HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-10, Page 6. . � �,.,o. ��. : � " _ ! .. , _ �j � `� � ,�A IE+� \ � .. � � � d� � � � � � � .r! �M/ _ "Tho. CrX of the �efeatQd, �(('nr�n�li��x �3a�rtist,) �zom tt�e elni��vi•uus prind of Cl�o citic�, 1� lke�•��� tlt�, �ta�a�ia� 1� iriila el�i9h in n�s�;bi, �'�l�t�ic� tlaca�'s ne'e� ati kieart tiiat �,iaci�°s '�kli�i tire�� sauls tif�linksu��<1 ii� nib•h�. i 7'oui t11e i�w�tlilaud'� `can, �vaste s�itiee�a, I�`1'om tlio blc�av� ai tl�e �outliern Grpsa, ��Ti1;l► tlto tt�at�el-statin i�t our iiiceh, 1� e et�n�e `��ikl� otir t;t�ief an�l loss. Qli, long attad lano n�d clrcary, '���n� tiie ti•n�l nf o�ir f�si�tlesh c�uest. ZVc+ aro olcl nnd *t•orn and �ve;tr�^> And �r•e etell ta tlte sl:ics for re3i;. Ol►, Gv�t oF aur ctii2dlioocl's ���o,zdex�, ph, Gocl o£ tlla lights of lzc�uie, Du you �olci iia ti�e vnsL�tes, ��oncic�r A reat fqi� tlie 1�eArts tl�ut i�uzni 1 Dear Gocl, do Sou sl�ill rentemlicr, Pnet tl�c� �«�irl Af your sr��ivaiyi� apheies, Thu soula lost an life's pecemiaer. ,t�nd th4 driftin� misk of its 1:et�i•s? A�r�,y from oux grief antl fr�ti:in; Tor ithe fialds �ve canld not renp, Fola us in lang fatgettina, Shrou�i us und let us s]eep. -RzYpert �. FTainea. Trcelton, Qut. , � Prayer. Qur ratl�er in IIenven, ti�•e enll unr� gel�e� Ti��y ciiit�dren and learnersriu tlie achool of •Christ. S'�e desire to be lil:e Him of tivhom tl�e tivhple 'fnmily in Iie�.- veic ;�nd on enx•th is n�uied. tlnd ��et, as tive thiiil: pf T-Iim wl�o remninecl spotless nmid all the defileruents of e1i•th, anct ���hose whalc life �vns oue lona tict of self-deuyiiig seT�rice, iinciin� iks I�iglie,t ezpres3xoix ii� the Cross, rrG feel tha t s�•e R�'r y�et only feeble U�giiiners iu t71e Cliris• tian life. �ce��y dny �ce ,yield to the lo�r- er i�eflueuee, t�hnt surxoiznd us, n2u1 too aften ure selfish in ihe spiri+ of oua� 9irea. ZIeI}a us, our I'at7�er, to rise to }iigLer hei.�l�ts tl�nt �ve mny bi�cathe a cleuiiez• nnd � pui�er air. lIuy ���e so eltch tlio apirat of our Aivine i�2aster, iu nll gentlei�es� :�nd forhiveness and loying ser�•iee, th�,t men ahall feel :n oui� presence that Christ is not f;�r awa}*. Amen, Wherc Heavcn Catt be �ound. ,A pustor hnd preached an eloqneuL ser- mon nbout Lenven. �� lveftltli�� memlaer oF l�is c3aui�ch iiiet liiui ilie nex1; c1a5; ��a s�ia: �°lloctor, you told ua a gre�L• zi����y griind and beaul;iful thin;;; ai�vut hFnt�en yesterd��q, bnt you, didn't tel] ns tvlte�°e it is:' "A'li," said tlie pastoi�, "I aiu bind oP tl�e opportnniCy of cioin� so Ll�is moz�n- it�b, I h2va just come fro�n tlie hilltop 3•oncler. Iiz tI�at cottage there� is ti mem- Uer of o�tr church. Slie is sicl: in bed Srith fever. Iier tr�•o little cl�ilclren nre eicl: i� the othe�� bed, 1nd slte lxns not n. bit of con; or n stick of �vood, or ilour, or sugui; or nny brend. + "No�v, i.f you �vill go do�vn-to�vn nnd buy fifty dolln��s' ivorth af tliizigs�- nxce provisio�is--1n�1 send thr.m ta her, nnd tl�en �o and, s�cy: `liy sister, T h1��e brough,t you ttiese_ provisious in ll:e nAme of our 7�ord and Saviour;' 1si: for a. liiUle, nnd rend tlie t�r•ent}*-tlzird 1's.tlm ancl tlien geb down on 3�aur I:nees aucl pray, you �pill see 1�eaven beCore 3�ou get tl�roueli:' , DarJ<ness. Be�ore the li�ht there wns darl:ness, ori�ina] , nnd profound. Gc1 �v�lked in the pavilion of d�rlcness. Iie iunde thielc d<nrkneas a stvnddling b�ucl to hide His tretistu•es. Diti•kne�s is about IIim still. Z�ho s7��,11 �vrite do�vn the zleep b�ss of the ocean, Uefore titne s�vung its pendu- ]tun, or 1i�ht shone on tlie sen? ' Dirk sayin�s in the I�nrp, musie zvithcut �vords, me�nin�s came before mensttr. s. Vaices . of ihe dtii•l: • hc�v man l� �v dee ] c�� y, o p, 1 ot<I'l 'll�e <iuctent of days I�,�tli suokeu, first ancl l,est, nnd mcsh, "«'hal; I say in the dar[.ness" is the �rnnd ��rezro;�ntive of Cnd� Tl�ere. ltnve becli noises i:o mis- l�ad the i�norant, but divine articulation comes laden witli benediction, "�,�h�,t I �say" is #or man, not loc�.l, nai;ional or commerci�l; nn�; for self•ivterest, Uut . for self-enlargEment, di�nified nnd en- noUlin�. Tlzc ,�lace of tJie clarl.ness is priv�te; iL• is for S�ou i'ii•st ftnd tlien for ,your brni]�er; Yott u�n,y enjoy, but you nxuat puUlish. I�iu�n.s do not lu1qW NhAi is c�imin�. ��'ise meu tlo not Itiio�v; their l:notivir•�l�;r, is pnle, diiti and cold. Gooc1 rtien come first; tlte n�isr men lts�d the atar; tl�e �ood lnen ]inci the nn�els. �hei•e is sec=reey :�ncl individunlity, b.aeli mtin is n warlcl, and the izifinite �vorld touehes ihe f:nite, nnd tIiere is co�itnct � nnd eouiiulinion. 'LIis seci•et is �vitl� tl�e ri�ht�ons, :� bounti-up secret �t�+luetZ none �uay iuvncle ot� znutilate. Ench mnn disiinet nnd ]ou�,ly, slii�iing lilce a st�tii� ttpart. `.Clie somethin,� tvliicli ��e nlme nixd can• nnt lc�io�v, 7.ven as tive »�yue �, st.ir, �incl o�ily see it, Ilis ryuenclilcsq flasAin; s forth, tivhich e�er sl�otv l�ntl r,��c�� Iiicle him, aud �vlueh nrc not Iie. 'rhis place of ineetinr i� s�cred; it " av�ts, it is, �71c1 tilw�,ys tvil� 1��; inl<1 rvi�hW in fol�, the ho)y of ]icylies. IIe ludetlt Iiirnself not iro�n poliey� bt�E froatt nc:es- eity. t111 tlit►t w� see are 1>ut the out- skirte of �Ii� �vKys, nnct lioev sn:n,il 1 whisper do rve hc�tr �f ��im; the i;liun�ler nf FIis potvcr �vlio cnn undersfan;i2 ]�:mpt,y-mxndcrl mnn ns;_s for n, si�n. T]ie <leV�t�t �vill ho i:ito tlza sancLnri•y • and inc�uire. '.i'lie emzl:re of y�ur t1�ii�I:- inK iq iu tf�� dark; the reqion �f tltota;t�t is tTie vcry caLe of tTir �soul. Thou�;lit eomes out in spheeh; if: i�c�nans iti thc eya�, but tl�ese nre but mn�iifcqtnti<�ns; tilcre iciCno �vindowR tcs the s��ul; tr<in�;tetimy5 nr>^ �lon� irt Ll�e �larlc. I» dat'.tnesa �ve ltide from iu:tn, anti 1rc t]iNn fii ior tlie 7•�ve.treficns �of f;od. `GVhr� rart deli�fen4e t�ie Ct�inpass of Llre sbttl8 Itt the <Yni•kness �i�e �ce ti�h l�stattce af' tlte vnluc of sinall tlrin�;s; t:tll th�+m vcit ct�init[ofr or trnelentt, ".'ic•e atnt t�vcs r,p:t�- ra�t��s acsld Pnr a farthir;r 'P' 7't�c auc:t�ur�s �f (acxi stre �re:tt lirt�:utse �i�e� ii�ve Jif�. Tn thr. �larlr e�r�r�srl wa ]�nrn nnc secr<�t af ttie ciivitx� ot;Ier�-�tiie secret U.f 5cri.ira• tiorr. "5rpnrntr, me 1��rnnl�ns n�id �+7u1 fc�r tt�c r��ark �rl�crea�rt�r � T�ave ral:ed tli�m.>, "�enr�u� to s�t r� n?:tn 1t vari7nee t�ttninqt ]tSs fatiili��r, I raiqie Y�ut tn Fe71c1 rien��e, bttt n s�vnrd:' ".['l�i� i:� t1i� �tv�.