The Wingham Advance, 1908-10-01, Page 7I 41 I * # *_ t, *_ MV4 lu W - -1 I , 11%.1.11111­111 , I 1 , -Tr"V ___ 00 - , I ___ 1 1 ',I- ­ 11"- ,,- I - i il " - __ 119 F , + "" I , - , ', 111 , 4 r, 01.1 P - —`W`77 _X1 I . , . " ; I I _77"N_7_1 I Z ­ ! . k, _', - - I ­/.W .WL ­ . , ", '', , - '' . - , , , ", , , , , - '. " ,-;'T- 7 - - 11--w W7`1 ,"WA "'771" I 1-11 111011 I .. . . - 1 " .'' ,.? "" ., , ,,.,. , 4. 1-1 , 4 , ` , - -1, ,w ..1'1", . !k_'i . .1 , I ., 7 Tr . . _.­.., I . ;1. ,,I , ., _ , V . ."7" .. t -,-It 1.0 . . . . 0 " 4.1 . . 1, . S I ,ell" . . " , , . 1. I . . 11 I - W I V. . . J1 . -1 0 ., - 1. . 1- .1 .1 . L ­ - . , , - .. - . I . - .1 . - - I ... .... I ­ .. '__ . __ I . .­ . ­ - I—- _11 ... .1 .I--- I . I— . . .- . - I- - .. I ...... - .:,., .- .. I - I.- . ­ - .. I I I—' I . . . - ­­ I I ­­ - - ­ , , .­ .1 . 1. . -1 . . 7 . ­ ... 1-1 I., 1. - - ... . . ­ I . ... . . . - " , ., -1 , - - I - .1 - I .. I- . . I . d . - 7. - ­ - . . 1. I J_ I - - 1. I , 711 _ . ... . ..... I 11 .1 I ­ .­ - ­ ­ -1.1 . .1 I I . I 11 . I I .. 111, i - I _ ' - __ .- . . . - , - - ­ I., 11 I .11 - I I - . I . - . _ I - I I , _ . W-..-1- -..,..'.' -,: -, . . - 1. I I I I.. - -1-1 '.1-1, . '' .. I . ­­ , . _ __ __ '_' '_­ _' . __ ., . - I - I ­ -.1. - : _ . ,. .1'. .: - _,4 ­. _': , . - Animals which have Alled Oil tile Over- Min fICIA18 to whoin the task of handling. MEADOWS BAILED# . FIGHT WITH ating ta,ble. Tit(- linnieme, value of tile ponsion business is ontrusted, WORSHIPPERS a 06 di,wovery to physicians AvIv,11 113- . handed out tbo printed forms and . . - in, i tients ilia liy cause of Lill allasothAle BRIDGE DISAS.mR ON THE Tio'Ho&Bip otructe(I the applicants how tit cont- I van be seen at once. I plate them, Many brought their tam. Ila, once Dewitt, Anollitr Member -1, 1DE'VIL FISH - I . - . SHOT DOWN'.. I 1 Onedo Jill about tile labora, ily 111blos to attest the day of their doce plat to,' birth, by means of the ti.ne-f aded . of file Firm, wilated. I a _ the r ol me, U44 been, deali . three times. IVIdle under the Influence Three Hamilton Men lted and, Their Bodies Consumed by Fire Earlv__ entries. Comp4ratively few were Ablo . Diver'A Awful Experience With This of electric sleop I killed, tier initanth, to pro4uce a birth certificate I'llree Men f4urdered as They Left Buffalo, Sept. 28.--A warrant bA% with ohloroform, The heart stopped Sunday Morning—The Engine Went Through the bridge and It Is expected that, a large 6mber , , been Issued for the arrest of Clarence I . - I . of the applicants will have tho great- Church Door, .. Waster of the Deep. beating and respiration ceased. It the Cars Piled In On Top of Tbem. eat difficulty in proving their go, an4 Powitt, the .New York member of the I alillual had beell 106 Alone then it tile pfJ.lsIQn committees 4ppoluted to firm. of Meadows, Williams & Co., brok- Would havo remained dead, but I im- . ----I---- examine into the claims forsee 1w. Minister Also Shot and Will Die ers, who suspended recently. As In tile Seized Round the Leg And Neck by . mediately histitideil arUflelal rmplra- mense uble in this respect. . 4 ' . hout its L 0ort by means of electricity, aul tire- Wreck Toolc Fire and Burned Filercelyfor lioura—On)y Charred Rex lalns t" came of Harold (4. Meadows, for w I . -Ong Tentacles. SOntly' tile animal started to'breathe (if Soluo of tile applicants were erect From His Wouu4s. 4 warrailt was Issued yesterday,, tho. re bent Action was taken oil complaint of Wil- . its own accord. Again, after I had b long years of labor and poverty. it of the Victirw Found --Accident Took Place Near Sulphur . and hale, but m4sority ive $Au 10ranciscol Sept. 28v --Wrapped lit killed tile (log and T0,SJJ9cItAtQd it. I patbetio wero . the numorous evi- J01 . liam, V% 811verthorn, wim alleges that hemorrhage set in, eau8ca by till opera- Springs, Ton Miles From Hamilton. Very Ilea, Taim" Sept. 28. --Ono of tilt, last Afav he pai(ttho firm $M,012.60 for _ dences of fill attempt to illake a good bloodiest affairs lit the,. history of East 700 shares; of United States Oteel pro- I tile tel%tAtCIQS Of It g4tat devil fish, Mar- tion, and the clog bled to death. I ___-______-_____1__- . appearanco on such an important oc Tennessee Occurred - tilt Lund, a (liver employed by the Coast brought It back to life again. The ,in!- casion. tile "best clothes' 'having , I near the T'lainessee - ferred, tot- Which lie got a recelpt but e Wrecking Voinpauy, fought desperately mal is at present perfectly healthy," A 11amilton despateli mays., the engine had to be run to a road McKenna and Alartla were deOPlY 'it, been ,.carefully dontled gor tile unac- lientucky line north of Ant1true post I 'to stock, for Ills life lit tile hold While I was tit tile litboratory tile I - office yesterday. Tbo awne wati a, little Mr. Afeadows. has not beent located, of tile wrecked A ref?CMIQU, 114131Aly Oil it 8RIAllor fart ter back, where the fire engine was fected by the tragic accidt-at, bilt could - custotned viflit to the postoffice, . t; doctor put it rabbit under the hlflueilel unloaded and hauled down to a creek, not but feel thankful for their own mir- I . I but it is said lie will appear in court I titeauter Poniona, which Ilea in thirty zicale, of tli terrible wreck many yoars I BILlitist Church within 50 yards oj 1. (if electric sleep. In a conipara,tively There was little material left to bum by aculous escapes. They were entirely , I to -'lay. . .. feet of water lit Fort Ross cove, off the F$llart t1lao ago tit Pesjarldiam, Canal, ovourred bt the tile tilao tile engin blameless ill tile inatter, Ana front All loll Is a "blind -ti-arll which has been I-Tarold G. '31eadows, of the suspended : I when tile illibbit, oamn out 0 got ill) steam, and. 4) I I X actWCounty comt, Lund arrived in train 'Andel the bifluouce, it hopped carly liours of yesterday niornjug when it was put to work dousing smouldering that hus been gathered it Appears that OVER 7,000 DEATHS " brokerage firm of Aleadows, vVillialms I operated for mont4s. The service bail I this city after all experience which Alway contentedly. . it fruit special from. Brautforki. to 11.1m. elabers, and reducing tile heat of the the dead men could not be bla-mod -with closed and nearly the entire congrega. 