HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-03, Page 34
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a L140 lailg4age, 01org I"Ibi at ygull" I � 11 __ ___ - I I -1. � I , ..
I and & -gay thilig, too;" dryly ob. 12,p� - . 7rltrl: � -V-,7-R" . or_ OW - . I . find antlinglasin In the 111141vuld Of that
^ %,Fm riles Ills wife. ..", . owers Ana lao, iiaray #a1lorg wera, i
'r," Us. ot a Vanished Race, se", "Y' 8
Many -dogs take their turns some ; national heroeo, And rightly 4Q. Thvro
, some bad, uouto middling, -for Z10 l4i 111011WhIle, 0, VrOlwsal to eplabrate
I I � . 11 �. . . .. � � 91, Is A. day's business, Yet t1krou the tereenteitAry of oui. Acquisition Of
trio, gii I M::. ERCANTIL " PIA
the loviv bours tho spectators never E TRUST coo the BerniudAs by A Pageant to 00 lield
S , grow tired, rather their interest quick- � next year, In this cage may one JXope ,
Prof. Saville" . Finds in Burial Moundis eno on tinto gova oil. The Afternoon is, Or' CANADA,, UMITED that tile opportunity will not be JoAt of
. . waiting When we lip,ve tile moat exelting, I - , . � Intmduall, -1, bakespeare with a- wealth
in Mexico, event of All. , OPIPIP90 AND SAVE DUP01911, VAIJUTS of local colvill auggeative of 1114 inspim.
"Whyt t1larl, ,krik wirls", Alknotuices my tion for "The Tempest" by tbe Ivrook of ,
- . - 1. . -1 . . - I Somers o .
- neighbor, it Book of OWN " " - W ,It the j�ormudaal_ rail I AIA,,l
lit the course of a series Of 4rcbaeO- clothed -with a loin cloth and has A band 111,1711AKI Itin", in, a slim black tyl,.-,4 IV h Q ONO% flamoont onto I Gazette, I .
1609 41 4XPedItIQUs in MeX400* sent. Around the neck. The head droaa , and - 44 streak of white down 1113 muzzle., 110 . .. "'
4�icat tbo expense of the Duke do objecta Ili the hands are Identical wth lit A dog of Infinite solf- ailoolon And . AVTH0)RI2:ED TO Ai�rr. AS USE OF WIRFL� 11 ER 9109, ,
, . I
Loubat rad under the auspices Of the . those of the seated womati ilegorlbed lit walks slowly past tile leads, of the , I .11 I I
Museun' of Natural' 11istory, PTOf. the first Urn. sheep AvItUout even glanaln At them, $*faizutov� AdmInIstrator, Truste% quardia.n. Aspignee, LIquldektori, Ships on the Pokhorn Pacific to H4vQ
� �
Marshall U. Saville has made finds The figures of the funeral urns, Are ,thou xtoqfojvor.� Tirl"Aster Asionva. Rogis � .
. I �
w1uoh tlirow light on the oua _gb. mysteriously they A ways turn - tirskir Of Abares. Wiralogolelophones Next Year,
� . tQ,m.a ot Ugually painted red, Where no mask, in the dir"tion lie desires, When every I 1. �
an ancient American. people. The cov,era the face the tceth are in warly in, obstacle in tile course It" been success- . This year the ships that carried the
chief discoveries were made in a Aum, stancea filed, a custom of decoration full, A Trust Cprnp4thY DQ114 a 0trictlY Trust sod A#enc,v.a I pold see
I . � v passed Its himo Art o.xtr,% i4inuteleft I � I , . uoinost kors. northward I)Attled
, �
bor of Underground mausoleums aud Which provailed extensively in Mexico for pQnnhig, and this critical business Ili CORRE$PONPENCE INVITED I 014 Ice of Bering SeA and $Ora with,
torabe in the State of Oaxacap in, . , 0 Of them
, and Central America in ancient times, performed, with the oaaQ of A 10ug of I had theniostsevere oxperionoo of years,
southern Mexico, The early accounts regarding the ous- his craft, He muot be, well within time ONO WN, OIBSON, Prosident S, C. WOULD, �14noger the 01410 being 4 notable example, Vor.
� 1.
A striking feature of the discoveries, toms of the Zapotocau. Indians left by as' his master puts, vp the b. ,
,urdles, the -_ - � , Ow ty days, after'sho exiled from Put
I . I , , . . I
was a series of terra cotte. funeral the old Spanish historialm have been latter doing. ble part. so ))%dly that the 4Z%,.�_ . . , , ,T� . � . - W._ .. 1. . la. .. . L 1. . Sound tlic 01119, stTuggle(I froo from, be
urns These were arranged !a mosli verified by the explorations of tile Lou- = nearly escape, for the man is OD- , - � - , ; l. . I.- - ---. 1. . I . I I
� . . I i 100, with difficulty found her, bearings, ,
I r — . .
Cases on tho front facade of the tomb bat expeilttioul According to Prof. y much more agitated than tile - I I
, , I And made her way into. Nome, ()rushed
struoturen. Besides dupwting a phaso Saville their funeral ceremonies Wore as beast, A deep, northern "Rurrayll, ROVen shillings A IVeek a's long as ohe b tile. Ice PaQk, 44 WFka th( , )� V
of the mortuary rites. or ancient Mex- follows. . IS A '"WRECK.. livesi It Is therefore quite sar , ioboria,
ico they shovi the personal adorn groats the return of the victor but he . tTle Ohio Is. now on !ter Way southward
I . When .All Important person died the �cnialils the ImAgo of bored indff arenas even, the bard. pressed tradosman's wife , .
inerits of the people in the sha,po of If toward home.
. I. -A I -1. "44 . 4.t . .. � I
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I � 11 I 1
4 � - '"17,17 ��,� I �
YOU 10111r, .
She l alwaya t1illik ,of motoring go
the poetry of motioll,
,11—y"," 11401 tile maeldne breaks,
down. Tii'vit it bveoy)les blani, versp,
Candid, Confession.
Pearl (in surprIsc)_11Wh,,Ltl yf)lt
lot that young mail Itiss you? wily,
I ant surprised. 1).oa#t you know tlli)
. rr * des Qf our club firmly state that any
girl who lets a young rilan k1sa .it
I will be Bus en(Jed?" I ar
�Ruby11WeJl, I was fjU1.;pend0ai,
dear, I was in a hammocR, I S.
