HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-08, Page 24 V., % ­ _�'F­1171" "I -r7lom"rnm-�7-'q , .... � I I � , � '0 .� AP�T"W- , I � , (� I � * . . __., kloveoMR4 001 01 mwm A I A= 01 , � ­ . .� � ­ . � . _ I . Loma! I" .. , . � ­ . , , I � I , � . . . , "o- ­"I"p- M.4 ----11 ­­ ­­­, ­ . I .. � ­ b . 41 04� , 11�ro`_10 \ � W! I �'Z, V b � . !Z -W . 7 , \ . ! , ! . I ___ -11 - I.- �. 'W' " , 94- ,�- 14 - 1 , " � l� r 01 , I !" I ,� 11� - : .� I I , �, � I 1-4 "!SA01100,11001 ... !`!4 �"10A'10100400000. 0 010*91 I . I , Ir ! !'�P!­ 1'1' .'.'1,0!'� � �r' " ! '� " 1 !!71� 4 ' I � I '. -*W-W."�.. - , , , � I � 4 - , !!!e`.'!!' !" �, ';� t . . r' ­ I - \ - � - '_ I ­­.. .1. I . , " I Ir I - ,r I .1 ­ � . . . I � . � I � � . I � . . I ­ .1 .1. 11 r mr, , M! igmt ffl"__yA"10"_00 � � - 1 I I , 114 � , , - . 40--�,O-_ -A., '4110 tomFlo wais 'sk tnot, ot t . t 40W. -111, ... I I .02=10 . fairly briouly. Wholm, Iota foro xepolv, -constantly followed loy A score of mon M11114 - ; __ -?on th 1EMM07 good orders lot, fAI1,4nd winter linvA, I and boys, who 1411 over one another ODDS AND ENDSO _.d � , Alit 4 .4, , ks. Winghom Advou I 0. . lwak build as whiall Is, 11til . .. Ing manufftettirers are busy. Collea. to do his, bidding, One boy was given I 4 . 40 ' foundation of the Apostles And, p0p,105) I And T . . � .1 r , &-sus Christ litingelf bolug tile, owex oor. �� tiolla are allowing is better Wile following $60 to buy a postal card, and at one r 1 4 "JV 4 Upon some impravcniout lit country little dry goods store McAdams bought Littli"Thints Gathered Up Worth r I ner-stA,lue, in U11 . PW W NW � ACCIDENTS. - ItALLO r1ropri0w � I _ L whoul, all tho building % . L . L ,0W fr,juied together, groweth 'ilito An koly L I L �,�,� _ trade. two five -cont handkerchiefs, for which T"00 � ,�. �,_** . . )rd', (J�.Iih., 2t2O, 21). r , Ok� � OttAw&. There Is now a 0004, demand lie paid $20. the 110,1414g, ' -1ES temple in tile I'( . , " 1, 1 .4 r : I I L .,ia, tile oreetion of t0114 living tomple IL, 1. 4 . L ' , for most. staples At wholwale, although %'his evening lie took Ills brother I r r ­ I .1. �11 - . ­ . r ake part 11 by faith in local retail trade has beeit, a little quiet Ono man Killed alld Woman FatiAlly Xohn, who is a, bartender, down to _ . LUS01f li.-QCT. ;I, 190% '. - Wlie . 0 him TORONTO MARKETS, the Normandie, a. fashionable a Art- In New York the other 4;vy, 137 per, eWL '�1','rl`,"1Ay Hurt In Now York. , ment house At Thirty-sixth oat- sells lye __— ( Je!pl lye become United t 1, ilorliw tile past weel;.- Ve tile JIUIY Spjri� lUtor our —1. .1 I A I r mad R . re Arral 40d lit court lot- Cruelty Dr. Aign ' God's promise to David -i C111011. 17', and rceel � IrArmers' Natket. nut. streets, and offered to buy it for to horses, And A of them plead"Wr gullt$. r I - 1-2 J r him. Theb rorther alkeil at it, Tugmal I'Alt, tile 6011 of a rJIIpJn4 00,11. F%W*464 $Sproosoo , , , "*$ . 'r ' L . hearts, we beCome 11VIOU $tone$ 'It tlt%t ' 1% 'A I- . . Amw _ 1W 7- oloriou$L odifleo ,which JoboVali through " R -END, COLLISION , The orfrferings Of grain to-aay were " b r . Dtlyiki's de$11T , F , Xow York, -0110i IARA was kil .And MeAdama bought him a $40 , 000. 111441 chief, is to enter TlArv4rd this fall 4 l" "lie N Oct. 5, 1 "00114, 00111111entary.--l. : I Ages is rearin- for Ills Q,NViA eternal small, Wliont was easier, with salq of A. 1, ' I I. 't'.% 13. ,rho. tfilrd promise was that I (44, a woman probably f4thlly Injured, saloon instead. And The Brockton Tittles expres build it liouie -for tile Lei d. (v 2) abod I . 200, bushels of F L, try to b L ,a" a QtA"_-VP0.h*s ft 40011 P-Old"O" � U$0 --"I'110 M116v(1010 iliould be t1le 4011 of QQ4 , all at 90c a bushel. 040 el e other men And wolnen slightly Itope that 110 AV,.011,t L o4rd, him- V14M * - r , a" 400WOM4 0 slow L David 6at hi, )its ho "I 1)xvials seed � - Oa,ts firmer, IQO, bushels selling at 44 4.e. Frei& Runs Into An .t r tw v " ' '_ ,— child, with I;kvuria, it) ;L ilemalar aellso. father. - -, sop, . - r . hurt, and four autos wero more or less self, L. ­­­ 1. ... � .. � .4 1 r. : - - 4 VmA now fairly `Iarta - 3 fill, rhaar- to 45c, Barley steady, 600 bushels ' * , HIS SON-IN-LAW JApan's, debt !a Aom6 $200,OW,000 grect. oil, to it ,U�i3 , , reluarkable proallse applied 1) . wind Illit]. 04c, to Illove .Vhl,, Nea Winul peg* damaged in a series of early morning . qple ,qo1omoll, but was completely ful- sel L ter than that of tile United 8 J. Po KENNEDYi VAP UPS` `11% �, of uletulliena And glory, Tito P" -ling at .55, to 080, ,motor accidents to -day, The (lead man � tates, I , loso - weiv United, t1w arl-*� ill Wanisr I , wa"i ou )Ioullt- zioll� 11;1111�folily in J04us .0hrist. Dairy produce *i fair Supply to, 'Tile uso of muAllp, i1i.stoft4 of gla-ds, 'ices were l'ollewod. Winnipeg, Oct. 5�-A reAr-end col- ii, And I., - Roosevelt to be Presidept the religious serl out , IV, David's prayer (vs. 10-V). "Dav- day and prices generally firm, But- lision Wtwi-a two westbo%114 frOghts was Edward Ryan, of Brookly , 11L dairy win0wa is said to lesen tile 4KWbo 44: ipis Meitt" 20404. Assod*004 David, Ill 1114 p,,kince of cedar, looked id's address to God tQ1381stO oil 1. Huln- ter brought 26 to 28c per lb. and eggs here took place shortly after the woman most severely hurt is Miss After Eight Years, 41allger from tuberculoobi germs, , � � , . Upon tile 1))Ree of worsliti) for tile 11.1tion, bl,i thauksgiving for t�ho Undeserved fav, 26 to 28c per dozen. 'Poultry easy ut,ar . - Josephine Wagner. They were struck by rVb.e widow and the son-in-law of 1) 40KO uwaLw W, XWWOM - , - .,r. and saw only a tell ok. shown to hill,, a ilia house (vs.. 10 es firm, witIl receipts midnight. The first train was stand t which must 40011 . 114 ,i , '�!' apo" iomosid" load to Diseases go We .0salo' tent had decayed. I A. Of 20LYloc"'iukk I(I At $,13 to $15 lilt, at the water tAnk a mile out 4 big touring car, which tore through Rock Island, Ill., Oct. 5,-IfTheodore Robort Luodekin 1, *nifest ads, whicli so � g willou . I 9,, of St. Louis, ill set. asop sad OblUk'". . , praise lot, God's past In 10 -a. - 110,,,, up tile affairp of his estate, dis. deolky, its tile M 19). 