HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-10, Page 50 19 0 THE ` INGRAN .AD V"ANbR, THURSDAY, SDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908, .... . eNIrr.rn nrd �rdadr ren.. 011PPT V111 Inv* rR1nmw Thoy Impr9vo tho Sail sand Return a Good Profit, gays (filbert, The sheep and wool trade has coclo. to the front In the last two, years W a most vigorous style, and, talk to: whom we will,, we get; the impression . that things Have taken on a new lease of life, writes W, R. Gilbert in Tarin and Fireside, This Is largely due to the fact that wool had sensibly in• creased in value until at last the de• pressed sheep farmer has plucked up courage and begun business in an al. ,together differentframeof mind, ,Those who have tarried by the sheep when Prices were low have just cause for thankfulness, and no sheep men can find fault with the returns they have received during the past two years. Waking, stock for stock and the amount of money invested in sheep compared with other classes of farm animals, sheep without doubt give stn equally good return, while many are of the opinion that tli'o percentage of profit is higher than for cattle. Sheep on the land are golden hoofed, Where they tread, as a rule, they Im• prove the soil. On the lighter soils, chalks, gravels and sands, treading Is literally an improvement, for it assists In the consolidation of the soil, while at the same time the animals are drop- ping liquid or solidi manure, not one particle of which is lost. On the heavier soils the treading of sheep may at some time damage the condition of the soil, speaking mechanically. No IS GOOD UNDERWEAR. Minutes of last meeting were read, man, however, -would fold his ,sheep and on motion of Underwood and on heavy clay, to cause it to poach. Sheep, then, have two values—first, We Winter, were adopted. / a that of improving the soil, either by And is guaranteed absolutely uzlskllillkable. e It was moved by Underwood and manuring It or by treading and ma - have it for Men, Youths .and . Boys. winter—That A. Hill & Co, be paid nuling combined, and next by ,es from cl6 to 48. , pprovid- �i. $1500art payment on the new steel THE ALBERT Ing mutton and wool. 11ow, then, can bridge—carried« �- wd increase the profits ;which they re- - Tenders ,were then opened for a new turn? THE FAMOUS SHOE FOR MEN Every agriculturist is aware of the roof on the Township hall. After fact that the better the qu4nty of the considering the tenders for the differ- . mcuee �am_pneu �11,.IQ7i1dBl�LGllrJq,ld .iiL'.t��3S"'a�.91.•cra::4uk..4rSarfh'�e'.�•'�i'�:uF�t71s.4.'!l".x�Li'r�.�.�+f.<<he+— _ t. New subscribers' can have the Hingham Advance and the Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star from now until the end of 1908. Big Hardware rAA -. .d4.7 ent kinds of roofs, it was moved by Etainstock and Downey — That the contract be given to Wm. J. Mundy for a heavy galvanized iron standard seam roof, at $5.50 per square—car- ried. r Tenders were then opened for two arch culverts, one known as the Toner culvert, the other as the Aldrich cul- vert, also for abutments for a small bridge on the B line, known as the Miller bridge. Moved by Underwood and Win- ter—That Jas. Walkom's tender for the work be accepted, his being the lowest, as follows :—Toner's culvert, $1.49 per cubic yard; Aldrich culvert, $1.95 per cubic yd.; abutments for .Miller bridge, $3.75 per cubic yd. Moved by Underwood & Winter— That John Hammond be appointed Inspector for the Toner arch culvert at $2 per day—carried. Moved by Underwood and Hain- stock—That the Council ask for appli- cations for Assessor, the assessing to be done in October of the present year; Assessor to be appointed at September meeting -tarried. Council adjourned to meet again on the third Wednesday in September in the Foresters' hall, Fordwich, when collectors will be appointed—carried. L. Walker, Clerk, - r T -_ Great Danger In headaches. It's often ddLngerous to consider headache a trifling ailment. If the head aches the stomach is out of order and some serious disease may be im- pending. To tone up the stomach, to give it healthy action, nothing in modern medicines is so successful as Dr. I3antilton's Pills. The concentrat- ed vegetable Extracts in Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills have a quieting healthful effect on the stomach and removes all disorders. Your headaches will be cur- ed and they won't return, if you use Dr. Elainiiton's Pills. Sold every- where. —The people of Walkerton probably never thought they would live tosee the day when they would be called up - onto contribute 30 hills into the ex- chequer. But they have now reached that state of advancement and 3c on the dollar will be collected this year on :ill rateable property in Walkerton.. They ftre the highest taxed people in Bruce County and with the exception of Meaford have the highest tax rate of any town in Ontario. This singu- la,r,though unenviable distinction has been brought about by the recent smallpox epidemic which burdened the town with an extra thousand dol. lars, together with the falling due of an old debenture which must be -net out of this year's taxes. This will necessitate the raising of an extra $3,000, and as the best and probably only way out of the difficulty, the Council wisely, nervously, trembling- ly increased the rate of taxation, Days Of Dizziness Come To Many Wingham people. There are days of dizziness, spell's of drowsiness, headache, sideache, back- ache. Sometimes rheumatic pain after urinary trouble. You are plainiy told that the Itid- net's etre 81013:., month's It.idney Pills otire all 104- ncy ills. Afrs. Runstedler of Leopold strpet, Witlgham, Ont., Anys :- "l had sull'et•- ed from an attack of pletivisy whielt had greatly weakened the and left a bad effect across the sniall part of my back, a severe pain had settled in the region of the kidneys and extended around m siders could 1 scarcely I d y stoopOver or straighten myself u . g y p Headaches and spells of dizziness ware frequent and Iny oyes were weals and painful. Booth's ItlAuey' Pills were recommended and I tried theist. Thev soon relieved me, the vting arid teridernehs left me and the headachoe and dizziness were likowlao tlutickiv re• to be and xteption il. remedy Kidney will not hesitate to recolnunend iholxt: gold bydealers, Pried 40 optitst. '.she .. It. T, IloothCo., T,td„ Il'oc't Eris, Ont.- sola aZadlary Agent, Fancy, but as the old maxim says—EVERY DOG HAS HIS DAY. What we intend to say, however, has no reference to dogs, but' to illustrate. Everyone remembers when EDWARD HANILAN WAS THE CHAMPION OARSMAN JOHN L. SULLIVAN " It is PUGILIST TOM. LONGBOAT " " RUNNER But these like many others we might mention have all had their day. JUST THE SAME WITH SHOES. We could mention many has-beens, but it is not our business to throw . stones. To make a long story short, however, we desire to state to the people of Wing- 'ham and' vicinity that THE CHAMPION SHOE FOR MEN IS THE Ab D.L KT MIR COTSWOLD YUARMNd. parent stock, whether it be animal or In fact so good is THE ALBERT that we have no hesitation in seed, the better the result in the prod - guaranteeing them in all leathers INOLUDING PATENTS. If you uce. A great majority of farmer: want the best, THE ALBERT is what you want, New fall samples own flocks which are practically mon• in all leathers on exhibition in South Window. grel in blood. They may be of the type of the pure breed of the district or they may not be. They ane annually mated with rams which are selected W I I..., Ir. I IS & C � • at liberal prices from good flocks of pure bred stock, and in this way the character of the flock is to some extent maintained, especially where the best At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. ewes are selected for breeding and the inferior rejected. It happens, however, FALL STYLES 1908 Ladies' Coats + i (Made in Canada) 1 �' Just received, two cases ' of LAI>ITa S' AND CHIL-• ! � DREN'S NEW FALL, and I WINTER COATS. I I CORRECT STYLES t WELL TAILORED t PERFECT IN FIT s Coat and Skirt Department on Second Floor, where a large stock of Ready-to-wear Garments await your inspec- tion, nspecttion, W011 be pleased to show you through. LADIES' COATS, NO. 565,—All wool Kersey Coat, 46 inches long, neatly trimmed with self -strapping and cording; fly front. This Coat is a great favorite. Made in Black, Navy, Brown and Olive. NO. 600,—All wool Kersey Coat, 47 inches long, neatly trimmed-' - with self -strapping on baclr and front ; Gibson effect on shoulder; fly front. Made in Black, Navy, Brown, Green. NO. 623.—All wool Kersey Coat, 47 in. long, fly front, trimmed with fancy strapping and stitching. Lined to the waist with mercerized lining. Made in Black, Navy, Brown and Myrtle Green. NO. 599.—Double-breasted all wool Keraey Coat, 47 inches long, nicely trimmed with self -strapping. This is a very effective garment. Made in Black, Navy, Brown and Green. GIRLS' COATS. Just opened, a case of Girls' Coats, imported from Germany. Styles are very pretty, and Prices are SURPRISINGLY Low. You can't Buy the cloth and make them for the money. "To See Them Is To Buy Them." that nearly every healthy ewe is re. u" ,.s .. tii�. +rr 4 +•: y� 1 ��y!? �rM�.dIM!i tamed, however imperfect ishe may be In form, breeding capacity and mutton making character. Brussels. folding about 10 feet from the ground, The only way to level up to a high � Fourth Division Court will be held when in some way he missed his foot- standard is to reject every animal from ing and fell to the cement work the breeding stock which falls to pass here on Sept. 23rd. beneath. Assistance was at once giv- a standard of excellence, and that _ Wm. Salkeld, baggageman at the en the unfortunate Ivan, and it was standard should be rigidly adhered to, .Western air Nor h G. T. R,, has-been promoted to Fergus at first feared that he had been The first thing to note, thea, is the prime importance of blood, vv.Ilich im• and Roy Paton of Bluevale takes his seriously hurt. He was taken to his parts character, size, quality, proliflca•,�l� T ,� Mplace here. , home and the doctor summoned. Up- cy, rapid fattening and the power tc For 35 cts. new subscribers can have on examination it was found that no produce the best meat in larger quan• the ADVANCE and Montreal FAM- bones had been broken, but Mr. Wil- tity on the best parts. ILY HERALD from now until the bee was