HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-01, Page 80 • TRE WING111A)l ADVANCE, THTJRSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1908. Jamestown, Wroxeter. Whitechurch. 40000�� WINCHAM FALL FAIR. Brussels Fair, Thureda*and Ftldoy Mtse Vance, was in Wirigham, on Mr. Al. Lamont spent Sunday In of this week, Vriday last. Xi"car4lite. Mr. Carr of Wroxeter conducted the Mrs. Oliver Smith is visiting In Sam. Hutchison has moved Into Jas. SITUATIONS A Splendid Success, Fine Ex- services in, tile Hall Sunday night. Brussels this week. Gaunt house on Queen St. vvith, leading business hoU608 hibit, Large Afteadance., Mr. 1101 and, Alias Lizzie returned A number from here attended the Most of the people In the vicinity of Await our graduates. 'tes. to thele home in Ethel last Friday. Wingliam. Fair last week, Whitechurch turned out, to WIughain Fair last Friday, And some stayed LQ0$E-LEAF LEDGER Was Maggie Snell to assisting Air, Allan Rae of Radisson, Sask., to re- over till Saturdayovening.. '11�netbo;N e H on Wingliam Fall Fair is over for an, D, McDotiAld, In the store at present. nowlng old Acquaintances In the V11- and The I a Quito A number from Whiteeburch wh other year, and the record is. ane of By, the at Us of the times, Len will 'age- drove over to Langside on Sunday to the beat -if not the very best In the not be without a housekeeper 'very Mrs, Ritchie find, Miss Ritchie, who hear Rev. G. M,, Dunn preach, and GREGG SHORTHAND history of the Soclet h the surniner in tauglit by the only teacher in The weather long, have been spending tile Pro I cc who. attended the was fine, though uncomfortably warm Mr, Alec, Dryans was at Ooderich the West, returned owe on Tuesday voice, Awril 8 t3cnooL. enjoyed the sound of their old pastors and more like July than September. on the Jur I I Rat week; there was only Of last week. returned R, Carrick was away last week to The Officers find directors were at one case to be tried. Mrs. John Gibson, Sen., Muskoka to attend the funeral of his THREE COURSES-Stenograpby, Mrs. Jared King, who had A Para] from Scotland on Wednesday of last mother, who died there at the good Commercial. Telegraphy, their posts And the- well arranged pro. tic stroke about three weeks ago, Y18- week, fter spending over two months old age of 02 years, Mrs, Cariick will Enter any day. Write for particulars. gram. was nicely carried out, with filends and -relatives there, be remembered by many around Somewhat improved. FALL TrRM FROM SEPT. IST The changes in the interior Of the W, J. Perrin left for Toronto on Whitechurch, having once lived here. Quite a number from this vicinity Monday. He intends entering upon a Wingham Bushless College hall had long been needed. The re- too,, in the Laurier demonstration At four years' course in electrical and There will be no service in the 0 moval of the Unsightly old PlatfOrMs Clinton last Wednesday, hydraulic engineering in the School of Methodist church here for the next GE0. SPOTTON.PitmoiPAL. Live uestions partition, making three Sundays -next Sunday being the erection of a p, Science, %W 0) Q A paper was read at the 'prayer Practical Scien anniversary day at Tiffin's oppolnt� large, extra available space for ex- meeting last Friday night, thanking The annual meeting of the Bible merit; Sunday, the IItb, Presbyterian Mb , its were decided improvements. James Strachan, jV., for L40 Successful- Society was held in the Methodist anniversary here, and the following The wire netting was Also a necessary ly getting tip the I ininstrel entertain- church on Sunday evening last. There Sunday anniversary at Bethel ap- FARM FOR, SALE. change, and prevents exhibits from went, and was signed by A. Bryans, was a very large attendance. Rev, pointment, being handled and soiled. on behalf o . f the Tvustees. W. Beattie of Winnipeg, who has Mr, J. Smoltzer received the sad Being lots 26 and 27, Cons. 11 and 1 1 been visiting friends here, gave a stir- - itelligence