2 , 01 %hed. into it. Three Ljvill�stou street, Broo t. . - . It did not seen, right and fitting for 004 ijoils of jjj.,� glory ill And to Israel (vs. a ton, One load of rye strAw brought latter one o, klyii, early to- Itooseyelt for Prosiden 6 apin eight yea. ra covered that the doctor h44 )use -,,vllile tho 14ord . $15, while oat straw is quoted at $13 of the crew on the second train wem , not sent 000" lk"_� to 4 9. aLf I to 0 P, 016 king to Itv,p in a lie, , 20-2�), 3, Petition for the final fulfil, - I I I., of the Adolphus- Busch, the brower, a bill for, � � I I ­ I ,.,I did not hollor (10(1 03-27) .11 Ob- to $14, injured; one of them;, Brakeman Dal, day, while Mr, Ryan And Miss Wagner from now," was -the declaration I , . . . 1. . dwoit in a tent� It . t, ment of the pronlisO (NN9, from an enter- President's son-lit-law,Congressman Long. s nor I- filgion." Tito rophet Itaggat t , serve that althouijh ,tile divine PrOmIqQ Dressed hogs Are lirfit at $9.0 for I,ey of Keitom, haa soule ribs brOkon wore oil their way home worth, in a speech lie made yes eve"41 ),cars Prior to the foriner's death, DR ROBT. C. REDMOND .roalied, lie was talument. Ryan was instantly killed, WrdaY to so they wnt Busch a, bill for $50,000. , 6 I I . , � 4). live coutur1eq later, uttered lit' V1111% as , suro as Gott Could ma,ko it, yet 'heavy, and at $0.15 to $10 for light. ond his chest was e . a large Audience, that cheared the sent!- 4NII.. Busch thought that a little high . , . � Lord , s robuke to 1114 people, "Is it tinte, David pray,s for its �ulfiluient- Wlioat, Fall bush, _$ 090 $. 000 hurried to Wi4nipeg Goncral Hopaltal and Miss NI'agner sustained a graotitre 4 St. 4, OL (1110116) I ment a.-ain and agiun. an4 Offered $35,000 in siottlevient. Thi�l 21 c. IN a-110 for you, 0 ye, to dwell in your Clefle(l. DO.,. goosw, bush, ,. 0 88 000 oil a light. engine. The engineer re- of the skull gild other serious injuries. ' , r � I Questions.-IVIiat desire did David ex, O'Its, bush. , _ _ , . 0 44, 0,45 , All of The driver of the big car, which, was QQ- Mr, Longworth first proposed that the offer was declined And NW, Busch went 110-114es, and this house Ile waste?" It I an? lybat was the condl- oelved a severe scalp wound. )Republican leader for the next PHYSIOIAN AND SURGRON, ! . 1011611 press to Noth , l3arle 0 58 tile crew oil the first train escaped with - eight to Europe before the me was se y, bush. _ ... 0 55 - cupled by several men And women, turn . . .ttled. ,.irgues ill for a people when tile I tion, ill Israel at that time? How did Rye bush. - _ .. 0 75 0.00 after years be W. 11, Taft, who it .elected, A . � - Out. A scratch, as they happened to be od his power to the highest Ilotch should be re-elected to that office for a " lawsuit is looked for, OWN with VC. Ciblaboul-) � . 4 ' , - . of (,led is neglected -id ( . ge David's Plans? Wily P eas, buall, - - � . - - ... 0 go 0 00 all off th, . IV loin I I � . . I I.. . 2. Then Nathan sl�id_DAN ..)", the Lord chang . .) train At the time. Balley Is bowlixig over Ityan and Miss Wagner, � .second term. . This Captain "Bill" MeDon4ld I I as to whether lie was not DAVid permitted to, build the ]�Tay, per ton ... _ 13 00 1500 ilk A very critica,i. condition, And Ilia re. And sped mway. A few rainutes I%ter a Following Mr. Taft as President do- President, Roosevelt has invited ta go to ' � (lie prophet NAtlift, I � eon no fixed traw, per ton ; .. ..... 13 00 1400, . -obable. big car occupied by several . men was . . I Rhould, buiI4 a fitting 011100 for i'm N'lnple,? NN,.by had there b al . -, Longwortli, Theodore Roose, Afri,pa with -hill, Ia the Texas Raliger I . rst S 10 00 covery is itapi R. VANSIONE . . ared Mi ! it was a noble cle. place fol- the al-10-Whal; was tile fi Dressed hogs ... ..... 0 50 held UP At Brooklyn Bridge4 and'the oc- 'hair for of whom it has been paid that lie is w0rilitp of Jehavall 4 . Da.v 14 7 HOW Butter ... ... ... ... 0 2 0 28 Anot1or wrook occurred at Tache . velt should be returned to the c, , brave 011OUgh to 1�eliarge_ hell witli a bile. , sire, t4le perfecting 4f,the religlou work lic.nor bestowvd upon � e for D , 5 0 station, where a freight wag derailed cupants Arrested. Tito car stopped by the next eight years, *AaZUr= 'AMD *0L=TOA . I Do all, Qtc.-- wotildthe Lord build R,alous *id? Do., creamery ... ... 0 26 28 , c`j Ill, - while . Let of water.') I I steel Ins A,bt, tying Up tue police had both lamps intact, . Offfea"' lie bad alreadY b0gull. P,,ggs, dozen ... ... _ 025 028 ,by a brokex , . . .0 � 10 . 11111110111W #A l� 41 WWS&t rd4& Lou- Wbal. promises did the Lord inalte, to , -raffle for several hours. t to car whicli. struck Ryan. and Miss . I 'Nathail At ouce, without waitill,tv to � 0 Ia all passenger t, I . I Every indication poi rts to the cree, , , I suit tlic Lord, Approved of I Ills proposal David colleerning his family? Who of Chickens, dressed, lb., 0 12 - - - Wagner lost One of its. lamps in tile col- BOTH VERY, -ILL.-, 'tion of a beautiful status of Bishop Phil, 2"T= and told hitil to Proceed lyith ,the work David)s fatally still lives? Of what kina. F owl, per llb� ..... ... � o 09 Q 10 - - - lisiorr; I I . lips Brooks, whic, � � I WD02"fic. . Ducks, 8pring, lb, ._ 0 12 013 Two taxicabs filled with merrymakers 11 wag tile last work of "I of buildina. doin was David'O a type? , ... ...... 0 16 1 0 18 HEAD TAX, . Square in Boston, this fall. . - I I I avil .3-8). Turkeys, lb, . collided at Broadway and 104th street Sentence of Owen Sound Murderer i� � I I If . D, ,,'a desire not granted (Va PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS, Cabbage, -per dozen , . - 0 25 0 35 - early to -day, and the occupants ,were - Bubble," says the Boston Ilerald, jo. DICKINSON & HOLMES .1. ,.file sall1c 111gllt_--4.rbe night wa-4 t1n. 1, The 1a8UffIQiQAcY Of 1111111=* w I's' Onions, bag ... ...... 0 90 1 1 A Complaint to th tossed cars plung04 over Too Much For Them. a new slang phrase coined at Newport. I � . . . � 1.04zognized thile for prophetic visiOns, . � I ptatoes, bag. ... 0 75 1 . 0 United States . ores of tile 061. of had a trifle of a liglibi Word of God-Gcid spake to Nathan. by dom illustrated, It is not Always oer- Pc ... 0 65 on their side from the f is oil lost night" BARRISTERS.. SOLICITORS, erc, a visrioll (11. Sam. 7, 17)� 4. Tell David iain, bevause oul' Plftus And purposes are Apples, b I . ... ..... 