HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-03, Page 4Ill
—The Government Commission ss.. Tei? DOSE THAT MOTl1ER GAVE,
looted ground near 9t. Boniface for
the Winnipeg terminals of the Granrl . (� (j
Trunk Pacitlo, Instead of buying , , ifow far across. the vanished years ourRitchie & • C11,►1„ en S
land at first hand at market lake, the r thoughts at rialtos will codon, � ,w
(.J 0' , l l,'xa for the whle tuatl brie wufltl ave P ople's Teo u1 r tori
, 11bYg��lcill ,aiYF11Y•C•C Commissioners waited until middle- leftoili'childhaod'ahale; REAI.L ESTATE The
YouParticular w risen Il cru and 1•latthetvs acsialnred an \'Vs. thinly of how clic Dick house AND INSURANCE '
look -
Ape Theo Hall - PCO 1'Iet01', option for $00,000. Then tht Combats. od, with vIues about the door, r , r � � '
1 ll sion bought from them at $222,(100 And haw we used to marbles roll _
across Lite old barn Moor
�o you Want things to be jt1Sk SO ? �l"11GC1 leaving $12,3,000 rake ori. It looks as if - We view Ilio meadows far away, Ii��1tC1AT�tS. EVERY DAY TLLFHC7I+1B I�,'9. 24
We've promised Sausonalt'N I not pa 1.00 per annual in
Wed like. you for iti customer, p advAtfee, #1.60 it not se paid. the Dominion Government were get- where dallies used to sloe•' farm PCO aeries _
' -- 'Sed you that style, fit and AnYNUTISIZIG RArxs.-•Legal and other cns, ting about as ""easy" as the Old Ross And meet again the boys and girls p r
you satisfactionprcml y net advertisements 100 per nonnar}vl line for who left its long•ago;
price will please you —we'll keep Our promise, first insertion, 3o per line for each subsequent Government., when Frank Sullivan. And if to think of mother's pies, we P
insertion, declared that ""snaps" could be picked sornetillies lie awake, p Some exceptional values in
�5 a ne er forget clic castor oil she used Farms. If you want one, it Will B
Our hest ads, are satisfied customers. Come here T +
. Advcrtisornquts In thn local columna aro tip ane t1me, g
31aew dam
for QL1r next OaUik or Overcoat, 01milaed too per line for first Insertion, and bo .•* to snake its take, pay you t0 see tiS,
y per flue for each subsequent Seyed insertion., erjr
is.1 Advertisements of strayed, Forms for sale --In the Dominion Parliament, Our thoughts go baric to the clef tarp, The. good Oltl P1�oVitlCe. of On-
• c' or to hent, and similar, #1.00 for first three ,
. - there are 110 Liberals and 74 Gonser- with swallow-r;nvered eaves, tario is all right.
weoks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in. , Where,, from the spring amid the •�
aertion.. vatives, or a majority of 00. This was
J d y tract?, we'd, posit this fallen leaves;
CONTRACT RATEs.-The following are our altogether out' of proportion to the Again we climb the old haymow to
.rl?�en s F'uin i's In s, rates for the insertion of advertisements for vote. A calculation of the votes cast find the stolen nest, ■
spogIfiod porigdz: Town Properties New
sracie 1 Err. o Mo. 3 Mo. t ltio. for (lavernment candidates and their rind, with. a caseknife in aur hands, �Hats Cas Shirts Canals Ties, Underwear, Etc., of spring-greenso in quest. Fop Pjj Women
Hats, Caps, + , one column.•,•., 470,00 #to,00 #22.50 #s,00 opponents gave results as follows: Once ►novo we
�vai a rho meadow-
. , 7 Half Column 40.00 25.00 1.5.00 s,0o Causer At right prices. We have a :
In every line that's new and up -t0 -date. Quartor Column 20.00 12.50 9.50 3.00 brook,. the butterflies we chase,
ane 6.00 3.00 .2.00 1,25 Liberal. vativcs- And wipe again, with checkered number of laces admirably suit- Gent
,, +m
Call and see our elegant stock.. Advertise'monts without specific directions Ontario. .... 220,059 223,5.27 sleeve, the sweat from off'. our p No Gents'
will be inserted till forbid and charged ao- Quebec , .... ... 144,991 111,535 face; ed for retired farmers, 1\ o pret
Small Prices—Big Values. eordiugly, Transient advertisen)ents must be Nova Scotia. , . ... 55,773 40,209 The boyish appetite comes 1)acic+ tier or healthier town in Ontarip We bave good news for
paid for in advance, Now Brunswick ..... 37,302 30,193 which nought on earth could spoilFurnishings
Island„ 1.1,44.1 980 of e'en he dose that mother gave, ngh- , Property ought the women, this weer.
