HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-29, Page 1'*- 4 A The -sr .r .y .. K , .. ` ' ging,, ham 11 36TH YEAR, NO, 9, WING�HAN, QNT,, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1908. SUBSCRIPTION *"00 PAR YRAR 1$ ADVANCE' ;1..4'0 TO OUBSORIBIZAS IN U, i8,. • The Laurier Government nr. Chisholm Elected In Gu Wedding Tour. Southiagd Sextette, A• Quiet Wedding.. Hospital Auxiliary, THANKSGIVING DAY EXCURSION$. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Burger visited Lovers of the sweet plantation met- A met matrimonial event occurred q 'The Ladies' Auxiliary of Wingham Return tickets will be issued at ern- het r ed e to Power. W East Huron. relatives in town last weep while on their wedding trip, Mrs, Bttrgor, was odp music spent a most enjoyable in the at lire residence of Mrs. Gilchrist oP Raspital began a now year on C)et, 9, . le fare, via Grand Trunk Railway Syystem, ' evening Baptist church on town, earl on Tuesda mornin y y g' ,1907, with a balance on hand of $143.- between all stations in Gan- fi �, formerly Miss Nellie Saint of Wing- Tuesday, listening to the "Southland when her youngest daughter, Moss 09. During the ear, the receipts S Y R p alfa, also to Detroit and Port Huron, • ;> ��`. • � . E. N. Lewis Elected In West ham, and had been residiug' in Buffalo for Sextette," They are excellent enter- Annie, became tire bride of Mr. Nor- have bean $250,22, making a total in. Mich., Buffalo, Black Hock, Niagara I+allq and Suspens4on Bridge. N. 3 , Majority , : 21 Elections. (live A M tori y x � ' ,,. some time past,. The happy con- p tainers, and their program was a re- A l3 appre, Fry of Southampton, The Gere, the treasury of 393.91, 'fire ex endi- y $ A Glood going Noy, ii, 7t 6, U. Return i • ' x. Of About 46. Seven CIeC• an •� - Huron Alld M. v CI.eAil r ple were married on Wednesday, 21st elated. There was sufficient of the loon was performed by Rev. D Per- y A ture amounted to $290,42, By this limit Nov, lOtb, 1008. Full informa- • � a Held. In South Huron. lost,, and will reside near Bu4ialo, The bride's lighter vein to give variety, but all tie, and the newly -wedded couple left expenditure the society supplied lino- p Y PP • tion from any Grand Trunk Agent, tions Yet To -Be r ; ;' M lvingham friends wish her the selections- were well rendered, by the early morning train, The leum far the halls, cribber pads for = f h. �'r '' much happiness and prosperity in her \Vhile all the members °f the sextette bride has man friends in Wingham,the Ytables stairs, new linen supplies for BIRTHS, The Dominion elections ars OFP,•I' IlAST HURCN, uew horue, are musicians Madame Holmes, the and was a highly -esteemed young and beds dishes, etc. The y Barrett,—In Turnberry, Oct, 17th, to and the Government bas been Firs- _ Especial interest centred in East public Meeting. soprano, and Madame Talbert, the lady, The groom was a resident of also installed a mangle and wardrobe, Air. and Mrs, Thos, Barrett, a son, tained by a rna jnrity of about 46. This Y � - ;: was expected, although some papers •= Huron, as it was regarded by many as a Liberal riding, It was stated that The meeting tinder the auspices of contralto, were especial favorites with .the audience, There was no stint in Wingham for several years, and Prov- ed himself to be a respected, industri» and provided flowers for the wards at Christmas and Easter, and at the be- Lediet --In Wingham, Oct. 21st, to. Mr. and 14ira. John D. Lediet, twin figured out it working majority on the Dr. Chisholm received scores of Liber- the Borden Club, in the interests of the progra►n, and the audience rani- outs young man. While here, he was - ginning of the auxiliary year have a boys. other side. The results show ht III votes at his election in 1904, and Dr, Chisholm, was held in the '.Town fested their appreciation by applaud- n valued. member of the Citizens' balance on hand of $97.49. The work Erwin.