HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-15, Page 7-
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—, �, I . �... � - I . to of the vlounio ir" Pavia Mtwk, of �. .�
I Tile speat4torS stood for A 1110111011t, tall,00 front tile aun at tile, slid of t1 Thormuill, who mot the tolill oil lauflett NTY A FIREMAN 11
petritied; .some turned Away, f4igItI119' THE COMMONSO year, It the, Comet liad bell4yed .11 LAUNCH THIEF atreet�, opposite, the-witi Hall, Alta to NORFOLK COU "
RUSSIA AND I � tile ordlilary luaituor the tail should .knowlt 11"ETS DEATHS. .
Is tiley saw tile balloon fill hig wiul devololl, in brilliancy as well as in whoal tho swindlers ae .48'E'd thit APPLE INDUSTRYIP X. r4
Ightillug-111co rapidity. At lie 831114 Whitby B �
- Britl4h p, I Was, Arrested At , .qt ES. they 444 souto glitterlug tituds theY .
till)o s1lowerg of sand and ppurton Arl*aMoAt Openotl 'ro.day , diwonsions.
atleve of tile balloon shot owitivArd: , � "It is diffieult to-explaill this. How- I wished to dbipoio of for just cuotigli
DAn1NDANEL_L_E__,S* ' caped From Lock -Up. to tA4e them out; of town. TIAl', Vp
lind then daylight NVV68 seen through —Bills Coming Up, ever, one theory is get'lorallyadmitted. money . I
the envelope. great ragged edges of the ' L ThISL comet in the futur full value of tile studs, they said, w.1ii AURMS TWO NZI.N.
o without the , DONE A 0091) WORX. — I
I �
I tail is like, all its sisters— a star ill t never ullown to Owul, but It was tbell . I
Moutenegrans Ready to Shod Their silk showing on either side. )Ugh tile London, Out. 12—ThO autatAll RsiliOn decomposition. It threw out O., great Whilby, Out., Oct. IL—Tho AVI(d belief they wers worth at least, $�W'. of . One, Crillitled to I)eath W Awother My ,
"They are killed," rati thr( 4 va )O 4 aillount of gas, Tliere has bison Ali. ar- here to -day of & gasgiluo latiovil thlef, not more. . Recout Weather ffits Cousea Fungus , P14-4everal, Are Severely BUM0 _
Last Prop of Blood-, crowd, but shortly the remainder of of tile British Parlial out N a 01 lie
- till. rest In tile production of gas. and the and his escalie frolit tile lock-up A low Dlaok entered, into negotiatiolls, 4114 arowth on Qrocrtlqi�The Crop gmd Brujsvd]�ufldlax p4stroyea , 4
the envelope appeared to take, first it to.day, ,.rho ton weeks of the sit , - I
. I Wangtilar shape and then was trans- � burning mass formerly visible behind hours later, was a, Ben8atim, which 8tir. tile trAILSActiOn WAI$ 010' -Ad, WIkell thit Vory 1104vy. Lliss, qtOO#OQQ-
at tit() will lye taken tip with colifilderation. of, tijo llu�lous of tile Must hall 1IRW41- Thornhill mail handed over $50 and Te- . . .
The Intcritational Socialists Declare 'formed into a sort of parachute . red police eveles. Chief of Vollee, ,Jilt lo- - __
top of tho list slid the progrom 01 the goveriffilelit lapasures. tile most ilup(lrt" ly cljsappeavpd� 11 the comet omits no � ceived the supposed diamond stud.4. Af- f J
, 11 .
Against War. More gas. AlItulrally Ivis shall see 110 6011 was Called to Whitlly.11ilrbor tuirl 2 torwards, upon tvAting t1w 8tudb to it 'rho NorfOlk County Yrult ('111-ONs-01-8I Buffil,19, (Despatelt)-ThreocomPallieso
I firemeit dropped into go death-traill y0s.
I wrooked balloop was considerably av�� ant of whielt is the licensing billi, This 11101.0 tail Oil tile day W11041 it starts morning to arrest a wall. alle,ged to havi., jeweler, Black found out that Ito hAd to- Amiclei lon ham Won doing cxv4llolk� torday 41 . ter I 1
- rested. measure wfll VAss .till) House of (Mu. * L At noon after baying fought,
. j, bat ill the Ilouse of Ajords it will oulittkig gas the tail will reappear." abuten 4 gasoline launel. Air. It. W. oeiv d, ii:tead of dianiondl, t%vo pieces Ny.ortt for 4outo 'years 1)44t. TIIe,V Alive the
- � tile Values ,nearly fiva hours at .
It came down slower and slower, u,cin, . 4 . - of gme, I
inks Trouble Will n while being swept by the wind, bvi either thrown out or amended, Bud . ,lou'louts, of Toronto, (wit his launch ,,hick ya .Ilatluartora in 61imile, where Nowak clevittor, Broadway AIIA tile bOlb
Britain Now TV . loan Q the swindler. -i were twil, . Q101K he Ji
. far tO tile southeast and finally dis. the controversy of last year botweent'he I line crossing. 117bey were cauglit inside I
L ,
be Peacefully Solved, JOINT RATE WANTED 1, -wt week, Ito made it K -arch of tll(3 youlig. Ilitil, who, ll,.� 011.111's, me Jews, Llpey have .It solid Iiiiii columodlotis fruit . ...
appeared from view behind & block of tift houses thus will be rolloweclk It is . . . the building, when the waUs crumbled �
_i . lake harbors eastward froul, Lite city, And ifo lias furnished the police with a dO- stura0e builichno alongside of the Grand to. es A 4 �
I houses. believed that all agreeivent 'Will Ile . was rewarded by fli4ding, Ili* property ilition, of tile Ilion, for whoul "110 de' Trunit Railroad; wad from lyllich thoy in � Lbout -tliew, burying sevorP4 L
� I 11 I I
. In, tit, ed- The susp R rowds was .1,f(luctition I 4" - Itilea. debris wild causing others to
Voris, Oct. 12,—'rlve Tolops, ones 4-01%, the 0 , reaehe(l with respect to the here with the thlef Aboard. teeflyea a1*4L- now looking.
terrible. j3ut a low millutes 14tor a Bill, aud that this lucasure, being quick- Cqmplaints,Agairsi Canadian and Tito prisoner, when arrested, gaye 11 -1 1 I ,,141p tteir apples to, tile different inark. cling to rafters in 4 trantic, effort to
ito I �
.rlal QxpVQsaN tile hope that Great . celved from - . save tileir lives, Walls crumbled to I
'bly will give tolephono message was te ,ly 1) ... ed, will nittke way for the intro Ilia naluo its Frank Cliarles. lie 14 utti in Outurlo, to. NVII,unipea and other .