Letting Well guoug), Alone,
Ris Wife-11wou . ,
it I should die?�, id YOU xnarr�v agala
Her Husband-11W.h4t noxiserise
dear t Ilin, not th , . my
to die.1". at Anxious, for yon
.y was placed 4, a a Ono. a a.,, Sail, UOQ8 110T, even Wag ill$ 1,ML, Wbiit a Ch rWOMA . . -Nazt year the Nome fleet W1.11 be .. 1. .
, a ReC�iyeo f9r , 1,14 rQUIU. OuRel,eepel, f site employ I I I . I I I -
large breast and ear ornaments. head' drese-d and with varlons personal ornaw IV -hen Fill in over the )prizes, silver - . ,. a all,Y help Ili the rough worl � i� of the holloel, equip�eil with wireless tolegrsph appar, TO POL16H MAHOGANY,
aeased. FOW or drink were placed on or 'Ouses, are presented,. while the , Poisonod Hond. Old . air." .a
dresses, bonds, neol�lecos, and cloth. ments ;and objects belonging to the do- 11
Ing. tb Do kept for generations in the to take out a policy of llf4uranc� atus o a veooQl, arid dy� a wireless tale -
The discoveries Were made Ili the Y11110111-141 — for 'the charwom y,hjonos will keep tire captains of tile Especially When the Surface Has a
near the tomb to sustain the deceased on lads and lassies age rourid-to pat the ' , 'Ilia enactment of a, slinflar Statute eeta. in close touch with each other , ,
valleys (if Oaxaca, In. the central par� . pr (New York Sun.) Plt.jo-Gray Appearance.
. his Journey to the other world, successful dogs, tile true barons of the in ,tile various States of the Union would throughout a hazardous vo�4ge, accord- ,
of the State of that name, Great num- . ,
offer- , . very boiqoeholder in tire city ThO wireless telephone is perhaps the says a wr4ter Ili Harper's Bazar, "with. a
ngs ;f food and drink,' At tD . I 1: of would be liable to have to p weeld� jl�, at Yeirlarkablo of.all, the modern dal, bluO-9110Y Appearance on the surface of
which was Ono Inhabited by the Zap- I de fresh for the sake of glory alone.,
0, carne. to the tomb and mie )'s �t by P,
� ,
beif, of rUIns are found.in this StO _ Once 4 year foil four years big friends 4a Who have striven And. triumphed Tile recent enactmon skl1lament be followed by equally unfortunate re- Ing to the Seattle Times, - 'If others are troubled as I have been/1
of tho Old figo pensions bill 14 the long- sul ts, H
. , a expira- . '. es,t stop yet tulcon iii the direction AY 0
ottioans, a race that had developed - tion . - 000141131A and Tlaternallaiii ILL U "gland. damages for Jife to the nian Who swept vice$ ot a - - highly pollabod furniture
peculiar culture 4iffering, in many of this time the flesh had dewLyed HOW IT FL.1 E$, , . . . ok.almunication, By the more . ally Of th.0ii
respects from that of the Aztec& . of and sometimes the bones wore gathered , .1 - . The game ten alloy Was manifested, In off hie oldqw(tlk in case be was unfor. act of taking down 4 receiver xaa piae- thel may feel perfectly r-ifo In using the
me'deo its well as together a -Ad placed In lit . � tile passage of the ivorkmen's comporil
the, Mayas of Ykitc4. I . plies or else , I . , tunate enough to hurt himself Ili qny Ing it to his. ear tbo mutor of a vessel 1, following,
tan were. allowed to rernain on the floor. A Description of tho Working of the oation act. of Igoe, I.V1110 piece of logisla- manner for which big employer might is on4bled to ocitqatkunioate with similar. "To about a quart of clear w0er add a
I �
The relations of their culture to tliii.6 . 07terk they were painted red. Wright Brothers' Aeroplane. tjon". althougli it has not ye hor- be diented at fault, We prefer the Am� ly equipped vess'elEi within a radius of tablespoonful Of good stroag Vinegar. In �
ouably tested, I has been the iubject of erican system of asnosing the dam, 100 miles or with wireless stations upon ,urate a soft cheescolotll
of other Mexioark tribes is an import. Insome instanceathe metateand hand T I . the solution sat
ant. Archaeological problem., and the stone for grinding corn, and the' clay .in I �Iioiv the general rea(ev considerable laudation In this country Ages In such cases as a lunip sum; the shore. So fair the. wireless tale- 1, and wring out as dry as possible. With
, ,
Loubat expedition has contributed griddle for baking the tortillas or corn the way in which the machine operates,, on the'liart. of labor Agitators And law I . G Photo ban not-lition, put Into wide use, this riAb lightly the surface to be cleaned
� I .
� I
Oakes, ivere - ,[Yes Toady for the reformers who are always disposed to * . althquillj4ost Of ti , dry (always rubbing lightly) with, a
much toward the solution of this in- placed in the chamber with let us fancy ourse, I Alone. . . he vessels of the Ai- arid
toresting quistioll. . numerous Incense burners. Then the door start. The machine ls placed upon a. regard -'Q411glish. laws. Arid English motIl- ]antio, squadron that visited Puget dry place of cheesecloth.
. '
Southwest a few miles distant from was sealed with a large stone, apild usual, single rail tracks facing the wind, and to Oda of Administering justice us suporlor His ivife was away by the see, Sound In May 'were equipped with such "If ftfraid of this at first, you might
he town of OaxneA is a range of hills oy I � -ion or
t I objects of value, such as personal securely fastened with A q�.ble, Tito to our own, It Is worth while to call And he In the house was to stay, instruments, experiment oil a seat th� furniture
rnallients And mosaics, wore t4rowa into on ese -people e. Had the Ohio been provided With. the that does not sleow�the inside of the
on which are the remains of the great th,space in front of the vault. - glad $a plat In motion, And the pro- the! Attention of some of tit knien's Delightfully foot loose and fre .
