HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-08, Page 4r.. ',-r T, ....y,. -P ,7^T-10AY--- -.P.- TEE WING} AM ADVANCE, TE USDA.Y, OCTOBER Are You Particular P Do you want things to he just so ? Then we'd like you for a customer.. We've promised you satisfaction --promised you that style, fit and price will please you --- we'll keep our promise. best ads. aresatisfied r. Our s d cus toma rs. Come for your next Suit or Overcoat, Men's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc., in every .line that's new and up-to»date. Call and see our elegant stock. Small Prices --Big Values. Robt. Maxwell Tailor & Men's Furnisher King's For Bargains We Want Your Trade Seasonable Goods. Our Stock of Goods for the Fall and Winter trade is now complete, and we have the best goods in our many different lines that money can buy, and at the most reasonable prices. DRESS GOODS. -5 pieces Suiting, 56 in. wide, in Navy, Brown, Red, Green and Black. Regular $1.25 per yard, for 76o Our range of Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, &o., is the largest we've ever shown, and from the many linea can suit the most critical buyer LADIES' JACKETS.—In this line we have a fine selection from the cheaper grades to the best. FURS.—We have the largest range, best qualities, newest styles, and all-round good goods, that we've ever shown, comprising Ladies' Fur & Fur -lined Coats, Neck Furs, Muffs, Gents' Fur Coats, &o. UNDERWEAR, READY-MADE CLOTHING, RAINCOATS, in both Ladies' and Gents'. Our stock is worthy your inspection. EXTRA. SPEOIAL.-50 pieces Wrapperette, 86 inches wide, all good colors and patterns. Regular 25o per yard, for 10o TABLE LINEN.—Another Shipment (and the last) of THAT TABLE LINEN, Regular 50o per yard, for 25c WANTED, ALL KINDS TRADE—Butler, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples, &o. Tub Butter, 22c. Eggs, 20c. GEO. E. I{ING (food Goods Cheap Prices Razors! Razors! We are over=stocked with Razors which usually sell at $1.50 each. Will let you have one this week for 68 —Cents — 68 COME IN AND EXAMINE THEM. EVERY RAZOR GUARANTEED. J. G. Stewart & Co. SUCCESSORS TO J. V. HILL Central Hardware — Directly Opposite Brtinswiek Hotel No formality or delay in opening Large or small sums may be deposited or withdrawn as desired. WINt3HAM BRANCH C. PE SMITH Agent 4,e n Bron; Abilauxc Theo. lips Proprietor, advance, L,5Q if of so paid per annum In ADYNUxzsrifih Rams.—Legal and other Pas- ual adyertisementa 1,0o per nonpariel line for first insertion, 80 per line for each subsequent user u m iott. Advertisements in the loofa calm -mail are charged 100 per lino for trot insertion, anti 5o per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farms. for Sale or to Il,ent, and similar, $1,00 for Drat three weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in- sertion. CONTRACT xtATE0.--The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for apeoifled periods;-- Smog 1 Yr, 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo, Ono Column $70.00 $40,00 $22.50 $8.00 Half Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 0.00 Quarter Column 20,00 13,50 7,50 3.00 One Inch,......,5,00 3.00 2,00 1,25 Advertisements without spocieo directions will be inserted till forbid and charged ae- cordingly. Transient advertieemonts must be paid for in advance. For The Hurons. East Huron - DR. CHiSHOLM West Huron - E. N. LEWIS South Huron • J. G. SHERRITT E,itortaf "We are the'party of low taxation" declared Sir Wilfrid in 1805, and yet they have taken $220,150,000 more taxes out of the people in the last twelve years. —If the Liberals are beaten at the approaching election, it will be be- cause of the abuses that have sprung up under their administration, and their failure to carry out their pled- ges. * * —The Liberals in Opposition object- ed to the sale of Western Lands to speculators. In power the Liberal Ad- ministration sells block after block to speculators until most of the desirable land near the railway lines is alien- ated. * * —Imports into Canada fell off ten millions of dollars, or over 30 per cent. in August. But the Laurier govern- ment goes on spending just the same. Lately, an official has been visiting town after town to buy sites for post - offices, etc. * * —There can be no nobler tight for the honest and really patriotic Cana- dian than that to which we are called on Oct. 20—the fight for the complete overthrow of crookedness in the very heart of the Dominion, the battle for rectitude, restitution and reform. * * —How would it do to let Mr. J, E. Armstrong, M,P., "finish his work." He was denounced as a bore and a nuisance when he introduced rural mail delivery, but now he turns out to be a seer and at prophet, who has moved the Government•to action. * * , —Federal voters' lists were an abomination when the Liberal party was in Opposition. Yet a vigorous ef- fort was made in the session just closed