suffering from a severe The quality of the wool produced bs end of 1003. shock, sheep is very materially alfected b5 THURSDAY the feeding which the animals receive FRIDAY Rev. H. M. LangFord has returned y when the wool is being grown. When - from his vacation and resumed his g g ever sheep are distinct to ruts down sregular service on Sunday iu St. —The Areuac, 7tlIclt., Independent in condition a distinct weaknesrs of the John's and St. George's churches, of Au ust 13th records the findin (f fiber of the wool will at once niatlifest SEPTEMBER 259 the body of Robert Raley, a former itself in that portion which is at that At the official Board of the Metho- resident of Goderich town in a woods particular time in course of active for - dist Church, Brussels, last Monday, located about three miles from a place mation. when wool goes on tble looms evening, the salary of the energetic called Standish. Death had taken its inferiority at once becomes evident Thursday B Evening, Sept. 24th. pastor, Rev. E. G. Powell, was increas- place a month before, as he was la It by the flier breaking up and dwMehna a the ed to 900. seen on Jut 141 and the body «as the quality of the red.fabrinto wlhich it The Agricultural visit the ball and see the exhibit and to advan)tageZOAdmission 10c. to $ y y is being manufactured. In the produc• Robt. Holmes, Alexander street, hats badly decomposed. A note in his tion of wool it hag been found that an ear of corn that is quite a curfosi- pocket and a small bottle found near food rich In albuminoids is the bast. ty. Arranged around the large cob the body showed that deceased had St Friday Afternoon, Sept. 25th. are no less than 10 small ears from 4 taken his own life while in • a fit of Steer Feeding. t'►GTIQIeiS. to 5 inches long, all fairly well filled. despondency. Here Is some Canadian experience In $pECIAC, ATTR It is of the sweet corn variety, feeding for beef: GREEN RACE.—Mile beats; best three in five. Open to horses that have no- 0' —Mrs. Alex. MoKeena,n, of Paisley, Experiments In feeding for a lona ver Avon public money, Horses to be attached to four -wheeled rig. being the only monstrosity in the was saved from almost certain death period compared as to profits with feed- Competitors must be members oI the Society—$10, $0, $1. patch, in the General Hospital at Guelph h ing for a short period have shown that p p y if roughage be relatively more plienti• FARMERS' HORSE RACE.--Llalf-mile heats ; best three in live. IIorses to The Trustee Board of Brussels the operation of blood infusion. She be attached to four -wheeled rig ; horses to he owned and driven by :t mea ful and cheaper than l. then the farmer or his son. Competitors to be members of the Agricultural - Methodist Church decided to beautify was suffering from a blood disease, „ p g - their place of worship and visited when as a last resort an operation was long feed Is the more profitable, but Society—$10, $0, $1. several outside towns where similar where meal Is plentiful. and roughage performed by which the blood of her scarce then the "short feed" is likely SLOW HORSE RA horses mak i gtheheats ;best two . three. -Prizes will be v- _ work had been done so as to decide on, husband was infused into her run- to be more profitable. awarded it horses making the slowest time. horses cannot be driv- modern plans and compare notes. clown system. A large artery was Experiments in feeding lots -of an In— After dire consideration the contract severed in each body and joined ferior class of steer in comparison with BEST LADY DRIVER..—Prizes, $3, $2, $1. was awarded to W. b. Smith of Brus- together, the stronger system gradual. lots of a medium class of steer and lots LADIES' HITOHING RACE.—Eiorses to be hitched to buggy and driven sell, although the estimates from well ry forcing blood `into 'the weaker. of a superior class of steer go to show once around the track—$3, $2. known outside experts were also at The operation was performed some that the superior class give greater re- POTATO RACE. --Competitors to stand to horse. Potatoes to be placed 100 liana, time ago, and the patient is Hary turns for reed fed, make greater gains yards from the starting point. Blount, ride to first potato, dismount rapidly recovering her strengthIn a given time and sell for a higher and pick up potato, remount, ride back to starting point, dismount Som . Somebody obtained entrance to the price than do the inferior class. and put potato in pail, and so on with each potato. horse any Central Hotel, Wednesday night, w Feeding steers twice a day rather 9 size.—$3, $2. through a window, and abstracted 60c than more frequently has been found HIGHLAND DANCING.—Prizes are offered as follows. No entrance fee: from a till, rifled the drawers and advisable. Feeding a succulent ration Men's $afIor's Hornpipe ...... . ..... . .... . ..... . $ I $2 $1 cabinet and wound up by purloining An Age• Of progress. has been found to be cheaper and more Obis Sword Dance...........' ...` ; ; ; ; ; .. •:.' _ $3 $2 $1 a Bottle of o The front door in wholesome than an sill dry feed ration, Girl's Irish Jig........ .