The Wingham Advance, 1908-10-22, Page 4E 4 Are You Particular PS Iso you want things to be just so ? Then we'd like you for a customer. We've promised you satisfaction --promised you that style, fit and price will please you ---- we'll keep our promise. Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your neat Suit or Overcoat, Men's FLl<rniS. In -0S. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc., in every line that's new and up-to-date. Call and see our elegant stock. Small Prices ---Big Values. Robt. Maxwell Tailor & Men's Furnisher N c a !rRR "'WIN'GrH-U.1 ADVANCE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER O2, 1908. and implement sales a specialty. Terms Residence, at North end. W. J. PRICE Parliament, the cabinet, aye, Sir Wil- instead of $13,000,000. lnents, because that Department has lately received special attention from QUESTiONS AND ANSWERS. 1-1 P y a s the frid Laurier himself. ItThe urtn Messrs. (lourtney,.lry+s}ie and Bazin. in C WINGHAM - ONTARIO Ritchie & Cosens ' T. MILUE3 their report on the Civil Service. It Has the debt of Canada been W INGHAM �xlY �l Il i y l should never be forgotten that these aro all strong Liberals, decreased, as was easily practicable with the revenues in hand ? No, it has READ ESTATE +4i+U ,gentlemen These Commissionerswent thorough, increased, AND INSURANCE Theo. gall - Proprietor. ly into the matter and their report as Do we get A bettor proportionate re- " dered impervious to facts by pre- printed is the severest condemnation turn for a hundred million expend}- ' SunsoRtrrloN 1'rtlaiG.-$1.00 per annum in advance, $1.50 it not so paid, the spendthrift, Laurier Government ent , They has received. hey say- I'The only ture b Liberals than we got far a y forty or fifty million expenditure by Farm Properties. ADvi•:RTISiNo RATES, -Legal slid other cas, Ptirpose which seems to actuate the Conservatives ? We do not. for100 000. $ keep- ual advertisements. too per nonparlel line for first Insertion, 3o per line for each subsequent marina and Fisheries Department is ; Did Conservatives ever disburse Some exceptional values in Insertion. columns , �� That of spending as mucl> money as possible. Zeal for econ- such huge campaign fundg as the Lib- Farms. If you wept one, it will Advertisements In the local are ol,ar{tod too per line for first in6grtlatt, and bo for insertion. OII1y and good management is not 'There orals controlled and expended in 1900 n pay you t0 ac0 Ag. per line each subsoquent Advertisements of Strayed Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $DO for first three vioible. is not only a lack of efficient organization method in the Department, but there would and 15104? Never. Has less respect been paid to par - The good old Province Of On• tario is all right. weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent In- sertion. seem to be 'an utter lack of con. tisan considerations in appointments on which a number of well developed potatoes had grown above the ground, OONTRAM, RATaa:-Tho following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:- science."to --One of the most matters in the Boticll, to the Senate, and to the public. service generally? No, for now they are the only test of fitness. Town Properties SrAalq 1 Yr. 3 me, 3 me" 1 Mo, One Column $" o'$22,50 x8.00 serious connection with the financial condi- Is the Senate a loss obedient echo of ' ...$70.00 Halt Column ,•,.., 1c,00 25,00 15,00 s,00 tion of this Dominion is the impair- the Ministry now than it was under At right prices. We,,have a Quarter Column,,. 20.00 12.50 7.50 3.00 tine Incl,.......... 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.25 men of our credit in the money mar- Conservative Governments ? No it is number of places admirably suit - Advertisements without specific diroctionR kets of the world. We have been liv- more slavish than ever. ed for retired farmers. No pret- will be inserted till for and charged ae• paidiforin advs cat advertisements must bo ing beyond our means, and it is no wonder Sir Richard Cartwright ad Have elections been more fairly con- the tier or healthier town in Ontario mits that the outlook is serious. It dttated? They have not. Look at London carnival of corruption, than Wingham. Property bought could not be otherwise.s Fielding's Has there been a restricted use of here can always be re -sold. For The Hurons. last loan but onwas subscribed to the extent of only44 cent. in the the public money, public buildings and Protection