HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-10, Page 2— `19�., �_ 7 -711701100FINPOW11r. . �1. .1 -k,%T-W,-fflTR1q " . 11 � --�7R,F,�,qr,-"Fvw-xlff7wF7,—VOF7ql"v--. � RIFFIFRIFF . . 1, I " I I 1PFWFWr_rr�W,;T"XT_1­_� I", TTIRTF" 11 - 1, i '' I . .1 I 11 . ­ � , � ". � , , " , , , 11 '. " .... I :: I � ,� , '. . I I I '. . 11 I "I � - I I .1 ­ I I 1 7- le . , 1.111. --1-1 1)) I ,I 1, , . I , "-"I-, � ,!., 41 , � I I I . ­ � -1 � I �'. 1�1­;111.,_, _.. I I � , I I . ­ ,1 ,. . �. - _ 1"4*0W0RWPWJ"k — I - I _.�-� - ,,-�,�__. 1.-_._:�:'_1_-_'.! .. ��,17, !,T`7'!7!1!:.d1�:� . , . ;: 'd, : . , , I ­ I � ... ... 11,1 11 1M. �1* � I , "W ­d . � 1-1-11.1 -, . . I ­ 1.1 11 ­ ­ i' , i� . .� � I . . . _111111 I I � ._­ I ­ I .. � - 11� I . - � . 11 .1- .... .. ­ - 1. ­�­. 11 11. � I—' ­ ­ I., ­ . .. I - ,, - " I . . d AN.W, . , I . - J, I " 1, - V d , 1 - - �1 � L� . , . d I o � , .11 � 11. � lq""M""W"O� ­ � r� �. I I I 11 � __ __1 I I ,� [­ L I � � I I � � I � . I I I � �� I . I. - . . I 'Kint. 16� 1-12), were ilulyWout to it. It 0). Respect for those in ,author v n ilctifie dortomi"tiou, so 04t Itc, will � a V � (�? 0 , seuns to bAve bcougerwrally known 010 - After they have left Ito IS of God. Xilid- i U, & WILL GET TRADE 'I'lave little difficulty ill passing them. . I IV a e -11 �Ty po wvre alliazed to we moall tongnc-s of ,ill wai desiglunated by (Jed to UO iwsa to those who holior our eneutles I -1 . (;ellvral Manager Rose of the bank _ , I flatim lisuing. front under the gag Vig I .... 11 .. � 1 Z04 Vm 'Or 0 $a1u. 25 t 28-311 9 sbould be requited its if V cy I h) v, I - missing clerk ITHE MEADOwe of "'re than 5`0 '"' " Tho Wingbom Advivel � . I . I I � � Saul's successi 4 I (led tated yetterda.y that the lit frout of the itiotor, At this thue .. Saw. 0; 9).11—Xirkp4t4vk, Shalt teed, mr hovor our aiiewies should be requited its . If Gon a Trunk Railway Can't Move Jw'as about eightoen YeArs. of '40, and , flnoagilkl, p9li. tile balloon had d t o t ( %ir I I I , t , - , FAII�LtAS - passe oil f 11 � V -ople- , 'See It. V. 1"Iterally, 111111013 sho t It tbq showed honor to iii., "Invoeation had been Ili tile employ of th - . . tie Dre�llnl 9.j � Alany porsorri hi, tile givat T" , . LL W - - ,,,,t, I Graill on Sunday. . e bank , groulitts. 90.0 "ALIL., Propriollor epherd," it utetaphor Showing A ruler's of t le, 14,rd),s 1,ilessill- presuppolies jile for about tbree Years. The entire mat. crowd eude4vored to al)p1,160 Jolle-4 -of � . V:lro for his peoplo. 111riuce- qvo�,, . bract inmeirea of (lie . cori.Titions. Under which . tiC441. 404 SoCiAl Power. ( ter had been turned over to tile Guar- . his danger, but heveral winutes ehip`�"d ' ' "­ ­ ­ '' -_ - '''' ., , ,­ , L - - ­ " LES$Ori IX.—SEPT. i3, i9o8. (It. V.)— To lead ,the rullit,ary forces And �bla blessing call subsist." ty 0014PRU7. I before lie Tioticed the fire. Then lie , , to lead them also In th. I eir so , clal life. 3, V1. David warning tile living. "Tito Privileges That, the Railway Asks "The ,young ruan who is go badly w4ut- Looking r4o.r -asped. tile rip cord and by lettlier * . . . , . Men, Who Fleer,gd the, gi I " , D4v1dX4dc, X . Made a league—TIlis league was PrObR- house of Juilah, have anointed mo� king" Commission, ed belongs to one of illo'befit knOW11 and � , out tile gas prideavored to reach file I Dro Agnew , . ,jug Qv:.r Judah and Israel bly a Holculn Contract, in which tho Ulng, (v, 7), Respect for tile dead must ; riot most respectable families In Ilarrow- Lambs. 1. earth, The titaeliliie had desvendeil but I � . Commentary....I. David, made king oil one hand,, engaged to rule according intel,fere wl Ights of tile living. smith, a short distance when it suadei burit F%V101001 I A.4661"4404001 I I , ter Wo . must, )lot mourn for those that are Mahlon ('owan, X. I , I over Judah ( I vs. this--- I to illo laws, arid tile people"On the Ott �h tbo I Ottawa despatch: . I - _� 1-"j). 1. .after . . I . Z ­ .11 I of 110,11le cliveloped tile gas bag, The $6,04101,16% $14"Ok After tile death Of Saul and Ills &V,e. I hand, promised him their 411144400, gone to the Injury of tbose that remain. C., tot- tile a. T. It., to -day asked the Buffalo, Sept. 7,—With the fact OR- framework justuediately separatrOd front - 60400-00404w 48 011 I e),quired oA the Lord. -By mearts of Abia- I SoluO kind of a charter, defining the A. a. it, Doar(f of Railway, Commissioners to MADMAN'$ ACT, tablished that the Buffalo 8014vt Bet ,tile bag, carrying Jones with it, , wau tam ANOWW" 04 ottwl� I thAr the priest who Nye$ with la vid drr- king's rights, wa4 !u existe-pee (I Sarn� & ­ I - ­ : -, 1, - I I grant them. the following, Sunday privi- has been victimized to the extent of Jones, Nyho was considered one of the . ,_ �.. 1- I I � � - I— �. . ­­ .� ... jug 14$ fugtive life. "At that decisive 10; 25) � find later on we find the people, , � I . . . . lqhz�k ,. � .. Ieges. three -quartets of a million dollars, tile 140st successful Of tile Younger Aero- - turning point in Ills life, D-ind w141vill demanding .sonic limitation, of these . "I ­ ;- . . CAUSED A PANIQ AMQXG L014DON lilell, who are pmbiilg into the causes nauts, was One of tile men associated I - that the promise of the kiagdout, i%illl rights Q JKlugg, 12; 31 4). The Israel- , - � �__ � .F 1. To broak tip through trellis on Suit. BRO)KE RS. with Dr, Alexander Gralwin B -it Ill '? I F0 KOPEK MAt. VILNA , now to, be fulfilled to. him, As 1w, eut Id woutireby Nvas riot art absolute end irro. 11 �-, no dity, where this is ll.ccessary, and to of the Moadows, Williams Co. fall. aerial experimenting at Hammonds. pj"*W el 00 —Wj.4 K#ftel *oOdS6004 no longer remain lit the la -la of tile sporisible d"-potlsiu.---0tm-. Bib, Before �� �P' ELV' 0� �11 L I ure are now hunting for the, men who I h � forwar4 such shipments to their destin , port, It -was Ito who evolved tile fasu. I Philistines, but must return to 41i (Ayll the Lord ­,This was a religious cere- . I ___ __ __ � tion. . Made His Way Into the StQck Rxchange got, this sum arid tire rest of the $2,- IN X*DX%X* . . . Ar I Otis "June Bitig", which. mado several ftm 30DALW I countiV, and as. tho,northern part of !Ile 111011y, Anointing PlIvid-Ris third all- .. . . I I%. � , w'*'o f t It o furniture of R just before Closing .Hour and Fired 000,000 which it is believed wi 9 . � I 1. L TO, Alto , 11 b record flights for short distances, and #VOW **gouee p0a 40 pbeffim eg vlow ti _ - as _I�Q,14 by the Phil' U. 2; 4 1 . te land W i 'still -03, "lie ointing; See. 1 Sam, 10;. 