—In East Wawanosb, Oct. 24, a easy it is to be mistaken, and what n that these would return to their party hall on Friday p evening- last. • The . in aver number• g. Y hand, The many friends of the of the Auxiliary has been well done y , to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Erwin, a leverage remains with the party in allegiance, thus turning the scale and large audience room was crowded to young couple wish them much bapp4- And the ladies deserve credit for their daughter, power, in more than one direction, thereby ensuring the doctors defeat. the doors, and scores were unable to Entertainment. ness in their married life, unselfish and earnest efforts in behalf Henderson,—In Morris, Oct, 25th, to Already protests are rumored. The But predictions failed, and uobwith- secure seats. C, G. VanStone, presi- There was good attendance at .the : of the Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Henderson, a daughter. majorities given below were first re- standing the most desperate efforts, dean of the Borden Club, presided, Scenes in a Union De of p "given invited To VVingtiam. turns. There have been obangPs, DR. CHISHOLM, M. P. and perhaps the most thorough organ- Dr, Chisholm was the first speaker under the auspices of the Citizens' The Official Board of \Vingham Improved Time Tables. p DEATHS. which will not be available until after ization the riding ever had, Dr. Chia- and after giving an account of bis dwelt Band, on Thursday evening of last Methodist Church met on Thursday. A reconstruction has been made in Anderson—In Turnberry, Oct. 24th, William S, Anderson, aged 80 the official count, holm is once more the re iesentative p' atetvardsh4p, at some length on week by Miss Drake, The your g evening of last week to consider the the arran ement of the complete time g P yrs. CONSERVATIVEs ELECTED. SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS. by 93 majority. In 1900, East Huron was won by Dr, the expenditure. Ile was followed - by G. P. Blair, of Goderich, on behalf people of town, who took art in the entertainment, acquitted themselves question of extending an invitation t t R W G H tables issued by the Grand Trunk Rail- way System, which will be appreciat- - o a. pas or,, as ev. . , owson GxTArtlo, M}rCi'I011ald by a majority of 140, of the Liberal candidate.. A. A. Alas- creditably, and considering the fact ed by the travelling public, Where had 'decided not to remain longer than Algoma West—Boyce, ......... , 2� —East Huron was a glorious vic- During the parliamentary term, in or- grove, M. L. A., closed with an effec• that there was only a few days to pet tables are shown of the condensed Brace South—Donnelly 75 five speech, Makin his clots with u the entertaintnent, it was certainly this Conference year., The pulpit sup- . time of trains between the several y.. • . • . • • . • tory. * * * der to make the ruling more. secure g P A ply committee presented ther report, Carleton—Borden ............... 800 for the. Deputy Speaker, Hast Wawa- telling effect. A detailed account of very good, and there was many a recommending two names, one from points, where through equipment is Dufferin—Barr ... . . ............. 900 • —Write. it, Dr. Chisholm, M. P., nosh was added, with a (then) Liberal the meeting is unnecessary as the hearty laugh, Miss Drake is a good the London Oon£erence and one from run, this equipment is shown directly Dundas—Broder........ • ..... .. • 500 once more, majority of about 75, In the election campaign is over. The meeting closed entertainer herself; and her talent is I the Hamilton Conference. After con- opposite the time table, giving passen- Durham—Thornton . ........... 160 * * of 1904, Dr. Chisholm turned this total Withhhee�sNational Anthem and roux- shown in more than one direction, siderable discussion, it was decided to gers the information they desire in Elgin East—:�larsball ............ 180 —The battle over, let go all ill feel- Liberal majority of 215 into a Conser- g for Dr, Chisholm. She has a voice of considerable com- the easiest possible way, and without J Y extend an invitation to Rev. G. Barker Elgin West—Crothers , .......... 500 ing, if stip exists. vative majority of 18-1. He has won it . pass and flexibility, and is distinct in turning to other pages to find what of Acton, In order for this to take Frontenac—Edwards ............ 