HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-15, Page 2. 11 . (( -'w
"-"- �_ ,!� , , WWWK k � r "' ., �
. I - I I I - � � I � � -1 - -1 , . I I � .., I V� J - �, � ,, � - � 1114.11 . � V 0 "!! 1 ! 41 I m impol "" -_ -_ . I - I I - -_ -_
. , , �. — I I �:-_ , . -11 �. lq 1 . I I I I.— "I" , I—- . .... .. , , �,._ . 0 IV 4 0 1 oi. 1! !. 1 ! ' p - 1 _1� �0 ' i r 10"OPM . --- � - .
r **" --"--,M— (,!I., (Jr6pring who, lvert) leading men In - ,� , l , , Wilt-oba bran, $21 to ' __ 1. r I I I . 11 -11,1-11 _ 1 4 .
I I 1 R4�� __ - � 4 Ow tribe of jimijaillill lintil tile calitiv- .� "_ I Itod auppv U ulod from sould 1vr*4,on ly,ho h1lu I -
, . � k �r . 11 � QlOrt�_h $36, 04tarlo. bran, $21 to OW . 0
__ . I Questions, -At what (We In Dowid's 1 ... 11 r (41) Or JW must be of good ellarac. %w AL AM
. 5 Ity.---speuge. , , 0. 11111141,11194F $20 to M shorta, $0 2" T' IZED, The Winghom Advana .
.,t� J
� 42� 1 DARING AERONAUTP. rcWere(l aneli oervi(c,
— I �. , Ontvio Wam, $421,W to ; gwe
. � I � 811011ts, W, � 0 per te TIF 0 VI
.. rej,"01 Is tbiv lesson? Why ,was, David * I ARM W � �� �� toll, I a 4 -s of -
I COXWOrl 11 6 I , I,( Including bagg; 'pure grou ino,uni!- He "44 PJARAto Cross AtInfir, 11 -r and Underot It tile dttii( CIU
loll for the familyof 8ault Why � I , '. _Jr Z(oship Under R iRepti-blIcall form of
I I - qqlll� � . . . . . I "I I , 30 to '3a.; inil�ed grall", $,2;i to , GCvernment, . r .. . ;
4-4 . .N 4 V
L. 1 4a, . 119d J011011411'8 §OU lived [A. TOOVOM00t: Y"Inues $chome For 14aking His TH990 "AM.il Propirlotor
. . 1. , . 0,31.... �
I , ;_ I.. 1$0; dl '14 Liviog rExpeuses.,
- ,r How did become to be laule? Why r �t�, � $28 per t9u. PrQvillions—BarrO14, *11,0
did — 4.. 1 , .0,
LEMN '"I.—QCT. 48, ,490.0. lie fear when lie ('41110 into DAY1410 clear lilt b"I" (4) Or 110 Must posses xi cortairu .
R31t, 1009 Clear Amount of prop�pjrty, 0 .
TORONTO MARKET$, backs, Ilop barrels ill'tre b I I 11 ... 1 .11 . I
I,Fesenee? What assuranece did David a , soft $17,60,, Gfilvertt)% Oct, M—Dr. Frederick J. (a) or he must Po""I �Ar Certaill TorontQ. despatch. The on I . ,,.r 11 .1. � - I
Pavid's Xindnes gAve him! What lands �vore included in hAlf-bitirrels, do., $Q; 00),11POU114 lard. S.- . ly, thing which
, r
tQ, Tomatbalt's Son'- Farmers! MArIx Yielding, who. won the 'Phamplonship Cup, airiount of property, could be proved against Hard
s I , et, 04 to 9 14c; pure lard, 12 1-2 to 13o- The adillinisti,atioll of tile law and Dr Agnew i�
3 $&m. 0: 1-;3r. - Xyld's promise? U'Imb was tile grea,t- to r ,,, I . 2
Volullieut-Ary.-I. I . )avid finds aoult- (,at honor lie could bestow? How dX ThO offerings of graia to -d o'e; hauls, , dc qualifications court yesterday 0
. _ay were kettle rendered, 13 - in 00,111tCrilatiORAl balloon ragg at Chi. i 30 , ill, tile I?Qllce . wits that,
than'$ soil (vs. 1-0). 1. Of the house of 111ephillopheth receive David's prouileea? - Hinall. No, wheat, with prices' IloollaRl. 12- 1-90 to l4c, breakfaet bacon, 14 to eago la-st spring, hae; perfected plans tQ 01clahlo,"'Ids"no Registers" but An Appeal he had 4 meet scheme for defrauding. Mll"4*00,, 111110ro
I , , 40"I'p A41149IN101*0011F �
ars had passed ill 1pel�dWlndsor baeom, 15 to Ik, fresh cross tile AtIalitie ocean In a bAllgion, to J,11a coilrtg is I�v vid.ed,
saul-Several 've, lee the Who w4s maile witiless, to David's - Barley steady, '100 bushels selling it, t 5, T 11 -toir .dressed bogs, $0,75 to The contract fox, tile b4ijeen I III ., " 0 - Jewish second-hand dealers, 115 got a
dRath of Saul. During the greater part words? What was assigned as it ditty , abat, . r r � �. � - - nuinber of rin -licap. metal _004401"! * Oar *
. - � to 59c per bushel. Oats u r V 1_)q let, _p inade out *to 00114*0P , ,040*" XW^ �
of this tilue David ]lad been eugglied, Ili -, unto Ziba? Whom did �o halve to help , lichavigedo with $jo; alive, $0,70 f9 $7, Cheese- wes. ill a few days. It will have a capitchy
w4rs 8",urilig peace i , ,- him? Wboll 'did MR prove itutrite to sales of 300 bus4els At 40% tera, 12 1.2c to Ig 5-8d, townsligi . I and gold washed, They were plain band,i, W04 * . w 4 a.. .,
, . k
� _#wq"
.A Israel, lie reigg AVI at ,,,,,,,,t, r Wr 12� of 300,000 cubic feet, and t4g basket will U SED Oils. kind' beside hAVing Initials cut Ili Went � , 4 st"644
ed fieven. and One-half years in 110bVOU, Ills master? I in Abso- Pairy prodilce In moderate supply. 1-4o to 12 3-8c; eastern, 12 to 4- I -ft be twelve feet square, wAth.a heavy corlc - Jlad a. 14-karab at . amp, � They cost Itho 11 I— '111-1- " .-I" " .1 " ____ .. . A
and After that over all Israel, When A I loules rebellion beat, oil this. lesson?- There wits a ,good, demand for gutter, BlItter-25 to 25 1�4c it, round lot.o,- � bottom, and Watertight.r In case of .lx% -,I- I
� r r about 25 cent,- each, but, 1091,
r .64 like gild
seasoll. of peace Caine David recalled his Te4ellings-We allould, sear ,213 to 26 1-2o in Jobbing lotg EXPI0411 Followed ;kud Toronto wedding riliga. � i F I ., I
01 for op- which sold at 21 to 3Q0 per lb., retall, - ri,ggs-N-0, dent to tile balloon, Dr. Fielding hopes to I v KENNERY, MAI OAKS-%
covenant, iva4c, with Jonathan before portitilities to do good. We should be Eggs retalled a� ',),7 to 28o per dozen, r 1, 10 to 900, ,solects, 23 to 144c; new 1.44p. - he able to out loose his basket and keep When offering thelit for oll,le IfArford -
Smil's death, after which came the years 01vistlike in .till we do and do it all for litly I$ unchanged, witlik sales of 30 � 204 a 4ozell.. 1. I afloat until he can be rQacue4.b - WOMAR Was Ournedf . , 0MOW 44 010 Adt" 114*44", A0,10660404 �
� � - y A pass, .
tit r lOadf r ,tvll, . r . , . would give usmatisfactory wounta of
* . .
