HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-01, Page 4,.
4 THE 1`!' 1N171.A.:1.AN A.!!.r N' ANO,1., , MURS]AY, 0MOITER.
It 1908,
w,..i ...•... .»--, ..i.a_,di...a.:, i,,.0. .-..e...rl-al.-..rF+.�.n...wwww..»
A Dangerous plea,. Mowick.
_ �--- Council mot Sept, 10, in Fordwicli 4
fi �i n
PartiCUlarWe fire surprised to see that Sir members all present except the Reeve, `c ieoseA1smq►WiLaurierbiw attempted to, dia. peputy-peeve Ilainstocic took rho�i Vo(��' t'�4 Y x� ,4� i 1 ,C chalr; minutes of last incetin were jjjj,,,,��e eopor a pose oP Mr,. I3ctI'den s at'guinenta with g R»A][� ESTA'lfE R41 Proprietor, and'speakers, following loadit �neer, and the Liberal ova ra terra yard clSotheran wafted on the AND INSURAIITCE.
• Theo, set a r� the of a "Slander Cam- council Altar reference to an agree ' (�i•J71AM•■ ONr.i.'.�,.�.
Tho you want things to be ,fust so ? Then p y mens under~ the Ditches and Water �7
• , I ' sunsoRirTION PRieE.^$1.0o, per annum in. paign.. 'phis cry has been. heard. be, . . WAN Ladles Home tlollrllal. Agents home. iTollrnal Patteru
wed like you for a .customer. We've promised advance, $3,64 if not so paid, fore. It was used with great vigor by . Courses Act, asking the council to pay
oil satisfaction romised you that style, fit and ADVERTIGINO R.► ea. -Le al and error eras. the defenders of the %;oss Government
over to thin $12.50, amount to be paid Farm Properties,
price will lease p you, •— wll keep our prQQMiSe, firs i ea tip= � Pp mei ll o o eachid bsequeut on Ontario as their unfailing answer by Robert d, Saiaderson aocoxdini; to e exceptional -values in '
Our best ads, are satisfied customers, Conte here lnaortien, to the arraignment which swept thein itlzTeement, Some ex ep �' 1 e
Advertisements in the local columns aro from office with an overlvhehni'ng do- Downey --•" Underwood — That. the Varins. If you wont one, it will "
for your next Suit Or Overcoat, ollarRRed too per lino for dint insertion, and 6o feat• clerk notify Sanderson to pay over raid pay you t0 see us.
per rano for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Strayed, harms for sale The taunt is as absurd as it is den good old Province of On,
,, above amount at on The
or to hent, and similar, $1,00 for first three Winter•-•Downoy—).hat olerk do err B *rd
tali0 its all fight.
weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in. g'erous to those who make it, Slander not charge the 4 days' work ret>irnt d
sertton' l' b the aathwaster against mines
./.� q./ .//-y /•�'f .and pez•sctnal clause laa'vo no art in
Mir S 3 ul a.L�'hingS's CONTRAcz1 RATES.—The following are ,our y 1
rates for the insertion of Advertisements for the dignified addressee of the Conser-
Lynn, ho Having performed an equal ,
specified periods: vative leader; and the Conservative amount of wort, --carried. Town Properties
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear Etc, SrAcie 1Yr. sMo. 3Mo. IMo. platform he has announced is sing Town Ono Column ... $70.00 $10,00 $22.50 $8.00 Applications for collectors were
, lady constructive, progressive and g•just two,
in every line. that's new and up-to-date. IIa1P Column 10'00 z5.00 ls.00 a.00 react, there bein At right 1I We have a
' QQuarter Column _0 00 x2,50 7,60 3.Oo business -like. g prices, CeS•
Gno Inch.......... 5.00 9.00 2.00 125 h inter—Underwgod--That Walter ,
Call and See Our elegant stock. It is true that the record of the Simeon bo collector for the western di- number of Mapes admirably Suit- -tons
i, B r ain For
Advertisements without specific dirootttone
Small Prices—Bir Values, will be insertod till forbid and oharged no. Liberal Glovernment gives peculiar vision, and Wm, F. Wade be collector ed for retired falnlors, No pret-
oordtf0g.1 Transientadvertisoments roust be significance nificance to the Conservative lea
paid for in advance.. g p for the eastern division, at salary tier or Healthier town in Ontario
„ ,• , for the purity of administration which named in By-law No. 1, for the year than �'iTingham. Property bought
forms part of the Halifax platform 19()8, ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3rd,
and to which the Conservative art Dere can always be re -sold,
- ( r party Downey—Winter—That By-law No. WE WILL OFFER. FOR SALE
t JatY4rf FAY is publicly committed. But the Con- 7 be read the third time and passed—
R o b e. Maxwell c servative art is not responsible for ■
C...........� party � p carried. e ■
the Liberal record. Downey— Underwood —That ac- RitchieI�CoSenS 27 Pars Men's Tweed Pans a 99c Pair
1 —Hon. A, 11 Aylesworth, in ad- It is true that with purity of ad- counts be paid as certified.
