HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-22, Page 1T-kdvaInce.,,
SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS, High School (lames. Induction At St, Paul's. the Aged Pass. Auction Sale. A Big Order. T�' E _ _
The induction of Rev, C, E. Jenkins, , Oil Saturday last, three funeral Of farm stock and implements, on While the depression in trade is al. F.,.r..,�.,7 � OLD SOUTHL ,
_ �_OcaY
—Dr. Chisholm for East Duron, The High ,Sohool games were held to the charge. of St, Paul's Church, cards might have been seen tacked up lot 28, con. 10 (I3 line) T.'urnberry, on most universal, it is, not felt b; the ,SEXTETTE
--T. X. Lewis for Nest Heron. on Friday last on the School campus, will take Place on Wednesday even- in Wingham, for aged persons, whose Tuesday, Oct. 27,, ,The usual terms flourishing firm of Howson, Harvey .4y
and favored by typical autiuiin wee- ins, October 281 h. Bishop Williamscombined ages for cash or 12 months credit will be .Brackelbank that firm Navin this Drink Christie's Teas, Will appear under the auspices
—J. Sherritt. for South Huron. g were .)13 years. They , g
* * * ther, wore a splendid success. The will conduct. the interesting ceremony, were Janet McDonald 92, Mrs. Bar- given on approved joint notes. A. week booked an order for 4000 bags of Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers of the B. Y. P. U, in the
events were all keenly contested, but assisted by a number of the clergy boor, 78, He. Black 73. Kelly, auctioneer Geo, Taylor, pro- flour,, or eight car loads, They had BAPTIST,' CHURCH
--See that your ballot goes into the beat of good nature revailed• from neighboring parishes. prietor, For An "interesting conversation,"
the box, P to refuse an order for about 3000 bags g Tuesda EV' October 27th
Quite a number of the friends of the Puritan Social. more. Quality tells every time, on political matters see page 8, y g
—If you wish to put an end to graft school were present and seemed to Men's Meetings. Westminster Guild of St. Andrew's Baseball Results, Jas, H, McGee, 1st lino of Morris, is Adults 26o Children 160
it is time for a change. enjoy the proceedings immensely. A series .of Men's meetings will be church gave a Puritan social Monday J. D. Miller, President of the Lake. Golden. Wedding. recovering from an attack of #ever,
* * * Several of the boys showed genuine held in the Parish Hall monthly, on evening, which was very much enjoy- side League, sends the following re- Mx. and Mrs. Thos. Jenkins of the Darin August 820 people were in-
athletic romise. Currie made an ex- Sunda afternoons. Last Sunda ed b all. The entertainment consist- ' suit of the season's la showing Bluevale road celebrated' their Golden g g P P
—Did you ever hear Arch. Hislop P y € y+ Y a play, $ jured in industrial accidents in Can. WIN(1HAM MARKETS..
Condemn the grafters and middlemen cellent showing in the high jump, the meeting was addressed by Rev. ed of solos, quartettes, readings, dia- Wingharn to have won the champion-. wedding on Tuesday last. We have tea,
that have had such a free hand ? going over 5 feet without much effort. C. E. Jenkins.. We understand that logues, violin and concertina `seleC, ship of the League, not been favored with a frill account
* * * Button won the two mile walk in it is the intention that these meetings tions. ',Che young ladies, who served Team Won Lost Per Cent. of the happy event, but there were East Huron election returns for last wheat -88 els. Oats -36 fits,
—The Beaverton Express (rt Liberal good shape also, shall be addressed by the different the refreshments, looked very charm- Winfiham 10 0 686 a large number of guests Present. Dominion election will be found on Barley -52
a ley g 00 ots. ton.eas-82 cts,
The girls' games were ministers of the town Goderich 0 a 613 page 5. $ P
)leper) declares it can stand the reign g� g particularly ,and to these Ing in their Puritan costumes of black Blyth 9 6 600 Mr. Robe. Currie, sen., presided at the Butter -21 to 23 eta,
interesting to many of the spectators, gatherings all then are cordially in- with white cap, kerchief and apron. I Kincardine 4 10 .400 speech -making, in which many early Don't miss the "Scenes in a Union Eggs -20 cts,
of graft no longer, and having lost vited. Lucknory 5 11 312 reminiscences were reviewed, The De Depot," under the auspices of the Citi- Potatoes -25 to 30 Cts..
