HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-01, Page 6;-, P7 � - , " 111, I �
I � I I I I . I I . , , , � ., . " - � � �. 11 - I - I 1. . . � .
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I a I I � The Wont Into OnAort &44 thi'Apalt. T, 001"W"Ifim , 'RN $ F,URKD- ISSUE NO. 40
zf _/1 -11 I.., #*w0ft"*"1ft"*w`""" *0044041- ...'', -1 11 . �, 1. . Co 11908
"I � I' N
e" ,� 1, �c . I 9 4911wh , , . A LEMON# . � I
1. . .. . 4 I �Z I I Able Inded Act, 400M them � 1 1, 24 H01 9 , ...., 11 ,'_., 'I" ;."."Woob
�,., , __� . I � o" �.;f 1 ; DUN, soft or Die 41 8, % apply
. . . , -VOU14- Y074,13an PAJUJO$81 . ., _ , 1. - _ " .1 ,
. I . _,;?_�, I .. I � 1. I—- - . I - I- I - I . I I 1. -, . I . *Ore. h4lpy. U 06o they had act be= - remoyo A" corn, API(I - � . ", ., _"�_ . " . ,
_. ,V4 W i � I " I it they 0991 yc4 Roroy upow1vo, and , � Q 1,01401'a
I Vora fitraotor 1. �.__^�oo__ ..%*,-,No-,-,
happy for so. 0:401 I 4 t noyer until, Way no a r ,, I
� . 1.4 1 Twenty Dithrent Uses lit the Home 00�,%Iloltoaol atishainalemsbecaus000mpo
I oompo
I A A .0*1 I . r V , Neville and L%dy, Marlow did nearly - . 0 9 it a ballus, rif year I , 1.tF,T1R9SIDNTATIV43 WANTIAD I X
0"" � ,
, J
. 4D 7 1: ara t d. 50110 vy all 1,110 . 4t 4A
. �� P" 11' every town; We start 4040 , d KIM-
. Iff, I � All the talking, SfIvia. liotoping with a For it, . I
I 11 - ... ttl a. patio Men In paying bU41404' W410 tD-447-
I I " I smile. and A1,44y b uQ104 46.0 Neville gavo ra. � ttl $. ef 11"tutes. ;ortrall, 134pply co., 74 puiidas' giroot, To-
The Gospel of Labor. 1. I "E U, S...", I,— On aocou,qb, of their. joint l0brPthor And . i I - The first prize, wa,o paid to it . 'S PAINL rola. tq� ,.- �. .1 �
- D.) '& "' " , K Q I and - Wilson, of Tiouip.7illo, Xy,, by t1to pub. . . — __E:__-._ ., . — - -
(By li,,,,y �r, 1) � 11 I - , ra. 13. .
,tu I)V.)�P, , . plater" establishment "'at Lorilt , 0 . r 1* ,RACTOR � - -rn- �—O��— .1 - .
But I t1link the Kilm of tllt4 country . Atidrey sat 4ilont and tliought?ul, but , - I I , � . 11 I � . I _ -- — . _ � _, , � . , � 0QVCATlQNAL, - L. F1
, fs tireless host, .. , ,. w1khout that soared, li,4;tted, ex .0"lon � Ilahors of What -To -Hat for Vic follow. . , I . . , , , -
comes out front 1� I . pz - .
on. her lao� which had hatintRil It for the - - The Size of an Ad, 7111,WND THIC D,&ROEST. IMST ZQTI;Vo
And Nvalks bt. the world of the weary, ae . ins "Twenty uses for 0, lemon.,, * a A pod businvia ii;
I . hooi ju paiumit far beet
I , ,
r I :a tT
W-446040-00 ""NoW16 ��� ��� 11 I - � I I L I - - 11 .
if he. loved it tile most; . 4.0""011140 � . ..... .. �� 1.11 la#,few Weeks. She , a Coati;al .
, was, froe--fToql Some a4vertisers befievit an ad, inust results, that Vcbool in III Duslawo
, ' Vow people 'realize the valuo at lam. I -
By mutual NasQnt the, two 964tIem9A . I . , C911c8e, Youge Rad 0wrard, Toronto. QA#
011, Nvlth . , be laa,ge to. be suc4 L 11 �
, ty confus! - heard. the a 2 - 19 -. be ovoregtimated; in - ."aful. Oth(lra think I
Vor hew in the dus (OTbat poor girl, too, Xercyl" said tho. . oor open, and thinkin it ub wliloh cannot IQXUa Im.
it are heavy and dint, v, ut 17QQk� aocompailiQd no il;;awl� - � a I � cases of toyer, oars throat or torpid liv, -hat it Johoul, - . - � . - . 1". 11.11 I . .
eyes tit. . goount . "What a. villain Jordan—I beg wits tile. viscount, he said,. witho . t.ho ladles to tj ,g _. t d be original in ataw Of .. " ,. .
He ineets agMll tile lAoring Inen w1to room, and they wore. still talking overthe - I
. I
tire loolal)g and lolliflug for lkini. your pardon. Ob, for heaverils spLke, Ing ,around: "I think rd better clear out, . . I I wonderfuli -, 1. . or the .medicinal qualities are unexcelled. display or in wha;t it says. Otero Something to, Take When $.asked.
there's no ch,ance of seeing wonderful past 4nd tho. more - .1 are ilwiatent that it occupies a,
0 let's try, and forget him for lialf 4a hour. UArlowl ohe4 the 2- 1, 'Two or three oliQQp of !among Ili A =It pl"o with each 4ppoarance In As the brisk f1ilanthropist thrust liar
lie cancels tile curse of Edell, lind. bringa. r1moro, ' . t 11 iting present, when a footman epproa. . 1. . . ill cure a nervoilo,
, Lo that, bottle of chain- liar, I'm afraid. That's wha ra we I I - cup of strong to& -w,I I ,
ri , open I viscount noloolosoly %xid saidt M - .. . . . .. headache. I the newopapers. But tlwae requirements fare Into the cab driver's hamd she saw
_01 uoh o It not e-esentials to aucceas. Unto" the 04t he was wet and apl4routly cold at.
