HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-10, Page 1a
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3GT11 YEAR, NO, 2. . WINGRAN, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908, $1.60, wo ftBsoaxnus rx U. 0. -
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SANCTUM PARARAPHS. Lower Wingham. f ' —�� LOW Wy Celebration. The Local Markets.' F' �11 Death of Mrs. S. Oracey,
— � I Wheat, 83 to 81o; oats, I ts, 35c , peas 5 After a painful illness of many
. '
—It is an uncommon mule, t1lat
lurch Vews 1personals The Baseball Club and r3tizens' 77c; barley 48 to 50c; bay, $7; �utter I local Items months, Mrs. S. Gr4cey departed this
Well, Mr. Editor, we have not yet L�!����� L"!�= ��J - 210, egg, 180, potatoes, 50 to 600. : L%0%W%0%11.__.%^^ I I MJ life on Wednesday evening, Cancer
does not work both ways. , Band were favored with ideal weather Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers,
* * *1 exhausted the list of the old-timers, There will be Divine Service hold in Arthur Angus of Chesley was home was the trouble, and though she
residents of this once busy spot. Per or- the Zetland school bouse on Thursday for the holiday, for their celebration on Monday, and The Poll Fair. Stewart 4 Cloakey - ure now in poo- underwent an operation a few months
—As a rule, the plan who persists In evening next, Sept. 17th, at 7 30 the programme prepared by the nom-
haps ,we are not giving them in con- . iQ J. T. Saint of Witilaceburg Bpent the On account of not being able to se- session at the Hardware stand in the ago, the disease had gotten too firm a,
getting "full" has it pocket that is of- , o'clock, A short, boaxty Bel -vice, t, holida in town, wittee was well carried out. The ef,
secutive'or (its the historians say) address by Rev. 0, E. Jeaklas of S 7 fort for the day was very successful. cure light, the Agricultural H411 will Beaver block. hold upon her system to be era4icat-
tell empty, that is of cash, chronological order, but it matters Paul's,churcb, Wiagham. Afro. Young of Blyth spent Sunday not be open on Thursday evening as ed. She suffered much, but bore her
* * * not. There was Thos. Carruthers, Rev. A, Hamilton, B, A., B. D., of at F. G, Sparling's. The morning attraction. was a game intended, Mr. Hooey, of town, has ripe straw- illness patiently, although at times
—Many a man who thinks he is cap- who is still with its, though not as Hespeler, preached in the Wingliam Dr. T. Ohisbolm, M, P,, has returned of Baseball, Win ham vs Formosa, re- berries on his vines for the second .
able of steering the ship of state from his Western tri � salting in favor of the Wingham team 01, The p . she grew weary of the pain, and ex -
active as. in days long past, Thomas Blethodiet, church last Sunday, morn- 'or pressed the wish that she might soon.
P. ,Ij4. time this season.
. rag and evening, His thoughtful dis� Tour
nal run a wheelbarrow. must have been a descendant of old � Mrs. Knox has returned from visit- by score of 11-0; battery—Wingbam, e The H I
, courses were based on OldTestament. t Gate The steamer King Edward of the Hepworth Journal has ceased be released. Mrs. Gracey was born in
* * * Ing friends in Michigan. Burkett and Alderson .
Q, . ; Formost , 'on, but there are still seven- Detroit about fifty-one years ago, her
Tubal Cain of Bible history, for be - scenes, and were listened,to with talose Algoma Central Co. went on the rocks publicati
—,,Xnow thyself is a good proverb, had skill to fashion iron and steel, not attention, The Rev, W. G. Howson Aliss Vera Fairfield of Wallaceburg and He!, -z, on Friday last in seven feet of water, teen papers left in Bruce county. I maiden name being Catharine Buie.
but in business it is necessary to learn into sword or spear, but into plough, preached in Hespeler. was in town on Tuesday. In the afternoon at 1.15, the Band off Chante Island, near Soutbanip, It- a plentiful supply of beechnuts . She was married to her now bereft
, . '
another proverb; Know the other fel- and harrow and other implements of Regular Epworth League meeting Bliss Dandy of Cliesley visited her and school children marched to the ton. The passengers were all taken and butternuts is a sign of a hard husband about twenty-eight years
low. peaceful industry. They were always next Mondav evening at 8 o'clock sister in town this week. Town Park, where the first game of off safely by a tug, and finished their winter, the approaching one will be ago, in the Vill ge of B)yth, and for
* * *, I Mr. W. X. McDoriald will give � twenty-two years was a, highly
V looked np to, was Thos. Carruthers sharp. Will, J,pbb of Tilbury spent Labor ball was played between Winghamtrip by rail. It is thought the steam- severe.
