HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-29, Page 3I I - _W__ _- ­- _."�­ - �Ir__ ­ ,4,-1 .�.T.W.r: : . , . U * * I ;, 'I 1 4- A . ­ . '� . I .. .0 f__Ij - 4. 1. I ,,.*",,.....," P:11.01 101: ",-,III,,...%:. - I I - I 1. � - .. ....R.11, MO , 1011 0 sm�� poopwft­ I I � - __ . _. . - _ � _ _ �_ �i W ! ;!., P�l I ! ! -.0 1. - I I . " . _ , . __.. , " :. ,_ � � _ � ": 11 . - .­ ".. I , .-.;, , = '�_.;_= -I , ., ` - - , , -, , ., _ - , - . � _: _ _;._-.4-4 ,---. - - , _ — ''.. � , , - . _ . . I - . � , 0 . W '. _ _ -� .. ., lwfwpowlw� � � � _ _ - ---- -- ��_ ,,,� _ � ,� r�... . ­ . ;� p.� �, -- - - . . � , I I I ­­­ - - . . . r , .� .. . .1 . I . 1. . a or , esta at a tialo. People who 4-Mlell on ­ - I I . . I - I. .1 - ­ ! this would not otincerit humanity, it, r *e4*141�PI%IAW,411�o%elwAwlwq%�*WO%Pm"wo*"W�,%K�Ift��l%o�Ift�� - , the earth and All its Inliftb1tant8 had LIKE THORN$ Claineis were invited to dinner and ZIV- 1. A Alf , . cit a roOIII1 AP I D : t � ' boon. reduced to Ashes, "(41H I I , I % Tlia 1,bille of linle, do (Iholpieul prove �1. . r . " It Is,, Of course, liaosible that tile (lark 1�i� I � _ , "I IN THE FL " . I � - -'V*`N77 - - , "U r , $1 body would not Approach the sun dir- t4at thirty sheep A lumatli and .5,LW 4� 1 .r. �. - r I I I . I 14 actly in , ii,brafght Ilaq, but along nil � Oticken-9 per anutim -%vere ri,quired to � . T " We Pay. 4 - , , a feed tier guests. Three hundreil pound*. . I _H � � . of broad wits necessary daily, $ _ES 4*1 alllpaq� In tills case its pa,t)) UMPLE LIFE , along . Are. the Sharp Twitlgt$ A04 TOr"', A FaIr Doduction. . _ 2 mig t Interaoct tile oarth's Orbit, ,%nil r 0 - rrrrr a diroot collision with ther eArth itoolf , Thcho receptions were eluboratet yet Little Velett a4ked wh,J it was th'it � $ would, become possib le, althan,l, not voq tares. 9f Rhomn4fisin. 1) r, the guests enjoyed the greatest freedow. '"I.td;t the lvilld, und 4144o w4 -i toht, (IrM, ,� . I � . vAlled with As many servanto,. Unt, clay, after a st-vere svindit--ma, 44, . I .. 1p nobablo. Bat to .JA, $ Uader ClUt 6UarRR10e4 Wdbde. 14V0stq1Qnt Plan . terest Quarterly " I thia case, It it ralsovil Williams, Pink ?Pli * Th r. tba. earth, It would also miss 1101!0'as And dogs its they pleased. They cautp rtinning Into, tilt- lwa-w exeltil villq, $ IN BRA Call or Write for P And there would, be Ito collision. Cerigin Cure, . . were At liberty W take their meals lit -0h. mother, ])oil L'I'm tit- btlb-1 ,; DOUBLE Y AFFORDED INVESTORS strikin ­Mirlwer's Airek-4!y. I � SOURIT ilia sulgi, ' . .- partkulars, n a . . . I But the earth's motion h Its orbit would ',Me twinges sad the tortilres of rug.u- the '1091110 ,pletoed At their (Itoposill or In slatt down!",, "es".,� ' be much, disturbed by the powerful �At, � - the main diningball. . . � ­ ­ , $ . . luAtigm %ro not duo to coldi damp wo4 , 6'.0ew-mik"��w-%..,w�.%.�oftArb",%,Ak,.,W,%-"Ok�ftwowA%,,%� lAr-DrANT11 F TDI ICT rnUPj&NV . , 4. ..+4— At +Iii% dn body and It is not I I Domeottow—whlob so many people be- . rynr U. I� . . In a recent issue of the New 'York - tree and made a johort Qut, which hid F". iia*,y to 11 wler, $40 many people lllla�;Illo, +View lievq were very chea,l), ill tile r - .; C'. , � 4ot,armino, what tile exact result mati,m ,O so days -- r . � . Alas groin poleQn9yo AoI4 'lit Paul, fit'llie age, of it, w.t.4 2141-11 41— Evelling Post, Dr. Wilfr r ad r T. Grart m us. Natumlly Of CANADA, WITt . _ tile body were the blood. 'The pains may be stsrtod b Illor"Ing by Ilia papa, 111,11it 1, t4f, il'.1111'. . the narrow path Ire � I D . would .be It, however, . y were, as % matter of fact, nuire expen- tell, writing undar date of St. An we let him have his own way aft)r ". OntaL * Moving Ili an ellipse sufficiently olonoat- sive than they we now. During the sev- of div 111,4 awal I)f tile d-10" lee, 0 , " . 'tolien , I I itionfLIL that, and once we took the be i h r 04 to pass iWas the earth's orbit, It ouid wee,thoj,, damp weather or by keel, eAttionth century a k thony, ril 5, gives smuo Add. -0 P4 - winds, Timm le only one wtty t. . a cure ,4 wornall was '10atillim 1,11 re'."poilded *tilt],% Paul, is Z-. -- liamilte", ro,o mough to the , not Including . promptly. --Pellnvator. � W40 I "Phis experiences in the I I would probably pass closo c do' Ile 0 Lab, brought as to the houses AT A full rheumatism. It must be treatca throug1l, paid 43 or 94 a month, 11 .. rudor country. Re tells of a "spri liq .k stretch gallop. L still to produce A great dIpAurbauce In the blood, , onto 4,nd x.ub- wine and lard," ­­ ­' trip taken a one reads many otoriQs of animal BANKM, Sank of Ilaioiltqn, rrom Whom Any Inquiries May Be Mad All tile linlra Gantbling we . raoug the natives earty . -4 that body due to t1dal action, find 0, Ding, suit so-called oWetrIcAl treo,tmoilt .lit on in most houses. in March, wl , th dog -drawn sleighs. Intelligence, but none of us could large Amount of oxtrp,6 hen t would pmb- in T,Ile world will not cara- rhoumaotiam, There iVere games of "la,lisquenet's and A Noble Parpnt, � Porijaps our beat' record woo nine, nftmo the $8480 that brought our HON. WM. GIRSON, $, 0. MACDONALD, . ably be dovelopeil, Should tba-two bod- ,.V,ho act,, that " I arAO11" QVOTI III tllO M%1On3 Of ei)3_040- In writing R sketeb of Waahing0it :t . . toon I � Joe of the open bridle dog across the country. it ProsIclent . moin.oder I nor . graze each other, an enorm- C&II866 the disease MU4 Sri - W ! ba miles, Over sea , all. Not a soul had I . , lea I oly be driven out of the blood And this blood at Servants Asked their masters tS pupit. ended tier emay, by saying. 11 ai I. , y in two hours. he writes. Tho could not be am 1. I I . I Oita amount of h'elt,t would certainly be enriched and tied. It is beostiae stake thOr w , ages for them, Fortunes ngton inanled (t, famous belle, 31-riortba ca Id just enough snow to give tile crossed th . .1 I I ­ I ­ . .. - be ,Dr. Williams' 1 1 were lost And Nvon In A few minutes, 11 tile I I- 11 .a year to leave a foot scent. I I , � ­ I I q_ . , . . . produead, quite sufficient to cause t X,Nk Pill, make now; red 0 stis, and in due thao b-?,.