HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-29, Page 2olikillipplillpmwrwr�--IWWWIRFV.WFTFMTNFW
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LESSON V�-Nov. 10 Z9QS.
Ab .
. , saloull Rebels AgAinot Daviili�-z- Sam -
I$*. X437# .
couturentary.—T, Absalom steallagm (lie
hearts of tile people (VS. 1-0)- I- After
tbis—After Ab�aloia'a return from. 00611-
ur and his I-estortition Anil weeptioll by
Pavid (chap. 14. :U -33j, Absilloill was 0
sooiwr re.,itored to his PIRce Ilk his fall"
er's flklkill� at the ewirt, than Ile began
to Plan. t6 be Oil tile throne. This Am-
bition, seemed to have grown shwo tile
death of Amman, though it is thought
it )lad place in Abogloul's heart be.
fore It#,, murdered, Ili* brother and was
one reason for t1kat cruel deed, He
made his plans successful by Ilia Pro -
I ,,, I
twided love for public interests, %Ud I&
affected pipty. But the rebellion failed;
God was apiwit him. Chariots And
I t'Zom. I
Ito -ses—Aba lultated the luagalfl-
cence of foreign monarchs !it order to
wake an impression on tild people.
Horses were it novelty among tile licb
rews, only recently introduced I'voill
IK'gypt, anti -%vere ,costly and rare, Fifty
--.tlx son of the king riding ilk a state
chariot With 'Alfty footmen as Attend-
ants would prove A, great attraction.
David )Vag so Indulgent that lie seen's
, 0
to have taken 410 �Oiice of it.
2, Rose. up carly—Publie business 11)
tile loast is In inarly places transacted
. early, before tile beat of the dow. pas-
- .
sibly his earIv rising WAS intentled to
ftrestall the king, who -was certain to
sit in the 0 -ate during part of the day.
It would thus appear that lie -]Ind the
real good of the peoi�ple upon his heart,
and would make A. noble king, -just, suit-
ed to their present needs, Th6se in trou�
ble were likely �.to fear that juslice Would
not be shown them, arid would cagerlY
eNtend their support to one who appear,
el cortcorned for their iaterests. Absn,
lew relled greatly upon his own pow-
ers, though his father wits indeed very
forgiving, he despised him Ili his,heart
"Perhaps lie valued himsel� oil being the
son of a kinals daughter, as well as the0
son of a king, and despised big father
who was bui"the son of Jesse, His mo-
ther WAS the daughter of a heathen
Icing, 'which had its influence upon Ali-
saloin, making him less concerned for
the peace of lsrael,'�—Corn. Com. Abso.
loni's canning was not observed by the
unsuspecting. Seeing him !)I so grand
ail equipage, arid A 0 so condescending,
completely concealed ]its real design.
3. Good and right—Thus to win favor
he, gave a decision before ail in'vestlaft-
Lion 'was made. "Thy case is a worthy
and righteous one and ought to be tried.
And all thy grievances redressed.li—Whe.
don. No man depated—Alisaloin guards
against accusina the king himself of In.
justice, but lie ;� excites in the winds of
the people distrust of tile king's Avhole
judicial practise by saying th4 there
was not regular judicial proness fat- a,
irst cause. The "hearer" is the judicial
officer ,whose duty it was first to hear
and undeIrstand, the People's matters and
then lay' them before the Idng.'—Lailge.
4.,Oh that I—Urus'lie proofessed ex.
traordinary generosity and interest in
public Affairs, yet appearing to have no
selfish desire in the matter. We do not
read of his ivisolom, 'virtue or learning
in the laws, nor bad lie given any proofs
ai his love of justice, yet lie 11vished
to be judge, And such a judge that every
man who ]lad any cause would come to
him, 5. Obeisance-7the customarygreet.
I%-, as hawing to the ground. And kissed
Illill—Embraced him as a friend or bro.
' ther, apparently% forgetful of his position
and honor. "He was the Judas of Day.
� id's da,
y.11 6. Stole the hearts—By his
beauty and pretended feil4)wslIIp will,
thern arid Anxiety for them, he turned,
the people frona his fatlml- to himself.
"He did not gain their liflurts by emin.
ent services or, by Wise and virtuous
conduct. Absalom suggested that if he
Lould be judge, suits Would riot then be
so tealous, expensive a,nd partially do.
ided as they were. Thus lie imposed up.
Olt many all over the land, and led thein
to prefer a worthless character, to tile,
visa,- righteous, arid pious David.Pi--
Scott. I .
H. Alisalont's rebellion (vs. 7.12). 7.
after fort� YQars—Rather after four
vears- It is gcnel'Ally admitted that
forty years is a mistake in the text.
The time must 1;0 tile Years after Absa.
IoWs return to Jerusalem and his be.
ginning to praetic,, the base arts of
gaining popularity. pay my vow—It
seemed to David that conscience had at
last prevailed, and that right was to be
done, Local sacrifices were still cus-
tomary, and the visit of the king's son
for suth a purpose would be celebrated
by a general holiday arid much feasting
at Hebron. David was glad at, tilts iftdi
. Milton of religious .feeling on Absalom's
S. wbilo: .... at Geshur—Wilere Absa.
(out fled and lived it, exile after the war.
deir Of Anmon, Ile pretended to have
been P. follower of Jehovah -while. at
Geshur. One of the moat terible of this
young man's many Knis is his basso It
ocrisy in carrying out Ilia rebellions
plans under tile cloak: of religion,
D. go in PeRCO—These, Were DRvId1S
latt words to Absalom, They expressed
big strong confidence in ]its son as well
as a wish for big happiness. ite seems
to have been utterly without suspicion
that black conspiracy Wag hidden under
Absalom's avowed object of going to of.
ter Sacrifice at tile place of ]its birth,
arid where lie himself ha& reigned over
Jndah for seven years. Davloi WAS ptob-
ably, at this ttarely a"rAther lax monarch.
so be .... went—Toperform, the most un-
manly and base act it Son could commit
against a father.
10. sent spies—To find Out Public opin.
fail and prepare to proclai". Aboalow,
king when the Signal Was given. Absa-
loin relgneth�On tile sudden spreading
'Of tilts pi-Oclamitt"Oft 'Solna Would con.
&Ilide David was dead, others that lie
[lad resigned; and thus they that Were
Ili tile secret would draW in many to
oppear for Absalom, who, if they had
rightly understood the Matter, w6uld
have abhorred the thought of it. --Com.
11. two hundred frieu—These were
courtiers Such as usimjl� naeompAnlea
kings and kings, sons on their joibrucys.
They were Probably of the principal men
Of J01`10alefti, whom lie invited to lain
b"M In the Iftst at his sacrifice. they
were kept Ignorant of Absalom's wlekA
plot, 19. AbIthophel.. .. juvih coun.
APITor—It 19 Supposed by the Jews that
Alilthophel WAS Incensed Against David
for Abasing Bathsheba, his grauddaugh-
ter*, Ife )lad been David's moat trusty
00111160110r; 96 highly valued wits till ad-
vice that men rogArded It As till or&o1o,
of God Oliap. 16: 93) , aild long had the
king prafitcol by Ilia wisdom And expert-
'Pise" lint!) thd Outrage a oil Ilia family
made him rotive from the trigIg coorb to
11144 native eltv, ("il0l., Ilear 114ron, The
manner of A`6LIom1x soodling for him
� ioe-Limst to indfoAte that Im was already
temneeted, with the plot, the people in-
�Vroasod—,hlls Allows that deep Ana 611-
Ikof (11AA&HAfactfoll oxIstod -itt ,this Lima
ftq_kt�At the, T*rAon 4ud govorrinu,tif, Of I
t i. mxvia-d rogiq iroin aertmaicut iy*�
10 ;",'). The rebellion pru�ed Popular.
