HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-17, Page 1'3-7 -^-r..-..,: - J, ,, ;,l- — C: �y. • ii: iR�. 7 .,�1. 1 . + N7� ,.. ,•�,+arw�•� �"t, �6 ) :•N I � �.Irp1 ,,�-' , r. . _ ,
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36TH YEAR, N0,3. WINGR A► N, QNT., TRURS:D,A,Y", SEPTEMBER 1'1', 1008. � SUBSCIiIPTIQN € $l;o PRA � IN D v
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______. (�w � ,y r "" The Locai Markets, The Central Hardware. The PaIIsi. Club """"`^� PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD
' # �++r,✓urcb lRew Personate 'Wheat, 80o; oats, 30c; barley, 50%; Stggk-taking at the Central Hard. The members of the Parish Club S ,
---A Duluth despatch says that four (...,« peas, 85 to 87o; hay, $8 to ..$9 ; butter, ware store was completed last week purpose ivin an opening meeting on � �4Ca� ����$
counties in Wisconsin and Xinuesota ' � 21 to 22c, eggs, 1,80 ; potatoes, 500 per and the business passed into the hands Friday evenings Sept. 18th. A pro- A special meeting o$ Wingham Pub»
have been laid waste by forest fires,. The SL, Helens congregation has. Mrs, Constable, sen„ is visiting her bushel; live hogs, $0.00. of J, G. Stewart & Co, Mr. Stewart gram of speeches, vocal and instru: Drink Christie's Teas, ,. lie School Board was held on Friday
extended a call to Rev, Alex, MaDon son ut St. Thomas, evening, Principal Musgrove tender.
Titers are X4,000 people lxomeloss, aid of Kingston, N. J. is , stranger in tiVingharq and is mental music, etc., will be rendered Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. ed his resignation as follows: --
The loss of property will run into enfl- Mrs, H. 1<orler is spending a week Auction Sale. thoroughly posted on the hardware and light refreshments served, All Miss Laitra Martin is convalescing g
Sunray last was Communion day ►n with her son in Toronto. g Wingham, Sept. 10th,1008,
Ilona. Presbyterian on lot 42, con, 7, least Wawanosb, - business. With hex Is associated, Air. members, past, present and fipture, after several weeks' illness. (Gentlemen :---
* * it large mrbeailethemselves of Miss Irving gf,l`eeawatpris the guest on Tuesday, Sept. 22nd, an unreserved ,las. Cloakey, formerly of Wawanosh, and friends, are cordially invited to I herewith tender m resignation as
--Canada has 81,580 miles of tele- of Miss Davis this week, Alex, Young R Co. have their Stove. } n y gn
the privilege of partaking of tits Sac- sale of stock, fearm implements, etc, Both have a large acquaintance in the be present, Come and lend your sup- announcement in this week's esus, Principal of your Public School, to
graph lines. Of these, 0,820 miles are rautent, Mrs. Thos. Hamlyn of London is Terms, twelve months on a eovod surrounding country, and enjoy the port to a worth institution for young take effect at the end of the resent
government lines, including 2,2052 in visiting her father,,Mr. C. Dallas. pP g y 1 y y y B See it. p
g 8 The anniversar servics of John- joint notes. Sale at one o'clock, The esteem of the community, The new men. year. In thus terminating the vary
the Yukon line, There are ;3,111 tele- stop's Alethodfst hunch, Dlorris, will Mrs. Percy Brown of Acton is visit- - fe,rnz lies been, sold, so thatithere will firm has issued business announce- The next sittings of the Eighth Di- cordial relations that have existed
graph stations, Canada also has fif- he held on Sunday, Sept, 201h, Rev. 'Ing her mother, Mrs. A. E, Simmons, vision Court will be held here on Sep- between. us for the past eighteen
Id. W. Mclavish of Glorr•re will be the be no reserve, J4mes Cloakey, pro- ment circulars, and their advt. ap- September Wedding. P years, I must express to you and to
teen wireless stations, and five more Misses Jennie and Janet Murray are prietor ; R, H, Garniss, auctioneer, pears on page 5, They will be pleased tember 24th, your predecessors in office, my sincere
are projected for �the P'acif'ic coast. preacher. attending the London Pair this week. to have a call from any of our readers, A prekty September wedding was There will be a meeting of the Bowl. thanks for your kindness and consid-
an event of interest at fixe home of enation during that period of time.
—Statistics received at the attor- . reach Harvest Tnanksf iv ng services Haller Bradley
•e visiting £r friendsinLitchi- Salaries Increased, and promise to treat their customers Mr, C. Dallas Centre street earl on .ng Club this (Thursday) evening, in
g ' ' Y the CIub house, on the Park. Sincerely yours,
ney-general's department at Toronto, in Trinity Church, 13egrtave Sunday, gan. ti The High School Board has recog- right, Mr. J. V. I3f11 has not yet de- Tuesday morning, when his eldest A. H. Musgrove.
