HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-15, Page 44 Are You Part'lcular 0,, Do you want things. to be just so ? Then we'd like you for a customer. We've, promised you satisfaction ---promised you that style, fit and price will please you •-•- w'e'll keep our promise. Our best ads, are satisfied customers. Come here for your next Suit or Overcoat. Men'sumishln-os'o Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc., in every line that's new and up-to-date. Call and see our elegant stock, Small Prices—Big Values, Robt. Maxwell Tailor &Men's Furnisher . "..I ,aJ •r.u,l..l ur+J:.J.•,.J•.• n. ,i. it ..ir ul._ .o .tY .„ ,w.u:+ • IIL W IW :b., IKing's For Bargains We Want Bargains Trrade Seasonable 60odso Our Stock of Goods for the Fall and Winter trade is now complete, and we =have the best goods in our many different lines that money can buy, and at the most reasonable prices. DRESS GOODS. -6 pieces Suiting, 56 in, wide, in Navy, Brown, Red, Green and Black. Regular $1,25 per yard, for........... 75e Our range of Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, &c•, is the largest we've ever shown, and from the many lines can suit the most critical buyer LADIES' JACKETS. -In this line we have a fine selection from the cheaper grades to the best. FURS. -We have the Iargest range, best qualities, newest styles, and all-round good goods, that we've ever shown, comprising Ladies' Fur & Fur -lined Coats, Neck Fars, MuffN, Gents' Fur Coats, &C. UNDERWEAR, READY-MADE CLOTHING, RAINCOATS, in both Ladies' and Gents'. Our stock is worthy your inspection. EXTRA SPEOIAL.-50 pieces Wrapperette, 86 inches wide, all good colors and patterns. Regular 25e per yard, for..... , .. , 10o TABLE LINEN. -Another Shipment (and the last) of THAT TABLE LINEN. Regular 60o per yard, for ................. 250 WANTED, ALL KINDS TRADE—Butter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples, &c. Tub Butter, 220. Eggs, 20c. GEO'n EaNr G KE" Good Goods x Cheap Prices THE WIN�r" IU`MI ADVANCEo THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1111, 1908, WHERE DQUS TILE MONEY GQ? ic ell! The alarming Increase in the Public L 1 Tt . }zli" '�)lx1 z r `4h•� £estimates Ritchie cosens debt and the undisputed fact that Mr. �I"��6r�to Canadathis year The PeoDles aa Tl 1 ln s grass for y00 0 REAL ESTATE amount to $1,08,000,000, notwithstand- atcreaseaia per cerit. ' AND INSURANCE Theo, Hall Proprietor, Ing that Canada's revenue is just now -Work has begun on the now WXNG'13AlVi~, QN'!IARTO, falling at the rata of $'70,000,000. per C,P.R, station at Arthur. It is ex. a annam, suggests another question of pected to cost $0,000, Properties, p �+ap-...::.....,; .w.,_ •_...�,. _...-� -,;� _ ., . _ . -.. .- �.:.- , ,•. ,,n S[Ta rrTroN PRICK, ;I per annum in far greater and more general irnpor- • Farm 1 rop4rL14t7, advance 1.60 it not so paid „ The Steamer Ring Edward is back tance- Where floes the money,ga? to her home quarters, Al.)aT1iT18rNa IIATxs.-Legal and other cab• after bring put Val advortiscment. loo per .10 'rlol line for It is fair to take the departruent of in seaworthy condition at polling• Some exceptional values iuKLAK first insertion, $e per line for each subsoquout la insertion, marine and, fisheries Its an exmll Ile of k ® . l tivooadr3'dao l,�arms. If you want one, it will .1R. Advertisements in the local columns are all rather departments, becaucw that charged wo per line for first Insertion, and 60epa -•--There were no appeals against the a oil to see us, per line for each subsequent insertion, attention has lately reserved special Carrick Voters' List this year, Con. pay � Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale attention from. Masers. Courtney, The good old Province of On, or to Bent, and similar, $1,W for first three Fyabe, and Bazin in their report on sequently a Judges Court of Ttev sign Dario is. all right, wnoks, and 25 cents for oaota subsequent in- the civil service.. Tt should never be Nell[ not be necessary, sartiou. forgotten that .these gentlemen are 4111 -•-',Che Presbyterian manse and New � � � �"�Car47IitUT RATES.