HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-09-03, Page 1I I I I �, � 1, I I I I . � I I — ­ � I I— .1 �� ,� . I . . I ­ � I . 11.1 — ... - - ., , _ -"@ ______ . — I 1, ,- I . I I - - - ­­ 1. .� I I . - I I I 36T11 YEAR, NO, 1. I � I __ _' "' * ' ' ­ ' ' i4 'I . WING]EIAM, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13t 1908, OUBSCRIPTION1 81,00 VnR YkAn iN Aov-&m.w. - �- ­ I 11 I " �._ � I I.''. I . . 01,50 To f3twoonixis'As I �X V, 0, — , I- . � ,,, ­ �. 1. _11- ­ 1, � I I �_ . . � , . � 1­_­­­�—, , . . , . LowerWingbamo .'' '. �, � 11%^.O%^~� . � I I - 1. I -_ - . .. L . I 11.1. I I I I I 1. � - , __ � � '''' - I _. . �. . I .. 1. � __� I J Tb r 1. ... . 11 -10V%0-%40.= , I . . e Local Markets, No Signs Here. , , t1andsQuie Prim, , , - '. ­ I . . I . . I "'%�11.h -0,1.tv%e� � — . . . - . 11 I ... I I $VrOMIal's aarket quiet, very little offer- The Votowel .Standard says;—I'Lls- Some of the prizes for the 1.3owling y + �,',� "" r ,*,,,,,,,,,���, . - , J . Grain r � I . . � I —WIse is the man who is able to ' The men Are busy at the flarn ",3 Ing. Wheat, 80c; ciats, 85c; barley-, towel citizens are being given the Tourna . � I 0bumb lRews , . say nothing At the right tirtio. 0 ex� [%e%1_111­1dft0%~y � . . I . , riont to be held. here, Sept. 7, .. . I . . I I . It I ems �'041_lj 71�1 Wl* . I I .. I * * * � cavatlon. still, "d tile cement work Mrs Tlarroll �peilt t I 48o; peas 78 to SWi, bay,, $7; Potatoes, benefit of the keen. competition which a aria 9, are on. exhibition fit A. M. - � ' L:!�,=���. � .has, beeil begun for tha pAvb where Llgqjo;e�, Saturday 140 a 00 to 60c; eggs, 18a; butter, 216 live has sprang tip In the btitcherloo, 'bust- Orawforills window.. They consist Wear Oreer'o Shoes And Rubbers, Mr.. Goo, Mason conducted the. Oar- -People with peppery tempers can, the Waterwheels are to be placed. ness. The town shops are making of MorrIs, chairs, 14 Labor Day� celebration In Wingliabi vices last , Sunday at 13 , � hogs, $0,25, 1 not trothfally claim. to be the salt of Mr, ,04abV4 n I Miss Anvils 04mmings visited Blyth , andsome clocks, luevale, John- � ew house is nearing friends this, week,. I highly creditably displays. and -cases, And out glais. next Monday. � the earth. I - , Social. . , are gentlemeli,lis, toilet ston'a And Rhea - Box , ez,er. * * * completion, and is ready for the plas- Will. Argo of Arva, Is visiting I . selling choicest cuts at very low dishes, The prizes Are much admired. W,&,NTV I I with - The members of Court Tuck, Cana. pric0q.,, D.—A girl for house -work. Rev- 0- X Turk of Toronto has been, —If you put thern on gently, even tering. Mr. Gaunt intends sellin own this week, than Order of Forestera, Belmore, will � I I . Apply to Mrs- R- Knox* Wingbsm- secured to assist Rev. W.Q. Howson ,g Ili's friends in t , porous plasters will becom. I a cloedy at� Whltocha)�pli house and residing here. Mies Vel�n. Stapleton left on Taes� hold a Box Social on Thursday .even- Interment Here. , ,gellstle work I, � . 49, 1 y for Maple Creek, Basic. I pvcolve4 I)r4ft, Town Council meeting next Mon- In evart il Witigham, tached to you. Last Week the gypsies headed to, Ing, Sept, 10th. A , good program is Mr. John E. Anderson, who was H. X, Ro.adhome received on Aug. day. Public School Board, next Tues. 'early In November, ". * * * . wards this'proinised land, ilia Lower Mr. and Mrs, ]Pi. J. Hill spent San� promised, .4 - 27tb, a Bank. draft for $1,000, payable day, —Aris do,y And Monday in Toronto. well-known in this vicinity,, a . � . Rev, Harry 3 F. Logan, g, .4 Ing from the pavement .arid, Town flats, but they turned aside and I , I le in eneral fina, - I . Kingston, on Aug. 26th from, a turbo � r to Mrs. A. H, Simmons, in settlement The Town Public and High Schools cial. agent of the British Methodist rubbing his jarred anatomy, the edi- campqd in the wilderness 4t Zetland, Mrs. Jog. Bradwin bas returned To Our AdVOrlisers. of certificate held by the late A, E. opened on Monday with large Attend. Episcopal Church of Canada, was In tor remarked truthfully —-Banana They used to camp here every sum- from visiting In GAlboand Paris. - in his throat, His remains were .1 , Simmons, Mr. Simmons had been a, a peels make fine slippers," Next Monday being Labor day, will brought here for burial, And inter- ,noe. town last week, collecting in oxid of � raer, but they 4ou't now, AVbat is Alex� Cotitts spent, a few days last be a holiday, The advt,s. we usually me � . � member of the Kniglits of the Xacca- , the work- Among his colored brethren, , . - 4 week with friends in Stratford - . he f I � * * * the reason, they shy off so ? , . set on Monday, will have to be. set o , nt, took place on Sunday, from. bees for 12 yea a and 4 months, and T irst roller skating for the seA- , - n the home