forliffed city known as Monte Alban. , I I pellers in the rear whir, You ,take your, to the practical effects of the wor The mouth that she tarried away, telephone apparatus tile people ofXonke top lid of tire piano might do if thAt is
Probably going of the offerings of food, seat at the contre of the machine beside compenaation act as lately developed In At first it weA very like play, miglit easily have seat a relief party to the article to be cleltned. In case of the
which was probably the ancient "Pi- _ drink arid Incense were. Intended for the the operator, He slips the, cable, and a case In the Preston Coulity Court .and But --this often happens to mefl- her aid, but withou I Livice first application not entirely removing
tal of the Zapotecan empire. The deities whose effigies, the funellal Urns, you olloot forwa to irk. the English Court of Appeal, The sheets got Awry and astray- . t it the Corwin 1
entire region is filled with groups ot rd. An assistant wit I . � went Out upon a vain search for the lospt the cloudy look, repeat the operation in
mounds, showing it to have been were placed near by. A mound of earth, licks beenholding the machine In balance The laintiff, Mrs. Dewhurst, was ern. He slept in another bed, then. vessel. The 'wireless telegraph instru. about a week, And you will have the
I , ploye4p 4
a illIckly popillaied locality in former adobe briolts and stones, was raised aver ork the rallo. starts forward With you but by the- defendant, Mrs, Alather, mouts, Ahowever, would have boen of satisfaction of seeing your furniture look
I � ? � .
times. For centuries these mounds the structure and sometimes. covered before you have gone fifty feet the ;Pee.d to come to her house every week- and do Two nights, crr perhaps it was three, groater value, for the Ohio would have as fine As it did the day it left the fee-
.ivith A dome'of *cement, Is too great for lint, And Ike lets go, Be- work there which is variously desciii-Mud He passed in this second relay; b in comakunloAtion constantly 'with
remained unexplored, until uncover- ThA,,guest chamber threatened to be t ,an tory!'
ed by the spade of Prof, Saville. Many of these mounds are still to be fore reaching the end of the track the, in one of the reports an that of, a wash- he Nome station from the inamont she -! -, L, -
At 'Cullapa, seven miles southeast seen and remain to be explored in the ,operator moves the front rudder,. and erwornan -and In another as that of char- lodging for many a day; entered. Baring Sea, And perhaps long Yearly Tests Most Valuable.
I near future, One of the Im �. But soon things began to betray before,
of Oaxaca, a series of large mounds � . portant xe, the machine lifts from the rail like a wom4n. A obarwoman is defined In tlxe. Disquieting symptom$, as when
and many stones graves were explor. suits brought out by the oibavo,tions, kite supported by the pressure of the Century Dictionary to be a- "woman The pillows grew hard as I We do not consider a 7 -day teat eon -
mounds var. besides affording A new glimpse of the air . baked Practical use of the wireless telephone clusive evidence of the producing cap-
ed and excavated. The underneath it. The ground under hired to do chars or odd work or to was made during the voyage of blie fleet
ied in height 'funeral urns and the massive und:i�- you is at ou Work by the day." clay- , . . acity of a a
. . . I north from San Francisco by the opera- � ow for the entire year, at -
from ten to seventy-five first a perfoot blur, but as, y .Vhe 'OX-Pvcssiell He slept in another bed, than. though it is good evidence of her cap -
feet, arid some were 169 feet square. ground tombs, Is that the material grathL rise the objects becomo clearer. At a "chares" Is -equivalent to the old English . , . I ter at the neiv Westport- station of the
, ,
Some were in the form of a pyramid, q'red. thoroughly confirms the writings of height of one hundred feet you feel word "ChOres-" Mrs, Dewhurst, while From this he was tempted to flee . United WirelessCompany at tile mouth aelty fni six or eight months, And fro-
� _ quently indicates her- calmolty as a year.
others rectangular. the old Spanish historians of that age.as hardly any motion at all, except for the engaged in this capacity In scrubbing a Because of the soiled disarray ' of Gray's Harbor. As the flagship Cori, ly producer. We nevee have
� The rectangular mounds were found 11 to thO elaborate burial customs � employed wind that strikes your face. , If ,you StAirway pricked her thumb -with a pin Of lineii that shocked him till he 1100ticilt came In range the operator ask� I had an A. R.
to be purely burial mounds and to I by the ancient Zapotecans. did not take , the precaution to, fasten Which was lying on one of the steps. Saw Ills golden locks turning to ed over the wirel"s telegraph for a test Q. cow that IuW not made yearly a Large .
era from quTan1i of milk and butter.
e- lrgl�y
contain the most important tombs, These Urnsj together with oth your bat before starting, you have prob- Blood -poisoning developed and the r gray, of the telephone. He declares he could of
while the pyramidal ones were temple the same locality and recently presented ably lost It by this time. The operatoic suit of the Injury was the permanent The rest is quite easy to say hear aa distinctly the voice from the -ore Wo say With6ut hesitation
structurari. Many . had been ploaghea to the museum by Mrs. Robert W Do moves a lever; 'the ilght wing risen, and loss of tile Use df the wounded hand. A s6fa was down in the den A ship far out at sea as if lie had been that T -4y testa %re of great value, in.
ovet, which had destroyed their or- Forest, are now on exhibition In the the ulachina. swings -About to -the laM no statute does not render an am- Arid so, without further delay, talking between two down town office Agmuch as they designate our best..
1,� at the , buildings in Seattlq--all the noises on producers, and Also furnish evidence
g -nal shape, and trees ivers found west wing of, the Mexican Hall . You make 0, very' short turni yet you do Pic or 'iab,lb to his employee foil all He slept In another bed, tljen� � 0 . I
wing over several of the tombs. Museum of Natural 111.9tory, and are the not feel the sensation of being thrown aacid,lktal ' ur thus sustained unless L'ENVOI. , shipboard could be plainly. f Old producing capac ti,ea of tile 1101.
In one instance a ploughed field under Mal; to be seen in the United States, from your seat I , so often experienced, in the servantilis Krk, the "regular" employ- Butwhy chant yet more of this, prayll After the fleet bad anchored at the -stein cow. I
cultivation was above a tp.mb. - I It - 1. automobile and railway travel. You find ment of the master. lUrs, Dewhurst A bump Puget Sound navy yard* the telephone VaBut we think 7 -day tests are
-from brought a suit under it In the 'Preston 110 hotely, couch frets a gay pen; . lua�l while more
Excavations showed that nearly all TRIALS FOR SHEEP DOGS, yourself faOing toward the point T he T .