1. I 00 1 75 Government. . 11sion, Some were badly bruised, but all �._Judge E. 11 , a bout of cards. But whatever tile Illean. " tile ,Beef, indquarters ... 800 9 00 insisted vpon going to their homes after Detroit, '.Kich., Oct. i ar- in it rhyntes wit 01111111so-w4ror Slock Winosm '_-,N-athau1s first answer to David wft--, good and in general might 'be for � . .1 I .9 It trouble. - 0 forequarters ... 4 00 600 - their hurts had been treated by An All- i -is *and Ilia, wife, of Fort fiiiron, Doti' The Lusitaiiia, the world's record, IL U imaktaw% Dudley Ifolmes. . I I not given under DI j o, edium, carcase 6 '00� 6 50 313nffalo, Oct, 5,�-A complaint has been ur 10, vine Inspiration but glory of God, tliat therefore they repre :1 bulance surgeon. ,Half an lie ter a aged, have suffered *& collapse owing to I I 'I'll ft t 1, e sviit the 'will of God for vs, or tbat in ' , Mashing transatlantic lhier,. burns 100 was"only ilia own judgment. Do., choice, carcase.. 7 60 8 00 sent to the United States ilmnigration . I . , error, 11ir, )rOvidence Ze will permit its to, ear- touring car bringing & party home from the revival of the tragedy of several tons of coal a day. . might not continue to encourage ­ tem OUC He UIELY have Other Plans Mutton, per cwt . ... .. 6 00 8 00 authorities at Washington by a Buffalo tile Bright )n Beach automobile raoes months ago, ,,vlien their daughter, Mrs. J, A. M 0 R T 013- N rry out human- � ­ Veal,, prime, per cwt_ 7 50 10 00 into a lamp post at 103rd street james F. Creighton, And her two daugh- While Walcutty Pike was standing on or leave 1),tvid to ca. to. build a hous . rushed I � a street corner in Woreest sirea the Lord. spoke to Nathan And for us, David's purpose c Lamb, per cwt. ... _ 8 00 9 50 Merchant regarding the, ease of Joseplv c er, Mass., re, (;oa for the Tiord was right !A itself"and atid Broadway. The machine was wreck- ters, were murdered at Owen Bound, leypaled Ilis, ,yill in the iliatter. Kremonezky. of Vienna Austria, who re- . lid ocintly a swarm of be" settled on him, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR . CoUld have spakt:11 directly to'David, bat was no doubt the offspring, of a desire The Butter Trade. contly came with a lette'r of introduction c(A' and All the occupants were thrown Ont,, by the husband of the woman a Mr. Pike was not disturbed, but had a . I Ife kleilrc-d to put honor upon. Ifis pro- to glorif I y the God of Israel who bad The .price of butter has advanced ki I to tile Buffalo merchant. After the Aus- out on the u -tone paved street. They the steii-fathei of the two girls. The 11RU brought to him and gently pushed ItIONZY TO LOAN I ph ts and preserve Da,vid's regard for ei,�,Ilc such great things for him. God's Denmark, Great Britain, the United trian had visifed Buffalo, a were treated by a doctor who lives near nows that Croighton had been sentenced tilt% queen bee. and her followers into it. . th'L'ill. Tito . Ot Ile- Purpose in bringing hi'll to the throne, States and Canada, and . ceording to the scene, and were sent to their homes. to bang for the triple murder has caused 99now-Iforton Block. WIT19b.arn. Q a $halt 'lot build -IN' . OP0 04 Our tile complaint, lie went ,to Toronto and . . I - - - .. the aged couple. to become seriously ill, Now the bee$ are furnishing lioncy for __ . I I I - ;, 1) n t however was not. tha,t lie might build London correspondents, writes, says Tviontreal, and oil his'return to this city - - __ 'Mr, Pike's family, Cause a lionse should not be built , , . and grave fears are entertained for Mrs. not at that Wile, noi by David. "The rea- Him it 'house, but that lie might build the Montreal Bulletin: -"There. is no lie -was held up by immigration inspoe- Nebraska Methodists in conve-lition -kingdom of Israel. The Approval Of doubt we are going to have quite a WHITE P AGUE Harris, who has been %uite feeble since Wellindton 'Mutual - - sors were probably: 1, The temple was thf, all tors at Black Rock, oil, the border here . L.. i - the murder and the funeral of the vic- have adopted a resolution asking inem. . I to be a type of the church of God, a godly people is not sufficient. Nath pinch In best butters during the ne:�t and compelled to pay a hand tax of $4 tims, which was held in Fort Huron. h oil tell not to vote for any ; . kingdom of pence carried on by peaceful sadd "Do all I that is in Ohio llefLyt; for two or three mclaths, and it would ap. before lie ,was admitted to this country. u wlifo will not Fire Ins. CO. I - God'is with thee" (v. 2). But "bile word M I B ,I - i catididate for Congress nicasures, and bringing peace, whilL pear that prices are likely to be fully The complaint also says a promilleut Dr. Koch's Views May Cause Stor , promise to vote a,gainst, Chunou for . [ David Avas a man of ,war (I. Chron. 22, of God" compelled. Nathan to disapprove main:tained," London manufacturer who came to Buf- I ­ ROKE JAILS Speaker. Colotablished 1340.) i . * . $,; 28, 3), 2. Tito king(lom was ]lot yel, what lie At first approved, not liocause . Live Stock. falo through Canada was also hold up I .In Congress. � I plead Qffloo-4UMMR, ONT - sufficieptly established to allow David it was wrong in itself, but because at Blaek Rock and compelled to pay tile . . A cousin of the German Emperor is Mks taken on all classes or insur I able pr*4 '1071 '.O take e and thought froin God's purpose was something different. Receipts'of live stock at the city inar- dishwasbor in New York, . so nitich thu I tax. Similar objectionable cases were , portr Sol tb@ cash or premium note system its organization and conquesta As would Note: 1. Wo may not be able always to kebP as reported', by the. railways, weie Washin-ton, Oct. 5, --The International Dangerous Criminal Escapes From a A Des. Moines man buys his mot -be IAN= 0016DIA MAUS D.LVMSON, 120 car loads, composed of 1,555 cattle, cited in the complaint. '7' . r - be r4uired to build such it temple. It understand why we are thindered from . - - - . Congress 'bli Tuberculosis -was agaill in ill -law five poumds of candy every ,,veok. , 3 - - - . Belleville Prison. ' vr4oA4*4c Seecrot&M had not yet reached its proper . end gOing forward wben we axe conscious ,603 hogs, 2,402 sheep and lAmbs and general session this morning At the Na- A,crowd of 1,000 Bostonians recently 1 3. The tainple thitt our motives Are pure and that we 94 calves. JOUN urivam .proinie,ed limits. OUld seek only the glory of G generally BACK TO LIVERPOOL tional Museum, the seven sections of the BellevilIei Ont., despritch- A se followed a wo.man'who wore it knee. AsssL 'WInglearn, ODL he built much more magnificently Ill I od', but Goffle The quality of fat cattle . - I -Ing having broligh, nsation. length "common sense?' skirt, and so an- -1 Day.iXs son in the nd He will -tilde Nvaa not good. There was an abund:ance . distinguished gathei I peaceful tNes whiell ways are alot our ways a 1. . escape was made from the county jail noyed her by their jeers and rudeness .2 - Da us arigrolit (Tsa. 55. 