HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-29, Page 7I -1 A- lt . I ;47 _ _�_ �k 7' ­ I O.'', 11 ,*­ 11� ­ r­,�/ I I , I I I I I � � , — ,� 4;c � ��� ;�, , , , 1. - I . I - . I -1 7 ­­ I - .1 r, . . - j. 11 ; I I - pl 11 � � I I - : I . I I I I . I . � I - � i. 7 1 , . �. . I 11 I . 11 I I .11 I �. � 1. Vf I �:� il �, 11 I -1 �, �11 I - 1-1 -11 1-1 1111- , , - ��,-­­ . ­ I.. I I—, 1 J:!!.!,7r.0." , -, � ... _�� � �'­­­.­ 1-11 I- .- - , - - , , _ - , . - _ I . I � ,� - -��` , � - , I �, �� �o� I I ­ I ,---- � 11 . �.. ­ I I Z " :.,. , _��_,_ T!!� !F I � ,,, �;,:;-�. � - 1 ;,�.��7 7--_ � ­� � , . 1, , _____ " V% - . e IsIftiall.. where the foot Of luall to, 'dNeuvw', nor can any trace be, ob- I I (Ile towu Iota On, sale there about tile J, TU '"W" 0 f 91h , . 4� rs4 of Akity of next Xear. The Prit- 111it" S RAINO, lips seldom trod. Froin Ma5sett they LEAVE TOK1041 (A41104 of it Ali" Afaggle'McDonald, TEACHER'S, HEROISM 1i . DAY 15KITAIN MAY '"O"' who lived a ish columbi THE'STRUGGLE will proceed: 'to Virago )3ay, and it Is - it Marden, and, who I* sup- ­­­ . it, Govvribuient is co-operat- litipell tIn%t somewhere in tbia; Nvild and, posed to Ile P, sister. Ing IV! s to4do what !It ijecelisary ju — * . 4.1. I Girl In Michigan Saved ChUren tile wiit�b of street Improvement, water- 10 relhote district the anlinal, if, indeed, U. S, Fleo.t Propaxing F or .0epart4le. ix $9ri Us Flood$. 10 CODIfAll 4111111 FUNE wVT AR , . works And 'Other things. IN THE STATES., I K * it exists, will be found. From forest Fires.. -&14110144, � The belief. in tile existence of the ' From Japan,. PERSIA INVADEDO Mr. Hays left Ili life private car Northern 6 � " . . species rests oil somewhat slender oyl- � --,-. — A . "Calla"" for Detroit last night before el 'Of .. - — Bay city, A11011" Oct, 20.--Amoing the returning to. Montreal. OkI411011111, CItY, Okla., Oct. K- Seri" Taift auil'Otrm Mxking Their Final Turkey to Oreak Off Nogotlatlaus (lence. it is based on tile discoy -Y - ?, .Qua floods prevail through portions of . � a fragmentary skull and one lie I, and Tokio, Oct. 20j --Ta preparation for luf&nlry njost thrilling ex,perlenees of survivors .1 - I ,,,, ri Cavalry- and Artillery Central and Northern 01olalliblail, t1w Appeal lu New York. With Austria. first 1!1,rnes� their depirturo from tile hospitable .- � -P . of the Presqu HE WILL MAKE RAIN result of three day�j' steady downpour . , & description which � io Isle coilij�y forest fires __ Thouipson-Seton to conolude that tile shore of tiapar, tile officers and mell. Marching On Tabriz, was that of A14% Grace Darber, A - of ralo, The rain con'tinuos, III solao - anillial really existed of the 11jilte(I States battleship fleet New York, Oct, 25-4 cable 0spatoll s,4 CA (, — portiolls tile fall has amounted to M- Th ,o Vieulla. Newspapers Say llriteiia Is .. 4 - :�, , ., tool teotcher, ninete years ol 1 4 a t, State C.n,sider,0 the 1141do. . began leaving this afternoon for YQXo- to tile still Front, C antlitople says- whoso school it% Xraka,w township i - A cloudburst, -Nuilic"'18 I-ePolks ' ' .ollst, . I I wais Prof. Carl" Moyer$. Says He Will loost . , . . ads yes of the Campaign. Endangering Peace. O haina, whoreft r ilia Velf, the -flame's swept down . of loss of life nu terday rellialn ground, the final farowells will News lie% been receiv,vd lip a , t sl� ht session Wk tul(lonfiruied, and tire bellor-ea to be ry, . io.4 the building. A terrified, farmer End Forest Fireli, . . be said. Adintrals 6poi Schroe tit ., , - without foundation. No sinale report , a Or, Rugslan Infantry batLallons, with artll- - 0411, Vienna, Oct. 20. ---It is stated that he d Wainwright took official leave Of I Ivry and cavalry, Crossed the Persian a tile alarin just as tile rear of the i of drowning luts beeii verified" This Will be a Busy Week All Over Pcrte yesteratty notified Austria-Hati- Ne -W Yark Brokers' Huge Get.Ricli! "I'Oldo at 3.55 o'clock, and their 40- Crontler to -day int.9 the province of school house cauglit fire. ITtica, N. Y., Oct. 20.-Profes5or Carl The heavy 1)arturo was made the occasion of It ikzerbijau with the intention of occupy, Tba young teacher niarshalled )ter F. Wayers of'Frankfort, a suburb , of - Can' , rainfall load Can8ed the r the Spollhipollenp. , � . adinu and the Arkansas Rivers, FO. gAry of lf�, intention to break off direct Quick Scheme, gron t. demonstration, Ambassador ing tilt, distracted city of Tabriz. pupils Ja a doui)le row, the largest at this. City, is, going to pluck it rainstorm two of the largest streams in tile State, , - - negotiations with that country concern- O'Brien, with tile entire staff of the A great panic exists at Tabriz, where - the hoad, .And ordered t1jeni to reinnin from the skies, that, Vie forest fires may to Ov,erflow their banks, doingf." niuch * , Ing the . annexation of Dosula. and Her- New York, Oet, 26,­Testintony given J�inerlcan Embassy, tho British, German, - the Russians tire expected at ally mo- ill, close.- order and not to break� the bo extinguish ninge ICQ fol, ill an IS . � . Col. Al". AT0701-4 Is It yet- da r I ( , callsing was,11- New York, Oct. 20.