. I I oLhet in dlsmay� was again. put In service, this time with a, we think 30 -day tests Eire
the moundb contained tombs beneath. whioh you started,. I . . OOuAtY CPurt against Mrs. Mather, ,and He slept in r bed, then. the wireless station At the Uni valuable, and that yearly tests are more
The front wall of � each tomb was in Tests of Skill in Driving Along a The objects on the ground now seem the particular contention of the defend- . I - 1: � , . ., Washington, Thoise In the station say valtiable than 3o'day ones.
th) form of a frame of stone lit which Course and Panning. in Shortest T* to be moving at much higher speed, and was that the service of the ehar- DISCOVERY OF THE BERMUDAS. they could hear .the band playing. oil A yearly test Of a CONIV under normal
were lound, on several occasions, as I I . "o" though you perceive no othattge, ,in the woman who came to the house only I the Connecticut and the sound of voices. co,,ditiong .as to the health, care and
many as five terra cotta funeral urns In fellside villages, where events are pressure of the wind on your face. You once a week to do odd jobs did. ,lot Famous Wreck That It Is Befleyed through the Instruments, feed is infallible evidence of ber pro-
pair.ted .ced and having a death's "few and far betivcfen," the local sheep know then that you are travelling with constitute a regular employment within Was Inspiration' for "The Ternpest.11 The rapid spread of the wireless sys; duelng- CaPacity, but such a. test. under
head ma4k made of stucco. The urns � the wind. When you near the starting the meaning and intent of tile laiv, but teralupon the Pacific coast Is an Inter. ulln4tural conditions, ivith too great,
dog trial stands out, a prominent land., Together with Drake, Hawking, Po'
were, faatened against the wall with point, the operator stops, the motor while that she was to be regarded rather as a T- eating feature of development. Thfit-een X sUPP1Y of medicine and stimulating
cement. mark, in the lo;,,,�,, laborious year. 'It , still high in the air. The maebine coasts casual employee and hence not within bisher and half a seore of othera-bolong- stations are now in operation - from � food Is indicative of hek ruin for f1l.
The torblis were, built of huge masses delcurs in 84:11111er, says the ?all Mail, do�wrt in an oblique angle to, the ound, the protection of 'the statute. The Ing `to that naval epoch, Admiral Sir southern California to Alaska accord. ture use. Without dou6i many of the
Gazette w -hen even Weutimoreland Or eorge Somers was a west country man.
of stone, nicely dressed, and covered weather' has its element And sunshiny and after sliding fifty or a hundred feet County Court Judge overruled this do- Ing to George H. Parker, wesQ.11 agent ki0at records that are madie depend in
ext turday the exploit on which the I large measure upon the long prepara.
with cement and stucco, painted red. comes to rest. Although the machine fenco and' held that Mrs. Dowhurat fame of this great Elizabethan tar main- of the wireless concern.
The lintel over the entrances consist- moods, and on the appointed day aivay often lands 'when ravelling at a speed was a regular servant. The The wireless stations at Nome and at I Lion, %e peculiar skill of the joeder and
Plaintiff ly Tests, the practical discovery and an- St. Michaels, sepamted by Xbrton. tlho a ecial food that Is fed. Wo query
ed of a long block of stone painted we all go -men, women arid elkildren-�- of a mile a iniukitot-you feel no shook took the the Oourt of Appeal, nex,tion of the Bermuda Islands, is to Sound, 106 miles wide, are most sutoess� whetWor the rules for the Advanced Ro-
red, and the doors of the tomb'were to the wide upland pasture, not with whatever, And cannot, in fact, tell the whiah, correoponda in. character b.nd be ,,labrat,d at Whitchurch Canonico- jul
sealed by laxge stone slabs. . any appearance of undue haste as the exact moment at which It first touched jurisdiction to the -Appellate j)iv jo In their operations and have been gistry should not be amemded so its to
A peculiar feature found in exaa. love of excitement indreases WA grati- is n rum, Dorsetshire, by the unveiling of a� working longer thark any other of the require the supervisor to report the kin
11 .
vating was the cement floors, which fication and a town man will often walk .the ground. The mptor close beside you of the Supreme Court in this State, and suitable memorial to the licro. Thlg d
uring it stations. Because of ice and and the Amount Of food and drink th
wero, covered with votive offerings 10 miles to see the sight which would kept up an almost deafening roar d the three ,Tudget of that tribunal af- ceremony, Ili the ancient church of St. n ' bern at
the whole flight, yet In your excitement firmed the jud ent of ilia Preston other adverse conditions the Govern- have been given to the cow during (lie
In the shape of food vessels, incense not ,move a dweller In the country. as gin CandidA, is to be performed, most appro. ment was unable
burners and. the remains of human many yaereps. dog you did not notice it till it stoppedl- County Court to the effect that the lirlately by the late Governor of the Ber. to lay a cable across time I of each test, a:kkd algo: the w*1 -flit
The 8 earillot be From "The Wright Brothers' Aeroplate" plaintiff W U As Norton Sound, so the wireless came into Arid Ph;Vsical condition of the cow at 0(e
bones and skulls. These were paint- of the north is a regular servant of tile in d Lieuteriant-GenerAl Sir Henry play.
ed red, called a beautiful creature, Short haired, in the,September Century.. defendant. . Geary. ; It will be the 300th anniversary Wireless .stations Vary greatly a's beginning of the test, -4Burto3i W. Pot-
- - V This part of the decision was simply a to ter, Rutland, Mass. -
That these -were the burial places rough coated, ivith lean, restless body, . - of their annexation, cost, some can be built for as little as � -
of persons of rqk and wealth was lie bears little likeness to Ills distin- Telephone Manners. finding of fact As to the nature of the Born At Whitalkur6, or'near Lyme $3,000, and; Others require ILs high as. . "' -, - -
indicated by the mural paintings glaished relatWo, the Sooteh collie. Bat plaintiff's e-Ployment and a construe- Regis, in A. D.. 1564 (day and mouth, un- $100,000. The Instruments and apparel- I Worth Knowing. -
Do telephones hiad to politeness or tion of the term "regular" as used�ln. certain), George Somers is said to have tue,in general Are costly. Uch station .
whA-ch once covered the entire ivalls, his eyes shine with wistful intelligence, Otherwise? When. they f irst. came into tbO statute, The Most remarkable'faq- claimed descent ,from. the noble falailY includes a generator of-electmicity. with Chopped. beef orpork cracklingsare
I .
