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The Wingham Advance, 1908-09-17, Page 4
r ., 4 �•wn,.i•n+..' ...w�'.+..nun.,,.rr.n..ww..+vww.+w.w�nuw.�wnw,w+sw+,•.n•n-,r rr+ ,.:.-t._ THE WINGITAX ADVANCE, �„ i„�'°� ..7.^w^n*w•'.^^.r^�w+n � .. M-.+in,�,-n ', THIMSD,AAY, SEPTEMBER 177 1908.. • w►w�'+'' .w ...:�.n........nrr.�n.,�.an+nm ew..��mm+rt-.:-+i...-F:s..:.:i=o.:nn'-•+wn•+,rr,�a,w... n'im.,..w,. -. n.:.wr tieSil"abi0 EII1iC,lllt. tt N .-r_.-„e�n•,wn.�.+r_,:a,..w.•awxw.. ...r w. ..�:nep,... �m e. ,+.. .-... _. e .•n $ 6 - Last year alone It cost the peophI of i nun 1,Ontario 8314, Ito to maintain the Crim. Thej"� �_i' 1 1 1 t1X.CC it .� incl anti mentally afflicted wboin ti.e REAL 4S�'AT4 eo .les Popular Store partibulap, t N r} fax irnrntgration methods of [tie ll'ed, Al'l! YSRA Theo. Hall . Propnotor, ;,� eral authorities allowed to litter thro, 17Q you ugh the ports of entry, - y want things to be ,lust. so . Then _ snusoiilrriox Vnicu.-sip per annum in 4? There are 1,517 foreign born patients , r gents Ladies' dome ArRal ApHtS. Home Jourval Pattern& we'd like you for a customer. 1A�G'vo promised �,f> p atlYallq@, $1,60 It not so paid. In the hospital for the insane, and r j� +_ you Satisfaction ---promised you that style, fit and ,AIM=,•isiito 11nTt s.—Legal and other cgs• �a ::�) l i...:1•.• 1,60E foreign barn inmates of the 'ails Farm Properties,- • lief advertisements ion Por taonpariet lite for � f Ujt and the .Central Prison. Resides these , + price will release you We'll peep QIRr PrOmISe, firer[ insertion, $o pqi l(na:or each subsequent 1 : lkr•r l,.sl;:;:::n:., SOR.n6 exceptional values .n_ Insertion, !pit a .t,•c• Our best ads, ire, satisfied customer.,;, Come here !,,•,., .;;,,Ti,•!fi::.?',,•lty; alargenumberofunfortilisatesoffor, p Advortlsomcnts In the local columns aro t : ^o`,: ?;f;a,:. ! air, ,� Suit or ;'.i;ll ti :v.:•'::i �tti+•�;. 1 /,e, ; ,F,;.ri;,� etS,-elgil or old C011tttry origin AV beii7 ' - ti'i''lY1N, T. y}'QC], VYiLllti 0110, ate W.j�l O_ for your next Slim or Overcoat. GharRed 100 per litre for first insertion, and 5o e J,,.,y. por into for Eaoli subsequent Insertion, ii•'� �' eared for by the various refugees, i'1}y }'pu i0 see 115. Advertisements of Strayed, Farnis for safe and houses of Industr through, •� ME W or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first three r ~ Y ! The good aid, Province Of On- out the Province. It would be difij, ''• turfy is all right, _ Kerr MW ...ir weeks, and 25 Gosits for open[ subsgquent in � - cult to Col'nptite the total annual ex - CONTRACT ti' Rnsert.^n of dyer so aro our � t4''s- + � �yF'•'}� y:q� $'} •� �/''� _.„;...,, ... . ,,�.,,„ ,•,,,, pencifture to which the people of O)it, ' �i0fi+ ��•�^s•�� �••+�+��A rates for tiro insertion of advertisqulonte for w-ri' speci(tod periods-.—• arto thus are subjected unfairly, ` r Economy 1 y through the carelessness displayed by Iowa 1 itoperties i I -fiats, Caps, Shirts,Collars, Ties, LJsldorwear, �to., Sr,�C� i xr. tl Mo, 3 Mq. 1 l�G. y W"th [�otlltr . Ono Column ,,. lo,00 $10,00 `$22.50 $3.00 �, theDnn)izAion authoritiCs whose dutyH��e �. List Bargai in ever line that s new and u to -date. xalf Column 90,00 25.00 1"k, 0.00 , it is to kee ■� v Of , Y P' carter 001110,n 20,00 12,50 7.50 s100 Waste in every walk and industry P guard on the country's -' A.t right prices. dye have a ane Inch,,.,,..... 6,00 3.00 2,00 1,25 y portals. Call and see our elegant stock, of life is a seri us enemy, and econ- number of places admirably snit- . will in o L dstHIforbid aspecific harged - om a lon -liv d friend. Where the Dominion ta In within provides for ed f©t, retired farmers. No pre[• That Will Please Small Frites---Big Values, cordingly. Transientadvertisent ulna[ be. y 6 the deportation within two years from paid forYn advance, success of an industry depends upon tier or healthier town. in Qntari0 little things, as in poultry growing, their arrival of the diseased, the in- u " , sane, defectives and other undesir_ than Wingbam. Property bought Every Bargain Hunter lire economic should b iafi of all things