The football game between two teams " p Fowl -8 to 10 cts. per ib.
confidence in the Laurier Govern- - p
of girls was tremendous) exciting,Shooting Match. eleven children of Mr, and Mrs. Jen- zens' Sand, at the town hall to -night, Live Hogs—$5,85.
meat, is supporting the Conservative neither side being able to score a goal. Machinery Caused Death. Polling kins were resent. Man beautiful (Thursday.) policy. g g S. On Friday last, Whitechurch Gun p y ( y.)
* * * The captains in this strenuous contest Mr. b, Hainen, foreman fn the Erie Club came up to try their skill in a The votes of the electors will be gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs.
—Everybody knows what Liberal were Miss O. Cruikshank and Miss I. railway shops, Meadville, Pa., was match with Wingham. Gun Club. taken on Monday, 20th inst,, at the Jenkins; among them was pursb of The production of intoxicating bev-
papers said about Whitney before be Agnew. The skill with which these recently struck by ;t heavy piece of The test was'ibade with cls pigeons following places in the Town of Win gold from their children.. The Ad- erages in the United States fell off DR. OVENS, M. D„ London, Eye and
machinery, y P g g- Ear Surgeon, will be at McKibbon's
came into power. They are saying young ladies directed. their cohorts y, receiving injuries which and the following are the scores:— ham :—•Ward 1—Jas. Haugh'a shop, Vance wishes this esteemed couple July an million dollars a day during . drug store, on Wednesday, Nov, 18th,
the same about Borden now. Wbit- was a revelation, resulted in his death. Mrs. Hainen is Whitchurch—R. A. Carrick, 10; S. Josephine street. Ward 2—Wm, Gan- many Years more of happy wedded Y and August. Cataract, suint, failing eyesight,
ney made good: So will Borden, if The winners in the various contests a sister of the Messrs.. Higgins of this Elliott, 9 ; J. Holmes, 8 ; W. J. Mc- nett's shop, Josephine street, Ward life. Fon, SALT.—A number of registered nasal catarrh, deafness, head noises
given a chance. were as follows :— vicinity. He was 74 years of age and Clens an, 4 • J. Lamont 12 ; A. Fox 3—Jno. Wilson's, Josephine street. Shropshire shearling rams, and ram treated and glasses properly fitted.
g g ' r P lambs.—H. T. Perdue Box 144 Win Hours -2 to 8 p. m,
* * * much veined by the Co, Flo leaves a 4 total 47. Win bam—B. Cochrane, Ward 4—At the Pariah Hall, corner of Who May Vote. + + Wing -
GIRLS' GAUZES, widow and seven children. What '
g am.
—Dr. Chisholm worked harder and 12 ; A.' M. Crawford, 10; E. Lepard, John and Centre streets. , Polls open Who may vote in this election is
• did more in the interest of the farmers Throwing the ball, sr.—Miss. Mcln- makes the trial more severe, Mrs. 0; L. Kennedy, 0; Dr. MacDonald, at 9 a,m, • . an interesting question, and easilyMr, H. Deacon of East wawanosh
of Canada in one term in Parliament, nix, E. Shiells• Throwing ball, jr.—H. Hainen has been in poor health 14; L. Binkley, 9 -,total 57, This left answered. Anyone who bad a vote at has a fine crop of patatoea, and left V
than Hislop did in three terms in Moore, C. Kerr. Throwing and catch- for some time past. fad[taed In Chico o. the Provincial election in June and is the Advance three of the largest we
Wingham Club winners by 10 birds, g have seen for many years, +4 � w t -
Ing Legislature. Scores of Liberals ing ball ac dash, sr M McLean. Chicago, Oct. 15.—An indictment still a resident of the riding, will have
acknowledge this. 100 -yard race dash, sr. -14T, MacDon- The Borden Club. a vote at the comiti
old, V. Isard. 100. lid dash jr.—F. Death Of Mrs. Taylor. against Lumen C. Mann, charging g Dominion else- Bailiff Phippen received a good _
* * * yc ' , j •— Air, Bartlett of London addressed Sorrow of the most poignant kind him with the murder of Mrs. Frances tions. The fact that a man may have number of bunters' licenses, but they I
—While A. W. Fraser, the Ottawa Orr, O. Cnrrie. Relay race—H. Jack- the Borden Club on DTonday evening. has come to the home of Mr. Arch!. G. Thompson, was returned by the moved from one part of a riding to have all been sold. Any"others desir- '-_: J
Liberal candidate, has dropped out of son, M. Jewitt, M. MacDonald, A. His address was not altogether poli- bald Taylor, con. 1, Culross, in the grand jury to -day. Mann, who has another does not affect his vote, g license will require to give their
Ing a
the election race, that does not restore Barber. Nail race.—S. "Scott, J. tical, but partly historical, and lmpor- death of his partner in life. Mrs. I been at liberty in, bonds of $25,000, except that he must vote' at the poll- order at once, that more may be � :
to the country the difference between Brock, Needle Race.—A, Garniss, L. tant facts in British history were + I in *
y Knox, Spoon and egg race—F. Orr Taylors maiden name was Ellen gave himself up following the indict- g sub -division in which his name is secured.a.