together with the great number of and nowhere in the world a.re man and Use the answer to this question ,would ture of the case, however, is the form of that name. Cradled, so to speak, in good to use In Indian broad, which is
rich jadite ornaments and, other vot- beast more indissolubly one than among have been emphatically In the negative, of the judgment ,which was. rendered in. the stormy times of the Elizabethan- which to send the messages, and this usually served warm, or they may be .
ivo offerings met with. Probably the the fells of Westmoreland. Its faithful but now that they Are n or " represents a strength of from one to
most remarkable of all friend accom ' of the plaintiff, In this country a *wars ivith Philip of Spain, lie first went I .
the objects panies -th* fanner every" ly prevalent, An era of good manners suit by a servant against a master bas , ed to sea as quite a young led, He som three horse power. mixed with bread and -mashed potato
discovered In these great Zap0recan where; to ' market. to auction mart and and "thank you'all seems to be In full The operator is provided with an ear ocaso And fried like sausa . I
tombs were the series of strange fun" round Ills fields iii the peaceful idleness swing In. some communities it is not upon rthe alla the de-. much service in those interminable mar. reaelv6r such an is worn by the girls in Neted, beef drippin ga
I . He or tallow can be
oral urna. of Sunday morning. Small wonder that" even possible to quarrel overt the tele. fendant the amages, award�d, If anyt Wing conflicts, and young Somers served a telapbone. exchange and lie hears the Used In the place of paraffins over the
They are considered by Prof. Saville between tile two arises the bond of a phone' although the two witinion. who wouldbe a lump sEtri payable at once to under and work the esteem and regard of d,t, ,ad dashes of -the Mond code as top Of jelly, Ile sure When col(i to cover
" esent deities ind to have been perfect comprehension and master and I the sacceesful plaintiff. Not so under (among others) Lord Do Ta' . Warr. It the space around the edge where it has
to 'e took i1art Ili the following conversation t.ho - of .,wires above
pla,elr - they strike the system
spirits neai the tombs to guide, the servant understand one another without - . � English ivorknkoft!a compensaQ,ork was in company with that gallant Ad- him, He sends by means of a telegraph sh"Ink away fr n the glass.
of the deceased o - f . came near It. . I . I 01
nev to the other morld. n their jour fq1,1101 Is this Mrs. Nvostonr not, That statute pernilks the 1E�ial miral that Somers, in his good ship the key. To make perpetual paste,-diasolve half -
They are, as The course at the dog trial to -day, as i9ye-S.IJ I nt foil a fixed Sea Vengeance (Venture?) bore away . �Z i f- . Ma Ounce Off Alum in two teacupfuls of
a class, among the most important ig 200 yards long, clearly ma,rked "This is your next door heighbor, Mrs. amount payable to the Injured employee for the I'mid.-Atlantic," in 1608i He had The source of all intestinal troubles IV.Oillng irater, beat in an equal weight of
I., affording a definite knowledge Vval previously been kniglitled by James L In is tile complon
ob "a With lags, beyond Which the sheep must Lawrence. I thouilit you might be in every wbok or every- month, accordl _house fly,
of 'th peculiar phase of funeral oul. not be allowed to stray, Obstacles have t,,eat _� to bhe circumstances of the case lig � 1603. Now he was to be justified of hisbuzz In the flour, add a few ls 0
ture left by the old Mexican peopl ed to know that at the present and first symptom of typhoid., WIlson's Fly and lot bell. This will keep for month& ,
The es- Put -up 1� the si"Pe Of `T-11 ga'td'wsys moment your son Thomas Is sitting on for a Period fixed by the Court. Ion this himself by a splendid and lucrative feet Pad. is the only thing that kill& them An experienced anfl ex
utns generally represent the or of flags -and posts, arid the dog's duty 0,0 of the sheets which le.bleaching on p4rtiottid)r cese tile County Cour of pluck, endurance And the indefinable till. �r of my ft�,A�,,dlltarlce, 'a inodel mother -
human figure sitting cross legged, al- is to drive his three tharges between iny,lawn, and is building a large pile of directed the defendant to pay 1,11111,191.0 quality known As grit. . - , _ and grandmother, makes it I
ti I I Iff seven shillings, a it,eci,- as long, . Cement Stwor Pipe. knock on, the 'kitchen it point to
though animal figures are not uncom. Lem or else guide them outside to the . mad on IV' plaintl The celebrated discoverer Captain
mon, They are, as a rule, hollow at right or the left, as the rules direct. The if . door before enter.
the baok in the form of it cylinder, a, Olt, thank'you, Mrs. T,awroncel" ex� as alle lives. , . John Smith had been made ad]minIstra- ing This degree of privacy -deference, if
judges take their plaa,;T In the middle ,IM,d the mother. "And may I To- I The following ocii-ankints which . we tor'of the newly founded "Virginim-Com... Portland cement pipes were made in P eatio
Scmeti'mes the arms are folded.. of the course and the owner'of the first �. turn Naive YOU leaSO-She Records her dow
Again, the hands are placed on the the favor by-Informin t front the Illustrated London pany." But, says Sir Clemeiits Y&rk- E ngland probably as early as 1820, be- helpers, who give evidence of apprecla� :
competitor stands near the peft of hur- ; your setter Rab bas just rooted up1hy - (late ho* this Zoololdir has been ro. hain, "this able Administrator was super. ford the period when ,elixthenware sewer tion. I
breast or hold an object 1ki front of dles created at the far end. A rope Is two new rose bushes, and that he seems c6typil In England, . I added, 14rd Do La Warr being appointed pipes ivere begiiining to be manufac- Here 18 A good use for left -over out.l 11
We' chest, but more often the hands passed r6und his .%Tin and soured to one to ,)a chewing the bUdsj,, "The reapopaibility thrown upon capfain-general of the company, with Sir, tured. Cement pipe of large size, with
are Placed On the kn6oa. The head . . Thomas Gates as liloutcnant�general and 'socket Joints, are now extensively used meali Make A batter as for bread odd
of thera, to make sure that he does nort "Oh indeedl Thank yout Good houtsholderb as employers by the coal. the oatmeal and beat In welL Pab'in a
a ;b
'L,, yo
Is surmounted by an elaborate head venture out of bounds in order to assist - ,,gojt at aV. Thank youl Goo -b .4ation act in 4 really terrible mat. Sir G. Barriers as admiral. Sailing In In Gormany, and they withstand not
dress, the front of which almost in. . r for 46, but little lively yeast, and let stand over -
his dog, for it is beast wisdom and not. youth,$ Companion. . people of moderate andans; nor May, 1609, they were shipwrecked at drily the effects of 'a severe climat ri�ghl. Add a llttle salt And sods and
variably beard a 'symbol, such as the human ivisdom that Is now to lie app . I ,I : 0 1 � work out well for a Very large Bermuda. The other ships forming the the chemical- action of sewage. Mord. ,
hieroglyph for water, a tiger's fade, p . will it b On s, pancake griddle, An egg'or c,
a bat or owl. . raised and glorified, " Largo Concrete Drain. number of the employed class, The -thou. squadron of Sir G. Somers arrived safety An extraordinary endur- t I
Sheep have been lent by & farmer who . sands of casual inale laborers wha form. at Jame8town. * * * The Sea Ven- ante And remain perfect after a severe WO 11 an Improvement.