on Friday evening last of 12, West WAwAnosb, comprising 200 r than ring and inspiring address on flie ly bush. Of The inside exhibit was better Dn. Ov, M. D., Loudon, Eye and 4117ruits of Christianity," his mother's death at St, Helena. Her acres ; 150 cleared, balance e H 0-dLla r e. we have seen it for years. The fruit, Rai, Surgeon, will be at MaKibbon's funeral took place on Monday to the (400d frame barn and briek lions©, roots, vegetables and household prow drug store, on Wednesday, Oct'r 219t, The Auxiliary -of the W, F. M. S. of Wingliam cemetery. Mrs. Snieltzer There is a never failing spring, and a ducts being excellent. Cataract, squint, failing eyesight, the Presbyterian Church, held their was well known around Whitechureb, good orchard of 156 trees. This farm nasal catarrh, deafness, head noises. ThankoffeAug meeting on Wednesday having lived in 'Wawanosh with her ig nicely situated, four miles from . . . . . . . . . . ; W a never remember seeing so large treated and glasses properly fitted, evening, the 23rd inst. The. Rev. Dr. husband, the late Abel St -0 eltzer, fora Whiteclinrch, nine from Wingliam and fine an exhibit of ladies' work at Hours -2 to 8 p. in. Menzie, who has recently returned on great number of years, She will be close to postoffice, school, churches, Wingliam. Fall Fair, The quality was a furlough from Ronan, China, was remembered as an earnest Christian Apply on the premises to present and gave a, remarkably in- and a conalsten t member of the Metho- good, and the exhibit would leave teresting and instructive. address on (list Church, She leaves . two dangh. W. H. BELL, Fordyce, HOW TO BUY WHEN TO BUY done credit to more pretentious exhl- Belgrave, his work. A splendid audience greet- tars, Airs. Irwin of Ashfield and Mrs. bitions.L. J. Williams of Belgrave purchas- ad him. The offering was a little over Webster of St. Helena, also one son' Farm For Sale. forty dollars. J, S. Smeltzer of East Wawanosb, on There was a good exhibit of poultry ed a good driver a short time ago. the old homestead. The old world WHAT TO BUY and some very fine specimens in the Mrs. MeThedrau and Mrs. Lowery 41-0-0 it M n - OL -0 rolls on and the pioneers, who cleared Lot 31, Con, 10, East Wawanosb, is W H IVEJ R'JE: A T 0 BUY different varieties. of Guelph spent last week with their the forests and opened up the wilder- offered for sale, consisting of 100 acres. The cattle exhibit was not large, neice, Mrs. L. J. Williams of Belgrave. Brussels. ness to- civilization, will soon be all The farm is well watered with spring Mr. Bradburn and family of Cart- gone, but they leave a lasting mono- creek, and drilled well. About 80 and some but larger than last year, ight have moved to this viciniSome of the town painters had to ment behind them, in the shape of acres are cleared, the rest hardwood good stock was shown. Sheep and wl call a halt in their work on. Monday well improved farms, towns, villages, bush. There is a good frame house, hogs were well represented and horses and have taken possession of the farmty owing. to the myriads of little flies educational institutions, churches, good barn, and two acres of young purchased from Mr. Corley some time determined to inspect the roads, etc., and the generation now orchard, Intending Purchasers may especially. ago. We welcome them to our midst. that were Fall is here and we are ready with the very job before the paint was dry, living in their place and reaping the apply on the premises to Winghant's excellent Band and R. Copley's sale is dated for Wed- August make of butter, 153 boxes reward of their toil, cannot honor the HUGH MeBURNEY, sturdy old pioneers too highly. Proprietor. Lucknow Pipers' Band furnished nesday, Oct. 7th, and there will likely has been shipped from Brussels cream" newest productions that. money can buy. music at intervals. Their selections be a large crowd present. Air. *Corley cry at 23 cents by W. W. Harris. Fordyce, Sept. 