HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-22, Page 88 THE WING AM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2% 1908.
Ail Inlerosting Conversation. Oorrie. BeIgrave, Salem TOWN OF WINGHAM,
DINO J. Uontgoluely has gone W Mrs, Barclay of ]Detroit is visiting Mr. Orval McIntosh of Essex w at
Toronto to spend,% few days, friends liallolgrave. present visiting friends In tills paxb, Notice is beret y given chat a Court 4ff-
The scene is in Ottawa. Sir Wilfrid Mrs, Goo, Greer of Lucupow 16 the Mr. And Mrs, 0, GrAsby have. Adopt, Miss Robinson of Wlughato spent for the Revisio4 of the Voters,, Limit,
Laurier and G. AV. Ross meet, and 1008. for the Municipality of the Town
guest of her sister, Mrs. M Carson, ed a Wight little boy from the 11onie, Sunday last at the home of Mr. W111. Of NVingbam, will be bell by the -�Tutlge
after the usual greetings, the c0Av0r- of the Qounty Court, of the Couitty, of
on the elec- Qqlt�e a number from this place were Mrs, (Up.) Tamlyn, een., of Wing- Weir.
sation naturally turns Huron, iti the T.owu liall, in the said
tIons. Bearing in mind the record of presentat, the Nomination, In Brussels ham, called 011, Mrs, Wray last week, Airs. P, Copeland, Belmore, present- Tf)\Yu of Wingliam, on the 2701 day of
the past, lye can easily itipagirie the on Monday last, Airs, Craig of West Wawanosh was ed her husband with a bouncing Ootober,. 1908, At tarn o'clock a, in, All 100 P
following conversation takingplace:— Air, and Airs, O. 141, Edwards of a visitor with Mrs. Tisdale last week, young 89n. uteroktod in, said Court should Z FRIDAY BARGAIN DAVU
Messrs. L, bloLoughlln, 0. Stafford pet"ous emsolves accordingly.
Rosa—Well, Sir Wilfrid, the earn- Wroxeter were Gorrie callers on Fri- Albert Bates, formerly of Belgrave, g0Jv36yV1o1r,'1'e1r of His Uouour tho �udge of
paign Is nearly over. Uy evening last. is lying in the Soo hospital, ill with and Albert Gallaher secured their the County Court of the County of
-V1711trid—Yes, a-tid a hard one it is. Miss Alma Hughes of Durham is, typhoid fever, winter coal last week, Huron.
Those Inquisitive Tories pried the lid the guest A a Bryans of Grey spent a' J. B. FERGUSON
,.t of her sister, Mrs. T. H. The young men of Beigrave have Miss Liz 1 Clerk of 5aid Court A
off to some extent, And 4 lot of things Varr, At the rectory.. presented Dr, Hamilton with a beauti. few days visiting her aunt, Mrs. Win,
got into print, that we intended should Montgomery, jr., of Gorrie. wingham, Oct. 15th, 1.908.
never be known. Master Carroll Gregg, who has been fol oak Arm chair.
seriously ill for the past two weeks, Is. Mrs. W. A. Bryant And Miss Morris Mr. Kerr of Win liar gave a very • This i
Ross—Too bad, -wasn't it? I can is our growing time. Thus you find our ever forwar(I 1)(Aicy still. ftir-I
we Are pleased to state, recovering of Hullett were visitors at Mr. and 'fine missionary discourse on Sunday Teacher Wanted.
sympa(bize with you, for I've been very rapidly. Mrs. .rat
last week, last on the Wroxeter circuit, ther exemplified this week in the inauguration of a weekly festival of bargains,
there, , , I
'Wilfrid—Yes, you had enough to Miss Tombs of Toronto, who has Mrs, 131edlow of Hamlota was the Miss Kitchen of Saginaw, blich., is Male ; for LOWerWingliam School, Read our weekly announcement, study it,, pl-odt by it, for every department con -
Second class professional proferred.
