HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-17, Page 21% . , , I r 0 , — V- , I - , , — "' % I - 1*1114. 111. , FA OP 0 . I - 6 6 .- __ -1 __ - I . - - - --.--I— - AMM. , 000".."P.4"0~000 I I - , . : .*4W*0Ww . 11 1 I . . I id . 1 ,_ I .16 i I I , , , th. . . . I - .1 ­ — — . . I . . 6 .. ," . 11 I I I — — - 6 . . , 1 16, . I . I I ­ i , - -6 !r-"0 4, '=' =,!` 1, 7 _T 'W_!, . a "I. , — . '006040 , , I "' ''' , , , A,401"Fwt j 6 - ,,, . . VA : . 40 ... p, :0 76........"", 6 6 . I I I . . I . -.71 1111.71 7' 'd - _..---, -,..,-,. -\ , , - , , I I 7.", - ".'6 1 6, , . 071 OP40601 "... I , . , . _ , , __ - - - "= —.11i _t.to:­ ­ - w;;;; ,".-r,m"_"-4-,", -, - ' ' _._ - 6 1 . — I),tvlol allointoil 1, Ijlg over stil Isiael, J1 I 11 I of out-of-town vtorohtmts, who 0,ko Ad- tore, telegraph and miseellaneollop 11100 - - ',. , M ( . . ,vantage, IN THE AIR 700,388. Total, *TI,384,113. I BALLOON., Tk1 Wlnghp AdVgn I... 1 714 , (41% C, 104S. 1 of tile opportunity to '40 buill- 4 SAW — ,<i I U /74 1 - ­ . riess, wbileAt the 6 m4liket. The I I all mil- .— "to utatomorit of ,working orpouses for ,a . It ill, S rpv 0 b, 1008, shows& r 4N, *2 1 littory openings )lave been under wily the year ended June 30t 1 %49 11 1"ItAV17MM, APPLICATIOSN'S . U ? and the ,business done lies 0011 heavy. * As . .. b Have Wright Brother$ Conquered. T'ronsportaticia expense.$, $I* 4, 1 1 % 7 1 3 -, , Natives Were t040444 0,44 .. 104% I I . Winnilleg—Voulidence, in future bust- malutenaneG of way and structures, $10,. . Those, whV 1-01)01 ag aluit ,(A w lly 4 , , , N I T"90. N#44L. 19"90040ir I . . (& a . ", t6 t1leir own carnal .. ... I I stoppWrholr Work, LZ a I I .. and walk at-coldill, . I 1. uoss Seem to be re4torod in 411 lines of the Air ? 410,7511 waintenallee of equipmout, $Or . . dusires tire teltaill Lok go astra '- The — ,Ir . I . I - . I I 11 . trade. Wholciatle trado is brisker than 158,13IRt traMe ex1renses, *1,734,080; par. .11 . - I ! .. ebildrPli of Israel wine backsliddea and it lilts been for many months. Tito grain . lor mild Kleeping car Pxpeuses, $390,028; . LESSON XlI,--mSF,PT. %;O, noa. lia(I lit-conto worldly tuid Droud. Salultel TORON110 NARKETS. shipped so far shows excellent quality. "al" Sept. 14.—Li'Xpert writers oil expeitsog of )like and river steamers, Madgeburg, Sept. 14.—A large dirigible Dr w4is old itild not 'lull to date." 11:1. Iwo- I Vancouver And Victoria—Wade all Act" I- oil this moraing devote colu=4 * I -al expenses, $1,04%766; balloon appeared. over this My front the . Agnew . ', Farmoral Xarket, in tig"atilewsplipers regarding the import. $751,197; goilm . p -, doinaniled a popular leadc", 0110 who along the coast )IRS a satisfactory tone. I riling, and be. Royiow.—R. 44 Pali. i8; 00 46.50. . auce of Orville Wrhyhtla flyllif feats at u(numerclat tolegralih, $387,534. Totab llorli, at 8 o,clocl; bis I, o ,, woold cowuland tile respect of tile bell" Itecelpta of grain Oil tile street to' Quebee--lPlicouraglug harvest reports $49,1101,807. Fftow4po 101arg"'", Ao"Uokove, . . . Fort Myer, and liken' its offee through, gall a Bevies of manclouvres" The people I . -441,55011 1, ,.roplct Itej,-lot- then nations around the'll. The, Lord ly-38 day were the largeA 80 far, Tile bulk are Rtimulating business And storekeep- I .1. , . atl ,;ple- 'd lit tile course . - ers, wholesale and retail, look forward to. out tile world to the cirelivig of the 142f- were astounded at the sight, and the q"* -v#* m 64 Ow 340001141 . '811onmary. t dh ast they of it was fall wheat, 1,500 bashels sell _ . , r *A_ . I., — —00006" In# God a-1 Icing, Place-, 114mall. $1111luel ,On I e, I %. r eaAe with W giclfi t -bey lundo, b fel Tower by Santos. IDiinlout In 1000. 4!.!*.*OO *.,+ ,-*, 04..,$eeoe...*...**.. "-.*'-*.'-.*,-.,--*.--*,--*.Al -,' -*.,-*.-,!***-4 hich. tile ali-shill was handled, 3%&% o" wassrwed 0. *0414 . teolc and at tile clemo a, ing tit 800, ,ultrloy firm, 300 bushels 601- a satisfactory fall and winter business. 'A'Ith practleal ultaniltuty they 14611 the * f, , . , _. Avila growhiO, old; there was 110 One to 1163, allowed them to have their wily. 80,111, ing At 080, Oats firiner, Owing to light 111anillton—Tracle situation continues X th T Thousalicig 4o ped their work to gam . -1 - ­ ­­­­ _­ ..1.-..-J bor nations had ulngs; , net called tho people together And IL 1; I I - to show%ome Improvement, although the Fort Myer performance as marldng t1te -*- Crushed to Dea 'r. 11 taki Ilk place, Vt 1119 reveipta; 100 bushels sold At 40o A buill. Mthilate couquorlug of the air by it. %. . I . (it tile phenomena, This Ili tile first 111110 ma % t I'sritol walAcla to no like, tile nations IVIIE, Chosoll, and tile aged prophet step- el, Y-olume of business is still below expec- A inajority of the writers, think that It ** ­ ­._ - IT po KENNEDY, moo,, 0.40P18004 . . X, an airship has been seen bore, -) around them, the elders callic) to Sainnel pool aside. Dairy prool000 in 9004 Or' I wit, ta-tions, Tito millinery trade 1148 be . _ t ,J, T Ifunkilitj was the crowning virtue in . 'R y It en is now only it, question of Onto before y After a while the balloon di%ppoared Oda pro- #_. -?- ' * 0 pnees firm, Butter sold at to 12ic good and that In general dry go the Wrights or some other aeroplaulsts * Pittsburg, Sept. 14.—Wallace " W ec t" W".4 K -41W *-P.W11"4 and asked'Cliat they might haVe a kiliff; the life of Samuel find in tale early life per Ill., accollin W quality, and eggs ullses well for fall. Collections are %1r, , 7. in the dircetion of Berlin, It is Pro.]). ou"A . will will the London Daily M%11's PrIze T.. A. Wilson, 27 years old, W48 # ak25027cper ogen. roultryplentiful but it is . -1, ably tile wilitary dirigible tit tile request 41spleaseol, 641114cl; lie took of Salll.,Tbo true Christie,, is I, hillublp , hoped there will soon be consid. t I at left Aer. GOW UNUMOW IN XMIOPM .. _ -lit frorn London to *? ud F - - of $50,000 for a flig rank X, lin At lialf pa0c ten O'clock last ilight, . J.ho matter to tile 140rd; the Lord sald, person. 11,3 Is clothed with. humility (I' and owsy. v,ratie Improvement In till$ 'connection. Allanellester, and f. Micholili's prize of *i' killed, Stanley Dingo a , ofeAd 0 ,- Georla, were severely iinjurool and )r i L $ 0 Of , ONA40 Poo to Disepw of Wo - tile - 24. 