HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-03, Page 6; .- " - ­ ,,­ � ":j,W ___ . lif 'PI -1-7 � rrw,­�411� .� - ' 74'"'?' 1. I , - � - 7`7` X " r W11 " ; , ". . I . 11 !! !- � `77" �: - - , - .. , , � : :. I.. -�.,. , ,�� � - I 1- I � I . - ­ ..., 1. I I I... ­ -*"-MP".W ".., �_ _ � � .... . . '...':___ I... I M ,. .1 . ­,�­­__�'.,. 'i— -��__ -_—__­ ... � — 11 . ___._.,__._ . .11 I'm . I -"'----I-- -�---_ --- . -------- =%owwo . M M I . ____m­�_,:�_;.;"_�� I I. � .. I I . I . I � - I . � , . . . M - , I rl,w_ A6.0ta—M -..Amok... � �, ,"_4__,. " - M M M � � I- . � M - ,�­ � � � : , - - " ! , -,. � . - --:� A","- i - -, ­ - ,ill,", w, � M I M I , : -4111 I � � - �.. I � � I I , I I ,� I � � i I , , 1. , ,., I I ­_WrV._1 � - 1. , - , I . 'M I I 0, I "I Q010 (101,11 VMS aft0vikolull," lie a,diL ____ ­­­ —_ __­ �, 1- � 4-1 , , 11 OF"Ift 11104111111111 14� "ROO" Ul- JJ1t4 08OLVIA ANO Ti,IC " - - I CAN . , I VAI A It 101 - ratlier taxii0y, 1,11io filet i4,. I'm Wito, .0 __ UREM � ISSUE No. $6, 11908 . , - .00'.." _ ''. , ". "...': ,,, �1 1. �..-, . . � Africa." Vlhiclo Ps-ru-na .Reh.'evod0s . a ,�hor$ or;$- CORNS C � � 'I) 7�c�� ���,'�, - , . .1 I—— 11 �..''. � )N.24HO PA . , of),V Wh1tcwA*hJn5 VIO RePVtAtlan of the, You Van Painlessly rernovo in, c9n 0 U40r I � I . . .. I � ,u ... 100-4019roo "To wherell, exclaimed tile viscount, 7'ilme, 4ft M, I ''. I i . � . _ . �� . L I . � ­­­. - ftcrad polver, NO soft or blQ041110, % aPPIA)i 1"JU14V314 a'VU F - kw A; , ".urlog, Anil I thought I Should liko - - . r7or L , UFAWARWr. R110YOr lifila, leave$ no sear, AQ9NTS WANTAP. Alie . I .... The revolting vuiitolav 8%. 1 .1 . .. :;;-,.:., , ­i!�.,V, , ...'. I bich, pri'vail -13W 118POacJol, � . .0 -, to 11 4, r � . I ,� I ft.~ .4.1 .1 I � I I . to any good-b)m to Misa Repo befoie I . .­:..;..,.?".":.... I ��­--,-,-,-`.;-,:,-:-.*., "'i't"iIii�f­%. � a less Decause coulposea , . � I I I � I . or" went, its I shall be. lxw�q auji.e ti.ne.,, .. autin"', llilgrIM3 t MJAIJ Q. 149111111 g If 111114 RUA InQuAn'. ,Fll�W,, ye4ra in AUNINTM WANTA0—LP4_MTJTALY NXF I . 4 ,,.*,,,��,'. 0 tilt, Uallgeb, ine'llidill T, I..;...".". 8 Use.' Curo guaraliTeN )I , Now, . I I I . Iloor Audrey'4 heart ..M. ..: ::! W. a4akt3l(t $er A, . boat lie.� 0`01111SA;"Ous thing by tbosv w1l Ad Py all ruggista bouailiold Alkipig; giiii Be .. A. . � vily, nad � I ") are W. battles. Wfuse Co. 11*11 & "I West Ir"010to, OOL , : id tlic-se lyllu al"o mutl4ring front'- ­ . . (By Jean Walker.) I I I .. w0l, al , 'I B , � � ........ � I "I'll "I'll I'll ­ her tosoul licaved. C . , didQAA4100 of 411 t,,rta 4 PVTNAM'S PAINLE$S, I . I'll ,.- I 111. on y , . � Look not oter the past bellio-111ing, "Go,od. Iwaivexult ,wbat a 1,11 oil are , ! I ". ind tile (trill 1;Iu,,,,t of, Ir"N$ VOR SUE, In the Source of strength be ,.troll,"",, . I . Wattr frow tile b,xthigg dOORN EXTRACTOR � *111-1*4%1". - _ 11, . . � . . .1 . I I . . .or rushing about I" a.44 the vitscuunt, r�-. : _ — , , phi -:0a, TAI"ku -, I 11-�"_^ I . I I I ­ � I... 11 " I . - _. . � : .. ..�_. � I., . 010 f011urdn',; ltvin froxit j.110 Ilidint lte� — , -_­­ vVeaken not uor, doubting, falter; lWoAchfully, "You don't se(m as It ),(tit �____:�� I 7 !� ri ARX$ IN. UANIT013A. F"KATC1 Ilight will. ever con , quer � wroug. ,1A6.dN— fo a@111160,illj1peillp I*Oulol. stop'nioro ill a five minutes izt otit4 " vKw EuMewhat of it surpri,w, . I I Wall and Alberta, itaproVoO an � 1�1� , '0�. _ I * ... . I � . !_ ----r- I _1A � , Reached, the Limit, Oat -out, list, it's free. Write. uf V i'li. Gone the past beyond recalling, . . "' , loll, Limited, NO. 917 McIntyre DWok, I y . r ­ I .. � ­­ I . place. Africa, tool Wh-ttla tba: 1vo of I XIAO rellaultiou of tile Nvater of tile ,f. .. , . '*Xhey 11 hear you, Sir, 'Ilan lay mind, 'tiug Ilia ha�not ,',,,:::" 04uge-i among the V 1A, Uono its wt�alajess, Wrong and woe. � to his brow. 1%xcuse MOO '�j:-.,::;:;:;.,:�-��;*:.;-,;."..:".:. � 11111du luilliond of In It is Blll,rnacd by ti"evellora that the 11 hear you, and tileralli be 4 pr . speudl your titne among savagest Be- : ..r'..""""""."""""'i:�. - WPOK, Xati. , p,tty Lord Lorrial'ore, ba calk brjug4 sldef3, � -�.,..-"�...',,,:i:i:i::;:::;::;::;:�:j:�:j:�.i::,::!;::i::::., On )a I'llown lo ('11, kuld lilo.,it of us Were � I I � �� .. � I - . " it th,4 1Y You're so f 0., " d of lem, yOn . Learn Its lesson, rise, be master, tile I ,�C;�;:;::;,:���:j:�:�,::::�:.*,::.:::.;.::.: �:�:,:j:,..:�::! tilT419 f;Vstvsa is anivex,sal. A Toronto It life's best and -truest know, how" tip ,a do I I -wtall I had a drop of back, Alt Unhappy time -to me, But Illave xxxigbt 88 .well (10111tClIt to 1,01leve, that In a hot Rod 111ar, Nyho visited Fol"land In A Goof) ""Va"U"N'r — ONANAGAN A ) H P tay at home, welve 'Yet " _ ... . �;.�i;i!�:i::::!�:i:;;:::;::;::::�:.:�:.�,...,.,."; :: ;, fruit land is 4 money maker, g ­­, :::: ;;; ii� t summer bronily or something, just to pull You All passed now, I hopo, and— .......,...:.:.:..":.:,:;::.*::;::;.,;,:.,:,:*:-,;,-, " a . gautitul 0 cimirl" 114"TO . � I ,'.'.-.,.,:. . , �� th!PstY land like northern luklia sitch, a jll�pcur,j to thi Ilk that couot scenery, Productive Qrobards, ideal cum4to. � ,. tq-ther. You lool�—Well, you look--" 114 glanced. tit the wtudow. plenty of I in here, Have u � . �,�� niagriblvont liver aa the Uallgos, Ustil, 7 10 tile Per illustrated litorature write to , �. I �W." I - , uutrio 0% On tile future, wisel'y hidden, , , stmle W;110-1 hopo You've dhied?" - . I . :$1 el;;w1plo.1 VI)tAker, and he Terl , , . � , 0 tit of lulud", Said, Neville, -,Be I an', ynue," said plaxly qlaluw to be lllghl� atea some Kutrie. real estate, Vernon, ::�.q, 'Tale, joy,. What is Ilix Untlappy a .- ::j: "' '#"* i14 1 1 L.� , I ­ I . I ..i��,%-:M 11 but it would atypi­:ar ai it itiodarn W`[013100 6�N',ell, �1' lll,.d tipp � I I . AIALO 110 claims, it is not thine, *'Wult Ono luoment, Mr. L Lorrimore said, fAlsely the t ) as, 110 Ito 14 .. * _�:�ii�ffi thought of! ,of biti expellex1cos, �, I 1 but It's. with J03'r, 11 Urilwo,r, '*You spoal� of ,.a I � '.. , Onward press, in fond hope trustin'g, . '" x,,,;%',��ad Atecepted the digar. I ... �. i��:� i.; _;- ;-:-;:-.,.,�:.:.:- .:..-- . . ad every nian, from EDUQATION'ALI 0. got. your fAielld, tile, fuluous - I..:.;.:;* . 'j"�:�::.:,:.7::::::.:.::, I I time. Vot -A,Y, the young an 0i 0 ::::�::::�::.:i�:i�ii�ii - .. , Leave it With tile powvr l)1yhl to be done?." u. are, you s ..-.,,:::,:::;::i . N" - wa-4 conling to tile aid. pf anclant traill. ('110 sivell gout wlio Seemed, to own the — . ..., - "Come 1101bo with, Moo ­1'.:.