of ,big - . I r. I , Rev. Andrew Haull Miss Boyd returned on Saturday Saturd . brother, Mr, Will. son was enjoyed on the Rink on Tues- . ItQn, B.A., U.D., 7 —At the South Huron Conservative NOW there are a few kids ardiind after spending a week in Toronto. ay morning. A kind remain- Anderson, East WawanOsli. Aev, W. bad paid in dues. and Assess,ments the day evening. Of the Hamilton Conference, way be convention at Hensall on Tuesday, the corner here that are getting for Miss Lott. Summers ' branoe . of this will very much Q.. Howson conducted the service, sum of $140, expected to preach in .the Methodiab . of London is assist tip. � . Ladies' Auxiliary Of the Hospital church next- Sund morning a John, Sherritt, of Stephen, secured the beyond their years in bad words and the 811"t Of Misses Mabel and LIIIIAU I Deceased was 51.), years of Ago, ay, . ,n4 , nomination for the Dominion Parlia. bad actions. Of course they Will steal Rowson, * . Auction Sale. * meets next Alonday, in the Conn Lucknow Vs. Wjigbam, � I _ell , ment. There were ten nominated, plums (boys will, you know) but this Bell, Davidson of Hamilton has The last 1, I Bowling Qames, - I Mr. Jag. Nothery of East Wawanosh room, at 4.10 p.m. ., evening.. He comes to Wingliqlia . I ome game of Baseball in with an excellent reputation; be sura and All dropped out except .T. J, Mer, bad language will have to stop or, J. been, spending the past week at his I On Thursday last, four rinks of Kill- Will have an auction sale of stock and The Council Board of West W r him. � . awa- you. hea ner" Zurich, Tiles. Hays, Setifortb, A, Morton will bav'a a Case or two horne-here'. the Lakeside League series will be � .1 Implements, on Sept, 10th. Higfetrus - nosh will meet for general business on . carditle Bowlers came to Wilighaim Rev, Mr. Andrews of Bluevale, ocon. and J. Sherritt, and on the final vote before long, and we!ll bet, he will salt Mr, and Mrs, Adam McKay of Tees- played here by Lucknow and Wi . � 1119' fQr a friendly contest. The followl�g in Wawanosh And also'one In Morris. SepL 12th, at 10 o'clock, pied the pulpit of tile Methodist - the last,nan er spent Sunday 4t Mr. Fred. ham, on Friday next; game called At . . ,led beaded the list. jqr. them well. Hope they Will take this w -%t . will be offered for sale at the game church last Sunday, .arid gave two Sherritt was elected to parliament. in hint. Volinqton's. 4 p.m. The last game played by these is the score, showing "Wh3gliam. vic- - Urn The Wingliam. Evaporator is now tors by one shot. .a, and it not sold will be leased. open for business. Bert. Wilford of Practical sermons In the evening, 1000 and was regarded As a capable Yes, bore we are on deck again, 'Mayor Holmes and wife are spend. teams required seventeen innings to See bills for particil Rev. Mr. E aw ' . Wingbam Xincardin � lars. R. H. 0 - Blyth is again in charge. ards of Mount Albert. an . Ing this eek with friends in Toronto complete, so close was the score. The - 1). T. Retiburn 27 Dr., McDonalea 17 DiSO will be the auctioneer, ar nt,ti and prainstaking repres, ,ve. lie with our burg to the,frobt. This Lime and Harallton, I . . The d Rev. W. J. Brandon of Port Col. l ' . . � boys want a good attendance as - G. 0, Manners 17 -�-W - � r R. A. Hutchison is engaged with S. an a congregation'. . is a successful farmer and an honor- it is with big fish. Last week Hiram Rich. flow -Ion, of the fla,nk of Corn- expeases are heavy. A� Crawford IS Dr, Brace 12 cent clown, the balance as arranged On Sunday- next at 3 o'clock there * I . . 1* I atson - 21 terms fo the fArms will be 10 per borne, were in. th' able and I . Gracey as assistant in the furniture upright man Smith! yanked out A big, mullet, weigh- � �nerce staff, is visiting at St. Marys L. W. Hanson 10 R. Ross : 21 , and undertaking business, N I ' * * * Ing 7r lbs. Thip fish had'been Ili the and other points. ' — and for the stock, fourteen, months; N� III be held in St. Paul's church, a. . war,q, for imbedded in big flesh were Mrs. T. S. Brandon is a Y. M. C. A. Meeting, . Totals T2 71 credit for sums over $6, . Bandmaster Jarvis has removed his Childrell'a F lower Service. The child. —Prospects largely depend on the - penditig A A large number of young men niet - . several grains of shot that bad been few weeks with friends At Seaforth I . family to Montreal where he has a ran will meet in the Sunday school at point of view. Even if one has a good there for some time. Mr, *Smith tbud other points. Tueadfly evening in the Y. M. 0. A. Sept. Z4 ;lad 25. One Leg Brolieo. . situation in the G. T. R. shops. . 2.80 P.M., each with a bouquet of flow� , � . view -point, bias may produce undue thought he had 41done'it", but -his Miss Lizzie Plenty returned this rooms, and enjoyed a, program of - � optimism. Take for Instance the po- These are the dates of the Pall Fair. Mr. Samuel Porter of Owen Sound , Timothy for fall seeding for sale.