, .it
of his wouderings, During the$() years Ills sake. The piety of parents is. wor , *la to $10 a toll, W is Provin arkets. � "I'll' aWamer, I'd Will be RQeOmpailled on them, lint, Offered to take about $3 as O" VXPA�,W
clitl M _ - , IN XXDK,Ml*
covn h een renewed, Now mioro, than riches, AVa shoutd respect 119tolngl at'$14 R, ton_. I , tile voyage by H'r 14]. UQmeywQI, ' . , ., . r
r , who Toronto liespatell. Mrs. George Gor, Poyment, 'The second-hand dealera
on. tile those who are above us. We should ox- � Dressed hogs. aver quoted at .$9.25 for Belleville -As predicted last week, piloted tile balloon I t 0 , thopglit rpood 00MAIM Paid 0 pbepm* of Wo
that David was firmly established . . a 11 th . tile youn a �
, ,
throne, it was safe to. draw Saul's house press our gratitude for all our blessings, heavy and at , . bit 4implon'shIP POthift, Ole YOUR9.Wife Of a Carpenter, -- man )lad goo reozion
, $0,5o for light, yers of live hogs dropped the prices contest. . A"a "A qmursci,
froln, obscurity. Ile had perhaps some Innocent persons are sometim, 11 � � fl . living at 523 Duff4erill Qtre fox' selling. vMuallfe rings at such a pride,
r es seplae- Aybea,t, fall, bushel � , , �$ 0 9 $0 91 *om $6,75 to $0.20. Nearly all sold a 00, 14. lying In . I I .
, .. 0 dr - t The two men have given this trip deep and bought tl.xem without testing, them onloot bV820-4 to 4 V� 10.1 I 46 9 36 W
time before Accidentally heard of thq e(I tbat circurt .tile latter pric Dressed )top were n e n of success, The Grove, HQSpItal im. ,Ar Critic
-astoaces. are against them Do., goose, bush .. .... 0 aij 0 00 . "I'll , -al, ewiditzloa Ito melt down, The melting process 46. 'r r, 11, . .11 I .11'.. -__-t
concealed abodo of the unfortunate Me� and cause the false reports of enemies $8.50, a slight decline, Ray in nond too will be along, or above, tits route na a result Of 1161119 cO41 Oil in lighting closed �h, 'rAdl
, Oats, brushel � . ........ 0 40 0 00 flightle 5 U 'in r 0R. ROBY, C, REDMOND
phlbosheth. to be accepted as true, Remember the Barl�y, bushel .. .. _ _ 0 57 0 50 PlOntifIll Rt $13 to $10. NO straw is. be- follow d by transatlantic vessels a fire In the kitchen stoye yO9teT4$ - were A wized
r , � ,. r , About toll 04ero ,ctl .
2. A servant .... Ziba-Ho w4s PrOD- case of .Lady Jarne, Grey in English his- Rye, bush - - I..... 1. 0 75 0 00 offered, Potatoes, 90a and. $1. per F or tile test of this $V�Clalj'y Coll, Inol-Iling. MlM. Gorpothlito had Coal, in, this way, They 414 not report to tile 4K & a 11, 000), , -4
1119 r
I � �
ably known to some of Da,vldps officers tory. Wo should, be very cave r fill as to Peas, bushel .. , �.,. _ 0 go 0 00 ba Oats, 50C bushel. Butter, 2$ to struqted . p tI4Q Steve, and h4ving little kindling to police tj 46 X 0. IP. 0404) J ,
and hunted tip by them, Ile had takell 11,11at we believe about o 3W. Eggs, 25 to 27c, , balloon, a transcontinental tri � . ARk they bad been takoa in wild,] I
I r ur friends to Ilay, per toll . . . , .... � . being planned front San Francisco to got it burning briskly, pi�ked up the they thoug
Card of Saul's property !it the tribe of their discredit, even iindei the most ill- Stra, C11 I I r _lit they were buying stolen 1119 :
. w, per colt � . .. .... I$, ()Q lo. oo athaw-110g's, $0, hay, $8 to $9,50, New York. Dr. Fielding said to -day-, coal oil (.-all said poured tile contents goc�ds, Harfor ,V911011AM AMP $11,111110190" I
- eggs, "I realize it Is -a perilous undertaking, Oil tile smouldering fire. 000 V1101 PrI .
butter, 25 to 28c * . -
9 5o straw, $3.50; 1 .d was Convicted of v,%- �
Benjamin,. He seems to have becom,3 a explicable eircumstances. A Christian Drats-sed. hoga , . - 1. 1. 9 20 raticy and sentenced to the Central Pri- (1111sh")
freedman at his master's death, 3. The should not only love in word, but also 4BUtter .. '. .. .. " ... j) 20 0 30 22c; chickens, 85 to 50c, lambs, 7 1-2o and it may not be a success, but I am, There waa an inimediate.explo*Ion and son for six membilo, . �. � I I I . � J
lod -C .20 live.
kinduess. of good-Xindne4s such as 0 in deed and in truth (I John 3:18), Do., ci ,aniary I. . . I I 0 28, 0 31 dressed, 3 to 4 1 , V041, 7c; beef, very hopeful it can. be done.. It is not to t 10 young woman -was wrapped in I ; , Ir .. �
himself shows, or kindness in God, Out Of ' ' Eggs, dozen .. .. .. .... dressed. 5, to .
aake, or , let and a trip across irdning room and threw 11
$ for God's PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS 0 27 0 28 5 1-2c, Oil 1100f 0 to 3 1 -ft, be compared with Major Andre's attempt flillies. Site Iran screatiling into an ad. R, VANSTONE i
reverence for God - Chickens, dressed, lb. .. o 11 0 I� export �r to ,11-2o, whent, .90c, oats, to reacil the Ncirth, ro, I . . . torself upon r, I �
- Covenant Vow), per Ill . .. .. .. ... 0 09 0 1() 350, bat'leyx $1.05 per cwt.; corn, shelled, did soil, will not ber 'AND 9QLU=0R
kindness in pursuance of tile covenant 1. Love remembers vows - � attended by tile tile floor. Iier sereAnis tittracted some UPS11"T IN BREAKERS, www=
of the vovenamt between him and Joma� vows were to David A 'solemn obligation, Ducks, spring, lb, _ _. 0 11 0. lj3 8W, Deans, *140 to $1.55; wool, washed dangers of that polar expedition," I of the neighbors, who rw,t in and sold. .
then, to which God was P, witness. (1, Sam. yet tile keeping of. his vow was not irk- Turl,eys, young, Ill. � � . _ 0 17 0 2.0 . , unwashod 8 to 00, I 4 -1 I . tbered the flam". ,, TWO MEN DROWSED AND THREE NmW ft le" at limeat rotes. 0914- r
20, 14, 42), Whenever the love of God some, for it was 'made in fervent love, Cabbage, per dozen .. .., 0 25 0 95 London -Large market to -day, dQ- - - - . 111111II&M111111' ULM=, .