ables, The transport;(Won companies here can always be re -sold. associated should be a first considers- S” „ . .. -. . af�0>fY . are made responsible for their return Robt. 16 1 pian. To yard and house poultry pro- to their own native lands, Within perly is a starting expense• gond the aSb two WOMEN'S RAIN COATS AT HALF "`^^"" yards and houses last fifteen years P ' years the ProvincialRitchieI�j cosens R -The recently published criminal authorities have made good use of u e & PRICE TO C[,L{AR. �}n y P with economic care, and then only a this Federal provision by fairly fore- Tai � �Ulll �jj"If1pj1 ]Jaj1 statistics of Ireland show that in the few shakes. renewed and a few new Men's tii11L he year 1D07 the indictable .offences for posts set are needed to prolong their ing the Ottawa officials to act. Mr. REAL ESTATE AND $12,00 Coat for..,.,$6.00 $10,00 Coat for.,.•.$5i.00 P P g Armstrong, Inspector of Prisons and 7.00 Coat for...,. 3.50 5.00 Coat for, ... 2,50 the whole of Ireland, which had fallen usefulness indefinitely. INSURANCE - WINGHAM from 9,728 in 1905, to 9,405 in 1906, de- Charities for Ontario, has devoted 3.50 Coat for.,,.. 1.76 If the wire net break from the pecial attention to this work and 9.04 Coat, f clined to 9,118 in 1007. The number s stretcher fix it at once back into Ince, for.._ - .... ,... ., ., _ ... ... P within the past two years has succeed- of persons proceeded against for non- jest the meshes near pull out and ed in relievingthe Province of two MEN'S RAIN COATS AT BALD PRICE indictable offences was 1,138 less than throw an area out. The old son of a !TOR S UPROOT BASES ITS CLAIM g hundred persons who would never SUPPORT UPON' MERIT A ONE i##### #iH1#####1rf$iNN►MrOi>##O NN#N### in the year 1906. Tile number of cases stitch in time may cheer one me he have been anything but a burden to TO CLEAR. of drunkenness in 1907 is less than the repairs. If" four -inch perelies are the country. The Savin.- to the Pro- ELLIOTT number in 1900 by 402, and if the fig- never allowed to o without being $12.00 Coat for...,,$6.00 $10.00 Coat for.....$5.00 , g g vincial Treasury can be estimated Coal Coal ures for drunkenness in 1007 are cont- well painted with liquid lice killer, when it is stated that, according to an a 7.00 Coat for...,. 3,50 6.00 Coat for..... 3.00 pared with -the average number of there will never be any mites, A few average life expectation for such TORON'T04 ONT, 8.50 Coat for ...... 4.25 5.00 Coat for..... 2.50 such cases in the ten years, 1897-1900, body lice will luxuriate on the parts classes, it would cost $3,000 to care for We are sole agents for We carry a fall stock of to 11855 hasit appears occurred, a degrease amounting not near erchea, and it Ice howderlbe t Put into he hen each of these individuals until death, RAS HIGH siIPRROR FACILETIES AND L3LG BA , „ P P P The cost of caring for the immigrant UNSURPASSED TEACHING TALENT. BARGAINS IN WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE. the celebrated Scranton Coal Lumber (dressed or undies- + + the feathers once a weak, one never Coal, r inmates of other institutions has not Hundreds of students go Out annually ivbi0h has no nal, sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar need know how horrid a est Onitr from this college to good positions, Let Posts Barrelta etc. —The Laurier Government to -day is P poultry been calculated, but it would amount us educate you for profrtab)o employment 4 Doz. fine Black Cotton Hose, lace front, reg. 25c > > may leave. Poultry are not dirty to a considerable sum. The ultimate we will ti it right. Catalogue free. - 5 Doz. fine Black Cotton Hose lain regular 20c far weaker and its purposes no better Enter any time. plain, g Also the best grades of things, and should be absolutely free saving by the deportation of the two W. r, ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL On Caturdt4y you Gan have your choice for loo pair S.nithin Cannel and DO- than that with which he (vent to the g, from lice, hundred insane already mesti0 Coal and Wood of Highest Price Paid, for all