13, 2. Bar . - I 1-1 I I I.... . I ) through service to cattle Shippers, ,the amor,�jt ot. tile total loss, 0 . _ , - Three Shot& From A Revolver, . . Son, won , the Scientific American trophy sm ad ouukw& I return to tile torritorw of )JIS own till f, This wag Ills public coronation, mild tile TORONTO MARKETS 1 3. To all6v the company to deliver I sensational discilasures are expected o0ered for limyler-thari-air machines, I wes most natural, f . or there, whero 110 event Was celebrated ivith. a groat feast � crupty care on ,Sundays to pintA alang within a, low days. ­ I -, - - - I � ease hou'ro4l to 4 A W1 T to 0 P. ^ a.g. 2V: lasting, three day A (I Chroll. 12; 39, Q.) Live Stock, _ The investigation w1rich the 'receiver � - -. :. .. . I � _� had st, long time found refuse (I S 4,. T.11irty Receipts of live Stock, at the city mar- their lines for shipment of cattle or- London, Sept, 7,-A man, giving the and the , att6raeya for the groups of 5 t ou a large following, There was great rejoicing. � . 1.1oaday, itaine of Edward Harrison, who appar- creditors h ' MEN WORK WHENILL REDM00 ) he might cours, - I DR. R081. C. and firm support arid protection against yvars old -lie had come to it mature age, ket on Wednesday and Thursda,y, as re- 4. To allow tha coullittuy to load and aye mad,j ,ma developed � . I I . . the remains of Saul's army under Ab- the a..."D (it wbi(dj the Lovites. entered up- ported by- the railways, were 149 car- grain 0 the lakO pOrt4 and to ently, was not responsible for ]its. 40- the fact that powerful financial mag- . I I . SL It. CL IL Ofthir.) ner.11-Lange, Cities of Judeli-It wouid oil trieIr duties (Xursi. 4, 3), &lid at loads, composed of 1,0.73 cattle, 0,033 =d grain trains to their destine. tions, caused a commotion, on the floor uates in this city end Now York lift- TorontoMain Thi ks That a Horse $6 IL CL W. OAVA) . � , . .4 , be useless to thin).- of undertaking to AS- which Jesus Christ entered upon Ilia pub, hogs, 0,408 Shoop and lambs, and 205 tion on 6undays, whero the traffle of the Rock Exchange to -day by firin., ad "Hi" Meadows and his friends to sume.constrol of the country in the nor. lie ministry- calves, would otliQrwise be subjected to undue o a pinnacle of glory and their led them Needs No Xest. PNT$I01AN AND SURCIRON three shots frota a, revolver. When unresistently to the slaugliter. , 00" � vith Dr. chtsholow , � thorn part of the kingdom as that was Question& -Where was David at the Exporters­!.17licre was one load of ex- delay. tile reports Nvere heard tile members I inee, arid Dav- time of Saul's death? About what did porters, 1,250, lba. each, that were report- - The story goes that deep 4ader, the - in tile hands of the Philist" ' Judge Mabee Said that the Rallway - I . I)uyid 111(luire of tile Lord'.? Why did lie vd as being Sold at $5.10. per cwt, made a rush for the exits, arid business surface of this failure was a Utopian Torolito despatch. There was air excit- . id was lit no position. to drive them rut. Bull$ Board had no i lit to go beyond. the wits st�pped for sonic time. plot laid by "Ri" Meadows ,and his iug time Ili the Police Court yesterday, .R. VANSTONE . t assum- 0 for export hold tit $3J5. to, $4.25, provisions of trg T4ord's (lay aet but I � Shall I go up-"Goillg ill)" meall do thisT I'Vilat call .),oll half of Ifebrol he .. it I " I � -1 authority. GOEPR answer ivaB INT110 WQTlt with David to Hebron? Ifow Buteliers-Printo picked butchp-ra arid . only to. interpret the -ovisions O? that 1-1 rrNon had no conneeWon. with the coterie of social highrollers which con- when Robt. McBride appeared to answer � . In I sAjMUr= 'AND SOLMMIL Pig roy4 old was 11%vid when be began to reign? exporters, all of which were bought. for Ile doubte Stock Exchanges and it has been impos� Jemplated a gigantic raid on wall it charge of cruelty to animals, Ile was immediate end clear, David's decision, Ilow long did lie reign lit Rebron? What the local trade, $4,85 to $5,6 ructusure, d whother tile do- sible to explain Isis action. It is thought street and. the establishment of a so- I 0 butchers', livery of crapty ears to cattle s r -a a liorsQ suffering Nbow fA* b" at lowtot rdes. Oftle" guided by God, was to establish him- , I trippers likely that his mind had become ulthing- -cial and political directorate In the 11; ilegea to have d lve - . self as king at once. Unto HebrOn­Onc lue86ag,13 did 11tvid send to the hiliallit- $3.75 to $4,80; cows, $2.00 to 1$4-20; Oun- on Sundays, was necessary., from sores on its head and neck. Dr. auts of Jabesh-gilead? )Vby ivag this? ners all(! bulls, $1 to $2.25 per owt, . Mr. Tiff%n, superintendent of the ed through pecuniary losses. lie spent city of Buffalo. Algle said that the animal wits Rot fit ONm-alp '6(l=, of -the most ancient cities of the world. part of the afternoon walking up and, Had this dream which had its birth "The central posi Who was Abner? Whom did lie m0ke Feeders and 19tockers--l"rices were norbliern division 'of the Grand Trunk . to work. Ile did not think it shoiild be wimolf". I tiGn of Hebron , down the sidewalk in front of the all- in the Saturn Club been realized the � - king over the northern tribes. of Israel? quoted as. follows, Feeders, 900 to 050 Rallway, declared that if the Canadian taken out even though McBride fixed . � I 4 tribe of Judah, its mountainous and de trance to tile exchange, and attracted young social set would now be 'wield- . � . - I . a as a Why? How long did this kingdom stand? lbs, each,, sold at $3.35 to $3.75; stockers, ports of Midland, Meaforii And Ceiling- I the harness so that it would not rub the I fensible situation, its importane it royal How did David become king over all is- 500 to 700 Ills, at $2 to $3.10 per cwt, wood were to hold their own in the attention by declairning against tile ing the whip over the finaricial insti- wounds. . . I DICKINSON & HOLMES ' : priestly settlement arid an alicier, . rael? I � . � .brokers, Just before the closing he made tutions, arid political orgalaization. of . I chal associations coil- I Milkers arid Springers. -Good to prime ,grain. trade against Amqrican compoti- I � I The defendant took -it dif4rent view, city, the patriar . is is way to tile entraftee, and, rushing in the city and dominating Society, In- � itected with it, combined to render it PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS, . quality cows sold at $40 to $60 each, the tors, the grain carriers must be allowed " stead the Saturn Club is a tomb