a� Safe REMEMBER -14 DAYS ONLY. j per world's metropolis --a thing unknown wharf and railway subsidies in Order to bribe doubtful constituencies . No, for M RitchieeCosens before in the history of Canadian fin• the most insulting offers to constitu- atlon, should at enc© be deposited Ina East Huron - DR. CHiSHOLM ancing, and the word from London encies have been made and one mega• Inyestment � - this week is that of the current Beta- ' bar boasts that securen $1L5 far REAL ESTATE AND West Huron - E. N. LEWIS Lion of three and a half per cent, at c each person in his constituency. INSURANCE, - WINGHAM .e South Huron - J. G. SHERRITT par, all but twenty-five per cent. re- mains in the underwriters' hands. Has there been less gross manipula- Alin ooasslxnn >i1 With the large revenues of the past tion of public contracts in order to lost everything. It is said there was no insurance on either buildings or few years, the national debt might serve the interests of partisans, and I- `^^""""" INCREASE YOUR SALARY. PROPER Kerr Bird The BStore WINC-l'IIAAI, ONTARIO. When you get tired paybig long pricer at other stores, come here aria buy at MONEY SAVING PRICES.. 11To pne offers such value as you get at this big store. We quote a few prices this week, These are our regular prices. Compare with prices you are paying elsewhere. Fru}t Biscuits, .... .. , .3 lbs, 25c 1.1c Unbreakable Combs for.. 10c Lemon Square . , .......3 lbs, 25c 20c Unbreakable Combs for..15c Lemon Crisp...... , , ...3 abs ",)cor 2 for lac Royal Biscuits .........3 It)% 25c Splendid Wire Hair Brush. , .25c Automobile Biscuits .... 3 lbs. 25e 350 Bead Neeldace for.. , .. , 25c have been reduced ten millions a year, sounder business methods in t e pur- People's Assorted .... , 3 IN. 25c Safety Plus, 2 papers for . , , 5c • o i.. u, 1. ., ., . .I 1. oI a u_... -� , u...I n I ., iIL.. dl. _ 2 chase of supplies for the Department ? PREPARATION DOES IT. ATTEND 'font '1'hutnb .....xed ....3lbs. 25c oaf toff �i but there,has been a supreme reckless- PP P Vanilla Bal', .......... 3 lb;, "L5c g Just the reverse; see report of Civilatmeal Squares 3lbs. 2uc Bi bar ams in Side; Combs . Trade mess, and the national debt is piling ELLIOTT'ELLTOTT q g g King's For Bargains We Want Your�....,.....�,.,... up monthly. Just as a merchant is Service Commission. and Back Combs. ah of giving credit to a reckless Bras the public treasury, or have the a s -Very little is heard from the Lib- Y g g Roasted Rio Coffee ... ..... era_ s endfn customer who is running partisans of the Administration reap- TORONTO, OXT. , , , , 15c or S lbs. for $1.00 Peri Lusta, Lostered Cotton Prepare For Cold Weather ner this election about the full din- P fl g mer pail, but "a good many working- headlong into debt, so the money ed the chief return from the increas- Green Rio Coffee....... , for white; embroidery... ■ in value of coal, land and timber in And the time to commence is RIGHT . 15a or S iD3. for $1.00 ...4 for 10c lenders are not articular) anxious to g Now. One hundred and one students men will be heard from about the particularly P Y Izod Nothihisccollegeonithin one earnWITA1 g Java *for.,.,...`. ee, 25c B take up Canadiap loans. the Western Provinces? The Treasury from other business colleges have patron- Chase & Sanborn's 1 Ib. Lin empty one. has been the loser, and the artisans DoEs TRis Pitovi:7 We give the best. l►ioch. Guf... . Nothing y pg . est Scotch Fingering Yarn, Our Stock in the man different linea is full t0 overflowing, -Those colored osteoids and cam- have had the plums. else should satisfy you. ALL GnADOATEs Best (okfee, Chase &San- black, at old price...5c skein . ; - 's , . 40C The Best Canadian Factory and the time is approaching when customers will Yarn, all pure wool, pp y P Y J pp g pat n literature so lavishly sent out Want their Fall and Winter supplies.' Read ' h ghe Liberals costa tie of move EXPLANATIONS REQUIRED. ]� `" R w. READILY E�irLo1 PRINCIPAL guaranteed ern • , guaranteed ......... , .50c }b, . for Catalogue, carefully the lines given below. But you may; rely upon it that the Cor. Yonge & Alexander Ste. Mouse Traps...... , .....2 for 5c Many honest Liberals would like to What Causes. Nerves ? ., cost will come out of your pockets in Toilet Paper ......5 rolls for 25c DRESS GOODS. -We show the largest stock of the best goods in have satisfactory explanations of the Most people say worry, the are 15c Writing Pads Linen R = some shape or other. p P Y , Y (Good quality, perforated.) g Black and colors, the most up-to-date, and at popular prices. following:- wrong -the cause is in the blood Paper, for .............. 