—The Conservatives of South Druce and his •good wife. May their shadows 'in address on "The life of a British Day at the parental home. and Kineardine, resulting in favor of ill be a total loss, esteemed citizen of Wingham. She
met at Walkerton on the 31st inst., Soldier, in India." Mr. McDonald, Mrs. Gen. A. Stewart 6f Stratbroy Wingham; score 8 to4. Thus giving er w . Bert Winfield, who has been in the was a woman of fine character, a kind
I and chose J. J. Donelly of Pinkerton never grow less. Alarm and terror who resides in Wingham at present, . I - Died In Loudon. employ of T. A. Mills for several neighbor and true friend, For soiiae
seized our community when it was spent six years in India, and no doubt is visiting Mrs. C. Gillespie. Wingham Rrst money for the day�
as their candidate for the Commons, found that Fishers' woollen mills were his address will be interesting. Mr. MeR troy of Ottawa is a visitor Kincardine vs Formosa.—This game Win. Jas. Casemore, son of Mr. Jas. years, is now an employee at "The time after coming to Wingham, the
, I . Eaton."
* * * on fire. It was caused by a, workman at TvIr L. McLean's this week, of baseball was won by Formosa, giv- Little writer's family lived next door, and
n The Wednesday evening services in Casemore, of the let line of Morrie,. I
—Monday, October 19tb, is likely to who was sweeping the floor. He -pelt the Baptist church are being well at- Mrs, (Dr.) Price is'vialtineber paren- Ing them second prize, score 12-4. died in .London on Septpmber 3rd. Mr. Geo. Mason has been suffering the many acts -of kindness received '
tai home At Orangeville this week*,'
be the day chosen for the holiday his broom to the stove and it can ht tended. Tfie pastor is tonducting a Listowel vs Wingham.—This junior The funeral took place from the rest- for the past week from a severe attack from Mr. and Mrs. Grace and family
known its Thanksgiving, which by the fire. Tq.put it out he stuck it into series of studies of the Minor Pro- Robt Arbuckle of Winnipeg's visit- Baseball game was won by Wingham; deuce of his father, on Sunday last, of sciatica, requiring the attendance are not forgotten. Three daughters
way is in it majority. Of cases a allsilo- the greasy wool and the fir6 was soon whet, which is proving both interest- ing relatives in town and vicinity. of a physician. remain, who have lost a kind and
. and -pt . o . f1table. The book for .Messrs. Bert and Roy Elliott have score 3-2. Rev. C. R, Jeakins, B. A., officiating. affectionate mother. There are also
mer. * * * past control, for there was no water- i4l"duesday, Sept. 10th, is that of Then followed the 100 yard race for The funeral was well attended, the GRAIN WANTED.—WO are prepared
works, hose or hydrant then. Soon Obadiah. Read it and then come , with returned from Prince Albert, Sask. Baseball ,players only.. lst—Goodwin Young Britons accompanying the to pay the highest market trice f�r two brothers, Capt. Dan. Buie of Chi-
-A good plan is a good thng; u the mills and Mr. Fisher's residence us, prepared to discuss -it. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Bard of Wood- i grain delivered at our ware. Ouse in cago, and Capt, Duncan Buie of Buf-
there are a thousand good plans to stock visited at S, Young's this week. ne; 2nd—McIntyre, Kill- remains to their last resting place.
P were in ruins. Miss Anderson, one of A series of special sermons to young cardine. . I Wingham.—R. Awde. falo, also one sister, Mrs. Curtis of
one good man, and a plan is never I - - - Robt. J. Flenty of Southampton is � Blyth. Mrs. Gracey was a member of
I -
worth more than the man you put be-' the employees, got out At a third men will be given in St. Paul's crura spending a week at the parental home, Girls Race. --Annie MeRitchie, two Wedded to The West. The Borden Club will meet on Fri -
storey window and hung on to the on the second Sunday evening of each St. Andrew's Church, and the funeral
hind it. month. The subject for next Sunday pieces of fancy china by Geo. Mason; Mr. ,Chas, A. Barber, a former em. day evening at 8 o'clock, in the Chis- .
t.* * sill until her bands were burned, and Mr. D. El Bartlett was visiting his holm Hall. All the members are re- service was conducted by Rev. D. Per-
will be in the nature of an opening ad- sister, Mrs, H. E. Allen, over the holi- 2—Myrtle Lockridge, fancy china by ployee of the Advance, now editor of . le, her pastor. Interment took place
—South Bruce Liberals will meet in she dropped into a blanket held by dress to young men, on "Manliness." day. Geo. Mason; 3—Pink Smith, cash. In the Pilot Mound Sentinel, has entered Attested to be present. ri
. '
convention at Walkerton on Monday, her father below, lie shouted "Trust Preacher the Rector. All men are on Friday, Dr. P. Macdonald, 0. P.