115 * * * er enunciation. We understand that equipment is on several trains shown. again by a majority of 93. Thus A Pioneer Gone. effect, a transfer will have to be ar• Greenville—Reid ..... • ......... • 700 —Who sent the threatening circular twice, from presumably the two The demise of Mr. Wm. S. Ander the receipts were satisfactory, being ranged from the Hamilton to London To make railway time tables plain to Grey East—Sproule .............. 850 to the hotel -keepers? strongest men the Liberals could put son, of Turnberry, on Saturday last, about $90. The Band desires to thank Conference, and a similar exchange the travelling public is a problem with Grey North—Middlebro........... 100 * * * up, Dr. Chisholm has won and held a marks the removal from the scene of - all the young people who took part in from London to ]Hamilton Conference. the railways, but this new innovation Haldimand—Lalor.............:. 350 —October weather was kind to the reputed Liberal riding, and doubly his toils of another of the pioneers of the entertainment and congratulate The Transfer committee does not meet has overcome a considerable amount Halton—Henderson...... 221 P emphasizing popularity p y y y g them on their success in the work of trouble which has been experienced politicians. It was ideal for canvass- em haaizin hisas the eo- Turnberry. Over lift ears ago, Mr. until March next. Hamilton East—Barker .... , .....1,127 undertaken. in the past, in knowing what equip- - ing. pie s candidate, and Mrs, Anderson (who had been re - Hamilton West—Stewart..... , .. 392 * * * The Conservatives received the re- cently married) came from .Scotland rent could be found on through Hastings ]:est—Northrup..'.. , ... 200 —If Dr. Chisholm did not have "a turns in the Town Hall, and the Liber- to Ontario, and were among the earl'- Regarding Stray Cattle. 5, S. Rally. trains. Hastings West—Porter ......... 700 man on every mile and a quarter," he als in their committee rooms. The est settlers of this vicinity. Mr. An- The -laws of Ontario regarding On Sunday afternoon last a very Many a woman goes without Rub - Huron East=Dr. Chisholm .. -, -, 93 had faithful and judicious workers. streets were soon thronged with a derson was of stnidy frame and held estray cattle are definite. In cases interesting and profitable Sunday bers, and regrets it afterwards. We Huron West—Lewis ............ 28 * " * mass of humanity, that only the in general esteem, and was a member where cattle are at large and wander School "Rally" was held at Holmes' haveles- 55c, o"Wc and 75omerils Rubbers in all Greer Lambton East—Armstrong .. , .. 350 —Our Liberal exchanges told as, "it excitement of an election can produce, of Eadie's Presbyterian Church. Be- onto the premises of one who is not school -house, con. 10, Turnberry. The Lanark North—Thornton........ 75 was time for a change in East In the Hall, addresses were given by sides his bereaved partner in life, he their owner, there are two courses to attendance was large, numbering • Lanark South—Haggart .......•. 800 Huron," but evidently the electors did Dr. Redmond, Messrs. Holmes, Spot- leaves the following sons and daugh- I pursue. As soon as the animal is dis- about eighty. Suitable musical selec-.......:ca ....................Leeds—Ta for . ... not think so. covered on the man's remises he tions were rendered by the choir and c`�(rY * . * ton, Dr. Chisholm, and Dlr. Musgrove, leis—Prank and Margaret, at Koine, P ' ,fir` ��ems Lennox-Addington—Wilson .... 150 may drive it to the ound and notify others, The service was made very —The Advance never made a single M. L. A. Soon the celebration of Mrs'. Jno, Currie, -Adam of Orillia, Y pound Y Lincoln—Lancaster .,p............ 200 g I!,ast Huron victor began. The John and Will'►am, who reside in the the clerk of the municipality, who impressive by a touching reference to 1 200 prediction during the campaign, and Y g London—Beatty................. element had its time with West. Mr. Anderson had reached the will attend to its.release or disposi- the death of Miss Hazel M. Mitchell, , MiddlesexCast—Elson .......... 