the $1,654 paid for a timber limit O. Nicholls. Graceful welkin )lies reviewed. At the close a cordis) vote Campbell, daughter of hire. Robert moat and was taken to jail. Dlrs, on the list, If a man has moved from The Wingham branch of the Wo-
The G�1ea TonicRK
Ir and the $100 000 received for i4, g•'- of thanks was tendered lir. Bartlett .Campbell. She had been ill about Thompson was formerly Miss Fanny the•riding, he has no vote, even if his men's Institute will meet in the C. O, -
' Duncan, Miss McInnis. Ladies' chain• for his excellent address. Dr. Chis- two years, but was able to be around Gilmor, the daughter of • a retired name is still on the list where he mov- F. hall on Thursday, Oct. 29th, at 3
' * * tonshi Miss R. McInnis. ,
—It is estimated that the Transeon- P p'— helm's appearance ws the signal for until quite recent) and was in Win aria officer, of Win ham Ont. ed from. Men who may have been , e.
BOYS GAMES. PP pencouragingly g y p.m. Subject for discussion Girls
tinental railway expenditure will r applause. He spoke ham about a week before her death, temporarily absent from a riding aro duty in the home." Ladies are all
reach 250 million dollars. There are Half -mile, jr.—F. Howson, A. Push,
for a few minutes, and was followed which occurred on Thursday last, VOLUNTEER SCRIP.—T will buy your entitled to veto, so long as their act- cordially invited to attend. Every bottle guaranteed
221 constituencies in the Dominion. Standing broad jump, sr,—R, Stack- by iVTr. Musgrove, in a brief, but point She leaves asorrow-stricken husband, Daviidson, Est'rhazy, Sask, scrip fo wire or rite J. H. nal place of residence has not Chang ,, �� "-
ed and earnest address. 0. G. Van- ed. The term continuous residence Scenes in a Union depot, tett the t0 give satisfaction.
That means considerably more. than a hoose, H. Green. . Standing broad a widowed mother and two small chi)- g �
million dollars for every constituency jump, jr.—F. Howson, S. Orr. Three Stone, President of the Borden Club, dren: IIer brothgrs are—John M. , in the oath sometimes administered, Town Hall, Wingham, . Thursday
resided. hospital Ladies Auxiliary. evening, Oct 22. This means aContin-
in Canada. •legged race.—Andrew Wallace and P Campbell of Saskatoon and Win. C. of � does not mean actual living residence, g+ � K
* * * The annual meeting of the Ladies but means that a man though he may ued change from one funny thing to
Geo. Moffatt. Running broad jump, New Orleans. There are three sisters, g Y Vtire refund, the move if
—Dr. Chisholm has been a citizen of , Dr, Chisholm s Meetings. Mrs. Tour of Midland Auxiliary of the Wingham Hospital have been out of the riding for a time another ; a good laugh that will last y
sr. — R. Stackhouse, P. McEwen. .Isabella and g
unimpeachable character; he has done Running broad jump, jr.—I', Howson, The campaign is nearly over, and Sadie who arrived home from Saska- was held on Oct. 9, and the following on business or otherwise, has "con- you for months. Parts will be taken'
g P S. Orr. Running hop, step and jump, Monday officers elected :—Hon. Pres., Mrs. tinuousl " had his home there, by 40 local young people. You can't it fails. •,.
his share towards building u the endo next will tell the tale of Vic- tooii on Saturday evening last. Mrs. y
for or defeat, victor (Rev.) Allan ; President Mrs. R. afford to miss it.