cover up in Ontario, but you see the been visiting Brussels friends for some guest of Mrs. J. A. Brandon for a spending a few weeks with her broth' Duties to commence 1st of January, tributes its quota of great big bargains for Friday shoppers. Come eArly,
Dominion includes all the provinces, time, is at present visiting her aunt, couple of dayslast week. or, Mr. Jos; Kitchen, of this place. 1000. Applications With tOSUMOnittls,
and onr boys have been busy every- Urs. J. H. Day, just north of towns Air. O. R. Polley, of Petrolea,vidtcd' Invitations are out announcing the stating salary and qtialifications, re- = Others will,
f iss Edna Mclntosi .1 ceived up to October 81st,
where, making themselves fairly com- The E. L. of the Gorrie Methodist his niece, Mrs. Rivers, at the parson., Marriage 0 M atic m _7.7-11 "71
fortable, Church will entertain the young pee -age, a. few days this week, Mr, Lorne Laird, both of Ilowick. WM. S. LINKLATElt
Ross—Yes, I notice that Fraser, pie of the congregation on Tuesday There will be no service In the I The marriage will take place on the Winguam, P. 0.
Adarilson, Hitchcock, McGregor, And evening, Oct. 270, Their Alm is to Methodist church, Beigrave, for the 128th Inst, m Ladbe�s' Daady=to=Wear.
scores of others, inay now retire; they get new members for the League. next two Sunday evenings, A meeting was called last Thursday Teacher Wanted.
have certainly been fortunate. Robert McGill has returned home' Dr. Hamilton and his bride arrived evening of the Salem congregation, to
Wilfrid—Sa3P, Ross, . do YOU know from a melancholy trip to Norland, see about renovating the church. A 31,de or female, for Union S.S. No. Ladies �10 To $12 Raincoats For $6.39. Ladies' $8 To $10 Mantles For $4.99.
home in Relgrave from their wedding
We extend • committee Duties to commence at the new year. These are tailored garments of fine Eng- This range consist -3 of -36 light and medium
111slop, that chap of ours that is run- out. where he was called to the funs- tour on Tuesday evening. e was formed and the work 7, Turriberry and East Wawanosb.
ning in East Hiwon*? ral of his brother James, whose pass- congratulations. is expected to go on in the spring. Applications with testimonials, stat- IiOL Cravenette in light grey, dark
Ross—Yes, I know him well, ing away leaves him the only surviv- Mr, A. Rose of Glenfarrow received ing salary and qualifications, received grey or fawn shades, plain and fancy dark colored Mantles in fine Tweeds,
Halton -A
Wilfrid—Was he useful in the Leg- ing member of his family. He was Mr. and Mrs. Rigelsworth, of Hal t death of his' up to October 24h. well tritumed, box or setni-fitted backs,
county, have returned t their home, -word las week of the dea cloths, very neatly trimined, sizes 34
islature P accompanied by his son, Win, A., of 0 brother Daniel, at Fernie, B.C. Ile JAMBS GODKIN to 42) splendid values at $10 to $12, 801liDg regularly at from $8 to $10.
after spending a few days with the
Ross—Well, I never heard of his Turnberry. In consequence of delays had been Ill with fever and died on Sec.-Treas. Wingbam P. O. Friday ..................... .................... $6.39 Friday .............. ...... 04,99
doing anything for his constituents in making train connections at To- Messrs. Walsh, south of Belgrave. . the 14th inst., aged 30. The remains
during the three terms he was in the ronto and Lindsay, they did not reach The bush fires are playing havoc in were brought east for interment at. Farm For Sale.
Legislature, but be was mighty useful Norland until after the funeral pro- some of the swamps and even high- Truro, Nova Scotia, on Tuesday, this
to me, when my majority nearly van- land bush in this vicinity; if rain does
cessiou had left the home of Mr. Kerr, week, Mr. A. Ross left on Friday for Lot 31, Con. 10, East Wawanosb, is
coiled, and he never failed in the in?- not soon come, no telling where it will Truro to attend the funeral. M I L L I N RY.
whose wife is a sister of the late Mrs. offered for sale, consisting of 100 acres.
portant duty of collecting his salary. end.