2<37 is safer than those who made strong younger n Drink Christie's Teas. ' 'horns that split the. air with their advanced age of 80. The funeral on tion, or he may secure it on his prem- vho had been so faithful in her Muskoka—Wright ht .............. 140 forecasts of the result. P attendance at all the services of this Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. g * * * noise. Then came the Flute Band, Tuesday was largely attended, his ises and retain it while he is comply- Nipissing—Gordon ...... • ....... and later the Citizens' Band, By de pastor, Rev. W. J. West, officiating. Ing with statutory requirements for Sunday School. Hazel was a member Mrs. Jas. Reading has been ill for Norfolk—McCall ............... I 200 —On hearing of the decision of East its disposition, which are these:—He the past week. Northumberland East—Owen.... 150 Huron electors, Mr. Hislop sent his grecs the procession was formed, andof the ar S. choir, also a member of willing hands soon had Dr. Chisholm Died in Florida. moat first publish a notice of the Pres- Wingham Methodist Church. She Ontario North—Sharp .......... 200 congratulations to Dr. Chisholm. This encs of such beast on his property, had lived a beautiful c Mrs. Robb. Beattie will be "at.home" and a few of his workers in a carriage, p p ty, in consistent life Parry Sound—Arthurs .......... 200 was a entlemanl act. g + On Monday, October lflth, firs. Geo. and bad frequently spoken in her own after November. 10th. g y and he was drawn triumphantly a newspaper published in his locality, q Y P P Y P. Wells, a former resident of Win home of her faith in God g p p y p p ],'eel—Blaine ................. . .. 286 * * * through the streets, receded b the g" for tures consecutive weeks. If the ,and right u Turnips man laces are reported g P Y ham, died at her home in Callahan, to time of taking her departure, she a failure on account of dr weather Perth North—MacLaren... •.. 200 —Laurier is elected to ``finish his Band, and a strongdetachment of owner fails to claim the animal, its g P Y Florida, Mrs, Wella suffered much ,�" Peterboro East—Sexsmith ...... 396 work." Let us hope, that it will be custodian must keep it for two :manifested a confidence in God that and insects. enthusiastic supporters with blazing in her last illness, but bore her suffer- ,t Renfrew North—White.. .... 550 free from the questionable character's- brooms. The procession went to the months, and if its value exceeds expenses it :was remarkable for one so young. r .t farmers had beautiful weather P logs with Christian patience. She mu,t be sold � She will be roach missed b her com- ;• Simcoe North—Curry............ 56 ties of the past four years. O.P.R. station to meet the Gorrie ,and after all a mus ds of • Y for .taking u their potatoes, which leaves a bereaved husband; four. sone g P P + Simcoe South—Lennox ......... • 330 * * * harboring and sale, which must 'not Pinions in Sunday School work. `\ 7 j contingent, who added their eongea.tu- _-Thomas, John and David of Calla haus turned out well. / � I ` Thundei,Bap—Conmee .... • ..... —Grey did not support its home 1ttiEions. exceed $20, have been deducted, the Tiironto Centre --Bristol ......... 185 man as well as was expected. Con Kan, Florida, and Walter of Algoma ; balance mdst be handed to the ti eas- L:itali !—If you want the latest .Buy "Dainty Mode" Robbers ; they " �! �r� wear Ionger and cost no more. . ,, I' 1' r� Toronto East—Russell........... 801 _Hers occurred a most dastardly also. three daughters Mrs. Laver of urer of the municipality. in case the styles, and hest and newest material.: g , j Toronto North—Foster .......... 388 T + ti g lawful owner of the animal has not in find thematD Winter Goat', you will , , seryatives would not haus been sur- E Y• ,; W. J. 0reer. y att:rek on the snecessful candtdrtte. Ohio firs. J. \V. '4Vateher of Al oma, � 8 prised had it given Ilislop 180, instead While the procession was on its way and Mr,. Whitworth of C,allaban for- T .Gordon s, at tight Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 4Titchell sincerely 1 ,' Toronto South—Macdonell ...... 1,042 . 