21, 1008. and family will leave in a short time This should be satisfactory to the pa - enlivened the program and pleased for Cartwright, Their removal will trona. The dry weather is affecting Is Your Chest "Wheezy the visitors. be much regretted, but the best wish- Farm For Sale. The day passed by without any asci- as of the neighborhood will follow the supply of cream. Tightness and wheezing means your them to their new home. The five prize winners in the field trouble is deep-seated. To delay is First-class 'farm, pleasantly situat- dents or disturbances. Amore order- oat crop competition will send two dangerous. Inflammation rhust be ad, adjoining Bluevale station, lots C C Ij crowd could not be desired. bushels each to the Winter Fair at drawn out at once. Rub the, throat Guelph, next December, in the hope Call And Ina and chest with Nerviline, and put on 29, 30, con. 1. Morris, 100 acres, all The following are the prize winners Fordyce: a cleared except 12 acres, well fenced, of sharing in the awards which run a Nerviline Porous Plaster. Relief and in good condition. There are a in the special attractions Mrs. Mirebouse is spending a few from $35 down. We hope they will comes in an hour. The counter-irri- large bank barn, large brick house HIGHLAND DANCING. days at Westfield. be successful, tant effect of the plaster relieves the and Mtehen, with frame summer kit - Mr. 0. Aitchison returned from Mrs. Dr. Cleland, sister of Mrs. Dr. tightness and strain, draws out the chen, orchard, a never -failing spring Sailor's Hornpipe. -Donald Martin, Goderiell on Wednesday. Holmes, of Brussels. has disposed of soreness, eases the pain. The peue- well, an artesian well with water Ripley; A. Fatzill, Lucknow; Miss her practice at Victoria, B.C., and ac- trating qualities of Nerviline enable it piped to house and barn; pig pen and We invite ou to call and inspect our goods and Miss Myrtle Webster of Wingliain companied by Miss Nora Holmes, who to soak to the very � core of the trou R._Itrr house, 18x40, with cement Ina Riddell, London, High School spent Saturday and Sun- spent -nearly a year at the Coast, I ex- ble, and you experience a feeling of 00's frost -proof silo, 16 x 31. Ten fore purchasing. Each department is full of Sword Dance. -Amy McLeod, Lon- day at home, pected here. The first mentioned warmth And relief that the acres of good corn will go with the values be don; Mabel McDonald, Winghain -, The funeral of the late Mrs. Smeltzer lady contemplates it professional , trip danger is past. For weak= sore farm, if the latter is sold before corn Inv, Riddell, London. passed through here on Monday for to India, She has seen considerable throat and tendency to colds, the Ner- is harvested. Apply on premises. new, smiling effects,,ready to be gazed upon, when you Irish Jig. -Amy McLeod; Mabel Mc- Wingham. cemetery. of the world on former travels. viline Treatment beats all others, try SAS. B. NICOL, Proprietor. Donald; Ina Riddell. S. Webster, J. Jamieson and E. Ewan & Co. have started work in it. e Zm" Bluevale P. O. will be convinced that "The Little Eaton" is * not be - Raines attended the Laurier demon- their new brick factory, a substantial Highland Fling. -Amy McLeod; stration at Clinton on Wednesday of up-to-date 'building which measures East Wawanosh. hind but to the front as the larger city stores. Ina Riddell; Mabel McDonald. last week. 65x55 feet, two stories high, well Piing. -D. E. McDonald, Wing The recent rains made a considera- lighted and with steam power, good COUNCIL MINUTES. pmachinery and ample accommodation. The Council met Sept. 20th; mem- ham; D. Towers, Lucknow. ble change in the air find will no doubt They will be able to manufacture first bers all present. Minutes of last Alma 'a Has superior dvantages 'A i n Best Dressed Highlander. -A' Mc- do much good as things were looking class rigs of all kinds, buggies, cavi- meeting read and confirmed. S Fine rather dry. oles, wagons and cutters