HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-10-01, Page 2I
- .- I I . ,, . I -
.1 " ,; , �," , �14__I, _4104ty � - �- ,." 7� 11' , : - T 71 � � . F , 11 - - �"�Mw_ '_ - - _1_11WORF77 - _111:77 1_"�7 , %�- -_ -1- 77 . �111 "
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loppir". vllib_� �_ � ... _. ." , "., - � " . � A-*_W#"W*4W_�.'...___ - - ____ " - . , , ,. __ __ : , . I I 1.11-1 � : . �.. -1111-1.111. . I . �' I * I � I . __ I I I -1 , 1. I - I - � .. . � � - 1. . . . . . . 11 11. .. I -1 �'] �- �_, I � , . - . - , I � � I
� - . 11 . , .
- ____ .. ..., � 1 1� %I I . - I I I h"At. rslilm 94 . Is ativ.poited to . llayci bolt . ,=me I FELT SLIPPERS* . IS IT A, COMBINE? I As Winghom Adv 4f,_ _.
I I'll, LV . cung whe"A tile joxftl prooessloA "wao all. I a-114 I I 840
. . S S t--% Lt ring Jerutelem. .. 1 3 k I — �
3 ro) 0 .
I 01 � ... .
� � I 6001 0
. . PraiMeal Application$. .. � � 4 QO aj; 9 I Prouch Wa Depatmeat Maku -is Ar is 4 .
11 k. � ov 11 _3P -_ ,� 11 t 41to - IT - With! - th,
� V40 hered together lloltosoa ;n0w, I - - I I . . I .4to! .41e' T114190. IRALLo FTQPr1**It -
�� U ' SON. I ( 1141111411 (I I 1�0 Them Part of cualry'Kit. Crimind 14w ?
k Y, 1) "colipultetv, with them I'll
. I ,
I .. ,hroll. 13; It 2�. anti, pletwed "till I . I -1 �� , .11 110- . , � . 1.11 .1 .1 .. I a
I .
I people" (I Uhron, 13; 4), andwent Witt% 'Xli,_ 4rolifteetural Institute which
LvSSQ*1,—OCTODXR 4, igoo. . TORONTO MARKETS Parish, Sept. 27.—Tlio! deeision of tile
—, them to bring Up thii tirk of U04 (Y. 2), I . Freach War Popartutont to equip the 1011 -'eta Ill Ottawa, to -day will on Tue.-Ally
— but lie did not enquire of the Lord 40 ilia pAltmotta, 'NARKE'r. . � Dr. Agnew ,
David Brins the Ark to Jerusalclill1i habit was j,., &AII.I.,ii; 19, g3.) It Dayid ,rho receipts of grata tQ.day -yore Mader. � 1P cavalry with felt slippers for a part of take Up the Consideration, of what is ,
., -it has interested the civil Called it's "0040 Of Btb'cii"' 11) view 01 "W01OWN sorgeopo, A""Okour
a Sam, 6; 1-2$- had prayed there would have been 'to ato. lyboot 14 urichanget., Doo bushels. Selling, I I , Lbeir field 1; .
Commentary.—L A religious awakell- '1CIf_ConIplaCQ1I0Y that lie was performing at QQ to 910, Barley steady., 400 b1lollO15 81311- . . ." publie more than tile strategic or 41,30. the fact t1lat tile grocers are being prose- __ 11ps � - 11 04 00 womeo" a**.
buelk all Important Service, 110 failure to log oats unchanged, 300 Wall- C - , al lessons of tile great matioeuvry , du theerl- trial law agoilist Coll ___._1 ,
- . at 53 to 660. �� . .1 - 0 . es. It � oute ritler Ill Il.
L .Agahi—A former gath examine the law, 110 forgetting to render olo soiling At 4fo pet, bushel, . mm""di. 06 003"
in Ifebroll, wIlen David was Products in limited supply, many A , �% . had become incumbent upon Uen. I)vnl- billes it 18 worth c0llthdeling whather 1"WO #Iw_ .... I 0
101#111'", I'll eluct obeliteliqc, Ito sudden changing, of Pah'r P 40l; uriable to . In owing C ."!_ � , gler as the leading Authority Among the this Pcodoll 4008 not brl%l,r it Within, tilt, 1. .. I I . ... I � I I � _11
an'lati-111LAnig. Thirty thousixild—Repre- tile trluillphant; proix-salon to % funeral merke eople W 11.1ir-ii,t(l. ., W q , i , I ortbodox warriors to defend the cavitlr low, I-Tere Are ?ionic of i'lte. Clauiei-
ciltatives of the Whole People, David to the *reck. Prices of butte&' 1,
0 tralll� It wo but *6 pray without ceasing" to wo, according to quality. ESP firm Rt I .
called for tile Chief mon. and iient Uodc'. 26 to 280 Ill small Wts, r I as'ik modern Weapon against the I(wR "No mainber kiball. enter lato part!'Qr- J1. PO KENNEDY9 010.0 - 008103'k
(1 'Xiiess. 5, 17) its lye climb, nq height Ilay Is quiet ttiorw only loolng about a. -� , � F, - 1 uak, Who would ellinina,to borso trcops 61111), III wly form or dogree, With ully , . �
throughout tile whole land to the hilial). of succem can lutrat its, no vision of glory dozen loads m; they Sold at *W to $14 A %OU- I I Kodum 406dows4i
itanta everywbere, especially to tit(' I as tgtporiluous in the days of niach'),litcal builder or contractor lit any building Oil- OEM* . 49 ft prulelk
dazzle us, no sudden temptation .trip us, waw Is nOM14,91 at $U In U4 8 ton- 0 .. , � . �
to tassemble together . or iii I traction and plentiful i-oada, but at the cratioll.