0. 5). Although Samuel sf yy 1,11 -at Hay In liailtocl sug))y witli prioes flnu, Values ,,ire steady to firm. , under the conintand of Major Oro e, - Hearken uutQ tile vOle(i Of people, . , holosale *0,000 for it fllglkt front Parls to the 4 VIA army ballooning 4epartment, IvIlo. lam, "A 041VIrwL uel, but tho people wore weary of his il.1141'eshill, 15'160a. sold at $1, to $13 a toll, and Lonclon—The demand for w r_ PW a dozen others narrowly escaped %. they had not Olfl rejeoted Saul , , dome of the Cathedral At Ulermont-Fe I . bvy bad rejecte , Iie Lord,l the Lord yet lie rtill did fill he (.ould for the"', one load of 014 At $10, Straw nouilual lilies hns been more active during the , Y X was accompartle(l. by two brother om. 4Sft# b -0121* -4 ft 4 V6 W I I 10 A P- Mk t , for them and giving their' fAtIle pwit week and Indications favor a bet rand. y death last night, when over 100 l cers, The Grosse bit1loon was scheduled , .. , -J told Samuel to protest solemnly aild PraY -1: . T vi T . . .1 1. 11 f them. instruction ar,d advice. He did not re, Dresse4, hogs are firuier at $9.25 to" 2, persons, including the Otims, * to fly from Berlin to S,tettin and bacic, ll1lo1v what a kilt,,,, would expOtt 0 ter businees all along tile line, '% * . ion over this city indicate DR* ROOT. C. REDMOND. , I I 11. Topic: Godis pro-iddential coutr-A. tirc- sullenly and leave them to tbeir heavy au.4 A; $9.60 to $0.75 for light. Ottawn—The 'wholeside and retail do, ABOOTH FAILUD L .f. inade, a wild rush to board a '= but its posit, i . L JNLO - moving train at Fairhaven, Pa., !: that instead It lilts travelled to Lite . OL 2L a OL 0506) . - '11, Liatil goes' to Sainuall fatc, but like a true man of God lie Wheat, fall, oushel - - - - ,$ 10 89 $ 0 00 mand for goods has been fairly brisi; * ik I 41. 3L 0. OP. aAqWL) ; fi cqkillg Information, tile Lord told SWILl- d in the breach and assisted ill Do., goose, bushel . . . - 0 $0 -0 00 durilig flie past week, and collections - Place. Allzp ' .?, near here, on the Castle Shan- ,* 0011011y4tol- . I. ;_;_ . . , _, . . . till ,Do be king , Slililuel =ug tile new ];Ing, It is often as Oa&s, new, bushel ... ... 0 44 A) 45 also show improvement. Tito deniand for T non Railroad, * PHY4101AN AND SIAR0119" U61 to anoint S, 'dine with hira; Altev- great a, mark of the self life to refuse Barley, new, bushel - ,. 0 47 , 0 58, lumber continuea, quiet. The Trouble May Reach the CoUrtS1 ` %If OW" Vdth Dr, 4pitiphQ11A.) , - 4 -9 I I ..' * I A FORTUNE.. - invites ,Saul to 3 Saul; Sarattel calls, the to do what God and the church ask us Itye, Wsbel ... ... 0 75 0 00 .......... e....- I wards lie anoint! It Is Said. I .1 lwople together to. Alizilch; told them to do, as to desire to be put abead and Peas, bushel . , . - . ... 0 85 0 ­ . that they had rt-Jected God; ordered t1w Ile, made prouiluoint. Hay, per ton ... ... .. 12 00 1'3 '50 GERMAN ATTITUDES ' GEORGE COOPE R, WHO DIED AT Re YANSTONE for Ilie Saul,s rejection came from vt1irious 9 l5aw, per t n ... . .. ... 12 00 13 00 . Chleago, Sept, U.—Revelations of it tribes to arran'.6 themselves . . WRECKED BBY AITTO. BRIGHTON, LEFT 4.5oo,000, . purpose of casti king; ftal causes (I Sam, 15). I, go was dis- Dra%sed, boas ... ... ... *9 25 9 73 - sensational nature were niade public rig lots for ,.I . . * "mumna -A34D WUCM11, , jid chosen, Aaul had hid himSolf; the . obedient, "This was the root of his Butter, d;r,), _ .., . 0 21 0 ,2li PRIVE VON BUELOW DEPRECATES to -day regarding tile failure of ,k, I Q*., creaulpry . -, , , - , 0 26 0 - TUB MUTUAL DISTRUST, . N to I*= 84 WWOA "Itm 0"Ic" * 4ord revealed Ills biding place to iilwn- offense, He was determined to be a D "S . Booth & Oo., the $12,000,000 VX game Joseph Bradshaw; of Clinton, Had Commenced His Career as BoQkmaker , am ue); Saul ii brouglir. in and the People king like those of tile -na,tions around I E 992, ologen ... ... ... 0-95 0 2 ( . . .1 . by Making "Copper" Book on Piece , =&V= -at*=, . shouted Anil. said God Solve the king. Tsraol—a despot, untrammeled by coil- Ohlolcons, dresse and sea food corporation, ,which was . . 0 ,. The Aulmogity Poa placed in the hands of a receiver His Arm Broken.. of Waste Ground During Dinner I - Wixon". 111. Topic, Th' true ser,flee of 0011- stitution, and.regardless of ar y higher Fowl, per 11), ,,, _ ,,, 0 10 I , e Hour. . I , . place: Gilg4l. After his clection as kilig, power, Gool,wisheol. for Israel a' theo, Ducks, spring, Ill, ,., ,,, 0 19 0 13 collor Declares.11obody of Sense in Th,arsday, I I Saul ieturned to private life, but soOR CrAtiQ Icing, that I$, Ono ,who recognized Tul-keys, Ili . ... ... ... Q IQ 0 IS Germany Dreams of Picking Quarrel That the oonc:rn's books have been Beamsville; Sel#. 14, --Ali a4tomobile DICKENSON & HOLMES it became necessary to go a" , list the himself as the minister of God's will. It Cabbage, per dovien . .. , Q 30 040 With Btigiand, ­ juggled for a, period extending back party of touring Buffalo people dashed London, Sdpt. 14.—An unparalleled for- ", A11111104ites, and Saul called tile army wits not by the fteatuess of the met of 011ions, bp,g ... ... ... 1 25 1 .1115 I I at least three years, is charged 1D a into a conveyance occupied by Joseph tune for a bookmaker bas been left by BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Luc, together and gained a great victory. disobedience so much ao'by tile fact of Potatoes, ba -0 ..a _ _ 0 80 0 00 . . circular sent out by the interested I S411inel then called the people togetlwr it that Saul was judged. God found Apples, bbJ, — — ... I 00 1 -, ,,I I London, Sept, 14,-­Tbo Standard bankers. . Bradshaw and Ilia wife, n the Qtlieons- Ur. George Cooper, who collapsed widle 6111110w - ,407W DIM14 WILIXAM- him self-willed, rebellious, obstlilate,and Beef, hinolquartel-N ... _ O 40 10 00, makes a feature of an late toll and Grimsby road yesterday after. following his profouicia at Dright-ni & 16 Itakinow 1)ndI*)r Mobam at Uilgal for tile Purpose of establisidn"r eL Set JI'm aside. rho sinner Do., forequarters ... - 4 00 ryiew with So serious are the various charges noon, a -bout 5 o'clock, and utterly dV- " Lent; Samuel inakpa. therefore It 0 00 Prince Von Buolow, tile German Clut I races and died next mornitir, from dia- I Saul ill the goverrall f his in. of-to-da7y is rejected for the same rea- Do., aboloe, 0'.14-oase ,,, 8 00 9 Ou , n, that ih was freely predicted t' -e fail- molished the ria. Mrs. Bradshaw escap- a . his farewell address, Speaks 0 grad tman, the ure would find an eclio, Ili the criminal 0 tegrity; recalls Jehovah's past mercit?a sons, whother lie be a wicked man or A Do, medlunt, earag',40 , 5 50 0 50 coupts. Meitibers of the Booth faillily, ed with a severe shaking up. Her hus- lietic conia. Ills estato is understood to and Urael's ingratitude', confirms biA moralist, lie is a rebel against God. 2. Mutton, per owt . ... ... 