and will corn- John- Ladies _'Uie' Pherson, W. H. Young, Lucknow. pate in prices with any firm in Can- The Court of Revision on the Art, Vlocutioft son drain was then re -opened. The and Physical Cul - SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS, An Agricultural fair is to be held at ada. appeal of Obris. Johnson to have part College ture, Domestic L ADIES! Now Goods Just to Nand. Green Horse Race. -David Stroud, Da of the S. H. lot 42, con. 4, included in I the drainage scheme, was then Science, Business College Courses, ,,Olsland, Alberta, on the 25th inst. Lucknow; Jas. Reffron, Blyth; E. B. the best general purpose team the first prize is I keg of beer (quarter) Are You Subject To Cold? brought up for consideration. -After Literary and Scientific Courses, al - Jenkins, Wingbam. and the second prize is 1 keg of beer l explanations had been given by those so Public School Classes for young Farmers' Horse Race. - David (eigktb) while beer in varying quanti- Then don't.load your stomach with interested in this matter, it was moved home- lesome h l f Ch girls. Cheerful, wholesome, cough syrups. Send healing medica- by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Bur -DRESS GOODS. -In many new effects, farmers' team the prize is a box of all the ties is offered for the best colts. For Stroud, Lucknow; Jas. H. Miller, tion through the nostrils -send it into chill, that no action be taken by the like. For Catalogue, address : Morris. cigars, the passages that are subject to colds Council in regard to Johnson's appeal "The Registrar," ALMA COLLEGE- newest cloths and colots. Best Lady Driver. -Miss Copeland, t and catarrh. Easy to do this with re the taking in of part of Mr. Dex- St. Thomas, Ont. Catarrhozone, which cures• a cold *In ter's property in said drainage scheme Miss Thompson, Miss Mulvey. ten minutes. Even to the lungs goes and that By-law No. 10, 1008, as now Are You Sleepless, Nervous? the healing vapor of Catarrhozone� finally revised be adopted and the Lady's Hitching Race. -Miss Currie, Two horrors crowded into one life- all through the bronchial tubes, nos- Court of Revision on the same be MANTLES AND JACKETS. -We are headquarters Miss Scott. the product of poor digestion and a trils and air passages -everywhere a closed -carried. Ready-to-wear. Just think where The Potatoe Race. -Jas. Kelly, R. J. poisoned system. There is just one trace of the disease remains will our Tenders for the construction of a for all Ladies' Catarrbozon*iII YOU g. follow. You'll not have cement culvert on the HalIaban drain PHONE 59 Sanderson. cure for this terrible condition -that is plenty of food -but mind you, food colds, nor suffer from an if- opposite lot 39, con. 5, were received Little Eaton is before buying. In the evening, the concert was well,. properly digested; that's the difficulty flea, bronchitis or throat trouble if from Messrs. O'Hara of Kennicott and Why Not attended, and a full programme was to improve the digestive power of the Catarrhozone is used Get It to -day. Taylor & Barkley of Brussels. The rendered, consisting of Scotch and stomach. Get rich nutritious blood, 20c and $1.00 at all dealers. latter tender being the lowest was Have the Best to eat? strengthen the system and drive out accepted. Irish dancing by prize winners in the poisons, -then comes vitality, ender- Scott-Cuming.-That Fred. Rath Our Motto afternoon, selections by J. H. Lamer- ance, power. Ferrozone does all this be drain inspector on the Johnson on, elocutionist, Mrs. Coutts -Bain, and and more, it makes sick people well. Turnberry. n to be paid at the rate of 20c an Is QUALITY, and everything Is MEN'S CLOTHING. Miss Buschlen, violinist. weak people strong, changes "nerves" hour for time employed on the same- selected with the greatest care. and insomnia into robust health. COUNCIL MINUTES. -Gillespie-Burchill.