HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-10, Page 7� .1
I -L
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,;� �_ . *: — . I
� .
, 0"I"For"Row"10-1,
vent the mob from entering. The un.
employed men held thd' members of
citors W. 0. Chisholn, Toronto; W.
, - . —
w letter to a inatt Ili vallrorols 4d.
lig him correepolldelit not to snplwrt RABIES RAGE4
�. - . . . . - - , .. - -
I — � .
I the will Ili the gift of $2,000,000 to th
Hamilton, and S. R. Armstrong, Peter�
, -
boro'- the Reeve of Springfield and
the *arden of Wentworth, A vote of
� tile willocrat'le ticket And reflecting on
Noy York post graduato medie;i
110hool and liospital. To Yale ITUI
__ - I.- Clelveland's Administration, piti-ticillarly versity, of which Mr. Ilowitt. was i
IvIth reforellee to tile president's actio!i Alarming Con4itions C Met g a duato ill t1le claes of %, $DOO,00,
Pittsburg Technical School to. An- be
I regarding the Canadian bouding
Carnegie,'s. 61oauineut, *
prlyt- .1 ,
. klge4, Thbi letter, really drawn from Only by a, Draotic LAw.
tile British Minister by it clever ruse, . ,
Ili left.
I There i1i no gift greater than 100,
000, to any Velativo or friend, ang Mr
__ vall.4ed the unplea-sautnesses Which led flewitt stipulates ill tile will that i
to his recall. 'Ile Nvits guccecdod by Hir (11QA� X. Y., Sept. 7--110 alari'll".0 any of his relatives, or frioilds contest,
Andrew Will Make It the Greatest
juliall pall"COtOtO. Ili 1887-8 Lord 4.-
,liread 0, ral),es ill Now York 6lutc
tile will lie or they sliall forfeit bi
schot I In the World,
ville was a member of the North, Amorl- And 010 2110alls that should he t*ca to
or their inhe'ritance.
Girl Unhurt. .
cAll Mshorleli VOMT6*4011.
41oup out tile disease IVA$ the Absorb.
��'_ :;
New York, 8ept. 74.--A,despatch to ilia "' ' ;�
Ing them() dii3cussptl by tile aultu%J con.
vOutioll of tile Now York.State, Voteria-
Isun. from Ilittsburg mys;
to-daly is due to the fact that her lithe
form was thus iticar,ed. Pasqualla Pal -
writhing snakes thrashed themselves
out into the kitchen, but paid i10 at-
mari, a neighboring farmer, ,,%ras shoot -
40'At .a recent conference held at $kIbo
itr,v Medical Nocloty here to -day,
The I'mad dog" situation in tile
Main Line Between White RiVel
Catitle, Andrew Caritegle made arrauge-. Had Stolen R ngs and
i an Outfit of stato wari ada'Inted by all who toO4
ments for tile cokupletion of tit(, Varaeglo
I _
Daneerous Articles.
part In. tile flisousslon to be A, 4ever-
and Schreiber Cut,
seliool at Pittsburg on a colos-
Cutler beat tbo two reptiles to death
at one, And Otte that required drastic
� -
' i
bal settle. Ile plans to make It the,
ineasuro4 to remedy its ovilp,
Experts In
North Day despatch-, Passenger traf
greatest school lit the world -his real
Owen Sound despatell.. )Vitll a bottle , hydrophobia gayQ their
' I
views. Dr, William. It. b,clly, the
Ile Oil tile 0. P. X was disorganized to,
I if 0dorplorm, it long dirl; knife, a dia.
,% t, e
S at reteritiarlan) Dr, Ii. .L 4sh, And
, ay by two Accidents, which, eap, thc
"It is said that- Mr. Carnegle had Ali-
, .
m011d ring, P41"ll tickets, and A lot of
Dr. A. V. Moore, of ('orneli , UnIvertilty,
cliniax of a series of events during th(
thorized tile expenditure of .A.10,000,000
bogus t010 V=lla lit his posaessloil, a
Dr. F. (j. Urotiside, 'President of tile
weak which, hai-e kept ,tile orficys con.
wore. Judga Joseph, Bulfilighalli -Ind
-zoulig lll,lal, who �Vives, his naluo as Rar-
Ureater New York Voterimixy Aasocia.
stailtly oil the juxup,
JOHellh Metcalf, jua., who. Were called to
ry Bitruett Was a . rreated As lie wa,s; leav-
tioll, And other Authorities all agreed
tierloiw Wasliouts upe tile line
Nvotiand to colder with. Mr. Cornegle,
ilig a local theatre in company witit two,
tilat tile only romedy WAS P, legal one,
West of Vort NytIllan )1low ,,, by a
have returned With broad suilles, but
women of questionable repute,
A law placing tile whole 1�1*to un-
pitch -lit cast of Pol-t .:Irtl,,Ar on %Vcd_
they ,say they will reserve the good
Barnett .1flo boarding at 4 redpeo-
der quarantine oil tile outbreak of a
ne4day, whell a ligh. t engille o1whed In,
news for the tru4tces to gli-c out At a
table , bo�r in house, spent his tillie
case of rabies and it law collipelling
to tile rear eutl of a freight train,
UtOeting soon to be held,
M-ound tolvIl with bile women Who were
every dog lit tile State to be muzzled
silulsbill,", tile ellgille, caboose and one
The Carnegie schools, which are a ArilT
W$ asswiates Ivami,arrested. Tho husbantl
Ali, chaine(14 was declared to be tit(,.
ear. No One was injured.
fOr 1 `200 students, have been found Alto
of Ono of the latter ob . o , cted. and was
only nicans whereby the dread evil
11ardl at .
- )r 11 d tile tracks been fixed and
gether I'lade(luate to the demands, and
thl-catened wit]% tile tillic, kind tile police
could be stamped 4t by tile State, ,.Vita
traffic agaill got Illoving a before alI
Mr. Varnegic has ,tield so-cral center-
were informed. I
prescut town quarantines were, shown
ovell more seriouli event oc to.
ell'. -PS with. tile trmtoes. regarding tile
It 41OVOloped that tile flir, ill his
by numerous Illustrations) to be rldici;.'
,14 ill tho burning of tile six hundred.
be-st Iva y to extend the schools, A"bout
$10,000,000 has been expended Already
POOSOASIOA was ,Stolen from the residence
04 9, P. Wailless, tic
lously -Inadequate, The .disease of
rabies .bas been carried by every stray
,� bridgo betweell NVhltc Itiver and
Schreiber, which. will take at least
Oil tile schools And those in charge have
inspector of the
0% P- IL, thO house having been entered
(log to all parts, of tile State, it wa�j
three (lays to rebuild. Busli fire$ are
not beert Itailipere(I for fund,3,11
oil Sund, y night while Airs. INTAilless
declare(!, upshat of to-day'o dis-
s .. ... p " d to I)AN-0 Ignited the bridge.