of 4'1 I'M ]'ad Sores for ilia lait three DARItISTERS, SOLICITORS, 13TC- . average price being frout $45 to $50; to 11 fired three siiots, one into the floor, tile nd have worked every (lay," lie elaw-areyer Bleat. wingbom. . now 1. David guided porionally. "David isudle this traffic without any un- gloom and its intended rnagnates are years, a the rilost,suitable capital for the I . common light cows, $25 to $30 each. due delay, Otherwise the grain would seepud at a broker, and a third into the of them in dire financial straits. argued, "and I am sure that I am better . ; kingdow. Ili its neighborhood, moreover, enquired of the Lord, Saying, Shall I go, 'N'real Calves -Veal calves sold at $3 to be curried to American ports. . ceiling. The last glenced off and struck many U. Lit horse." . AL u Dkthwoul Dudley Uobnm 1 David had gained many supporters, See up .... and the Lord said unto him, Go . - � I . a ineraber of tlic exchange, but did not One of the financiers who -was to have tile I $0 per cwt, with a very few .selected at Mr. Brownlee, transportation mana- been a victim of this Utopian scheme The-magistrA'e imposeil a fine of $2 ., . I I I Sam, 30. 31-'�--Carn. Bib*. Hebron -was ill)" (v. 1), Qod ha� always guided big $6.530 per eiv,t. I I hurthi.m. Intttiotlic,,riiioinenttlieltoti,ie iirty days. McBride said one of the richest regions Ili Judea, being obedient children, but this is the dis- get-, said lie had figured out that. if the was in a panic. 'rite members surged said yesterday. - . and costs or ti . . * t, and more Sheep ,aud LauftA-Rxport ewes sold 111ovilig of owed on to appeal K I Oil 1100, vines, ]VIlsation. of tile Holy Spirl � . , engines %vas not all "Tire fellows whq were caught IKi that lie-illtended - - L A. MORT "Ll famed for fruits, honey, herb . tit $3.15 to $4; rains, $3 to $3.25; laulbS, Sundays the (,,read Trunk would lose Lowardl tile exits, and Several were tlil8 failure weie mere boys. Tit tile ­ - - olives, grain and abounding Ili hn ny other dispen9ation fraught ,lightly injured in the crush. Harrison, I sold down oil Thursday at $4.50 to $5, tile handling of five million abushels of -9 hos - - financial world' they were children. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR xcellent water." There is . need that we ' '4s $5.2.5 was paid gra,U i i the balance of this 8 ason. N%, � 0 -olver still hold three -cart- They had planned to, buck Wall street of ox with danger. ,duesdayas high , rei EMPT CANAL. -Ut up -it iva,y be well Understand that there are five spiritual, Pri We . A A Y 1 2, So David we for choice selected lots. Tile case, however, goes over until ridges, wag spize(I by attendants and alll to get control of. the political - MONtY TO LOAN � Ilogls-TNTF. Ifarris quoted . lings vberQ . . to note some of the leading clembilts as well as five physical, sensm. As man rushed off to the J)Oliee stivtion, I organizatiorp of the city '4id s6t tli-em- r - ,which we ,-'.iscerii ill DaviWs Iii7a and char- Speaks to the outer ears of mail, so 0 Un- October. lie. was exansined by docLors, �vlio li-�lieye . � rton Block, Winsbam , I of t, � changed at IS .50 for selects gild $6.25 for selves up as social and political lead- BankDynamited, Boats Stranded- emoo—uo" , ife. "He God Speaks to the inner "car" 10 Carrying Explosives, that It(-, is insatic. Ile is aboUL twenty . I I aeter as he enters upon ]its new I resouce. spiritual nian. (Rev 2.-. 11). If we Will lights, Drovers'report hogs at $0.40 ) and ilway Board spent the aftor- years of age, ers. They are a bunch of yellow head- nd Fish Without Water. ' , - had, 1. A vivid sense of God's P ents. 3, I obey we Shall know. it- is'the habit of � even more at sonic ,points ill Ontario, The JIM ad boys who ought to be playing golf - a 2. Promptitude in all his moven, . Farmers' . Market. . noon considering a recommendatiofi"by - IT -S - A -patience that was ei,iblinic. 4. An af- my life to say to the Lord concerning I Mr. J. Ogilvio, inspector of rolling s.tocl or polo instead of trying to raid Wall �Ilrl_ Wellindton Mutual , - c' street. Everybody is sorry for thorn Joliet, In., Sept. 7.-Unkriown per - I fectionato heart. 5. A cool head arid it allYthing of whielt, I .till riot sure, "Shall Tit( ,s of grain tQ-day were that the recent regulations of the Inter- MODERN ALCHEMY, kind for the people who are heavy .) off,criiiA I =0nerve 6. Wide experience. 7. A f V' arid to know that Ile guides me per- luoderato and prices ruled Steady. Wheat state Commerce Commission of the Unit- losers through the failure of -,their Sol's YOStOrday' tlynaillfted-the Illinois Fire Ins. Co. y, t� God. This loyalty was so ,son . ' -ansportation of ex- Bank of the Illinois and Michigan Canal ally. I avid said, is firmer, with sales of 460 bushels of ed States for tile ti . The Chorne." (32tablimbed IM0.) . Intense that his cause and aod�s cause If- 1 - Ramsay Tries to a, 'OhAnimbon, 12 miles soublimeet of )avid guided plainly, (,I? fall tit 83 to 80c. Oats easier, 200 bushels plo,siveS bo adopted for - Canada Sir William Turn 'The statement that Meadows, Wil- v became identical, arid he coudd not read. Whither Shall I go up? Arid He said, selling tit 44c. Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk, Cane- . liens & Company, backed by social Joliet. Tile breach made by the explosion KwA Offlee-GUE1,1`11, O�rr.' iLy diatinguish betWeen. God's onem.ies Mito Hebron" (v. 1). A Frenchman -who � Ray in fak siluply, with sales of 25 dian Northern and New York Central I Silver Into Cold. and persoorial, friends, were bucking the is 100 feet long. Tbe district is flooded pAxk, takers. on oil ciasaw ot Insurablo pro - and his own; and in spite of allhis Sul$ had. left Paris for London, with a com- -loads at $12 to $14 a ton. Straw steady, wore all represented, and Unanimously — - , market is borne out by a story which ends cover Uie"bottont of the canal, the perty en the easib or pm-lum noto nyet,an . Dn, after days of rioting and drunk- one load selling at $13 a toli. .1vored the recommendation on the , and blunders, this must impress every Pan" r Paris, Sept, 7�-Tlia French public was told last night of an interview be. Joliet to Cliatinwhou is empty of wa,ter- ,.Am= OmDln , ()IiAs pxvtmox, enness, found himself. one Runday itiorn- Dressed hoos are Unchanged at $9 for ground that the regulations were ex- tween Mbadows and Franklin D. Boats are stranded, fish by the thous- PVM dmt- gectrot%:7. Impartial reader as the leading charac- Ing, alone oil the beach tit Folkestone, 11c:avy, and aP $0,25 to � $9.50 for light. ceedingly thorough, and it was desir- has been fascinated by Sir Williaiu - teristic of King David." -Hurlbut. Thi- having been robbed and deserted by his . t Locke. It was stated on the'highest ai�ds cover the botoln of the canal, the J03114 1"IVETIN . ther-We are to think of this journey Wheat, fall), buBh.. ...'