8;, Jor. 10, 23. Psa. 37. ose last night the lengthy pru. I 11 - .' e gramme mapped out for a minute study -11 which sold at- glve-awoy prices. Nin C. ,P. R. Strike -Breakers Will to a el here this morning at 9 o'clock, wfien Wit- that she was. forced to Appeal to tile vid, Lis warrior and sLatesuinn, wou� of trashy stuff that nobody wanted � 2 , - , bring to the kingdom. 4. It would re 23). 2. If our one purpose in life is to pollee. � c, of every possible phase of the tubercli- liam Brighteliffe, a young Englisdiman, - I quire all the time, And skill, and wealth know and do the will of God, He will There were none on. sale and. none he Deported. logis problem. sentenced a few days Ago to one year, in A young New Yorker who wag a I , �. � Are th;; vot fail to let us know what His will wanted. .. . o q if David's reign. merely to prep, George Rowntree -bought. for. the Uar- ,R* The storm centre of discussion prob- charged with steali­ a kiss said he .1 materials of the temple." is concerning us (Johii 7. 1% Phil. 3, 18). the Central Prison on the clittrive of . , tp - abIr will relate to Dr. Robt. Koell's rad- �c 1 5. Since .,., I brought up Israel - 3. He wbo is truly devoted to the ,wIll ilia Albaitoir Company nine car loads of A Montreal despatch: Nine of tHe em. 1, entering and stealing some money alick Nvouldm't have eared for it if it had been , . ted a Ition denying the unity of tlt,� . from the land of Egypt. From tent to of God is satisfied to know that God's blitchers' mittle at following prices.- ployees impor by the 0. P. R. to posi other articles from the resi(lence of hi offered him. The weight of this philo- I . 110kiPTLY S F—DURE. I tent-Durlug all this time, about four NAM is being Accomplished whether, he Best butchers' $4.50 to $4.80; medium Wco-the places of strikers will be sent human and bovine tubercle bacilli, and "I Write for our' Interesting books" Inien employer, George Wilson, Sidney town. soplj!cal declaration impressed the Judge - hundred and fiftf years, God had dwelt be'followingout what He had Purposed to good. but�hersl, $4.25 to $4-50, cows, any attempt on the part of those.who ship, eluded Ills keepers. Jailer Ketell,. so deeply that he postponed his decision. t , hicnic as undesirables. The manage- an � tagonize him in this view to place the I & Help" and 11 Haw you are swind.jed. * among Ills people-tha ark had bee or not (I Sam.. 3-. 18; Job. 2. lo; Isa. at. - Z, ,it , �2.50 to $4.25; canners, $1 to $2.50 nierit of the company, failini by re- son had stepped into the Sherifn office. Mrs. F anny 'Wells Embre, wh9ae deAtb u4 no a flough sketch or inodel of your in- . per owb. Congress oil record will develop stubborn occurred in Now York city sever , Al days I tion arimprovewcut and we will tellyon . I moved from place 39 8.) peated warnings to get a section of Upon his return the prisoner was miss. = our Wnion as to whether it is probably to place. I" ii. The�temporal Application of tile Feeders and Stockers -Best feklers, the , . I - - - . Ing, Up to tlig hour of writing he had ago, At tIlO Age Of 81, NVAS national re. outow Rejected okpplicationshaveoften The true house of God is his . men to preserve order, had re. opposition. — - - - ity prosteuttd by *;. We people; there would he make his abod, promise. This must not be lost sk-ht 950 to 1,051) lbs. each, at $3.50 to *t3.90 course to the courts. A umber of not been captured. He -wore'the prison P",esolltative of the State of Now York On siier4ssfu ,z . ce, duct fully equi offices IA Montreal gy,e,d,,,1,,,, . in the hearts of his own. A humm, 01, God intended to establish a lini ot Per cwt.; best feeders, 800 to 950 �lbs. the meu dralik so much that they upm INSULTED PRIEST. garb, and ivas. seen by several parties. on the Sanitary Commissios in the war � N Washington; I . 's to prolnpt_ heart that Opens itself to God is atel- temporal kings- in Israel through the erLoh, at $3 to $3.50; best stockers, 650 set the immediate neighborhood of the I He is.said to be a dangerous character. for the Union. . . " ly dispatch work and quicl.1 secure, Patent.4 . so broad an the invention. IlUestriftrences pie more pleasing to him than the staW- descendants of David, but this promise to 800 Ilia. caell. at $2.50 to $3,, medium Angus shops, and yesterday thirteen This is the third escape from this jail !a Mrs. Lucinda HInsdale Stone is the lumisbed. P. . liest structure of gild and marble; and a. ,was conditional, and David 'so under- sockers, OGO to 800 lbs. each, at $2,35 to Arrests Nvere made., The men were s a short time. . first woman to have her portrait Irting In I ftients procumd lbrouxb Marion & Ma- . dwell- cen ' . . - o . Tbri Tape church that really has the Lord at a Meating of Catholic r. �: - = . Ive special notice without chargo In stood it (I IOngs 2; 2;. 1. Chi -on. 28, 9). $2.60;'comirjon stockers, 500 to 700 Ms. arraigned In the Recorder's Court yes- e ., � the THIabigan. State sides be- over. we newspapers dintributed throughout I � I . I , I . � Capitol. Be th Ooklilion. Ing in its midst is In the sight. of, God So of all Cod's promises to men. , The Odch� at $2 to $2,25. .. torday on the charge, of disorderly T.O.,esters In Detroit. ing, 4 plo'41el' ln the woman's club move. - I -patent husintgo %4 ItaullfaLl- more ,precious than the noblest slioNvy little word 41V frequently involves all Milkers and Springers-Therp wa& 'A conduct. Their naines are: John Gib- . PINK ROT INAPPLES. ment lu the West, It is said that to Mrs, MR&I.ngiucers. . . building which §.ets all the world won- the difference betwean tho, favor of God strontr inaiket for milkers and spring- son, Joseph Serial, John Managhan, I Stome's efforts,, niore than to all - - I --- � y othel . � Detroit, Oct. 5.