I ; 4 .
,, 9
11,46 at church. Another valuable rin
,belonging to Mr,. Wailless, the prisoner
cussion will -probably bo the recommile-
dation by the State association of dras-
tic laws on the subject the lines
Tho n rial Limited Express, -,vIlich
S orti,
left �7 Bay oil Wednesday night for
AVII'llipeg, reached Whito I Itiver
confessed, aind been disposed of to a 10"
on of
remedies adopted in Berl -in and London,
I ,
Will have to return to. Sudbury, 'and g(ol
His Baggage and Money Stolen in
cal jewelar.
hn he rooixf of the priso..a-
er, a lZi-ge number of keys were found
4 - ;�
over the Soo ]!lie v!a Minneapolis, to
'"'ll inipogt Trains from IN"ITIllipog Will
Also have to tile Soo
Cincinnati Station.
as IV -ell A chloroform and a quantity of
use lines,, *14 Min
. 1IMPOlis until tile bridge is replaced. '
mercury and several Ounces of nitric acid
and pawn tickets,.phot,ographs of girls
Trouble With British Columbia
The Pacific Empress, weatbound, lost
twelve hont's at Maekay's station, -nine
Oldo, Sept, 7.-M. D. Be-
and bogus telegrams Were other articles
ty'three miles east of 'jgortll Bay, to:
land, of Stirling, Out., it p),otograpiler
found and point to the possibility that
Redmen Has Been Settled.
daY, a broken tire On th I e engine do,
And dealer lit photographic supplies, WAS
the pollee. have made an luipottant cap.
ral,'� L nider , t
'" 'Ile te And -caring up tile
leaving Cincinnati Into last night With
ture or nipped an embryo criminal In tile
. -
. Jured. Two east-�
NO one, NN%s iu,l
tile paraphei ,nalia for a moving picture
A remand of ton days will help some
Victoria, B. C., Sept. 7,The diffl-
culty with the Indians of Salmon
b ollnil passenger trains Ivel-a stalled
between North bay, and Mackay's a
theatre. Ila wits lit tile waiting room at
to find if he has a -police reeprd.
Arm have been settled by Superin_
result of tile accident. "I
the Uraud Central Dej)ot, when an affAble
stranger necosted him and invited him to
- - � -
ont of Provincial Police Hussey
ltNZ,'Out appeal to force. Hussey
-Z . � I
have it drink. f�'everal acquaintances
Joined the ntrangpi- lit ilia bar-rooin.
I was
sout out by the Government, and on
Holand left his baggsige lit the train
shed while lie went* In to quench his
Inquest Into Causes of Death of
Ilia approach the Indians fled, He
sent 'U' runners, informing them that
Tests Prove Maxim�s Device Great
thirst at the expense of the polite
stranger, and When he returned to the�
John W. Greiner.
must Como in and hold a pow-
wow, and such was their confidence
spot '%vhero lie had left it lie found that
I —
in him that the delinquents came. The
chidfa have agreed to pay a fine, the
a thief had appropriated the baggage
and moving picture paraphernalia during
Buffalo, Sept. 7. -Tuesday afternoon At
the Morgue Justice Nash will conduct an
braves Implicated in the rescue sur-
I .-andering themselves to the law, and
Springfield, Mass., Sept. 7,11iran P.
the brief time that he ,vas gone.
Ile also discovered at About the same
Inquest into the death of John NV, Grain-
All 'Invo " ,00mised to respect the fish,
or re ulp
-at n, in future. The In-
silencing device r6ceived its
filial best here yesterday at the hands of
time' that his wallet, containing all his
money, was gone. Ile had about $100 in
er, bile retired business man, -Who died on
A1,011day at the General Hospititi. John
feet e
diyns gvho 4 the rescue vAll
not be prosecuted.
a, board of officers attached to tile U.
S. Armory, the test being to determine
cash, And tile baggage and picture mi-
chine Were Worth $300 more. Boland I
fortunately, had his
H. Madigan, President of tile Niagara
Ricing Association, is held under bond
to Await the outcome of the- Inquest.
- - -
wheblier tile device ,Would aff ord pro.
tcction to skirmisliers or sharpshooters
ticket for ]ionic i�
his inside, Poelzet. 'Ile had not time to
Madigan and Greiner eng,aged lit an
Advancing oil all onality, The test is said
to have b'dEfil"84tirely
remain it, Cincinnati to trace the,thief �
but had ten minutes before. train time in
Argument oil Chippewa stl�ct more than
a week ago and shortly after Greiner Was
found Ili the street where lie had fallen
_____ .
Quarrel Between Two Aborigines
Tile testing board went to the reffi.
mental butts and Mr. Maxim took j%o
which to report his losses to the police.*
11, the loot were included several
and sent to his home in a carriage. Mad.
� at Cornwall.
guit firer in his automobile to points at
lenses, and the 'police , . I
Are watching the
pawnshops for them. . . M
ioan's statement to tile police Was to
the of feet that he slapped the man al ter .
� I
different directions froiii the but.ts.Sliots
w(re fired fit varying distabees, and lit
11 - I
Greiner had used distasteful lAnguage.
District Attorney Abbott has received
A Cornwall des�pat@i: It is not often
no case was the testing able to dctcr_
irsine with unailimity the direction of
�lle report of )11edical Examiner Danser
that Indian* get on the war path in
the shots, the discharge -being Inaudible
in the case. 31r. Abbott said yesterday
C-ortrwall as they did to -day, lyhen
even at the ,shortest distance, 250 yards,
ztfternoon that he had not read the ,,.
Louis Peters - Col-awall Island brave,
awl the officers being compelled to judge
Men Who Wid Guide the Municipal
V,rt and declined to make any state-
was stabbed Ili the rISftt side, below the
the direction from the whirr of the but -
let, .
inent Ili the inatter. .
licArt, by Mitchel Oak
,, from Racket
� 4 - : I
Point, oil the American part of. the St.
I i : 1,
legis reservation. ,
A large party of the aboriginfi "
�s got
. V.