Sept, 2Uth, at 10 ra.in.. and 7 p.m, Col- nized the success of the School at the tided where he' will loess' daughter, Timothy for fall seeding for sale;—
show that the fall of 1908 holds the ze- lection in aid of missions. Mies D'Linnie Armour of Toronto is gtiter, Mies Jean, became the hap-' Geo, E. King. The Board expressed regret at part -
cord for absence of crime in Ontario, spending a few weeks at her home in recent examinations, by making the py bride of Me, John Ball of Toronto. .ng with Mr. Musgrove as Principal,
p y Elder John Brooke town, g ' The ceremony was performed at 0 Little Etta g
when compared with recent ears. of Grace Mem- following mcreas�s .q the salaries :— The Fa!! Fair. , • Etta, daughter of IVIr, and
Mrs. Ezra Hart is .11 in the hos ita1, ;but under the circumstances, the
Crown attorneys have been sending in oritit Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg, Mr. and Airs. Jas. Moorehead of Lis- Principal Taylor from $1,300 to $1,500; It scarcely seems possible, that we a,m„ by Rev. D. Parris, pastor of St. P'
Y b resignation was accepted, and the
got a court injunction- his
towel visited friends in town last J. Q, Workman from . but doing as well as can be expected.
their returns, and in nearly every in- - young members of his congregrtion weelc, $1,000 tq $1,100; are so near to the season of the Fall Andrew's Church, and the newly-wed- . •Chairman and Secretary were request -
stance the report indicate9"no crim- from holding a picnic at which dant- J, C: Smith from $1,000 to $1.100. Fairs. Yet here is the 17th of Sep- de•d couple took ' the early morning Miss Boyd's millinery opening will ed to convey to Mr. Musgrove, the
inal cases for our fail assizes." Even lag
was to be a feature. Emma, sent last week vid visiting to The fourth teacher, Miss Dadson com- tember, and Wingham Fair is next train for Vancouver, B.C. The imme be on Tuesday next, and she is busy' feelings of the Board.
though those yet to report make good Services in the Baptist church next ronto,' p g menses this term at a salary of $700. week. The time .s short now, and date relatives of the bride and groom preparing a line display, Sea her - After • some discussion, the Board
average returns the total will be well Lord's Day will be conducted by the every, member should do his best to witnessed the ceremony, and their ' advt. ! decided to adjourn until the 22nd
aster. Dlaxnin sob Mr, Benj. Gerry of Brussels agent make the Fair a success. It is not too roan friends express the hope that • Mrs. John Helm is still confined to last., when the situation will be fur,
below that of other years. pastor. g ject: Help from Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. W. To Normal Schools. y p P r .
the Sanctuary," Evening subject; H, Willis, The following have ane From soon to decide what you will. exhibit, married life may have much happi- her bed with illness, but her friends. ther taken into consideration-
* " * "The necessity of theoCross." Every, g g
—Young man, never be satisfied body welcome. All seats free. Mrs. Aikens of Owen Sound is visit- Wingham to the Normal Schools for The harvest was over early, and pro- nese in store for Mr. and Mrs. Ball. -hope soon to see improvement in her
with a colorless character. D1aan am- ing friends in town and vicinity fora this term. To Stratford—Earnseliffe duce has reached maturity earlier condition.
Y Last Sunday evening, Rev. Jeakins few weeks, Musgrove, Florence VanNorman, An- than usnM. Hence there should be no Disgraceful And Brutal. The many friends of Miss May Pat- GRAIN WnNTZD,--We are prepared
. '.able men say : "I don't swear, I don't gave the first of his, sermons to young Jas, Leslie was palled to Toronto difficulty in the way of a large exhibit to pay the highest market price for
steal, I don't get drunk, I am good:' men. The topic was "Manliness" and nie McBurney, Mabel Walsh, Ethel A forcible lesson on the evils of in. Lison will be pleased to hear that she grain delivered at our warehouse in
the text 1'Lor. 10:13— Quit you like this week by the serious illness of his of the prod note of the'farm. Deep the
For what ? Nothing in particular. ' y sister-in-law. - Walsh, Jean Bone, Nelson Higgins. temperance might have been witness- is on the way to recovery from her re- Wingham.—R. Awde.