�-.-.'...-. .............�1 , . . .. � lie -will give thee vvr I and."llave ' a, Li Hopo Camp; then -then you in I il:�. I lion In malutailling n qNtal blew-411v4s licuef ' , trust Hint e , , , list gnorina Stella, in the libuse", g,li4 the ,.::1.�%::;:::1.-: iiilii`�iiiii _� Of &TTOND TWO TAIMEW, 13MT EQUIP, Vaily strengrth. fox, daily need, pip, Mr. Neville," suggested Vale, as know til'at A young lady" Signorina, fitol. . ..;.:.. - 01 Ulu Water of the Gan ce. 1,41, 1-1. Ilan, wh CorAnions 401VA to the hireling. � . , Thougli no pillared cloud of guiding, one Speaks to a obild or 4 Sick ina - lfk- I mean 5y,IVxa 13oud-thtalpi you v scourit, "ShQ111 be delighted to see you, i... N. ...;!*i:§�i�ijij�: P 9 r, gummed the wroug igbelp on I -4 VO4 bi school In Callads, for b04 I .�;..;­ .1 ­ , kin, in the prefat,o �to the fiftit edit" to, � ,.....:��.':�;�:j:�.,j:�:j:j:.;j � Air rosul, , wat ,whool 10 ue, 00DI'mi 13U41404" Ama . . I - . .. I "... � ..... : A . 'on liaggage, fluid 1 Went into, tile Waiting - qatol- lie doth, still lit$ people lend, delirium. ,'you cau!t do any ga,oa sit, doad; aotually thinks it A:t this momeut.,, I dare Say, and I'll set her oil to dissuad- *;..;::,; Z11. . . A of his excellent pamphlet oil 'Tito Qnu3o � collep, yo,460 AW Gorria", TOMAO I Neville atared at ,him, � Ing you frorn. this absurd Afri= Idea, :1�x':,`,'-.-,. . .­-X::�:,:�.j:-�, - XcOln oil tile lan4lixg-stage at Liverbool 1XVQ ting hero, If -if IV% the lady you think, I I.........�"..,..,:�:j:j:�:i::, V� "lid Prevention 01 C , Thine the present; use it wisely, you can go to the Grange Ill the mora- "You. knew her, Can. it be possible oil, Aud,reyl"' -.,$*:�Ij j."::::: -holera I Writes ,,,, to, 1i,ash my �!_Llvlll � . - ..: -1 � L :'��!::::�'-!*�;.-.:�,.:� - H �. ) , . Ilunds . - that -tuat you are tile gentleman whil � "Sylvia, Will be very sorry," size said, ��ji:..-.i�-i�:.;;.,� .,.,,,,iii..,i.;i.-i.,i.*i.'i',i� . .10130"Y0 of everything Eng. - In the Master's servive blest; I goodness' sake, coxxie " ;i "I R:$i �:�:�:-; :-:::�:j:-,.::::.j:::j!j "'Since I originally wrote this 'Riviliph, 1101', Rud What do Y04 think Stared me In WALNUT FROX OLD FARM . ,:::::j:-:j:;:::�:j$ 140 face When I had finished? A placard I - houle, sirl", � I ��,�:�i ij�:ij!,jj . . . *i*i*�*j�jij� lot I ,have olis�overezi that tile w4ter of 0 How Daily (10 thy nearest duty, saved her from 4vurick?" almost inaudibly. ...-­'�,.­. . 1. �� . ,- t $ "What IVA,3L his taine, I believe; the "I'll go And see about some, Wine," said ;_;.::.:...;.,,,.�. i � a A Chleagg Man Would Perpetuate , , 1 ','$�-.;­­ Yina% 'plfosc, tip the basbil- I God 111:01self will watch the rest. "No I said Neville, "I'll. stay here. I bushranger, at," said Lorrhoore. , Lord Marlow. :i i:;;:.3K:i$. -X' ...::::::�:j:!:j:, tile Gallfres r lid tile Junitiv, is hostile 0 - 11. - .- With Him, for Him, living ever, coald1vt go If I Wanted to, and I don�t. �:::�;�;::j;:.:,;.;:;Z - . t4a grAhlt of tile cholera m.jcrobo� not XOMOXY of Hoosier Birthplace. Neville hell Out his hand and graapid. Tito two, left alone were silent for a .;,;:;:j:,,:z i-z.........:.",'�..'i���j.'�il�i� . 0111F Owing to �tbe absence of food in OT Akk A'IL'r4ENT$. Two big piles of rough Indiana luni" Nothing less thy life allow, I must see liar soluellaw or other. There, ing, his eyes -b ben ;::x,:?,� i**i*!:'-.*!: ", :-:i:..;. a, .1 1.11"' . * . ...... LOrrimore'so his face flush nomexit or two, Andrey's heal -ting � , .. . :.".I.."'.", 11" ... term]15 but also) owing to the actual Give, then, it the wondrous fulness, I beg your portion, Trale, ,I know YOU T 1%.'�4ulk ... . X, " ... **- - I �: . , ........"... 1. bar are now attracting the attention Ole glowing, too fast to allow of liar speai at first, : :��:::`N., XX :-X:�`,.* i�� :-:..� once Of all antisclAic that has the A medicine t1jat Will ke - ol thousands of peopie w I , . Of thy great eternal now. think I'm inad, and that the wit "I should like to -trX to thank you?" and Lorrimore woudering how on earth :: i::.:, %':- .,: '. . t ep children ho hourly , I :. "...: _ ; ..: - id It's .. , .. ... ... ; ": .-:;,. - - -,:�. PPWOT of destroying Vita microbe. . Sault Ste, Marie, ont, thing's 4 delusion; but I'm not, ax he said. � -lie should break the news of Neville's MISS SU At wall is A ,great boon to every mothe Pass &long 111 the famous bhei all true. I tell you that laid � WE M. K � . , r. . y is the wo- 44 The young lady w" so dear to you?" Proximity. At last lie said; . "4�',-.,N..'...-%""�:,;4..�"N.",... ....',�. . . �.:. present I call malie no Suggestion as Till$ is just, what Baby's Own Tablets road of Chicago. , .. Devotion Day by Day, man I love, And -from whom I've been said LorrimorAi, I "I'm afraid I Laye niftole my v I '.1'.�%',X'-'.-' :-;:-:;'.*-.'1. I 11 I . to the origin of this xpyat6rious, 41W- do. An occasional Them aterial to st,acked up on parted, and, whom I must and Will see "'It Alt Miss Susie AL Xillosworth, 4(616 . peptic�l )p a big lot 1 � n one Of the. fillost and most Slixiday.-As Ile for the Joy set before "Dear to met" echood NZavilie, then be tin unconventionally* late hour, MISS be Stomach and bowels right, and prevents - Hint endured the . within an hour." #f o street, London,' Ontario. writest . I __".-olo� 4000 kcap$ tile little L exclusive rosiden , aross, despisina the laug 4 a strange laugh. "She is, Axid Uope,,but I meant ,starting to-1-norrow.. r(I began ug`ng Parana last Tried It, . Sickness. During the hot weather, ,as Beettong of, the , , 111 -tush, huslit for goodness' Saks, Mr. , � I January, Shame, even so may I ,ever have before . w ,s, has b xx dearer than lifel" "You meant," she 604, keeping liar inonths stomach troubles speedily turn (,I . Me. the heavenly reward. . Nevillel" pleaded Tr4le. "We 0 -tall be f� $ when I had Bubh a bad cold, and I "What" cried the genial Popkills, Slap- to fatal ollarho . PA, or cholera i � U I f � autum, Indiana man Is building a 11, Yet You allowed her think you voice steady byan effort, could not get anything to hely) lie, ping Ills friend JQbson on the back, "You And it a Illeoll4ne like Baby's Own Tall�_ 0 use the lamber Xonday,11ave pity, 0 God, upon the heard directly, and therQ'Il be a deuce of re dead I 10 id rimore, gravolyr, "Yes, I may be a day or two later "MY' nose and head Were till stop- RrG in love with Maud Dawsoli,'and too lets 13 not at hand tile child'may Ale In 110 , and in th of poor and troubled of tile earth, and sus. a row. TIxere are sarvant4 at labout, 'Ile I a rat he has planned to perpetuate