--:vVit4 electlonday , line, She then directed ilia leaders to, eran, balloortist and aeronautical engi. outs on zogo-Ona, by Austrilt-Ilungary, and to in n, snit to -day agalnA A, 0 Brown 1'roll"It and llus,sian Aijobasiadors, and ownt. � tile railroads, Itud ht soine in- little more than it week away tile lead- ' iplowatle cor s, A rox-ent despatch from St. Petersburg ' head for a plQwed field nearby, and I Mer, and clalips that dow)i Ili Texas stances threatening $Mail tOW111I, other i,nembers of tile a _p , -�rfi -of all ,political parties W -day start - leave the settlement of the question an & Co., in which Thomas 0. Gaylord . the c(41unu started on it run, Miss Bar -.1 some years ago he. produced rain that At %usa and vicloiLy,the ,Mkansas ed out in, tile final effort of what is. ex- , . gathered at the station to wish the voy- - said, that the, Russian Government tell- I - I I I European conference, Iisserts a claim of $125,000 damages, Irt� agera godspoed, templateol, taking such inenstA e ber bri'rigin, up the real- to preve.wit I spread over several Statm Ilis plan lied risen tell feet in the twenty -foul. A lilirit official of the Foroign. Office. dicated that the speculation wbleh re- 'lit the tbrotig that pressed about the necessary for the protection of Russian F�trlt Ini-ning embers fell thick, 1� W to send up into the sky a big balloon 4otirs ending this morning, I . . pooted to be n sensational finish of tile 0 1 , Associated ""lied 8 I ases,. which xplodes Y 1118 ill tile vicinity are flood. National politica I campaign. Now York l"St night expi-c-ssed to the , In their failure last August, .&Illericall officers were representatives iubjeet and Russian trade ill Persia, And but "f4e iroacher kept the children or lie -C Man lot, 11ress, Ills belief that, Turkey's olcci,lo.)� ft'l`11011911 it involved record breaking of avery official department of the Qov, to. this, end it puroosed strengthening tile ol close together, Paid every ember was with all electric ipalic. Q a., A third of the town Of I'llw1let', is the. real battleground Ili tile opluion lit t4u promises was due to British in- transactions oil tile Stock exelloinge, Was ernment and delegates from every core- ,allard tit the consl4ates Ili northern Per- extinguisiledtheinstant it fell upon any Professor Meyers lies been engaged with 1,500 inhabitants, was covered of tile campaign ivianagers, and here to - I -Ing, fluemw, ilia added thAt, the Govern- a puny affair compared with their San niereial body of tile city. Ili addition iia) and was about to send one hundred, 01`11d's clot] i by teveral paper companies of north, last night W101 six feet of watior. Tile, Domingo gold scheme. Air, Gaylord a)" the streets and the stiltion Contained hifantryinen to 1' briz, The fire burned steadily fox, some ern New York, whoA day were gathered practically $tit the ineut had not yet al)Andoned hope that I a - forest ,lands are Arkansas River tit Tulsa is ri4og at some arran of the IrIn represented to him all inunpiiso Crowd, and school children I , , :-, - :, . tlyne as the blaze ile, the tops of Vic' Inel�.lng away to ashes to , foot all hour. & heavy rainfall I, twavy ammunition of till tile parties, e geililieedft controversy e h il ' make raill , . reac I -lint their Sa -e Its way, down, Duringa the He con ends that the Alobawk VaN; Tusa and Daetlesville last niglit * Imiolit b � direct negotiation n Doillingo acid Company Joined in tile ovation 110 less entlittslas- trees at t I . crip. Williain H. Taft and W. J, Bryan, who 7 tad prosp6ts of more than, One hundred $80 Mine lit from stumiling tours yesterday, I)etweeli the dual nionarch and tile tic than the one accorded the party on .,000 FIRE* night two bears mude their appe�ranee. _ is a better place to start the raill. and pled tilie oll,field operations,, and the I I .. . P conference meets. �nd fifty billion dollars of gold, owning its 41-rivill. . I . A fox camo slinking lit, as did also a that once begun the rainfall will extend Otinil) stwtions of tile Prairie Oil & Gas , tile night In. tills city, Voth were "Pt I . and expecting to own 250,000 acres, of - U1 otMlilit early ro-day to beght. a, week of Official and other Viennese newspa- ft 1-1 - -_ , Id cat, rhbbits,, partridges and -other tQ the mountains. The first balloon Company are Out of conjoilissioji. All pers violently attack British diplomacy which 150,000 tit least contained gold to - Sig Evaporators Nsar Dunnville. Go g4ille, but the animals kept well away will be exploded. within a few days Ile- trains .are delayed. %york which will tax their endurance � - I 11 ... and charge that Great Britain is endan, the extent of $1,000,000..ftn ftere, The BLIZZAIRD'BROKENS from the children. . tiveen this city and Frankfort. -------*.# 40 , - to tile utmosk� gering the peace by its unwise action, . company was incorporated NvIth a capital � I Up In Sm9ke. Miss Barber kept her charges in the * I - F . �" Bryan's schedule provides several 1. of $04,000,000. Gaylord alleged that the- . . A Dunnville despatch: The evanoraors field all Thursday night, and lit the � THE POOR . CHILD& specelics in half dozen towns, and a long , Will It Be Held? firm received $560_,000 Ili eash for steel.: Trains Are Again Moving West Of of tile .ii,rie 11.vaporated C.O, Ala wing . sent them holit . S I formal address at tile big mass meet- , a d 5 .1. I . aer, It morning I I St. Petersburg, Oct, 20. -According to sold, and that 110 wfts Pr011'i e $7 1000 I , pilotin-otbe smaller ones herself,, !ogin Madison Square Garden this even- , pre:a de5 al= received here the !in- within six nionths for his investment Winnipeg. . few miles from 1wre, owned by w, J. 0 1 d : b Little Girl Run Down As She Goes Ing. Air. Taft lied a midday eugage- '10, 1p � $5,000 for $250 shares, Vote for East- Alkens, of Dailiwille, were totally de- . pre , g g ground Ili sweral of Of I 'file loss Is . inent in New Haven but he will ieturn . ! . stroyed by fire last night. New York Police Searching For the to Bu Milk. 'o Nqw York this afternoon and deliver tile European capitals that the pro�osed W5od and Zimmerman. 3 CENTS DEFEATED, I � y t oonference will be abandoned on acc,ount 1 q� 1, I ,7!nuipeg, Oct. 20r -The snow block- ' $80,000, covered by hisur.