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THE WIN'!•"`.+!1+•* AI!#r.I.!.R !!M•+!..M1•'_' i .&+n i Y B, THURSDAY, #. o M •M 0-R./R "\I V t.. 1908, 81. 0. 5
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— Varna village was threatened
with destruction by bush Ares last
-•-V, r. Jas. Petty, founder of the
village of Ilensall, died last ween,
aged 76.
—According to the Owen Sound Sun
there will be 1100 appeals for the
Court of Revision of the voters' lists in
that town.
—A gentleman representing a large
felt boot manufactury in Boston, was
In Seaforth last weep looking over the
Willis shoe factory and the woollen
mill, with the Iden, of combining the
two. for the manufacture of felt
—Mr, T. S. Berry, the well known
horse importer and dealer .f Hensall
has sold.the well known stallion, Lord
Lowther, to Mr. D. McMichael, of
near Walkerton, for $2,000, This
makes six horses Mr. Berryhas sold
to Mr. McMichael In eight years. .
—Triplets were born recently to
Mr, and Mrs. John Wagner of
Mildmay. One of the girls, Annie
}whey, the smallest of the three, passed
away on Tuesday of last week,.after a
week's illness with cbolera infantum.
Great interest was taken in these trip -
Iters ofr Interest,
—Mills biros., near Fergus, haat a re-
cord clover crop from one of their
fields tills year. Tile early out aver-
aged three tons to the acre, while the
one relmntly harvested ---tire second
crop—went 1i tons,
—Alex, Day of Wlarton was killed
on Oct, 12th, He was working at is
pile-driver, when he stopped between
the leaders, and the full weight of the
hammer, 2,200 pounds, carne down on
his head, killing him instantly. He
was married about two months ago,
--••Tlios, Stewart, a well-known farm.
or, who lives close to Harriston, on
the 8th con„ the other night, after a
hard day's threshing, while he was yet
warm and perspiring, on his way
home, stopped on the rotten platform.
of an old well, about 14 feet deep.
The planks were not strong enough
to suppott his weight and he was sad-
denly precipitated into the hole and
into water up to his armpits. "He was;
unable to climb out, and it was over,
half an hour before he succeeded by
his cries in arresting the attention of i
some person on the surface. When
finally rescued he was suffering
severely from chill, a couple of broken
ribs, and jarred internally. Pneu-
monia set in and at last accounts, he;
was very ill,
lets?, and the death of one of them has
caused sincere regret.
—Malcolm McGregor, an Owen
Beware Of Cocaine Medicines.
Sound young man, who was mate on
Thousands of drug fiends have been
the steamer Scottish Hero, was
started on their downward course
drowned on Friday last in Lake
through catarrh snuffs containing this
Superior, giving up his life in a vain
habitdrug. If you suffer from a cold,
attempt to assist others and passing
sneezing or catarrh, don't use a snuff,
use a sensible treatment like Catart -
four men who were tinder his coin-
zone. It heals and soothes, brings
mains in a yawl boat, into safety, be -
relief at once, cures thoroughly. In
fore himself accepting .the proffered
bronchitis and throat trouble no doe -
help, which would have saved him
for can do better than prescribe
Catarrhozone. Try it, see what won -
had he been possessed of his full
ders it works, what power it possesses.
Different from the old way, you in-
hale Catarrhozone. Sold in 25c and
-Owin to the fatai•1 mishap on the
g P
$1 sizes by all dealers.
C. P. R. at Hanover on Thursday of "
last week, and to many other similar r _
.. NNS+�iN��MH �NNNi� accidents other linea, an aider has Cold Weather Shoes and
been issuedd by the Railway Commis- Strange But True.
sion requiring that all frogs on rail- The Stratford Herald says.:—Many
ways be inlaid with a board in socb ar +• �+ instances are related of frogs and
Coal Coal manner as to prevent one's' shoe from Sl x p pers for Ladies. toads being shut up for years away
entering and being caught in the frog. from food and light and reviving
This, it is expected, will ensure the when taken out of what would seein
We etre sole agents for We Carry a full stock of Public against a possible death trap, to be a tomb. In this city can now be
as man fatalities have traced their •Similar to above and in many other kinds. 1n fact, we
the celebrated Scranton Coal Lumber (dressed or undres- y added another to the record which
Coal, origin to these innocent looking "but have almost every kind you Could think of. We shall be equals an heretofore related. G. T.
