HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-17, Page 7__ - -1117 ­,." ______ , __ ___ _____ 4 0 � I 0 '4r.w4w 0 - , , ­" " " . f q 0 , _'M I .11,1111 -;- -11.1m , ---- , _,P, 7) - ,7,r 1. ,Ir,­Tv-­Tp�,�N � . 1. ��Ir�� — �IWTT 7 1"RWF0WPWW"rTrW .,,I— - 'Ilk I 11 I W Ivp" " 7,_",qi1;., �', - - IWIll _7 "'N"I", " I .r�, , 'I'pl,vilm �,�F�l I- " �, 117 � �. I ---;-,W"� 11 .f � "" "N""Faloll � , il _­ .-I.. . .1 �17WIT;1f,41 11 ­. I il�_ " i. �m I ,` .1 I 11r, I I W11 , :" I --�Ae 4%"' ­ - I , , , .1777, r, f I 'T 7 . I . I �, , Jf-7 ", ' 1 . - , 11 \ - . �!il 01 0 1 ­ , . , - , , , , _ , , 1 01 . . ­ 1, . 1. . I . I 1.11, I I . ow ­ ..", 06.0.0,44.01.004 .... A" � ­ � 1, .ill 11011111 I ­ I .. � '', , � i, ., ''. W . � � .1 � ­ ­­.. 1. .11-1.1 .. 11 40" . " -1 � I . . I 1. ,- , - -­ I ­ �.. 'I --- ----" - , - - " .- ­ I I � � , I � I -1- ;R_","_,, I '"__;, l ''... _,.,�, ..''.,O''.o"*.;�.,,-,..,�,,,.��..�-�.�,,�,'�;�"::7, .. ­ ,- I . V. V -1 0 " biniself through the bars, The space i 'the communication, w" purely con't,t! , between tile side bars and tile -window - t W CYCLONE SWEPT, .0' Aellitial au4 must not be published, frame Is about six inches, and, although THE W. ST WAS Ny"ore"' ilia Premier s""e'r a BRANTFORD'S FATAL EXPLOSION, , VON BULO TV - The Axplibialtop Insisted th,,O it it , 'it Wits 'level' thought that a mail colild I, change In Qle Proposed pygratuallo was I - I - .­. - 11 � --1 ­­­ -, � I - , - __ I., . get through, Snow Succeeded, Ills slight TOWN OF ORAW.) TRUNX, TI.VRK , . NO' CARRIEDO neeeasc,try Mr. Asquith indat taRe tile I . build helping him ont, .Once through INTERVIEWED., XSLAND$0 DZVASTA . , TSD, reaponsibil,47 of luaRlug a publio ro- I . thO Window the 4rop to the ground was . . Premier Asquith Asked That Jt be IC11�1010y*et;n The Prealler rol)1104 that itt, tile Theatodum and five Other, Buildings Wrecked ... Two Lilves,Lost ... Several ()Illy SIX f0014 And Ck few board$ shoved . . Selvera melAls Ol it, would W Ill - 1 Lives Ust—Wind Ble.w.At Rate against the outer wall enabled him to No4.qdy In GermAny Dreams of lo- ,. I op, I . ter !n. the Interests. of order and gout), scale It. � � � . of One Hundred Miles An Hour— Omitted From Procession, People. Wored --- $50,000 DaMage--linvestigation to follow. . . I.Q01111"r that tile proposed earenloilial, I i , isonor,did not return to `rl'aln. Town a Mass, of Wrockago-114ytion . . When tile lit v4ding Great b . , , tile lega.lity of which, was open to clue,4- I— _­______ 11 ­, - I I ­ I - . tile chapol, a guard was sout to lock Moop Sent to the Bottom With All t' 1, Should ]lot take Place, for him, but Snow was not in life cell Immense Throng of People Viewed "There wore further cries of "Shatnal" Brantford, despatch.: Every. building - Boston Chinese eafe. I Next came Mrs. Hornio, v,�ll )$a A burried search of ilia prison, the die: QeYi�ap;y lias. More Reason to Drealil on 13040. cia, procession. I front the auaience, and aNer 4 prolongt- . ul the business Section of this city was Bouey's bowling alley, b4be bt4 first been removed, Her covery0of marka Under tile prison win. . , va Interruption Archbishop Bourno con. Ole pool roolil, head atid face at first appearanne rp. �dow and the board$ Against tile Wall a Utish lnva4ou, (IratulTur' . — I . tlaued,saying t4.ii lie � bad replied to tilitOlcep. to its foundation yesterday af. , - awe - � convinced tile, officials that lie had got . k, Tories Island, 33. NV, I., )f �X`101V,e it�)staira telivinwil; ,11111gs, li�llred battered, and the blood Wits Septl II.—A hurricane of great fury N, I tho Pienlier that ,,!it deference to your ternoon, at 2 o'clock wholi 4, terrific ol IT, B. f 11011dofson's tall away, and Guards Pile, Bell, Wgir and 107jists Jostled and Jetred , r s1wil. Oozing from one ear. fille uore an Process, * , Has No Desire to be the Grea , I �, test swept over Turk's Island last night and I w!.dh all the elements of all. ecoles'Oksti- plosioll tool, Place ill. t4o Viree-storey James Williams, rostauran't. agonized took of terror and it -*a ju*t O'Connor were sent out in Search, and . , , � _P . t Naval- early to -day, find ilia town of Grand' . olice Reserves. Ca1le4 Out, cal vereitionialwill be oliatinated. lie city detective dviiartment notified, pruces-wa of Cardinals "lid The ThefAorium building on the South side All of these places will have to be re. po-sSible the most berlous rel is World Power, � 131shops 10' built, On the other side of the stmet tliat sustab)ed by thalatenso Shock of Appall, no blame call be attached I Turk Was devautated. A number of will walk lit Court dress, mad we oxpo�t of Colborne. Street, resulting in the a$ tile whidows Ili every buildiing reeri the borr to ally of"It'he prison officials for Sjioivla __� lives have been lost. ulavil 'anxiety is London, Sept. 13e --A great procession 'the Oloveruntilut to insure C, I J 1140 a4t4strophe. The buband (,scape. That a man could get throl London, Sept, 14.­-'.Vbe Standard this felt for the Safety � onifort nir of one life, the 4t uring Of At least A Shattered, and the partitions Shaken followed , igh . _ of Dr. T R. Robert - of Catholic elergymen, whieli. brought, ookirtesy. to ou lionored gluests., , ,, Ile was Planed near Ilia dow was n.over fo Tuortling prints a Ion Omm '104011 people and tile entire demolition from their places. For several liondral family, but as Soon as sonto Ill r a 0 g interview SOD, district 0 issioner �i vAicos, who the E,licharlatie Congress to an end, Was ..