-mce. . the west was broken to -day 0, :. � F Criminal. it number of addresses before midnight, (if tile difficulties in the way of formu- TWO YEA . ) ,u LASHES. - . _� New York, Oct. 20,-Reatting overand Ile will devote the entire week to New lating a programme; but the higheot 1.11"I'VENTOR KILLED. I ol000nl,lland transcontinental trains areL . RS AW 0 Ili addition to Air. ThIC . . York State. loreign Office here a oor Ser'vice of Municipal Company New York, Oct, 20,17 -very patrol ove.r to herself tile little verse which and Air. Bryan, hundreds of speakers authorities of the r again in operation. None hav;j reached Punishment X-3ted Out to, Scoundrel in tic not share this view. � In Cleveland.. inan and plain Clothes man on tile New ')f her jno�herls little store with which will appeal -to voters of all classes * : -_ New Explosive Lost by English. Hoy Winnipeg since Wednesday last. Tile Woodstock Court. L I storm wots one"of tile heaviest in the.hla- P Vork pollea force is searching to, Ale was to buy milk for her baby bro- throughout tile State to -day and for the AWoodstock despatch Ross Summers, 5 (lay � I SHOTD Scientist's Death. for the daring robbers who last night ther, 2\farian UeUde, 0 years old, ran in remainder of the week. They will in - BRIDEGROOMs tory of t1te west, and extended from the Delhi young nian who was arrested Cleveland, O., Oct. X'-Coirpletoi re- elude phrty candidates for goyer ior, at Windsor and brouglib to Woodstock abot Afaurice, Taillienholz after robbina frout of a trolley car to-ulgitt and was I . ''I . north to the 0. N'. R. far down into Mon- 'rurns front every precitiA Ili tile city Ili 'a crushed to deatI4, inembers of President Rooi;ovelt's Cabin - London, Oct. 20.-A new explosive tana. To -day traffic on. the Great North. 'fd'4Mi#Vr the charge of a-ttculpted as- tile jewelry store of H.. Tallincubolz, in et, U. S. senators, menibers of Congress JREJECTED SUITORSS CRUEL RE. s,ault oil two little girls in Dereliain the referendum election of yesterday For some tittle Marlan$g father has and just plain political spellbinders. Vice , may have been lost to the world by orn and Northern Pacific is Tied lip as 1% - Lcxlngton� avenue; of diartionds valued -ilie was to have spoken before her result. The 0. N. R, express, which was township, was before AlatriStriLto Ball for iltow that the so-called Fecurity Street ['residential Candidate 81terinan also is 0 $4,000, No Clue lies been found, but elass in school to -day, and Clutching in. VENGE IN LOUISIANA. the terrible death of Hugh Lanning, a sentence to -day. He was given two - Railway. franchise, advocated by Mayor It b -for a number of speechei Ili I stalled yesterday, came In to-day..Suah - the police are sti-11 hopeful that some. ]ter ]land a five-oent piece, tile last Coln selleduled 16 -year-old scientist, who was killed n terrible blizzard so early in the,'season years in Kingston Penitentiary, and Tont L., Johnson, was defeated by 605 thing tangible may be oMained from been out of work and for several days ,New York State during the week, in Congratuleded Bridal Pair on Their while experimenting at his home at is alinost without a parallel in this coun- twenty lashes, ten, to be administered I the driver of the taxicab in which the other states tile greatest activity will Bride Told Weymouth last week. trv, when he, goes in and tell when he comes votes. The total vote cast was 76,803, the family lies beell ill want of food. Honeymoon, and When - nien made tbeir escape e,d.y agents of a Charitable socitty be shown Ili Ohio and Indiana, Vice According to the evidence given at X St. Paul despatch says blizzards Out, Suninters had prevlo;tsly pleaded with 38,240 against the franchise. As a I after the robbery Yost, Him They Were, Happy Fired at Her . , 0 . and assault. foun I t1j, family and ft%ruislied food for President Fairbanks and John W., Kern, - , � .111hy to the charge. , resuft of the failure of the people to tip- , the inquest on Thursday, lie was using and heavy snowstorms in '7vtontati " I A -I it N Ole the Democratoo candidate for )he Vice . Husband. I a yes. provb the grant tile entire sbreet railway This vehicle was one Of the several lirs. Aleade and It ri it. o I know -i some high explosive, of whicli-th6loase terday, where f ifteen felet of snow fell in --i-I hundred public motor cars known as the 111,51; how 'tile coident I ppe Presidency, ,wfil be tile leading speakers at least was picrie acid or a similar MOTHER AND SON PERISH. system of the city will revert to the " I a in neil. A po- for the Republican and Democratic par. Vaqtlemlne, Louisiana, Oct. 2&-F. A. substance. Although diligent enquir- sonic places, wrought havoc to the pas- Olevelaild Railway company. red taxicabs" operated by the New licellian called for volunteers and 100, 'not be -scinger train selledoJe oil the Paoifie A Shocking Fire Accident at The defeat of the franchhe was doubt- York ,Taxicab Co., and every chauffeut nien put their shoulders to the car and ties in Indiault.-In Ohio several members ,�ran Ilia 11, $hot by his bride's forille'! ibs had been made, it could of President Roosevelt Cabinet, includ. go coast extension of the St. Paul road,and eiriplo ed bi- that collipany will -be sub- turned it over on the side. The nickel I ased Winnipeg. less brought about by -what was hold to y . oll a railroad train just ascertained that lie had purch trains froin the west ard delayed by ected to a' searching examination by was still clutched in the g1rPs ]land. ing SecretarY Root, mill deliver a 11111111 - suitor while . acid, and it was stated that lie snowdrifts oil the track. . Winnipeg, Oct. 25.--A terrible acci- be '�be inadequate and un.