-a-ine , 11 I .. I - � ­ I I I I I dogs 0 �,ely be sight, for the � . -, - _ - . . - oartlVo d4struction. blood that th, y Ila,". oured thous, People staked their horses, their houses, tber of looting. and not enough to Pro- It could scav ' - . ,a anilsof his coantry.11--lk-linvator, vezIt the wbale-bQne, runners troin snow and weather had beell, so bad oil would, of couise, produce an elaor their estates, Tile Duke dQ Italian I ----. , aus Amount'of InAt And light, And St. The approach of the dark body to the of 410111natism, A I ter all o ther treat. I . once gliding over the hard surface. The the only other time the dog had done END Of THE '"'ORLDS I'm' I a Aun would form a magnificent celestial 'ertoes -act of what staked his diamond order. lie had ilot . wind was fair, . and, of course, a the journev that it had taken three Peter's prediction we geotacle. When it arrivoil -within tile luent, bad failed. k Aa It pi one Belt left, Slow and Stire. straight compass course. days to cover what we did Ili lose $illed.' ,'Ilia Dr. Witlismal Pill Pill,% will do even heavens" would be "on un's distance froin ilia oxrth� it Nvould� . Lit Anxions Afollier—Ilow is my boy get. It couldn't be 110W IT MIGHT 13Z DE TROYBD BY tire# he whole surfRoil of the earth. I fiud� shine with about the same bright- in the most severe ca They were aliother craze of those days. As we steered out northeast, between than twelve hours. � Is I 11 end t th aea of rheumatlam,, wouits 4aserve of special mention. thig along at schooly, islands, the horizon was level lea, hearing, The silence of the Wood$ is ItIRE w1TH0TjT MIRACIZ, and evoryWing on it would -be reduced . ,a, case of �fr. David Courrol, a well� Teadior—Ifelm slow and sure. . . ne4s tie the moon whon. It'll, but with a known lu-nitare delder of Pi Suits 'were everlasting; tile son took The dogs had done only -i- moderate Absolute, The dog does not 4uggest to cinders In a few minutes, It would otou, X. S', , I up . Anxious Motlier—Beg pal -don? trip the previous day, 'and lied had the idea of much brain matter, any- smaller diameter, and it would increase may be cited. Xr. VArrol. says, "I havil. cases where his father had left them And � slestial Catastropho—Tho be like the destruetiou of St. Pierre on rapidly Ili brightnem of surface as it been a most severe sufferer from rhou. tran,-kmItte4 thevs to his heir later, . Tvaclicr—Ile !.a slow to 1pnrn+ and . fresh seal meat for supper, They how.- No maWs memory, at spy re,4, & Possible C - ., s u nd approached the sun. It would then—es- It Was the fashion, It Nvea a luxury. %lirt' to f0r9Ao--CbIcagO News, Q4t the whole. wouic Sun May Collide With a park Body a Inatism, and In the hope that some other . maintained a gallop alm, .1 I "In upromwoeful. folds of rolling fire." pecially if tile ap reach occurred Ili tile . ' ­ , 1 carry, all the details of, those - i Tile costs were colossal. A gentleman twists And turns for twelve months, --$tare Cannot Shine rMvex. But such 4, catastrophe could not ca- poor stiff eyor may flad relief I rom,ra.y ox, way, only breaking Into a trot when � - ­te, . A Youth yst. especiall a so mariv other similar month of June gin to tow phases perlewe I gladly write yon, of the. bone-' was able to say fit the beginning of the . ful Anal -wQ,ran alongside to keep our toes ITOM _y whe:, I our without our knowing of the coming like the moon, and we should then have . � * nineteenth century: OiNly gritildfather -to (inculcating altruism)—And if freezing. Slowly And surely the high tracks of country were being travelled disaster months, %nil perhaps years, be- tile carious spectacle of tuo moon$ in fit I have received from Dr. Williams had thirty,three stilts; lie Won every one Unc - - . (Astrouaralcal Essays by J. Ellard Gore) cliffs rose up as we drew nearer and daily, . . . Pink Pills. The trouble settled in my yon are kin(I and polite to your play I From Chapter xxil, we take the tot- forehand. When the approaching dilr% the sky, one soinewhat smaller than the of them And it coat him several thou� iailto.,;, wil, nearer the opposite coast, The clear The dog seemed to show a little par, low, it may interest some body came within a certain distance of other! . � shoulders And down my sides, and 4t . ,tt will lie tile result? ng extract,, whic , $and$.,, .Master llorace—They'll, tbink they March sun shone full down out ,4 donable pride As lie stood and W40 are concerned with regard to A POO- the sun, it would begin to shine by re. times I was quite unable to raise my , a blue sky on spotless snow and glit- jut his forepaw on my chest. lut he Instead of a da,rk body of the ]'late Of ,arm. I was attondeil by 4, doctor, but The amounts mentioned In the artIcIL van lick me!—London: 6pinioll, looked down into lit . a intelligent oiblo celestial ontastl-ophe, flecte(I light, like thaplanet4. It a very tile sun, -,Vo may Flupposo one very much PA I did not appear to be getting any are not of course the aanounts appearliT , icicles. It was an experience t, . n Afr. 10ore correlates the prophoci" IT' larfe body, comparable with the sun It. smaller, say Of the a'70 of Jupiter- In + better I sent fal. a so-called electric belt, in ancient documents, but their equiva- . Poter's I an f . w I I e ' asestruotioll of the world by lar-boyond the confines of the solar . larl" gods. We could but feel sor� face, still wear St. . stles and ilia "Mall4bara- eel In size, it would first become visible this case, the masses being so unequal, I t i In modern 9, ngligh money.—London The Sure Way, for tie � ,Ing the everlas"'n or' Ty for thoaq lie lived in the big Ott- I I hardly knew whether to "" ta.,Pl of the the suille mot! n I for which I paid $40.00, It laid not do I . Dorotby's mother found her with nil laug' ov r lea, and got all their pleasure out 'it tile new experldnee he had afforded .on would be ittel smaller. d and then I tried anctf,er Daily Mail. -- I* - I I . I alarin eloek Ott her foot, and the alarm t progress would be very slow, owing to any t artificial cir�amstanoes—arld no doub us, so finally onundrum fire, and proceeds to Inquire how such 4 system, For some months or years its Ott the other hand, the dark body Nvould meenied lit anybetter results, I I ,)f catildlyont could take 'place .by the oper- I a ZITO -NEORO FARMER$ qet for'ff Welovk. . "so. far by giving Ilia a. double po . � I- q�Wlc 5. . not become visible until it, wits intioll fri Y�lr ti a hav living rtion stion'Of no om 0 sun. an ked me to try, Dr. W! 9 they . ,tur4j causes, without the OP the great distance fr ,tit Writers an the race often "W01 for goodness, Bake, ,Dorothy, rtied us for whole for supper, . It nearer to the earth. In the case of a body - Is and I got threa called de.t . ' . rue away. inks the pos- Items' Pink Pit J attention to the 'live effects of , 't nuschief 'apre .