a num- - her troubled . an4 now. The fact is—" Then, like .most ped lip, so that I could hardly get my bar, of the most tender association's tain the OPPross0d, giving them relief and—" M stopped and dzicked Ills uncertain. men engaged Ili 1%roaking" the news, lie bashful, to propose to herl Ti alisme a 10W hours. The wise inot'her will, at. , and cheer. . head, "T'lierel Just Whitt I expeetedl "It was beat," he Said, "I did it for . . I breath, I thought at times that I of yourself, 1114111 Just you follow my Ways keep a box of Tablets in the house Of h'B life' all of which he brought . blurwd it alit, "Audrey, I have heard of would Smother, OSPecially at night. from the eat Hoosier domain. . Tuesdcxy,�Lord, if Than fire Ilarots one coming now. Come into the the best. When those Scoundrels Seized '9(.ville Lynne.), 41441Y, Who is nownily wife, andlyacaine, and give them to, ber children occasion. � . . ally to clear out the stomach and bow The but der is Dr. B. Iles Karlin, ,,,,,,,, _"vilere - not pro- . "I have no trouble with ttlat now. to a jeweller's shop, and I pointed to the , fr , - Thee absent? Shrubbery, air, come oil," allot he draggoil her &lid left me for dead,. th,ey robbei . If a Shall , seek . Slie started, but did not look overcome The 110188 In my lieAd'has all disap- engagement rings in -the window, and els and k?e them well, Don't watt un. The lumber is a, fine grade and grain _ver�wtx le -y penny I powessed. Lack N.ritit, joy. She was too inuch engaged peAred, of black walnut, and it came. from a .Present t , , why do I not -see Thee at him, me of eval . � Tis siek-the delay may cost farm i ! �au dwe Ike one Said, 'Wouldn't you Ii it . Rest in light inac- Neville allowed, him to half lead, half was dead against me. I heard 9118 IlAd thinking of another man-tbe Zarl Of "T know Peruna Will do Just what And She Said, eyes,) ofthese?l tit the all � four miles Out, of Richmond, cessible, pull him into. the shrubbery, but it was fallen into the hands of a kind-heartal Lorrimora, to wit -to be very much you say it does, I cannot larsi ttled"' and go it was a precious little life. Got tile Tablets The material ,will remain in the Bun . I I � . .,4et� . Weduesday.-Come, Spirit of the liv- too late. lady and A nobleman whu would, talm care moved, even b7 the return of liar old Peruna too highly, as it has done so ,; now and you Way feel reasoria,bly Safe. during the Summer ill process of dry. unrestful spirits with . I Lord I Capit4l ideal" tried the bashful Job- Every mother who uses these Tablets Ing. Then it wilt be kiln drIed and ing God, to our Vootsteps were beard ooming nearer, of her, and 1-11nx a proud maii, friend. much for me. I hope my letter.,will son, 01111 , . Thy rest. Pardon our transgrei and presqntly -a tall, figure strode up to Lorrimore, stud I could not be a burden "' 'eville I " . I try it this very night I" praises �Iiexn and tliAt is the beat evi- t1lat with pure a t. de, them, and a voice sternly Alemaudedt to,her," and lie hung Ills head, -N - reach other sufferers," . ultimately dressed'for the use, in Btore oniscielice and righ "Yest lle�-well, the face I Twenty-four hours Intel, tile two dence that there Is no other medicine for for it. On the first floor of the new t is, that lie.1s Mrs, S, X. XOuntz, 3015 Scovel Street, friends inet once inoro, children So good, And the mothe house )011 be a largo living room. sire wo inn), do 'City work upon tile "Who's therell, 'Y-64," said Lorrimore, "You are "Well," replied Lorriinare. "I Should If Nashville, 'To : r Im earth, I Trale pressed Neville's arm to ),-cap proud, I see, Bat did it, never Occur . : Ftl * rii.,. writes, "Well, Jobson," cried Popkins sidid the the guar-A'nt66 of a Government S lyin -had not been here?' have had a very bad cough near. " o � analyst It will have a beamed cejling� wilins. ThursdaY.-O Almighty Goid, him silent. to you that the young lady in ht Buf- y -sp plan work?" . I that the Tablets contain no opiate or acting, book shelves built in the walls and eternal, Then fillest all thi infililte The ne,vircomer repeated tI - fer Somewhat at the Ices of . her1rother, bore I ly all my life, and I a�xn forty�fiye "Work" groaned Jobson, "I a harmful drug, Dea ngs -with, . to question, d sbo looked years old. I have taken aln I hould lera sell the Tablets and a large mantel all of which will , Thy presence, Thoit are everywhere by a -ad advanced upon their hiding place. as we thought you." round. . kind I I I lost every think it did Just listen I took Maud at 25 cents a box . or you can get them be built from the Yndiana black wal- . Thy essence and by Thy power, "It's all Up," Said Trale, with. a groan, Neville started, f cough medicine that has ever along Hith street, and stopFed at Gold. by mail from the Dr, Williams' Mviticlue 'riday I � 's at 46 No," be said "Poor Sylvia did she- "Yes," said Lorrimore, ,,I met him to. befm made, but none did me much 0 Co., Brockvillej Ont. -nut material. Two bedrooms Also will 14 . .-Father I have found tile gift IINVe must face the music I and he step would have spells of cough. to material that of life � Sweet ' - d she grieve i;ucll?ll night, by the most singular chance, and good. I dholn's, f a jeweller's, and pointed t. be finished from th . and beautiful thi g. It ped out. � Lorrimore laughed grimly. I have only just left him," Ing that I thought I would cough my- the ongageraent rings Ili the window -1 - I . came from the grandfather's farm. - has known cloud and rain, butt these "We all right," he said, still thinking "Grmt heaven, he asks me that?" be "Lefthim? Where? Oli,whydi4ypix Sell to death, I toollj�,t,,,,unja, and anil asked her if She, would like one, anof Safe Sentence. Ohicago correspondence � Indianapolis have nourished it, and the darkness has the man Was ,one of the Grange Servants, 'bring him with. you?" said Audrey: last winter and this n r have she. Smiled and blushed, and put her hand I . News. I � � sheIttred it. 