priests and Levites, no niNstop cause a. disastrous fall. Again Dresso(I boga are firm at $0.50 I & _i I L =a, ,. Xp�PAMWW 3W *WXQM
� . ,
. )11 . kily ownerdhiii, IT). _4 I
io A341st in tilts hilpollcoult, Work. Rokul David did not consult tile Scriptures now Ind at V-76 to W for 1104t. . sis" malloeuvres just Closed, officers,. who "A member having I,
1, V,blou. 13. 3. Ark of God-INTOtIC413 tile wheat, fall, bush, -1. 1. 11 114, 0 " $ 0 011 I It .. I witnessed tile Manchurian campaign, lit , tilding litaterial, device or lavell, spow 60.0114be pad 40 Abson"a Wo
� .1
thron. 14, 9.) Do.. gooso. Dualt, ... .. .. .. 0 83 0 00 � .. . I I Itild who saw whata physical and moral ally proposed to be Used -oil work for I I ainip isiod fwvk,"L
as lie did aftenvax-4 (I 0 tioll,
deep reyerence in this phrit6e. Tile ftrk james 114milton tells of a g 11 t oilteer Oats, basb� 1. 1. .. .. Q 44 . 0 ou - : �
_ t . ... .. I I
_. u's lie is archited, #hall 100
(lid not belong to David or Israel, it wai a RA orlQy, bush. -1 .. .. .. .... 0 53 ow I 9 1) asset Was tile use of straw 6111)P% which rat bN ON" 100110004 10 a 06 W1 If to * P, " I
pursued by all overwhelming force, wl%oT% ye, hush. ,,.. 076 0 OQ A 1.5 , 11 e . employer Of tile fact of su )I wilerdillp. , � ..4
Ood's. Whose name is ca1IQd-334ttQr% Q go 0 no I 1 .2 aniong the Japanese cai while V. p
lie discovered that Ilia saddle girth was OM. 011011. - I'll, *::: ::. 7'. 'I" 2 I 1� 1� , , -
4, repaired ay, Der ton . - -, 00 it 00 - . - � (f. A methods were virtually those of mount- . -.No member shall a,ttellipt to supplant
,Name.,' Dwolletlt between the cherab. trRw, per ton .. - - - - -- 13 00 14 00 ,; ��,�� Mr, . MONO
as in It. V., "Which is Called by the loose, lie coolly dismounte . _ ... ... .... 1. !- Z Y ed Infantry,- oxpressea enthusiasm.
the girth by tightening. the buckle, and I ,0, Q., , V , 7� I another architect after definite stiops WANT. C- RED
-1,1114at sitteth above the cherublat " repe9d. hogs ... " .. - " .. 9 go 1.0 00 ,��`, 61 , , I . I They say that, Vipir freshness and the 1mve been taken toward Ilia employment- OL 16 o. W Mae.) .
itus i. dashed away, The brokon buckle utter, dairy . ...... .. .. .... 10 23 0 V -, , _k " in any pub- I ,
. ,I �4 r --��r - 1�_�_uj era aftera "No inebor shall a4yertise
-R. V. "CherublaP is the Ilebrew ""' a , ., ,,, 0 26 0 28 , ., , , Q_' ,J - F result of wearing these eli�p 4 06 IL a :P. 00"k)
I LA� - .,� I
plural form of Cherub. The Cherubs re. would have loft, him oil the field a pri- Do,, are wery ..... . .. .. .. 0 315 0 1.0 , Jn few hours.' �cst was astowslung, lica
gggs, dozen - .. - - � , - . �S� %, , �. . tion Ili any other wii,y than by a I10-
soner, the ,%visa delay to repair 4win"ges Chlekeas,L dressed, III. ... .- - 0 13 0 14 ZZ9 A0 , L - J. tice giving namo, address, profession, and PUT611011AN, AND SURC140011
-1 I I
. �
presented Uod's prosenge. sent lihn on Ili safety, amid tile Iluzzas riiwi, per Ili. . I .. I . I .... I I . 010 Oil . . - , �A W .
a. Upon, it new Qa,rt-TIrl§ was Cou. nrades. The Qhrls;lan soldier Ducke, spri"g, to. ... ,. ., - 0 12 -0 U .1 office hours. 010ft vith I*. abulw1m)
...... - ED N SLEEP 1, .11 � -L. I L I � .11
trary to the legal requirement (Nual. " of Ilia cot Turkeys, bb. ... 016 '014 � V -1 .1. ALKKE 0 "No member aball forniall. desigil's in
9), ace to whiell it Wa,3 alwftY4 Cabbage, per dozen 025 0 33 t .
" who hurries away in the morning, with- : " - r') , , competition for private work. or for pub-
ording out stepping for prayer and Bible study, onions, bag ... .. :: :. :: :: o Do i 00 � /
to be carried by the Levites and vell;d will be ivilt to ride all day With. ,% broken Potatoes, bag - .. . 055 a 16 I 1 4. 6 . I I lie work, uniess an advisor sittlablutifflY
or Covered froln'siglit. In tilts case Is- Apples. bbl, ... .. .. .."..":' I Do 1 75 . " Miss Marjory Roberlson Injured to tile competitors is employed to (IrStAv
raoi probably imitated tile Phoenician buckle, and should lie be pursued by the Deal, hinilquarters . .. - -, .. 8 00�, 9 (10 I __ . 11 L up. the Conditions and 04st in thO &Aa%zffM AM soliamolit
ellemy, will 'meet with defeat and dls.m,- Do, forequavtors .. .. 4 50 0 00
or Philistine Custom. Ili this maimer ter, Nvarl� all the sorrow Lit Christian Do,', choice, carcass ... .. .. 7 54 S Ile k.- - I �� I . � Near Montreal. award. Ilia employee Willow 110 � W" 64 *vai r@49s. OKI" -q .
,rs. . from luck of kilowledge f Alum, carcaso - .. .. Z DO 6 5Q 1 "It a contractor or '� .
they sout the ark from their borde po�. me, .... # 31 Qompatl. NULTM 911,10=1
The I'lioniliclaus had sacred carts on homcs Coal" 0 mutton. Per awt. - ., .. .... 0 00 8 00, 1. mar�ory makes. plans or spedificatiolls I
Bible trutli. More true is it to -day than veal, prime, per owt, 1. . I .. ,J 60 13 00 I I �0 Montreal, Sept. 27,1vfiss
, - " - - tiou with, or in the capacity of an wrWii-
-which Ir,hay carried their gods abotit, w1len it was first written, "bly people Lamb, per CWZ .1 . .... .... R 60 on - 11 - Robertson, daughter of Jaa. �1. Robart- ' teot, no iiiembei- sliall permit such eon- . WINGS" 4 .
and the oxe4. were snored to iiant, %rhe THS Apli TItADID. . I L
, are destroyed for lack of knowledge," I � son, a prominent manufacturer of this for work - , -
house of ASinadab-'Xile ark had been ',David was displeased" (v. 8,) Little A tractor to estimate or contract -
dei;asited here years Wore. Gibeall- bout 21,000 Vbls- Of Nava ScOtill 12P111c' ,, w", found in a dying eon . through his office." I DICKINSON & HOLNES
Alice, not t1tree years old, came running were shipped from 11araltax this wcelr chief- city 111:loa Ili or
", -jath-pearim called by that into t,ho room whare her mother was for the London marltvt- I carly this morning near her fatlaor's Sonia of these have it good deal of the
, Ill of lUi iy oravenstelus,
name, Uzzah And Altio-Probably The exports from Montreal last week, 1�uYs . Ir. Certainly, if tile 14W
tile sawing aild throwing herself into her lap, the Trade Bulletin, were 19,696 bbla�. as 00131, � . . surniner home at BeReOlisfield. Thc "Conibille?, flavc the powers they BARRISTERS. 501.11CITbIRS, ETC
grandsons of Bleazar, the son of Abina. mid, "Mamina, I don't want God every, pared with 1%312 bbla. for Same, wool, last g4ady wais Addicted to the hallit of gave such associations , uphun.