And Alisaloia luoved Swiftly to, J(11%0 -
kin, Al soon its 111avid heard of it lie �
Wlseol to five front Jurivittlew and.
lltlila tile city And tile. kingulula to Ill$.
i - -range.
lioll, 111,18 Retion 'seerus very st
,lilt, politiva Daylivs Re-
- I 11�.. considered,
tioll was tIlp wli;eat that could lia,ve been
(ak,q), illi l'ind 11%ture looky llave Ill.
ducea 111,11 to �,,),.,.1,L* j evuS., lein tite hor.
ror,3 (If it �4og�� alld the risk of being
takvil by ns,sitilt, David'I'Lld 310 Stand,
Ing arm� witi, wwch to resist this su4-
dels, littaelc.
("hiestiolm.-Avhat Call you Say 01 Ali-
,mlon,ls eharactrr' How (lid he'coatrive
to drcel�e And will tile, people? IvIlat
pro -tens -i to plety did lie make to. DAylol?
[COW did his ftither answter? HOW dId
Absalom Arrange lvltl% the people? Who
wis Ab.s%lorala mother? What cark be
.9lild of Absalom's personal appearance?
Why Nvas lie riot qualified to be a J114'ray
11,11%b 1yas his excuse for wishing to. go
to Hebron? INVIlat was his real 11111TONT
. Give ail Account of Absalom's rebellion,
Practical Applicatiorfs,
"Ausalom, prepared blin chariots And
llor,jes,, (v. 1.) This. new arid striking
luxury WAS forbidden by the law of God
(Deut. 17, 10; I'sa. 20, 7; $3, 17.1$.) Dls�
obedlence to parents is tile first step ill,
the downward path. A, circus WAS in a,
town and it little boy stood watching the
great tent curiously. A neighbor, cam.
ilig up"Said: "llallo, Joillilly, gain, to
the eircusli" "'No, Sir," Answered Johnny,
,,father don't Ilk(, 'cut." "Ohi well, I'll
give you the money to go," Said the
man, flFather don't Approve of thorn."
"Well, go !it for once, I'll pay for you,"
"No, Sir, my father would give me the
money ,if lie thought it best, besides,
Pi -c got twenty-five cents ht my box,
"enollab to -a," I'd 0-0, ,Johnny, for once,
, erful tile WAY tile horses (10,11
IV4 Wand * .
said. the mail. "Your father ueedn't
know it," "I can't," said the b,)y, "Now,
whyt" asked .the mail. "'Cause," said
Johnny, 'after, I"ve been I couldn't look
father right Ili the eyes, but I can, now.,
. "Fifty mail to ruir-before him." (v. L)
1, ride of pomp Was the second step in
Absalom's rebellion. What the "fifty
men" Were to. Absalom, love of pleasure
anil fashlon anti finery tire to our young
pvople. Are not professed Christian men
I Who follow fashion, and professed
Christian women -who do not dress Re.
cording to. Scripture, largely responsible
x for much of the evil Ili this direction? is
not the wearing of gold and jewels and
finery a direct violation of the following
,,,cot, a, "Be riot conformed to this
'yorlS! "Love not the
� (Roni. 12; 2);
%vorld, neither tire things that are in the
1vorld" (I John 2; 15, 16); "In like man.
net also, that women adorn themselves
in modest apparel._.not, with. .... gold,
or pearls, at- costIv aTray" (1 Tim. 2, 9),
I "Whose Adorning let it not be that out -
Ward Adorning of plaiting the hair, and
of wearing of gold, or of puttting on of
aplInrel" (I Pet. 3; 3) 7 �
"Olt that I were made judgO.. ..I Nvoilld
do him justice" (v. 4). Absalom ralie,j
raise expectations. He did not begin
with open rebellion; bill ollsoliediallocli
display, defamation and dishonor IA to)
deception and that to deeper Sin, A
Young man on board a vessel saw It
triorefiant give the captain a bag of gold
for safe keeping, which lie laid upon the
locker and forgot "Just for fim," to
frighten the captain, lie hid it . The days
Weill b a inquiry
... TI ;, and a . Was made for
it. 1. Young man decided to keep it
[until it was inisse�d. At length when it
Was called for t1le yopr)g 'man greW
frightellea and resolveol I to keep his see�
ret. The olaptain was 9wrested, thrown
into Prison and-4jea, Out of that secret
deception 'grew the crinies of theft itnil
murder . �
"Ile ,�ut,:forth �is hand and took him
and kissed him" (v. 5). His cordial cour.
tesy was only on the surface. A fair
face may bide a fold heart. Satan ia
often a counterfeiter -and never more
dangerous than theri, .
"Two hun4rea men out of jerusalern.
, ..went Ili their simplialty" (v. 11). Tho
t1sur r
Ilpe 'a disloyalty WAS basely shown
ill S leading the unsuspi ' cious into re.
bellion. Tito devil sometimes appears as
OAR angel of light" (11. Cor. 11, 14), anti
"ihany false prophets are gone out into
the ,.,vorld" (I,. John 4. 1). To avoid thL,
evil that befell Absalom's cornpanions
we need to try the spirits, whether they
tire of God U. Jalin 4, 1�0); ffto have
the mind of Christ" (T. Cor. 2, 16);*and
6prove all thinirs" (L Thesi. 5,21). Ab-
saloill was the Ting's son, beautiful and
winning, but he was a murderer, JVIIat
mined by ,what one
does.. I
Iliere is Ito man deputed of the icing
to hear thee" (v. 3). Ile falsely insinu-
atea misjudgment on the part of the
king (11, Sam. 14, 10� 17; ,19, 27). Ile
Spoke evil of "the ruler" of the people
.(Acts 23, 5, Exod. 22, 28, niargin). 11.
Cldy Trumbull imagines a person going
to the devil and offering his Service, and
tile devil Sa ng: "Ba a membei: of 0149
church A114 Veep up a show of morality
Then find fault lyiPII the preacher. Sne.,3r
at his Sermons As van come out of
chliweli Sunday, moi�ning And evening.
Tell everybody how little real food yon
find in his discourses. Ridicule his nitin.
net. Criticize his sermon plans, gay lip
lacks spiritit.ality, note ]LOW frequ-inbly
lie preaches an old Sermon, Or that he
has no Originality, Point out his de.
facts of style and his lack of order in
the Arrangement of Ilia discourses. Do �
something that 'Vill draw the bearersP A t-
tentl'on from the rpligiolls IITJP�e§ilolls of
tho day ariol. plue, Rail you 'will be more
efficient tblkn If You were a saloonkeep.
er, thief, or murderer; for these are out.
side assailants of the Chili -ch, while you
will be a helper inside of the very fold,
which I fiate.10
I ( - 1: A, 0. At.
. .
� .
. __ I 10. *
Are Unde . r Arrest For Murder fn
SaIllburg, Tenn" Oct, g.1,_,.Phe ,,,till-
bar 'of mob suspeets fit custody ellarged
WhIl Implication in the murder of Capt.
Rankin And the Assault lipoll, Colonel
Taylor is now ten. ,rile Inert f,akell Into
custody yesterday include 'Ed. Powell
who 460lares that be was forced und4l
thrOA0 Of oledth to accompany the niob
I *glib When the two nttor-.
Oil UO)14Y "I
regs vircre )�ak�h from a lintel by night
Whers. court eonveneg Monday it is
PI'Onlised that evidence Will he torth.
Corning Which will aR�Ilrp the Indict.
. inelit of Pro.eti(q))y tile ,
. pntlrt% 1'..And of
111glit riders. .