'qVs mo, T'rale, Inspector Trale, and--" remarked, ironically. "Did she grieve? not I I t4 with had no cough- an on my aria, anAl, Said: 10h, yes, clear Some Of the Wellot Indian Islanders I . I Saturday�Let thanksgiving be my "'Tralol" said -the voice. "IV -hat are Why, my coa friend, she neaxly, died; SYlvial What has Sylvia to do Puna curod me,10 �d I know that Pe. George I would like that onell And have learned that when a foi mile I . I . I Wo, had to ight, death inch by inch, War him ,or,he with her?" demanded Audrey,. I I 'that one' was twenty-five guirloaal Con, �ii&fl� � �JL Prayer. What I need Than Wilt give. you doing here? Don't you know me?" by hour, fox, days, &lid as to Flaying, I LorrimoTo Was A bad hand at telling a � . behaves himself on their slacres it is MY hands Than wilt touch with the soft Trale peered at bim. why -but I thlTik I'd better Stop, A. Story, and he looked round, helplessly. How She Was Cured. found you and your smart nations, I � ' petals of Thy flowers, '�God bless my soul I It isn't Lord Lor- Proud man's bad enough, but & conceited "The long and short Of it fa 11 he said, - She was one -of those women who ai sayl)) - ------- *'� V - better to Suffer in Silence than to mote rimore, is it?" he exclaimed, One I. . ' ,, oat punishment at the risk at a,,visit , worse, and I sh6uld make you can- "that.they know each otlxer-thab the' ways present a,,woefally untidy., appear. 7 from a gunboat from the nitureants na� B I a c K The Uplift of Sunshine. "Yeap" said Lorrimore, coloring a deited.)* . . are both friends.', ., y wice during the early part of the day. BETTER THAN SPANKING. tive land. A Jadge in Hayti recently Sunshiny pe � rsons and places are a, re. little. f1I was going to qaII at the Neville held his facd in Ills hands. "Sylvia, and Neville loynnell, In vain had her hus6nd rem.clistmted . took ocaosion to pay off old Scares to flectlam of Heaven. One of the new Grange. l'in-I'm just starting for At, My dear, Alear daxliugl' he murmur- (,yes.,) with her oil the unfastened blouse and Spanking does not cure children of redeem his self-respect In the case of an . I , ' I y by riet, and wanted to say good-bye -to Miss " "And she's in there I" 6 exclaimed, And In as few words'as possible lie unkempt hair, it was not until aid mine . ol-wetting. There is a eoifstitutional offender brought before him. To his NXT Canadian provinces goes familiarl ad. be tile namp of Sunny Alberta, Immigra- I -lope, and- But -what aria you doing dropping his hand to Lorrimore's arm. told her the story, or as much as he froinna Unexpecte& quarter that victory cause for this trouble. - Mrs. M. Sum- first 'question, as to Uls, 'nationality of vv atch .tion promoters make Use of this cheerful 11JUG? Is there anything wrong?" "In thorel Think -of it, my loroll And kneiv of it, Audrey's eyes growing larg. was his. , xners� Box W, 8, Windsor, Ont., willselid I nterpreter ariewered epithet to attract new settlers, and to "Not no," said Trale, "nothing Wrong, I .shall . free to any mother her suegssful, homd I see her directly." er and larger as she listened and gazed Tney had removed' to a now house on . that the prisoner -was from Switzerli�td, I , it they attribute much of its success. mr,lord,11 . Lorrimore sighed. ol at him. . . the previous da, treatment, With full instrutions. Send. ____ Chewlag Tobacco maliv . . . v, and )&,lien she answer- no money, but write liar to -day If your "SwItzerlindi" said the Judge. "That I Albertans are so won over by the "Who is that With you, one of your "Yes," he said, hanging his head. "You "All the while the poor girl was lyin - ed the summons, of -the front door bell a ' country has no Ben coast, boa It?" I bright days that; even Ili their suxxxm�r men?"Uskeil Lorrimare, nodding toward as near death as She coull hulnblo-looking woman awAlted her, children trouble you in this way,tDo,n,'t 1"No, your honor," answered the Inter-: - � are a happy inall I So is the woman -1 at Wildfall, blame the qhild� ihe chances are ., 1) - I snaw-storms they twit one another plea Ni6ville, Who stood still looking at the love in there, and I shall probably see be, and thinking him dead, lie Was at l" i a t rotor. The big black plug. Grange and listening to the voice, all 0 gbelil help. it. This treatment also santly -with "Sunny Alberta." Some soul 'I her directly; but it will be for the last Lorn Hope Camp, withirA a few miles of woman; "I called to see if th, cures. &all) ts "And no navyVI 2200 or other in our circle at contact is alwnys utterly and completely regardlem of lit$ time-thelaat. time I"' and with. a sigh he her. It's the most exasperating, aggro. wanted a charwoman, but I Bee she's and aged people troubled with urine.dif- "And no navy," your Honor." . shivering in life's summer snow -storms, companions. � . lose. vatin? business alit the mind of man, can suited,)' � fieulties by day or night. . 'Tery well, then," said the Judoe, . I . . though. lie hide it like a hero; and lie "That," stammered Trale. "Oh, no, no, Neville, biting Ilia lips, looked at him, conceive," he said, grimly. "Actual �: -_ I I = '� T, needs Sunshine to warm him up, Are not one�pf 7ty men -oh, art what's the 'T�-1 wouldn't give up all hope, Lord within a few miles I7 The New Y Experiment Successful, "give him, a year's hard labor;" The Sweetest Songster. . . we giving it to him? What is� the per- use of trying to keep it dark? No, Lorrimore," lie said. . .of him f0ud not to ark Amiarican. of Dec. x8th, "Before I consent to lot You have . my - . sonal. climate that We radiate? Does he MY - know of It." 1907, says the common house fly is one I ,A, ... . ..., I., . ­, . . 11 ... 1. .1 . . Over breakfast, Miss Dorothy, the lord; this gentleman is Mr. Neville Lorli-more faced round and started, "I -I am so sorry", falt�.�.ed A of.the greatest enemies If ]Ilan. It is daughter," said the square -jawed cap. _ S d your name and , enthusiastic ornithologist of the board - catch any sun , and cheer and health Lynne" . ,,,Ill ,,,, � -yi- "I want ou a .. n- and ,� then shook his head. I "If I tied known the terribel tro yo� a solenin. scientifically- ascertained fact Wn of industi Y i a - "DI ES ad ress and you will re. = Ing house discussed the merits of the calve a free sample of niflitingale, lark, thrush, and so forbli. from us? Does he think of us at All iriL If irale had said, "the Great Mogul,", "There can be no hope for me, Mr. Would havq, I -I never, no, never, would that be is one of the worst disseminators swer it question. IV -lint would y - SLOCUM'S COMPOUND RENNYROYfL his hearVa hard weather? on do if Lord Lorrimore could not have seemed LY]lne�" lie said. �'Misa Audrey is an- -have asked you I . I were to give you a million?" N, -TEA. A xiowerful but harmless Vegeta, � to _ 'And which, Mr. Hunkerill exclaimed , I of disease known, far surpassing the . , . more startled. I gaged to your brother." ,tob, I ,wasn't thinking of myself, not mosquito in this respect. Wilson's Fly After the coroller had viewed the re- -medicine for sickness pebullar to women ' Miss Dorothy, "Which, of 0,11 the song - Flotsam and Jetsam. , "Mr. Who?" he exclaimed. Neville groaned. at all," lie said, simply, "but of poor Syi. Pads will .kill many times more an�d an diseases arising therefrom. Ail 4 fli6s mains and decided that death wits due druggiste Ben at 50, or Uatgald fgv, i i birds are you fondest. of?" . . I V,J ce (t , (By A Banker.) "11r. Neville Lynne," repeated Trale. "Look herel" he Said, Ili his. abrupt, via. And now the question is, ]low am than any other article. to heart failure, ea,used by a sudden - --from. Dr. T. A. doouni, in ted, p us 2 I -prefer the lion, Miss Dorothy.,, What a varied record of tra edy or . :Avenue, Toronto. ( 9 "Here Mr. Neville, here is Lord Lorrim backwoods fashion. "D,Dn.1 you go off T going to bring him to her,vithout scar- X_. 