, 9 p regulations must be made more vigor- in the Chisholm Ball, at 8 p.m. Candi- n Frank MCConnell d�t. for aheap reliable insurhnce are p6 68Q D 6 �,g� ons. The chtirges of extravagance solicited. Ask to see our rates from any ' 88 i1o8 6 _° 88 that everyone owes both and graft in connection with pur- r of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at i I¢ chases of supplie?3 also call for serious LIC NEED AUCTIONEER FOR the same rate as men. Q COUNTY OF HURON. consideration and vigorous action. R. ,AwnE T. E. ROBwsoN i - lr� themselves and �O Practically All supplies must be ur- Leader Reo. Secretary y PP F Salo orders carefully attended to. Stook W. J. WrLEs - Fin. Secretary + --&if chased by tender, and at prices so and implement sales a specialty. Terms , reasonable. Residenao, at North end. those dependent on them Close as to render k impossible for a NVINGHAb1 - ONTARIO - Bead Office, iiamiltoA. !b middleman to make profits out of _ - hese transactions. Political influence, D O 1 T � D J l ' ought to be wholly eliminated, and Wi1V(iHAM INCIDENTS constantly arise that make demands beyond supplies purchased as they would be _ by a welt-inanaged private business General Hospital. one's regular income. The possibility of sickness, tem- concern. The Liberals who have re- ° (Under -Government Inspection.) HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. R porary loss of employment or income, or the need of some- newed their expression of confidence ' . P1eaN..... situated. Beautifully tarnished. in the Government have done so in Open to all regularlT licensed physiaiane. nnh ---- thing the regular income cannot meet, renders it absolutely the expectation that the reforms will Rat es for ationts (v°hiah include laoaid and3,975,VW - nurbing►-3.5o to ;15.00 per week, a000rding Capital (paid up) necessary to lay aside, in the safe custody of a Savin s Bank all be carried out. They have not con- to looatlon of room. Far further informs - g ' y g g• tion -Address Miss J. R. VPICLCH Resel ve rand D=uflvi)- ■ $5,297,000 cloned an wren dein money not required for current living expenses. ('Toronto Telegram.) superintendent, Total Assets, over $48,OOO,UOU _ Box 223, Wingham, ont, The place to build a platform is WINGHAM BRANCH. - The Bank of Hamilton has long been very generally recog- Ottawa, not Halifax. The stuff that " sized as one at the best savings institutions in. Canada, Can R. L. Borden must put into his plat- j e1i'� Farmers' Notes discounted. _ form is not the brave language b sin - ducted for over thirty years under sound, conservative management, sere speech, but the valiant deeds'of AL Y1 Drafts sold on all points in Can it has accumulated total assets of over Thirty Million Dollars. a parliamentary career inspired by ads, the United. States and Europe Thig public confidence, reflected in osis; sympathy with progress, respect for Selected as the custodian public rights and fair play to public SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. of this large sum, is its best reference to you in soliciting your ownership. It is not to be doubted Interest Mlowbd on ftoslts of $1.00 isnd al and added to principal quarterly. wards, p Savings Account. that Mr. Borden handled the school up_ question in such a way as to gain nothing from Quebec or its syntpathi- CAL L I T. HEPBURN, Manager zers in the other rovinces and to lose Why not give personal thought to this question of 'opening P r R,vantttone, f3oli61tor at least twenty-five English-speaking And leave your order a small savings account to -clay, and start with a dc -posit -if only constituencies that Sir Wilfrid kart for fresh Oysteris, Tier- ; of one dollar -,-to save a little as regularly as possible' for the rier could not have carried, if lie had keys, Gleeso, Chickens been brought face to face with the _.for Thitnksgiving, Protection and Safe future. All that is necessary is to Gall at the local branch office iasuea raised �y his betrayal of pro- of the Bank of Hamilton, and enquire for the manager. vineial rights, his hostility to national - Ing hs, But R. L, I#OMt. is not bis ALSO (r O Investment • Ing harshly judged, Mr, Morden is :[�'!. �7 Aja �Jj j� _ the only Opposition chieftain who ever lost two successive general Bloc- Ti•Ii BEST GROCERIES. AR -9 contliMED Iii BANK OF HAMILTON tions without losing his leadership. The Conservatives may well go back THE BEST" TEAS AND The Endowment Policies to Ottawa with undiminished faith In COFFEES. - (7'--- Mr. Botden. It is the privilege of the - r� i Opposition leader to justify that faith. TOE BEST SPIMS AND The Dominion Life Cf"► (r ][!/E 1 tet Mr. Borden make more use of! EXTRACTS. , P. a.,.7.L T ]L W. P. Maclean and the ideals of pro- toss find public rights, which Mr, A sound, Well xnan $ed g F g - Canadian Life Assurance Uonlpany. AGeNT '' INOHAM 1lfaclean has largely loads his own. The future oolongs to It. L. harden if Produce Wanted: floorage rate of littereai: he will only' realize that the sttength earned ill. 1906 - - f of tho Conservative patty In Ontario 6.73 PER CENT. nd the exit s i Its ro itre, not MALCOLM a 4iV i it p grecs i r '_•* Its reactionary, elements, The moral » k WALT= x, 19CAt t, i.,-IiL ii iX..l_..•x:ai I,,.,1 IX ,a., uWi Mui. .ciil .. _W,Y, ,. J•:... +4. V•Y .i Y••u .s •.. W. i4. .�,i..., ..I, ,d.�„r W.- Flug,d r i oats J 1. j 1 1. 11. 1-. 1 1,10 We are showing for this y season, the largest and, most complete range of Fur Coats, ever shown in tiWin ;ham, at prices that will be a pleasant surprise to any wishing to pur- chase anything in that line. Do not miss a money -sav- ing opportunity. We want your produce. Highest prices paid for all binds Of Fowl, Dried Apples, Beans, Potatoes, Butter and: Eggs. A INIRAM i, 1 -i _ braikruptey' of the Laurier leaderahip - wit A:tdhb .++ WiG9114r3't+ ,..i .. . _.. + � .,IAti,...�� :.iw :; � i M►�Alli _-... MAA- ■ ... . .. .. ......, _. - --... Is thou oluthg®d: td solv�anay b$' the Bile ,rerrww