Often the face is covered by ar mask has not entered for the trial, each one - one of the largest private draiiid in New e2 got A living as, vvindow oloAners, ture, with Sir 0. Somers, Sir T, Gates frost, when brickwork often -fails. It �; - - _
, Ing gardeners and the like have -CaptAin Newport on board, had been is it ipatatial that can be worked and
Vith prominent teeth and tongue which of the trio a member of 4 diffarqiLt : York has recently been oompittea for the anct . Not Altogether Bad.
0.0@7219 to possess scalp of the elements flock, and it fresh lot is supplied to a, New York,Ceptral Railroad to 4rain-tli,6 b � coat ashoro on the Bermudas. Out of moul6d. In any form and maintains its I
-of the tiger, b den Painfully offectod by the act; on,4 the A pplice"Clan saw a mail acting rather
,ut which more resemble now c9ndlaste. A flag is waved And , suburban and oxpress,yar(ls of the uoir - wrock and with the ceda,rs of the form when made. It is also capable of suspiclously tear a, JeWelleTpa one everill
the conventionalized serpent, a. common ployers 'now seek tile services of mail Island. two vessels were built, called the repair, Which I# a point of he small im-
foaturd of Zapoteamil sculpt . the dog drives them from the starting I terminal station at Forty-seocirid. street, engaged by responsible companies ' or . � Ing) and going Over to him,he demand.
uro, and Also point,, while the crowd, hardly -wairmea i T . be yard for the suburban trains covers firms who can give a guarantee against Patience and the Deliverance portance, These pipes improve mater- - ad to kno1v who the man, was and what p
up, watelies him how. he I twenty-four acres and Is abolA forty feet vlalffis for accident, arid this mearis that oil ially by age, and at the ond Of A year he, wanted., �
Fleet! In many of the UiYi% ,sculptures. li � ' B
critically to see meaus the company of 140 in and thi!
There tire many urns whI41 have a flat "frarags." irgt .competitor is ca,u- - below the wifaoe of the street, while men was safely conveyed from Bermuda or two they ring when struck with a I
. imly young, strolig men can got work ,at "-I'm thinking Of opening a jewollerts a
base Find serve as covwo for �oxes or tious and ivell up to lilt work. Ile pro, ! that for the expreag tra.lus is twenty - a, to Jamestown in May, 1609. Sir G. clear metallic soundl, The m(idekn sewers in tw# riellghboilhood,l)
0. 1,To,w the fibarivowan will have to be replied the Man, t
chests. coeds quietly, taking care not to' harry I feet above the skk�urban, and has An - engaged tin -der ,similar conditions, and Somers afterwards returned to Barrilu, of Paris are oonstrueted of concrete. As oand Ifla Watching to Ace If there Is
T40 funeral urns vary in, size and and persecute the tiffild creatures, lint.1 area of fqrty-tivo (takes, The drain has ,great nkis,pry will result to poor old' wo. da with the object of forming a pl4uta- early as 1800 thirty miles of concrete much trade.)'
shape from 16 inches to P,% feet, and direotg them. in a masterly manner round, An ollptioal section forty-eight inches tion. lie died there before big Int-oll- branch (Lad main solvers hitcl been laid. .
were found on the fl ,a,,,, for the Court of Appeal has decide Whereupon the policeman wentork his,
oor In front of the and between the flags with evident If : high by thirty-Wro, Inches' wide, as it a i't d tiorks could be fulfilled. but the, colony In that citY, and to -day througligut EW wev gatrAlied.
door, on the roof.- tb if any person Is efign, 11 to 90 to At Bermuda Was establiaho& The 4eath rope both .�Ape and large sewers are, to ,
fastened Into tile dignified enjoyment of his t&sL-. Hi's ' crosse4 the yards, to the Lexingtoit ave. . At a bou on I fle ivas received at� 11
&00,40, and In niche's olvet the door. They owner Is only allowo Work 9ext morning word
Ixth streot. There It ,,be " a ' 11y n each WOOk in question Was due, Ono may add, to 0, groat ex ent,'111aaG Of this 10teriAl. the 94ti a
_d to guide him, by , and wall At FlorLy.si � I,, ,act A eftlo , _OA tha,t the shopi had been e ,
seem never to have been placed In the Whistling or by waving a stick and the changes to a, circular section six feet in 11141, but & regular work. the Unromantle sequel of eating too lit Antokea, the 'age of concrete sewers is tored sind roblied during the rif ht. The,
burial 0"Kambera, As-tt rule they were wise airlinal, oboys the muto OrAera With diamator. This runs to the lbulkhiad at-, And the dongequotto is that, tild "T' largo a quantity of a partictilarly 46- now beginning to assume magnitude.
(leposited In series of five, and nothing Uncanny comprohonalov. How much pa., sell employing policeman who bad Accosted tto Illy$,
line -On the East River, where it divides hormust give her Ali an. cato roast pig, The worthy adra.ral's Since engineers have become maig, tonii tarlous stranger mid, reflectively.
we* placed fit them, nuity for life If an)r y
Home, how many hours of ""in nto two branches, ea0hL throe feet 111 � accident happang. a petite for pork was not inferior to varsant with the propettiei-W "He may be &AhAfe, but ha's no llarIPO
Ono represents a seated woman, Prob - In 'the ease just decided the 611RI'll'olhark h a appetite for empirel thoir hesitancy In establishing towndrote -PhIlAdelphfa Inquirer.