I I .1 I t - *--
011OX91) TO DEATH.
Cokolletvia Ility will Investigate Alfle4
Calder's poath at Ottawa,
Ottawa, Oct. 29.-Alfreol It. Calacr, A , I
local coiltraotor of some notorlety, (11lid .
this morning nildor cifeltra'stano'ka to be
invostigated by R, vortiner'A jilry. .(1,Alder
art(I A tonill,anion lianied Williams; were
roorning 094'tbor on Albert hirept, This
morning ,Caldpr wris foiir(l d( -ad Ill bott I
alid NVIIIIanisf m.
xplantitlon to coiroirst..�,
Unlitle Is flitit, Caldvi, eboi�md to t1ratli,
dl1rIn$r flift nighl; Athir tAling ftil: lippic,
A post-ritorteot wIll. lip held,.
��-, I
� - I 1. I :I 1� I 1� I ,I I IN 1: "I" �, � - , 1 - I o � . 0. , , � . F 9 s, , , 1:111:1:`:1 11 " . 0.0," , I . : '= ,. 1 ;! , I I ....... ".
, _ � -o I � . I 11 9 - I . ...1.1 - � .. .. . . 9111. .. .1 : : . .. 1 . " , . I . :1 I 1 9 :9 I 1. � * '.
19 � __ I . : ., �_ . ,
� .. 9 St. Thoulag—Live hogs, $o,To1 a.teag, M
I I . o $10, 10040 Ilay" 411-' BUSH FIRK 1
- - halud hay $19, straw, ft eggs, !401�
�� I - M ,A
L!I blitter, 20 to 28c, _ I
A W_ a U R IC � I 0110110,111-11094, 0.75, 1147,, $7,00 to - much Dooruc,tion In tile counly Cf
. I � $IQ, IstrAw, $3, buttQr, 250'. 0 go, 950,
I . . . I " — . . . . . � .... chicl;0usi, 30 to 55o, lambs, five, ,$4*, Oruce and Harvey Township
I ... I I - %1�i�� 11 . . . . . ... 99 . � dressed, $8; veal, $0 to $7; beef, llve,,p . .9
TORONTO MARKETS . - to $3,.50, 4ressed, $0 9 to $0 � ,50; export, - —
9 Mari Oct. 25--migh fires 41-0 Sweep.
Koo; wheat, $SO; Oats, $$a; barley, I
Farmers' Market, $1.05 Pei- erwtq corsk, shOlod, SOO, beans "R the Bruce Peninsula, practicall.�
. A Southampton and Wiartoll to
The reoelpta -of grain ,oil the strevt *140- to $1,501 17001� wulied, 14 to! 150! � from
to -day Were About 1,300 busliels, Wheat unwashed, s. to 9c. I Toberitiory, very few tirilber -lots or
firm, it load of fall selling at 030 , Bp1loville—A.s. predicted last week, the faring, "senplaff. Large Amounts of ellt.
Bar. 9
lay easy, With Stiles of $00 busilels at hog market is weak. Buyers are pay, I timber, together wi,,h fences; farin
, . , $5,90 to �Q far live hogs, And 4reaged Insildin-p arid - P.rkstu � re lands, tire do.
55 to 580, Oats steally, 300 bushels "' , ,
selling At 4o, BUckwbeat uIlellarigned, 'I'D 4teady at $8,6.Q.to $8.75, Hay Strayed in 0411ts. "Ahlopholle wires are
With 100, buihels selling At 58". is g-a-lyt-r,e.l., 814NVIY Ilk price, now $15 t" down, � mnil btages stopped or forced to
Dairy produce Ill good Happly, Witill $10 Per toll. No straw is offered. Oatv, cut fallen timber out of tile Way. The
prices firm. Ilutter sold At 127 to 36e 45 to 50c, eggs scarce, selling at 25o per 'Tillages of l8auble Falls, Oliphant, R04
I . . .
Per III., and Italy Ild(l (%&q ill . 9 1 9 - , dozen -for fresh; buttQr, Scarce At 28. to, 13ay And Golden Valley, whIch wer* f, t
1 27 to 30" . - -III
per dozen. Poliltry ig, offered frf_lely� 30c; potatoes averaged 'Poe per bag, becoming summer resorts, Are only b,..
IvIth pric6s Steady. . Lorklall—Rain caused A, small Attend- L ill" SaveAl its Yet by,constant efforts of
Hay offered it% lialited supply, 10 load.i Race At the market, and sales ware most- nl`� People, Ryon tile towiis of Whir-
� 19 1
selling at $13 to $15 I.% ,vou. 8traw I-, 1Y of a Wholesale character, Hay sold toll arid 141on's Head Are Ithrea,tcli,ed,
� �
nominal At $15 A toil to . r bundled, At $11.50,- Army brought $7 yesterday, The Smoke is donse arid raill appeaer"
Dressed bogs tire usichaug to be the only romedy.
ged Lit $8,P,-0 no offerings to-dxy, demand good. But -
to $8.70 for heavy, and at $9 for light: ter, demand good, prlo�qa firm at 23c for Burielgli, det. 24,--m-Farmers ill Nxts
crock .
Wheat, fall, bushel .. ..$ 0 01 $ 0 113 s, 24 arid 250 for choice rolls; )A of Harvoy town8hips, after da. without
Do., goose, bushel . . 0 87 0 S8 dairy' ball two' cents more was paid; YS
slo�vp, fighting bugh. fires tbat are threat -
9 Oftt% bushel ... ... ... 0 43 90 4�1, eggasold readily,- at R4 And 25c for bag!- ,ening their Woods, Arid Ili Solna casas
i3arley, bushel ... ... ... 0 54. 0 58 kat lots, 28.c for crates; live lingg, ,Mon- even thoir hoikises, are belyllinincr to con.
Ry, _ 9 a �11 ij�elllselveA
,, bushel .., _ _ 0 19 0 80 day',, price Probably sameas last weeles, trol ,che flames, Itholl
Ellons, blished ... ... ... 0 83 0 0�) $0 ewt.; small pigs sold fit $4.50 and $0 worn out and fatigued �jtbeir lang vig-
I-lay, per toil ... ... .. 13 00 1,-) 00 per pair, dressed hogs, lively demand) it,
. , And ,,ce,
A, a
I ginn, 1, bar,
ei toil ... ... . 1.5, 00 0 0() priceiI firmer, $$,25 and $8.75, Per cwt., Fifes have beell. raging, too, in tile yl-
=dP hogs ... ... ... 8 50 I) ot) nearly all ,selling at $8.50 per awl. ofnity of D"r Bay, Ili the 11c,inity Of
Butter ,_ _ ,,, 0 210 0 30 Owen Souad---Outber, 23 t &n4b township, where tiore ig aill 11).
o 32 21 to 22c; hogs, 11 a �a r, Imp, ; d!=M " m011sO amount of pasture land, and cat.
dozen - - - . . � ... 0 V 0 30 ,$,5,80 for heavy; t
Eggs, � " ' ";7' "Ik fle are in, daucrer of having their feed
d ,evs d hogs, 1111
$8.25, dressed hogs, heavy $8,25; 4iP_$6 burnell. O�o'nabee fenc " have been,
Chickens, dressed, 11). ... 0 11 0 1 ,I) h In as,
Ducks, 8 I Ing,. III. ". .., 0 10 0 19- to $0;50. burned. and the foresti tire threatened,
Ir Stratford-Uogs, $6,80 to $0; �
Geese, Ili . ... ... I ... 0 10 0 129 dressed, I , t,
Turkeys, Ib . ... ... ... 0 15 0 17 $8,75, to .$9; cows, $3 to $3,50; dresse
$0 to I ,4, P2
Cabbage, per ilo74n, . ... 0 25 0 31 $0,50; steers and heifers, $3,76 to D.