Britain posal ItUssia, &'dls- FriodeinaU, which announced - th t tile d otion of mother Irish land bill, as Americ . � es Ju. the three-storcy structure, Two
a U a , ,,on, Express Companies-, ince
itout of build, and five feet six inches KING WON HIS WVT AGER -told, IIIIA0% - firemen I
lat,-tiol v Dar4euelles. � men bad landed and had not been Nvell. as uleasures dealing with the prob. . . wcstern points, to Rock were burled bh
it lit Oto matter of * tit seriously Injured. One of the bags of jell, of the We in height, red moustache, dre,ssed it) . . wlivro A great deal of their pa0c io lilt - of tile debris, one beingdead when drag6 � .
11. Teylows the history of the struggle unomIlloyed'. Albany, X Y, Oct. IQ,—TIlO 24 .n . �
grey suit,. with long rubber boot�- :lit- . I � .
sand dropped by the aeronauts $ell g gliah Ina god outj� and the other is dying. Many I
, As soon as the buslum session was gerviec (*oulluission announced to-fty wit$ imulediately talc.ell before the, po'. llvtl, and to tile It3n. , rkets,, They . . 11
� I oe
Ili the strait to show that it was not , into a baby cariage, which Nvas smash, opened Projillor Asquith was questioned tilat it it" before it tile first coul- lice hlaglst,ra,to, and remanded f or. it lie.. Walked, From Montreal to have been packing and l3itipping their thes d or had narrow so- I
Oosed in the Interests of Turkey, but ed to pieces. Fortunately the nurse I I e An a' have capes. Tito loss will be $100,000. 1
1111011 010 010- had snatched the baby away Ila time with regard to the situation ill tlI0 Bill- plaint in which a joint rate is asked to week, ancv - past lour- years
of the other powers, Oild, kaus, and lit mply he said: . Tile Chief then left Ilia tuall ill the L established A hi -11 ro'-ptitation for their The dead--4oseph 0. Soltellhp�mer, No.
to save its life. "Ala the Secretary for Foreign At., be established by express companies .. 11 .. 0 27 Hollister street, a firdician of hook
oil- that frankness is tile best P01110Y, 10� - - . - . 'L �. I wwn lock-up, the basement of tilt, branch. They have aiso, carriml off A. party No. 31
. K,-.!dlq Cypress -and Rgypt to show that t[ED Q, fairs and, myelf aliready have tated in wIlere it suin, of local rates only is used Town Hall' building, while lie retur'lled Vancouver, B. V., Out, M.- Charles 1111111bor of One prizes tor coulluorQ141 and ladder corr
pubilo,it, I impossible for tlils ,country, for packages weighing Over seVen to the harbor for the Contents of -- packages for tile gast two years at the The hijured-Captala William T. Hill,
VreAL J.1ritain lia,s ,lot alivays been tho MINE WOR 1MV70 as made by tile I King, the Montreal eaticiekt; and walk olitang It"ruit Growers' * AsDoolatiou of ]look and ladder No.. 0, 09 Walnut
disinterested friend of Turlt-cy. . in the laWrests of existing treaties, to pounds, T ' lie complaint NV launch, 1'%711011 he got litick. lie - champion, who wagered th lie street, burned about face, taken home.
The Tomps thinks that if the Auglo- � recognize Alterations 4nade therein by reoidents of northern New York, and found that libi pi -honer had escaped 1119 1 44 allow, held in Toronto each year in Nov-
Russian cutouts Nvas jusUfled, the ro- inclividual . states, and we liold to MIN . is directed against tile Canadian Bx- by t, Id walk front Alonti-eitt to Henry J, Seltz, hook and ladder No,
so irksonto to Convention to Formulate Demands is that press Volupany and the American Bx- caring lip soluo floor1mg, lotting 11,011 Il . Van' ember. !%-'Inch of this is due to the ell- 8. Goemble avenue, shocked by fall-
gittle in the Dardettelles, . I principle, We regard the even hiiii into ,In adjoining room, from couir ya, without begging, orgy ,and capacity of AIr, James John- ;In's," electric wires and suffering from
Meets In Scranton. have taken place in the near east as press coull,nilly, the Calladi d xi borrowitig or stealing, and .earn $1511 son, of Simecle, the fou id r 4 d u , n . r
Itussia, should be modified, It argue.$ I . an Express which he easily ,lia 0 all e t. 1 40 H I A a e la,corations and bruises, .At the - Emer- 1,
that it would be possible for A new ar. � necessitating consideration by the Company operating over the Grand IA. b - gency Hospital.
, pow- With the launeh wai found y fair means while oil the Nvay, wou of the Association. Beginning with tile
rangemeat to be reltolled. ca __ era with tile view of arriving fit a, set. Tritilivic Railroad and the American Ex- canoo, which a neighbor cvf Cletnent-,l ll;td tl,.e IvAgel- flye Ininutes before the time small numbet, of 17 metribers they have '
tile interests of all and without clangor ntioll of tleiment witich aliall show due reptrd to ts connection, of Captain William F, Krueger, engine
Scranton, Oct, 12.-A oonve. preas )"t 'm v r I the lost. Both eraft were loaded NvIth many limit expirea on Friday noon, King now a mciubershi� about 100,all oNval.- company No, 02, 50 Girard place, burned
the interests of Tur1coy, and any other 11o;ue,0'1V.Pa,&','vu 6, Ogdensburg divi- axtioles believed to. havo been stokii. arrived. in Vancouver oil Sunday, Szpt. Ing Orchards, Under Mr, Johnsov!s sup-, about face and hands, taken to his J
of humiliating Turkey And suggests tile inin,cl workers from the ittli0tracite dil- i gion of the Now York Ocuttit p. in., and after I
application OF the rilles ratified in 1888 - the United Aline Workers o state whicilt ina.y ,have been prejudiced I & lludsOu Last Friday night St. John's Upise9pal 13, at 1.45 . two da,Y4' ervi9ion, they have brought these or, home. 'i
9' tlicts of f t tillit River Railroad. Churph, near the bay, Nvas brolcen into, rest started .to hustle for work Ili or- obards to a high degree of excellence, �
neutralizing the Suez Canal aull pluill Aniorica. began here to -day for the pur- by recent changes, and , ' we trus . The complainants allege they are com- . to earn the $30 still neceasary to The latest and best in n. John 0. Goss, engine company No. M, 1,
it under a joint commission, a solution will be found." and several books, fluga., et,e,, taken, These der othods of pru 537 Alonroo street, badly burned; taken
pose of formulating demail,cls to be pre- I -1. -_ L- .— polled to pay exorbitant rates for pack- were found Ili the boiLt, proving Chibries complete his wager, big, spraying, cultivatingp fertilizing and home. . I
Ready to Die. sented to the coal operatorz shortly be- ages sent &short distance, to have been the thief, The quantity 1 -_ 1. thinittig,. Am carried out in the most Captain Fred Durremberger, engine
Cettinje, Alonteme-po, Oct, 12.- The - I of tile loot *Ito -o have been it ' thorough manner, and the oreliardis oor� co .