Your fattier, drop, I'll catch you." He cordially' welcorne at these services. Mrs. Bloomfield bas returned from a this race Eileen Dore won first, but as the matrimonial estate, having been The Advance staff was regaled with Smith, Jae. McMurchie of Blyth and
Sept. 14. This convention is called for yo month's visit to friends at Holmes- she was not aware the race had to be married to Miss Mary Adeline End!- some fine Golden Sweet apples, the ch s.
caught her, but the weight took the See Sprvice Card for other details. Ville. a Naylor of Essex being the bear -
the purpose of selecting a candidate oldniandowntoo. Mrs. Bruce jump- N , run over again, she did not receive cott of Pilot Mound, Manitoba. The gift of Mr. Bolt, sr. Thanks, Mr. ers. Mr. and Airs. Naylor of Essex,
to contest the riding at the approach- ,ext Lord's Day will be Rally Day Geo. Sadler of Detroit and Leslie let prize, but was given a prize. Advance and staff join with the Bolt; they were good, Mr. Weir of St. Marys, Capt. Buie of
Ing Domiftion general election, Miss Taylor I in connection with .the Baptist Sun- Sadler of Cleveland spent Sunday in Boys' Race.—Harold Gould; 2nd— groom's many friends in wishing the _ were
* * *' . also jumped and broke one of her legs, -day School. The pastor will preach a town. The exterior woodwork of the block Buffalo,'and Mrs. Curtis of Blyth
We remember too the day old Dayid special sermon in the morning to par- , P. Constable -, 3rd—T. McDonald. happy couple long life and much hap- present to sympathize with the
The district passenger agent of the tints, teachers, older brothers and sis- Miss E. Porter left this week on a Fat Man's Race, --A. Crawford; 2nd Pilless- , owned by T. T. Field and occupied by bereaved family.
C.P.R. at Toronto says that his coni- Campbell had his hand nearly taken tars and Church members oil "Who is visit to friends in Detroit and other himself, the' Advance and A. W.
off in the sawmill ; it was fixed up but responsible for the religious training places, —Albert Heisz, Formosa. Struck By Scantling. Webster, has been repainted. - -
pang will ship back any of the strand- never was as good as before. Pay of the child?" A large attendance of Mrs. C. S. Day has returned after Old Man's Race.—David Duncan, -
ed harvesters who can show that they was not large then ; fifty cents a day these four classes is specially request- spending a week with her brothers in GlenannaD; 2nd—Ell Elliott. Oil Thursday last, while walking Mr. and Mrs. Goring of Tilsonburg Buy Tim, BEST !—The Hagar and
have honestly tried to find work and ed. Intlicaftei-nootiat2.30,aspecit6I Toronto. near a building being erected, Rev. have taken up their residence in Mr: Empress Shoes for Ladies. The Invic-
have failed. Nothing more than was all. Yet men were contented and programme will be - ven by the Sun- .. Bowlers' Race.—A. Monteith, Brus. E. R. Fitch of Toronto (formerly of Ford's cottage on Shuter street. 'Mrs tus. and Slater Shoes for -men, excel
happy. Those that took a newspaper day School in the _61iiii-ch building. f Tilsonburg was
right. the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Hewer, sets. I Wingham) was struck on the bead by J. Hewer of town is their daughter, 9,11 others, Manufactured in Canada.
* * * paid for it too and read it by the light Let all who are, or ought to be, in- last week. a scantling which was dropped by a Mr. A. Posliff is still sore from a fall _W. J. Greer, sole Agent.