which has no equal. Posts Shingles, Lath, Cedar dangerous frogs. lad to have you call and look at the man nice comfortable q y
Poste, Barrel., ate. g y y Cooke was engaged teat we* -at Sher -
Also the best grades of —A disagreement over religious Cold Weather Shoes, and you are not obliged to buy what- iff Magwood's house on Douglas street
matters ended tragically in a family ever. Samples in North Window. in cutting a doorway between an old
Smithing, Cannel and Do- P •
mestic Coal .nil Wood of Highest Price Paid for all in New York on Sunday evening, Oct. - and a new cellar, when he took out
all kinds, always on hand. kinds of Logs. 18th. Mrs. Bonnie Mattlock, aged 17, two toads which revived, and were
and a bride of a few months, was a quite alive. Col. L'ooke decIareS that
Residence Phone, No. 55 Baptist, and her husband a Methodist, j C_ they must have got in the wall when
Office No. 64 They disagreed as to which church W i L L I S & • it was built, which it is said was
Mill soNo. 44 J, As McLEAN they should attend. On his leaving thirty years ago or more. The stone
for the Methodist church on Sunday At Robt. J,,ohnston's old stand. 'Phone 129, wall at the place where the toads were
IiAMNw�rNr��NNeN�Na�4f+tA�N��M�NIMANO,►tiart�4 evening, she called after him : "If you taken out is two feet thick, and the.
do not take me to the Baptist Church mortar its which they were found as
you. will regret it," but he did not stop hard as the stone. One of them died
until be heard a shot, and, looking the next day after being found, but
around, he saw his wife lying dead. Lucknow. Brussels, the other lived for about two days. A Hungry Tramp. West Wawanosh.
' —Last week Adam Densmore was Thanksgiving services were held at S. Parr had his right hand damaged_ That they were alive at all is remark- A strange man was found in Rev. E. Special devotional services have
turning over some new ground on his Kinloss Methodist Church on Sunday, by being caught between two trunks able. Walker's house, in Palmerston, and it been in progress in St. Augustine
A , farm, lot 18, con. 1, West Luther, Oct. 24th. he was handling in connection with T. was immediately concluded he came church, Rev. Father Laurendeau be-
when his plow struck something hard, Lucknow Lodge Na. 187, A.O. U. W. the hauling of baggage on the dra%y, there to burglarize, but the man Ing assisted by several other clergy -
and pried an odd-looking affair ont of held their 28th anniversary on Sun- Last Sabbath Rev. Geo. Buggin of Are You Pale Anaemic. entered the house merely to forage a men.
the ground. Ile investigated and day, Oct. 25th. Seaforth occupied the pulpit of the Anaemia means colorless blood— meal. Constable Westgate was note Fire of unknown origin broke out
found it the skull of an elk—a species The auction sale of Jno. and Thos. Methodist church here. The pastor means languor, blanched lips, faded fled and put the man under arrest. in Jas. Griffin's bulli at Kintail, some
of deer—with arts of the barns in- was at $i le reachin anniversar cheeks. You grow dyspeptic, nervous He gave his. name as M. O. Martie, seeks ago. With the help of the rain
parts McIi`eith on the 21st, was a decided P y P g y and suffer functional irregularity. and stated that he was an English- two weeks ago he thought he had it
tact. The backbone and ribs were success, almost $2,000 being realized. sermons. This condition can't exist if there is man. He was discharged on suspend-
us end-
•� also recovered. How many years Postmaster Farrow enjoyed a hot}- Plenty of healthy blood. Ferrozone g P quenched, but it again broke out on
t q A commercial traveller visiting makes good blood,- rich nutritious ed sentence. Fr•ida,y and the fire has now passed
a a Ly'
have passed since the beast lay down da at London, Windsor and Detroit .
