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The Wingham Advance, 1908-10-22, Page 5
made. You can mare some of those dollars by buying your Boy's Clothing now. The lines we are quoting you prices on, are this sea- son goods, and are up-to-date in every particular. 12 Boss' two-piece Suits, in sizes from 23 to 30. Regular $3.50 -for ......... $2.45 12 Boys' two-piece Suits, in sizes from 23 to 30. Regular $4.75 -for ......... $3.70 12 Boys' three-piece Suits, in sizes from 27 to 34. Regular $5,25 -for ......... $4.35 KrcGee ♦Nei o•N�WNs H��N��1►NrfNN�tNrNss Coal Coal We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Residence Phone, No. 55 Office of No. t34 Will " No. 44 We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Logs. J. A. McLEAN t T -11-F, INCH A N .A.DV A, MX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2% 1908. EAST HURON ri.reviON RETURNS "^�'^",^•� FOR, 1004, Bl'y'ril -- Macdonald Chisholin No. 1 .... .... 40 47 No. 2 ......... 48. 33 11 01 80 Maj. for Macdonald- 11 113 13RLrHN1:Lt3--- 1 ..... , . , 41 No. 1.,..r,... 30 3.1 No. 2 . 41 54 No, 3 .............. 51 2;i No, 1 ..... ... 50 i_2z iii Moi. for Macdonald,. 11 40 Q It No, 4 ..... 73 113 No, 1 ..... , . , 41 57 No 2 ......... 51 10 No 3 , r . , , ... 70 35 No, 4 .... .. , . 05 35 No. 5 ......... 09 64 No.O..,...,,, No. 3 ......... at 57 No. 7 ,........ 75 47 a3 47 433 ;314 Maj, for Macdonal4.,121 • .... ,128 Howler - No. 1......... No, 1 ..... ... 50 102 No, 2......... 51 1 No. 3 .•.r...,. 40 112 No, 4 ..... 73 113 No. 5 , . , 70 85 No, 6. ,,,.r. _17 72 ' WT OXETLit- 349 560 Maj. for Chisholm • ... , • , .....217 ' Monims- 15 No. 1 ......... 57 41 No. 2......... 60 116 No. 3 ......... 41 50 No, 4 ......... 50 30 No. 5......... a3 47 No. 0. ...... 50 73 317 302 Maj, for Macdonald.. 15 Tunxnrnnv- No. 1 ......... 40 92 No. 2......... 61 58 No. 3..... 58 01 No. 4 • , ....... 55 51 217 208 Maj, for Chisholm ...... . ...... 51 WT OXETLit- No. 1 , 53 38 Maj. for Macdonald.. 15 Wt.rcrHA.rr- No. 1......... 32 51 No. 2 ......... 35 56, No. 3......... d2 71 No. 4 ......... 03 119 172 300 Maj. for Chisholm ....... • .... ,128 EAST WAWA)\OSH- No. 1......... 05 53 No. 2......... 65 71 No. 3 ......... 57 41 No. 4......... 50 45 243 2'10 Maj. for Macdonald.. 33 RECAPITULATION. Macdonald Chisholm Blyth.......... 14 . Brussels .......... 11 Grey ........... 121 Howick ..... , , ... , 217 - rtorris ............ 15 Turnberry .. , ... , . 51 Wingham .. , ..... 128 Wroxeter ........ 15 East Wawanosh, . 33 Maj. for Chisholm .........181 MAQIISTRATE INVESTIGATES ZAM•BUK. • Says It Is A Wonderful Healer And Does More Than -is Claimed For It. No household remedy in existence {r has won such glowing tributes' from t . people in high places ae has Zam-Buk. + ' Mr. Roger F. Perry, Justice of the Peace for British Columbia, tested this t q� famous balm, and this is what he says lNi ��'- • N. r of it t 11 r a Goldfields, B.C. "To the Zam-Buk Co., "Gentlemen -After a fair trial I have. proved Z tm-Buk eminently satis- factory. Ig my case it cured a skin rash of five years standing which no doctor had been able to do any good for. "I would certainly encourage any �' person to keep Zam-Buk in their HuronSto-"�home. It truly does even more than w you claim for it. For my own part I would not now be without it in the house. Yours very truly, p (Signed) "Roger F. Perry. and Ranges clam-Buk differs' from ordinary salves and embrocations, for while these mostly contain animal oils and fats, Zam•Buk is purely herbal. It soothes and heals cuts, sores, ulcers, eruptions, boils, eczenia, chafing sores, etc. In the household it is the handi- Cash Prices for the Fall of 1908 - est possible remedy for burns, scalds, children's injuries. It instantly clean- ses any wound to which it is applied;' prevents festering, iti tmmation or No. 9-18-4 I-Ioles, square ................ $16.50 blood -poisoning. It cures piles, varl- 9-18-6 cc `'16 50 cose ulcers and fistula. All druggists '- and stores sell at 60c a box, or from 9-20-4 cc cc ................ 17.50 the Z•tm-Buk'Co,, Toronto, for price, 9-20-6. ............... 18.50 0 boxes for $2,50. 9,18--4 " with Reservoir ........... 22.75 9-18-6 cc cc tc.. . ..... 22,95 9-20-4 t` coo It ,........ 