�, �t is {�nia�uly be�:rt�se �i�� is �ytziitftrl. ' In tTrig c�ar�,rti�,�9 il�are iq saetif#ei�r1 t1�1'tr�, `nf��r uuP (,zril is �. roneutrtitt;� fiY�c*:' f�e liur�5» �oti only aiyt, T,i�t Ar..lfiy��neys. r��tt t�At � rn�» �,ntt� ���rr rt� ���� ���r hi� �ite." "I�it� ilr�t £in��e�l� 1�3a life s1�n11 Iaso 3�; nr�d he thttr Inq�et3t Tiiq ]if� for 1ty �sake Y�tttlI fittFl it.:' �`hiq i�s � dnrk serret, �nc•rec� �n� �rcrl�f, n�tQ �rnr��<T c,tt�y fro�YY �iiyir �rvtrn �tilt A3twn, `"'Wh�i I t� it you in ti�e �tnrkn�s� �e��nic �e in Y;ba li�]sc.°y II', �'. 11�ilier, a � r� J� R , ."" z�'"`r,.qy' r.a! . =�a-?n� ..._ ... .__ _-......_....,...,�,,,,tr.....,,:�„ _ .., .. ... . - --. -..-.� _.-.�.-��.+ ... _, . . .. -�---- .-. : .....-� „.._,-.� �..... .t.,..,,r . .,�, ..�- - � ,,. -. . _..:- �,A.* ..--,..... - .. .. ,. -, ... . . _ _ '._" _ . ' � • Ir!+�Y ..A�.>..,.-,-�,.,.. � - �... .. -.,��...,.,, . _..,...». ..z..-�.+....,���:..:�...+. ,.. �„�>-�.,..-... .,. . ...... ... -. ... ,�r , - .., +*.�.. ..,-..,. . ,..,.+:.�...�^�... ,--,..-. -r <,. -, ,. � s. - ,e..,r. . . . ,. _ . ... .. , . .._ .. ..., . . ,.. . .. .. � M,. _. . _.. � .. . . . _ _ _ . .,. ... ..-_ ... . ... . .. .. .. � ,r--,c� -. �.. +n .- .� , . . . . # . .. . .. ._ .. _ . . ._ ' _ r... � -. .- . . _. . . _ - .. . _ . . � , -.. . e } _ „ �,.�,.� _,.,�'. -� �., . ��l'�+,�'�u4{�' ��£ �ci:�t, ait �x�ra� u��,xn��ast,� i� �e ���ur ., `t'i^i�: '1Jl1Ll�? t�r I`� u;;'�tl„�, r ��t y ,. . .. _ . _ , laoxatr>; .��;.au wYau 4r� A;33�ftt�acsl, aaoC tl�e y ' _. ". � � ��'l�t�,�t �'�J'.. �7� ! ���j�:'� ..,.__..ti � � � °� I� I� � b , _ . � • , , .,m.�.� Mitzc�utla tiurl plati:^ihlt� ti'i1la�zi: lit� �s r.;c�r,, "" f ' � :"` � � .: . , c�.. « _ „ ,. X�u c;�n Xr.�inicssl rc�uo � .IM 24 NO �� ,�r�.rw,.�,�.�., ._,, . . ._ _ GOii..t It [�i.l fcr a.r,.o.ch��i.,it in �.al., , v v an curi, e�t..er _. , . k ,, . .- ,� . x l.Ilf� ! �, , ''il` ! a b Ul' ) 'f � ier ot kiRc �.t Fzt o�x. , ki� c�to� t�y u 1 t�� Yutnarn's � � . �r r g AQPIVI"6 W�N'K'��� "r�na st� y�tt lt;tvr t•oit��� b�c�, i�evil;e!» �< 4` �''�x� . cu«'Ea i�ari,�� i'I::�a,le. A'rruFrtr,i�+wr, Ituov.��uiirne,l��aveenosuar «. � .. �. « .. .K,....� c >, ti � .,..M.,.»,,.,,.,....r.. k �ta� i iu n � t Aics•id . I }n' 1: a, �na ce�t e x �r > U es ufio m c, x oae�t T . •� v . .. ' rr - 1 �. ✓3 P C?i'i L.1 W , " � R. �( t)i� t li �' i{tx1 .t IA 17! (It �`r � . 32 U 1 i ,a & 8 t ,�' tl P r N�t[+ � a t U � 3 iri �tt � 'P l�,Y k. , .•, � i z � t FA t7 -� tl �C e Y ti � H Nl n ir x � W 14 �1 �U� ) l c� h! 7 4 fi � F c t a . � , uo • �� � � � . � it ecars t t.1c ti l�, c.•�• 'u �a ti�a� �t''ti:t !t� ; � :tn�l littl� �;�ece�in;, tli;�t :";uti•i11:� Jin,l �:�, �; .. } ���" � t � � t`` ��'e, ( � �u �ua�4�fiutecd. Bo1a �;y ul� c�►'u���sts � �aumoP�oid �rciciqt rT�at aalier. It. �'. a •,.s y� � c�tt:es: c�f i;ts� tT�.�a:trur uf u3�� s,� �:ia ��,�: bo4tls;a. ��:fuso aubslltute�. I3alI B� �o.. We;rt Trnmytu: �ut. , _ _ .. . • i�ar�i �t�o�l: �u �eep lti�s �ant�e Gf'i tiiiii, �,�-" ^������`.. . I . ,. � te» �.. � ' ��titi"lint n tif���c S•o�� l�av�a Lc�xL �i�va,�c•I .1i�d - ;,:; � { , ., l.artf�r� 1,�.xQc„�� !tl`1C1ri1s1U149 Xilo.�� ba ����� i�i .�► �+�j,,��.�,.��.y � ��,R�S Ii'OT� S�.LI., , �{ �a¢ _ _ .. � �c,,�rc liuvc you br�n't I aupp,��� �a�� �xn„�r ;.3 ,_�'�4 �,;� r:. e�rx� t�y ��tt cu�u;,r� L�, Ixl:�ixt �vi�iiu cux��t �'s��� ��'�,����y �+��`��( r� .� *.y !1�' . 1G . . .. .. . !I T Y A . l. . . . i. t.^vo bcen t�:liiaxh a�u� den►� fz•ic•ii:ls ttie , ���.;, _ . .,+„ �.,. -�'�`.a�.�r':��,�e, �' ua� lvl�acit i�rc� tl�est(t t�vq �r•vl�4�s; "liec�� �._'::.�.R ,.. T,..,_ ...,.�...� ._..,.,'^-•�«�„ �i� ABA�ts XN NiAN�TOL4�1, 8d�8ICA'C't;tt1.- ,......,.�,�. . , . _ _ • . : - �•,� w••�'► . story , o� ynur Ril��ankuz�ch 1 S I�t��r to : � �� • „ . wan a�a Altwrta; imuroved sna Wi;�t ,. ��: i.SUll�ltl« A R9isunderstandina. QeG out� 11rS. it's traa. VYrlca us. �. �, Adll- l�ear �i. t���;rtai•in:� ..� and l��j bo���c+d ta , ".. �: � � d � ;; : � �'• „ . . . ,. . . lNr. I,fmiteci, Na. �17 sic�R.trze �iocu� vrt�- , _ � • � � �'cc�d u�t taehxiicl 1Tev�ll: : ' ; �, . ,� , �,:..> .�,.tc tiu, Li�.asuz.i tiw. ax �zuf►cut�en of �. , , , _ . _ . Sy�vla, �vl < . ) r • '�, � .�, , ,. :.• . . � . .A, �,an�ity cxiotlicr itt lnw l�ud staysd tttuc�, bian. . :; �`� •,� �, .• . , � r r he � ev��s c uicl�,• :- �� ; . -.:;,,, , . , , � . . , a . . _ . "��--sa�-,Tackl" �ho breat7ae�1. "Y�oa1 S 1�i oae. 'lio wma ulo oev---vet� cloti�x�c.unt fa c+ fa � , r , ,,.� ., t�ic� �lacaid �. 1 v l u xc�z �1 . sv c�ft�ii tivxt � li d i y� a x � � n y�� atlx , r., 1 . Y ,- ,.. ,,, � ,. x� �a � a l s y� � y , 1 ez �a�} L�r a� to cuiiae fi �Wi ••,r.. QQOI� XNYLrSTDSLNT ^-- 4ICA3�'At3A:t --� 4u hav4 hen�d Lhatr-thq�� Izo �e rtot 1 r�xesl la lo�•c ss�v tyi�it h��'�Ilo �v.ti:� ���,,,..,,�,... n� ua�T.�I with c ln � �l � oi e u Y M a. , ��� � � . . I tl� t�b.ku a�u� �, d, � Y �� " „�'u�it �:ecp suzilit�b, '1'l�a� Yui�kea oti•ecy � Y A. irutt tand lu a monay mnker. 7�cauttxul den.d-nat doad, Ob, (�ad, don'� Itoe� nie "I�--I tl�nugk�t 1 did-Tyes," gha �nid, ia� fi;;l�tiug hnrcl to suf�prags Jii� inQi�;r�cti- �"'' tiiiai � cas 1'fr,�i y�v[tnt anlit�:s nre fr�1•, �s�liei� s}A �titi�nin caYuo tu stay, sL� found ,xec+ner�, D�•oacettue orobarda, �aeai ,.ltcnat�. !n eu�penHe!" sho plouded, Atui s}�a wrun� n lo�v voico ."]3ut---Lut you oalted liin� : tiozt ntao�tt aumetl�nia�; or otlier, u��d ki:e�v �t � �,x"r 6 5� ' ttcr dnu„ ui� in tetir� ctn the clqor�te �, F'or iUuatrat4d l�toK�turo wrfto ta �tutrio dc lier ,h�nds ana lcwked �ro�.� o�q tq tl�o -.ivhat � us i u c�lle$ imY Nevil�� ' iL;�� he �v�ts nat ut all 1:t�i tu seP t1�ir� '�} �` s` '; �. �;uod, tii�fei �iicd �iX�sux•c; siuilo is u `•I au � oaa 4ieQr �a Lna lefG �fl '� ahe ��x''ia real ,eatat�, veFz�on, i�,0. r t y� t h ,� ••����� �fs ��^� ��.�� �`� [� , f p b 3. u, ob�her tivith s�n e�pzeasiA� i�� l�cr qy�a tkit�t T.yr�n�4" I�land ni�d courteous 1�ratl�ex of his__ ���_ a• ,.�-� ., ' � �"arit�Llc� battel•iu�•.ruiu tc� t:uuck lxa�•cl �nifFed, . � RL'x'� I�.P�tiM-AA.�t��.IN; 23 .A.ci:t�; me�d� i,or�iinorq turu l�in hoad a�vu,y, �� , Q� m de ,,' atiiil "S no��iva m bratliei nnsl I l�av� l�een ..",�""„"�"`"�"'�'","",::.' s�; � p "k„�s." �nb. � -�{ �.s0o,oat snod nuti��n�st e�undy to�a; ! dic�. Tt s lii� � m , y ui, �p,' Y �R7rc, ht, }3arxctt ! thiu � aut ot tdi� �v;� �outciiutes 1, ,,. � , ; , � "Uon't 1-00� n�q-no� n, tnaiuc�n,t-�-T e.�ri Ck,o viscou�t �taxi ."Whut Alao sliould ar�oa r�l• e:���s, I ciii� afrnid to sa.y lin�v Ed n-r 1 i S.