r .
reigns ill the hearts of melt it is ever Though he was raised to a 11tigh position , bag ..*.. .... 0 00 I 00 mand brisk, littI.e Change in prices, .Uay. BURIAL DELAYED, ,
I . r .
oing.out in search of opportunities to r Of honor, his heart was as tender as . . wnwriw ,
, Qtatoes, ag .. .. " 0 05 rim
_ -P r b ., 0 85 sold tit $11.75 to $12,. Horsemen die, , I I , , r - I I
go _ oil. Comforts of hoille., pressing %,bell he was a shepherd boy daring for Ap les, bill. � . .. ...... I do 1 75 that prices Are to6 high. on this inarkot. . PAPERS TOO CHEAP. n Ha . Harbor
bu,iu, ' , � I p I I , jifaX
as cards, or public interests never his father's all op. That same power Beef, hindqu'artera ., _ 8 00 9 00 Tiley say a couple of ear loads ,were rol Pete orough 0"tors Refusev *1 - Witnessed by Crowd on Show, -
hinder the aotion of love. All thMb which made hinol gr�at so many years Do,, forequarters 0 00 delved here this week at $10, Straw, � rb 0 WILL BE SMALLER OR WILL COST DICKINSON I HOLI.E5,
things are as eyes to discover oppoKtua- A was th r -case , , 0 50 ll - rice firm. at $0.50. Butter, good do- Give'Certificitte, MORE. . Prompt Action of Rescuers Saves DAItRISTRRS, SOLICITORS, EM
I r b -fore e imoving power when he Do., medium., cat 6 00 r ,
had , pat I �
ities of allowing our gratitude to God, in , 1writy over 9.11 Israel. The Do., choice,learease .., I 50 8 00 Oland and prices firm at 23c for crooks Three of the Men,
olir devotion to tile interests of out' fel, thought of Jonathan brought up agailt Mutton, per Cwt. .. ., .. 0 00 8 00 � and 24o for pound rolls, wholesale, Ili . . . - *Mk*,U"*r awk winshals.
I � � — I
'lie . tile old love, and it yearned for som Veal, prime, per cwt. -, 7 .50 10 00 dit o despatch: As a result f All. Lora NQrthcliffs Notic a That the, Huge Ill. Sh vkhtosddl, Dudlair Nobassi,
lowmen, The more unfortunate, t e lry hall 25c was asked for crocks and Voterbor 0 . ,.e I
per our 20e and 28e for pound rolls. Eggs, fairly Ability to secure a, burial Certificate tile L
more helpless the subject, the dee one Oil w1lom he might bestow some ex- Lamb, per cwt. . . " . . 8 00 9 5or Papers Aver Bee.entimi; Smaller Be- Halifax despatch: Atthe easterapas- - . I
love Is stirred to relieve the Creature. pression of Ilia enduring love, and there- , large supply tit 2?c for crates and 23c cause of Increasing Cost of White sage at the entrance to the Ivarbor, it. I r I
Jonathan hath yet a son-Mephlbosbeth, by fulfil his , covenant of foriger years, . The Fruit Market. for basket, lots. Dressed hogs, little body Of Elizabeth Borland, who died On
who was tibout fly I 0 . years old at his The recelpts were moderate to -day, sbjw at 1$'8,50 to $9 per cwt.; live hogst Wednesday morning is lying at jill ill Paper. : boat Capsized, and two men tact death Jq A. MORTON
(a L . Time had not erased from memory the with a ,good supply of grapes, and prices I � r L op I- ill, the � breakers this afternoon, and only
father'% de0b, t Gilboa). Ills iturso, scenes of other -days, though cirelim- prices for Monday about $6 to $6.10 per dertaker's establislintent in tills 0 . L
horrified at the new L a of Saulps and his , . ruled steady. We q4,ote: owt. for selec- ity� Tho . efforts of men who put BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR
r ts; small pigs sold at $5 fu n d 'role r
stances had delayed Ills action in the NVaterinelons, each .. _$ 0 I- $ 0 rftl wit's to have taken, place yester- New York, Oct, 12,Lord Northcliffe, by the he . .,
solit's death, flying as She thetight for eiatter now.go important to him. , . a 12.5 to $6,50 per pair. out from the shore were three othaws
Cantaloupes, crate ... .. 0 �o 0 75. ,,Ia the ]lead of 1ho I-rariasworth Corpora -
I her life, had let the child fall and lamed Peterboro-On the market dressed J�,J. The young wontarl 'Was treated by MONEY TO LOAN
1L Love is kind. "The kindness of Plunis, basket ... .. ... 0 00 Todd, it Christian Scientist, it tion, Which owns the London DailyMail saved from a sittillay fate. .
I bull for life, probably dislocating his (11oall (Y. 3), is "grea, t kindness" Wall, 0 M) hoge'sold at $8 to $8,50, live at $0.25 to inodical doctor not 1) � I . 011115OW-Mort" Block. winoam. �
. ankle, klice or thigh (2 Sum, 4: 4),� This ' , Pears, basket ... _ .... 0 8o 0 05 $6.40, hay, baled at $14, loose at $13 to oing called in till it and thirty-five other English publica- . The dead-Clharles Conrad, 65, year$ I
I .
0:17), "marvelous kindness" (Psa. 11taches, Common, basket 0 00 few hours before death occurred. The tions, arrived to -day on the Canard lin- old, survived by it Nrldow and grown.up I
Misfortune bad Prevented him from 31:21), "loyiniv kindness" (Ps 0 75 $14i ,straw load $o,5o; butchers' nd doctor refilsQd to give a burial eertifl- family. James Naugle, all
publIG life. a- 63, 3) Cranberrieo, bbl . .. .... 0 Do 0 00 farmers' hiacs, ,$T to $7,50; butter, a rvived by a
I? ,30d; Cate, as does cr
of Machir-Josephus Kindness to a I (Matt. 5:45). A heath- 5 2 00 eggs, 95c, , . ner Dr. G-rey. Sev. Lusitamap accompanied b * Lady widow and two children. Wellington Mutual
4. I'll the house . Apple% bill, _ .... .... 1 2 also Coro y
Cu ,maxim is "Wish well to all, but do (,,ralpes, large, basket .. 0 20 0 25 St., Thomas -Live hogs $0 * dr I eased aral doctors Ili the city have been asked Northcliffe, his mother, Mrs. Harms- The saved-Willillm De Young, John
calls him "the principal man of Gilead?' good only to'your friends." Paul!a It I igh.
44,*Uachir was A rich nian, judging from DO., sinall, basket __ 0 12 ogs $10; loose hay $10, balea hay $111 to sig -n the burial certificate, but have worth, and Mrs. Algernon Douglas -Fen- De Young, a brother of NAIIIIiam; Thos. Fire Ins. Co. I
2 Samuel 17. 27, who, after the death of er rule is, "As we have therefore oppor- Oranges, Valericlas _ - 4 00 4 75 .straw, $0 to $7;'eggs, 25c; butter, 28c. refused, . I liant. He is to take two months' holi- Osborne. I
Saul and Jonathan, had received the lamo tlinity. lot us do good to tile heavenly Do., Jamaica, box .... ,2 76 0 00 Owen Sound -Produce is looking tip It is expected that the coroner -will days here, and incidentally to watch the Tile accident occurred "out half.