-Ian ably ,opened fore the expiration of the present three- � eo=N?. is, 4sg East Utica street, ',
'1\14i;ntegali National Asset L "' A PERILOUS TRUR,
, I 0 year agreenwnt, The agreement* which, . SEIZED NETS, professional. . we him. i s L tainly alioNir great results for the oare a in back and on ankle, may .
Item to -day lit extraorclinarY session.Tho is almost identical with the award made 1. MURDER . T: 1� . I . expended . upon them, Your reporter has dic, . .
war fever resulkillO. frail' thO annexation by the Strike Commission lit 1903, ex- Important Capture.Made by Fishery - .. I jwlt had the privilege of inspecting many William Fox, hook and ladder com- '
by A�stria-llungary of Boslila, and Her- pims in April next year. ' t SOUTH GROWS -RICE. Earl Grey Delayed by Snowslides - o.f1hose Association orchards, wberothe pany No. 0, Berlin t,treet,, foot crushed ".., I
-dy is running high I L � and burned; taken home.
zegovilia, which alrea .rhe o-xectitive boards of three districti Overseer At Belleville. Terrible' Result of a Drinking Bou . apple harvest is ;it present in full swing, L
has been strem-theited by a bellicose were in session here last week,and it is — 11 . In the Rockies. and, although An experienced applegrow- Joseph Franz, hook and ladder com- .
a ed upon I at Montreal. I of many years' standing, ha,was sur- pa,ny No. . 0, 514 Riley street, burned
luessage to Parliament frout Prince Ni- , � I _' Or , I
understood they practically agre Belleville, Oat,, Oct. 12.-Ous of the A Very Important Indus'ry In f the 0 a A hands; taken home. 11
cholas, who deelared that the annoxa- tile demands that ivill be laid before the - pflosed at the size and quality 0 ab ub f ce nd
tion of these two provinces had inflict- mine ourners, Art eight-hour day for all 1110st important ca,ptures of illegal *fish Montreal, Oct. il. -----'Vwo %diana State of -Texas. I Winnipeg, Afam, licispittell; U4 arl Grey I A
.. . crop. The trees certainly -present a The ure was one of the most treaelt- i,
ed it erving wrong upon the People Of -employees will, it is said, be one of tile nets ever made on Quiatte waters Nirm wore murdered to -night at 31 St. 11y. arrived in Cranbrook yestarday on Ills eight wonderful to behold, ladeft as they erous that the firemen have had to con- . 11
* . tend with since the Seneca street fire i
Montegro and that the people We"O Pro, principal demands. made* at sunrise this moralug, when GOO. polite street. One of the cload men was way to Ottawa, after a, perilous trlp� are with Snows, Kings, Ba,ldwins, Spies, . .
sacrifice tlicir last dr of - . - to Rocky Mountains. 110 It . :
. . . I
pared to Op Boulter, local fishery Overseer, caught Bill tilliore, Oct. 12'Possibi Utica in 46- or tl . It." To'nian $Nve'ets, Russets, and numerous two years ago. I
shot by his is,on. All had -been ell. Ov -aveling on hor-9eback through the other varieties of the beat qu � . .
b!ood unless tile peaceful endeavors llow four prominent fishernion in the Act of , growing its it contributor to the wealth been ti ality. Great 7: - - . . I I
-lov, CRUSHED TO DEATHIII - ry, n g themselves, and intoxicitting - southern paxt of British Orilumbia. . numbers of the trees have substantial .
UPI foot reisulted in righting tilds gi I hauling in a seine it short dbitance be lk had been used freoly, Once �or %of the south are suggtated in correspaud eachimy the summit of tha moull- props placed under the branches all i
ance. The inessage -%vita received with low Point Ann, in the big bay. Tito this woeles � RS FINED. i
n . , , _. ,
twice Miclieli Calouri, jun., a youth, lieA once from Houston, Texas, in talus near Argunta,, lie was dola,yed In to �
cheers &lid other demonstrations of ap- owners reside at Point Alta. Air. Boul- ; arc6d them so as to enable the .1
I proval. Son of Democratic Leader ofBrook- w, was in a motor boat all might, aud been restrained from quarrelling, but issue of tile Manufacturer' Record. With- by snowstorms And anowslides, and, at- h crop without breakinga down, il
, ter much suffering, the party was 0 rry 'Ir ,�
when the nets N*re nearly all pulled in wenty years the revolution . r a ngs, too, Ilave . �
lie fimal)v broke loose. in the part t T'he Gteoili a wonderfully
Servia Still Bellicose. lyn Killed. _ His fi�,st victim Was his father, who Three Plead Guilty In Toroutw- ..
he came up and seized the seine. It is centering about Crowley, Lit., in !methods compelled to go on foot with packs on heavy crop, quite free from worms am,,! . .1
Belgrade, Oct. 12. -At ail extraorilin- the largest ever seen in these parts, cov- tried to pacify him.,Tbe old man, whose their bAcks over perilous paths till till about 10 days ago perfect. ill qual- Judgmenuln One Case Defe.-red. . f I
I * �ry sessi,on of the Skupshtima, this nwrn- I name is. Al- ichell Calourl, after being of rice culture, has transferred tile centre. . ity. Unfortunately during that time the .