of the log in the fireplace or the fallow terested, attend this service and start ' I
—There is still one calling that is . the season's work in connection with Mrs. Geo. Robertson of Desboro was workman on a building, Dir. Fitch he had last week from the top of a
open to us all—the calling of a Christ- candle. Of course Ned Fa�ley (after the Sunday Scliool with enthusiasm. visiting her sister, Mrs. 0. J. Reading, sustained a nasty cut on his scalp; he two -ton load of Has. One of the
!an gentleman, It is the only Profen- consulting the planets) foretold the in -the evening the pastor will reach last week. was stunned, but not seriously injur- Miss Elizabeth E. Opant
triumphal march of Sir John A. Mac- on- Clods description of a R wheels of the waggon coming off was
sion that, is never crowded. Why not donald, and -sure as you live, it came man." Everybody welcome. 'PPY 'Afiss Lillie Dey returned to Zion ed. The cut on his head however will the cause. . Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony and
make it your ambition to reach the I City, Ill.; last week after.a visit at her -- lay him aside for a few weeks. Interpretation. Pupils repared for
the planets had any., Co. ' r,at;ry University
top of this ladder? Why not start to pass, whether C A Very interesting Flower service home here. _. . . _ . . . Young men are specially inv,ited to e t,., or Ty,
' thing to do it not. Talking was held in SC. Paul's church on Sun- Airs. McLeod of Southampton was a The best looking twins prize was examinations. S. Term's on
out to be the kindest, gentlest, most, captured by the pretty little ones of A Father Gone'. * the Y. M. C. A. meeting in the - application,
helpful man in town P The best of us about relies of Ned Farley, T,-J.-Mc-dity afternoon last. There was an visitor at Mr. Jas. Hamilton's over (I mourns the McDonald block on Thursday even- STUDIO — 1ST FLOOR—MACDONALD BLOCK
in this bust- Lean of Upper Town has the real pearl abundant profusion of flowers, and Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Taugher -, prize by Mr. P. Logue of town, Ing of this week. A. H. Musgrove,
have not done our best 1 each pupil and toacher was the bearer : respected
-ness. AN'by not be. , kin to -day to culti_ buttons tbat'Ned wore on his grey of a boucluet. A procession was then Mr. and Mrs. W. P. VanStone have Hanna Bros. death of his father, a highly res M.P.P., will give an address.
overcoat. Nobody that ev(r sari Ned formed from the schoolroom to the returned from a visit with Southamp- ; Messrs. J, Cunningham and A. resident of Brockville, who died re- � MISS SPARLING
vote with diligence the art. of being could forget that coat. Mr. McLean front entrance of the church. On en- ton friends. Cosens acted as Baby judges, and eently, aged 70. He was one of the Three rooms to let on Leopold street
kind F ' tering, the bouquets; were laid upon Mr. and Airs. Newman Wellwood of seem. ed to be up to their business. oldest engineers on the G. T. R., h%V_ near Victoria, with slimmer kitchen, Graduate of Toronto Canservatory of Music
* .11(• * has also Ned's razor, pearl -handled, I cellar, hard and soft water. Apply and authorized Tea I er of the Fletcher
the table as an offering. The Rector Kincardine spent Sunday a in �, Music Method, Sy lex and Kinder -
r. garten (having stu( led this method
—Premier Laurier is to bold a -eries The buttons and razor Ned brought then addressed the sellool very a,ppro- Wellwood's; t Win, They may not have satisfied all the Ing been in their employ about 86 pre remises.—Miss K. M. Fisher.
I -in, He with him froin Ireland. Six feet of priately, impressing the fact ,upon mothers, but probably did their best. years, and during that� time, there had with the originator at Syn -
of open air meetings in Ontario, ' like Airs. Geo. Kew and!s6ns of Niagara 3' never been a mark recorded against . The Blyth Standard has entered the thetio School, New York.)
speaks in'Clinton, Sept, 23rd. And snow was not a strange thing -then, the children their lives were li Falls spent Labor Day holidays with . A. Taylor and G. 0. Hanna were
. ' a garden, which might bring forth him. Besides his widow, five - sons 22nd year of its life, and its second Pupils prepared for Conservatory Examina
some naughty Tory editor suggests and men bet on the merits of the nar- relatives here. I official race starters, E. Moore and anti two daughters survive. Heart under the control of Mr. L. Kerr. tions both In Theory and Piano.
that the reason the Premier's pleet. row guage and biwtd gunge railway weeds, or the beautiful fragrant flow- � were baseball umpires. Classes open 4th Sept. .
� ag � era, and pointed out the necessity of Miss Maye Robertson of Toronto H. Hendrick w trouble was the cause of his death. The Advance wishes it continued For information regarding tuition, &c., apply.
ings are to be held in the open air, is that was.said to be coming. The sta- so cultivating the life, that the weeds was visiting her atin t, IV rs. C. J. Read- The evening programme was short . growth, even though it be "of age." at her home on Minnie St. .
"to give his audiences a better chance tion was to be at SlAbtown, on the of bad habits should not be allowed to ing, last week, but enjoyed, especially the drill by Timothy for fall seeding for sale.—
to — their breath after some of the sale.—
Trumbull . bull homestead. But we did not prevail. The flowers were boxed and Mr. and Mrs, H. 0. Bell of South- Miss Houa,kton,s class, which was Geo E- Killg- The Arthur Enterprise changed
*- 5 eXpreSSC(t Dy early train On 1, Tor to 9
-, startling statements be is expected to get It;' the station was located .on the Sick Children's hospital, Tor 13 amptou spent a few days this week at loudly applauded. hands last week, Mr. Rixon Rafter, k
Isn't that awful? Nevel-the- Rowdy hill. Don't you remember 0 to' R. Vanstone's. Wingbain High Sehool. B.A., of Arthur Tp,, being the present
offering from the St. Paul's Sunday Mies Vera Holmes has returned to proprietor. Mr. Rafter, though blind,
make." and Victoria hospitni, London, as an Mr. J. Groves held the lucky tidkett r. I
leas, the Premier will be listened to how one cold iiight when the race was gents' watch, This two-year old institution, whose R:
full Of water, Ned Townsend fell in. School. Haver al College, Toronto, after the No. 226, and won the has had special training in newspaper Al M Aa Z,
by a large and interested audience on ale was the holder pupils have achieved such phenomenal work and prepares his copy on a type.