4L ('a.. for whose arremt a warrant was For all ]lei- experiments on animals 'It n crashed through A, wooden lit steel work of the trucks so. that the Lilly rcekleSM814 Or Inattention to that I r Cholera Epidemic la R Q imsued yesterday tit the Instance of Win. . conics to few wait, and will enjoy a I I 0 -Idge work, Other, . I . ussia P eap- tIon had emorgqd from the church W41elp R. Silverthorlic, was taken into custody vacation before Again donning a diver's the doctor has kept records which .,how oil the main line of tile T., 1-1. & B. It 7 Wreck.ers could work amongst them, The One of the wonderful, and fortunate . . . A, crowd of drunken men NvIlo had to -day as lie entered tile office of .his the tracings of tile anfall,ils rospirai;ion all' heavy r-raile was set to work, And soon ing Groat Harvest. i counpol. Ile was taken to -Police Court, drese. The devil fish had evidently on- And heart action throughout tile experi. way at Mineral Springs, a little 111111det, WAS puffing 1101811Y U it Shifted tons ,of things, In collection with the accident is - . 'elsited the "blind: tiger" began firing On wboro lie pleaded not guilty to a charge icred tile yossel's hold during tile night, inent, At the point where A, perfectly eight ,lilies West 0.1 tilis city, killing weight from the top of the engine all(! tbAt it Was not it passenger train that . the worshippers with postal$. John and Lund Was tit work same time before straight line is re,acliod oil tho traain i from, tile creek bottom. At last the went over tit,-% brink of the yawping of grand larceny, first, degree, and was I three mail 4ild injuring one other ser. d gripped in the 11ole. '1110 tragedy of the De8jaidills General CJean Up Helping to Low" Bennett, J. W. MeNinuey aiid Lldwar6 Admitted to bit!) lit the Sam of $5,00. lie became aware of its presence, A tile Animal is doad. A lit,t],k) farther oil iou8i,y, Avililo two. had warvellous escapes. nilght have been cqx itllcd, possibly cell.p- ` or I Death Rate. . Thoms 11 Were allot (Iowa at tibe churell - . : I , I entacle four Inches in diameter the. regular curved lines show Artlfwal - steel j1l.W6 Of tile crame and hatiled aloft ' 9111, 'espiration, and still farther the iri . Travelling At it rate of between thirty- where it Iva$ dumped upoit the track,. ped, as large crowds tire travellbag and door And died Almost instautlystrealu$ . Airalt gilipped one log, Before Lund could -egn. , a , ,,HUDTC I ]11- 1INPU And Iorty miles all hour, rulittim . 'rho horrible soono that was (lisclosed the fire. would have made It a holocaust Oi blood from. their wounds flowing DIED OF AN A V3, 1 realize what litta happened another ell. hir lilies show that the AnImAl has coo - . - circled Ills thigh. Tho (liver began to menoed, to breathe again by itself. ,through outoke ani'l fog, shortly After 0 Will roillain With t1loso wlio saw it for to Ile Spoken of in 4' Vades to collie. &.LL- St. Ile tert-bArg, Sep t. 28,-Shico i.he be. down.the st,eps of the -little elturoli. The' ': - A,. al., tile oligilie, which left Bra.atf)rd many a long day. One body alalne WAS gi-ining of tile epidemic there have beei) - , a trilln from the was ,,"ad preaclier, Rev. A. Xin,gr Was shot and . chop froatically at the rubber -like bonds The doctor Ill confidc i that all .lei- 5,uS, hati illmost crossed the tresth, visible. It WAS tit l01111(Vhr1-7t11111i%11111dgo about 0 o'clock. A short inertally wounded,faVing ill the church Lad!s Body Thrown Into the Top . I n me signalled to tile, experiments call be put into practiev its ,at of Maloney, (1)14 it 15,68a cases of Ai3fittla cholera reported I I .. h lie wished to ascend, oil humart beings. When tile allillial and reached solid ground at the cast, and Was charred and mangled so that much time. later a train from here, westbound, . Russia And 7,070 deaths, In 3ard. Anollier worshipper named Gib- . . Unable to free himself lit time two more is under the influence of the ourrent of tile bridge, when without it warill"a" more than. a brief look had to. be taken aaelic(i over the flimsy trestle, and the Ill St, 11;elt., son wits also shot down in front of tile of an Apple Tree. 1 4, passengers oil both trallis, tire perhaps or, en,burg alone since the prosence of the 0hurdi bat is not dangerously hurt. An- . . . yet una-ware of What they eseqvil. The disease was officially Admitted, Sept. 8, , . 4 teutaclas squirmed out of the darkness, 'inUffits, And when the the engine, tender and five on'rs in it heap orec, t1le living, breathing body of a Wl.ras is five Miles from a roall:oad a' nd it reacts to no st cracl-, the structure collapsod, I)Itclllll,,, before it was recognized its. what was, I and one twilled About his. nook. The current is turned off tile aiv,%k0nincr is lit tile bottoll) of tile cat, The drop ol there ll , Niagara Falls, X.Y,, dcapAtch:'Thos., , i efforts of tile mail oil the surface to 111stantallColls. 'There is lie after -20k. healthy mail. This body Was not found eastbound passenger train following Mve beell. 4,031 easea,and 1,875 . has no telephone collneetiOn. jellico of, A . eomply with, Ills signal threatened to ness nor stupor, twenty feet into tile cut snutalled the till late in the afteraiiiiin, And it Was close on tit,(- heels of the'frulb special 040a reported. ficers could not learn the names of itu - Young, Aged 30 Years, Of this city, died i . engine And tender to serap Iran and the some time later before title others could Was loaded with. paswugers, who had to The figures witIt Tefereace to tile I pull off Ills helinct, and lie was forced - . -: - a live car. which followed took fire &C bo tritiWerred when the scene of tile Vasioll of tile city -by tile disease caill 'a- of tile man linplicated lit tile shooting. early to -day from injuries received near to signal them to desist. ba taken outland they looked terrible in . 