. .N'aw Vrork, Oct, 12.-Marthi Conly, ering a length of nearly two miles, with the foothills ivere reached. `IhQy were ' 'I,
! I Ing tile following resolution was unami- a o is, 6 walked out into the yard,. where of that culture from the A:tlantic sea- brought to Oranbrook on -,I. handear. . urusual weather conditions pl�evafling, I
_�-_ lojee of the Comptrollor's elghteod-foot depth. The net wa Oat' hot , I
. 11 modsly passed: Q . jail., all emp a�ed- The crazy youth then shot -It A - :w . I two close days combined Toronto, (Despatch) -The first convic ,�
. ,
. office, and son of AfArtin Conly, ex- eated and brought to this city. it ilifea he , board of the sQut of Louisiana And � Ninth very tions arisirig out of the recent raid ot; ;
, "The SLkupshtina, after hearing the ex- Francisco Afartelli, his host, who had re' Texas, In the past eight years the acre- ' heavy dews at night,,have caused a con- a
: plamations of the Government ,alid the Asscmbl�yman And Democratic leader for the Government motor boat, and the con- DECREASE IN REVENUE. : � I
fiscation caused much excitement here, turned with ,money from the lutaber age Ili Texas devoted to r1ce, according . i siderabIt developinent of the fungas eleven alleged handbook gamblers in the I 't
I steps taken by ib; expects vigorous &a- t-lio secorld district of Brooklyn, Nvas It is valued at $400, an,d is a new oiw. camp, TI e murderer was arres+ed. He is . spot, This has cause(i the percentage of city were made yesterdity, when *,Nir. L'
tivity NvIll be displayed for the protee- crashed to doea,th under .% 05-horso power Seines are not allowed in these witters. Lbought I to lia-ve. had some kft�[ of to the Houston correspondence, has in- Failing Off of Over Nine Xillions in Half ' Mngsford, tile assistailt Police 114s- . 1� ,,,
� creased from 40,000 to 245,000, and this Year, ! Greenin&& unfib for 'barreling to run
0 - L tion, of the riation's threatened interests. automobile early to -day, when the ""I- A large number of nets were also rdeent; grudge that -urged him, while drunk, to ,:i trate, accepted a plea, of guilty from I
� With this object in view the Skup . shbina chime which was whirling along at 40 . conversion of the raw prairies into rice Ottawa, Oct. 12i --The revenue of . muelt hil ,ter than usual. It has affected .Nirs. Sarah Michael, the keeper of the .. 4�
ly captured, with 3-inp.h bass, while tile do the foul deed. -
will support the Government to the full- miles" an hour, leaped from the i , A fourth man, who is supposed t fields by incans of irrigation relircsonts I Liu, Orchards, unevenly, some being bad 7
V. . U(rIlL all iron '*ad, law says 4 1-2 Inches much be used . Tilt- a a total investment of $24,185,880, divided the Dominion for the first half Of Cho ' ly affected a-nd others comparatively place at 10-28 Queen street west. S fine , I
, . est - extent." 0 , Owners will be brought to trial in a fe�v 0 t of $50 and costs or 30 days lit jail wus
, crashed thro fence, and land- have hild, something to do with he.
blouble, escap d. its follows: Canals and pumping plants, present fiscal year, as shi3wn oil tile : untouelled. Tito subsequent. cold weather 4
I , Tito Skupslitina has sent an encourag- ed boUoin upward in 'the open subway . (,,I) ". . I e . $9,773,280, Inilds and improvements, $12,- books of the Finanoe D-partment on . checked thise growth and no further briposed.' The fine was paid. I
i .. Ing telegram of greeting to the Alontene- out of the Lolig Islund Railroad at How- . 1: - t I 1-I . The next two defendauts, Russet I
l 1. ents, I spread of this disease is anticipated. .1
grian National Assembly, which assent- ard and Atiantle avenues, East New . 216,000, and live stock and implem Sept. 31, was $40,727,522, Its computed i LcReh, keeper of a bettiilg house at :�
�'..� $2,190,000. To plant the acreage and to with $30,034,708 for the correspon A feNy Baldwins and Snows have,been Alksou,
. bled to -day and voted an extraordinary York, SALOON TRADE. THE NEWTV UNIONISTS, operate -the irrigation plants require till ding injured, but the damage is chiefly L con- 75 Youge street, and John . .i
period of. last year, a decrease of $0,_ � ketiper of a bettiii I g house at 12 L I �
( I - credit of $3,200;WO to the Ministry of ' - :� ar of $3,909,312, and from fined to tile Greening variety. Num- I
IV, - outlay each ye 30- 186. Of this decrease tit;) falling off I in the Qurzon street cast, pleaded guilty, and 1.
war. Further important decisions are ex- ; a gross au� ? 11 . , ..
the total investment there is in customs is respo the Niere each filled $100 and costs, I .
` � pected. YARMOUTHYS LOSS. ' Walkerville Man's Strange Tran- fheir Nlanifesto Issued in Morning nual return of about $8,000,0( . usible for $8,20f,536. erous ganga are now engaged �
�, 10 The postal revenue. increased by $195,000. work of picking and packing in In the -case of John Hare and Wil- I I
1,t Against War. --- - $-_ Orchards. As the apples are picked from -
9 I - I Brussels, Oct.' 12.-T4e annual Social- . 3action at Detroit. L . Post. For September the total revenue was the trees they are placed on a, sorting lian, lAurphy, cliarged 'with L-eeping A I
0 1 i
I . - $IA82),P50, as compared with $8,378,302 d: and pack. b �
. Loses E verythin c, lie Goi With Nis THE WHITE PLAGUE. table, and Immediately grade It-tting house at 99 Victoria street, Air. ,
, Ist Congress adopted a res6lubion yes- a . , dward London, Oct. 11,frhe prime! for September of last year. The d-- nrbers one -and, two grades Ila t ey Dewart, X. O., Put up a . ,.�
Lror of the application of t(he Walkerville, Out., Oct. 11,-E Ay smaller than f ed, only nu on
. Urday in fa Alice Thaw. ple that crease is oonsideral . 01, hy defence, which resulted in the . I
, . in accordance -with the Fruit I .
f peace programme, outlined in August, . Turner, for &.veral yetas Am. employee the &rIff s1rould be framed primarily the preceding. months, and with the am Put up case against Hare being dismissed and . I . �
I I I I .
; . I 1001, by the same body at Stattgatt, in Royal Commission to Deal With thu Alarks Act. :
-A,c gradual judgment against Murphy being ..,
I . event of the present Balkan crisis result- I London, Oct. 12. -By an,order of the of the � Canadian Bridge and iron to set the domestic needs of this I . . improvement of business, lot- Your reporter visited many of the or- de- �
Ing in war� Divoree'Court issued this afternoon all Works here, has been missing a week, ecluntry, and that the industries of the Disease. . lowing a good harirest throughout the ferred. Air. Dewart argued that the *1
. 9. . t, cliardis and examined into the quality of was roAd- :1
- tile Provincial police are loo Dominion, the revenue in all the depart- I rant on which the house
The International Socialist 0ongress I cing up, ittid it is ex- and that I
L and kim, 'nation ought not to be sacrificed even ments is now'picl tht, pack them, wt ivell a& examining dif- 'War I
the rights and interests of the Earl of = .. ed specified a gaining house, ..