ab, who were set apart to keep *tile ark, year, so far . advices from . Bagir'n3 have . I YZIk" ask the public would.appear to need tile 49111110 -NOW Wook, Wi Dudle3r nolistaL
d - AvItere, I doWt want God everywhere." been satisfactory, choice fall stock having A STLYISH GUIMPE FROCK. Iva ing in her slecip, and lit that condi, protection of the law agairl-A cOrtibinea- AL U Pok.hom
4. Went before tile ark -While Uzzilb Her mother suspected that she had been Ili the English worRot. tion loft ber home fuWub 5 O'clock this
, sold fairly well The graceful lines of this little dress render it very becoming to tile The schedule of ehi%;rges propo-4ed is also - .
walked at the side, AhiQ *went before Ill some mischief; so silo went into tile quite a nuMber of contracts, we li0r, 14.1ve gaimpe and slips Oil easily norning, Sho was missed about all hour .
the oxen to guide (Ind manage ilia% . been mqdo In the west at $1.25 par bbl, tot* youthful figure, It is made to wear over a I - interesting. . `N
U, "I other room and found the little girl had winter fruit, Picked, which MORI'S about 11.9.) . mode. Slashes later, and the family started. in search
the, Basques may be seen at the pretmil been disobedient. to $2 f.o.b. at shipping PoInt% 'rho stile of over the head. A circular collar is a pretty feature of the 1. Tile architact's professioiial services J. A, MORT0
(lily doing in %he south of Vrauce,- ,,David Was afraid" beca had two, lots of choice fall apples have Just been 1114Y be made in the ends through which a broad silk tie is passed and of her. consist 11A making tile necessary pr0lin-
. -use he ning in sleeve cap may be laced as il- She was found lying beside the 0. F. .0
Spence. 0 l 1 . A (y, 9.) Fear came ilito' the world cabled over train Liverpool allowing nets or tied in front, or the front and ope: Ltorials as well as the soft woolens are R, tracks, where site had been throwt? studies, working drawing -it, sJ)"Cifi- RISTER AND S01_1rITOR *
SIAlic $2ss to smo respectively In tile WOO-, and liustrated. The heavy Washable mo =18 large scale and fall kdzi� det"114, BAR %_
5. Before the Lord -The ark symbol. with sin. "Adain and his Wife hid them- O�e lot at $2,65. In Montreal Sales havoboqu being especluly smart. by a passing fr6iglit train. glie Was P
ized God's presence, and those Who went selves" when (;,oil oalled fliem, (Gen. 3; made at ;2 to $3. as to quality; No. 2 at 0 adaptablo to the mode, the stylish new plaids 1. I I . fc�und Unconscious, and badly cut and and in tile general direction find sup�r- MOMI-Y TO LOAN
,11 Once Saw a to $2.25. and I -To, 1 pit $2,0 to $1 The - I --- ---.—. vision of,the worki for which th" 'it"'
before tile ark tire referred -to as going 8.) lAirs. Cartel' iiays: , ills w9iii much .. ___ ___ _ bruised. She was hurried to tile city lies- -
shipments last week and t, ..... a Charge is five per wilt. ul)'Ill tile oalle&-wrton. Block. wingliltm.
.before thei Lord. Instruments--iVic wliole lady turn paid as death 'When R, CUStO111- heavier than for the vorrooponding orlod of tile country, regardless of party, for pital, where silo lies *in a. dying condi- "'In" I
house officer asked for )ter keys, He had lest year, and one ol Our shippers staileg that BLACK HANI). assistance Ili its speedy solution, cost of the work. - I
0 ii, David at tile head, moved . . Won. 2 For new buildings, costing less Man , Mutual
K" asked me about my baggage, -,Ind -With I . naval legla- Her engagement to M.. Cimirles 'thousand dollars 010POO)s six V017
lorZ,orl" iii would ,not be surprised it lower prices ,
with.music, aong and divitce (t, era cabled an the arrival oC this Week's ,�Vtlioilgh the army and ten Wellington
Clixou. 13, 8). Harps -Probably closely it little exclamation lidd passed it, but 1 11 �. lation, particularlt the ,naval, are 210- 81,earej of this city, Was only all.
,Lescm.bml soon found 'why site had such a feeling Shipments. GR;JESOME I141TIATION CERE- toriously responsible for the anorm )its , , 0ent., and for furniture, moultine"Lis,
the modern 1harps. 11salterica LIVE $TOOK. newunced two wooke ago. decorative and cabinet Work, not Tloss
Res ing 'lie bad contraband goods ILD . Iferr -s- I .
I blitig our guitar . Timbrels-In- aboub bar.%. S a ncocipts at liveestock as reported by the MONIES OF MURDER QU . irerease Ili tihe national deficits, ilo. A than ten per oent. Fire Ins. Co.
9trunionts like the tambourine of the site was silluggling through- It t ught railways were 75 car loads ,on ,Thursday, Sydow and other Government expo t i
itual things. An * . . 3, For alterations and additions to ox -
drum kind. Cortieth-They were loud- ine it lesson ill spiri composed of 843 cattle, 2,206 hogs, 1,637 Sheep f tile reform scheme find it politic, it t RAINS CHECK FIRES. MrtRbMbb4 ISM.)
sounding insti -a made of horns. honest heart has no fear to have God and lambs and 65 calves. Compelled 0 Isting buildings the fee is tell POV Cent,
-ument The quality of r.attle was much the same Candidates for Membership to refer to that.pbase of the sittlati,in, � up 0 rk. X"A offto"u=�PJ-I, ONT.
Cyrnbals-They consisted of two convex search it," as on Tuesday and Wednesday, Many COM' to Drink Blood -Three Members .. i - I- 4o.ii the cost ,of tile wo ioaal Itli tAken 9-a all classes of insurable pro-
of metal, which on being clapped "David would not remove the Art ...... mon and medlum and few good- . In Consultation fees for profess prom 10% ,I 676t4a
'A . u,nto him" (v, 10). Fear paralyzes, Few Trade was no better than on Tuesday Or Sent to Penitentiary for Attempt to Danger In Forests It an End advice are to be paid in proportion to oartr on tbo asall or III ate
t;,-Ilier made a clanging pound - o LICEN SE BILL , DAVIDSON.
t� ma,rket being dull tied drag the importunes of the question involved. &&%M 0Of,DM CHAS
, robs of blessing. For years an evangel- Weduceday, the �easier in every line Of the Blackmail Fernie Citizens, Port Arthur District.
11. Uzzah's error (vs, 6-9). 6, Thresh. gy, with prices nay be Praddebt. Saaretw%
bad every winter a blessed revival caftle offered as fait. The decline Of course . . . 1 5. The charge per day, w, ell I
* g 11 A fixed threshing -floor which i$t rtera and common made by the architect d .