I - ..
them 4 blessing ingtead,- pap, 0, will you? 'VPQU mr word, I'm to I'Mr, Traje would, �0 in , ,,bliged I - are:
Blessed, are they tliat labor, for Jesus not equal to, it. There, my boy, take A frig ...%. toll Me wlig. 'her' Is, I'll see " -
� � ) cup
partakes of their bread, I d one Into Neville's said P, voice behind h, you'd see him. my lord." i I AMERIOA'S 2- X teaspoonful of juice in a small adylortisement, carries Eu convincing busl� ter the bAlf hour of ouring rain, "Do
Im, that oxillaoil of black coffee will relieve A. bilioup, -
will fall do n whether you ever take anyth.rig when, you go
. glass,' and 'he force III think not," Baia the viscount ' - nees ma%age, it w ?I,
Ile puti His hand to their burdens, 110 6' A�laatoly, "After all, we can him to spring to his feet, upsottino the, . headache. � ,, .t
I ad, Ofoot I . . I prompttly� "I've had eliough, of Traloo a, EX-OHAMPION large space has been used or the adye,r- P.oaked through?" she asked,
ioutors their homett lit ni,glit., uietJ dare sail, I'll chair. To,mor., � 3, The juice of half a lemon in a cup , it
manage to Uoop It " tisoment Nye,% urtiqual . q
, orks for one dsy. I y ,Q
Who does, his best shall have. its 1118 guest jee M7 lowyo. 1 1 0, S�,Jvja stood. with hor hand on the, 40d all -his W Yes, ma'am," oaid, the cabutan
r --an ad get, he, I . - of hol water taken on awakening I ustrlioted, or h . , , with
I , face roj6 James. I've e a pleallool, -, . it It It occuploa the most proforeatha Umilityl "I generally do."
tile Master of life (ilia of light. Trale, But there's Jordaa-m_wbat is, ho door, her eyes dowitoast, her . . . WRESTLER I PO4g,
1 11 . iy word,, � flushed. � W The too Man turne4 again With, 4, m9f- . the Inorning is an excellent liver c9rree" tion on the page of a itowspaper, for it l"Walt here in thi vestibule," coin.
olug to do, I woud,ort 'Pon ,I . . " fhvo and successful substitute for calo-
And courage will conic with His presence . sage for tville. Would he please 000 - 151AYS: . Is not the teolliuque of an advertlSO[Roat manded tha philanthropixe, Rho inaer
tm urious, to see what his noxf'moye ' "I-1 tl,iought 1, phoixld find Lord Mar- . ted
a' ld J!ationce return at His touch, f 0 ahly were low here," all .. going Mr. Trsolq? . '. 44After in . mol and other alterative drug4. 1 that brings results, but what It says, her house key in the lock, opened the
. , , I great wrestl ' Ing match .
And ilia) will be. Lord, I with heir, lady ,a zald,'ap If sho*wore - 4I A dash of lemon juice In plain water �
lifold sins be forgivea to those . I Her ladyship looked Ground. I with J. Xel ( r, of Sta.loybridge at the � . All of which explains why some ala, door and van-lalied, to. reappear a mo.
who love 11i � ill much; here.) liar head's worth two ind a halt to run aNfty, If , Why sliouldn!t we all see Ulm?" she - Crysti4 )?alace, England, for the Iu- - Makes.a cleAnsing tooth wash, not only I I
of mirie, and that of Any 9.1 us," Ilut he took - the door out of her ]land � 11 1. . � I yortisers Whose advertleemonts BuFor* ment later.
And the cries of envy and anger will I I paid. 'qJnl.oqs there are Any raors - tarnational Champlonshipt I was removing the tartar, but sweetening the , ,
� �
. . They were not long left In doubt as to and closed It. -Ir . . covered with c I uts and brulses. I ap- broatho fictial.17 appear ,crude do better busluess "Here," she said, putting & small an-
cl,,Jang, to the soligs of elleer, . I "Sylvia, I want to speak to yox ,it secrets," I . . -Buk 0. A lotion of lemon juice and rose tbail otliera that have mrsacked t 0 velope in tho mAll'i outstretched hand.
c t., 1. � I I I "Let him . P I 11 cases . A .. ,
For oiling age will forgot its rage Jordan,$ next move, for an, hour litter, (I a, no," -said Neville. lied my favorite balm, Zqm I . for strikingly orn to diop,Ry "These exe two grain quinine, Ills; you
whan the Prince of Peace dra%vs while they were pacing up And down the "Yes?" softly and demurely, without a Iz Amd In &� laarvellQuoiy short time the water will remove tan i�d whiten the
torracO, a gr001A . Was seen galloping up ralOng her eyes, ozo in, Lady Marlow." I .- d cuts were healed and . t a fues,
I : �braalQnp an , it skin. take two of them now and f.wo more
near. Trale Was allowit in,. and looked rother Y�Ihat this is so can be ea,sily proven. in half an hour,jl_From
the olt "I want to toll you, that—that I love . I ige - Nras fit and well again.' At, another - 0. Lemon juice amil. olive oil is far su- Let a I . the Youth's
This is the gospel of labor—rim, it, ye 11 Wo. , and you," lie blurted out. nonplussed for the moment at the 0 titne I had a piece of flesh almost - . _ small 91 -OOT R8 long as he is Companion, .
0 1% He pulled, up his sweating hqrogj . - of, his audience . � . - - perlor to vinegar for a, salad dressinj;7� contrally located advertise SUP0110 for I
llell, -irk- . 'handed a note to Neville. for,all' still more softly, though ter L I but 'only fo'r a .moment, - tora completely off my arm above . , .
. '. L
.i of the, 1, L IlSorryto ais I d to he -. eqiialpartg used for blending. . . . I __ , "* L , ... - .1. _
' , L
The Lord of Love came dowil from "From Sir Jordan, air," -lie said, tetuoh- bosom was heaving. t,urb you, matura'13y and : the slbOw- I anticipated being U11- 7, Lemon juice and loaf sugar is' throe cents P, bar ,and a widely adver- I . -
I said, turning to liar quite . , I I i.. I . . 0 1 . I
. -
abov6, to live with the mail who Ing his hat, 14And he'll wait at the Neville looked at her ruefully, lanki allle to do anytlilog_ with the arm - good tised store advertise at the Gains time _. 8 d 4
agn youl name An, -
work. .h "And—oh, $yl, don't you love inet" - As a matter of coursi, fibut.Slia 13. z for a long time. To my delight, I for hoarseness. the S.&IIJIG, article, telling all about It,$ "DIES dress an you w rei -
0ourtfor an hour for t a answer, I . . it - . . - 8. Outward application of ,the juice - Calve a free sam'I 0
This is the rose that Ife planted, here in of ogo—one oplght towever, Zata- merits, but without &nylinduosment " ,
wait," mad, Neville, " he opened the "Of—of course I do. - t Buk close,d, up the - � I . I � L
, "That's Lavarick," explained Neville, in allays irritation caused by insect biteo, to price. Where do you think the, sec. 8ji0OUXISCOMPOUND PENNYR
the, thorn -cursed soil- to love one's—brothir."' , . - *.ouftd In two days. In three days, -S . �t
letter, 0 � . L a. 0. A irefroobin, , I mical housewife will wend her * ?
a low volilo, I g 4 ,ink is made by lid- T
Heaven is blessed with perfect rest, but turned furiously ito , 116 face reddened, 10 it W" Coverall with now Skin, And . Way
. d nodded, L
., lie reA4 It, and I , . - . Iln a fitoshif,beittelilegg to lemonade, no
11 A# Lady M4Lr - was no tracq of ' �oa 1han the grocer
-Silly ()f 4!arth is t()i . 0 . � , I To no. 6thor pt Will -
the blet� n t., thoo L V4 fta-th&t t..� 11011.0 1014 14 tcnbw. a oh.", low days iftert there 1. ' .1 11 � .1 .