country is 19D0, But it is still the y mentioned is Cor. i'oage & Alexander ales , , ,. _ _ • ' fashjonof the Liberal press to ascribe . Avoid borrowing hens to set from estimated. sill, kinds, always on hand. kinds of Logs. superhuman capacity and all the hero- neighbors intending to be kind. A Nor are the Provincial authorities 13ARGAINS IN CHINAWARE DEPT. to virtues to the Government. The neat housekeeper may think it well stopping there. They are not only de - Residence Phone, No, 55 truth is, however, that, aside from Sir enough to let' hens go unpowdered, porting those who fall within the Do, ATTEND THE BEST Mill No. 64 McLEAN 6 Dozen FanOy .... Cream Pitchers at only is Wilfrid Laurier's personal distinction, may even think it an impossible thing iminion Act, and whom the Dominion Mill �� No. 44 P •••••• ...Uc each Aa it is as weak a Government as has to keep hens free from lice.. It is pos- officials are bound to take off theirCENTRAL held office at Ottawa since Confedera- sible to borrow lice with a hen, which hands. They are going farther. Mr,4ST13ATFORD. � 6 Dozen Fancy China Bowls, regular 15c, for iii#r###6##4R�#•!##�##a4+A�#i#sD1#Nt`�Nd►�#4i tion. It must be remembered, too, can eaQiiy be sent home, but the lice Armstrong asserabled a party of Only10c each that Sir John Macdonald, Sir John coine to stay, if not fought. It is sel- eighteen asylum inmates who do not ONT. Thompson and Sir Charles Tupper dont economy to borrow setting hens. come within the two-year limit of the atidCOMOST`l SUCORSs UGi�s�r �t � i TOILET PAPER AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. 'also had personal distinction, and qual_ On the other hand, if by some cruel Federal legislation. They bad been training school in Western Ontario. ities as great as any that Sir Wilfrid necessity one gets lice into his flock, longer in this country, but can never Three departments—COMMERCIAL, , Laurier possesses, it is not hopeless. Paint ever lace be expected to make good citizens. SHORT"AN4, TELEGRAPHIC. E, B• Eddy's fine Toilet Paper, cross cut, @8M=RjP0dD: 1:6 p ,yet these men lost P y P P g Our graduates secure Rood positions g P C, p p where mites can be found with the The were all defectives and some o£ regular rice 10 our special rine to clear rt - prestige and following. y ..5 ROLLS FOR 25c and forgo to the front. Write for free ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,, ,,,, 7DON'T TO BUSINESS hquid lice killer, and powder the hens. them were three or four times inmates Oataloguc, you will find it interesting, n of untry at any time, UNTIL YOU'VE READ THiS —There is, we are told, a network of and Things1 they should be kept off rapidly. clfaa camel out to Canada. Thbefore oOntario You ELLIOTTr d MCLACHLAN Regular 5c Mouse Traps now., ............. 2 for Sc FREE Government had each of these eight- ht- PRINCIPAItI �..5 Bee Jell Pow ,„ 5c �.. of which the British Admiralty can of the fence and mites cross over, it is een unfortunates conducted back to r wires above a London office by means neighbor has poultry an the other side g y der, 6 packages f0 ...2 i keep in constant touch with British bad, but the fence should be made the parish in Great Britain from R g Ci00D ONIONS WANTED. Bf -- js ' war vessels by wireless tele ra h tight of snatched boards and glutei which he emigrated The cost to the �R J IRWIN CAT trainca rest City" Ce$e4orthand LoLoud"ol �ihflt �.�..., A aalartp for any distance up to 1,600 miles. By with lice killer on the top and sides. Treasury is $30" per head which is It is immensely important that '' D,D,S„ L,D.S. lf>� you should gef all rho information thins system communication can be They will not cross a streak of it, but about equal to three months' keep in Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- t l+ maintained with ships scattered over turn back to their unfortunate own one of our hospitals for the insane. Zneon[ a college before' you cn:o.l � P , naylvania College and Lieent ate of t.111 ea a student. Your aucceas da. t the North Sea, in the Channel, in the and a time comes when