HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-15, Page 8° a
A Qtiestign Of Morals. Whitechurch, JAMQStown. I el r vee TOWN OF 'WINGHAM.
• Mr. Jno. R. Johnston is very Ill At Geo. IlAmilton has raGurned from Garner Nteliolso.n had lits big colt in
Mr. Uditor. time of writing. the West,. the village the, other day, which, Notice Is hereby Riven that fa Court
DtiAtt Sin :--Allaw n10 apace, if you Miss Aunie Clow of Wingham spent Miss Inman is the guest of Mrs. D. weighs I,7tU itis. 1908, for�theiaAlaloipaltty the Voters'
please, to speak of a Subject which I ' Stutday with frienda here, 51c0onald at present. C. McOlelland shipped two carloade
midst, toleve be.
put few iyears, Miss, Lillian Longman s=pent Sunday Sao, Straohall, Jr., is away to To• of potatoes last Tuesday,o a. load to of 4 ho County Court oflth by the
of I have noticed sevitralmarriages with her brother In Listowel. ronto to finish his course at QQIlege of SYindsgisaidLail toSa. ui , Huron, in the Town Hall, In tine said
which took place in.dilferent harts. of Dentistry. Mr. Bradburn and family of part- Town of NYingliam, pn the 27th day oP
Mr. Jas. Clark of Parkhill was tiae wri ht have moved on the faran the October, x00$ at ten o'clock a, m. All Li*ttle '
the. country, and an every case to oast of Mrs. Thos, Mirehgttss last Joltn. Strachan returned to Toronto g y , J a
whic=h I ic�Por, subsequent events S last weak,' to continue his stydies. at u%wan s , bear
Be Purley in Lahti persons Interested !ti said Court should
Sunday. near Bal r govern themselves acogrdingly,
proved that immorality was the AP -
parent lever which brought about the Anniversary services will be held in come theta to our county. By order • of His honour the Judge of
anion, In some cases, steps were euc the Betbel A,letb6ilist Church next 1), McDonald is under the weather Mr, Athe County Court of the County of
G>wdde;? Graiidin, North
ceaafully taken to destroy the evidence Sunday, Oct. 18. Rev. X. D. Madden, at present . we expect. to see him all Dakota, is visiting his father, Dovid Huron,
of guilt, thus ,adding crime to fornlca- B.A., of .'fine River, will preach at. O. X. In a few days. Geddes, who is getting very weak and J• B. b'EitGUSON
tion. 10.8U a. in, and 7 p, in., and Iiev, T. ;. Apolitical txaeetiu in the .intereats ,Infirm, apd also visiting his brothers Clerk of said Court
We claim to believe In a God, and ]Ford of Lucknow, at `2 30. p.m. Good of Wlr. A. Hislop wit be held in the arid: sisters in Belgrave and vicinity, Wingham, Oct, 15th, 1908.