— eta. Thence marching in. procession litical outlook just now regarding the daughter, Mrs. Robt. Groves., simply week after spending a month on the speeches and other entertainment, The hall will be open in tl�te evening of . (formerly of Wingham) an employee Goo. X ]King. I into the churell. wi I offer, their flowers lake shore nea,r Wiarton. . .1 . took down her pole, baited the hook . Mr. Musgrove was prevented from the Zltb, so that'townspeo to God for the sick children in. the I . .. approaclaing Dominion elections. The - * . pie can see at the Owen Sound Iron Works, was. Quite a number of our citizens Are hospitals of -Torcinto and London. . nicely, and soon landed a whopper Mrs. GOO. Carr returned home on giving his. address, but It may be ti�e exhibits *to ad* vantage. The pro- the victim of a serious accident on taking in the sights of the Toronto Flowers will be provided for those Globe emphatically Aedlarela—"Noth- , &,fitarday after spending a month At expected Thursday evening of next �' Ing short of a political eartbquake, of mullet weighing eight Pounds, so she Tilsonburg and Brantford. gram of special attractions may be seen Thursday last, He was assisting to Industrial ]Mxhibition this week. . �- which there are no signs, could con- is the champion fisher of Lower Town. . I week, The Association extends A in full. on page 5, so that it is not load a heavy casting, when the weight who maynot have them, There will MIMS Etta Mulvey of "New York, cordial invitation to 411 young men to . vert the Government's great majority 'You Upper Town folks are simply ri�ot who has been visiting her parents come and spend a pleasant evening necessary to repeat them , here. . -of the casting caused the dray to shift. Miss Houghton is home from her be a short suitable service, with an ad- . . I "in Wtill you can beat Mrs. Groves., . here, has returned to herhome. I Win . � vaoation at the lakeside, and will be dress to children and young people, by into a rillnorlby." On the other band, . gbamt Citizens' Band and Lack- The tongue flow round and struck Mr the Toronto Xev�s is of the opinion . The sketch of Lower Town history Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Mulvey of Ohio- with them, . . now Pipe Band will be present on the Porter on the right log, breaking 1* 'prepared to resume her classes next the Rector. Donations of flowers will . t week. . I . that-11Tbe results of the S"katche- 11 last weeles Advance aroused con- ago were in attendance at the golden Baseball (lames. Afternoon of ilia 25th. See also notice' below thq� knee. The' injure -d man be gratef ally accepted, All, are coral- , - siderable interest, and Awakened a wedding of the fortner's parents. of Grand Concert in the evening of was removed to his home, Union St., Town taxes are due now and pay- ally invited. wan elections taken in . connection � . I . - . . one Wingliam won from Kincardine in the 25th, of which further announce. and the broken limb set. It will be able At any time up till Dec. 14. Aftel" . . with the Provincial contests in New train of memory in past days, by.g miss Marjorie Fishtsr left'Monday the gairte played here on Thursday -41- 1 1 . I ec, seem events, and reminiscences of men for Leamington, where she will teach ment will b; made. Read the whole - some weeks before be is able to that date, five per cent. more, - Fon SAL-n.—A-secoud-hand furnace, Brunswick, Ontario and quell . And . I . . on the Public School staff of that last; score 7-9. Strike-.outs—Wing, program on page 5. . , resume work, The fracture is a Please, in good condition. Apply -to. D I to allow that the Laurier eovernment women now gone to their long home, town. I I . . ham, 7; Xincardine, 11. Hits. fc�i the - I . r. I will not survive an ippeal to the coun- Two of our'citizens stood watching I . � I severe one, both bones . being For 85, eta. new subscribers can have ' Kennedy, . I . Mrs. Kennedy and daughters Shoe competition—E. Hammond and Officers Elected. . broken, I . . . try." How wide apart these 'two au- the digging of ,the new flume, when rpturneSDN� Tuesday after spending 1. Aitcheson, each 2-, Britton and Bar- - the ADVANCE and Montreal FAM- thoritles are I Between the two, the men struck some old timbers that the summer at their lilkeside hoble, rett, 1. At Goderich The annual meeting of St. Paul's �' ILY HERALD from now until the * ' there is room for speculation. had been'bilried foi- -years; probably Kincardine. . on Monday, branch of the A. Y. P. A. was held on We Eater 36th Year. . end of 1008, Miss- Elizabeth E'. Griant l Wingham lost to Godericl, by a score ' . those firribers belonged to the - first Mr. and Mrs. John Glendenning and of �_5. .Monday eve'g., and was well attended. With this issue, the Advance enters Tometer of Piano, Theory, Harmony and . 