P. E. .. 14, ;iv t .than Wi am Proper bo ti >
Manitoba . , ..... , .... 23,295 2,3,413 the Close of castor oil. here can always' be re -sold. �Zt?I'e 'Oil are—
Columbia.... 11,081 10,5;11 �a �
�Eaf tonal The Territories.. , ... 28,746 ,21,1332 That was before the styles came ill
_ that we enjoy to -da
Robt. Maxwell €,"„„„�„, � 530,280 488,190 For then the anearest to-day,
lived a N r �'F'o are just in receipt of a The Quailtertly Style
* „ dozen miles away; Ritchie & cosen quantity of very new- r J
-With- respect to nearly every On every corner that you pass a drug- est styles in Gents'�00� Back i O T��i
f The new department of the Salva- gist was not known, Furnishin It
Tabor Men'S F�rn�s ��r phase of the Grand Trunk Pacific So ever family then must have a d�oc- REAL ESTATE. AND g '
tion Army devoted to discouraging Y Y ®id D l d ■u
scheme the country has been misled t r of"'ts of n • 1- FA
•►�tiiNe3�N0.00�lOI+N ♦�BNNNl�i!•Ni�O�d�iiON
But the colossal deceit is that regard-
suicide has issued its first annual re-
And f the children e'er took sick, dis-
We are sole agents for
�'� �
in the cost. The admission that the
port. It. includes a, statement of
"'causes desire
ease. to uiekl foil,NEW
q y-
Our dear
Twenty-seven ascribed their
Also the best grades of
u eluding any 15e Pattern.
Quality, style and work -
price will be $192,000,000, or about
three times what the people aid for
p p p
Canadian Pacific, is a surprise to the
of to commit suicide."
Lack of employment heads the list,
with the entry, "'think," a close sec-
ond. Then tomo gamblers, Shan-
old mother always ran and
got the castor oil;
And, though the very eight of it
would make us cringe and shake,
No doubt it often saved our lives the
The best shapes and the
very latest Shades. Prices—
25c to 600.
The Quarterly Style Book
is now tieing printed is Ca•n-
Can -
a•da to sato the ditty of 16c
•►�tiiNe3�N0.00�lOI+N ♦�BNNNl�i!•Ni�O�d�iiON
tial difficulties," "familytroubles," and
dose she made us take. '
We are sole agents for
We carry a fall stock of
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
Lumber (dressed or undres-
which has no equal,
sod), Shingles, Lath,o Cedar
Twenty-seven ascribed their
Posts, Barre s etc.
Also the best grades of
u eluding any 15e Pattern.
Quality, style and work -
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
Highest Price Paid for all
mestio Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand,
kinds of Logs.
Residence Phone, No. 65,
No. E24
No, 44
we do know, however -the contract
These are the proximate causes. If
you were to investigate you would
H!!� 1l+►i+lPild,LE
6•lb Ois,Ni�bO
#4®f�{AO�►+I 4A�dri+��A►�
entire country. •
tial difficulties," "familytroubles," and
dose she made us take. '
1% lb. Therefore the rice
-Says the Weekly Sun. ''We do
half a dozen other causes of less fee-
-There were four' ordained ministers
fa recognized as the LARGEST, 13EST
and MOST SUCCESSFUL practical
NEW SHIRTS. g Des back to 20c a Copy, in-
know in It general way what electri-
Twenty-seven ascribed their
" D
a i
u eluding any 15e Pattern.
Quality, style and work -
cal energy can be mode to do to -day.
desire for death to loneliness. The
author of Care of the Body" depart-
mansbi guaranteed. Some
P g • • .... - ..... `"• ...,
very nobby at right
do not know flow much more
it can be made to do to -morrow. This
m nt in he L a says:
e t o Angeles Times yrices.