17 shock, the old man lit tin -other cigar and ; z 'But the hon iau!t a song bird at alit" -at beauty or of ' er - 4" .A�Wow..Wlb* " L*, I ­�.�­'­. .1. J' 0111jeated Miss Dorothy. of disaster, of natal rare more, a friend of .Miss llopets" and lie f9 Ali -lea vat. You can't tell What luay ing 11 out of liar senses? Sho,thinks. . COMMON AF FLICTION. murinured. '"That's worth trying;again . . and unfamiliar forms, either thrown up pulled at Neville. turn up. look at my easel ,Hero am I him dead -dead, don't you see?" Jack -This paper says if Spats ap" some thne.P-Mcago Journal. . . IcWell," replied -Uui)ker, tapping an- . � from the 'hidden chambers If- the deep Neville advanced, and nodded impati-' sneaking in'this garden to get a glimpse "I tee," said Audrey slowly atd pear before your ei it will give you � - -.41— � I The Greatest Swindle, other hard-boiled egg, "it's the only or carried oil ocean,turrent from &SfAnt ently. Then he started "d Stared, for of an old friend, Audrey, and I hear thoughtfully. "Yes, I'seel" And she a headache. . . 'N -Xinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. "Yes," said Beerlock Bones, deteetivel bird whoso lky I care forl"-PlAhtolel. lands, does the shora-line, ever present. Lord Lorli'llove, as If some ex4uisitiD tile v0iea'�-Ilis own broke -."of the i 1 indeed ,saw more than Lord a h Al t' George -Yes, they gave me a head- I _ - "I �havo seen a great many queer things a I am fir . in re a ,pu - phi lxxqu�Ter. A And more especially is this so'after a joke had been perpetrated, flutirt himself I love, tl* girl I've becii parted fr or- to tier. She understood, mo,%v, whY Syl. ache last night. Quite Unnotessary, � .itL,ni-,y time, as you can gueav, I . -_-1 great. storm, -when the curling oi down on the bench -alitt laughea grimly. ever, as,1 thought. Take courage by via Was not married, -wby she received Tack -What Idnd of spots were Scene -Irish -board mecting. Disou `Di�rovered some gigantic frauds, I'll green, fod'ni-crested rollers, driven in ",Nroville Lymiel" he exciftlixied, look- my luck. I mares homage , and admiration With such thGY? . a' layll' said Poston. St. Joseph's Levia, July 14, 190$. fury by tile tenipest almost ito the very Ing up at him. "Yesl Butyotir girl is not engagedto coldness and 'reserve, "Ob, the poor ,qeorge-Seven spots -the other fei sion-the presentation of an illuminated "Wafl� I Should say set') answered .Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, fact ol the jagged rocky cliffs, are now "That is my tame," said Neville, star- another man -at loast, I dolet think so; girl!" she muttered, "and to think it. is low held aces. � address to a distinguished fellow-coull- Bones confixiencing to recede, after having Ing at him. "I have not the pleasure of I don't knowl" . tryman about to visit thestenes of his ,,puffing ,at his opium. "But, ba - o Neville Lynne. Gh, I am so gla,4.t go - y -� a., - . GentlemenA-1 was badly kicked by thrown up and left high and dry, per- knowing ------ ?, "Illatl" gasped Neville, at the mere glad!" and in liar joy at liar pros Minard's Liniment, Cures Dandruff, childhood. , , tween you and me, the most complete my, horse last May and after using sev. pacts I piece of deception I ever came *-across I haps in clefts and fissur�s of the rock, ,,By beavelil that's not my faultill ex- idea of a doubt. "Sylvia engagboll" . Alfher friend's liappiness, she turned to ,# _- : Mr. O'lleilly-Why-why, might I waa perpetrate& by a woman -young, eral preparations on my leg nothinj perhaps on the line -of high-water mark, "You see I " ask are Yo� gain' to the expense of bay- Would do. M leg v black as jet. claimed Lorrrimoire, with sardonic irony, said Lorriinore, Witt, a sad him with tears glistening in her eyes, . This and 'that. ­' ' pretty, and, I should have sworn a very was lild up bed Ic�r a fortaighb and those spoils of the deep, rei4aling open- "seeing 'fliat I've spent months and smile. "You call Irriagine how I feelr and looking so lovely that poor LoM- ' Ing the address illuminated Sure it , I's Angel. But she wasn't -my giold auntl could not wal . Alter using three bot- ly some of the dread secrets of the grant tramped thousiands of miles in trying to Hopeless"' mort-'s heW swarn. All German soldiers must learn to gain' to b -i presented in daylightlI) i - , .1 . Z - I I she wasn't She had a temper rike a ibles of your. MINARD'S LINUMNT I ocean. ,make your aqquaintance, Mr. Lynne" "No ' I can'tl" said Neville, his ha.nds ttYos, Ioni glad, he's turned up, aud�- OwI711, � X wbirlwind, and an arm like a * ' ' Here P, quantity of spta-as and other Xe,dile put his hand to his ]lead. clinched at Ilia side, his broad cheat heay. and I wish I'd fouii4 him," and he turn- 'Beare are taxed in some ;iapanese vi,l- The best of Ceylon is in liar. teas. o. . xx earth- was perfectly cared, so that I could start 'wreckage, apparently of Some gallant , I 'Ing. "If I found Sylvia, my little Syl- ad his head away. lages. . I Where else do- they grow to such perfec- quakel" on the road. 11-1 don't understand' he stammer. ; tion. The best of C Or0s teas are in "Good graciousf And how did you JOS. DUBES, . . bark foundered ill the hurricane, liar ad. "There is some inistike-delusion." vhL, engaged, IPd 11 Skipping indulged in moderately, W a , , eyl come to find out liar true ch4 I AudTeyls eyes fell, crew -going to a wa r "There is ito delusion In the fact that 'Salada.11 . ractar?" Commercial Traveler. I it Fling the other mam out of the win. "But, now we've got to break theriews very beneficial form of exercise. . . "Well-abeml-the fact Is, my dear - here a faded photo- have been scouring a greater portion of sa, to her." he said. "You see what a splen- Some of the beetles of Venezuela 0 .17 1 ed and unknell'ol, dow," d Lorrimore, with a laugh and vely. girl, hiscribeil