to establish such lists in Mani- toba. That failed, but Federal lists have been compiled for Northern Ont- ario, for the coming election, * —The gross estimates, bounties and subsidies for 1008-0 amount to $168,- 000,000. The revenue has been drop- ping at from one to two millions a month. This year we shall have a re- venue of $80,000,000 on which to fin- ance these authorized expenditures of more than double that figure. This means a great increase of the public debt and heavy borrowing in the money market. * * —Mr. Horden's most adverse critics ungrudgingly admit that he is in every sense of the word a gentleman. A. statesman who is so true to his political professions and who stands for honesty in the Government could not well be wanting in that sincerity of private character which is the main' quality of a gentleman. If the people make him Canada's next Premier he will adorn the office and render the country distinguished. service. *»* ---It is estimated by experts familiar with departmental methods that the introduction of sound business ',rind - plea would cult the annual expenditure of the Dominion by ten millions of dollars. Three years of decent eeono- my would provide money enough to deepen the Welland Canal or build a railway to Hudson Bay without add- ing a dollar to the national outlay. It is true that the Government has had enormous surpluses. These the Premier proudly puts at a grand total of $112,000,000 in tavelve years. Where did the money go P The debt has been increased. The annual expenditure has gone up from $46,000,000 hi 1806 to over 100 CI00 000 In1 8. $ , 9i1 With $$00,- 000,000 of excess revenue as compared with the last twelve years of Con- servative rule, only $60,000,000 have been devoted to great eonstruetive enterprises, With beggarly revenues, the achievements of Conservative Governments were at least as note- worthy, The comparison is infinitely damaging to the Laurier Cabinet, —What we are confronted with in. this election is the same situation, iu an aggravated form, as that with rvlhich we dealt in Ontario politics a few years ago. The same remedy should be applied, Severe eases require prompt, drastic treatment,. *. —The situation in the Dominion seems to be simplifying Itself, ('er, taitlly the issue is becoming much plainer, It is now merely a question of whether or not the people of Cana- da, want Sifton and his brother-in-law and his friends—made rich in a few years by "inside" timber deals -,--or whether they want them replaced by honest Iden, i, M —The Huntingdon Gleaner, speak- ing for the English-speaking Liberals of Quebec, declares that the Dominion Government has gone over to the ex- ploiters. Instead of carrying out the party policy, it has inaugurated a sys- tem infinitely worse than that which the Liberals had condemned. It is giving the public money to party men and is bestowing it with a lavish hand upon private enterprises. The Glean- er adds :— "Are not the men who put these Ministers in office justified in re- monstrating with them and in calling upon them to change their policy ? Are the working people of the Dominion to pay out of their pitiful earnings more inter- est on fresh loans, more revenue to pay salaries to party drones ? Promise and Fulfilment. PROMISE. 'fThe sales of public lands of the Do- minion should be to actual settlers only and not to speculators." --Liberal Platform, 1893, FULFILMENT. The Laurier Government gave to some of its friends 250,000 acres of Western lands at one dollar an acre. Within a year or so, these fortunate friends of Clifford Sifton sold these lands at $6 to' $8 an acre. The ac- count stands Iike this : The Government — trastees for the Pooplo—receive from speculators.. $ 250,000 The settlers buy from the speculators and pay them 2,000,000 The speculators divide as profits 1,750,000 (See Hansard 1005, page 890.1078,) RESULTS. Political favorites of Laurier & Co. pocket a million and three-quarters of clear profit in a few months. This is only one of many such plums that were thrown to political favorites of Laurier et al. Mr. Hislop defends and supports such barefaced wasting of our public heritage. A vote for Hislop means that you approve of it also. - What Are They There For ? What are they there for ? Why, but for the offices. When the Liberal party came into power in 1800, it did so on the strength of its pledges and promises. It pledged itself among other things to lighten the burden of taxation, which it declared to be "grievous," and during its twelve years of office the rate of taxation has increased from $5.40 per head in 1806 to $11.70 per head in 1008. It pledged itself to reduce the ex- penditure of the country, which it declared to be "ruinous," and during its ten years of office the expenditure of the government has been over $231,000,000 in excess of the expendi- ture' of the Conservative government during their previous ten