Onigns, bag ... ... ... 0 00 I 00. ,$'4,25; dressed, $7 to $7,50; lambs, $4,50 .
Potatoes, bag ... ... ... 0 03 0 85 to 45; olressed, $11; calves, $5; dressed,
Apples, bbI . ... ... �:. 1 25 2 M $8,, wheat, o0o, Standard .
. , ; oalp, 38c, People Will Get Seven Tickets. For
Beef, hindquarters .. ,. 8 00 9 01 standard; barley, 45 to 50c; Peas, 82c, 1 1 -
I . bran, $22, shorts, $26; hay, $7.50 to $8; a Quarteir.
Do., forequarters .. .. 4 50 6 00 I
Do.., medium, carease .. 5 00 6 So no straw, eggs, 25c, butter, 25e, 1 ..
Do., eltoice, careftse '.. 7 50 8 00 Morktreal Markets. Cleveland, Oct, 2Z.. -Following a meet.
Mifitoll, per Owt., ... ... a 00 8 00 0
Veal, prinic, per cwt. _ 7 50 10 Od Montreal-GIrAirk-The dhillarld for Ing of tile .board of director
cats from outside sources Is, firm, but Cleveland Railway CAmipany to -day it
,bamb, per cwt . ... ... 8 00 9 110 business Olt Spot is quieL and the
ery at manufacturing plants. under- 'was offically announceil that immedinte-
tone. to tile w4rket, is steadier As offer, ly upon regaintlIg possession of its a
Seeft . .9 tire decreasing some. Ontario No, 2 to -an of lines Ili this city a ys-
I Tli�, market is quiet, -.vIth, prices gors'- All" F, 11 L . rate of fare
_ . a Were quoted at 43 Is2 to 44c, No� a ' seven tickets for twonly-five cents,
erally .iasy. Dealers -pay the following 3 At 42 1-2 to 43a, , No, 4 at 42 to 42 1-2c; Wl v .
pri.ec; at country -points -.-Alsike ex- Manitoba No. 2 white af 45 to 45 1-2c; th uni ers-al transfers and double
tra fancy, $7 to $7.25 ;per bushal; Re, 1, No. 3 at 44 to -44 14c, and rejected at transfers of till cross-town lines, -would
$0.50 to $0.75; No, 2, 1$0' to §10,�5, .Np, 43 to 43 1-2e per bushel, ex store. Flour be put into effect, This rate of fare will
3, 0.75 to $6,25. -Clover-Red dull at -�Thoro was no change in the condition Also include the suburbaus. The Munici-
$4.25 to $4,75 Pei- busitel. Timothy, $1.25 of the local flour situation prices being . pal Traction Company has as yet made
to $1.05 per bushel. stea4y with a fair. arrloun� of business no official reply to the demand of the
. assing. Manitoba spring wheat patent$, Cleveland Rallway Company that the
. Live Stock. Ii.rat at $0, second at ,$5.50; Winter former surrender to the latter the oil -
Receipts of live Stock at the city mar- w1wat patients, $5 to $5.25; straight roll- tire . traction qstela which it is ao�v
ket, as reported lwy the railways, 10" ers, $4.50 to $4.00, do., In bags, $2.10 to operating.
. Wednesday and Thursday ,were 155 car $2,20, exti-fts, $1.75 to $1.$5. Feed -A This demand was made Yesterday as
loads, 2,265 cattle, 3,233 110,-S, 2.335 fair business in a small -Way is passing soorkas it became definitely known that
Sheep and lambs arid 119 calves. !it all lines of millfeed And pricesr are the people had rejected the three -cent
. Exporters,one load of cattlebrouglit m%intained. Afaultoba, bran, $21 to $22. fare franchise. This action was taken
Lit as exporteTs was reported sold for shorts, $25, Ontario bran, $�1.50 to $52, Ili ,accordance with a ,i)rovIsion Ili the
butchers, purposes at $4.05 per cwt. Ex- 'middlings, $26'to ,$271 shorts, $25 to lease held by tile holding company
Port bulls Sold at $3.50 to $4, arid one 1$425.50 per ton, including bags,, pure Nvbere;n it is agreed that the property
of choice quality, weighing 1,090 lbs., grain mouille, $30 to $35, rallied grades, shall revertback to the Owning Coulpaily
was sold by H. P. RennedY at $4.50. per $25 to $28 per ton, Provistons-Barrels . Ili the event that the franchise is not ap.
cwt. short out pess, $22.50, half barrels do., proved.
Butchers. -Choice picked lots of steers $11,50; clear fat back$, V.3; dry salt. A petition has been filed on -lie,lialf of
arid helfei* are reported as selling at long -clear backs, Ile; barrels plate beef, tile Ingersoll-Rand Company of Neil,
$4.00 to $4.80 per clyt., loads of good $17.50; halt barrels do., $0; compound Jersey, manufacturers of electrical ap-
ill $4.25 to $4,50; medium, $3.75 to $4; lard, 8 3-4 to 9 1-40; Pura lard, 12 1-2 to ' Pliallces, asking that a receiver for the
common, 3.25 to $3.50; cows, $2.50 to . l3cy kettle rend,ered, 13 to 13'1-&; Afunitlipal Traction Company be ap�
$3.60 per cwt.; carmers, $1 to.$1.50. liams, 12 1-2 to 14c; breakfast bacon, 14 Pointed to liquidate the claims against
Feeders and Stockers,Best feeders, to 15o, Windsor bacon, 15 to loc; fresh tile company. Mayor J0haSOn. says the
059 to 1,100 I lbs. each, at $3,50 to $4; killed abattoir dressed hogs, $9.50; liveo bills will be paid and no receiver ap-
beat steers, Soo to 950 Ilia. each, at $3.25 $6.50 to $0.75. Clicese--Western. 12 1-4 pointed.
to $3.60, best steers, 0,90 to 800 Ilia. to 12 3-8c. Batter -26c in round lots; - 0 � 0.
ORch, at $�.80 to $3.25; mediurn Steers, 26 1-2 to 27c. ill jobbing lots. Eggs--
�2.()5.. New. laid, 270; selected lack, 24 f
600 to 800 lbs. each, At $2.40 to i a 1-2c! SHE WEPT
Lbliimook Stockers, 500 to 700 169, each,. No. 1 20e and No. 2 at 17 1-2c Pak dozen. 0
a6 $1.75 to $2.10, A few medium sto4,ers - . Bradstreet?s Trade Review. . �
were left unsold. , I . 11.orltreal-111ear has been little alter- � I AN -
Milkers And Springers,.- -Prices diii-Ing 'ation in trade conditions here during tile MISS PANKHVRST AND - COMP
the'week ranged all the way from $30 ',last weel.:. Rather cooler weather has IONS SENT TO PRISON.
to $65 each, with one or two extra qInLI I �,Iven �ame inipetus to the demand for, .
� I y cows at $75. The average price far "Seasonable lines, and the general tend- Mrs. Paukhiitgt and Mrs. Drummond
the best cows war, about $,50. . eney continues to be towards a lar,yer ' - .
0 1 Given Three Months Each- The
Veal Calves. -Prices ranged front $3 movellient of both wholesale and 'retail
to $6 per awt., with art Occasional choice lines. The demand for dry goods is more Younger Suffragette Sentenced . to
calf bringing $6.50 per cwt. .� . active, but orders are still not large. Ten -Weeks in jail.