in a twofold future. We believe our music is being provided.' hall on Saturdayevening, 17th,
God will punish wickeduess, not only Rev, Ur. Hassard, of Toronto, held g Dont forget the anniversary t=ar -
in the world to came,. but also in this a weettng hors last Wednesday in the Qaiite a numbet• from this vicinity vices to be, bel'tl in the Methodlst 0 1 oid-6 S
life. With this grave problem and interests of the Bible Society. It was attended the Jubilee services at the Church, next Sunday, at. 10.80 a, tit, ���� ��T�IfY
growing evil in our midst, aeeu and nate a well the Bible
o might be de- Presbyterian church, Wroxeter, Sun- a%id 7 p,rir. Also the high-class con, •
noticed by everyone and aLive ue ii
pparently day and Martday of this. week. cert to the following Monday even. -- ---
winked at lay wilt how Dart we expect sired. Mr. ilassard'e address was very in , see Deters,
w be blessed either temporally or histructivo and entertaining, and was Air, and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton visited g • p A cow and calf arrayed on to my
sppiritually. Y think considering how illustrated with lantern slides. the formers mother at Ethel on Sun- Air. R. Corloy's Shorthorn that. prentfses, Lot $2, Con. 7, East Wawa,
those two commandments are beim Raw, T. Anderson of Goderich ac. day, who recently returned from a • oughbred stock sale came: off last nosh, about lat of July. Owner may
constantly broken (the (lth and 7th) it copied the pulpit of the Preabstei iau trip to the West. She stood the tri Wednesday, Though the stock slid not have, the same by proving property
yy well and lied a pleasant visit with sell ae high as some thought it should, an paying expenses,
is a wonder we are blessed as we are church twice on Sunday. His dis- friends around Boissevain, Aian, Mr, Carle tivas fair] wall satisfied,
as a people, and it is only the long- courses were enuine gospel sermons, y ROB.T. McDOWELL,
g p considering. that he had been to ne .1-10 Bel rave P, O. �
suffering of God which prevents beim and were attentively listened to and Win. McDonald has returned to extra expense, in feedin and prepar- g0 IN
breaking forth in his wrath and a�tpreeiated by all who heard thein. Jamestown, b&ving completed his con. Ing them for the wale. 'fa purolraaea s Of The I AJUIF
sweeping us off, as chaff before the . AIr, Anderson was ordained to the tract with Mr. Woods of St. Helens.
wind, But remember He will not ministry in Whiteclinrch 28 years ages Iia Is lookin •well, after his summer's would have the benefit, e. the
g breeding would be the soma. 'the
always chide, neither will Re keep on the 7th of the present month. Jae work; he will visit around for a while Teacher Wanted.
his auger forever. When Abraham said that as he looked over the con- before settlingdown for the whiter. amount realized at the solo n as ^�
was pleading with God that he would efration, there were very few faces abort $3,400, Mr, Corley has been as
spare the cities of the plain, God said which he recognized. The collections (Intended for last week,) resident of East SVawanosh for 8ai Male ; for Lower 1Vinghap Schaal.
he would spare them, if there were netted the handsome sum of $150,00, years, and is a man that will be much Second class commeprofeance
Walter Forrest has rettirned home missed. not .only as a neltybbor, but be Deities to commence 1st of January,
ten. just persona found there. 'So it is It is proposed to apply :Che same to from the West; he looks as if the has aided greats in building up the 1900. Applications with testimonials,
in our time, those who are living in flaishing the basement of church. . trip agreed with him. stock hergds of gthis locality, which stating salary acid gaalifications, re-
open and unrepentant wickedness, are P f mil will move down to his farm cef ved u to October 31st, HOW T O BUY
�xT •� •��1� 0. BUY
indebted to the children of the Icing- On Friday last six of the members • Potatoes are a a lendid crop in thea means a teat deal- Mr. Corley and P .C3, 1 i lJ L7 4.l i V V J, Jit l�f BUY
dem, who are living anwng them, for of Witighain Gun' Club came out to locality. Robert Hamilton had 150 a y WM. S, LINKLATEI{
their immunity front disaster. This our village .to Have a thatch with the bushels on about half an acre, near a we wish , in re, couple of weeks, Sec, Treas. Wingham P, O.
hideous evil which is growing very Club. here.. There were .six on each where we wish them success. ��-;
rapidly anon us, has a threefold. side and each fired fifteen rounds, the Bernice. Payne has completed his �,1 R -8. 0 BUY
g . score being 34 to 20 in favor of Wing, gravellingcontract on the gravel road � - 1
bearing.1st---It is sin against out g
ham. ']hie is considered' a very cod northansouth.ofJamestotvn. ��� v� �� •
Maker. 2nd—It is sin against the g Teacher Wanted.
showing for our Club, which is. t in EASY TO MIX Tall$.
nation. Brd—It is sin against society, g a A grCat number from this vicinity
Why will man, made in the image of its infancy. Some of the members attended the. Brussels Fair and con -
Lis Maker, stoop to this degrading who competed, had only shot once be- cert at night. The Fair was all right, Male or female, for Union S. S. No.