A Toronto despateln Tbe following of -
I a
off the boat on their way home from
icers were elected for tlia coming
.. �
bile Prescott ]top fields. Firewater
seemed to be pleittiful. Oak &lid
rear at th; meeting of tile Municipal
Four Hundred Unemployed Men
Peters had been wrangling and sbrap-
issociaticki yesterday: - President,
fayor Kennedy,
Made Raid on City k1all.
ping on the beat, and tile trouble was
Owen Sound, First
Vice -President, Mayor Geddes, St.
. , - .
resurned on dry land,
Suddenly a squaw cried*out, "Doret ,
. I
The Middle Class is Dwindling-Legisla-
Chomas; Second Vice-,Presidont, Con- ,.
(Ilasgow, Sept. 7.-Gour hundred un-
st.ab him," and Peters fell, Oak
tion Tends to Redu6tion-Some New
,roller Hopewell, Otta%N'ra; Third Vice-
?resident, Aid. 3'. H. Shepherd, Wind-
employed'urorkmen secretiv assembled
Wiped a bloody clasli-kilife on his coat,
put -it lit his pocket, and hurried
Theories by British Association
'Members - Earth -Cooling Theory
or; Fourth Vice -President, Reeve S.
)akes, Caradoc; Fifth Vice-Prosiddilt,
this aitternooll, rushed to the muni-
r ��l building, arid almost got into the
through the crowd into a boat, followed
by his mother, and rowed for bome.
Ridiculed. . to
Controller Spence, Toronto; $ecretary-
Treasurer, Mr. K. W. Mackay, St.
- all kiall, where Tile weel-Ly eet-
ing was proceeding, 'The chamber
Thomas; Executive Committee, ��Jie
doors were looked just in time to pte-
Mayors of Toronto, Hamilton
ford, LO , Brant-
ndon cind Dundas; City Soli.
vent the mob from entering. The un.
employed men held thd' members of
citors W. 0. Chisholn, Toronto; W.
the Council prisoners, kicking the
13. Dolierty, St. Thomas; S. I
1. Kent,
massive oak doors until the p;lice
Hamilton, and S. R. Armstrong, Peter�
arrived, and eventually dispersed the
boro'- the Reeve of Springfield and
the *arden of Wentworth, A vote of
crowd. .
The unemployed this evening issued
thanks was accorded Mr. W. 0.
the retiring President, for his'
1% manifesto threatoo.-ting a recurrence
of the broad riots And declaring that
!orlv%liels during the past year.
I :
60,000 men and women and 100,000
children were crying for broad in a
city of plenty. - %
�1 � V .
Woman Invcstigites Commotion and
Finds Two in BaLtle There.
Farmer Dances for joy When He Finds
Liberty Gl'ovc, Md., 8ept. 7.�-A din,
and clatter that, was a cro.-b between
Girl Unhurt. .
tile noises of a Gilt and of a'builer shop �
broug�l Mrs. Joseph (Lu0cr lit a rush �o
Hammonton X. .L, Sept. 7.-A 15-
year-old daugfiter of Joseph De Marco
her I Itolea cupboard, � estel day, to In- I
a farmer living oil the outskirts of the
vestigato the reason for such it commo-
tioij among her pans 'and ket,les.
town, will probably Ivear corsets for
tile rest of her days, for that s is alive
As Airs. Cutler opened the door, tkyo
to-daly is due to the fact that her lithe
form was thus iticar,ed. Pasqualla Pal -
writhing snakes thrashed themselves
out into the kitchen, but paid i10 at-
mari, a neighboring farmer, ,,%ras shoot -
tention .to the frightened wmnaii, bc.
cause they 'Were engaged lit a fierce
Ing at A mark, practicing for tile gun-
ning season to-4ay, when a bullet from
struggle to kill each other, iti:d it was
his gun went Wide And struck the young
�bcir fight which had dislodged and
tossed about the tin utensils, Ono
woman. .
She scroamcd,\atid, tile farmer Was
a black snake, tile other 4 flat -headed
seared half out of his wits, but lie danc-
ed for joy -when it was- found that the
Assisted by her daughter, Itelen, Mr.3.
bullet had Only torn the girl's dress. A
rib of her corset had stopped R
* 11
Cutler beat tbo two reptiles to death
.- � I .1 -1-- _.
with clubs. 'When they then measured
the snakes the black one was found to
be four and a half feet long, bile viper
D,ugg,sts Discussed Subject Ili Interest -
The snakes dia(l entered the eupboird
Ing Manner.
through a rat hole, In tile wa!l.
Toronto despatch- At A. joint ineeLing, .
: , 1,
of the ,Canadian Pharmaceutical Associa.
tion. and the Ontario Collego of Phar-
inacy District Association last night
His Ancestors Once Barons in Southern
there Was tin oratorical duel betweell
Mr. 110itry Wattero of Ottawa, oil tile Otte
Albany, X. Y , Sept. I.--J'ohn 1). Rock-
hand and Mr. D. NV. Dole, Al, p., of IVIII-
ilipeg, and others on the other as to the
efeller is the olfspring of a nuble race)
Advisability of mi.l.yIn6r, oil a campaign
according to atuannouneement, made At
for cheap alcohol—altoliol. to be used ex.
the Annual reunion of the Rockefeller
family here to -day. The Announcement
elusively for industrial purposes. The
opinion of the meeting appeared to be
followed the report of Dr. I Attron. it.
Lewis, who last year Was cormlissioned
slightly in favor of the undertaking of
)y the kefellor family assuclation to
the but the titteranees of Mr.
Wattera met with considerable applause
:, x"a tile family history in Ektrope.
..Jewis as r that in his researches lie
found that tile faiwiv, of wiiia, #iohn 1).
Rockefeller is a meniber, Is of noble lin-
I . I
.- �
cage. Ile 'reports thab several members
of the family At oil(, time held the title
Police and Farmers Have Another Battle
of Baron in southern France,
With Desperadoes.
1 - i -
I .
Montreal, fiept. 7.— 'I'll(- nng of
8uspicious characters who firerl oil tile
Was British Minister at Was'nington for
Montreal detectives Wednesday tire
Still Ill tile 00yelty. More shots. were
, SeVon Years.
exchanged to,dav with tile and
London, Sept. 7.— Lionel Sackyllit
Sackville -Wast, second Baron �1,iackvfflo,
. Vice
farmers, but 'nobody was utt. Do -
tecti*0 PlIsie, who n6arly lost his life
died at Xnolo Park, ,Sovon Oaks, to -day.