11) t All of the dead wid -wounded Were men Tonawanda last night. Young, with Ilia . . once and made it funeral pyre for 1,he Ole extreme, Clotted blood, oozing from wreck wivi reached. Just what would I>,- relied upon ay. %it number of occasions, of families except Bennett. son John, Aged 12 years, was driving a With only his.left arill free, lie hack BURNED TO DEATH, three trainmen buried deal) doNfa lit tile have happened had the special (it wits private but trustworthy ,statistics allow- : -1 l- . ed tit tile tentacles until they Nvera , . . 6arred litabs, niang-led truillm., one of moving van, -and.wilen attempting to partly crippled, ])tit lie wits being drawn ' debris, planed in the wreck of the elignue. theiii headless, made it might that sick- not, a heavy train) pftssed over the ed the number of dames And dpatilis fit it ' turn outl so that a car Of the internal- I I , . toward the d6adly beak, when lie saw A Toronto Girl Poured Coal oil '.Ilia ol!iiiiiiii of those who Viewed tho. oneil hardened wreckers. A )%-hole army bridge lit safety, or if it had been held eivglo day, to be far lit excess of that THINKS HE IS ALIVE* tional Traction Co. could pass blia lie the outline of tile devil fish's body. . wreck is that the trio never lived to .ee till tile passenger went through is too Announced by the authorities. wits struck by another car, said to be . , or feel,. with horror indescribablo, the of wr`eckers were sent 'Into tile "Ole terrible to t1fluk of, 'Bic passengers on The efforts of Premier IStolypia aud 11 . n hour. . Augmented -with more mail and ma- the train wore not given lona to gaze soira of tile 111gilier governinellb officials, at ruj,,t,, 0, Plunging sluddenly towurd It he drove Upon Fire. and , ' inning tit a speed of 40 miles a little the heitd, flaines,orceping nearer and nearer, eaL. terial front this end of the line, set to Oetroit Woman Now Doubts Th his horses were killed and I I Ills knifo ivith all force . g up cars and roasting car loads of Work. nt once t . nit the seeile where three men'bad been he ently had been dir- Young wits so badly injured that he died I repeating tile blow until lie had slashed Toronto, Sept, 28 -Anothar terrible "I . , 0 repair the bridgm. All uslied into pulp pit] H it into sections. lit its death throes ,ilia Onions and apples, until they reached the night they toiled and this moral ell , but were hustled into eA-ed towartis rousing tile 11111111ci . er Father Was Drowned. at Uic hospital. Ills boy was thrown 30 . A lessou oil the AAVful danger of using oil 4odies, and reduced them to the charred 119 tile citv. a0horitica I* action, have resulted ill 1; octopus tightened its toiltaties Until the %qfl t could be (lone in the art of blidge- feet And was faund in tile top of an &p - diver Was almost crushed in its am- 41 lighting a fire Mo bAught 8aturd&y and, blackened roinains that ' vare takell building in I, single night, by all army of Edw;rd Brown, tile youngest victim , &it apprealable bettermen6 of tile Gant- -ee, not seriously injured, but su(- free, %lid Vag by tile -bur 0 deatil of' Vlaggie I IVI&J, froin the wreak eight,or nine hours later of tile accident, was a son . Of William tary conditions and a consequent de. Detroit, Mich, Sept. 28i --Airs. James ple ti I brace. Lund alit 111111sell ' mail under & good construction man, was failing severely from shook. "Ing t - I ,d oil Brown,. 14 Hill street -north. I -To 11I.Al tile Lutton, of this city, believes that her I brought to the surface in an exhausted 111-Y, a sixteell-,year4old girl, who lived after tile wreck ng (.raw had workL seen to be no little bit, . s areaso in the disease us shown by - - r . o tit 104 Ontai-lo street. 84 tile pile. The bo,dim of tho three mail Were bcim lit this d6y, 25 years Ago d =a given out yesterday. For the 24 father, Robert Roberts, a sailor, who - ' : , condition. tarday After- - . Another diver brought some OfIllesev- itooll About 3, O'clock, tillo girl was Assist- . 8addest of all Was the death of Wil- brov,ght to t1i learned the polishers' trade wlil! I'lle ending at noo-it the number Of2low was reported urownc& in Toronto SHELLED TOWN* . . I .NJitioney, ya.l,,dout.oLer elf tile later- is city And tile injured inan COPP Co. lVdien they left Hamilton, he eases in blie city Was 268 and the num- lirrbor thirty two years ago, is ortill cred tentacles to tile surface, slid it is ing liar motber with tile ironing, and flall Was hustled to St. Joseph's Hospital o national Harvester Co, who was-ridino eDtered the employment of the Kinnon, bar of deaths 143, as compared With 312 livimi. The Ito arts t that e lived lit . .. . .. . hoped to raise tile body and bring it to as tile fire was not burning strong ()a- . " where Ills wounds were cleansed and b it t1m, I I I . for exhibition. ough to heat the irons she poured coal in tile call from 111-antford, where. lie had Dash Metal Co., at Niagara Falls, Oat- TIOW crises an the prev!, Port"Hope, .Oat, Robert was first mato Shah's Ger.eral Lays Part of Tabriz i this city I - 1, I attended the last sad rites held over till bound and broken limbs set, P.Tio, and mov-ed to St. Catharines with our ff4 hours. 'rho death rate ibm been aiid his brother William Roberts, -ivae . I . .i oil upon it. , Dick nsou could talk but little and . ; There wa s all explosion, and the girl's remains of his brother, who was buried tbose, Who could, would not speak, The thdr factory. He remained there five lower than during previous epidemics- second mate on'the sanie vessel, In tilt, In Ruins. . : CAST AWkY SINS. &-ase was immediately %flame, Screani- there Saturday afternoon. Maloney Nvas officiate , of -tile company who Were oil yrars, and during that time uiarric(l between 30 and 35, against 5Q in 1802 fall of 1876, in Toronto harbor, tile .1 I ' in-, with agony, she rushed to tile street a brother-in-law of Ed. Brown, fireman tile ground stated that the bridge had Miss Sheppard, dnu mliter of William The people are much encouraged 'by th ; two mail were working lit tho stern of . __ a oil the train, and was riding home ,sith. Sheppard, He returne(I lionie a yenr Ago improvement revealed by the latest Ila. fit. Pctersblirg, Sept. 28,The Novae . And fell upon the sidewalk. George