7 00 0 06 politipal writer, who is a personal friend however, are said to be in no batiol-'s collar bone was broken Ili the be worth close oa X500,000., IN J* A. MORTON 1 1 0 ther , ,way - approaching this figure call,lig -dt; by a miraele—a thunder storm ill As A result of this sin we find 0 Vea), pritne, por owt, — 8 Q0 I0 W of the Q)aneellor, Tbo statem'Olits main- irivolved in any question about , tile ,u;1,x-up, wbich was it wbirl%vind affair. 'Nothilic a - BARRISTER AND SMUFOR wol ,;ins cropping out, of whielt one was van- Spring !anib ... ... .... 0 00 10 00 ly deal with Anglo-Gorma a couple mere coming into town from 6ecalltd Ili tile ca -se ol booki-aftkeri, 11 . harvest time; the people arc cotnfor --A, . I . 11 relations, transactions. -gest fortune left by it ill, Topic: Disobeying G od. Place: G! l- RX, reAringa monument in Ills own hon- . anti relterato wbat Prince Von Buelow — 0 * . lboir home in Clinton township whort, the, recent thi.es tile lal I I gul, .,t,aul bad been king about t:ln Or- If Saul had been sure that Ile was , I Live Stock. llas so qften expressed, do 'ecation of acoident; took place, just west of the nicInber of the profession was that of MONZY TO WAN I I 3 ears; lie had grown proud kind rebel- doing right lie would have been less Receipts of live stook at the City -ILIar, Lite mutual distrust of tile Ilvlo- nations. , aniiii6prility, ,wbore a bedge along the. Mr, Alex. Harris, who died worth al)('ut . *150,000. Air. Harris *began life WWI, 117 -Martols 13lock, WUgb-. nlISA he was comortan4d to utterly de. vain,glorious in boasting of it., The.man ket, as reported ,I)y tile railways, were This animosity, he declares, is little . road hid the approaching ,machine from ;L 401sor . I . stroy tile Ainalelcites, lie brought back I who vainits Ilia own good deeds is geti- 03. car loads, composed of SOO cattle, 970 short of popular madness, which, if po r- . vlow. Tito occupants of tile auto did ev. chArity school education and it. head for - I I the best of the sheep and oxen and Agag, erally trying io hide front himself the ao,g,s, 14,08 slicep and lambs,. with 68 sisted in, can only lead to endlessmi Money Qualifications Now Required erytbing, they could to *make the un. figures. . . Welfinatbn Mutual, . B. . fortunate affair satisfactory to all cou- Air, Cooper was originally a I the king; Samuel met Saul and charm'd consciousness of his own guilt. 3. No- calves. chief. f or borth countries for the sole ben- stollerila. hlut with disobedience, Saul exe tice also the sin of, falsehood. He knew The quality of fat cattle generally w,u efit of tertli goadentes. I e is anxious of Immigrants. corned. Uju In tile north, and he commenced his used him- I ' self and said tile people saved the host' that his declaration was falso, and none not as good as could be desired, lit fact to end it, but recognizes that his power I I - - *o1cmaker by inaking it I . I career as a I 0 Fire Ins. Co. ' !it order to sacrifice'to the Lord- San)- the less because W-w4s half true. A there were many Inferior and too few is limited. He adds: "Nobody of any "copper" book oil a piece of waste ground I I _ .1 Ottawa, Sept, 14, --An order-in-Counell BACK BROKEN ? lit his dinner hour. From thj4 humble % . I uel said, "To obey is better tlZeacrj. half truth is generally the worst of lies. wood, * I sense or influence in Germa (Eadablished 1840.1 i lice"; Saul is rejected. 4. We see also the sin of hypocrisy. He e Trade was slow all round at lower, picking a quarrel with England, muo)i has been passed raising the minimum . begiviling lie in thlig ro4e to be Ono of I ' I . , Read oJMoa--0tr1M.P1L ONT. V. Top God calling to service. plcio(j: mado the yyetepide t1gLt Ills disobedience quotations in nearly 0cry class, except less of such an Insane idea as invading money qualification of $25 now required Lite leadnig, cipel-ators, everyone %yb,) _' e history of -David is beglia; WA I 0 'ts eomilla t(, . Toronto Man Veil From Roof He went la - living acquainted. with Lit' Rieke tabm on an ci"sas of Insurable pro. il. I Ramall. 1h 's only lor g piotts 9 i1m, - for prime butel ers' heifers and steers. Enkland.11 f fill inimigrall n . Ill" 0 ' perty ou the olaoit. or vocanium. mote *Yatm usesLil 1%1 The Ilyp firin of (1(10 CHAS DA.YMBON. Samuel is commanded to go to Bethle- ocrite lo oup-wifil igion as a Exporters. -The highest price quoted - The Cliancellor expresses himself as $550 for the period from )anuary Ist to I .per 4 rtowson. cloalc for his own selfish aims. God ac- at tile latter end of the week -was $.), greatly disgusted with an. article en' February l5th, The doubling of tile Was Shingling, . Mr. Rowtion, who predeceased his part. "IMM 00ffID1131 hein and anoint one of the sons of Jesape, P"ddebt GsorotarA he fears to go, is told to take a heifer Copts no apoli sacrifiges as those of Saul. and many cattle have p T itled "Tile German Peril," An the' last inoney qualification during mid -winter . - nev by two or throol years, left only . . . and sacrifica unto the Lord, - tho'elders 5. INTOxt, tile Sin o I cowArdlee. 