The same thin could be said of a man. The discourse was earnest, . To Toronto Normal—Edna Anderson, nate in mind, Sept, &), 25, and make I ed on Tuesda cent revere illness. _
g tii»e1y and helpful. There was a Mrs. Jas, Duncan and family•are in your entries early, Remember the y 'evening, on Victoria .
nurminy with the pyramids piled on large congregation. Ottawa for a couple of months, visit- Maggie Anderson and Robena Sher- street, in which .Saml. Mellwain and FOR SALE.—Large second-hand fur- , -
P Concert on the evening of the 25th. Miss Elizabeth E Gran
top of flim, There is a difference be- ing bar sister. riff, The Advance wishes them sue- Jas. Lockeridge were the chief actors. uses. Apply to—C. P. Smith.
The annual Harvest Thanksgiving The talent secured should ensure a
tween a man and a mummy. The services in connection with St. Paul's Mrs, J, J• Westgate of Montreal, cess, crowded house. Handbills give a full . The two had been "chumming" all Young men, you are invited to the
mummy has the advantage of the church will be held on Sunday, Sept. sister of Mrs. C. E. Jeakins, is a guest g , y. Y judging g Teacher of Piano, Theory,"harmony and
list of the afternoon attracteans, da and had imbibed freely, jud in meeting of the Y. M. C. A. this Interpretation. Pupils _p repared for
forceless titan, lie stands' in his niche 27th. Special music wili be rendered at the Rectory. Good Crop Yields. Conservatory or University
by the choir, and apecial addresses by g from their appearance. At the time (Thursday) evening• It will be worth
Win ham Citizens Band and Luck- examinations. Terms on
, and does not take up any valuable Mrs, W. Patterson and Miss Edna Gen. Schwalm, Mildmay, threshed now Pipe Band will furnish music on referred to, Lockeridge uttered same your while to attend• appltoation.
the Rector. Donation9 of flowers, are visiting relatives in Saginaw inaw for a
y space and get in other people's way. fruit, vegetables, etc., for purpose of g g 500 bushels of oats last weak; the gra- ,Fr.da remark that displeased Mellwain, STUDIO .— IST FLOOR—MACDOWALD BLOCK
couple of weeks. y afternoon, Mr. Becker, foreman at the Union,
A corpse contributes nothing to the decorating, will he gratefully receiv- duct of ten acres of land. A farmer when the latter seized his companion,
ro ress of the world. The 'man who Pd. On the following Monday, Sept. Miss Polly Agnew .of Chicago,. Ill., has gone to his home in Wiartat p-
p g near Preston, WnIterloe county, � and holding him with one arm,
don't do, wdh't do. Be bus be a 28th+ the annual Harvest Home Sup- is spending a few weeks with relatives St. Pauls Parish Club. , account of being ill with what ap-
Y— threshed 385 bushels of fall wheat pounded Lockeridge s face until it was iitMi1N1t1ritrOfif,9tWiN,'i
blessin per will be held, Particulars later. and friends here. At the recent business meeting of peared like an attack of fever. -
g• * * * . Kindlyreserve this date. for St. Pau from 9 acres, that is 43 bushels to the almost unrecognizable, and his vic-
Dir. grid D1rs. Arthur Ti ling of To- St, Paul's Pariah Club, the following Mrs. Geo. Rankin has been obliged
church harvest supper. - acre. Win. Davison of Greenock tim was unconscious. Those who g d to 1.
route are the guests of their cousin, officers were ed:—Hon. Yresi-
-When the Grand Thunk Pacific "Come, ye thankful people come, Mr. Amos• Tipling, threshed over 325 bushels of fall wheat saw the affair say it was simply bru- go to the Hospital on account of an • scheme was before Parliament, Pe.rfu_mmel,
Sir Raise, the ,song of Harvest Home," dent, Dr, Chisholm, M. P.; Hon. Vice- attack of fever. Her friends hope it
Miss Emeline Oakwood of Bozeman, from 9 acres of crap, and from 4 acres tel. The wonder is that those who P
Wilfrid Laurier estimated the net cost Presidents, A, H. Musgrove, AI, L. A., witnessed the unmerciful pounding may prove to be a light attack, t
]tlontana, is the guest of Mrs. A. J. of barley had 100 bushels. Mr. Robt. p g
Rev. Thynne Resigns« J. A. Taylor, B.A.; President, Rev, C, -..