I �n oto r I I will de a upon 401W JUT0111A
0 ,7
dM 'an a suminer and a. multitude of souls for Christ. The was greater In I the eXPO Fernle, ,11. U.. Sept, 2S.-Threc more of the 300,000 Persons Demonstrate
ge its place like th I r butchers'. t. 0 V, Port Arthur, Ont., Sept. 2L-Heaxy his professional standing, but t .ndni- Asset. Wlasham, OUL
floor (Dart. 2:35), and therefore probT see at of it was that. the preceding sum- tMI.porters-The best Shipping cat I cold Italian members of'tho "Black Hand" So -
ably had a roof and a steel, of fodder. mor he always had- severed weeks of pe- not bring more than about 0,00 to 0-76, ciety, who threatened to kill citizens it black- Against It In Hyda Park. rain commenced failing here at noon to- mitin charge is sixteen dollars *10.00) _ �
but none were wanted and none were sold. ay, and though it lot up after a couple per day of eight hours. Time occupied _ �. .- I —
-Lange. Uzzah ...... took hold -His cullar praver and waiting upon God, Bulls are -quoted at $3.50 to 44. ricer, cattle. mall was not forthcoming, were to -day sav- d in fra�elling Will be Charged for at th- - -, F41 11� - -
conduct indicated irreverence and pre- during which he -wa3 able to claira by Butchers --prices, even for the tenced, one to, seven, Ono to six and a half, of hours, there are, prospects of more, to of two dollars ($060) per houl, I
.sumption. The Levites were forbidden fa)tJl II.nd adtlially go through in antloi� were lower, arid picked lots or heifers and -to six years In penitentiary, This London, Sept. 928�01! the great doilloll- '" rN, i ! � .
if in office hours, and one dollar ($1-M) I f
- quoted over and one recent and indications now are that the big A q, t I ,
to touch the ark oil pain of death (Num. pation the services ,Ind results of the steers of good weights were not
next winter. He called it his sum -nor $4.60; best loads, 0 25 to $4.45; medium, mukeet a total of nine who have 'been can- strations held in Hydo Park in M
' . forest; fires which ]lave been -burning in per hour if out of office hours. 've! 11
4: 15-200�. Oxen stumbled (R. V.) -The _. U.76 to $4; cO—ou, �2.76 to $3,50; OO1,V8, victed and sent down for terms from Six years, that of Sunday, to proteir, against �, 1. 11 .. I .
roads are very rough in Palestine, and revival. - V.215 to $3.60; canners, $1 to $2. 0 r arts of the district, doing eon- 6, For assessing plans of a'! tirchitew. .. M - �
no doubt it seemed to Uzzah that the "David cariled it aside into the house rieeders and stockers -Beat feeders, 950 Ilia. wouthe to, seven years. The prisoners came the Licensing bill, was by far the largest siderable dama,ge, and threatening more, tural Competition one-fifth (I-5) of une 6 4
to 1 050 Ilia. each, at $3.50 to $3.00 per OWU , hero from Spoilians, shortly before the great FR0rVJP-r1_,e 5auRELL'i
ark was about to be thrown from the Of Obed-edom" (v. 10). 'The ark eon. best' feeders, goo to gGo ibs. each, at $3 to fire and their arrest has rid the country of but it lacked the enthusiasm which Was are all over. The rairl -Was the first in per cent. upon the estimated co.it of oun. . I
mont1wel (v. I I)" $ago - best. stockers, 650 to 800 lbs. each, at out six weeks, and will help vegets- I 0 Write for our tufr-e,t;ug bn(%, .
ce!,i,,glated building, plits tile travc1l.int, R " (nTcat-
cart when he took hold of it. 7. Anger tinued .... .. three irs, 0% to $00 the. a li�d gang. manifest at the other gablierin,gs, pal-- ab . .0 or's Illelp" all I 11 Ka'a. you art! ;NVIrWird.'
of the Lord -Not passion, but rather in- Though Uzzah was struck , dead for p:50'to $3; mediurn stock( Lion, besides relieving anxiety over the , " . Send its ik rough simitch or model at 3 f4ir I-
dignation-that feeling which makes him touching the ark. And David was afraid each, at $2.35 to $2.60; co,31131011. stockers, 500 The ceremony connected with tbO first ticularly that of the Suffragettes. The water supply in tile city power plant: 7. None of the Charges above crinkner. ventiou orimprnve ... ent mind ver v� ill tell You
to 700 1*0
,%, ,each, at p to $2.25. degree In the "Black Rurid" Society, It was
-There was as usual crowd )re*teraay was estimatea at 3oof Owing to the drought, the supply'had ated covers alterations to contmets, free car o Init.ri As to v6 hetheT it I- I. cphribly
hate sin and compels him to punish for to have anything more to do -with it. Milkers and springers NY.
spring- learned, was called "Vicclotto," and was 00, filling the open space which stretches we��ksl drawings and specifications, nor profe-s- Lli i Relvettil #ippf1cat190*IIAvt0f!en
- Cen successfully prosecuted by us we
it. For his error -The error consisted Obed-edom gladly received it. oil .tile a good demand for all Milkers and ly comparatively simple. All present divested gotten down to about three
I I the from Hyde Puxk corner to the 'Alarble quantity. sional or legal services, etc. cendud ftilly cqut ped offices Irt Montreal
- of an honest, faithful heart, ers of good choice quality, which sold readl
in touc�int the ark-, which, as the symbol courags at unchanged Prices at $30 to $65 each, them�olves of any weapons on their persons, .1 r,
, e e a $4o an s5d each Arch. They came to this section in four. -_ -- 1, - There are many other provisions and sul Washington , i ii. quaiifie3 u4 to prompt -
of Gods resence (I Sam. 4- 7), none Nothing call make God other than am- bulk going b tw e d - lees . a guard being left over these, A circle WAS � ly ispatch work skod quickly w cure Parents
could look into, much less lay hold of table, to His own;' eilen His justice. iS veal caives--Receipts moderate and elrat,y then formed by joining armO. It was then teen processions, arid in Countless sinall . conditions proposed, and, abould they all (Lubro%dastheinveutiou vrightstreft-rences
Ithout peril of life. For transport&- lovely, Christ welcomed to the heart, "'banged at !$2 to so.60 per owt. S groups from all the nearb Count ea anc FO POSSESS JERICHO be a4dopted, "Competition," at 1p,ist. luminkc,4 �. arton & Me-
wi speaking, those sold at the, lower price pointed. out to the now member that the 'lose ta 200 Fatcuts procured through M
. no of them all parts of the metropolis. C among tile members bound by thanil li0iiii r*oslvg special notice without charge I'D
tion purposes it was first covered up. .by like the ark welcomad to the hon'10, IS should not be classed as veab, sox t have run GPa Ill the Contra of the circle represented special trains brought in those from the I . would be as dead as Julius Caesar.
the Levites to whom it was committed, the �source of all good (Y. 11) - He bloss- being rough scraggy animals, the ur an abyss, In which everything spoken was I over too newspapers distributed throughout
- III the orchard, ted on sour apples tind so outside districts, Who nu ored fully Benefits by Turkey's 1 : _- "I Dozatislou. litivinega ,)f Manuffte-
and that with faces covered (Nub. 4: 15, ,oth the habitation of the just (Prov, milk. With horns on their 2 or 3 Inches long, understood to be forever buried. An in- Zionism . :-Paterit
more ,,ko yearimp. . 60,000, and who joined in the varilius � ' LOIJDON FIRE RATES GO UP. twussin ungineers,
20), and carried on staves,Lange. But 3, 33). One loses and the other is bless- looking coatation in an unknown tonguo by the lead- ."..