� . � nionient taken into eonsiderati with Was making a tour of those isim Ceremonial Insi4o Cathedral Walls. of Six larga buildings adjacent, to ilia yards down the street each way pl%te' 'Limbers Were rextiowd lie was Able IV -Jog 11 on. Deputy Prince Iron Blialow, the .German Cbau* � nd$ held this afternoon amid scenes SuP (ilia Where %ho fatal crash occurred, The glass windows were amashed. Tito loss to walk, Ile Is m, cripple and was arden I a said last night that none evIlor, at Norderuey. it deals Mal when the Storm broke, ,h Rs - The Archblaliop added, mallil a rellew- I . of the moil were to blame. I Illy A northeast hurricane Struck here at , cause of tile disastrous affair is alleged will Probably total $50,000 in all, badly sbattered. Another babe was I "'We as a With tile rehlilOng between Great Brit. 0 V, in., aiid at 4 o'clock t . the :0, nglish eburchnion who planned it old uproar, tlint the careirionjitl pl,(jcos. � . I rule do not favor letting, the men &Q I , Ills morn 0 to be tile ignition of gas, caused in some No, Fire, � the last brought out, the yOunger of I . -tug had never anticipated, Cardinal NI'mil. Sion WOUld be held within the o4thadral away from under the eyes of the gum tile wind was blovying nearly 100 wiles 'war, which is a mystery at present, The, Strange to say, there was no fire. t on- the Hornie children. Its appearance , rde am and (Alermally and with Prince 'Von natelli, the Pope's Legate, walked at Willie, and that the benediction woliIii, , like that, although It is done occasion- Buelow's Opinion ill articles Wit * an hour, The streets of Grand Turk are Thmtorluin was closed tit the time, oth Sequent uporl the explosion. The ,gonoral , lv,A8 that of a wee life fa$t ebbing ally. All the gates of the prison were fell re- .t mass of wreckage. Trees have been be given to the inultiloude from the erwise there litight have becrim horrilille theory as to tile came is that there was away. All were hurried to the hos- eently appeared in British periodicals, . . the head of the processiW1, wearing his balcony of tile cathadral, He exboxted t looked up, to -day or the man would . uprooted, portions of buildings blown I - loss of life, The dead child is tile two- it heavy underground leak of ii,ttu�ml pital, ,,lid as far as can be learned a never have been allowed to go alone, but With reference to British apprehon- away and many hoi bee, par- � scarlet robes and litti, but not carrying . the people loyally to. accept tile Rr yemr-old infant son of Mr, And Mrs. gas, WbIob worked its way to the ccl;ar present their conditloi) is tin tees have, n , alla"gell. it was not thought for a moment that he Bions Ili the matter of Germ tially wrecked, 'Clio Haitien Sloop Tole - tile Hc�at. He was accompanied by a rangenicut, and behmve with dignity flornie, Who residod on 4 tenement flat of the building, ivilera in Some linkill),,y), 'I'lle Woman, it is said, may die. tin naval ag. an 11, 'which had tRkell Shelter a t bodyguard of English pears, of whom I A sl4. Ila . lilliniself, 1.1 m in the first storey of the next building , , -4 1301vie *was in his plaeo at the time could got outside the prisoll.11 . gression, tile Chancellor flihiks that it will loyal linglishulan, fe-It that it was his N11VIes Neat, foundered with all hands. to 1114y the ignition took place. The fire ,Snow was serving it tel of twenty. would be more excusable lf'tlio Germans The ,schooner Dan Loon, belonging to apprehensive of being attacked, tile Last Caicos "ibre Company, broke )uke of Norfolk i);as the most pro- duty to conform to tile publiely-expmes. family were precipitated Ili the crash to over 100 moil at work digging in the dr- P-1111) Ilia escape looks raarvellotw. imvelry store of King Bros,, Queen I 1, I � the I ., , to the Theatorium. The Whole Horni trion were called out, and there lwore "lid from tlio appearance of the after. three months for , breaking into the were minant, and a concourse of cardinals,. ad wishes of the constituted alitilor, the cellar. of the falling buildiii,g, and bl Blinded with dust and almost deafen. pointil g out that Great Britain, 11 a not away from her anchorage and was seen archbishops and bishops, who -%Yore at- itles, but he Wale not Prepared 'to sub- street West. ITo had two colifederatee, be.ca i vaded since the time ., a tired Ili uncerenionial robes instead of init to the bigoted dictation of tile Pro- were picked out by the Ilremen. The John Bolley, tile Chinese and Mr. and ed with the terrific report, lie rushed N-Villiant -Walker and Reuben Costello, tile u William no more, All the Salt lighters wlilob. vestments, which originally had been - teetant Alliance. dea,d-child had N frOctured skull. Art- Mrs, Courtland Smith liad narrow es- bout _On Conqueror. Continuing, prince Von I to the back door, amid the tumbling Between them they got away with a . 1. Were moored ,yesterday at the riding In conolusion lie PX- other child escaped Unscathed -fit its capes from being phined in under ilia and crumbling of the Walls over elow says: proposed they. should wear. pressed the hope that his $500 worth of valuables, They were ar- ; ,round and tile Hawk's West are miss- , all ,the people mother's arms. The mother, beald ,, b Sit 'I,eftu assure you that. Ito one of any '� . � I as re .debris. Walls were left tottering, and Plac , He got. out ilia aek WKY1 rested in Niaj�rll. Valle, and , lug. Great Throng of People. would came fo lionor ilia representative col a severe 81,1Qek, had her feet and had to be Immediately taken down to but eivas not seen for Some time later. ow when sense, in Germany dreams of picking a ' ch f people have been of the Holy See. hands out. and.is injured internally. ' p event them falling on the crowd. The Ile Was till right. arrested threw a bag of jewelry into the illlaj-�el with England, much less. is there 'Elie Turk T.Slands are a group of $Mail L I scen in London since Queen victoria'a During tile course of the meeting a ' I r power calla). Ile lia,d Verved only two ally insane I keys southeast of the Bahamas. They I - d Across Street. street Wits blocked"with the ruins, and weeks of his sentence, . ,dea of invad -P have An arem of 224 square miles and 0. %va's read frolit tile Pope el Knocilo Cause Unknown. .� ,i,ng R gland, funeral, if even then. The purpose of in I for awbila there was a grave dar-ger I I - V. 1 4 But for Germans there 0 far more population, all told, of about five thong- . ATchbisho) Bourne, the hand of the p1=8171990 ilia greatest Satisffieltion. at the Bert Holstock and Joe Blayboro were from electric wires. N u est Will the caitse . tan6ble reasons f or apprehensions I succeful, Inauguration of the congrcss seated on the steps in front of the build-- " and. Grand Turk, the largest island, is Westminster dioceso, and his associates, , I . be cleared up, That ail explosion oc- tbrou,gh. our exposed geographical post- wo miles Wide. A .tnd blessing with all ilia ll­_lr,� tile hig awaiting entrance to the Theator- An Investigation. FOUGHT FIRE* - seven miles long and t who arranged the programme, had been curred is certa , but while it was tion, let alo a a dark historical brick- SAllt Cay is smaller. The principal set- . I Bishops and clergy Who had coutribut- luni, where they had work to do. The A civic Investigation will likely