The Wingham Advance, 1908-10-15, Page 51- 4 0 TKE WINGRAN ADVANCE, TIMRSDAY) OCTOBER 15) 1908, I( ,Ilo 0,101rio 141*1� aalkiw! 11 oolh i 4A�$10'.1111 I,ast Saturday Mrs. T, Maunders had the 01114r,"no to fail from I" chair In her home and broke her left III -III near tile shoulder. , A 0, P. R. representative was III town last week with a view of armog- :Boys' SU Ing for the transfer, of Brussels pas- mejigers and. baggage, to and from —AT TIJE-- Walton. Returning OMoor Morton of Wing - I barn, was fit town Monday putting up MAKE C' PRICE -5 the Proclamations for the coming Dominion Election, on Oct. 2601. NO- minatiou will be held in the Town, Hall, Brussels, on Monday, 19th Inst, So tons of salt were shipped from Every Dollar saved is a Dollar B . rugsels Salt Works to London this week and a car of the sante excellent of article was loaded for Atwood last made. You cau make some tveek, Foreman Mooney has about ' 1,500 barrels of salt on hand at the those dollars by buying your Boys present time. Clothing norad as - w. The lines we arc; sistiConng 0. 41 C. Jones, who has been Deadman with his bees quoting you prices on, are this sea- during the past, season, has purchased frow him a halt interest In his apiary outfits and 200 colonies of bees. Itis son goods, and are up-to-date in their intention next season to work them together. Air. Jones' hotne1a in every particular. Bristol, Evigland, but front appear- ances if he returns it will only be for a 12 Boys' two-piece Suits, in sizes from Visit. 23 to 30, Regular $3.50—for ......... $2,45 On Friday last Court Thompson the genial representative of the Rern- in-ton Arms Co. and the U. M, C. Oo, Farm anD GardeQQ � � ti JAPANESE INTENSIVE FARMING The Way the Little Drown Folks Till Their Small Estates, With very few exceptions the whole of the )and under grain or any kind is Ilii P Absolutely, fiat. if it is not so by, na, tura the Tapaxiese farmer levels and A4. banks It up till It Is horizontal, in the narrow valleys there are elaborate series of terraces running up the tilove of the hills till the fields become so small as to accommodate but a double row of plants. The more typical grain _} y ..: Satindav Will Be A BIG DAY mp :� .:t r l.:t ;In Clothing Department V n Boys two-piece Sults, Lu sizes rum ws're aiming r,ht AI F, UUM U -mon on Satnrd_j I 23 to 30. Regular 81,75—for .......... 03.70 pitid a visit to Brussels and gave a h and along with Special Offerings in every Department splendid exhibition at clay bird shoot - throughout the store, we'll have a Big Day in Ready -to - In 12 Boys' three-piece Suits, in siz �s from 11)g, showing what, may be (lone & wear Clothing. A Manufacturer's Clearance of Men's & 27 to 34. Regular 46.25—for,.....,.. $4.35 score making. Ile used the Reining- A MOSA.10 IN GOLD AND GIME$. Boys' Suits and Overcoats, of the beat makes. All new, ton Automatic and U. 1%1. 0. nitro right -up-to-the-minute patterns and styles. Every garment shells making 96 out of a possible 100. country, however, lies In broader val- marked in plain figures and at a Big* Saving to every cus- Several of our local sports also took Good Rubb%c1.,kA*#S7,0f- leys or along the, coast, where. there are many wide plains I which were once be- tomer. Come Saturday morning and get first choice. part but for obvious reasons their scores .• re with held. Looking to- neath the water. It one looks down Witilds the reorganization of the Club on these from a slight elevation they 18 MEN'S SUITS,—Ohoice patterns, medium and dark Wor- a live and clay bird shoot will be hold As WO stated in our talk of last week, we believe there is appear like some elaborately designed steds and Tweeds, well tailored, good trimmings; every more real trash sold in Rubbers than any other line of mer- mathematical figure or as though a Suit good enough for best wear; good value at $12.50— ler in Brussels early in November at cloth had been spread over the earth the merchant buys anything with mosaic patterns in gold and g..................................