dressing bis constituents in North ministration scandals of administra- Council adjourned, 'Che r-gular price is $1.75 a pair.
Tailor &liens Furnisher � � REAL ESTATE AND
York, refrained from making what tion cannot exist, and that when we
might be termed a political address, achieve purity of administration- we INSURANCE - WINGHAM ow'
�,,,s He said he believed the Government shall bear the last of graft in timber is Your Corn Troublesome? ee t
,------�---..,..-. em lu our north wind
expecting curd be sustained, to but o would be Puttu not core
deals raft fn land deals, raft in " , ' " � -See Our New Sults and OY$rcoats tar Ba s
thingl ke its majority inothe p xha- ridiculous waste of the people's money or sore— Putnam s is a guaranteed '
King's l;Or ag 3 g,•,. �,,.� .�............,, .,,�,• _ �a.• �•, i ment lust dissolved, toreward
that political
as partisans.
Cam, success, try it, - FOR SUPPORT ELLIOTT ALONE New Styles, Good Quality Material, Prices Lo
' Bargains We Want Your Trade - * • W-
t .
—Our public expenditure has been paign ?"
raised from $42,000,000 a year to $112;= We doubt if any Canadian publicist The Mildmay Gazette in speaking of (� -• •
Sea'sonable600ds.0 000,OQO a year. Our public debt rias has done his whole duty to the elec- Walker ton Fair, says --Some of the TORONTO, ONT, New Ven#Sf Fu rn I a�h I n g.'�.
gone up by $22,000,000 in one year, tors of Canada who has not called horse races were "fixed," which took HAS HIGH GRADE COURSES; The very newest creations in Neck Ties.
The deficit last year was $15,$40,000; their attention to the shameful reve- all the flavor of sport out of the con- SUPERIOR FACILITIES AND
Our stock of Goods for the Fall and Winter that for the present year will be in all lations which investigations in Par- tests. There were only 7 cattle, 10 UNSURPASSED TEACHING TALENT. Large Stock of Underwear for men and boys.
trade is now Complete, and we have the best goods in our probability $50,000,000. This state of liament and proceedings in courts of hogs, and about the same number of hundreds of students go out annually Fine wool Underwear=Heavy wool Underwear
man different lines that mons can bu and at the most affairs exists although the taxes are from this college to good positions. Let _
y y y, - g justice have disclosed as the political sheep: exhibited, although there was a us edncs.to you for profitable employment Union Underwear—Fleece-lined -Underwear.
reasonable prices. = beingextorted as the never were methods of the Laurier Government. big showing of horsea. we will do It right. Catalogue free.
y g ` g Enter any time.
before. We paid $27,000,000 to the It is the unmistakable sign of a hope- W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL
DRESS GOODS. -5 pieces Suiting, 56 in, wide, in Navy, Brown, Government in 1806, and $60,000,000, less case to raise against them the ` i Cor, Yonge & Alexander Sts.
Red, Green and Black. Regular $1.25 per yard, for ........... 750 or $33,000,000 more, in IOW—ton years childish answer of a taunt. ...�,.,.,. New Underwear for Women, Girls & Children. -
Our fango of Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, &c., is the largest we've later 1 The Conservative Government We. Canadian people must have a To Cough
Off A Cold. ��
ever shown, and from the many lines can suit the most critical buyer asked $73,000 a day with which to run care that the National conscience be Lough mixtures dope a cold—but ^^� Any quality you desire, from the Union goods
don't cure, Above all else, keep the ATTEND THE BESTS '•
LADIES' JACgET5.—Iu this lino we have a tine selection from the country. This Government takes not deadened, A generation ago the t0 the finest All -wool; We guarantee the naafi
the cheaper grades to the best. $2000,000 every day from the earnings g g bowels regular and stimulate the ele- g quality.
hint of public scandal would have minating organa. Afore valuable thanp it We carry largest and best assorted stock in town.