be I'll . groun 11far as the idea of Ger to have tile Host carried through the a probably due to gas, such has not yet � d. So Llements are oil the large Isla s�reets Ili the rear * of NVestillinst yll ad, where er d "to tho consoling Success of this ,%al. impact knocked both of them clear fie.14 in the matter. For some time an ef' been established. lien were working a power being, a menace to other Grand Turk, the only town, lima a popu- ollin 111,%alfestatiou of CiAliolic faltil across the street. Blayboro Was picked fort has been made to have a civic ln� Catholic Church Saved But Priest lil"o'naLrdes is concerned, GermanyI; as you t the great body of I . alopg ilia street laying natural gas I - lation of about 1,750. The only indul ilp, in an unconscious condition, slid Ilia spectcir of gas; mains and connections, well know. is only one of the great pow- . -lug and sponge f Catholics who -were unable to participate aniong the English peop,12.11 I inains, but the connections in no way Badly Burneil. Ill are sall Whing. 0 . in ally of tile serivices Within the cathe- Almost a Calamity., injuries are probably fatal. One of his there have. been several losses of lifo : affectid the interior of the butidipgs. . t-rs, -10deu has waged no war during - The group, with the Caicos Islands, tire dral should have an opportunity of Abs -was found to have pierced his lung. 'is tile result 'of gas explosions. An i , PI . The scenes to -day at the CAtholic p Hoist 'all Manager Powell of the Gas Company the last thirty-sevell S,emrs. tin&r the Governor of Jamaica, but . la ves roll , ock was in a f rel state of de- quest will be hold. Coroner Ashto,i 1 ... a Said to -n! lit that in no way could Ottawa, OnC, Sept. 14.—The dry w( -,m, . The Chano0or. discussed a great var. I ,joining the Eucharistic obsiorvanoes PQ cession arou d I tininater liritua, and Several men bad to hold him. catled ont.,, Chief Lewis, of the Fire Do, . iety of subjects pertaining to European island. � Cathedral 9 have 4 Gvertiment separate from that i of seeing the high coolosia-ities present Were nothing less than a disgrace to 1.1, is said to be suffering from. shobk work on the outside mahis oil the street . ,I �,��;;'­ in London on this memorable Occasion. London, an everlasting shame to those Partmeirt, will )>a asked to make a have beeii responsi , �ller pravalls lip the Gatinean and a fire politics, but mainly of meadentle inter- �1;1 . principally. 1. thorough hiresti,gution and report on -,Ile ble for the 'explosion, broke out at Martindale, about 45 est. Mrst lie Scouted the notion that . . It was, bowever, found necPssary to who had done their utmost to stir up A Broken Leg. clause, Tito explosion was t I he worst that Which occurred ill a -bout the eentre of . abandon the carrying of the Host, 'The the always dangerous spirit of religious � tbQ row, probably in the theatokitini, miles from Ottawa, yestl The Ca- Germany is aiming to be the greatest agitation of the extreme Protestants Lloyd,11yers, a young man, Seated in line ever taken plftco.ln Brantford. naval power lit thel world, or is likely to WILL RAUN SUNDAY. . intolerance. It was With genuine regret Where there was a moving picture tip- tbolic Church and Presbyteri were solved cii(led !it forcing ilia Government's hand, that it -was learned this morning that Grierson a delivery rig across the street, .. The Hornie Family. paratus. Strangely, there,was practi- after a great fight against the within it couple of ),cars challenge Brit- . . 011, and as the procession ,Was technically Prime Minister Asquith, With a politi: was knocked out and sustained a brok- It was ton minutes after the fal,!il cally filmyes. The pruish Priest, Rev. Father. !all naval superiority. ELECTRIC CARS TO BE OPERATkD " � , Ito fire follo)vIng tile Outburst, only - . illegal, being aontrary to �he terms of clan's oye upon the Nonconformist and ail leg. . crash before the recovery of the un- one 'victim being burned. There Was Gr. A. Belanger, had his -hand,%, fa '. a 4 �` 1, IN NIAGARA PENINSULA. le, the Catholic eman4ation Rot, INIr, Low 0burch vote, had succeeded in rob- Miss Radford, who rum a furniture fortunate Hornia family was made. L,'ir a t one terrific Shock, followecl by kNyO one foot badly burned. Tile roh . I*- Asquith asked tbat it be abandoned, bing the procession of its chief and can. store across Ole road, was struck with' of ,all Micbael Judge came clinibip.g, up others immediately after. The build. , barns .and oubbluildingps were destroyed ALBERTI'S FRAUDS. . Rather than do this it Was decided to tral feature, but none who saw the pro- flying Plate glass, and was later , rouloyl, .1 huge .pile of debris with a ived"bi,,be ings were bulged from the ceutre. and Raid ten tons of hay, a lot of convey- I � Were Taken Off Some Time Ago—Wel- �_ eliminate the feature to which the Pro- cession maks its wmy past the spot ed to her ]ionic unconscious. quiveling to the finger tips, All. bloo-1 toppled into the street in front, . ances, etc., loss $1,000. Little insuran-ce. I land Division of the Niagara, St,4 testant Alliance objected, the archbishop where tile writer was Situated could fail James - Stover, a trench digger, and oozing irom the side of the face. T1wre The owners of the wroaked buildings ,;; � V ALL DENMARK STAGGERED A�VD I urging his followe�a "to make not only to feel relief at the result of the Prime James Villiell, a carter, who were in the were evident signs of life remaining in are J, B. Holt, H. R. Holt, J, Jil. O'Neal is,000 FAMILIES RUINED. Catharines & Toronto Railway Starts the cathedral but the -whole of West" .alittister's intervention, for had the Host irumadAnte vicinity, were also badly the little body, however, and tender and Chas. Whitney. They are insured in' SUNDAY C A R S. - . Again. , *1 . pilliater one great sanctuary of the been carried it Would have been almost hurt, . hands grasped it and. removed the eaild I",Ijgllsb and Calladiall companies and I . Embezzlements of the Former Minister % . blessed, sacrament by the fervor of their impossible at this point to have prevent- Loss to Property. . to medical care. It Was the first di-envil clann that they will be paid their inpuril . singing." ad what would have been a most griev- Tile loss to property will Ile very cry and gruesome as it was, the o'cher auce if,it is proved, as they clabil it Welland Division Of the