'The peo- much lowcr quiixters, some even as low number of the Quarterly Review, -which , is witli a view to restrictin- as far as about ,00,000 but lie probably Spent tm JOHN 2UIVULD6 - its $4.30 to $4.60. It will take a. very attracted much attention in England, P A Toronto despatch: With bis brve* much as th&t oil his faallily, the luxit. Ae-L I Wluxbam, Chit. of Lite town tremble at Ills c0luill,7;' Ple took!' Saul showed a most un I pwm1ble the irrival of Any immigrants I peaceably; a -it in following the multitudo good load of cattle to bring over $i. Ile vehemently denounces its intense ig- probably 'broken, D96yi(I llitplije, 0 '4'1 ries of life, and lit charity. Aft. Coop -n-, Samuel told them lie came !dngly Spit without independent means during the ------- In s of will in submit, Butebers-Prinie picked butchers sold norance, and said he doubted the sallit period when employment is not easy to, Yonge street, iyas tq1jeTt `pq St, Miciliael's unlike his partitor, was a bachelor, with Seven of the sons of Jesse are inade Lo . evil. Ilia weaUnes y . . . . 1, Ill _11111111 !, , ,, nexpensive tastes. It was n,do to buok. pass before Sauntel, but the prophet said tIng to the crowd when be should have ;it $4.50 to $4.75; loads of good, $4.15 to of tile writer, And after going through cilitain, . I-Iospital alAput 0 ple-Icel; yeaterdav after- I . P ruled it, made It manifest that he was $4.30; medium, 0.75 to $4; common, the article, page. by page, lie wrate on The- restrictive immigration - . Ritellic qud his brother werf inak-ill- exclusively that lie owed Ills - Clio Lord had. not chosen thein; David , , T08IX11 noon. I A I is called in front the field and is an- ITt fit Vb wear the crown. Is not Saul's $3.9-6 to $3.50. cows, $3,50 to $3.75; can- "the only correct statement in this mess - tions adopLed by the Governmeqt da'il , of 21 1111gin great ofortune, though that provided him - I i elated by Samuel in the presence of hits sin in this respect ()Ile prevalent among aers and bulls, $1 to $2.25. . of chaos and nonsense, is that heedless this year have liad. the desired effeit $ working upon flie Alingling with 'Elie means of making money !it . I J . I partiest 0 * cojj 14ei-.! aveiltle; for wli104 U.-ey had the coil other directions, Among other thiags, brethre public men and politica Feeders and $topkeli:4epoers, 900 to chauvinism won't avail England." cutting down bpinigration by . tract. it. ' . . . ' - VI. Topic: Christianity's conflict witli Lastly, th sin of formalism. He made"' 10,50 lbs. each, at $3.,Q0 to 0.bo 'per Dealing ,with the effect on the world's They mere just flourl;m; ii) prenaratfwy lie was Ali extensive laud, owner In Choi- ' . LY SECURED 4 rvice, rman relations, er one-half and tlie"icit * - to iitci I . '14 Rlichle PROMPT Elall. Llle religion VO consist ill outward So owt., .9toers, 806 to'000 Ills. each, at peace of the Anglo -Ge 11 11iolv PPI119 11 .. - - . PeN sbire. the world. Place: Valley of 91, It, for the ye lr will,'it is VIP"Trol, Write for our Intereeting books " Invent -1 0 . lost hiijociting, 'Ho g9pped down -the There are several bookmakers whose , m I ,, d ,, now you are owindled."q Philistines are arrayed against Israel; offerings and fortus, find ignored the $3.25 to $3.0.3; stockers, 000 to 750 lbs. Chancellor Von Ruelow said that the b only a little over 100,000. , s ev an ,v-9 weightier matters of the law -right- each, at $3 to $3.20; common; $2.50, and dominant influence in the world is noith- ' alanting Toot , and 'shot over tho colge) resources ilivab surpass even those of 9n4 us a rouirlt sketch or model of your In -t Goliath, the Philistine giant, challeng uch less any I - t drop fng an it pile of Shingles and rub nuon or Improvement and we wil I tell youl . eousness and obedience to God. In Sharp medium, at $2.75, er Exqlanol nor Germany, m Mr. Cooper. Ono member of the profes- Ces our oruion ns to vrhtther it J -t li"cibriblyJ liauls' armL to furnish 9, champion to 2 Ems, 61sh twen-tv feet below. $ion is a Ilia nufacturin stationer on a taft , Re e . eontra,st shines the Spirit of Samuel, lylilkers'and Springers -Good. to choice single -individual in either country, but 9 lcted appillcatlonlihitvc0fteul Ineet him; avid hears the challenge and ' . was often, HOW TO CATCH At tile li'ospltal it vras at first thni-ght ,very large scale, while =u , y to showing: 1. Promptness; an instant ,,ows ranged from $,r)O to $00 each, but. tile w.oIrldls conscience, which . two others have suceessfu ly prosecuted b & We offers himself; is first clad Ili a coat of obedience. 2. Courage; the prophet of few bring tile latter quotation. 'rho thoug), not always correatly called b. - . — , that Ritchie's injuries were not torioui, vast steel interests which yield thein a conduct fully equimed offices In Montreal ruail, but lays it aside, and takes only .' angwashington, i squalifiesus.toprompt- Cod did not fear the Icing of Israel. 3. average price for the beat cows offering lie opinion. Should other nations hooter but further examination. reve-ded that fortune. every year. . ly patell. his staff and sling and five 811100th Here Is a Lesson In Capturilig . . vrorkandquiclel secure Patents stones from the borook; the Philistine Fidelity. be wits faithful even when woul ; medium than Gerinairy challenge the world's Ilia -backboile was hart, Ilis chitiwea of 1: I brc4dastheluventl6u. 11?g" host references derided David; David answered lilm, w ask. 4. Insight; lie cows, $30 And inf.erjQr $30 down to $20. sense of right and wrong Germany, Runaways. - ree6very tire not considered beilft. LAVNCH-OWNERS GUILTY. , 't., utl. rocured througb Marion & Ma- w the great spiritual principle that Veal Calves -Receipts of veal calves would not shrink from the ordeal, . . - , David ailing a Stolle and sniote Golia,Ui Oil . . *a "get 0 Special notice without charge In ' . 'obedience is better than sacrifice." were light, and prices ranged from $3 to though with the certainty that her fleet DEARTH OF FALSE HAIR. Two Toront qVir iso ne,rapapers, distributed througbout David then cut off the 0 Young Men Convicted oi I to - lifinufae. * 010 "I head of the giant; 'the Philistines fled;* Leopolis from the life of Saul. '11, Ar. 1 $0.50 per - cwt. , would ba' annihilated, Suen a catsStro' Plattsburg, X. Y., Sept. 14. -Governor Criminal Negligepce, . 