-mLisfactory i I* ber of urging tile voters to sup- startin" the (lied ill IIIS Picrhic have made it himself or have service rendered by the Municipal Trac- the police. � Angry men and women inade a denion- . ...... I" � � !: : ... — . tit, which resulted Ili two deaths, cc- I ornian of ilia Ir. Taft, while tile strong Deinocra- _,vifcos arms oil a Tens ­q & Pacific train hit (ja a new combination. tion Company, the holding company, � -t bridal tour, mig t tie Tit ineilholz, who was taken to a hos- etration against the met It was stated mirred yesterday Itiorning, when Mrs. , three -cent was rescued by �be police inbination, whicit basr been in pro- ;iear here late last Iligilt, p. ,I to 1. Ifolines -attempted to light a fire with w grOSS for ,weeka, will be continued. 3. Beativec , that the bo� was ad- MURDERER BURIED hich operated the line oil it pital immediately after -the shootino Car, but lie � io.). , ;A d with the vanced in science far beyond his coal oll. The can exploded, ig,litillg her basla, The rate of fare to be Charged by last night, was reported to be somewhaot ,ind lockod up on a cbarg� of homicide. - - is under arrest here, charge years, and that he lied been working __ clothing Her only son, a ]ad about the Cleveland Railway Comparly will not, better, but Still in a serious condition 1 - V . --- Shooting. with high explosives for two or throl' e years of age, ru st- be n r a meeting of to -day. Only one of the three buillets *.+-*-+- I I I t I I I I I I '_ I , )-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-* avee is also report tie years He had been accustomed to Analysis For Traces of Poison In tWe1v O' slied to her assi 0 1 Bea, : Le directors, which is expecte tak which ntered his body has been found. ATE APPLES, ad to ba,ve lue, ance, and in all heroic attempt to save ill --- . AM an attempt to shoot the bride, but the carrying out some of his experiments Crei-'R&on Will be Made. no,elf. place to -day. I - I � I -.,as frustrated by an aged in the open country, where he could 9 t his mother was fatally burned Ili 1:1 . CHICAGO PIO FAITHFUL DOU attempt Both died later Ili the hospital. %naol. Van Ingen, who was 30 years of watch the effect of his explosions. I-: U. S. Private Dishonorably Dis. at Ale Ce ex- Owen Sound Ont., despatch, The rol- SAD FATEO' :0 Olileago, Oct. 26i--Ossian Guthrie, one age and a prominent teacher , -,-- Major Crozier, the Home Offi � MONTREAL ENVELOP119D itadria, was married yesterday evening pert on explosives, said that the,,boy mains of Names Farish Creighton, .the — . _ � of the oldest and most .Interesting of charged For Doing So. to jillss '.1%iamic Royhej, Df Aloxandrin' was undoubtedly working with sorne murder.e'r who died in his cell on '�nother Dense Pall.of Snicke Over. Chicago's pioneers� died yesterday, in his I Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 26e-- Beauvee was in town, but did not wt- sort of a bomb fille-1 with a picric Wednesday morning, were handed hangs the City. Mother and Son Drowned Caused 82nd year. In his 20th year Mr. Guthrie Nathaniel L. Frothingliam, a pro - He went to a stom acid compound, From the stains , . I Pongtructeol'the sbeam.'engine that pro- New Yo.r�v, Oct. �6,-Bojcause lie ate tend the wedding. ich lie found about the room lie over io * his relaiiVes this afternoon Montreal, Oct. 26.- Shipping is by Runaway. pelled the fi,rst tug on the Cli:cago River. minent Boston attorne3r,.was found 0 ammunition for a revolver wh . . green apples aftor repeated instructions 'to purchase When the train Judged that tile boy might have �;gcle and were lakori to 'Gr ilwooa Cem- again tied up owilag to f9g on the Ile was also known for his geological. dead of heart disease yesterday in (111r,ing the 'ceremony. . etery foi burial. The"TrOnGr's Jla- river. The Virginian is tied up wait- g - re- from his superior officer not to do so, plijileii out for the north with the bridal the picrio 40id llim;splllt,�' ' quqpt Ilam bee� poptponod until tile Ing for the fog to lift. The Manna of - Ilicton, Ont., Oct. 20.-'Alrs. Daniel eemobes, having contended that the site Private Leiser, of- the 3rd Field Artil. the woods at Rye Beach. Mr. pair BoAllyee also boarded it, and later - ,: ,.r —, report of the� provincial analyst is tile Reford & Company line is two Insley and her son, John, of Pleton, were of Chicago was ill a, glacial period 8,000 lery, U, S, A., has been dishonorably dis- Frothingliam had been out gunning. iin tile ,ey,eping lie took a seat across the MANY KILLED, ' made upon the stomach of the dead days behind time. All down the river ght in East Lake.. It is ,years ago. ___ obarge(I from, tlie service and sentenced on Saturday, and when he did not ,tisle froin �Ir. and Mrs. Van Ingen. - I man, who will be asked to ascertain boats, are reported at anchor. The .1rowned last nig to forfeit. all pay and a,llowances due return in the evening a sear�h was , Beativec is alleged to have leaned across whether there were traces of poison fog and smoke, according to the G)q- supposed their horse ran al;ay and LOCAL MASTER. him, and to be confined at hard labor made for him. Vie aisle and said: ocongratulations to be found. � I ernment signal service, extonds 13br juni,ped over the bank into the lake. for six months, The verdict of the to you both." . Two Nicaraguan Towns Swept 1- -- - Ottawa, Oct. 26. -John Bishop, of I found sitting in an RV below Quebec. To -day the fog and The body of Mrs. Insley has been found the firm of Bishop & Smith, was to- court martial which considered the His body was I— . The bride thanked him, find added, smoke in and aroixid Montreal is and also the horse and rig, charge against Leiser'found him guilty upright position in the woods with - ,,kVe are very happy,y at the same time Hurricane. � BALLOON BURST, worse fhan ever. It lies on the river young man's body Is still missing, day kiotified by the Provincial Secre- and imposed sentence, which was an- . tary of his appointment as local mas- his dog keeping guard. The dog . turning to her husbniid to caress hint. . and, on the land, hides the mountaii. t - 40.