I OurotherA , 010111t. 'Walitc.. C an�
otfter two, i I .0ni''40ve � � at If Y.O.0 , he Injury, I recommend Zain-Bufc , . I' e eaper, Although In
"ThIl Is his neO Move I", hf,sald-, Itit .. , , V ) ruises or skin Injuries of It"Ing what he will do he ,has told It Ili
I # I . 1, my l,g&, hot$ made, .� glean - 10� bie Game mixture when frozen
Praye te,rl�. Md offe hbuix-nd *1 weft 4 sioUlVo I ,Wkut you' t6 bd 34 i0io. , 1,wo, L I I J
, r. ., ,ri . ino two . � , breaXt of 'I, and,—raid. a part of Itis 004- any kindq makes a delicious ice. the nowspapers. in very small "a.— . . I 11 .
� r1l L .Qrp)$L . --- _ _ �
Our Father in heaven, Nye thank Thee yeor Ito polAprbral* s e Theia, i" Ing, and cono 11. It when �olliug sago or rice, a Mail Order Souxiial, �
I , ".1 If I do not jjq4pt, he * "Your wife?" she said, almost inavili- fe'llim is ho Astonia
as been I SIL . . . ,ill fight, -lie looked. at Nevi is Arta tha�l fs r3 - yours truli . , 1.
for this sacred day of rest that i . � HUG ' LANNON. ' teaspoonful of lemon juice is added he — .
lnd� !me tb�t I b1f, her eyes fitill* AOWnOa4j.'. otight . ' Ila- �.___._ . _ The Malacca Wildcats.
- , I
set apart for Thy ebildren, and for till . the- last. t An4 hq Cr � I, I . . -Tyla—'Ildr. Nivills, that I th T� kernels will be whiter and a delicate
. I J I The above testimony given by Mr. -
the hallowed influences which through bay's no moA07, GO t= posaceston ad '97. wife,, he re P Gated. "I've loyed InT dut, La.urion when vlsltln,� Toronto shoWS the vor imparted. I . In the forests of. Maiacca, and other
it comes into our lives. For all its gen- aluepoints of the law." you like that oval since rvoL 169i, you, IT-*- 'bewilder and ba,dger us with. 6 luo of Zam- uk for InJuries re� 12. An old,faahioned remedy fol; A SENSIBLE MEROHANT. Islands In the Indian Ocean may still be
tle reminders that ive are not the chil- 'Iye4l He has plenty of pluakIll re- Ah, you can't tell how I've lotod aud , 9J,',.dy!fu ..tJor sport. .
L out dela ,11 finished the viscount, go()&- remember, is honey,.aluim and Deal, Island, Aug., 26, 1903. found the animal known as a wildeat,
dren of the dust, doomed to perpetual illarked, the viscount. longod for you; and—and, if I can't bove temp,=Iy. I aseball, ootbD.0 andL LaCrosse croupp Nye The upper parts of It are generally of a
own ininjortais, It L earing as and yoa for my Wife_Well, I Shall ,J)a the L ,,Yea lord," said Trale, gr Player# should always keep Znm-B.y,IC : lemon juice Minard's Liniment Oo., Uralteds
toil, but Thine Neville tore the note in plea , xv#�Il� handy. ,It prevents cuts and Injur as - . I I
I MY I takfull t,e wrong turn." It steps
118, W0 flun mmt miserable man in the world. Oh, "You are aware that the third U � the I 13. Ive - 411 know the value of salt Dear Sirsr-Your traveller Is here to- Clear yellow color, with black spots,
the, stallip. of the Divine upon I a fragments Into the air. smarting, and heals. t is a 0 - rust stains the lower parts are white with Ill k
T th I and lemon juice for removing , , , ao
'. � - I'a" RaL . - getting a large quantity ,pots also. On the back the spots leng-
bless The(-. May we enter fully into 114 your master what you saw me whf don't you speak?" lie cried, fifiret �Fno money Is left to. the daught" an exec at ombrooation a ring stiffness, s, . day and we are
spil `Sixbbath. Alay out- vis- (10. L L I the . tile I from whito good, is qxtracted the of our MINARlYS LINIMENT, WE then almost into lines or rings black oa
the , -it of file 1, That's answer," he said to uously. lady Sir Groylile Was to marry." sprains twists, eta, I; and recom. -
,artli be . )in, andAtIG man. rode off full pelt ill was thinking," she said, still tottl�, ,,yea, yes7l, said. her ladyehip. of 1 mandeA by Sh;rring, the farathon win- 11 14. After the juice I fini it the best Liniment In the market, )
ion, dimmed by the dust of e Fro( at . aer; Madrali, the world's S and greatest yellow.
cleared go that we may, see the li-ep, back to the. Court. Ill ke I him from her lit arms know who she Is, or, rather, wh-6 her wrestler, eta, rind dipped In salt cleanses brass bemq� risaking 110 exception. We ,)Ave been in The Average length of the animal, ex.
"RightIll said the viscount, approv- Init were, by nor. mother Was. H � business 13'years, and have handled all
-rt to 7pa or name was Master,"
thing* of God. 'May our ears be ale . length, liar man . tifully and conveniently.
hear the voice of God, and may Thy lov- Ingly. ,(Julrt 4hat I should have e"t. "Things have changed. You axon't Jack 4:Quite ritht, my lady..",ft For all Injuries& Skin Diseases 15, It also removes unsightly stains kinds, but have dropped them all but eluding the tail, is almost two feet, the
I I Bagland--P . . -_ tail averages nine inchog. Its height,
Ing benediction so rest upon us that Eta you hayouPt any a n.y I 0 r, but Mr. Neville Lyalle, aLd She and Or husband le ��� I ,-- from the hands. yours; that sells itself; the others have when standing erect is ab,out twleve
ad of you, Neville. , 11 4 'I, ,
on We morrow we take up tile burdens money orhq�, 11"but your friends havel ' a rich =a—" as stopped and looked at Neville, She - - I 10, For flavoring cookery, lemon to be pushed to get 44 of.
of life again each duty shall be lifted "A d �evfir( ount myself "What difference does that make?" be �ad been I any, "driven front En juice is unex9elled, . Inches at the shoulder and fiften Inches
it a must let me 0 %"'g to but ,t,,p.p,d I* , oved the M. A. �HAGZRILAX at the hindquarters, Ito temper is mild
out of the realm of the secular into the as onall" amid Lorrimore significantly. broke In. land by- ir Groville," i 17. After the pulp is -rem
sacred and the whole life shall be lived 'Ili it's fightitig Sir JlorAa� wants he "A great dealt You are an English time. . eptacles for serv- L . and gentle; It plays almost like a do -
Ili tile sacred environment of Thy Was- shall have plenty of it," . 1) country gentleman, and, ought riot to "Right, my lady," paid Trale, approv- - - In salads Ices etc. � I . I mostio cat, or rather kitten, Chapin It
I , L ,q 1 a
At this moment the doctor came to- marry an opera singer, Mr.—Mr. I ypno!' Ingly. . �7. To�gli i�eat can be made tender The Invention of the Wheelbarrow. tail and amusl Itself with anything
ence. Amen. - Neville stared at her, . rlAnd this daughter of hers must ba - .. I -.. by adding a, teaspoonful of loin -on juice It takes a great man to do a that It Can roll Nlvth its pawe.—From the
ward them. und as q�aiokly as poosible. It will be - Is boiled. little London Standard.