.$ 0 8$ $ 0 80 able to have uniform regulations for the Ralusay's. discussion of the ransmuta- authority that Locke sent for Meadows !mvigatlon is tied up arid factories us. . . i arm,y, or rather, the companion. Ile looked for'sonto mussels' Do., goose, bush.. .... 0 80 0 00 two countries, as a I ars of explosives are tion of metals by means of radium n him ii there was not some ing power furnished by the canal, have A5,04: . W13ullasn' oUt as a march of at to satisfy Ills hilligger, but, the sands 0 511 .. ...... 0 44, 0 00 freclTMe'utly taken across the interna-* emanations, although there is n . o ___-__ r - ats, now, bu otllillg way in which the tangled affairs ,A closed. 'rite dyn,amithicr is the res, il t of 1'�­ .,: ­_-_­­__� ,A>-, 'F�.--.4�.----n�4"�,�!i,�;"(%7%4 i mig ation of it large comparty of guerril were barren. A sense of his wickedness Barley, new, busli .. .... 0 57 0 00 tional boundnry. Tito regulati the company could be straightened a figilt between .the e'anftl contniissiolipys I '. . .4'. . 1_;." , 's , - _ I -, , and few women arid children in the com- eNNrspaper readers have not been made . - �_ , 11 I 11 a - I '� bitterly, thinking lie had been Peas, bush .. .. .. ...... 85 0 00 tile public. Meadows told him frank- lages of Cliannalion and Try on the (1,11- . V, Z_;� t!"TIA I party; it wits made up of bronzed youths by both God and man. That Some Sun- onths. A I . . I., - , k I as , Rye, bush .... .. ...... 0 75 0 00 vide for careful ackin and out and prevent so gigantic and the State oil one side, and the vil- 1, There were few household effect and iniscry overeartio him, arid lie wept a this savant's discoveries with which 1 I Millar with in the last few in I , ( � -,a k-� , , ly that the asset* of the firm were er side, over the bridge question, The . ... .,I " , , . tip, among ,whom rank Hay, per ton .. ...... .. 12 00 13 00 ir Williant is now devoting his efforts ,I. f, .�'!v .* 4 1 inured to bards) ecured by daring deeds day morning the Holy Spirit said to a Straw, p,* ton _ i. .... 13 00 0 00 uto transmuting silver into gold. practically nothing and that most of State refused to build or repair brXcen . � i -, *9Js&A3'=1 ...,- __...,___ - __ I and fame were 8 missionary in the to�vn 3 of Folkestone. Dressed hogs .. _. .. 9 00 0 50 Ire admits that all experiments thus the money had been lost in Spoon- down bridges. . I . rather than by anything comparable to "Go down, to the beach.' ITO was it'- Butt,r dalry .. .. ... lation. . N( *­ � 'ELI I I I nioden military skill. The,y 'were Strong tending to go to ,-Lit hin to speak to the ) - show thatothe tendency is to reduce There is Said to be abundant proofj, � - f ROMPTL .2 ZOUR enough to go into any town and esaiT Do, creamery '. .., � C als to tfl; baser. orders, that is, to Nvritt for'onr inPr­�st,psz b-�)0­0 !,i7y"-_—�i.l . iners. who gathered'tliere to drink and R ags, dozen, .... .. .. .. 0 24 0 26 -]lose of lower atomic gravity. He however, that a large portion of t1lis 1%i GIRL. or's Help" an,i " M,Ny y�u t1re Aui,�Mt'41-' I . lish themselves as the ruling force in gamble. It was a long Ni,,alk to the mor ey was not lost in the open mar- Ben us a rough atcrtch or IfIcAle, ni -ror its., that town, since Chickens, per lb .... .... 0 15 0 16 -1ye- tie rgues, however, that the tremendous '.ket,l but wa& gotten away from the I ­ jgnt= orluiprovement end w('01". tellyoul . they had proved strong beacli� but lie km,w the voice of the Lord, Fowl, pof Ili .... .... .. 0 11 - 0 12,7 0 rat s, and mus t V tie norgy of radium emanations might ca our apininn RS to vr1wib,t [, 1" ." "I)Ahly . Onov.,gh to maintain their dominance OUL* so lie' started. Ile was led to an out -of, %* a of frei i trains;`at; least fi as "boys" by inside m4nipulation. Who Girl Saves One Brother While gtentalpla. krj,,t,.d4c:)Pifcatf4lne,b-%*(.(-f-eiI S Ducks, spring, Ill .. ...... . 0 12 .0 00 tr ell be constructive as destructive, and th, I en surcesid'olly pn-secuted b% 11% WO ide of town and firtification, which. 'was the.w%y place to go down to the beach, Turkeys, lb-, .. ......' 0 16 0 18 'from the comotive and ten cars rom. .ese maAipulatb'rs were and Ilow tIley tteal � - and there he saw the Frenchman. He this is the point he is now testing. got hold of tile mmaey is in . conduct fully cttaigtO ofocep. ii, ."N a desperate thing to attempt to do in Cabbage, per dozen .. _ 0 30 0 40 the van_ In shunting there must always the proble Another Drowns. , - PFOT"114- those days. Now the country w 3 ill it"- passed him by, when the �Splrit said. 0 ,jet, , . � andWashington; t wqvirtlidesustel a . There are. or ought to be, two metals now the investigators and it was 1 ly dispatch work and ri-tsickly I, cll%f Vltellta � . T S bak .. ..... 1:. �O 80 1 00 be at least one car between the locomo' between gold and silvei, according to I Port Hui -on, Mich., Sept. 7- Vine a IN, itighesi r, f,r,nce: � dng�­Tbid. "Go back." He offered the stranger a Said lastonight that within a short fus,b Potatoe , per lbag .. .... 0 85 0 00 . ti-vo and the car containing the oxpl,, .rr,,d vs the invent; I areby; there ,was no 1, S the laws of alter istry, one caesium, -escued her 10- 'Ised. - . pQtcnts procured through AlArints & MR - Apples, bbl .. .. ........ 1 00 1 75 give. Conductors must warn engineers -which has already been disco would shock social and financi I cir- o ! w 1 Z His men­--Tlie six hundrea men of tract, ,,irbiell ,was received with tearful � u vered, and time facts would be disclosed which, Wood, 11 years old, i years. rim reftiveopecial MUC4 WillatchfIr�,einj ,� his chosen band. With Ms houseftld- thanks, And soon -the wretched man 11 Beef, hinquarters .. .... 9 50 10 00 when there 19 a placarded caw in the . old brother from drowning yesterday af- . There Nvas to be )to more roaming in broken B'uglisli told tile missionary 'how - Do., forequarters . . . 5 00 an eers must take care to the other argentaurum,which has been ales. I niperilled ]ter own life try ever zoo newspapers t!i-itributed t1irougho-it I , teritoon and I - the Doininion. ' nalued in advance. Ile hopes t6 site, Nothing has-ket been heard from W. ing to rescue it younger brother, Clayton,' lany ..