Sheep and larabs-ReCelPts have been very processions, which were aceoniptipied byo Political Liberation. —_ mApioN & imkwoN
supposing that it had been overturnedi ed by Ilia use of the same thing. So � `b 11i 2��ket to be easy Or of the society followed, and the now- com- .
so ,--- I 'a i' ,." Par 100 bands. Underwriters Decide Upon a Substa Patent Experts amd SallailtOrIA,
would not Uzzah 'have been as liable to YOU nligh� 0 the whole round of diver . ,hce cwt,; or had it carofuuy pointed out to him that
punishment, for suffering that as for circumstances and about each Of tbein ' Ninety speakers declaimed against thp Londpri, rk Life B*td'
the consequences of betraying his comrades . Sept. 27�Zionisni promises Increase. QINF I { WtI0.131dIt"Washngtonloc.
' ' anged FrOe"treal
b 0 g �UBCI I
a i_'I'� in rlas ritial
25 !Par a- � I � bill- at different
not, .
_ I .., .4,
g forbidden means of preventing, I . q d _ central points for an,
takin it? find the same thingr. Nothing is sure 't� .' � _ . t $400 rid to.76 to., hogs f.o.4., would be very disagreeable to him. A frator- . to benefit materially by Turkey's poli- , London, Out., Sept. 27. -The Chn. ---�� _ - -ZL
Sure] - to do good; nothing necessarily does H ra I. �,-Ii I hour and more, and a resolution eon- , .
at $7 . I
y not. Ile might have been punish MrS. a country point.. nel kiss all round wound 'up the ceremony
. 1. demnin- the bill was proposed and car- tical liberatior. The Hebrews who aft adian Fire Underwriters' Association On,
able for adopting a mode of conveyance hurt. All depends upon the use made . The conferring of the hatil or carmor- , . � a ;
which exposed the ark to such an acci- of what Goa sends. Then tb late,, degree admitting a man to - ried:-with it great outburst of 'cheering. under the reginii of Ottoman Sultans, Saturday notified local fire insurance FM
dent, but not for omitting �e tAlmight, OTHER MARKETS. full mew I _-:- ,IS 0F LIQUOR0
what he wits of God's presence may be like the arx, . I � , berabip In the ,society was gruesome Indeed. and have been forbidden to ibuy Jund in agents of an increase % the insurance -
forbidden to do in order to prevent that ei'ther dreadful or welcome. To one,. , I,IVERPOOL A`PPLE MARXST. A circle was torined as In the Previous Cluc, Palestine, are now ,J>uying� openly, and raks over practically the Whole of the
accident,Kitto. There lie died---OThe .tThou (,'Oil seest me" broad.% f0dingi - - Messrs, Woodall & Co. cabled Elion, ,Tames but on the floor in the space five knives DOUBLE TRAGEDY. it is statcathat a Jewish syndicate is ineroantile and manufacturi%g district of Great Tem,)erance Parade In
reasons for this severity were: 1. That like the u were placed on .the ground, with the.pointi now gotiating for a large part of th the city of 50 cents upon the hundred
ne"y discomfort of it prisonak to -day: -York state Kings, 22s - ; Greonings, SUItX6 a
, seconds, 9a .
it grew out of a procedure -which was 4b. when he klimys in the wall thei radiating to the outside of the circle. Upon ctyeets of thkago.
-a is it 194 od;qpnverts, Ise to 17s 3d private domain now in the dollars of insurance. Outside of the spec- u
direct violation of an express statute ! , Blush, 12s to 14s lid; -seconds, 10s ;NRO placed, leaving the s -h of
spy�h-ole for a wardens' eye. To tile to 12S those a handkerchief Private Shoots Lieutenant and Cut market, Comprising the whorle lengrt ia.! area all mercantile and manufactur-
to 12s 9d; Jeanette, 9s Od to Us, sooviins, 8s ____
(Num. 4: 15; 7: 9), which required that otlQr the sarne thought: "Thou art near to *s 6d" Wealthy, 18S 6d to �09; socondq points exposed, and on the ,tap of -that a die, Jordan Valley from Tiberias to tbe ..ing rates are Increased 25 touts.
the ark should be carried by Levites. me," bathes the heart in it sea . stiletto was -placed. Lots were then. drawn, Own Threat. Dead Sea. . It is estimated that the inerease in elji�ago, Sept. 28._,rempentlice bo,Aiii
David arid those Ili care of the. ark rest, and brings' the assiirance of it di- WINNIPEG WHEAT MATUCET. and the man upon whom the choice fe.11 be& —_ There is little doul-A fillat tibe Jbws the rates means a loss to the business paraded l cago ill What
should have known this law. 2. Uzzah, vine compartion tha0b cheers all rile .,;all- r,oliowtn I g. are the closing quotations 011. to bare his arm whilst his neighbor seized Ifani]a, Sept. 28.-A tragedy .occurre . d will soon repossess the site of ancient nien and manufacturers of $20,000 year- was intended to be till annit-al exhibitioll.
Who bad long had charge of the ark, tude. Winninpeg grain futureii. the stiletto and stabbed him In the -wrlst at Camp Jossman. on Saturday night, re- Jericho, which was the first fruit of tAie ly. The reason given in the Circulars sent of the strelig-th of tile foC4 of liquor, .