—'fho tollawing nre qui g g �' ,� J� rates for the insertion of advertisements for strong Liberals, These conimission- stables at Cedarville were destroyed . ,p specified periods:-- ers find that the only purpose which by fire a, week ago Tuesday. The fire Town Propert,iG4PY, sPAcaa I0.00 $1o.0.00 *2Y2.5 1mo. 8.00 seems to actuate the marine and flab- is thought to have originated in the Ono Column ,. $7U.00 $10.00 $22.50 $$.00 Half Column ... 40,00 25.00 15.00 0,00 axles department is "that of spending stables, At right prices. We have a @caner .......... 20.00 12,60 7,60 3.00 Wintel one Inch,,,,...... 5.00 -3,00 2.00 1.25 as much. money as possible, 'Le4tl for -At the outlet to Arran Lake, near number Of places admirably bait* Advertisements without specific directions economy and good management is not the 12th con., Mr. Jerry Porter was ed for retired farmers. No pret- will be inserted till forbid and charged ac- visible. There is not only a lack of ef. cordingly. Trausiontadvertleeinents must be Y unfortunate in losing four cattle by tier or healthier town in Ontario paid for in advance. Acieut organisation and method of the drowning on Sunday last. They were department, but there would seem tothan "gingham. Property bought -`-- valued at about $120, be an utter lack of conscience," here can always be re -sold. F The report directly Charges the off. -While feeding a corn cutter at For The Hurons. ctals of the department with assisting Robe, of Stratford; in Ellice, John Fine All Wool Dress Goods. supportors of the governmeut to get Tache, of Stl4ttford; 11ad his arm drawn Ritchie cosens better prices from the government into the machine and chopped off at _ All Wool and Union Flannels, English and Canadian. the elbow, He suffered badly from East Huron - DR. CHISHOLM than they could get from anybody Wool Blankets. Flannelette Blankets.elae, loss of blood before a doctor arrivedREAL ESTATE AND West Huron - E. N. LEWIS and is in a serious state, = Wool Sheeting. Flannelette Sheeting. George T. Merwin had, previous to INSURANCE, - WINGHAM , G. SHERRITT 1408, been selling supplies to the ar- -Ttivo daring burgleries were per- Pure All Wool Rose for Men, Women, Buoys and Girls. South Haran • J. mket department, and apparently en- potrated in Grand Valley one night ..,.,�............... Pure All Wool Underwear for Men, Women, Boys, Girls. joyed all the patronage that was dealt last week. Date on Wednesday night out in the class of supplies sold by the post office was broken into, a INCREASE YOUR sALARv. PROPER - Union and Fleece -lined Underwear. A GREAT EXPENDITURE. him. He sold nearly $1,000,000 of largo number of letters rifled and the PREPARATION DOES IT, ATTEND a goods to the department, but when Gloves and Mitts fine and heavy, for all the family. contents strewn on the floor. A + 3 s a registered parcel addressed to Mrs. ZLLSOTT It seems that the National Trans, Conservative members asked far par- g 1 = New Caps, Tams, Toques, Clouds. oculars of the transaction the Liberal Tp• J. Taylor was stolen, The` burg - continental Railway will cost the 4 '- Coats for Women, Girls and Children. country two hundred and fift,f tail, majority burked the inquiry, and lars also brake into the jewellery store lions of dollars. This is a great sum, of J. Gilders and carried off a case T01WXTO ONT. � _ _ Merwin eves excused from answering + containing twenty-five old and silver • -- . - '� �• -- - As a result the national debt will be questions to show his profits, It sub- g y' g And the time to commence i RIGHT watches valued at.about $000. NOW. One hundred and one students yy doubled, or will at least reach the sequently appeared, however, that from other business colleges have patron- NEW ill ,g S. enormous sum of 450 million dollars, Merwin paid In Montreal something !zed this college within one year. WHAT DoEs Tttrs PROVL? We give the be+t. The interest on such a debt as that at over $11,000 for supplies, which he :C = Nothing ease satisfy y Satisfy uaR DUAT K else shollld satisfy yOU. ALL GRADUATES four per cent. will amount to ei bteen sold to the marine department for READILY