Stia- Nan. solid but that a grass fire had 0 the boat. Robert lost his balance and 1. his relative and the englneer,, also a last spriNg and took a position at the ures. . I fell overboard 'and was reported. Vrelayit's Tabriz correspondent tele- . . I Great Jam of JeWs at East River son of 168 Ontario street, saw the girl friend, in the cab of the engine. burned &Ava) tile underpinning aniltbat T., IT, & B. roundhottee. Last fall he. Was - - I 'Bridge, N. Y. along the street. He seized a piece of Little could be learned at the sectic the bridge i-nu st have been practically taken oil As spare fireman. He leaves a drowned, Iiis 'body was t recovered, graphing oil Friday say 11 s: A decisive . . I $kicking and rushing out 'wrapped it hanging by the end timbers when the Certain circumstances ledit, tile coil" -truggle ivai be.gun to -day with an ar- ' I of the wivok or at the headquarbers of wife and two children. HowaB a member . - BURNED. cluslon on the part of his family that ' I rhbor ran over train entered oil it. It gave way wban tillery duel in Which Nationalists were i . around bar. Another neige the conipiny,'here its to What caused the of Lord Nelson Lodger Calindian Order VILLAGE Robert had saved himself in some way J I With a blanket And the flames were put EN engine's 'weight came on it fully. ) . I aceddent, and there are two distinctly of Oddfellows, St. Cabliarines. He had crated after six hours' of unrowittent . 41 . Big Squad of Police Are Required cut. Oil was Poured upon the girl's burns different reasons given. There wcre rumors, afloat about the * taken ont an insurance policy two Homestead Destroyed Women and though they never again heard train W . . I . and Aie was hurried to the General Hos- train brik-a having been. urisafe before the Ill -q, . . him. Recently the likeness of a Captaiu shelling. Ahi-Ed-Dowleh, who 'Was sent to Prevent Accidents. pital, There everytbing possible,was done 'the facts known ,,ire that the Lecident, but tile only theory, -which the wall's a,go with Fred. Robbins for $1,- Children Quit. McKeighan, who was tdmporarily In to Tabriz to restore the authority of .11 . wa,s made up of ten ears And an eliginc 000. Detroit, Wail printed in a local paper as . : . I for her, but she died several hours aftar And tender -a regulation fruit train- railroad men could advance was the one Wil-lia,in Maloney was an old employee ' — that orf a maii who had been sailing over blw Shuh, reduced tile 1 -Iiiaban. quarter , it of file. .NLTew Y re wits . a : r and was loaded with apples and onions. of the T., Ill & B,, and About four Years Thoitipsonville, Mich., Sept. 2S.-Foreit, ruins. The' effeet of the exploding jam tit the Manhattan entrance of the Maloney and Brown. siNty years. Airs. Lutton, is certain that to i ag Brantford at 5.08 it. in,, it start. ago left thorn to accept a poslltlo as fires yestorday completaly destroyed tile likeless is that of her father. The shells terrified -the inhabitants, many of I Willianislikirg Bridge this MUCY1110011 U. S. FORESTERS v`de"f"4')'r Hamilton thirty minutes alleft(I ot The saddest of all sights wao at the yardmaster at the International Harves- I lailoi 111111le gi ran bearing a large cr4wd tioine of old Benjamin Brown, who lives tile villago of Homestead, eight ving by tW visitor NY -as the tam- the"' fled into blie Royalist canip. I . due to tile anxiety of the East, Side He- o wr Go. Ire Was born in Brantford, where . cl I . . . . t business people and many -who ba.d in a, pretty cottage on what ivas for his mother now resides, 38 years I ago, aarth of this place, conta-iiiii)o the char- it), name of Mrs. Lutton's mother. jWs. Salar Khan, tile Coll stitutiollalist lea- . I brews tb cast tll--'-..3 .115 into tile waters coal kilils And the lunibervai'ds of Alex, Lutton is communicating with other der, attempted a sortio northward as I . IF. I . Want Canadian D,epartment of In. t(i'pent Saturda;y With frleud i. The speed years called "The IM -1,11 but which. is He leaves a, -wife &-nd faanil7 of six clill- bers of her family and will try to this tele -rain was filed. The Tesult Of . .. of tile Emat itiver and to the act, of tit^, was close to 1) miles all tile way, and now known as Hill street. They are A dren, Immerman & Co., of thli I)Ive(-. Tit,- 111011 surance to Investigate. fil-mily of railroaders,. root and branch. I . so o is not knoWn. 11 -New York's -wiso. mail who some time the inaxinitini bf speed was obtained I 1, losses will exceed V0,000 And tw I find Captain McKeighan and learn de- this "Lie - - I When young Eddie Brown . "I'lly finitely whother or not lie is b.*,r loner - - 1: . , ago modified the bridge plan to an- . Ooso to the spot where the Accident of. took to rail- families were rendered. boinelesa. rill' lost father, Robert Roberts. o able the elevated railroad from Brook, Buffalo, Sept. 28. -.rhe dkvte Depart- . curivd, Smoke, coining from the forest roading some time ego he started as a EVAE ]BLOWN 00T. women and children were brought here. . I I WANT WORK. 11 . And grass fires West- and south, covered call boy ad then Went braking. Some . 'Ilia north bound Ann, Axbor passenger ;I lyn to enter the ALIftlihattan subwa ', ulant of Insurance has instituted an m- 'CARRIED OFF BOY. - . taking for the railway t1le space Orig- the 'whole mountain side, mud Added to years ago he was married, and left the train, due here at 4 , .20 p. m., Was stallIed BEAR . I inally designed as till lilell-ned Approach vestigation into the affairs of the Ind& this tile fog of early dawn, thickened illl,e life of railroading to take up the busli. B,oWn out here for the night, as the tracks were I . J to the fOOt'p4th Of, pendent Order of Foresters, acting upon air, NVith a rush the train crossed in tl,Es of nickleplating. Ire was moderate, Tongue Split and Teeth destroyed at Homestead, Fireman Were Revelstoke W Vas Finally Rescued by Fight Between Unemployed Sind I tile bridge. Tile sent from here and front. Frankfort to I I crush lasted for hours. BLghuning cArlY a long statemaut of alleged conditions sidety it similar bridge to the one w1ileb ly successful till. the financial depression -Dbtectives and Dynamite Cap. James A. MacDonnell. Police In Manchester. . ' , in the Afternoon and incre,,iiag As the set forth in a letter ,viittan to the de. gave Way, and forty . yards further it put a damper on that business -and the I assist -tile people o't Homestead, .Find a . ,-A hour of sunset approached. tile religialli partment by Sullivan, Bagley & Wech- again left solid ,earth, to return with ft, call of the railroad Was too strong fat relief fun . it I has been started. Winnipeg, Sept. 28.