to the country at thirteen million dol- Nichol, this week. Murdoch, con. 8, Bruce, threshed 300 did not interfere. Chief Allen was Dir. Jas. McConnell of town auc- � i'The S�(8II0St EY81'" -~r,:
tars. Last session's debates showed Rev, Mr. Thynne has resigned the E. Jeakins, B. A.; Vice -President, Dr. ' k
bar e of Underwood and South Bruce Mrs, T. G. Tipling of Balearres, bushels of peas from 7 acres, nearly 43 sent for, and Mellwain was placed un- tioneer, has his card in this Issue. *
Macdonald; Secretary, W . J, Wyles ; *,
that it will cost 250 millions, and re congregations, where for the past five Man., was the guest of Dir, and Mrs. bushels to the acre• der arrest, A physfc.irn attended to He has had considerable experience in
suit in about doubling our national years he has rendered efficient ser- A. Tipling, this week, Treasurer, W. A. Campbell; Fin -Sec., Lockerldge's Injuries, and he was ta- sales and solicits public atrona a 66 h ' !j
debt. That the road will open a new vice. The cause of his resignation Mrs. E..C. Laund and children of A. F. Miller. The officers, with Benj• keit to his home. On Wednesday. P P g . The Merry wed®W
P P should be a lesson to all churches to y Socia( Evening. E. y Bring along your Shoes, we da re -
country is true. When completed it Blyth visited her parents, Mr. slid Scott, 1;. Hammond and Bert. Porter. morula ALCllwain a eared before �
keep strife out at all costs. A dispute Mrs. Roderus last week. The A. Y. P. A. of St. Pauls Church Nvill form the Executive. Committees g PP pairing and we do it right.—W. J.
will no doubt play its part in the de- arose in South Bruce congregation be- ` held their first Social evening for the Police Magistrate Morton on a charge Greer. JUST ARRIVED.
Peter Deans and Fred. fuller left g were appointed for Games, House and �
velopxnont of the wast as well as nor- them shoween uld keep its the thew ofOf theon Monday for Southampton, where season on Monday last. On the Reading Room, Arrangements have of disorderly conduct, admitted the The Citizens' Band is engaged for "MERRY• WIDOW" Perfume
thorn Ontario, It is also .true; that P Y the have secured situations, kind invitation of Rev. and Mrs. Jea- g g charge and was remanded. Laurier demonstration at Clinton, or est arrived. Come in
the Premier's calculation of its cost organ. Although .Mr. Thynne was in y been made so that the officers will not f 1 :_-
the way involve in the difficulty, this Miss Mina Jobb and Mrs. W. Li. kins, the young people met in the be burdened with the cost of the Blyth and Wingham Fall Fair, and and sample it. It's
was wretchedly Inaccurate, or else, very trifling cause of strife led to such Woods of St. Helens, are spending a rectory and the evening proved very building, thtut having been taken Annual Couvetat.oi(, also for East Huron Fair, Brussels, sweet and lasting
the people were grossly deceived. a rumpus in the congregation, that few days in London this week, enjoyable indeed and was spent inzz
P ,charge b _ Trustees. The member- The eleventh &nnual Convention of ,
We question the wisdom of present- the pastor. decided to resign. Beholdr g y Hanna &Cos millinery rooms will
g y P P how great a matter, a little fire kin- teacher oMiss nWingham1?ublicmSclt ooI games, social conversation, inusic;'etc•' ship fees will, it is expected, be suffi- the Epworth Leagues and Sunday gay with display on Sept. 22 and �r
in to a county of six rri.11.ons o u- dleth. Mr. Thynne has relatives in g Mr, and Mrs. Jeakins are excellent en, Schools of the Methodist church on be a P Y P Kodaks 1 films �
Y tient for running expenses, such as following i '�
Talion, the bait of a hundred million the vicinit of W.n ham, staff, Is now teaching.n Preston, g days. Miss Little and her
3' f; tertainers and take great interest• in lighting, beating and Reading room the Wingham district will be held in t %
dollar canal in addition to an expend.- Messrs. George Da and Thomas g g' g g assistants are busy preparing for it.
g Y the young people of the parish, If supplies. The formal opening for the 'i'Vingham on 'Wednesday and Thurs- See advt, 7
ture of possibly. 250 millions for a Interesting Sermons. Hutton went to London on Tuesday, the success of the first meeting of the and Supplies.
trans -continental railway.B using Two excellent sermons wore reach- on a business trip, and also took in g season takes place on Friday ev g. day, Oct. 7 and 8. The Financial dis- y
y g P A. Y. P. A. is a criterion of the sea. Mr, and Mrs. Mat. Pearen leave this
the Intercolonial railway, owned' by ed by Rev. W. G. Howson last Sun- the Fair. trio mf the h, be held in the fore -
da The morning, discourse was a Y enjoyable g noon of the 7th, and in the afternoon week for a visit to Michigan, 14Ir.