N. S. & - of justice Total,Several Millions of Welland despatch; Electric imrs, will lipany who were Dollars—Coolly 'Gave Himself Up. lye operated on the Welland Division; of Open Hostility. ous catastrophe. heavy.. The following buildings were oil- who were released from bereath the T. R. Did Business Yesterda, . . the Njagara, St. Qatharinle:3 & Toronto . ' a will, be, that the gas eel Y. I Tile route of ill(- procession was laid The crowds Which throughout the tirely destroyed. tons of bill frame work and mass of. relaying the mains in front of the wreck- e , Cl1rougli tile quip Railway on Sunday, and the weet�day ,t stycet% a,ijacent to the forenoon had �eeu swarming to the nar- OpNeaills flour and feed Store. debris, presented no less ail abject and ed building tire at fault. Suits lor dain- Copenhagen, Sept. 13—The eilibe�--zla- schedule -will be carried out. This branch ' . cathedral, and but for tile unexpected I'M side atreelh made the mile Theatorium. . horrifying appearanap- agres Will be instituted. St. Cathatines, Sept, Il cam on iiieiit of several million dollar's by Al- has been in operation for a year and 11 - l partigan strife which a discussion of, this 10,19 route round tile cathedral by 3 1 . .. . . . . .1 . . half, slid a buitday service wa4 put oil probablY would o'clock had in several placesl-reachad ' . . -lie Y , I ,ceremony brought oil, A - the Welland division of t I., S. & T_ 1t. berIti, the former 241inister of fustice at the start. This led to a vigorous pro- . � 11mVe Lbeen solemnired quietly and in a ilia - dWnger point, and thousands were bere, as throughouL the' route, the Pd -do it, Your time on this sphere is ran to -lay for tile first time since a has staggered all Denniark, from th) �� reverent atmosphoi - al .1 I - 11 I Eta *- test oil the part of ministers clesident in ,ill trying to force their way through density of the throngs of Catholic de. but a day at best. Make u4c of it. J'ckr -ago, when AttornerGenoral PO)r, ' Xing- down. .&Ibert It Won the Folithill, and the matter Was brought to I ,o. The great majoi � ity of those Nvho attempted to witness the clicked approaches. At one place, rotoes made lGhings dangerous and tax- FATAL SMASH. "Ah, but there are useless, Wasteful anforcin the new Dominion Ll Day dominant member of the Reform G'ov- the notice of the Lol Day Alliance. . tile spectacle, however, apparently 'were where tli� procession was to take an ad the polin to the utmost. Numbers people in this worldl Yes, and in the Act, ortfored that they cense operation A short time after, the Sunday service I I attracted by curiosity, and a small part almost right augle ,turn, for all hour of minor hurts were suffered from the I a lino ermuent since 1001 and Deamar Is poll- i ditcontinued, and a notice posted were Openly and demonstratively hostile. before it was - due,' the crowd surging inistry, too. Many a pulpit I know oil Sunday, on the ground that ill It I pressure of pushing &lid in Some ,iii- Oae Woman Killed and Five Per. U was constructed under a liew charter. tical ideal. " career of otitile c-oin- wal , The Catholic element cheered, heartily in through three narrow approaches of is sterile, because men allow pre- Appeal -was made. to the Railway clommi-3. Illenced fourteen years ago. Iia Was to 4he- ef feet that this stop,lwas taken -in while the procession passed by and threatened time after time, through stancos ilia police suffered tie much .as sons Seriously Hurt. judice and superatition to cut them off iiOn, and (the management claim now Pructleally' Xegarded as the country's obedience to, the order of tile Railway * anybody. , Fainting Spoils were. namer- I from the best of thought. They are Commission. The matter rested there . . � throughout the route, but there was sheer and.ever-increasing weight, to ou$ and. those thus attacked were ex- that they have a rigift to do busilles,s on dictator tit 'Ghe time oflils retireuiva-G, 1 . ward also considerm)ble "booing." overcome ilia cordon of police. The lat- too lazy to read, Knawledge, I 'my, 'a Sunday. sevbn weeks ago, when, all ll until two months ago, when P, petition tricated N4r,h difficulty. Nevertheless a Long before the hour set for tho care- ter, mounted and on foot, charged time the mother of devotion, not Ignorance. ' I - . . honors were heaped upon him, includ- . was circulated and largely signed, ask- le to get near -the after time and managed to keep a. fairly the, erithualasin. did not -ltbate. Hull- Suburban Train at Chicago Crashes if God can do without your beat ' n inte the title of "Excelloney.". . nig the rallway to establish this Sol - dreds risked 'in ury by knobling .is Car- lutl, then lie can do without - � line of inarch, and windows and the adequate open space for the expeetdd dinal vallnutel passed with Ilia hand Into Another. CLUB HOUSE. 15S Surrelider to the zubbortlee ) Nothing more was heard of the matter I 'Jopt of houses were crowded. The !ession. Its approach was heralded your ignorance, tol I I vas -until this afternoon, When the word was Pro, - � raised in a l3liessing. T11rougholit, even — - dramatic lit the extreme. ,I)il lit .- police had not expected such cro-wils, It last by mounted police, behind ,whom . "You nurses) you knoj� the value of _. an immaculate frock COat and Silk bilt Passed along to ilia local agents that . their the banners Were -visible, ' when the cheors predominated, there Ohicago, Sept. 14—One wornall ,was Ull quiet, of thought for others. There they were to be in readiness for business � and inet With much opposition ril .Chen follow- %vas an undercurrent of hooting aW stantly killed, five persons so serioul .it , these Ottawa Hunt Club Building New lie strolled lei -surely from his residence , . I attempts to. keep tht,. path clear, which ad a scene, the llkt.