Jas. Galbraith of this township. They The farm is well watered with spring
Wilfrid—Then I can depend on him arrived at the cemetery just as the The anniversary services in the creek, and drilled well. About 80
to see me through ? people were preparing to depart after Methodist church last Sunday were acres Are cleared, the rest hardwood Quality, style, exclusiveness, are the distinguishing features that make our
Bluevale. bush. There is a good frarne house, Millinery Dept. such a pronounced success, We solicit your inspection and promise
Ross—I assure you that you can. the service, but bad. the melancholy well attended, especially Sunday even- good barn, and two acres of young you a pleasant surprise in our moderate prices.
He stayed with me, and backed me up satisfaction of seeing the high respect ing. Rev. McTavish of Gorrie con- Quite a number from' this vicinity orchard. Intending purchasers may -A
in every trick I played to hold on to in which their relative was held, so ducted services and was highly appre- Attended the nomination in Brussels apply on the premises to a
power. far from his immediate relatives. ciated. Monday evening, the* concert on Monday. HUGH McBURNEY,
Wilfrid—Is that so? Did be not The deceased was in his 72nd year; he given by Miss Ida, M. Cole and Miss Misses Mabel and Maggie Thomas Proprietor.
Fordyce, Sept., .
object to that nasty West Elgin had never been married, owned a good Polly AleXessock was of a high class left recently for Harrison, Idaho, to ForGents' Furnishings.
scrape, South Oxford, or the Jackson farm and was in comfortable circum- and attentively listened to by the spend the winter.
episode. stances, though living always alone. audience, We hope to have the young Air. Reins of Lodi, California, is Farm For Sal--. Men's $1.00 Fancy Shirts 69c. Men's Black Cashmere Hose 12*c.
Ross—Object? Not a bib; he took On the morning of his passling'away, ladies here again some future time. visiting Mr. P. Thomas, and other
it all in. he bad driven to Kitimouut, 9, distance Proceeds amounted to $45, friends in this vicinity. First-class farm, pleasantly situat. A- Men's fine, soft bosom shirts, all new sea- The greatest drive ever in Men's Black
Wilfrid—Dear me I But I fancy be of lo miles. of ed, adjoining Bluevale station, lots _N Cashmere Hose, imported English
On his return he was Writ. Gray and Win. Anderson, 20, 30, con. 1, Morris, 100 acres, all son's styles, Crescent brand that will
would oppose the disfranchisement of taken ill and called at A house on the this vicinity are in, poor health, and cleared except 12 acres, well fenced, I goods of generoug size, weight 'and
Bold colors, sizes 14J to 18, regular
North Renfrew. way. Before medical Ala could be owing to their advanced age, there is and in good condition. There area ? quality, regular 20c to 25c value.
Ross—Not at all. He thought it procured, he had breathed his last. Morris. large bank barn, large brick house -Z $1.00. Friday ................................. 69e Friday ........................................... 121c
not much hope for their recovery, and kitchen, with frame summer kit- �3
was cute. Mrs. Jno. Manning and Miss Katie Anniversary services of Bluevale ell -4
en, orchard, a never -failing spring
Wilfrid—You surprise me. But were visiting friends in Ethel during well, an artesian well with water
Methodist Church will be held on Sun -
surely the purchase of Gamey made Wroxeter. the past week, piped to house and barn; pig pen and
day and Monday, Nov. 1 and 2. On poultry house, 18x50, with cement 4
him sick. Geo. Kerr lost a valuable mare this Sunday, Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. A C L 0 T H I N G
Ross—No, it did not. I thought Dr. McKenzie was in Toronto, a few floors ; frost -proof silo,- 16 x 31, - Ten -
that perhaps be would draw the line days last week, visiting his parents. week; she having secumbed to an B. D., will -preach at' ll a.m. and 7 acres of good corn will go with the
attack of indigestion. p.m. On Monday evening a Fowl farm, if the latter is sold before corn
at that, but no, he voted us all wool Mr. Charles Stewart of Woodbridge is harvested. Apply on premises. -4- Men's $8 To $10 Raincoats Boys, $5.50 Suits Men's $8 To $10 Suits
and a yard wide, and as pure as the was a visitor in our village on Mon- There are several entries for the Supper will be served from 6 to 8 p,m,, d
driven snow. a matinee in Brussels on Tuesday next. after which there will be a high class JAS. B. NICOL, Proprietor. For $6.98. For $3.29. For $5.49.