� � I Far From Home. Oration of a inlrecle. He th; ision, would probably be first discovered as 4 like Jupiter, say, 87,000 miles In diRnie- boxes. By the time .1 lied used - wha ,ou up to nowyll A Sixty -Mile Day. gible cause may be found by the call telescopic star, not differing In sppcar� ter, I find that itwouidbeeome. visible to I them city life upor the aegroos. I.M111y, mother, I�in not Ili any mischief, I I one day of full six -miles will also Our first night had been spent some of the suit with a dark -body Au spWali lines from other stars of the same ma I all I und the stiffnesa and pain less Aercling tocother In orow4ed quarters In 9* a4 a star of the 9th magnitude at a ilia- the cities, wey quickly become victims of but iny foot's asleep wail I want to wako long be remembered. We had three thirty miles from home. Our host, He says: nitutle In Its vicinity. It would than tance of about 3YI times the distance of severe, And' I got another half dozen, diseases which would decimate their ranks ;j. . teams and crossed the country from a Dorsetshire laborer once. has a large The .existence of dark bodies in space perhaps shirle Eta mag. boxes. When I had takou tl*se evory werO. It not for a steady Innux of new. Judi_ ­ up," --Puck, the west to the east coast, The track hospitable kitchen, one of I the charms 'has been suspected by asbrononiers. I say ii1tude, as any much fainter star Uranus from the sun. or about 0,D00 mil- symptom of tile trouble * had dloap- Yiduals. . . - - WOula lions of in - Irliq opposite of this atory Is brought, to " Doubtless Jt , .Iles from. this earth. If the dia Years that notice ill'! some figures about Georgia farms -it Way. )a was largely of this coast in winter. Of -.,.a neigh. suspected, for really wil have no direct probably 'be overlooked. � peared, and in the two ' Looked Th, for the first thirty milc . a 4 meter of thedark botly was the same as- have since passed I have bad .no re- w,hiell have just been published, The at&- ...... . I -GALE4-q nlinered y . over a series of immense ponds. We bors, only one was missing, that evidence that such. bodies exist. The would At first be 1111 t ken for a f1A,eW'P that of the earth, it would abine as, a 0. I bali,eva,t .1 1', -i ,; � ity, Ina,` sta, Bobb d sun rising evening, and he lived actually next idea seems -to have originated In tile so- or "temporary# star, or a variable star t about the turn of the trouhl here 14 tistica Are used to support the theory that through the sud-i as his mother serublied left before down, the re star Of the Dth magnitude a agricultural life to far -the best for the .races. over the evergreen forest as we took door. An excuse was made for him called "dark aompanion" of the variable at Its maximum light, but the compa,ra, dIstimce bf Uranus from the earth, a -ad no other liredicine equal to Dr, Wil" in the state mentioned it Is said that 8.102 andscrubbed him. '61 gues,i you wa,nt to, that It was "his fashion," "He ,were star Algol. But we have no evidence that tive constancy of its light, and ita great liams' Phil- Pills for curing this most of the 224,300 farms ore owined by negroes.' the first ,expanse of water, Our I . , ill � this C488 it would fail into .the sun ng these are r.evelity-two who own laore !,Yet rid o' me, don't youV1 ound loy 11dark arall inful tronble� and I have recommended A1110 i, may be iA,agined when we I the so shocking homely." It wil full Algol's companion is really a P ax, or apparent change Of place Ili about 3 yearn. The amount of beat I than 1,000 acres each, $86 own between 500 Why no, Bobby, dear," replied his ice with 6 perfect surface. It was not moonlight, and the ice on the.great body," that is, a body devoid of all in- among the neighboring stars, would soon produced by the collision would, of filto Pills to others who have been beiie- and 1,00Q acres each, 1,475 own between gO mother.' "What ever 'put such tin idea too cold for our hard boots and sUates. bay on the shore of ,which our'host's herant light. like the earth, It is true show alitronomers Its true character, course, be much small6r than In the case fited by their use.11 and BW acres each. into .your mind?" 'Were able to lead our dogs house stood, was so tempting I left for that the ispectroseope shows no sign and that it was really near the earth Dr. 11"Illiams' Pink Pills not only cure Of the smaller farms there are 3,649 negroes I Ic and we diStitne first considered, hut it seems very pro- who. ov(n between 175 an(I 260 a"Ad each, "Ob, nothin'," said Bobbv. Onl it mile, as th!7 couldn't.catch a flying visit on skates to a neigh- o as in some varl- compared with the ,a of the stars. It to even. a body the size of the rheumatism but aIlL t'he other diseases -165 and 176, � to rub IV me many a . b b that 10,372 with holdings between seems to me you're tryiii, a skater on a 'glare ' lee Surface- boring settlement, glidmf 'along I,, able& of the Algol type In which both It might, however, be mistaken for It eitrill, moving with slA it Libb velocity due'to poor, watery blood, such as anae- 29.070 with between 50 aftd 100 acres, L&ad 8%- I a distant comet, but if coming directly when it struck the sun, -would produc; mia, indigestion, nervous. dilsorders, nea­ 60 acres. olit,"�-Harpvrla Weekly. We covered the first thirty-two miles the absolute silence and olation. It ly equal brfgllt� .653 with between 20 and ro.1gil, St. ,%ritus' dance, paralysis, and These remarkable suktoments. expressed In to the top of flis country in six hours. was a nerve tonic that everPa palatial nets. But It has been recently found by .towards the sun, Its change of place the most disastrous results to t -he earth. another .form show that the younger genera- . Here there was an excellent tilt in sanitorium cannot