$3 $2 $1 _ g� Mixing roughage and meal seems to Girl's Highland Fling • , . $;i $2 $1 (ferry & "Walker's hardware store Irl Medicine As Well As in Art At A. give better results than feeding them Best Dressed Highlander. . .................... $3 $2 _ was meddled with, but not opened. Science. separately. It is advisable to feed Competitors to furnish pipe mn4ic required, and prize. winners must give at Ferguson & Ross' store and. Baekersome long hay, after each,choppedl;feed least onelnumber at Concert at night. - Bros.' butcher strop were also visited - e portion. • . � ` ----- atid loose chail a -eked U This is an age of progr�,ss in the � ,� #�� � , I g p p world of medicine as well as in art Wingham Citizens Band and niche Wipe Band s� � A Ptah puller. About noon on Friday of last week and science, This is demonstrated by Postmortem examination of a mare the nneX eoted call carne to Sa�ah J. the remarkable discovery after years that died In JefYetson county, N. Y., Elave been ongaged for the afternoon and will furnish choice programs of p of research by two eminent French only daughter of David and Martha chemists of the process by which rile disclosed ft bunch of threepenny nails music in front of the Grand stand. 'the size of an. egg and a scrap o4 zinc 1'Iaist, and she peacefully and happily - entative, meiliCintoy elements of the 'the and one-half inches Long in the , ,. bade relatives and friends farewell Cod'g Liver may be separated from SPECIAL 1, fi,ILI.S. the oil, thus getting rid of that rause- intestines, which 'were lacerated. It until friendships are ro-united in that a,tin rart.Of this valuable retired was concluded that she pulled these in „ p • land where no good-bye words aro g y' e1 ntirnbFr of special seizes are o#>~3recl this year, ineltuiin� rtz�ug of3'attid g Y In Vinol modern science has given the stable of tt former o'fvner, says $2 by V. R. Vannorman for best colts sired by ",Lord DuudLe." See prize spoken. Deceased had been in failing . to the world a most delicious ed9d liver Country, GlentietY►tixt. xa pn k list for fall particulars. - health for soine time and calmly look. preparation without oil made by a Make your entries early with the Secretary, j ed forwardd to her dissolution, sclentifit, extractive and concentra• _0 i , She :t ami 2- Children, 10c ; Vehielea, 250, was born in tho township of Grey, combining with rpopton atocod's of iroincat't axion t0 Grounds, 2Ge; La Grippe Coming Agaf'n. the t reel conal 1 ea n )o d a all he lie n t t i i li 1 d bait I i but had di eat tib rl a r f i t t , , P y y g {1 e In September 25t . " �, •-- �rld>�l Evening, In � T I' elements o ad liver o�t but iIo o e and ��� � r Brussels. Iiind hearted, Indlerstrious, le f a I tr , t 21, Ii,nro a ie now In its rasp, � y g with - s a body builder art » e y pp t gib rittti w - she lived her short life enjoying the A b yd strength »t+e short tfnie America tail e _ ntor for old people, delicdt.tb children.. this awful epidemic. Get resdy, usd A high-class concert will be given in the 'Opera honor. oil the evening; Of favor of God and it wide circle of sneak run -flown pentons, after, slekiiass preventive measures, Build ut, a sur. Cridity, Sept. Ztb, The following well-known artists will take part:•-sJ. 11. _ friends. Miss Haist was in her 33rd and for Chrontc Conghs, Colds, tlrun- illus of vigor by Fereozone, alta inhwo Vhuncron, in hnmorous Tonga, skits and dialect storie:a ; Mrs. Coutts -Bain, _ year. ohitia. Find till throat and lung trou- Orttarrhozone three times each day, $sottish dt-11matle vocalist and elocutionist ; Misg Aland I3nschlpti, the y r . a.'r a — ikdt.a t 1give c 11 cl t germp d, � '. t evil s An accident occurred at the Grand b1No one wittits an old-faabioliod cod (N,atar 1 Nothing it h ourre pe the cold, popular ih-violinist, ainme dancing Tile ycl iisslontis lac and Sac withs plan of liall Trunk she s at Stratford ort- Tuesday liver oil rt 'dtratid)pt or Milul4 tr after breaks tt the £over, xeliovso this bead- f r iev the eseats at tont. 's , li y p p p ' far ri'eserved sesta at iliolfibbotls drug store, evening of last week, When John Wit- ottee tasting delicious Vinol, wehe and dpstrdys•every vestige Of ea - Try bre nl our guarantee b r a threat. (it n Tr it t r t e to return torch Arid ser t ro t, 1:' ELLIOTT , �,r ti y'' FI 'l of Brass 1 employed as _ - L�y• r� rt 'hoe, formerly a d#, ml.loye money if it fails to give s+ttit+factlan, chide, grippe and'tvinter Ills (jtatarrhdt. W. J. ������� 1�, B. iWiLliIOi, 1„ tv carpenter, fell frons A geaffoldingy 'VV''. Aicl�ibbon, dragglilt, Wingham, cone is best. Sold by all dcalerg tub �i��sTDx.rtlf �YLC.��Z€BASUIL�It a Mi, wilted was working oil the 866 (Int, raid iii, i't�"i: a;,r,�Y�t, ._ ' ... _. 'ra`-�•w�.tl.'C ... a .aa.:�ia..�>y..�__-..ter-..__ .., .. - -- - 1.10W1CK. Mr. Janes Iiorton, the mall carrier, has sold itis tesidence in the burg to Airs. John lleimbaecher, Ile has not decided where ho will locate. Air. William Iiuttlt died on Monday .,, evening last, from Che effects of injur- . les received from an attack of a bull, • .