-- ter hero to succeed W. L. Scott, re- nounced 'from army headquarters here at first refused to allow the ,"This is too much,') Bmuvee is alleg. !New Orleans, La., Oct. 2G. -A cable d suit from view, and makes in- signed. The position is worth around to -day. It was found that Leiser ate I searc %inied, and, drawing it �to the Picayune from Niearagn.a, under Was at the Height of 2,000 Yards dnistinguishable the names of cars, CUT IN hers to approach the body, ed to have excl, . I -WOO $3,000 a year. He begins his . new the green apples after having received a revolver from his pocket, he fired at I - , - I . lawful order. from a sergeant to throw 'but when a servant from the Iraii Ingen, the first shob killing the date of October 21, says; A disastrous at the Time. BODY CUT IN TWO. duties at once, . them away, . I . 0 hurricane swept tile coast Of Nicaragua . . - - Frothingbam. cottage arrived the bridearoom almost instatitly. As the . I Immigiation Fell Off 46 Per Cent. ' - I I and relin- '� last Friday to Sunday, destroying the � . . . RAN DOWN BY KAISER'S AUTO. _. ;� dog recognized him husband sailk into Ills wife's arms Berlin, Oct. 20-JI71le Parseval mill. Mr. Thomas Dunbar Killed by Freight. . . . -Pleftlivec, with arm still outstretched, towns of Rio Grande and, Prinz!�pulka, In Nine Months. ' quished big guardianship over his - tary, rigid, dirigible balloon, wli',ch niade TRIED TO SAVE DOG. dead master. and doing considerable damage in the i� Car. Emperor Was Returning After Bidding gtarted to pull the trigger agaill, but. a terior. Only meagre advices have been an aseent. to -day, burst while at ot Guelph, Oct. 25�Word conics to the Son Good -by at Sation. qvilite.1laired ill -an leitped forward and brought here by schooner, but it All- 111�1t:1)46 thrust his thumb between the hammer Pearl height of over 2.000 vards, and made a city of a terrible accident at lHildnia.y, Ottawa, Oct, X -The steps taken by Berlin, Oct. 20. -Last evening after _+4_*-+*­O*444_+­#_*­$ - . - and cartridge, so that the pears that the entire coast from rapid descent toward tbo eal'bb. But by which Thomas Dtitibar, all old resi- the Immigration Department at tile the Kaiser lied bid farewell to Prince Lake Captain Lost His Life In the 4 1-1 , cartridge did Cays to L;ape uracias was swept,,and delit, was gronlid to pieces by a 0 . TO BURNED. oot explode. Other passengers then freight begAnning of this year to restrict all August; Willielin and his bride at the A0, . there was much loss of life. The fruit when it was close to the ground its pace train. He was, rather donf, and the qtntion, and was crossing, Unter den, . . Attempt. eatiglit Beativec and disarmed him. stertmer Dictator is here safe, and unin- , hunii-ratiou to Canada, likely to Coll- Rt. Catharines;, Ont., Oct. 20. -As. "H- � . 1 - � ju . slackened, and it landea gently in a tree. crossing being a dangerous one, pro- 0 abor market during the time Linden in' all automobile, a woman � - . red. - - 3 I I Its occupants were uninjured, tected by a high fence, it is supposed lie M"est the 1. � fell in front of the Royal car and was 1,)Ilts, a clualffer in charge of a $0,500 . A Windsor, Ont., despat.Chi Capt, John I-) erless automobile owned by F. .B. did not see or hear the train until his O'� twilporary hi'dustrittl depression ]lave &-urt 1�104rj ' Tha lKilair osr,lam,j her .0 Romer, NEGRO BOY HANGED TI P balloon was making, its second Robinson, of the barge Cutter, was kill- Chapi,n, of Toronto, reached . - 0 , triall, before n. military coninussioll outfib.was struck. Tdie horse War, killed, bL-en most eflective. Sinu January ini- removal to it hospital. Prince Eitelas3s I about 2 iniles from 18,t. C.atharines, last . SMOKE-POIS NING, appointed to decide whether it �Vas the rig sillasbed and the unfortunate inigrntlou via ocean ports has been assisted Ili carrying her to thd ambil- ed at Kel ey' Island in trying to save a sultable for army 'purposes. M occupwit was cut to pieces so that his � pot dog, which had fallen overboard. �vening oil tile way from Toronto to oil- lance, Her chief injury was a concus- ',in Billie Precipitated Race Riots . -'--'- ftJ *O`f'ned to less than half of the total . Captain Robinson jumped into the Clevelo d) a leak in the gasoline tank His Cr' General' Parseval, t1le inventor of ill(, remains could scarcely be gathered to- L .. d ,4on of the brain. She was reported to be , Death of Mrs. T. M. Scott In Port .balloon, was present. Within the past gether. I - - arrivals for the corresponding perlo lit bad condition to -day, and there is lit. water and was caught between the ves- caused the machine to talco fire. 1t'WaA, In Springfield. feRv montha the Parseval lies made a - of last year, and those who 1ave Come tie hope of ]ter recovery. - sel a�oi the dock. He was crushed so completely destroyed. The ehatifferwas Arthur HospAial. number of unofficelal trial trips. Oil DS IN BLAZE. r,ave been of the very best type of set- I - I . badly that he died on the way to the unacompanied. - - - tleis, the great majority being cout- GIVES LIFE FOR BROTHER.. hospital. Captain Robinson Nrad a yet- - - I Sept. 10 last, while it wa.4 attempting ,I I -es. FALL THROUGH BRIDGE. ,�pringfield, Tll,, Oct. 26,. -Having Coll- flight from Tegel, Berlin, to Doebrity; it Spectators Try to Drink Liquid', But twsed of British immigrants who have . eran navi,outoT lyell known on the ink ressed ills guilt, alid. with cc prayer upon APort Arthur despnteln The terrible was struck by it squa,l], and the -gas Find It Boiling. n r takea service as farm Hurls Little Lad Out of Daq,ger Before ' I T": - St. Catharines, Oct. 2G. -G. F. Fecle- his lips, joeoialnew, the eigli teen -year- forest fires in this vicinity liqvc, been b,,tga Collapsed, and the balloon came Seville, Oct. 25.