the occasion of his visit to Huron Some said Ned was full too as well as 1.� . - summer holidays, and M rs. Thos. Sm success in the last two departmental . Pedu
county. the race, but he got out from the ice . . Miss Amelia Agnew of Philadelphia, of ticket 818, that won the lady's ucce-9 writer. I
. ' 'IIS . watch. This watch was donated by examinations, opened last -week with "The SWelleSt Eler" -
* * * and water, a sadder if 'not a wiser the miller and Hutton his partner, Penn., is on a visit to her home in
. . 1, ' Lower Wingliam. x by W. a large attendance, 154, i, divided as fol- .- The 'Wingham branch of the Wo- 2�
blacksmith Rutherford, Tom Kennel the paint . R. Knox and the gent's watch I,-
-Besides good Englisb, there are man.- Pete Wilson had a blae I I -
other points in which business letters shop where Jas.�,Dennis lives, and er, Duncan Groves, Rev. Sinclair, Mrs, Rodwell of South Middleton G. Patterson. lows.—Senior Leaving class, 3-1; Jun- men's Institute will meet at the home I t�:
. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. The Band gave an unstinted supply ior, 35,F Orin 11, 35 ; Form T, 50. of of Mrs. Ed. Bosman, Diagonal road,
- Tom and Ned Johnston kepta wag- Richard Rankin (your present bell- 11 %
are commonly lacking and the great Hon shop there. One day a . Snell, over Sunday. I these 77 are town pupils, 66 county pu- Sept. 17th, at 2 30 p.m. Subject for "The Merry Widow"
.est deficit is that of courtesy, Indeed farmer ringer), Thoms the storekeeper, Ma- Miss McNeil of Ailea, Craig was 9, of good music all day, and everything pils, and 11 are from other counties. _ discussion—, 'Inventions to save work
it might be said that courtesy requires insinuated that Tom was only "a, boy" thiQsou and a host of others. But I visitor at .T. W. McKIbbon!s for the passed off very nicely. Financially, OommencemeDt excerelses will be in the home." Every member is re -
good English or at least sufficlently and there was "'loins" at once. The can't forget Price the cobbler, on the Labor Day holidays. the (lay was successful. held in the Town Hall, probably on quested to bring something on the JUST ARRIVED•
good, to be understood. A great farmer wished lie hadn't said it. Good bank of the Maitland where Spar- Rev. V. A. Hamilton, B.A., B.D., of the 17tb inst. - The Advance wishes'; subject, The members will please II Micninp WiDow II Perfume 11
I t
inany people think they are courteous old John Green lived over by the race ling's brine tauk. stood: ,He used Has tiler, was the guest of his sister, the School another record year. notice chan.ge of day of meeting. just arrived. Come in .-E
when they are only polite, and a lot track. John McLean (your lumber crutches and was fond of a beverage Mrs. A. Mills, over Sunday. OF
� I The "Albert" is the name of the and sample it. It's �_
more think that courtesy consists in merchant) was a boy then, or at least stronger than water.. Many a boy Mr. and Mrs. L. Harold and sons of Wingham Town Council. Married At Niagara Falls. , famous shoe for the men. Now fall Sweet and lasting :k
ssying "we beg leave" or "your es- one of them, Many a 10 cent .Jack felt the end of Price's crut-b, when Brantford. were visitors at Mr.*Geo., .