9c - - which is thin and lacks nutriment. Fine quality Envelopes, pkg. 5c .1 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. -See our Extra Special line of Fleece lined, = The Timber Deals by which two THE GREAT SCIi00L. „ at 50 cents. The best on earth. -What is a Half a million spent on To core "Nerves" more blood, sinew Bee Jell Powder k s. 25c Medium 11 1. 3 pkgs. 10c 4 fifths of the available timber of the and flesh are required. You get these i Y P g Uheaper 4 pkgs. 10c LADIES' UNDERWEAR. -A choice selection from 2to to $1 25• agriculture when the friends of the Northwest have been given awe CENTRAL, Oriental 3 pkgs. 25c g =; Liberal government can haul mons g y quickly by taking Ferrozone. No rine Dutch Fabric Writing _ C y for practically nothin health bringer is so certain, no nerve Paper, 21- sbeets for..... 10c CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. -Best linea in all Wool and Union.. out of the public treasury in chunks of P Y g' strengthener more potent, no system _.A Fine Dutch Fabric Enve- _ FURS. -Large selection of best goods from most reliable mannfao- The land grants and irrigation con- tonic so well oda ted to the wants of STRATFORD, ONT. FALL.STYLE BOOKS CHEAP lopes ..... . ..............10c a hundred thousand dollars or so, P turers. Our $10.00 Spacial Scarf is a dandy. You can't beat it. See A. W. Eraser's ease as only one eessions,'in which our lands have been the run-down, nervous or sleepless. Q111- past record and our present grade 90 Page Style Book for...... 5c a COON COATS, -The best $50.00 Coon Coat in the trade. sample. given away at nominal prices. Let Ferrozone build you up, let it fill of work stamps us as the great procti- p you with vim, energy and surplus cal training school of Western Ontario. Bargains in All Pure Wool LADIES' FUR` JAOHETS.-Ladies' Fur and Far -lined Jackets in - The Blairmore Townsite deal, by vigor. It has done this for thou- p Ladies' 25c Embroidered Col- Hosiery for Men, Women and I the best makes and at close prices. -Hon. J. J. Foy, attorney -general, which a party favorite cleared $100,- ss, Three departments -COMMERCIAL, TELEGRAPHIC. _ SHORTHAND, TELEORnPHIC, cars for ....... .... . .... 15c Children. 7. STAPLES. -That 25e Wrapperette for 10a is the talk of the country. stated last Wednesday, that he had 000. Payment of double prices to the our graduates are in as well as Bnsi- _ heard rumors to the effect that there contractors who outfitted the Mont- mess college d v duachers as well as office , Miss , C assistants. Individual instruction. En - calm. _ '• was an extensive corruption fund be The stifling of investigations MISS Elizabeth E. Grant ter Now. Large catalogue free. write WANTED, ALL BINDS TRADE -Butter, Eggs, Beans. Dried Apples, &o. = Ing used in the present campaign, and into departmental mismanagement for it. Tub Butter, 220. Eggs, 220. that if definite information could be and irregularity. Teacher re Piano, Theory. Harmony and ELLIOTT do MCLACHLAN Poultry Wanted -Must be fat and dry picked, heads off. g Y• Inter retntion. Pupils prepared fOC PRINCIPALS - obtained steps would be taken at once The endorsemeift of men who have - Uoozum nations orTerIna on ty tDried Apples Wanted-Mnst be bright color and well dried. GEOn Em KINGto bring the guilty parties to justice. become millionaires b Cana ears of application. Y Y Butter and Eggs Wanted -In large quantities. active participation in Canadian poli- STUDIO - 1ST FLOOR-MAODONALD� BLoair A RT�EUR J. IRWIN -In fighting, ever Liberal candi- tics. g b" Y D.D.S., L,D.S. Good Goods Cheap Prices date the people are fighting graft. The reason the Aylesworth ditch in Frank McConnell The candidate may not be a grafter in North York will cost $2,000,000 when , Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen - his individual capacity, but it is the the estimated cost was given as LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR Dent Pen- nsylvania College and Lic Ontario. ate of g Dental Surgery of Ontario. raftfn element which dominates the $350 000. COUNTY OF HURON. LOOK Cut Nails For Sale Cheap ' Size 1J in., 11 in., 4J in., 41 in., 5 in., 51 in., 6 in. Any quantity of the above sizes at 11 cents per pound. STOVES We are agents for all the Best makes of Stoves and Ranges made in the Province, including the Pandora Range and Happy Thought Range. Call in and see our Stoves. We sell the kind that will give you good satisfaction. 