The Photograph of 1-11%. He looked grave as the viscount iu- to that your answer?" he said. "You 10 WL dif- i 1 4_ to the water In which it thing sometimes.- Who do you think In.
, 0. difficult. Mr. No , -
(By the Rev. of. Leaf',laoutilt.) quired after Moray., I kJo It's only an exatisel And this villo knows ho - , .LV. Slices of lemon garnish fish of vented that very simple thing called a
L said, molining—Oh, Syl, I thought you loved floult it is to find a missing person," and Store% or from the - till description. L wheelbarrow? Why, no less a man than - I MEMS2121111111111111%,
Let Its not forget that God sees and "She Ili very ill, M lord," he by did I you stand up for me if ou and she nodded at Neville. . XAM-PUK 00.9 TORONTO, for portce, ' 20. Tea is greatly improved by the L�onarda da Vinci, And who wair,he, do I A
records us as we are. The Great Pro- "Has beon, weak and, ailing f;r -some time didult?" he said, with such disappolat- Trale shook his head eagerly. 6 Boxes lor $2.50. n-dilition of s, slice of lemon—either iced . -
teotor, you, remember, when the- artl3t and this is. a complete collapse. 1111, do . "If Jilh Banks' story is true, and il' (C. E. Fulford, Limited) for summer use, or its Russian tea on you ask? He was a musician, painter, 10C. The latest ;;
inquired if lie should paint hin With or my best, however, and while there's life ment and reproach In his voice and eyes think it Is, there wonit be any difficulty . . poet, architect, eoulptor, - physiologist,
thst Syl could not withstand him any '11 low; , , I I a cold winter's day. engineer, natural historian, botanist, Success.
whhout the well-known utole on litz- ___j, in this case, my lady," He paused and " i imo -i� 1i P—ol-low-wi—i-iii.,iia. A e and
face, replied: "F -or heaven's saket don't say- thatill' longer, In buying I mons, select those havilig inventort all fit one. He wasn't a "Jack- I
looked at Sylvia and hesita,ted. "Banks' .
"Paint me as 1 am, s1r; paint me -as I mad Lord Marlow, with, a shudder; "that "So I dol So I did)" she exelatinvid, I That when held stolen a thin, dry rind—tbese are cheaper and ,t -all -trades, and master of none," elth- to
13) and she cried as he took her In statement Is this. Pheasants Thrive in Illinois. tire much juicier than the fresh plump
am phraso is the medical death sentence- his arin"the will, the night Sir Grenville died, he Or. He was a real master of many. %xts
I'M 4. 1 1 - 11-1 rol . t.l.- our ill .A ' -1 "You know I love youl It Is you who I
- I-+ she shall +I,ou lit he could make most monev out Two years ago the first consignment once. and a mactleal worker besides. He lived I
ILL 5 to J oy W-71 we . 0 Ward, blind not—not t long ago. a . I : -
portrait, -whether we like it or not. And have the most careful nursing." of it by finding the young qirl and the of English pheasants was received. from I about the time Columbus set sail for
F& , ;
God likes pleasant, briglAt 1h,ps for lik 'rho doctor looked down. Why is it I have always loved you I Ali, on didn't QG Is I ging to her. He d seen her Stato Game Oonihiissioner Meeler by Kinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. America, and was born in the city of
, kno I w, you didn't guess, Jack, Z ar. Jack, t'?ar =n - I .
Gubjects. A gloomy life, suggeqting dark dootgr4 rarely look one in the face? , and he set off tracing him the game ivar4en of Clinton county. �r - Florence, Italy. '
I � tbjmk my Jack I" He learned that Mrs. Cheater was dead: The lattor official has kept a close Perhaps some of you may feel a little
jays and wrong ways, is no joy to God. "Well," he said, hesitatingly, "I 14.) kissed her brow and eyes and lips and'that the young girl and liar fet&er watch on th-ebirds and ispleased to re- Had a Competent Teacher. better acquainted with him when on
I have read of it lady whose photo- it will be better to move the patient 4.3 passionately, as the light broke in upon had gone to Australia." port them increasing. A few months Tg)a rebellious angels bad just been'
graph had often been successfully tA,ken. won ae. possible, -She Wishes it herself I him. I , cast out of heaven. are told that It was Leonardo da. 411nol
She went to sh for another, and after particularly wishes It. There are asso- . "Australial" murmured Neville, look- ago another lot was liberated, and all flight Lucifer who painted one of the grandest pictures
way the photo- oiatione connected with the place, I un- sm"Oh, what a blind idiot I Waal" he Ing at Sylvia, who sat With her hands , are reported as being allve. They are so In the swift downward in the World, "The Last Supper'l—a pla-
id, remorsefully, and with mingled Clapped and her boad bowed. tame, that they Nvill enter the farmers' *)r,Ort,O0k Beelz0bub. ture that has been copied many times
grapher retired to examine what the_ denstand.." alef-reproaoh and pity. '1-4 thought "Yes air; and Jim Banks, who is as do- yards and eat with the chickens. "WhatlB troubling you, Bub?," ale call -
sun's *0"t had painted there,; but its tile * . iscount nodded. that you only cared for me as sisters termined a man as you'd find in a. day's Fa.riners throughout the country are ad, . .and engraved in several styles, Go that
Iig ally developed in the chemical I should advise her removal, as . .
lines grudu it OV, 0 almost everyone has an Idea of the sr -
bath a strange sight Was revealed. Ili soon as she is strong enough to bear It. do- . Walk ' followed on. the chance of getting eager to assist the department In in. "Am old problem," amw-ered the fu- tion at the table of
the portrait the lady's face was COVerhi I iliall look In later In the day lord, "Sistarl I hate the worill" she cried, at him. And he did discover him rfound creasing the phaaaant population by ture foul fiend, between SOT11,01760.1111ts— the figures of our Lora and ilia ddsel-
. "I with a stainp of her foot. "I shall hate him at the point of death." - hatching oul? eggs to be supplied by the "IN71here are we going this fall?"—p-lill-
with a large number of black sputs. Yet and be able to give a more polutivly opin. plea..
� It fQr the rest of my days I" The tears. were running down Sylvia's department. Quail are 'abundant in adelpbia Record. '
no one looking'at her that day was ablL ion." "All right," he av . dd, enfolding her cheeks, and Neville,'though he had not the parts of the county Wheer there 18 —.-----.& - i� And only to think how many of tile -
thousand,,; of ,hard-working people real -
to detect the slight(%t trace of them in Loorrimore and the viscount walked a. still more tightly. "Wife's better, Isn't yet got the clue, -went to her and put plenty of'cover, and prairie Chickens can Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. I
her face. Next day the explanatioij little way with the doctor, but Neville It f My wife I Oh, Syl, Syl I I'm like bis arm ,round her. be counted in flocks of fifteen up to :. -, -.- I y oivn, in their wheel-Urrow, an orig-
calne; the spots hall 'then become dk- remained on the -terrace; it was because thi viscount, and don't know whether "At the point of death. In fact, he saw sixty, Before the new gamo law was L great Leonardo da
tinctly visible, The lady was ill of small- lie thought .it pGsBible that a certain now MOUNTAIN GHBEP LEAP, Viticil—The Round Table.