Sheep and Lambs-Recelpts were large lJoillectlons show Slight improvement.
and prices easy at following quotations, ,General, ,produce is coming forward fair -
Export Owes, $3.25 to $3.50; rains, $2,50 � tv well arid ,price,& hold firm, in nearly . Now York, Oct. 25. -The Sun has
' received the following cable despatch
to $2.75; lambs, $4 to $4.50 per leirt. ` �11 lines.
, Hogs�Mr. Hart -is reports the market Toronto-Atl fine:9' of trade here report fr_Q_M_roaJo*n_: In tile Westininster police
� unphailigeol, with prospects of lower a fairly satisfactory tone. The usual be- court to -day Mrs. Pankliurst and Mrs.
prie0s &)- the epinin" week. Selects tied tween-seasou quietness exists, but cold Drunimand, found guilty of distributing
I and watered . , . $6.25 poet, cwt.; to ilrovers weather should bring in a good sorting handbills asking the populace to help
Lit PotIntry point$ f.Q,b. M�)-%, $6; which trade for all winter gQods. In tile
oleflas $6.86,tp, tho fgrinpr. meantime Preparations are going for- them storin the Hourte of Commons, were
. . . � sentence([ to find two sureties in � tile
.- - .. . wa-rd for It good holiday builuess. sum of $250 each for their good behavior
OTHER MARKETS., Winnipeg reports say general business for a year and in default to suffer three
Liverpool Apple Market, continues to go forward7well. months'. imprisonment. Christabel PaTlIc-
Irancouver a -ad Victoria reports sa hursti imilarly charged, was sentencoid
Woodall & Co. cabled .lDben James:- trade holds steady, with a fairly brIaTc to fl�d two sureties in the -sum of $125
� .9,500 bbls. sellings market Active and . demand far all wholesale lines, each or go to prison for ten weeks.
higher; Canadians offering, Western Quebee-Whodesale and retail trade Oil hearing the sentences Mrs. Pank-
Baldwins, 15s to l9s; seconds, log 3d is -fairly satisfactory. hurst said: "We go to prison." Her co�
tib 13s; Grearlings, log to 14s 3di se- 11amilton--4lie past week has seen
; . defendants nodded approval, and a
conda, 7S to 0S. further improvement in general-conoll- crowded court room burst into cheering,
The Cheese Markets, . . tions here. Orders to wholesalers are which was riot suppressed till the magia.
Canton, X. Y�-To-day six hundred Increasing in volume and local mallarRo' trate ordered the rooln'to be eltare?
tubs butter sold at 271i; two thatmand turers fire generally busier thai) they Mks Pankhursb had intended calling
boxes cheese At l2c. , I have been for some time. �%hhile all this fifty witnesses to -day, but the court
lVatertown, N. Y,_117o-day forty- is trfle, there is Still room for further declined to bear snore than three. A-fiss
three hundred boXes sold at 1114c. improvement find general business Is ex- Panklitirst pratestfol that this decision
Produce Market in London. pected to Show greater activity as time Was unjust, and addressed the court for
Was L work-,,; oil to tile holiday season, Collec- .it,, hon'r, Aeclaring that she arid her
41 Lomdon--Canadian bacon reduced tiaris reflect a somewhate better move- eoinlianiong if Sentenced svould go to
s, riot withstanding tile liallt. supplieR. ruplit Of money throughout lilt country, ,)risen.
. .
Prices now range frolli 588 to 60s, hams, Proolnee is coming forward fairly well "But if we go," she lidded, "when we
long Cut, 11-4ft ,Steady, at 60s to 605. and values are steady. I come,ont we will be ready to issue ark -
Cheese is still quiet for apot ,trade, but London-Bushiess is generally of a other, handbill, Asking citizens to compel
* roving tot forward Sales, Choicest is Steady nature there. the Hom- of Commons and the Govern.
C, to 61s; fbiest, r)Ss to 50S. Ottawn reports say businegs there is inent to do us justice."
Now York Sugar Market. fairly active.ill (Ill lines. Finally Miss Pankburst subsided into
Sugar, I-aw firm, far refining, 3 500 to ' ' - ;_ , a ,seat weeping.
3..900. .(Nn'frifuial, 04 'test, 4.66c to' 4.09c,
InolaSses sugar *,I,.3le t6 3.kc; refilled, CREW IMPRISONED, FRO"IZEN TO DEATH,
4teadV, � .
. . I . �
I . I
Winnipeg Wheat Mar�et., British Schcroner In Hands of Vent- BLIZZARD WAS BAD P09 ME N AND
1"011owing ale the- closing olnotli.1,10118 . I. . SHEEPIN THE WEST .
Olt Winnipeg grai ST zuelan Auttlftlties. .. ..
Wheat-�!October 97y4e bid, December � .
0294c bid, 'May 07�ko bid, Terrible March of Two Shepherds in
Oats. October 38e bid, December ace 11 St. Vincent, 13, W. I., Oct. g5,IV*td
bi(I. J I . as been received here of tile seizure Alberta�Fraser Sticks by His Com-
� I I . several weeks ago by the Voilezuelan panion Till .go Dieqr-Heirry Martia
4rifigh �attlp Market, ltiii$ Of & '13ritis)) Iradinj i�sscj Also to.ves Life, , .
11 . . author,
i4nuag—Longen cables,jor cattle tire
� ' " '
"t at le to 113�4 lb.s, diess
�P,� olly 1 0 jer ad
At Margarita, tin QaaA in the Carib-
becin Sea belonging to Venezuela, and
W 4y
.1 t ; refrigerator beef is quoted At
the Imprisonment of the eirtiv,
Ila to Ily4e Nr 3)),
The St. Vincent seboorIer, lady 1,,C04.
Livell.)OOI—John Rogers & co.� Liver,
P001, ol . "OtO tOARX; 111140 states steers)
ilngtOrl, carkyia4 liv� at , Oak ind voge.
tabics for Trinidad, after sighting tile
l9e tQ 130- CRI)A111411s, If We'to 121/g -c;
raneliel'S, Ile' fo Ime- T110 trade is
Dragon's Mouth was. becalmed. The
schooner WAS carried far Out of her
slow, but firm,
course arid while drifting off Wfargatita
. Provincial Markets.
was auted. by voll"'11014tt offlepi-A, IvIlls
Conditions oil the produce wark0s of
occurred o,a Augiat 23rd and the crew
the Province - are practically 4% they
And Passengers have been detained As
were A, week Ago, with the exceptiori
prisoners ever since.
that the tendeadea which were notice.
The owner of the vessel has just fe-
able thers, havo become more pronounced,
: calved, through the Trinidad agent, A
hogs have not been offering over ,
lettek front the, captala of tled lAdy
freely tile warket for thern III still Weak,
Iteftsington, dated $epteinbar 26th, In
And they &1-0 in many places
Which be -says, �
they Were a year Ago, There Is ---..-.
`W� are still imprisoned. Our own
11 Pool' market for our ]log products in
provisions have been: exhausted arid tile
11ritaill 41; preaent, And Ili spite of the
Government stty;g that it has no food
light stocks there priets have declined.
t* give 118.11
New laid eggs have became scarce,
The Governor of T21111dad has coal -
4114 have advanced alltost gon,011ally.
launleated with Sir Viucaft Corbett, the
But nowliere are they As high as in Ire-
British Ufllfst�r At <.'arRoas, enquiring
,ronto. Butter has not beeft offering
as to the facla.
quite so liborall bill it JISL4 bepo of 1104
'114 title qua
at, L 711ty and ho has riot r.d-
.. 1-1111 - I
Dialet Itho " 6
%t It Was Loaded
vaneed r#ucb, I
Ravii8burg, I>A., Oct, 25--Alber� nell,
Yellowing fire Official despatolleft Mug.,
a twolve- eat.t Schoolboy, WA's %]lot
tratirig to-dtty's markets At urlous tert-,�Atid
kilt:? b# 11 8 aixtecri.yeap.0111 bro-
I.r(-,% in Ontario.-
ther, It-ftymond, to-dtty, while, thry woro
Peterbolro--Ori tile inarket dressed ,billitirig,
Aiftothor boy of tile, Ipirty had
hOgS AOId At V.S.50; IlVe, $0,26 to $6.60; �
AlIPP0,L) A p 0 n 0 lifle. I IN'l -
,aT,tJiJg I th
lifty, !)ftleg, $116; loate, $15; straws '$4 to
rilowl, not knowing It witiq Inalf.p(If 1)1,1�.