Carr's during the past'week. Mr. John Harrison of Owen Sound lines of this superior make are jest to I
teemed favor" or smething of that spent betting that one of two boys he used it on those who teased him. , hand; samples in south window.— �
sort. Courtesy is really regard for didn't dare knock the chip off the But those early settlers, how kind Bliss May McGee returned to Chat- Council met on Monday evening; and Mrs. Eliza Fralick, of Minneapo- Willis & Co., sole agents for Albert ._-�
ham last Friday after spending a all members •.-present, except Conn. lis, were united in marriage oil Sept. ,Shoes for men and Victoria Shoes for Kodaks Films E;
the ri h o and it manifests other's shoulder. The boys liked Jack and hospitable they were I When month at her home near town. Hanna. 4 . 2nd, at Niagara Falls, Ont,, by Rev. ladies. I *
itself unconsciously. If you haven't .for he often helped them out of a sickness- came into the home, there recommended D, A, Moir, of the Methodist church. The Clinton News -Record says :—'
courtesy in you, you can't counterfeit scrape, when a big bully was around, were no paid nurses; nor fraternal so- I
Miss Jennie Struthers -returned last Finance committee recorm and Supplies. t'�
week from a few weeks' vacation with payment of following accounts:— Mr. Harrison is one of Owen Sound's The county council committee paid' 2_1
it in a letter. But it is easy to ac- John is still above the sod, tips the cieties to send a paid assistant, but friends at Oliphant and Owen Sound, D. C. McDonald;,wovk .......... $20.12 leading business men, having been in their quarterly visit to the House of .,-
quire courtesy—just put yourself in scale at 200 or more, and is still popu- neighbors out of the sincerest kind- .. McDonald, 4. t�
Mrs. Anderson and daughter, Miss . i ........ Z.37 the milling business there for many Refuge on Monday and afterwards t�
the other fellow's place and then treat lar. Never to be forgotten was John ness freely volunteered their help. If Emma, and son, Dr. Howard Ander- J. liediet .................. ** 18.37
him as you would like to be treated. Groves'big fishing pole. John would there was a logging bee, or a raising, son, of Toronto, were visiting friends X. A. McLean, coal .... ....... : 22.05 years. Mrs. Harrison is a, sister of had nothing but praise for the present
. 'it .......... 36 Mrs. T. Hall of town, and the newly- management. Mr. Mutch, they said,
in town this week. * Richardson & Rae, Co. U1. Walton McKibbon I
* * * -. get the boys to carry the pole down help was freely offered from far and Miss T. Hall Voter's list, etc........... 31.25 wedded couple .-pent a few days this has made several improvements. In � ww_*
i .
.1 —In apologizing for the largely in- to the river, but the carrying home of near, and all the pay the boys wanted Mr. and Mrs. Warren (nee J. H. Christie, bal. due on tran- week at the home of the editor of this the department of his. good wife, the E
the Toronto the big fish was a privilege to be en- was to give. thein a band back some Sadie Green) of North Augusta were slant trader's lizease........... 31.38 DRUGGIST Z.
creased expenditure, ' ue�ts of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Greenaper, returning to Owen Sound on matron, there is an added -neatness _k
. Globe sa'ys : joyed by John. alone. Yqur corres, day, or inaybap clear out the room Nuring the past week. . Ff. B. E Elliottliptg. advtg .......... 10.50 BLOCZ I.,
W. Guest, salary 2 months ...... . 20.00 Wednesday. and comfort that is appreciated by the _i
4 "Was it possible to carry out the pondent, has passed his boyhood daye, and let them trip the light fantastic, Dr. and Mrs. R. 0. Redmond and H. Lewis, salary ....... ........ 20.00 Inmates. ---- ,� .... I --------- �_
prograrnme,whiell the Liberal party mud is fitanding in the shadows. The If a neigbbor dropped in out meal time, laughter Muriel, returned home lw-t R. Rankin, salary ............... 7.00 Quiet Home Wedding. Among new companies incorporated I
a after A coulfle of weeks' heli- Geo. Allen, 11 ... .......... 11451 00
inaugurated in 1800, and yet hold years have flitted past all too quickly, it was, "Sit to And have a bite to eat," Feid y ft , .