-A curious scene op- one cause, wn8 due the opening of tile fttent Experts and Solicitors. derin-.1)---SchI1ir. And his frOwn. When the conditions are ers at $30 ,to M each. . John Alexander, James Wilson, George . MAW -ON & MARION Ia. 9pake I a word -God had given no cemplied with, good foalows, otherwise Veal Calves, -Prices ranged from $3 Lally, George Donnelly, John Wright curred at yesterdays' session of the bi- Large Quantity of Them Condemn. University of Michig to women stud- New York U Ia Wld'F, T1ontr4A1 . . I Ali . gan .. I . command to any one to build him a evil, to $6.50 per owt. . and Joseph Howitz. . ennial convention of the Women's Cz - ents, ofam I I Atinntic Bldy,%Vjt%h,n9to" P -G- . ed at- Montreal. - - ______11- � house. David. was getting Ahead of tile Ill. The spiritual Application , of tile Sheep and - Lanibs.--mIteeeipts large; , The Recorder heard the facts and de- olic. Order of Foresters, ,wheii Rev. Fit- In the county jail at Lincoln, Neb., Dr. . - . . I I . Lord, "There is danger of running be- promise,, "The posterity of David .could ill -lees ea.5y, at $3.25 to $3.60 Per awt. Aided that the men are undesirables Earl Truell, a dentilst, forcibly took I fore we -are sent. Z&11 must keep within only 1, forever by runn -ted. They 'will be ther McCorry from the platform de. Ottawa, Oct. 5.-Th6' Department of three gold teeth from the mouth of Ed *_ .the limit of knowledge." 7. From Mo -Ing out 'in a for sheep; laillbs, $4 to $4.70 per cwt. and should be depoi notmeed High Chief Ranger Mrs. Eliza- - r person who lives forever, that is, in the Hogs.�Receiptso large; prfo�s easy at huld in Jail Until a ship is found Agreulture is issuing a wArning to ap. JURY WEPT., ab�up-cote-This would rernind David ot ' - wl"ch bet,h Rodgers far having ordered priests ward J.- Reed, a prisoner, who had given � I the great things God had done for him Messiall." So his kingdom could only .$q.75 per cowt., with prospects for lower vill c�4y them back to Liverpool. excluded from the convention. Sul). pie shippers that- pink rot appears to a bogus cheque to the dentist. . itlid'ifirove, to him that though lie was last forever by running out in the same quotations. , I ,I -, r I porters of 'Mrs. Rodgers declared that be very prevalent this year, fLnd lience To Bertha Schultz, a young dressmak- READING Or, POEM BY LORD BYRON not -permitted to build the 0 temple ho person into an everlagting kingdom. This . . the temporary exclusion of Father Mc- the shipping of Apples not perfectly er in Hamburg, Germany, $10,000 was FRE ES ACCU,$3141). Avas honored by the Lord. ].Is would can only be fulfilrW in the kingdom of OTHER MARKETS. . VOICELESS -ISINGING. Corry and another priest yesterday was [rce from scab, and showing any sigris bequeathed on condition that she should ., I David's "greaier Son?' David's prayer ot marry a man engaged in an intellee- Chiengo, Oct. 5, -Cantos from Lord. also he reminded that lie was indebted as interpreted by other scripturts,, indi- The Cheese Markets. I ' . due to a mistake of the door tenders. of pink rot, is particulrorly hazardous. It Byron's laknoxis story of "Don Juau;, .to God for al his good intentions to do A FEATURE OP THE 11EW Father McCprry, however, declared that r f fruit were examined tual occupation. She Isalready onga e read by an eloquent IcLwyer, resulted I great -thin,". His first stop ki't,ward from eates that lie so understood the promise. C-owansvilte, Ont.--To-day 18,creamer- THOUGHT SERVICES. the colored waiters who acted as door h in Montreal to -day by thL to an acccuntant, And she and h r fian. yesterday ill. tile acquitta.1 of .,�Iartia I See Psa. 89. Compare v. 13 and PEA. 2. - offered 179 boxes butter; 10 factories tenders -had insulted him and laid see are now endeavoring to perau e the a lowly life came through God's favor. 7; 80: 20; Luke 1, 32; Heb. 1: 5. ies; .. Vt()' Dominion. fruit inspectors And were law that �Iie work is purely,mec 1 nical. Schleyer, who has oceu oil trial in Ken - Be ruler-Froni ,following the sheep Je. offered 8fo boxes cheese. Salc,B,'butter, lent hands on him, At the order of the found practically worthless as a result esha, Wis., for six day:s on a oliarge of hovah took -him to be Ills "servant," a IV. The certainty of God's PrOluises. 257 boxes at 2514c, 240 at 25cl 30 at The Faithful Will Be Taught to Sing High Chief Ranger. If -lie session Adjourn- of this peat. The shippers will lose An Italian nobleman, who is a 1 ow- shooting his wife, Martha Sehley(r, with word of high dignity Applied to. but few God will fulfil his promises. Dougan 259ge, 50 at 25c, 54 at 2514c, 98 at 25o, 30 With -Their Eyes, Which Will Thus Od ill a tUmulb of recriminations aniolIg hemvily On' this week's shipments. er for the seventh time, has erected a , intent, to murder. -persons in the Old TesDament, and also Clark Say$: "Whell You Come to R Pro- at 247,fic, Ali sold. Sal" cheese, 49 boxes the delegates. Mrs, Rodgers was assist. . I - � - . mise, however rich and glorious, address- . Be Xade Perfect -A Squint Will Be - - - castle with seven towers at Biarritz, one Tito defense of Schleyer, as au- h Lime]. 8, Out off— at 12%c, 261 at 1239c; all sold. ed from tile room in a fainting condition. in memory of each of his wives. . nounced by his attorneys, was to have enemies -At this time Jils enpmles were ed to believers, stop and put ,your name Loildonj Ont -To -day 10 factories of- � a Discord. . --- . 11 I � I I TOO LATE. ' , but -as the subdued. Made thee a nalue, ete-De- to it. Say to yourself and to ' God, fared 500 white and 359 colored; bidding - INIrs. 'Mary McGeehan, who was 106 been the "Unwritten. law sides all this watchfal, care and fh� ,u,. 'That means me, now,' and so appropri- 1216 to 123-16c; no sales . I BOGUS BILLS, . last month, has lived on oatmeal all her . ease -,vas tried a special plea of in- . . 1e the . ate by faith the untold -wealth left in Sb Hyacilithe, Quo, ­To -day 300 boxes N'eiv York-, Oct. 5.