the most care- It is noteworthy that this worn-. of Dental Surgery of Ontario, ponds upon your c} pica. Mediterranean, or far out on the At. less fellow bas to do something for the deportation was never undertaken -Office in Macdonald 131ock— ' q Qnr Freo Qataingue tan, au about lantie, and all the units of this great peace of his family, not only in the until about two years ago. The re - aye Mathork of Taeching—why we turn outgradae who aro nlweysindemand. i lighting force could be instantly slim- It explains l'no C ommerccal and Short. Short- hen pens, but the house. One does form has been brought about without the introduction T W J. PRICE •• -w- •••�,�,� •, �. � .,,,,...,�,. �..,� ...�::..,,�,,,.,,.,�,.��,.,,.aur.,,S,,,.,,,.�,W-„s.,.:,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,,,, hand courses in delalM ho,:•. the value =' moned to one common rendezvous. not insult a man or woman by telling of any new legisla- perches will take care of them. A fowl is liable to take if Increasin g. Dula liuslAgd t 1. lar 's lmndeuan a �' It is quite probable that within a And lhit large, handsomely s illustrated boolewill.be sunt toyou FREI1 short time the wireless telephone will 6 6 him or her that poultry has lice. The novice buying poultry- should tion. The machinery was always there. It remained for the new C•iov- Gov - B,S.A. L.D,S., MD.S, ',The Honor Graduate Universityy New Suifings ratua, return of mall 3( ou will just Bend take the lace of the wireless tele• us your nama and address. P look over the birds carefully and see ernment to apply it. of of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal Colle a of y s scarcity of teams was a big handicap against the directors. However, times t;eadanls admutad any time: graph, and that the directing officer that there are n'o little bunches of Meets the Ist Thursday in each month, in the Obisholm Hall, at s p.m. Candi- dates for cheap, reliable insurance are Ask to Dei tal Surgeons of Ontario. Special Opening September and Januar, in London wiII issue his orders to the The rarest Cily Easines and Shorthand College several captains and admirals by gray eggs or mites clinging to the g y gg g g localities. If you will only have Hyorn6i at hand to use with the first of cold in OFFICE IN HEAVER BLOOD — iVINaEaal Iyjj{ FOR ��� ARE word base of the feathers. The hens may droop and lag, pick up one and look . A���, L.1t, )., ONTARIO of mouth, J. W.SVas:Frin, ).w.SVastervelt,jrsC,A. -' have no lice when they come, have Cause For Alarm. hoarseness, Yrindpal Vice•rrincipr A,_ - mites that will hatch in warmth. CANADIAM ROME CIRCLES ' -' - - •- - • ”' --- Every Treasurer of Church, L or Association Funds should .at open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT fort Trust Funds. We specially invite this clas Accounts and pay highest cur Interest. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH JL LLLLL n t -The electric road construction Powder rubbed into the base of the feathers and lice killer painted on the Epidemic Influenza, Grippe, Catarrhal Troubles, Pneumonia wingham Ciipole No 434 When looking for your New Dress from Goderich to Kincardine has perches will take care of them. A fowl is liable to take if Increasin g. I + or Fall Sulu) made a fairly good start, though the cold greased _ call and see scarcity of teams was a big handicap against the directors. However, times mach, A head louse comes on little chicks kept in the cleanest of corners, A marked increase in troubles of the breathing organs is noted in many Meets the Ist Thursday in each month, in the Obisholm Hall, at s p.m. Candi- dates for cheap, reliable insurance are Ask to our New Goods. are now looking up, as teams are being procured from London andbegin sometimes. localities. If you will only have Hyorn6i at hand to use with the first of cold in solicited. see our rates from any the same rate as wen, risks accepted at ...