'4 ant. standing on my him dial and what's more, saw :him, giv�e passed chickens.Arcre almost cxtinct� 1, f :F : :�
pox, of which she died. , young lady might snatch.a minute from but this I do know, that I have won a packet to his little girl, telling her Chicago Inter -Ocean.
The wonderful eye of the sun in that; the pick room. the sweetest, lovellgat girl in all the that it was the story of her birth, The - - -
I Bass Wi th Which One of Them Rids MivardPs Linimint for sale everywhere.
story always reminds me of the yet He heard E6 light step behind, and world," and he raised her face and look- as known by the name of --j' He Himself of Dogs in Pursuit. ' 11 :-I
keener eye of God, Who sees not only swung around; but it was Audrey, not ed into her upturned eyes with all the d. "Shall—shall I go on?" Lucinda's Point of View. ' Galileo's Letters.
our Outward featurea and acts, but our L 'Sylvia, . !14i lad7ship nodded. . Soon after We 9tarteld a black boar he ran.
. lo,re that had been stored up for so , "When I engaged you, _ucindA " rea along tile ioot at a ellif and past a bunch The rumor Ithat a Roinian prince In -
motives and our thouglAs. He sees what Ile held out both hands and took hers. many weary months. . "Go On.' paid the mistress to liar colored ooZ, of mountain sheev up On the cliff$, follow- tends Ito sell abroad a' quantiti of
we are. Therefore, let us cultivate mind She had been crying, but there was a Sylvia got ug, put Neville's arm from it i I you had no male friends, Ing one of them to the edge, writes D. 0.
( . you Sau Galileo's letters has raised a storm 6f
and heart, for grace of soul and ciltica- look of relief in her eyes. 'r CHAPTER XXXVI. her gently an oft the room. . Now almost every time I come into Beaman, In the Denver Post. It was 4 big test In the scientific world and In
tion of spirit count for more than limpid, Lady Marlow arrived by the evening "Yes" said Trale,.'as if relieved) "the ram and when he got near the edge of the
"My poor Audro7i to he said. "But, no, 0 the kitchen I find a maii there." cliff he came to bayo and for several 111111- U100 local press, pays a Rome corre-
eyes and a rosebud mouth ai�d dimpled I -will not mock yon with pity, You are trabi, and the Instant she had reached young lady's name was Sylvia, Bond. "Lor' sakes," laughed Lucinda, "he utes stood oft one at the fox terriers which spondent of the London Globe. 'Bate cor-
I cheeks. to be congratulated on an escapoll" hir own boudoir sent for Audrey and They were her two given names, and ain't no male frcti' o' mine," had kept close to him. krotty soon a fox- respondence in question is of gyeat in -
Live ever as in God's sight. Be teach- "Hupli, Neville, depx," she said. 6' . Not I P (4 Then who is he?" demanded the hound got Up o1i t9D (Lnd JoInad the terrier, -
quo word more. We—we will no vtv, my dearo," she said, looking up i . .. teweat both historically and from a
able, for Ito dne is so objectiona.ble tt) 'S�'Nct c amazement. and they botit made a charge on the shooit
others as the roan or woman4ho tdiinks t speak fro n the ch�dr 4n which she had seatod I'Sylvial" he paid. "Do you maMn— it ady. bMd It looked vretty bad for him, as we scientific a-speot, for lvt these letters
qf lwh�t has happeped. I came to, toll "He am just in& husband," was thought, but he did pot, seem to think $0, the celebrated astronomer Inlormad his
lie or she knows everything. you that Sylvia cannot leave IVIor , The hermelf, without waiting to take Ixer "Yes, Mr. Neville," responded Trale, the reply.—Youth'g Companion. for he made a sidoWiso .1iring straight out . f his work and its results in
You luilslt intpk�st yourself Ili lifm � 0 �ery out -door things off "I'll trouble u to gravely. "The y ia.ay—the signorina, - - - I . rom the edge of the prC01PIC0, appareatIr friends o I
I 11 Or &I seems to ollng to her. Z. L . TKO, ,I,_ 'rh us oun —is ,` - six or eight feet, and then spread hip tea the wa,y of discovery. In fact, the
keep the cobwebs, well brushed froin Cd lovits Sylvial" tell me vJbat all Ns means' O has , t iaf� the room Mr. U;41versal Opinion. in a sort at bracing way, and with his body Italians regaxd these letters uW no.
coxin', has been endeavoring to do so all Master's J hter, and the heiress under ", tli j
your brain by living a pure, thoughtful "T know one person Who doeal" said th3 w - in a perfectly horizontal .po#ltion and par -
life, and though you may not possess . sy from the station, but has got the will," 0:U9 "What do you ask for this plaque?" allel to the face of the cnif dropped straight tional 'treasure, and it is h(
� �
a Weigle, ruefully. so Mixed U . I , An excited colloquy followed. askvi an old gentleman of the pretty down to the foot of the cliff. the Itagan Gdventment will not allow
1. ically a single good feature, you� A "Than—tben Sylvia LoWnG one-third of irl in 6 ,go ol a church fair bootli. There Is an old thuory that mountain Italy to lose them,
,,udi,ey smiled up at him. p can make nothing of It.,
"Ye I , lvia, I t4ink you had better tell me," lgi al
"III, �e appreciated by men, and beauti. -on don't deserve tha,t she should 2 Ills the mortayl" excWmed'the viscount. sheep in Jumping.from I& cliff light on their � .1
ful in the, eyes of the Great Photo- I d she hold out her hand to her. "Five clallars," she replied, horns, but th%Lt has lung been exf)lodell. 1.
love you, sir," she said; then she start- . I OR R
,,#, TR
It true that Neville 3�ynne "Aren't you a little clear?" queried I-Iowovor many b&V .supposed th b () H. 0 ,1V A
g apher of souts—God. I has Come Trale shook his head. ey Cured. ,
. id p,t the sound of 14orrimorols voice. ba#c his w1fo?o, "Wait a bit, my I d If 'll ardon the o. g. wered its Jumped Aowa in tho'brdinary way, ailighlig BED WETTINOD 1'. d N'a.
I . "Oh. is lie here?" she said, trembling a ,y, and that you are to be itio," -he said, gra,velyor"'Im' Calkspstata� Cowell,)) am first on their foot, This, I believe, In also ep 76. Loam
A Seething Lake. little. . . as," faltered Sylvia, who had sunk .P; g., blushing, an error, except when the distance Is slight.