Mr. John Joyut has added a new
See our dollar Shirt. The Fall Quarterly Style
p - Q Y Y
we do know, however -the contract
These are the proximate causes. If
you were to investigate you would
his gasoline engine to s equpment at
[looks Are Here.
for the building of provincial power
lines marks the beginning of a revolu"
find that in most cases the ultimate
the evaporator.
Hundreds of students go out annually
from this college to goodo`positions. Let
tion in social conditions equal that
cause was a strong method of living-
especially o£ diet -which brought
Tbos. Lawrence is installing a new
furnace in the public: school to heat
us educate you for )rotatable employment
Enter any dine it right. Catalogue free.
We're offering big value A- 95 -page book, full of
in Men's and Boys' Braces. pictures illustrating Ladies'
following upon the harnessing of
about a condition of the body and
the four rooms former) heated with
New Goods. Comfortable � Home Journal Patterns; the
. *
mind in which the would-be suicide
stoves. a
Cor. longe & Alexander Sts.
good -wearing Braces for a Styles pictured may be de -
is no longer a master of himself. As
The Lucknow Pipe ,Band will play
small price -•--20c to 50c forpended upon as absolutely
--The latest crop estimate from the
a man eateth, so is he,
at Walkerton Fair, Sept. 17, 18; Listo-
men's, 5c to 25e for boys'•" correct for the Coming sea -
west by the Grain Dealers' Associa-
tion places theiwheat crop at 107 mil-
* *
wel, Sept. 23rd, and Wingham on
3 doz. Boys' Braces, reg. son. You cau't afford to be
lion bushels; oats, over two and a half
barley, twenty-five
-With the prospects of a general
Sept. 25th.
Complaints are being made by a
10e pr. Your choice for 5C, without it. Price only 5e..
and they're all new goods. 95 -page Style Book and
million; nearly
election not far in the distance, it is
number of citizens that their gardens
a I5c Pattern, for 20c.
million. There has been some frost
right for Conservatives to be remind
are being destroyed by bops during
damages in several districts, the ex-
ed of the excellent traits=in the ebar-
the night hours
�rfi-<i�/ .•
tent of which it is impossible to tell
anter of their leader, Mr. R. L. Bor-
See our Linbn Collars for We are headquarters for
until the harvesting is completed, but
den. He is essential) a clean man
-There were four' ordained ministers
fa recognized as the LARGEST, 13EST
and MOST SUCCESSFUL practical
Men and Boys -2 for 25e. Correct Styles. Call and see
y y
it is not thought that there has been
politically. He abhors. corruption and
and five local preachers present at the
training school in Western Ontario.
� our New Fall, Goods.
an considerable amount of damage.
y g
like Sir James Whitney will do his-
morning service in the Methodist
Three departments—COMMERCIAL,
• *
best to stamp it out. He is a formid-
church on Sunday last.
Monthly Style Book Free.
-The Government of the State of
able critic, and he has ca P Y fol•
Work begun this week upon
Our graduates secure good positions
j and forgo to the front. Write for free
NEW HOSE FOR MEN. Call and get one. Sepiem-
ter Style Books are here.
Massachusetts, U. S., is committed
- - - to the task of reforesting the wood.
constructive legislation. It is recog-
nized also that he is t4 ss. acious and
the new bridge on Campbell street.
Mr. Jas. Miller, with his up-to-date
catalogue, you will find it interesting.
You may enter at any time,
Fancy Cashmere Hose, all wool,
Plain Oashmere Bose all wo )i. September Patterns ..are in
F1RST1 READ OUR lands of the State with white pine. capable party leader, that he chooses concrete outfit, is bnilding�the abut- ELLIOTT a MCLACHLAN Ribbed Worsted Hose, all wool, stock. Our Patterns are al -
Mr. round with discretion, that he tnents. Pp1N61PA1a ' Heavy Ribbed Hose, all wool.
f REE CATALOGUE hie. Rana, he vas charge a the work g wasps Up -tyles e
1 • estimates the value to the State at cannot be stampeded, and that he will Messrs, Caesar &Holmes shipped a Prices are right -20c t0 'New Styles every month.
nine hundred million dollars. At the not waste his blows over petty and ir- car of apples to the Rest to -day and �RTIIUR J. IR�IN 506 a pair. Big value. See our Counter Book.