` �; '� ,fv;' b� 3�' .Chen tk�cie s��voa�an in the ^.nae 4rr �tt kinclm ot iruit; Gbase to ctcy, II*,s 2os, St. � 4�� n Y � tv s, r �, s�..t � CuW�au'iues, ont, beux it! I areu�ned �l�at l�a was �.livs+-� � ��,11 ttimY" many! S3ut to m� it �kns aec;med a life• rso��cro:��,nayM. i> y;;� _ einilc� ouL• koud, all to uiysclf, rvl�esi 1 st�v �i�secl, i�er oyea li�l�tau� up ex�aect- �- aslc rZc}cry---�,ho �y�11 tell y�ou tha�t I did, gyl�iu lool:eci �firom onp �o tlte 4bhor, tinio. And I kiopo to you, toa, DTQvill�l R� t1, horrid ����``� .�•e�n eloain�t anytlxiub linrd; �ud tl�o in. �ntly. _ ph, Jacici Jaek! �ior hreukh comir� uic�C1 ."Jack, her Denr �ne, kio�v �;lad evcrybo�l,y �vill U�! rash cu�a�e �uk atl o��er my baUy's Iuce RR�e3 ��•zY�atioti is out to witc��v • eixter zn . "Xes;" (SoU j �L1UCA'i'1 ONfhL, "My desu•," blurteci ou$ T.qrrin��ore�, J ok 911 L e? o� c ic: it l>0?" We--tivo iuugt J►avo n feto tp wc�leo3lxa spr�ad until it 3�ad totnlly cuvcred•hi; scalp, d u, .� Q� .• � Y. °`�41Yv a� it Y" sha aewanded. � sT 13E �r � UIP. „ n, Nev, e ynn . J� w ou , , v�. 1 tail.o rt tl�nt pc�r�lo will a�uil� ,� „ , mT�Nn T�i� LA.�e4E , S �2 hhnt--t1�nt jaolcot we broug3�t, y4u zsas T.orriinoro n,nd Audra ouCoz•ln� the . tho wan,dofier hame. Will 3>au l�elp nio It wus 9rr�tatin� aRic� painti:I, unri caused aa CGev re.11 ttiu card nud ant tuo You {1apb.) ��od Uustness scz�ooi tn CuUac?a tor bast L�s, righ� enough, but an�tue� vatin �Vot`e raom founcl thora tl�ue �d 11ud� ��vent kill tl�a fntted. cal�. Auclt'op 4" ihe jtttle ono hours o( &uff�Yittg, We tsied � ' '� � ;, � s' ��� z•esubta; tk,a4 cchnot Is the Gawtrr�l Dvalttess to contii��o �l�e uct �WA�ilu in liez•e! �ar#��iUtt�. exelaimecl ttie It�othei�-in� it,«rznd -and you eee---„ u uSckl a tho viaoount q.ud �t �heY Audr�y mu�'niure�t satuetltizt� fuuudibJy soaps ancl pmvders nncl salvea, Uut he pot : �� �eIls of r•irxitvr vli eazne a o I�tv. "I nm, eura Z never �{ave k�iin ariy i�OYle�at,�Xon6o and ocrc�s,•q, 2oranto. Cut,a. Jackl brenohed fro� hor 1�arted lipa, ar� lou � uia "al�onldars � � nnd I�ord 11'nrlmv cut in aqFtiin. • ; no Uetter, F�e re(ttsecl hi5 foqd, gak qu�te : �' � �, ° �' � enent�x��:, otue�t. --�ntit � u,es Gosai � ' u „ x� l�itu lt�9t wintc�r t� ��catcluu€�u who kiad y „ �,�• p , f7u11 }�im, �vhiepore<i �udrsy, dativ� �r�Q�,ille ia nn o]d iriend of S ivin.'g, "You'<i better �et rid of thttt ulstcr, thin nnd wntn, :�nd was reduced to � vcry : Qol,vCa in xlidi �t i tuo itirm �'"11 enr tivhoso qheeks t}�o teara �vei•s runnmg. �ear.,�' she aaicl, glving lalm n, little hug. ,Tordan, and-and have aoiuetliutK �q ;seriotls coiiditi�n, I w1s �advised to try • yir," said tho �clsitor, "T anx � ee in�� 5a�,acit� o'f R�ts. °%rrimorfl s��nr�� t,o tLe ateps und « , y0u seeP" cai," x 2pm-Bali, Arirl did sa. It waa avonderful . $�' D nuoute.Ei, "Nov�lle!' �0� � „ R� » ho�v it seemed to coal and easd lhe child s� C��t legencl l��n��i.ily. hlazay ye�.rs a;u, A staleY�,i•b �i uz•o tsQme runuin �uro,se No, lu�,n$ mo if I d�l hp Uluutly rp• Thnnk you, I12arlow, t�eapqnded �or• hi�rnin�', painful skin. Zam•33uk lrom the � wlaen tho pinsue �yas i•nising 1 Sva�s iu tho la�vVn, ttnd za nnotj�ur mument Syl� �orted. "She daean't know his. uamo dan, "but x�nust not �9tay, I havo wor�� very cotntnence�nent aeemed to ga right ta (�uieuttu, und sielc, llio hos�vj,i;aj� �vere vi�, �yas 1 in in hia nrma �vee in """ to cio; nnd I dii�eti vel•y eo�nfor�n,Uly � 1% �he spot, nnd lhepim�les nnd soJ'es 1n� the .' full, niid lvith otL,er pn,tie�itrt 1 iva� ly- lawghin�, n uxmliring his nume br kei� "A fellow doesn't aiwrzge uall him,self SudbuYy. ; irritnti�p gretv less and leas, \1'ithin n:° in� in u ahcd, i�, very si.cic man„ U�t ly, her r•,�uu11; tromb2iag hnnt]s patting �Y tLo fiiglit nnmo out in �he ;old Neville roaay lio e�uld endure it no :fetiv eveelcs rs:y baby's sl;tn was hcaled = c�eeh a4�te of :uia t�, poor cl::zp )�sea die�l, bia brotid ahoulders tl�qt abo wi�ht odn- f�eldd, eaici �Tevills, lot} er, �� completely, FIq ►i1s pow nat a trace of ,�vhen :� ninn eamC tiround �vitli ono ot viuco harself that he �vas f��sh an�i bIoo�ci, �7 .And you �e� t1�ar$P ti�'o11, blee� � m-�oing, lie snid, griu�l�, ttnd ae tas1�, or eruption, or eczema, ox hurning '�21e �<>etors i:o uieasuz�e t1�o bodies.. �p her Jaek aud not n ghqst, �ny aoull Xou must �sll tts ttil� q.bou� it, if ]�e had aome iznpoct�xnont in ]iie thrpat, ;sore, ].Vut only so, k�ut Gured of the tor• t�es #iuiahed tlie second f�llow's me�.- Lorrimora led Audroy away. Neville. ]3txt thQ firat thlng to do is t� �� `�'e will go tAp,etlior, aalcl Jordnn. ' m�nting slcin t�aubic, he l�ns improv�d in - Ritrement they Joolceci wt me, and tt�e "I tivls�h'to $paven I ware 1�a14 us drink your hoalth, ahY Wliere's tho Xou must eome to the c4urt, of courso, �-beneral health. . „ , bappy as ttcose twcr!" 2�o murmuree�. «'�? Audroy, my dearl" �Io looked Nevii�o. Z must not loao � ai�ht of my �,iora, S��un box� orapost f ne fro�n�Znn �Buk Go.� ��i �necidput hhs eti��e 'ineasuie tat itxy fxom fwe� to lacQ, "x`herv'g more iu thia long•loab brotlier no�v that he haa turned I�?arOnko�Fpxp rice,6UoxeGfor$z.5o. AC�K�alnqure� side, I� ap8to o� i�,ll offort, I could on.ly �'I����' ��' tha,n I cu�n ��4thQrnt" hq grunted, uPAnd he ��nileci Youn� �s��eotly. Fnr all elcia diseases, cats� hurns� etc„ and forpiles, g�pFO, '.�o aa,vo �ng liPe I couldn't �po�k At last ,�ylvip, iixaw heraol4 ouE of No- Audrey �nugi�e$� vllle'a sirtue and tLe t�vo s�t�d at�d az- � � • � �� oi^ wo�•o, �11 z could do ,was to smile, $' "�i'�'II ex Iain i� alI dixeatIya de�,r," 'tNo," said Nevzlle, ��I R27,t 6'��4�`f72�-�-� � ed nt ea,oh other. �heu Novill,o s6nrted ehe sa,id, �9,t �,rosqnt we are all too "iioxe," put in tho visaoui�t (addin$ a1 and I u�e� smiled. Insteaci o# i:he znea- ` und eremsouod. 73o hud uot uetuallqseaci �, ��q Ivia'e l�� 3Rssa to be abin to in a��hisper to Lorrimore, "�hoso �wo. nx�in� �inv I�vag given bottar nt�ntion, � eaught. It wua foniul by the ma.rks qf her 8ot; xn th�t �irst rush th�y hud ga�P�,nythi g oonnectadly." She went tivill fight like cata onne they gat ott� a G�o��roa. �u� szuile did i,t! 1'hat'a fwu,rcoly laa3cod ub euek other. .And now- « » • , . °"" � ri l�t! 'I�oo �� »- ruts' f�ei in the ecu�c and the Blh9s4]II well h a �o ��lvin, and lciased Ler. Xea, deA,r� side l Z at�n eee mtaehio� ft� Nflville slle Q' � A Timea. p ��iliug. Hnrtiord y � � g , o h d been picbuxing tolximsolfthe ehe tnurmuro�, "I aru happy �n your '�au stop '�vibh us, of course, Nevi � a REStDU�iCEFUL OCULIS'f. �It thut ihe had di�covered thc esxet Y , �.rl � � Ivia ut out hor hand and tvuched ce,mtrc and to�ofc the hnxt as thop iikpI. E3 lvi�a ho xems.m�bered the �lim ha pi�tess. I tliink I knofv hAw ou ieal. �Y ,� P, QUTIVII�E IN xTALY, � Ha� u�itlnd 8eggar Woman to Adver- $aIf nn inch on eit�er side of the c.