Y• g • W. B. Weliwood of town re re- son's work, man en o able evenin s
the country, the immense expenditure n Two Toronto Weddings. and Mrs. Sparrbw, of r+'lesherton, are ,
most earnest appeal to young men. senting the Art Tailoring Co.,CToren- are in store For them, at 2 o'clock, the Sunday School sea- Walton
between Quebec and Moncton would and young women to "make the most to, left on Tuesday on a business till) On Wednesday of last week, there Sion of the Convention will begin, occupying the house they vacated on 160 3UlU�j �o�j
*(' have been avoided, and our own rail- of life." In the evening, the "must" to the West. The "Alberti" is the name of the was a wedding ceremony in Dunn Leopold street. J. 1i j u ;r
of duty was ably enforced from Paul's famous shoe for the inen. New fall Addresses will be given during the
way been made a paying concern, Y Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Arbuckle re- avenue. Methodist church, Toronto, in FOR SALE,—A coal heater (good as _.
determination to sea Rome nottvah- tines of this superior make are just to afternoon by Rev. Dr. Dougall of (g DT2U(.TitiIST
. which has not been the case. standing the dau dangers. This discourse turned to their home in Winnipeg which several former W.ngharri.tes new) cheap. Apply to Miss Little,
g g hand; samples in south window.— Goder.eh, Rev. Dir. 7Viadden, B.A., Dr.
* * was based on Acts 19: 21. Towards this•week, after spending a few weeks took art, The bride was Miss Lilies John street. "-
Willis .� Co. rola agents for Albert P Newton and. Rev. T. E. Saw er, Sea- ffi A C D 0 N d L D B L 0 C 8
the close of the sermon Mr. Ilowson with relatives here. Shoes for men and Victoria Shoes for Pearl Smith, B.A,, formerly of Wing- Y Miss Macpherson's tinnouncement
—September 23rd will be a big day said—Here is a bit of divine philoso- Mrs. O. A. Carrothers and Miss ladies. rotary v. the district. In the even -
ham whose father, (Mr. Sam. Smith) of her millinery opening for Tuesday �yy@ifM��lyin>,�fyy,,yyp
' Cl' t It th s`on of Sm h wh.cb if believed and r:acticed Ing Rev. Dr Dougall will delver his
m in on. is a ecce i p y, , P , Maud v anaMine, have returned towas at one time a member of the ' ,. ' „ next will be found in another column.
NNMfrid Laurier's visit to Huron coun- would bring rest and content to London after visiting their parents, lecture, Jerusalem and her temples,
ty. A programme of games is ar- earth's troubled millions; "'.Che bright- on the Bluevale road. Methodist choir here. The groom illustrated with lime light views. On A fine display of fall millinery awaits
est side of life is that on which (:loo L.OWCC Wingham. was Mr. Charles E. Auger, lecturer in Thursday morning, the Epworth Lea- the buying public at her rooms.
ranged for the forenoon, and no less is; and the most enduring optimism Conductor J. A. Gardner, his wife Victoria College. Miss Laura Ham -
than six Bands have been engaged for is that which has its fai4h in the fact and little son have returned to their g gue part of Convention work will be- .Among those who were successful - -
that what God wilts, is best." Both home in Lenora, after a pleasant visit nth (formerly of Wingham) was the gin. Routine work, League Roll Call, at the examination of the Canadian ' `W
that day, v.z :—Clinton, and, Mm, sermons were forcible appeals, with his sister, Mrs. C. J. Thornton of Miss H. Agnew returned to Phila- soloist, and J. W. Y. Lloyd, until re-
Goderich, Lucknow Pipe Band, Mit Win Sham, and other friends, reports, and an address by Miss M. L. Embalmers Association,. we notice : 1
delphia this week after visiting at her centty a resident here, was one of the Brock, on "The LiteraryWork of the the name of Norman L. Brandon of i
chell and Zurich. There will no doubt Successful Rally Day. Ed. Nash went to Southampton on home here. fishers. The other weddingwe refer
be a large gathering, for a large num- RallyDa in the Baptist Sunda Monday, where lee has secured em- League w.ii occupy the forenoon. In St, Marys. formerly of Wingham.
ber of Conservatives, as well as Lib- Y P y la meat, but it is probable be will Geo. Ansley has returned to Winni- to tools place the day previous, in St. the afternoon, there will be a number
School was a great success: In the P y p Luke's church. The room was Robt. Mr. George Mason is recovering ,
erals, will avail themselves of t'te op- morning, Rev. Mr. Allen prerclted an return before long. In the meantime peg, after a couple of weeks' visit at g' of addresses given or papers read, by
portunity of hearing the Premier. appropriate semina from the words, he will be greatly missed in St. Paul's his home here. Mason Watson, accountant in the Rev. G. W. Rivers, B.A., B.D. Bliss from a severe attack of sciatica. An
"A child left to himself causeth shame Church, being one of the most active Bank at St. Hyacinthe, Que„ whose invitation came to him to conduct ser- .. �1
They would like to know how it is to his mother," Proverbs 20 :15. The tvor•kers, Dust, dust, dust, no end to it, never Edna Cnyler, Rev. E. G. Powell, Mrs. vice at Jamestown next Sunda even -
that instead of reducing the expendl- speaker pointed out the importance saw -it worse. Nor is it all outside for of Win bamher is v.x alto of Rochester, Ver- r. Watson, formerly J. Pattison and Miss Thursa Gerrp, g but he was obliged to decline. t I
P P P Mrs, Kuntz. also Dirs. Johnston and g � � in ,
tore by two or three million dollars of the child as evidenced by the teach- child of Buffalo, returned home last It forces itself through open doors, Discussion and music will forni impor-
in r of Hol Wilt; b the truth of the mont, The bride in this case was tent arts of the Convention work. NOTICD—I shall be in this vicinity ,+ -"� -
annually (as Sir Wilfrid pledged him- b Y Y weak, after spending several weeks window and even crevices and cracks, P
self) it has jumped from 41 millions in Proverb that "the child is father to with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Roderus, to the discomfort and anno ante of Miss Isabel Nannie. Mr. and Mrs. A very profitable Convention is ex- this fall. as usual to purchase dressed
1 P the roan, find by the further fact that, Miss Hattie Rodertia accompanied y W. C. Thompson of Hamilton were poultry.—A. H. RAre.
1890 to over 110 millions in 1908. The the child is the one upon whom the them for a month's vacation in Buffalo the cleanly housekeepers of this vicine pected. At the E -
coercion of the western provinces, g Y and Rochester. y, among the guests, Epworth League meeting on
the future well-being of the community it
Laurier tower, the Quebec bridge, the -and of ti -ie country will. rest, But, Monday evening, Mr, W. J. McDonald Behind O�r Shoff
g ' asked the speaker, what is there that After encroaching on your space for Death Of Mrs. Scott. Ellis -Hubbard Wedding. gave an interesting address on his ex -
London election, the western land left to itself ever comes to an good? several weeks to the extent of nearly An interestingevent tools lace on
Y g Mathew f the Coulson On Thursdaylast there passed awe P Aerie so in India as a British soldier. Service stand the guarantees both
deals, .the Marine department, and a A field,becornes a wilderness, and an Simmons,' two columna a week, it is time to call P y Monday afternoon at No. 8 Prince Ar- He also delighted the audience with a ` of the makers sial ourselves. We
host of other matters, should prove animal reverts to type. So with the Douse, Owen Sound, acknowledged a halt and fora whoa "draw it mild,,, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. thur avenue, Toronto when the mar demand and obtain from makers
child. Left to himself, ' couple o£ concertina selections.
interesting topics, and many electors , he will de- another offence against the Local Op- Your correspondent feels grateful to Jas. Robinson, a respected resident of r.a a was solemnized of Mrs. Mina A. , only Shoes that will •
really want light -upon them. One velop the evil that is in hila, rather tion Act, and has been sent to jail for our readers for their forbearance, town, Mary Jane Holden, relict of the Hubbard sister of Mrs. W. H. Cxuick- Wingham and Blyth Baseball teams
ham Liberal reniaxked—"I'd like than the good, and will surely bring y (' WEAR AS WELL AS
g shame to his parents. Self-will, self- four months. Ha malice the fourth of and also for the many hind words he late W. W. Scott. Deceased was in shank of Wingham, and widow of the Played a League game oil the grounus
to see the old chappull through this ratification and idleness result from tht'. totsn now in prison for a similar her eightieth year, and was -born in of the latter on Monde last. The THEY LOOK'. election, but he's going to have a hard neglected childhood, and these inevi- offence. has accidentally overheard, �Vo have the village bfyMarkham, April 12th, lata Dr. Leonidas Hubbard, the foam Score was 6-3 in a ten -innings ams Inspection of our stock will rove
' g g tably develop into the vices of the heard enough to know that many far ous explorer of Labrador) to Mr. Isar- g g P P
time, and he'll need all the bands and man. To safe -guard the child against We invite the ladies to call and see and near were much interested in our 1829. Her father, �Vm.` Holden, was old T. Ellis, son of the Hon, John Ed- and the Wingham boys had then to their attra nee, ess in swirl detail
g g of appearance. Time will grave
help he can get." evil, he needs not only it new heart the new Victoria shoes which we have somewhat disjointed references to old- one of the first settlers In that vicine- uard Talky, formerly ander-secretary leave to catch the train. Batteries : • their wearability as a glance shows
* * * but definite training, fn the religious Iiia placed in stock. Beautitul goods, timers of this vicinity. ty, where he kept a general store for of State of India. The ceremony was Wingham -- Johnston and Barrett. , their beauty, The more you have
life. Who then shrill undertake to and at the same time we guarantee some years. In 1818, deceased was Blyth—MOArter and Somers. been around, the more you .mast
Rather sarcastic .s lite following give this? God's Word dibt.netly every pair to give perfect satisfaction. The work is progressing at the Elee• married to V6'am Wellington Scott Perforrueri by the Rev, G, W. McCall, : decide that our Shoes are batter `
extract from a paragraph in Toronto makes it primarily the duty of the Do not forget we are sole agents in trio Light plant, and is proving to be g of Napinee, an old friend of the fam- The men are making good progress worth eha purchasin
father of the child, and he tug not. Wingham for Victoria Shoes, Willis of the township of Darlington, Dur- , g•
Saturday Night:—"It is almost a pity without guilt, relegate it to another, Co• a bigger undertaking than it was ham county, where he taught school fly, in the large drawing raom, which with the iron work of the new bridge
that the work on the new canal to not even the mother. But it is also thought to be. There has had to ba for twenty years. They then moved was decorated with ,palins and flow- At the north end, and will soon have I
Fail stook of Trunks and
Newmarket—the new canal which Is the ditty' of the Church, and nobly so much digging, and there was so els• The bride, irhn was unattended, the floor supports all in plata, When
on to their farm in era, town- -
almost to make Newmarket an acean she is seeking to perform it by the Bowling Tournament. touch hard pan that the work has ship, and later removed to West `Pa -wag attired in soft grey silk with the iron work is completed, thirty
port ---could not be screened off from agency of the Sunday School. The The Bowling Tournament was con- been slow as well as expensive; The tvanosh, where the lived until the trimmings of old Flemish lace, the daps are allowed for the cement floor
view from the car windows ttnLil.t Ia speaker paid a glowin* tribute to tho Y
noble band of self-sacrificing men and eluded on Wednesday last, after we depth has now been reached, and ce• death of Mr. Scott in Way, 1901, Mrs. gifts of the grooms mother., and car- to harden, to it will be a fete weeks _
finished, Passengers on the trains women who without ha a of fee r had one to press. The ti i Ment walls erected high enough for elect a bouquet of white roses which yet before the bridge is open for KW a J.6reer
g , p a g pt p ze w finers g g Scott then moved to Wingliam to re- ,
discuss the enterprise with levity, reward, give up their time and devote, were pleased with the handsome the iron beams to rest on that will aide with her daughter, She leaves watt a diamond bracelet wero the traffic.
their talents to the task of Winnie
They speal, of .t ae a canal on which •. , : g prizes. A Brussels rink won the, 1st Carry the new waterwheels. There three sons E. K. Scott of Palmerston gifts of the groom. • Mrs. Roberts, cis- To Rl�.rr. -- Comfortable 3 -roomed '
nothing but votes will be floated, the children to a consistent Christian ter of the bride hold a retie lion after house
g life. The address closed with an earn- Trophy' prize of four fine Morri's twill then be the bulk of the cement W. W. Scott of Moorefield and F. J. + P , with electric li ht, furnace and
They express doubt as to where the eat appeal to the parents to use their hairs, Orangeville winning tlxe see- work. still to 'do, in the high wall of Scott of oft of Mo Thera are also the ceremony, and later in the after- bath. Apply to—Thos. Hicks. I.—
water will come from to supply the influence and autlioxity to support and prize of four Out Glass Berry the flume and three foot wall of: the three daughters, Mrs. A. Anderson of noon, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis left for New Dir, Thos. Stacey of Turubert•y has C I
canal, until one passenger explains these men and women in their labor bowls. In i,he Consolation inatoh, tea bulk -head, A lot oP excavating else - p eclr id g lira, Arthur Haines and Fork err route for Scotland, anti then had some rnamrnoth ton;r:toes this
of love, by insisting especially upon , . g ' future home in England. The bride
that tTxe d.fflculty has been Solved by the children's regularity of attend first prize of four Cut (Mass Berry remains to be done south of the build- Mts. Jau,es Robinson of Wingham. g season, He brought the Advance an , SITUATIONS -
an arrangement whereby it will be ance, good behat+.onr, and Preparation bowls went to L, Kennedy's Win Ing to let the water kava an exit to traveled in grey cloth with hat to assortment, and from it we selected = '
p Y g• Three other daughters have passed match, Atuatig the guests were Mrs, with leading business houses ,
people in rafts from Lake Shricoe, of the lesson, The afternoon session ham AnU, Awl the second, four Cavv. the river. Mr. Glenn 'is overseeing awa Mr's. Henry -Deacon, Mrs. Chas. � g me uredo well. formed sanelles that await our graduates.
People who know nothing shout en« was slate one of great profit, all trking Ing sets, fell to the lot of a Stratford the work. Besides these outside im•; y` y W. I3. Cruerks:iantr, Air, 1pc�nsou ;treasured flftaett inches in c.rnumfer- - g
Part in the. pro xamme provided, tend , Milne, and Hattle, who died young, y --• ----
Ineerin should not presume to dis- b', .. rovements, there will be a complete Mra. ,Scott was a member of the Cruickshank and Miss Gerrie Cruiclt' ante, Dir. Stacey says they were only LOOSE••L,9AP LhD(,)ER
t; g • enjoyingthe dresses.. .given b Mr, rink, whose skip was Mr. Frame. The P P
truss in this fashion a great public Per Fiher and 2Vir, vV:gD. Pringle. Scotch Doubles' n►ateh t exulted••-•lst, t•e•arrangement of the machinery` In. Methodist Uhnrch, Tntermerit took shank of Winglxam. While lbeturrng inedium compared with some ener- mild all tiodetli ofilaa metha(la
work, and in order to prevent this1). 11olines and A. At. Crawford, prize aide, It is very evident to even an or- lace on Sunday to Bethel cemetery, in England a year age, Mrs. Hubbard mails ones he lead of the Majestic - which ensure rapid advancement -
flippaut discussion, a screen should be of two fine Mantef Clocks ; 2nd, to dinary observei+, that the test Is likely West Wawanosh. Rev. tV. G. Haw- suet Mr. Ellis through their uitittial variety. GREGG SHnK'T$ANI?
built to shut away, the view from BOOMS. O. Xnechtel and D. T« Ile burn, two to far exceed the estimate trade by friend, Dias, Green, widow of the his- Mrs. T, S. Brandon of Morris left
p son conducted service at ills hams, taught by the only tearhar in
passing trainsuntil the elections aro pattison—At Bort 1Llgin, on Septom. Ubon Gents` Cour anlons. The, first the Council, This was perhaps un• ttr ash accompanied spied tor.an, Mr. Ellis Is at rnglishman of the Advance a basket of excellent a . the Provin`a' who attended the -
over' and the frosts of winter cause her titb, to Air, and Mrs, J. W. Pat« y p and 1nev. N, B w p
prize for file Singles went to A. 1'or- avoidable, for the nature of .eha sail the funeral to Bethel and yeas the ser- considerable nieana•and is r director Alps, They rvero not only grotty hitt e.umnoRe ti0nonr.. ;
operations to cease for the present, tison, (forniorly of Winghatxt) n tor, a large Out Glass -dish, and tilt~ Increased the labor and expense. vicer.t the rave. in the 'Welsh eolleries. Ills fatller is tasty. Thanks,- our friends are very I TitHICE COURSRS--•Stenography,
daughter. g the Right Ron. -John Hduard Rllts, a Commercial, Telegraphy,
The Capri has lied a long and checker- second, a Silk Viabrblla, went to W, When the 'work Is done however, It g kind. She also left the Advance Enter an day. �t*rite for articalara.
ed career in politica, and what the Simmons In Winglianl, on Septern• Altin, l.ucknorv, will be of a permanent haracter, and Dal Ovtttrtx, M. n„ I.rtndbn, 1 yn and Quaker politician identified with, the a pecultity growth of corn, The plant y y �
Yniachief politicians will do in tlxls her hte to Mrs. A, E. sitnmonb, a
daughter, lttg bills of repairs should be scares for )'tar Surgeon, vri1T be a,t DIel�ilitton's Liberal party, The latter has been a acetas to have endeitvnx'ecl to produce Pai.t, 'r1:lUA F'tioM srpi", i s`r
countz' when the work Is finished and liitg'ar and 1nvl0tna Shots for Ladles tc lou bine to canto, barring &Col• drug store, oi+ Wednesdtiy, Sept. 23rd. member for nushelifle since 1835, acrd a number of cobs upon the tot of the -
y DgAI`ft. and Gebts, Compare these with any g Cataract, se ulna, failitlg eyesight, Under-Seoretar for India since IOW- p l Wi(rgllfltxl t151t1 95 Col
car no longer be used as an election SCntt�- lt, Winggham, Sb t. 70th, MA other make, We won't ask you to dents. The waterwlxeels fire expeCtpd nual catarrh, deafness, 1lead hoses y stalk instead g the side, and the Ile-' -
infiuenoa on the Cbndtitubudles Otto, T, Holden, re lot of the i&ta W, V. bay—the 'Sho" will do that.—W. J', this lveek, and will her phased in pard- treated. and glasses properly fitted. He was also temporal+y chairman of eirlt .d at s,tr&nge rttlxtore of 'coign and �1rb. spO��ON. riitrxcr>5et
ugh whttt'h It ru'do no milli can day." ; Scott, ags'd l!0. Greer, Solo Agont, tiort rtt All early data, I ti,ours--W2 to $ is, zit, I the Houso of Cominot'te.`