22.75 Teeswater. 9-20-6 it it .......... , . 25.00 Teeswater Fair had the largest gate receipts ($417,05) and the biggest crowd Cast high shelf $2.65 extra, high closet $6.60, of its history, and has one of the best water front $2.50, thermometer $1.00. shows in the county. This, at any rate, is an opinion very freely express- ed by many who attended. Call and let us explain the many good points in Elizabeth (Graham, widow of the this Range. It will be to your advantage to know how late Wm. Moffatt, who lived with her we are selling such superior goods at the above prices. son, Wm. Moffatt, 8th line, Culross, A full line of home manufacture. Wood Stoves, Base passed away on Sunday after several months illness, She had reached the Burners, Surface Burners, Wood Heaters and Box Stoves advanced age of 85 years and G at proportionately low prices. Every Stove 'Warranted. months, and death was due to natural Call and be convinced. decay, At two special meetings of the vil- htge council -ono on Friday evening and one on Tuesday evening the sub- ject discussed teas a request by the W. It. Thompson Co. of a loan of $5000.00 from the town, to assist in re- building the saw mill recently burned Alex. CON down. A by-law will be submitted to loan thein $5,000. Me.'Herbert, Stuckey, who for the past month had his farm advertised Q .- THE for salt, h s ;L �L'1 �� as old out, ������ , . The farm co RE n slats of 2000,acres and the price i3 $11,- 000, The buyer is Air, Sas. Semple, a GH'AM VNI.J.i' .11. 4f.6�a./ farmer who for the past Year hzts lived .�.4r.L,\) retired in Orangeville. In part pay. ntent Mr. Stuckoy taken a residence L is w elmproperty in Or'flitgeville valued at $'�fltlfl. 110 41 LADIES If you wish to get the very newest and best in Dross Goods, Dress Trimmings, and Fancy Goods of every hind, come to D. M. GORDON'$, for we Pay special attention to our Dress Goods De• partment-.everything new and up-to-date, and atolosest prices, OUR LADIES' COATS Selected from the best makers in. Canada and Europe, are abso• lately correct in Style, (duality, 041; and Finish -and our Prioes will please you, IN GROCERIES AND CEREALS Of all kinds, you will find everything fresh and of the -very best quality, Try our new Silent Matches --they'll please you, RAINCOATS, OVERCOATS, ETC. Very soon Raincoats, Overcoats, Sheotings, Blankets, Shawls and Wraps of all kinds will be in demand, You'll find them all here, and we promise you courteous treatment and right prices, Delivery Wagon, Buggy and Cutter for Sate Cheap. Highest Prices for Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples, It is important to have the Apples just quartered and PgitirraTLt; DwED. D• M. GORDON Evening 'IRews Items •-'•-Flat two cent postag4 temwent into effect between the United States and Great Britain at midulght, Sept. Milt, -Alp. Thomas Salter of the 9th con. cession of Wallace, has a potato which weighs 3 pounds and measures 1844 inches, -The forest fires In Minnesota, ac. cording to the Federal Forester's re- port, have cost that state from $5,000,- 000 to $10,000,000, -A Mount Forest youth threw a stone at a bird and knocked a big hole in a plate glass window that it will cost $100 to repair, -A 30 months' old baby, which tip- ped the scales at 130 pounds, attracted a great deal of attention lately while visiting in Bucyrus, 0., with its par- ents, ax•-ents, -The beet sugar industry is grow Ing in the United States. Sixteen. of the States have factories for the man- ufacture of the product, with a total of 61 such plants in the United States. -At the last meeting of Listowel Town Council a petition was present- ed asking the Council to put the pre- sent electric plant in working order. A motion togrant the petition was voted down by 2 to 5. -It is announced that the rails of a the Temiskaming and Northern Ont- ario Railway have been laid to a point . 