-Pat-,11t business ,)I Malififse- I � exile, but eaelt olic wAs to settle domrii'to homesick, heartsick hungry and des6late Do., choice, carcass ..... 8 00 0 00 do no bumping. When a car containing -1 in changing Silver into one of the E. Silverborne, who is in Europe on t.51c"04and Vngincers. . eek who was drowned. The three ellildran �. the duties of a peat%ful ,and quiet life-- lie was, and that lie had just cried out Do., medium, carcass .. 5 50 6 50 exp!osives stands at it station it must ihree next above it in scale. :his honeymoon. Air. Silverthorne is a . spair to God for help� The I Mutton, per cwt .. ...... 7 00 9 00 be isolated as much as possible, be To- - - - MARION &- YJARION . � Cities of Hebron --The sinall towns whiell in do inis- I . ,creditor to the extent of $no,000. H were swimming in Black River, when the � 11 - Surrounded Hebron. 4. Ifen of Judah- sionary too], the Stranger to his ]ionic, Veal, prime, per cwt .... 8 00 10 00 moved front fire, danger, and no locomo- - - - - e ,oungest got beyond his depth. The Patent Expartq and Solicitors. fed him, led hilif to the cross of Christ, was formerly a fhember of the lum.- y C"t I New York L31a 0-141w '.the elders of Judell, the Official repre- . Spring lambs ...... .. .. 9 00 10 00 tive is to be allowed to stand 'beside it . , nontrict! � I ' HIS OWN VOTE ONLY ber firm of Sil other two hurried to his rescue, but the Offt Atiantic D1-1s,WVkhfi1ffz0n D.Go 4 1. - sentatives of the tribe. Anointed -He then put him aboard a boat, to send him The Fruit Market. on al..adjoining track. 1 14 verthorne & Company, i . ___.____� . but withdrew from that firm last older be,, 1vas soon sivept off his feet ­.. I _ -1 had been privately anointed by Samuel. home, after having on the beach egm- expected that the regulations . - and the'little girl clung desperately to g- Receipts of fruit continue -large, and I It 18 April, : by Arhich. he acquired a right 'to the kin mended him to the care of the heavenly , will be adopted with a few changes, both brothers trying to bring them to RAT CLUBS 11\1 LONDON. . dom; by the present anoirlting he ba,d Father. The penitent offered this prayer the demand is fairly active.. We. quote; - - - '. All tile other social lights who were . a other on the sands, "I t1jank -you, good God, Blueberries, basket .. .... $0 75 $1 0.0 - Gompers Not Trying to Defive. hard hit by this failure are attempt- land. Tito smaller boy slipped froni her - --- I authority over the kingdom. The Lawton berries, box .. .... 0 08 0 09 % grasp and was drowned, but the girl site- - - parts of the kingdom -%vere, a,g yet, at- for ever bringing me to London, and for AT CLOSE RANGE. Union Vote to Brym ing to keep Iya the background, and it Plan to Form Ore in Every Parish of I tached to tile fftsuily of Saul. losing my all, or I should never have WAternieloils, each .. .. .. 0 25 0 30 is said that they had originally in- ceeded Ili dragging the older boy safely I the City. . found the good Jesus' Centaloupes, crate .. .... 0 30 0 60 I . - " tended to take their losses and say to shore. 1 ,6. David sent itiessengers-This was . I thank you for Plums, Can,., basket . , . . . . 0 S5 0 00 Pistol Battle With Robbers of the F ort ' nothing.. Since their names have be. - - - :_ Loiidon, Sept. 8, -The society for- . g, and it was Wor- dying for me. I will serve you forever. Worth, Texas, Sept. 7� That - David's first act as kill. Poaches, Chn, basket .. .. 0 60 1 20 come public,, however, it is. probable, W . the destruction of Vermin is organiz- thy of him, Ile had been informed . On that they will tak9 part in n7tions "OR GROINS . of the Do keep me." Plain, personal guidance therehas been or will be arly attempt WINDS � is possible and desirable, but there are Pears, Cart., basket .. . Bank at St. Eu3tache. ing a number of 'r'at clubs Ili London, manner in which'the Philistines had c�tr- certain conditions. Some things ' are Apples, basket ... .. _ -.... 0 10 0 20 his part to "deliver" the vote of the against'the - firm, 4L - =: . . I . I ried away the bodies of Saul and Ills vitally necessary to the know1kig of the Do., barrel-,. .. - _ I 50 1 75 . union workingman or farnier was em- I - ------- . its object being to oxterminate tile I - sons after thp battle. He had also been voice of the Spirit. They are: . Grapes, lei -go basket .. .. 0 35 0 45 Montreal, Sept. 7. -The officers who phatically denied yesterday by Presi- More Buildings Going Up There mischievous rodent and at the Santa . told that tit* inhabitants of Jabesh-oil. A BIG SUIT. 0 - C, Do., small basket .. .... 0 15 0 20 tire oil the trall of the ,St. Eustache time to afford exciting SP rt. . cail bad sent forth a party by tright all(f 1. Abandonment. Wlien we are Utterly Oren ges, Valencias . . . . , ,' 4 25 5 00 bank robbers had na encounter -with dent Gompers, of the American Federn- I This Year Than Last. . Mr. W. R. Boelter, a member of . ha,d'cuken the bodies froin the wall and submissive to God, having no will of our Lento tion of Labor. who addressed the con. tommittee, .. carried them safely to their town and own no Nvay, no wish of our own, but . ons, box .. .. ..... 450 5 00 four or five desperaums to -day, near I tile society's executive - ­. � * Bananas, bunch .. .. .7 .. I 00 2 25 volition of the VlarmcrW Union in session Yukon Wants Over SeVen'teen'Mil. Wi.dsor, Ont., Sept. 7. -Building oper- stated recently that 000 would be , 'buried them. Bless,ed be ye -"David re.- (10811-ing His will, Hie way, His wish, let St. Constant, some distance from hero, -e. ,, ' ,� devoted by tile society to prizes dur- � I I . Tomatoes, basket .. .. ., 020 0 30 1 1 her This denial was brouggilb forth atiOng in IN"indsor for this year do not - . ov- it bring us to what it will, and where Potatoes, bush .. .. ... 0 00 0 70 It As through the publication Ili a local Pa- , spected Saul as his once legitintate 9 on the South side of the river. lion From Government. . furnish any indication of financial de- ` the first year. "it is our 1,Tnbl- ot-dgn; lie loved Jonathan as his me, i l i'i"ogn . I .t it wilt, then God call reveal .tie will to Do., sweet, bbl . . , . . . 3 50 4 00 supposed that tile men are the robbers per of a Statement which asserted that I .— ," lie said, "to have it rat club I intimate friend . Saul had greatly in- 'Is- who broke into the safe at the St. RUs- r's intention. pression. So far as the city is concerned. in every parish ot London and ja , jured David, but that did not cancel his t. Attention. We must "be still" if -we Red peppers, basket _ .. 