day. Bluevale P. O. Looks like M. M. Cardiff with his entertainment. See posters for full 71 Men's fine Cravenetto Men's medium and heavy
Wilfrid—Welll Weill Buthemust 'bliss Alberta Hastie spent .Monbars I " filly would be one of the particulars, and come. — Raincoats plain and 25 only, Boys, Suits, sizes weight:,Tweed Suits in.
have squirmed when you worked that with her friend, Miss Madke Nichols winners. '14 1
Minnie M. trick to win the Soo alae- Send A check designs, perfect 26 to 32 •in warm winter a splendid variety of
of Gorrie. The farmers of this locality have L _1 C9 A Normal School to train fitting collar and sboul- weights, fancy Tweeds
tion. for life in the home. styles and cloths, single
dere, heavily lined and
Ross—Squirm ? Not in the least. Mr. Win. Currie, of the Gofton their man ale and murphys nearly all (irey. your Endowment permits low of newest styles and or double breasted,
Some of the boys didn't like it, but Rouse, is to have an auction sale of harvested-, they are both a good crop• rates and high. generous length and tail -
household effects and other articles, W. H. McCracken of Brussels is con Mr. and Mrs. J. Its nand intend Hanna Bros.' standard
class advantates width, siz-s 36 to 44, ored clothing of quality,
the East Huron chap swallowed the Tuesday the 27th inst. He intends troling the market in this neighbor- moving to Dungannon shortly. daughter 28th year and t: regular $10 to $12. quality, regular up to fit and style, reg. $8 to
awful dose without even making a ter than ever. Write for Cata- Friday ............... 1-46.98 $5.50. friday........ $3..29 $10. Friday ............ $5.19
face. leaving our burg. He has not yet de- hood for the Irish pills. Roe's Sabbath School is preparing logue : Alma College, St.
Wilfrid—Is . s it p6ssible 2
tided, where he will locate. The nomination for the Federal for a Rally on Nov. let. Special Thomas, Ontario.
Ross—A positive fact, I assure you. On Monday night of last week, elections was held in Brussels on Mon- musieVill be given by the school.
when Mr. D. D. Sanderson was driv- day, and was largely attended. Much We are sorry to hear of the accident Rs
Wilfrid—You delight me. He's the ALMA COLLEGE
kind of a duck I want. Our boys have log home from the Presbyterian excitementwas shown, and each which befell Mr. X. Stevenson one day
been dipping very deep into western Social, the shaft of his buggy broke, speaker had a good bearing, and recently. Mr. Stevenson has been in SHL5, Dress Goods and Staples.
lands and timber limits, and I want causing the horse to jump. Mrs. Sam- defended their point of view very very poor health all summer, but had
some one who'will vote the thing all derson and little son were thrown out creditably, with the exception of a. sufficiently recovered as to work the
square, and have been suffering from some few personal remarks in which Dr. riding plow, which struck a stone, 50e Tainaline Silk For 39e. 1242c Towelling For 9c.