233 miles north of North Bay, within 18 or 19 miles from its junction with the National. Transcontinental' Rail- way, 811,ppers Hanover, Oct, 16r -Chas. P. Clarke, 0. P. R. conductor, was caught while For Ladies and Gentlemen. BEAUTIFUL NEW GOODS for evening wear. LATEST and NEWEST in uncoupling cars here and so terribly mangled that he died. While the mail train, his train, was being switched off the main track to make rdbm for the eastbound express he went between the cars and his foot . caught in some manner, the wheels passing over him. Clarke leaves a The very wife, but no children. His parents live in London. -Leslie Miller of Grand Valley, lost Cuban 'Ties Oxfordshis life in a fire in Stettler, Alberta, Tuesday morning last. The fire broke out in a bowling alley near the Grand Court Slippers Theo -S Union hotel. It made great headway before it was discovered and practical- ly nothing could be done to check the practical - SAMPLES IN NORTH WINDOW spread of the flames. Fully one half of the business portion of the .town was burned to the ground. Miller slept over Rigg's 4 Whyte's store and VVI I S � COwas evidently suffocated in his bed. .� • ' LEFT ON HER DOORSTEP FOR At Robt. Johnston's old stand. • 'Phone 129. THIS MOTHER. U V 1 1_2A t \ 1 Satupday Will Be A DIG DAY V In Clothing DepaptMent We're aiming straight for Big Business on Saturday, and along with Special Offerings in every Department throughout the store, we'll have a Big Day in Ready-to- wear Clothing. A Manufacturer's Clearance of Men's & Boys' Suits and Overcoats, of the beet makes. All new, right -up-to-the-minute patterns and styles. Every garment marked in plain figures and at a Big Saving to every cus- tomer, Come Saturday morning and get first choice. 18 MEN'S SUITS, -Choice patterns, medium and dark Wor- steds and Tweeds, well tailored, good trimmings; every Suit good enough for best wear; good value at $12.50 - Saturday Price, only.... .. .................,.,...,$9,50 MEN'S SUITS. -In good we*iig Tweeds, dark small pat- terns, strong linings, well tailored -Saturday Bargain...... $8.00 OVERCOATS. -Special value in Boys' New Winter Over- coats, made of plain and fancy Cloth, and strong linings. Every Coat is a Bargain. Prices are.. ....... . .......... . ....... .. $3 75, $4.00, $6.00, $6,00, $6.50, $8.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS. -All the New Fall and Winter Over - are in. We have a large stock to show you. See our Special Coats at ................. . .... . . $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 MENS' PANTS. -10 Dozen Pairs of Men's Pants, in new patterns, to sell at OUT PRICES. Good strong Tweeds and Worsteds. Prices begin at ............... • . , .•.. , , 1. , .$1.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR, -All the Best makes are in stock, including Penman's, Watson's and Tiger Brand. See our Saturday Bargain, at per garment.................50o and 75o BOYS' UNDERWEAR. -Lots of Boys' fleece -lined and ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers, all sizes. Clearing line at..... 25o sar(.. Mrs. A. G. Tuson, of Livermore, Cal., writes: "I picked up from my doorstep one day a little book in Lueknow. villager. The airship itself was not which I soon became very much inter- Better Than Expected. The White Plague. On Friday, Oct. 9th, Jas, Webster, visible, but the stream of light exact ag hadkbeen trouttle bled foirl of $aelonars of time Crossley and Hunter who have been Dr, llodgetts, of Toronto, who has ly resembling the rays from a search R- g who was working on D. C. Taylor's light were unmistakeable. with loss of appetite, extreme ner- preaching daily in Cobalt; have ex- been attending the big international new residence, cut his foot quite badly vousness and undue fatigue. She was pressed both from the pulpit' and to tuberculosis convention at Washing - with an adze. On Friday afternoon, Oct. 9th, R. all run down and in a, very delicate the press their astonishment at the ton, D. C., thinks that Canada is far Scarborough, who was collecting seed condition. The Lucknow Pipe Band has been This little book was very coin re - high standard of morals they find in behind the United States in fighting engaged to play at the big Marathon boxes throughout the country for hensively written, and told of the that mining town. The co-operation the white plague. Dr. Iiodgetts also Steele -Briggs & Co. seedmen of To- new method of extracting the medi- of the people in church work ranks says that home treatment is as effec- r•ace in Woodstock on Thanksgiving ronto, left his horse at the G.T.R. sta.