�ntr� xith girli�h form aad face and �vnys and �o txave last him-to thiul� J�im doad- h�� �Ploruegly �vith the tips of har tricks �af speaah, TJiat was tho Sylvia he and to have him oonio baak to op. Ahl" fin ers, State Sells Tt anS,Uaes the Profit to hnd la� und he hc�d expeated to see. �. �ovillo seez�ad to have tLll]109t foX�;Ot•,- And ehe cla�w w long breath, Fight TJlalaria, A,nd, instead, 'bere befor�o him 'cvas �ylvia ellowod her�eli to bo lciaeed, but t� her, but Iie tua•ned `vitu a smilo, Iiks �he sale of uinine in Ttnl i� eari�ed a lovely., scn osqulsitc�Xq lovely woman, �eetusd d�ezed, nud gazed u-t Neville� Who, & flush of sun,ahine eren �in t�rQ� 11 on in tt. eeulia.i• fash3qn. The Qotrern• � 1 � � suI•orbty cirosaed, her s�,ouldore and arme thou h he wus talki tq tho Y�. �o darlcnoss of hia faee. � ment eells the di•u iio tho easantp in gloaming liko marble. Could this prin• �Qun� and Lo:•d Lorr�mo �e ke tg'an in "NO� ��nks, he eaid. `I ha.ve r�ome 8 p ce }s bo his wiid Is�s o the wo.ods, hio nt her as if he oould nOt� ktje hi8 G� Ctl at the cottago. 73u6 T ll�valk �na far aa malnrious disti•zets aud tuen ueeq the pra- lit,la Sy14 P �' the cowrt �vith-with Jox•dan. fit to figh� mnlaria. Her Ueauiy, gra,00 u�nd air of distiuo- �ram�her faGe. �� . ��p,.I�a q�,�er! Nouesi�,se, my doar :N'e- '1'he £irst aim is to praiec� the pea- ti�n awod hian into amazed aileince; mnzt• �, �� � th�� ptre,nge�t atory�, he said. yille. Why of oourse the oourt is youx danta £rom �nosquitoea. But it is alinost' ]iko, hp �elt ehy, frightoued o4 her, evQn A�nt► I don b quite know wh0ther i!�m �ome 1" est,laimsd Joxc�n, affeatlonats• imgossible to get t�1i�m to tn.lce eftre o# �vhi�� �e t9n�led u�d glowed wiii� pa.a- �w��o or asleeD an�l dxsaming.'�.'o tbi�.k 1q «�R,.o hinp, to me," and he nodded t'hc, �vire acreens which are givon them aic�natq love. t1ie,6 Lord Lorrtmore, hare, ehould he.�� �� e,�il�d. �exi � orossed ovar �o . 4or tl�eln c�usea. Sho did no1; notic� tlie euddcu cl�e,ngo been ��ntin h�fOr m�al� 0 bsp y�dar�� yP��lo Audrey stood apar:t from tno �y for their weaxing veila nnd glovea in hia ma�.x�qr, and ehe dro�v him by both � a gow miles--r-" n �� ��� xest, �ervoualp turn�ng over the �oavea �yhen tliey go nbroQd, ns they aro nr�ed h l�ancia, wh�ch ahe hqld �n her tvurm, ,t �� � o� a bopk. "How cot�ld y�ou leave Zian� by tlie nuthorities to do, any�'boriy tiv�o so�t �re�sp, into the, roori�. s1. faw yartisl su.id I.o�rimore, '�lpn withput writing tp me, deasa3t2 knowe the lt�lian eas�n�s cu.n uess nl "Yes ardn} And not kno�v itt" he �nurinured. "Yon o� m, le�ter." �' � "Como to tbe light And let ma aae yon, „, � 3' „ 8 Y how mnny of thent K�i11 do it. Jark!" she aaid, and l�er voioo startled I11 wirc� to hor ladyehip, said the «yea, Audroy eaid{ witl�out looking up. Tho C;ovei•nment �tiae therefore to do- hfut &lmost as mueh as har altored n.p- v�ount, I Svou.t toll hex th�.t you _«�ltd-and yau �vill not refuse xuy re- end chiofly on c�rttinfn� nn�d filling wp penrance had done. It tivus fullar, soft- �ave oome baclr; we'll eurpxiso her, e�tY quast, Audrey� Tndead, indeed, I cunnot ��e poois tiv'hera moequitflea breed nnd � .And uh b Joval I�rna for e�t4n ers and yeL•, ah, as e�veet ae oY o1dl + � 3' � +� be }�tcppy uutil y�ou nre mine-mfne, ir- on wha� is calied bonifioarnenbo, ox tlio "Como to the light and leb me sae pnu . eom4one elso! Jordani Have you aoen xepQedbly:' improvement of tho innd in vnrioua pl�tniy, Jaak. I,o� me goo if I Lad ior• b� Yet7�' �� Sho mrznaged to reprees the shudder ti�.Qye, �� y��. the C#ovcimment sold (,jGt�811 tiVI1Rt �OLI were liket Oh, ohl" Nevill�ea fuco clouded. �� Lorrimore s tltat ran through hor, to the pea.sttn�ts �flbout $300,000 worth of And eho begs�n to Iattgh and cry, tI�ta,t dnrkeno�. �� �� "And notiv, Nevitle, dear old �Tevllle, ufnine, wiilt a nst proPit nf about sta•unge oomminglin� by which a woman �o, euid Nevi;lle, quietly. Not ye4. your old P'rieud, hna oome to uS- tva� �76 000. �•olieres a I�eart overlul q� joy. "Row `1No6 yett By �ad, hs'II be eurpri�dt #9 anatbex reuson whq we �tzauld aot ' could you be eo cruel? No, mo! F7ot a�a'e been advert�&ing, looking for you �vait! $e ah�.11 Ue my beat mttn, .Audrey � �vord of roproaoh, Jriokl No6 now nor ; everywher@--" . -�--" Y'�'"r"�~*�i �`�— �,�-"� "y„�","„"""�''' "' •'�`'�'•'•�'"'� ever! I3u� if �ou oould krnow whnti I � fQotman'opened the door, pha ruiaed her head und looked at :� q L l, I N G � 1 C�� E S S sufFerodl" "$ir Jordan Lynnel" he t+,rinounoed. him qsrgarIy, �_� x,`�ts, Epilepey, St. Vitus' Danco, - lind aho ahuddared. "You-y�ou ��ill do wuat you �aidP" •� Nervous ;i`roubles �te., positivel "� did i� all for thq boai; " he f�,ltc�red. ��TFR. XXXII. &h� 1xiuYmured, httrriedly, "H�e ha� come � , � 3' � "Xea ea. Xou thou ht tha,t Z was "sir Jordan Lynnel" The annonnc4• baalc poor and----" - ourqdby LfEBlG S PtTCvi3�. Frea troel . in bei;ter handa Y See how I reatj yaur ment and the en'tranoo o{ that estim;nbla "R.aat assuxed t�hnf� I�viIl treat 2um boftlx aeRt free cn Appttcat'on. PVrite � � gontletnt�n were like tho ea losion ot a sLs ona brother ahould treat �nuother!" be ; tho LIEBIG CO., l.'Ixoobe St., Toronto. �f tleuu�hi;a, JAek. But how oould I huve P � lpecn batter aared for thnn you caxed for bomtx;holl to at leaet three outi of fouz� r�plied in a low voico, antl tad�ing her ��.:a�,.,.��.,;..k�M..a.�„�ti.,,,,.••�. �.>,,w,,.,,.,,,.�.,� mcr? Oh, how huppy tva worel Iiavs you oP the party. Audrey etarts$ an� turn• hand t�nd pressing it. "Neville is pzoud, . #or otten it2 No n.h na ou ht�,ven't.l ed pale; Lorrimore frowned darkTy, and �+s you seo, Uut T ahull overcomo t}�ub Fun tor the Bo $ 9 ' Neville s rt�.nn $o his feet, by my uffectioii, tiVh�;t. Do �ou ttiink I-'�,�o areilts of n, I3al�irsoi• y Iad a u il Jncl: ! mThe eslightes�tw enieet �tl k wo� �ordan s presance wRs flwing to one of '�'�ould allo�v him to w�.ut for mone�v p , p p ovcr l�d out in that wiid, silent place. tltoee ohunoes whieh malceor mar mesn'a w�bilo I have �t penn to s�k�are tivit�h him.' boast�nof the public achools, are fond �f 1',�„ ma look at oul How broRm ou �ortunn. $e hud.ete�rted that morning Tf youa�vill�dof thnt---h t���� ��9ati tfieir I�opeful lias never ` Y Y missed ti da 's attendance at' echool dur- aro, und-yes-I think you �,re bigger, forcin �u�.oA�eolved upon persua�Ciing, �e peized upon° the conemt to their �g, a period of eleven years. . ox i,� it bccauso the men here ara