supply. Professor Hartmann that " a difference would be small, and its light examined tilluents of girlhood and -%voinaullood, tioa of negroes has increased its property Strategy. Such a body may possibly be now ap- tile I since isol, to a value of nearly 001 - beautiful green woods.. The view A lesson one learns in these homes, of only about one magnitude would be suf- with the spectroscope would allow 4 proachin . "Papa, I want about $1.50P . � g us, If only tile size of the with their headaches, backaches, side. holdings from the top of the hanging marsh Ili- at any rate, where actual want is ab- fielent to bring the opoetrain of the fRin- solar spectrum, showing that, like the earth, It -might easily escape detectioil I aelies and attendant ntiseries.. Only tile 000.000. rom the Georgia rec- "Ifere it N, pet. What's it for?" , Such atatistios taken fj I Id ords "To buy soine ribbon to trim a lint." eluded the fat -off snowy hills of Lab- sent, is that happinesa is independent genuine Pills can do this, and .you shou have much of hopefulness about them, radov, the long white streak of tbQ of abundance, and a seconcl is that ter component to almost, complete ills- planets, It ivas shining by reflected sun. until well witlila tb� orbit of Uranus, sea that the full name, "Dr. IV It Is ('One. of your old hats?" . , illip,ms, The race Question is many sided. But. appearanoo, and a difference -of two light. Further, its distance could be cal* and we might then have only a few safe to .say that the Industry represented by ice of the Straits and Away to the east food Is intended to enable us to do magnitudes would make it Impossible oulated from its parallax, And the result I for Palo People," Is on the land holdings of the magnitude Indicated is qXo; the new hat that you'll have to f the Atlantic work, not an and to live for. One monthe -warning before the final cattts. Pink Pills i . of the jagged covering o . for even a tract of the fainter spectrum would show that no comet could be vist. a occurred. But, it may be asked, wra�per around each box. Sold by all .working toward a solution of some of the lot me have $6 to buy now." man' to whom I ventured to suggest b its difficulties. to ,be 'in- bld at such a distance from the sun, ... any star visible fit the present medicine dealers or by mail tit 50 cer The Idle and shiftless negro to A menace floe ice, f visible on the late." The camp . . he could afford a more varied diet, on 0 Irlb with here and there a patch It of deep blue water. In the foreground I Algol might Uerefore be a star I have made some calculations on the a box, or six boxes for $2.60, from. The wherever he may be found. The man Who Bon, bnoves and merely looked down at his muscular of 1_2 ,or 6 time which might his identical with an is likely to be AND HE DEPARTED. again were the evergri 4 th magnitude, and neither motion, Of this hypothetical body After approaching darlq body. Well, all I enn Dr. Williams' Nedicine Co., Brockville, owns his home far more white marshes, relieved by the bluer limbs and Said: "I 'Iowa, doctor, only . . worthy of respeor. I telescope nor opoetroheope -would show It became visible as a star of tile Pill gay i(i tills, 't.bat I bave ca,refully exam- Ont. . The nogro in the city, with limited oppor- Cholly-And are you keeping ine com- surfaces of the ice-eoveied lakes. half the food I uses now does me But apart magnitude, and therefore easily visible "I - � tunity for work, and subject to the disease pany till your sister collies back home? The sun shone hot in -the shelter of any good." A rudely ke t tally of any trace of its existence. Ined the region round Vega -with a p6w- ANOES 160 YEARS AGO, ' whiefi &bounds among those of his raoe to Willie -No, I'm waiting so's to tell I the trees as we boiled the kettle. A 440 ducks that had fallen from the above considerations, it seems in a telescope of 3 -in. aperture. at EXTRAVAG to the guns , Let us orful binocular fleld,glass and that . of the -family cry pr6bable that many ,dark bodies suppose the approaching dark body to . I fighting a losing battle. couple of chickade and an inquisitive during the fall meant " present (April, 1.906) there is Ito atar . Tho negro farmer who saves his money, liel when you've gone. ing about with simply to him so much more for all do exist in Space. In the ,6ase Of iRTge have the same mass as the sun and the brighter than the 7th magnitude within Modern Houeehold and Dress Bills I purchases his pla,ce, and obeys the law Is . Canada jay kept hopp! . bodies of this kind, they would have il I I making opportunity for both blineelt and for ' ' an indifference to our presence that hand,j who come along. farke density of the earth. Taking the t perfect. Irs. Misplaced Confidence. r 5 degrees of Voga, NA-bleh Is no Compared With Our Ancesti The simpl:'city of the life leaves a their origin in cooled down runs. Stare earth's density as four times that of the ly-well known Wasitronamers. A careful. 1 lill raco�.,giti statistics show once again the w,as only e ualled by the animals on .We hear it said everywhere -at the The - "I beg your pardan." said the man at capacity for enjoyment which supar- 0":not go on shining for ever. They com- auu, and the sales diameter as 800,000 c6mination *ith it 3 in, telescope, or, luo of the work which Is being carried on . . ta such schools as thou Robffison Mace's Island, 'whose fluity of goods seems, O -Lit of revenge, Inence t%eir careor with a limited amount miles, I find that the diameter of the better still, a photograph of the regions, beginning ana at Vne slid of each season ' va t at Tuskegee under the front door, "but does a -does alman tamenoss was shocking to see." It -that modern extravagance is appall- - the direction of earnest man like Booker - of tile name of ,5noodle liv . a in this to inevitably rob the self-indulgment Of Potential energy, and this energy it dark body would be About 456,000 miles. would that they - � - building'," . Now, taking the diameter of Uranus " a,bowever, be necessary before a W 0MIngton. happened that none of us know. . the decla opinion could b,e formed on the . : "Yes sir 'I ansiv,3red the man of the 0 village of. A boy of six to whom I gave a being in�essantly dissipated In the form. ing� that women overdress, I'L Magnitude as spend more for a .11 P right direction to follow to th sprig of raisins from -our wallet went of radiant light, and heat, This dissilin, ss,000 miles, its stelia .ubjeet. single hat than their I use. "My'name it Snoodle." twenty miles of rivers, thickets, first dancing into his grandfather, I - - A, , gr%ndmothers did for their whole . 