$9.50 all .1) !)e, which Mr. Thortipsou, M. D. Scott and cliandise we know of. As a rule, In green. Saturday Price, only .... some of the best Canadian experts in Rubbers if its cheap and yields him a good profit. Not 90 Each little field is as nearly rectnugu- MEN'S SUITS.—In good wearing Tweeds, dark small pat - have promised to take part, with this store, however; we have our faults and make mis- lar as circumstances will allow,, Alany terns, strong linings, well tailored—Saturday Bargain ...... $8.00 takes, but buying cheap trashy rubbers isn't one of them. of them, therefore, are perfect rectau- OVERCOATS.—Special valne in Boys' Now Winter Over- gles, for where the plain Is broad It Is coats, made -of plain and fancy Cloth, and strong linings. easy to fit into It small fields of twee- Every Cost is a Bargain. Prices are.. --- ----------- OUR MOTTO IS- ty or thirty feet In length. Alany of ......... t. , .,$3 7153 $4.00, $5,00, $6.00, $6.50, $8,00 Do You tat Right r the plats are even less than this. Some barley fields are only six feet by a MEN'S OVERCOATS.—All the New Fall and Winter Over - Good Goods Only, And Prices As Low As It dozen or so. are in. We have a large stock to show you. See our Pew People In Winghant Really Know Is Possible To Make Them. The pattern of this mosaic Is vividly Special Coats at, ............. ... _$8,00, $10.00 and $12.00 How, r marked out by the coloring of the vara- MENS' PANTS. -10 Dozen Pairs of Men's Pants, in now ons crops. Today the barley Is ripe patterns, to sell at OUT PRICES. Good strong Tweeds You know what it is to buy poor Rubbers, therefore wby-not and stands golden In the sunshine. The and Worstedg. Prices begin at ......................... -$1.00 Slow eating and regular meals is of r1ceflelds, however, are but bare ex - great benefit to a wrong acting atom- try this store for the next pair yon want. WE CLAIM TO panses of mud or water, for the rice Is MEN'S UNDERWEAR.—All the Beat makes are in stock, ash. Tho, -e who suffer indigestion HAVE THE BEST AND ITS UP TO YOU TO PUT including Penman's, Watson's and Tiger Brand. See our not yet planted out, but Is -rowing in Saturday'Bargain, at per garment........ ......... 50c and 75o and weak stomach can with care and OUR CLAIM TO THE TEST. Three good makes—Mrm- small,' oblong fields by Itself, which the use of Mi -on -a stomach tablets re- CHANTS, M, ALTESE CROSS and CANADiAx. Take a look in our show a vivid emerald green growth of BOYS' UNDERWEAR.—Lots of Boys' fleece-liued and ribbed store the digestion to a healthy condi- tion, so that they can eat what they South Window. little plants only three or four Inches Wool Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, Clearing line 28e want at any time without fear of dis- high. At the end of Ilay some of the tress or suffering. farmers are beginning to renp their After a few days' use of MI -on -a rl,e barley and wheat, and when this mouth, coated tongue, flatulence, Important crop, the rice. Reaping and - sleeplessness, distress after eating—all planting of grain together one may s these symptoms ofa weak stomach— C 0 __jcon tomach tablets, the headaches, dizzy Is finished they will be free to plant feeling, drowsiness, bad` tante in the WILLIS & out what Is to them the much wore F� will disappear, and t . one . perfect digestion At Robt, Johnston's old stand'Ph129see In the same ' acre. and good health will e restored. There Is no broadcast sowing of Walton McKibben has so much con- grain here, Each seed grain has an 1 �_ltended. 11� I Allil �'ial 1 1.1 a ence in the power of -On-a to individuality and 9 separately 11 cure indigestion that he guarantees The barley is planted In rows, perhaps satisfaction or money back. Price 50 each satis three feet or six feet long, and e. cents. Kinloss. Lucknow. row Is a foot or eighteen. inches frorn r --- the next so that a worker can pass Horse Greeders, Attention The following is the report for The roof has been put on John between the rows to tend and weed U. S. S. No. 10, Kinloss, for Sept. Joynt's new cement building at the anti finally to reap each Ind1v!dual Clinton. ch row grows School open 21 days. Enrolled attend- depot. It is