sma11- �, y to marry him at once, e eed marrin e l�or ialtqrin words im- _ On oue oacnion ��a pFoud father �vas erY OU, Juctc,, to have you wibii me E�s wss thinking of her intenLly us he 9 � � •o�icu more-oneo more!" .And she cov- �'Rzed vacantly out of the carriage win• p�;0d flnd x�tl:ac�d her hand to hi� lipa. �sked to esplain how thia apparently d Doareatl 1ie murmurod. impo�sible feat had been n,ce9tnplished. p;ed l�or faco with l�er hands. "No�v dO"'+ �d, lo aud i�efioidt as his tx•aiz� �"Did he have �he usual childish diseasea ulled u�,t 8udbur Lord Lorrxnzor� liud bQen �vatcl�i t411 me ovorything tLat has happ�ned. �o toWtlphe sfl.w hsryface at�th8 oar iaa� rhe�i under hie d�.rk browa, .stnd, as Jor -mensles, hoopin� cou�h �nd so on1" Did you's�.n,y 7ong ub the camp, und' �vindotiv�of �, trnin ata.ndin r�e dan kiseed her hand he �tallCed Porward tho father�vas uslced. � or „ �ho lmughed= did you find a lo� 04 gold, � nt the down to thd vIscount. �� 3 �g• ° JackY" plu�forw, ,�t first h,e though� thub i$ «I �vill sny good by, Murlow," he said "Ho�v, theu, could he Itave always bee� �'io eliaols l�ia head nud anailed, was an optical deluei�on, then ho cau ht hu9kiiy."� nm off to-morrort�—" �t aehool2 'Ti , nip luck lef� m.a evith yon, �yl," etAnt of Lord T�iarlo�v, and �n- �°Noi" whispered Nsville, agitatedly, "�he fact ie," explained the f�,ther, "he ha ��a • ntly �UIll�1P(1 nt iha rigLt in his ear. "Not yet! Wait?" always had 'em durinR the hqlidays."- °"�Syll"' sLe munnured. "No one has concfa�ion. Audi�ey was �oing tn �ho paor viscount �v�s getting be�vild- : Harpei's Weekly. � e�llod ma that unt y�ou, Jacicl My dear, tho C�rnnbo to nvaAd himl Fie epranq ered. dea: br�th�+s�!" out of the truin nnd yelled for u, porter, ��;L,tiak i�re," lxo s�,id. "You'd all bet- "'� Nrvi21'o°s faco itusLed; the title jarred �ut �n he d3tl so his otvn and the other ter co�ne to luneh to•morrow• b thab �� � Y ,� E ��a � ��� �G u on izim• h4 for ot that it wne he who tr&Yn etartod, and he was le£t standin 1 �� �� � � p , � � timo ��*e eha 1 have grot over tlie surprise fI.lB� �IIV�I1tq d i�. ugan -tha platform while Audrey was pf NevilIe'e return, nnd be ablo to rea,I- !`:�iy luok lof nie, Syl," ha said, "nnd carrierl n4vay from him, ize it. Aa it ie, to-ni �h�t I ieel aad if I o. I I@t� Loru �Iope as poor as T eniered it." Ta the ecmnzemexiE pf the oYficials, �vero siauding ozx my�i�u,d" "t�hl" she aaicl, �vith aweotest, moet �vho, of eourse, l�ne�v tho ri�ht honorable Lorrimore, �vithout deciining or ncoept- Iovus eym�paihy. "Te1l me--go on, S�ntieman, 9tr Jordan �wore arid staixip• in� glano�d at .9.udrey, nnd tivallced �out. � � �'�, ��� ed his feet, tiifien wae the next traln ';i'3u will go?" murmtu'ed Sylvia to a '+ .�ud sho drow h'uss on to A eofa besido baak io Lynue Y ThBro �vtts no oiher Noville, �v1�o stood looking �tt Jordnn. �*- � � hQ�, until tho uaual "afternoen one, he wp,a He bumned uvd took her 1�and. IIo gu,vo nn scoount of his fldventures� informed. "Yefr, I must go," ho eaid, �`i mu�t � -� eiuea tlioir plrtin�, eacep�in� those con- H@ spent four of tho lon e�G houra af �n1k to my-my brothor; but T w.ill come naated �vith thu fmding of the will, and � hie life at thQ station, an� then�Mflung �-�noxra�vv.° �y�lvla Yisionosl tivil:h ca�or ii�tentnesa, himself intfl the d�tvn truinr and waa He•looked hard at her, ns if he ahould '• ,• � `1'�oor ,Tackl" �ehe murmurod, smooth- carried to Zynne, He only W�tited ttt tho like to-well, to kise l�er ha.nd as Jor- � `. 9ng ]zis 3m.ncl. Bub tivho caree? Xou Covrt long enou�]i to aseertuin�that Miss da�i' had kiseed dudrey s, but J�e ]et it • + aru here--haro, �etun�ly sitting lieaid9 Iiope attd her party hnd lndeect �.rrived . drop �vi�'hout doiiig ab, and walked to � , ` ma. Olx, do you think T aha.11 wakA up �t the C�ran�a; then he had him� 2P ���Q door. pr�,Aentl and find i� all a dre�,v�4" driven tliere, emplpyinq himeolf on t�� "NeviAe'a going," a�tiid J'ardnn, plens• ,` �nd s�o 2oolcsd up at }um piteou�ly. way in emoothinq his face 3nto gome• �ucly, his taca flushed with triuuigh. "I �vas 'uat askin m eeIf tho uamo thi liko ita usual amiab ser n "Till to-morcow, dearest!" he wh�s�pexed, l � Y �$ Ye e ity. ��;nd follo�ved Neville out on to t+h4 ter- quQationl" raepon�lec't Nevilla. "It's- �'or u inaraont, ae tke foobman o�ened xAco. Thjy qx �g pg�,nexii;l a��,Ohed i�'s clifiicult eupu�h to believe that thia the drawiAg-r0am door a�d nnnouDced �' p gc� eou� �yld quegl�y la�ly is--is Sylt" hiiri, nnd ho paw NevilIe hnd Lord Lor- ��e vi�cotint stured �,t" bho t�vo �irla to th9 front of tJ18 2naiT�. bizilding o� und indulged in a px•olbngeci cvhisble, the Lydia �. Pin�ham D�edioine 6�e got up and dropped him a curt- ri�pro, he etoppad ahbrt, and the color «�a ke�,vous l" �e excltz.f2necl. "VI'hu,t �� a�y-, L. l��ss. tE�y. , � loft hib fa�e=-his lips, l�e had "expeCtod � g�tb�.ing of th� er2ns! What a'happy �phtbt Dq���ie �i n 11�et�n ? �Vu.azt t I a--a tivild eat„ a tomboy, i�o seo only Audreq and tho aiqnoxlnu. _����ly' lciud of �us�ii;�g�t I thaa�ht� �vo � Jual� ." and �ha Ictughed. '�h�n with a trsmendous e�fori ho pulleal ' were eoming dotvu hero for a f��v aays� . Zti ��&'� ��a� nubl�° ins�ectlon o# You tivor,o the Seare�t,-" Ho stop� Limool� togethur and catne forwdrd vvith p�� and quiet, and instaa.d of that hexe's �'�s �bOTittOly QII� I118$t10d8 Of doing pes. `13ut ia it trt�e that you arb �� u pwe6t emila of eurprise and joy. no end of oseitomertt, Noville bacl , i,or• bugines� i� honestlydesired� Itm0an8 Tlie famous 5ignorizuu �teila, eirl Ip iE possible4 Nevlllel My-my �iniore groiasg to ��f�ica, ana 2io and Jor- �htxt there is noth.ing abou� t�e bue= bho said, l�ugliin«. "l�o you renlomUor do�r I�`av11Ye t" Le murmured, holdinq out dan memtin here---' on m word 1t'� ifie"ss which is n t c4 open a.�n.d above- h�yetcif�zgeaack ��ud ow oulkused to hi� ���� ����ia is f�daed u surprzgei acarceiy fai� 3�otzn� people, �liat Ys�io�aIci bO�T(1:70 n ,� , S Whon did qou x�e�urxi R To find you hero, �ave to benr tl�i� kind of tliing alone nu$ It means tha�t a permanent invit�- praiS_ r�ty voice2 I'v� mnsla sbnte nne �on� unnidedt Ak" nnd ha shook his liea,d; 'on' ea�ended to a,nyono f,o oozrio of i� sinco. lou wi]1 ]�ea'c me aing aome Nov311e �tood stalwart and Qxim, and "�ve wunted �ier ladyshi� uaclly, 9udre !