0,25 0 30 such was Air. Gampe Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 7 -2fhe largest Since ,tire beginning, of -tile year there every Gvn and village ill the country. Mierknis .. .. .... ... 0'25 () 2,r tache Bank several days ago. "Vie obatement that I alu trying to , .. � respect for him ,as the anointed of Glod, would hear the voice of Glod. The clamor The detectives, accompanied by t" deliver anybody's vote except my. Own law Suit ever filed in tile Yukon wag has been an expenditure of IV210,000 in Tito prizes, whicli would nearly oll � of other voices will r Egg plant _ .. .. ...... o lo o 15 and ai the Icing of Israel. No mean spirit d own "'a If we Span. oniouts,small, er. .. 1 00 1 50 force of armed farmers of the district, Is 0, luistalce;, deelarOd Mr. Gompers. "I Started yestorday, when A. D. C�Urtis, the buildings, .%lid it is Lstimated that by the be in nioney, Would be given in tho listen to them instead of listening to � came tip xvith the four desperadoes near . . of reve%rige found place in his breast. Ile' him. . � . Sugar Market. have no Interest Ili any party further manager of the Bonanza (4 -eek IN'tilling end of tile year a, total increase of fully following way:- - showed also that lie had no whill or Ili- � -�. St. - Constant. 'file latter were camped $100,000a0ver thelireceding year will be "A national trol)hy for the club V. -It I Absolute confidence. AlTe must not SL. Lawrence Sugars at - than to advance the interest of union Co., asked the Governor-General of Call- I tonliOl Saul's adherents, blit 3. I -a quoted its fol mar th*e village, arid were apparently S town. The most expensive structure in lias the best rat -killing year. � to 'Unis'l' ad toward theill." 1011's labor. I am morely trying to persuade ada for $17.600,000 for having' canceled tile list is the new office building of the "A county prizes, either incsiev (,r a :� �vsl 1, I I - ' only believe Ili G' u does . Granulated; 4.80c lit barrels, and taken by surprise. As soon as they saw union men in the field, farmers and file- t, (� ndly drs!Z yon -Will show yet, literally guide those who ,seek Him " Those the attacking force approaching they tr concessio- whicit 1)assea to their Dominion Bank, costiiig $65,000. Two trophy, for'tbe countV in which Inost . '. �J'q requite f or No. I golden, 4.40c Ili barrels, ,!y to oc"by its b I guidance (Reb, 11. 0). Andrew 'fur. pri vs are for delivery; car lots fic loss. I operatives to vote for Bryan b.o- this kindness; tht is, the attention arid .1� ,c opened firp with their revolvers at close hands. 'In the complaint the compall o Liter business blocks cose $10,000 and $7,_ rats are exterminat I Ohl S. ! . Says, — cause I believe it is for their Interest y I (I I lionor shown in the blessings I _lve you my "Cultiva,to the habit of re. � I range, but their aim fell far short of claim that riot only the title to the each. Fifty individual prizes of one I o arid that of organized labor," . through these messengers. -Terry. 7.13c joicing that the divine 'wisdom is guid- OTHER MARKETS. their intentions. The detectives by this ­ - - r ground, but ,also water rights ivere guinea, for club members who kill the . . I - I : I ye valiant -Be of good courage, be Ing YOU, LV611 Where You do .not yet See time were so near that Detective Pitsi� granted them, the latter. being after- BRAKE� TAMPERED WITH, gyeatest number of rats (luring a given . I strong and show yourselves brave men. the way. Trust Him fully, abide Ili Hills Winnipeg Wheat Market. closed -svith one of the men, who fired . WINS GIRL BY TEL:zpifom. war(Is annulled by the Minister of the � - tlme� . I Saul is dead -And therefore yc tire with- clitil-01w, arid you call be confident of Following are the closing quotittions at him squarr. in the face. HN aim, . Interior.' It was necessary to secure tile Rubber Tubes Under the Cars Found to inotin a(ldit-ion, other people who tire out a. king unless ye acknowledge rite, us urierring, guidance " In all the 3wrS since on Winnil;'&g grain futures: however, was bad, arid although the 01) on toreAed in the destruction of ver- . orator Wires Proposal and is Prompt. consent of the Glovernin. t before suit Be Cut. the house' of Judah has done.12VVIied).n. I first '1'ea"rned to*know the vwco of the 117heat--6eptember $1 hill, October oull Iva$ so close that pusic's face wm ly Accepted. was begun. The company claims that ruin would doubtloss offer prizes. ) rA .4 6 � Montreal, Sept, 7.-A criminal at- "Tile manner -',It which a rat club ,. Ife gives them to undeistand. that for -Spirit in ray heart, He has never once 00 5-$e bid, I ece bar 04 3 a bid. badly burned by powder, the bullet went by cancelling the concession sonic of the them also lie has taken Saill's--place as . let me make a inistake, when I -have Oats -September 40 1-4c bid, October wide. - NorLb. Yakima, Wash., Sept. 7.­Wfll� claims lapsed to individuals, who took tOl"Pt to illtel-fere witil a railway train would get to ,.York is porfectly Simple. t 39 3-8c bid. . ter T. Prine is the 'happiest man in town -infested 'Place I -ing, and that they must valiantly ca- patiently -waited for His voice. I have I The bandits then broke away, and do- put large Sums of money, tile ground be. was inade Itist night by parties till- No one likes a vermin t, )ouse and defend Ills cause against his made mistakes When I have gone by I British Cattle Markets. fusilade of bullets, g(,t=lo a f or, proposing to his- sweetheart by wire, ing very rich. Later'A. N. C. Treadivell known. As a train of freight cars was and would readily give permission to -ties are 8Ve a of ,Va. lie was accepted by wire the same evoll- I * the C -d lit Illetribers of clubs to set traps on their - � iten -tile party of Saul under tile my own judginont, by th6 advice of London -London cables for cattle nearby wood, although one � obtain�cl a concession, which took in all jig out of - P. R. yet . end of Ablier.:m-Lange. friends, or by apparent favorable wounded in the arm by a load of bliek- I , wired his bride-clect funds with lapsirig claim.4 formerly held by the m1elliclaga, it 'was noticed by it brake- propert,% These itre various means � ell'- steltdY tit 11 1-�`7 to 13a per pound, dress- T11911ch to proceed from Indianapolis, Ind., � I which could be adopted for destroving . Abne Saul's general, 'tried to rot-iin cu'llatancos., And I always