with a the habitable globe in search of you," a sigh, "Yes. that's all very well for the did. hand I am at thg,t kind of thing, weigh as much as hid -f v. pound each. What's the Difference, Anyway? �: - ;: . graph Of a 10 Pot;axi-I married herl" . love-mosange iIn faded seript--but alael retorted Lorrimore, .grinilv. "How do ; ba<�kwoods of Australia, but )) he and I'm afraid you Will have to do It." A pigeon postal service has recently � Would -Be Purchaser (-who Is looking No dead flies lying about when Wit. Brute. She will probablynever again clasp the you do?" and Ve held out'his hand. shrugged his shoulders, "well, Ur, Lynne, � tt."Yes," said Audrey, softly, II will do b&n organized in the French Congo. at works of art Ili the designer's studio) son's Fly Pads are us hand of him who had claimed axer heart, Neville took it mechanically', and sank thou h nothing would give me greater Where is he?" An elephant can 'carry from"I'800 -Oa, wit . at -a delightful design for lace. L : I Bolas d . treated. "Bofore we were married," mid Mrs. And. to whoin she had perhaps plighted on to the sent beside Lorrimore, deri9ft than to fling Sir Jordan out of - "Out there In the Shrubbery," be said. ounds, to 2,500 pounds, a horse only woril What is the price of the AlTaw- Rent, Ono Red Rose. I 011atterton, "you used to tell me how . ') I for. "Waiting for me to call him. $11all I , rom-200 pounds to 250. Ing 7 An interesting feature of the distrimu. tow,P liar sacred troth; and who, With a last . ".Perhaps you'll explain, my lord' lie the Nviudow-I beg yout p%rdonl . I much you loved me, but you never do , fond look at the likeness of her whom he said, Ili .rL bewildored fasbion. got that lie is your brother"$ he brokp (10 so?" I Plants with w1ifte blossoms have a The Artist -Madam, that is only a tion of prizes at St. Olave's Graniniar "Of course not, ray dear," replied the loved so 'yell, was. ruthlessly engulfed . "No, no; not- yet. He must not came larger proportion of fragrant species - y6t,,. n . c she should come oat slid- " . in ctfie, relentless StornaltOwd billOWs only wish it had been as easy to find .NL,-Ivllle shook his bead than any other. a 0 '%btlifug easier," said Lorrimore.' "I Off, Apologetically, - map of Suburbton, showing the propoted Schook. Bermondsay, yesterday was the mescaline Ono, of tha matrimoni I e m - and sepulchred- in the dread abysia of you. I-1 anx a- friend of Miss ope'811 "Iffould to 0 and groaned - lit d see him, -without being I -.-..-..-. subway, elevated, and electric 'railways, payment of the "rent" of a freehold bills. "Since our marriage you haven't, H . . ad I could forgot it, too v) it, off" the deep. Or here, mingled, With Ion d darkly as he said, I are -all, here she is I" she bro , as . ,, �!! . % -Puck. I � ­ - field, Which Was leased Ili 1056 to trus- given me a. chance to tell you anything.' I - 9 -his'llandsome face cicada .yI a's voice 'was heard singing as OV 11 - ., � - - - tees for the benefit of the poor at tile torn e-"and�and at bar re- - she me. " ere's Lord Larrimore, Syl- Ill AFRICAN MARRIAGE CUSTOM& Pari -oh All Druggists, Grocerg and general frilled, waving fronds of sea-wreek he spoke her nanx Before Lorrimore could ask 'of all Ox I -1 I 0_1io..., IF I 8 up by the roots from the real,. to which quest I left England three years ago to Planation of Qiis Singularly unfratornal Via," said Audrey, trembling a little. Zw'!"SM - - !: !16: 6.�: : : �­Z , . The lease was "for a t4rm of 500 years, Stores sell Wilson's Fly Pads, It had adhin find another friend of hers -yourself." 12 V.. �" -ad, ,or With a adatiment Trale came up. . ) IM, - I It, at the yearly rental df a red rose, pay - Sylvia utered an exclamation of plan- v., �i -., Fixtrig thtl Social Status of the Bride J - V unt "� 10 Thal . ­ . . - 011 � -Question Divorce able at midaummer if lawfully demand. terrace, Mr. Neville," he said. "Now- .0 - I q "' WS,Alisa.Audrey come out on the - sure. t0_ . the bladder ses.-weed, also dislo4, �y "Mie-Audrey-sont you to find ma! , the VIOIBA00 Of the Waves, are still far. God bless herill a . , Z, . , of Dow`Fy and A Conscientious Verger. aid Xevilile, his voice 'loll I a.rU so gladl " and her soft little Ats'.1111,111 t� ad" The representatives of the trustees - ., . - , KI: , _ �,�'v . The marriage customs of Wdst and ther evidences of some melo.nelwly dis- shaking. � now, I was thinking, if Ills lordship palm clung round his. "And how unox- . . ,�"., : P;][d the rent with a bouquet of red After being conaucted through an old 45`t6i When perbapa breadwinnex)s have "Aineni" said Lonimore, ferventIr wouldn't inind going and breaking your peated-isn't it, Audre ?)) WRN; - I !�;i Southwest Africa are in ,many cases 11 roads, wh o thq wardext churoli by, the verger, a visitor was so been tOin away fronx their homea, and "She thought of her old playfallow. being bere,to her, you might �. Al' Lorrimare I . till: peculiar. They differ, of course) Ili dif- of the sciondon Daily Idall, pleased with-tho official's eourtesv and go and sou "Yes," said Audrey. Lor 'Wil'IN . .iWt�, ferent tribes, but have broad line in I .;.41' `� - ..".... whole faitilies plunged Ili grief ana read- Yes, that vnis- like herl God bleas herl' her. 13116 'you won't say anything mWat has come oxx­:��n busin"s-liftsinesi; of .;111;;1,tl�!'.i li`�iKi'li I inform.atiolk that he insisted on jiving Ing sortow. "Amen again!" said Lorrilitore. -about- on know, whatp, lie implored. your I I :1 P=1 1 I I 6.00 .j.pi!i*..'.!i1i, Z&_�� ,-:1-IN11 common, X I !-$�4M,,Nli - � a., - . One packet 'of Wilson Fly Pads has him half a drown, The man shook hix :Jq.1;' .1%*.r,: 1;' !til'. �*1:10 actually killed a bushel of flies. head sadly. "Thank you, air," he said, Aye, though from tillie to time the OBlit-but Why did she send YOU, How Lorriniore assented at once. "Of minev, Said Sylvia, Smiling. "Has 11 ..r.-IM111 A coastal tribe always considers itself ):%;,11N�"1i;-:!;,j1t;. ,-i-:-1-;,.j.", , WaterY waste may claim bor victims, go," asked Neville, not un- " ynne, until I call," anything gone wrong at the opera,? Has 5�!;:vJj11;1:;;::;,;t;:1. superior to ttii inlarld tribe, ttild even its . - 11 "but it's quite against the rules." I to 1:111i!iiRi*,iI1iT1$. ..Z-� ii!i!111%1�4iil: - and although there may,be, 4nd ever will O� a said, and went toward the tereAce. the manager refused to give me another 11-11-1.11.1 ....... 1.:-:.:,;,;,.:i:.! mean6t member claims to rank higher A Jolly Joker. "I'm sorq for that," ar',1 the vidtor, 'am's Yl a aturtil h - *z;:�:!::::%-:; - 3 ,:�;:;�!:i�l::,i� , , - ..