ractice, thus dishanarigg that God, fore, The Whitechurch Club intends the day was a little too cold and the What will appear very interesting 7, ornberry and East Wawanosb, • • g }� `,
before whom they moist soon appear, going to Wingham on Friday to r e- track was too wet for racing. to mane people bore is the article Duties to commence at the new year, Fall 1 s here a i i d we are ready with t� [ !,1 H e very
and then what? Why must so many turn the compliment. The Club would from a New York daily paper,. giving Applications with testimonials, stat -
of the young women of our land bear like a few more members. They will D. C. Pope, the veteran thresher, is a simple prescription, which is said to Ing salary and qualifications, received
the stl ma of reproach, and dishonor have practice every Tuesday after. cleaning out the barns in this vicinity be a positive remedy for backache or up to October 24th.
g P noon at 3 o'clock. kr. A.Dox Is • the at present. He broke a shaft on Sat. kidney or bladder derangement, if JAMES GOD$'iN newest productions that money can bu y
their sex, and allow their name to be Treasurer, and anyone wishing to join. urday at Jas. Simpson's, which laid taken before the stage of Bright's dis-
passed from mouth to mouth, as the pp y them off work for a da He is a e e • Sec,-Treas. Wingham P. O.
sanctimonious, scandalmonger should a 1 to him. y tis
• F g good thresher and gives. good satiafac- Fhuid Extract of Dandelion, one-half
Des the rounds and with outward
g - areal to his customers. ounce: Compound Kargon, one ounce;
sorrow but with secret and ill con- Compound- Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
cealed satisfaction,, d out the latest �-
and most sensational tale of woe, If l��UeVale, m ounces. Shake well in a battle and Farnl • For Sale. And
those girls would only keep before Will. Hockridge has returned from Wroxet@r, , take in teaspoonful doses after each�e 1�
their mind�the fact that their sex has the West. meal and again at bedtime. Lot $1, Con, 10, cast Wawlnash, is
been eatly honored by God, in that Miss Libbie Hiscom of Teeswater is A well-known druggist here at offered for sale, consisting of 100 acres.
gr Miss ltf. Brethatter of Hespeler is visiting Mrs. Geo. Allen. home, when asked regarding this pro- The farm is. well watered with spring
one oY their number was the mother g
of the Saviour of mankind the visiting at Wm. Yen's of this vicinity.. scription, stated that the ingredients. creek, and drilled well, About $0 • • , ,
+ y Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McLean are visi- are all harmless, and can be obtained acres are cleared the rest hardwood
would be more careful. Subsequent Miss C, Stewart of Wingham is the tors with Dr. W. B. Smale. at a small cost from an good re- '
marriage, while it prevents unpleasant guest of Mrs. Masters and other y •lI p- bush. There is a good frame house,
Afre. T. W. Gibson of Toronto was acription pharmacy, or the mixture good barn, and two acres of young
complications, does not remove the friends here. would be put u if asked to do so. g y g W e invite e you to call and inspect et our b o o d s and
reproach in the slightest degree, and a visitor over Sunday with. Mrs. Van F P orchard. Intending purchasers away o�'
the win. against society is in no way Irwin, who has been ill for a Dickson. He further stated that while this apply on the premises to
atoned for. Itis this pre -
practice that is number of weeks, is not making very good prescription is very often pre-
p speedy progress; we hope to hear of Miss Ross of Brussels and Miss Nel. scribed in rheumatic afflictions with HUGH McBURNEY, values before purchasing. Each 'department is full of
causing race suicide to be a menace to her recovery soon. lie Black of Haxriston are guests at splendid results, he could erre no tea- Proprietor.
the country, because that art is learn- the home of R. Black.. son why it would not be as splendid Fordyce, Sept. 21, 1008.
ed in order to hide or remove traces The delegates of this place who were tamed for kiane y new, smiting 'effects ready to 1�a gazed upon, when you
of secret crime, and the practice once sent to brie back reports from ]•Vin An aged and esteemed resident of Y y and urinary trou- t b > >
p g p tiles and backache, as it has a peculiar ,
learned is often resorted to after mar- ham Convention in connection with our village passed away on Saturday, P 7 �" m r
ria a and is thus a sin against the Sunda SchoolsandE worth Leagues Oct. loth, in the person of Mrs. Play- action upon the kidney structure, will be convinced that "The Little Eaton" is net be-
g y P gg Farm Por Sale
nation. were very successful. The members ford. The funeral took place Tuesday cleansing these most important or- l'
Bl -
Yours truly, and adherents were pleased to hear to the Wroxeter cemetery. gabs and helping them to sift and nd -- hind but to the front, as the. larger city Stores.