-A despatch. from — . ! day closing With sunset. tm suddenness unexpected. Thobridgo lield him to res-ist. He came here from St. - - r . Revelstoke says that wbile standing Oil Manchester, Ll'ng., Sept. 28 - There of the Tishri ter, Buffalo lawyers, who represent a till the eligine had . almost reached i a0i-arim s and started braking; again, . . Philadelphia, Sept. 28, -Four police of the railway depot platform, James A. . These are the days . lie Ot . was a Wild scene of disorders witnessed : number of members of the order. ficers were injured yesterday, three oi WHITE PLAGUE I MacDonald, chief engineer for a con- .; holidays, . the most litipliortant days for Superintendent of Insurance -Otto Kell , other side, and suddenly, with a crash, He had Wait at, it about a year when his tracting firm on the big tunnel, saw a here last night, when numbers of unem- I.! modbru Jews, the days li,tween Rasll- say has written to the home office of the ongiae and first car were burled to young life -was cut off in the traggia them qeriously, by the explosion of,;a — . bear come out of a bush and carry off played, who recently have created fre- I ballshanah-Xew Year -and Youl KIP- the groujad, twenty feet away. The ell- malmor above related. He leaves A. pret- dynamite detorialing cap left ',,y bar, Inlernation . . the order in Toronto, asking for till ex. . tile eiglit-year-old son of William Lines, % I pur-Day of Atonement-l--extmidilig froill . gme went down first, with the three t7 widow, Who was prostrated when the - i al Congress Opened at 9. locomotive engineer. MtZbDonald chas- tuent disturbances, came in contact with . the first to tile tenth of Lbe month planation of the points raised in the let- dead men in it, and the tender, loaded il!aws of tile terrible accident reached glars lit their hurried departure fign ... . a police. The inob attempted to. raid I I Of ter from Buffalo. He has also committal- -the diamond store of Joseph H. 'Des Washington. To.day. ad the bear. 'file animal dragged the the town liall, where tile Lord Mayor , I Tishri. On New Year's Day the books cated with the Mnadian Department of with coal, followed, crushing in the cab her, and she -was in a hysterical condi- . . I., child to his den and it was onl a ter was holding a raception, but was frus* ­ . , * Angel are mada b7p ftisurunce, in order to "certain whether *,tilt([ breaking steam pipes and the firo t -ion despite the efforts of kind relatives champs at Sevanth and Clr stnut streets. -1- I I . . . . . a strenuous fight Chat the a a . d trated by tile police, who inade a charge and the judgineonb on the ll- ,oplels con- or not that department can institute an box. The car which w9a partly - oil the and neighbors to toothe her. She haid her Reserve Policeman Bea,uniont and Deteo- Washington, Sept, 2&-A remarkable to rescue the boy, who was crio I ill. . duct for the year is pronounced. That trcstle followed in belAnd the cliftine husband lived happily in the cottage of tives Williams, Brown, Long and Reilly, . with their clubs. A number of persons . 1. e investigation into the'affairs of the or- . m Benjamin Brown, on the Hill. of the city force, Moffatt, of Camdpn, , red, but will recover. Th car ads receivedmore or less'severe injuries, and . ;.. Nyas last Friday, Between Vb2n and th der lit the Dominion. With a force that broke it open and jam- odUCatiO1141 campaign Was formally lit- "A . his escape into the mountains. tile police did )lot escape without bruises day of atonement it il t1w effort of The 1 tter sent to Albrony alleves glar- ined the trucks far down into the ground. A few blocks down Garth street lived and Sharp and Campbell, from the bar- augurated here to -day. It was humani- I - . the pious to merit and sreuiz a niodifi , I The speed of the train and the sudde!i- Williani Maloney, son-in-law of Benja- glar Alarm company's office, went to the and cuts. Finally, however, the mob WAS : I i ing discrepancies lit the actions of the . ty's crusade against a most deadly foe- - - - I cation of adverse judgm-nit through officers of the order find in their reports. 11039, 01 the calamity made it Impossible min Brown, 'whose six pretty young building. While examiiiitig the burglar BIG ROBBERY. .scattered and ortler restored. prayer, charity And repentaiie,,- I , -io dia white plague. St.. Petersburg, . Sept. 28.-A success- I - t , - - - for the two brakemen and the couductor children surrounded o, Times reporter tools Beaumont satisfied ]its cin .:.;Ity as The occasion was the official operting The shiners go to the rl-ver And read a set any,brakes on their small string when he called at their home in com- to bo -w tho igniting battery worked by of the sixth triennial international con- ful traha robbery was executed by a a prayer and cast thoir shi,4 upon .the of ears, And four others followed t114 pany wi . tit their grandfather. "These are connecting the positive and negative 'DROWNED, ' trap. . gross on tuberculosis at the National large force of police and troops has I.. river, that it bear theni Afar, and thal SEVEN first car and engine into the death. Will's children," salkl the broken-hearted wires. 