16. Stewart & Co. SUCCESSORS TO J. V. HILL Central Hardware Directly Opposite Brunswick Hotel g g P -Valve III Macdonald Blook- organizations, the conventions, the The reason the Grand Trunk Pacific , sato orders carefully attended to, stock candidates, the representatives, the ,will cost this country $200,000,000 and implement sales a specialty. Terms Residence, at North end. W. J. PRICE Parliament, the cabinet, aye, Sir Wil- instead of $13,000,000. reasonable. 1007 the lands were advertised in the company's price list at $10, $12 and least know where the Liberal adminis- tration and the Liberal press stands P y a s the frid Laurier himself. ItThe Halifax and Moncton land deals, WINGHAM - ONTARIO B.S.A.L.D.S. D.D.S. ' T. MILUE3 piper and it calla the tune. The con- trol of the grafter is complete and where party favorites secured rake- offs of tens of thousands of dollars on W INGHAM Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of e 1 autocratic, and any honest Liberal thinks has been ren- minor transactions. General Hospital- Dei tel surgeons of Ontario. oirriaE IN BEAVER BLOCK - WINaIIAM py /r who otherwise The reason A. W. Fraser was allow- v ENDING SATURDAY, OCT. 24TH. ■ IN M W W 1 �G dered impervious to facts by pre- ed to acquire for less than $1,700 pub- (Under Government Inspection.) Fresh Groceries and - j udice. lie lands which he'immediately resold - Ploaaaatly situated. Beautifully furnished. CANADIAM HOME PIRCLES Y In Wentworth county, at the last for100 000. $ keep- Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and to according Vegetables always here.interest ; election, the Liberal candidate was Mr. Seale and the Conservative Mr. Y Smith. R. Knowles a prominent The appointment to office and in there of men of the Paisley and g g Y Sir Fred. Borden type, nursing) -$3.50 $15.00 per week, to location of room. For further informs- tion -Address MISS J. E. WELCH ser in ton dont , Wingham Circle, Na. 434 - , ap, Liberal was returning officer. The The appointment to office of men Box 223, wingham, Ont. Meets the 1st Thursday in each month, election was close, but the Conserva- like W. F. Preston, -J. B. Jackson, R. in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p. in. Candl- dates for cheap, reliable insurance are 14 JA13 UA _J I tive was elected by 8. At once a re- L. Leach, and men who have been solicited. Ask oto see our rates from any count was applied for b the Liberals. convicted of various offences. of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at PP Y �� �the same rate - , Before the recount and while the bol- „ by which REO. T. S. BOYLv men. �\\ T. E. RODIN6ON lot boxes were still in possession of thousands of citizens in Manitoba c Leader Reo. secreta The -Thin Red Line ? the returning officer, Knowles, he was were deprived, of their rights to cast Tryalcolm'41 W. J, WYLEs - Fin. Secretary approached with the suggestion that their ballots for whom they wish. he should leave the boxes so that they If the Globe or Sir Wilfrid or fir. FOR could be gotten at. Knowles was Fielding would state frankly and fair- Gpeat Reduction a e honest and refused to allow the bal- ly that there have been no pickings lots to be fixed. At this election or stealings, or toll for intermediaries in connection with ' Knowles is working for the Conserva- any of the above Tea an, d DOMINIff BANKI Or , tive candidate. _ matters, it would relieve our troubled _ HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. minds, If the Globe and other Liber- + -A company of the grafters recur- al journals will . state that they Coffee - ed from the Government 250,000 acres approve of the appointment of men of Western lands at $1 an'acre. They like Leach, Preston, Jackson, Pugsley, Capital (paid Up) - $3,976,00 House are now rushing the unsold balance Emmerson, Sifton and Hyman to They are sure to please. Reserve (and undivid- . $5,297,000 on to the market by auction. The ed profile) "Why is high public offices, or that they Total Assets over $48 000 000 Winnipeg copeg Telegram says: Why is s + Furnishinzs approve of the new meaning which _ the company so suddenly auctioning the word "honesty" seems to have WINGHAM BRANCH. ILI ,_.....�..,, t ,,t1-.-.��.�.ar�.:....,:._.,..-..•.� y-�.-... , _. .a.... � � - - - �,.