the expenditure down to the stand- - and as I sit by the stove and look into The fare was humble it is true, but it days at Brockville and Prescott. _J. B. Verguson, sahtry ........... r)5.50 A quiet home wedding took place at in this Province is the following:—
ard Of that year?" the dying embers, emblems of our was healthy, and such as it was it was 41. Yong, suppliC9 .............. 5.1-1, the Methodist parsonage, Wingliam) .Uovlock and Cline, Limited, capital
Perhaps it was not possible to do so. Mt. and Bfts. I]. Bishop, formerly of A. Sanderson, teaming.......... 28.35 oil September Otb, when Bliss Lillian $50,000, head office, Guelph. Direc-
swiftly passing lives, I see the com- freely given, Thdre was a, total ab- , have gone on a six months ' 0 8850
The Liberal leaders of those days Are ""in " street-wateving.. . , dau tars:—Jahn Morlock, Guelph, inanu-
panions of other days.. There were sence of starch, stiffness and formal- -y go to -Vancouver, and Howson & Co., oil ............... so Corte gbter of Rev. W. G. How -
guilty. They either knew that the Win. Blanobaffl, McMartin the shoe- ity. No fashionable sets; no five intend -rtti spend the winter I, 00i, 8. Moore, meals to tramp....... 50 sono was united in marriage to Mr. facturer; J. A. Cline, manufacturer,
expenditure must of necessity In- S. 13. Besbeemant&xctur-
maker, Siminies, Bradburns, Ogilvie o'clock teas; no mincing little dainties
fornix, b, Walton, work............'.... 4.00 Victor A.Jermyn of the township of Stratford -, ,
crease, or else they did not know that Geo. Ansley of Winnipeg is spend' W. J. Boyee, mains, etc ......... 14037 Morris, The muptial knot was tied er, Bearnsville, T. E. IVIorlock, travel- $2.50
such would be the case. Now, if th6y
Varney, Nichol the carpenter (father with kid gloves on, no calling cards— a couple of weeks at his home, Crown Oil Oo, account ....... * 20 . so
in' I I 40 by Rev. I)&vId Rogers, of Seaforth, tin ter, Guelph -, W. G. Morlock, manufac- -
knew that the expenditure would in- of A. J, Nichol), Fraser, McDonald, but there was a genuine heartiness Vor has a responsible position In. Can. Express Co ...... ........ * :
crease, they deceived the people, Jas. Knight, Yankee Jack, Dan. Hatt, and helpfulness that methinks is lack. the Velid office of the McLaughlin Electric Light expenditure ...... 594.40 Old friend of both contracting parties. Curer, Guelph. Mr. Cline was former -
when they publicly declared that if Cash, Ned Foster ,'my lad, Causer Ing now a days. But those early set- Carriage Co. On motion of Bell And Nicholson, The bride was dressed in cream crepe ly a resident of Win barn. as h o es -
the Scotchnioal, Tom Kelly the miller, tiers Are gone, at least Many of them. Mr. W, D. Pringle spent Labor Da3the above report was adopted and de chane trimmed with French valen- We invite the ladies to call and see
put in power, they would reduce the Joe Hicks who "had the money," the _ A few it may be are left, but their with friends at Belfountain. Mrs. ymont of accounts authorized. clennes lace And ribbons and carrilea a the now Victor -In shoes which we bave I .1 ... .
expenditure by several million dollars Pringle and dau&hter, Kathleen, who pa shower botlaot of bridal roses. The Ju9t placed in stock. Beautiful goods,
Baileys, Boland, Thos. Martin, flugh, locks are wbitening, and the* A communication wag read from ltnleO
annually. But suppose, that they did Ir steP have been visiting there, returned 1, entered and at the same time we r
Hamilton, Helm, Dr, Garner, 13ow- less steady than in days o bride, who was unattended ,iial We haven't a thing against
not know that in a young and aevelo- f yore, home with him. - Geo. McKenzie stating that J. A. Mc� every pair to give pet -feet satisfaction.
, . nian, A. Little, James McGuire and 'Their faces are towards the sunset, . the parlor on the Arm of her father to Do not forget we are sole agents in our neighbors. We STO simply
ping country the expenditure would Harry Ansley of Winnipeg is re- Lean would sell A raftd from Water the strains of the bridal march, played Wingham for Victoria Shoos'—Willis selling splendid Shoes for .
be likely to increase, then they were others. Then Graham, who pastured Mr, Editor, and the boatman per- etiperating at his home in Lower street to Bristol Terrace for $100.
his cows across the river and Nycnt• chance will soon terry them o'er 00 Wingham. Ilarry is last out of the This would not only reduce the by Miss Reed of Clinton. Invitations & Co. 0 0
. reckless in mapping out the program over in & boat to milk, and the boys narrow stream. It may be they were hospital, after having an operation wem iBsn6d to friends in England, Brl- 0 TWO FIFTY
referred to, and lacked the foresight who borrowed the boat without eat- not all model men. They had their pet-forined, and his friends hope for it Inconvenience felt bedattse of the tish Columbia, Saskatchewan, Toron. 0. T. R. Annual Western Excursions, They are the beat Shoes for the
and grasp of national aftalril that. culating how long it would take to do, faults, but their advantAges And op- speedy recovery. building of the bridge, but would te, Calgary, Tilsonburg, Barrie and money We ever saNV Or sold.
statesmen should leave, and hence , . 11 � I I I accommodate the public. Ito would London And after the ceremony the From Wingliani to Port Huron, We have them for
were not fitted to govern this coon- the milking. It %vas too bad to keep portunitles were not equal to ours, It give $25 himself and intended guests sat down to a repast eat-efully $ 1,18, Detroit, $5.65; Chicago, $11-50.,
try. On one born or the other, they him sWetttifij; on the bank and the nuty be that the Recording Angel did Public Scbool Board. building several houses if road was )aped and (taintly servea. The Bay (.1ity, $0,50; ClOVOIAnd (via Btlf-
cream -rising, waiting far the kids to tot wilte down against them mauy opened, Referred to Street commit.- pret � falo & 0. & B. steaniers) $8.15; Cleve- Men or Women .