A PLAaND>LdLEia. the report. The delegates were—W. The booklets, issued b the Presby-, ter from the blood the foul acids and First-class farm, pleasantly aftu%t-
y y- waste matter which cause sickness ed, adjoining Bluevale station lots
J. Hall, Miss A. Stewart, Miss O. Mas- terians, giving a history -of of earl Pres- g '
• tars, Miss A. Hall: $ � y' y and suffering. Those of our readers �� 30, con. 1, Norris, 100 acres, all
byterianism in "Wroxeter and short who hoer can make no mistake in o
Fort SAL-n.—A number of registered Quite a number from here attended sketches of the different astors, are giving it a trial cleared except 1,, acres, well fenced,
g g and in good condition. There are a
Shropshire shearling rains, and ram the 50th anniversary of Wroxeter a neat piece of workmanship. _ _-_- large bank barn, large brick house
lambs.—H. T. Perdue, Box 144, Wing- Presbyterian Church on Mond" even- Thos. Hemphill, Sr., intends remov and kitchen, with frame summer kit- LADIES!
e� oo�tiust �o .H nd■
meham, ing last and report having a good ing to Heneali in the near future. He Sit AU ustine. chen, orchard, a never -failing spring
ti. The workers of the phureh bad has sold his interest. in the oatmeal g well, an artesian well with water
an excellent programme prepared. mill to Harry Brawn. Mr. Hemphill WHDDXNG BntLs.--"The Walnuts;' piped to house and barn; pigpen and
BIRTHS. There were guests there from Bel- will carry on the milling business with the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ina. Craig, poultry house, 18x50, with cement
Calvert.—In T<Tin ham Oct. 10th, to more, Brussels, Molesworth, Goriie his son-in-law, Mr. Cook in Hensall. St, Augustine, was the scene of a floors-, frost -proof silo, 10x34. Ten
gg + and other places. Addresses were ]caeca ceremony on Wednesda acres of good corn will o with the
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Calvert, a son. given by Mr. Gibson of Toronto, Rev. The Jubilee services, and the Social evening, Sept. 30th, when their eldest farm, if the latter is soldgbefora corn DRESS
S�yy nn n
MARRIAGES. `'pest of Bluevale, the Molesworth re -union in the Presbyterian church g P D R,E S a� G V C` D S . --fin many n e W effects, all t h e
minister and others. on Sunday and Monday evening, were daughter, Sara, and Mr. Thos. Bam- is Harvested. Apply an remises.
a decided success. Large con to a- ford of Westfield, were united in mat- JAS, B. NICOL, Proprietor. newest Cloths and Colors.
Currie—Garrick—On Wed., September g g rimon b the Rev. A. E. Jones of P
30th,. by Rev. Dr. Gordon, Air. Robt. pmM m tions listened. to the splendid and in-
n- y y Bluevale P. O.
Crie of Edmonton, Alta., to Miss apiring sermons delivered by Rev. D. Auburn. At 5 o'clock the bridal cou-
Jessie M. Garrick of Wingham. Blyth. Tait, B.A., of Teeswater. On Monday pie, unattended, entered the tastily
evening, the church was crowded to decorated parlor, to the strains of the MANTLES AND JACKETS.—We e are headquarters
DRATHS. There will be a meeting of the Bible its utmost capacitq it is said, by the wedding March rendered by Mr. H.