- cinal elements of the cods' liver from Day, Nov. 9th. the oil, eliminating the obnoxious oil among the highest, they declare, and five as sanitarium treatment, in many tion platform and went inside to g while the have heard of the existence cases, which is so ha y rd for children to take. The supper and entertainment given transact business. While he was ,. 'Just the thing,' said I, for my of "blind pigs," they have not seen under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid thus employed an engine backed some little daughter,' and I immediately half a dozen drunken men in the two r in the Methodist Church parlors on cars in on the siding and struck the went for a bottle of Vinol.. It helped weeks they have been there. EASY TO MIX THiS. Tuesday evening, Oct. 13th, was a horse which was very badly injured her wonderfully. She has gained rap - most successful and satisfactory affair and ted on Monday. The rig which idly in flesh and strength, and she _.�. does not take cold half so easily, What will appear ver interesting in every sense of the word. was T light waggon is a complete I am extremely grateful for the pp y g On Thursday, 18th inst., while An- wreck. The horse was valued at over good it has done her, and I hope other Rural Telephone Advantages. to many people here is the article $2D0. mothers who have weak, delicate or No better idea of what a rural tele- from a New York daily -paper, giving drew Young of Colborne was driving ailingchildren will be benefitted b a simple prescription, which is said to y p j give Vinol a phone system means to a town can be be a positive remedy for backache or in a race at Dungannon fair; his horse T m experience and just stumbled and fell. Mr. Young and trial." gained than by a glance over the kidney or bladder derangement, if g Cause Of Boils Explained. Vinol is sold in Win ham lJby J, directory just issued by the South taken before the stage of Bright's dis- the sulky were thrown clear over the , ven in health there is a laW large ac- Walton bleKibbon, druggist. Malahide and Basham Tel. Com - ease : horse, and that he escaped death or cumulation of matter in the system,anise: There are almost G00 names Fluid Extract of Dandelion, one-half serious injury is miraculous, which if not destroyed breaks through p ounce: Compound Largon, one ounce; the skin in the form of pimples and of phone }folders on the list, who can Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three Mr. Albert Towle, who lives on the boils. No remedy so cleansing, so be reached at any time, day or night, ounces. Shake well in a bottle and Boundary, met with the misfortune sure to drive out boils as Dr. Hamil- Might Have Proved Fatal. through the central exchange office in take in teaspoonful doses after each ain aime. on Fair Day of losing a purse contain- ton's Pills. They brace up the system, What might have proveq a fatal Aylmer. Of this number, 71 are locat- meal well-knownt bd uggist here at ing fifty-one dollars. The purse was rid it of humors, restore health; and accident happened last week on the ed in business places and private home, when asked regarding this pre - afterwards found by Mr. G. W. Cater blotchesabsolutely nd boils. Becaevent use mildandfarm of Mr. W. Armstrong, near Exe- houses in Ayfiner, each with its own scription, stated that the ingredients between the postoffice building and Certain, anyone can use Dr. Hamil- ter. Thos. Smale was engaged in dig- private wire, so that there is no ring- are all harmless, and can be obtained at a ood pre - A. R. Anderson's grocery, but there ton's Pills. Sold by all dealers, ging a well and was down about six- Ing of bells except when individually scription 1pharmacy,ll costnortl he mixture was no money, in it when found. t , teen feet. Several small children were wanted. There is hardly a business or would be put up if asked to cdo so. On Monde evening, Oct. 12th -Alex. 11lann the Orangeville lir_ playing near the well and although professional man of any kind that He further stated that while this Monday g' ' g g warned to keep back, one child about cannot be reached by any of the farm- good prescription is very often pre - about 10.30 o'clock some of our citi- dener, has issued •a writ against