-.._ : � _ . - - - - _ _ A A off these 250,000 acres of land? In acquired in this country, we will at Now Raisins and 1007 the lands were advertised in the company's price list at $10, $12 and least know where the Liberal adminis- tration and the Liberal press stands Currants Now in Farmers Notes discounted. }n Can - FOR 14 DAYS ONLY, COMMENC- $15 per acre. In May of this year on this fundamental principle of all Drafts sold on all pointe - ada, the United States and Europe. ING SATURDAY, OCT. 10TH, AND ' 4ittlr♦„�„� they were reduced to $8, $10'and $12. Now the company is willing to take responsible government. P g v ENDING SATURDAY, OCT. 24TH. ■ any old price. It is plain enough, Fresh Groceries and SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. They fear the Conservatives will be _Exeter Advocate says: A stalk of Vegetables always here.interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and 'd'tiwards, and added to principal quarterly. _ We will give a Straight discount of from 10 to ' g I ' - returned to power. If they are, there potato vine was handed us this week , = 25 per cent. off all lines of CARPETS, LINOL- ' me will be an investigation; there will be restitution. Notice dates of auction, on which a number of well developed potatoes had grown above the ground, Produce Wanted. D. T. HEPBURN, 11anager SUMS and OILCLOTHS. We find we are over. , just a week before the elections. tike tomatoes. Sixty-five potatoes R. Vanetone, solioltor stocked in these lines, and they must be reduced. , -Some ten millions have been spent grew underground as well. The vine' was from the farm of Mr. Joseph AttJ.MALCOLM All the newest patterns and designs. You'll also Bargain Prices. in dredging in the past few years, Stacey, find a number of Carpet ends at v ' Money placed in your care, temporarily or The company headed by James Con- mee's son-in-law, has received $1,300,- -A week ago Tuesday afternoon, George Ritchie, of South Luth- J Protection a� Safe REMEMBER -14 DAYS ONLY. j otht:rwise, by relative, friend or org'anlrr OOO; that in which Hon. A. G. 11IcIiaY while e1- was assisting at neighbor s �e solicit Com arisOn. p atlon, should at enc© be deposited Ina figures has drawn, so far, $328,000. threshing, he noticed his own burns Inyestment � - Savings Dank-- for ,your own pro- The profits are handsome. Mr. file- on fire. By the time he reached them tS0 YEARS r"" tettion. Kay has three dredges, and they have the place was a raging furnace, and he EXPERIENGC Alin ooasslxnn >i1 Weinvite such truatdeposits. made a profit out of the country of $0,49'7 for one week, according to the laid before the Public Ac. lost everything. It is said there was no insurance on either buildings or The Endowment Policies - Y ��, .. -... " . Prices for Farm Produce. a sheets pay contents. �, ghest WINGRAM BRANCH counts' committee last session -and X+ ---OF- T the dredging season loots seven months. months. Mr. George Taylor cited in another dredging example For A Bad Cold. � cures so quickly as rho TpAbC MARKPa1•liament 1Nothin dtC.healing The Dominion Life AGEN`1' in Quebec harbor. Tho contractor is Pino essences in Catarnc�.z+,ne. COl•YRIGHTL! A 7dna sondina n sketch and deeorlptionway A sound, well managedpaid a 75a a yard for dredging, and sub- lots 15e It fills the breathing organs with a healin vapor that relieves g P qut'oiltff ascertain our opinion free wt,othor anCanadian tmonttrl tepronably a tots MInunlca• inventtons H`ANoB�OR.onratonts Life Assurance Company.To' ' the contract at per yard, ° These men want Laurier to '�flniah his ,Boothia irritation at once'. Ordinary Colds are cured in ten minutes. Absolutely tont oonadont�'nt. noP�� nu ai en i�iouyti Munn;1° l'o raioei0b „fid„ 91 ftd4 WIthoutostaarge; Into Average rate of Interest earned in 1006-- work." sure for Catarrh, and in thtoat it like Oatar- , s int �r mer can 1 0.73 PER CENT. In examining the record of the trouble works it charm. rhone is a Orinanent Cure ,for Bron• chitfa and t iroiat trouble, Not rtn e>,� Ahanasomety illustrated ookly Larltoet oar- lotion i' any ectentida Dunal. �lerm�tdtbr $"inaaa, a so y �.�16 w.---. WALTEn T. HALL aWINGHA Laurier Government, itis fair to take the Department of Marine and I�'isher• 1? periment, not a temporary rellt.f, brit a cure that's guarivtiteecl, Get Catar• .1c. a rotir,poet prepaid, r n Y. o ier�a c 8416 lAfnti, p I,00wl Agent YVingham. _ . _ + -1 lex rte nn extunpla of all other, depart• rhozone to -day, 25o and $1 luxe■, 11 >F N.. Fi�rLlnt�oa. t7� . ILI ,_.....�..,, t ,,t1-.-.��.�.ar�.:....,:._.,..-..•.� y-�.-... , _. .a.... � � - - - �,.-.._ : � _ . - - - - _ _ A A