Wednead"LY, remains on the scene. It
i believed here tliese men the
116 had been Ill for soom time, and since �
August 15 lie lia(I been confined to his
real bank robbers who looted tile St.
bed. Lord SAckville was born in 18,27,
and gorved Ilia country in the diplomatic
EAlSiftellO 11ftfilf, all(l illfit they Will
' , a hard tillIc to got out of the
s0 -vice. Ile was British Minister to tho.
oountv, as every egregg Is blodke;4,
N"Very effort, is being inade to effect
Vhitc�d Wates from 1881 to ISM. At the
reqn&it of President (levolanil Ile w(ts
a captluo of the 111011.
____ 0 A; o __
reeitIlett in INtolier, 1984,
Tell it Ift7y mail to luillip him".4f witl
During the presidential compaiRrl Of
be Will Immodiately get hit Thtek tip
that year Lord Saekville boa wrItten -it
about It., .
V a .
. I. I
"'� . �� J, I �0 1 - .. � ,
- - "L - ."Ak.hAft:1&VA6__1i._J_' Jim "
Peters Was taken to th,3 hospital: The
wound is deep and Wide, puncturing
the lung, blit.his recovery is -expected.
The case is in the hands of County
Altorney Dingwall. to NAlose office
Chief Smyth brought a crowd� of eye-
witnesses. Oak will no doubt be arrest-
ed And brought here foi trial,.
- - .0 —
Charg6s of Modernism Hinder His
Rome, Sept. 7,Cardinal Del Val, the
Papal Secretary of Statc, will leave cas-
tel Galtdolfo the latter paiT of Septoill-
ber for Subiaco, whera he will spend the
remainder of his yearly vacation. Since
. dio Secretary has been o,t C%stal qa.11-
dolfo lie has given much, attention to
the matter of th- appointment of. the.
Rev. Edward J'. lia-ma'a, of Rochester,
N. Y., its Coadjutor Bishop of Suit Wall -
Cisco, Ili succession to tho late Bishop
. Tontgoiner . This inafter has buen coin-
. � licated the Accusations of inoderv-
Isin rought a ahist Dr. Ilanna, And it
has rought out considerable discussiotil.
both favom le and unfavorable to tile
candidate. 71a question is to come 111)
a , before the Congregation of the
`77`1'1"�, Ile )a y�storday received lit Audi -
W . Ice Car3inal Gotti, who his juat, do.
cid(ld to sub,mit before the Congregation
,if the Propabrands oil Sept. 7 the ques- -
bions relating to the appollibilelet of it
Coadjutor Are Ibighop of 8an Fr"cisca,
and a Bisho ) for the new diocese of
Rockford, ill, I
I ; . t $
Serious Charge Brought Against the .
Montreal, Quo.)' Sept. 4.-rn police -
(yourt this morning nictor GnIll(let, X,
C., Appearing for two 0. V. It, strikers,
Arrested for intimidation, Openly obargaa
the. (3. P. 13, with using overy means to
d6aueh 'the 4trikers tm,4 cause trouble
by Allowing ,fio�'-'Ij5 iditilerto #rohl,blftod
t-) e9sh men's cheqnes in the bar roonis.
Leo Martel and Gr�Lorie Martel, iehav'ged
NVIth. the filtillinilatmil Offelicep Wore ne-
, � 04 0 1 .
0haritlas and Public Institutions ton.
ofited-RelatiMs Oet Little,
00 0swelco. f4tpb. 7.-'.Sfore than $1 10001.
0 in left to ObAlritable Institutions,
the MetroPOlifAA MUseuln of Art, and
Yale T.Tniv6relty, by the will of Fred,
Rewitt, Otte of the Weal.
11float Ineft In Tiogs County, -Who died
fit his 11011)(v here last Suntlay. To Te�
lativem Ond fri(%Il(lg less thtill half it
million dollars is loft. I
Ths largant, bequest lilentioyied ;Kl
Dublin, Sept. . 7� To -day's session
Of the British Assoeiatioxi produced
lnosb Interesting declaraflniv; by salon.
t ists , in the varlozi sections. in tile
ai,thropologleal section Prof. Iddga-
way asseverated that no attempt to
eradicate the tendency to imbibe Alec.
hol in northern latitudes could succeed,
because tile usual love of strong drink
there Iva's not bile mere outcome of -vici-
ous desires, but of climatip law. Phil-
authropists I and legislators could not do
any more -han control it. Prof, Ridge-
way raise& a Warning that the tendency
of present-day legislation is towards a
reduction Of bile middle class element of
soolety, which 1�- greatly superior to the
other clames. Legislators, if they "vish
n r, lie said, must c6n.
form -to the principles folloWed by the
stock breeder, and encourage the most
In element and discourage the multilpli-
cation of tile worst. .
. 6'Our legislators .ire bad stock inns.
tcrs,lt said the professor. "They Are
selecting tho". physically and morally
most rutfit to continue'the race, -mbile
�Iiey Are Increasingly discouraging tile
propagation of what has been proved
tobe the muinstay of every Sta,to.11
In the geological section, Prof, JToly
attacked the time-honored theory that
'the earth is cooliz�j. Prof. Joly has
been Investigating tho aniGunt of
radium, and what is called its grand-
father-uratilunt - in deal) barings,
sudh is the Simplon. Tunnel) and also
Ja the sell, and has conic to the .con-
olusiort that the earth probably has
a contral. core which is it continuous
source of heitt, and this is possibly ill -
creasing at what may become it dan.
gmrous rate, due to radio therinal ac-
tions. .
I - V .
To be Held on a Monday instead .
of a Thursday.
Ottawa, Out-., Sept. 7. -At the request
of a numbor of Canadian commercial
tg&V011ers, the Dominion Government has
decided to change tile muntial Thanksgiv.
ing Day from o. Thursday to a Monday,
iit',tober 19th is mentioned 'as t'lle I i"'
date, though no definite one has Weli
set )'at.
� � tL� �'
Plague-Str1okou Salvationist to Receive
$71 a Month.
Washington. D. C., Nept. 7.-IN.redical
examiners front the Tension Office ox-
nminea Jolift A. Harly, the Salvation
Army loper, from A, safe diAtance, yoa-
torday, and to.dAy reported in favor of
Awarding him it eoinfleto disability pen-
sion of $72 a nlont t,
Parly Is happy over the news. Offer.4
itave Won Tooeived from,,#ix trahlod
11tirmes to Coble, to Wasbington aild biko I
elia'Me of the leper, Among them Is
thaL of Philip G1. Gosman, of X(%* York.