21patent busluemo -it . -Receipts were not Chambers, of Toronto jail, should A Toronto d spqtcb, For carelessness 2 an Angineers, Israel pursued them. God gave S;iul great opportun , Wee, and Sheep and Lambs pile would not compare with the disas get The Demand in Paris Far Exceeds the Wway prepaged him for a life which would aa large, as a week ago. Prices ruled ters of dstory and Germany had Supply. . VIT. Topic: Two types of character make , him a better benefactor to his it&- X11:111 herself ,greater in misfor- polutVrs from the prisoli -authorities Ili the 9 I MAMON & MAMON, I and conduct. Place, Gibcah. After his lqteady as follows. Export owes, $3.75 always ,perati'4ii' of a gasoline launch, fttent Experts and Solicitors. victory over Goliath David acted wisely 11.011 and a blessing to tile world, so he to $4, rains, $3 to $3.25; lambs, $4.50 to tune than Ili prosperity. here how to catch runaway jailbiras. Paris, Sept. 13,Eventually it might Fred Seltwit * 0 .. A . alm and James Sherrin, two 0"I Now, York Life 944's, Montreal - - - I o qell -no Toronto young mer were found guilty AtIaut1cUId&,W*sh`uZtan0 and was promoted, the women sang his 91vies to eyey,v Oii of ul tile offer of a $s.00. Having as his assistants the members have been sxpected that- th . g I _ .15i J J kingdom and large opportu . nitkes of use- I ­ . a I .. exceed the of criminal neglige s; Saul became very angry; lie . -fogs-Receipts, light -.and market firm of the State Parole Board, Cornelius V. for false bair ill P r 9 ly6uld J lice by a jury under ------- - ' udge " P ' Vine , ed David's movements with suspi bleggip 2.As nd $0.45.for light& 0 Sion, ye ter Jester in the General Bes- . = - fulitess And .g. . Wore Saul, a.t-$6.70 for selects, a MAN DROWNED Colll a, Superintendent of state prisons, supply, but the riilis has co ie sooner 's , clou; feared David would seh e tile Xing- so before us iheia itie' Wo diverging Sugar Market. . yesterday led the pursuit after five con-' than looked for. A Frenchwoman kith- to re"I , , 1 wad will 1 e called upon FIGHTING FIRE. . vays, and we must make our .own victs ,who escaped from Clinton Aqo .yp 4 T, 06 M the conclusion of doin; tries to kill David by cahing Ills N of. our St. Lawrence sugars are quoted as fol- * out a few false curls does not consider tile Sitting% u is considered probable —_ javelin at him; David escaped, David CII01ce, 3, The Milt 1119Stion lows: Grallulited, '4.80 in barrels, and Was Formerly a Well-Ki-nown News- atDannemora. After an ex&ing'clia. Q " ti . at. th, * - I Is .1 e ilien will be fined for t,he of' Th lives is whether we will obey God or not. were surr6unded­Tq' *tAe herself well ol essed. and, tlj . s1w4fiAl.A - . made captain over a thousand; .-all Is- .INTO. 1 golden, 4-40c in barrels. These the convicts . ir . Felice. irteen Square Wes Burued Over - 0 paperman In Ontario. ountiln4lae i,q ith*qt o The ease arose out of an acci- . . . . . rael and Judah loved David. 4. Life Is, full of teNts of ops, character, prices a;e for delivery; car lots 5o less. . woods on the m, . t aggri.i.vate4 by the ritet that CqAstallt dent which tool; p VIII. Topic: True friendship. p)acc.. it is both a probation a-44 An education. . prison, and Superint 'n&iti ijq11iiq . . I" VA t1ke al _Jai e in the Humber —1 owns Threatened. Lite . hairdressing, ouT Ing . ppl-ica- ve his life God bears long -with us, 5. If we change . forest' and captured q_ Aiieq . . . . River on Juily Stli, a Sunday afternoon, . .A. field near Gibean. To sa 1'ranconver, 33. C., Sept. 13. -On Satur. boidly entered the tIon . , tonics rubt tho growth and in wbich thci launch in question -col - David fled to Samuel; Saul plirsued Ili character, our relations to God must OTHER MARKETS. - * one of the men single -landed. It ,%yaq f 0 tolife Sliqij.; '80' Ji t' 1119'st ynpnolt' Los Angeles I.A.-One Itundred change. The same glorious sun will . day afternoon H. Hutchinson, 40 years , .. . Ilded NAth a rowboat, precipitating the him; David then appealed to Jonathan Winuipeg Wheat Market. " o (clock in the afternoon when it *% 41q- woplell alte obliged to depepol oil (k colf- and fifty nen'ai celliglitiag a fire uhit-h :in, ebeer, enlighten, invigorate, or 'bf age, left the city in a skiff bound covere' a e woupanks, T-liontas B. Williams and a for assistance; Jonathan loved D.L,vid and Wal . 4 fure to adprn their lielt_ds, threatene I the town of Lap.reseirca ftnA Following are' tile . , lady tomparilov, into the deep wr,ters df a promised to find out ,what Saul's inten- in-% . , closing quotations -11 ttlat tile convicts 11. NeaV * ,pasppit girls of Wit - y harden, wither, burn, destroy. 6. . The truly good are not only indignant __ P a.,i 'f44rps- , for the northern halibut banks allong fron bars guarding it collir iyindpl 144 F or years the p . tile river. Both were rescued. Lite. valley weat Of Pa.4adenck last ]light., Jonathan soon discovered e with a young man, .Poroy McCardell. been sa,wed away. The rupq whA tooli tany alicl Islorinandy b4ve been in tile - liteeii tions were; nd on bF ' .. Ing Qf . I 11io defendants denied having liquor and has burned over ,lit area ol till 1 at sin, but arer grieved over sinners, a' I' I _r QQ B.'I ,A, 00. that Saul intended to kill David; David .j, F in thp narrows and 1111'rench leave" were 40TYNg ter havit of selling theAr tresses ait Militia square miles, a portion of which I,; I" _ o_ i" AI'll I . ' 7. The worse So - 93 I -Be bid. The skiff capsized '" . r 'lly for then)- sinners toiler 94 5. (1, Docem,bey . . ears fbr. highway hair fairs, but lately there has been a, aboard beyond two bottles of beer, They And Jonathan met at the atone Ezel; ac- P1 October, Hutchinson was droivned A wife and front five to twenty y eluded in tile ,Sart (labriel for"t resorve4l 0 are often uncons6ious of the depth of Clats-Septelilber. 39 1-2c bid, four children survive bim at Liskeard, were not intoxicated, and tive steering ' . cordiag to previous arrangement arrows their wickedness, 8. King Saul, in the -) . I I rolibery. ' decided shortage in these quarters. Re- ,, .e 1.k waswarned; 31 3-4c blij, ear was all right, they.stated. Ple fit- started ye.4tm-day, wli(.ii -.