FURS.—We have the largest range, best qualities, newest styles, and of the people. overwhelmed the ablest' Ministry of any cough syrup are Dr. Hamilton's 111�N 1 T RNL
all-round good goods, that we've ever shown, comprising Ladies ,.. Pills. They clear thea stem of ever
Fur & Fur -fined Coats, Neck Furs, Muffs, Gents' Fur Coats, &c. * the day. Lii:e Caesar's wife the na- trace of cold—the dull headache, ach �i
—Mr. R. L. Borden, who has just tion's trustees must have been above in limbs andcou hdisa ar New Fall Win#er l iiQ�e.
Ladies' and Geuts'. Our stock is worthy your inspection. turned fifty-four, goes into the coming suspicion. Any one of our many die- the pills before retiring, they work
while you sleep, and by morning your is recogniz,•d as the LARGEST, BEST
federal struggle as a seasoned cam- closures o£ corrupt administration, and MOST SUCCESSFUL practical We don't exa erase . at all when we say that
EXTRA SPECIAL. -50 pisses aPrapperette, 36 inches wide, all cold is broken up and passes quickly training school in Western Ontario. gg y
paigner. He has had eight years of would drive a British cabinet from y we have in Stock the best Winter Hose made in
good colors and patterns. Regular 25o per yard, for....., ... lOc awe All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Throe departments—COMMERCIAL,
Conservative leadership and twelve office, and debar the minister respon- Pills in 250 boxes. a
TABLE LINEN.—Auother Shipment (and the last) of THAT SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC, Canada. Pure wool Plain Pure wool Ribbed—an
TABLE LINEN. Regular 50o per, and for ............... 250 = in the House of Commons, and in that sible from public life forever. , }'
g p yard, ' •. Our graduates secure good positions
has as learned about all there is to In the strenuous campaign of the , and forge to the front. write for free weight you wish. All sizes for men, women, boys,
know of the public affairs,,of Canada catalogue, you will find it interesUrg.
WANTED, ALL KINDS TRADE—Butter, Eggs, Beans. Dried Apples, &c, Presidential election in United States Miss Elizabeth E. Graft You may enter at any time. girls and children.
and our methods of political warfare. no word of the like is heard, and we
Tub Butter, 22e. Eggs, 20c. He has developed into a forcible de -Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony and 'ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN
are given occasion, to draw, compari lot oil. Pupils _prepared for PAINCIPALO
s hater, brilliant at times in house stra- sons between American and Canadian Conservatory or University Onions wanted also Dried Apples, Wood Oats. Dried
tegy, and more than the match in
examinations. Terms op pP ,
polities to our advantage. The Ameri_ ppilcation, r Apples mutat be thoroughly dried, end bright color.
legal argument of any one in the can people make short work of a STUDIU — 1sT FLooR—MdCDONALD BLOCK Don't want them at all if dark In color.
chamber. On the stump he is also Scandal government. The possibility A
RTg�R J. IRTv '
effective and the public have gradual- of a Slander campaign is sufficient, �" { D.D.S., L,D.S. ma
Good Goods Cheap Prices = ly come to recognize him as able and In Canada, it takes longer to arouse Frank McConnell Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen -
patriotic, and his followers as a chief the public conscience, and sad to say, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR nsylvania College and Licent ate of
• worthy of their allegiance. even a corrupt Government will have Dental Surgery of Ontario.
p COUNTY OF HURON. --Office in Macdonald Block—
hosts of supporters.
- The charges against the Laurier
Government do not end, unfortunate-
and aimplementasal slyaatspecialty. tended to. T rms
reasonable. Residence, at North end,
v,/ �J R � E
_ .'°�° �_" "- • 1°'
ly, with the faults of their administra-
tion, their reckless extravagance, their
The two new steel and cement
g.S.A,, L.D.S., D.D.S.
raft and cdisposal orru t die of our
"graft" p p
greatly improved each season and
Honor Graduate of University of Toronto
national wealth to political parasites.
bridges on Campbell street have been
this year a gasoline engine and other
and Licentiate of Royal College of
Dei tal Surgeons of Ontario.