Society in Trinity Church, Thursday. oldest residents, that there never was Bamford, brother of the groom. Tak- - for all Ladies' Ready-to-wear. Just think where The
Hamilton—In Wingham, Oct. 8, Isa• evening. such. a large attendance. Speeches'of lug their position under a. handsome
bella Hamilton, aged 27. a ver interesting and practical nature arch of wedding bells, banked by , r�
Owing to Mr. Arch. Hislop.s politi- y, g P, ferns, the took upon them the"vows Little Eaton is before buying.
Yanatone—In Wingham, October 13, sal meeting on Monde avenin the were given by Revs. Davidson of Ver- y e „
Marion Louise, youngest daughter g y g' which united Chem for life. The
• g g Local Option irieetin was postponed na, Barnet of Molesworth, Russel of
P g P P bride, who was given away by her
Of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vanstone, aged 1 till Frida evening. Wroxeter, West of Bluevale,, and Mr.
year, three months. y g' Thos. W. Gibson, Deputy Minister of father, was handsomely attired in a
On Oct. 7th, one of the oldest mein: Mines, Toronto, and Jas. Fos, Brus- ggown of cream eolienne, with point ;'
bets of St. Andrew's Ohixrch, passed sell. The Orchestra from Gorrie dis- desprit trimming, with neatly dressed y y
cm away to her reward, in the person of coursed very sweet music. The Pres- coati are crowned with orange bloc- ` ! 4{4 i MEN'CLOTHING.
Mrs. H. Fraser. Deceased was 93 years byterian choir rendered several splen-
and bridal veil, and carried a 'l'i:::li ;. {
of age.. Rev. Mr. Small conducted the did selections. The ladies of the con- shower bouquet of brides roses. Her
service at the house and grave on Sat- gregation deserve credit for the liberal travelling suit was of brown chiffon + ,
urda broadcloth with hat to match. After
'{y - y supply of good things that satisfy the This is is gro'PPll2g daily, over 96,004.00
Last Friday evening, Dr. Chisholm,inner man, the ceremony, the guests numbering i
assisted b Rev, J. Elliott of Goderich, some 70,. repaired p the dining room, { _ j Worth of the choicest garments in style and pattern
y r ;�; Which was appropriately decorated, g y
a.cldressed a large gathering of, the where a dainty de•euner was served.
f? y - � .c. _.-._•.-..:= �,o.vNiGMn 7,, • -
> electors of this vicinity. On the plat- Do' Your Boots Pinch? The bride was the recipient of many - to allow you now. Get W1Se, boys. 1Y a are here with
a . form were Rev. Mr. Cooper and Rev. beautiful and valuable resents, testi- Q !i ! �r
W. H. Hartley. Air, Thos. McMillan If so, look out for a tiny corn. Ours fin to the esteem in which the The Reliable Grocery t7
a of Rullett was the speaker for Air. it before it rows big, Putnam s 3' g the cods.
F P, 'Painless Corn Extractor is the best, • young couple are. held. Noticeable . a
Hislop, and -was given a good Tr Putnam's. among others was a handsome man -
hearing. The Conservatives set a y tel clock front the choir of the Metho There's Groceries and Gro -
good example for the opposition to a jay dist Church, Donnybrook, of which aeries, and that's why we
copy. Blyth is proud of the memlter the bride had far some years been want you to try ns tin what �-± 7 7
for t+'astHuron, and will stand byhim eGorrie. organist. An enjoyable eveningwas you eat. We handle only r U R,5, --den's and Ladies' Furs of all 1�111(AS ail°IV1I7g
on election day. The meeting broke spent in games, music and social con- those kinds vvhfoh are Re -
up with cheers for King Edward, and. Miss Etta McGill visited her brother verse after which, at An earl hour liable .....THE PICS OF �y l'
Dr. Chisholm. Bear 'Wingham on Tuesday last. amid of rice and conf early
Mr. THE CHOICEST, daily. Come early and get the choice.