should have been familiar ,With the laNv - ,Whent--�September $1.02 bid, not)ver 9814c ,until the blood flowed freely. Again cab- laraelitish conquest of Canaan. 'rile t3 the local agents is simply that the -
"So David went and brou""t 111) t'lle b d, December 96c. bid. 11iousands, of marchers were in tile par
forbidding him to touch it. 3. Uzzall ark ..... into the City of 3�vid Avith oats-septerabor 39c bid, October 39P bid, Rustle incantations were brought Into play, sikltiag in the death of Lieut. Edward J. greater part of Jerusalem, outside the increases are demanded in consequence ado, whi0h traversed the downtown
stood in a representative position. What gladmess" (v. 12). This time it was d:)TIO and while ,they were being recited the candl- Bloom, of th4- Fourth Infantry, and Pte. walls, already belouge to Jewish capitpl- of the report of the underwriters' inspec-
he did was public, -in the sight of all the g LONDON NVOOL SALES. . data for Inlation bad to suck the blood t1rat Suttles, Company K, Of the ists. The Zionist pioneers, who -bought tor, Mr. Howe, who found an absence of streets,
in "due order" (I. Chron. 15, 13), "after same regi. Churches of almost every denoinina-
people, It was needful at the outset tjI, patternn shown -,Vloses ,qU th a London -Tho fifth series of,the 1JQ wool wSLs aDurting from the wrist of the man who si,,ne reason shot at various times secretly, notivibbstand- fire fighting appliances and also of witt-
to prove to the people the necessity of a tion will be opened next Tawday, arid ment. Suttles for tion were represented, -the Sialvatioll
mount" .(Exod. 25, 40), and "All to tho tlue ,,,,,,, is scheduled for Oct. 9!, Durt had been stabbed. Bloom and then cub ]its own threat. But- in are now or in a test or series of tests recently
119 . tal the Sultan's prohibition, Army itrid the Volunteers of Amerim
exact obedience. and hence of careful after G - - ing advantage of the equality pro- made here.
study of Ood's laW." 8. David -was dis- glory of God" (L Car. 10, 31). ,.rhis the first week 67,619 bales will be oil. ties died ininitediately, but Bloom linger- Waj contributed almost their entire local or-
pleased -He was mortified and chagrin- teaches the importance of follovving CATTLE, Xr LIVr-,XI?OOL. Pit Until ,Sunday night-. An investigation med for all Turkish subjects. 'ni a i - t zation. 'Pile Olood Teniplars and
carefully even the most minute diree' Livarpool-John Rogers & Co. quote to -day: GREATER REVENUEs of the affair is being inade by military Jews are opierilv claiming full rights of WItOLE WERIC ON ONE MEAL. 0�1111111ilr tom-porance organizations had
ad 'at the sudden and unhappy interrup- t. . ,,an its by God. We cannot dis- United states steere, 1114a to 12%c; Cau- officers. , clatizenabip. thousands of itionibers lit line. I
tion of the triumphal proeessiom He lolls 91)
bDy even the smallest command adlans, lol/ic to ill/me: ranchers, 93/Ae to , J _- I Many prominent Hebrewe have join- Toronto Man Found Almost Exhausted --.& P .—
was tot angry against God, but -With P ' iiiiiity. "Bles4sed are they that d -%v I th rs, Do to 10%o; bulls. ed the Young Turkey committees (it Jaf.
himself for neglect and carelessness in 11111i 0 His 81/2a to 9%c. Trade Is very slow. A MATTER ONE OF LIFE OR DEATI1, in Leslie Park.
allowing the ark to be removed in this coinniandinerl's.11 fa and Jerusalem, while a society of SUDDEN CALL.
. :t - t . New York Sugar Market. � I FOR GERMANY. --- Toronto, Sept. 28�-Vllillc P. 0. Strand
,kyrty.-Scott. Made a breach -Violently TIT% Sugar, raw, firm; fair refining, 3.48c, Kr. Bryan Aske� Re,iZnation of Deme- *Hebrows has been founded in Jerusalem, patrolling in Leslie Park yesterday
interpoAcd in a sudden stroke of divine 20 DROWNLU , centrifugal, 96 test, 9.08c; molasses sug- .. cratic Treasurer. the object of -w1lielt is to safeguard the was Jokes Abwa! His'Guesli:, and Uen
judgment. -Terry. Peirez-uzzah- The . New Taxes Opposed -Bitter Legislative rights of Jews in ilia empire and Wto pro- afternoon about 6 o'clock 110 came t:Cross
word "Perez " or "breitch," conveyed to Ar, 3.23c; refined, steady. Now York, Sept. 28 -Herman Ridder, motion of eilkleation wriong then). I a man who wits apparently (lying ir-im
ilia Hebrewil'the idea of a great Calamity, . . Cheese Prices. ,Battle Expected When Reichstag editor of the Stuats Zeitung, and vice- .......... *_9.*____ exhaustion. He picked him up, and, on Drops Dead.,
)towed his British Vessel Meets -Government Must Find Over presideriL of the publicity' burtau of the luestioning him, found that his nairic Ildhil=ia, I f4ept.. 28.-"I ani in
1). Afraid-Flear or terror fo Wrecked —Second At Listowol-9,112 boxes whita clicese $5oo,000,000 by Means of New Taxes. BOARD OF ENQUIRY , goo knest
anger, lest the judgments of God -wero was Lawrence Stead. Stead told the to-iffiflit," Isaid E
not yet ended and ,would be extended to Mate Jumped Overboard. ' offercii; no sales at 1296c. Democratic National Committee, Ivas to. m
I At Na4pance-1,078 whitCaiia378 col- � W'ght appointed by National Chairman — Constable that lie was from Sanford. On- Pereyra at the -w��dixlg.of his daugh-
himself and the people. Ile saw that he , tario, and that lie �ad walked till the ter,
no te directions of the ored; sold at 125-16c. Berlin, iSept. 28-. - Germauy's rieces- Mack -is treasurer of the National Com- To Probe Reports as to Col.'Hen, way to Toroiito, having had but one "Among tile weddi,ng guests were a
law and prepared his people for the Launceton, Tasinallia, Sept. 28, -The - At Ottawa --404 white and 257 color, sity of finding lbetween $500,000,000 alid I'littee to succeed Governor Charles N, I weal since Monday last. doctor and an tinder taker. " A fow
. solemn undettaking. How shally etc, British ship i'mille Filling, front ere h s I $502,500,000 for its revenue during the liftskell, of Oklahoma, who resigned Ilia derson's Death, Ile was taken to tile Wilton' avenue tn*lutes later lie was dead of heart
Had David asked this question sooner it Phic, ,South Atistr,alia, for C.alldo, w:Is At Victon-1,535 colored sold lit 129k. position early to -day in Chicago at the station in the patrot wagon and frem disease. The bridal Couple had left
would have been better. He now ex- wreck�,d off Foster Island tit day[j"Ilt limb five years by means Of new' taxes request oflfr. Bryan. 'Toronto, Sopt. 28.-A board of ell- there to the Grenotal. Hospital, wham it tile house a short tinio before tile
41 forecasts the bitterast legislative battle Mairnian Ifack was in communication atto was found,that lie was I- a very od- parent was stricken. They knei noth.
hibits humility, and admits his guilt. He yesterday, and twenty of th,3 cre.W. or BradstreeVs Trade Review. I ,,ievcral times With Mr. Bryan yesterday quiry, consisting of Iviajor U. J. C :iced stage of exhaustion, principally ing of Iiis death nor c; -n they be
sees the necessity of reverence and do- iwenty-foiw were &ovvneti, Moatreal-The condition of trade Ili Imperial history, beginwhig with tit-- and Lieutenants J. H. Wright atid W. VA'
votion in his conduct. . assembling of the Reichstag oil Novem- afternoon, and it is understood that Mr. Deal, has been appointed by the INfinis. front want of food. found, having kept their destination
Tile other four of the ztew V.orc pipl�60j]. 11OT40 showo little chango from that re- ,I, 4. Secretary of tile 1�'?Perhtl Trea- Bryan said lie did not care who was ter of .-LN1i itia I _ I a secret.. The bride is Aliss 8aralt IR.