Ila children a not . i Metablished 1ft0J .
son of tilt latter into his liouse,"l-Kell, lFut.her by deeds of love to I Lemons, box .. .... .. 3 60 4 00 -well on the'market this week. The re- ,-all an Inquest, although it his elect on in November. past 5 O'clock, All the melt had been VwA Moo--OUELP11, ONT. .
Lo-de-bar-AcroSs the Jordan near (Matt, 25:40).' He bids us "be kindly Bananas, large bunch 2 75 O 00 , cent rains and fine weather have restor- yet been done. It will be the only "I notice," lie said, "that some of tile working tit McNab'g Island and were lttxks talm on 0.11 clusos of insurable prQr* *
Ifilliallaini, ,Where Ishboshoth, his uncle, affectioned bile to another with broOler- Tomatoes, basket .... .. 0 20 0 30 ed pasture. Butter solution of the trouble, as it is hit. American nowspapers are smaller than returning home lot, supper. I I'Aasing pertr *a the ettob or ;llxpull*ra note arst4m
ly love; in honor preferring one anoth- potatoes, bag _ ._ .. gs, 20
lived for seven years, during the time *r" (Rom. 12.10). � 0 70 0 85 to 21c; hogs, live' $0.20; hogs, light, possible for the rellatives of the dead they used to be, and I fancy that not the Horseshoe Shoal, 11 --A
I David -was in Hebron. Red pep'pers, ressed, $8.60; hogs, heavy, dresse , won an to secuie permission to inter even yet have they reached the limit in, tile beat caQ- PAN= Ooff,DM onAs DAvi:Dsm,
Ill. Love seeks an opportunity. to do Egg d, $9, 1 1 . ilized in the breakers, and before the . llbraodevA. Gsorat&M .
IL David shows kindliess to Jonatlitut's good (v. 5). Many are willing to relieve plant , * I'll 0 20 0 25 ]lay, $9.50 to $10; straw, $7.50, tile body. , - � L that direction. Wliite paper must in- nien, knew what had happened they, . I
Onions, ba I Conrad I
-8). 6. He fell. on'his face- tile , .. .. _ ... I do 0 00 , evitably rise Ila price. Prodig extrava- were struggling in the water. JOUN 117MI14
son (vs. 0 . unfortunate when their attention is Bradstreet's Trade Review. alif Ass@L Wittzhani. Ont
Showed reverence to David as his king Seeds. ' . yy galled in the cutting down forests, ivild Naugle went down with the boat
o called to them, but few seek out- the a
with such tol,.,ns of fear that David wag poor . and afflicted, Get from, y�ur pas, The Offorill-as are moderate, with prices Montreal -The trade situation here " CURSE OF GOD! forest lives, and. the Increased demand and never Caine to the surface. The I
. - --
David had ill I for the wood of the spruce tree, caused ,, --,
obliged to encourage him, ichanged. Dealers pay the following has seen little change during the past Do Young brotber.,; and Osborne man- ��
thus done honor t�'Jona.tliau wlieri lie tor a list of the invalid poor in�your prideS at Coll 0 week, Wholesale trade.in all lines Is. . . by the growth of newspapers all over aged to keep afloa.t, and a boat put Out -a .. . I � - I �
. . uparisli, and visit them. but few seek ntry points: Alsike, extrit �1
fancy, $7.40 per bushelj 11, world, must have only one end un- front the shore, manned by tivo brothers a I . I
was next to tne t1trolle (L Saul. 20, 41). out the poor and afflicted. Get from No 1. $7 to steady with here and there some im- Ominous Words of Pirte'st Recalled I . i
. It was Oriental custom that. ritterS -$7.25; No. 2, $(;.5o to $0675;'No. 3, $6 � ;0'Ov in Orders for dr ' less some of your inventive go�illses named -Murrhy, and picked theta tip. -1 ., t, - .
yOur pastor a, list of tile invalid upoor cd: ent; in volume. y � . I ,,, .
� � should slay all the relations of ii, prede- to $6.25; red Clover is quoted at $5 to lines continue fairly good. The by Women Foresters. can help the situation by discovering a The aceddent occurred, only about 4 �
111. ,; I .
. cessor, Knol,nng tills, the.young 111all !it your parish and visit them.. Go into $5 50 per bushel; TimOtliy, $145 to $1.05 trade iA ready-to-wear clothing is also - - substitute for pulp wood. Some five four hundred yards froin'the shore. and .
I .
might have feared that- he had been all,,- the poverty-$tT1,Ckell portions of't1le City, pe�' bashol. thousand different,materials have been several people Ivere watching tile 'b.,)ctT PROMPTLY SECURED
� kyliere the little neglected children I . showing improvoineut, and.there shbuld Detroit, Oct. 12�j'The curse of God tested, but vainly. There is nothing when it, overturned.
pected of aspii#g to the throne and wat Union Stock Yards. next season be A good business in these Write for our i atertsting boots" InventiN
summoned into' tile king's presence to swarm and invife them to your Sunday , lines, This branch of trade has been has fallen on usill like wood. I 'A _- A- L We 1111alp" anot - How you are swindivd.11-
rec ath. He sobool, or temperance school, or sewimg , At it meeting of the directors of the much affected by the trade depression "Even American resourcefulness and iiand us a rough sicetch. or modid of your in -
came at 4011001. . Union Stock Yards Company, held yes- and th ,1 member of the Women's Catholic initiative cannot grow a paper tree in COL. LESLIE ACqUITTED. yonUouorLmprov�r,ietititndvvtvil)trlI U
I the king's request. He was at the king's ere has been a steady,clearing out Order ofForesters moaned the words in it" our Indolon as to whethter it i-; P obSoly
king's terday, the contract was Rivarded for of stocks all along the. line. There fewer than thlirty-five to fifty years. patent&%*. Rejected iorplicationsbaveoften
mercy. -fie -was unconscious of tile IV. Low is grateful (v�71) .A good the rebuilding of bile ' '$ a horror, as. she watched the de judge Would Not Send Case to the
plans or purposes. He� had becu discov- mail kept a diary in which lie'reeord,ed all 'eip and hog pens good seasonable demand for all lines of , ad farm of Therefore, in my opinion, many of your fieen successfully rrosecuted by upi. We
. t of kindness. He preserv,ed i) eSSary for the trade. The building -s to sister member, Mrs, Bridget Fair. daily Styarrials must reduce their size or. . . oonduct fully equi ed officts 10 'Montreal
ered in his obscurity atid poverty. Ile e Vcer Y lie do groceries, Sugars are active and steady. a I I jury. and Witabington I Las qualffies us to prolnpt�
wit,s the last living relative oi Saul 'who this record of friendship lest his mem- be erected will be of concrete and as Teas are quiet. The bardwarq trade is banks of Chicago. carried from the increase their price in the future. I am A Toronto despatch, Following lVagis- ly dispatch work and quickly secure P,ttents
nearly fireproof a.s,possible. The terection without special feature. in favor of the smaller rather than the (is br&4 as the inventi6n. l(fgheat references
was David's sworn enemy , Custom wits ory should prove treacherous -and these drand Union hotel, yesterday, mang -er newspaper, although I have 310 , trate Denison's judgment when the turstsked.
not ready to make his case'exceptional. kindly offers never be requited; and be of them will bu commenced this coming Torontoix-All lines of trade continue I pled deal fttents procured tbrough Murlon &
I . week, And energetically ' and dead, Cher e appeared on tue Police Court cal- !It"
1-16 might consider his life er,ded. 7. Fear exhorted 'his children to remember, pushed to cent- to show steadily if slowly increasing ae- rooted prejudice either VA ." l 9 vW reMys special notice without charge n
not-Davld was uot unacquainted. with . when he should be no more, all those to �Ietioll, So as to be ready for the winter's tivity here. Orders from .all directions Mrs. Fairbanks was killed about 2 0 3 _ Lord Northcliffe will,spend t e reat- endar for investigation, Judge lVinchea- 10 lgew"vere di tributed throughout
Alan, is
rade, clock in the afternoon by a fall down er part of his holidays in this .0 a .
all these .circumstances and facts. Ile whom he owed a debt of gratitude for - I are good Compared with those that have cit ,'ex' tei yesterday in the Sessions Court dis� .1 i -Patent husluess, of Manufac.