'Ilia cap exploded, blowing out Musellin. A more distinguished gather- band of thirty merr near Vilna and a FOURTEEN DEAD* . they fall not upon oth2r p2qlle. . On the third car stood Samuel Dickinson, grandfather, as the tears coursed down tile officers' right eye. Detective onlilp. perhaps has never before met in the been sent by special train to ill; , ! Men and women forced themselves Chicago Launch Struck Bridge and brakeman, and he Was burled Into the )its rugged checks, soared With the lines bell's tongue was split froin end to base lonal capitol. Scientists, of intern&- scene. The authorities have .not as TWO Trains Collide on Berlin forward in spite of KII ord,,rs to keep iniddla of the wreckage And terriNy of years of Libor, To havo two in the and his teeth were blown out Alof- t. 1 fame, members of tile diplomatie 'yet captured the robbers or recovered Elevated Railway. . in '. I A- ""' the Inoney stolen, -wbich is estimate,] line and come slo-Ay and they paid Turned Over. erushe.a. I.rhe only thing that kept the faint v coming home in tbeiPedflins was fatt's name wits lacerated, And ilie, face c ! Drps, philairthropists and ropresenta- I not the slightest attention eVen to three last cars alit of the hole was that enouti,t,cao rnnd the heart of any parent, alit, as were the faces of the others. nation between $50,000 and $100,000. . fierce thrmts backward tli.,.t atlthucs 011icago, Sept. 2& -Seven -men out of tile first five and tli,a engine an'! tendbr and tile might of a broken-hearted 7 - : Lives of practically every civilized . . -_ - V Berlin, Sept. 28 Twe trains on the ; in werc, present. . i nearly amounted to blows. llats wtve a party of eight were drowned in the cOttlPlately filled it, but the way thoy Wife and children are added, as i - :..- . MANY MINING DEATHS. Berlin Merated Rai4road Were in collill knocked off, dresses Were torn, hair were jamined mgaiinst the fifth car show- Brown's ease, his great sorrow is re- DENTAL THIEVES -.--. : Washington, Sept. 28. --Accidents in ,!,it early this alternooli. As it result I was disheveled, to my notbing of whis. O&Iumet River last night .wbell tile ad -with what speed they had been run- flected in many heart$. CHAMPION WOOD -CHOPPER. - , a a h between lle bodle of strug- pleasure launch Leinon struck one of ning. . 'Alaloney's case was indeed sad. Lony- Itinde,ful. Feat by Vermont's Best coal mines of the United States dur- fourteen persons tire dead, while many " t ors, ",.In_ . were yanked up the supports' of the Nickel Plate Rail- Coliduetor Afartin . was oil the last car ing for Brantford Saturday afWrnoon Broke Into St. Catharines Dental Ing the last calendar year resulted in sustained injuries 'file accident was 3 1"' r a "' ; It Axeman. ,, the death of 3,125 man and injury to cal.tsed by ill misplaced signal. One of - '10 I t bpL- g troddell road bridge in tile river at 126th street, Ina X ,alia, 100 Hess, to attend the funeral of -]its ])rather, lie I I'ling 'no 'a" ale Offices and Stole Cold, Whidaor, Aterinont. Sept. 28f-' The 5,310 more according to statistics just tile cars, whicit wits crowded With pas - Ape "t in , I ' with Braken cir,L j foot ,ftel somebody ]lid stepped street uh are.thrown to -t -r-ill-I under Ills brotlic a,w6aud ac epted the I - And turning over sank. The owner of , ffer for a ride bome in the cab made public by the geological surve - sengers, Was thrown to the street forty *L' so" The death record among tile coal Inin feet below. . - t the craft, H ]%net- Westergren, was seat. tile flo" by till it Was shattered beyond re - on their dresses, babc.4 lit the bre' , contact, of tile cars with latter's a boast of Milawell Evarts, a aOYVLI -were nearly crushed Into shipele so which bad gone filio the abyss, but of the engine, Little thought he as lie St. Catharines, OuL, Sopt. 28,The of Vermont, ar, ,it tfluner ill Wasbill m -'11"s- ad at the sterai of the boat, and After Lit(" I at d trainmen a era during the year Was greater by cognition. Tile greatest mortality WAS they were practically unhurt. They man- renewed acquant ices wi i it looked at tilll6q its though th'a imall . burglars who operated recently in last winter, that tile Green Mouaitai'i'l I Ila was thrown into tile Witter lie swain farmhouse, where a rig who had been Ilia friends that it was 1,033 tilarl. 1p 1906. In tile ca, Mile police were quickly at ould aged to get to 9. wood chopper who 1: - V o specimens of humanity Ito a to the share, wa,-, obtained, and some person set out their last meeting oil this earth. Ma- neighboring towns and cities evidently Stilts POsssssed R tile scene And tile work of extricating scarcely have sins of their own to expi Weetergren's brother -in -14w, Jo . il workingr man all his reaelled St. Oathari ies on S could go into the Woods, cut (Iowa, chop tlto (lend and wounded ,was begun. Alit - ate or meet< pardon for wvie attivilly I'll for Copetown, and sent word of the acel- loncy wits it liar aturday MISS HOPE SMITH. Greek, was one of the victims. Waster- . ip split and pile five cordij of wood be. bulallces hurried tile injured to hospitalts. . sionslied Against the bodies f i their par. lent to the city. Then they went baill life, And Ills pretty holne at 76 Garth or Sunday. for last llight the dental Itueen sunrise ajid sunset, ,wits made Dotrolb, Wall, Sept. 28.-Alibs Hope : - :_ . ' 1 gren. seeme(l. distracted And refused to t a wreck -and helped got Dic1censon' street was brightened considerably a few lents. - give the names of the others. . to tit offices of X. r" 0'ftlylln, Killiner and rrood in the Woods at the north of this Sinith. one of tile best known eiliva)ls - 1, out, years ago -when the Dceriugta factory Vitzgerald, (,,. o. c to make her ho THANKSGIVING DAY* . I I I I When tile firebox cf tile engine was locateil ]let,(%, and -lie obtained the post- Benin and Carl E. 6n to -day, when Edward Moot, of lit Vanada, fias &aided 01110 TH& stove in tile hot coals were thrown all tiou of yardmaster with increased pity. Klotz were enttred and a, quantity of Weathersfield, not only performed tilt., in 3)otroit. Allss Smith has been studying , CONQUERS LE)EA: I JUDGE CANE DEAD, aroiltid, atia the Wrecks of the freight lie was looking forward to a comfort. gold nsad for fillings taken. They Rat, -but did it in tilt hour ttiid a half ill l?arls for three years with King Clark. , , . - I I _ I - cars soon broke into flames, and, fanned able old Age for ilia life partner And than transferred tile scene of their less tban ilie required time, and had An She is tile daughter of John D. SmAll , Cabinet Finally Fix on Novem- .1 by it rising Wind, gained rapid headway. 