4 * * I I The Epworth League meeting next Interpretation, Pitphs repared for I I . . � . : sawmill erected by the-'ritsbar bro- two sons have returned to Wallace. tie 'Wingliam struck out 7, Gode- the election of officers resulted as fol- Its 36th year.. If vallity wm the edi- Conservator 'b 11. On the Shoe competition, no I week will be ,7 or L?niversity bnrg, after a visit with Mrs. GA bro- I held on Tuestley even- ' examinations. Terms on I �� —Colonel J. M. Gibson is to be tbe- thers. ,This carried the thoughts back - ows:—Patron, Revo 0. R. Jeakins; tor's besetting sin, he blight almost be ing, instead of Monday. Everyone application. I I 1. . � I . new Lientenant-Governor of Ontario. wherr this wa's a busy spot, when the ther, W. D. Pxingle, .1 player got more than one bit. Ross of P esident, Miss Eo Porter; Ist Vice- proud of his success I . a furnishing 11 made welcome. � He was born on a farm Ili the t . Own- beaver was here, the mink and the Xr. Ja%. and Allas Aggio Stewart of Kincardirter was umpire for both r , to STUDIO — 1ST F L0OR­XAc1)ONAL1) BLO= Wroxeter and Miss. Millia, Abram of garnes. 1 $ Pres,, Miss h. Roblniidn ` 2nd Vice, T. newsy local paper, as stiflo to . ship of Toronto on New Year's Day,, muskrat plentiful, , 'Tis. said that 'Stratford,were the guests of the Mls- ' R. Robinson; See., Miss 'Lizzie F lenty ; �' Almost daily by one or more" of his Miss Violet M. Shark lef V this week I � . . IM,, had An excellent career at, the Bradwin!s pet rat was a desciendant of sea Abram last week. Thrpe rooms to let on Leopold street Treag., J. X McGuire. Committees many readers, We are pleased, how- for Palmerston to resume her position MISS SPARLING � University and the law school and an- the old tribe, but it is feared that he Dr. , near Victoria, With summer kitchen, and collectors were appointed, and An ever, to know that the pabl in tbe dressmaking department of ' . program has been plAnned - ly appreciate our efforts, and th . . � - Land Mrs. Gray, returned to their cellar, hard and soft water, . Apply on interesting' io general- Graduate of Toronto Canseivatory of Music a I Skelton & Howe. and authorized Teacher of the rietcher tered the practice of law in Hamilton. too, has fallen a victim to the buntees hom in St. Paul, Minu., last Frid"Y' premises.—Miss K. M. Fisher. at our Music Method, Sy ex and Kinder- aving stu ed this method . From 1860-1895 be -was at! active main- shot. Those were the days -when the after rpending several weeks with the changes are also free to acknow- The Advance welcomes Mr. and with the originator at Syn - I - . for the winter meetings. The f1rat ex garten (� M.91 � . bar of the militia, retiring as colonel boys and girls delighted to gather latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mulvey. Inspector Busy. meeting will bis held on Sept. 14, And ledge the merits of the Advance. We Mrs. Tariff back to'Witigham, their thetio School, Now York,) . of the 13th regiment. As a young - around. Granny TrembI6 and have L Miss M' A. Netterflold has returned License Inspector Asquith has been the Society will weeb every alternate intend to relax -no effort, and to. all former home. They will reside in Pupils i Prepared for Consevvatn Examina . : ' inqu he was secretary of, the Hamilton tb6ir fortunes, told, but mighty few of FrOrIl vi'Siting her sisters in Algoma, . t one both in Theory and la;no. . L . Tennyson Glanville of Cutler returned After the law -breakers in Goderich for Monday. I our Patrons, and to our correspon- their cottage, on John street. Classes open dth Sept d . euts, whose praiseworthy efforts we ant so . mothing For information regarding tuition, ft., apply � I � Reform Association, and -,vas elected them ever fell heir to the "fortune." with her to attend High School selling in prohibited hours. On 1) h of Mrs. Biebl, sincerely appreciate, we tender our .! .- to the Le&islature in 1870. He was, in Many will remember Isaac, her blind � here. cat You'll certainly W at her home on Minnie St,. - Thursday last, Fred. Desjardins, bar- now in Footwear for LAbor Day., The , * various Cabinets as Provincial Score- son. . He it was who played the fiddlO Mr. and Mrg.­ William ,Giles -of tender of the British hotel,aciderich This week, -we regret to record the sincere thanks. The constant growth best awaits you here.—W. J. Greer. . ^ . tary, Commissioner of Crown Lands, for the boys and girls ' Frks, N. Dakota, who have was fined $10 and .' death of Mrs. 0. Blehl, of this town, of one 8tibs6ription, list ls indeed a . . and.finally as Attorney -General. The when the house Was emptied of the been spending a few months with . coati;, or $17-88 I Rev. Dean Davis, brother of Mr.