Town of Wingham. Citizens of the sr.—R. Stackhouse, T. E. Robinson. y y for some condi- Taylor was held in liigli esteem
dates defeat for others. Thursday Vanstone ; 1st -Vice Pres., Mrs. W. Bu " "f`�"�""+"�°"~"'�• PC
Town should recognize this by assist- Ii.unuing hop, atop and jump, jr.—.F. y and her bereaved husband and chi)- Mr. John Black Deceased. y "Dainty Mode" Rubbers; they
Ing him to his second and last term in Gillespie, S. Orr, lOD yard dash, ar.— evening, there will be a meeting in Dr. dren are recipients of deepest s m- Green; See. Vice Pres., Mrs. Spotton ; wear longer and cost no more. ,
P P Y On Friday last, W John Black, a J Walton McKibbon I
Parliament, Even a goad Dlayor is W, Mchean, E. Currie. as yard Chiaholm'a interests, in Belgrave, and pithy, Rev. R. S. Baker of Tees- Third Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Wilson; W. J. Greer. a
Cor: Sec., Mrs. Phalen; Rec. Sec., Miss respected citizen of Wingham, crossed
given a second term. dash, jr.—F• Howson, N. Geddes. on Friday evening in Wingham, water Methodist Church, conducted Death's river, at the age of 73. De- �vANTCD•'—A thousand baits of pots'i . i-'-4
* * * which will practically close the cam- the funeral service. Mrs. Ta for was Stella Griffin ; Tres., Mrs. Jenkins ; tops at Awde's Flour and Feed store.
Sack Race.—M. White, E. Hall. One P y y ceased was a native of Ireland and DRUGGIST
. —Thos. Murray, of Pembroke, for mile run sr.—W. McLean H. Mut- paign. Mr. Musgrove spoke at Moles- 23 years of age. Conveners of Committee's :—Floral, —R. Awde.
y g hire. C. G. Vanstcne • Visiting, Mrs, came to Canada when quite young. << �� �,
ears a ower in the Liberal art ton. Boot Race.—G. Gannett A. worth on Tuesday evening, and he ' g+ The Old Southland Sin ers sang ACD 014 d L D 3T
Y P party ' A. Ross; Membership, Mrs.. (Dr.) Red- For over 40 years, he was a resident of g + g
around Renfrew and several .times a Knechtel. Running high jump, sr,— and Mr. Bowman will address the Bel.- Cold weather is on the way sure. East Wa�yanosh, About six years in our church last evening. We were
member, has Joined the Conserve- E. Currie W. McLean. Running grave meeting on Thursday. On Fri- There is no need of having cold feet mond; Supply, Miss E. Cornyn ; Sew- delighted with their work, In m f �A1►ANtNlhN4UU�44i 4VV1W
+ l ' g however. We have cold weather in Mrs. Dinsle Inventor )fish E. ago, he sold his. farm and went to live g « y
tives. At North Bay be said his sole high jump, jr.—S. Orr, F. Gillespie. day evening Mr. Musgrove will assist footwear in big variety, and we guar- g' y' y' in Blyth, and in 1904, came to reside opinion they excel the Jubilee Sing -
reason for breaking away was the Hurdle rare sr.—W. McLean, E. Cur- Dr. Chisholm in his Wingbam meet- ' Cornyn olid President,
anise to cure cold feet.—WILLIE & Co. in Wingham. Mr, Black was amem- ers," and their "success is a foregone
"corruption, dishonesty and extrava- rie. Hurdle race, jr.—F. Howson, F. ing, and on Saturday evening will Tile leading place for rubbers and cold , conclusion. File us for a return en-
++ s eek in Lucknow, in the South Bruce weather footwear. Official Nomination.
ber of St. Pauls Church belonged to • � � - ; ;
fiance of the Laurier Government. Gillespie. Fatigue Race.—Diackenzie P L.O.L. 794, and in political maters gagement,--•W. H. Edyvean, pastor of
* * * and Elliott. Two mile walk sr.—H. Campaign. Nomination of candidates for the M. E. church, McBlair, Mich. In 4 ' The Young Die Too. House of Commons was held in Brus- pas a Conservative. I'or some time Ba tist church Win liam Tuesda ,mutton, R. Stackhouse. One rails past, he had suffered from weakness t. ' g + y ��� �� Kickr -In St. John, New Brunswick, on Many a woman goes without Rob- Sadden and unexpected was the eels on Mond y, 19th lust,, J.A. Dior- of his heart; pneumonia set in, and Oct. 27.