'himself, when the children would be in oporations to the eastoril part of the extrit eighth of it cord in his, pile, and no treasurer of Port Hope, Qn,b- She re- 1. ANIMALS XILLED AND BROUGHT To An Old Newmarket Boy Who ws .. t and got, away with a watch And extra half cord of chopped and split cently filled A, position in the chair of ber 9. 1 ; LIM IN PARIS LABORATORY. Nothing could ))a done to get the three tho prime of their life and well able to 01 I St. James Methodist Church in Molit- . i ilien out of the 'cab of Jim on,gine, which look After themselves and 6eir parentsi ,R in cash belcoaging to Peter Min- wood on.the ground. . —_ . tinguishod Himself In B. C. I was not to be. His wife's tears niatman, Niagara street. MT. Zint The novel contest Was witnessed by real, I - Electric . wits covered by tons of tolling stock and but it merynall had retired, Itaving his ve8t A, number of distinguished mail, whoul . I _- f - Ottawit, Sept. 28i --A weeting of the I No Sickness or Stupor After 'nd,' and were forced to break forth every few containing his watell and the money - Cabinet Council, Attended by the four . fruit, Wedged lit by the cars boln *minutes whan it small and innocent baby . Mr. ri,vatts liad'.broli trht from Was)) Sleep -Woman Doctor Pats Animalo Vancouver, Sept. 21.-Sndge Goo, the few men - who were present had to mentioned on the bed -post near a iqton, New York -and Boston, naid.by TlN MURDER. Alinisters now In tile capital, Hall. I to Death, Performs operations and Fillmore Canis, cf tile County Court, stand by And see tile flames eat up bov and baby girl would run up to her Chicago, Sept. 28. -Attorney Guor. Soon the I so S 0 rything that would burn. with sallies and. baby t4lk, and risk Window. It it; thought that the bur, , ato 1,000 residants of tile , t -at who 11 early Saturday a" glars ti;;od al) 0 lay who is defEciding Charles 1.14. Messrs. Aylesworth, Lemieux, Fisher I Resuscitates Her Patients. died suddenly on ,d to that laughingly, "What's ze matter, Alttv- lleT6 pol to secure tileir booty bad gathered to encourage and ap- Itad Scott, was lield this afternoon, -arid . salleft of burning flesh Was adde . ho olift Are scouring the plaud, tile prowess of the Stato China. Da;is, charged -with the inurder of I I - (lountryside in an effort to got the Dr. Fredetick Rustin, started the 1111 tile n 14 ' morning. Ile was taka.l. ill on Wad- of burning fruit, The T., IT. & B. had ver?" , Arrears of departmental busi es I PaT!$, Sept, 27, -Dr. Louis,,, G. l"bill' neuday night with angina pectorls. lie no Wrecker of their own, and they had * "Baritey" McFadden. men. . plan. Wlagers, Aggregating $overal cross_e-. tamillatioiil of Mrs. 4bbiti B,, , requiring cousiderAtion in council Was I ovifch, of N,ew York, and Dr. V. 1[agaitli was born in Newmarket, Ont., in to make arrangements with the G. T. IL With %, kind-hearted Wife, happy and ­ .. thousarld dollars are said, to have been , ') -1 1- 'Rivo -whon the foarth day of tile pro- cle aned tit). An order lit council was are preparing another slep lit their s,!rift 1801, passed through tile high school for the use of t1wirs. A-wrookitig crew pretty children, and a fine home at 15J . . . . . 10 ploced. on the contest. Mr. Moot, bc- liminary hearing began boforo,Judgo piwsed, proclaiming Thanks&ing Day -I. and Toronto University, a -ad in 1893 was gathered together by dilig6ilt call Queen street south, "Barney" McFadden WANTED PENSIONS, sides receiving $100 for Ills day's (3rawforil. in the police - court to -day. for Monday, XOA'embcr Oth, which is 4180 of dj8COv0rIc8 In OltCttle sleep expel opened an office in Xanalnr,6. He bays, and $0011 manned tile special which wits counted a fortunate man amongst work from Mr. Evarts, is sttia to hit" - - - the King's birthday- Illents, and those whiAllove been sarely married the widow of the late Mr. stood puffing at the yards. Dr. Ronnie )Ila irliateff, Ile Iva$ a large soulea and won considerably inore than tillat by SUSPECT GOt OFE A new civil service classification and conducted on TalklAts And dogi will Ile tied, and A., It. Dodsworth, under- large hearted mail of a striking P THOUSAUDS OF, p0OR MADE backing 'himself. scale of salaries for lighthouse keepers Gordon, ALP. valaeoliver Island. lie Was eft, orson. o I - * , Brantford, Sept, 28,-Pred MoAr- made soon on human bPill"A--Vftti1Mt4 ill v taker, wits sont for, Tbe nows of tile Ality that guinea him the love of all his Ai?PLICATION IN BRITAIN. Adopted. o. raot! ed ' n N%Ifts the insalle hospital of %I p 0 ' In aneouvor 'ill early ' wreck soon spread, and newspaper men - IN AT ST. KI fTS. thur, charged with attempting as- $- S nte Ann, in tile pro8oil a 11 comrades. Ile had worked himself into RA sanit o.i. a deaf end dumb Indian I Paris. '10 718 swat _ it conifartoble, position -as engineer Oil r lyj Was Dr. Rabinovitch lilts b- on conduct ing Whon -urlied, away, ag T udge s tcbed And eager sightseers clamored for a sent I 0 t y at' I Oil the special, but were t Humorous And Pathetic Scones lit the 8L. Catlirtriftles, Ont,,-S,ept. 28. -Mie giflo 0 FOR P E. MOIR. in 11 a Oun g r ty court end, a . -10 to 8 of finding . Alexander 'roon em_ this road, and now ilia home is thrown first shower of ra giv,on tile benefit of the doubt by I . 188 -lie business Of the train Was to save into it sadness such as nly the death at Postofficog--Soifto rail to' Distill. trato Livingston I liar experiments with Ito in on r to the Vulcan. t, In that has visited this a this morning . ! tho means of doin Awn. entirely witil - - .- : . ': . I life, I A, loving father can briong. guish p6naloft p rain Relief pund- district for nearly seven weeksa began to Xftgfs the usual anaesthe'dog-'Q ter mid hloro. RAIN AT CLEVELAND. Chief Ten V,yek, of the fire depart- t The Injured Drakemat. How They Proved Ages. fall at four O'clock this morning ,lid and allowed to go. McArthur and - Guelph Scotchman Tailing Up Sub- I . form -and so far has been very success- - nitnt, was asked for Aid, And the Bay continued ?Or it few minutes, belagg muf. , tJ13 girl sworo to differclit, stories. &inual I)Ickinsoll's. wife firmly, and — I 1:1 I I : fill. Cleveland, Soot. 28. -The disastrous street fire Ptigme Was sent up with clight ­ - fiviont to lay the dust. A socind shower scription per Him. ; The city of Park narly in the 811111- drouth which has prevailed in this mon and A, lot of hose. white it, was with tears lit her eyes, refustd to loan ' Xilleor. 