� � �, atement� ilny, if you z�•g � ery ood, �ir, and pro• tellotveci 2i�a brotll�r to et hold o4 his � y �ncl 'verify any antl ll ab � a ilhero �v�.s I, scn.reely �tnowin� �vli�t to � nxivd rgvaz•, new�r to ewro me, Uut al• haud J but clrew ib away alraos� inatanttq. �aq, or l�ow to kee tlxo en�o nhd Ex- made �.n the �dverhasementa oi Z diti n zvmy�5 io kre �, stay-ut-hbme brothe�. "�Tow da you dd, L�rd Lorrimoro4": peoiing that S• sIibuld bave to sta in �. ���ma Ve�ef�ablo Com�ound. A�Y�aiii Neville s face �ell, � I.orYitttoxe nodded and �ordttn wettt on, �tween o1il� pnrty nnc� tho other fln<l T� Yb a purolyvegotaUle eompouyid T cl }�romise nu�i;king to-night, he �R�i�t� �;itdrey's �and, t'T �ad no idea, . tnkt, �he blo�vs. No�v, i4 her lu,d ehi hu mad� �rom roots aud her%s - with-� a�td. na� the loasti, tbat this ,joytul eurpri�e ' Ueeri here, vou tvould l��,vo seeai t pvl�:tt oub dxu;e ? "Iiut �t�tiv tiitt you hc�ppen to como n�Vai�bd nini HoW welI he ie Ibokixi�, � i� Iioig�t a3��o cn.n risc� Tt's 'u„qt tlie. l�onu:e ancl �a�e. down heroY" nitq uelcod nftar a momont� iAfi�t '�64" kind ot ux� o iortutut � ° COri�iriu- „. , , � p} y th�� �he Dd thtl 'w'omen bf.A�erica .'�ul vou L�en1 X�v�a liere 7��oa dzc3 �� j�a g�od oVer hie whoulder at gl�oric� i;}. Sh9 ���ouldrt't lin,ve ]et f"t�a we ar� tola 4 yott �liaoovor iuo4" I4'bvilld�a ptorn tno9 wlth fraternal atteb• 'Nevilie rind Jordan o of fto et�er tn allyt780�Tri.ua110 1 S ti� ���e ciaked tlte questiion tli� doox� ��n�, muxder enali other�--ol�, � Ueg, our �.r- C��� ���' ��" � t'ho Vl�Count 4opnd �ie qoiqe at la�t• don m do�r1 ho broke of �fo � �� tli�xe ��Q� �uch, a rson as openod, niid tlte v�scount came in fol� � „ � T�r'YCd is a foot�at� �vi�h �ome wind, ���o pt �ha d hord 1 ri '' '� ' r�y v'�' LY�tt �• �n�am, an<1 ia ere any �J E � d� ened �hoir h s, bad Cla6 ed her hands ancT uttexed �, lo • „ , , 1� P P w � � i:C}t fl.are ya�t aia, Loir1 �tuiroi vt�rr��� ���p�y....�ow did au ebmo hsre J`or�. e ati�d her fa e rind a MTS. Pllllzh9>lYf rib1A` t0 'Nh nCi 8 �'�h�.t tt�� �c�oucei �Vl�q nol 'Yesl 1� �hnt" li0 a»lco� bl�ithkl ' ' '�' C become 'tvhi�e. I i y� `GPe under� Ueg b�otli �your p�rdon� t" lio �ui�tUl�d �'bman �,re asked io �rite ? fs N�vill�s T,yiiY�e1" i►� krrorce off and ex• ��6�� you had �o�f0 iq Tando�ti!' on. "Of eourae, it's �11 no:tsenso t�i�d ���a �nd ��b. � oTu3tziotl,� . "�6 i hn�ij� axld Joldan, bltwtdly, ancl, thoy'xo alt rigllt, 73ut, u on rn 1�oi°d � th0`t*a�1;YiriVA.�COTI��pOhdeIlCe �r"ev;ltb rose. �ylvia looke�� Tnuy�d, �ookin Yo11nd 'w3th A� aufi�a as if he tvere Navillo too�:ec3 � b�ack- � � ' vcr�i:31 8iC1� yYOI'n�n eondt7eted by' �tsu could ori] aeo �acic�-�-J'ack, tho a�Yr EHa� �ho s a ttnd I.orrimnrg, � S' o q rau t ell bo deli�htecl to iY nn�t�iisLg, Iadlted bTwekrt-tlii�i ��cvu,s women onlq aixd a�e �ha let�i;erg kopb yo�tin ! it�t, s8e �lm, �'I etaited �hiw mdrnin tsut �x aatih tt ra�v evet• nto�bn�,. I3 i �bx�ot Coxli�d�nti�l P "1�y, my de�r boql"' ej�ieulate�i th� �� p�dbury � remo�nbered sucldenY�� that thl�ik of N�vi]In'b eo�n i laaelc, nn� { orbi l"Joi�'lo�l�nd �3em. � z�ivroiY�7;. ::his ia d�uxi�r�so. Yi�uexb r}��,� iorgbtto» an �mpoktattt doaument, and tao bt�r�g aZct frlencYs.� Ybu inust �etI Hl�q9 $he re�,ll �0� 7.��ttir3 i�`o1n t�t rt�rtli did you �pxnig froxn.Y Bq Jovn, `yi�hbut '�Y`hfclt uay preeenne 3n i�ohdon u� atl 4bout it, overythin��--=-" �' o ilf3 hliTlci�Ced � m�lli. d yoatv� clz�,ngecl! Y�houldn't hav�r wae, e� to sps�k, ue�io�s. T lei`t tt in ��But no� �o•itigh�, papa„ sn,icT ��dro�+r htl�it5a d'tlC'ombn CO�CrL'g ox�dentsP knp�vtt you �bu�� for yaux eyest a�y �,eepato� box, tl�e lcey r�t �vhich T Rently, n,nct ahe ilr��n ,S�iri�,'� �rm � � p xut, tutl i�4heros Audro3�9 ��hel1 lind in t�y oak9t, r a�surb_ qo�z tLnb tl�roug� her� �and loci hor n.�v�,y�, �"4�tto �uct �e+o. . E bo �lac� er�a�gh ta eeo y�u I11 war x waN torrfb�y a�ano�ed at ha.ving �� �yivin ennlc on tt�e bod iii l�oi• a�n �T�'�o t�b��y �robf th�b I.y`di& ranitfi �4Volt, ��aaverC JvTy r�c�a,r 3o11ow, %itrn Laak�,r h�s voice dro ed n , , �'it�lthA�m's V� o���ile Coxt]po�ridb:�� ,.w ... gl , „ pp ,�, d Iie roam �ud t�g Auc�roy k�ielt crost� l�e�ido , 'tVo s.11 thartgtat y�u w�xtl�- �hem dea bont. dv'e� .Audra�, tnt I b�ct lool�od ftlr- h r ol�. tl�o , . Ctuec� tllott�jiLri�r�bP tl�eeo Wl)11x�n 2 I�$'avilIo T, �nno U�ekt" .ei.nd T�e k8 t cin W e �ho t �toi� r�� 7�oxn Hapo Cr1me �zne� �+�n. . 1� , t� v�nrct �b b�eiu� yau iii i,oi�dbnt. tiearedto Cam� , with Yu�r�� fniter�n �, nn�� r��ith . . �ing �ov��I3rd k510A(X �Us1.CIC and lau "���ng. �crt"y- to tha reet�--"how `taanderful u e� f nr n� add �, '�`� 4iC1'p'bl'C�s6Tl'10T1� �5 t�7�ly fOr i t s e d s on switb blty li �c �i r a as (�aci; S rviaT� T�or Tad afai� tivor� �i8ret ilxeab A.Coidehie tt�tn 0'Uil �f Y�ind. nat qnd llor�. �0�1bt9T�.'.Cho re�,t s�l'�nyt�f'NOmc21 'stout �v�ra a f�wwot�ita o�heru, i�oy�� T3a�� !br o�ten t�a, d e e 1 �r � .,. „ � g t p pr i hou d]�aVo be�n Xtd amnz�ngl r�ola�nir�� ,�:�td���y. WI1G 1a10'N fI:'OTn, tiloi� n'4'�T�7 pC1SOT1aX , , _ � i �, anti t�'lut � , . . �'�"�� �u 1».We �orvn in o gt , i Los► o ancl .� r� �� �, �� � rt �. �► . mi,gsocY debina qou �ll �n C)ly, X enr� ur��lersta►tct iv1�n,� ��ix i�J� , tf� 1'18Y1CA t�iiL� Yi(� tllCdiCl�ib �ti t11C W-'�rilfoi� It� bYUkO o��'� �t�dcl�Tlly'� re�nem. �iq1�t, my dear S�'�r+i1T� �spoci»ll�+�" whan au �awv l�t�r� asE rya�v. 33tt�--�bu� '�vo�lt�. '���s L tii[� �. �'i3�kii�lst'u b�lrfn �� ttLat h� had cdrr��� tx�nn th� tr��s� �+�, d�A.r Noviila" had e��k inta hi� wl� �� dict � ou ��enl � e etr tl�e ��� r � �� � � �itt�u� c1on� to ether uii tho �nta. "T�o . �' � i a o r b nther :tittd �'e etablo Goin�ny�nt� for f�itY:�le ill�� � a��ir a.��.ir�, ayic� �v�� ��,zln� �r�ml� �,t �i�stort,� , � Y `v W�1 �tiii b Ot�t 'tt5fng �nc� i�r itI lx��t- �ou� kt�n«" iiin Slgnbritla ��dlla,_N'�V111�4 t'hb �rp9t� if� wn�tl' ta��ne��t�rl �, •thd (�'e �� �efltintiy+�r�.l' � , , ,. , :� � _ . . �fltod b �� � bu� th� 4ar ac�ti�tzn�� �+ �rntr ..na�w hirn, �igr�o�ind,Y � eu��roau dadlr� t� e�o�nitir► A�dr� � � t � .�.--....s.4,- � �'' � � ,�D�i dnr i}i�a �g li:' that �tit�tr tnur+lt `y�a�r i��.n���--d.on't 10� �rikonhreo i.� tti li��riteTtin c�et�il a�11t'fE�'r�� v��]�1��1 xll"u�f;t f�7C �l�x �sr�z1 , _ ,. „ � , �a�� iJ�i;�'u t�i�Ct�i]ic�e�CO �Or�iie�,lsp A�d h� iuolc�d �'rnrrt er�e ta �he �athe�, h!m +�oJ�u� �s+�r y�au he ��; �ba�titl�ir�x! lr��a��xt p�isdTt �:rxl a s��ea� eir�,�.��a xa• +. � , �i�a��l+�I: axti�i b��,i�dar�d, �ut �d re�t��� hfmaoli. Aa �; �aut��r �i�a, , � _ , ., i _:, �.;� �''� ��� �s �t+'ell r��tt� �S6r k��1L1�., The average rnt po�ses�seR ex�rtl0tdliY• ary e.��aqity. On a auili��g ��iP bauud tot Ca.lcutt�. fxam Capeto�vn aoiu? yeui'3 � a�o it was deciclPd to try to, xe�aem t!