Sunday last, several ministers declar walk, jr.—F. Gillespie,. F. Johnson. hers, a,nd regrets it afterwards. We
ed in. their sermons against the Senior Marathon.—W. McLean, P. have Women's Rubbers in all styles— visit of death to the home of Mr. and ton, of Wingham, Returning Officer, the end came on Friday last. He Sometime before daylight on Tues-
..- +. McEwen, H. Mutton. Junior Mara- 55c, 65c and 75c P,tir.—W. J. Greer. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Gon. 12, Turn- Dr. T. Chisholm of Wingham, was
graft that has been proven against leaves agrief-stricken widow, three day morning, DTrs, Ivan Johnston,
thon.—A. Pugh H. Coutts. Interme- y, keen neewas e grief ithe Conservative it
aen e onservave ner-
the Laurier Government. Rev. Dir. a berry, and kIndeed thif no
eons, Jahn, James and'Thomas, who who is staying with her parents at the
caused b the death of their youngest ests, and Arch. Hialop of Grey town- of Zion Church said :— elate Marathon.—P. Pugh. E. Wight- y y g were all home for the funeral. There. Queen's, heard some noise like an ani- _ School Children always do
man, daughter, Miss Hazel Mildred, on Sun- ship, is the Liberal standard-bearer. is also one daughter, Mrs. John mat climbing the side of the house, morn or less kicking—principally
Outside of all else, am I Welt day last. Che young lady was taken After the two hours had elapsed, more. Let 'em kick. It won't
safe in saying that in, one dredg- The Junior Cham tonshi was car- (�` [� M ill l st, Th da o£ last week and it Reeve Leckie of Brussels was Chosen Ro ers, of Win bam.. The funeral on She awakened Mr. Swarts, who dis- hurt their Shoes any if they
Ing contract, in this city Mon,-, a Championship Cbureh lews y . Tuesday fi
rice off by Frank Howson, who made # y was largely attended, and covered the cause, and securing a gun, come from here.
middleman got nearly $36,000 for an exceedingly creditable record win- ' `^"^^^^^^^' Was soon evident that the illness was chairman of the public- meeting, and after Rev, C. E. Jeakins had conduct- shot the would-be intruder. It Our School Shoes are made
which be gave no return ? There- g y + of a serious nature. After much sof- the speaking began. Dr. Chisholm to stand the hard usage that
fore I believe I sin right, when I Wing 5 firsts. The Senior Champion- The pulpit of Belgrave Presbyterian ed service at the grave, the members proved to be a large porcupine,, ani- _
ask every voter in this ti o day, ship went to R. Stackhouse, with 20 church was preached vacant on Sun- afternoonfering s Hazel was passed y on a fine Sunday a was the account of hisrst Heeaker and gave a woodas
of L. 0. L. 794 paid the last tribute of mal very seldom seen in this vicinity, too give etheme School Children
tion to see to it on election dap, g p,
that this thing must end." points. day last. faithful attendant of Holmes' Sunday followed by the Liberal candidate, respect to their deceased brother. of late years. -
A special meeting of Maitland Pres- Rooms To RENT.—In Griffin block, WE GUARANTEE OUR
* * * P g School, and will be much missed. by Rev. Jos. Elliott then spoke for Dr. Huron's Horticultural Exhibit. available about Oct. 20th.—Apply to SCHOOL SHOES
bytery was held in Wingham, or. her young companions. Especially Chisholm, and Dr. Macdonald for Mr.
—At his Bluevale meeting last week, —Let the workingman ask himself Tuesday. will her death be felt in the home Hislop.Dr. Chisholm replied bxiefl The attention of fruit growers thro- C. N. Griffin.
Dir. Hislop in speaking of the $15,000 seriously the question:—Who has pro- P y' u bout the country ++ » We sell no trash. It's the best .
wasted at St, Joseph in this count filed the most b the Liberal Govern- Twenty thousand dollars is the sum that so suddenly has been filled with and the meeting closed with cheers g y is urgently called Dainty Mode is the name of the or none herb. A size and a
P y' Y which the Anglican laymen of Ottawa sadness. Deceased was in her 17th for the candidates. to the desirability of Navin. a large best wearing Rubber fur Ladies and width for every Boy or Girl's
blamed Dr: Lhisholin and Dir. Gunn ment, himself or tite grafter middle Gents. See them at—W. J. Greer's. foot. No prices
(deceased) for not Voting against. it. man? Diocese will endeavor to raise towards year. The funeral takes place to -day exhibit of fruit' grown in this county p 'ccs lower than ours
« * * * the Laymen's Missionary Movement. (Thursday) to Wingham cemetery, Death Of Mrs. John Barbour. at the Provincial Horticultural Exhi- From the report of the Minister of . when the Shoes are as good.
• He said—"they sat in the House and The sudden demise of Hazel Mitchell bition which opens in Toronto on Education issued last June, we find 1 00 1,25 1 �� tel t0 1,75
Next Sunday is Cmnulunion Sunday Mrs. John Barbour P , r
never opened their mouths." The —If Mr. Hislop did nothing in three , in the Methodist church, The Sacra- aroused sincere sympathy i .the , one of the pion- Monday, Nov. 9th. Liberal prizes are that Wingham pays for High School
TRUTH is—that neither Dr. Chisholm terms in the Legislature, except col- eers of West Wawanosh, and well - •
anent of the Lord's Supper will. be ad- entire community. Mr: and Mrs, known fu Vin h awarded for the general competition, salaries $950 less than Kineardiue;
nor Mr, Gunn were members of the lett his salary, and `back up the hose ministered at the close of the morn- Adams. Mrs. McDonald and son, of gam and vicinity, in which all fruit growers may enter, $1;100 less than Clinton; $1,175 lees RU33BZvits? RUI3B>JRS ?