r --• ! Miss Maude Skilling visited at her an
�M �� ��i�° 3 d Mrs. Bamford took their depar-
Grey. home in Teeswater and attended the tura for Blyth, where they took the
Eii� C H A M P I O N - y Pair, Oct. Ith. early train for Toronto, Niagara FaIla TEs AND COFFEES
F. T. Br ons left on Monde for To• aird other places of interest, followed A SPECIALTY
y Quite a number . L. C nve attend. b the host wishes of their many
� ionto, when he will resume his studies ed the S. S. and E. L. Convention in y M1111n
PP Dv_�
Q �")')in medicine. Wingham Iasi Wednesday and Thurs• friends.g 4� �.i d .� �/
SAYS: Miss Martina Armstrong of Belgrave way, Bring aloe your Produce y
"After my great wrestling match is visiting with her friend. Miss Olive IRev. W. G. Howson of Wingham,.
With J. Mellor, of Sta.aybridge, at the ' Lake; at present. gave a very interesting and instrue- A�' ,
Crystal Palace, England, for the lir. Grey was well represented at Ford• tive sermon in the Methodist church
ternatfbnaf Championship, I was y P hereon Sunda last, SALI LL J r H O P Christie
wich fair last Saturday and have y .S
covered with cuts and bruises. I ap- e
plied my favorite balm, tam -Bok, glotviilgreports upon its success. Robt. McGill of this place attended PHCu,R�'. PHONE es This department, under the direction of Miss Little,
and in a marvellously short time the - Mr. Wilford Sikes of Toronto is the -fume al of his brother, Jag. McGill ;
is in full swine It will be to our advantage to visit
abrasions and cuts urate healed and I holidaying with 141r. Robt. McAllister of Norland', Victoria Co., last week, � r v_ g, • y g
was fit and well again. At another at present. Mr. Sikes is one the 0& and was accompanied by his son, Wm. � m +
time I had a piece of flesh almost = cials in the General Post office of the A. of Wingham. our showrooms if yell are In need of anything 111 the
Wit Completely off my arta above city. Reserve this date.Gorrie Metho- lEL�iesa �'.lEd(A1iSgh
the elbow. I anticipated being un- Rev. Robt. Pearson and bride,wlio dist S. S.Orcheatraywrllpiveaconcert Millinery line. Coale and bring your friends+
able to rlo an thin with the arm dessert for a t
for a long time. To my delight, has been spending a week with par- lit 'the Town hall on Friday evening; �y _�1i�1�'�� - • f .,
however, Zwu-Buk closed up, the i ants and friends here„ left for Drayton Oct. 30th. In addition to the popular - .LARCjl�+
wound in two days, In three days - on Monday, where they will spend a play, A Royal Runaway, abate will y Hunters'
it wag covered with new skin, and u _ few days before returning to Calgary. a new music, instrumental and vocal, �nlll'l
few da a after, there was no trace of _ Mr, Nelson Hayden had a successful Tickets n and 25c ;, reserved 'sesta A>~ n!1 grocers
CO. Plan of hull will be at Stephen & Excursions All Departments are being replenished with New
the calory. I recommend Zam-Bok raising on ltfanday. Mr. L. Train Is Co,'s store,
for cuts, bruisers or skin injuries of the superintendent of 'the job. Thb i
any kind. y, - young people enjoyed themselves
Pato 10 CTS. PER PACKAGE RETURN TIOIKETS AT Fall Goods. Dont forget, E± app�reelate the sm1. allest
Yours truI g y tripping the 1 n NC4LE PAUE
HtTGH LANNON. tactic. Pn _g.. g p I - purchase. Trade Of X11 kinds wanted at all times.
Tho 8bove testimohY Ovon by Mr &e�fher flet Por Catarrh.
the evening
Lahhon when visiting Toronto shows the i
great value of Zam-Buk for lacunes ro-
calved in out -door sport. $alern+ blu i� ~ Oct. Gltt to Navy 3rd
BAtebxll, Forltball old xaarasse gC t McKibboa is %tdvleg 5plendld SITUATIONS
I'itYax should always keep Zam�lluk Mrs, R. baker presented ber bug- TO pocula in 7rmatCtaini, points ]dint -handy it prcvdnts cuts and injuries band with a bouncing young daughter Reports Plow Nynmel Users, tawa to Port Arthur. ,e Ueorgian Day
lUkinq this carona; turn. " Itstops the and Maekiil , d t6L on ; Port Arthur
pain and smarting: and heals. It is also on Wednesday of last week. vita N, N. Now land Co certain paints in
an excellent embrocation During stiffness, , , Qttebr a, New iirnneiviok, Nova seotta
sprains . twists, etc. ifsed and record- A number from 'here attended the Its the poison germa in the air -you with leading, businosa houses and Newfoundland.