`H. _f""WffiW"WfiWMW0MW""W - . -duties of the office axe not Onerns, and furniture, and it was "down the cenm Mrs. Giles? sisters, ,Mrs. T. W. Coles all . . On Monday E. X Swarts, pro- Who after an illness of several weeks, moA encouraging featur.e. Davis, Wingbarn's Custorns officer, - the salary is large, so that the new tre" and "swing your par�nek" until and Mrs. H. Hawthorn, in town. and prietor of the same hotel was fined $50 passed to her eternal rest early on . I was elected Vice High Chief Ranger, 3: other friend, -in Howick, returned and costs, $65.24 In all. The same day Monday morning, The deceased lady Be' Careful, at the SIst sessiou of the High Court I � Lieutenant -Governor will no doubt daylight streaks Appeared in the east, home Tuesday morning. I Fred. bavis, proprietor of the Bad- will' born irt Prussia; she was in her Two more,eases Are reported, where of the Independent Order of F oresters i I discharge the duties acceptably and. F reenian Trerulble. was another son, a - . . fiftieth year, The family removed to death. ha's been caused by mistakes in last week. me. � . have a very comfortable time for the hunter of renow�, whd lived -,v � I ford was fined for second offence, $100 Wingliam, about four years Ago I - ., � next few years, . . I%ere . I . and costs, or $115.24 in all. The toll , aria faking poison for medicine and people I "The Swellest Ever" * � . relics. It seems as If .1 I ons . .. . * . Gen. Phippen now has his museum of dq.se the.kid got when he was found Inspector says he is getting tired giv- Mrs. B' I with the rest of the family, cannot be too careful and keep pois of agents - �: � -the "hunting"' gail4y. Where Mr. Sillick lived, held shortly at Ethel G. T. - R. depot. . * 'Ing warnings, and others may look Was a respected member of the Metho- far &Way from, Medicine. One is re I P41 dist church. She leaves four sons and - The people of the community will be I ".- -That the members of the Whitney ,stuck to the premigesfor George loves out old Air., Carr, the tailor,' Whose out. We don't hear much' of tl�e ported from near Seaforth, on Tues 6 �y tE - week, when Miss Bona * their promises to bestow larger grants Game was more plentiful In those Towno Sunday Schools were few in They were 0; 'The Men Widow W4 � . I Government have more than fulfilled the bound, tbe.gun nrid, the chase, sons still ply the needle in Upper doings of some of the other Inspectors two d ' aughterl, besides her sorrow- day of last sorry to see the Smith family t e�move a upon the schools. in t in the county, except that they draw 6trleken husband. Interment took Case mlitook carboli-c acid for medi- -formerly residen a *! � he province has days a -Ad gains wardens not so often these days, and many instead of bein ' place in Mildmay cemetery on Wed- Wingharn. I �_! , 9 their salaries. Inspector Asquith has elite, and death resulted. Another . JUST ARRIVE, D. * � been amply demonstrated. This 'year seen prowling aroutid. Gen. Green, "brought up" properly were like nesday. No one can be missed more fatal case occurred in Listowel. On �_ � , collected oypr $1,800 in fines. The cement abutments for the new ic MERRY WiDow 11 Perfume i-. - Mr. S. J. Parker, treasurer of Grey Co., the wittiest Irisbroan now in Wing. Topsy-who said 1-1 specs I growed'" from. the home than the mother, and Mon tied bridge north of the G. T. R. have been I .. � . I` ­ day last, when the men retur _� - I I has received as a public grant to the ham, was one of our -merchants; he and Sundays were often days fordog- 'A Unfirersat aenlus. . the bereaved family, have sincerest to work at the woollen mills they completed. The contractors for the 3 ast arrived. Come in *_ � � public schools the sum of $12,21S, As came in here in 1802, and kept a gen- fights, fl§bing, etc, True, Mr. Flack ,, , sympathy. and sample it. It's * . 1 - compared with $5�,863 in 1000 and eral store, Then there was the New. started a Sunday School in his tan �hls is what the Teeswater News . found Arthur Brook, son of the pro- iron superstructure are expected this F4 ' � sweet and lasting ' le I $11,895.80 in 1007. The special grant loves and Robt. IrWin, whose aged nary and did ,What lie could to better calls N.V. 1T, Greeni and we are wait- Hicks'On September Weather. . priotor, aged about 21 years, lying on week, or as soon as they complete the a - for equipment this year b,mounts to partner i , the floor very Ill. It was learned bridge they are erecting in Gorrie. ti - I 'a still with its, though some- conditions. This reference to the tan- itig to see what our townsman is The presence of the Mercury period, lat ' � V41 :�__ $2,742, the equivalent of this being � What the worse Joi; the years. Local nery r*mInds us how, at might, the going todo about it, ThbNewssays: central on the 3ed, together with the at that he bad taken sulpburie acid Monday next (Labor Day) our store F_ contributed by the country. In this .0 tion wasn't thought of and Blake� boys would shut off the water from "Toeswater has its first tall, brick . in mistake for medicine, from the of- will be oloqed All day. Read ad. on Kodaks Films * . . P -increasing force of eartWe autumnal facts of which he died about three page 5. Willis & Co., sole agents for I .