-SIx. huildred hogs- laborers, Immigration of American Car Collides. KITCHti 17HR MAY COME. 4tone, the well knowit Janies street old negro murderer of 0. A. Ballard, was responsible for at least one death, down on the roof of -I villa, heads of wine were burned on Sunday settlers into the Canadian weat, most I — laundryman, had it narrow escape from * " Count 7,2,lypelin's reconstructed aly- in a fire at the bodega. of Manual Misa, of whom are priwtical farniers of lit- Essex, Ont., despach: Calving up his Noted' Q006rgl. May Go llome Vi4 C4n- serious injury yesterday. With his wife hanged in tile county Jail to -day. tliough it occurred tinder somewhat re- c -pendent means, has, oil the other own life to save that of adA and United States. it(, was drivin; front St. Gatharines to . . ship No. I lied a 1110, .4t succes, -ry"), - 'd Ills youll'a gineer. I -It, gfill Jerez ("Shei attributed to the ills . I)rothar Daniel, Taylor, ag ra, n ,Ballard was arailW1.17 en niarl-mble circumstances. 'he vieffill Is trinl to -day, lasting three hours, it Ing of all electric wire. The flaire rose hand, slightly increased. town aloug tile stone road, .as .1 . .% r, 11, C,. Oat. 26 'Tile World ()"t'"' W-Im killed by -James on the night of Airs. T. ,If. ,goOtt, who died Ili the lies- Friedrielmlia.fen. The -tirship na now to .tit enormous height, aild, the destrue- The total immigration into (Ituada, who lived Ott a farm with liia parents Vancouve .— . . , n I . . 40 near here, is (lead, as the result of a PlIbIls'los Lila JullOwl'19 as a unicuttot, they'llassed St. David's, the horse went t, the murder precipitating tion of the comp4ny"e promises -Nvqs pro- for the month of beptemb r was 10)007, tilr6ch tit(%, floor of a bridge over a ra- 'filly ,14 1.18 pitiIj to -day front sIii%)k,a,poiso41h9 as altered, is an improved sniall edition collision with all interurban car. India, ea,ble: o , I I II4 . nots Wi1jell state troops were necessary James the ,result of her system becoming satiir- of the oile .rne4 ,it R,cliterdingell, vented only by the eiigineer's presence as Compared with 10,057 for the gatile Taylor and his four-year-old brother, Upon tilt, completion of Ills terin of vine tind both occupants of the carriage Ili it drunken stupor I o In. were thrown out. Mrs. Ecclestolle $us - JO q1tc,11. ted with smoke C!t her home, wherie she Wood is snbskitnted for ftlunininni hi of mind in stripping adjoining buildings month last year, -it decreaso of .47 pel- Whom. he held in his lap, were riding On service Its inilitary commander in lied wandere(I into the honle of Mv, ft of everything combustible. Cent. Vroni the Ist of Jitnuary until all-- taining rather severe injuries. entered the bedront was surrounded by fire for several weeks. many parts, and the nint-ovs are, of wheat binder ana about to Props the dia, Gener I Lord Kitchener lies - :; 1 7 j3allard, and had .11 - V I 81 horlie-pow,or, instead of 11.0. Tile Orowds of spectators tried to drink the and of September arrivals via ocean �ft` � A c)( Miss Blanche Ballard, andseized 'her , the escaping stream of wine, but wdre ports were 81,977, aa compared with cair tracks. 'The nolso of tile m4elline nounced that be will return honte to T crew numbers twelve. The airship per- drowned tile wj�isde of the agrookching Ell d by way O the United Sta.tes. Her father disgusted to find it boiling. The mana- 101,020 for the saute period of last year, 'plan INSTANTLY KILLED. ,ful manoeuvres, notwith. It I$ desire ! hant), The girl screamed. MISSING MAN. forined wondei car, and it was upon them efore the my " eneral, came to her assistance, and drove the . standing the fact th0 the wind W11114 ger explains that there will be no Inter- a decrease' of 10,043, or 57 per Cent, young man saw it. He liad only It me- t(to see &ijada and the United'States, Kingston, Ont, Oct. 96--E dward Best - negro from the house. A fight followed, blowing tit a lively rate. It soareds ruption of busiTtess, 1,000 hogslteads be, The linaligration. for nine months of idge, aged 18 years, a loeomotive works gy- , . inent. to act. He stood up and threw the the countries and their people that r lin which ,Y&mcs stabbed Ballard to a Ing ready to replace those destroyed, this yea;- from the United States was P employee and a son of Guard Bostridge, Aeath . Buffalo Man Married Recently to rated, and turned 'angles with the gr4At_ Child its far away front the crossing as prompts me to include them it) ini it- . est, ease, and then returned to the alied which were nob insured, 4.5,653-, as compared With 44,800 for the In an instant the ear stru of tit;. penitentiary, grabbel the guy' %Thilol James was Ill jail an alleged . Hamilton Ladys in Lake Constance tinder absolute con- I I �; , U � . same period of last year, an increase of postible. Ck inerary.11 ropo of ait arcliglit pole on Centre street. tsgotult by another negro upon Mirs, Earl trol, Experts any it is the best airship PRUSSIAN. SOCIALISTS 844 or 2 per cent, The total imtnigra- the machine, crushing it. Lord Kitchener will also visit China Tile. wire was charged and Bos I tridge was. . The older Tiiylor was thrown under and Japan on tile WAY, Possibly travel- instantly killed, 11fallani wag reported. Then came the Count Zelpelin has yet; built. t1ave Won Seven Seats in Xing4oft0s tion, into Canada from all quarter' for the car, both legs cut off abuve his . r . lots, which resulted in the death Of Buffalo, N. X., Oct. 26,0liarles 110. �. ,� - - � I int, tbrouali Australia find New Zealand. I , � � I , � I five white nien and two negroes, tile Bruce., Cashier for the Mutual Transit Diet. the first nine months of thif? year was knees. and lie was otherwise injured. '�n intm&nse volume of correspond - a nuni, INDIANS AS FARMERS, 127,630, as compared with, 235,829 for Ile dl�d this morning. His brother Was enee is pouring in upon the general LEG