1•t0. ti P y the meantime been found, If the prices, \ Toronto West—Osler ............2,380 * * * to the G. P. R station, a stone was merly Mrs. W. Allenby of Wingham), value of the animal I& below $20 it be- appreciated the kindness of -their ,' aimed at Dr. Chisholm. It just graz- Deceased was in her 73rd year, and friends and neighbors during their re- Victoria-Haliburton—IIughea ... 250 _Photographing a diad man's pri• comes the property of the man on to Hicks' November Forecasts. Waterloo South—Clare...... ... 260 ed Dudley Holmes, who was also in was highly respected. -Interment cent bereavement. •, whose vete letters to be used by Lawyer , premises it has strayed, after im.•:aaH•,- �- York Centre—Wallace .......... 52 the carriage and struck the doctors took place on the 21st inst. to Verdie, Much condensed are the following r —_ � ry. . Blair as election thunder did not he had ,properly advertised its pies- A cheque $87.,0 his been receiv- York South—Maclean, acclamation. fiat: When the procession returned Florida. Mr. Wells mourns the loss r forecasts • for November weather:— Wingham- voters, as ,was encs. When an animal is claimed. ed by the 'Wingham General Hospital to the Town Hall, and while Dr. Chia- of a trice life partner, and the sons to the 1st the barometer will begin a LIBERALS ELECTED. hoped. A and expenses of pasture or feeding are from Mr. W. McGregor of this town, * * * holm was speaking from the carriage, and daughters a kind and affectionate at fall in western sections, the temper- for his care in that institution. Thelip erField ONTARIO. ., a stone struck him a• sin. Oonsta- mother. The , however bolt for- determined, the law makes provision elute will rise and by the2nd to 3rd � —East Huron may be a Liberal g Y + against exorbitant charges. Any per - Algoma East—Dyment ..... , .... 125 riding," as our Liberal exchanges af- ble Phippen happened to be stand- ward to a happyre-union in the better storms will ga`t.her and start on their The large dynamo for the electric ,on harboring. animals which are not Brant—Paterson .... . .. ...... • . 300 firm, but it has acquired the com- Ing near, when the stone -thrower was land. Mr. and Mrs. Wells were among his own and does not advertise their eastward march from west to east. light works fc on hand. It weighs Is over -run with footwear that Brantford—Harris .............. 194 mendable habit, of electro a Ounser- discovered to be a woman. She wag the early residents of \Vingham and • On and touching Tuesday, Wednesday seven or eight tons and required two is made more for selling than g presence, is liable to. prosecution, wearing. We're proud to sa Brockville—Graham ............. • 98 vative. caught in the act, and with a supply only removed from here to Florida and Thursday, the 3rd, 4th and 5th, teams to draw it from the station. g l y when a heavy fine may be imposed by we do not Kandla that kind. Bruce North—Tolmie............ 50 * * * of stones in her coat, she expressed a about two pears ago. a justice of the peace,rain, wind and thunder storms will Rooms To RrxT.—In Griffin block, Our Slippers, as well as our Essex North --Sutherland........ 200 —At least one man lost a lot of desire to "finish her work." Dr. Chis- pass most parts of the country, with available about Oct. 20th.—Apply to - Shoes Essex South—Clark.... ......... 900 money by betting on East Huron, holm was assisted to his home, some- rising barometer, followed by'wester- 0, N. Griffin. Ulengarry—Mclliillan 200 Foolish to bet on an election, unless what dazed by the blow on hie head, '*+• .....rte ly winds and change to much cooler. 'Guy Bros. Minstrels appear in Town LOOK, FEEL' FIT AND GreySouth—Miller..... ........ 100 you are anxious to circulate your and almost prostrated by the thought (j`r •�{� Frosts with some freezing northward, gall Wingham, next blonde This WEAR WELL. - Hu on South—McLean ...... 165 spare cash. that in the town where he had lived Cburch Rews 3 will result during the passage of this g y' P * * * .. i twersomis troupe always get a crowded hones, You certainly need . a pair of Kent East—Gordon.............. 