�_ of which olfe, who such - ciries as "Go ]lack to. Romef" Were ' sly seems an awful want of th Go police headquarters. As lie passo�(l on Sunday. they hardly succeeded in doing-, so that has takell Pat-& Ili every great crowd ill heard. :;o;Y_ - injured that their deaths are expected and days - Long after midnight where I One—Kennels Built. the entratice Local sentiment seems to have h pre- . -gate and Ilia followers had London in ilia past eleven years has . . live merry -makers come home singing � till the officers and moil ponderance in favor of the'Sunday set-- . the Papal Le 28 other passengers were i0re or less and whistling, despite the sick- I 11 present Sprang to attention for their vice, but'it will be 'Interesting to nobe to push their way through a narrow never seen equaled. . Press Comment, . . seriously injured in a wreck at Chester- ill formal- chief 0who acknowledged th,! whather or not the Alliance will take lane, being frequently mild unpleasantly A buiricane of bools and yells went ' ere may be trying to rest. They tell Ottawa, Sept, 14,—To-day work on the 'his , the protestors against the ton, Ind., on the Lake Shore & Michi- . till to greet the advance guard of the .tvrost of sallite with. usual urbanity. Ile further motion. T-Im road is now con - *C Jostled about. procession met this el and con- gan Southern road early to -day. me they Zion't allow such things over in - P0,000 new club house the Otibmwo, 11unt then calluly bade the chief iiispector . Police Reserves Called Out. procession. The mob, swept forward, gratulated themselves oil the victory Shortly after midnight a suburban: Berlin. I wish they didn't here." . Club are building near here started. It take d trolled by the Canadian Notthern, boalling the police with it. Mingled with -� - A own a repor'D. - - . At one Place Where Several streets 0 ch-ey had-Nvon. TbaV Mid M tribute to train from Cid.-ago crashed into the rear , - will be rushed, 'so as to La opened on When the' inspector waa ready Al- - - - converge ill(- (,rush was so great that yal"9 could be heard the shrieks of wo- Mr. Asquith and M; lZensit, - ilia leader end of the excursion train boillid, for In- L\TeW Yearllts Day. One of the features is berti cheerfully observed: --L wLill to NEW TENDERS CALLED. ilia upaotators broke.up the procession, men, while children, sitting in perfect of the Extrel and said the Liberal dianapolls from Chicago, over the Lake BURNE . it, nat . Ural sprilig of mineral water right give ral ill) to justice for fraud :Ind -- . safety in windows just above the heads . but tbe police, stationed at this point of dic crowd, could be seen, crying in party would not suffer for taking this. Eric & Wost-ern, While the 1q,tter �wms I on the promises,, and ruililhig down 750 forgelry.11 Than, producing a receipt fol Two Sections of the National Tianscon. iii strong force, managed eventually to step. . standing at the station. The rear of the . feet. The building will b; two storeys, bonds of tile value of $2,r>t0,00,), Ila � fright. The police drove -the crowd back , siftu- tinental. . . clear a narrow Irtne, through which the foot by foot. They used all the force Mr. Asquith has not pleased Irli exeitialo.n. train -was badly wrecked, The Lighted Match on Floor Ignited with piazzas all rofind, offices and dftl ad two directors' private buinc abeques. Ottawa, Sept. 14,� The National' , , I ,papal hegate and the others passed in that mr,as safe, hurling men to 'the press Supporters by his action, 'Elie Lill.- -collision wit,; due to a heavy mist, which ing halI, dining rooms, etc,. ruid fourlteen Then the oriller Minister, ,lu!etlY co-- Traustontinental Railway Commission- . Single file. :rho crush here was fright- ground right and left, but in a few min- cral Chronicle asks: bid tile excursion tmin. from view of the - Halifax Women's Dress. italla for horses. The large dog kelliwis, Wated: "Look at those 'two sigumtur(is. ers aie calling for new tenders for the fal for half an hour, and ilia police had utes they had been forced b%cic until "Is our Pr*est%ntiBnt so feeble that engineer of the suburban train. for some 60 dogs, are already finished, I I hey' Were"forged by ilia." two sections of the road in D and H, di. . Oic inenalli,es. Many women it needs to be artificially encouraged by One of the vietinis of the Chesterton - 1-1,lifax ,,,. S. - . .LN Sept. 1-3.._2 . I to use hat they bad themselves to occupy the nar . .1 'Chere has 1; - I . . Albw:ti',j frauds und forgeries in 14 visional not yet under contract. The . � -ak,'.Nfiss rather ITaycox, of Chicago, - -a $5,600,000, ilia bulk of . districts comprise a stretch of 104 miles and not a ketv ruen fainted, and those N� space tIle.v were tryitig to keep clear Government interdictill It regrets that wi . -al exceed - ".0 - "I ' been ail upidoinia of death3 by burning LAWYERS WANT LAW REFORM. yr I Who were foluld wilftillY pilabilig and forl procession. Thia, of oppree, was the Government took any action what- died after being taken from the train. I which Ivas lost lit South African niiii- westorly from the end of Faquier Bros" Jostling were card'ed ILWair in police now cut in two'mitd for 0, couple of min- ever. . The body was brought', to Chica9d and - in' Hmlifax during the past few weeks, ing itock operations and I'Vall street Abitibi contract, and a- stretch of 100 - Will Ask Government to Adopt Some'of . Wagons. 4 was all all.,loils time for utes it seemed as though it would neVer The Radical Daily ,News is apparcittly, oil tile sanic train a number of more say!- I'lic foiir occurred Jimt, Securities, Alare that" 40,000 Perlsoll,� miles westerly front a point about sixty tjia offial and reserves were hurried l n once more, by divided between its profession of roll- ously Injured -passengers were 'conveyed 111&6, when . nrl Lt.. H' elvn ,trro- Their Suggestions. are diroctly affected b He 0 l, V (.? ly hisbdefaleations miles West of the easterly boundary of and 13,000 faillilies five 'ailie - It' t6 the Scene, more to protect the crowd ,,� supr Toronto, Sept. 14.—T,Ilo Ontario L&W _ cell I ,d. , eme. effort, a narrow opening Was gious li,ber,ty an(I devotion to the Gov- to the Marcy Hospital here. district G north of Lake Nipegort. When from itself than for any other purpose, -which. allowed it to trickle L-rilnien . t regrets the in uided zeal Three women and two men,, Seriously - kymY Was burned to demth. Ahsa Garro- stated -liat some isolated inade, .1 way, who -was a member of ilia Pub- Society is preparing a list of ref.orills N is v t the King is aniong tenders io'r till the remaining Unfinished for, although there was through. with which the extromeil-rotestalits in ured knd unconscious, are in tM has- which tile Provilicial Government will be the heaviest losers, gections of the Transcontinental were, jeorigg, the people were more intent on . . plj mff filifax, had been . . ,acted, but 16hinks the, country as a Whole tal still unidentified, and their death lie School at, of 1 U,ked to embody in a measure to be pre- . -Z - 0-- — called for last month only one tender for � jight-seeing- than on interfering with Priests wot'Afraidi endorses ilia Government. . is probable. Most of the injured per- readlivto her "father who is nehrly sonted to the Legislature next session. each of these -two sections Was received. the Catl . Hill � , i The Radical .Morning Leader says it is SOTIS Were froin Indhitnapolls. I - 'HATCHET. 