CRUSHED. wrecking of Leoper's restiltiroint, Conlpl:uy, W.40 two yenra ago married Now York, Oct. 2&—A cable despatch the same period of last year, n decrease picked up unharmed. front England urging ]till% to take lip Toronto, Oct. 2G. --,John MacDonell, of ,l)(ir of negro houses and saloons, alid the into prominent liantiltoll, Ontario, Blood Band Raised Twenty-four Then- to T%e World from London Says:—Caii- oZ 108,190, or 46'per Cent, 1C : ' 1burning of forty homes. fallIlly, hUS been Mysteriously inissimy I � - - a reorganization of th_o British war of- - the 0. P. R.,Wpst Toronto, a brak-einarl, , � -0-4-0— ffice 00 sand Bushels. diolates of the Socialist pprty in Berlin __-*_*.J-__ . FIGHT AGA fice. There is no doubt but that lie wa% taken to tilt% Western Hotel from for over 4 week, He lef t the o 11 . ]lave won seven seats Ili the Prussian - would be ap�ointpd to the post if lie the Union 'Station this morning, with , .FLOATED ON MATTRESS, Oct, 15, sa Ing he was 1-11 and 'that lie Winnipeg, Oct. 2Q.—Very cncouragi�g Diet, the Itiost conservative legislative CONFIDENT Of G.T. * - China Forbids Cultivation of POPPY it — was going Tome. When he failed to ",. news from the Indian reserves is body lit ifie German Empire. Until now .L %visited to accept the position. both legs vrushe(l so badly that Ilia flarrowbig 0xperience of Launch Party turn last Alonday experts were put to brought in by Air. 14'. 11. Paget, of the no Socialist bas ever been seated in the - Sixof Her Provinces. 2 - _- reeowlry is doubtful. Ile tame from in Ray Lake. work on his -books. Tnolian Department, who is returning Diet. - Now York, Oct, 25.—A Cable despatch AYEAR IN PRISON ll tw e go. Ile )IRS a wife Assistant Manager Noble said that from a long inspection trill, in the ThC Socialist ,section is determined Mr. C4 fit, Hays Returns From Big to the Herald from Slinughal says- Tlie — And two children, A : I , �,3ardt Ste. Made, Mich, Oct, 20.— to Ills knowledge no one suspected Bruce coun-A of which lie visited nearly all of to block legislation 'until there is reform Western Tom (4overnhient has oracrell tile totAt aboli- For Montreal Man Who Stabbe4 Girl in Clyde Scanlan, 17, was drowned off Nine of robbing tile firm. Attaitors, went over the scattered bands in Manitoba, Al- 'a the electoral system, which even Dis- tion of. the cultivation of tile poppy Loudo% HOTEL FIRE. mfla point in Hay Lake last night, when his books on several occasions and -re- 6erta wid Saskatchewan. Ile cstimatoii marck stiginated Its the worat in the — f�,cm. the end of the year ill the pro- Xingston, Ont., Oct. 20. ­Shorts' Hotel, tile litunab in which lie an hr I 8vere riding was run down by tile steamer ported Idiat the accounts balanced. It 11:4 that there are 25,000 still oil tile re- world. A Toronto despatch: Air. Clinrleg X.- viliceg of Kingston, Anhili, Ronan, Kat- London, Oct. 20.­1ohu Aletealf, it - at Portsmouth, was dantaged by fire believed lie lies left ilia country. -ierves Ili these Provinces. He found I'll(- Socialists ngsort that under fair lynya) General Manager and Second Vice- Chow, 1�olikjell and Yunnan. seanian from Montreal, was given It John A. Donal4mon, I I - I I a imprisonment for stabbitig ot to the extent of over $3,000 last uighL i � t them nearly till in good condition and ap,plien.tion of the franchise they would President of the G, T. k, arrived Ili the All the Powers at 811111191111i are in Two liorse.q and a quantity of feed A,va.,% I CUT TnEmbili: WIRE% Making rolost encouraging progres.4 in Y161111"on September 11. 'The prisoner In tile launcia with ill(- boy Were his bavo ninety seats in the Diet Instead Of - arnest in Itheir pledges tliat the West- a r a ptorents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nf . Seaman, - I c.ty last night after a, six weeks' tout 0 destroyed. The city briry do w8pondkI of farming and cattletraising. 'The Tit- Seven. Ing the 01,11 nations intend to loelp Chion, rid was silailt, In the dealt and made no 0 OLga J401464Burna. The. boy was placed I through western Canada, inspeeti 0 Oceldellfc comment oil the sentence. He pro, n1ld put out the flames. , sp.d 24,000 - ­ 1 I U I ,011 watch In tile stern Of tile beat, bilt Burglar" Obtained '$2,060 Worth dians oil the Blood reserve ral 4— , I hel,sc.f of the Curse -Oluch tlli , - I buahelg of good. wheat during the past els ,Or' ' duced a letter from his brother in - 61. goo tile , JeWels'grdm Newark Rouge. Whe , uslieid His Head. Work of the Grand Trunk- Pacific. . introduced, and theX extol tile gentillie welit to sleep, an4 did it Oct. 26,-Tbree Masked """"Oil, and the band It -is broken 800 Sillithos Falls, Oct, 25,—Rielimond Am- "I ant. more and more donvineed of the -ttttitu(IO Of China on Canada saylog lie ought to be sent 6 freigbLer as it -approadled. ,Xpwar L - .. ' more for next year. broie Geraldi, aged 20, was inItantly wisdom of the Grand Trunk In going I eharadtor of the to a hospital where the doctors could -Port, X. Y., , In tile launch was n. large, bedtick, and inou eufth-'L', J 'Ippliooe wires outside of nerl -4 I - I. told T4115 the subk,ct. I knock the silly nonsense .ut of his Loolt Oct. 20.—In it head When L11gy were so suddenly prRipitatod ill(, title Perking ]ionic at Aforristown killed lit the V. P. R. yftrola )tore, on Fri- I enterplise, lie a '* - I collision botween it baggage ear front I - I into that 01 _' 09% DEAD MAN'S SISTPR. � WOW reporter, q am more and more QUiET XOi* IN COREA. 