-S, ' ^ County the grants for 1008 are as fol- soy's arid James' hotels were well Pat- Ymr.- Flack's little dam, and then with chimney. On Tuesday evening the equinox, will cause a, continuation 'Of hours after being discovered. . Victoria shoes for ladies, also Albert .�E . , last row of bricks was laid n the pow- I � . lows: ronized. McGregor was- a taj,or ; it scoop shovel, throw out 'the front 0 unsettled weather. A regular storm � and Derby shoes for wert. :;:, East Huron ................ $ 7229.80 Calder, a sawyer, Milne, a platterer, from the bole below the dam, while er house smokesta,ek and the structure "k_. � 1- :%_ * I period is central on the Oth, extend- Barn Burned. . . West Huron ............... 8060.00 is now in use. That universal genius, Invitations are out announcing the U -S Separate Schools - . _ - I ­ I I 1. 575.00 and nobody could foiget old Parker, Sarn Lockridge, or somebody else, W. H. Green, himself did the brick Ing from the 4th to" tile Sth. This ' marriage of Lillian, the youngest I . I - who Wits so fond of his "chewing." watched Flack's house to. give the period is At the culminating crisis of Oil Wednesday of last week, the daughter of Rev, W. G. Howson, of I- I Total . .............. $15,864.80 Did we have it constable then P yos, alarni if he stirred. Of cour laying, putting down, or 111) if you Tolinston. of Turn- � __ - these vastly increased old Loakie WIctean, now retired in Phippen so Geo. Ifte, the 14,000 or thereabout, bricks in the Mercury period and promises ,to barn of Mr. Robt. J Wingliam, to Mr. Victor Jermyn of � J. walto MCKNOU -'� . . By means of never took part in any of � bring some decided storms. Storms berry was discovered to be on fire. Morris. The day set for the happy .- __ � - nine days; which we understand is The fire spread rapidly, and �he baril _Z. I grants educational affairs all over the Wingbarn, Arid County Constable Bur- these thingsi Nobody ,would ever which may have been sighted off the event is September OLh. I It ..,k county are progressing 1%,pidly,, And rows, also of Upper Town now. Both think of blaming such a model good good *ork on a round chimboy. The gulf regions prior to this period will and contents ,were *soon destroyed. . DRUGGIST 2% I there is every indieatil;n that the pres. were then strong, able-bodied mail, boy for doing such tt,lcks. But it was 8tadk Is 75 feethigh, there being 50 The driving, house And pig pen were Major Annie Cowden, who has had I A e_� I I feet of brickwork on a 25 foot base of gain new Iffe, and energy during the also burned. Had it not been for the charge of the Rescue work of the Sal- * . ant policy of liberality on the part of bat 'now are bob as 'Young as they f Uzi for the boys to tie 20 eta, worth of 4th to Sth, causing so vore and perhaps . the government will be continued and used to bei We 411 reraember Jack. firecrackers or, the knob of -a neigh. eon&ote� So there will be no putting I � extended. . SO!' and Orr, the merebantq, Robert bOr's dbor� touch them off and watch tip of new steel stacks every ,$rear or destructive visitations Along the south Rasistaned of the neighbors, the house vation Army in Australia, 'has been LZZ�Wnw; � cottits arid Inland toward and ovtir the would also ha7e gone. The barn Was visiting relatives in this vicinity. She I - I I I I I Radie and hi's talented fanlfly� Not results. This burg was then called so, A sted stack is All right while great lakes. As early as the Ah or' full of this year's crop, And nothing will visit friends in the West on her - — . . call we forget old Thos, Nettet-fleld, Slabtown, and those were the days wood is used for fuel, but the gas from 5th, the barometer will indicate grow- wAs saved, bat the bAy-loadet, mower way to the coast, before returning to _.. . ' Whitechurch. and his bous, 'William, James, John# when weddings %veto always followed soft coal soon ea,fs it away.)