%,ere shot and David David Ontario. Ile was a brother of Dr, When the alai -in was given the Elt4to cent customs Statistics show that ter attempted to burn some bruily, , Most unkingly manner, laid the blame of Produce Prices in Lo don. ledleal. Health Officer at Parole Board was in session' in tile- France itykports .400 tons of hair yearly ly Three residence,; near Lacresenta wero and Jonathan then have all effective . n Ills Worship charged the jury strongm r4nel his sin oil the people. So Adam laid trio Hutchinson, A Against the prisoners. He pointed farewell. an enemy. blame on Vve." I Londoxi--Owlng to aborter ,supplies of London, Out. Tito craft ,was caught office of Warden'Cole. Superintendent from other countries, oldefly China and oat that the relative rights of gasoline destroyed, and tile. old (4ould casitle, one, IX. Topic: Itow to treat . both Daniah"and Canadian bacon,. the in the wash of a pagsilig stearner. Me- Collins and the members of the board Japan, . launches And rowboats were practically of the landmarks of the valloy, -wair sa,,-- Place: Tho hill of Hachilab, near Ziph, . -_ - -_ -,r market has ruled strong, with no fur- Curdell clung to the boat and was decided to help capture tile fugitives. "It is true," a prominent halrdresges , Samuel died and was buried at Ramah, ther cliange. in quotations. Canadian . At tile end of two hours the convicts lit the Place Vendome told nic, owe are thQ sanio. as those of Automobiles and e l after de%p,rate offorti, Con,;idorablv SAVE THE CHILDREN. saved. horie vellicles on tile Public highway. timber It ui %.-en v in;-.,i.iie,1 and t1w wat-. r David lit exile for six or seven years, . choose is firm, but quiet, at Ols to 02s - : - I . were run 'to cover. Superintendent Col- littving great difficulty Ili, Securing - .- . 'nipply is So lokl' k. V (i.l.m."wed. 'lilt, iao it'. Saul pur. Motliers who keep a box of Baby's for . finest; 60s, ungraded. Haws, lor g lilts bad the clump of woods ill which onough hair to weet tile demand, espe- L dill burnin - Illd` k uppronellill" dallgei- E sued him with muiderous In- I I ' X , g. n tent, David!a exile it benefit to him Ili Own Tablet& Ili the bouicie may' feel cut, are. quiet at 60s to OU Butter is FARMER KILLED. tile convicts had sought to conceal cially since American wonion have fte- CALL WOMA A BLACK HAND. ollsly livar-Alilu"o, \1,ita. Sa e4tllllat . . Ilia 11 y ways #, Saul's 11 fe was twice in Da- that the lives Of their little ones are slow at 114s to INS. _ . themselves surrounded, Then he took a cepted the Wendt fitishion of-hairdress . of the amount, of dainago can b, inatl,N ,vid'; power; David exhibited true nobil- reasonably Bak, during tZle_ hot -weacher I I . ParLy - of employees into the ing and wear false curls. At one time Alleged to Have Terrorized Business 1 I A . troubles, hole , New York Sugar Market. fie Was Thrown From Rig at woo. -lie, nobility wore false hair, but - Stoniath a - (if,, ,,,, rison only t Men, is Captured After Fi t. 0 UNREST IXJ ZULULAND. ity by not periniVing him to be put to months. c r. ,it it. was not long before the -911 death-, David ealled to Saul from a dis- fatitunt And diarrhoea carry off thau Sugar -Raw, quiet, fair refining, 3.- rive convicts had been captured. Superin, no%v eve.rybedy has it. Of course all Bessemer, Alich., Sept, 14.- !&Ers. ­_ titnee and 9xilostulated with him; Saill sands of little onf,s every su,Ama-, Ji. 40o;' centrifugal. 96 test, 3.90c; molasses Carleton Place. tendent Collins had little trouble with tile while the stage demands a ceikiiin Frank Galler,- who it is alleged, q., a Troops and Guns Have Been Despatched admitted his sit) and,proinised to pursue most cases heemwie the mother does -lot sugar, 3.15c, refined, steady. . the itian Ile 'caught. number of wigs." femh.1h;e lil David rio longer. have a safe mediniaa at hnnd to gh(.. ; _____4_1 If ­ : - :- I .111wk Hand" -has for :,,everal From Natal. X. Topic: Lessons from tile deat)t of promptly. 13aby', British Cattle Markets. Carleton Place, orit., Sept. 13.-Aveb- yeek *bee terrorizing limitless men.. Pietermaritzburg, Sept, 14. -Apparent - i s Own Tablets ellyt, WANT OUR HAY. was cv.*ured here to -day after a gun ly there is frosh trouble in part of Zulu - Saul. Place, Mount Gilboa. The Phil- these 6oubles, or it given occasiol a ' Lonclon-London codAes for cattle are ibald Maodonell, aged about 78 yea,rs,.n lv .IV,( istities fought against Israel; Saul's (ins C. P. R. REPODT fight with officers. Site is the wif* of land. Colonel 18,ir Durteau. ,Nlttk( I I-, . 1 c a arin f 0 AIL A e Ottawa, Sept. U. -The Department of a miner. commandant of tile colonv's force.%, has a to the W411 child Will prevonk the ,cro tblie .4st'"cly at 11 1-2c to 13 1-4c per III., much S Tespc te f er r m ),Ici 7 t'll . reSsed Cqiniliel Ftyp ofl-loigs wore lying Ili wait ittar left hurriedly lot- D idee, accompanied -were Slain in the battle; the Archers coming on. And tf)e mother has tile weighb,, refrigerator beef is conces ion, township of BeckwAh, wau; Trade and C 'ca lina just recei ired pressed Saul hard,, he was greatly'dis- mnaratitee of a Government analyst Lliat quoted at 10 1 1 killed almost in4tintly in a ruil%waY it r,l,,,I' I.rqm J. B. Jackson, Tra(lea w 6m, mhore money was to be deposited. by Colonel Willson, W'Ilith field artillery, -2c to Ile per poluld. Statemeit of Receipts and hx- 0 10 tressed; m4ked his armor -bearer to kilt mthe Tablets contain no opiate or har - here yeeterday. His -,-am got frighten- C rmniss" ner at ljcc ls and 11till, Eng - I . ful drug.. Mra. Geo.. Mincault n * I . .8 and thil-tv u him; the armor -bearer would not; Saul in Provincial MArkets. led at some object on the street, and land. U * ' thA in *certain -bout 4 o'clock tile woman eautlo.1131y three oficei en.. i tin , penditures. 0 poln 11 q4t, crept along the road, seized the box 'rho Xntal polive ha e bleell called !lit * . took the sword And took Ilia own life; Aleut t,ouis, title., says'.- "Betbro'g,'vill; - Owen bound -Butter, 22a; eggs, 18c; dardied along at a terrible pace, I parts o I t1lis year tile hay orop . Baby's Own Tablets to my little one S,le hay, loose, $8 to $8.50, no baled hay on 'thvo of the rig oppozite . . and ran. Pursuedby the officers slic front oitt-stationg witli orders to proceed the armor -bearer thpn took his own life; wing him Out struck is away below the normal, And that thev whipped out a gun and began % fusil- immediately to Afelinoth, lind join the the men of Isreal fled, Philistines came suffered greatly front oolia and stoinaell sale. 1,1ogs, live, $o.30; hogs, light, tile 'A Jississippi Hotel. HIS head 'Montreal, Sept kl.