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The Wingham Advance, 1908-08-27, Page 8
IN WhiteChorch.r.. Morirls, T d 1 S IrOC 5 g . pargain 0 Wat1t 0 Ur ra .e Mrs, Jas, Moore Lias her sister from The council suet August 10th, ac- Mr. Thoo, 11operaft spent Sunday the Soo visiting her for a few clays, cording to adjournment; members t►i1 in this part, OVEQUICKLY Gordon Duncan left on. Monday for Torollta, where he lla& a situation at present; minutes of last meeting and lead and passed, Mr. Herb, Ifenning has gone to ManitobaManitobafol' a trip. _ T. Baton's. ITenders `1` were received .for the con- The farmers in. this, part are almost Mr. George Mowbray and family struotion of a 01 it cement arch over through with their• harvest, lett on Tuesday the 18th far the West, Y the Cole .drain At lot 0, on Oth .con, Mr, N, of London is visiting ' This w111 draw to, e one of the most suc• a close where the intend to racks Choir y On motion of Taylor and Shaw, the tender of Vint & Love at $150.00 was of at the home of lvlr, Wm. Minos, week cessfal summer Sales we've even had, We've still a good home, We wish them success in the glorious West, accepted, being one of the lowest. John i11r, Jahn Bartle tonic the services selection of MUSLTNS, LAWN WAISTS, WITITFWl AR) We are very sorry to have to state A deputation from the village of Belgrave appeared, requesting a grant in the Church Sunda last. y Mrs. Srigley, who has been visiting etc,, and parties wanting any of the above will make good that there are still stumps on Queen to aid them in building cement cross- here returners to her home in ' the motley interest on ..'.here....... street, Whitedburb, but nevertheless such is the case as Mr. Rintoul knows legs and sewer connections, On mc- `.Cornute, 'invests . , 1..... 1 „ „ to his d�iscomforture, tion of Campbell and Taylor, $10 was The School; No. 13, Howick and granted to aid in Clio work. Turnberry, is open after the holiday,, Another Shipment of Those Flannelette Blankets. The anniversary of Whitechurch Shaw—Campbell-]-That owing to illcharge of Miss Jewett, - Methodist church will be held Sept. the lateness of the evening train, the Mr. and Mrs, Arch. McMichael of The $1.35 kind, for ...... 01.00 Tile $1,00 kind, for ... ,,.7$c a and 7. Rev, Jas. Livingstone of reeve"and elerkbe instructed to Pres. Wroxeter spent Sunday at the home Mitchell will preach on Sunday and ent . requisticln to the Railway au. of iciVficLael Of this plane, THE', BEST EVER — 10 pieces oil pare Linen Tabling, g, 25o lecture on Monday, See posters. Ida thorities to have the station at Blue, vale heated and furnished wrt-h light ITiosA s Archie McMichael, sr., left on GO inches wide, regular bOo—f ....................... Miss Everitt returned on Mon- Monday last on a visit with her Our stock of General Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots day from an extended visit to Kincar- dine, whither she went to recuperate in seasons when necessary—carried.-daughter, The Treasurer presented his half, Mrs, E. Higgins of Bel - and Shoes, and everything kept in a first-class - her health. We are pleased to 11e al. yearly statement and on motion of grave' general Store, is complete. that she is much benefitted by her so- Campbell and McCutcheon the same Ii11, and Mrs. Will. Mines have journ beside the Lake. was accepted as satisfactory. returned from a pleasant trip to Lon - Tub Butter, 22G. Eggs, 20c. Rev, W. A. Finlay accompanied his On motion of Taylor and Shaw, By- don. They attended the Old Boys' Reunion. mother and sister to their home in laws No. 9 and 10, known as McDon-. 'Miss GEO. KING Kincardine on Saturday, returning on Tuesday. Mrs. Finlay is in very poor aid and Johnston Drain Bylaws, as read were provisionally adopted. On motion of Shaw and M.cCut- Lizzie Galloway of Howick went to Toronto, where she joined company with Miss Helm Longely. a health and was so weak she had to be carried on board the train. hope cheon, the tender of Win, Geddes for They have both gone to Manitoba for to Hear of her early recovery. . the Mason drain debentures at par a few months to visit friends. Good Goods Cheap Prices Talk about big dogs, but we think was accepted. Petitions for the construction of _ ' Tommy Henderson has one which drains under the provisions of the What The Kidneys Do. takes the cake. He is it great Dane Municipal Drainage Act were present - Wroxeter', COMMUNICATIONS. about 10 months old. He ran away with Miles McMullin the other day, ed by Messrs`. Frank Smith and What Booth's Kidney Pills Are Doing Dr. D. W. McKenzie was in Bel- - -M .M-� �v-�- �-- -� � and Tom had to hitch u to overtake p Thomas Russell respectively. On motion of McCutcheon and`°Cal4be11, For Wingliarn People. more on Saturday last. PERTINENT QUERIES. him, which he slid about a mile away, and Miles weighs over 200 lbs. the said petitions were accepted, and -- All the blood in the boo asses y p Mr. Thos. Hemphill, sr,, was a Tees --- engineer Roger instructed to examine g g through the every three water visitor on Monday. Dear Mr. Editor:— On Tuesday afternoon, as Mr. Rin- the localities described and make his + .,kidneys minutes. • Mica Alberta Hastie has returned. Will you allow me through, your columns to present to the people of tool vQas starting with the mail to Lan side his horse hied at some E report thereon. A large inlmber of accounts were The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day to daily remove , from a two weeks visit with Ethel friends. Wingham a few pertinent "Whys"? Why is it that Canadian hotlres for wood which bad been thrown off that passed, and the Council adjourned to. about 500 grains of impure matter. If they fail,some part of this impure Mrs. Geo. Harris has purchased the consumptives are always full? And Why is it that tuberculosis, typhoid morning at R. Carrick s, throwing the old gentleman out , and running away. meet Sept,4tn. W. Clark, Clerk matter is left in the blood, bringing 8 g on pain in the