$ Ing storm conditions in western 11*11A stid, wag9cin. A� ware belonging tt) Australia. A � . � . . . . I � ­ ... .. . ... I - Thomas, and his danghter, Mrs. Dun- by a llserenade," one of these waA a I I southern extremes, 'During Sunday Mr. Nichol was also burned. Tile loss Miss Janet MoVannell, M.A., who _ . Mr. E. Everritt spent a day la Kiln- can Groves, Sortie of thetri tire gone, wild time at the 'resIdence of Mrs. County examiners. Is be&v-y, and especially at this time of Was teacher of Moderns arid Englisht 'tie this week. ' . , and Poo . natal . Ill. Then there wi Wflson* mother of Mrs, Jas. Look. The Board of Examiners for, the the Oth to Tuesd6y the 8th , the year. It is thought that the fire I but a � few remai is sibly over the Oth and 10th, head con- in Wingliant, High School but resign - Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Anderson of old Mr, tockridge and big sons, galaq, ridge. The terms then were 11$$ or County- of' Huron met at Seaforth Oil diltions will 15ring decided September wais caused bY friction Of the wind' ad in the Summer, hAs accepted a. sim- $2,950 Cleveland ate the guests of Mrs. SAt. Robert,* James, John, Joseph arid the, beer," And It was g6nerally, "the Saturday, Aug, 20th. There were pro- storms progressively to most parts of mill, willeh was In motion 4t the Uml�- III&V Position With, Brampton High I Moore of the village. Williain,. some of Whorn still weather beer," anyway In those &yj, N 'a sent D. Robb, B.A,, J. Elgin Toni, and . Theta was insurance on building and School, at a Salary Of $ or I I the country. The Sth to th6' l5th is at low per - . O*tl Miss XAmle Patterson of Wilrigham. the blasts of the year% but Are show. it yet forgotten how Robt. Mooney I. H. Catbilrdin. After 'routine busi, the Annual crisi's of magnetic Antagob� contents, but even then, the loss and anallin, 5hoes : is staying with her brother during I Ing the marks of age. Of course we and Robt, Sluall. cAlub do%,Vb to Slab- nesu the Boataconstaored the case of ,sin between the earth And gun Inconvenience of sheltering stock will . BVY Tint BEST I—The Hngar and - � - Mrs. PatteraoWsabsence. - 0,11 remember Rich. SrIgley, the Vvheel- town and dftlaied waron the younger. those who had passed ilia Model Within a period of about five days,' be considerable, Empress Shoes fov Ladies, The Invic. ­ I . a, n tag aria Slater Shoes for men, excel ,Mrs. X. Pattersbn left on Tuesday Wright And Painter �, his Son, Georg � Inhabitants thereof, bat'were d6feat. _ Sehoolexamirtation In, December 1007, taking the 10th avi the ce tral. day, tt , for a holitlay -, she intends visiting is still a resideat, And his daughter,. I td, Of ,Course our present Cobstable but who had not obtained their tion- will be most mattival. that many eqttlii- Labor Day Celebration. All Others, Manufactured in CAnadav . we haven't 0, thing against - Toronto, Buffalo Arid other points, Mtm. G. Phipp6n, is also here. Thetr 11OVer had a Anget, in thi's nor, the professional standing. By e6gulation —W. 1. Greer, sole ageriti our u6ighbors. We avd Aimply � oetial storms aud seismic perturba- Next Monday will be celebrated &a selling splendid Shoes lot .. For .35 eta. new subscribers call have.. there Wits Robt., Nelson And Joe, tina wedding serenades, apd the Wonder of the Rdneatich. DePAftindtit, County tions. should odcue. Behind these Labor Day by the Citizens' Barld Apple dealers express the opinion, , I . � the ADVANCE and Montreal VAM� Atiothor daugliter,Mrsi. Hogg of Grey. � is how he kept out of all tilts tun, It -Boards have no Authority to grant 31d storms, beginning in the f-ar, north,-, , and Baseball Club, 131yth arid Wing- that the crop of winter fruit Is innn,b , : ' ILY 11V'RAT'D from ,now ontil, the old Mr' PillpPen, the coopor, 13tuce must have been a tert-lble Atr"glej class oettificates'. such certificates are west, stt,y about the Iltb, look for haih juniors play baseball at 0 a. M.i lighter than that of 1007, but of a ' TWO FIFTY - end of 1008, I the psdrit6r, Dr, Selgley &,ad Dr. Gar� - But if you Aoabb rby w6ril, ju,t ask in future to begranted by the Depart- rapid and very decided changes to And Winghain seniors And Fortuna& distinctly better class. There will be They tire the best Sho(ts for the ; ' net! tire tot altogether forgotten. Nor G0Org6 yourself how It was ho'mau- merit, The Seoretar� - of the Board high b, less "windfalls," which practically Mr. 1. It. Johnstort mid. Mrst F Wier was therefore instraotea to get the %rornoter, boreal galas and � at 10.30, In Afternoon, winners of ftiohoy wo ever saw or sold. haveliaA thoir dwellfoga treated to it can, we forget how R, A� Graham (now Aged to keep out of all these actapes. much, coolor Weather:' Anothet, rqu- morning -game" play Rinem-dino, for at MeAbs it failing off of evaporator I We have them for co&t of p4inty which adds tootiderAbly ofUilkv Town) used to, warn asoht Thasame George still has tin old lan, nob-professionAl certificates of those latt, storm period covers the 15th to prize of $30, There will also be foot� a0pplios. . to their appearance. Mr, X, Patter- to do road work, for he was