None of tboto ham been accepted yot,
1, � , 1,
I I I �
. I ,
.. . - ... I., . ...J.. ".... __ . , .". [� . ..... . , . . , .. . . � I , ,,, , , , ,, , , . . I
.11-1.111 .1
I . I ___1-1____ � _ - , . I . I , .. I . I I - .. I .. ..... . 1 .-IFF-14M.-Op" -1 -1 - --�. - - � V _�[-,;,. -� - - �, , - � . I .
' I .1 .111 � � : ,. .. � , * - * .
; .
3 180,10 during, the first SIX months of : F"41DV YP A
I HART ON 011NAt ' 110 deelaw being 45 ver vent. Since 1 RA IM14XV4 MAX IN . AIR.
, I'll UMR
- . ole, 414poctore -were placed on the United � .
k Statee bound Y,on April I the� Itave. � � .
) Slow to, r#oVg 8 tir
- , , "t Will ToWe'r High turned back 'J,41 An'solin aa undeolrawe", A NoRumeat to ( harlts. Perrault to AA 9"01411 Girl Balloonist Tt US of
thus ii4ifying dkeir its eulne.-A In Wee . -
. il .
Among tho Nations, � illont Is, be 40044 In 1`440. porilous yopkp.
i Puring tile first six months of tile I ___'_� ,
year 4:17 persons were refused pa,rmis- Parls, Hept. I. --.A itioninuent, to
I London) Sept, V,-NIr Robert 110'rti, blon to J40 at ("Alladian ports, And 879 ollarles Porrattlt Is about to be eract. Z0114011, Sept- 8.-11188 VIOIA Sllewr,
I director-general of Cbhie4o euslonis, wlt� Ilersolls were returneX to tl
1.4 here oil a y'ear's leave of ab8cuo . o from front wIllch, they came, to countries ed in the Tuileries Garden. Now the ')to MA40 AD lu'vOluatATY balloon VOY.
his post, Ili an interview concerning tile . . 4 ' 0. . . Tuileries Garden is the uurs,6ry of ago front Derbyshire into Leicestershire,
a fine ciftovIloon. lizu given a thrilling Account of her
, . Paris o" .
granting of a constitution to the Chinese BIG CAMPAIGN, Like to-4ay, It Is crammed. to its Ilight In the upp U. air.
people, did 116t appear aallg'4110 of any utmost cap4city with babies and lit,
inimediato reforill Ili tile direction of tie 'Ones of all kinds and: styles, wi I Clad in the customary tigh.tv, obe
� Chinese government, I the obairs under the tro made -a belated ascent at a pila At
' _og A� all ,
. LOCAL OPTION FIGHTS I-WROTIED taken up, so that It Is diffl ' 11�anor, near Ilkeston.
Ire said that ediets similar to tile Otte cult to I
recently Issued at Pekin, proutisilig it IN FIFTY MUNICIPALITIES, find one vacant, witil plump, white. "I wns ohot off the ground at A, tre.
� .
constitution within a stated Period, 11411 1 — capped and whita-aproned llaounougP4 mendous rate," site maid, '#and the
- giftod with the Moro or lo,48 watchfij,l crowd must bayo loot sight of ale int-
� been 16sued before. It is ImposAblo to Toronto, Sept, -7�Tho local option eye to provolt little ones failing over Modiately,
. say, lie said, whelt. Parliament will be campaign of 1008-9 is already 01*119 hoops or choki I
S11111111011NI; it may be iiest year, and I . ng themselves. with peb- "When I reftelled three thousand feet
perhaps Ilot for a decade. itself. The Campaign Committoo of bles. R61100 it is remarkably appro. I tried to release the parachute, but it
. .
Ire pointed out that obilla (lid not tile DOMinIOR Alliance Met Y00044Y priate t1m a. statue to Charles Per, falled to act, I wound the rope round
I rault 8110UI4 be Put in the Tuileries my grill 80 its to se%tro .A, better pur.
assimilate Western ideas qulckly� and It .afternoon and outlined their plans for Gardens -no more fitting site could chase, and I reached toil thousa-1111 feet.
was. to be feared that even if % Parlia- the coming months, Some of the coil- have been chosen, Still I could not release the parachute.
Illelit, was constituted, the 400,000,000 of tests will be but the, beginning of 1,70V tile nallie, of Perrault may not lit a remarkably short space of time my
Chinese in the interior would remain greater campaigns anotiler year, They be known quite its Well outside Franco anomid registered twenty thousand, glill
passive. ITP did not think tile imperial are a coninicriconiont In districts as those of Grimm or Anderson, but I resigned myself to the possibility of
power would be lessened by the gral,itibig which have not yet largely tried the Ile is the fairy -talo teller of ,French having to spend a night in my oling.
�f t% constitution, still lie was of the 'local option plan. Some Are t! e Ham children, and in reality tile or ginator "The. cold WAII intense, and the air.so
OP1111011 that China was feeling her way, ishing up of sweeping campaigns Of of Mother Goose, His book
and preparing the founda.tions for pro- past years,. and if successful will make 'Wis- rarefied that It was difficult tobrea,thc.
tories ou contest du tomps' passe, ands became numbeil, And 1 beat
gross, And when. tit(, n ew generation begait large areas almost entirely (Irv. avoc des momlitef'." appeared in 1697, t1tyral against the ring of my parachute.
to build, Chinals pagoda, would tower The campaigns will be waied for and it contained such famous stories
high Among tho'natiolis. I tile most part in the counties of as Wheit the,blood began to circulate Again
I � I Huron, Oxford, Durham and Nor- 'Ili "La Bollo all. Bois dormant". (or the -pain was terrible. I Was. fearful le.4t
to Slooping Beauty") "Le Oliap.
timberland, and Hastings. There cron Rollge" (or "Lltfl�' Re'd Riding I should lose conscioutiness and fall from
CUT i115 THRUCIAT. tw"ill be voting Also 5a Renfrew, Vic, my seat,
Hood"), "Barbe Blene," '%e Chat "
I toria, Haliburton,. Peel, and Ili Parry botte" (or "Puss in Boots"I 11 You canifob imagine the intense sell-
, Sound and Rainy River districts. The drillon," "Ri Con' tude of those altitudes., I started to
I I quet a la, Houp�e" and
Horrible Attempt at SUici4e In nearest fight to Toronto is in the town "Lot Petit Poucet- sing, but the sound of my own voice was
of Brampton. I O'Hop, o' my Thumb"), (translated as so weird that it frightened me.