0 E we wore heading for, and there were tiort. of energy clearly cannot go on con- 67, and assuming that "the. dark body tr as. A NIGISTRIT he ' My leading dog shou'*tinq, ... tinually ani% In the course of ages it a thq saine "albedo," or light- 11"ll. I "Then I've lost' said the other, turn - marshes and lakes. , R " D ddon, I'se got a bal- i]ii refloat- -it y. "I b I am.' :re a people not dement- must become exhausted. It is like a man ing power, as Uranus, I find that the Like many other often recuTrIng gen- I g mvil, at a follow $5 that no - was the only member of the party a living on -his capital. If he receives no in' dark body would shine as A star of the GANANOQUE MAN oral statements this is tax- from being INVEST161,TES ZAIUBUK bocly wl�o hild tha� name would ack- he ad with the mania of owning things. � ' nowledge A.3) who hail ever been before, ,and o means tereat on itj and goeit on spencling i0he 9th magnitude when at a distounce from accurate. Tile well-kifown French writ - had been once, a year . before in bad A simple life, however, by n OUT OF TROUBLE . -a pilot. deprives our people 6f a scene of hu� money steadily, the day must come, the sun of 8.08 times the distance of er, Id. Henry tie Gallier, contributes to Says it. is a wonderful "ealer weather, with Dr. Stewart and nior, and laughter and �okes are sooner or later, when the capital will Uranus, or about 15,000 millions of miles. I the current issue of IA Revue a remark- and does more than is . Chicago's Equator. - He seemed so confident, however, that cracked over. the fire at night. One disappear, and the man be reduced to Further, assuming that the sun is mOv- Had Rheumatism, but Dodd's Able study on "Spending .51onay Ili Days Claimed for it. Teacher----Toinmy, do you know what I decided to trust him. man described his abundant offspring bankruptcy. So It Is with a sun. It 0" Ing through space at a rate of 11 miles a. of Yore." I latitude Is? I . Dog as a Guide. rolling about on the floor, "as a fine receive no energy from without, and It second (about its probable value), and Kidney Pills cured it. From statistics carefully compiled, Tommy --yes, ITIMPIXIII. Iva distance There was no out path through some strike for a sestilag steamer," and a Is constantly wasting its capital of an, that the dark- body is moving directly from private documents of one or two No household remedy in existence has north- and south of tile Chicago River. of the drogues of woods, not a single morning when there was a hard crust orgy lit the radiation of light and beat. towards the sun iylth -the same velocity, Hugh Abernethy on t1is feet Agnin- centuries age, from letters and bills.dat- won such glowing tributes from people mark on the ponds, net a pole on the on the snow likely ,to make his dogs' It Is true that this waste may be appar- we can calculate by the laws of dynam- . Cure is Easy, Simple, Natural and Ing from those distant days, It appears In high places as has Zam.-Buk. 1&. Reroine of Fiction. marshes. The dog was a large, rahter feet tender, "a real fine evening for ently compensated for a time by -the con- lea the time taken by the two bodies to Permanent. ths,,t extravagance was far worse then. Roger P. Perry, Justice of the Peace for I short -haired animal, striped gray and qorly' (like rabbits) this will be." traction of the sun's mass due to grav- come together, starting with a distance Gananeque, Ont., Oct. 1%_(SpecI&I). The greatest change in the matter of British Columbia, tested this famous Tenement Tessia-And de novel says brown, like a tiger, with an intelligent ad rel gious revival which commenc- ity. But this is only the conversion of between them of 16,000 millions of miles, �rrh,t Rreurilatism can. be cured surely, expenditure is that during the seven- balm, and t1kie Is wbathe aaya of it: de heroine had awillovly form, used to face. that always appeared to wear a . here several weeks ago has borne tential energy irlt� beat, and eventual- The motion ter the first few 'years ,would ,iniply and permanently is the good teenth and the eighteefith centuries men "The Pavilion pine for her lover, ind would spruce up ' grin. We called him "Brin." good fruit. Already the alteration in ly, the process must cause, as after -a time be comparatively -slow, and, as I have news that Hugh Abornet,by, a well- spent quite as much -if not mOre-all "Goldfields, B. C� 1wheu she Be . an him coming free the As we covered the first few.miles some of our friends is unquestionably -counted, of course, by ages -the sun's laid, increase in brightness ,would at known resident of King street, is spread- women for their own attire. "To the Zsm-Buk Co.: gate. we were delighted to find that my remarkable. But we were 'now try. density will become so great that the first the - "Gentlemenr-After a very fair trial I --Gee, where aid she Work In to the over- be imperceptible. To reduce the Ing among his neighbors. 4 To.aay tile auverage man spends con Shanty Sue dog was' following a path that -we ing. to explail! to them that it Is contraction will costs, ,114tance to 12,000 millions of miles "I had suffered from Rheumatism and sidorably less than tile average woman have proved Zam-.Buk eminently satis- -in a s&wmiII?---0hIcUg0 News' . OWIT could drive along, while here and easier to continue to attend prayer crowding of the moieoules, no. would, I find, take about 8.4 years. At oil clothes, and lit tile wealthy Classes factory. lit my case It cured a skin rash. . there we found a stray blaze, showing meetings than, with their peculiar further heat will be produced, stiffness of the joints," 1ir. Abernathy we -were in the track. The dog would tomperament, it is to attend night and then the body will begin to the and of 0.7 years the distance would states. 