find that the ed weight; refrigerator beef is quoted shot from a farmer. The chase is still to I ed e company. This earicellin ' - man that the picaniatic brakes ware the rodonts. Among his ho12 Torth Yaldina, and later rectiv g Of one conees , them are Gps, ; on the northern kingdom by Spirit's voice agrees with the word of at 10 1-2a, to Ile, per pound. being kept tip, but at last reporta none final telegram annottTicing that slic -1011 and giving tile Same rights to an- not working property, Tit,- train was air-guirs, ferrots and tcrriers� , "' w Ish-bosheth, the week and only Godo arid ia a unit With the providence of the bandits had been captured. ,other gives tile company', it is clainted, Stopped, an([ it was found that about "There is nothing more exciting 'U� u- son of Saul, king of Israel. of God. 1. _�; : I the right to file suit. 50 rubber air tubes had b,vu untliclously than a rat hunt," continued Mr. Bocl- suivivin" Montreal Markets. Would leave there at once. . Much O a Montre"al.-Graill-Tho demand for Prine is Mie day telOgrapli operator I - r cut -under tile cars. If this had not been ; I f the time during the reign of 4. Allegiance. IVe Shall know -the will Oats Oil spot Continues fairly good) all(L in tile Western Union office here. Ills I . - - no ter. "If tt trAp fis Used tile best baits I David over Judah war in a mild form ex.. of God if we will do His will (John. 7, BANKCLERKWANTED ticed lit time the train crew believe it are oil of rhodium, nuiseed, or bread isted between the north and soubli king- 171. We cannot.11leur if we will not obe,.v. 8009 -of sonic fair mixed lots Of Aiasli.�' — future wife is Miss Goorgic Golden. They FELL 500 FEET. would have b"ll the cause of a serious saturated with oil of caraway. Any . doms. At length it, great baUtle took In guidance the- Holy Spirit is ,given � Lobe rejected wore Made at 45 1-20 per I were friends In Denville, Ill., but Ili a wreck, with loss of life. Detectives have of theso -will attract ilia rats readily, . place at Gibeon in which David gained it those that obey (Acts 5. 89.) 0 busliel, ex stor,c. uNitinitoba, No, 2 whirt'o ALLEGED TO HAVE TAIiEN A $i,2oo lovers' quarrel caused a, separation 15 beo.n notified, arid arrests tire likely to and then, its fliev conic out, then call . decish,c victory. ,Soon after this both 5 Ascertaining. Wo,ar6bid,don to "try at 48c, No4 3 at 47c, and rejected ILL �16c, PACKAGE. � munt-lis ago arid Prine calne west to for. WELL-KNOWN ABROPTAUT 'XILLE follow, . be shot, or kill&l. by tile terriers. A I Abner arid Ish-6shoth wore assassinated, tile spirits" (I John 4. 1) parbughel, in car ltbs, ex -store. Flour_ . get. D T -f It was then that the no-ilchern tribe,i whathOr the voice il,w our own desi Therc Were tio lie Forgetting Iva$ itupossible, however, AT WAT]ERVILLE, good stout stick, too, is a surst wily of - We may know ME, I WANT UXIFORX STAiJDARD. )) " ; to, �)r - %v developments tit thU Clever Ruse Worked by Young Employee , . killing them . �, time to David end desired that he be- a Satanic whisper, or the voice of the local flour .siwatioll ' and a, week or so ago lie Sent advertise. Ill I local and cou - .the demand front - of Metropolitan B0k at Harrow- Educational Phase of Pharmacy Ques- � I come their king. Spirit of God, One way to tr ytba spir- atry buyers for gniall lot -i smith�Registercd the Wrong litents t,o various eastern liewApapets to C. 0. Joneof Inventor of the "'June Bugtl ,1,804 LAND B NTRIES GRANT11D. I 11. David made Icing over all larani iti is b,y faith to pla.ea ,ourselves under to fill aetual warits coll-tinuch, good lit Parcel. learn his sweetheart's whereabotits, He tion Vefore the Convention. (chap, 5; I.S.) 1. Came all the tribes- tile cleansing Vood. One Writer Says, firill prices, Choice spring wheat put. rfttived A reply fromber. After oua or and Associate of Dr. Alexander Amount Taken Under Now Act in Past I I It is -evident that this was, a general na- "Placp yourself before tho r i c' cuts, 0 to $0,10; Seconds, $�.50; winter . two attempts to write a Iotter, Prific Grahath 1181, Hurled Down, by Burn- Toronto despatch: The Canadian Phar. I , C ogs n on- ,� Toronto despatch., After working a . luncentical convention y,mterday Three Days. . Nyheat patontg) $5, 9craight rollers, ,*4.31) gave it tip arid, Seizing the, key oil Ili's ing Balloon - Wife Wies . , tit the ,erved ponsceration and I I "harniftei . Ottawa, ,Sept, 8. --The Department of tioual itseeiribly, composed of 9,11 War, sdous and unror _ r1ors above twerity yean of age ,%Vlxo faith, thus. reaffying both the forgive ' to $4,50, do. Ili bags,. $:) to $2.10� extras, elover scheme to deeeive.his managor, a Col go of ll'Ititrinft �J d0vok"d its attell- , desk, topped out Ilia message, Tragedy, flo largely to tho'question of the te.t. the Interior annotinves 'that under tile n 1108S $1 05 to $1,76. -'Nlillfeed-A firm feeling young clerk named Purdy, in the eniploy � J -. ,I � p chose to go (Xuln. 1; 3,) Tito negotift- and the inward cle ht the . � I del I(! attinding of applicants for a(Iniii. Ilew I i . AnAngwhiclt Fire i prevails in 'tile Market for ruillfeed, but of tile Metropolitan Bank at 11arrow. ANGRY 130AR GORES FARMER, ,, Donlillioll Lauds Al.t. entries for . tions with. David were carried On blood of Christ. You need not fear delit. . ; tile volume of business, passing is Islue Wattrville, Me., Sept-, 7. -In lull view sio to the different collegos of phar. quarter sectlonj of 1�30 acres each have I through their elldors (v. 3'.) They repre- Sion in ally call to Christian work, whila I Smith, has disappeared witi, a package inaey in the various 'Provinces. A re"30. 1) . C'ell grantea as follow ­i (luring tile 1�14.t sonted 330.600 moll of wm All Chron 12) You keep thus beneath tile cross. Owing to the Scarcity of supplies, 'NI&III. containing sonic $1,200. Oil Wednesday Limb of Tree Areestg NAan's 6trokil of 2�,000 horrified Alle0tiltori oil tile lation was Adoptin], favorisig.1t, Uniform thro" dfly,;.- Dattleford, 118; Chigam, : 93-40.) There was no opposition, 1the.V , III, 11,Lvid personally obeying. "David tolia bran, $22 to $23, Allorts, $23, ()it- of last week he was �scnt to tile local In befohse. Ceiitritl MainO Vair grounds here Iatd neadoinie stAndai-4 tot adini"Joll. I � . Carlo Well, $21 to $29; middlings $1)6 to 101; E(rolontoll, 10:)-, Est..van, 211i; I David Ont up" (v. 2.) They tried to dissuade poetoffico The cotivelition itlio placed Itself nit lfutul)olt, 13.1, le%thbridgv, It).