, $6.56 I farmorAl ail(] britelieve bldr-9,
fally POIntoftl the Title a% lils- brothor ill;.]
$7454 & lin tMr, .lot,,, ogr. , 24 to 26e.
plillod the timiggor,
MO-dicifte Hat, Alta., Oct. 25.—Terrible,
I to
Stories Of Sat ring tire roming in froar
tile rallelle.9 iollowing the recent stornt,
Which wits unprecedented fit fury Or in
the period of tile fail at which it swept
the country. One death Is known to
have occurred in the country Away tc;
tile sontli of libre, And rilany At-(- feir.
ed, Its the herdera were caught abQO_
liltely without warning a%vity oil t-11"
One ulau Whotse death I'S reported WAS
Donald Cameron, herder on Alc\. Shaw's
sheep tallell near C,Ypke,99 Ilills� Ile had
with Itfill as Companion all Assistant
named 1). Fraser, They wera in charge
of A, large baud of All"j) oil Atonday At.
L'I'MO011 when the storin broke on ll,hern.
'they were lillaII,le to locate the Camp,
itud find to Abandon tile Shoop. Canieron
became exhausted onothe way, Arld 'Fril.
Set assisted him for fifteen hours, Prac-
tileally cart Ing hial a glv,at deal Of the
time- FinAfly CafflProll could go no far.
*tkel' And urged )its compartion to aban.
ofoll 111111� ft'l therein lay Idle -only hope for
his safety. Vr4sor ll)qojeally refused to
leave him, itrid itil�&l niltil Calueroil
Illed. Ife th-11 P114hed oil I)) searell of
,iheltcr, and finally reached ibe 1). 1). A.
til"Qll a101'o d�%Ajl ti)Lin AIIVP,L Ilaving Weil
)00 hours vltpoa�d to the 'bitter storim,
%vithollb food or, $loop.
A rellef paify starfp(l olll� artil, roulul
"I - , . I.. I 1. 1-1.11 I �� 1.11- �.. .1 _�_ 1-.11-. I'll I...,
.- � 11 L. I . . I I
the body,of 04inerou where he bad drop, -
pod arid .died� Three thousand olleep Avere
driffed luto many lislan(I lakes, arid oilly
three 111311drell Were eaved. The repo*
of the death of Cameron wai milolii by
Witcholl, whose I-anch is located Sixty
miles South of here, lie had a desperato
ride, arid was !it tile saddle from, Wed.
nesday utitil Ili ,
, gl; niglill,
Alaple Creek, Oct, -114.-Irlto blizzard
which tied up tmffle for two dAy,j
"Pslift-Rd * !u the death of ffftrty MIlr-
tin, at -Martla llro-i., shoep ralie'liera.
NVUlle Seeking Sheep Martin, was frozeu
to dea,th, Dilyou by tile start,,, 2,00i)
Sheep belonging to lver Wilson went into
.,tile lake and lletlsbeiL Trains w1liell
were st-tvIled fourt,ven inflea from litt-e
for two L11I.Y.' pulled bl. after midnight
this morning,
I 94nionton, Alberta, Oct. 24. -The .first
suowatoria o,f the season, whielk Swept
, over the country on Tuesday arid Wed-
liesday of Oils week, way have reiulte;l
in tile death of I -Coward Aieftwell, of
Boyne Lake, Word Was received I'u,
Ille city this. inorning, from Saddle lial;tv
to the effect that, TlCe'Collnell left 116
hairld on Tuesda morning, Oct, 20, to
look for Stock, ��fe bas not been se,in
since, arid Is supposed to have perished
In the storin. About twerity-five settlers
Ili tbat district started
(lay to Search for him. UP till noon on
.Virlday, howevor, no trace had beell
foillid of Clio missing mall. 'U00011114
I was aboat nineteen years of Age.
. -_ V
Shalen and SubStittlit,ed. . Pieces of
� . ,
I I Glass Therefor, '.
. __
St. Petersburg, Oct. 25.—Lehniann, thf,
librarian to tile Czar, ling just been %an-
' �
tenced to three anda, half years' impil-
gourtient in connection Willi 'the recent
th0fts from, the palace. These thefts in-
cluded the purl6ining of -His .Lv1aje3tyi.,.;
medals and coins. Lehmann, it
I is stat,e4,
went so far as to Substitute pieces .of
glam for the jewelsi in ,tile Royal crown-
-,I - I ,
.1 I
Company's Fine New Hotel�Reduction
in Perry Rates Promised—Atlantic
I �
Empresses to be Sent to the ]Pacific
13ushing Northward on Vancouver
Victoria, B. C., Oct. 25.—Nearly three
hundred representative citizens of Vic.
toria, gathered in the C. 111. X's fine
hotel EnlDress here "at a citizens, bail-
quot to Sir Thomas 'Shaughnessy, who
authorized the constraction of the hotel,
and whose advent to the Presideacy Ilas
marked a new area of better relations
between the 0. p. R. arid the city of Vic-
The banquest Was .perhaps the best
in the history of the city, perfectly ap-
pointed, and In every way a great suc-
cess. Sir,Thomas Shaughnessy WAS ac-
coippanidol by Messrs. William, Whyte,
W. D. Matthews, of Toronto, J. 13. Swit-
zer,'elilef engineer, And R. Nifurpole, gen-
. Oral executive assistant.
Sir Thowas Shaughnessy was in great
form and was cheered again arid Again.
One of the annuouncements lie luade
h nng next week, the 0,
1?� R. would reduce the passenger rates
betweeft Vancouver arid Victoria by 20
per c�n,t. The boats on this service are
now the finest on the coast, and wheri
joined'by ,the Priness Charlotte, now
nearing- completion in England, will be
unrivalled Ili any ,part of the continent.
He Also confirmed the rumor that tile
Atlantic lonipresses are ultimately des-
tined for the Pacific trade. On -this
Point lid Said: "Tho establishment Of out -
Atlantic steamship lines has- demon
strated the fact that no route between
Ettrope and Ainerica—betweell Great
Britain and this continent, at apy rate—
call in any Way compare, or compete
with the Canadian. With the Empress
of Britain arriving at Quebec at 3.45 this
on, and its passehg-
ers landed in Chicago at 10 o'ciack to-
morrow ]light, we have beaten the re-
cord of any steamer which ever sailed
from Liverpool to New York. I make
. this statement because the rimpress of
Britain and the Empress of Ireland will
probably be visitors of yours at no very
distant rate, and I Want you to apprec-
late them whom they coake.,,,
He silso promised that work on the
(`Nt(`M9ion of tile 0. P. R. lines on V'an-
couver Tslanol would be pushed to Al-
berni, Cowicliftir and northward to Cow -
Ox. Oil the .subject of Government sulP
sidles, hn said- "We-, do not care about
Government suliventions. I am free to
say that we would be delighted to fore-
go everything in the nature of a Govern-
Trellt grant, if t1lat was allopted as a
Policy Of the Government, but, of course,
gentlemen, `W6 -WOuld not want to see i
�ftilwfty undertakings to receive such
consideration while Nye were ignor,od.