11,Nly musefea would crallip. I the difference is more marked still, since of five yearn, standing, which no doctor Brotherly Love. be reduced to 9,000 millions and In. 9.8 was recently stat�d-by a queen of had been able to do any good fur, 0011, Roger, lsii.% it, lovely to Boa ":ed - sometimes cross a pond at right angles school; that hymn singing may not, cool down. When. this cooling process could not sleep, and I had terrible head- it ion that w1AIQ a man could be quite "I would certainly encourage any per' d 'a to track through the trees, and as it develop the talents as much as the has sufficiently Advanced, the oull will yodrs--tQ about 0,000 millions of miles. Aches. I took many different medicines fasb u son to keel y kissing baby sistex, because Ile 10vC raw late we sometimes feared that R's, or oft -repeated public prayers i I 0 lose its light, and "toll through space, At this distance the brightness would but nothing did me any good till I tried "elegant" by spending ;e4,00 a year a p Zam-Buk In their home. It tier so 2" � K d the track agai;i- well qualify them for useful lives ,.is a cold and dark ball.' There is evidence Increase to about the 6th itiagnitude, . Dodd's Kidney Pills. Six boxes put .me himself a woman needed ;e4OO a month truly does even more than you claim for ';It isll�t that, malall's) she's been eat - a would not fin to dress stylishly. it. For my own pArt I would not now in) candy, and he says he likes the taste At last we brought up short. We would development of the mental to show that in some of the variable and it would then be distinctly visible on my.fect again." . had crossed a large double pond, faculties that God has endow6l them starg this permanent waning of light has to thi naked eye. In about 11.8 years Others who have taken Mr. Aber- in this middle class, as in the aristoo. be without it In the house. Yours very of her. --Denver Post. -turned sharp round an Island,- and with. . already -commenced, and it seem%highly the, distance would be reduced to 4,000 fiethy's advice and used Dod&s 10duay racy, 150 ybars ago more -things were . truly, (Signed) "Roger F. Perry, some to an impedatrable hedge of This is such delicate ground, ort probable that in many cases the cold millions, and In about 14 years the dark Pills are also loud in their praises of the required by it man. He were night cuffs prehistoric Flats. - vIrSku forest on the steep side of a -which to triiad, that only a long,"ap- been actually reach-. body would reach the orbit of Uranus, old reliable Wnadlan Kidney remedy. of lace, his black suit cost ;e5 (of our "Justice of the Peace for B. 0.11' inilig tile abodes of 1. and dark stage has Zara-Buk differs frrin ord:_ary salves f hills which - faced the lakes, quaintance, and personn't frien ship ese or or rather It would then be at the same Par Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rhounia- money), Ilia hats -he needed half a doz- They IN -0-0 e.Nnn' ran 01 -.%re on it. ad. Th d k bodies may Indeed be distance from us as 'Uranus, for its path t1sto and other blood diseases by curing on- ;el each. Herequired silkstockIngs . and embrocati.as, for while theme mostly tile cliff dxvollers. - I st,1 Fathe, leader went confidently on emboldened us to vent very numerous. We have no means of ' ts 2am-Buk le saille, ill to the trees, till all were tan- WILFRED T. GRENFELL. would not intersect the orbit of the the Kidneys, Bound X-ldnoys. keep the woollen stockings and "skill" stockings contain animal olls and In. ' ,,Each of these eaves bu 'Ll right in I '! L, ".- — observing them, as they show no light, of act . is pu ely herb . It goo and beals scription," rem t. ,,�Vue. P emed its if he had at,, as I -will allow presently. It would. blood free train impurities. And with and five or six different kinds b it r 91 thes arked a stUdOn . gled ui . But it Be and -would not be visible, even as faint P,18,11 auto, sores, ulcers, eruptions, bolls, � of it, professor?" no doubt. We halted to get ths dogs of about -0.4 11194, no impurities, such its uric acid in the He hail to spend se.vOrml pounds a year eczema, chafing sores, etc. In the house- do you make ;Ile profes3ori "that it stars, In the largest teloseopes,which than shine as a star ker's. I.rhe mid- 11 judge," said I back on the open, slid we felt we had A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL could ever be constructed. nitude, or a little brighter than Are- blood, you cannot have such painfuland at the barber and wignill, hold It to the handiest possible remed must be tile lease.,, ­Washington Herald. better camp there than go further and � It Is now -well known that thb sun is tillruli,, and would, of course, attract gow dangerous diseases as Pain in the Back, dle class w0mall. of those days managed its, scalds, children's Injuries. 7t tare worse. Our implicit confidence moving through space with a. consider. eral attention. After this its distance Ithounio,tism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, and to dress in a cheaper way, though dress for bur In the dog at that nlOm8nt looked like To Ali women: I will send free with full able velocity, &lid, of course, carryin wolald Tapidly 'diminish, and its light Heart Disease. , was the main expense. . instantly cleanses any wound to Which Another Theory. - to getting instructions, mY home treatment which .1 establish tile It is applied; prevents festering, inflani- sheer folly, and I CoLfe and quickly. increase. After about it year cures b how the 'Venue Ulceration, with It the earth all the planets Res your 10dneys strong and well, Diaries Ana memoirs , of three nintion. air blood poisoning. It cqtve just figured cu it off and conferring with Dr. Little postiveir cures Latiourriloem, tons estimates of from this time it would reach the ilia- with O - cu ous fact that the upbringing - do tuilo 0"tine to 108 a as to what should be done next, It Displacements, M,llitig of the Womb. Pain- the solar system, Vari dd0s Kidney Pills and -you can ri ' h I " tiie piles, varicose ulcers, and, fistula. All a lier arm . hy snow -racquets fill or rrregular porfo&g, t1tortme and Ovat- the %oint t9wakds which the sun is mov- tsuce of. Supiter. Its light would then food the cold, wet days of fall without 6. children cost It t ird e than druggists and stores sell At 50 cents a Isow ?)