. knew his power over the life of Mophl- their kindness. Have you any debts of � It inity be Information to tile public to been coming forward � for many months, 4 the accid, cept for a short visit to oront and , -Alftelantineers.
the hotel elevator shaft, an N V
boslieth and he quickly saw that the un- gratitude unpaid? Remember any know that the sale of the yards, which but there' is still some distance to go ent, following what was for most of t1he Washington. missed the charge of theft brought . MAPION & MAMON
t ev- befriended your parents in time of x;eed, 11- I inst Col. J. Knox Leslie by Mr. Chas.
fortunate man e�pec ed he -would ex who has been com leted, will not ill any way before' the great activity of pre-dqres- delegates to the Women's Foresters co : _- I- aga ft�ont Exp6rtz and Solicitors.
I 0 di -4 '0 I ti n, a sleepless might, had an ex- . ow�i I I New Yerk Life B'14*p. flont?"I -
else it against him. , He therefore hagt- fere _ slon days is equalled. Easy money and "en 10 WENT TO STAKE CLAIMS. -
inter with the horse marklot at bile H. Dee,
6,) whom you all uld she . w the kill . its Union Horse Exchange. . record crops are having their natural traordinary effect upon their rain4s. The - _�, All of the. evidence was brought out .. I .. Atlantic 131d1C,W&sb.nWton V&
cued to assure him that lie had no cause of God? - I . . . I - �
. for fear. AVill surely allow thee kindnesi 11� Love is true (v, 7). 11ore than Tile new proprietors have agreed to effects, blit- so much lost ground has 'to . excRaina,tion quoted., ,Vaa . before the jury before hi . .. I .
Carry out all contracts and arrangements be caught up that it -ivill take well to caused by the recolloetio , n of Probably Investors Are Searching Jor One John H.
--rrhe mind and disposition of the king twenty years had elapsed since Jona- C, a curse, judg�ment on file merits of the case and
-,, made by the late Owners of the ards the end of the year to do it. reported to have beem pronounced on George., then turning to the jurymen and to the
was entirely contrary to all his fears. bad pledued each to the' other, Iliat I y - 117innipeg prisoner. he said: 9,The TOOK LETTERS -
'That deeply planted love, which came they wo�l� show kindness to their chil'. Sugar Market. #--The general business senti- some of the delegates by Fr. Foley, of Toronto, Oct. 12.-A diligent search is evidence !it this
' ment 'here is decidedly cheerful. Dixon, 111. . es not establish criminal intent I
from God into his soul, was the- moving dren's children. David, the king. is faith- St. Lawrence sugars are quotea as fol. , - being imade by the authorities for John ,ease (10, a business . �__ .
wer with David, Having that, his list' ful to Ilia covenant. Neither i8pse of 1OWS.- Granuhttedp 4.70c in barrels, awl Vancouver and Victoria -The demand I - - V , or thelt. Mr. Dee entered
I PO It. George, an E liglislunan, 52 years of proposition which Atill. lacks capital to Albert J. LoVe, a Toronta Po3tman
ural affections were quickened an . f- These for wholesale lines here continues to im- 9 I . I
I volume of bus- , rio- and
alive, though niany years had pasmi ford any excuse for the unfulfillimellt prices are for deliv' age, who many people in Onta proceed. The Police INfagistrate dismiss -
d kept time, nor changes of circumstances a No. I golden, 4.30c in barrels. prove, althouggh tile tota POACHERS FIREAD.0N. . Taken Into Custody.
� since his heart was joined in brotherly. of an agreement, Fidelity . cry; car lots, 5c less- iness i � I Buffalo recognized as one capable of in -
J � to enoa-c- s not yet heavy. . ed the case when it tame before Ills
love to Jonathan. Ills love bad foun,l ments, cither busines or social, is at' C! Quebec-11-Tholesale -trade is much court and I shall' do the same withotit
I I vir- OTHER 51ARKED5. abl5ut the same as the preceding Aveek. U. S. BOAT STR vesting their money ill Cobalt. The nian Sending it to the jury." Toronto, Despatch) ---With the decay Iet-
expression Ili a sacred vow, and he uo,sv tue to cultivate. I . ' UCK BY RIFLE BUL- always seemed prospergus, and was a Mr. Dee's charge 'was that Colonel
purposed to carry that votv into effect. VT. Love is sacrifleing - (vs� 9, 10). New Y Hamilton---4tetail business here is LET, BUT EFFECT UNKNOWN. good spender, andit was his glowing re- Leslie had obtained $2,060 from him by ters left for him by tile posboffite a1v
I ork Sugar Market. inodel4te, and the movement of whole -
Pat I�rftd at my table -The highest David had reason to avoid the descend. Sugar -Raw quiet; fair refining, 3.43c sale lines is fair. Orders,to inanufactur- ports of success in 9taking elaims that false pretences. The evidence showed thorities in his posiesion, Albert Job -
saw that Jonaithan's soil "W" a Gild. But ir the un9alfish, kindness of Winnipeg Wheat Market, outlook continues to favor a good fall fish, in money, Out at Oakville, wher George proposed comp manufacture la,st might, at Ills ]ionic, 17 Dundas street
I David. r made people -get him to invest thpir that the money was paid for shares in , eph Love, a letter -carrier, was arrested .
honor any subject could enjoy. When mi.-ts of Saul, whdse bouse wits a rival to 3.48C. ers are showing improvement, and the An Exciting Incident Near White i
cd c and sit.tut-ced in' obscurity there Lake Superior -The Affair May be wits a regular visitor, he go 0 in one and sale of
PPI his heart It(-. eared for the young cripple - trade. Country produce is coming for- t $8eD a,','ek!c0rru,'1',11Png muchines, Cast, West Toronto, by Detective George
came no feeling of repugnance, no thought is though he were his own son, oblivi, Following, tire tile closing.quotations a Warning to Aineric5n Fishermen. lump, and inquiries have been made wliieh as yet has In -
4111,1110 310 feeling of repuguand oil 'Winidpeg grain futurds- ward well, and prices are steady to firm, ot been incorporated Giltbric, on a Charge of robbing the .