-'Witli the Rev. life, and works about the farm at Brock- sanity was made, and the jury after cess which he gave David in ba,ti , Airs, Foote, Marsh for leader, the Now Thirty Local Option Petitions In agh, Donegal, Ireland, with bar children con.,Adering the matter for more than Lord bad given him the hearts of the .your Father's legacy." God promised butter At 20L.c; 600 boxes cheese at Thought Chuh c Ger I four hoursj decided that Sehloyer was people and est � ablished Ills character David eonoerning his son, "Ile shall build 12160 . Ing Milton Man Arrested at Oakville Manitoba Declared Invalid. and grandchildren, insnue whvu lie shot tile Wollmn, but abroad. This was not for the sake of tile an house" (Y. 12), And when the tem- 'Watertown, N Y,--Clredse sales to-dity, ot which is that Any one. may become I I A cheap yet atirable pavement has that be lowd tnfli��,y r,e'orered his san- more earthly dominion. It was first of pie was dedicated, Solomon said, "&nd 5 300 boxes at 12% to 1294c. Anything he wishes, was permanently For'Passing Them. been ]aid by tile city of Xanl;ato, Mich., I ). I ' 41 MIXture It . Tile July 11,11d idlo, "not gui; 0 the Lord bath performed the word that � Winn � ty. .L I ilieg, 31an., Oct. 5.-A bomb- consisting of of crushed fine schley(r Nimit oil the stand an(J. told all a type of Messiah's reign, to whom � Canton, X. Y,To-day $00 tubs butter established in Brooklyn YcELerday. . . God had promised the heathen for Ills In. he spoke, and I am risen up in the room at 27�jc; 2,200 boxes cheese at 123,1c. shell was thrown into tile 'temperance stone, gravel aild tar, top -dressed with . - his' wi(e*s (outhict with Iterniall heritance, and, that Ilia gospel should be of David my' father, and Wit on th6 Voiceless siaginp is to be one of �'he Oakville, Ont., despatch: Thomas Crof ranks to -day, when it was announced cement and sand. It cost but 80 cents a of " carried, to the ends of the earth. Hith. throne of Israel, as the Lord promised, Liverpool Apple Market. features of flis Now Thought servtce­�, zier, formerly of Milton, Ont., but now that thirty out of thiry-five Or thirty- linear foot, 30 feet wide. Xotehler, whum he h and have built A house foe the name of Sallie tinjo, lie shot the %voluall oil .LXI,,-.t.y orto, God's promi,ges had been general, Woqdall & Co. cabled Elienjames: 0,. .1%jra . Golleral Daniel E. Sickles, the one- lQth 1q.,4t, lie declared his wife's fte- the Lord God of Israel ...... there hath . .MarsIf explained last night. Be- said'to be residing in Toronto, was ar- six petitions that have beon made Ill _ auggh I i-psted, here last evening on n.nd no tribe, much less any person, had 000 blils. selling. Only finest fruit want. lievers in. New Thought are to be t, tile ellgrge the same number of mu�igipajjties , . I, - throughout the Province of M�nitoba_, legged Veterans whose health is not of tions inade of him a wand(-rei, and booncliosen as th. ancestor of the 'Mes- not failed one word of all his good pro. od. Alarket Glutted with English Prop At Low to sing with their eyes, and b so of passing bogus five dollar bills, Cro- Asking � the bes has been joined in Now yorl, ]lilt 4a.h.,Spence. "Fame, like al inise" (I Xings 8- 20, 56). Some of these y to submit the quostiqn. of local t oil W8 rettirti to hbq home lie I other prosellE. dLing their eyes will be made perfect I t, � gifts, lifts Weighty Tesponsibilitles-hence Old Teata'ment promises to David sug� zier came to town Yesterday to at -tend option to the electors at the iriekt ().n- by his wife, who ban for 25 years been foUnd the house clow'd to him, with to be Used for the good of men And. the gest Now Testament promises to us.- "I British Cattle Markets. and there will be to longer need for the Fall Fair and pafmod about a dozen suing elections, are invalid because separated frovi hIm mid living with )ter nothing to cou,fuit lilln �xmpt hig two gt�ry of God?, will appoitit it place for niv people" (v. London. -London. cables foi cattle Are spectacles in Brooklyn. of tile spurious Diiis in different stores, they -were -not filed prior to Oot. lot, Aron a, to 11 of w oni have died within little children, No said thi-.4 had mado, Sangs Nvil! be illustrated with ster- _____-q- 01 UL Oo0q promises to David (vs. 0- 9) -, "I go to prepare 4 pface for you" steady at 111fi to 124fie per lb., -dressed �1 always purchasing a small article. 1.10 e in E ain, Tho gen. him hisane, His votilis(+ declared that eolsticon views and tile f4ithful will STARVING IN BOX CAIR erftl'� sono Itatitoll Ick -les, recently see- 1,%Ieltley�ij- had been like the ranion,; liero 14.) 9. IV]]] appoint .... will plant (It. (John 14- 2) -, .111 will establish his king- ,,ight; refrigerator beef is quoted at went to the Opera llouie in the eveliffig, � f crioan P * od o 6 be told to sit in silence and read the rotary of the " gatiall at of 33yroti's poem. - * I V.) -Or rather, have appointed, and dom" v. Ill -;'_'It is your father's gh to 10yge por lb. and b6uglit a ticket, 11�r the show, giv. , * pleaskjo go . have pinnted my people Isroal. in the togive you tile kingdout" (Luke verses to the accompaniment of 'music. entudIty Student Sehled Up by His Athens, is also wit his father. 117hilo the jilry bru%h�dlthp tears ,j* - I ith Ing another bogus bill in payment. The 'IC from th-Or checks, 14eivart with. gre b . land of CinatA In these words the 12, .2), "I Nvill be Ills Fathor" (v,. 13)� Bradstreet's Trade Review. � But*tbe singing m-dst all 'Lie done w Companions. ' A woniAn's SAQ.rt Skirt T44guo lifts '$ � discourse turns to the future of the "and I � vill be a Father vilto you" (I Cot, tile eyes and soul. There is no need Mt. Alfred Hilimer, notided faelingy read cantos from "Don ,jualal Montreal: The arrival of cool weathei the bill nnd- notified Chief McCleary, , Lexington, Xy., 'Oct. 5.