now about ready for plant. In many cases ep The local Y. M. C. A. is fairly well ance 78 ; eight of these not present at occupancy. It will be used for apple on a little semicircular ridge four or organized, d, and prospects are bright !III during the month. Out of the storage, etc� high, so that the barley is well drain- five feet horizontally and about a foot On Wednesday, October 21st for foa flourishing branch. remaining 70, the averageL attendance The 40th Annual Exhibition of the ed though MI. next little field May Ile Being unable to procure the access- for the month was 59.47. The great- Lucknow Agricultural Society held in under several inches of water. In the MR. J...W. SANGSTER, Secretary -Treasurer of the Clydesdale 'Horse Association of Canada,, will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, ds ary han s, the Knitting -Co. are forced est number present any day was 70, the village, was a grand success in whole district of Okut)a there to work their staff overtime. 62 of these being from Kinloss and 8 every department. only one of the ripe Bolds "laid" by WINGIIAM, to give assistance to all desirous of recording The Conservatives have opened a from East WawanoQh. With the ex- old pioneer grain warehouse of the wind, and that was one of the lay, Clydesdales. Owners of four -cross fillies and other eligible ani- Theeeption of the following the attend- g,,—nearly thirty feet across. it Is nop mals desiring assistance in getting them recorded are invited to committee ,,room in the Elliott block 'satisfactory :—David Lucknow is shortly to be removed. to be inferred from this that the Jape. . be on band. Clydesdale fillies showing four recorded sires, and while the Lib-erahj will congregate in ance has been It is now owned by Hay Bros., who nose farmers do not have to contend colts showing five, are eligible for registration. the vacant store next A. J. Grigg's, Kennedy present 19 days, David Good- will inove it to Walton on the -new with heavy winds and pitiless, beating son 10 days, Henry Rintoul 11 days, Guelph-Goderich branch of C. P. R. rains. Japan Is ft'particularly windy The G. T. R. depot is receiving a Goo. Rintoul 12 days and Annie Rin- • A scheme is being advocated to country, and this year has been a very now roof, and being otherwise im- tout 1,1 days, make a now Agricultural Park adjoin- bad season, for even 113 April there proved; this doe6 not look much like & During the month one new black- in g the skating rink on the west side was heavy snow—snow so thick that new one in the immediate future, board has been added to the school of the village, and use the r it entirely disorganized the telegraphic much as the town deserves one. and the front one enlarged. Tablets ink for and railway communication for a Pew' A91% exhibits. The scheme Includes the The work of re -steeling the line for the pt, I class has been bough days. The wheat and barley are all I le, VT from Stratford to Holmesville was and a library of books for the Jr. teat -Ing down of the main building on sown In the autumn, so that they got QWV_ rlRST, READ OUR r o in, VC the present grounds and erecting it in wfuter sunshine, completed on Monday. The rails classes. the benefit of the 1Z 11 N taken up were made in England and- The standing Of the pupils in the the new park as a horse barn. which is clear and brilliant and very MEE CATALOGUE N" were laid many years ago. They are different classes is arranged according Mr. Jas. Bryan has returned from hot. Rhis, of course, Is the chief cause , Al` THEN Decide on the Busisess Collc9c rol Vancouver, B. C., and has commenecd 57 pound rails and are yet in such to good conduct and progress:—form d condition that that they are be-' 3—Jean McGregor, ly his duties as Fruit Inspector, having Robins, Henr I'l-JA41 i� We ask the privi1ege of sending you and JuKanges 11 100 C, ng shipped west to use on the Grand Genevieve Troy. Form 1—Alex. recently been appointed to this posi- V 'P our intensely interesting, liandsome!,/- tion. He speaks in glowing terms of I Trunk Pacifle. Henry, Lex Kennedy, Sr. 4th—Rob- _j Illustrated FREE CATALOGUE In V -0 -at Saturday evening last, at 6,15, a bie Harrison, Ida Carxick, Willie B.C. and is much pleased with his new to yourse!f to V, and surroundings at an- fact, you really OUIO it number of Italians, who are laboring Moore, Jr. 4Lh—Bertha, McKay, Wal- home on the G.T.R. system in the -vicinity lace Duncan, Sarah Clarke, Tena, Iden- couver. a copy and read it thoroughly beforeyol, 1-01'4.1.11-1!,�, -M(101 A. Forest tlood ", I . S',bv fs3lect the Business Colle0 to attend. Cash Prices top the Fall of 1908 of Clinton, were aboard. 