"I passed over Ilkestbil and saw the
West zorra. , The following is the list of munici- Perrault was only 19 when tile ,,ter" jigh
. palities, widl the ntimber of licenses les Appeared, alad they It d ta of Nottingliant, which looked
4 already splendid. I
in each, where action has so far been boon written some years. The story
A WoDdstock, .Out., despatch. Patrieli taken 100419 to a contest in -Tanu- runs -and there is very learned auth- "Tile balloon gradually lost gas and
Flynn, a mail About fifty, made a most ary.-Anson, 2; Aslifield, 4; OAthens, ority for it -that even if the ideas descended, and I 'Was delighted to hear
determined And sonsmtIonal Attempt at '2, *Aylmer, 4; Barton, 6; OBayfleld, 2; Of some of the stories emanated Ir6m the bark of it dog. I touched earth at
. Buyllam, 6; 411lyth, 2; *BobcAygeon, tl�o young man, most of tile wit and Thurstington, near Re4rsby, in Leicester -
suicide ab the ]ionic of David Ross, Ili 3; 013ownianville, 3; *Branipton, 4.
, wisdom and humor they contain are shire, and quickly released myself in a,
West Zorrn last night. .Rc was appar- Oliarlotteville,. 2; *01lats 1; the work of his father, an eminent field- ,
ently suffering from at prolonged drinh- *01188leY, 3; *Clinton, 6,� 'ZIM01te'llilester, Academician, and the author of a 'As the parachute wAs still attached,
ing bout and acted errAticalily during South, 2; Dunwich, 2; ODutton, 2; "Parallele des anclens ot des mod. tile balloon Would not collapse, and rose
tile day, At night'lle was given n, Coll , *Eganvillei 5-; Alifrid, 3; Elzevir and ornes" and other works. , , . again, I chased it ever fields, and then
to sle�p on, azid the family retired. Pre- QrImBthorpe, 2; Emo, 2; *Exeter, 5; A Dutch publisher, who very short, gave up.
Fently Vlynn got tip, scoured a potato *Foro8t3 2; Hagerman, 1; .Mimsworth, ly after the ap'pearwice of the- boolt "I roused the astonished inmates of a
knife and. slashed Ilia throat, North, 2; Hungerford, 2; *Godericii, 9; proceeded Is house close by, And they gave
-Airs, Ross aftor tile manner of Ili me brandy
heard the nolso And looked into 'the OIngersoll, .9; *3roquolH, 2, *Madoo,:3;* kind, to 'bring out A, pirated edition, and put me to- bed.
room And ran out.9ide, terrified. Others Marmora and Lake, 2; Minden, 1, engraved on the back of the cover, C%arly next mornimr I discovered tile
of the Itanily did the same. Finally� it, Oldol, 0; Perey, 2; Sidney, 4; *Stratli- "By the son of M. Perrault, Lf the balloon in the back Tard of a cottage,
eouple'of neighbors, with steadier rarves, roy, 5; Thurlow, 4; *Tillsonburg, 5; French Academy." So it is the son undamage4.11 I
OTrenton 9- 'Ruder and Cashel, 2; who gets the statue, 4 � k�
- P - - - .
,LIT.roaclied. When Flynn heard them lie *Tweed, '4, 'ONVellington, 2; ng - - -
grabbed him torn neck with his hands ham F). W- I
-and tore tit it like a madman. 13efoV4 . A I ollaston; 1; *AVoo $took ONE THUMB'LEFT.
. city 11; Yoagi� and 1,3scott Front, 2;
they could grab him lie stuck tile knife y I ' SERVICE MEDAL,
onge and Escot
nvil the halcIll 2. Places marked (*) are incorporatea' X-RAY MARTYR 'HAS TO US)&
lit ]lie throat and liamme I Rear; 2; Zorra East .
with his shoe, Finally cities, towns or villages. .
ew him and a doetor was called, He ;: . �. Ex -Keeper of Kingston Penitentiary DUMMY HAND.
lost much blood and is not expected to A.J% 'ON DOLLAR. Honored by King. I
recover. Ile is now in. the lio%pital. ,40c . Dr. Hall Edwards Overjoyed Bdeause He
Flyna has friendsi and relative% lit Crib . . is Now Sometimes Free From Pain
Ila. He has -Worked m a laborer in this I I Ottalvao Sept. 7. -Inspector Dawson, -Preparing Treatise on X -Ray Der -
district for several years. What Creditors of the Yoik Loan of tile Justice 'Department, and who is
A - 1� May Receive. inspector of penitentiaxies, has given' an matitis. — . . .
TRAN194.1SSION, LINE, - imperial service modal to Thomas MOOrc, London, Sept. S.—Dr. Hall Edwards,
I ex -keeper of the Kingston Penitentiary.
_ I Toronto, Sept 7—Whilo the first div- On it is WrItten.: "By command of the the Birmingham X-ray martyr, who, as
idelid ,to the shareholders of the York I-xing in recognition of your meritoi the result of two operations for der -
Surveying Route From London to -Ious ,
Loan Company is almost ready to be service lit the Kingston Penitentiary.11 matitis, has now one thumb left to tak-e
the Frontier. declared, the actual payment of money Mooro served in the penitentiary since . tile place of a pair of hands, has had it
1. � �1 can hardly ts r nine months 1870, resig,ning about a year ago, af-
'"Tindsor, Ont, Sept, 7.— Eagincer or over. The I�Ivlpleai'icdsfaccoi wooden apparatus affixed to -the stump
8 ,ding to of. ter 87 years continuous service. Only I his rig
ficials of the Nixtional'Trust C6mpany, two or three of these 0 lit )land, Between this and the
have been Working in Essex county for medals have been solitary thumb, lie is able to hold light
Who are liquidators, Will not be less presented ill Canada. 0
some time, makin.- a survey In the vicin- than 40 cents ell the dollar. Theso will . I. -,-O-- — articles.