SECURE EMPLOYMENT. write � Fur Coats, Ruffs Muffs Carts Stoles Vic. Newest p g over $18,000, making as his rakeoff for Catalogue. s > > CI. + s '- million dollars, or about three dollars g Thin As A Pail, Are �toa ? y over $0,000 -over 50 per cent profit. W, J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Styles. Good Quality. Low Prices. a a head for every man, woman and p p Every day spending as much energy Cor. Youge & Alexander Sts. � y � y i child in Canada. With all our • Tt is manifest that the department optimism and confidence the burden could have boughttl the supplies just as you make if rho' balance goer a lit- ............,.. e further, well , you get thinn@r. On - • ' I will"bear heavily upon the people• cheaply as Merwin bought them. It the danger line to -day, to morrow s is this sort of thin that explains why may be too late 1 Better use Fer. Lustered Embroidery Cotton (Peri Lustra)...4 for lt)c It is now practically admitted that g p y rezone, it builds np-a riffle gain the THE GREAT SCHOOL. y for every dollar spent by the marine the enterprise will cost the country first week, but the gain keeps growing. tf�dfTpii i - and fisheries department during the thin. U t1111AL 250 million dollars. Suppose we throw Nest week, not quite so n. Il cep r off twenty -sig millions, and call it 221 last year of Conservative rule over right on, lots of fat won't hurt at all. millions. There are 221 constituencies four dollars is now spent by Mr. 13ro- Your blood is enriched, cheeks grow LIPTON' S TEA. deur and his staff. rosy, your heart and nerves grow STAATFORD, ONT. = 4 in the Dominion, and thus it means, strong and you don't tire so quickly. - that it will cost ever constituency in Can anybody of sense doubt what Joyous robust healtb, a Aturd frame,our past record and our present grad° y Y yof work stamps us as the great practi- • We have Lipton's Tea Black and Mixed. Prices— Canada one million dollars, this means? Is it not perfectly plain and a cheerful mind -all these come cat training school of Western Ontario. that the people of Canada are being with Ferrozone. You'll try it, only Three departinents—COMMERCIAL, 30C, 4i)c & 50c a lb. Put up in i lb. tins. There is no doubt that the Govern- 500 at all dealers. SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. - ment rushed into the undertakingrobbed, and that their, money has Our raduates are -in demand as Rmi_ Try it Quality guaranteed. Miss Elizabeth E Grant a� efl ittorybetween. Mon ton and the r hoardes of art followers who E. for Now. Large catalogue free. Pn• - incompleteg gone, and will still go, if they o not ness College teachers as well bestir themselves, to fatten the hun- , . assistants. Individual instrue ee. FFrito peg, and with no intelligent estimate are Liberals for revenue only, and to t i i , of the probable cost of the enterprise.' TeacherofPiano, Theory, Harmony and ELLIOTT d, N(CLACHLAN ( DRIED APPLES -Must -Must be bright, well -dried Moreover political considerations were secure their votes to perpetuate this InteCons allonoryor Pu Pupils University y for PRINCIPAL{ Apples. Will not take them if dark in color. far too influential with Ministers. It iniquitous system of graft, examinations. Terms .on application. Large quantities of Fresh Eggs and Rood Batter wanted. was unnecessary to assume the huge STIIDIU = IST FLOOR—MAonoxaLD $LOGIC ARTHUR J. YRWIN expenditures between Quebec and Moncton. A connection could have D.D.S., L,D.s. been made with the Intercolonial -The Montcalm and Arctic outfits, Frank McConnell f . the future of the Govern- the timber leases and marine signals; Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pe Railwa y nsylvania College and I.icent ate of of went road thus assured, and a heavy the emergency rations, and wire fence LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR Dental Surgery of Ontario. outlay avoided. contracts; the Blairmore townsites, COUNTY OF HURON.