There is a greai;er peril in the debase-
completed and are of permanent con-
General Hospital.
ment of our public life and the conse-
_ For Men, Women and Children.
in capacity and in .reforming
energy to that which`' has been in
quent menace to our national charac-
The marriage took place on Thurs-
(Under Government Inspection.)
and compare our prices.riotism,
power for the last twelve years. So
ter in the political methods of the
day of Miss Christina Rutherford,
pleasantly situated,
Ottawa regime. The standards and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ruth-
censincldo tysiclard ns.
Lien su(whiclicensed
Ran Lor an
- " ""' �-�� "` `"���� ' '' """ • • "''u .,�.
ideals of its public life are of'the very
erford of West Wawanosh to Mr.
nursing)—$8.60 to $15;00 per week, according
first importance to any community.
p y y
John Bennett of Ashfield.
to location of room. For further i.Z a!
Win ham Circle No. 434
For not only is the nation's business,
The marriage of Janet -Laidlaw to
who civil service reform on
the Government. It was the Opposi-
Headquarters For All The
and its status among the nations of
Mr. Isiah A. Monkman took place"atSuperintendent,
'of former's brother,
Box 2`23, wingham, Out.
Meets the 1st Thursday in each month;
g Leadin Lines Of
the world determined accordingly,
the residence the ,
Total Assets over
In the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p.m. Candi-
by a relentless law, they are reflected
th 1 • 1 d t
Mr. John Armstrong, near Lochalsh,
0P d d 16th t
dates for cheap reliable insurance are
solicited. Ask to see our rates from any
fh fd L d• isk d t
in a socia , commereta an pr V. a
lives of its people.
on a nes ay evening, ins .
The Lucknow Evaporator commen
o t e o cars. ares r s accepts a
the same rate as hien,
masses of the electors cannot
ted work Monde morning last, The
Monday g
equipment of the evaporator has been
REv. T. S. Botrea T. E, Rec.
Leader Rec, Secretary
W. J. WXLEs - Fin, Secretary
'be persuaded that the Conservative
greatly improved each season and
party, headed by Mr. Borden, cannot
this year a gasoline engine and other
form an Administration equal in pat-
machinery has been added.
_ For Men, Women and Children.
in capacity and in .reforming
energy to that which`' has been in
After a ear's illness W. S. Gordon,
aged 56 years, died at his home near
� Tea
and compare our prices.riotism,
power for the last twelve years. So
Lochalsh on Tuesday, the 15th inst.
far as the last two or three sessions
of Parliament are concerned, the chief
For many years deceased'carried on a
successful blacksmithin business on
legislative measures were dictated by
the boundary, five miles west of Luck-
-_ full
the Opposition. It was Mr. Borden
Dennis Carrol, the
Capital (paid up)
■ $3,976,000
We are also showing for this season a
who civil service reform on
the Government. It was the Opposi-
one of early pion-
eers of West Wawanosh, died at his-
They are sure to please.
Reserve rand p clivifits) -
- $5,297,000
and complete range of
tion which forced the reorganization
home at lot 15, con. 12, on Sept. 22nd,
Total Assets over
$$5 000 000
of the Railway Commission and the
extension of its jurisdiction. It was
after a short illness. Deceased was in
his 06th year had been in good,health
> > ,
- from the Conservative benches- that up to about a week previous to his .New Raisins and FlannMleILLe and
electoral reform was advocated. No death. Interment took place iii St.Farmers' Notes discounted. i
first-class measure stands to the credit Augustine cemetery. t
of the Government during this Parlia- The Lucknow Elevator Co'y re- Cur rants Now in. Drafts sold on all points. in Can-
fill- ads, the United States and Europe. _ Wool Blankets .
went. It has been marking time, ceived from the farmers 'o£ this disc _
es • ® Ing offices, and epeneling ever increas- trict last week an average of 32,000 Fresh Groceries and
ing millions of the public taxes, bushels of grain daily. Lucknow has SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.