-The twenty-.wv- will be neelling more frolA Cquadlau fill-, lade, The fire was promptly returned force despatched there. On tile arrival and dwelt in the country; bodies of Saul troubles, and cried a great deal. The ds $8.50, no heavy dressed hogs On the pavement, and lie expired Ili liters. Tileict is .3 growing demand for and Ills sons treated with indignity,, men, ,.tabl,qt9 Ing thro"Vil -ddt Annual rq,ort of tile direttors of . until officers who were stationed at a of the seeond forkkA 200 ition will be ' , sf)071 cured offered, A caundiall, , . liar, and she is iiow, it Produce was plentiful, though about ten minutes after be .. Elie (3alladiall Pacific Railway Company call"col 9"Ods Of 'it' k'"'I", turn In the road caught the w6nian there. They will pr(weed to "X'Kandhla, of Jabesh-gaiIefta took the bodies, burnt pill,,,,), 11calthy, child who .does not look the weather Is Very dry, and pasture ser- out.. I . . , , which have this year a better hold on and placed list- under arrest. Lite reputed storin ventre, them, and buried the bonos., !Is though site ever bad an bour),4 Ill. lorsly. affected. . for the year ended June. 30, 1008, has the British buying inva-kob than ever I),- The woman's husband, Frank Gal- It is impossible to say whether this Xr. Topic., Tile trite spirit in prosper- aeas." You call get .the TabletA from Lo'iidon, Otit.-Fairly large market. ,poll issued to the sliareholders, Tito ae- fore. . I , I 1 I ler, has also been jaila Tito, couple latest move has any bearing on the re- , ity. Places: Hebron, Jernsaloin. Mvid any dent.r in medicine ,or by mail ab 25 Prices practically unchanged. Hay sold REV. jOHN PRINGLE counts of tile comparty for the year end- with four children, came from Venice: ported Serious unrest mentioned lit the, returned from exile; naked (Wrection of cent4 a. I,OX. front tile Dr, 'WillhIns, ,,it $11 and $11.50. Straw, $6 to $8.60, . ty to Hebron, Butter 22 to 23c for dholee creeks, 23 and I . I --- 'I ' God; was told to "go lip 4 uJile- 30, 1008, show the followim, i,e. YOUNG MAN KILLED. Italy, five years ago. Natal Govertimelit's despatches to the Nicolichic Co., Brockville, Out. ,,38n . I'llree weel-tg ago two, these with David located near Hebron; . ; - 0 1. 24o for rolls, Eggs sear6; sold ait 18 to Gets Unanimous Call to Sydney, Oulu: Gross earnings, $7 ,,7,,, St Catharines, Sept. 14,--Ald. Charles - - Colonial Office. . DoLvid Avas Anointed lKing of Judab,, he I 19c in lots, 22o for Single dozens in worizing expenses, $491591lS07,; net earit- , . DR, PATTERSON RECOVERING. secret service agent4 were despattlied 4bowed kindiftess to the people of Jabosh. LAST YEAR'S WHEAT CROP, 'hogs market strong C# B.1 church. ing.i, $21,792,360. Stuart, of iMrrittoij, received a telegi-ain a to Zululand, and the present move may - gilead; asked them to recopize Ills au. dairy hall. Dressed I Net earnings of Steamships Ili excess on Saturday evening notifying him that Sensational Stories of His Condition Are Ile the result of their report, The au- ' nt with a prospeef; of higher prices; . 1118 eldp$1 soll, Charles, all electrician, tboritles tire reticent. . 4 thority; Ablier mado Ish boshetil kin- It Netted the Western ratmers liv o;,%og , lirices for Monday Sod highor of tke Amount itlellided ill 311olithly re. bacl been killed ab Mienectady, X. Y.. Not Truel. A " JP.- . . 1 over the nortbern tribee. Abner ancil $44)(560,000. at $0,60 mild ,".6.51 aniall Ogs, $5.50 to montreal, Sept, l4th.-A despatch this ports, $1,112)750,- interesb on deposits where he has, been residing for VIA petst Toronto, Sept. 14,-A privato leter BRITISH BRE WERIES PAY, : Ish-boshoth wort both assassinated; all d loans, $481,5001 interest front roleeived in the city yesterday froill'INTro. Vvinllipcg, Sept. 'll. -Final returns $8 Per Pair- morning from GI%Jo Bay, X. S.) $aYS St- ""' Sault, 80, five years. I'To further particulars have ___ . l fl i,,,,n ell lig Isreoll eame to Daviditna urged him to fr 11 last ycarts wilptxt er p r St. T110111all—T.Ave hog.4, $0,66,, dressed .. polis, St. Paul & been,rpeoived a -s to tile manner of I _ Patterson, wife of Rev. Dr, Iiatterson I 01 I 4Yd- I Railway and on cith , formerly pastor of C7,oako4s :Vl, abyterirtll" Woome their king, lie was again an- - 6 a 0 now IS to $8.50; loose bay, $8 to $O; .1ticIrew's Prosbytel'imn Church, Of - r bonds and Guinunegs, Stout in Twenty Years ointed and establishod Ills capital atjo.- Available, and I'llusti-ate tile Immense hogs, 1) ney, U. B., last night decided unailim011s-, stooks licId by tile couipany, $1,54,1,874. deati" . i . Earned $171,000,000 VOWS. baled hay, $10, stra.w, $I,- eggs, 200; but- _ __t-i 4­ - Church this vit yl 1%nd now of Bethany . timalern. woalth of the prairles, Tito Je)d to. ter, 0.0 to, q7e. ly to, send a call to the Rev. John Prin- 'rotal, $24,440,000. 61111rell: ]VIlila6lphill, (11HP040S of Ben It London,* Sept. 14. -43relwng ig 4111 MROXOLOGY. talled,itp to 70,029,584 bushels, lot which retorboro'-On tho markob (Ire RIP, who Attacked the moral condition of From this there has been charged :1 MURPIly THE MAX tional reports 1,eggrding his ecitiolitiosn'. tile inoiot Ilrofitablo, tit British indii-Arle.q. m0a . . . farjuerq rp.coiVo ApprOXIIIIIAtely TlOgA, $8.r)O,- livo, $6,80, baled 114y, jb`o Yukon, wiiere lie was pastor. If 11r, lialf-yearly divid4old 6 Oil reference Ott.1w.a, Sept. 14. -It was learned this WIrs. Patterson mars that her husband It has reinforced -tile House of Lordz. The chronology of I Samuel Is very the -W a (,,oqoj $14, buteboral hideg, $8 per f 11111_ Pringle cannot tAkt WrIllitillent ell"90, stook afi 2 per I __ .; J a a ,if 10 did not stiffer a stroke of Apoplexy, his with a "beerage" of powerful Inulti-mil.. , $44,423,044, the total ca -all I-,altta of the tile --' _otd6ty stock . ter) Oil that it wits settled that Mr.. uneertAill; no two authorities a.gree. The g%. 