Ross—Well, hWI1 do it. , After the bruises. -Macdonald indulged. throwing the rider off with great 5 Pieces only in extra quality, Tamaline 500 yards of Pure Linen, CraFh Towel -
way he backed me up in all my _ques- The Rev. Mr. Hassard, B.D., gave There was a goodly delegation from force. He struck the lever, inflicting. Silk, exceptionally pretty shads in ling, picked up at a price ; a bleached
tionable efforts to hold on in spite of an illustrated lecture, on the work of Morris at Dr. Chisholin's- political a nasty wound, which has put him in mauve, sky, brown, creAm and black, towelling of quality and substance, reg.
the electors, you can bank on him for the Bible Society, in the Methodist meeting at Ethel on Friday night last, the doctor's care. We sincerely wish regular 50c. Friday, per yard........... 39c 121o, Friday, per yard .................... 9c
anything, from the Laurier tower that church, on Monday evening, of this 'There is keen interest taken in the him a speedy recovery.
fell down before it was finished, to the week. The lecture deserved a larger political issues of the day, and the Dr. just Tr
biggest western land deal Sifton and attendance, it was a rare treat. Air. would be a. worthy member of the $1.00 Black Or Navy Serge 69c. Ladies' 'Kid Gloves 89c.y
Oliver can hand out to the faithful. Hassard is an adept at his work. He new parliament, under the leadershipFine English Serge in Coating Cloth in All sizes in this lot of broken lines, com-
Wilfrid—That is very comforting, made the work of the society, under of Mr. Borden. One point in favor of Almost Sensational..navy and black, fall 56 in. wide and prised of greys, brown, champagne, in
and we must elect him then by any whose auspices he labors, very real. the Dr. is his independence of thought every thread of fine worsted wool, reg. Suede and bright Kid, regular $1.00
means. But has he ever declared him- Those who heard him could not but be and action. There is General Surprise at The Great $1.00. Friday, per yard .................... 69c and $1.25.. Friday ........................... 890
self publicly P impressed with the magnitude of the Number Of Persons In Witighain
Ross—Yes. Though not an expert work. a4w•P6 *�_w -,% affiom FOR ALL KINDS
Who Praise Booth's
on that line, he declared that Hon. It is reported, that a Mr. McDoug- 50c Table Linen For 38c. 50c And 75c Back Combs For 35c.
Sam. Blake "was in a state of mental all .was spying out the land here, in Blyth. Kidney Pills. OF GROCERIES, I WeVonly, 64 in, Bleached Table Linen, A lot of 5 dozen Back Combs, in high and
decline." He also stated that lawyers regard to the possibility of alantin.,: a Mr. Robert Brown has Arrived, home small neat patterns and a popular sal- low backs, plain; carved, or set in briI-
"would do any mortal *thing for newspaper and job printing office, front the West. e but a short time since the first ler at 500. Friday, per yard............ 380 liants, regular 50c and 75c. Friday.... 35c
money." His knowledge Of '900gra- From the experience of former piper It's of Booth's Kidney Pills came to FRUITS, ETC.
phy is amazing, for while you claim men here, we would say that any per- Mr. and Mrs. Hind of Harriston Wingbam.
to have made Canada, and I bold son who is doing tolerably well where were visitors with Rev. and Mrs. What a Work this stranger has ac -
benefited and enred. of lame, weak and
that I discovered Ontario, Mr. Hislop he is, should think twice before locat Hartley over Sunday. coniplished. Dozens of residents Are
found a new- County (Cardwell) that Ing in Wroxeter. Not that our vil- A moving picture show, under the Aching backs, urinary and kidney Fur Department.
nobody had ever heard of before, lage is such a bad place, but the con- management of Laing Bros., appeared troubles. It is remarkable; the rea-
Wilfrid—ludeed I Well, good morn- stituency is to small for any man to in Industry Hall, Monday night, son for it is Booth's Kidney Pills are a
new blend of vegetable ingredients, We are out to get all the trade there is this season in regard to Furs.
ing. make a decent -living. Mr. James Dodds of Toronto was having a peculiar action on the kidney le Positively the largest stock in Huron county to choose from tit Hanna BAS., and
Rose—Good morning, Sir Wilfrid, home for a few days, owing to the ser- tissue that brings- quick help. J. ����y Christ' their absolute guarantee with every purchase.