'head, — �_ -, , . - llochestel, mid a work train 6n the 13ilf- into ilia' waterj ill(, two, ImIn placed (arly to,flixy, entered the house, knock-e(I ___ . day night. It is supposed Ito stepped off Had it wit been - olow�;ioneoftlia three inaid servants, at- , the 8 25 trat'ji before it stopped, and, confident of tile future ,of the Conn- - - - ;; MI -8, SQ.4rdAil 11POn it- The Iftsutrtcti6ft Crushod—Japanelb A Sad Disappointment. falo, Lookport & Roehoster line, three. . for till* they de(lare that the Whole tnekpol nn(l o-hoked Ati-S. P. W. Miller, Police Can't totato Relatives of Archie utrildn'g- a switch )lost,. was 111irled back try-"' r 0 hesitation in(plired Of tile, lady in charge, . tiffles east of here, this morning, tight - a sister Of tile thro McDonald, of MInnedolia, Mail. oil ill(' track, ill(- wheel'; passing Over Iliq Air. llays r6niark,od that lie had. Troops to Withdram. - Ilion were injored. Five at* nt t1to city joar;ty %%ouid have golle doWn. 'C Afissc.s Perkins, who - 76 uIlloll Of tile COrft- Tokin, Oct. 2h.—The 90-Mlleil 111' `Ts this here the Woman's INclianger, 110apital, I ............. oI-t-,-­. -,V(,r(,., ill the house, and tion. ransacked - 011olph, 011t., Oct. 2.5 head. Ito had been on it vl4it to 104 - ftaV0110d, Over 0 ::It i4,11 replied the littly. I I plavo Tlie robbera, who are believed 5.--Particulftra p. grandinother in Alnionte mid was re- llftlVs Own VIR9 from Winnipeg to Bid, $11trectioll in Coreol. is pi-Actically . —_ -_ 060. I'll I I NAMED, 13UT NOT XXOWX tho tile death of AtchieMcDoliald; of Alin W-011,11 continued the countryman., ­ ----.--- I() )(,. tit ono..4 who eiit the wires, anti. (loft, Mail., ,juppos ,d to I ve 'turning, to Nforriekville, wlivre, Ito was ilia River. At present the big bridge plided, Tile troops are still Oil active I � 4 e la 0 comple- . 801111(twhit sboviRbly, "Ila like to .swap MURDER TRIAL. lea of Caribou looted the houle Of I'ank" IT, 131 fornwr Guelph inan, )lave been employ'ed in Woitchorn�q woollen mill. Across thio. river Iva$ nearing duty, but tile insurgents have dwin- - Search for 8trion9t Spcel ecei d . 11 Oi0i tioll, -mllilt tile distance front there to dlN1 to merely it disordefly oleluent. of my old women for ImpAt anybody yon leriqey 'City, 'X. J., Oct. 90.—Th000lore Ill Itritish Columllpl-A, Uarch itt Orange it few ,tight$ R 00 by Chief Randall, in a loitter from ill,- happen to have Oil hand.11—Lippincottla N.V' I dyn motorman, WAC4 f, Fastest Cruiser Afloat. .ititinoro, the Brook * Vancouver, MI. ,-G.—Tll Rcprch of the ohtairc(l at least $2,000 worth of Jove ry, Aief of police at MilluedORn. , Edmonton was kbotit 125 miles. It was Ib is atto,ted thEtt Prince Ito, former 3), in tile pprkill. I lett,e ,r k,leoul, will proba�fj �fagwzillc. 0 1 1 P trial to-dav foi- it second time, all.80114q, 11 Caribou of l q lioule and sonic money, Ti r styttes that McDonald was Glasgow, Oct. 25.—During llor �To, expected that the tritek would be into Resident General tit v fabled Ral�ngifer _ I 01 �' ___ 0 - lit Wal.14 Oil thort Clyde, tile new 'OvOtIlIx r. 0 A put on unlAor of biv wife, ribed, SlWieq. Whl"h is XRP- found dead awl that tho Inquest show (10 Edmonton this year. He also rode return to(loreit (-.ftr]Y in N ' Tw - Side Lights on poesy. charged with the 'I An 1111dese at the 11111-0,1 , Italian Badly Injured. col death it) be due to alooliolislu. cruiser Inflexible attained tile (.%tm- over 125 miles or drana Trunk rails thir(ig of ,the Japaneso troolla in ;';evil, tit Helena. whose body Tic- Is alleged to pr,p,ed to have as its babit, and oil tile r�orL William branch which is China Will be withdrawn ill it few day.s. Soott wqs ,writing the 11TAily of , e hnv,, thrown in tit(, Lailiplael, Swamp, ,(,,harlotte Islands, Vrank Nerinoilo, T,ondon, Oct. 28 --During the course of : 'Oil ilia day bofore his dcath he 11.111 Ordinary speed of twelity-seyoft nt(st with tile National Tratig- ._____-*.4.*0-- tAll,01 in llarriRoll. last Christmas ove. I drunken brawl botiveell, Mollie Thilimiq alcel (lut an insurance policy, luat1p, ill t)jIp.foAlyll1 kuo(�q nn liour, and but to Coll it ,cqjrat0r of tho Provincial Allisellin, Vic.. I 11 t I which Is construetod postruen Ott Skis. � - It you were to tell the trtith nboot .:�Oo , -.--- t I I I .1 of n To a, VIA f,ori,�,, Jeft ou 'Sunda nigist for ill(, on Saturday 11i9l t. Pott'r Pah".1all was , favor of hi,.4 mother, rs. 111aggio '.%fe- tor ill(- fog would 11 -ave. dolle even Continental, and '41". 11 y I yery short diMallet of the I -at 144, Oct, 125.- -The leroneh poAal . m,,' fw sahl, 'IT Ahould sp�, that slip 1A tf,ghe lin.q ,ey" like a, Rtratled, fawn," - r 'kialT, Ite W1141 Arnvk by tfIllifIll P111TI10 Whit It J-Iggotl Donald, Of (IT1101IIII, for $1,1100, bift thiA i, -Itter. Thi,A mirpoast.q the reeord of , within It Iftnthillized till postmen in mi,flilly sonk 0, I i"I'tch on Like steame . bt: julwtion poffit now. -tinelat hag lek. blit, oxilecis to feel bet- itelahno(I flie poet. "Yea, aild an Ap- of 1) a I , A(-twompallim by 8.11111101 NVIlil.taker. 11i"I erockery, which narrowly e+ not payablo, aq 't payment 1111A not tho Todomit!ible, by it ililarter of it knot moun- ter when tit(% himt goti to St. .T&�,," ilia like an oltriell," roillatk0d thP MY - Tho, pnir wil,l Imid . I . , 'jigniar vivilt alitl nev(­o01ttPd 1!vou illade. alul thiti. ,of tho Itmirp.taiiin, by .%� knot ROVirding progress At Prifleo Rupert" tiv%� Alp,,4, Pyroupes alld VO4,M14 fo� ptplklidant, it f4khlolp I"' the j of Ow (1, 1'. P., talwq to IWAltm flioir dally voun,1-4 oil Thwi it i.4. In All npR, that the poet w who litiol. had her out to Alipper the V�rftllftnl(- NIMBI, n1ld will go ,ly re. *1 Who) NZ11.01, ,,8toIMo, � tie , el;,"t, . tj.l)on,jljJ, of and. it hid.f. Tli# 1nflt,,:k1ble lmvM I the WestAtrn terminug N , to IIIA" ,sii-ls when novosqnry. his it) Aink the Ideal in tlic Real. ,niglit. before. A(80" on o'ml- pflit.ylo%4. 11allelan will likk Ill Mr. Irays 81tiol. "We (,, pect . 11 overifintl to ItAmAtt thl,ough t1w lider- cover. Ilis .1,4�;allajlt is multv arrest. Guelph, if., tile poilice have beell linable C tit, Oft Sund&y to b6 tommissioned. , L, I I Ae � .. " r 1. *