We should be Well pleased to carry out
of these works, vilich �jo 1�elleve to
bqlll.yi!l the Public intetesik, its well as fit
tile intefest of the Canadian Pacific Rail.
WAY Company, Without anything In the
nature of (lovernment dssistapee, if the
practice of giving that assistance wag'
iliqcOntinued by both the D6winion. and
the Provincial'Governments.11 (Chears.)
Regarding the cost of the Empress
T10tel, which is noir regarded as in,
f0rior in sim only to the Chateau Vron-
t011ne, 110, said, "I recollect very dig.
tinetly having had, in, company with Mr,
ItRitellb,1117, It conference on 9, certain
Occasioll 'With, I think, a epmarittep of
I tile Board of Trade arid several main'
bells 6f the City Council, when we dig.
cagped the Subject of building this hotel,
atiol ill thol tinle some dispute Arose as
to Wilat it would cost. I believe, gentle.
niell, that iny limit was $860,000, while
the city ft"thotit"Os And roprosentatives
i r h at it
4110111d be As much as $350,000. (Hear,
lipar.) W-01, g0litlefil0a, it has 0096 more
tball that. (Applause. %rlil laughter.) I
IlIfty S&V this, 1101v6ver, tbttt $350,006
was Paid for furniture, (Laughter.)
He stated that withi 'a tile I , Rat SIX or
sliven Yeanq $126,000 00 hits beeft ex.
porlded by the. 0. P, 15. in various under.
1:0,14ings, and particularly in the, till.
CIT'OV011iQat Of its Own P i;perty,
- I -9, -
Robert Colwell and 1. B. Rounda 11ader .
Arrest At Woodstock.
W"b'dook, Oct. 23.—Itoberf, CAlwell -
(Ind J. 11. Ronnolm, n county eaustablo
of Drnmbo,eAra imilor arrest here oil 4
charge of lAckmail. It to tillegad that
two, yeallA ago tll took $306 front
I (Illarlo�,q 1).etinIll, of I OadAteek, in it room
In A 11010 here by throateril"K blint with
;Arrogt for- liturolor ill connection with a
'en -A0 "brilti; that thilo. ('1011voll wits ar.
rolled At Sa"I". AM to ialil -to have,
colif(l,Nsed, and Iih evidence way Im
llqe4 agithitt Rownds.
� ----.I . . _.
11 � I. 1-1 I- I .1111,
,- 1. I
104ye. No Votos� out "amo Power
.14 4ritain..
1401140111 Oct. 915.__XM Winston,
ChareAN11 LIX13 (111100y given proof that
8146 is prepared to 4wharge tile public
ditties that 1411 to tl;,,. lot of tile wife
Of A Cabinet Minister by opening a
bazaar In aid , .
I of the work of the Br<
jog Settletuent with a neat little speech
Rharlaing] delivered, 'Vi4s with, )let,
. . Y
previous Appearance Olt tile platform
. At Dundee alld 411anchester ranks her
aroonkr tile women orators of the Liberal
part ,
,� I J�S, leorge is also taking a
Position in tile public eye. She delight.
n o, composed 11argiely . ".Of
members of tile Walsh, COIQAY in , Lork.
doff, gattiergol.to witness tile laying of
the foundation storke of a Tiew chapel
by delivering a spech. in Walsh,
'No Walsh people are happy unless
00Y have a Walsh chapel near them,"
she observed, .
J�ady Crewe, 'Mrs. 11areour t, Mrs., Syd,
MY Buxton And Airs, Walter Ruriciman
rore other Ministers' wives who have
spoken oil the Public platform,
I .
Alta. Asquith, ,.tlic, PrOallak"S wife, IS
the Pentral figure in 'a circle of intai.
-tactual and brilliant winds, Airs. Birrell
is gyegt]Y interested in the organization
of tile Women's, Liberal Association,
Lady Carrington takes a prowl I I
. neat part
" h ,I e ,,ad �ty_ it�d - '" dy'
_" ' Y45 trained to
at I Oil!"' 60ei
rj Sin "ail.' 11 '10 I
Y '
%bl' a Ili or� bT 1, In ber, t� nate.8 at.
or 'S a ra .I' t r firs lie lie r
a do he 1, ab .1'e"l,
in bol� schoolgirl days. ,
_; - .J �
Fatal Accident On Railway West of
. ,,,, Port. Arthur, .
Port Arthur, Oct. 25.—An castbound
freight In the 0, N. R. was derailed for.
ty iniles*west -of here yesterday warning,
and Engineer Munt was killed and his
fireman wits badly injured. Munt was
caught between the engine and the tend.
er when it left the rails, and WAS crush.
ad to death. The fireman ]lad his arn,
broken aud was also badly Scalded.
I Both men resided here. The damage to
the rolling Stock was not .
. �; . �
William Trotter Fell Under the
Wheels of a Car.
Torckuto, Oct. 20�-Williarn R. Trotter,
of 98 Millicedc street, ail E nal ish Ilia Ill
who has been in Toronto for bul a short.
duie, had both his legs amputated at
St. Alichael's Hospital yesterday as a re-
sult of,being run over by a strect car
on Queen street, near Stunkyside, Sattir-
day evening,
Just exactly llow 'che accident Oc.
curred is not clear, bill it appears that
, Trotter atteilipted to board the front
-step of a Queen street car as it wais
moving oult from tile "Y" at the Sunny'_
side end of tile line, I
,Vile ear Ilad not
gone half a length when alatormaii
Charles Doplle,lly, 1"IllIg tile oar jolt,
imineoliateJ7 sbut off the power. Trot-
ter WAS found 170# PiR the track just
behind the rear trfick. Ris legs'were
Almost completely Aeypred, Dr. Orr,
who was hurriedly samajorted, staunch-
eol '411s, flow of blood ,%lid had the in.
juled man removed to St, Mich*aWs in
aA ambulance, Last niglit Trotter was
reported to 114yo (plue throtigh the Op-
era,tion. well, bill Ilis com(lition is very
serious. ge has A, wife and children
!it England. � -
_ - -
Ran On a Rock Near Span;sh Mills
e Fog.
Little Current, Oct. 25�-The mail
steamer Iroquois, from. Little Current
to Cutler, went on a rock oil Saturday
morning near .Spaiiish Mills while run-
ning nearly fir!_. -4peoa in the fog and
Smoke. She I, .St3d over until tile pro.
Taiinade deck was under water. The
cook itove Arid lanterns were upset and
sot fire to the boat, J. & S. Charlton's
tug, Fraser, working on -a boom ;i.ear
by, heard file Signals of distress And
citilie arid pleked up tile pqQ,Aei,lge1,s A;la
crew, who had take'll tq the life boats.
� 111ree bags of mail 1. was all that was
i saved. Tile passengers logt their bag.
1 gage and fliv crow everyLbing they haol
on board, 'file stearne; was a strong.,
saa,wortby boat and belonged to T. C.
Sinims, Little Current. �
� � I : :� .
Andrew Neeli . wit, of ToroBio, Fatal -
1 -v Aurl In the Woods.