304 for twenty-three years, universally . high barometer and cool wave. The and claim that the show this year is full moon falls on the Stb, increas- Y SlippersCo to set orf that natty Kent `Ves�McCoig ............ 160 —According to a Liberal circular, respected, he should be so treated in Ensign Poole and Lieut. Miller are better than ever, new Costume. Come here and Kingston—Harty :............... 345 there was a "nun on every mile and a the hour of his triumph, by a person the new officers of the Salvation Mrs. Geo. Mason visited in London Ing the probabilities of storm condi- . get them in the latest shape, Lambton West—Pardee ......... 150 quarter in the riding. But Last whom he had never injured. The wo- Army in. Wingbam,over Sunday. tions on that date. Low barometer, The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wing- leather and color. When you Middlesex North—Smith ........ 150 Huron electors refused to be herded, man's husband is one of the most Rev. J. E. Ford of Lucknow was in rising temperature, and rain storms in h%m THospital will hold their regular wear them you won't be bid-. Middlesex West—Calvert.... • ... 28 with a Brussels man as chief she highly p The Induction of Rev, C. E, Jeakins town on Tue,.da transit from west to east• will be fhe Y g , Mon- Ing your feet. You will feel monthly meeting in torn hall p hi hl respected Liberals in the vicin- takes place this ( Wednesday) evening y' + proud to have them seen. Northumberland West—McCall.. 200 herd and an under -shepherd on every ity, and exceedingly regrets the rash in St. Paul's Church. Bishop 4Vi1- J. W. Mills has returned home from natural order on and touching the 8th dap, Nov. 2od at 4.15.. All members, Ontario South—Fowke ...... • ... 8'60 mile and a quarter. They very pro- and uncalled for attack. liars will be assisted by several cler- a trip to the WeA. to 10th. In spite of the fact that the are invited to attend. men. ' moon _is movie to extreme north Asir for Dainty he b Rubbers Ottawa, 2—Laurier & McGiverin 500 Perly asserted their independence. Official returns by polis will be gip- gY esters Deans of Southampton was t?; Councillor D. Bell returned °n Fri- They Etre the beFt. Oxford North—Nesbitt .......... 136 * * * en in next issue. Week -night services in Zetland I in town over• Sunday, declination, a high barometer, west day evening from a trip west as far as Oxford South—Schell.., ......... 98 —It is due to Wingham Liberals to 11IAJ school -house, conducted by Rev. 0. E. Mrs. D. Stewart, Detroit, is visiting winds and change to much colder will Indian Head. While away, lie was Perth South=McIntyre. ........ 50 say that they exceedingly regret the ORITTr9. Jeakins, are being well attended, and her father, Mr. P. McLaren. - come down from the northwest and obliged to go to the hospital on . will be held this week as usual on 6r(Cer Peterboro West—Stratton ...... 300 stone -throwing on Monday evening. Hislop Chisholm 'Thursday evening. li?re, Geo. Iivlay of Corin*, ltiich., sPr'ead over the country generallq account of illness, but now looks asWo J. Prescott—Prou'ix Blyth 8 ... is the uest of Airs. Sparrow. from about the 9th to the 12th. 'The 837 As a matter of fact, it was only indtil- g P well as ever. Brussels ........ I . 10 The Guelph Daily Herald says:—At moon i at last quarter on the 15tb Prince Edward—Curry ......... , 200 ged in by one person, and she did not (,trey .. 140 ... C blies A. Dandy is ependin a couple q "Dainty " Chalmers hutch on Sunday, Rev, D. � . y Mode is the name of the Renfrew South—Lowe........... reside in Wingham. Her husband is a Howick ...... • ... .... 190 Perrie, of Wingham, delivered two of weeks at her home near C,hesley. and in perigee on the 16tb. Falling best wearing Rubber for Ladies and .... Rassell—Murphy ................ highly -respected man,'and he sfricere- Morris • ........... 14 . . • splendid sermons. Rev. R. J. M. Miss Marjory and Scott Gordon barometer, change to 'warmer, south- Gents. See them at—W. J. Greer•'s,. Simone East -Chew.. , Turnberry ........ . , . • 47 Glassford the astor, reached anni- were home from Toronto over Sunda' erl winds and autumnal rains will . •.... 