-1.-1;-;'i than, the raost powerful man in an up. 1::1:.ti:iili*!t!ii!: . I . . . Ws Borrow on the sea, yet the great Lorrini�re glanced at Trale, who had Sylvia had song tivioe, and had then engagement? What is it? Why do you ,i:., ,*i . Coster (who had been relm about to ria,turn ths-half-crown to his discreetly withdrawn out ef beArIng. run up to see Aliorcy, � � : 15VR44i1111.:::: ntry tribe. A mail may marry, any fled by all look 'Ad grave? You can't bring me .:.,;:;:;I -z-! - _N ... . . .. Ocean is Sublime, over beautiful,, whe- ., :i.;H.:,:.t we ikes of 'any tribe, it being -Well, MIS- ckot. .. :!ti..1* inall lie li Short tempered postal clerk 'itut," added the tnerger,l "it I were . I - po ther in her Angriest and most wrathful "Because-bacallse I had the intsfor- "I'll Smoko my cigar On the tarrade,l) Lorrimor, for --tor : 1: ..; , very bad news, Lord � .. .. ..."I ter, you might tell me If I post thI4 11100110, or w,bether in more reposeful and tatle to love Miss Hope," Said Lorrimoro, said the vitcOunte "if vot"ll come, Aud. I have had all my bad news, you so, Z t. :: . held that lie gives her Ilia own status, . to find a coin lying on the f1dor It grimly. 10Y, Tile sig1lorina wilr join its -,v9exx all, and n1l those I love, Audrey', and Mier�5y, .- .Z whatevei that may be, but it is almost letter noty, will it get to Birmili'aintor. Rnote Placid humor: Tile dawn liyhts ;� . ,, - � 11% would not be against the tales for too R if She I., , and Y,OU_ifL I may I orrer in up in splendor; the -sunset paints it in a You loi Alit And ehe -7ordanill eumes down, I hope -that is say so -are hero near - I unheard of for n wamaii. to 1parry 'U, orninI? to pick it upv,-�-Tit Bits. I Inally-h1led glory; tile breev and , "Exactly," Said Lorrimore, laconically! not, alraid of tha night air, I" me',and Safe. 'What is it?" 4 11 neath" her. As A result Same �of the Clerk -Yes, of course it will. I Z : :r . . ,a , the I When I eamo ba ... , Women of the mont superior coast tribes., 00ster-Tben Sunlight acck it With diamonds and rit. to ck I found tier "I'M afraid of uothingill 'respondid.. "It's -it's goodnews," Stammered Lor- ,,!,o,,,,Iro a liar) '008 It's Millard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, ifiarr, like the Mpongwe, look to marriage with addressed ter oft 14 . ­ T i 1 I , , 'while its .perfumed ana aelicioug I I anklag" Sylvia, with 4 laugh, as she left the tirnot()4 but Audxe.v motici hint to This woman says She -Was saved t � I -Tho Sksteh. biles y your brother, Mr, Lynne, Mind, - - �iL atOfflo, engender both bealtli and energy nake no complaint; Shn Ims rot cal- roun). kee llent, . frook I � an operation, b6 Lydia n . 'vhl a inert and frequently attain to it, nard's Littman' - A Dreadful Thought. AnA whon c,ontomplating the tylitte-17.' gaiged to me; had given me lid distinct "Lovely night, isn't It?" Said tile via. It,',, dear," she Said, si:4111119 tier arm plolchalu,s Vegetable oin 0 � 4 The parents on both sides rule abso- MI t for sale everywhere. It, -promise. But -but as I have the m1afor- bount, as he lit Ills aigar. ound her, "it Is good news. Lord Lotrl- rt Via - A . � I Ong day Mar,y, the charwoman, report - r, �LU&j� lately in the matter of marriage between , , Ing 4nd sparkling expanse, pe 1. XTS, Frill)k � Emslej� ) natives, First, the would-bAl brioldgfoom Title a ad for service with a black eye. a tune to love tier still, it is'not Ailtoi Alidray did not re IY, but leaned hot . moi has come td�niglxt with 0, Strange, ojltj�,ICIO, Write S, 3, nd Money. . 3 to Mr _.q�m - . thoughts May rever't to fit I 11 , b p ym a wonde W stor tra d, won- . goes empty-handed to obtain the consent The flowers bloomi "Why, Mary," said her oympnilletio ' e ar to be wondered at, tbAt I Should be Bad on bar )land and gazed into . rf ., "Aft of glass" before the hron , "When I Wrote tO 7011 SOM6 time mistraso, "What a bad oya you, havell) t 0 anxious to get awa� from tile Slight of calief Alreanilly. a Sm unreal And Impossible, - of the bride's father. Then lie goes a 11 The flowers dle. $$Yoe) h - Majesty Of I -leaven. But whatev ii'l to hoar It, ag.00, X Was avery-810h. Woman stuvoribig with gifts, and the. father enl1a in cgtl�ler VrLoatioll days in. Do you think you could, bear . female tro�Lbles. I had itifiammZ ilay be, We know that tbat OUR Africa. It. Is a. e1wrining country, and syl;la'll Her voice grew lowot� tenderer., . 6 g f a Go swiftly by. . I , hat your brother's'liappiness. I am going to. . Ow strange it is that, your young � from ItWell, there's alit consolation. it 1kdIm IA Sublime and -beautiful beyond -ried. tiofi of the leighlitic, orgai and could membets a' the family to vlaw th I t - in r frielut does not Vt Mal If -1 were On the third visit he carries trade gin a They heard him murmur lit have, been worse." esetts all kinds of novelty to the jad- ,tMattachad-11 and lie laughed, "Som6tilueo grant joy is as hard to oft- tot Stand or walk - ally distance, At P�l (turs as 'great SoirrOW; 0matimOS tO sufficiently poisonous compound, gene'r. With a sigh the finite power of the mind Of xnall to e travelero wid-But I think it woul(l "It 18 very fortunate for youL that liar find "ke"Al", conceive, And whorce"r will -�Ay ol last I Wa,s confined to my bed and the mly train 11milburg. lit the old days It "Ilia day . -LOU Might have had both of th-.1a 3tain be more Interesting If Are talked of Your. ladyship Is not here to hear )) that those yve have -lost, lost fbr6flir, doctor said I woulol hdvo to Co through 8 are shotter;-- It Oert4in Iffilefitinice in bW,.j'1J0ahi1 if Bell, 11r, Lynne, and fix -OL, if YOU will Audrey, with a a, Ott) Said as we though are Still liv-11 was ,palm toddy or whio, -hurt., '0311- they will, -by .title; thel X ,sighed, A ,&tfon, but this 1, refused th do, So ard 111, never refused VIAline tot doun lite impertinently inquisitive, 9116 stoppeA, terriflod by the look ', ' " On this deca6ft lie paya over an in. -Washingt aid, Abstain fr6ift gi Air I should like to ask- whora-thc-;-Alevil "Sylvin is very young) t4 '11kitnaadvisedr, d,I,31P1nkbn&a on Stat. :'Yeslili.11 ving offeneo to tile than 66 look -and, wit 11011 you'l4ex. hat a4tte Into 1qyIvi4',q ftWb;, it TV" a Vagetabl, Compouix�. After UAin gialment of the dow.1o. On the fourth , � - Ir . 