'Elie commission found that these tol & Cardinal fitlitilutelli, the Papal blind. 'She went to her"room to change Those include prompt delivery of jud USED n . . 9 - .,Is the head of the procession emerged Legtete, can-ying the Ilost, reached this impossible not to regret Mi% Asquith's . � bar attire Preparatory to gOiU9 Out- ments by till judges, ilia latter and off!- ders were not Strictly in accordance with from the cathe.dral. door a cheer went corner at the 0 moment the proca,mal'Xi Mation: Great britmials tolerant Bpi! -it I - P, Ilia 1114ch silo used to light a Lamp aials to be paid by salary OnIT—in other the condition.,; prescribed, &lid have aell . lip, wbkh was repeated ag cardinal after. was out, nothing could have prevented has lost an opportunity of' anhautingr Its STEWART TO RETURN -�ho throw oil the floor. Words, the abolishing of'the lee systeni; TERRIBLE INJURIES INFLICTED oordingly called for new tenders, c.ardinoi came slowly out, followed by m most lamentable occurrence. Portun reputation. I .. It caught her inuslin dress and in all freedom of contr Z UPON TORONTO MAN. Tenders are also being called for the J]14�� arelibishops, bishops, minor prelates ately, lie, with the .cardinals following, . _. instant the whole dress wa4s in flainos. act between solicitor ny of whitell The 6ouservoAl Telegraph is very 8he cried out, and her father rait ill)- and client; simplification in thle method construction of locomotive Shops for the of the ebureb and a great art was held lip in a somewhat more open angry. It Predicts that -the Glovera. Former Gen. Man.- of Sovereign of instituting and prosecuting legal pro- He Refuses to Lay a Complaint Against Winnipeg terminals. . . . ' sfirpliced mop, .singing hymns. Most of space, but even there tile Police we'll' .nant will bring upon itself a -storm of - . stairs and did what be could, but with, todure; a, block, system of charges in - 11 �: 7 _� file prelates carried their vestments over only able 1po keop % Space open just Bank Coming Home. out avail and lit m few minutee .,,he was litigation; bilwyer the Man Alleged to Have AsIaulted VILLAGE FULL OF RABIES. j�llcir arms, but tile Legate was in full wide enough for t , hree people to walk obloquy and indignation. -lead. NO) One clab was in the 1witse at to 1) a only to bo"appointed Him—Three Men Are Under Arresti - . . The Conservative Stwidard, while not _ I ositions requiring legitl knowledge. . — court dress, 1118 scarlet robes and rbd hat shoulder to Bboalder, Virough this yell. the tinte except tile young woull . I 9 restrictions on Catholics, takes in and .-tild training,; one opinion only from Ap- Twenty-sevela Families Infected in I lending distinction to his coninjonding - ln4I Vannutelli walked mvilli� Upon ilia latter of the law. Montreal, Sept, 14.—Friends of Dun- her father, '.Liters Was great danger of I re- ing mob Cardi " its , z,11(nl it I In pellate Court. Siberian Hamlet. . figure, The hands of the Pope's rep slowly, with his head thrown b -an )IL Stewart, the former general mal ilia house taking fire, but moil ian in - Toronto, Sept. 14,—Altuough suffering I ,�ick, look'll crilticises 11-T.Asquith for delaying motion -1 __ - sentatilve, which 'were to have carried Ing stl forward, with a ,l al smilo too long. 0 agor, of the ,Sovereign Bank, say that lie from ilia street and Saved the house, - from a terrible blow on the head, inflict- Rostoff-on-Dun, Russia, Sept. 14.—Hy . tile Ilost, showered continued blessings on ills face,. . Ili . a tall figure towering . i , i EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS. ad wi4h a hatchet, and With an car al- .- Oat . dinals The Daily Mml,, eongrattilatee ,Nry. will surral himself to the authorities. I I I drophobia is raging Ili the village 6f Olt tile people, who ieverently bowed thL aboAp the other behind liffil 711 most severed front his ]lead, Henry Bielskly, lit the Yenisei district, Siberia. .ksquitb� upon intal-voiling, and .&rcil.. ,All. Stewart, they Ray, has been in New L. - Great Interest in the Approaching Inter- Green, a middle-aged stableman, persist- - 4 knee, On either 'aide of Cardinal Van- -and 'tile priests bof6ra him. Equally . ANOTHER ESCAP The village possesses a large number of nutl were Ilia chief elialilghis and the calin, indeed, Were tile dignUaries follow. bishop Bourne for promVdy obeying. York. Ire did not.. they Say") leave ilia . national Gatheting. ently refuses to lay a complaint against dogsl, which during the ]lot summer were guard of honor, composed of Catholic Ing hiln, they Paying little head to tht' " . I city luirriadiy or with any secrecy. As . I tile Party responsible and the police attacked with rables, and bit many of . . pecrAt The procession Was over a mile, su'rpliced Ili- , lests, who, mt tile requost The Pope Af fect�d. lioutenaut-colonel, Of tile l3th Light Scot- WILLIAM SNOW EMULATES F,XAM-' London, Sept. IS.----Intcreat is �wreal have been forced to lock hill! up in Or- the horned cattle. The owners of the I'l ilia daily Ili the flr9b intarnational and lonz of the Police, had falleii out of the strug Rome, Sept. j.J.—The pope W,ts at Lish Dragoons, be 'was recently granted. PLE OF BROTHER ROBERT, 0 dell t to the bottom of the affair, cattlel, noticing that 801110 of them were . Vencral educational congrem, which will - , to 0 On their return to the Cdthedral the gling procession itud. stood %vith. thJIr first deoply affected upon lemi-nitt leave of lisence, with permission to Satiuday night a citizen toleplioned ailing, killed them for food, pirelaj�,s nimrl motind th.I interior of 9 4 ov, open shortly lit ilia Univer.iity of r,oii- I that ail old mail was walking along robes. 'touching tht police bellind thain that the �Irltish Government had inter. travel abroad, from the Ist inst. to N INfaity of tile peasants afterward de - ilia e.41ffac, the Legate oil i rvi -.,,, the illo.