. at Stuttgarb unanimously adopted a yarmlonth under the financial settle- for him. Just, before lie disappeareo t%) those Of aulDthol' PRI'L1101- n-atiOV, now D . ontinion pected tlittt for the balance of the year fcrent barrels awaiting shipment at file i a betting proseoution. - I ;
,., L I - r . a .Vurner b A saloon in Detroit, but soems to 'be accepted Vy the new Ottawa, Oct. 12,- Tito there will. be it, much more favorable storage building, and was delighted at ON, dence for . .;
, esolution against armaments for con ment made prior to the earl's marri ge - could not, therefore, be obtained under .. .1
7 I L qr,est and.jimperialisin. It was decided . I in Pitts. all"Ost - =icltely lie sold it back U -Monists in their manifesto Issued.' In Government will be asked to appoint t the. carefulness and -excellence of tile -.1
. to Iiiss Alice Cornalia, Thaw to i&� former proprietor for les --j a Royal Commission to collect, sta- 8 Atement. -.1 ^ I . pack, The AssoclaVion's card and a it, I -
also that should ivar be threatened, the burg on April 27, 1903, are extinguished. The Alorning Post to -day. The inuni- . dd�ress ' Ismissed the case .. . � .
11 , I sum set- ;money, it is said, than he paid for it. f,c6to --' tistics, . ete., and examine into the ds, .Mr. lKingsford d '.
, socialists would, bring all pressure to According to the counsel the ffe is said to, have had.upward o., . also declares that dutiable Im- best means adopted in other countries S'UICIDE FOR MOVING PICTURES. with & short description of its metho ugainsb Rare, and said that lie con- . I ... I
bear Ili ail endeavor to hin-der its out- tled on the earl at this time amounted perial products should be charged lower is placed at the t every barrel. . ,
I $2,500 in his possession when lie went to deal with the q'ixestion of tubercu. (CIPIrtolli sidered the point; raised by tile de- !
l break and in cue 4cistilities began ,the -V to $60,000. 1 rates than foreign produots, slid ilu- Ilds Association is nly to be con- :
- -mouth to Detroit to buy losis and report to the Government Each, Movement of the Victim Faithfully affitulated oil the good work- they are fence was of such importance that ;
" L 4� should use all efforts to bring the war The marriage of the Earl of Yar _ the saloon. plichly repudiates the idea that a ape- suggested Recorded. - Ila would postpone judgment till Fri- ' �
. .' ' It is claimed that the greaLer proper- thereon. Montrealers have . aoh.(r for the apple trade. ;
0 :., � --' to as, speedy a conclusion its possible, to Miss Thaw was annulled in London eial ImperiiA conference shoul-I -be surn- the appointment of the following as - - :� L day. ;
, * utilizing the coibuiercial. and industrial February 5 last, tion, it not all, of the inoney belonged to nroned before anything -is done. Tito Royal Commisioners: E. P. Lacha- Paris, Oct. 12.-A tradesman at Tere- AM BATTLE. .. A 1. .,.,�
IF his wife, Nyho is a member of a well- Climactic. plQW Of an intermediate bar, pelle, M.D., Pros conimitted suicide befOre a SHOT IN SH '
i� crisis thus brought about to organize ----.* __ I 11 . ident of Provincial Ion has JL
1, - I for the overtbrow of eapitalisill. PAUPERS TO BE PENSIONED: to-do fataily near Teounlach', xud to guilling tirriff is foresbadowed in aab- Board of Health; Thomas G. Rod- cincinatograph machine. Having focus- stan BOARD OF MISSIONSO -- I
I 0 .�
� whoin TuTner was married -three stance. It is suggested that England rick, M.D., Charles M. Holt, X-C-, ed tile maebine and set it running, he The Governor-General oU7TUrke , � �
i . I . May Be Peacefully Settled. ' ' Neither his. wife not Wounded. � .1
� , t. 12.-I.rile 'news r6ceived Five Shillings Per Week for All Over 7o months should adopt the fiscal procedure al- and Jeffrey 11. Burland. . .
ii London, Oc IT,. friends have.heard front himself. The films are
. . this morning from the storm centres in' Years of Age. him since lie left Detroit after ielling ready ,established by the overgea, dio- __T pta-fect, each 1novement of tile unhappy . Askabsid, Torkestan, Oct, 12. -During GranjSL Recommended For Several � *1
: . eld. . mdrillons. , * I -. :: I I it.an being faithfully depicted. the manoeuvreB of the Turkestan army I
i, the near east confirms the belief It London,' Oct. 1J. --If other bryrough) back the saloon. "HUGE IRON PLANT, a chair, corps to,day Ili the vicinity of Asgabad, Depaitments of Church Work- f
I in London that the powers will find a of tile kingdom follow th-2 example Whether lie has met with foul plIty al. L He is shown looking for his Goneral MistelieukO, who played a con- L 11
I . . friendly solution of the crisis which has of Onalberwell, which is one of t1w the hands Of Some nerson who knew WAGON STRUCK BY TRAIN. ' seating biniself on it and loading ,picuous part fit the Russo-Japanese I I
Mount of money -_ a aces revolver, remaining a while in thought 8
, . . agitated Europe for more than a week. most heavily kuxed in London, thL, that -he had a large I . ' '_iand Two Injured at Three Million Doll r Furn ' and them suddenly 1,17ar, it -ad who is now Governor-General V,Ilc,ixvcr, B. C,, Oct. 12. -Out of a I
, lbervia, it is now thought, has fallen in Four Persons Xille Ix,fore his mirror, 01 4,1 Ot tile .,,1er,uodi9t Gen-
.. t, inouth'a old A,ed Pensions bill will, with him, or Ims gotib to sonle othei . unded in a sham membership
. , -h the other States directly in- from the outset"'prove it, bett-vicy-burder. place the police will try to determine. Level Crosaft Near Buffalo. starting lip - and blowing *out his , of Turkestan� was wo
line wit a Ilot is suspected. oard of Missions meeting in this. :
J . bittle. A revolutionist 1. . oral B :
�� . terested amd is taking a niore. quiet view !,ven than had belon anticipated. Under I � I- I . brains. it are absent. .
I of tile situation. The resolution -of the Troy X.Y., Oct. 11.�Four persons —, , 'flie. general ., Nvith his staff, was watching city only seve -
� . . the provisi.Ons of the bill paupers are 0. ' These last pictures are of &it hide- tile 011erAtions front a slight elmimence, Tille Committee on Estimates recom- �
�, . ,in National Assembl�, passed tills r- U 0 were killed outright and two children A Cleveland despatch- M. A. Hanna & E,C.Iibable realism, and reproduce the . - ,nt for home departments 1��
. . I Servi. ,which amounts practicaTly to not to receive peusions. The Cambe SHOT FOR A MOOL when the whistle of bullet$ was heard mended it grz the foreign depart- ,�
, morning well Board of Cluardialls, lioWCV(lr, mUlli were seriously iKIjured ill a railroad co. have tal,en title to 3,flno feet oflaud awful. scene in all its tragic details. He was struck in tile leg Above the knee, of P217,024; for I .1.