years of of- fice. It pledged itself to reduce the pub- lic debt, which was "viewed with alarm," and the public debt has been increased by over $30,000,000; and when the cost of the Government share of construction for the Grand Trunk Pacific railway is added, the public debt will have been increased by over $130,000,000, It pledged itself to preserve our public credit and husband our resour- ces. It has given away millions of acres of fertile lands, thousands of square miles of valuable timber Iands, miles of valuable coal deposits and mineral lands for nothing or at merely nominal prices to political friends and parasites, and seriously reduced our capital. It pledged itself to reform in the Ci- vil Service, and witness• the Depart- ments of the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Fisheries, and the re port of the Civil Service Comtnissior. It pledged itself to purity in elec- tions and in the condudt of the gov erainent, and witness the appoint- ments of daekson, of Leach, of Pres- ton, men of like principle to lucrative and honorable positions in the Federal employ, Never has there been such a govern- ment which so woful]y failed to keep faith with the people in the carrying out of its election pledges. Never has there been a government which has departed so .far from, the prineiples advocated by it when it first entered office, Never in the history of this country has there been a government which games so openly And daringly before beforethe r people o askto p pet be retained its office simply because they want the offices. The practical question to be deter - alined on election day is this—Is it safe to entrust the affairs of this coun- tey for four you* mere to men who have thus failed to Barry out the viol. ewt:l pledges on whit& they obtained power ii 'Pews Items —Farmers is the vicinity of Marden and Guelph are justly indignant at some very mysterious occurrences which have taken place in the vicinity of the village recently, as the result of which two cattle were maimed thro- ugh having their legs broken in a most peculiar planner. So great is the indignation expressed that, at meeting of the township council it was decided to offer a reward that would lead to the clearing up of the mystery.. —A very peculiar incident took place on the 0, P. R. near Dumfries station one day recently when an ex- press train left the rails and after bumping over the ties fur a few sec- onds jumped on the track again and proceeded as merrily as if nothing had happened. Railway men say this is the funniest, freak known t.o trainmen anywhere. The train was going at a high rate of speed, the track between Ayr anti Galt being known to engin- eers as the race course. ^-Fred Lippert and Alex, Ernest of Walkerton, started out on Thursday last on what was destined to be .a ra- ther singular and .unfortunate trip. The axle of the wagon snapped under the heavy load of monuments near Maple Hill, and leaving the wagon they hastened back to Walkerton for a new axle. The outfit fixed, they proceeded farther, when the whip- stock broke, and later on the tongue gave way. They had by this time al- most reached Dnrham, and with much difficulty were pushing forward, when a sleeper on a bridge they were cross- ing broke, and almost precipitated the outfit into the water. This long train of accidents was concluded by Fred re- fereeing a football game while wait- ing for repairs at Durham. As the opposing teams were turbulent the marble man was at times almost call- ed upon to defend bis person against the attacks of the players. cs g Invented Safe Headache Cure. Away with headaches, be done with dizziness, bad stomach and biliousness. A cure has been found—use Dr. Ham- ilton's pills and enjoy the health they so surely bring. Nothing but health- ful vegetable extracts in ,Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. They cleanse and purify the whole system, act as a perfect tonic. Safe for children, girls, women and men. Sold in 25c boxes by all dealers. Miss Elizabeth E. Grant Teacher of Piano, Thenry, harmony and Interpretation. Pupils prepared for Conservatory or University examinations. Terms on application. STUDIO — 1sT FLoori-MAox,oxALn BLocic Frank McConnell LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF HURON. Sale orders carefully attended to. Stock and implement sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Residence, at North end. WINDHAM - ONTARIO W INGHAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing) ---3.50 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion—Address MISS J. 11 WELCH Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. Try Malcolm's � —FOR --- Tea and Coffee They are sure to please. New Raisins and Currants Now in. Fresh Groceries and Vegetables always here. Produce Wanted. A. J. MALCOLM 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS TnAbE MANES Dlt sIONa COOVRIGHT1 &o. An +one sending x sketch tend doserIpti x met gnost nsaortain 4tr apnlo roe v e�or an Invention le probabtygatentpo9Conmnntea. mons strictly oonadontin. it10a on Patents lout free; oldest agency for eour 6 atente. Patents taken through huunn c0. receive ipecfatf,otece, without oha ge, in tbo s eIIt111C Rmnerkran. ' hsndeOm Y iilnetr ted oeklrt rgest c r- ,��^ talion pr any' sotontmQo journsb arm 8or fiiennda, N,46 a fe0t vow*** propald, Sod tel Imre a 110 reill °441346:6effillijakiltk Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Farm Properties. Some exceptioual values in rarriis, If you want one, it will pay you to see us. The good old Province of On- tario is all right. Town Properties At right prices. We have a number of places admirably suit- ed for retired farmers. No pret- tier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought here can always be re -sold. Ritchie & Coiens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHARt iNELLIOTTCRHASU 'YOUR SALARY, PROPER PREPARATION D08S IT. ATTEND LLIO TORONTO, ONT. And the time to commence is RIGHT NOW One hundred and one students from other business colleges have patron- ized this college within one year, W'i,AT Dons Tnts .itovru7 We give the test. Nothing ciao would satisfy us nothing else should satisfy you. ALL GRADCATES HEADILY SECURE E3nrLoir. suNr. 0 rite for Catalogue.. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPALL Cor. Tonga & Alexander Ste. ATTEND THE BEST CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. is reoogntzad as the LARGEST, BECST and 1V1OST SUCCESSFUL practical training schoel in Western Ontario. Three departments—COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPH:C. and forge ton the front. secure Writ catalogue, you will find it interesting. You may enter at any Lime. ELLIOTT d, MCLACHLAN PRINC,PA'. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S„ L,D.8. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Block— W. J. PRICE B.S.A., L.D.S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto aid Licentiate of Royal College of Det. tat Surgeons of Ontario. OFFICE IN BEAVER BLOCx — WIN(7IIA3f CANADIAM HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets the lot Thursday in each month, in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p, m. Candi- dates for, cheap, reliable insurance are solicited. Ask to see our rates from any of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at the same rate as men, REV. T. S. BOYLE T. E. Rosmzesox Leader Rec.Seoretary W. J. WYLEs - Fin. Secretary OOENION BANKI HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) - $3,976,000 Reserve (ea v og Zr ," $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGHAII'1 BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on au points in Can- ada, the united States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards, and ttddod to principal quarterly. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager It.49nueton0, 19olleltor Protection and Safe Inyestment ARE COMBINED IN The Endowment Policies �-OP— The Dominion Life A sound, well managed Canadian Lifer Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1906— &.'1'S PER CENT.. WAbt'ZII T. RAM, Lochs Agent — Viiinkhtde. The Peoples Popular Store WING-11AM, ONTARIO. err & ird On Saturday, Oct, iOth We Will Offer a Quantity of FANCY CIIINA at a Tremendous Cut Io Prices. 115 Japanese Cups and Saucers at 23 cents each. They're regular 350 and 50o goods; in fact, 91 of the 116 are regular 60o Cup and Saucer. They are very pretty colorings, new shapes, and a flue quality of China Your choice on Saturday at 28e each. 43 Plain Glass 2 -Quart Pitchers. at 23 cents each. Regular Price 85o each. And they're well worth 350. On Saturday you may- have them for 23 cents each. 60 Fancy China Bread Plates at 23 cents each. These aro new goods just bought at greatly reduced prides, They're cheap at 35o, but we offer the entire lot on Saturday at the ridiculously low price of 23c ea. 68 Fancy China Salad Bowls at 23 cents each. Very pretty decoration. Regular size. Austrian Ohina. Regular price 35c. On Sale Saturday at only 23o each. All the above goods you may see in our North Window. A Window Full of Big Bargains. 286 Pieces. 286 Bargains. Don't Miss This Sale. $213.75. Worth of Good Goodis for only $65.78. See the Saving you Make on these Goods. T. A. MILLS WIN'GHAIVI 14 DAYS ONLY Great Reduction Sale —OF— House Furnishings FOR 14 DA'Y'S ONLY, COMMENC- ING SATURDAY, OCT. 10T11, AND ENDING SATURDAY, OCT. 24Th. We will give a straight discount of from 10 to 25 per cent; off all lines of CARPETS, LINOL- EUMS and OILCLOTHS. We find we are over- stocked in thee lines, and they must be reduced. All the newest patterns and designs. You'll also find a number of Carpet ends at Bargain Prices. REMEMBER ---14 DAYS ONLY. We solicit comparison. Highest Prices for Sarna Produce. T. A. Mills WI`r°;A.: