The Wingham Advance, 1908-09-10, Page 8THE WINGTI'AM ADVANCE, 'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908, [Cliag 13 �R1CI Bargalnsl_IIe Want YRtI I .r.r.�. A'Vinghatn Ltlakuolrr Whiteeh�trch.. Fordyce: X. n L. Kennedy 1•i X. Murchison 13 [" TL'a 111Ailey 0f Brussels spent Smiday Chas, 'Taylor intends leaving for � wingham Teeswater with Mr. acid Airs. Sparling' Muskoka on Thursday, A, Porter 17 T, Farquharson $ Dr, Jamieson'$ brother from Ilaxi'io Mr. and Mrs. McDowell visit, Luckneaw Godericlx is. visiting him for a few days, e4 Bethel friends On. Sunday. New Fall GoodS J. McQarry 113 Sheriff Reynolds 11 Messrs. Fox and Lamont drove 1304N.•-� nd On Set, 2, to Mr. and . X+, R. Brill, Teeswater, default from down to Ashfla.ld an Ptiday, for a P J, C, Greig, Seaforth, days shooting at some pigeons, They lira, 11obt. 'paylor, a daughter. As time W. D, Henry, Orangeville, default bagged 3o birds, plias Elsie Dow has returned to her • from A. H. Menkeith, Brussels, Mr, acid Mrs. CUas,. Martin, of Co. position in *pronto after spending her ,c� . the ane is approaching when you will be halt have been visiting friends a% t, holidays at home. A, M. Crawford, Wingham, bye, Whitechurch and vicinity for a week, makingour fall purchases, it will a 'C1U t0 come Willie Lott and Bliz tbeth.8tard of y P pay }' � � They left for their hohle an �'Vedl►es- y • c.ONSnLATzoN—,.NA Itoartn. to this store to do your belying.. Vile have the very clay morning. Wingham paid a flying visit to friends newest and best cods that mails can buy, and our Orangeville Blyth The member for South Bruce, 11X, in this vicinity on Saturday. g y, F. W, Ritchie 23 Dr, Long 11 McKenzie, was in Wbitechurch last A number went to Belgrave Monday prices are right. Stratford Wingham Thursday. He is looking hale and to a game of ball between St. Helens T. McCurdy3 D. T. Hepburn 7 hearty, in fact the seven months' see. y DRESS GOODS, --Venetians, Iiroadoloths, Worsteds, Lueknow Wingham slon seems to have agreed with him. and Belgrave, the former won the On Thursday night, Alp, J, J, John- score, . Serges, Panamas, &o., in all the leading shades. W. Allin 17 L. W. Hanson 10 Ston narrowly escaped seriou;,.,,ipjur- For 35 cts, new subscribers can have MANTLES,—We have them from the cheapones Wingham W inghitm les. As he was clrivtng home, Ills the ADVANCE and Montreal FAM-' to the best, A. E. Smith 17 G. 0, Manners 14 horse tools; fright and ran away, ILY HERALD from now until the throwing him out on the road, Mr, end of 1908, Wingbam Wingbam J, held On to the reins and was drag- STAPLES.—These goods are BOUGHT RIGHT, hence L. Kennedy 19 A. Porter 15 ged through the dust, but the horse we can afford to SELL THum RIGHT. escaped and ran home. '*' '• Lucknow Teeswater On Wednesday-, Mr, Arthur Moore, OUR STOCK of Ready-made Clothing, 'Underwear, Hosiery, J. McGarry 18 L, R. Brill A of this neighborhood, and Miss Mabel Last Wawai cosh. And all lines essential for the fall trade, is complete. Orangeville Wingham Welwood of Caledon, were united in • The council met in Belgrave, Sept, IV. D. Henry IS A. M. Orawford 11 marriage, The interosting ceremony 5th, pursuant to adjournment; mem- was performed at the home of the hers all present minutes of last meet- o CONSOLATION -3RD ROUND. bride's parents, in the presence of a ing .road and passed. Tub Butter, 2„c. Eggs, 20c. number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. The Cour} of Revision on the John - F. W. Ritchie, Orangeville, bye, (4100110 will reside in this neighbor- son Drain was opened, and again ad- Lucknow Stratford hood, The Advance wishes them journed till Saturday,'Sept. 26tb, at GEOs ATW, Alien 27 T. 141cOgrdy ? every happiness. t o'clock, p,m„ y give an opportunity j, I have been greatl interested in to any who may wish t0 U© inaluclecl Kennediarny Win ham your Lower 'Town correspondents , L. Kennel 22 A. E. Smith 14 � 'inlendthe erslfor gthe construction of the Good Goods Chea P .. y historical sketches, as many of the Johnson and Hallahan drains were ' pOrangeville Lucknow names and. incidents can be recalled Prices Ea then opened. The tenders of Logan Cheap o by the writer, having heard then W. D. Henry 1.. J, lzeGarry 4. Bros, of Blyth at $12.30.00 far the talked over by my parents, who were . Johnson drain; of Connelly & Co. con - Stratford Seaforth also pioneers, and personally acqu.alnt. tract, viz., of Kennicott at °20o per R, S. Frame 14 J, M. Best 13 ed with many whose nitimes were cubic yard for the excavating on the mentioned. I remembered my first Hallahan drain, also that of . D, A. Grey.Bowling Tournament. CONSOLATION-4Tn ROUND. visit to Win ham when ver Young, .� g g y !r Dunbar at $ 12.00 for the north Miss Sarah AlcLennan is holida in -- Orangeville Lucknow I .Fent through the old grist and wool - branch, and that of Wm. P. Hallahan y g F. W. Ritchie I7 W, Allin 13 len millsI think that was just a for the the portion on the south with friends in Hamilton this week. : Wingham Bowling Tournament be- short tim.e before they were burned, branch at the Engineer's estimate, Mrs, John Bryans and Miss Lizzie gan on Monday with twenty-five rinks Wingham Orangeville But what struck me most was your were accepted on condition that good L. penned 19 W. D. 7 correspondent's oft -repeated reimarks and sufficient security visited friends at Fordwich and Clif- competing. The weather was charm- y Henryy —' you neper town folks are simply y be furnished in ford on Sunday. Ing for the purpose, and the games R. S. Frame, Stratford, bye. not in it," And I thought, bow will it each case for completion of the differ- entcontracts, Misses Belle and Mar McDonald, were keenly contested and much en- �INr1L9 be next spring, when the floods are . g accounts were ass Mary CONSOLATION—SEA11-T rhe followin p on. I suppose os your a e ox correspondent P y handsome p P o ed The prizes were h ed:—Hugh Hu h I11c13u •tie 5 who have spent the summer at Gode- J y P Stratford Orangeville will bob up to the surface long enough g McBurney, 7 yds. of gra- r ch, returned home last week. and worth competing for, The fol- g to shout "you upper town folks are veI and damages, $5,99; Saml. Scott, R. S. Fraine 22 F. W. Ritchie 17 50 yds. gravel and damages, $5.00; the lowintr is the score list :— simply not in it." Don't forget the social in Roe's a "Municipal World" order books on g L. Kennedy, Wingham, bye, P• Church on the 14th inst. A choice TROPHY---PREL11111N:1RY. Last Sunday was anniversary Sun- Treasurer, $1.14; John T. Coultis, program will be given and those wile Teeswater tiVingham CONSOLATION—FINALS. day at the liethodiA Church here. hauling timber and making tempor- attended will not be disappointed. R. Chapman Dr. W J. Price Win ham Stratford. ter, Duncan, the Presbyteriandlserce minis- Ale road to Belgrave U's fee, on th ; PP p g ter, kindly cancelled all services in his Alex. Porterfield, clerk's fees on the Rev. E. F. Armstrong, ofOliaring E. Stewart C. G. VanStone L. Kennedy 16 R. S. Frame 13 church for the day. Rev: Jas. Living- Grasby drain, $15.00; E. D. Trace, part Gross will reach the Harvest Home G. Ferguson R. Vanstone stone, of Mitchell, preached morning Payment Engineer's services on the P J..Farquharson 16 L. W. Hanson 15 and evening, and Rev. H. E. Allen of Hallahan dram,.$50.00. and Thanksgiving service on the Ethel Wingbam in the afternoon. In the The council then adjourned to ni et circuit on Sunday, Sept, 13th. Ser- Seaforth Lucknow g� �, For 35 cls. new subscribers can have morula Mr. Livia stone took ,for again on Saturday, Sept. 26th neat. vice at Roe's 10.30 a.m. and 2,30mJohn Shine T. E. Lawrence the ADVANCE and Montreal FAM- his text the words, "The spirit of man Alex. Porterfield, clerk. p. E. Bright A. McPherson piece good A is the candle of the Lord"—Prov. of work has been done W. Willis J. G. Murdoch ILY HERALD from now until the g P 20:27, from which lie preached an able: on the sideroad at John McDonald's. J. M. Best 15 W. Allen 11 end of 1908, discourse. One remark which he The heavy rains had made a danger- Lucknow Blyth made was that in both politics and SITUATION ons washout and the Council is acting J. Hildred J. Carter religion, the less a man knows aboutver wisel in havin the road made D. Archer J. Blainey Bel rave. bis politics or his religion, the more y y • g Dr. Elliott B. Stewart �+ bigoted and daginatic he is. He is safe. J. McGarry 22 F. Anderson 11 Miss Staples of Seaforth is a visitor the man who will fly into a passion at Mr, and Mrs. hill's. and will want to fight you if you - with leading business houses Orangeville Wingbam , oppose him or his creed. If this is - await our graduates. - Rev, H. Harper R. Allen Mr. Hyatt of Berlin was a visitor at true, and no doubt it is, forhistory She Is White As A Ghost. G. Robb J. K. Goodfellow Chas, McCrae's over Sunday. confirms it, we will all do well to LOOSE-LEAF LED1 ER i Is it a matter of pride to be pale as a C. R. McKeown W. Holmes 0. McClelland went to Toronto with remember it in the approaching politi- and all modern office methods e lily—certainly not. What every wo- F. W. Ritchie 19 G. 0. Manners 11 a carload of cattle last Saturday. cal conflict, as a tendency toward which ensure rapid advancement man wants is strength, color and choloric proceedings will be to betray g Brussels Mt. Forest Miss Wheeler of Alma is visiting our i norance. In the afternoon hie. GREGG SHORTHAND vigor. Buoyancy and health are the g right of every woman, and these she J. J. Habkirk A. Rogers friends in the vicinity of Belgrave« Allen took for his text, Jer. 6:16— taught by the only teacher in need not lack if she onlyuses Ferro- J. PA. Roland H. Skales Mr, Shaw of Michigan is the guest "Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the the Province who attended the R, F Downs J. Martin f; g Avrxox's ScuoOL.. zone. It gives appetite, creates y of John Bell sen., 5th line of Morris. ways, and see and ask for the old strength, enriches blood, gives vigor "D. 0, Ross 20 Dr. Beacom 17 '� paths, where is the good way, and T.11REP COURSES—Steno Miss Gertie Clark is taking a milli- walk therein and a shall find rest for I phy, « Y to the nerves, color to the cheeks and Seaforth Wingham Commercial, Telegraphy. brightness to the eyes. h'errozone is nary course with Miss Boyd of Wing- your souls, But they said, we will Enter any day. Write for particulars. g y J. Bulger D. Bell ham. not walk therein." From these words, at once convertible into health, beauty A. E. Colson G. Spotton Mr. Allen : ave a ver able discourse, and strength. There is power in Far- J. E, Parks Ed. Nash Mrs. Bates visited her daughter, y FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 1 ST rozone, try it and know what you J. 0. Greig 21 A. E. Smith 13 Mrs. Irwin Of East Wawanosh, last which was listened. to with marked at - have missed; 50c at all dealers. week. tention. In the evening Mr, LlvIng- Wingham Business College Orangeville Wingham stone's text was 1st. Kings 19:19:—"So A. D. Aiegittrich H. Braadfoot . Miss -Brandon (nurse) of London he departed thence and found' Elisha, GES. SPOTTON, PRINOIPAL, CAME ESTRAY. P spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. the son of Sha bat, who was plough - CAME Bowles W. A, Campbell P P o , �■a, Brandon, in with twelve eke of oxen before Geo. Brown Bert. Porter g y R. H. Robinson 17 L. Kennedy 9 Miss Michie of Morris is at the pax- him, and he with the twelfth and Eli - On to my premises during July, a sonage with Rev. and Mrs. Rivers for jah passed by him and cast his inantle year-old Steer. Owner will please Teeswater Lucknow a couple of weeks. upon him," from which be gave prove property, pay expenses and E. Thompson T. S. Reid another excellent discourse. Ills lec- - PHONE 5 9 remove.—W. J. WALTER Lot 38, J. Rainsbottorn G. A. Sidall Master Wilson Geddes and Miss ture on Monday evening on "The Con. 13, East Wawanosh. G. H. Hosenflug R. R. McLeod Laura Clark of Belgrave are attending Human Voice" was the best we have L. R. Brill 16 J. Murchison 10 Wingham High School. heard, for some time. Mr. Living - Stratford Wingbam Mrs. Burney of Exeter spent Sun- stone's witticism has to be heard in Come Along! N O T I C -E . day with her brother and father, Mes• order to be appreciated. J. Hastin s Rev. 0. E. Jeakins -- g ars, Stonehouse of Belgrave. - herebyIvan that m wife, A, H. King Jas. Phalen . - g y J. Pringle J. W. Orr The Belgrave Methodist connexional ` having left my bed and board without T. McCurdy 17 Alex, Porter 11 subscription will be taken up next - cause, I will not be responsible for any Sunday on the,whole circuit. DR. OvnNs, M. D., London, Eye and debts contracted by her after this TROPHY -1sT ROUND. . Ear Surgeon,: will be at McKibbon's About $120�.�� worth Of date, without a written Order irom • George Daley visited friends at To- drug store, on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd. me. Dated this 25th day of August, Wingham Orangeville ronto, Beaton, Lloydtown, also his Cataract, squint, -failing eyesight, Chinaware Dinner Sets 1908• C. N. Griffin G. Zilliax brother at Palgra6e, last week, nasal catarrh, deafness, head noises PETER TERRIFF. Dr. A. J. Irwin A. L. Kirkwood Miss Rachel Bates attended the treated and glasses properly fitted, Teff Sets Toilet Sets and 0. Knechtel A. Hill wedding of a voting lady friend in Hours -2 to 8 p, m. > > D. T. Hepburn 16 W. D. Henry 13 Stratford last Wednesday week, all kinds Fancy China and FARM FOR SALE. Seaforth GodericiiAire- J. r. and Mrs. Chas. Bell have re- Glassware at immense re - J. Shine H. McDermott turned to their home at Belgrave, af- Morels Being lots 26 and 27, Cons. 11 and E. Bright F. L. Dickinson ter two or three months' absence. . 12, West Wawanosh, comprisIn 200. W. Willis F. B. Holmes duction8.' Some less than acres ; 150 cleared, balance bush. J. M. Best 27 Sheriff Reynolds 18 Mrs. Archibald and daughter of Township Council, Monday, 14th. (food frame barn. and brick house. . Seaforth visited Mr, and Mrs. Sproathalf rice. There is a`never failing spring, and a Stratford Wingham last week, it being their first visit to Arita an area of fall wheat is being p good orchard of 150 trees. This farm E. Killer 0, P. Smith Belgrave. put in by Morris farmers. is nicely situated, four miles from S. B. Gray P. S. Deans For 35 cts. new subscribers can hav3 Miss Annie L. Brandon of -London Whitechurch, nine from Wingbamfi3; F. A. Copus Dudley Holmes the ADVANCE and Montreal FAM- spent Sunday at T. S, Brandon's. Headquarters For close to postoce, school, churches. R. S. Frame 22 A. M. Crawford 18 ILY HERALD from now until the Mrs. Berney of Exeter spent Labor Apply on the premises to Orangeville Lucknow end of 1908. Day with her sister, Mrs. Harry W. H. BELL, Fordyce. F. W. Ritchie 19 J. McGarry 11 Geo, Hanna, 3rd line of Morris, left Hopper, EAS, COFFEES, Brussels Seaforth on Tuesday for Hanliota, Manitoba, Mrs. Jas. H. B'irandon spent the holi- SPICES, GROCERIES DC. Ross 19 J. C, Greig 12 where be intends purchasing land, if day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Farm For Sale. g he can find a suitable location. Mills of Tottenham. AN1) PROVISIONS. Orangeville Teeswater Rev. W. J. Brandon of Port Col- Dr: John Laidlaw of Chico o is First-class farm, pleasantly situat- R. H. Robinson 26 S. R. ]hill 20 borne conducted the services in the Home visiting his sister, Miss Janet e ed, adjoining Bluevale station, lots Stratford Brussels Methodist church last Sunday even- Laidlaw, who has been ill with Butter and Eggs Wanted 29, 30, con. 1, Morris, 100 acres, all inq, delivering an excellent and appro- typhoid. cleared except 12 acres, well fenced, J. Iiastings A. Currie priate sermon. and in good condition. There area A. H. King J. H wilt The steel villa bridge, re kine, as Chpistie large bank barn« large brick house J• Pringle J. Hewitt Mrs. Porterfield and her daughter, the Sommerville bridge, 5th line, over Uandkitchen, with frame summer kit•- T• 11Ic0urdy 26 A. H. Monteith 11 Miss Mary, returned on Tuesday from the Maitland is being placed in posi-s then, orchard, a never -failing spring Blyth Teeswater 'B enjoyable trip west, having visited tion this week. well, an artesian well with water 'Banff, Calgary and other points: On Airs., T. S. Brandon returned on to house and barn en and A Sloan R. Chapman their way home they spent a week at Saturday, after visiting a couple of piped pig p E Sloan G. Stewart the Toronto Exhibition. poultry house, 18$50, with cement Itid, Mason G. Ferguson weeks with friends at Woodstock, St, floors; frost -proof silo 16 x 34. Ten Dr. Long 18 J, Farquharson 16 Rumor says that R. J. Clegg, till re- Marys and Seaforth. Acres of good corn wilt go with the cently of Belgrave but who went west >r \ s ' '• �' farm, if the latter is sold before Corn T:noPIIY-2Nb ROUND. Iately, has decided to take a four The five year old son of Chas. G. 1 is harvested, Apply on premises, months' course at Calgary Normal Campbell, list line. Morris, fell out of. Seaforth Blyth School. His man friends wish him an apple tree and broke one of his JAS. B. NICOL, Proprietor. y arms. The. little fellow will have a WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Bluevale P. Best 10 Long 15 success, should he decide to devote his fete weeks of not pleasant holidays. Brussels Orangeville time to teaching, $2.25 from. Wingham Ross 20 Ritchie 15 Labor day was observed in Belgrave Good going Sept. 19, 13, 14, 16 and 18. Orangeville Stratford by races and sports in the park during g the afternoon, and about 4 o'clock the SPECIAL _...... EXCURSION $1.75 • M Robinson 17 McCurdy to St. Helens baseball team came over to Wroxeter., HAZE,. , Sept ,.,....... ,. play A game with Belgrave team. lvir. Goo, 81��tnipson of Bdillieboro, Good going September 15th and Ifth, Stratford ��ingham a game was spirited and resulted visited his brother, Mr, Cecil Simpson, Return limit oil all ttelcets, Sept, 21st, Vrame 21 Hepburn 18 9 to IS in favor of St, Helens. Unfor• our popular merchant, for a few clays SPROTA1, TRAIN tvill leo,ve `'Pingiiani WESTERN TRovuy—Sz srx-ri xAGs, twlately0 herb• Wheeler got struck last week. 030 a.m, going and 1.«lndoii 1050 p.m., byy a flying ball that disabled him from September I5th,16th ane 17th. r Brussels Seaforth playftig in latter part of the game. Among other visitors from a dis- Ef X C S L U N �.7 D. C, Roas 26 J. M, Best 20 lance to the village were 11Du Mar- p R ,About sixty-four children of the shall of Ayr, Mrs. Ireland of Durham, Western EXC1Xr$lUll5 Orangeville Stratford Little Builder Mission Band gathered' Mrs. Gibson of Tot -onto, SEPT. 17 18 19, It, ll. Robinson 15 R. S. name 10 at Knox Church, Belgrave, last Satttr- Among the many who have been at, (lUing Sept. I7, 18, �9 f da afternoon, , and presented Mrs. yp. Itoturn Faros from Wingham + +_.... (Rev.) Hastie with a beautiful tending the Toronto Fair aro, er. - 71toP11's FYNALS. ( ) gold R, B. Harris, Mr, and Mrs. Robert 1l"1tbM w1N'G11Ait4 B1CTit0Y'r,,,...., ,$d a0 brooch. The Address was read by Black, Dr. Brawn Port Huron ... 110 •••••••• •••• Brussels Orangeville ter McLean, and the presentation Dr. McKenzie Detroit......... ' SA019AW .................. .......47.40 le), C Ross 16 It 1:1 Robinson 10 mad and W. J. Perrin, Vhfon o , ., ...... $1, so made b Bella Wi btman. A note DAY cYT'�....................... g75o ... ,. g g en b_ W. K. • A: large crowd attended the Labor Gray d .......... �0 so t11EAND Itlel?zD9................ $0.35 This left Brussels winners of the of the gra"p was tak y (; (band T;apidff.,.......,.... . $R:ss CLkV'kLAND vltt Iluffalo...,.. .,. $8.55 :four h&nddoms Morris chairs. Whaley. Tiley aIt enjoyed a very Day demonstration At Harr%ston, All snginaw. 0 40 .. C7Lt1 V1ti.11Nn via netroit....,,..,...$D,10 pleasant time. report a very pleasant time, but they CI I Lpolts and st i'nuld $�is;4o CZi1fSAC1U............ . COITSOLA1'lO,f•--1sT ROUND. sap that liaeristdn is not to be Com- Olo8, d v1a BtifCalo and C. ................$11.40 . The- abutments for the iron 'bridge aced to Wingham Afi An up-to-date Cie , C a vmne rot. iitiil D. $8.15 ST. 'PAUL AND lAWINl�ii,APOLTS L• W. Hanson, Win ham, default at Belgrave are up read for the Iron -town. & end via et o.....d . $835 from Dr. Stewart, Chesley, work, Which will be on rn a few days. $28,40 $$1.90 Taylor Bros, had the ,contract from , The Prosbyterliwa are ,to celebrate neturii limit Monflay, Oct, 5th, 108, W. Allin, Lucknow, default from the Rant 'Wawanosh Council for the the fiftieth anniversary of the ori At7i- All itttill neuro 'Vlfw i`.al2c ilOttto y Southampton. p , 60, Bart- ;cation of their congregation, ort sun• ttor tickets knd full lnforivation, Deli on p whole structure Dom lets, _ G 1lltittl Cott V li TA Oct, nth, Xc%. lay o for the sels 6utent- work and not October. ondAyo theons to be issued Y, Town Agent, or write uIt>kQCXIxkX� TttAtN BPfrtrCtC, ares ror tiokots wid Cult information boa J. from r, r�tdsi�vri, Win default from thosCoutsoil. MtB Bartley de• to till former dii embers who live some W. BRf D. McDonald h Taylory y It. 8ICl'0XZrt, ,Agent„ wiugham. WingliAtti Mt, it'oraet iia •vtle ,ortdlt fez' doing euah A good dietanrto t4wo y', Tha or oasion will tat+rlol Ba rrer ,1i<ee Toranto, A., 14, Snaith 18 Dr, Demo 14 1* , Sm. Mat.Yallntlt itnrenotr. Imetoki of thb hittota of A'raunlou, The Little Eaton , rr -e Sulu $5,000.00 Men's $4,000.00 and,Boys' Clothing Dress Goods Will be slaughtered regardless of cost. The greatest opportunity* the purchasers of Wing -ham and vicinity has had for years. No old stock. All new goods. Style and patterns correct. Your opportunity. Bring your Trade or Cash. LADIES ! chance to get new .fall Dress Goo' ds at Cost and below, GENTS! Your chance for a -New, .Suit of Overcoat at nearly the price of material, TRY US! ti You are all invited to inspect our Bargains --we mean business. Come early and get some real plums. We save you � $ where others just save you cents. REMEMBER -- we sell � the best patterns in town, viz., McCaul's j no misfits there ; try one. A_j ty` in __A