Vegetables always here. interest allowed on deposits of *1.00 and ' •
never experienced the rush of grain g Ran 1n in rice from
delivery, as is taking place this sea- t:pwards, and added to prinotpal quarterly, - g g p
TwsNTY•FiVI± MILLIONS LOST, son, The store -houses are being rap 1)1-25 to -P7-00-
_ idly unloaded to make room for the produce Wanted. D, T. $EPBURit, tanager -
T H 13 MOST IMPORTANT (Clinton News -Record.) scores of waggons heavily ladon with R. o'anstone, solloitor
FACTOR IN THE INVEST- Under the above heading Ugrain
'United Am
�,M C�o�M -CAnada, Ottawa, in its issue of Satur-MENT OF SAYINGS IS day last had the following referenceDO not fail to see our Taube
to the moinber of West Huron . MI.ON.A MEANS STOMA CI� L Protection and Safe -
"It is estimated that $25,Ooo,006 COMFORT. _
SECURITY- worth of pine and pulp timber was de -before purehfft81*D&,
stroyed by )tush fires in British Col' Xn 1Ustment
umbra last month, b
Its Of Special Value To Macy here • 6b YEAR61
Dank of Hamilton This recalls that last session, Mr.
. 9, Lewis, M. P. for West Huron, A notable discover ■
• $205000000 who is b the way regarded m one of y and elle that The Endowment Policies ,
Cztpita.I ++ w y g a peels eapeciall to man people to �, _ W e 'Want our Butter and l
Ontario's best representatives at Citta- wtneghatn is the combinatiou of stunt—or
Deserve •• •+ 2,SUb fMOO wa, called the attentlan of the Gov- ach help in the M1 -on -a treatment. -
erhWjent and the Aoill'+pi, tri cin ad. This preparation Works wonders; in
., mirable speech to this vera question cafe of indigestion or'weakatolnacli. 'i'IgD"IE3tMA�K* i ne Dntninion Ifs '
It aots directly. upon tha walls of
of our timber resources. the stomach and bowels, strengthen. C6PVAIaHrs &G. _
e ha " Ing _ t d stimulating Aftlotio bonding s't3koton ennd dao V ati e`rnan A dhnhd, well iririndged _ �. •
beposlts of $1.00 &nd upwards received. Mr. L furs showed that eve ve �t 1 s ati g them a that they gnickt ,uoortain our epi o14y �p Canadian Life Assurance Company. •1•i1
Practically the last of the World's readily dike Caro of the food that is ttons tratid°!oo na ntl°ai:�inll illbI, o T."at n;
Wl 1�tii13ANI t;RANCR eaten without distress of suffering, eo it free; )Aon n oncy f r sacci nR croute. Average rata! of Interest '
gloat virgin forests, and he asked that ;Detente taken lattice h munn Ga, reoaiv6 = f
FL committee of the 1oii:te be appoint- So positive are taregooc1 effects fol- ,mos„,atfoa,��triot,�o`itareo,Into earned in 100ti--
t �+� pp lowin the use of Nii•on-a that the c� f�1,� a , �A
C+ I+ a i l atl6 Went ed to ascertain arrow beat this national rertlody is sold by J`, W<on Alcltib- �I h f �r �CHhe .� PE)k CENT.
'1<'' .,t�►.
asset could be most effectively pro- boxy wider an absglnte ku&rahtoo to 'Alai'ioeo o10ni otta a jooa°rknie'I. �Iresrmt io i
tested a11d preser�rtxd,
refund the niianey ,if itfalls to curer i`d cr
$unada, 7bAe saarfpoetalia Dtapelb, 80 `WAIa'1'lttt T. HALL
A 50 cent bort of Mi-ox1•a will do tate a. nqr, e _ ... .
htloaY A cut ••• WinghAifi, ..,_..,., ” :;_ �" . ,. .; , _ _y 1 . '� ..
IN* IN 100,16usy pirevented the 90'Verninont good the btomach Ito
Whish is s3m� N out i r,tel nnrk wftvtn follow tig Mr, Lawli 1ooki. ;ply' to jwlke it do Ito own work, e , Ali V e►.."Y�wltlil _ . .
. . _ rEr�.rs.■�;i►f.:i:l r "' 'ate— ..:lr.:t� .1.. -