. "For instance," said the doctor, "I can
ity of Leamington And Kingsville, and be returned lit three payments. JAIL PENALT'i FOR WRECIC. now hold my'cigarette, or .when my food
-,ire at present Working a few miles out It was explained yesterday by Chief is cut tip finely I can help myself With
of Windsor. I -Ion. J. 0. Resume is An- Auditor Herrington that there al�� about 'Sentence of ' Careless Conductor and a spoon or a fork. But the most gTati-
thority for the statement that they are 140,000 shareholders, And of these only Engineer Confirmed in Mexico. lying part of my general condition is
Government engineers, sent down to sur- about 100,000 have been accounted for. circuit the relief I got from pain. Before the
vey the transmission line. This is the The books of each will have to be re- Mexico,. Sept. 7.—The third i last operation the only relief I had from
first definite stop taken by the Hydro- FoiVed before the exact amount due each court of Mexico has just aff . irmed the the terrible gua,wing ,Was when I fell
Electric Commission since the announce- individual treditor.oan�be as,certained. sentence passed in the Federal district asleep from sheer ey,liaustion. I am
ment that the board had received appli. I - - court of Jalisco on David R. Randle. still very weak, but these spells of free -
cation for sufficient power to warrant it' . man qLnd Charles J. Brock, the Ameri- dom from pain are makinga. new man
Ili extending the line from London to the AIR, BLAST, . oil me21 I
frontier. As a result, Niagara power for .1 I can railroad men held responsible for Dr. I -Tall Edwards, although necessar-
�Wndsor becomes more than A remote . the wreck on the Mexican Central Rail- ily compelled to f4ke things quietly, is
possibility. , way near Encarnacion station last Sep- Able to supervise hl,% private practice,
,: � I & Device to Keep Glass oil Engines tember. The men have already served and is also continuing his work at the
Clear. ' � nearly it year in prison, and a peniten. Dirmingliam. General Hospital, He in -
CUT' WINDPIPE, , . — . tiary. term of two years pild eight tends to devote as much time as possible
. months is still before them. to the preparation of papers, lectures
Ottawa, - Sept. 7— There will. be Brock Ivas the engineer and Randle- and articles, and at the present time he
Peculiar Accident to Man Struck brought to the attention o -f the .Unil. man the conductor of a freight train is obtaining data for his treatise on X-
. I that collided head on with a through ray dermatitis.
Way Oommision at once, an air blast southbound passenger train. In the
by 'a Street Car. device patented by James Harmer, Of wreck more. than fifty lives were lost. The doctor is hopeful Ili regard to the
Kmg�ton. He is a locomotive v2gin;er. It Was alleged that the men over- future, At times he suffels much pain
Chicago, Sept. 7�-Although his wind- W oats the glass in looked their orders. from the stump of the left arm, but the .
front of locomotive cabs, causing ac- ___-4.4.4 cutting Away of the diseased portion of
pipe was severed when lie was struck cidents somo times. Harmer has invent- the right hand has been attended 'With A
ml whoso name the ed and patented all air blast device FINED FOR CALLING "SCAB." very beneficial effects. In the course of
polieb did not learn, is still alive at the which will keep the glass clear all the time an Artificial hand,will be fitted on
13mereency Hospital. - time. It can be hIstalled for a few dol- tt Cost James Somerville $5 for Using to the stump, and Dr.,Edwards is look-
lars and A. is probable the Plailway Coin. . the Word. e day when lie will be
Dr. 0. H. Will. Ili chargo. of ilia hos- . . able to do a little of his Own correspon-
' . mission may consider the alTv.isability of Ottawa, Sept. 7.— James Somerville) d a once Again,
pital, saved the man!s life by making a having them put Oil I0c(YMDtIv0 eabs. of .)N(ontreal, Second Vice-Prosident of ene — 7 - r .
hurried trip to St, Luke's Hospital Ili �r : :_ the International Association of ICA-
. . I
the automobile of a stranger, where lie "DOWNRIGHT THUMPERS.Py ciniii9ts, who was Arrested yesterday ttf- HOW LOWREY DIED.
obtained a silver tube And by this nicans- I ternoeii at the Union Station of the C. �
straightened out 3he wind pipe and Yorkshire Men Speak Plainly of State. V. It-, this itiornitig pleaded not guilty .
pumped air into the lungs of the dying .o (lit, Charge Of LITSIX18S, R11(l. 115in�- Ili- REMARKABLE STORY OF A YUKON
milu. I ments of C, M. A. , i - .
suiting lailguagc� A machinist nained MINER'S COURAGE.
AlLhough tU* mail had been ilijurod Ili- London, ,Sept, 7.—At it, meeting of Caldwell dieclared Somerville had calUd I
ternally, thope is hold out for his recOv- I Baitloy Chamber of Commerce tho inalli- hini A* "scab," This . wits also sworn to
cry. I I - U I festo of the Can0lian manufacturers re- I)y a special constalbe. ,Somerville denied Directed the Operation of Amputating
. I ,yarding Yorkshiro*woolletis'was discuss- having call6d him it geali. Magistrate His Leg, Which Had Been Caught in
, a ,
a,I. A member said he found it difficult O'E,ccfe di'saiissed the charge of trespass, a Dredge Roller—His Aged Mother
WANTE11r) IN QUEBEC- to believe a, respectable body of manu- but held that blip charge of abusive Ian- His Last Thought. I
. . facturera would -make tbutilsolves re. !�utngo lind been sed it
ble for ,such A, statament.-.110 ]top- fine of $3 and $V,` co!As. The fine was
Another Charge of Forgery Against 11011"It'.101i learn they Were not responsible — 0 - ;_ � n p S.— Mail Advice*
Dowit Held In Toronto. for the misrepresentations nutdo in their, RUNAWAY AT A FUNERAL. toll of tile mvfuL Accident Which befell
iiame. David Fox said the processes . William J`. Lowrey, oiler, an the night
through which ilia material mado Into Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Guelph Town- shift, oil dredge No. 1, of the Yukon
Ottawa, Sept. 7.—The young inan s1hoddy el-otli'pa6sed destroyed any In- shipp Painfully Injured.
siving his nasno its Leo 'Duval, who fection. Oold Company's fleet. Lowrey's lof t
�vas arrested in Toronto ,yesterday on r, red 1'rens6n. said thitt to -day tile A Guelph despatch: While the largely- foot cauglit between, the roller and
manufacturers Were using in Canada at,telided funeral of tile late-AIrs. George tile lower sides of the grizzly, the hugo
.i Ziliargo of, passing forbod dheques tile very shoddy blicy werc condemiling, Smith, of cluolph TONvilship was in pro- rotating central steel tube of tile
)oating the �iamei of J. R. Booth Luxn- and they Wore obtaining it from that gress yost,ardtty Afternoon a horse driven dredge. Slowly the foot was drawn In
!)er Co., is Leopold Dorval, until re- district. by Mr. Robert Armstrong) of the ElOra by tile roller and the lag -Wat'literally
miltly located at Graeoville,, Que. - Tile chairman said they ought to con- road, took fright, And ran airiuck amojtg cliewed off up to within four inches of
About two Weeks ago lie tendered a
- It, BQoth Co. - dion. manufacturers would stoop to pub- procession. Mrs, Armstrong Wits thrown - help arrived it was found that there wits
I'lloque drawn on the X mider whi,ther all association Of Nlln- tile Other horses And carriages in tile t!re base of tile pelvic bones, Wien
W the sum of $61.50, and signed Robt. lish what Jibe lato Lord Iddesleigh would out of the boggy and sustained sevela I I no WAY by which the 1kill) might be
Elay, manager., to M.r Thomas Grace, have ealled "downright thumpers." Sov- - nasty woonds about tile head And fate, druwn free. C*OJly till deliberately,
;ofteral merchant, of this place, mak- eral roembers stated they had never whil; Mr. Armstrong, who c1iing ten't- and appreciative of ever thing thAt was
tilt,, a few purchases alid receiving t to
It is alleged that known a casn of infection from rags. Clously to tit(, reills until the frig3ittned being done, Lowrey ask d that tile flesh.