�e ntunber of ruts �vhich ba� borsxded t'�a vc�sot at 'che ln.tter port. 'ihe eud of ni� ordinury ea5k �vas pluned pcxtectl,v smoct�, coatecl Sviih �;rensp, sxml a xneut hait tucI�ed in tha c;entre. Tho eu3 �tte fLtetl on Wit�e ttvo unila, bal�uce�l 6o tha.t el�nuld, anythin� tonoh it ofi tl�e een�tro it wonld gq do��n. ThG eack iv�,� pra•t1y. fllled with �vator and burled in t�Zo balast tv tvitt�in u f�� iscchea of the tap. The firet ni�ht more �han twn ]iundred fiuts were caugtxt, fl•�e eecand ni�ht few, �nd tha •third reighi noue werc IDR. �Ut�r�"S �UST DEVELOPER Wltl devalop your bust fram twv w cbroe lttchos !n a r ery short time. ABSOLUTELY H111thiI.LS9, Price 51.00, exnress Prepald. T�o Ecl�vard's Madicino Conipany, ali IIathetrst 9troet, Toronto, Qnt R����'��S' �,��.�����. Fiud a ]�ouse's 1��a�tl� Rec�rd ��- fore You �Tove En. (Phil�.delphia li.ecord.) Sbn�e tl�nely suggestions pr hinta to persans ubout ta move into new l�omes u,re given in the waekiy bul�letin issued by Dr. Neff, head of tha Depar��n� of HeAlth and Chn,rities, L+'very one, he points out, should exercise, tUe greateet enr�, in changing his domicile, in sa�fa- guarding flgaiust "ihe contruetion of dis- oasea from �vhich foruier residentq uf the housos may liave suf�erecl. Tn order to be certain of the cle�nliness of the hoiti�es tho Direacor suggests Lhnt infor- mntion as to fox•mer tena,nts be sought front I�is dapnrtmant, :�nd 'tixaE it yvOuId lx+ well to avoid u building recently oe- oupied Uy :� pn,tient �uftgring from aoruo contagious inaladq. In his wart�ing the Direotor enys� • Nq sas�c pereon �d�uld move inta a hou6e whexe tlisro ie a aerious nuisance pininly ri�ible to tlia eyo, or where thero ttro fotll odors froin iuipez•fect w; impro- per drai�ta.ge, without }ui,ving the otivttor correet "the tro Ule• t m u , ye a uch grnver dang�er, ttiat ennnot Ue detected• by tha sonses, inay e�t in bereiis of contngioua diaeases. If the room or house hns previousdp baen occupiecl by a person sufferin� frotn oontagious diseases thorpugh diaanfecttoz� shauld be macie befoi�e ocupnncy, x'ole- phoue or �vri'�e to the Bttreau of Haalth� Citp Iin.11, where completo records �re kept oP all contngiou•s clisenaos s•e�>pTtad to the 73tu•enu, and tlie deaired infontin- tion tvill be furnishcd. Tl�etc� will bs n ' few houaes �vhore cont�ioua diseaaee have occu:•red af wlileli tl�era is no z•e� cord, otving to failure of phyxiciiine to report them, ELI�F10ti�I1 I'CCjtlli'C(2 t0 C�6 i6 Uy ttet oi A83C717UIy. Tlie reaponsibility for 2oss of life from 'their u�eglee$ mus� be fleaumed by tIiein. Upon applicntion suclt dwellings or raouis wili be fumi?at• ed by tlie disi�ifecto�s of the ]�e�artrneait, The In,�v ht pi•esellt comlaels pfiuntUers to subntit ��1a.ns #or alterf�tions nnd ne�v buildings to tlr� Drninn�e Dxvisipn oY 1�hE Tiurenu of I�Ie�lth, and t]iese plctns uius't be duly approved boforo nny �vorl� ig dono� A similnr ]n,tiv ahould bo pnsseil governing the rentnl nnd anle of lious•es, compelling the insertion in tl�e ]�enso oa' deed of n cl�tiise, prokeetin� �he purchnaer or lessee from theee evils. Reiiters shduld domnnd from i�cal estnto a•gonts und ownei•� a certfFieuta to tlia eff�c'b that th� hpuse l�ns lreen exnmined Uy tho he¢lth officin.is nnd t}tnt i� fs in good sflnii�,i•y cbndition aud free lrom cnnt�ti- gion. Tu�Se�•culosis h:r�ns undcr £avorn,l�le conditiz�ns, such ns tIie nbseneo of ligh�, live for �u lorib time nfter th� room hng cansed to �o occupiect by n�erson su�• feiing tvith consun�ption. �, greuL• miny c:�ses of ennsumptioit arz eontraated l�q taealthy peo�lo movin�* intb ;tpnitmentg tl»,t liud previoi�'sly beeii oecupied Uy a person eufferin� �vit$ the ciisen.�. As nn i1lusErntibil, in I�'ebruary, 1007� 'tl�o ch;uir- mu,n of tl��e corttmittea bF �, cartn;in lioin� for incur�bl^a tr•lierc coitsuie�ptla�i is trettt�d wrot�t ta i;he I>epart�2tent tlin.t dtti�ing tlte prececliyi�; ferv ye�,rs n,bout 2G ap�5licutions from ���nsuru�'�ives for nci• trneslon to tlie l�onte �vere rcoelvecl froni aertniri ltoct5es Iocntcct bri 1Cant'oe a�i•eet, frorn,S�cand tb I�iCEI�--��, leir�er ntimber than had laeen re�i��ec� cTuritig that ��r- iad from nuy other eti�eet in the citiy. � Iiet of f,'C�ese I�ouses �t�ns r�Uinined, �,n�I a11 tv�re tliarou�l�ly clisinfeetecl. Sinee • thnt tiute tltot�a �ins a�ot bcen a�ingle n�x pliqp;tibn filed fro�u atty og theso 1►ou�es. ��. � �nthuslAsrtt� `T2►a 73�rtietotniek---G��ent rceep�tinti �e 1�nci in S'octunt;l Grc�.t ntrdiencot T goE a c�ttri;ain ctllil �'ho Otlzcr I+elIc�tv---�I�it7e�l I�id t11e nu• cift�neo �sk you t� coma atttt • 7.'litr �3urnstnrmer--�-.�sl: me7 'VVliy, sn�,rt, tl�ry^ citr,re�� zn�l . �:. e� .. l�uthlesa �'ro�tt�dn#� *'��'hn� yu�khn ��o�i think i;1�,�t y�aut►g Y�li6t"1 Cil��i�i;'F1 '�11i9�C�i"� "�hc mnyYm�r i�s �w7ueri 1an �hidt��g n ttiiu,��"�-�-'�"4F�shiitigton �ts�r, tise F1is Business, meunt d�th.-I�ansns (Gitp 8tur. =:� EnCerprise t:�kea vaizous forma, even itt � Warsatv, A yonng oculi�i, finding thnt p�L .�����p p � patiente were %w nnd far between, hit ��� "'� �� upon axi original zuanna of udvertiein�. �����! �����pT��� ����.��� fSe evga ed p Ulind woaian wlio sita 1��' nnd be�s �y'the Churoh qf the Holy Cross to hold n light boar� ~vhereon nro written hia nauae, addrese, profeasional _ qualifications and coneultatfon houre. I! you suffer from hleec3irc�, �tching, As the chureh ie in the bueieet thos- ��d or protruding Pitea, gend pqp ypp! oughfnro of thn toivn the notice attraets �d��� �zd I witl teIl ou how to ettxe a�ood deal of 4�tent3on. 'rhe beAgnr Y heraelf says she is qnite $utisfied with Yotu•se18 ut hame by t2ze �ew nLaorpt}on the re�ulta, ae mnny people notiae �er treatment; and will aIeo send eome of who would otl�erwiee paqs by, and ae tho �� �omq �lca,ttuent frea for trial, �vith doctor has esdded hie assvrance that ahe raferQnees from our own loca.lit ia �opaloeRly� bHnd, beaevolent old Indies re useted. Tuuti �d4ttite relief and perf throw coppers ivto her tin mug, sure mnnent cure as�ured. Scud no mone that their mottey is not wasted on un �ut teil ot2�era of th[$ offer. '�Yrite to� iinposter. It in not yet kuowri whether �� �o bira, M, 5ummers, Box P. 8, the nuYnber of patients hae increased,- �,�,��r, On•b. Wn,rsaw corresDondence Pull Mall QA- w : i. zeite. ^ , begrees of Madness. � . • After •a theatrienl pe�farmance in n Minard'e Liniment Co., Limitocl s ��ouse u purty ot �.etors �vere sho�vn Dear Fir�,-I had t� Bleedin� Tumer. oti over tho establialiment by the director. my face for n long time, and tried a rium- �beY 8aw a lunatfc disconsolately sit- ber of iomedies wlthout aFty �oocl i•eentts. �tfng alane on a bench. "'�hmt," said the I S9A8 advised to try M i N912.TY8 LINi- aireetor, "i� an unhappy man who went MENT, and after uaing several bottlos it �,d for love of a wamnn who jilted him made a aotnplete eure, and it henled all up aud disappearec� attogether, wnd murried 4nother." "He lnol;s quiet enough," nn actxess obsarved. 