-That Engineer The entire day's proceedings were Take Ferrozone and health is yours. Council met in Bluevale on Monday, Fuce of Galt be appointed inspector They're Right This department is growing , , dailyover $6000.00 very successful, and the officers and 50c at all dealers. Sept. 28th; members all present. The on the main portion of the Hallahan directors are correspondingly pleased. minutes of last meeting were read and drain and that the inspection of the The QUALITY and PRICE of &." a! ffi!ev e semadopted. north and south branches be left in our Groceries are. worth of the choicest garments in style and pattern The gate receipts at the grounds A communication from Geo. Bryce the hands of Councillors Scott and were $402,00', showing an increase Morris. was read, re flooding his fields With Ourning, respectively -carried. h- Try Us to show you now. Get wise, boys. We are here with over last year. Voters' List Court for Morris will be water from township of Culross, and The Reeve and Treasurer were au The prize list will be found on page held in Brussels on Thursday, Oct. 8th asking, Turnb.erry Council for rotes- orized to advertise for sale the several With your next Order, and the goods. at 10 a,m. There are over 40 appeals tion --- 41led, drain debentures. Tenders on the five. The following accounts were passed same, it is expected, will be opened at entered. and cheques issued: Municipal World, next Council meetingOct: 31st. Don't Forget Connolly & Co. was awarded the 50c, blank forms; J. W. King, $8.40, On .motion of cot t and Burchill, To order some of our favorite MARRIAGES, contract of completing the Kelly gravel; W. Abraham, $1.34, gravel the following accounts were passed Teas. McKinnon -Howson -In Win ham, drain at and John Daer, 48 yards gravel And dam F U RS. -Men's and Ladies' Furs of all kinds arriving $630.00, work to be finished damages; B. Longley. 50c, gravel on Sept. 26th, by Rev. W. 0. How- by Nov. ist, 1008. and damages, Ben. Ringler, 70co gra- ages, $5.86; Robt. McGee, 86 yards of son, Ada Irene, daughter of Mr. and The rate of taxation for Morris vel; Allan McTavish, $5.08, gravel gravel and damages, $7.02; for gravel Regular Shipments of Peaches Mrs. W. J. Howson, to Mr. Donald township has been struck for the cur- and damages; J. N. Sanborn, $I.W, _Win. G. Salter, 23 vards, $1.61, IT. daily. Come early and get the choice. - i dams es •-, Voters' List Revision -John Leishman. 17 yards, t1.19 - Jas. Mar- Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Osborn McKinnon, journalist, of To en year. For townsbip purposes it darl tin, Sen., 22 yards, $1.54; R. H. Scott, Lemons, &c. will y 3 8/10 mills on the dollar Burgess $29.50, Adam, Cleghorn $8.00, ronto. I b 00 yards, $-1:20; Henry Deacon, gra- DEATHS. for County purposes 2110, John McTavish $2.40, and $2.50 for velling on con. 10, $42.35; Wm. Bir - Webb. -In Wingham, September PA, Next meeting of Morris Council will equalizing S. S, 12 ; Milton Smith, $2, kett, putting in culverts, cutting hill rent Foresters' hall; James Kirton, and gravelling, con. 9, $33.00 McKin- BTG REDUCTIONS in Dinner Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Webb, be held on Monday, Oct. 19th. Court $5.35, and Gideon Brown, $5,20, King aged 17 years. of Revision on the Johnston and Mc- drain ; H. R. Brewer, $7.45, garnishee -, non Bros., gravelling on con, 0 and Sets, Teg, ,Sets and Toiletjl Donald Drains will be held On the af- Duff & Stewart, $18.25, lumber and eastern boundary, $72.15; Pi6r�,y Scan- Sete, M111♦ hery Departmc-w-wnt, Dixon -In Win ham on Sept. 26tb, ternoon of the same day at 2 And 8 gravelling Morris bdy.; John Hall, $3, drett, inspecting gravelling 'sou. 0, o'clock respectively, and Uin[, [r. culvert Mrs. Win. Dixon, aged, 70 years. R. Rockeridge, $33.00, gravelling $8.25; Jas, Young, pu. Morris bdy.; Howard Bolt, $8.35, cul- on con. 10, $3.26; Albert Fitzpatrick, vert and brushing; Win. Wright. cleaning out ditch con. 12, $2.05; John $1.50, drawing road machine; Chas. Ti Coultas, repairing Edwardsbridge of Miss Little -1. NA -1 4, ­i;iwcgdlj• H in; $108, $108, also $3.60, ti a, King con, 6, $6.50; Jim McCallum, inspect, J. Nenpy Dhpistie This department, under the direction drain; Allan McEwen, $18,50, gravel- Ing building Bel rave bridge, con. 0, ling anddulverts; F. W. Wtiglit,.