� Paralysis was the immediate cause of death, Mr. Walter 814)pson, on the 1001, Ilwowick, had the misfortune to lose one of his valtiuble team, on Friday,. The horse succumbed after a few hottra illness, Fut The Binkley Bros, and Wm. Demer. lint.; ate busy threshing and both \ \ \ 11 y 1 machines are doing good work., '.Che. Binkley's have gone to Clifford this %week and will woi k Lakelet-wards, Woral is being received from Mrs. ��� L'. Flushfleld, who is at Berlin undergo, \� Ing treatment with a specialist that she f:% getting on well and expects to be able to return to her home here Levi Galbraith of the 14th con i filling up a string of horses for the fall fairs. Iie purposes going to. Walker, ton on the 17th. lie took -first with I11 his team at the MildraAy show last - 3 / e COUNCII. MINUTES. Council met in Gorrie on Aug. 31st, pursuant7to adjournment; members - nil n,menn!• thea 7?nnarn :n f-ira nhnin. 011PPT V111 Inv* rR1nmw Thoy Impr9vo tho Sail sand Return a Good Profit, gays (filbert, The sheep and wool trade has coclo. to the front In the last two, years W a most vigorous style, and, talk to: whom we will,, we get; the impression . that things Have taken on a new lease of life, writes W, R. Gilbert in Tarin and Fireside, This Is largely due to the fact that wool had sensibly in• creased in value until at last the de• pressed sheep farmer has plucked up courage and begun business in an al. ,together differentframeof mind, ,Those who have tarried by the sheep when Prices were low have just cause for thankfulness, and no sheep men can find fault with the returns they have received during the past two years. Waking, stock for stock and the amount of money invested in sheep compared with other classes of farm animals, sheep without doubt give stn equally good return, while many are of the opinion that tli'o percentage of profit is higher than for cattle. Sheep on the land are golden hoofed, Where they tread, as a rule, they Im• prove the soil. On the lighter soils, chalks, gravels and sands, treading Is literally an improvement, for it assists In the consolidation of the soil, while at the same time the animals are drop- ping liquid or solidi manure, not one particle of which is lost. On the heavier soils the treading of sheep may at some time damage the condition of the soil, speaking mechanically. No IS GOOD UNDERWEAR. Minutes of last meeting were read, man, however, -would fold his ,sheep and on motion of Underwood and on heavy clay, to cause it to poach. Sheep, then, have two values—first, We Winter, were adopted. / a that of improving the soil, either by And is guaranteed absolutely uzlskllillkable. e It was moved by Underwood and manuring It or by treading and ma - have it for Men, Youths .and . Boys. winter—That A. Hill & Co, be paid nuling combined, and next by ,es from cl6 to 48. , pprovid- �i. $1500art payment on the new steel THE ALBERT Ing mutton and wool. 11ow, then, can bridge—carried« �- wd increase the profits ;which they re- - Tenders ,were then opened for a new turn? THE FAMOUS SHOE FOR MEN Every agriculturist is aware of the roof on the Township hall. After fact that the better the qu4nty of the considering the tenders for the differ- . mcuee �am_pneu �11,.IQ7i1dBl�LGllrJq,ld .iiL'.t��3S"'a�.91.•cra::4uk..4rSarfh'�e'.�•'�i'�:uF�t71s.4.'!l".x�Li'r�.�.�+f.<<he+— _ t. New subscribers' can have the Hingham Advance and the Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star from now until the end of 1908. Big Hardware rAA -. .d4.7 ent kinds of roofs, it was moved by Etainstock and Downey — That the contract be given to Wm. J. Mundy for a heavy galvanized iron standard seam roof, at $5.50 per square—car- ried. r Tenders were then opened for two arch culverts, one known as the Toner culvert, the other as the Aldrich cul- vert, also for abutments for a small bridge on the B line, known as the Miller bridge. Moved by Underwood and Win- ter—That Jas. Walkom's tender for the work be accepted, his being the lowest, as follows :—Toner's culvert, $1.49 per cubic yard; Aldrich culvert, $1.95 per cubic yd.; abutments for .Miller bridge, $3.75 per cubic yd. Moved by Underwood & Winter— That John Hammond be appointed Inspector for the Toner arch culvert at $2 per day—carried. Moved by Underwood and Hain- stock—That the Council ask for appli- cations for Assessor, the assessing to be done in October of the present year; Assessor to be appointed at September meeting -tarried. Council adjourned to meet again on the third Wednesday in September in the Foresters' hall, Fordwich, when collectors will be appointed—carried. L. Walker, Clerk, - r T -_ Great Danger In headaches. It's often ddLngerous to consider headache a trifling ailment. If the head aches the stomach is out of order and some serious disease may be im- pending. To tone up the stomach, to give it healthy action, nothing in modern medicines is so successful as Dr. I3antilton's Pills. The concentrat- ed vegetable Extracts in Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills have a quieting healthful effect on the stomach and removes all disorders. Your headaches will be cur- ed and they won't return, if you use Dr. Elainiiton's Pills. Sold every- where. —The people of Walkerton probably never thought they would live tosee the day when they would be called up - onto contribute 30 hills into the ex- chequer. But they have now reached that state of advancement and 3c on the dollar will