111. The ark a blessing (vs. 10, 11), 4 1 to enquire into the report
19. Would not remove -Not for the pre. up by a iiiissing steam,.m ported a woolt ago, The demand for sury S.vdowls formal ann-ouncoment to named so long Its be was a man of good tliat the illness and death of the late XAN AND TE AN KILLED. Pereyra and tile bridegroom is C. N.
Foster Island lies it short ill wholesale lines is fair and if anything, this effect through the medium of an reputo and of influence. From what Mayers.
sent, fearing be might make some other Istance off . Brevet-Lielitt.-Col. Wilbur Henderson,was .
ndsf�lko. House of Obededoni-Very near the northeast (!cast of Ta%manla, anii, it show light improvement. Orders are article In the Deutsche Rundachau this , could be learned last night tit national caused by eating poisoned canned meab George Gibson Struck by Train at Mull After tho caremotiv and tile depart -
the city. lie %Vas a Levite of the stock is stirroundeit by dangerous 411041q. A not large but they cover a good range Week cohtai,ns Ito surprise for the coun- headquarters it lvtts Mr. Alack who sug. Rt Quebec during thb tercentenary. It Crossing. tire of the bridal. imir, Air. ftt.nyra
of the Korabites, w1tich. was a branch atrolig gale, accollipani . ad by a high sen. of lines. Fall 6id winter try, but ft constitutes the first official g"tM 'Mr. :11idder, and Air, Bryan at is hitimaIed that the enquiry i's merely was chatting with his guests and had
of the family of Kohath. 11. The Lord was blowing, and the ve.ggel 'truek tll� are moving Well. Cotton pric68 are promulgation of the empir&e financial once, replied that .Hr. Ridder would be a formal inatter, as a number of other Chatham, Sept. 27. -In till accident laughingly commented ,Upon the prat;.
r. r'J ter in tone and adjustments in straits arid paves the Way for a nation- acceptable. officers of tile corps ate the same kind once of the physicipt. arid the under-
1111Zd, ete.-Josephus assert's Oiat (In reet and soonisailk, Tli� fou' survivore, Ong re noar Mull early yesterday morning a
i that the Becon Xalictag City, Ato.� Sept, 26.41overhor taker when lie fell unconiscloils to
ng 'his passed from r,' d )rate became in� price ar looked for. . al controversy wlih4ris dostined to last 'Cliarles X. Ifitsk of eanned meat, without injury. young Itidgetown mail named George
to wealth, and that all who - 1I)g the stol ,r. Toronto-Trado holds a, �"teadv tckae molly, ,mo,tl1s. assing through this Gibson, employed by the Leitch basket tile floor.
po ty 211),0C."Iduri -Ili and jutuped ove ell, �: 11 1�
Saw Ilia household, or beard the report bon,rd, but there has not been arky marked Herr Sydow intimates tha city to -night oil illspWay from Chicao-o . . . factory, lost his life. 'On Friday he Was I 0 00
� - 11 I t 'tile GOV- to Guthrie, gave out a letter addressoeii, 'it 0
of his wealth, were agreed in considering _6 increase in its volume (luting the past ertiment propoces to introduce fresh to President Roosevelt, defending his KILLED AT FALLS. i liatham. with a load of baskets. Ile BARREL TRICK.
him spe4illy favored by tile Lord. (]ad . week In ftygooda the outlook is taxation,on articles of goner was crossing the track 6bout 2 a. in.,
NEW Z2 ALAIM AND THE NAVY. satisfactory. Travallera are sending aa'etinau"W (Ifaskell's) attitude towaTils the Prairie jast as tho X 0. It. flyer caind along, ..---.
ILINvAys blossos thoge who bonor Him in tit lair orders although buyers are tion, including 'prinkarily spirits, beer Oil & (las Co. and assailing the presi- '
the home life. "Where the sign of tile Government Proposts Taking Action and whies, and increased inheritance dent for granting before Statehood a Former Thorold Man ThroWn From All was over Ili a twinkling, tile mall -
Lord's, pretence, the means of grace is, This Segsion. still inclined to put off the 'laying of taxes on estates of over $5,000. He franeldse in Indian Territory for a Stan- I killed, the tertin killed arid the wagoi, Swimma Bets $1)000 Against $500
tkore the Lord's preeeneo and graciolpt heavy lilies. but a good fall aftc! win- narkes no mention of the general Anti- � Wagon anJ Killed. antailbed 0 kindling. Tile train Crow He Can Go Over Falls.
Wellington, X.Z., Scpt� 27.-I,Ord tot trade is now assured, The one dard oil pipe line, at the request of Sen- picked up the remains and carried them
working is not w"ting, and where this Ciliated tAxes, on gas and clectlicity. Ator Chauncey Depew.
enters there i's indtod 51cssihg upon PtllullkOtt, Ill a speech lon the colobra- tll'n5 waited for is cold wpather. to Mull, then to Ridgetown after' tile �
cl., ' - S Iftlists "You know," writes 11askell, 11that St. Catharines, Sept. 27. -Word WAS - entity was assurtd. 'Niagara Fall", Krpt, 28.-11obby Leitch,
bilftaing I Of Mminion -Day, said lie n(i. W�anipeg-Tlie voluina of business All the parties txeept tile Oct d
., na in Obed-edom's house.)' ticed a slowly growitig but clear in, moving bete Is decidedly oncoura are hx practical ilgrealmont that tile Senator Depow waR tile greatest 'StaftA- received here yesterday that Thomas I . - � , 7, 1-1
IV. The ark taken to Jerusalem (vs. dioation that tile. country Wa ing. Orders for fall and winter gool; ampire's rovenue system must be ii tied Oil agent in the 48eflate." ' the ,celebrated swinnuer and high (liver,
1,2_23). s realiz- I -, - Young, a fariner resident of Thorold, THROWN PROM WAGON.