•- •�.,tilsr �� ,.o t town recently, said that Lucknow has y blood—that a why it cures. In con- over the entire bush. It has given
_ - to die in the dense swamp which cov- about the finest maple trees he has last ws'ok. His son, FI. tiV., who is a centrated form Ferrozone contains
ered that articular at•t? Mau no P , Life Will Be Shortened. him no end of trouble, together with
P P yr mail clerk on the G.1.R, makes his certain rare qualities that render it
r doubt, because no one remembers ever seen. headquarters at Windsor. unfailing in Anaemia, languor, poor Those who fait to observe the fund.- the Loss of some good timber. It is
seeing one of this species here. ° The fall sitting of the Division color and loss of weight. To build mental rules of health, especially now at the edge of Jno. D. McDonald's
Court was held in Lucknow Town We are sorry to'hear of the illness up, feel young and vigorous, nothing those who neglect constipation, will
—The long warm fall is responsible of Miss Lily Sharpe, but hope she will is better than, Ferrozone. At all have short lives. Costiveness ruins bush and 14Ir, McDonald is putting
Hal! on Tuesday, Judge Olins piesis- y P ' p dealers in 50c boxes. health, destroys vitality, weakens the forth great efforts to check its pro-
v for the unusual vegetable and fruit ing. The only case heard was that of soon be restored to her usual good blood. causes dyspepsia, nervousness gross.
growth. Roses are blowing in some Dempsey vs. Haines, a case arising health. Miss Lily contracted typhoid and insomnia. Dr. Hamilton Pills— Favorable reports are to band from
gardens same as in June, and now out of the death of a snare claimed to fever while nursing it, patient. they cure -scientifically. Positively P
comes the second peach crop. On be due to being chased by defendant's W. H. 'IcCracken has shipped over Goderich, October 22.—The Ontario the best laxative known, 2oc at all the thrashings as ti the yield of grain
Monday, Tolin Anderson, river front, do The -case resulted in a non -suit, 3,000 bushels of potatoes from Bras- + dealer., this fall. a quantity and quality the
Malden, brought to the Echo -office, g• West Shore Electric Railway Com- crop is the best harvested here for
each party paying his own costs. sets this fall. One car to London con- parry has about fifty teams, with gra- -.Stratford can perhaps lay claim to many years, owing to the favorable
Amherstburg, half a dozen perfectly tained 1,080 bushels. The potato
ripened and full fruited early Craw- cro is au excellent one in main local- dors, and a large number of men at the smallest Canadian bore elector in season• Fa}1 wheat will average 3U
......•�, P 3' work on the line to be built from the Dominion, in the person of Samuel .bushels, barley 40, oats 50 to 60, and
and ,. fords, the second crop on the same hies,
tree this year. They were about fifty Goderfch to Kincardine. Work start Bennington, 227 bIornington street. peas 25 bushels per acre, Field carni
the tree, and though the fruit was Beware Of Substitutes 1 W H. McCracken, the well known ed some weeks ago at Port Albert, "Samie" is 3 feet, 9 inches in height has been a record -breaker and those
small ,t was almost h tasty as the Greedy dealers endeavoutes give a gardener of Brussels, attended eight where the heaviest cutting and filling and 37 years of age. 1 -Ie was born who have silos have thein filled to
first crop. Robert Dorsey, Bathurst substitute for Putnam's Corn lixtrac fall fairs this season and captured no on the line leans last week work cam- near Moorefield, in the county of Wel- overflowing. Potatoes are now being;
Insist on ,putnam's" only—it less than 250 prizes. He drove over mended at Eighteen-14lfle River some lington, on Mai 16th. 1871, and came dug and are a good crop. Mangolds
street, also has•a second crop of peach- tor*
cures corns and warts thoroughly. 200 miles and will clear over $100.00. distance further north, where there is to Stratford 14 years ago with his are good also, but the turnip crop is
Cash prices for the Fall of 1908: es. Dr..Bowmwn picked half a boa of The imitation may fail. i1lyttc. will be 08 years of age next Jan- also a lot of heavy work to do. Work parents. He is a well known char- again a failure,
second crop Coiumbia raspberries, nary but can hold his own with the . has also been begun at a out a shortyy y y
actor in the cit, Da b da, he The cit -well men at I.ochalah, have
No. 9-18-4 Boles, square ................ $16,60 � — - best of them yet, distance north of Port Albert and a g-
' - walks lila streets with his little wag- now drilled dawn to a depth of 500
9-1�� as tc • • • • • • • • • • , 1 G, 50 • * -�' _ _ start is likely to be made directly in gon, for he is a vendor of small wares, feet, more or less. During the first
9-20'4 « it • • • • • • • • • ...... 17 50 several different places. .arrange- peanuts and candies. Se is also a period of their operations, Teeswater. - p p . they struck
.... 17.50 A MONTREAL MAN. The repairs recent] made on Knox Owes Care To Zam=Bek. menta are also being made for the stamp collector and has one of the a, strong spring of water, which con -
9 -20•-6 at as p ' y timber for the trestle work required besf collections in the cit "Samie's" ,
-- church cost in the nee hborhobd of — q y' siderabiy hampered thein in their
9-1.8--4 ac Witb Reservoir... ....... 22.75 g at fort Albert. 7.he bridge wilt cross dwarfage has been natural, being born work and which necessitated the put -
9 -18-6 as a as ........... 22.95 Run•Down, Sick, Despondent-- $gal• Prominent Manager's Telling Testimony. the river at a height of about forty that way. He is in no way deformed ting down of over 300 feet of casting
9-20,4 u u u ....... •. • 22.75 Because tie Had Failed After seven years' service in S. S. feet, There is a fair-sized construe- and is possessed of a keen intellect, before the water could be shut off.