THEN Decide on the Business College same rate, there would be billions in relevant issues. It takes time for a one to Glasgow on Monday. They
Rsuch a scheme for Canada, if itis de- political leader to grow into rho affec- have shipped five cars from here and D.D.S., L,D.s.
i ask the privilege of sending you nulled forest lands could be re -clothed tion of a party and the confidence of a Wingham this season. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen -
our intensely interesting, handsomely with timber, much of which has been people. Four years ago Mr. Borden A very enjoyable event took place nsylvania College and ficent ate of
illustrated FREE GATALOGUE. In recklessly allowed to waste, was comparatively unknown through- on Wednesday evening, August 19th, Dental Surgery of Ontario.'
fact, you really ow® it to yourself to get „ „ out the country. His authority in his 1()08, when Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Arm---OHice in Macdonald Block—
- Cit • a co and read it thoroughly before you own party was hardly established• strop celebrated their silver wedding
`he Forbat$hbetbmnd copy g y y —The Winnie Tribune reminds Even in Nova Scotia his name was eClyde
W. J.
� �� --vs ••-,,._ 5-..___.. �ti.. 9
oss era select the Business College to attend. Winnipeg at their tome on C] de street, Luck- Y1
au sln college 0 W1 This Catalogue explains all about our the electorate thusly :- less familiar to the people than was now,
school, our faculty, our different courses. "Laurier has more than doubled that of Dir,. Fielding. His name was a r B,S.A., L.D.S., D.D.% � i 0
tttrar� the per -capita Legation in Canada. new word in Quebec. He had still to ��%Tells why we honestly believe our Col- That's going some, too. The Honor Graduate of URoyalit c of TorontoThe. 111F gslege to be the best for you. After reading the book we will leave ex enditures have 'more than secure a personal ascendency in Ont- and Licentiate gf Royal = Hoge of
I P It Prevents Sore Throat, vel tar Surgeons of Ontario. :t
+ ario and in the Western Provinces.
you to fudge for yourself. Sending for a copy places you under no doubled since 1506. That's going i ARE
HERE. i' some, too." , But ,four years lave passed, during No simpler way to kill a cold and OrzricH IN BEAVnR BLeeI[ - WrNOEiAat = FOR FAIL 1'l� IIII:RF.
obligation. Must mail your name and address on a postcard.. p g stamp out sore throat than by apply- '
Students admitted any time. p Speciale openings September and January: And yet some Liberal papers are which he has been the conspicuous
p in Nerviline-rub it in freely, and
The Forest Cit Business and Shorthand College pleading that, Laurier be given anbth- figure of a great national party, and then tit an a Nerviline Parous Plas-
LONDON, ONTARIO er term to finish his work. Gracious, during which he has led the Perlia- ter on the chest. These remedies
Ji wi WESTERVELT, Prtnetpd J. W: WESTERVELT, Jr:: C:A:: VIas:Principd where will he leave us when he gets mentary Opposition with patience, hunt out pain, destroy every trace of
g congestion, cure the cold and tendency /1 ! rr�� When looking for your New Dress
through, at the rake we have been led alertness, courage. and distinction. to bronchitis. Thousands find Nervi- Will CIPCle PCO 404
of late? He has steadily grown stronger, and line inestimably the best remedy for Whigham �y j
\ "** the Government steadily weaker. pains, aches, bruises, neuralgia, sci- or Fall Suit, call and See
-In Quebec province 110,000 Conser- Under Mr. Borden's leadership there atica, colds and winter ills. Not only Meets the 1st Thursday in each month,
will be a united Conservativeparty,Is it penetrating and powerful, but it In the Chisholm 4Iall, at 8 P.m. Candi-
vatives elected ten members, or one is safe and economical. All. dealers dates for cheap, reliable insurance are ourNew Goods.