Jalance in 'eash. I - and ,cords remaining unsevered be cut,
.WR Was a forgery. In tile meantimo At it meeting of tile 33urstall Chain- horse had kicked tself free of every
Dorval had taken it hutrloa.dopart� ber of Commerce tile chairnian, thought vestige of liarne6s, escaped with some alid hig lcgv released. -
are. tile matter should be brought to the no- bad bruises. . The men saw that this wili the only
. a �, I tice of the M. P. for Burstall, and that I - f votirse. that could. be followed. Lowrey
SELECTING IMMIGRANTS. Ile sitonia be Asked to bring it before Sir DOUKROBORS, GIVE IN. nsked Donald Hardy if lie had it knife;
NVilfrid Laurier. Mr. G. Sheard said the ilardy si,tid lie did not )iavd a very
Effect of Dominion Goverilmontys Policy manifesto was as big a libel as -anybody The imprisoned Leaders Promise to Ue� sharp, ,one. "I havt one," sud Lowrey,
Already Apparelit, had ever invented. I have Themselves,. and, reaching into his pocket, lie drew
. . �- - A . I
I out his inife, opened it, And handed it
Ottawa, Sept. 7.—The difficulties and PAYMASTER 3101=13. Yorkton, Sask., Se)t. 7—ThO last of to 11gray, saybig, "Cut it Off," There
re:strictions with, which Canada sur- .- the fanatical Doukiltobors tit OreaARL Was lie tittle Co lose, and Hardy,grittiti,g
rounded tile iminiArant who ahlis to 0-h- baring. Coup by Highwaymen in P.ussia have bten taken back to their villages his teeth, drew the blade of Ilia knife
ter the Dominion has had all effect llp011 —Three MeA Xilltd.. on the C. '11;, R, Their leaders Were ar- aerom tile roninining flev,h And ligaments
[lie arrivals. Lust whiter the Minister rested And imprisoned some time ago, tilt(! severed the leg.
of the Interior adopted a policy of so- Xharkov, Russia, Sept. 7.- A hand of their children token from th(Im And Oil tile way Weam,J) Lowrey's forti-
vilwayffien t6 -day Attacked oild rub- placed in vilidges, land the remainder,
leeting Immigration from the best court- 1119 , tilde di(t riot (lesert him. Ila remark -
tries Of tile World more strictly than bed it railroad paymaster of the amount, tir f their motle of life .under police - ed to, the (loetor, however, thitt. With one
of tit(' monthly pay-rolt witto lie was llance, promise'd to be good if re -
had ever been done before. It was re- sul!v,,eg, O _ leg lie waq of Ile more wto in tho- world,
quirelf that the immigrant to gain ad- proceeding from the bank to -tile rail- leased I and tit(-, pollee are now rid of tind ditt )lot care to live. His only
road. , olice, and soldiers were
mis%lou must coniq direct- from the couh- station. P their troublesoille colliliftliv,. rr,grpt Was that Ile would have to loavo
try of origin, And mu.st possess ft,t letts�.t rilghed to the Replic nud opened fire oil _� - � .
twenty-fivo dollars. Tho object van to the robbers, who began to retire, itt tit(,. I his age4j mother, it native of Cornwa(l,
keep track of tile neNveolliets 4ft R-Aine tfine. returning thn fire. Three PE NNILP,88 MUTINEERS. England, of whom Ile was tile 9010 still.
(I to in- in -Inding one of tilt robbers, woro — 1 -nit. At the Im4pitat lit, gave tile ad.
, - becoming utblic charges. [ell, Ili< dre,44 ,nf h* Uted
,mro their not killed, The athers got away. Russians Bound f6r Cangast StrAnded it is mothori And then subn1l
Then at the beginning J April hispee- b, . . tn*tllP drOSAing Of the WO1111d. It ACOJIJ�
tors were Placed along the UnitedStates . London. ml for it wbilo th.it the injured mAn
boun(lary to prevent Immigrant's who X"200 GROWING SUOAI�. London, ,'-'qt. I.—Thirty-two Itumian. Iniolit recover, 4bnt the s1h;ek to the
(7mild riA get in otherwise coming in by miltineeri from tht%, battleship Potemkin, nere�!owl RV-stelli provoil llljelldtlrahlc�
that routo. xtnt Coubty Farmers RAIling swdet who left 1(oninania, for Vainlda. are Mter lioxii..; of intrepid strugglo, Iw
'Tuly returns. of Immigration 81108V thitt stuff. 4trandoil 1;ennilesR in London, '1'boy Are ,lio().
11,322 hmnigrants Arrived during illO. Chuthnni, Opt., Sept. 7--- AreliLoald slow being eftyed for 'by frlelitl% Thewpit The minerq of 1),%w(wit wid tiolghbor-
inolith, whilo ill the stinio Illolith Of the 11111p, phh,f %of tht% et'll"Als anil rfittimlery ave till of pe.miant evtra0ion and grood liond oppilo-II a. subseflption IlAt ort he.
I ,
vear Wove the orrlvaL,4 intitiliered We � tlo�artnioftt At Ottawa, while in tho, 01ty aufleulb ri,jq, Abollit 'c'100 are required lialf of their ilmd Pontradelm mother,
44J. ,.rhe. deerease Wit,.; 57 per cent. to.(I,lv gai-p tint tit(, inforniation f flat I.- to tal,e thoul to V�111,tkl 1. ITaTigiog awnit-1 :111d At, tile vloqe, of tlIV Mit ALIV it
I)uring the first glx months of the year ,,)rs) ito,ilt farmers are Taisingsligar bect, thein, if thov return to Russia. With ww% fouud that $300 had been �04prlb- '
the ftrrlValo Uumberod 107,01, tg*iftt, tills Ytar. them ore sbi women AM sovoft childr6o. ca.
. .