Ya ca Ya No. 4, Culross, Miss McNau hton, the Mr. D. R. Gourlay, advertising man tion camp at Port Albert, with build- fie has a vote, and is always waiting Since that time, however, they have
9-20 G • • • • • • • • • • • 25•�� Tofet Hal . g ager for the well-known piano firm of in s for the accommodation of the for election day, he has a Chance made rapid progress and the critical
11 teacher, has resigned. Gourlay, Winter R Leeming. Toronto g y stage is now drawing near, in which it
Cast high shelf $2.65 extra, hih closet $6.607 4 And. Schnurr of Hepworth bought and Winnipeg, is amongst the promi- men and horses, engineers' office, of furthering the interests of his can- wilt probably be known whether, oil is
RESTORED TO HEALTH BY VINOL. (loo. Zinger's farm, near Ambleside, nent inen and women who testify to store house, blacksmith shop, etc. didate. to be found in this section or not.
water front $2.50, thermometer $1,00. Zwtn-Bak. great curative ower, Ile The road will run aloe the front of -'
for the sum of $4,150.00 g
writes to the Company as follows :
I was in a very run-down m condition, Two Redemptionist Fathers of To. "Gentlemen,_) have plea Aure fn the farms on the east side of the Lake
Abscesses broke out io my body and ronto are conducting a week's mission stating that upon the recommenda- Shore road,
Call and let us explain the many good pointe to cry digestion ivata seriously unpaired. b tion of a relative I ppurchased a box of
I lost flash and strVngth and was in a in the It. C, Church here. our reined Zwn-Buk and b a few • , e -- acmes Varish `
this $tangs. It will be to your advantage to know how very bad way altogether. I was un- y y ( o a Owen Sound, wit Al J
. One of the oldest residents of the applications entirety rured a very • ]DON'T G',f� TO BUSINESS
we are selling such superior goods at the above Prices. der different doctors cars tint did not villa a eased awe ' recently in the severe sprain of the back. While not Creighton, who was under sentence of USIN>✓S3
derive any material benefit from their g ..P y y death for the murder of lii9 wife and
.A. fall line of hoWe manufacture, Wood Stoves, Base treatment. person of Thomas Ttome, Ito was a given to indiscriminaite use of, or be- , F R
Ilurtyers urfaCe Burners Wood Beaters and Bog Stoves ,This state of affairs went on for lief in, patent medicines, I call con- step -daughters, died in jail this morn- COLLEGE UNTIL YOU'VE READ T1. S
Byer Stove warranted, several months and I became very file- some time had be naverp f oblend for scientiously recommend y yo tr3.4,tk~�� tug` Since sentence Ives passed
at proportionately loon prices. + y spondent and thought I would never Creighton tied beets despondent tend r
Call and be Convinced. (Signed} D. R. Gourlay.
be well any more. My attention 'Worn Was received in town last a morose, and for a lime refused to pat,
was then drawn to Vinol and I per- week of the death of sir. Dan Mcbon. • That is just where Zara-Buk proves but latterly .bad appeared better, -
_ chased a bottle from ]3rysan'a drug old, eldest son o£ Mr. and ties John Y. its stiper•tor:ty 1 It is treated by mete •``�'-----._ • -
Important t ct
store. The first bottle did me good so and women who have tried it, as alto- Last week, however, he took another — �� _ It t� im got. 61 y Import nt l
I continued its esti, and ate to -day as McDonald of Togo, Sa9k, The young gather different to ordinary prepara• turn and was seized with fit$ Of nae- ATA a esu should got all the lniurmattan
well as ever I waltz. I also find Viuol a - man, who was a railroad employee, tions. Doctors, hospital nurses, train- seg, and voitiiting. For the past fr,tir' i [ to a ncutcollege Yourbeforcc enroll
r-p}endid remedy for colds." Alfred J, was taken suddenlyIll with a endicf• ers, matrnus of convalescent bonze. / ee n Sturfont Your nuocos! de.