-0111ce in Macdonald Block— It seems that sections which were the Robins leases, and a score and Sale orders carefully attended to. Stock LOOK1LOOK to O Cut Nails For- Sale Cheap, Size 1J in., 11 in., 4- in., Q in., 5 in., 5J in., 6 in. Any quantity of the above sizes at 1� cents per pound. CEMENT. A carload of Hanover Cement just in, at a very low price. STOVES We are agents for all the Best makes of Stoves and Ranges made in the Province, inolnding the Pandora Range and Happy Thought Range. Call in and see our Stoves. We sell the kind that will give you good satisfaction. J. 0. Stewart, & Co.- � SUCCESSORS TO J. V. HILL Central Hardware Directly Opposite Brunswick Hotel A SAVINGS ACCOUNT is the best investment for idle funds. It offers absolute safety, and pays Interest four tunes a year. estimated to cost $25,000 a mile will more episodes, deals and crooked- and implement 'sales a specialty. Terms cost $00,000. This means an error- . nesses should be sufficient to cause reasonable. Residence,at North end. W. J. PRICE a any. Government Grit or Tory, to be WIN,7HA-M - ONTARIO g,S.A., L,D.S., D.D.S. Mr - ® • mous increase ithe interest chargee. hut -led from power. MILLS r. Fielding's estimpre. IIon te of $50,000,000 or Graduate of University A of Toronto � $ for the eastern division will prove to W IN+G IMAM andLi en iateSurof R o2 OntariCollege of be hardly more than two-fifths of the actual actual cost of the section. Sir Wilfrid General Hospital. OFFICE IN BEAVER BLOCK — WrNaIIAu W I•..p GH AM estimated the cost at $13,000,000, A FEW QUESTIONS. (Under Government Inspection.) t �dd``t�`` 11��� whereas it, will cost nearly, twenty ( _, ,',,.,,.,,„,-,,..,,:,,,,_�,,,,I....,I...,.• Pleasantly situated.' Bcautifnlly furni.hed. CANADIAM HOME CIRCLES ._,......,: �.�...•., -��-� �..��_- y:.� �.s..... times as much. As he says himself, 1-tVould yoh continue to entrust Open to au regularly lioensecl phystoiane. and as the countryhenceforth will Rate. for atients (which include board and = your business to an agent or company, nalr.ing)-'3,6o to ;16.00 per week, as cording , readilybelieve, he is not a man of to location of room. For lurthor informs - who habitually paid two and three tlon-Address Winghain Circle, No. 434 4 business. lienee the necessity of prices to special friends for articles MISS s, E. WELCH replacing him with a business man. easily obtainable at normal prices in Superintendent, the open market ? Box 223, Wingham, Ont. Meets the 1st Thursday 8 each month, In file Chisholm Hall, at 8 p. m. Candi- A vyr 2—flout do you defend the employ- dates for ehoap reliable insurance are _ y P y- solicited. Ask to see our rates from any ment%by the Laurier Government of of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at -By the very arguments which the same rate as men, W. T. R. Preston and J. B. Jackson r overthrew the Conservative Govern - as highly paid GovernmentoffiREv. T. S. BOYLE T. E. Rosixsox cials? Leader Rec, secretary ment in 1890, the Laurier Administra- Tr Malcolm S 3 -Can you approve of an adminis- W. T. WYLEa -Fin. secretary, tion is condemned, - tration, which raises the expenditure i of the country by 1057., while the population incrbases only 35to£ the giving FOR 1 dioll-b a e 4-Wbat do you think rea e LUCKY CHAPS, THESE l away of part of your land, worth atO INION BANK# 1 � the very least $0 an acre, to party Tea and D McGregor and Hitchcock were two friends -at $1 per acre. ' OF— lucky favorites of Clifford Sifton. 5 -Why should the census of 1901 READ OFFICE, TORONTO. They got in white the bars were down have cost more than double that of _ Coffeeand made their fortunes. 1801. 1st - ears at 2c They got an irrevocable lease of Capital (paid up) ■ $3,976,000 '_ House 00,482 acres of land for 21 O-Whq should not the government The lease. R are sure t0 (and undivid- Y be condemned for absolute lack of p Reserve ed. proflO) $5+297,0 per acre. business capacity, when you realize Total Assets, over $48,OW,000 3 2nd -Out of this vast tract they that the G, T. P. is going to cost more selected 9,452 acres of the best, which than three times ''the estimate WINGHAIVI BRANCH. Furnt*shi*ngs they bought outright, at $1 an acre, brought before Parliament P New Raisins and or $0,452. They then sold this 0,452 7 -Why should you and 1, its tax- � , Farmers' Notes discounted. � � , Y acres for $113,421. They stili hada Y Y FOR 14 DAYS ONLY, COl2lki1;1C- payers, and the Country at large, have Currants Now in. Drafts sold on all points in Can- - T grazing lease o£ the remaining 87,030 to foot the whole loss in connection ada, the United States and Bnrope. , Ili G SATURDAY, OCT. 10TI1; AND acres for 21 yearA. They sold their with the Quebec bridge disaster, when ENDING SATURDAY, OCT. 24TII. rights in this for $230,000 more, it was ostensibly being built for the Fresh Groceries and SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. 3rd• -With the assistance of a young benefit of a private company, who Englishman (Robins) they got 300,573 would have reaped the profit if it had Vegetables always here. upwards nd aaddeddoto depositsrrai quer to ly;I _ We will give a straight discount of from 10 to acres of irrigation lands at $1 an acre, been successful ? 25 per cent. off all lines of CARPETS, LINOL- payment not to commence till 1010. g -Why should not the country own D. T. HEPBURN, tanager ETJMS and OILCLOTHS. We find we are over - Within six months, 'they sold this the G. T. P. for whieli it is paying ? Produce Wanted. third graft for $483,000 ' R. Veastone, solicitor stocked in these linea, and they must be retraced. The most serious question before This is how these three grafts en- the electors to -day is this: -Da youAll the newest patterns and designs. You'll also riched McGregor and Hitchcock. want the business of this country to As I'MALCOLM find a number of Carpet ends at Bargain Prices. Paid Sold be managed on an honest and So f(� Got from govornr462 a therefor for Protection d ►J' le As Freehold , ., +0.452ao. 9,452 X113,424 economic basis, or are you willing thatEIDBER -x4 DAYS ONLY, 21 years' lease . 87.030 no. 1020 201,000 reckless extravagance for the benefit—w- Irrigation Iat4dA ..380,933 ac: Iffl 980,000 y� p�f �n nf Totals.,.....,. _.177,2r) ac, $11,872 =820,424 of a favored few should continue ? Inye 3tmen t We eolicit comparison, .,,• �i V13 �.Il�Jii _ Subtract the cost $11,372, from '60 YEARS, what they sold It for, and it leaves a,,,. ..... .•�. . 1EXPERILNCfr A1114 ooSulI,lldb IN profit rWhof were�4McGfre or and Hitch- the Lauriergance clods not think that overnmentovernment is entitled to � � , The Endowment Policies 1-)ighest Prices "f cook, that the should be given this g or )�arill Produce. 1 Y g• a renewal of public confidence because —OF— opportunity for I mnlenstiprofits at the it hits recklessly broken or Ignored Its Country's expense? They were politi• pyo-eleetion pledges, and has conduct- ,!� j(� O + TOAD MARK11 The Dominion Lite cal supporters of the party', the former ed the business of the Dominion in a Ocslt:Na. tin ardent and intimate party worker scandalously extravagant manner, en- �orrrnlaHstrl diel. !1 rono lending a sketch knd d6serlptim imay A sound, well managed for Tlon, CllfPord Siftoa, Seo Ransard Couritging the grafter by its prodigal!- gnlo lir asoottaan our opinlon too p aetther An if p y. rJEO AO 1007, page 2491••-272(1, ty'tb share iii a feast at; the expense off i° aewiri t$"s onr� ipcl'a$��i'A��obol� P n Average tato of Interest rontntroe. 1po.ta onoyfor eoourinit aWn le a�anadi4rn Life A66rlraalee f7asn an Such transactions as the above are the people. We believe that the patent$ takan t r ueh Mnnn a o. reo$ive the things the Liberal candidate px• return of a Conservative government aapeotat+uattae,wit##la;;ouAAga�atso.mtha. o . 6.73 xiPER CENT. � YY IJ.Xf lel +;use$- or defends, tut 11� finite Q y ' p ` _ �i s6rhei7 Dlta trAtod weekl7 rgelt mr• Laurier to Centinlle tint distlibtititln best bs the thio of Cala da tit illi and t n*aoienalla ourns morin r of Our western herlta o ? Thein 'vote this time, when it is necesdar that it 9I'a year,po$ta�e propald, sour$, WALTER rr, HAb1, ana6a, ler , ttwal. At#etlb for Dr. Chldholm, thrid a change of affairs sholrld have Careful at well lid (cert$ e , iAle t ,te�yylo 'WinshAtu, f,Tovtrnliatent, parogra3ddlva� 1'fllttt5a(?;errlent, �a`1111i4i ggg3�ti ,_ .._.. irtd$IMI,I, � j