20c; butter, 27d. , church will ask for lits servicog duk- balf-y,e&rly dividend 6 illness being due to an acuto atGek of liollairps. of 1 honi 1A)rd Burt.on (llam) following table is arranged on tile still. crop being $3.5,053,444. The value of tile F( Ing the winter. - . April 1, 190il ,$a. Murphy is to be Secretary of State, AM indigestion. Ile was not unconscious tit and. Lord Iveagh (Quitmem) are tilt- - Strftt urd-11099, $6.30 to $660- df., I - - f of 3 .per cent. paid $ . lie wilt probably be sworn in within the PC-Sition that. Saul's reIgn continued for grain was )IIaterially reda"d O%Vlllg to otteSSed, OU to 0%4' CO610, It tOi IP', do - 050,400i There bas, aloo, boon deoial[Q any time, -wag anol is able to converse most prominent r(TroRelittitivos. fortf'ye,tra. Usshorls cltronolo,ggy Is tak. th(i, ,f.,,(,t that n,nell of it waa dainaged. ares8ed. 5% to, aci A-eerg and bolters, 3% XXtST UEFTJND THE MONEY. a, second lalf-yearly dividend on pro.. weel'. _*-l freely, and Is making such rapid pro- Astonishing figurcs.s .ire liroswuted fly eat 44,4 the basis. it WaN diRtbartly tin Off year for grado. I I ferenco steel, of 2 per cent., $070,060, yres towards recovery that his early tilt% latest balance sli"t of 7,0rol, Tvolgil'.4 ; Samuel waq born about 11. 0. 1146, .4; to 4e, (16., dre,,ised, 0 to d%ol vets, 011 I Vroke Into Scit04 Car. nevertheless 50.82 po,rrent. of tile wholo ,16" drosed, Ae; latubs, $5, do,, dros§ed. I restimption of his pastoral ditties fi grmt ronot-ru, Guitilic-is & Co., the stout Israel asks for a. kilig, R. C., 1093. Toronto, Sept. 14,-Wiltlt refereneo, to '11ld it 14CO0114 1141f- early dlvi4enoI on went eclutraet tole. I'lin Priee fdr tbill 12t,; wheat 85c fitfilIdaril; Oats, 83 to Ltant Mag- ordinary Itook of 3 per cent, pityable Belleville, Out,, Sepb, 13,-A G. T, looked for, lirtwers, of Dublin. It i'llows that ilk 14ftill 01"mn king, B. (", 1095, % fia'.4 beell 4vorZeld 111) Alt 8&, a114 for the 4611ay oil 'tile PUt Of ASSIE October 1, 1908, $3,050,400, lo.civing the It, deto'etive with tlit assilstallee of locill I I V- I twentir-two, rvarr4 00 fli"gregate protrit-4 David boun In 13(,.tblabeir, B, 0, 10815. (le's (it 650. %lie Crop wag (t l3radstetet's Teadt 96vNw. iAtrAte Kirigqford in refuttoling to the -_ Ve botil A;arly $171^,000. qt city the $019.2r) which Judge NVinehoStor net Surplus for tile .YO41- 46 $5,r)11y,715. polieo Ithig morning ni-ro4tod here, two TOO FRISIty FOR BUR AT 76, bli. 115 1)111 r 11 nAabisfactory otte to lutildipp Montreal; Jlhe past week has Set . k1lan Stlipley find 'Miellaill , Saul rejected by the Tjord, 11, 0. 1070. I in addition to the abbve dividends men named . - - decided') an unprofitable some befternmitt in the tondItion of gall- repotted ,lid owc4, mayor Oliver on sat- - DAVia anointed at Bethlehem, 11. 0. but wailby no mp4na , --til'o"I' 711;T1 1i" ,nominated Pral. wholesitle trAile hero, TrAirollers (ill - lit -day morning issued instructions tin tile on ordinary stock, I par cent, was de. Mellugh, who are aecu9W of breaking - S6 Wito Gets Di'voret Prom Ruellana of Oil Saturclav ' ' 1003. Ono to t1le produeero, elated from Interest on land fanola. into a bonded ear and Stealing a (titall. lfri 11ugh (41101ric In South Wollitigton. -04"- — I the road report bettor orders foj sorbliri City Treasurer to arrange to d - David slays tile gltth6 Oolhtth, 11. 0. Working ox-penseb for the, yeAr tity of nip.robandW. Tito accused tire Quarter Century. Xty, Itaillov cIl(`w ill 14"114t f".4imew, And 10451 I goods &lid f0l and winter buBinegg Is ecittnill ,amounb from Magistrate Kings- .11 unted to 60.47 per cent, of the 0111ADY010-11 Of the railway- Wilkesbarre, Ptt., SOPL 14,4farthti, Ur. 11. F. 'Miller Ili ITitlillmand. (Ionsoy. WADOW'S CREDITORS, taking on a brisker tone. The millifttt$' favills #Al4ry on the firAt and Aixtopilth TnO , __ . Saul tflo# to kill Mvid, 11. 0. IN2. *1 g (Arrilligs, and net earnings to 11odenbender wits granted a iliv,orce o. voilive 1101111naflonq were. Nfvs4rs, Jolu% lhiffalo, Sept. U-41ofereo in Pftlak- trade hai Shown more marked Ifilpfove- of the Month, P4Y,dftYA for lvtr- Xill 8- 91088 Ali litic'mit , 'nXJ`u:,;9 - David covonantil with Jonathan, 11, 0. -A ally other line. ne villump ford. The Mayor guggostol $0 per . 30.3a per cent., as compared With 64.00 I it I, t to Governor day from )ter huAballtl, John 130defibe.ill, Arnis,trong for *Xorth York an(I ItIeliftr(I Ineg. , ruptey 110telikI.Adl haf; iftAllod fill. circler for I flient thft . and 35.04 por cent., respectively, in Fort of New JerAoy, who put the lid dc -r* The wonian is to years of nge, find TIMM. POPI. DAVR An exile, fleeing from Saul, 31 , at 8,0 fat tordliltres Well With mon-1h as the Sum to be deldtleted Vintil on Athlantle City, wita detoetcol by P05- huqbaud about Lbb sitme. The 6uple While. Tiding on a gravel train on tile . tile firAt meeting (if the creditors of of billiftm . tile 1007. ),or C. 1002-55. Mrallows, W1111aynx & Co., the bftftl fupt thilt of Idat year. - whole is Imik, " - , , Thov i4tatomont of tnLtnJtig4 lot tho yehy tal offlelals. w0re inarried twouty-five 7taTA ago, Windsor, 1.hwox & I'M,,% Shore, Rllpetri - S01111 A1141 bift so"'.1 slaill. 11, 0. 1036. . brokera."ei firril. T! a nweting !101 ily ho Toronto-Anvorid tian0s bAVe tofitfl- . I Androw Menton, agM 94, gritindsoft of % ber tosthnony bofore tilt% refer 'ftailruad f-4-aturib,iy, Uktorg,% 81-orinjin ot y biAPA towarils helping gpnewitl bil*lneftm Two 'V,aneoil"r othoolgirls wore soell 1111104 -111ild 3001, 1008, Allows re'(101PO - . 'foll I'Ah-bo0otli kilig over Arael, B. 0. 11irld At 11 it, ill. Oil Sept. $A., Cnlitfar,_ * foun,ol tibot on Mrg. lioderibeildor 'C:LtRtNl Jilat h(Ve 11111&- N 111(140V, All P1111111MI(I Of llik- roikol. fil JhV4 111411ffttl h(%r0 durinjZ Ulf,. M14 WOCIC, T1110 6041119 lig out Ili a bo0, 4mol it 1p,ttor WaIll fyoia pit.-omigers, $10,000,439; froln ('ft1`IlA9l0'4 PArtn0l, Iva U130-48. Plintord, tb,o Ae,holdillva of 110, thp street, wd(l eninplieAtiona arri an(l like From tUp Oar mid Vaci run over anti in- & nf tbiw. anyinal Vational Rxpomitlon fotd- In their lictokq bidding thAt freiglit, $44.;037,567; from-luttils, VA. Alig 1), ,41 younger wonion and itobu301 Ablier Anil TA 1)04,40) $11tift, ly, (I Ilio liankrupts vrprt, iint V#d. brfata this wot 73&, from sl"TAriS#o%r, express, 604- froM I% tec011t lillittih9b ZOOM IL AIM- hor- atnAtty, Wll.ed, 1 1048, Drifer wAm Wnod, Is invariably vititea by largis lunatbeft frkii-do gooa-bye, Z wo -A N _ . ... .. 11 11 ..I.. — _—, — ._ W .".-%& & 4AAAQ6 -