$13, $17;. Situ). Hutchison, Wbiteeburah, is in full Wing,, It will be to your advantage to visit For Your• culvert and ditch east gravel; R. Mus- repairs to roadgrader in 1908, $17,50; i grove, $40, streets. The Municipal World, Jurors lists and our show -rooms if you are in need of anything in the I Council adjourned to meet Wednes- other supplies, $1,62; J. Leslie Kerr, aw day, Oct. 28th, at 10 o'clock A. m. Blyth, advertising Voters' List Court Millinery line. Come and bring your friends. SUNDAY DIEN22 N E R John Burgess, Clark, and printinq notices, $3.02; Chris, 11'6111111 311 Johnson, assistance in surveying theLIU- Johnson drain, $12; Lewis Bolton, Listowel, Engineer's fees on the John- Hunters' Salem, son, Robinson and Corley drains, $110, • JAWO The Council then adjourned to meet jet Mitchell & Henning loaded Another agfiln on Saturday, Oct. 31st next. Excursions All Departments are being -replenished with New car of Apples on Monday last. Alex. I Porterfield, Clark. RETURN TICKETS AT Fall Goods. Don't forget, we appreciate the smallest With Whipped Cream Mr. and Mrs. 14' d. Palmer, took a trip 010 SINGLE FAIIE "F to Cargill and other places last week. purchase. Trade of •all kinds wanted at all times. One package Mr. Thomas Mont omery presented and a pint of her busbaild with agoaneing boy one - Oct. 6th to Novi 3rd: boiling water day lost week, Makes Enough Dessert for a Large Fartkily. Mrs. X Gallaher is visiting her .Ja 0 To points In Tomagarni, points Mat, woo . tatva to Port Arthur, Tri""teD n ay daughter, Mrs. Hid, Ilkyans of Grey and Mitckifia* Division; P6.0rt, Arthur Orange, Rav-pberry, and Airs. Alex. Bryans of Morris. via X, N. Co, and to cortain pointa in Qtiabpp, New Brunswick, Nove, Scott& FLAVORS: Lemon, Mr. and Mrs, Sohn Wray and their y and Newfoundland, Strawberry.. Chocolate, cherry, Peach. ser,, Cordon, attended the Crawford -Ar% No trouble to propare-simply add boiling wker- Stokes wedding on Wednesday last. Our delicious Cod Liver Oct, 22nd to Nov. 3rd cool and serve. Flavored just righti 14wcetened just Mrs. 9. McLaughlin, who has been .on without oil AltTAX01tA LATtES PENETANG spending the past two months in the preparati LAXE� Ob' BAYS MIDLAND HANNA, BRWS right. Perfect in every way. Che4per and better than MA ANETAWAN tLIVElt fruit� pies or pastry. north West, returned home last week. Better than old-fashioned IjAKUP1101,I) Mt. Arthur MoXotile, Who ho been Cod liver ou and einulsions lraaawaf3ka to T)cpot Irsobnr', Argyle to Coboconk, MndmY to 114iburton, Sb&r- CAUTION Don't •accept a silbsti- &way on Mission work is at present to restore lioaiih for bot Lake via 1c. & P. Ry., and points A 0 visiting the howe of hig parents at from Revarn to North Bay. - neluglvd. tute, or you will be Old people, delicate Children) "W digappointed. There's n6 �tliee dessert 'Air. and Mrs. Geo. ealla, weak Mn-do'vin ViOr8ona, attd P66. 5111, 190, or 1111ttl ('1040 of navigation, am her of Gor jUst like JnLL-0, Sold by all good grocers. rie, also Mr. Belfo,,w of . orb Albott after sickness) colds, c0ughsi. It earlier, to -points reached by Ylteal'ner I A To aftftt "n Pool) co,, IRMOMUM, CANAIM, called at the home of Mr. Joseph Kit- olien, on Surifty last� bronohitis and .111 thrOat and rot tltkists ma tuft intomati6n, tall on AWards Cold Medals at St. S# The swrliversitr of Salem church luftg -troubles. W. UIMNrtY, Town Agent, or *rIte will be hold next Sunday, Rer. J. B&II and and Jamesfovm, 91, 001fidifts, 11 J. D. McDonald V- P of Foravoloh reachin at 11 a.m. and TtV It Ott our gaarantdid , I I I P.M, No 24 shonlUlas the slipper J. MOO MeXibboll, Draigis;§ Dimat Toronto. 10 0911TO JMR VAO"GV Ivid ptoptin on MObd&y avotifig. k' 4- �1_ I