136 ly regrets the rash act, so publicly Wingham 115 A P p' y It has been remarke3 that while versa.y sermons at Wingham, ass over the county from west to ' Stormont—Smith....... 300 committed. Wroxeter 19 Miss Katie Robertson of Desboro is p Y there have been east winds frequently .- , , Waterloo North—Martin ........ 160 " * * East Wawanosh.. 63 .... That Very Rev. Dean Farthing, of visiting her aunt, Mrs. 0. J. Reading. east on and touching the 15th, 16th -during the past few weeks, they have �•. ' Welland—German .............. 700 —Said the Brussels 'Post in its last Kingston, formerly of Woodstock, Mr. Jno, Hewer and daughter Irene, 17th, Possibly change to cooler may have not brought & _ + _ 250 352 and well known in St. Thomas, will be g t the rains that gen 1 Wellington North—Martin ... , .. 100 week?sr issue, in referring to Dr. Chis- � � spent last week with relatives at `.Cil• -break in .about the 17th and 18th. , Wellington South—Guthrie ..... 530 holm :— Maj. for Chisholm .......,.. 03 the next bishop of the diocese of filen= sonbarg. The moon crosa'es the celestial equa- autumnerally , these winds in the . ti „ treat, in succession to the late Bishop Wentworth—Seeley .... ....... 200 . Iris actions prove him to be too Carmichael, is the opinion not only Mrs. Catharine Nicholson returned , tor, veering southward, on the 19th, i; 'nN9 DOSE . �° York North—A lesworth ....... 200 small for the job, and after, Mon held, but even .freely expressed in to Orr Lake this week, after visiting' even, , g Ohan s to mach warmer and falling A loaf of stale bread is almost as �•, y day, he may laugh on the other wrsY Ilvltc. I t Anglican circles. friends here. g g cod as fresh when wrapped in a ;u Nnrl fS= . side of his face." In this riding, E. N: Lewis was g barometer will appear about the ldtb g pP ' Now, it is just; possible Bast, Next Sunday morning, the service Miss N. Simpson has arrived from and run their course eastward on the towel and steamed thoroughly. Some MAIL- +'MI}1ILE ESTIMATE. J p bl that E t t sleeted by a majority of about 70, over , Michigan and will remain with her Con. Lib, Huron electors are quite as capable of Robb. Holmes, editor of the Clinton in St. Pauls church will be especially sister, Mrs. Sparrow, 20th and 21st. Tho probabilities of simply dip the loaf in water, then put � �: �� w 99 87 judging,Yrs is the Brussels Post. On New Era, important bearing as it will upon. tics severe and dangerous gales over all in a basting•pan, and set in a hot ; Ontario -.... . .. 1 5` workers in the various Societies con- Mrs, Dasa, 1ticKie has returned home, the northern lake regions are decided- oven, closely covered, fur a sliart r ' Quebec .... • 1 2 Monday last, the aforesaid electors atruTA HtTRO2d. nected with the Church. The aermon afterspendinga couple of -weeks with will. be dtrectl to the workers. J`he friendiii Ta and o lien laces. ly strong at this and all the November time. Nova Scotia ......... 6 11 (!including man Liberals said b a y .. p t'rp r� New, Brunswick ... , .... Z 1l g ,�' � Y b1. Y. McLean, member in last par. Sacrament of the Lord Supper will be ; . ,. periods, especially front the 17th to Moulders' gaiters from $1.10 to •$2 50 HCIr4 ®u A Cough N P. V, I . ..... . ...... • . , . 1 ,3 decisive majority, that they did not . . , Orxid A. Shotk of High falls, New per pair. See Our s Trial gaiter fur Manitoba . ............. 8 2 believe what the Brussela Posts said.' ty of of is 10again retained by a mujori- administered at thtS'close of the ser- Ontarlo, hits been visiting relatives the end of the month. New moon moulders.--•Wmras & Co 1 g ty of over 100. viae• and friends in Wingham and vicinity, falls on the 23rd, within two days of Our CANADIAN COUGH Saskatchewan ..... , .... In fact, by their votes, they said:— Next and , Mr. J. W. Maine °f Mrs. Ira Parker and bars: W. T. J. `CURE will core an cou li and Alberta ................ 3 4 Dr. Chisholm is just the man for _ y • Mrs. Jas. Spading of Meaford is in extreme south declination on the 20th, y E British Columbia ... 