�I a, vote 101f confidence in the OovornmenL tied this by a decision to ,-rant all pau- crossing accident two miles south of Fol-tunately the polka"were able to the Chiu- I
, ' - I . oil the Niagara River, near Buffalo, i but the ball did not touch tile bone. ment, including missions to �
I has taken the matter of S�ervia'g atti ])era Over �0, oil Jail. 5, 190j, OUL-IvIlef Another Hunting Tragedy In Sable Schaghtico'kte. . colifiamte the -rolls, the exhibition O Ltljtltttnt of Alistchenko -was slight- ese And JaPa"Ose in British Columbia, . 4
-1 o tile extent,of live shillings it week.. The six persons -were ill a wagon T1 se- L J
. . *tude towards Austria Jungary out of t lie company will build two big iron which might Amve. led to dire con An 0 L or tile young poLopiess ror.
'. . �
I the hands of that easily sWiLyed body, River, N. S., - � furnaces thefe. 1Lo employ 600 men. ly woui;ded. Tito manoeuvres were sus, V203,142; f
- and were driving to i ponde(I and tile weapons and simint'lli, ward,*juovement, $10,50(); for miscollalle- � .1
which rileans an additional cost. to Lilt, -- ittend a family Luences in tho eaeo of morbid or nor- ,
; . and laced it with the Cabluct. The Camberwell ratepayers of $65,000 a year. . rouniolt. The vehicle was in charge L "The construction of thd new plant (i - I � �
. " _
I .. . inaragers of the Cabilivt are _�l . an enlargement 0 tors. tion of tile troops examined. Ball cart ous work, $78,500. :
I aware of ' . I lilt -rely means f our lot's auecL% re committee reported �
3latifax, oct� ,I. -401,n .RI(,,lI,,1%laOII, of Goo. Roberts, who -was somewhat _------4.4 4i. ,.Iflt,es and trileps of allob lit the barrels The Nominating
I I the actual state of affairs, and doubt- COTTON STRIKE ABOUT OVER. , deaf. Wheu he reached the Boston Operations," said Robert L. Ireland, of PAPER MILLS TO START.; of La' number of rifles were discovered. An the organization of the following colm. i
I less will heed the warnings of the pow, Suble River, agod 80 years, who was & Alaine Railroad track lie apparent- M. A. Hanna & Go. - "Our Oleveland � .�
i era and take no rash step, Tito powers 'Lancashire Operatives to Accept Five shob by John Chivers, of that settle- ly neither henr nor saw ail express plants will continue as they are. The L in voatiga Lion is now.111 progress. mitboes -. sion-Itev. Dr. nuestis, Hall- !
I . call, therefore, Continue their negotia- Per Cent. Reduction. ment, died yesterday in intense agony. train whi0h was coming at 'a rat6 of total investment of the new plant NVill Paper Trust Imports $trike-Breakers 1: - 7 . Home MIS , (;. Knight, Regina, lice- I .L
tions in the inatter of -ail, inLernational. * 55 miles cla hour. Roberts drove Ills be $3,000,000. The work of constriletion Under Guard. CUT THROAT WITH PENKNIFE- fax, Chairman �
� I lie Into .tile under- . I,i) . retarv. L j
$. conference without.fettr of interruption London, Oct. 11�-It is believed that lbehArdSOm. had 40 carriage directly in front of the swift. will begin Jan. Livermore V alls, Ale., Oct. 12, - Prisoner in London Jail Attempted to i,,, Ailssion 1,Vork-Dr. Wright- � i
; brush to gather firewood, and was re, ill have. eight I
oratives in IAncashlro will ly approaching train, X. A. . wi - -eaking pla,pr#- End His 'Life. . inal, Bell, Enderby, .
� by ali outbreak from tiny of the Balkan tile cotton OP Cis Tw(enty-isix stnike4bi rinan; George
rf-imilp work very shortly, as tile re- turning elowly with a log an Ilia should- 1- the new plan N
� States, L � big iron furnaces when . -day from Al- - i
ill' I makers arrived here to Ont,, Oct. li.-N)rhile suffer Secretary.
k I Tho British Cabinet had a long meet- suit of a conference between the spin� ers -,whom, Chivers, wlio was hunting, 1 - I completed. Three already are in opera to go to WL Londonli rd, Wo,terloo, I
� ing- this morning, at which Foreign Sea- nerg and C)ardroom Trades Union, and mistaking ,him for a moose, firod three TRUANT IS MARRIED, tion at Buffalo, one at Detroit, ono at bany, N. Y., brk .in the ino from an attack of delirium treluells, Finaucc--Thonlas Hibba
� .- at Sharps- inflis of the Internatl6nal Paper Andrew Griffin, aged 35 years, it pria- Chairman, Rev. Air. Steele, Bodeque, See- �
� rotary Sir Rdward GreY set forth the the Alalmtdrs' Association, at which it shots. The first two lodged in tile Canal Dover, Ohio, and 0110 qpompriny, ,which hame been closed oil
. ILog, the But School Authorities Wonder if She Ville, Pa. . or in the country jail, attempted to retary. ;
� p sition he had takdA and explidnea the was agreed to accept immediately a 5 which OhlyLrs supposed wAs � or tivo O" s -Rev. Dr, Young, Aloutteals ;
I 0 . t t� L . account of tile strike for ov minit suicide by cutting his throat Busines .
I views of if. IsAvolsky. At tile close of per cent. reduction in ivages on condi- horns, and, finding they took no effect, Can Stay Awa3t. .. Inonths. ,.rho inen Avere escorted to co 's, .
the meeting the*10oreigti Officis anaoune- tion that the employers co-opemto Nvith he aimed lower. with it penknife. He had been drinking Chairman; Rev. Dr. 0 .
'I * , ardson Windsor, Oct. 1I. -Michigan, author- , C. Pe R. ME tile plant by two deteotivesi -vylto came heavily of IntS and the Magistrate M Secretary. Chealey I
; . ed that it had nothing to say at pres- the operators in settling tile Nvage This allot took effect and Rich omt--Judge,
11 to the ground ' to sober 1
� "Lion three montlia hence. ft groaning, Obivers ran iti4s; are trftig ot tigure out whether - with them, and Special POliOd Offl- nianded him tip. He was Ills- Forward Afmvm,
.ent. . I � I � I they can compel a martled "w6man" Colo. The men will eat and sleep lit ' wilenburg, Chairman, Rev. Mr. Rucs4
,�: _- I� ----------- � ever, expecting to find a moose �
I 0 ,, and covered in time and will recover, .