-it and being brushed by ilia yas4ing anted ilia procession of 30. This - was ,announced in inilitia Ile Gets Away From the Central Prison, don. It is believed that the teb,ttag over Queen street, near LOlie With his head vc-loped hydrophobia. The disease has vened and prov Where Ile Was Serving a Term of by tile State Of schools Ill 11".111Y COUlk- . covered w1kh blood, An."ambulance was eominuilicatod to the domestic poultry, ,fs lip- 1yotild have done m Ilia streets ruelitliers of ilia progassion, ask tile th4a Irost, but later he said rhaps it orders. . trice heretofore tuider church control bad not the Government int'll-poseld an latter to irtake till liftatt they eolu,119111 and it Mr. Stel they say, Will ,vigorously Twenty-three Months for House- sent down and the man, who and even some horses showed Signs of objeetiori, 111"ll vannutolli mssuring them in Somewhat doubtful rial, tindellstandi g tile wi*h br6aking. nerallids. it, in tlle� village twonty-seven families 1.1hen card, was as well, for there seemarto be emphasizes the need of such a congres . of title in es and fight the charge made against Jilin by to discuss "ilia now international al 8 I be Green, was taken to the Go appeared oil tho high balcony and ele- �olias: intentions of the Oatholies, Anyway� ii� finance department. - nificance of life and dut 9- pital, wharo his injuries ,%Yore dressed. tire now infocted. , valea the Uost, wilife tile., tb %tisands of 'There is no danger, Father. You ar4, I � I . — I V' The tblitt'd ,11cautinto another call came In, describ- — *so . tit^ congress had been an important 8U70- , states, 1,Ingland, I'l-ftri,ce, Russia, Ito I Catholics outside tile baildir-, revareut, quite Safe, but please pass quickly., I CRITICISUD LAWYERS. Toronto,,Sopt. 14,--lennulating the ex- I. lug atiattempted murder in &atable oil - " 11, oess, it luu:1 itollialved a, great, worlt, 'land Spain, Italy, Japan, ;N-lexico, ,Ind over DIED FROM LOCKJAW. ly knelt, Tha hl'4 d Y 11 fliq c9n- And around this dangerous ootlu,r, which Was bound to have good resu ample of Ilia younger brother 'Robert, of . y Leslie street. Ali officer Wits sent . its. . llelglula will Ile represented. � and arrested George ("Shotty") Skelton . ,grl Opened w?ch Ptwtffivil Ila," In Sometimes in single file, somatimce in Ilis Holineas. expressod gra-titude for tile Rev. Dr. Milligan Disepurtes oil the the "Yen Who broke front Toronto jail ­ It - r "' . th,c, cathedral, whieh was cell,brmtM by groups of twos and threca, thankg to, toll sympathy of A majority of Love of Big Fees. last July, but who -was recently cal . and William Griffith. Mr. H, K. geavitt, of Lobo# Woundecl . . ON THE WATCH. After Green's injuries had been dress- While Xuntfilg Coons, . thd Papal Legate, AlA tit -which nil the the alnios� superhuman efforts of the the British public.- � I Toronto, Sept, 14.—IIA man has ra Snow, aged nineteen, Copenhagen, Sept. 14.—The - 1 ) Cardln�ls, AriclibIST10113 411d Wallops police, they nwitaged !it tilue to page, - ­ ,, , , no I turod, Willia Dritisq, ad lie %vas brought down to the stat on A Strathrl despatch: Hugh X. 8efll- and Many others of tit(% oleivy assisted. cheare(I bly some, b . ut � hooted al ox- right to go into a profoasion for fees, Serving it term of twenty-throo .months Government lima s,ont a diplomatic 0011- and there accused Skelton of the as- vitt, About 8d years of ago, onet of La- . ajol.Ry, of t4o crowd, wm,Q crowded, ill.! ftUdi01lC;ll Perabe(I by a, in. oxt ME N AND FARMERS. for money. I'm simply astouti-16d at- the Sault, but refused to Swear out a chargm I following witli.rapt attenti. .1 tile se 'list Ilia as Tit& edifice . , lawyers' fees I Toad about," declared for breaking into a jewelry store, as' Sul to It"re6rica, in Jutlalld, whoqo ft'n .8allant. The result 'Wag bol� most successful farmers, died from r- whose tolliperg by .this tinla Were thor. . , coped front the Central PriaoltItyeaterday ,Ul . 'selling Rill lookJaw as a result Ilion of "Cardinal (M)Lons. Writ Issued Against a Speculator Charg- Roy. Dr. G. At. Milligan last evening, t e4pecial mission is to observe the manocil. tilat lie was himself arrested, being lock- - blood -poi oughly voils(ld by tivo punialulloilit )le- . flj�tt 11.0"ller A. -q- e ng Misrepresentation. afternoon, till Lin early bout his of an accident Whiah o6ur"d on Wod- Tile AnHoUnC46111-Pilt police, iijrho at this poillf, 3 1 Ili old St, Androw's Chureh, in the ig had" uPb'O vrei of Germ -aft ships in Ddidsh waters. ed np as a. material wittle$a, Skelton eived front Vic . mol not cel d. Me iesd�y last. Mr. Seavitz Wits out cooti. quith had intervened In flio- vl,.Itter, and weta ruldi, � Dn it charge of hSSAUIts and T' I Ognialedly kla,rniod, course of a baccalaureate Sermon to - the Nvas arrested i hunting, what% by sonic means the gun . - Chatliftill, Sept. in.—In launching a graldnating nureas of Gymee Hospitto brother -was Sentenced to the Central just The Bilitish Vioe,corratils; lit Denniark, , tilat ai; a loonsoquoile.� thery bad been ThaleAlle fmings �fau Ignorant pub- I I (1plifith was beld me 11 witrial Writ against Michael 13gan to -day V 00 CIC it it ars that tile men, who look ident. Some luodific; ad J)L%en ipffiv orts of I ,,The fees of the lomyers are.) inally of R, few dayi ago for two years less one nrost of 'whom tire Dooles, a iv I !,it- was aed ally discharged, flio, full -ftioliq of arr:t'l-gentellti, I lie ll� IIINI by tile oil day. struationg recently to report to ilia ipe . charge netrating his ariii. He Was Well was made last rught at ,% lil:14i 'llecting the mntl-11011l1tfti9t�S was evid.,ut, froln -TOSOP11 Sirl, I list far, them, most unaacount&b1a to me. 