and may, you succeed. R!. *,fk ions illness of his sister, Miss Janet. James Weir, of Edward and Pat-
rick street, Wingham, Ont., says: On Friday we offer a dozen only genuine Sable Scarfs, medium length, full
Whitechurch. Next Sunday will be anniversary ,Although I had tried different fur and trimmed with six tails. Regular, $9.00. Friday, $3,99.
day at the Jackson. appointment. remedies I could find little or no relief PRON10 5.9
Fordyce: Quite a number from Whitechurch Rev. Mr. Jones of Auburn will preach for the heavy, dull pain that had set -
attended the anniversary services at morning and evening. tied across my bac in the region of
EvOyn Webster visited friends at the kidneys, Every little change of
Westfield oti Sunday. Bethel last Sunday. A meeting was held in Presbyterian weathjr would give me a cold and it
Mr. Robert McCleriaghan's new church on Friday evening to discuss would settle in the weak part of my G R 0 C E I E 5
Bethel church held a successful cement house is nearing completion, local option, No action was taken in back. The urine was highly colored
anniversary on Sunday. and it was filled with a brick dust
And it presents a very handsome the matter of bringing on a campaign. sediment the kidney secretions were Jello Powder. Conned Tomatoes 9c.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sturdy of Wing- appearance indeed, being nicely flhish- frequent and greatly disordered. I
avisited here on Saturday. ed outside. Mr. dos. Miller, Lucknow, would leave my bed three or four dello Powder in all flavors, regular 10c. 5 Cases only, Aylmer or Peacock brand
brn s&
Myrtle Webster of Win ham spent did the demerit work, and Mr. Nichol- times through the night. Booth'a Friday ........................................... 7c Tomatoes, regular 12-.�e., Friday ........ 9a
Kidney Pills were recommended. and
Saturday'and Sunday at home. son. of WIDghara the carpenter St. Helens. procuring a box at Mr. MeXibbons I
work, single Fare fop Hun cps
Ad& McClinton and Mary Buchanan The Anniversary services of Bethel commenced treatment, They quickly
of Westfield are spending a few days On Friday bight the Whitechurob, Methodist Church held on Sunday last cur�d ani
the urinary diffl- A
at Robt. Taylor g, trap -shooters went to Win ham and were 'very successful. The weather eulties and strengthening my back. I To all points In Terdagatnt, Points Mat- Watch our windows Thursday for Friday's bargain diqplays and remember
have not been troubled since and will tawa to Port Arthnn To (3corgiala Bay
marked 47 birds out of 90, The Wing- was fine And. good crowds were pre- recommend Booth's Kidney Pills as an and Mackinaw DIVIkion 1, Port Arthur Friday is the one and only day on which you can profit by these ridiculously
Mr. and Mrs.J. Martin of Cobalt 1, via N. N. Co., nnd to CeIrtain points in F riday,
ham boys At the same time killed 61 sent. The services were hearty and ideal and reliable remedy. Quebec, Now Brunawlelt, Nova Scotia low prices. And there will be other bargains awaiting you on
attended the funeral of the former's out of 00. Dr. Macdonalcl stood high- the offerings most liberal. Rev. M. D. Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents. and Newfoundland.
aunt, Mrs. Sno, Barbour. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie,
est in the Witighain club, with 14 dead Madden, B. A.j Pine River, delivered Ont.pressive sermons mornin
, Sole Canadian Agents, Oct. 22nd to Nov, 3rd
The funeral of the late Mrs. Jno. birds out of 15, G. Lamont stood first deep and img 1411USk0XA LAI= PP*ZV10`rAV&
Barbour took place to -day from her for Whitechurch, with 12 out of 15, and evening, and, Rev. J, E, Ford of LARN OF 13AYS MIDLAND
late residence to Green Hill cemetery. All the Whitechurch fellows need It Lucknow, Chairman of Wingharn Dis-itiruw LAKEFIELD
Deceas6a was able to attend church practice and they will be Able to shoot tricti preached a very prActleal and Mstdawuka to Dcp6t ffarb6r, AW16 to tly Cash. Produce same as Cash,
Coboconk, Undsmy to 11aliburton, 8110.
itds with tiny of them. Instructive sermon in the afternoon.. bot Lake via X. & V. Ity., arid points
a week ag6, but took a stroke that V Special Pplees ape Stpic
evening and passed away Saturday - front qevern to North Day, nalnelVe.