. . ' NY -as horrified at his discovery, Crazed %#ho is fourteen years of age to attend Will Vote On Proposal to Form tile mills. I t - ? tis, Red Door, Secretary.
N BURST. - . MISS ELKIN'S BEAU, ivitil fear, lit wils unnerved for a time, sollool or not. Superintendent Edward Itiley said CHINA ALLY OiF A196LO-SAXONS-, - :Htmorials-Rev, Mr. Elliott, slincoes . ;
� " B-ALL00 ally regainin L "Ilia reason, lie For several days a truant officer in Big Federation. to -night that the atilpillitoin and pulp Cliftirminti; Rev. Afr. Alarshall, NOW J .4 I
i _ Pittsburg, Oct, 12. -In an authorita- I but, fill -1p: Ri,ha,&on died Bay 01ty has. been soarching for Der- mills and one machine the Big Real Object of Sir Robert Hart's Visit Brunswick, Secretary, . .
AERONAUTS HAD REMARKABLE ti" statement to the Associated Press actight quickly for -lie tha Groves, who was reported absent Chisholin will be started to-morroW. to England. Laymen's Missio - II . i
i United States Senator Stephen B. soon affor 'be reached Ilia homel. from her school class by the teacher. Ottawa, Out., Oct. 12,-Ciruclars have I .0io C,., Toronto, GlIttirman; `br.'Xoc11Iey;1ide, ;
ESCAPP, FROM DEATH. 1()iltlilly of West Virginia, branded as — : . :. - the onglicers, fire, � i
T Ip ,at I Filially he located the girl, but com- been forwarded to ,,I - HE SPARED THE CHILD. . Hong lCong, Oct. 11.-tt is learned London, Secretary. 4
. I untrue an alleged interview accredited . reliable source that the real Pulpit Sapply-Rev. 'IN I r. Huestia, .I
� . BULLET HOLES IN Hni, Fletely lost his nerve when she told mlen, machinists, brakemen and'coVidtle, hero from a ' .
i to Ills wife, and to the effect thdt there I that she had married John Black, tors on the 0. P, 11, stiltions at Ottawa t 11art's recent Chairman.
Shot Down -%,060 Feet Liko a Sullqt) was no �vngagement between Miss Rath- lim Tho Chauffeur Had Only Secoiid to - reason for Sir Robot I:f . .. I
Fishermen Reach Anie eighteen years of ago, in'Windsor. and vicinity, outlining A proposal for visit to 1,;ngIgnd Nvas to bring about ail _*. L L 1i I
Then Deflated Envelope Votifted a erime Elkins ana tile Duke A-rican "Soo" After Choose. . 1
- - - 7 one federa- allianec i
of the Abruzzi. , between China, tile United .
. Parachute, Checking Rapidity of the In all 01aphAtIA inatimer Senator Elkins Battle With Officers. these associations to form mi Alontreal ve CAXADAIS TRADE WITH BRITAIX. . .�
" said that neither his wife nor himself . SrRIKERS 9ARKED.' Lion. These wrra vent Out fro Ntow York, Oct. 12.-A despatch to the ,states and Great Britain to cougel! � i
11 Descent. -9flult Ste. Marle, Out,, Oct. 1I. --A , by the heads of fbo-varicius trades, who T'ril)un(v from JVorcostor, Xfass., sayst the interests of the nations in the far Amounts and Values of ImPorts Dutilig I
. ,
(.0111(t give suoh ail interview, for the �w OLtaiva, Ont., Mt. 12,-OrderA are not L miet ,it Montreal, to every Canadian it11 n*0 alternative but to run down a . I
_ simple reason that it was impossible to parj'y of fishermen caine to the Anieri- W east. � . 17 . I --- - September,
call ,,SW) &%turdity afternoon, secured to be to-Inst4tea. It is presumed beemuse town and elt�r, and tile vAY10118 unions nillo-year.old girl or a street lall6rer,
136tiin, Oct. 1I.-TIte intornatiollal tlemy something tl at did not exist. boats ftitil at iting at 25 miles ICALISEA'S COSTLY JEST. are, the 11
i .�, atted on the return trip they,- were leaders in t1te strike and Mite will vote on thd matter and reply. Nvith Ilia automobile run T,olldoll, Oct. 11-401101ving
balloon face, which, started to -day - to T.ake Superior. It is sup,pbsod. that Of tylle returning workers say they we)* It such it foderatioll. WAS fOrlmOd it an hour, Ralph G. Siniflions, of Now - - - atuounts and values of importa froto �
� i from the suburb of 8chmatgelidorf, ,80GUi BILLS. t1loy are the sanic imen who olftshe(INVIth tlircatenM with personal violence it would moan from '45,000 to 50,000 Illen. York, elift-uffetif for George I'lawley, a gathelofs in derniany to *Pay 11106110d Canada during September: Cattt�, 10,019, i
'qnt,, Oct, 12. -George Harger 0anadiall. officers Oft LAO Superior last thoy did hot go out With the resb, One 1b is understood it would be confined to wealthy'NOW Vorker, made Ilia ellolee turothe Tax. ,mipti' sheop, 1,705, 4.2,0121; 0heat, �
was the ocattsioll of A thrilling Accl- Oakville, ond's heAhation And jerked ,1110 owls., 1,070,000, X884,071; ineld and i
� ty picked up it wild contatiming week, when it battI6 with rifles 1011OW- ca eltect to shoot C. P, It. trainmen. only, without & see a Oet, I,._ 1(ai
Iser,a jO
yeaterilt ---4." that it struck the man Aerill , 'at
dont, two American aeronauts having lie t,mic ago in reference flour, twts., 240,000, Z118,485; 1VA4, $
a miraculous eseapo from death. The $85 of bogus Farmers' B.ink bills wear ed, the demand of tho officers to surron. hiiii, . , I his cat around so !