-Thro6dh 11 been formed Ill Londoll. Tito members pvoplp. The sense is-, After -.ill these; 0: 181� has to sorne extent helped the retail making discordant noises in order to I sinnil bind themselves to wed iffid compared tile character of LI[till- 0 Ves, but so a of who, aQlompanied by Mr. Hillmert board- sensational story told here by a r dresses which bro manifestations of favor in the past up V. GOA honora those who serve him. trade in fall. goods, which, up to now, airor,'Mr%, Marsh ,belie m ed the 0.40 )Radial train, suspecting the boy, it is regarded as certain that Willie will not sweep the, floors and pave. in. "Don Juall" to tile Konoslix , , to this blme� the Lord will for the future Although David's desire -*Vas refused, yet d been quiet. General wholciale tradi, , tt<-r followers are a little anxious regard% mftn would got on. When the ear stop- C. Smith, who disappeared front tilt, nients, and so gather tip dust and mi. mail who had returned only to find il'o ible oficet -of a squint oil - or his ]ionic And fireside wrecked And his assure Iii.i people a position and in ex- God permitteJ him to prepare all the Ids 9, steady tone . In dry goods 8hip. Ing the POW . ped at Chisholm's Crossing Crozier 8tfi.6 Unh,crsity oil Tuesday. night of olics. istence, whetein'tliov sliall no ,more ex. precious materials for the temple; to flolodics produced by the eyes. children turned aga.inst him. Schleyer 1, brough the eyes will be is charg(d ftlio NvIth shooting K oel I I o. r, itents are going forward weil and rat l,,:j 11 ic�inf�ing t boarded it, and was promptly taken in- last week, Nvas overpowered and gag- . A peb cat belonging to the Pleters- Perience tile affliction and oppres,tion gather the gold, silver, precious stone$ tter orders Am coming in. Values aiv of - to custody. Crozier admits passing the &d during the course of a liftzingr at burg, Transvaal, post office, was recent- I - that they suffered from godless nations. And goodly cedars, Preparatory work steady. The, movement is not up to that I iniinite behefit," the leader of the Money, And clai'ms to have received it'at tile university, placed in a Queen & ly aocidentally tied up and sealed Along and ,After the verdict tho court To- ­TAnge. . everywlivre is of great value. The foun- usual at this time of tile yea New Thought said. "We (10 1140 mande4 him to jail foi- trial on tills r� but pl'ob- l t' Use Xiagara Falls in payment for work done. Creseent box civ, the door closed and with postal matter in the Jobannesburg 10. will build thee an houso--God'g datioins determine the strength of tile pects are very favorable for future busi our eyes cnou4gi.. and that is bile reason He is well dressed And. it gentlemanly Smith shipped Away, Tito eat Nvaq bagi ailing on to the contractor's fteolisittJon. but reduced the bail front go many persons are minpollea to wear wago" %,000 to $2400. Sohleyer was formerly 0ovenant promise to David was three. completed buildlng� .Such is the Sunday ness. Collections tire beginning, to 81how looking man., 8hip d out of the yards, but Ito trace to tile station, and sent awsty $out" by a reisident of Rochester, N. Y. ' fold. Arst. lie promised th&6 the bo'u10 school toaeber's work- laying fouilaft- 'the lllnp��voliiollt expected �Vitht, tile 4011. glasses." . I., _-, - .. of irean be found. The seal on tilt, the night train. A telegram was sent A I i, of David should be established forever. tious, preparing materials frr the heaven- eral malketing or crops. . I — . 400 . I . ear was broken by thp, students who to the Johannesburg office, and a little - I" I Ho had a name of renown, And lit was ly temple. David's own son was Allowed I I III later the following reply was received: I .Wronto: .ehe whoWsale trade fit d - CHANGE. tire mid to litivo sealtd it tip again. Also to have A family of renown. Ile to but & The police and the faculty of the uni- "Cat returnink by 0.10 p, in. inait to. 'Id the temple. And as "the hoftot goods has been more active durint, the CZAR IN A LA W., SUIT TAKES NO LIAON ESCAPED.. , had been a man of war, and through of the son 18 the honor of the father �pftst week-. Cool weather ha.q I " versity are, At loggerheads over the in- night." Tito oat subsequently arrived - him Israel was ostablishod. it, firm, deep- multiplied An hiludredfold,11 F30 David the deniand for fall lines. Most; �01c�t-r,� MINER DOM PHILADELPHIA AT vogtiiation, A- detail of police was after its 210 -mile return Yooted, living nation, The lo of journey none Had lirailled Two Cows aa4 a Calf . Uftdation rejoiced ill tile prospect S010mbb's coming forward Are for proilipt deliv- Supreme Court of Canada to, Deal RATE OF $23,000 A DAY. sent to the university to -day by tile the worse for the experience. was laid, oil which he carried out the gi;ry more tilall ill his own, God lion' cry,, but they covet a fairly wide range � )Iftyor, If Anything definite develops A British Army order which has just Before Being Shot. ., work of temple building. 11. will raise orod David with a greater, grander work. With His Casc Arrests will be made. been issued, says Punch, gives the iol- up thy esoed.mw-E,valb to royal rule and Ito rilight not build tile s ott, r wh*I of lilies, Orders for heavy goods allow a. ItIondikot gave B6y Fifty Dollars to Buy I 1, f . � � An 0, y 611 satisfactory increase and the Outlook for , ' lowing, 4s the occasions on which the New Brunswiek, X. J., Oct. &--.,� full. it Poatcatil-Bought His Brothtr a HURRICASru IN WEST INDIES, Union Jack is to be flown- "(1) On An. grown. African lion escaped last night, power. Not tiny of Ills sons living then, wAA to exist OTIly A, few years, but lie future buslnos5 looks bright. Collections Ottawa, Oct. r).--Tlie Czar of Itussia � but front amoiig those who should be could writie the songs which wolild be from all quArters show inivrovoinent. All $40,000 Saloolk-�-Gttve Old V riends niversaries Only, or when apedially to- from tire winter quarters of Loon %Vasli- horn Unto him there should be it seled- $ling thrinighout the agel-those Poalms will fi&urc in a case which comes upbe. I lilies of groceries Are ineving well. . Thousand Dollar Bills, Veggelt at Nassau Driven Out to got quired for saluting purposes; (b) on burn's circus, located between tills c4ty tion for the throne. A graclotia promise 11w`h I Sundays anti, Anniversaries, (e) daily. - to ])avid following his denial from build- %viijoch T'leet every emergency Of 11'k Winnipeg; Trade here and At country fore the Supreme Court at the October. -Six Lives Lost. . h ba,ve kopt go mrLyly feet from afil. points eonthittes to steadily improve. The term beginning Tuesday -next. 1111. it. and Boundbrook, and After having beeit Ing the temple. The kingdom go &Al` Ing andso Iviany liottirtg'trom breakin 0 I Now York, Oct, &_-The Herald has Nassau, NeNv Pi`OVjd0llcC, P411fillia.S, The Erle Railroad has uotiflcA the hunted by kelv.ra And farinera airkii,glit io him should prosper, and through Ills Wh 9* - farinerA Are getting mou#.