are Impaled, There is no escape, bring the boat back. Then I see John things that will be charged to our ac- A regular melting of the Board was rooms were decorated with l6opings ]and (Via, Dateoit phel i3..Sc 0. stes,111-
-- -- NfeDon6gh the whoelwrlghb, Jimmie tonnt. Almy Of them acted well held on Tuesday evening. The tee to report, on motion of Spotton A" , of white and pink and title full,blooln ers) $3 35; Grand Rapids, $8,13.3 ); sag- Beat of Leathers — hew lasts —
ButgeAs and his wee shanty, Valir- their part-, they did the beat they minutes of August. ineetings -were Irwin. hatora of delicate pink were scattered Inaw, $0.41). Good going Sept. 17. 18 well wade—nothing the mhttet
. To Stop A Crying Bally. $300 was plaecd to the Credit of the through the rooms and on the tables and 1001. Return litnit Oet. 5011 3008. with the ShoeA. The ptloo Is a
weather Arid the PlackAtocks, Then could, allowing for man's frallitles and approved. The following actounts Proportionate rates from all stations l6 weak—that's all. Tato a
It inay be cramps, perhaps colic, old Mr Lodlet, who ilia not appre- temptations, Shall W6 who have op. presented And on motion of Lloyd and School Board. in rich profusion. The many beauti- in Ontario. Full information and lobk ht thego wondEr6l ftoas.
pkin or gas on,the stomach;, but In , Spotton—',L�fet)oiiald—Tht,t'tvo Invite fill Presents witnessed the esteem in tickets from the Greltntl Trunk agent,
n a few drops of Xervilme elate the 'help the boys gave blin by portunitlea galore, sit In judgment on MOOk6 PA880d for payment `—J'10, W. Henry. Winglialn. - They'll do their own talking.
soothes the pain itnil allows the child iugarlt)g down big syrup into taffs-, tbet0 God forbid, f'lle that Is Rogers, painting steps, $1; T. Hall, & W. Campbell, Good Roads Clomint9- ,which the pair are helt.l. The groom's r.
to eleep petteefully. Nerviline ,cureA while he sl t• Mr, Thompson of Zet- ,without tin, let bits cast the first 200 postcards, advts. I'll Globo and sinner, to visit our town and give an gift to the btide wits a beautiful still- - -----�--,---------��----,�z--,--,-•---
niblor ills puch As cold.9, headache, - he bride's going- MARRIAGICS. Soo us for Trunks acid Vallses
land, Robb, Currie 'on the boundary, stone," said the Blaster. So say �Ivt%f Mail, and Bell Telepliono account, address—Coaled. burst of pearls. T .
internal and extornal pains As well AS $5.76 In all; A. Sandmon, te.anilng, T. Hall, as Ch&I'rinati, of they School aNvity gowit was of dark green Chiffon Welwood—Welwootl—Oa St-ptelinber
Itny doctor, safe to use because & small whose granary door the boys opened regarding those early pioneer toilers,
(lose is required, Mothers you will SO that the cows could get it feed of in corichition, let nio reralfid your $2.45. The rnatter of ventilation abd l3oard, submitted the question Of bet- broadcloth, with hat to mately, The 8th, by Rev. W. G. Howson, at the _ - ,
find Nervillne an Invaluable Aid in grain. Robert wefit, to Interview Ode readers that of the earliest Aottl heating Was luforilittlly, discussed, and ter ventil-ation of 010 Public SCIIOOI, very many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Methodist parsonage, Miss Amy i REERL
preventin And catiz sleknet.s. Keep ergo on wiltion of Kerr ima GdMn, the The levy having been made, the Board Jermyn, w1lo are widely known, wish Roati-Ice Wilwood, daughter of Mr. WA G
a battle lillit at ban ,setae day you of the Yea "s after, but the boy wb,g In George Tervit ootalil In hore In l8m, Jome It Wolwood of Culross Tp.. to
will used, t boAly. Sold aveqwliere late 1114111g, We mutt Ilms oti, there 1: Aobt, Catrio and Letughlin MoLoaft sa,la,rlos for August Were paid and the hoA thought beet to adv1so with thb . then% iliany yeAre of wedded hap- Mr, lAn. Garriet, Wet%vood of Xin.
Cal: Zo. W#J (3011t, Shhw, Butt, 11olaer, Prioe I in is" Naird adjournea. council. � pine -01. 1 loss. . _: I I .1 I ,11
. t Awm.-Wx_�' I I
I I I .