- ten h
mended by Shorting, the Mnrathon win- il.nnivereary in Wroxeter Presbyterian -'breathe .. that creates and feeds oa- mvaait our aradtaatrts.
ner; Madrali, the irarld's aecond greatest church last Monday evening. tarrh. Ryomel simply catches these `--' — Oft. 22lld to Nov. 3rd
wrestler, eto,
.. ,
The Anniversary services held here i germs dri their way to work and do. ` i,dOSR i�Al �,EDe;Eft � h�itJRl{tltl;A tyAl;gs P1NPaTANC�
Fdr all In uncia$ tact Skin Disease stro s them. the ret breath of Hyo, NNA D JL so
...... _ ..... - .. an the 4th and 5th, were a decided .. .�` y stud aril mederh aflloe. mothodd LARK 0. DAYS MIDLAND
. . R11CCHsg. i'he roceedg aenidunted to mei air` kills all catarrhal poison. which unsure rapid edvAneomacat biAC1ANETASv'AN 111VER
$'ilInwa 1? This makes the air you are breath, LAIi hB•IrL
Ing inward helpful', it goes -on It# 'Way GREGG SgbR`i.`$AND JfFLdrmaska to Depot Ttarbnr, Argylo to
h the air passe est, bronahiatl taught by the tanly toaohet ii► c•oboeonk, Lindrtay to 1141bUrt0n, Shar•
The gaci IDet�g reached here last throng g bot Lake via 1C. itc P. M ,Ry, and points
week of the dealth of Miss HaWltoo tube# and lungs charged with germ the Provineo who attended tho from. Ravarn to North clay, inalnaive.
of Wingham. Those who have been destroying power that cannottis re• Airvnoits Sotiaar,.
bereft have the sympatby of all. Slated, it aoothos and heals the wound. s inc,m
�fl#RptYC iltlt7ltglfS• Stataugrapiiy, ltetUrn alalia on n11 tiaketa, :laturctan
eCi altd inflatl�ed membrane. Commerolal, Telegraphy,
1)%e htb,1009, or until cissa of navigation,
A number freta ]cele attended the Thet Is tvliy 1x cruel ig.iao Instant] if earlier, to poit►ts raaorir d by atoamCrs
a funeratl of the Infant soil of Mr. and helpful for h qq y ]anter anyday. write for pattloulara, - .. _
p y distress of the breath
Saml, Wood of Tumberry, who have g lr , rtt,h'1`'CA M PAOM GrPt, iso
stA di stores, or from tho tiig s m iitixy of ail iti their'{rra1. lag, organs, tsbldt+, orae , branchitie, P'a'r 'tiokete and stilt lufornck of Mt an
XAiMt•Sli4tlt eDb., 'i`OItbT! ['A, fbr lbrlas. y p asthma or dreaded praeumonla, .they w.l tCNltx,'Pavvtl Agaut. cr write
lifrs. T. Glallaher ratorfied hewno last area the gdrm lite that 9yowei kills, Wingliant Business College -
R Bontk top $2.60. we=ek, After spepiling two *eekb with .. Compicta UNdAntead Outfit $1.00. r�. D. �C��YiAlt� _,
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her daughters, Airs. Alert. ldryantt of Sold by Man MaKibbon, talk to � +Alio: SPOT'1`Olf', I'kfcitCrr;ai., � DfAWO F"hetebt All -A% Toratjto,
LY1Ott-IN & Mfs, 10d, Bryne of Wdy. shirt► itbout Itr rtl '•