'Che pnr- DAVIDm HGNDERS0�7, ty moved on, und came ta 'the dan�erous Tielleiele �tation, I�ing's Co., N. $., patienta, In an iron-barred cugo a lunn- Hept. 17, I904. tic, raving mad, wns behaving liko a , �vild beast. "That;' suid the clirector, "is ihe ma,.n sHe mnrried."-London �'eie_ 6raPh• 5TA(tV OF TNE CICARETTE. ; It is the Manner of Holcting That Caueea It. Iq a recebt Countq C3ourt action, saye the t�n4debt�o�'r u� meuns ha�hqdwae ecldon�ty�n Ue1�IstBnt amokor. T�e judge, hdWeVex, r�- tused to 1laton to thiv novel starq, All emak- ers, of oouraa know that t�he unslghtly etnipe caused by cigar+rtte� o�e not due�so tnuc$ to 07CC2G9:V0 A1116kSIlg, ns to f'kA �3uAnor Sn which thv oi�aratte iu hald ln tha fJnge�, If the cS�Cn.rotte wheu nbt betwMn tha }tp� ts held wlth iho lighted end dowAwsxa�q tha�ea or four cigaroties a clay aTe �tl�finign2 t0 leave thofr marks pn the 1l'a�eta di the mmoker, Tho man, bow.qyer, t9'ho n1way9 holda h1s ci�arette �vlth the ligh�.ed edd up- wa�•�l may emoko as matty eq EO a day wlth- ou� diacalorivg 8fe ftn�gora. Ait artints an8 most c�hess playery �vho hnppen to Do cigar- �v etrte rvmokeT» Snvn.riably hold thelr c1�+arotWa wdth tl�e Iightod en9 dmvn, q�+td Con�c+quen�tlq ae0ni to smoke tar more than ie aotua.11y t�he ca�Ge. �-t NLinard's �infineat Relievea Neuralgfa. o=_r Thought He Could Buy Them C��«sp. Elderly German (of tho Webar nn� Field Typo, aa k�e Qalla at, a lodging hons9 door}--'°(�ind lady, I ea�w, yae, dor s�dvextiaement in dox evening p�,i�er dat you tiavo a pair of pa,jnmas to aell, yes?" I3oardizzg-house Misiress (indignant- ly�)-"Pa,jamas! Y'ou old tool, do you thinli tli;s is -a depRrtment eioreP Where is tha advertiaementP" The Gorman (producing the adver- tisemont and roading it aloud)--"�or sale, von nlmost no�v bedzoom auit, blieab l Gall nnd aee it.' "-From tho J�.nuary Bohemian. �-1 Minaxd�a Lizument for eale everp`where. i: r� � Tho �ngiish Way, You get in'to your morning second- aluss compttrtment on the S. Lr. & C. R.�.31• �vay to come up to the office, You meet in tue mairt the a�,txio nina okher men over,y day. You do this for mouths, naq, yenrs; but yoiz n6ver sp.�a�k. TY you von- 'ttire to malce the b2d, bold, rash esperi- ment, yott ate #1�azen to deectic �vith s look na if to say "�Vhn,� the douce do you moau bq ape��Cing to me4"--Crocar'e Assistlnt. -��� - Tolescbped Voicea. Ma.ny excellent voices nro xu�ned, uccorc�in� io n communie�tion which Dr. Weiss hns mnde to tho �'rench tieflclomin du 14tedecine, Uy pra�eiia iug in too small a room. A publio er iio to 0 sing�r nzust fi,hxow �v y r. t na i n f }xis voice i� distanee of 30 or �0 yards, ltie �a,y�, but ,a studenL praeti�in� in �e s�Y1�i11 rooi� is only �,ble to tlirorr �, yar<t or two and iho aoneaque 9a that thd voico, instead oE expa ir►�;, bocorned tolesebped. �. _ Minard'e Littiment Cures Dandruff, How Une Fhrmer poea Tt. .A fn.rmer svrote as iotiows to his homa newapapex: "Whr,u I �,;a i�endP to aell my �tuft I ins�rt n little adver- tisement in the loewl puper telling the peaple �vha�i I huve to sell, n.nr1 it live etouk, how mn.ny hoad of cach und whan bhey �vill be reudy to ship. The result has Uemi that tho buvers s�,re rig�$t c�ftar me, eithe�r �rerson.tilly or by mail, an�d nEtturnlly I always get th�e high•ast price. If� I wattt to Uuy a cotv, p, steer, a horee, or n dozen of eacli, I inaer� a I�iif,Ie ad. that csosfs me mttybe 26 or 30 centa, and iustead of traveilnig ovex th� coumtry in�uirina of my net�h- bore'who h�,ve this or t�hat for en1e, the newapnper doea it 4or me at lees expenao, and thbse who huve wha.t I wnnt u�;tin- age to let me know in some wny. I sA.vs ths �8 t4ri� 4XP8h90 of truvellin�g aimles�sly about aud get a better selec- tion to ChooBe �.rom." News-Timea, Mn� roa, Ilt, _ _ Only the choioest selected hill-grown tea leuves are used in "8niu,da" Ter., giving it a delicate frngrance und deli- cioits fZnvor. --r A �1Vinning,�et. A �vibty individual ono mornin� �vnger- ecl tha,t he would ask thr+ snme queetion of fift4y dif£erent persona, and receire the auine unswer from euch. Thc wit went to first one aud then to anot�hor, until ho bad reachpci u,uu�ber i'ifty. �.� this is how he won the bet. �io tivUispered hulf uudibly to eu.cli: "I sa.�p, have you h�ard th�.t �rnith hsa failed 4' "What Smith4" querietl thc� tt2wte fiPty, one aiter a�nbti�er; an<1 it �vne do• cided iLa£ ihe bet ba,d been fairly won, -Philodelphia lnquirer, -,� Mifiaxd'a Liniaient Cnrea Burns, etc, Tha ,judyel of t �and. "But thesu poem� oppenx to be medio- are," remQrked thp biunt editor, °tb�iey nre �econd,clase" "I'li leav�r it to ihe highest autuority in i�e Yand th�at thny nre first-cia�e," re- iorttd t;he prefity cex�se scrilii�icry i�• disnnntly. Indeed, m3s�. �ind niny i aek �vIwm you Consider thm higlxest nuthority fn bha Iand t" � "Why, i�nele Sn•m. �oeaii't he charga me 2 or.nis an ounno for aII �Le poams X send out 4 X�n't tt;n�t firsi-eli�ag mntter 2" -ChlcAgo Ne�t�s. it �:t ��o "��rohYen nt� l�e{�inning io ugo the tynr: � ndf �vriter 7hor� in tlieir pe�eorial carresp<�1ir1- Cnec.s ; tr . • d i►�, r.�,a �ria u�G r-�w�s • �1+P �ii o t�er � . � �f" �t�e �s � p ; p,,� A�w � r��s x��� ��a a► ��; _ ��� �19�r �at b! tlee BcEter Crantp.:AhJq WHY. _ !f If Yod •rp iaFste:�l6e�f� a i'asE. :� �o��� ��nCe �rd ryiN brtng 't�i9 t#right Littliz � p „ , ; , �ys (fp�n�r' to yod � (lne�. a 1� tlti�e tolle of a Migf�ty nker� Nck �'�u� f.:�= wh noc t� u� �:� �ittle ��oktet-o' � Y � n ��sh , �` �tnd Yai� w Cnpy 'T�►:�Say ? , � bo�r�isf �t�t�t h�s� Jys� t��¢n � ,, , �$���d. �rh� e. B. ���� C�., '$ I! �tla the veilue of dN , �i Hu��f C�►n�d�. '= Waahboatstl� • th� o,� _ _ _ , - r ��''� - ► t�.r� il�rel ta�t. w�w;.�:++�:.r. _ . . _ . � ���+A��► ����`t�#f�� rN �ANADX, AstC i�c�t� ��ibvYS �t�,trlt�� L. _ .. . . ..... .. _ . . .... � � � , � ,� .. , �� , , . . � . ... ; <, . .,� 1, r. . .. , � ,.,, w�. . . ,.� .q,. K d��. , � �, . '. , r � � ,. � ., ,. . ... . . , . . . . .. �. . A . � .. ,�. . . , , � , ��.�' � . . a . � ��. �.. � �. ..._. ._. .._ _-_ .—.—_ —'_ .. _. .. . .� . � , .. .e... .,�, � _ � S. �` ., . '..�@.1��!r [ � .... .. .. �L. .. ,W .. .. , ee•,,,,�' ! ... ,� � �� � �,�" �