'Yes'm. Or woraeln 'thatr I might rreator, and at the ,tame time appl,o. -you have been thaso last three years? Willa She got look its of Ono- who hopeaw yet dates not 9 . U ftlarriod? IV should t thiee bottles.61 it, I feel ;I11r6 4 11W ,#!sit lie takes-hia paients with, blib, and It's vVen the follow takes affront not hall 'boon married tit all.11-Evejy. Pr'Rte to t110111801v0s tile Great Ation.e. DOWA1� Coal mine, p In a balloon, at corisido 'd bbliai - woxhan. !a permittea to Ste the girl h6jAo1C that 116 19 &pt to get IM& Lit YOU. body's 1TAgAtino. nooessary that it wolual at I 11) . - I... � . I-— ­ I 11 ,. 1. -1. - " I - . . .. ... M(Int Made fox- thenk by tile RedeemAr the h`0140111 Of tile Sea in a diving bell, should ill #,What­,i4at -is it?" slid pantea, I I r most heartily:edeominand, Lydia V. When Ilext lie calls Ills prospective I .'�­_­___.__ .­- — __ ­ . . . .. I of the, world tta full gntisfiletion for 'or ,where 7 ?I, she Asked, -with ba.rely Oxicealed bitter. loking iron, one to tho other, her k&W 11lukha&a Vcgoti'ble Corapotwil to all mother-in-law provides a feAst for him- I , , - , , - I . I.. - . 111111111111111111111111111100" their misdeeds. . goville looked at him, tioss ,and fri-It.,xtion. growing vbit42k each moment. Women Who . suffar with female sell and Ili$ felfttiveA. the host and has- I .. .11 I . � I - -1 _. . � � ­ I ­... � �, ... 1- � 1; I � . .. I 11 - � -t of viscount. "1108t Woman think it tile in stratig.ar than fiction," starnmereoll. . teas eating nothing, but taking a hana . , . 0MInery,611mo, anill thet Peattim ­�� "I haver been for the greater pit% "Pletu�a Ask me anotheri ... rexuarked the "Such wonderful things happ6ri-truth troublea." , The prillexpill tiling t1lab ttrike Said, "in a place called torn Ilope he she rACT, S, Pon SICK WOMIEN, with - -- Why Callao Lci Likov Hyda On& the 'Iffit gold Aliggilig in Australia," great alm arid efia of their lives to on. f4trimort, getting near her *11, L,am in the drinking. Finally the man goei ' " The CH 'it Lo-trilmore swung round upon him. I" ftdched, U00,ppy man'for shoul(I faint fid fall. `Velv# road gifts hild tilt btdaneo of the dowry I IMI) ofthit Wttr Crimp. ... , sitrmiger's eye oft his first arri fh slave' 801110 I a stor- VOr thirty , e%tff Wi% 9 Pink' ,,lid takes the woman nway, On iktrivil . I 6 And It Tefis tho Rind of trim? vat in "I beg "tit pardoni Wherell, -11ullot Vho's this coming across iho ies of Vat WhO1V6-who1vo_­beeti sup- 11=1# Vegot-1116 COMI)OUnd's =Ad$ jit bft. village she ia woldoultAl with shig. and the - thitt Is UK OetfAr Cdmp-AND 1WH , � CAllad, Is the terrific: number of beach "Ili a- place called Lorn Hope," lawn 13y Jovel it's torrimorel Now posed a killedon-Lou tile -fiald'Of holn Toota Daid lietba, hM beoli tho ing ruid a Strenuous antee eallea . 00111bal'saild lftfOts In the streets, espe. jklidd Neville. ri look out for i5qualle, young ladyll, and battle-y6a knOW, told -and turned up It � if V ork Interesta, a post,, It reminds oyie I - male fi� lInkaill of Iryde Park London, on & 8unny dny. %(I ,P.t him, ,, he whistled Softly, again, ftfo and Bound after all-----�,' ClAIIY at the Ptor Road. I LOOrlmote Star, .itand6rcl r6pnedy for fe , , it." cose ON *2 berig this might little - "You didn't bear your own liamo?" "Lord LorrimA`)ro I'll said. Audrey, Rind Sylvia AUrttql, her eyes cloxog for alld has Positively ouredthoppaUde I Por"threa inolithl the bride is( not re- #dry* 004*01 to you At Onte. � Oleft thol PASAem by, h6 Said. aUrn 11olidt NVhy� I was tlpm,b she blushed and looked over ber thoul. A momotit, axid they thought She would - ter IS thg U104 Of 111 Mighty Into.r. . Xot only (10 they M IV'=4011 *110 )lavcx beet troubled vith luir 4, to do any IlArd woi but ill - they arid the chiol attraction of the �-or near it, There was nd , k�villa Lynne (ter all It 4110 111OM11it to beat it retreat. falll; iho ,swayed lfghtly* bl1t the ftught Ing UU14,806kiet Ott Wash. Ot 'let us � but displaeonlonL14 10a=ation U106M, that She budkl,es to with lift othat Wives youluAt -Why n "Xos- you don'till Said the viscount, : Andr,eet axiv. Alitiolo itt, gardening and ca,ttyllig burdons, n YOU A C60y TO -tidy ? C111111a,men, W110 entOrtftfil them gonerally JJ#Ing j�org then,,, tioll, 11hroid Gtors, irro , it � (3 � V, Agiv r"Is E us = t6 their 4hiadvaht in the thape of 'It didp�t use my own rianic," siLia No- "NO running away, Alias Audreyl Italia, (T6 be mil ndtl6dld PaIns, baAache,'leat bear., 110i IS ACH&Al 4114 the lituabiet of bbardgo, that has Jost agen , .1 ago I - a wives Is limited only by his re. The C. 8. 'Eddy 69 _ d till wo,rAe pisto. we 'WI14., "I WAS 091lid the young un, -or Lorrimort-i whel,c, -did you idoi fronit Q .1- � � - - � ... - I ;ng -&Ml feolfiagi flattilenoy';1ndl, - a it male Issued. � VA61ild rokwmend the tcutliorltleA to J*akp Itow are y0i They Ivitro witep I Ing for t1lb I !.lon,cUz,ziiiessoi,iiervousprostmro I tourcot in tho inatttr of paylog elowrits I 4 It Wts the, "flid of the 6IMP 10 � take atwerer gteps in 06, inatter, Ita it Lori stitrie(t up, then n1lu Lattimore aame tip the atopg and ,th6.. he'a4 of' �, 4� . It Th6 InAft nlay 41voree his wiffe wilantivIet" wakfib6st4al the rgatafti ot tholl Note SICke 16st. HU11, Catkadd. in dAilf b0conilng 'a bigger Hidunee, A0*11. thook hitildi with thon, h1a ev houge, Whose automobile had g6ne Wh� dft4b Id try it vi . he choose$ od for almost any temon, .1.111,11 1� -­- 1. I 11 11.1. I I I, ii . I -i X I eXpedit I . � e,j just , ovot the 1,gnk, "ALryway," maid *6 A r's. ON hard thVit*# Aft nok , But it to rate for it womon to '61 a Old to . . : l� I I --N I . y to tho 'gtiligopi,11 who are "Th %Ing un"' Im vaid, Ili a sfill glattin at tha ,Viscount; atia fixio ; WROW, drying her tefirs'tor tild rdo. WOM611 tO Vn'tt'01et f6r 040160* obtain divoreettit her -own Avish. Diva -toe : � � ALWAYS# fWAYWIMR9 IN WADA, ASX MR tOWS MATCHU t . ,� . wily b�gtifled by heir "wily* ways.-: vok*d. a, Irmok I *X1)y--wIlY, ya,*6 da*4 I " t1hommefivos Badly stud wistfully on AuT. tftallt$ "his d6ath was in the height of 81116 hP,g '9111d0d thOUS910d's to entnils this rttura of the dowry. -Loh- , , ., ­­­­ -11. , I , . 01 A 'wimli'llilillo,6,11.11",,-ill,l- wl .W "III 1-'______ __, _ ", PenvlAa Thaet, `1 )044w, t know," said Neville, ,put. I rey's .4owni ,fit". hAhlon, boalth, Aildxeas6 L3FAn# X"S. 4 -on Stmi4na __,__'.._._ , - I— ,- � , � ft ­ , I . � . � I 11 . . .1 � , I . I -S, . . � �, . '� , , , � , ' � ' ' ' r- � . I �* I .. � , - , . , . r *� , . ` &� .. 11 ,� " .. � � 1, 2 I . �, I ,, � . � ; � 1_,�Affiakm"" - �,��,. �,. I I "wl'A , �� � , -'4 . C k, I ,� :1 . . '. I I I &, I I I I I . "I'll � ..... .. 11 I _AL. * I __:�,*11.,-�'L .,� � " . * I - e., - � -1-ti6il'. mArd I ."L :_�_�_,. -14 1. � . � _�� ILL I ruI., e16 " �_ .