� f0T' th011' Chrysler, X, V., will make -a motion to , XoW Now Jersey State Railroad Commission was shot and killed by Edward 11adel I o would hot tather be the Author of teeelvod the following despatch from* Oct. 5.-A hurricane swept over Own aou. This waA An honor unexpett- ci-olig ,and Are beginning to pity tboir quash tile' appeal of Russia vs. 11rosko- Providence Yestierday. Thero wiq� 110 that it would make it charge of $9 a this Illoybilig, Before Ills death th it I the imlaortal Psalms, than to laxydbUilt 6, debts, e 01 , I I lakoff oil t round that there is no serious danlagA ashore, but several V08- mile for trabsporting the initrabdra over had killed two co�vc I d ft C411 , On In .% ed And beyond DiLvid's own -plans. "This thougftit(I . Philadolphia.-After fifteen years' ab- � s Al f t g porlsliable templ"al Ttul'y,� Vancouver and Victorift, Whole.ial %vr l!"1119 portion of the laiter Aninial, Promise -was fulfilled, first, In Soloynon, Ood'g promi . as of I's 11amfOlke thankine P jurisdiction. T e Russian was. An offi. sence, during Which lie had boo i sole were blowii out to Rea, and it is esti. Its line lit An observation engine, Tito who recognized the fulfilment of tlil� of flit great ihen that,0a 'Ift the ftrth*' trade is nowaotive in all lines. elal of the 0,arls, who became Involved, mourned for dead, Edward McAduvg united that six lives were lost. thm-ge fol, makilig the Inspectieni on Nero, tile lion, was one of tile eaptive ptomise in his oleva,tion to the throne (V '8) has Won fulfilled to David., ) - that stud the Now York, Siftsqu6annit & . . Quebee., A slight improvement is no- %Vill, a wonlitIl with whom and R trunk- has returned from thef Xlondiki WilenistAd, Island of Curacao, OPt. 2.1 Allill1als kept in it Wootton building. Yes. it Kitigs 8:15-20); tholk lit the line of A. c. A tlooabI6 in trade ,circles, wholesitle And ful of seouritie.i worth mitlious, lie fled wealtby and determined to share his -The captain of the Dutch steamer Wvstern Itallroad At that rAtO Airould t0rdAY he WAS enraged by bping tralvi. David's detwe-adants who Aueeeoded him I— I .64, rebail,,ovor the pro"ding week. the country, wealth with others. He Is now "da. Prilly lVilfielm V., which arrivoil horo Arnotmt to $800. ferrod from ote eage to another. The - HaullIt011 - Tile VOIUme of wh,014�,% IQ I Ito turned up in Winnipeg when his Ing the town" lit tile rtito of $23,000 A - td-dAy, reports that AvhllO in the road. 'Everybody itt ChieAgo has & ga as at door nyi the throne of Judah- and finally 1n.1 ,I , of his . elige ,�vtkq � ac ALLOVER. I :� trade moving contiftues to show so. e 'eldentally left Chri8t in whom t10 P,ropilccly r0f1cliep, its a, -alfgh t I edsh tail out, And be resorted to Ills day. Two ohildreri of the minor s stead of Jaelnel 11alti, on Ropt. �4, it the tUVA I)OPUlAti011 sin" the school unfastofted, and Nero suddenly burst )�_ 111gla'st, fulfilmont. 8A Luko 1,31-33, Ottawa, Out., Oot, 5.�-Tlw Uffil-Iter'. ib&O.Se. Cooler weather lias beltw'd outitik's. lit this way hift location. be. brotlier, Solm, are wealthier by $2,000 storm caught Ills vessiel. Ito out the eonsliq only Makes it 11029,1130, And the from tile eAge into a runway lending to AetA 2-20-31, 13-M, 23,))-'QtM, Bib, of Lallor 14m irceeivoil this ioiegmin tie. wtin movement and country trade - canle known to the RusAiftfl authorities each through tlxo arrival of their long . eablo of the t1arboaril Anchor and left lit, RU I I at galms makes it 2,800,wo. This 19 - adjobting building, whero vaine1q, S .11un It I I �: le. shall build me an house -The 80_40. fl"01" Wintlip0g, "EMPlOyces of 0. P. Vt. - is reported tt little ,note activo. While , And lie was arrested And held at Winhl- lost uncle, while Mrs. McAdams te. tile harbor Without having retelve(I Ills Made by Mr. Givolve, of the Three AM- eI A, horses and 'eattle were kept, ond promise mado to David was that ,love dmided to otdo,pt Kward,of eftell. this Ia trite, the notuaT movemetit itf not pog for extradition. An appeal has been adi'ved $5 in Itundred-dollat bills ekaritnec, Papers. Ile reports that coil. 11(n, Club, � =(IntL401,11vitigontlierlvt,rl�oaxl,, flip 11011F.0, of tile Lor Abould b6 built Itition bor&' (Slattedl, Bell VArdy. ' heavy, but prosp#otq for the eonillig ,,44,.n. , 11TE I ' d - lodgod by tAkli, side. &TcAdams t ion started out to hunt un Alderable ditillAge was dono Ill the Iqland , The howost itpartment liouio In Xow botwotft XbNv llrunswitk and lJound-_ by Dttyid's xt,,A. The, lionAe which Solo- 's - , - -- r - " , . ton are conisidere,d briglit, Country pro- - � T-, t — Ilia other brother, Barney, who Vae 1 of Imiti, I . York wiIt noeouima(latc 170 famillot brook, ,�pied tile hoil projt,l , lilan built continutd. four hundred years, 1 -Tort, Nelson Monteith, U'.nistef Of (11100 Ia geatrall coming forward well, ThomaA W. Back, 184, Amelin, Mteet, enriched in a slniiltxr mannor, Old ....... 41... -111, ----I.,-- , lt1% along th", tilt the time of tho Tkbyloftilsh exile, ,kgricultute, has returned ftom ring. although tho 113 of ridu lifts been I , Totonto, aged about, silty years, qW- Men& whom; Ile had known in Ito. The eornor-iqtone of nri addition to with froill'a to 12 rooms eitell. road, Arinod with it dodbl'�% barrello(t OAr . land, where, with SJ m Whit ty, f0t 111161 ropptly In all Parts nrPlt"Ji�� , The Mexlean (44enAraphic(LI CornlUIA1.61% shot 911h. Alirged Nvith heAvy shl,gs, Ilr,, Aflion It wiliq burned by Xtbuebadfto 'r ATA M n . gloyet, I at tho postoffiee at the ITnion I wla,pd, In County Cavall, were presented Queeft fitf`06t, H'Ast NOW)VtOrl 11 .1 - 4. 011114Y, ill l (2, Ringq 23:A)l but it will r0bUilt, -fit ht� wam enngpd In 1jiv6st.1gating cm tatlon, dropped dead of henrt failure thousand -dollar bills. Qhnr�-h at Toronto wes 1441 oll' MAttair'. bilf4 dilpovoretl 7,670 tmvnq which Wtre 1141d0l, Mono hitolvetted the unhull - tho, elme of the e%116 (Vzra 0.1s), 'gration questions. t,ondon., Bnntn4ms II&P, In pow moving Saturday afti�moon, � McAdams takes iao change and �it, ,dsty. 'llot Officially kllowft to '046. A%1 after Pioveral b1lobt hilled likii, , � A I, Jim