I down side Q- Inent may be,true; as I said, I think it ,,4.1, +;- ,_1_4. . b,O +'Al — 0 — — 11 A, — -4 Is at all eat I now
. The big
� . black plug
chewing tobacco.
1, a'! o1&A11.4A&ld . AH I 6� aw, ,01,,�Sioi., a 10L,
How to Make Tea.
Mrs. Wickersham had advertised for
an exparienced cook. The first applicant
who came in answer to the advertise-
ment was a stout, red-haired' youn4
woman. Mrs. Wickersham propounded
several questions to her, which she an-
swered In a falrly�'aatigfdctory manner.
Then she asked her:
"How long do you boll tea?"
"Well, main," said the young woman,
I'some folks biles it longer an' some
shorter. It's all a ma.tter a' taste."
"But you do boll it, don't you?"
"Oh yea cert"n1y; but I've allus
thouat th'.'t two hours was long enou h
to bile any tea. You can V all tle
strerrIth out of It in ilivoill time. o—Youth's
Companion, .
. I - � -
Kinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
. � �
The Grocer's Natural Mistake.
Mr. Dash was a grocer with lofty Go -
dal aspirations, and he decided it wouad
-be beneficial to his status to join the lo-
o4l If club, In due course he present-
ed bEself on the littko, faultlessly dress-
etl, aind secured the services of a hax4i-
ened caddie. The youth appwod dubl-
ouz. from the outset, but when, at tbo
fizat vigorous onslaught, a peppering of
Mother Earth was sent into his eyes
.3 -4-u 3- 1, -1 �
tlzly A Banker.) ,,
, In various parts of the earbli, not.
"Yes," said Neville. "You doult want
to him?"
"And, pray, where is he?,)
is. But,—but—wall, I'm no lawyer, my
- J - I
Chicago News.
are 0 3 � - ,
entertain no doubt thu they light on all
In the Cold, Gray Dawn.
an is -ping - Maine P _1JT
ably in tho Auttilles, in Java, and in
"No, nol" she responded, drawing him
"He has one back to his rooms to she
in low
'lord bu t Vra afraid it would be difficult
t . rove 'her claim unless that packet
, , . �
feet at once, and as squarely a I
standing still, Just as cals one did. he
"Prisoner," amid the police justice,
"you drunkenness. The
',You're makiul a mistake, mister,' he
lt� seen
aly, Illay ),a -aters of sciiii-
into talk room. "Send him away, Neville.
sal a voice,
coni ng all the papers, certificates,
: position of this sheev when dropping was
are char ged with
said, pointedly. no' cueto-niary to
extinct volcanoes, from which, although
in fiery
I should dio of shame if—if I Saw him,
lease ring the bell," said liar ladle
ship. "My love to Mr. Lynne,
and Go n acketld'in
� ,
stiff legged, but the Instant his feet touched
.the ground big joints gave Way, with Ia-
officer saya he found you In a diagust-
Ing sta,ts of Intoxication, as6sp on the
&ut the tee in the caddie at gowf."
'd -Bits.
most cil_�eg no eruption of lave
,bas taken place for a, considerable per -
now, so soon afber.'O
A!* oJordan's exposure, she ir Leant I
will please come to the Grango at onoo,"
existence. AiLd I'm alraid that a too much
to hope for, seel the strange adven-
:,. ", 1! !, - -
.:i: �
: I illi"
creasing rosistatice, liuwevor, acting All
springs, until his belly almost touched the
etc ys of a private dwelling,"
- - -
iod, yet from time to time suffocating
and Neville understood.
she said to the lady's maidi Iland0tell
tures the young 1 y has gone through,
Ul."; .,
: i. .;� ;::
lid, before force of the impact was
91r1ourcome The
Is thab all, your honor?"
The person who buys any other tea al.�
Volumes Of noXiOus gases are belched
Vubwevor, you cattle to',—he began,
h a t f r
OgOax 0
Mr. LyiInQ's luggage. Now, to
� .
L�ivariak tried to steal it, ag Mr. No-
I !
.� !.. ` ) 11 .. 1, !
1'4i.�!.!- �i!,
.R .
e, ".
by the muscular resistance.
philosophy of this to obVIous.
19yes, that is all. What have youto
. ways hopes it will be "as good!' as "Sal -
forth fro.0 the terrible caldron of file
and molten. rocks, and metals ever rnov-
she interrupted him piteouily
"Ali, Neville, you don't know* him I
Sylvia, fiend It's true, I suppose, that a
has been found,
ville knows, and what lie tried to do
some one else may have succeeded in do-
I .!S,�.f, ':
.',!, I P1 ,
..;i5i .1 s:
.- ;
o; -,r! i i q _',
- The hoofe Of the mountain sheep are also
heavily cushioned and are abo,#t as elastic
as a rubber ball, There satmed to be no
say yourself?"
"I'm guilty, all righlb, you;r honor,"
- :-I. ,
ing beneath the earth's crust. Anitan,t-it.
How masterful ho is, an(! how useless it
will and that he Is left
third the fortun0p)
inf., or I may have got lost. I don't
-.?'.i i,
'!19 z I
mote jar when this sheep lit than it Ile ,haa
said the prisoner, deeply chagrined,
T -hought
Useful Place.
I Ile most noted of these "Solfatara "
. ti -At In the island of St. Vincent, ."so
o0oaniod, to resist him. Besides, I—heard
thi,t--Lorrimoro was engaged,"
a of
"Yes," said Sylviat more composedly,
w t Mr Neville or the young lady to
be buoyed' up with a hope that can't 138
i. ill
.fi 1112i
i , ,
11;Zo ilIN-11111ri
.! ,
descended but two or three feet. He was
up and aWay Instantly, and was coon out
-of dogs,
� . I ]tail cleaned out a saloon
whipped two or three olloomen, sa
Freddio--Say, wouldn't you like to
have three eyes?
-with a l n
C. I
Italy, erlia, a the t known and the
- 11 think I emu understand how you
wore trapped, Audrey," said Neville
that Jordan—"
� her arms
She stopped, sail held out
to Audrey,
"Quite right, Trale, %uite rightl" said
t I
11 l .. i
.1 !'I
. .,. 'i 14
reach of the which wouldn't think
of making the Jump,
A short distance to the left of where tho
got away in an mutorito Ile. I W&Wt
havin' nearly as good it, time at I
Freddie—JV,hore'd you have the other
I '
.11tost awc-in p is no less than
' _;n1faicillce
#rev . ply. "r,,t you. are free now. An d
and Sylvia stole from the
room and left them alone together.
the viscount, ruefUlIv. All you N&Y, this
I W_", pil
M ,1: 1: -
i t i.
shees stood the cliff slopod off so that he
have descended to foot It
thought I was."Mdcoago Tribune.
� _. �
0 ye?
three miles ch% %I and at the -
last xecorde eruption a terrible abytin
LorrnnOtro--what 0, good fellow he is,
*All how he loves youl You will re-
Perhaps Lady Marlow found that
(To be continued:)
,1 I'l
: �, R I
! � .. � ,
cou, cue of easily
. without A leap of litCro than four or
MId. dogs
- :
Plenty of Time.