Linn, 1037 Delorimer avenue, 11Ian-
all give Zam-8111, a good word; and dao sa he cauls not rats and vamftfng �; studs upon your choices. w
PP 3 (•�ir �
treat, fiuNhee, tis on Thursday, the $tit Inst., at his liettPr Noll thoyy use it. Zgm•llak is as increased u.t}I it was almost cantina• �; �/ Ger Free ontatn en talo all about
This is beoluipe Vinol is a genuine home. Ile was 23 years of age. good for muscular stfffneAs, sprains, tins. The. jail physician, De. Middle- ( � �• am Veth.,.t, or Taachtnd--shy wa turn
r• t•heumati9tu and sciatica ars it is for br0 could do ttathin for i hii. Thefi - � }tr s of M*V461 Fa aro ilaaat andOMend.
Alex. CON tonic and body-builder which enntains Some 'i'i Ingham Citizens think that y g � � R!� tNtl.,"o +`�rs� d` if e►a�lains fila �ommcrSec end �shn,t• it
e tenets of iron together tvttli ever • Nkln troubles, flneko playerA and latter another h siCiaa was called in � , � v handenuraaaIn,•eta:1. rh.w th .tun
P p g, y It would be a good idea for the 0 P.R, p y ip h ,,.
one of the body-building medlcinal athletes in general flnt it Invaluable, , of the trcalnnaaCduoatar xl�sacctatian
company, Its rebuilding the r'Ott.d• j,�nr PTU rti0 1R. pU9tlt1P.R, scalp sores, consultation, but their efforts were of ; �r, i�' �� Uip?eine. And the line, hanrl,nmcly
elements of cod fiver ail, but without t " t �ai� Diplomas i'nuhv%b% l sect t.+rmw t'Melt
one drop of ail to ttpAet the stoinaCli house, ib maks their lawn, instead of itelt. ee7.r'anat•, nle'eis, bollo, abseeAsPa, no avail, Creighton died about live ,,> l •:
,. �'e by returin of moil it you will luat aand
h 4 • u. your mina and addraas.
and retard its work. Vivol 1160 Teeswater, the road terminal. It hits blood poison, casts, burns, brulstrs and o'clock. The Wawa of his death Was rrt
THE B14 HARDWARE directly upon the stomach, creates a i st liatsome fncittce. ahrmtons, It is A spPody onto. Ta • received with a general feel}ng of ro• = yr ; ' i SpeuiatOp nndstodentil oSaptamber+nlaJanuary
health appetite, and enables the dl• even been suggested ed t the soreness out of wounds ahnost in
lief in the town, '
�' pp
nient be hotel ctrl to the company to The tliau lit of his �:�-•� rhea i"'oreet Gray
goal Iva organs to obtaln the necessary Rtantly, and kills all tifAea. a1 Hernia, b been hanging like it all ,t The l creat Cit L'u«lnba, and shorthand Ceflede
•�� /•�-��••�•��+••� elements trot. the food eaten to make maks the Change. The i•oaa,notbori- thus; preventing festering and inflaill- oxeCuttoa tis g fI P i �� a'Sfaterar „qd r t.owj(w, ONTARIO
•��� J.T. " WJr11 a+ a�.l►ala'lJ rich red blood liPaltti iloa�hrtnd mats• change ,nation. All druggiataar:nd stores sett Baer the Community, note the people Co 81101hand , ),tv vatiimit. t•ay.v�artot�ritrr.� A.
YY 1.`11 r s y tleti, however, do not think a g
ale tissue and create strength, sit all oda>19ab1a} stud ilia ntakir►g litC- At 500,, at box, nr post fro.0 frons the feet its If ti load has laden lifted. Some Le�d6a 1la�a` A irivapbi rr Ctrs
fatnC it tva5 i hewing matchers that
Your tnotiK�y+ back if Vfnol falls to ' P,tm•1#uk C.n., Torcula, far price, Six oAl.raa
bonefIt., d'. Walton McXibbon, drug, parAtions to erect another building en boxes for $2.50. Solid le ststup for y
i4 sow a' w go* gist, Wingham. 'the site sof the one recently destroyed. trial box. caused his death,