be collected this year on :ill rateable property in Walkerton.. They ftre the highest taxed people in Bruce County and with the exception of Meaford have the highest tax rate of any town in Ontario. This singu- la,r,though unenviable distinction has been brought about by the recent smallpox epidemic which burdened the town with an extra thousand dol. lars, together with the falling due of an old debenture which must be -net out of this year's taxes. This will necessitate the raising of an extra $3,000, and as the best and probably only way out of the difficulty, the Council wisely, nervously, trembling- ly increased the rate of taxation, Days Of Dizziness Come To Many Wingham people. There are days of dizziness, spell's of drowsiness, headache, sideache, back- ache. Sometimes rheumatic pain after urinary trouble. You are plainiy told that the Itid- net's etre 81013:., month's It.idney Pills otire all 104- ncy ills. Afrs. Runstedler of Leopold strpet, Witlgham, Ont., Anys :- "l had sull'et•- ed from an attack of pletivisy whielt had greatly weakened the and left a bad effect across the sniall part of my back, a severe pain had settled in the region of the kidneys and extended around m siders could 1 scarcely I d y stoopOver or straighten myself u . g y p Headaches and spells of dizziness ware frequent and Iny oyes were weals and painful. Booth's ItlAuey' Pills were recommended and I tried theist. Thev soon relieved me, the vting arid teridernehs left me and the headachoe and dizziness were likowlao tlutickiv re• to be and xteption il. remedy Kidney will not hesitate to recolnunend iholxt: gold bydealers, Pried 40 optitst. '.she .. It. T, IloothCo., T,td„ Il'oc't Eris, Ont.- sola aZadlary Agent, Fancy, but as the old maxim says—EVERY DOG HAS HIS DAY. What we intend to say, however, has no reference to dogs, but' to illustrate. Everyone remembers when EDWARD HANILAN WAS THE CHAMPION OARSMAN JOHN L. SULLIVAN " It is PUGILIST TOM. LONGBOAT " " RUNNER But these like many others we might mention have all had their day. JUST THE SAME WITH SHOES. We could mention many has-beens, but it is not our business to throw . stones. To make a long story short, however, we desire to state to the people of Wing- 'ham and' vicinity that THE CHAMPION SHOE FOR MEN IS THE Ab D.L KT MIR COTSWOLD YUARMNd. parent stock, whether it be animal or In fact so good is THE ALBERT that we have no hesitation in seed, the better the result in the prod - guaranteeing them in all leathers INOLUDING PATENTS. If you uce. A great majority of farmer: want the best, THE ALBERT is what you want, New fall samples own flocks which are practically mon• in all leathers on exhibition in South Window. grel in blood. They may be of the type of the pure breed of the district or they may not be. They ane annually mated with rams which are selected W I I..., Ir. I IS & C � • at liberal prices from good flocks of pure bred stock, and in this way the character of the flock is to some extent maintained, especially where the best At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. ewes are selected for breeding and the inferior rejected. It happens, however, FALL STYLES 1908 Ladies' Coats + i (Made in Canada) 1 �' Just received, two cases ' of LAI>ITa S' AND CHIL-• ! � DREN'S NEW FALL, and I WINTER COATS. I I CORRECT STYLES t WELL TAILORED t PERFECT IN FIT s Coat and Skirt Department on Second Floor, where a large stock of Ready-to-wear Garments await your inspec- tion, nspecttion, W011 be pleased to show you through. LADIES' COATS, NO. 565,—All wool Kersey Coat, 46 inches long, neatly trimmed with self -strapping and cording; fly front. This Coat is a great favorite. Made in Black, Navy, Brown and Olive. NO. 600,—All wool Kersey Coat, 47 inches long, neatly trimmed-' - with self -strapping on baclr and front ; Gibson effect on shoulder; fly front. Made in Black, Navy, Brown, Green. NO. 623.—All wool Kersey Coat, 47 in. long, fly front, trimmed with fancy strapping and stitching. Lined to the waist with mercerized lining. Made in Black, Navy, Brown and Myrtle Green. NO. 599.—Double-breasted all wool Keraey Coat, 47 inches long, nicely trimmed with self -strapping. This is a very effective garment. Made in Black, Navy, Brown and Green. GIRLS' COATS. Just opened, a case of Girls' Coats, imported from Germany. Styles are very pretty, and Prices are SURPRISINGLY Low. You can't Buy the cloth and make them for the money. "To See Them Is To Buy Them." that nearly every healthy ewe is re. u" ,.s .. tii�. +rr 4 +•: y� 1 ��y!? �rM�.dIM!i tamed, however imperfect ishe may be In form, breeding capacity and mutton making character. Brussels. folding about 10 feet from the ground, The only way to level up to a high � Fourth Division Court will be held when in some way he missed his foot- standard is to reject every animal from ing and fell to the cement work the breeding stock which falls to pass here on Sept. 23rd. beneath. Assistance was at once giv- a standard of excellence, and that _ Wm. Salkeld, baggageman at the en the unfortunate Ivan, and it was standard should be rigidly adhered to, .Western air Nor h G. T. R,, has-been promoted to Fergus at first feared that he had been The first thing to note, thea, is