George --I'd have it in the back of
of roarhic, fire sur to -and fr,o in the
Ward him for his long devotion and
Audrey was not in need of much d6haola,
tion. As. Neville had paid, she Was to
- - 1, .
feet, but the could have followed
, and thus kept hot after him, This Way
"Colonel, aleen". going to don-
my head.
Preddle—You. would? I wouldn't.
crater. I
Bib probably the most int,ere.
t sting of
falthfaluess, Audrey?"
Her face crimsoned.
))a congratulated. ,
� 11-
down was III plain sIgnt of tile sheep and
be was no doubt perfectly familiar with
)mothing to the
tribute a( Bryan cam-
Geo rge—Where would you have, your
tit em all is that on. tile western coast of
"Itadn't,--hadn't we better wait till he
When Neville arrived he found them
�all In the drawing room, ready for din.
Cabbage heads can 'be kept froan
, it and with all the foaturoo of the cliff, as
11 . . I It wets his home. It seamed as If the obeep
p fund?"
ii�r, saved a few dol-
I've already
other eye?
Freddie�Why, I'd have it in the end
Italy near the Bay of Baiae. A great
llk� a of furiously boiling
FAks ftw?" the retorted, and ran from
him. .
nor, and he want straight up to Lady
cracking by bending them down, break-
I �
decided that the old or cast way to battle
thb dogs was to do aornothing that they
,re; �
lars or it."
of my thumb, Go 1 could poke it through
ivater, about
a nule in chvillitaference, and kept in
bounds by low
ri I
XoviII6 Want outside and found '. arri-
the terrac �,- he tur
Marlow and took the hands she extended
to, him
ing the rodts on one side of the plant,
Winter celery will need banking. Do
This wo says that Lydia JEL
Could not do. I Would not dare 'to assert
that such was the case lest I should run
"Wall, every little holps. We shall
Is glad to receive your contribution,
a knothole in the fence and sea the ball
game for nothing,-Dolinamtor.
a voleallic. elublinkolent
Aot more than about twenty to sixty
wore alone on Ito d
(Ault .
"Md; 1, viscount!" lid asked, looking
this work on a dry day and when the
Wakham's vegetable Oompound
up agaitat some of naturalists who
claim that wild aft-Itnials do not reason.
no r tt
it or how sinall."
, -
I I T�
feet In heighty is almost entirely conceal.
I r
" I Wb I hattr Miss Hope's voicet" he
around with a flualt on his handabine
ground is ,.dry. 3)o not got soil Into the
oured her after everything lebe
'rho dogs were afralu to approd4h oven
as near tho edge of the cliff not whora, the
13 Yes, but I am saving it for the
ryan campaign fund of 1912."
. Why Didn' lie?
e�l beneath it crust, or operettlum, of sol-
110b, cortainly,00 replied the viscount$
heart of the Plant, it Will eausd rot to
had faUed. g6u st,
Mrs. W. Barret� 602 Mora
sholeil stood when ,he jumped, and whatt
Tommy is rather mischievous, and the
idified inud. upon,whileb tliose,of the vis.
said lRovillo, Ili his blunt fas .
lloja, "Look here, Lorrimore, if I were,
I and
- Neville beitit down and kissed her.
oat In.
Tomatoes, muskmelons Mod other tell.
wiltrog6l, -writes to Mrs. Poinkhmn-
he had passed out of their sight over the
6dgo they soorntli to think he had taken
- During the Honeymoon,
other tight before going to bed he lock-
who are not afraid of the hard
nald giving 'vilay betteath their Nveight,
YOU I'd 90 tO---J'
lady Marlowe laughed, the tiars In
der frufts can be protected from the
If Vook years I was a, great aulterar
wIng as they Immediately quit the Chase
and came back to us.
She looked at him appealingly.
a e c ad hid the key. Ills
mother reproved him next mornitig;
and causing tli�)n to end their' da a in
the fiery
"'To Africa.?" said LoMmote, blift
his I 1p,
IfYo,t ilaven't Improved In your man.
altrly frosts by,covefing with shoots. Al.
the gh this is some, work, if there tire
from female weakness, and despite
bvery.remedy given me by doctors for
Mr, Smith and myself were 'on th �
Dosite side of the gulch, about 200 y.%
don't love me any more," she
then she said, "Where did yon hiao. it?
Interior of the earth, circuni.
sl)cefly walk, and explore the marvels of
"Affica bo--bleagedl No. To London'
neira, sir," sho said. "you wets always
& bad, bold boy� And go you have come
few .plants the longe s6aaon of
0111� 4 r
this trouble, fgr evv worse Instead of
bettor. Lwas fast failffig in healtht
away, and saw the wnole p6rformanoo,
which lastod several minutes, It Wall tha
"Don't lovi� you any p, rel" lie
I I In why, 0 nly
Daddy looked evorywhere for it before
Ave W onl; to bed."
tl;is- natural Vafety valve.
sliqwharit, just 'or a few Wook"aya -
back, and are .going to marry our friend,
f ru tin will apIply rcpay, you for the
wid X w4completel discouraged.
finest exhibition of anirrial agility I over
to HOW
00100( astonishment.
a milluto ago I kissed I don It
" But mother," protested Tommy, "if
� ,
In various directions puff.q and jets
Do4lt You know how It Is, with her t Man,
701, at"a" expect hot to rush into
the signorina?"
tro ble
Brussels sprouts &Ila kalo -tire two,
,-o d & Iridn advised me W try
ne ay �
SAW or expoct 200� far a sbav
Oita jump, or rether tir6p, and riot hurt
, 'you
know how raftny tirties.
lie loolteil everywhere, why didn't he
0,� white Aulphureoux Vapots are eoll.
giant] 'wilitted, the mepliftiel odour bt-
arms h vor 3r moment sho It free."
to;Yod 11 said Neville, looking at Sylvia.
a 'Has sho told you all?"
vegotgb1as that Are much botter artay
4dis Lt. Pinkliarna Vegetable Com-
X did Go, and eta th alakful to
hiniself I do not know, but this was pretty
good. I went up to tnd spot afterward
But you stopped to take breath to
he domurrad.-LYouth's Maga6ie. "
hud. It under the hat stanill"—Home
filiv so nowerful illat it is lliociw -,
sary L
" o, X oi�nlb,ll admitted Lorrimpro,
"oh eo and it cat deal more than
. they have Ivan touched by the frost, nk
dia 4-b- tf Aurod the female Weakness,
,nd moammood the height of the cliff as
I .1 I. �. � � 1.