8 1 the 'ob, so we but him back t° London, will be the preacher in 'tying town, b&vtng been called here by the Abnormal warmth, rapid fall of the Hoinuth are delegates from the Wing. will only Coat you 25 eta. Better '-• '—` "finish his work•' Rubbers to keep your fret dry area ss aid to be ass Beaker oaMr. Alaynd f Considerable serint.s illness of her tnothdr, 119ra, barometer and Clouds of threatening ham Methodist Sundae school to the get a bottle 'now, Totals .............. St 1.30 very necessary thing at this time of PA Mooney. L`urther, we map inform our esteemed necessary ability, and though a layman, is fre- portent will mark lire entrance to this Annual Prov. S. S. Convention, which Liberal majority, 40. year. We keep the betst Rubbers uenti listened to with profit inLon• M -r. J. Munshaw, of Toronto, form- ftiend, the Brussels Post, that as Dr, q Y p insrir�d. from about Wednesday the is held in Uifllia this week. Air. I+", Thunder flay to bear from. made, and your Chances of getting a don al iG4. Rev. W. G. ]Howson, ts►ly a,_bustntss roan of this town, was r Chisholm, At. P., is not two-faced, h6 poor pair at this store are very small, p . 2,ttli to Saturday tl.d 28th, autumnal Buchanan, who is a t.ren. for of the For Planting now, THE GLOIIE'S ESTIMATE. does not laugh "on the tither side of —WILLIS & CO- pre ties the o�erniservices r of iho Cil n well as ed r. on Monday,, looking as storms of wide extent and unusual Exec„ is also in attelldaYloo. sunh its •-••- Ohfnese g p Sy Ons bf ttie progressive resstve farmers of ��� Con. Lth. his face," but his coral smile is the Park Avenue church in Wet , cosi will make their transit across ' _ trifles, NnFAissus, Ontario ...... ..... Mrs. It. Ii. eddy of Miss Mantle P t Jonquils, Hyacinths, Tulips, &o, • . � . � 47. � same a,$ heretofore. We are stalling -, '' Toronto, and Mister Teddy of , Chicago ars the country from west t° east. Ratti, Stephen, W. U. Sanders, President of . Quebec ................. 12 51 also. W1NGHAM MARKETS. Anniversary services of St. And• vNiting ra 1 ti lvea in Wingham and wind and thunder will dominate In lila South Iltto.n h"arinets' Inst' utP Tull Stock. Prides 111ght. Novt.Scotia-... ........ 7 it row's Churabi Wirighant, were helot 4Vhttecltureh. Nouiherri tarts of the country, t " New Brunswick .... ... 2 1:1 on Sunda3r, Oct.2itli. Itdv. C]itrsafrnd, 1 1' informs the riveter Advocate, that he ` ,..,..,,�,yW.,,,,.. P. r. I . •...+•#...".... 1 8 'Whoat�-8,9 els. chafe PA eta. aster of (;halrnsrta' (;1rurCh, Gur31 h, Luther B,ttt,tvlre has recr'ntty poi rlt7et, sorra and an early Cold wave out it ton of hay, to the acre cif tl acnes Manitoba ............... 0 H DR. Ovnimo M.D London Eye Barley -52, _ • P Chased a furniture anti undertaking May be ex ected northward. The . ]` ane ]Haile 5. eta. Peas 8Z Cts, was the preache. for file day. . Saskatchewan .......... 1 8 liar Surgeon, will U a; b e � • ' � • ilii hexsutetas at Aylmer, spent Sunday and y �. that ],ad yielded Go bushels of barley g , t i Kibbona ,. ]lay $8.011 per ttn, thsCour�es wets excrlle~nt and helpful M oda, w tlr lis aiatvia in tofu rriot.tli. will merge into Useeiniter lir ttai,o the acrd this 'ear.Alberta ... ......... 8 H drug store, on Wedneaday, Nov, 18th, Hatter. -21 to 28 Cts, exposittoha of Divine truth, and rverd o y i , n"file tr.idat ry£ ettld rnCrcitrlal hercioIn 'y WALLEY's , British Columbia ....... 8 1 Oatat&ct, sqc�uint, faititr a +dal lit, 'i;gga--20 eta'. enuct� appreciated by the Coll L, Mt, .T. W. MC'DObald'ui wItA find _ p'oR Srrxa •-•.A• number s register ` • •- nasal o*tatrrh, deafness, earl note t T'otatho.8--26 fo 80 Cis, - tions, The pastor of the Chol, I. familyitrt•ivpd from SCrtlaud lata Item, with wintdry Aspects prs'raliing Slit, re f r gr teretl Total ............... 82 182 tree�tdti t<nt1 lasses Property fitted. 1;'o vl•--8 to 10 r, + l 4 Pshi shoarling rAms, atilt rant : DRUG STORE K p p y tR• psi lb. Rev. D. Iierrit, piesaClied to Cltalmeta week. The will l occupy the heti,e tri• oust till riorthsrn to chntral print$ of rrtba.—It. T. Perdue, licit 11.1, iVirtg- Liberal mit:,jor•ity, W. Houck-�•2 to $ P. W. Live Rage—$5 Church congregation. in Guelph, cently vaso od by Mr, Atlanta. the Oout,tty. haul. * e . ai» a.MAA4*.Wwb.,w'.,;rR