the scribed in rheumatic afflictions with zeas observed what they took to be Cement Company for damages to his ten years old, son of Geo. Jeffrey, had ers on the lines at any time, and there splendid results, lie could see no rea- thezen rays of a search light from an air- gotten near the month and stepping is no section of the country in any son why it would not be a splendid y g garden caused, as he alleges, by cem- on a board which upturned, the lad direction that is not reached by the remedy for kidney and urinary trou- ship or balloon a little south of the eat dust and smoke from the plant. fell headiong into the well. The fall other sections, through the central bles and backache, as it has it peculiar was partially, broken by slightly strik- office, as the different lines reach action upon the kidney structure, cleansing these most important or- / ing Mr. $male on the neck and head out for 10, 15 and `LJ miles in every gins and lie] ping them to sift acid fil- and the little lad landed headfirst into direction like the spokes of a wheel. ter from the blood the foul acids and the empty bucket. He was quickly After the first installation of a phone, waste matter which cause sickness Have Some)r0f This, taken to the to and is now able to be the cost to subscribers is only ; a and suffering. Those n our readers t? y $+ wile suffer can make no .mistake in around again, Mr. Sma,le and the lit- year. giving it a trial, tle hid lire to be congratulated on Its the best dessert we know anything about. escaping from what would seem cer- tainYOU NEVER TASTED ANYTHING death, ONE HALT SO GOOD i she Wears Large Boots. _ ` Hag to o b t H s n account f corns, but WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR they can be sued in 2r: hours with � l' r, Putnain's Painless Corn txtractov. INTERESTING 1' / ELL— Use K no other but utnant's.J0 ,} / A Satisfactory Test. FREE BOO T �A t The, , Dain lv Dessert A very thorough test hag been made J of the water supply front the Listowel About Qualifying Yourself for a wells, as they are now completed. w'11 deliaht all who use it. Successful Career. t `� b The Board of Water Commissioners, Easily Prepared --Simply add bulr.ling water, 0001(' Secrettttrner anupernten- o learn the folly entering •y Tabbed SiTo of " ba+ usine" r ..._ ro �. dent Itay minis the test, tasking acrur- life" ,. without a bueineea educetion and serve. No cooping, no favoring, no sweetening t0 ate measurement of tete level in well rend our Froe Gatnloguo, t ��. W, add. No trouble, no further expense. Geta package every ten minutes. The pumps were, n;hy destrabla to secure thin +masa ea ..i tiara al rarest City BUsineso College— from your grocer to Clay, and prove what we say is true, started nt' their ordinary full runningCatalogue. ' ) Why the bl,{ msrcsntlia 611sea prefer One package makes enough dessert for the whole family, capacity, 4, to d:l strokes to the min; ,r,C B G, graduates•-readCatalogus p g b y ute, and kept up to this speed during Thin rREE BOOT{ explains in dated �pdihee Fero ` aur Commerelal,Sherthand and Typawrion,( !e b( THE Gl[1NE4EE PU1ltE %AOb CO.. IgRItbGEilU124. CAf1fhDA, the hoar sad a half they Iver© rile. .. Geurxes. TbllswhYF:G:B.0 mathodsa( Ce'+d 4"G+ Cq Mighestt Award, Gold Medals at SL i,ouisr The water level In the wells gradually a� (nee ii t* iore°YAei Shaws value of °e Colt, 4 Portland aaftd Jairlestown iExpoWtions. sank until for the last twenty minutes _ saciauon s U pioma, rr 44, of tem lit it held its own flowingJut sand your name `i' > OtlFe Special Satis action guaranteed. p p g ' ' in S and addrasn.. Catalogue D= 'fie Ontnin a as fast as It was drawn out, The teat will raaelt you :. ,;' S 5epY, sed If YOU Value oU r health aVOid lasted for one hour and 30 wirttttes, promptly. ,.;� rJan. J' siva;lnts �',lt;;�,.`Y The Purest City fiche !}p illnitations« JELL -0 costs a acid during that tulle 67,000 gallons of Aatattted � oi4; r Little menet but - wittet ivero pumped, nibre titian Anrrrete 13asiaeea is Shorthand College ri M enough tet fill the water tower. The ,t i erle. �,read y pleased r/ ' J. p �sp,�r :i4 J. �V VWattbtiYblq Jti r.11. Onimula6lon6re were . a i e6.Prinaipat. 10 CENT'S PER PAC X kGlE with the woult of the toot. ri