- ... - . .. other far droop and lag, pick up one and look colds, bronchitish@hoarsens sore REv. T. S. I30YLE T. E. ROIIYx9ON VENETIA NS, y points as from Goderich. hoarseness, Leader Rec. secretary -All -wool Venetians, 44 :n, livid@ @Od Lea weight s,._ wide, good ea The road is being prepared inside the caret in the little down of the to .throat, y p .croft in fact an res irator p, y p y for Suits, in black, brown, navy, groan and red at.., ... , , . , 75e fence and outiside the fences, and one of the head, The head louse bores affection, the trouble will be quickly overcome. W J. WYnu,s - Fin. Secretary BROADOLOTH,-••Black, eatin•finished Broadcloth, 60 -mesh wide, has only to travel between Sheppard- into the head and suck the vitality of y If the attack is neglected and very special ......... . . .... .. . .. . .. . .......... . .... . .... .. ton and Kintail to see that the con- the chicks as it were, and does it become severe, speedy relief wilj corse . .$1.25 netting link to join Goderich and Kir. cardine is being made, rapidly. A busy person having chicks from mother hens should grease the in most cases and a persistent use of Hsomei will cure. DOMINION B Broadcloths 52 in, in Black, brown and blue, special at.... , , , , ,$l,00 SERGE, -Ail -wool Black Serge, 56 in. wide, good weight, a snap..$1.00 -One of the saddest accidents that heads of all chicks lightly with lard or The direetions.for using it vary', but the principal is always tiie same, that PANAMAS.-54 in., durable, uuspottable and fashionable, in black, KAMM ever red took place Friday near vaseljne or olive oil, as soon as they of destroying all the germs in the air brown, light and dark blue, at........... ...... . ...... . . ... 150 cin,occ Holstein, when John, the 13 -year-old are on feet, and again_ in a week, They can't live at all in a bit of you breathe and having it reach the air passages with dry medication from READ OFFICE, TORONTO, LUSTR7aS.-54, inch, splendid volas at . ........ . ..... . . . .......... 500 ode son of Wm. Moore, of Normanby, Was instantly killed in a terrible manner. grease. Too much grease gets into the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. I?emember,tliat liquids or moisture DRESS GOODS. -Heavy, y, Black Dress Goods, 54 in, for only,...., 30c once The lad was with his father's thresh- the eye. Many grease also tinder the bill. These head lice come from the is barred from the bronchial tubes and lungs. It's the dry air of HS omei Capital (paid up) $3,976,000 Poplins, Satin Cloths, Clashmores and other light weight goods, hese ing outfit, which was at work for Win.- II. mother, and however good the nest that reaches the spot. Mr, Walton 12eSerVe (and undivid• �$5,297,000 od profits) ± good value at .... . ........... . . .... . ... . .. . ................... 500 7 - Rogers, near Iblstein. It appears that the belt ran off between she may have had, three or four of . McKibbon guarantees it. Complete outtit•, $1. Total A55ets, over $48,00O,OOU A lot of Dress Goods, assorted colors, to be cleaned out at less the engine and the machine, owing to the these head lice may have managed to evade lice powder. 'Incubator chicks WINGHAMi BLANCH. than .. • • .. . .. . . . .. . . . • , . , , , , , ... , , . , , , , .. , , .. „ , • . , , , , , ,Half Price . S of machine becoming choked. In are free from them. FL ANNIDLETTES.—A large stock of Flaunelettes to choose from, rent trying to start tip again, the engine No matter how Olean the drinking 7�Ii - , Farmers Notes discounted. ranging in price from 5o to 150, t _,Gra wide at . . . ............ . .1210 in some way started quickly to back up and the boy being in its track was run over to vessels Iook in the morning, the are g' y not clean. It economy to atop and Go-ing At Cost Drafts sold on all points in Can- oda, the United States and Europe. p WRAPPEUTTES ETC.-Wra erettes and Kiniona Cloth, good j patterns. , .. .. t......... , . , p ................... . loo, 12c and 15o and mangled death, It t ' - seems the father saw the boy's danger scrub them out well before putting in TURKISH CHINTZ. -Pretty patterns, fast red, splendid,for Cam - and running, grabbed him, but only the fresh water, A transparent 'ell p` y SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, forters 36 in. wide, re 150 now . . ................ I . , .........12.0 g• i '� I managed to K gist his body to one side whets the huge traction wheel caught comes on the Sides of the dishes, pro- bably motith water, which floats on Interest allowed an deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and added to prinoipal quarterly, = T+ABLT`y DAM .--Fast red 58 in, wide, good value ............ 500 ' the boy's head crushing it flat, the th© water and as the water goes down A beautiful display of All Mtislins, Lawn Waists, White t7aderwear, Cotton Hosiery, to i hokror-stricken onlookers not being in the dish rushes to the sides and % T. HEPURN, tanager be cleared out at ......... . . . ......... . . . . . .... . ... Less Than Cost able to do anything but sympathize sticks a4jelly. Any saliva exposed to air and dried becomes poisonous. A Dinner & Tea Sets, it•Yauetone, solioftor _ SHOES. --A few pairs busses' Shoes haft at per prix .............. 500 with the grief-stricken father, neat caretaker as far as one can see MATS, -4 only, good sized Mats, special at each... ...... ... .....$1.00 �- will have roupy poultry if he thinks Toilet Segs and IN only of the looks of the drinking V A SNAP TEA.•-Youug Iiyson Green Tea, reg. $5o for 250 per 'The Strenuous retl[IottS Life. vessels. �i ff pp r nn 06UUb�oi[ f , Ib. Good Black Tea, reg. 25o, now 5 lbs, for $100. It is to buffy best of bran. Banc China y (��� .�•.-rW' Pulls $o lfehd G!t The Stomach It feeding In feeding Oracl:cd corn or wheat, do i Butterick Patterns for sale—the hest ever. j t th 1 .. ��Y S�I��I�� Must Have Help, o row a 0 at fhb cowls thin'mg - AT COSI' while the last. We Alar a Stl?Ck Of Fresh Groceries always 01l hand. WINGUAM it will all get eaten, Consider how y 3 Thestres and strain of the strenur big the crop of a fowl is, and plan mast make room for the alis;! i7O,MINND IN = , General Hospital, ous life in both city And country to throw a crop full to each fowl and Xmas. Goods, � (Under Government Inspection.) makes stomach troubles. Vivo people a little eters, and it will be eaten lip The 6dowment Policies suffer ta•da where elle dip tete earsT I iglzest fries Paid For Prt�duce, ago with sick headache, dizzittsess Clean.- Tri feeding green food out it tip `Gee also handle the best TEAS ..,_..CP ; Pleasantly situittod, Iletnittfnlli+ furnished. alta line, so that even• - npon to aIt reRtilarl ifoansed lei ns. flatulence, distress after Dating, 'i 661m tt y bit of green and COFFEES ill the market. Iiatba for aHen ts (fYlilvch liiolttde Uoard arta before the eyes, bloating, nervousness, r . r r _ 1 y g, faodtvjillie'eaten. FUESH C}RbOE#tItJS slava The Qollil�On Life nurain) 3,60 to $[6.00 leer week, aoonrding slbeplessness and the many other to ibcatinn of room, P'or further inforina- _ tion••-�Addroaa symptoms of indigestion. �-w=- nri hand. � MISS J, . WlpL1yII Al] Who aro suffering with stonincli _. G. If Powell htia pttrrhssod ti 170• A e0tife welt loantlagad Suporintbndent, troubles, and that means At leitst two ' Clanadian Life AsattratiOe Company, X. A. 13bx 22$. 'Winghttfn, Gnt, ottt of tltree- ii1 �Vingltatn anti outer gore celery fat-iit near Tiiedford' 1'xoclttce .Taken, Cas11 1?girl _ .._ towns, should rise MI-on•a stomaul - I xeter Cennjn .factor is now AvOrsge roto of luterOst 'T'I1CD VAOu is North tiiblets.� Nathjag else is as safe yob ef• working an the tomato pack, and ori rand Eggs. fective nothibg else Can be so thorw earned in 1906 — Huron's i l Huron's leading 1lOWS- oughly relied upon to relieve all tt•onw abundant Y. ield is reported. y for Rattta (1.73 M CENT. W1 � A X T a �er. Are you, x1113- bles from indi cation as MI -on -A. ---Mr, Bohn Cameron of Crtrcenbok I 1� y So reliables it^li-oY9•a thini+e tttfll has this season sold 40001bs. of hone IiAhL scriber ? If not, why � with every' Fi00 c6nt boli "W. WeXibbo-h t'+ 't"�'ALTEXt T. - " t el lel' r. sell#, give tb gnixrrstentea to rbfood the the product of one hondred Colonies I'. W Agent .W winghnrn, _ ..,, y year. money unbassr the ramntly aures, of boas; 0 t 4-