the prime importance of blood, vv.Ilich im• and Roy Paton of Bluevale takes his seriously hurt. He was taken to his parts character, size, quality, proliflca•,�l� T ,� Mplace here. , home and the doctor summoned. Up- cy, rapid fattening and the power tc For 35 cts. new subscribers can have on examination it was found that no produce the best meat in larger quan• the ADVANCE and Montreal FAM- bones had been broken, but Mr. Wil- tity on the best parts. ILY HERALD from now until the bee was suffering from a severe The quality of the wool produced bs end of 1003. shock, sheep is very materially alfected b5 THURSDAY the feeding which the animals receive FRIDAY Rev. H. M. LangFord has returned y when the wool is being grown. When - from his vacation and resumed his g g ever sheep are distinct to ruts down sregular service on Sunday iu St. —The Areuac, 7tlIclt., Independent in condition a distinct weaknesrs of the John's and St. George's churches, of Au ust 13th records the findin (f fiber of the wool will at once niatlifest SEPTEMBER 259 the body of Robert Raley, a former itself in that portion which is at that At the official Board of the Metho- resident of Goderich town in a woods particular time in course of active for - dist Church, Brussels, last Monday, located about three miles from a place mation. when wool goes on tble looms evening, the salary of the energetic called Standish. Death had taken its inferiority at once becomes evident Thursday B Evening, Sept. 24th. pastor, Rev. E. G. Powell, was increas- place a month before, as he was la It by the flier breaking up and dwMehna a the ed to 900. seen on Jut 141 and the body «as the quality of the red.fabrinto wlhich it The Agricultural visit the ball and see the exhibit and to advan)tageZOAdmission 10c. to $ y y is being manufactured. In the produc• Robt. Holmes, Alexander street, hats badly decomposed. A note in his tion of wool it hag been found that an ear of corn that is quite a curfosi- pocket and a small bottle found near food rich In albuminoids is the bast. ty. Arranged around the large cob the body showed that deceased had St Friday Afternoon, Sept. 25th. are no less than 10 small ears from 4 taken his own life while in • a fit of Steer Feeding. t'►GTIQIeiS. to 5 inches long, all fairly well filled. despondency. Here Is some Canadian experience In $pECIAC, ATTR It is of the sweet corn variety, feeding for beef: GREEN RACE.—Mile beats; best three in five. Open to horses that have no- 0' —Mrs. Alex. MoKeena,n, of Paisley, Experiments In feeding for a lona ver Avon public money, Horses to be attached to four -wheeled rig. being the only monstrosity in the was saved from almost certain death period compared as to profits with feed- Competitors must be members oI the Society—$10, $0, $1. patch, in the General Hospital at Guelph h ing for a short period have shown that p p y if roughage be relatively more plienti• FARMERS' HORSE RACE.--Llalf-mile heats ; best three in live. IIorses to The Trustee Board of Brussels the operation of blood infusion. She be attached to four -wheeled rig ; horses to he owned and driven by :t mea ful and cheaper than l. then the farmer or his son. Competitors to be members of the Agricultural - Methodist Church decided to beautify was suffering from a blood disease, „ p g - their place of worship and visited when as a last resort an operation was long feed Is the more profitable, but Society—$10, $0, $1. several outside towns where similar where meal Is plentiful. and roughage performed by which the blood of her scarce then the "short feed" is likely SLOW HORSE RA horses mak i gtheheats ;best two . three. -Prizes will be v- _ work had been done so as to decide on, husband was infused into her run- to be more profitable. awarded it horses making the slowest time. horses cannot be driv- modern plans and compare notes. clown system. A large artery was Experiments in feeding lots -of an In— After dire consideration the contract severed in each body and joined ferior class of steer in comparison with BEST LADY DRIVER..—Prizes, $3, $2, $1. was awarded to W. b. Smith of Brus- together, the stronger system gradual. lots of a medium class of steer and lots LADIES' HITOHING RACE.—Eiorses to be hitched to buggy and driven sell, although the estimates from well ry forcing blood `into 'the weaker. of a superior class of steer go to show once around the track—$3, $2. known outside experts were also at The operation was performed some that the superior class give greater re- POTATO RACE. --Competitors to stand to horse. Potatoes to be placed 100 liana, time ago, and the patient is Hary turns for reed fed, make greater gains yards from the starting point. Blount, ride to first potato, dismount rapidly recovering her strengthIn a given time and sell for a higher and pick up potato, remount, ride back to starting point, dismount Som . Somebody obtained entrance to the price than do the inferior class. and put potato in pail, and so on with each potato. horse any Central Hotel, Wednesday night, w Feeding steers twice a day rather 9 size.—$3, $2. through a window, and abstracted 60c than more frequently has been found HIGHLAND DANCING.