� * ended in my doing r hig eve bean made, but the most rd. be greatly increased. It would appear fear of Rheumatism. clothes required by their mother, a box, or from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, 948he broke thern off trying to button and starting for a tour round the ian Tumors or Orowths, also Hot Flushem, mt and accurate calculations seem to Lis a star of about -0.5 magnitude, or 11 ".O. modest wollutill Men wore ribbons, lace, lot price, 0 boxes for $2.50. tier shirtwaist up the back,"-Pilck. lake, to see If the dog was evert on a Nervousness. Melancholy, Rains in the Hesua, a' about 4 magnitudes brighter than Jup- embroideries, and jewelry in At large I Back or Bowels, Xiduey slid Bladder troubles, V,Int to a iipot near the bright star htest, and about 2 reagni. . I . quantities at, woman- Girit Oh -1 - - . lake with Any outlet at all, gm iter at Its brig In Debt on $12*000 a Year. Girial .Usteril Tying up the team I started, but on where caused by weakness Peculiar ,to our . (t,yrae). In its flight through Labor Ahead. saing the very first big tree, I found "t continue treatment at home at it seems quite within the 'bounds aes 'brighter than- Venus at her grant. Extravagance is a disease just as . Certain gentlernen's suits cost AS 11111011 Although' this Is Leap year, It is 'not hardest part Of the job is Atill finly 12 tents a week.,, X book, _ I 11 tu It would then be tile much as nerves and appendicitis, and - asvoo alid three of these were requir, such 9, clilch as it appears. It is a tilt- "The a path, narrow, clean-cut, anti tak- Anoaytoouf 5"polsibility tha-Itothe sun a day est brilliancy.. � 00 iso seat '011i, N rabod - brightest object in the heavens with -most fashionable aill ed by each guest for great wedding fes- to come-" I ,,W oran's own Medical Adviser, a came Into n with T dasrok it I Ing at that. The ficult matter to pop the question, and A the hillside at a shar ,a free on Muest. Write to -day, Addro:, colIT the exception of the moon, and would be Bln,pteoS -Tosepbine, poor thl ,10auf­ tivals. These were exceptions, ho,wever. few words, of kindly advice may be of And the plumber gathered, . Ilia tools 0 atil, so that actuallypthearilog We, M. Summers, Box H. 8, Windsor, 0 . Should such an event occur, the " 11 q - 1 Fighed wearily- :: : : ­ I I . � , the observed of all observers." After fored Intensely from this malacty. An elegant man could "manage'* with some assistance In this colinall. .Man Is tin cilyp *0 out Ana col- orily gonte the wrong side l of 0116 I � I this Its motion would become very rapid She had -tin income of 630,000 francs six summer and Aix winter suits, tit a mean, tricky, creature, door girlail and 4, I have yet to mak: I I - . . . � . 11 . - Extemporaneous. I � % ,in in About 51 days it -would be AJ a, year, and never could make It do, &100 pufIece This needless to add, does sometimes wlion you imagine that you lect the b1II.11___�1Iluatr&tod Magazine-. . . � I I I ' - . � ­ . I abil . ,at t , ­.... _. A young lawyet was invited to deliver - - he time distanoe'from. the sun She was in a clitonio state of debt. not Ilia tide the gold or silver buttons or ,have the hamm6flock on him he gives a . . But then she changed ber lk-ion three tile lacel Let us turn to women. In suaa*u twitt and In a moment is nuth- Xone in Evidence. $1.00 oration on the oodaslon of the dodida-_ . that the earth Is. Prom this point ray . times a - . calculations show thal; the velocity day, and never wore a �air Therefore, A11,8. - of �, 1720 little. do Tournon married In par"" bered among the missing. . . lig;ama__�yes, Ile,s tile duke of yet tion of a now bridge. He did not pro- stockings twice, This love of Ine It was an elegant marriage, but by no Ruffliouse., I , A laot u -m ma on � Gold would be very rapid, and If a direct eel- & irls *hen you ropdae take. no chances. li speaking at him, I . I - . . Anisalf, but had an Idea tbAt he . ralment follow d her 'to the very, means a great affair. tier aunt offered , Give, the deceltylul creature not even 4 we w� the .term 1101i"s, I . _ mexpmave clidstmas Cut poze 1, lision, took place, the earth and dark grave, for she know, Of course) I , . notice. He .1 body would meat In a little less than - � could speak at 9, moment's notice lied robed In rose color her 4700 for "fans, bags and g9trt8ts." tiny little loophole by which he may es- gram—` dd,yri-loymer-TrIs grace? . WoUld be this Ink PrAcilo I . I lit days, the velocity -of each be and adorned with knots of ribbon.- Th, bride herself bought several gowns cape, We would Advise you, to put the .Mrg. StI e arose on the platiorm. and doinnielid4d dy From the. Gentlewoman. at prices varying from f.150 to 9400. lie.$ 0, regular it it saointeta not to 16A, ting then over 400 miles a second, Tile I 11 .- __ ­ Important question thusly, �vby, lie hasn't A1171 . . " follows: Links- ,, - - I These were ,,ordinary things." 11,ar tile ViReginald �or Percival, or Ita-told, or lummixi blin, of blot -and will � 111rive ancl forty years ago this bridge � effects of- such a collision may be easily w - . built by your enterprise was part and Nd. 9,369 . intaghled. Both bodies Would be ro, 80 THOUGHTLUSS, - court she required a long gown Of whito hat'ver his itame happens to be), will . . . wAta smoothly ca any kind of tho howling wildemess." 116 ".Go pe. 9 d d t tha gaseous state within an Ito-11ow dull It was at Peanutlit velvet, elaborately enibroidoreiij cost you marry me? Hiitva you any objec- Sgtgn�s Wiles. . to a moment. "Yes, follow alti. - "" 10 stupendous ,,mount of 'heat . party last t Ott a few occasions Only. of paper. PTV Z r hour It -ad 16 I ,.� 9800, and the or -rag dtbss could be worn ti6ns?" ­,N,ow, AV-illie, youkllOw 13old'yolt not . I , ' be produced,, heat sufficient not Just like that, girls. Ing, and yet Yet' h%Vo would rlic the e"17 part But goWns are not tivetything, Under- Then cu s6e,you have him. solid who. zone, only live and forty, yearg ago, I Me -Yes, of the to go Ill swiluni* IT 6 made from fine hard . repeat, this bridge wao, part Ana P&MI .4 pair 6f �iwt, gotd thths, only to destroy the system, but prob- evening, It get brighter boon after You Wear and other *1triflesly hitva to be con- th.r h ' �Ilurts out "Yes' 'or 11no.90 It he 11"ll In tilt" wlitor!f Satan teiripted wling wilderness." Agoln. lie ; c . ably most of the planets of the Solar left. I a pr know it, 1114) but , 111 1� o of the ho . 