pathmas- ,4.ern once owned by out first sottiot, who had obtained them, send them to Igth, with moon at last quatter on the 'races top boyo, girls, old nien, fAt men, The II avon Old Boys' Association of Men, .op Women , ,ter, Ile lived where Win, C'pulk- Ed, F406Y, one, of the four square the Education Department with it 17th, 18th and 10th, The thatacter of and prizes for the best looking babies Toronto will as usual have a tent 01A h sort did the work. shank now lives. It is said ,that it, kind Intended for candle, not Mr. statement 'that they h6A passed the the storms will be plaffil'g, Indicated, Arid twilris. Then unothier baseball 'the Vair grounds dming the two I nt at Of LeMbera — new Jamts — The boys of WhIteellurch are think, those (16y%, beer wAa A't becetiga;vy to Ansley beAts that, for he hos,auothet- Model School exablintition In Docent. well m4do—nothing tile matter Ing of organizing A gun. club In the do road Work, #A a, shovel, &fid how of 111%rley's old I&ntdtn@, :Chat ,novel, bar 10011 And got third class cortiff- Trially hours before they spp6at by the ma,tch for thc� second prize of $20., weeks of the X&I.Ional V.-tpoaltion. with the Shoos, Ths prim fit a 4q' village, which if A suco6jv, Will iorin' the dift 414 fly, when the bear ailed tip had Afi.v 91&09 ; Itit four sides Are of eat -68 for them. The -Board Alto deeld. rgAdirig of Any relittble barometer, and The 'Tug of War will tttktj place It will be lowea in society now, � - little wrok—thatla 411. Talto a the direction Ana force of the wind between Tavuberty and Morris, and opposite the Transporthtlon Building, look tit them 'Wondeffal shoes. A good, source of ablasefftenb during the ShOVOls, Of course Kirby the " tint pleftild with small holes to let the 04 to gthllt CW613,910114 Of third 01400 currents, The eentre of the darth's Another bioeball blateh, Listowel twa and all 11aronitea ttre toqnestod to , They'll do their own talking. I the coming winter, bAker will 'not be fargotteu, fot thl. light shind out. Parley was it great d6rtilleates 6A heratoforo,—Geo. Baird, � 11 ­­;' I ­�­ 1" '' ­­ ­­­­­� - . . ,Sunday next Is the abbiversAty -of that, the boys arid girls ware earl � !V Arid T110ko , ituttimnal ,equinox falls Olt the 22b4. Wirghaim juniors. There will also be � make It their heAftlartem duling ' t for star -gaze . would ba,0e no Sec., Clinton, As the month goes out low b4pometor fancy drill by Misa Ilonght,oula class dleirstay'. . _. : the Methodist Church here, ttov. X, brisad. MAny -it loaf was all I-Ight show A# a, weathav pr6phet,o Ifold Wed . sto Ila tat Irminkg 4tia, vallset . I Was Wive, Ned,could Always tell YOU , DA. OV9148ri, M. 1)" 3�41idofi, TIY46 Aria ata gebetAl storm colldItions, will be of youbg ladies, In the aftotboon, school shoes tot, -the gh-18 Arid boys. - - -1 � uvitigatorle, Mitchell, will Preach 4t, 11 when 16 *69 handed out, but the mbro about, the woa,ther thrin lie knew Har Surgoon, will be . at MeXibbon's In trantlt froin west to 6xit. 13Y the golitlemeli 'Will dr -16W for kL Wideb, Ana 1110 1,111f,stlon about It; we Ave giving � - i I J I a : , tile ,any Previous. Man�, A time, old 13MAI tio-tut , dednom, .04a 11 sea —NVIIIIS & 00,, sole agent for Albert - ' ' R - �, 111,311, and 1.30 P.M., mid Rev, R. 9. 'Wablinghot bi,00d. was a temptittion � bUt Oduld borplied on to tell yottl eat. drug storej 01, Wednesd&Y, SOPt- 23vd- - 20th and Wth wide arom of bloudid-Ma in the evening Nome fortunate 144y tbe beAt value In town, &na in ;kddi- I � NVInShAnx at 0 pan. Mr. Liv. abd by tile Ulna it got home the h,a&i,t rectly Whitt kind of wath'ar we 11 04tArAct, 6%alilbo f4flint #yeti�ht, line[ riLin Will develop, bringing In a will Win another watch tit tile Pro. tIon, enit-0 POncil, box with V Y P I , 1*910116 letttltbb Oil XO)3d&Y 6*9bitig *A$ 900904 Out by lit1lb flog , Oho a 16h 1 , J, GREE " I Wet of 00# - , 'general spoil of arittimaid VAIrl, v�fucl nvedAdo 0dileart. Tile PAnd in at- f er 1% N wo No w As stlick fond I tatfi gave tra,&t6d and k1wood proparlr AtWL And net by Mines foil men and Victorik%, ou "The litunvi'Volde.11 'it toted so 900as fA;r better thitu the oh,A,ao to tht borli., Unt an � shoos for wortlisn' ..W.� ­� -- 7-.-- - -1 1� ­ �,�, I �� more 44011, uOurk-9 to 0 P. m. , I 0oad alftateastb1cwMther. 11aft4twilaitIl4ay. SoebAbilbillAr, I I I ­1­1­111.­,'��­ �_2�`- , . � . I 1, i f . . I � . Nj - . ,� � - M. I— ­ . Wj� , , _L _ L � . I . .�� . � 4 . I �.� � . , , I I , . I I � I � , [ 0 0 11 - I . , I i 1. � . �*" in . . � . I � _%_11&11"_;Af A=A_dL__, .. , Akka�,. � , L_ WL7allt 1 IC2 �L ! I .. ...A,A"g& 11�= i 11 I � 0 % - __ _ -I,- �,,, g_ 1A&W,,iAtJA21iiW,"..L11C2 *_ I",.- A�,� __­_v_`_,�_,.2,�__'__ ___�__ - - __ - .., _., -A ��L. ­ -A�9�11 t - - L !_.;�.___ - - - - - - - — — __ - - dAb - � .-A