- ship have led to tbis perfect uua3:9,6'q',.* ' difamoter. The antfro drain Is built of t
,k d bar -thumb with a pin wbI)e It is a common belief that Sbake- to Tapia] disappoArling.-Cement Age. . . _�_ -
ibly some goddess, dromed in a bordered : Ing between man And beast the ruilaiti,, ' concrete With A alininitUm thickness 'A Prl 6 y , -1 �
and cape, and with tC he, . . scrubbing some. steps, with the 'result speare derived the greater part of his Ili. - - ti
skirt tvy baad-1 Atea stranger can only conjecture. twelve inches, voinforce&byl steel rO401 that -lood polsollal !_�' , Thermomstor. S
tLbovt the nook. Vor right hand grasps I Grizzlefate scarcely succeeds as well; And the lilveri lined With & single bourz , g get lif and blio has glilration. for "The Tempeat" from A re, Whaling Shlo Homo, After �41 Years. Itialoker-Wo don't know, how hot we
4 671inarleal object, while the left liand - at this final act of the ttf&l,thelnipott�. '- of hara-l),itned rod litick.-10ement Agp, lost tile Also of bar hand, The married eital of the Auffori'agg ukn the Island of ara till wo look at the thermometer,
In covered With 0, Square object, which Ant operation of panning, At WlAch hit I .1 : , ,,, - I I dOUP16 In WlWie bound tbis bappenea Sir 0. Somors and his ship's eom,)any Tweaty-four years is a long time for a Mookbr�iiilftd we don't know h
' Art�. orderod'tp, pay this easrual ��#orker vbich at f In ortst 'all
I , sent a tallsicat Instrument to master is Allowed to Assist. The dog's How Men And Women ItAce Death. I I . . 1. , I .I � I I I � I.....6-1 11 . , , I 0, . I � t � td A great I dt!al 0 t th.11 to U4 AWAY from Its home Port, but porous we are till we look at t 07 TO .
lftlalrb= by the L-11inder In the right - duty consists fit driving, the s�dtlp Into - . I .. . ... .. � �, _ I � I I __�-� in tile record Of a, whaling barque he st6coi
hand. . the Von of hurdlem, while tire inaa se. v How do man &lid wonijil race ddAth . I � I - 11 I I I . I I ! . that h4i just doelted In New bodford. metric.pt. . - 1p---.- I W
The head in coveted with it sliowyarld cures them by putting up it fourth As whou the isritdrito is pronoixik4od by talo �� Tho, vessel lef b New Zed ford In 1884 for Potfidy often rii��ils uport its atithot, i bi
elaborate hestil dress'. Mroetly above thA gate. In thin InstanCe the,sheep turn on aiietorl A medical mmi tells us llig ox- - I . . e round Cape 1W)i, and slate -14 Fontaine,
forehead Is a fileroglypli, above which the door, stam�lrkg their' tiny round . , porionee. Tell the 1nafL of higher t 0 1 1 � I has been GhgAgea most of the time in j, �'� � " � L , � I I . . . � � tit
I I whaling in hotthernlatituilon. The ship I �
- feet, and it is on Y Aft4r M&DY blan("ah" ho is ffteffig death, and he begins to � briakd nows that the wlt4lfng ships In ilia I
it An. trillao,119 hood, and above AM be And gfeatei. infolligorico, he says) troa I I I I I �. ,
lithA tliat It what Is probably a flint rneftt$ that th4Y 0080ut to "Walk into light, demandff a eousuh4tlon, -t4llo Atlantic Are gofterally makin, .
knifo, rising ftom the rayde back- � in or."' A- time limit is, of course, about gob) , to A eoialistst And-ligbtt I 4hab - �q fitavy -
9rditlid of the hdiii dross, fill's"llive minutes for the eourse and I ow oat, thin. aftftn, T116 whaling bU41.
Another urn reprosenf# a RfanflIng inan, I a finis i. To -11 P. womAn the Or
five nifflutog for the penning gaid, i see grimly to Al �, . . I h6as "kinis to have 6xperienced A revival, AM I I ,
with m, bat)a head And lg#rl,o hari(JA. Tito my neighbor, a stout, apple- facts, And she lice bo* to A%ralt , I amlivith. this Now Bedford, is devOoping , Cl
1�flitres*`VOU seemed to boenjoying
yourself le"t 0"111119, Bridget. I h;ard.
loud laughter ill Via kitch,onj .
Bridget—yes, mum. AID policeman coll.
sin Was After dropplu, Ill to t.(,Il ule ()�
ilia llncle',i deabliv--liarpt,r)a B:kzar.
Jud90—WhItt, is your profession?
IN.Itftess-1 mal. V, poet.
-Jlld9e—TIlUt0S not a profoa4lqn-) it's a
, .
Supererogation, '
Atarchist--Sbail we dyna,mite the can,
did -ate ivilen lie arrive$t
. Cklof—Why Should wo, mi.v 0111.0eIrves
up in it? T116 elti?gna are going to g!Va
A home-colkilligm—priek, I
. I
The Supreme Test,
"Is Gladys pretty?"
"Vily, old man, she's almost as �retty
as her mother thliklo she is."—Harper14
Mean Insinuation.
"Hore is a, book: of love poems)), said
tile leading lady. "I have kept them tin.
del Illy pillow for seven. moioiks!,
"HII, f/houg,Utful!" laughed the ,low
comedian. I
it . b
I Yes you know they say all poetr�,
mpro�6 with age.- .
She—A week (Igo you told me my
husband couldn't live and voir lie's
nearly well. . )
Doctor—I can only express my regretl
The Largest Giver.
I w . ant to tell you of An inquiry of
illy little &year-old Helen. Site attend,%
Sunday School regularly, Retural-l-
home On: Sunday,, she said.: , 0
,lvlama, every Sunda,y the man reitds
how much money each class gives, and
6ben he tells how much Total kives, and,
Total gives more tb4n any one. He must
be & Tldh man. Who is Tow, Mama vf—
The Delineator,
Life -Saving a La Mode.
. The victink—Help! Helpi I'm drown.
Ing. -
Would -be hero—Courage, my brave
InAll' Just Wait until I get 4 rope, a
measuring rod, a Carnegie application
bl�illc two witnesses and a notary pub -
lie. _�olxemkian M;agazrne.
By Mail. I
Lady (to overladen letter carrier)—
Wbat in the world causes such a heavy
mail at this sen"ra
Postman --Oh, the Getthore Correspon.
dence School is bolding -a reurkicm�-Bo-
hemism. Magazine.