Lt 1`0 oup of the fact that the bitter enmity 11rheat-October � Collections .are only, fairly sai - tbex� for the man, as well as in Buffalo, owing to lack of capital and to other ninils. Love, -who was a relief earrier,
take .notice of such a subject as Ile 'No, 993-4a asked, lid- London�Tbe . isfactory. Toronto and 6ther places. I
.. thought that it would not be kingly to of Saul might show itself in his desceii. pembely D8 3-8e, asked,, May 98o bid. . volume Of wbolesale domestic troubles, has been delivering for some weeks Ili
ov' dants. Vitaiis, a godly man, stood near trade continues to show improvement, Sault Ste. Mario, Ont., desFatch: Ad- . Letters sent, to Cobalt have failed to I -.1 "walks 13 and 24," which take in Boll -
love never acts, Ili that way. h Oats --October 36c bid, December cording to reports brought, down to the , locate George, and one resident; of the DID HE JUMP OVERBOARD?
e let, IA; friend, Ursilills'. .4 celebrated phyti. 36 5.$c .bid. and collections are coining forward rath- stead avenue, Indian road, St. Clareas
David to do the greatest thin- in hi.i citin, who was condemned to die for the er more easily. I So. from Lake Superior there is some- north brought down a report that the I — avenue and other strects !it that sve-
faithfulness did not deprive David of Aliv -
power and not the least thiniT Ill!$ go$�01- Tlw convicted man trembled, British Cattle Market, - Ottitwa-There is now a fairly dooed Oling doing that will interest the Fish inissing mail hittl met his dea,th by Note Left in Stateroom by a Montreal tion, and when letters Containing small
t of success or divir�e UOvel`ed, and seetric(l. about to give up Lolidou.-London cables for ca,ttld are tone to all lines of wholesale . lad ,n -y DeparZilent, of Canada, And tll(,. drowning. No further information has I .. Man. ?,mounts of money disappeared eu%.1c.
hi., faith, ratlier than die for it,� Ilia steaO at 1140 to 1234a per,pound,.dreas_ here. .. been received of the reported death of ion rested itpon the carrier.
tavor, neither did it inake Ills nanic a friend, Vitalls, Chloe clos I I : - - (3111ted States. For some days Game George, and the Provincial detectives 2lontreal, Oct. 12. -The continued ab- Postoffice Inspector Henderson wa., in-
rd. of kings. a beside Mill, ed weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at . ,
114 6i- and though lie knew it would Cost him 9% to 101/ge Ver Ill. I nd Hand, of till. tire n matt6k up
am ;w 'ed to take the sence of Mr. James 11. ])cut, of ])cut formed of the disappearance of the let-
. ple his stood for our profit. Ill" life, Said. "WIlat! have you been so , . CAPTAIN 'DROWNED, 01anaditt.n. side, limm been and inquiries for the man 'who ters, iInd tile decoy letters, contaii i
8. A dead do -Though the son of a e . - got 1110TIVY to invest and has since Ants, is eftusing Ili$ unit
.0, with authOl warkod money. find addressed to Mr. A,F ,
114d'sti-lolls fleretofore to preserve men's lilvestigution. up bile 'ar , made & Baker, account
pritice and the;randson of a king, yet, bodies, and will now, shrink at the say. Woodall & Co,'cabled -L'ben. James: ' . ity from their respective Governme * lie Recouklug. friciids worry. lie boarded the obtain- Mr. Dunlop, all official of the -T, 0. 10.,
. his tamily being under guilt and wrath " ' ulI - Ship Murray Bay tit Quel;cc on Wed.
of your ,own soul. Be courageous.11 21,000 1pbls.' selling. Virginian and Ot- captain J. 0. Scott's Body Found to apprehend certain Americans who, - living oil Indian road, aitd another of -
and himself poor and ]time, he ca are 1. Iiii faith- a. IS'A DORY. nesday evening for .Montreal, and whom ficial of the Son$ of 3"'nalilild, were left
I ing tawa. cargoes landed in rotten condi. ' it a ,alldged, hilve been fishing ill Unit ,I
self a, dead dog.-Cal�. Bill. C Is Win He 9 j A WEEK , I
omp, fill counselor was coridemn,ed and died tion., few bringing ovel, los; many sell- ' tit Kingston Harbor. than waters. a stateroom was opened tit 3 o'clock last cveldng at f�),tation -6, Qlleon streel;
Saul. 94p 14,15. with him. Ing tit 2s to Ss Od,, ,Price$ generally, 5s Report has it that y Two Nova Scoia Fishermen Rescued by yvderday afternoon on the -vessel's ar.
H. WtMd restores the inheritance to ViL Love returits good for evil (Matt. to 7s, Inspectors, re� orts state t,hp,t ,� . west, where Love did )its sorting.
Joilathan's soil (vs. 9-13.) 0. Have given 5 P Canadians surprised the �Anicrjeans op. Schooner Bohemian. rival in Port a ]lots Was found froui A close watch Was kept oil �-K letters
.i. .44). This Jesus did. when He healed many ApPles On'the Eta -press of Britain, Kingston, Out., Oct. 12.�-This morning A little West, and .,Nfr, Dent, sitying that he intended
. I London, Oct. 12. -Two Nova- Scotian !unip 1,ing, front the deck of the steauler
A -ate estate calls.refu4intr to heave fishermen, Burke and Bourbine, mcm- t t oil Wednesday. lie leaves ected ,Carrier out of the postoffive
-i- Ife for_=V6 tile penitent thief (Luke tion before Sall and the delay in the James Henry Scott, formerly inaster and to when requested to do so" tit 911 � brIll"i'i'ding, thinking lie would abstraet
a ored to this crippled boy all of the pt OU48ya 1I Virglulaft Were in bad condl. about 7 o'clock the body of Ca,jAmin Upoli the Aimerl 11t.
.all that pertained to Saul -Re re. tll,, ear of Mitlelins (Lilke 2151) ; when posite Whitefish, Or by Detective Guthrie, who followed the
O China. bers of the crew of the schooner Bolle- a,
of Ilia grandfather, Saul 2 .43), ' ' ur I didna opened fire oil thein. with, rifles, .. I - the contents. Love, ho�vevor, wdnit
. 3 When Ito praved for His mur- 2got latter two vessels a wife and two Children.
Comprising whab fell to Saul by litherii! part owner of the steamer Persia, lot- nilan, landed at Liverpool, rescued after - �. I
limsolf dorers (1,11kc 23,34). bovi'd f would make matters worse. Phe Americans 11PPATently escaped, but spending a week in a dory, suffering ter. FINE BANK BUILDING, straight to bis ]ionic, wheye lie was ar-
anee front Xish and what lie had I Sold bad beezi Ili's enemyj lie "I am satisfied, however, that the thirty yemrst was found floating in the I it is not yet known whether tile, fusi- Able privations. Burke saved his tom -
acquired, the same having fallen to 1), %,r9,0,11m`,11._11,! -
it � rested and tile marked money was.found ,+
-vid as crown lands, or been taken pos' ed that Jonathan had been his friend. ElHlylish mArkets'Will take Some good slip on the cast side of Swift's Deck, lade from the Canadian boats rp,ju,bed raile. who was demelittd, twice ,from The X 'it on ]lint.