9. hand car, nedy, Pearl Mirehouse, Ariel John- L - - :;- - _3 t I k , E .,,a 3rd class—Mabel Clarke, Lillian This Catalogue explair"'s all about our and making for this town for the stOn- i school, our faculty, our d6erent coursm spare ................ 816-50 night, when about two miles east one Longman, Allan Duncan, Johnston 1� No. 9.18-4 Holes, 4( 16.50 Dominick Alaie, in some manner, Conn, Chas, Gillespie, Jane Kennedy, Defeated By Dr. Hamilton. Tells, why we honestly behove our Col- ................ I I you.. After reading the gotta :arc: will leave, .9-18-6 In no way is health so menaced As came in contact with the handle of Edith Campbell, Olive Terriff, Roy lege to be the best for 1 9-20-4 ................ 1750 constipation. It leads to indigeF- for yourself. Sending, for a copy placca you vndcr 110.4�' 0asemore, Lizzie McIntosh, Henry you to ind,,le' the car, causing a severe wound. The by CO 4v, ostcari. 1i tion, insomnia, anaemia and alien- "4 9-20-6 ......... 18 ro e obligation, Just inail your namO and addrew on a p unfortunate victim was brought to. Rintoul, Ona McClenaghan and David dr d ills. ordinary remedies fail— il) - J A Special opcntngs Soptetiber and Anvary. 9,18--4 with Reservoir ........... 22.75 the Clinton hospital, but it was at Kennedy., See. class sr.—William they, relieve, don't cure. The worst Students adinfUtd any tune. I � ease iq defeated and cured quickly by zese 9.18-6 22.9.5 once conceded that he could not re- Henry, Greta Fox, Marjorie Harrison, coli Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which cleanses The Forest City Business 21--ld Shorthmid E (4• gennedy, Annie L014DON, ONTAMO 9-20-4 19 22.75 cover, and death released him of pain Lula Conn, Alex. the entire intestinal tract,, stimulates il 9-20-6 19 25.00 about 1,30 on Monday. McIntosh. Se6. class jr.—F. Kennedy. kidnov8 and liver, keeps the pores of W1 WESTERVEU, PrInalpal J. W. WESTERVELT. Jr.. C.A., Vica.Prin.1pal Edith Clark, David Goodson, Pearl the eldn open. You'll never have Champion, Annie Itintol, Lavina Car. stomach trouble, yellow complexion _V�ff _S Cast high shelf $2.65 extra, high closet $6.60, rick, Geo. Rintoul. Part — or headaches if you use Dr. Hamilton's OlUrnHO TnB GUAIN. water front $2,60, thermometer $1.00. " sr.., Pills. They are a perfect system of the early ripening of the grain, for DOCTOWS MSCRIBE IT. Frank Ross, Mabel Garton, Willie tonic. 25c at all dealers. from the time it is sown till the time Johnston, Jamieson Pettyplece, Alba It Is reaped it never has a spot) of dull ALMA LADIES COLLEOE, St. Thomas, Ontario Fox, Oscar Casemoiv, Willie Kenne- *,4 . 4 C411 and let us explain the many good points in dy. Part If Jr.—Andrew Orr, J-ohn weath6r that lasts, more than 4 few $1 !0,00o endowment, heuce charges for regular course A Medicine That Appeals To ph days. first-clast advantages at very $200 Latiu, 1'reneii, German, this Range. It will be to your advantage to know how clans—They Recognize Its Valog Kennedy, Roy Champion, Alex. Look- —On V r1aay night last while the Japanese men and Women cut their reasbnable retes. ' Science, Ilianoforte, Draivitig, with board, foolit we are Eolling such superior goods at the above prices. —Dr. J. 6. Ennis Of Atlanta, (Ia., hart, James Orr, George Champion. northbound O%veft Sound passenger tows of grain by holding each plant's Pat- Cnialbgue, ad0ress laundry and library for one year. I full line of home manufacture, Wood stoves, Base fart I sr. --Marion Casemore, Mabel train was waiting at Orangeville for btalks together In one linud and out- "Tho Racistrair." Separate apartment for younger pupils. Btirnerso Surface Burners, Wood Heaters and Box Stoves Tell The Truth About Vlool. Johnston, Mabel McIntosh, Garnet the Teeswater (which was very late) ting them off 'with a sharp, bent knife Caseinore, Aferton Casemore, Priscilla two of A. IV. Bradley's children, ages at The end of a straight handle it foot at proportionately low prices. girery Stove Warranted. "I want people to know that I be. Champion. Part I Jr.