House at the time the grant was administration in every trick they passed away on Saturday last. An and a r �" ;
Ing and evening services. The Astor Mitchell, Mrs. Henry Watson, Pon- account of her life was promised us, f3 ant of $.a from the County than Seafortlt and $1,SU0 less than `tie have Low�stEi r cRuality and
voted, and hence had no opportunity devised to hold on to power (even the p '
will occupyhis own nl it and speak fiat, Mich., and Will 1litchell of Sas- Council has been added to the Provin- Goderich. Of the $300 increase in sal -
of protesting, This is m sample of the Minnie Dl.) what passible use can he at 11 a.m., "Tho'ser a Wt's bite and katchowan aro at the bereaved Home, but up to the hour of going to press, tial Prizes in the county competitions. at les only 4U% (or $120) is actually paid
ammunition used against Dr. Cliffs- be in the Dominion House ? I has failed to reach us. In its absence, County Clerk Lane is acting as seers- by tlxe town of Wingham ;the rest is . .
holm. Another story told is—that * * * its antidote;" at 7 p.m., "The parable we may say, that Mrs. Barbour wits of the beri'aved father.". This is a Cen{relies At Woodstock. tory for the committee who are en- made up by the County and the Gov- � fff��� a GREER
Dr. Chisholm never made any in her Customary health up to a few deavoring to collect the county exhi- ernmeiit. -
-Suppose a working mans income new treatment of an old subject. The following is a despatch from days of her death. On the previous - ,
speeches on Cold Storage, and that decreased every month, and at the These services will rove bright and Woodstock to the r �ndon Free 'Press bit, and he will be glad to send copies The Fordwich Record re THE SHOE MAN
-'' they never appeared in Hansard: same time, his expenditures wets p g • Sunday, she attended St. Helens Pres- of the prize list and all desired infor- ports the
Hansard itself is evidence against interesting. Come, dated Oct, 17:—The statement made byterian Ohurcb, of which she was a following of Fred. Sotheran's sale —
larger, where would he land ? This is oration to anyone asking wine. All ' - ' "
these retailers of untruths, some time ago that the directors of member, and that evening was seized Live stock sold at good figures. Hay
just the position this Dominion is in the Canada Furniture Manufacturers express charges to Goderich, and brought only t,2U a ton but roots
„ * * with paralysis, She ]fingered until the g Y $ , ._...
at the present time. For September, exhibitors
to Toronto will be paid so that
—Here aro a few figures from Gov- 1908, the figures Are:— ""'�"""" Limited, were considering the project following Saturday, when she passed exhibitors are at little or no expense, sold at a fancy figure. A two-year-old J
g F of movingtheir general offices from colt was sold for $132: When a foal it -"' -•-�_ -- `- , ""
September expenditure., g away, aged 78. Deceased was a )cine) B all means let anyone Navin good '~ ' "
ernment records regarding Canada p P j ry, Y g g was left in the field to die, but lilies ! ti " �, -
Septeiuber revenue..: 40, 727,522.7.2 e, r$onai$ Toronto to Woodstock was confirmed neighbor, and highly esteemed. Tier �'� 4
fruits ecimena erten a to send thein _
It :-- P g �` ��_.
eo-clay molten the announcement was bereaved husband has• the sympathy to DTr. Lane, so that our count mayo Sotheratt purchased xt for 2.i cents, . r s, .
(Net) debt August 1908....$278,764,07.1• Deficit for September...$5.010,851.10 officially made that preparations wore of the community in his sorrow. The y ?' ,and with good care it grew to he a Y%'✓ �.
Increased in August 1908.. 3,253,001 Will, our readers bear in mind that Ed. Nash has returned to town from being aloes at the local branch for the as before, lead to the displays at this valuable one, as the figure received for I l
Increase in Sept. 1908, ., ... 4,351,314. Southarn ton, g funeral on Tuesday was one of the lar g
p P splendid exhibition. Eshtbits must `
- these are the Government figures, and reception of the head office staff. Ar- gest ever seen in this vicinity. it shows. ;,.
Mr, )slat ry Elliott arrived home he at GFoderCix not later than Nov.