ing thd irtsponsibilitim V111oh had ate clonling in well and there is a de. fOrmed on the basis of new taxation, . I had been killed tile previous night at Who ITCOIAIV jUIII1X-d ft diStilille(I Of InGrO
12, David went, etc, Read I - Chron, grown Avith the progress of the spirit mkild fot ptompt shipment, but whebher PAU06 Von BU010W Will NOT AtLOW9D TO LAND, Niagara Falls, X. Y, The unfortunate Mrs. James Htathdringtoh Xilled at than 2M fi'et from the upper steel
0110,Pters 15, 10. Mvid lied taken throe of nationality arising Vancouvor and Victokin-Tho pros. bu able -to find it majority from arch bridge into the rIvPr below, to -day
in Cantida, poets for fall and winter business till among his nondescript Conservative- man was driving a moving van, when it Ottawa,
months to attI4 the law and noW be South Africa and Australia. Now Coloted Man Xopt on I I was struck by all approaching Buffalo' gave it ellallongt% for a trip over tile
w.tv propat6a to bring the ark to Jeru. Zoaland wanted to do all possible to. alang the Coast are bright. Vberal-VA,dleal liarliamon(ary bloo is I Detroit River, 4& Niagam Falls trolley, Ile wits thrown Ottawa, Sept, 27. -Whlk driving Horseshoe Falls in it barrel. Only one
salem in it propor milliner. word helping to li the old bul. Quebec-'Ilradii conditions wholesale it question thAt'la giving the Govern- it .at I I I be. ti
Thit was- flid greatest day in David's WArk of the British navy i3t,rollg6r, lind refail are much about the same ilipilt, anxjr,us monients. It',,,telt one of.1 Windsor Despteelt-40lies, the Col. from the seat upon the pavement and OTh the market oil Saturday tit noon, person lIng ever tried thm fe t 1( e
it'dil p-toposod to do, more , as tile prowling Weak. 'tit op ored,epileptic, who taused it 6 h on killed instantly. His little ton who Mrs, James Heatheringtoo, an Ottawa sn"essful, That was Mrq. Anne ri,dsoll
life. It WA3 S turning point in tilts Ilia. 'a 86881OK" Hamilto.i-The volurne �I` business tile proposed 'how taxes meet$ wl - Ile was I market gardener's wife, was pitelled Tttylor, who 14 .still ill ,Niltgara Falls
thy Thursday betw4mn the local police and iding oil tire seat with Ilia iiather
tory of the nation. At every few rods of pWbloit ill sonic quali Bargainiii.tr �aped without injury. Ile leaves �' from ,an express wagon near tho , selling souventra and depending Upon her
the =,rch flie procemion would bolt, A 119RXXT ARRESTED. hato is about stoody, Orders for fall with this. or that juli-ty .Will be tile or- the TJnittld States immigration offic. eso bridge, and So ttrrl vemaTkable adiievement to attract bus -
and winter lines 81161V ell Ittly move dft of the clay from the outset of the inle, made several. unsuccessful at. widow and aix Children, the 1( bly ,
and there wtra reli0ouA socriffims at St. Catharines Humatie Society Looking ActivItY alld PrOBPOcts for �'-atute busi- tempts -on Friday to got into Detroit, , but a low months old. Ilia brother,Jolin . crushed that site died ten minutes after. iness.
every balt. "Tht ark a(IvAnee4 I& tbo- tesmion. There am already indie-Itims arld for ti, flyne was crossing and re- Yolffig, of ThorolOwmit to the Falls on waras, Tha home alio was (Irivin took , 1knell ha's gonerally niade good on all
r a6wriding . ness are consid6red good. Tht warm , thab.the Goverilmmit is so deterilline'l to rrossilig oil the forry boat, barred rpeeipt of the, telegram announcing hiA fright tit a pile of stones oil the 9& of a defis all I his &�Iaration to -day is
t1mriot of & greeit conquero After ErAatus CAW, weather Is giving rttailers a godd a, bi I
pass 6116 tit-fttlOn ref,Drnt bill at all C. 8ts t the road, and. van away, upat.-Wing t -
the gored hill of brioniph.11---GoA10, St., Catharines, Sept, 27.-AtalAw thance to dispose of summer lines ittid from both countries.' Zones declaroit deatfl, and the temains were bli to ll� rogardediieriously, Ile asserts that be. is
",� -V*PW-
Ono, 4.
A 0 , 11�
0 Z�Q � _44_1.�
%%.sgon qgainst & telegftph PoAlk
There Avere nomm-oned to AmW at this Caill, who liag bii,en livilig as a hermit stocks arc �141nerally light. Westeirn - that Ito ean fuiliish proof that lie was Tharold for interment to -day. %. T4
Rat the ii�lsor will aiot hesitate to (11s� Ile, willing to bet $1,000 agitilist .%00 that
� 140mo iftl e. .._..6.#_1P__ unfortilliate Woman �Vila throw,, out witIl lie gAn make the trip over tho treneher-
cormony the high pries,ts Zttalk itnil Aly. ill ,a log hut JuAt outside the city 11m. pli show provement, Col. selvo ilia 11'elelistat ttild Inalce a il .411 born in Michigan, and that he livo-d.
iftfIlAr. tho heads of, the sk LkMtleal its, bag be(�n placed undor -arrest �by leotions ate lair, Appeal to the eountry. a,s lie, did flivo 1111til a Allort timo Rgo. fit Flint. Chief Tn it bead -on tollision of frelgitt trabla lir Cat Vloknoe, mRity -of her riba boing 01M lirillk- �
Itimill", 1001 it law immpalry of Oleir Righ ConsfabTe Itoyl(s.. act-ing undet Tiondon-Tho tone of business here I VA�1`1 40, it the preserit 111arliariviii. �ViIIA slly.q illo ITIlite(l Staten author, at TQ11ingtoll, At 4.110 A. m. $Aturd&y, 11a,11, broken, find the pk*6s picreing bor lutigg. _*4-4—
WALlIfft, and m&YIY from 4641 016 ttibell iniAtruetionitl from the 11urtiana Society, continues to improve. tgeaute. I Meg Xplidall. fireinall, of (1hat-ham, NvAs kill- _1 - � . 1pli 10('11 I)PPSOn-4 U -Pre, kilk(l ill a e01-
. proves Immitrit are uow lonkiliR into lones' , 91
o! T*rAel. DAvicl himself elmilgM h% . Cain is ge�nerally Auppome(l to bo of oftma-RotRilers are Allowilag a dim. Iterr 8,ydow earnestly deatribeq ute I f-Iftlirls, alltt tilq,t he (�Vjllq) is Antis. oil, find, Johit 7fliell, enginverl, and Fred Pliarlio, GoIndens agod 12, 809 (11111rch, lisioll on the vlevat(41 railway it 1101-lill,
_ . # lithorior is worthy of )its hire.
khWIv garb for the pricAfly t-phod irilil unsoutlid mkid. Lmit wintor-bo wag osition ta stook up soniowbat for sit"Ittion Its it life or death questlon 1(,I' I fie(l that thev will Aftib 11in, to the Woo4ma", fireinart, word injured by 6frect, Torwito, hits been misting alnoo Th �
Jolik boartily In fho Inlisto and 64ng. aIM04 frozen to da4th in. lifi; log Ilut, plature raqWr*mamta. ,(1,niu,any, arA AppmIs tar the pRtri,itiam States whtk ihey learn the truth. Jumplum, Monday last. but he geni AvAnts it higher.
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