—AiiguFj Me- 3 and 4 years, had successfully seated or more in length. The handful Is laid I Kay, Winifred Holineis, Melville Orr, themselves upon the cowcatcher. F. tidily on the ridge whore It bits grown, Call and be convinced. lieve the most valtiable, cod liver oil preparation. body-builder, 'to was just leaving the north �ation. the beat body -build Florn, Ross, Maud Conti, Xathleell L White hnd Its nej�-,hbor Is plated beside It -4 health -restorer, and atrongth-oreatol., Tertiff, Evelyn Garton, Itarcl.1 $p. -Lr- ' till the small field Is covered by the a known to inefficine to -dA "in -to go up town, attays, TO thraAh, the bonds are cut here s Money in F a r mi n (by y itiVinol. lin Richard Vottyplece, Sarah Meln, and of the platform "T advise Vinol in my practice, and t10611, when to his horror and amazement he oft tho gtalkg grid then pounded VIth And It, bas no equal for healing colds, J,11, joynt, teacher: noticed the tiny tots In their danger- ,._Ikokvv *60deao'snoilleth.. If you keep posted in up-to-date triethods and read each coilgh,3# bronchial troubles and sore A oats position, apparently enjoying A A , longs. i 0 , 4 . I t 1 1. week the most co,.bplate And compreliensive "I have use(! Vinol in many cases themselves. Ile at once rescued them teal assimilation, Alta and asked them what they were doing R T REPORTS J Alex. YOUR us to., I patients 11 ec n� "'.6 fiw,ho have no appetite, Prevent Taking Cold, there. They answered, "Just goin' Going Into C61180mpfl(IA.. MA Kt -7-- were anaemle and run down, with Often yowl come home, cold and When yolit, throat IAttles" ytior for a wide," It was only a nainute throat Is stuffed with Cold- don't fear UILY SU14. The Sun splendid reguttg, r have also found ahivering—feet are wet, throat is raw, th whieli appear inT111ri. WE to be a boon to the aged. chest it little Pore. A bad cold Is just after they were taken off the cow- eoneumptioll—tiae Catary-hozone Arid kitibscribe for T "I believe Viftol to lie well worthy tie Innin . Put a Wervilino Porous catcher that the big mogul was on her t well. It clears the throat, cures Pinget"r og 'fl, B16 HARDWARE 'I:2 of aholle.14t physiciox0a orldorge- n your chest, rub your threat way to Owefi Sound, The children atking, relieveA tight chest and sore The Sun to Ist J.Antulry, 1910, fillcollibination With Einert. J, —3. Ill. 'Cants, NI.D. with Nervilln6 and take a still close 6T wet -e at Once cont home, but only MA ine4a In the bronchial tbvs� TO clear Vol? old people, delicate 4hlldren, &rvIlInOInhot, WAt0t. This prevents away (,'Atai-rh of thou notke notbing few minutes elapsed when their father enulil be better, ­Oatarrho%ond is weak, run-down Persons, after sick- a chill, and chocks the cold instantly. -7 tress, and for chronic coughs, colds, No vemisdieg so useful in tho home. 86 and yAls It heals tor appeared, having looked In Nature's own reni'My eas Anl am Advance INGRAM ONTA I chitis, and $III thliOF0 an lung sni e to peevorit serious I)ln(,Aer at Ner- vain for tho youngsLerm, This All hAp. Anotlie�—cnreg every form of throat, The Winght Itib iA or bronthI&I trouble, Pvesm-lb- t!`rolniblea Vinol Ia unexcelled, Thom vilino and Nt�rvlllno Phtoteta. Sold pmed, at fifteen minutes to eight. ea last many specialists mul wed by ............... . . . . . . . . . . . AN who try Vinol rind receive no bentfit by all dealers, 25a each, but he wm pl -houtRatads *or y, o a % at 4W IntLy hftvA thelt, money back, J. Wal• yon get the gtjjulfte, and refuse ally when everything was In complete t an _W 41M 1% 0 NNW toa MoKibbo-nodrioggist, Wingliam, sabstitsAte, At all dealers. F 0 Fu $1.75