Present debt ........ $286',309,889 will they please note that in the month from the Nest on Saturday. rangeraenis have been made by Super. 2nd. New felt and cold weather shops of - 'i
Last session Dir. Borden presented of September last alone, the expendi- intendent MoBeath to have the office Three Accidents. - all descriptions ; big variety; brand - .V1 '" 1,li11 .
Dr: Thos; Agnew is spending icon- \• 'I
an estimate to Parliament of the cost taro was nearly five millions
more ale of weeks in ilio. Chlca o hospitals. Premises ready by November 15, at Thursday last Russell, s c nPty goods, best gn.tlitiPa, and low ,
of the Transcontinental railway, and than it was in twelve months under g p which date the removal will be made: On T ay , R e 1, on f prices•--WILLIsi R Uo. The leading
Mrs, Geo, DTeTavuh of La Vallee Mr. and Mrs. Fixture, had one arm WELL RECOMMENDED, lace for rubbers and cold weather ; Y y
placed it at $250,000,000. Hon, Mr. Conservative rule, A Liberal speaker NPry Ontario, is the guest of Mrs, This, is but the first step in a schema bral.en b a £all mobile ractfsin place
.� '
Graham, Minister of Railways, object- in this riding hist week stated that. W. II, Green, looking towards the centralization of y practising .
ed to only three items, amounting to "The National debt heel not increased + tiie company's interests in Wood- jumping. On Saturday, while Thos. The following letter is' from the 11
Mrs. Oaths of New York Oif,and E, Robinson was playing base ball a + l ur p�A
stock. Practically all of the Canadian P y g + Clinton Citizens Band, Anil speaks for (DEATHS. How Are voup Lyn
twenty millions. Suppose we take a, single dollar." The truth is that this lits. r3alls of Petrolea are visiting ., y 1 fell upon one of life shoulders �. • ++
that amount off, it leave!' the Cost year's increase, lip to,Oct, 1st, alone, is - their brother, John Stephenson. factories will be merged into the betel t itself, Tho Scenes at a Union Oepot Black.i• lei Wingliam, Oct. 16th, John
admitted b Mr. Graham at 230 mil- $31,613,836.`2.7. Where will such flnAn- D ' , Woodstoek Concern, which will mean breakitig a small bone, A still more will be given in the 'Town Hall, Wing. 813,ek, aged 73 years.
( y ) r. Jno, Aq�novo of Oxeatlmti, Ohio, Our BiE SPECIALIST is
lions, Add that to our present debt ting land us ? spent a few days with his parents in a goad thing for this city. The re- serious accident happened on Monday haat, on Thursday evening of this McDonald,• -•-In CulrosR, on Oct, 150, always at our service ttind
and you have over 500 millions. Mr. .... Lower Wingham during the past trioval to Woodatoek'of the bead office to Miss Mary Alin Scott, of Edward weok, tinder the auspices of Wingham Janet McDonald, aged 92 yeais. i y y
y week: street. She and Mrs. Bell, sen., were + —Citizens, Robson.—In Clinton, Oct, 17, Nicholas, --no .guess work here,
and puts the debt when the road is The Adrian Times sea s :--'The Old Mr, and Mrs. Robert Johnston of many families, and 'the Coming of on their way out to Win. Mitchell's. in Clinton, Oct, 2nd, 1905 Robson, ex -Treasurer. of Olinton,
p 5 ' Southland Sextette��sive a flue enter- Markdale are in town this week, on • Turnberry, and while driving under „ aged 73 years. .