Whatever the weather may be like The Langside choir rendered. choice Return Iftnit on all tioltat,s, Saturdtty,
morning. Much sympathy is (extend- in other parts it is very dry Around musical selections at all the, services. SITUATIONS bee. Sth. 1008, or until oloiq of navigation,
ed Mr. Barbour in his hour of trial. Whitechurch. On Friday last fire which was: appr6ciated. by all. with leading butineag holigen if earlier, to points reached by steamers
t into tile swamp jilst South of the await our graduateig, HVINTORS' SPIWtALT,oavlrg Toronto at, 9 pan., 0dob6l' 29, .30,.11, to Notth My, atoging at all stAtionA.
I tj spocir*l wi i loaVd North 11�llage an(! with a strong southwest LOO99LEAF LRDOUR toturnin yIAMER THAN EV0, blowing, made the natives look 9 p rA ov. 12 18 14 and A'Ptetal %vi I
Many Down with Pleuday. and all Modem OfI106 methodig 104" daiianjer h P'm 'Nov. 10 12.12,13, ANNA B AOSN
very serious for a, while. Some Were which enbura r#,pld advancement 14. PullniWj. 11ag-jai'o and heath aw
Ohlinkling 116 wouid be a good time for ]Doctors OILY the country Is full of It commoddtfoli,
Our readers when deciding on their the village coutteii (who ever that, Is) First bomej A chill, then cold develop; OREGG S96PTHAND
reading matter for 1000, should not —the inflammation groans—you can't Wight by the only
overlook "The r4amily, Herald and to pass A by-law 0 Install a water- at toacher fix SINGLE FARE NOR
draw a long breath and sides th6 Provinoo vho attended tho
Weekly Star" of Montreal. Of course works system, Almost every farmer get Aord, stud plearlay set In. A good W
you -want -your local Ptivtr for 100�1 Around here is fighting either his h4lnO-duttl consists in taking twenty Ti OOURSM—Stonogr In (Irainda. 001fic
news, but any home In Canada, would awti or him nolghlbor's fire Mr. It' drops of Nervillne every four boara. 001hinotolal, Irel6graphy. Ootobor 2.16NIU265111211101. ham,
be tho bettor of receiving "The V xmily ;'&ble 110�; Supplement this by vigorously rub• tntor any 66Y. Write for partlaul&",
Rprald and Weekly Star, " It costs Henry has suffered con6lde blog the sides and cheat with Nervi- 11 I'll 11 1
Nervi -
taut onq dollat, it year and is without by Are •t boal.d" valut'ble timbdr he ,no, and when warmth and titculA- PALL TZRM F110M 40T. I&T iror t1okata ima fall lotoftbAtion, OAU on
ti Or wdtb
doubt the greatest value in. the laaws. had &boat 15 dorde of wood: butot. oil aro established, out 4 Nervilme h
Paper Ind. It Is a, weekly liewspitper Mr, ptn. McIntosh h6A hl# bush Pototio Plaster over the aching. spot. Wing ant Bainess College I D. McDonald
famll Itte And &a av-lcdltirk�Al , Norvillo6 tr"tmont IN alWays'nuccess-
OU dostroy6d. also ; on Mondty, Mgbr 090, 00TT01t, VAM"AL,
OU fill Ill, bolds, naU. tl&, at(l plotjrl�y,
ou three In bnb, It, aboula be toll
n every C:*ttatllttirr boM6. -#.'bout 80 mou *#&h#A It kit tiight,4 Try It youftelf, I