I - � L .. � .1. I � '. .1 . 11
. .
oep. to wirulward Of tile llisAlr; swirl 0but, I'd liko hor to, all the salts. But I 0 roves the flavor 'Wonderfully. .7 accurately As Possible and found it to be ,
Of codrso I'll go. I'll go u you know," said her ladyship, dryly. "I a not too late to bow lettuce lifta milkIng, me, strong and well, between tWbfttY Inlid twenty-flyd feet, Fr6m
� P to London' think you are a very lucky man, Is Every woolumn. who puffers froin. 16- the base witly which Ito Inado it I should
th; -'"� ""Po' AM—,44 f r h, ,voul ' T&dlah Seeds, to continue the silad.%A'On ni Ink
V it E
caust be-nea-th froln tiie s"th o 0 " se, think he could doublo-the di9tanto without
C'mited I ol While here and there � ke solid me a Neville." 1)c this in it col(l Irame, and you wl, 061#jtfonbl6sehoulcltryLgdi,%19.1?i -
I Wira to tile Athenian Club the very firgt i , � It Injul,jr. I..,
the crust bits eitlier Inollistit you callity "go do L', he assented. "How well you hAtn's VagetAbI6 Oompoulit - � — _' , i- .
s broken Ili, the fur. .look, Lady Marlow. I declare you are h9v0 9010
"v'arc ' t*o" o�l "I will", (said Neville, grasping his u - or Onions must be gathered at once. Dry MOTS FOR SIM WOMEN. Hawk That Never Falls to got Ito Pray
' ')()I 11 a lettuce for Thanksgiving.
been reo "'d, or
' r may be seen, tiot $�k d. yo n a Pot thirt ears Lydia R. ftk-
I n 1*'� "IT ank you. to that tha. style of'oom -y
11 'ply bill ing wat' 11 . U -cm well and store th.in In an alt -ent hawk has taken More -
'Oro than about. a couple of feet below "Aild. toll her— No. yes, why should . - ro(VIII or eratoi; with apen aides hi�m?d VogeUle Colt OUridt MadO A persist
RF SUT1410. Ilmont that obtains In gold at & Al?) In *r4 than a hundred chicken%, ftom the pro. :
But, and ir. niost pleasaut contrast to I Wt t4l lier what ohs knows m1rottilyl I'd 1, ilia looked pleased wl,�T 91m. and b4toinyls! go that there Will Ito it from rootA 96hd herbs, gas b6m the
-Ing Applo. . Toll her that I lovA her bettor than t you shall aft next ,me at dinner, good circulation of air ftmon,j thaw StWdurd r(3r.d6cJy for 10=10 illg inises -of Waltef Whila Ili Bloomfield.
tile sullen and awe-insph iira!irv, I
of thi,4 sLving crator, at one end all svor Alid that tho Moment the Will let a talk to me till the timo. The 619- ParAlOY can be hid li�l 1\1 liter 10119 'andiists positively cured thollsands 0 ,The bird is of'tho pigeon species, swift
�e X0 Twill come to her, That's all. Mako norIna, will have quite moligh of your bTy traTiarle,atitig it few royfri Into boxes, Woftiotl who ho,Vo been tronbled Ith of wing and seemingly, auto of Its prize
il�y I
iqlatid 1111E been forniked, probably, .11ke '%Y Okousaa. folood-by," rind with jast a eonvot,sation for the rest of her Hto." Wil gr -),v well Ill 016 kitchen Or aloplaoemnts, InflainniAtion uldem. Svery time.
tile Crust, floating Oft the stoanling wit. t= 4 V
'Iniv. , "a I 111"e _11TRICS,
er, upon which Inany. varictios of I glanco af, tile houso--hd cud nto Ace Aud. 111,dare otty," said Neville, hap�lly, oval% in the e(iliar whillow. tion, labroia ors, Imp, I , The people about tile lionad have on. 2
I'm ow luxuriantly, inelli'ding ft till. I NA W)w Walt' Watching them from Ile- O -But I ought to afty thttt I haven, t a Potatoes must hn ,lu.; before the luiril mHoffic pt%ins, backtiolle, flat be&r- deavored to seare it away, but 16 Invar.
aia�&hind a muslin ourtain—ho ran dowt the dross toat. You wore kind enough to 1108ts conic, Dry thain so tbat the soll I
- ble mutiffil , it". it too, 9 eg" hi'lily getr4 its pray, Once It starts On
Q*zpante of lilost lit . � 6ona for ,the luggagost but there w4an't will rattle off easily, and store Ili . g.t!ON�ql JS61iihg, fip,tuleney, jndi�
NV100 fleAther in f till blooni -- f tile ahmbg W I'd b6tter go, too,ft . )) oellitr, tionodizzinessor hervotm PrOSUAtiOn- ita upward flight all the small bltda Ift
, afty. J
11 L'
quite three or iotir feet bigli, eolliplett". � 11131�0.1 !161!,4116, 44 he looked after The vistount Iftughta" , spift4oll gown in aola Ire,mas eariv, Ili Why 4on't You trr it ? Cho vioinity Rot Gail for it endeavoring
IV covered with Ing spikos of till$ niol;t W& ou. ,ttill Ito 'hung abotlit, ,find "It's A,good jokell, lie paid. 11 hull this nionth C -an be, had, for lktt fati or MrS. PlukhaTili IhVIW, 611 SIO'k to forte it to reltaxe its victim, but the
attriletivo and ootive,ted flower-, graeo .ind ptaemwn�j I - itinatl to Nvrotto hor for Advloft,00, hawk soon outstrIps them and lots awtLy .
I- 1;9 patiened met with itG ra- lift,vo to land you monio things of niino— early winter nee. Sow.* In the open, It W4
brauty luxuricating 1% the midat of weh-4 wlt,ra�, ,I)o 1-7s(A lybig bsek In it reolfft. they'll come down its far As Your AnklOb omt be mulched rind will 1)(k te&ay :rot she hAs ll&d thousands to with its tender morsel.—Rartfora Cour.
arA grim surroundin-gi. hiti ahalr In the tmokinir room whati, he mid alhawa. Td&t* A&v.los ,eulv umo next sorina.—Subarbom Life. h6"th# I 04013) Lynn# U"S# Rne.
IV . - .
&_-..Jr._'j', ,�,6L' wo,, 1111 " � I 1. - ly ... 11, I - � � I I , ,, i ol"QAkoiAL __ , . . I . �
SEEMS iiiiiiiiiiii � � � lidil E --,---. 66"
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. . .. . OptQola C - d the
th,h &,�r�t Peatures
4em an
4i, The CrImp Of wo.
1. a ArW It Toll$ ffie Kim 161' Crim
and the st Is the &ttlar Crimp—AND Wfl?.
� I �, 00 V Vou Minteetsted a Nato
CO- , - - a eul rA will I Ig this BAght Littid
, 'FlEyla 00kner" t6 you At Once.
18the title of 'a Mighty Intepi, -
th W- . 'if Ask Vourseff —Why n6t let as
Ing Little, Booklet 6 th" Und Voo a Coy T"oy ?
boards, that heA ust e4fil -
Issue -do, The E. B, E-dedy Co,#
4 It Wig uia val"a. of Cui4, Canada.
WdAlloanks tho reWrtfi'l, "O" swo I w.
. �:-. ... ,.,� .. .... - : I I—— .
I 1-1 I .... I., ,. � L -, ..-.,.,..- _ rjo, I � . I - I � I I _... 1. I., I -11. � 11) 'I
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