_. .. -
I -A, QT`4140, OTC-,Otly Clot. 25, ---Andrew
lqbOlson, 4 single m4p, oilaiming ,I,o.
ronto " his hoinej R,n(t in tile onil)loy
01 the, G)"Inae ROWe LIVII-ber 01,11*
Pan -Y Only 4 sliort tinle, lies in the
Graitole 10440 Trospital here Aiith Ills
Skull oruslied and Ing Scalp badly gash -
ad, and iklipareittly aboi,lt to di(A, 'a,
a tba,
result Of 4111 itoQidont near T�orry, Ore-
oli tllr� .1 l (
-b , V A"14 VMS 0090111119 a * !.ill
pole", whPil tile 0111111 broke, allowilier
a 1044 of loo to strike the Jill POW,
which, falling, Inflicted terrible wonads,
I I ; I
He Will Win Xasli[Y, Says Chairman of
Committee, .1
`4 a
K W York, Oct. 25.—Dernoetatie Xa-
tional,,eliairinatt Mack to -day Author.
Ned a statement in whiell lie clairned
tile election of William J. Brynn by a
landslide, INtr. Mack announced that his
reports Showed that .Mr. Brvan Nvould
receive at least 80.1 electorat votes, or
59 more than is neepmary for, a choice,
Mr. Afack Said:— .
"Ili additloill to. the 160 votoist of tile
.1olid south, and Ili thi�-4 I include Maty.
land, I ain confident that Mr.33ryaft will
cairry New York, X.ew tlersey, Corateeti.
ent,'Maho, 1tontana. Colorado, Ntbirat.
ka, 114vada, ludimirt, ()Ilia, .Deloi.NyRro,
Kansas ftW1 Sent]) Dakota Lt total of 301
votes, All over the country there Is it
change of 2ki toi 50 'Per. cent. front tile
Roosevelt vote Of 1,004 to Mr. Bryan.
I "Tile result is )to 110119011 in doubt in
,;PW York, 11110 tbirty-nille votes of the
ed for Str. Bryall. Ile will
Mrs by a milbstaliflal Plurality. Vicy *.�,Irft-
pire 'State Olin Ila loinger bollielude(i in
that torritopy ('0104 tile tiftenly's MITI.-
Lry. I aportlo: froill hiforinatl4h gaint'a
Irom a thoroligh earivam find "Varb�
from every tovilty Ill tlielfto,teip
- ; I I . . I ,�. - lj� ,- ".��, �,
Us Winhom Adyina
T1499. 1OLL, 00rvprl*W I
I . L I " "" 1. I....., 11-1 10
Dr. Agnew
POW61610% wqwow
am&-upablum Isi 404 *"*mom, pbml& ,
Now O" 0"Wilvii 04 at"
I . I ��
� IL I � . . . . ... ."..''..1.11.1 .1
a, 11
of-mtw .g a. wuu* 04AW la���
. . L
*�"w A*8*40 Plitt 40, pwWaft Olt **
swo 0* =&-I,
'W&o TiVWM" to 4 F6L W1, I to $ P. ss�
i, L .. - 11 . I.. .-11.1 _
. OL IL 111 AL On*$.)
4:6 ;L CL P. OAOL)
i , sm. with M.. cuo*�%-) J
I L 1. . .
ZMXM= 'AM 40XW=1n
Now " $"a 04 UMWA we& 011106--
=*vft =Am,
COW*-W*M BUICk. Winalum.
I 4 U =W, mdlor lv_��ftua.
I -
. I
601W-Mortou Block. Wingbam.
Wellindton Matual ,
r ire Ins. Co. i
(Xibtabliahed 1%0.) i I il
21**4 Olflco--GUMML Orr.
Rlskx belon on eal cletseez of insurablo p-io.
Mty on the i�ut or ipr�emium noto wybtaa
rg"I'dwet. t4acrotarr,
JOHN Rxrlmlia
AwspL Winghara, Out.
- --I---
, "' "'' I .
I I , , �
11 . - I
Write for our intereating books 11 lnvani�.
or's HOW, *Ud 11 How you ari� owindle4.11
fka us a rough sketch or knodel of ,N,our In.
. =M rovenieut and we will'tell you
",-r,w -.,P.n as to whether It N pitbably
to V
patent* . kelefted applicatlena bave often
bOn swoft"fully prosecuted by us. Nve
corAftet fully equlgy,ed offices In Montreal
lindwashington, t squallfiesustopirompt.
ly dispatch work and quick, x1rcure Patents
igbroWss the Invention. RZIgIbest refercuces
- POgats procured ftouth Mariom & Ma.
. ri" reselva special notice without charge In
"" too newspapers distributecl thrbughout
tt 3polufnioti,
i—Patent business 0 Manufac.
fttont lll:xperts and Salloitoes. ,.
" _. I Now Vark Life D1141F. riontraelf
Atlantic sidg.wMahang
1. - =-,:- -AL_ — , - 4e. E& I
I .
. -
. �
Higher Court Sustains Wife's Decree
of Divorce.
Pittsburg, Oct, 20.- -The divorce deerce
obtained in common pleai.i court -No. I
here a year ago by 'Alrs, �darla T. Rus -
Solt against her husband, Pastor Charles
'i. Russell, of ,1A.'atell Tower'y fame, has
been upheld by the superior court. Pro-
thonotary George Pearson yesterday re�
celved several olihilorts Which were ha,nd-
ad down on Monday by the superior
court at Philadelphia. Among them:. was
I that in tile Russell case. The opinion
I was written by Judge Orlady.
, III(, limili cllw'itiorl 1jeforc tho eotlrb
Was in r(-In�*.d Lu %vit.it eon4ititutodcruel-
. .
tv. A t the trial of tile (-are it wt
.18 not
Oleged that -111astov" 11ti.isoll had used
Physical viOle'We Oil 1118 wife, but that
!Jy %vords antl Actions lie had come with-
in tile, meaning (;f the net.
JIId&fC 01 -lady ill 111,4 Opinion dismilges
All the OvideneO gIVPIl to the jilry rela-
tivOtO tile Tenl%VkS RtIsRell is alleged to
))Live pa'.4sed about hig wife, as to her
being of unsound inind and not in necom
with 1119 teachings, And States that there
Appeared to be. nothing to justifY their,.
Ili concluding his opinion tile court
State's that tile judge's charge WAS fair
and Ill ,
A00or(lance with tile. f,
law, acts And
Justic6 Arorri.4on (lissentpol from this
opinion. . - - I
- - -
Renniker Heaton Considers Plait
Quite Feasible.
London, Oct. 20.—The proposal ta,
establish telegrains At .it penny a word
throughout tile empire Will be advnnc� .
ed a step at a mootill? to be, held ill
the Royal Colonial Institute on Noveal-
ber 10. Tire elialrinan is tile 1,Art or
Jersey, llenniker Heaton arid other&
consider the plan quite feasible And
believe it call be carried out much laorl,
easily thm 010 sy'stelli *of Imporial
penny postage was,
lu'Australia a telogrralli can be sent.,
.�,000 miles at ,It pena`�' a word, and it
I; maintftinoll that but for Political
frontiers (e),4911this could be Put train
r,0114011 t T11(li.
R, 4
tar rate. 0 .1�12()o Irtile.4, (It a sinli_
�� � L I I
' '
Ottawa, Oct. 26 ...... Tosepli Utpointo.
aged 102, Lq dead. here. Ile wa,,4 a Tin-
tivo of Quehee city And had lived 1101%,
fifty y6ars. He lifts left four fmlls liv-
Ing ill ottftwa.
**.+. I
As Rear Ilatolie gee$ Ila.
London, 0A. 'a-')- Air. Reir Itartlip,
illmls,ing ,,it Afeltityr ,1,y(lvil, F,lij ther"
Waq di4thlq4 In (,ypry town Jil (11
, a �.l (I,,, �
Rev. �2`lr. IracT.Poil hill tt�1(1 hJill ,tllpro
Would bii 10,00o 11vatli of fmililioA ve.
felvill,9 r0iol Ill Toronto thm Winter,
1, 7-q