senitih Of by Jrclativft Of Saul- T1114 lib. -1 , a - - apil)lies, and the better quality of fruit Death is II to have resulbed front in any casualties, . sulaide. .. . ontreal Is to Help Bea'utify Wi. - The prisoner is a carpenter by trade,
cral kindnosil Vould raise Alephillos 11 'low going forward will bring some re. accidental drowning. The deceased last The report was brought to tile Sod by, � . .:.� i �' niptZ's Malit Street. and, prior to becoming a letter-eltrAer
from dependence upon Others toL heth GOT S CDE ' I "or". -B, ,T," I night went down to the Wharf to put Ili$ tile CreNv of 11, passing boa,5 who stated London Dentists' Offices tooted,' Winnipeg,Oct. 12. -The Bank OfMont- seven months ago lived at Kingston. Ile
Comfort. E 111. T CODE Tile Cheese Market.1, . baggago aboard the steamer Rideau .that wh,!l tile 11 dia ,If d BPI
able cirttin'StallecS. 10, Thou � shall till . ! . King, on which he intended going to Ot- I Ca A me @ iliters London, Old., Oct, IL -At least two real lifts purchased the Canada Pormaln- lies a -lvife and two rhildrell. Love ro-
tile land -Dy order of the king. iling ell Iroquois, onc-To-day 450 colored tawa to -day. were seen to fall front the Anterican dontal offices -were burglarized last ent block on the eorner of Portage ave. celved it salary of $1.50 a day,
Ilephillosheth was Tilade very Comfort- uee Monty else offered. Ail sold for 12e, boats. . . I " 6
I - Later he mvnt till street The agitatioli to suppress American quRl
able, having a good taste without care, Perth, Ont. -A and returned night, or early this piorning and a L large line and Main sUeet, and will erect a
having much income And little expense. by Fraudulent Orders, Od here, 900 will bout 1,100 Cheese board-,. to tile boat, presuma,bly to sleep oil fisherineiml is due large,ly to action takell cirm,itity of gold %kem. Dr, 001011 structure to cost about half it million WILL HELP THE CZAR.
� It seems that Zba an& his family had were sold a.t 12c. by flie local branc,11 of the Ontario, t tit wid Dr, Bentley were the 11 VIC- dollars. Thts ptoperty lin.4 a froiltage of
te And, 200 calared. All Ward. This was tile last seen Of Will . ',
-I,- , alive, and from examifiaLlon of Ilia body. 1,1sh,, &Ila Carlo Protective A%sooiatiou, ims, and in tach case the loss wl be one hundred. and twenty-eight feet on Decision of Canadian Supreme Court in
tile dare of tile whole estate and oulti. Pieto,n Ont.-%�04RY 20 faebories lie is believed to have taken a weak spell wollich lifts put tile , heavy, The police believe it is tile 150,1110 Alaift street and, two hundred and thirty-
LOl1dOfty Oct 12. -My securing a copy of bOartled '4569 boxes coloredl Ilig.heot bid And falldn into the Nvater, His junga question to tile Preakourfakoff Case,
voted It at theis OWR txlleftge, yielding the code word 911119 which was Operating ill Toronto, eight oil Portage avenue, and tile pride
half theproduct to Mblihillosheth fertile of the day of the London 12 1-80� 9,11 sold. . Government In such a, light that some St. Catharines and PortHurom. paid- was approximately $300,000 Ottawa, Oct. 12. -The .Supreme Court
18OPPOrt Of 1119 h0l[1801101di for lie had , & .Southwestern Bank, a el I were not filled with' -Water, so it ii ,3v!- action had to be taken. � .- � - I 1. .
n. ever swindler X`apamCep'OmtTo'4ftY there 'Were dent lie did not drown. A -is watch was I : :� this morning gave a legal point to Ills
family. 110 would live as a nobleman secured fully $g5,000 in onedity. by pro, boarded. 1�00 white, 4as e6lored, 406 Ced'At! While the reporC Irwks Official cotiffi.. Intperial 10ajesty the Czar of Russia,
tit Jerusalem, 11, SO Mail thy servittit 56iting orders ill the bank's ,ow)r Code sold at 12 I -So, Balance sold same price stopped at, 11 o'clock. 'the de' � d was InRtiOn it is Subst-antiMed to a cerball) WORK *ILL. I FATAL SMASH. when it grantod the. motion to qtumh
out of the best known of lake mariners, ,4 ' by a gentleman Ili tile S,tio J Haverhill, --Nlass., One man the appeal ill the ease of tile Czar vs.
transferring finAgi ,Xtejlt
do -gib -It Appeared to be faithful tit this mary accounts from on cutli, I it OttaW41 011t11 OCb4 12. -The rule re -
One soil, Norris, survives. close touch with tile Operations Of tile quiring immigrants into Canada, to poA. was killed, another 01 d probably Pre kouriakoff. Tbiff was the case in
tafte, but afterward proved untrilo, Two Oils branch to another, and then immedi. Ottawa, Ont.-To-dity'255 white and � - -_1 � � b � ,, - 1�1.11111e 8
Incidents which Occurred during Assatom,g I ately presenting it obeque 'to thebranth 41,47 0010rd(l Were boarded; 209 were Forgot BOY in Cupboard. .game wardens who hAve gone up front oess $50 will come into force oil Jan. 11, fatal injurl8s, while a score were hurb, which ft former atiininistrlltor of Siberia
rebellion, seventeen Or eightdan years af. to which the A00011ht, was Said to be trafts. sold at 190 for WIlite and 12 1..2o forvol. the Canadian side. and remain till Feb. 15. Mie plau la4t movie afingevolmly, Ili a collision between absconded to Winuipe , with much
forred. The swindler Used & taxicab, Oiled. '. . Year was enlinCIIII)l 111ceeSsfill, Tile, ruh, two Batton & Northern electric, Cats Oil nioney and mws arrested there, The
ter the OvIelits of to -day's lesson bear Peabody, Mass,, Oct. II. -In tile �� - .61 .1 I 9
111)01 - 'hg bridesmaid for �
n i"1119 AtOtY.- L "During his Ordbot. , driving rapidly froin one branch to Ail. VIC`tOrlmvillo, Quc,, XO elleeft BoArd excitement over bei NEGROES DISFRANCHISED.
, I regarding Asiatic! having $200 hAs been Main street. in the Bradford diairiot of effeee of the judgment 14 to legallpe -ill
Mon V,Ib4 betrayed his Master and false. other ulttii lie had secured caall from here yesterday, , her 1 -best friend, Miss 'Catherine Rey, .