I -,
in Gamble's residence oil the der. The boat had several bullet holes - . A (till Ili the back, T -031 ; 1,
; .. . _� - - lie man is dying At in it speech so, ewts,. 1,276, � , baton, ewts., 03,353
ly, Mr. Wiltia This is the, spot where in ]ter bu% but the riton refused'to dig- City u0spital to-hight, to tile taxation of bachelors, it 19 now -Z240.5 1111mls, ewtg., � i
American balloon Co�iqueror, tho on � 544, 36.147, 4101,119, �
� I contest, Radial Railway. ft GREY TROPHY.- GLASS DIAMONDS. L11, The i
American -built craft in the ]EAP ,,gimmImoo.s was driving Air. Hawley See.11, Ila% had a scrious effect. butter, cwt%, 6,74's, ,M,306; '611"se,
� having on board A. Holland Forbes '1116MRS Crozier was avre,3ted oil the ' cuss the matter. I - town whom 1,21-Ilastall lyipt, at its Coming session, 2 033,06n; � egg4,
il and Augustus Post, 108B thall two min- night of Oet. 2, on 0, ebAl-g.4% of passing' __.,*.6.0.__ Ottawa, Out., Oct, 12.-F. C, T. 01roligh the Centro of tile . i owbi., 12,924, 4 , grm-t �
- proposes to 1>999 a mOd ficatlon of tAlo hundreds, 1,900, 1540; horbes, 13, 9030.
I O,11(tra, I)eputy Afinister of Trade and Man Pooled by TWO ihe liecideint clecurred. 110 W11.1% (Urested �
. utes after the start burst r.t ail alti- bogus bills ill town. - The trial of Tholna.% COMET tOST ITS TAM Commerce, wid who is secretary of tile Th . ornhill And Nvas bailed out,�y A(r. Hawley. inconle tax Ill favor of matried Men with --**-*-- I � I
tude of 4PW0 feet. For 2X00 feet It Crozier and his son, 31iltoll Crozier, will --I-- -1 __,_ . �
; shot , '111 Ill . 1
. , Dd t'"I OtVOw The Apptudagd DIMAPPeardil In Single Par' ( jo-day reeeived tile, first entry. L iowea for every child.
k do*n like a bullet, and then be held in the TOW111 It 4rey draniatie and musical Cent- Clever Swindlers. ellildrPti, Asliedal reduction is to be fit-
Ik sasUiried t1le Shape of a, po,ya- jiftprul)oll, before- AtagistrIX6 ShI0144. petition, KING AS GODPATHER. , 1, .1111 Lolldon,Oot. 12. -The huffragOtten h6vt A
,r the ail Nillit. It is that -of "Dickens, Vollowship of _1(ing ri'dward has . __*_4_0___ 3-
ohuto and the rapidity of the deScOnt t � # , - Parls, Oct. U. -The ,tudden disal)- 111tyers of Toronto." They were here Toronto Aospittell.- What thO city P01160 1,011(lon, Oct.. 19, rain Crashes Into 8ttant 96110- isqued $in avq1eid to the publid to 11611i I
was checkod. C6111111% close to the, TWOURESTED- � 0 be a,clever swindle to systelft- NIARPTAM to act as godfather to the ' I Oct. 11,—Li'vio express fitain - thout 'rush the MUM Of 061II010111 whell
I -of the Ingi year, puttting on "Tile Cricket Oki dafill t 4 -.'Imira, T
smashed pearonce this week of the tail ,()m re,eently ,)Or, to the wife of the I
l earth, however, the ask6t .. , I tile ranning In a log, Crash- it ineets OTIOdt. lath. The 16ticler of the I
into tha root of a 110100, but the two Washington, Oct. M -4111's. ,Tclnes, wife Moro,hottso and Botelli comet has aA. tile fie'arth." atleally rob ullsual�eetlng -visitors from Itiglit Von, Lowis Harcourt, NVI10 w.ts Xo. 47) NO toad ,suffragotton, Mrs. DrdinnlOfta, fAYS that i
I of Will. Jones, who yesterday shot and Strotlb Observatories � , -4 * 16 , t by a ed Into A ten -toll rollor on the I
� men o8capod with but slight illiltries. I mers. tho t6untt-y wit§ broxight to ligh tit(. (laughtel. of tile late Mr. 14. BUT1,83 they #.%Xl'&(-t the help of 50,000,porsons in
killed John A. AfelPherson, and Blimbeth toll'allcl, 11 orossing lit West Junction. No pits-, . ;
I The Conqueror was sta-ted Ing in vain for the lost mem- wiled, 'by Indiana. . report imade at t1lo detective depattimellb of New yOrk, ,
with lite march storyning the house. , 4
1, 1i
I .1
d -
1�, .
r A 8 Willard, a Itorvaut ift the ,101108 ftmilY, by of t1 were injured. �
onto difficulty owing to a gust of villa to heavenly body. Guilli%uma it is claimed thitt the Att- - * *�w — 0 .610 I - .
Ily were arrested late last night at it n6gh- - ie of the most prominent , Winnipest, Oct. 11. -It fli reported yesterday. f the steam rollo%
and too much balletst. Dut evOntuA Bigourdau, or uss )Vid(,Ileo at hand to proj,%! T io engineer 0 -
win house., Where they had fled )jlreneli ,astronomers, in diao ng the .from The Pas that Same$ Oliver Our- thoritios have k MEET V. S. FLEET- pl,ttilk njipolyeat was badly 11UVt in NVITIT.171414 IrM41W. ,
i L It shot up afid Melted a high altitudo boring ft tregody. Mrs. Jones is about L a a o , the well known Ameflean tl,tLt it coupit, of slick swindlers have -t 2,_apnerall Sween, with torrially. 10, NVII(tt is sphiluAl ..
ill an incradibly short perloa, fhei baH- ither the Inattor r4aid.-Illt is ,quite trit th t wo d fecent. . Made Some money here the p04 few da,�.l Antoy. Ot - I- I . L _-44-46— Tyvele-xkow, 'Willi
i , d. the comet discovered Sept. T1,6-1908, author ofiDetroit, Mich., Who dialitolid A11,14. I., -,(M iold!PN mi(l. M luilitary ead0s, ,
ket wwaying violently.' Tbon almost, 74 .YQUA 01 _____A*_6 .lost its tail M one 111ght. .11 fail V1 went nto Hudson 11,Av ,wilds. for by pt(ht4oliding t1O t4ell or lias Allived livre froin 1,'Otwhvi� to takc gwoli the Prude inn , t avel"So to Ait. 'eOvitort!
! 6rror RTOAe froln OlIt to b'Pi notbing inor'! 11 to stuff that lllalcces yet how
I inf4fantly a ory of It 11 ' .!obbm Merrill Publishing Co., )108 %Vlli(-b turn it Nvillio-TI
*01. Two new elitirehos, -ont, Nletlimli:At an Was twenty minutes lolig. cine4talf thu ifie -1 t in thr receptiolt to tile .iNimorican, thig fit the 1A..11 of' lUxUlT, (11le 90
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