0 , I I a : . I . -1 - ­ � sidered. Mine. do Choiseul, the wife of it , romains silent, throw yourself Into his 0 red rubber -and h0A a plat- paused, and there were cries of "Go on I '_ a let 'I', Minister of Lou " f r1th I ft' ts engra,ved- and - Is XIV., Nvore severtil arms &lid remark that silence gives coil- ia L, I 11ro mum point,wlilcil will not go on I" He wag plainli'vattleA, how- Avg , tn 1A It tho dark body approached the "it Bloward-I hesitate to tell you What thou.sand pounds worth of Ines Ott tier I .1 �lld why did you hCt tell Satall to over, he went on. - In 0 a g �rou wouldn't vening drevacs. Note to the moil: Th(k Writer of thl% ,'Yet behind you?" ed mo In"�-ludg(N 0 eAt . in Jt CaS'e.# A)",e I)OV 'ICCept A, tr I �ht line, It could not strike that natomabile Cott me, V sent. wear dull. 0I feel it hardly necessary to top _ ,; It'll. co"th itself or Any of tha plarkato$ b6litivo, It. I paid 0, to'bulcus price far I a The inventory After her death lot Alma. hat joit tile coant�y, Search for him wil , I --f (lid, A-14 lie kick , that this bridge five and forty years ago for the direction Of the sun's motion Is ilia machine, thOugh, 1 404'a toll you, . . do Verruo's propertlos revealed the feet ll�qnbsolutely Ugeleig. .. .- .- 1-1.11 ­­. COMPLETEwith demer was part hild pareel of the howlijig wil- We foo a . mam ilielined to the plate of the eAttlila OtA .-.--,-. I . �... . . I ­ , I that slid assessed 600 doxiiii carAbric SO Sudden. and Mo In suhabT6 Lot, aothess, and I will tolit-lude by oo-ying : bit at sh Angle of about 40' degrees, The .1 I 1. . hauakoroh?tft, 480 ghirta And W.pairk of +4 41 Iggs ­.miralldg, I witlit, to ask ,TOil to 11AArry that 1 v�hh It was a part &lid partial of %ose -0 f 4A. gotd at t nearest ' reach of the body to the I INOISPENSABLE TO MOT! - —1, & pzica is OT 4 444. llip. and tell Ine 01 hoWling wildernegA now."-Philadelplihs egirth W031 depend on the time bf year As for jewels, men formerly AVOW dig* (C I An, satitfied that Baby's Own ::O,.I, Ovol"go, this I's so "Allildc-11111 .�.00' ­ , at which Its collision with the tun took , Mafibli) to mOth-, ,r,o I - $4,50 and 10A. -at $3 areZ I I monda anil ptarla,tpn their elotlits, shoot Tablets are indiotpc oller, (,It njk� what ditic. you, aud your �01 $i.00 � . f and hands, while: to -day it mall, of tefln- -oral" motlwr. have' dodikil (11, 'ft)r our -%ved- Mlitnterprst6d the Dream. - '? . tace. It this oeourrea about the end of says Alra, Abraham Bell I I e6mbtr, the (lark body would not ap- rreville Mills, Que., slid she adds. The "Rev." lohn White of eastaril - POP atar gifts, ca tilatat Is satisfied with a modtat ring# . Pier tIi-,I,r-.1' llrooMyn Life. 0 OUR hand4oma catalove North Carolina, a thrifty farhiar, . 4 proitelt the earth nearer thart thol duli'll ' I I k simple links, a little pearl its a shirt stild "Before using the Tablets my baby was -- - C.4 I all and not thriving well; $A tor ot,r CAjat6.g(10 too. 10 distalidef but it the eollision took plaea and it large stone as a searfp1n, cross, Pe6vi I Got free upolt taguest. dreamed that the Lard wanted him 6 abotit J'alle, �91, I find %'list this body have 'worked a great His Heart All Algbt. to go to 1,34gypt, as a missionary. Tn would appr6ftelh the eartli within abotit ' I 0 1 Xtospitality then -was on & far greater but the Tablets I I . � IWO than it Is now. It would be diffl- change, and MY little 0110 Is Well'arid "t'llell, Gottliel), 11mvp thn old pilrti'm spite of tho entreaty of his friends go millions of milm In this ease Its tit- it listppy.11 This is 00 verdict of till 1110th- - to their MO. A*,Dtd ,tvitli ire- for J)6)i O'gainst it he sold Ilia farm itid took - . trpAtion oli the mrth would be greater � 1% I . oult even for the wealthy oWnef Of sar ers W116 have ,used these Tablbts. And ttll�l q0dal reform." � 1%,er him family to EgYPt, OxPbdting & 6 60. I . t:hafl that of the mul, and It wouTd pro- 4 AT"t mansion to place all tile yo others h&v6 the gllaralltAo ­Tevi! Ter -i )141 il.,ir.-I I fato,; var I , . & 10()(i round 700 beas At tit# disposal of his better still, 1), RYK E 11RV06 JAI revelation to teach him U16 ran- I W anleas . bably drAw the earth ,out of Itt, orbit. � - f id lirti4midy!" f I, , - * pa th ing be; kw had - j? _ I' , I I - , .I, I - guago of the native& and Ptovldtl f6t " I friends, its did- lit. do Rollan fit hid Castle of 0, governintnt analvat that 11aby's Dxftl tit lit either case. When the, collision t0k Anteiv Sata-tbat ...-.---. Limsirto .. TOONTO-5 OLDEST JEWULM I., -1 jif fkvotne. Oita- handrod and eighty Own Tablets nrd abs big dailY Wallis. place the -sun's mass would 1* alla'danly . Uncle Alleli. - Afttv niKla months it% the for doun- fig, - I � & I 06 hor"s *etc Always ready to bo- fikildled they eontalil tot one pATUile Of OPIR0 -office atal-ts out to sool. 134,136-138 yage st, i 306 YW40, Street, Tototito, . doubltd, 1XIld', Acmralbf to Prot- ynu 8 . o., for -his guests slid DO boatt-ts wore,, uged or polionoult Soothing stuff, NOld bY All "Wholl this try ho hao written h1i friends for I I the 6itAll's ,orbit "Would im *YdiatolY U- AR U a I i,st + t daily by him thiring the shooting sdafloll', y I)IR11 at 23 ie thp 1111VI," 11',lid J*nCIP gkIlk"A ISIX11`10, '1110, - morts:V to tomo home to biegin life Over Orr. Y, It. 6. A. . e � U ti iftedielne dertleva or b. Iltif � TO ONTO but T -coma all 6isfttrla ellir,e, NOtb Ih, ap- i he I ill Ileople, of i-Andern wavans had thrad a ho3c frohi Tit# Dr. -Willhu.1s 11daletht m,tti gehi,rAlly ui"t% It it Iffile More R a Ain, He learriod tome WWI, Y I 11611OIx MoSt t1le, point whera the eArth rJo , ; thgo pries was high.-Frovi ChATIty I S , 0,1 91 tltys out of six from twolve to tiVOAY CO3 Ulook-villol, Unt, flittin half wst. .1, .. I � awmvlwampx=�", , I �!­­� ottid children, I ***** WVA, 00 It '0)06Uft6d-" Bilk Of Witte . a I I . I I . I � . I, � , .. . &. I . , I . I � , ­ I � --tiL, I I I I I I, � - 11 . . 11 . �� I - I , ��, , I i;i" ,kk " --I,,a .�­ �&,_ __.L I . � ,,I � . , ".IiAL W46"" , I . _11:.AW,____­_ ...��,r_'_%.'._­&.._­ A&