Two Cars Cheead in force since July 3. 11m erlill, j1ist aerti4s 0 v Merrimac Riv- '
lotgot. . I I - '11 -.1' ,I L attachtnet1t, upon a lot of golidi bought
IY aconsed him of treachery to David. eight different branches I before closing sold at 11 I-26 1114qt, hight. were nolds, a teacher of this toWli, Ninety4lve Per CemL in Georgia WiI tr to -day. Nearly all the injured were - with ti
hour.q. 0 of het Jta
Tile king, believing him, as was quite na, I all abput Manuel Silva, an I I le stol(Ill 1110110,11, and to allow tile
Montreal Markets, pupils, whom she had looked in the Use Votes. CUT HIS FACE, . Win laboters. from Boston eit route trial of the ease oil its Incrits.
tUral under the circumstances, tool, - The lialuo the SwIndler used wa to Andover, where a ilhoft lin'o of track
OWAY MeA1bOshL1th*s ptoperty and gav Windell," and the Co a t48' MOntrOftl-An ftay feelitig oeittimuca school fooml closet Wedhesday inom., New york, Oct. 1%_.& despat.ch to Chathatil, Ont.. Oct. I2.--*,NIina Wihioli, is irtider construction. - Z 1. �
de word for the day -1 I - p five Y'Afs Ot I it, toll - .1 ,. ... 0 16.111 .1 .
ling - ta prevail I'll- the I,odal m4tket for oats it -,, until late Thursday night after - p.rho
is ]low this Code word WA& secured, for ,crop No. _g whitO ;� ,tb The boy was in & aer. this morning for earviiig tile Ate of V re.J Fifty YeAta ill the church . __
WW&Y gophlboAhetlils property avid gave _ was, "Jilek," but the relliarkable th 011tar,o new !e wedding. Timeg from Atlanta, (k,, aj,y�. -A 1111110to got . -0 C A4 A'SQUITA ON tXgAIZGO.
it to Y01bi- Later Oh,- Wheft Mcphibodli, by tile, general manager quoted tit 44 1 fivionlont. The tItsfrantlilsement aniclidint-it t
'th . 11 -loll$ eorlditicti from his cort I Favors Admission of cahada's cattle it
00Tned to tell him the truth, expitijillng it 'is clutfiged .2 t* 46C. No 8 at 48� , I t O., Jobtiltoo. a Colored admirer. on Saturday, Ottawa, Oct. 1I. -The goMent '
- every _day, And he tiubileo
his POSItiOn And action, David r , , and istant are 1-2 to 44c, and 'X _� - - U146 00118fitution WAs ratified by - Of Vo.neivable Atelidencou Boger a ad.
Ilia ass) O. 4 at 49 fo 43 1.2o, ' tile Johnson's face was fparflItlly illudlavd. Pretitutiong Are Taktini.
t9ored . Stalftfotd Man's. Suldad. - I 0,*- I
J11111 of it" (2 'S'Affl. 10, 1-4, 10, 24-30.) thO Only twd Men in tile head office .tuV. 10th MunitObA, 014 '00P IToo P. wInto at 'voters Of Georgia in Wednesday's � I vailcoment to the pticistlillood of thd London, Oct, 12.-41remier Asquith,
9. "When David fled from Jeruftloln - only tile man. 46 to 40 1-2d, 156. 41 at 45 to 45 1,24, 14st ,
Posed to know the word Welland Oet. II. -On Wednesday ! Ojectiom, It Is amerted that tile ballot ,MR. ALIXIS DEAD, - : duireit of inglana was celebrated yda- speaking at Lovell to -day, said jl,� had
from Absalom and had readhod Alaball. -go ,per bu,shel, Thornsta Chute]), Stainford towriSlilp, Port till Prince, OeL M -Mrs. Nord belrday. After this, church terviee t1lo AIWAYa reeonlinendc-4 strongly the V14CINV
tiger and trio etk8hi6r In tile branch offices 011d t0jeeWAt 44 to 44 1 hmog Sharnbruck, eniployed by will ,bo taken from 05 per cent. of tire
niffi, t* friend Of Mt.philloshetli, Aladhir know the Avord. 99. windell" lippeats, c.X At'Ort, ,T"'Our-Zle" WAs mo ellange, disapimtM. His body was fouild G I'll Ong in the stitte. In addition I ta Aloxis, wife of the 'aged president of ntelldcae0ti entertained the Angilfcon that) assuming Canada w,ls red froul
howevets tor have known not only the in flour, but tho t�hdertoyio to the, mar. ther f
Of L0 -1164r, hPought him beds, ubdittItNi od a. k0t TeMaiins firlit, with a fait volirtild M field' 'At 2 O'ClOck Y,65terdayl Tit lens Poll tax allit registr4tion provis* - llaycl, died here to -day after a short V16gymon of the city to breakfmt at di.qe"o, and could be kp 40
food and luxurim, be;caugd, Ills people C' ' e wOtd, but the intensil working -a I I I I �pt so by rC,1A 11.
18 of bu$illegS 1)ftJ"iql'g' Manit(Y'k Spring having nommitted puloide by drinking of tile present law, which R"00 Illitms. Tho 0overnmont is preparing tbe Hotol Cecil, And was presented with. able precaution, there, Nvll,,,
4111a of tile various banki, mild by tfl continued Ili force, a perton to be able Ito reft-son .�,
W"O 1111A97, thitstY and weary ffi the ,carbolie acid. A bottle, �itttly fall, for it national limoral. - a, haudsome gold Cross. why ("Ahadlan cattle should bo kopt Olit,
ift mell-ring the wile"'t Ptltet)tst '"; "'condm* 0160; wlh' was found by him. belemsed wwi _ but lie We.8 Rorry to say that & ve
wildorheAs", (gamd. 17; 27-20). knowledge he safteoded J to voi,eL Imadr-Alm 110,8V law 11111,4 collie. � ____*_4_di-_ - L I ... i �6 - I .
money Find go far escape captura. ter wheat P&t#fttA, $6 tO $5-102- st'ta"Aht a Tfitl ton -year-old imn of Air. ,Ianio.-4 Wo. T q,y
le. A YOUY19 8011--Whothor bovit batote , A � -.-I.1.1-1.- _.__ ,ged forty yimm, anA left a wife in U?'der One of tb(% following heads
tIa rtr,jleJ*, �4. 4.4,50 to $4.60; (to., in bao, $2.- 14inglgri(l. M Ile must, haWro HAW 9ACK T04 ASYLUM, lax9d m4lorit,y of the ilresent, no6-<1 tsf
or viftor Iihi rmitionee in. jernplalam ve A htic Hoiel it -North N't" with 16 to $9.96" oxh.4t4, $1.75 to $1.85. Vem " — � - ndered bonor- *1146. wits lmmp(l iligt &rfor tho fonli1v Niiinions were of tito opinion that no
,4ilhed. Mlebia-eA1161 b Val -
� 2, ,,,Rl)l#, residoneon 111111 tli� 1104 _Th�b deluAlid fOr millfeta t%4).AtInU(% , 10 00tvim in M01110 O" of tilt, NvilvA boArAod the stoftrn�r Monollab at vo4 White Maim, X. y", Oct. M-411,1tict, Pftfttlitions now taken, or lljk�p.ly tt) ill.
in I (tro". 8; Vy. 'Phis rion became the istabl", .royed T-,� fire, Therr, fitn't onottAll Competition in be- 'of tb# tyilite(l StAteA Or file Ntftt,� of �Villiftril, a a it ifA
U000k, A.-leort ItO4143, 1 WC6 Ileat , All it possible the N)V got Mills in thin Supreme e,ollvt here to -day titkO% COUld giVe DVQ$O%1�11)111 aS.411111111�..%
representittive of 31tul and had xyttilylor. 4bout $Z;00� 1,044, Aonit, but t1lo, Volumel, of -Pew buslitom 1119 on another boat and was carried io an. ro-vol-offlitt0d 144rY X Tlla* to lilnttea- that Calladiall cattle would, lie ftee froul
imssifte lis. 0mll *# 04COUTit ()f tho lint. dk A ood to 14vittk6 it ftitoresting�_Vlori- � ekorgia.
I lbea-VAlon, (9) Or 69 thust, be litwfully des- other port. WAh Asylutil for tho CtIntimal xnwe, dite"o, or pios,,%iblo infection,
I �AW06A& ��,JL:tL4� "', � . . I