'Pile , $A Ile Sonlo Leslie stroot � PSOn, al Tilbury V Willinin ',',now's plan of escape was so horne government all movements of (;er- after tie horst known r1troughout the country mild loni, In Albert Ito%, Nsliery It eau, ­4 0, scone, what could. be Ileard all roand, FrOul Merl and Ill's wifd Florence, Ohal poor Inall .11118, no chance at fightilig, a ,,,tables, prepared it little foal Saturday of isproar. The uw,t4n!,r ivas ;1xclU31v11lV - tbil it inflibi With d long list of al- geod case. Ile ciLn't offord to do it, des- shupk anil so easily carried out that inau warships, . (1vellit I 1g, fil which ))ear kogs were prom - versally respected, He loavo,% a widowy I 0 to thila above 111.0, dill created by the 0 the (Il of ilia prison Were for torne 'I I -1 ent, ,1,,h(wv o.ventilitily began to quarrel but fio� fAmIly. , Was -14114(ld by Abmit the mob piling at both tile pall"o and legod falwN anci frauluderit represon. pito all We say about liberty and justice. time sit a 10,93 to. iniagine how lie got q � _, for wen, and it . — .6,44 , A J0.00% tiv� procession could Ile board iittetupts trLtivils. A Himilar Writ was issued TO me, though 11111 not of a litigious oil(-.. Tn fact, for a while it, was be-_ NO MORE SMOKE. . lid Orcel� was Informed that Ills cold- � M soon aq Cardinal Viu, otellf, till, to 61l "Ckxl Save the King" and oft bellalf Of Mt, SimPSOn yesterday) sririt, I think it would pay ine better )any was, iiot desired, Then, it is saidi PISR-HEAD SAV99 DYING'CAT. 11alt:kI Legal.o. who was leao,iipanle(T by -,)IIiIel, 13rifau -,a JI(`v0d thAt 116 Wits 10001Y 111d,119 Lo -.4 Angeles, Val., &Ilt. 14,—After io (it -ow a knife, (iriffitli interfered Ula", vt)1eo 8VbOee whielil involved 914 narbs of ,land oil to settle a, thing quietly and keep away somewhere ingide the building. If ill btirr'-litt over twenty sqlttire railes tile I'd al tusslo (Il While this Wits Oil Iniprisonea ill $ewer, It Overcomes Her . ,IV (if Cardlital'; Owners appfirently glit they AN-ete the 100 sliol while that to -day In. from lawyers. was no Undermining of Walls, ito Use of for(%Zj �firpg in file, �'jlolll,iallis iloar 1A 11, is alleged, that Sftelton picked up the Timidity, Clio listud brilliant arl iw.il Ill' ond lliqlaollo, took thp Oi*dr, ArelibiFkhup , making it patriotic deilloititration, volves, 109 Actos. In the Wfit XT - "There are tilany"btlier profesBiovs of glint -p files-, Snow llso(l Ills Witt. Canada., over Pa%ndena, lVoTo fin Put hattlipt and. 11sed it '%Vithl terrible effect illoUrnO arOA# f6d. sl�d thl.11, 110 had a 14sewhore tile Procession had, fin is'gan i8 deaeriW as it sp4oulator in t1jo silme kind, ,Tile dottops (loser it r Yesterday afternoon at 3 O'clock Snow., out yosferday� Wall oil tile 1110111). Darby, 'Pit., Sept. 14.—A oat, buittl4on- . Ve 10 0 upon oreen's head. � l,� otatement to niah,* Nvil:vh would Ile it pw4ipr progress, At Howtek Pluen A oll and gas leaaeg. - thmi credit for the goo(l, work that noy- with the rest of the prisoners, went to tain laq e(I in a Sower licro for four day%, WaA mouree of disfilipliblinlielit. and pilin. Ife howllin,(Z mob would hava surely vimiloro.(l It is oliarge(I tbat the oil man ob- or bring.1 a fee, for nuilly-ate, ilia bills tile prison 011&pol for the Itsual , . t lliglit stated that not it traile of . ,I i )ll— Oddly Toselled by Itenry Johnsoft, oolore(t. had received a convulinicitiou froin larpo.dAible tit!) carrying of tlt.� 11,.;*;1. fainod leasts itom fatiners in Tilbury I they nover sen,4 but t1tere axe bad on,es afl service. 11(� bad Sunday sntokT v0ifl(i Ile Soon. Aside, frot-4 daill- I CABINET MIMI X; 0110 muld get down through the . Ailstl 'Sl aftor the oil excite- beAn thel`0 agm to the forest reserve, which ftnno� 1>rp.7l)Ipr ASquilb oil 'fliars,liv. ilepro. ,fill,c),loll iti luldit. there, too. "llicy're in till professionRl ill)out ion inintiteA, Wh011 lie asked and I .1 ineilt started in 1005, fof the alleged I;t�,. (o,AiUimtPd, the total IoAs from ill(- fire ( ColIttiliagen, 'Siept., 14.—The King )lots sewer inlet to tvaelA the nil, tat, n it I I etitl 81111day's proel :,;41 advoll 1100 Back to Vont.6,11 purpose of drilling wells, bnt teally itt I&W. ill. medidne, ill engineering, Ili obtained, front on& of tlie. gaftrdt periiiia. �Iulouutq to about $75,000, " accepted the vesiAltation of t1l'a chbinot find all Sorts of efforts to lure her into it oitting Its, abandolillieut, TM4 all- 11appily tilo. flotolls 14aviles wore not for flio putposo of enabling him to the miniatry—sharks, Aye, sharkat And Rion to go to Ilia (.(']I for a few rainutom. —,t , - which 10�l handed to hint SiAturday by lowered Nisket Only rmnited,'ilt hot � noull,60,111pilt wftq groolp(l I.."'ll grOAM Aw won't be rid. of tbolll 1111. I eaving thp chapel, whiell Iq on the top I . Piltsinlor 0.1irlste.moli, ill a(Tordance Nvttll lonping out with f4l, aq tho, basket Vag 1. li'peftik(l throughout tit.(%, 1`0110 and flin fraffia In thm and tell ii;-ad.diapogo . OIL CRAPER. and erie& Of '�vbftitvi" lly 0! Ii9sm:i' . tit the Lorld only knows W11MI. fioor of the main binliling, and connectod poillt�l nmrl,41; the (lafliMral w1hipwww4l of the Anine at a 1)rofit to othst spodu- I)on't, yonfig I his denian(l, an 'conditiml tliftt tile 11ill- loWel'oA. , .blage. . !111eh fvrvor mul cierbultilmlit, TM,A lators and to Opel in oil and gas, N"imon, don't go to 13y bridges frOlu tht'I. (101 WlngA Olt plithor 'N'ow Vork, 1416plt, 14.—Ilto Stanilarit 1AtL,,0a'06)l(-inuo to Perforill their duties .I 4. I'll got, her Alit in it liliovite", Raid The Host Not phtel a. Whet impeolidly dirinved Avb-n Oi-MInal The univnrilantlod signing of a itame ,'pcur dui;14�s f or the feos you. get. Do It shlo, Snow walked on over the north ,()It Co, baF4 reduced the pri&,, ot rol"Iflod � until pirliftill(kilt, Torisaollible4 oil Sept. PA. oliuRoU. ITP loworcd. the maine' lift-rikot Vwitlnning, Arehbif4bol) Tl,! nrno. sdirl, Villmiltelli jppo,irrif In tho (till on ail alleged Ipsimn And plating it in for 016 love of itf, for the good ,VOU wing, Where ItN tell waA l(tvatol. stftntlartl wbito oil 23 eoni.,4 to M,XiO p�tr ___-*,+,6l--- with a fi-41-11(,nd filotened In the bottom MIL .bUr,qt �"f L L11 �hp bad ri-plit'd to Mr. Ampl%li that h(, Tbon tbovo wfo it great, : a To,".1; to'glitry offico bg also'ehaNed rdAy to. I wou'14 I bAd but half tlit% IT(, apparclifly vent to tile. window itt bai,rill mul reffiliod at Philadelp1lia 93 At Macgregor, lVall,, it PATO W41A blown - ther(of, and llpug,�N", rda.voil iti Until . l 4mild h Act on a plivilte, 101111ation, elipering find Ir"dit,ordirt wa-ving, V#t in Jha, writ. 01JIM00 DOM lawyers nit of doinggood. tile end of till* vorridory and Aquoered erlids to q%3.45, I On lirm"'y 111gal; Allu, No MOTOR. rolielled, i" - I . I p .. I t�l - ., ,4 1 1 4 . .1 . I . . I I I � � I - * 11 . .1 ",ii��� __ � .. 1.11 � I .. I 1. I .. . . � � ,��. � �li. ., "' Auk_ �, '. ,,,, l"I lk& , ., .# . , I � � ­ � . ........... .. � ... llfi� �, 1. �' � 1. "k.6"6064011w 11,-, � A . . - - i"I I .. . :::::: I'll, I _;A��u."..il.­ &kW"M"A6._1_ __ � ­ _IbWok�__ L'. I .. . ­ 1, ­ - ", __ *"A"Ak"" � .L.&AN&AIIA" ,­._._,_. . ­-­_iL_ 'UN ,..,A k, __ - - �