-)" Moos" . "were of one heart to make I . , with two packages, n -day Charles Oliver Jones, the well- , king" (I Chron. 1� ;.18,) Ilds was prob- tit(! Moravian who was tho pioneer of $27; short$, $20por ton, Including bagi, itaining the niono w oh lie was to to. CI . ton, Ol,, Sept. ,_ it ap�ry boar to I rd. Ili favor of a- rociprocal 4irrange. jew, j�,I!); Prbic;, Albi,i t., 170 -, Red Ooor, . lit) death of Abner it-hil grain mouillie tore wo i gashes in tenant 1110111M known aeronaut of Tlainniondsport, X. reco ' ably soon after t Christian Missions ill TeelAnd', but lie 11 a glades $25 t. I' VO to $3-1, and gister a another wit i I ' not require 8ely , ment' w Weet to druggists' diplo 37; Regina, 11M.- Dauphin, -128-, Nvinnipp", � o ,$28 per ton. cheeso thigh aud brtast during the bat . o good and T uw,y be registration, itrtn 110 registctcd between the mail and b - in tile plg 208; Yorkcon, ,2,16. Tot -fl, 2,801. . , I . tha$ betweell tile Provinces. -it, Thy bone ana tbX ficalt- said, "It may do no v ,U1,11r,'o !tit i - . Ishboshet � _. , rhe local market Shows nb sigui of tllc. one of 110 , ftl-d east �'P Y., fell a distance of 500 feet to his � . - - 11toy gave three prineipal reatout why kill&l, but go I must, for that is tile ic r valuo, keeping 4ty(,. oil tile Williall, Stevens form s�j. death. Among the wittw8ses of tlie I ---6.,: 4 I I Da d should become their king, i 11 r activity, business being Aill very quiet, _ * le 3 - THP, AUBUR14DAYX MISSING. Firsts COMIMIX114P 'file Christian must go t ce - with fille'st Westerns quoted at 12 5.8 to I tile other. lid ti tor give Ilia urday, frightful plunge were the mau's wife I tUAT AND ROBBRI) PRDUER, beeauso of the tie of rela,tionihip. 110 ,fully even wh 'in called,to a 6rcs . % receipt for registration. Sapp had it pitchfork in bis hands fit and ,child, und they ivere tilkiiost the - L 06 ., Tt is and, by marriago, as wrolig to Shirk responsibility who 123-4c, and Ellst4kns at U) 1-4 to 1LnJ.8 r I , was one of their race, , n . p. , had obtained a holiday, statint, tile time the boar rushed Upon libil, and first to reach his ',Side after the accl- &&Vod to Have Foundered With Nine Man a I - Qutter-A� fair volume of buslil6sa eon. r � t Poterboro Gets Seven Yeats at ril""" i � ('d- it is Vittl9t, Upon Us As it is to,sook Pro- 1) dy tile d lie raised it to striko, but tire weapon dent. The aeronaut expired this even. on S6ard. wa.s one of the, rovat line, 2, That I tluit ,he hitoudea aperiAing . (1flSt out, ete,-As general of N'411111� fOrm(6,11t. Lot Its, do our ditty, whether Virtues to be done, and prices tire un. . r a a aboUt nit hour and it half after xingttoit, I forces. See 1 &m. 18, S. As a Skilful ill a high or low position, and trust re fitic;9% crealuery in' Xitigstoti, but Ito (lid not eturn N�1310111 caught In tile, overhead linill Of & tree " Plifledalphirt, Sept. I. -Tho barqUe I I tound lots, and fit 25o Ili a jobbing way. Ills Cum was up arid the manager be. arid Sapp, losing his bAlAnec fell. tilge tragi� ,event. - Auburndale, Aviii(ti sailed front Turli's A Poterboro, out., despatch: Two years, ! ftnd coltrAgeous leader David list(! won stritt, to God, . came ttieplelous. Ills wtorst tears wert, 10fore tbo. farmer could reglihi bis Jones had been tit the Vair grounds Isi(til(i five Aveeks ago for this port, is in the ponfLentlary �or robbing Abra. f T1118 Wait IV, David fellftocd, ullig Man that , -An active trade continuA to ta eotifirmea *hey m got into oommunieft. feet, the bottr had gorest him. fimr the since XohdAv with hig dirigible bal: mimung, alid it is eared tile vomol we I tile t0nfi(lft" Of VIO people, lilol r10 , : f .lit liftin. Abolid, a ,Syrian peddler, and Sevell wero With hint did havid bring up, bv� tone nudor. their socood reason for desdring him as L ift tt jobbing way, rind tile I Lord mid to thee -The third ery man with Ilia holiaelloldly (V, 3). t6 ,tile wat-kot r; 6 head offim lit this 6ty. It hip. 'Happ turned over to TwOvent tile looft 11316om;raug." To -day lie ar down off Cape I king. ThOL trittlitg firm. salm I Pon with tit . � tatteral during tile years for assaulting Iiiiii, Nvas the son. � NVO of sel�ctea Stock were ninde at ,.�4c, %,',. iS thought t10 clerk IS in the StAtos, by -tritual ftttacking him Ili the face, but ranged to mako it flight Uotween 3 antl West Indian Iturricane., whioli Awopt tho tence meted out to -day to Jas. 11sLidivill reason was that David bad beell divinely Alth m6t walk the -highway of holliloaS I nt 120c, and lNo. 2 (it Igo po thiA -time. . before It(-. did so the 'boar wits at him it 4 0elock, but Streit it high whi(I prevailed coasit last montli. T11iis belief Ims been by County Wagiatrato E'dinisolu. 'I'lie - I f ohost-ft. "Vo exproM divine 0011 PfOln- alon& 'Some qf those who love t16 Vill r dozen. riot fit(- laot few days det"tives of � sevonil thuti. tearing it hole lit Ilia brmst,, that a delay was neepo.isary, At 4.310 strPligtholloil owing to tho arrivrtl hore, 411torlem will run Concurrently, 111" �, , - I - � �_�;, " � I k I e I IQ 11 11 11 101 t y ula Ills Wni dngdom to David Is reeordod; ITOW Yokk Sugar Matket. I ,r the 1, , f011ow, V�. the Loodon GuartmLy W A(-(+1fnt Voin. 141.11,J)'s eriv.,r brought ftmistftlice, Ana 0onditiolm hid modified to some oxtent, �,keveral damq Ago of tbo f4toamor Ile. robbory -alul "t"sault - took 11l;le­ upar ! 1),it'.14,quillellm ,joleritu declaration to Sitill. V David roApoetifig .010- dead, "Ple8j. supr-Raw, firnil ffth, r6fifting, 3.4(k; patiy 11a,Ve bo6n of, t1le trail, but so far Olo linar wa,R driven off, It roquired and lie gave the word, to have tho 1)1.1%. publie, wl&h left I'tirk's 1,41and tlfttot,t6ii Poterb`oro a few dnp,4 ago. - 'i'he peddl.-v (I N�1,111- 15; 28,20), and his 01604ing pil oil b*e 16 of the tord, that yd have. , et-ritrifugal"06 'test, ,%06; molasses tsugAr, ,A6 ,t"Od of blin has boe'd found, Tito fWarl-V t%v(%"tV Btitehtlli to tow up the chifto rekast& ' days' 4fttr Elie Auburridato igailed. Tit(- is Ili a serious coi;�Iftioli, and may not anointing David by divine conifilklid (I h1)6W,gd thig kindnos ..Unto SAU1.9 (I. 1160; refined, steady, %illgi &fe Mot J11OW, )lot 0o they of tiny fftrlll�r's WOU�dg- , Wh&A the aefonaut reittlied ot height Atiburviftle had it orb* 15t iflnib. Mover, � , , . S . I I I 0 . I I I . . . - . 1, .1 I . 1. . hfik!,�� Asi�IkAa, ", -t.AA1k.A,__. . 4 ,� �. , I ��_, ALA - - JJJJNWNW1""_�LL -, .__ _ - 11-1_.d1"-" 11 I 'V— .Wd&��Mu�___X...!­_k�. - 1, I —it . - r- .. _1 ��, 114 110 A