. — ,
Righteous Resentment.
"You may put that back in the show.
case," said tire indignaVt Mrs. Lapslivig
to the inilliner. "I wouldn'bieven. wear,
much less buy,- a hat named in honor of
that horrid murderess, Chajiotte- Cordti-
Insisting an Accuracy.
"Did you arrest this mail?" asked the �'
police justice.
"I did not, yoitr honor," aaisweTed the
fficer, formerly a resident of Boston.
'Obviousiy I eoilld. not arrest bull, for
10 was no t in. motion a tile time. I
lierely effected his capture, your honor?'
The Variable feminine.
.DOra (at the pmety) —Geoffrey, you
rmlstn'6 monopolize me'. you kritow.
Geoffrey—Why, dear, I haven't been
onopolizing you,
Dora—Well, Wby havenit youl,,you, at,,.
old thing?
. Bless You, Yest
The question is, Shall the people rule rl�
The Peerless Leader thunitefed.
Villy, yes, (lear air—as in 19o,
Arid Again in 1900. .
Once that genial comedian, the late
atcl�Dailoy, consulted an oeulist about
lie eyes- His nose NvAs small and lit
ould not keep on the glasses with which
he Oculist was trying to fit hint.
"You are not us6d, to glasses, Mr.
la,iley", said tale oculist.
"Oil, yes, I am," replied. Mr. Dailey,
but not so high up."
The Now Heraldry.
"What's that curioug-looking dharm:
oil Are wearing on your - Watch ellain?"
"That is our now coat-of-arms--chaaf-
.ur Tampairt, policeman couchant, jus -
c h etantill—Montreal
tftittlard., I
Force of Ho:bIt.
"Johill JohnIll called the excited little --
"W' -what is. it Lucy ill mutterea the
g baseball player, as he, drowsily.
rned over in bed,
1*11711y ', fbere'S a man downiltalra.0 .
i1v-what's lie doing?"
"Tre"4—he's trying to reftell the Plate.,,
"Trying to reaell tho plate? pat hiln
t, Kelly; put hiln-ont at thiraill-
1100go News. �
ns 1416 lipriglib palm
-nutivived, Close to tRe boay. The lattet
or, t4ko out his WAtch and shako
head. -"I"
net late. all women aTe ;bititlittA. Un
tha other hand, toll a, juan that ho Us
� :
11 i
now Iftiportanoo Which presents 60joe
-mess to Its old time Activity as a
I 04-10i"1111
Prematum Explosion,
19 bound With A loin cloth, ana the f1guro
also hill h larg# moklate. .
The next dog in a juvenile, makIngbit
first appeftmuco in pkilille. )10 bogins
Otto chance in 4 thousand to recover. it
he will underg� ati opL-ratloh, And lid
I Indoors or dutdoors there ia nothiug quito aa -goo4 as .
whaling pott.-Springriold Union.
____64_*ll 1
� "MAd4till," said the stit*t mr con,luo-
tor. "Li this, your linyt"
A thIrd Ora shows ft ma teated on A
"""' ' *'or e they sell bonnots. Ire'll
well, but beeoviet 110tiroun ond fluriltil
and drives ILI
'a sheep to the Wrong side
will traht to his own atrength and, en-
durailto rather than. undergo tha kni1q.
Tile votifth will 6done ilia thousandth
21 Ttlfsauit�-the Shredded Wboat Water, which contains . ,
- ,
An tmpossfIllity. .
Jonee (at side of fticTid Idilea lit ttwin %
"YeS, sir, ho iql' slie snapped. "And t
arn 110L gollig to pay ally fall(,. for 111m `
Wtadst4l or t 0afforin, with foldod krm#.
110.814#8 the olaborato L"Aaddress, the
of the course, The night of his matter14
hied makes him lifirago ill filar-alsion,
ehitneo, and tribmit to the operation
, I - In smiffleat jmlk all the mmle-building, brain-pro(liv-,
. ��
wre00-J`i.'hat vvere his laf4t A
Dev ?
I efthert Tro i.init rivp yklits old �Vtlll
"I didn't
Oi", nt ornamental foattites Are IAtg,d
when tho tethered ono. wtvr Pf bl't stick
vrith wounding t0taftepis, -Wohlhyva
__ � -
I ing qualities, of whole wheat. ,
1.2 , I
Doctor (atit,nding bisr v1ctIrns)Tlk#td 0
drenin of nmkilig you to pay
f4ro for him, ma'anT, I Was only going
,litrrin*4 Ana rows of' boads itftlyfia thri
fleck -itift breast, 68 well 0 the illod
tratkally, and at lent Ili d4fiante of
rulen burAt% out in a mild (mliottialatiou.
Xvieket llnw'do you water the �lant 5
L -
; 71'
1 heftihm
,. '. 'A w .
were none. Ills Wife was preadilt.-B6w I . .
lftngazlno, _;
- I
--to tell You that liAg th�� brighteit and
11 I Iland% 0111fiRt liittJ6 ft�JJOW IIV,A Mt,t,n for
Sttll itft6thor urn felirwhid it lorttAd
"Xo6, laddie, what ba 3,e x1heellul?"
Uy friend the farmer thucklet.
' lwlion ;"Irur 1.
simp-I V 81A t� em
: -19
� ..
,�� SOL' . � 4
- � � D Dry %T,T, GTwr,1,,1TJs b 11 I -
�-.l"..Q.-W�6� � T � , 11
.... _ a
___#+.#___ I , q- �1 .
A n1a I -
n may Ile Mimi to bit owit falt% , Au 2,
r ?... .
f t rsj,�Lts inarly a day."
4 nlM$ lie PILS-Wil Oft d,)Wft 60,1141i�, TOAV.
wu *Ith, bo,tllko hud. Ths 00to 16
ItWhAt'x thl ust, vout %Ut, b4ful
Wo*# (M. us .4;
�� -, .
'1111=JgC��,,,l,l 1, I . 1,
_V411"WAL, - ... .
VA-,Ili—liiiiii-iiimLml"WW . . :i��, I '.
And lie gifte� witli Fto-prid eight what I 0
I 0 .1
th# f4a ta Of thea "0100M44. I .,
ly Im lylg the )Ortl
I - Al dalbt fllwellleft And goutp.
ift for , ,.
6'. ,
, :
� ;i"!,� �U�, " -