Completed, at 4U0 millions. The , - - "count of the illness of lief t .other factories in ilio big syndicate , The Scenes at n. Union Depot, pre _ . ,
talhinetit at the Y. X C. A., Wednes their son, . the high railway bridge, their horse rented b Luella'L. Drake assisted b Taylor.—In Culross Oc t. 1u"tlt, l:neit EYES TESTED FREE
Interest on that sura at four per cent. day. ravening, The audience was small Ivan Johnston. bring many additional workmen, y y , ,
.. •l , took fright at a passing train, acid in local talent. under the auspices of the Campbell, wife of Areh d Taylor,
will be eighteen int lion dollars annu- owing no doubt to the rough weather.• Mr. and Mrs, "Thos, Bell of South. - Citizens' Ba bd, was certainly one of aged 28 ears, And Spectacles fitted to
twisting around throw the occupants y, g Y ,
any, Now in the Town of "Wingtlam However. those ,ptosent were well rd- ampton attended the funeral of their the most successfulntertainments all sights, it will pay, you
,lid for the nuinbors were Plantation i, " of the baggy out, Mrs. Bell escaped I3arbour.--rn West Wawanosb, Oct,
there Etre about 000 Houser, Suppose i' p gi ancidaurthtr•r, youngest child of Mr, The Old Southland Sextette ap- . . . ever presented to a Clinton17audience. . � to see ria whenever you
shags and inedle .s, full of melody and and Mrs. R ns o- .. ' without serious injury, b.nt Miss Scott , '17th, Catharine Martin, wife of John y -
ever one of the Houses cost 1);:3,000, Y - y_ . , a . Va t ne on Thursday, pearecl in the Presbyterian church, The halt alis packed to the deet a,pd
Y sweetness that male the pQrformers 3nifthville recently, giving entire sat- fell upon one of the wheels and after. the people went wawa deli kited. Miss Barbour, aged 78 years. have any eye trouble. C4'o
then WO )louses would cost $1,800,000 Me, and Mrs, a weddin tern, in til. s. , pn y, gi t g ntir P p P y S give ,
,, favorites fromthe start, All are extnfacticn to the lar a audience assem- Drake', as a Dramatic reader, Is ver Ross.—In T+ortne r3. L, on Oct. l4t1.t g hist results at lowest
In calculation the interest alone on ce tionalt good artists. In the solo Erndai9co at the wedding of Mrs, , # , ward!, the baggy went over{ lief. , y ' ,
r it y e .. Schaefer's brother t , hltd. 'ihe typical Sootbland melodies ti high close, and her itinging Is so fa,r IJanii 1 Ross, bratltCr of A. T. Roes, prices,
the debt when the road is completed, duet, gaartetfe and sextette work, a I'a> t Albert, tvora delightfully rendered the linin. DlPdlcal aid tva secured, and on T nes front the ordinate that it alone anitel Glenfarrow, aged go ears.
p sweetness and harmony was brought which took place on Wednesday of yrous aide of they program ryas well rat• yr It was feared tbat she had receives y I y , i3 S'
would build (eve year) ten towns as out. Mr, Oversirtyet the kaaso l tete this week, V„R day, rt.pays the heater. The most att•iking' Il,ttll,tay In Detroit, on October x�5, `
las Ceived and ttie soloiilts gave evidence etI internal injuries. feature of the program, however, was
large as WinghAwt with ev+sry hbttso fine voice, .singing to ltlwa+r C, and Mr, rend Mrs, �1.11an ("ltlitrvhll aria ,f rami individt to a iC ter• 1. I ova Sun tet deet for tti:ttn itttal x905, Att to r,., beloved daughter of
teal 1 nt, Part ulr g, ti
costingnot less than . 3 OM. Is this bele heard In an art o the ball , � Mrs, J, II, llalliday, 53 HEI&I ave.
`6 , g V” part f ball. four daughters and Dir. and Mrs„Tis. Iy in the subdued ellri.Cts, the audience Dr. Nelson �.ait of 4f)3 S.paclina Ave., fPtnate vcliees in rvhleh Diiss Ileake +
about six li Mrs; Holmes and M.s, Talbot, soprano Jenkins and son Arthur, of is k a ' will the ' Hotel, , PARA. W i 1 and formerly of Wingliam. WALLEY -
Ceuntry, with o rill fans of p , r, I 1 asks, was 11oaa'1 r+pell Ixarrtud, This cultured T,nt onto, vile Ire at tl Qaeen s He t 11, , takes both p tet a Cannot, lac
and alto. Have . full round in Mich„ tiro anion those who attended ,':aini ren Is a credit t the Colored 'Vin tiara on Thursday, Oct. 22nd, hi ghi r tSCornmellrl Miss Drriko to ren Mitchell Cu 'Tun r
,population, able to stand such it straln p tet 8 , y. highly y i do ry, on Sunday,
volooA ana their deet wotk was espetl gold -en wodd[n�t anniversary of lllr•. rade.-Rev. F, D, Roxburgh, Tri Blip. front 8 a:nt, till 10��p.m., for consulta• or ani%atioo wh6in it high eltiss Oct. 18 1 i z"I '� i
ire T�iboreil cliticians are laying �”. .g p f� .. g . !� t , 1' a t ,IildrP 1, Irnitrige,t
it y g Ally fine, Baptist thafth, Wingham, and Mrs. Thos, J'enkinc, Blua�vrtle road tint church, Winglianl, Tuesday, Oct, tion In diee►tses of Pi,y6, gar,. Nosa and good pitying, nueoessful, entertain. tlrtugltter+ of Mr, n,nd Mrs. William
atpou It? uisday, (lot: 27, on Ttmaday last. the 27th. Throat. Glaaaas fitted, intent.—Jas, A. MoRao, Conductor, Mitchell, Con. 12, Turnberry,
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