—Prizes are offered as follows. No entrance fee: from a till, rifled the drawers and advisable. Feeding a succulent ration Men's $afIor's Hornpipe ...... . ..... . .... . ..... . $ I $2 $1 cabinet and wound up by purloining An Age• Of progress. has been found to be cheaper and more Obis Sword Dance...........' ...` ; ; ; ; ; .. •:.' _ $3 $2 $1 a Bottle of o The front door in wholesome than an sill dry feed ration, Girl's Irish Jig........ .$3 $2 $1 _ g� Mixing roughage and meal seems to Girl's Highland Fling • , . $;i $2 $1 (ferry & "Walker's hardware store Irl Medicine As Well As in Art At A. give better results than feeding them Best Dressed Highlander. . .................... $3 $2 _ was meddled with, but not opened. Science. separately. It is advisable to feed Competitors to furnish pipe mn4ic required, and prize. winners must give at Ferguson & Ross' store and. Baekersome long hay, after each,choppedl;feed least onelnumber at Concert at night. - Bros.' butcher strop were also visited - e portion. • . � ` ----- atid loose chail a -eked U This is an age of progr�,ss in the � ,� #�� � , I g p p world of medicine as well as in art Wingham Citizens Band and niche Wipe Band s� � A Ptah puller. About noon on Friday of last week and science, This is demonstrated by Postmortem examination of a mare the nneX eoted call carne to Sa�ah J. the remarkable discovery after years that died In JefYetson county, N. Y., Elave been ongaged for the afternoon and will furnish choice programs of p of research by two eminent French only daughter of David and Martha chemists of the process by which rile disclosed ft bunch of threepenny nails music in front of the Grand stand. 'the size of an. egg and a scrap o4 zinc 1'Iaist, and she peacefully and happily - entative, meiliCintoy elements of the 'the and one-half inches Long in the , ,. bade relatives and friends farewell Cod'g Liver may be separated from SPECIAL 1, fi,ILI.S. the oil, thus getting rid of that rause- intestines, which 'were lacerated. It until friendships are ro-united in that a,tin rart.Of this valuable retired was concluded that she pulled these in „ p • land where no good-bye words aro g y' e1 ntirnbFr of special seizes are o#>~3recl this year, ineltuiin� rtz�ug of3'attid g Y In Vinol modern science has given the stable of tt former o'fvner, says $2 by V. R. Vannorman for best colts sired by ",Lord DuudLe." See prize spoken. Deceased had been in failing . to the world a most delicious ed9d liver Country, GlentietY►tixt. xa pn k list for fall particulars. - health for soine time and calmly look. preparation without oil made by a Make your entries early with the Secretary, j ed forwardd to her dissolution, sclentifit, extractive and concentra• _0 i , She :t ami 2- Children, 10c ; Vehielea, 250, was born in tho township of Grey, combining with rpopton atocod's of iroincat't axion t0 Grounds, 2Ge; La Grippe Coming Agaf'n. the t reel conal 1 ea n )o d a all he lie n t t i i li 1 d bait I i but had di eat tib rl a r f i t t , , P y y g {1 e In September 25t . " �, •-- �rld>�l Evening, In � T I' elements o ad liver o�t but iIo o e and ��� � r Brussels. Iiind hearted, Indlerstrious, le f a I tr , t 21, Ii,nro a ie now In its rasp, � y g with - s a body builder art » e y pp t gib rittti w - she lived her short life enjoying the A b yd strength »t+e short tfnie America tail e _ ntor for old people, delicdt.tb children.. this awful epidemic. Get resdy, usd A high-class concert will be given in the 'Opera honor. oil the evening; Of favor of God and it wide circle of sneak run -flown pentons, after, slekiiass preventive measures, Build ut, a sur. Cridity, Sept. Ztb, The following well-known artists will take part:•-sJ. 11. _ friends. Miss Haist was in her 33rd and for Chrontc Conghs, Colds, tlrun- illus of vigor by Fereozone, alta inhwo Vhuncron, in hnmorous Tonga, skits and dialect storie:a ; Mrs. Coutts -Bain, _ year. ohitia. Find till throat and lung trou- Orttarrhozone three times each day, $sottish dt-11matle vocalist and elocutionist ; Misg Aland I3nschlpti, the y r . a.'r a — ikdt.a t 1give c 11 cl t germp d, � '. t evil s An accident occurred at the Grand b1No one wittits an old-faabioliod cod (N,atar 1 Nothing it h ourre pe the cold, popular ih-violinist, ainme dancing Tile ycl iisslontis lac and Sac withs plan of liall Trunk she s at Stratford ort- Tuesday liver oil rt 'dtratid)pt or Milul4 tr after breaks tt the £over, xeliovso this bead- f r iev the eseats at tont. 's , li y p p p ' far ri'eserved sesta at iliolfibbotls drug store, evening of last week, When John Wit- ottee tasting delicious Vinol, wehe and dpstrdys•every vestige Of ea - Try bre nl our guarantee b r a threat. (it n Tr it t r t e to return torch Arid ser t ro t, 1:' ELLIOTT , �,r ti y'' FI 'l of Brass 1 employed as _ - L�y• r� rt 'hoe, formerly a d#, ml.loye money if it fails to give s+ttit+factlan, chide, grippe and'tvinter Ills (jtatarrhdt. W. J. ������� 1�, B. iWiLliIOi, 1„ tv carpenter, fell frons A geaffoldingy 'VV''. Aicl�ibbon, dragglilt, Wingham, cone is best. Sold by all dcalerg tub �i��sTDx.rtlf �YLC.��Z€BASUIL�It a Mi, wilted was working oil the 866 (Int, raid iii, i't�"i: a;,r,�Y�t, ._ ' ... _. 'ra`-�•w�.tl.'C ... a .aa.:�ia..�>y..�__-..ter-..__ .., .. - -- -