member for every 11,000 votes. Quo- fighting in the interests of the conn- sell Poison's Nerviline. Large bottles of i hoc offiAsk .Ladiea frisksoaccepteom dn,�t
and et 55 members, or a member for tr for o the faster sci o Lice Be- R�vsT, S. Borns men. E. RosrxsoN 3 - VENETIANS :-All-weoi Venetians, 44 -
• bee Liberals poll,ss. 135,000 votes y + p n. P
ware of substitutes. in. wide, good heavy weight
Leader Rea Secretary 1 for Suite in black brown navy, green and red at ........ ..... 75c
every 2,500 votes. A system that _ + + + y
in parliament as four Conservative 1 • I3as superior Secretary
gives one Liberal vote as much weight - Clinton. 1 BROADCLOTH. -Black, satin-Snished Broadcloth, 60 -Inch wide,
W. J. %VYLEs Fin. S
p Several persons report that the A p
Alam or very special......... $1 25
votes partakes of the nature of a potato crop will be light; the tubers advantages i n
gerrymander.' being affected with decay. , Broadcloths 52 in. in black brown and blae s ecial at..... , .. •#1.00
It is said that adher- • Music 1 i ne + p
Jim OX
ing strictly to county boundaries Ladles Art, Blocutiou DOMINION. 8� i SERGE.-AII•wool Slack Serge, 56 in. wide, good weight, a snap.,$1.00
The.Clinton Knitting factory is one ij/�largely helper? to cause the unequal and Physical Cul- sPANAMAS.-54 in., durable ons ottable and fashionable in blackA of the busiest places a town ; orders College' P ' ' 50- condition. tore Domestic_ brown, light and dark blue, at.......... , ... 7��
* „ ahead would require overtime to " """"""""'
* exlauat. Science, Business College Coprses, HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. r
-The Toronto News thus expresses Literary and Scientific Courses, al- ' LUSTRES.-G4. inch, splendid value at• ........................... u0c
A V N Messrs. Andrew & Routledge began I
its opinion of the Saskatchewan elec• so Public School Classes for young DRESS GOODS. -Heavy, Black Drees Goods, 54 in. for only...... 30c
the manufacture of dement bricks, in
tion :-"As a means of inspiring Lib- girls. Cheerful, wholesome, home-
ACCOUNT addition to that of file of several cnpital (paid up) $3,97G,000 = Poplins, Satin Cloths Cashmeres and other light wet ht Dods
crake throughout the country with a " like. Tor Catalogue, address : P g g goods,
measurements. ++ALMA COLLEGE. Reserve (and undivid•5 Z9% 000 good value at .................. ... . ........................... 500
conviction of the overwhelming ' "'the Re6strar, ed profits) , ,
strength of Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the Mrs. Elsie, an inmate of the House 1 • St. Thomy,, Ont. � A lot of Dress Goods, assorted colors, to bo cleaned out at less
g Total Assets, over $48,000,000
Is the best investment for Western 'Provinces, the Saskatche- the Refuge,
oldlia de of 101 yearsMonday ,, evening,
thea . . .. . .... . .... . . . ...................................Half Price
wan contest is a conspicuous failure. P y WINGUAM BRANCH. FLANNELETTES. -A large stock of Flannelettes to choose from,
idle funds. It of fors The result there, taken in connection remains were taken to 7.urich. � i
ranging in pried from 6e. to 15c, extra wide at . . ......... . .....12-�0
absolute safety, and with the Provincial contests in New Two new inmates were added to the Farmers' Rotes discounted.
3't Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec, House of Refuge last week, a mon a `- WRAPPERETTES, ETC.-Wrapperottes and Kimona Cloth, good
seems to show that the Laurier Gov- named Assaid from Dashwood, and - GoingAt
�OS� r Drafts, sold on all pants in open- patterns.... ............•........, ......... ,..... 10c, 12o and. 1Go
pays interest four ala, the united States and Europe. •
ernment will not survive an appeal to Peter Sinclair, of Grey, both old TURKISH CHINTZ. -Pretty patterns, fast red, splendid for Com -
times ayear. •1 the country." men. 'forters, 36 in. wide, reg. i5c, now 121Jc
„•„ SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. "" """""" """""""
The Organ factory, which has been Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and TABLE DAMASK. -Fast red, 58 in. wide, good value ............ 500
-It was one of the old arrange• closed down for the past two weeks, upwards, and added to principal quarterly.