6ft tile M. 0. R. i mar fittlea up a labOAt-o"Y for the section for many weeks was broken beffig loarlL,d all Alarm Of fire wad We- her onlyphato of ]lei- injured husband to Now York, Sept. 27.-A cable des- came (it sevon-fiftecit and. lasted for I the Times and other petitioners. "I patch to Tlio.Sun from London, ftlr -' 114 -If an hour. 1. St. Thomas, Sept.. 27. -The body of 11 - Hospital of Sainte Aune, ftitA there 810 early to -day 'when 12-100 of all inch -of pholled to the station, And a delay was 011011ill. 011t., 1140pt. 28, - Mr. worldim steadily, Alry woul(l not let It go out of the house, i1a Thousands of eagor applicants for Ad. - all UnItilown man, badly inutilated, f ba,q been I -MIT rain fall Wits recorded at the local, necesaitated, while the fire fightors I James taw, it Seiltell knifter, of she hita a, patietit to ,mleep by alea. wl titber buteau, Iteports show that rushed off to wliat proved ter be a false - Own for One .day. Juqt think I if some- ago petisions )i,%vo flocked to the 26 - scowman Drownea. Ira$ found on the 1A.C.R. ftneks at i A- ricity "Ahout porforining all Ol)llra ghowerg loll at inativ other points in I alarni. Going back to their work they thing w0rc to 0 io postoffices of the kingdoift during 18't. Thomas, Sept. 27.-Villiam. Jaek- , Mulvkirk on Saturday morning by the tios city, has opened a subscription list - t lit happen to it --mid some- .( I tion. 8110 has .%I -.o in several ease, I Ohio durXig tho niiht and early to- boarded the train With tile engine,.Rad thing bappened to Sam," and the tears tlio last week to obtain the forms ill son, aged 27, it scowmall for Halley & soctioll foroman. He .h.ld evi(lently llare for fands to asstist, Ill tile'derenee of i ! used clo'etrieltv its a loeal allaeAll , a run Was InAd'o 10 an intersection Of Welled into her eves fit tile linere - witich. to enter the tanley been stfuck by A, traii vvhile lie was 11te. Molr, tile slayer of &.rgt. Lloyd .,tie (lay. I , liarticulara of their N,Jillor, contractors tit tit# Port tt walking on the track. I ayi it part of 'the arm or log And liwi __ the G. T. It. tind the T., IT. & B., jvhe'ro tbollgilt.4 'Of sliell possibili ties. "We are 'nlail)js to receive benefits under the I)reakwator, while throwing a line to the - at London, Jojr Nvorked here before go- ' '.4. .0— Mr. pperforinea A slight opelfation. Ilor Ill- CHICAGOF WEATHER. the wreAlng erafto was watting, und it lucky, though," slip reiluirted. "Look tit Ilew law. The strltuto bestows on nigilt, watchman on the doelc on Friday poll dil Lfte Vi.%.+, hAS 811UPITA a fire I big to London, And was a friend 'Of i I logs of ,*I -2i-,.000. three ,clinrch 0 r I tention now 15, In which qlle i.,q on- ' w(ts, buckled to the trait, find the milp,ciall poor Brown And Afalonoy ruid. the miginc qualified persons Over thO 1190 Of night, lost Ilia balance. And fell into tile es beinto ,I IA%%,, n'" 'old illaft who come froal tile I eouraft' e r. .'Man"llan, Chicago, Sept, 28,-A drop of wora once Moro got lap speed. Coming to,the drivcr." She ridded that site had not 1 evellty tile F;uni of $1.25 weekly from Water and wtis drowned. A diver rpeov- alliong the 1mriled. 0 ' wmle part of Iseotland a4 (lid Moir, to perform A, serioms operation . ladt thall 30 degrees Ill t6wperaturo 00. teene they . found that Conductor Aftirtia lleard of the terrible Accident 1111141 launary 1, 190R, Itiltil dCatli. 8ePte111- ored tho boily_ inat . lills baq refused ThAw it jury ­_ ; , . . 1. I i .. - *j .v I er the Influence of eleetrie 810el . turtki during last night, following had performed his, ditty Pealously. On About b.lIf-1)a0 tell Ill the ulorning. "Ma tier 24'was tlio first ,day for present- ,0 __ - gp ) Right, und . Vhavl,cl trint Into 11i'l sallity, but will heat the i- 7 will be, the first tim, that thvi a storm of whirl and rain. At I' oaoh Al(lo of the wrecked bridgA tha line mat Ina, raulte ,and told me of it. ing, clainig, And the butic of the pep- It is reported 00 Algernon . his ""Ile i poot, Nvill Ile nplille-Ition biln,elf, 11tt eostR more to live tilan It, alit yeam I ' 1 I - - - - - I - , I I 0 11 P(I . v tl hamr beeir (lone ftilywhe" ill 01 t wolild. O'clock yestarday afternoon tile mor- waR flnggod with- torpedors and lavitp-rhA. 'I'll(% ,ill, tll %1111"Ceilt it, away from me. 11110y fiftagenarianq through ilia British Isles, swilillurlip, tile Unglish . awarded the N ,)J)el prize for the %%t lit- Tlw produetitill Of intoxicating liever- Ago," said the "riti 'W110 0"Plaim. .1 - Dr. Rallinovitelt haq itintle some, rp- 0-11rV Ato6d fit 80 'dogrees. In the bVen- tilt% PdgO PlIffild the tMin, ANd the ITI(Innt tO IW killd," An saffl, Vokwh-taft soollned to be awnre of tho date. . 141, I sonlotinleg llU1llo!e0i%A cravy prodnetion. I agcq in t1l" I'llited Stftt('A fell off 11"arly ,,y4,s:1 411siverell tbt% n.111 who, viijoy ..- 1'ipo W1, (a) oenes I lo,jr-rn onn,wilientc-S, "but ire Nvoitb . markable. ,discovorlm while ,4he bw; ing lit 8 o'clock here it had dropped 0 poured out and st,t to work, The lives aeroms the 14treot, front the ]till. Ills Anittl .9 I 1%,oft workIiig lit tier laboratory, nuil to M dPgrMi. J!,'arly to -day It atood fire engine was liftable- I* get In tiny, hilute bring At 79 roulotte street, aild he si-ld 19011101;ime8 roldly ,businesslike, IV 1). 0, 1*. NV-hitinit, of Tominee, has I ', million dollars tt JAY during July Rl d I , V-1do fto diff(Mty in hystillitig If& Itto at 4t dqtoft. work, as t1karo wat *a water teat, and knew his destA matts well. but oftoll Pathetic, tile postUffied of. hoen Appointed *,pollee illogistrate. Anglist. nlore,' _-Washhigton Star. I I . . . i ,. l, . I . ..L­1,_i­ , .A,.--- — I - ­ -.,. -