ments of the Liberal oratorss that in order to expedite contemplated im- •A, beautiful display of_ All Mnslins, Lawn Waists, White Underwear, 004ton Hosiery, to
when an industry had been in exist- provements, resumed work on Mon. D. T. HEPBURN, Nallager be cleared out at ..................................Lase Than Cost
CJs Pr Smith, Agent ence a length of time, it ought not to day of last week in all branches,
require assistance, and for this reason W. Glenn Campbell has completed Dinner W Tea Sets,
R• ysnetone, solicitor SHOES. -A few pairs Misses' Shoes left at per pair ... . .......... 600
protection was denounced. But there arrangements for a thoroughly com- MATS. -•4 only, good sized Mats, special at eAeb............ • .....$1.00
are certain industries that have been}etsg and
patent teacher of voice culture to take ToilS' � A SNAP IN TEA.—Young Hraon Green Tea, ret. 35o for 25c per
bounty -fed for gears, anet d little is card charge of the vocal department of his G �i , Safe. lb. (Incl Slack Ton, reg. 25c, now G lbs, for #100,
,about it by these same speakers, work this season; persons lvishing to „ 1 ,[ li�(J{i�lo� ull� During the fiscal year ending 31st study this branch of music will find it Fancy China 11 t VV j ButteriCk Patterns for sale—tile best ever.
March last, the following bounties to their advantage to eonsnit Mr. ; 7
investment .
On steel .......... . ....
Onleair n � � 1,092,S1o•� s. J, Al. Cantelon competed Its AT COST while they last, we � � A large stock of Flesh Groceries al ell Hand
"VVIN(iI�IAM pig ' $ stz3, Campbell.
. 200'00 the fourth Annual Ladies' Ila Shoot motet make room for the xntc aonli`'1rD tx
Ort Iron rocks ...... 847,134 00 tuasGoods.
�..11et era) 1 hospital y X h
On lefid....,...,. ,,., G1,001.00 at Ilatniltont last Saturday, She tied _ The �n('OWIO�nt L"OIICI�iS - On manilla fibre . , , . 42,000.00 with a Mrs. Bain for the third prize a
(Varier C{ovbrnment inspection.) On crude petroleum..,.,, 391,217.00 Highest Prices Paid For Produce.
anti in the shoot -off was successful, We also handle the boob TBAS
Ploamntly situated. Beautifully furnished. wine a out b 4 Out of 5. Expert A 1
Open to all rcgtllarlT liconmd tthyslelans. 'Total bounties....... $2,'187,828.00 g y p and COFFEES to the market. l
llato+o for alienee (which include beard and That the bounty paymento for the shooting Inttst "'ecru in the family" as VRESH G ROOERIES always e n. + ■ ■
Nursing}mi of to #. l per week, according
p y g g Mr. Cantelon is known as a champion The Dominion life - t
to lobation of rognt, ?for further intorma- resent year will exceed Ilio ford cin p on hand.
lion-•Addrose 1, 11 utesi is evident front tele fact that shot,
M.SS T. lV1CT.CIT g A sound, well managed
suparintendbab, the allowance on manilla fibre hats At Jae, Snell, I< ullett, in conver•
- . '�v - Canadian Life Assurance Company.
hoar 923, Win,rhnm, club, been extended to cover manllla used I s tine with ntlr reporter, stated that I'rbciotce. Taken. CJnsli Pard -
<- ... _ _r .. In the production of cordage general. ri ver in his recollection has he finish- for Butter and Eggs. AverAga rater of IntsrosC _
y g here- arvesting so early, or had I carued in 1906-
000- -
13 PER CENT. WIN A o ,
� matin t o �bindetr used
socket r year. totter aropd thatt the pro, .. _.'� ll0 AD'trANCI: is 6rt 1 ,instead of 'bolo conilned, as holo ed his h prop±; lee y news- a Ar . MALGO' �
Paper, Are bll R sUE•, s y two Not only has he lead a
element of enlargentent to the atthano� fluoaessful year do regardd his crops, wALtn1t T, nALL
.. 'Wingham.
Only Y ti+otil tlbit h flit'• pB+vaw, eitrdr MfIM. «.
�� E'er � � not, l"w why? tod �ivn� tq on lead fiwln. orae tilineci to bttt tiid entree etdalr is in better aaridt• r.Ooal A,dabt rotor■