back, headache, dizzi- former residence of Mr. W. S. Me- and many other kindred diseases stalk Mr. Rintoul struck his breast on a ness, irregular heart, hot, dry skin, Keraher. Miss Jennie Russell was the guest of through our land from ocean to ocean? Alas! the cause can often to snag of a stump at the roadside injur- ing him severely, but he up and ~'i' � ;* -1 "" Lakelet. rheumatism, gravel, dropsy, deposits in the urine. Booth's Kidney Pills a friend in Fordwich on Saturday of traced directly to the negligence of our health officers. In our own town, got . secured Mr. McIntosh's horse and rig Mrs. Bushfield is visiting in Berlin snake the filtering right and overcome g Hundreds kidney trouble. Hundreds of Heron last week. were these gentlemen to inspect. the back of some of our business and started after the runaway. In for a few weeks. Connt people have found this out. y P 1 Vic - Geo. Fretwell of Minnie and Vic - Dr. Geo. Russell of Bonfield spent last week with his parents, Rev. A. L. yards blocks, they would find cesspools of impurity, the the meantime the horse ran north to school No 10, where the boys succeed- Mrs.Pomeroy of Harriston is visit- y tbria Sts., Wingham, Ont., says :--"A dull, heavy pain had settled across the and Mrs. Russell, stench of which savours of death. We believe our ed in stopping it. Mr. Sparling, who ing her eon Walter, i mall of my back from hip to hip. Mr. John Hartley, principal of Clin-- member has referred in the House to the treatment of tuberculosis. If he gave chase on his wheel, brought it back. Mr. R. of the mail ba when Rev. Eddy spent a couple of days in this vicinitymaking pastoral calls. g p fish re tere hat wsoreness cause -me tenderness suffer - ton Public School, visited friends in this village on Monday. would introduce a preventative mea- sure, it would be far better.. he met him and took it to Lan side g 5 Miss Ethel Scott has gone to Brus- both night and day. There was an unusual scalding of a, hi *il color. I g bigii D. W. Walker, who has been ' Again—Why should we let any enterprise (be it ever so lucrative) and when he got back he had to go and see the doctor. He is still suffer- segs, where she will visit many friends, Ethel is doing good work in had used so many different remedies and found no relief that I had Begun visiting his mother gore for the last two weeks, returned to Niagara Falls stand before health ? To enjoy perfect health, one must have perfect drain ing considerably, the University, c to' think nothing would benefit my condition. Booth's Kidney fills were on Monday horning. age, which Wingham will never have, - m - _ ' Mr. Andrew Allan's sister, of New advertised and I prQcirred a box at Mr. McRibbon's Pharmacy. They did Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McKercher until a sewer has been laid from north to south, the entire length of our main Turnberry. York, is visiting here. She has spent a month in the 'West and reports the- me so much good I continued the returned frons their honeymoon trip to Muskoka on Thursday last. They street. We dig our wells, and they are quickly filled with surface water. Jas. Nichol was apppinted inspector of the King Drain. crops in a favorable condition. treatment and the second box had entirely cleared the urine and taken will reside in the future at Maitland The said surface water is tainted, Because of imperfect drainage. I am Mr. Kell was elected chairman. y Those who have threshed wheat awe the scalding. DI back strep th- y g y g erred and the pain Taft it. The rheu- Terrace on Mill street, a total abstainer Sir, but et would I The minutes of meeting were read and adopted. and barley are greatly pleased over matismTwitll which I have suffered for ;t much prefer water that is polluted with malt and hops, than that which Council met in the Clerks office, the splendid yield. Some barley yield- ed near] 00 bushels to the acre. y over four years has also been greatly relieved and I am stronger and better g Dr. Hamilton's Cure For Pimples. I polluted by pools reeking with filth• T have some more Whys I Bluevale, Monde• Monday, Aug, 24; all pre- sent except the Reeve. Mr. Ernest Mahood, manager in the than in years previous and can only thank Booth's Kidney Pills. Sold by All skin diseases, such as pimples, which would like to present in the near After passing a number of•accounts for gravelling, etc., the Council Foreman dr goods store Ingersoll, Y g g dealers; price 50c. The, R. T. Booth originate through failure of the kid future, if you will allow me. adjourned to meet on Monday, Sept, accompanied b Bert. Karrush are p y , Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Cana - than Agents. g net's and liver. All taints that block Respectfully Yours, CURiovs. 28, at 10 a. 1n. holidaying at the formers home. the avenues of health must be remov- ed. Hamilton's Pills do this The Clerk was instructed to notify ' Harvest bands in the West will .Dr. quickly. They cleanse the system, FROM THE WEST. all pathmasters, who have not already returned their lists to do so at once, Probably be scarce if all those chtipC make the skin smooth, restore roses .to and also to notify the Sec, of each see- who had so much fun at North Bay, the cheeks and gives a clear com- g plex'on. For good looks. good health MR. EDITOR. - tion that have not yet sent requisi- have to spend a few months in the and good spirit there is nothing so Dear Sir :—Ravin feeling of s Y m g ` tions for school money to the Clerk to do so at cooler. I THE TEA STORE I sure as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c at all dealers. pathy for our Ontario boys, I thought I would tell them about their chances once. Air. Moffatt reported having let job P g 1 Mr. Huth, who was seriously ill last for work, as I understand there are to open part of the King drain to Saturday is living at time of writing. quite a number intending to come out Gideon Brown at $1.10 per rod, also The doctors hold little hope for his FARM FOR SALE. on later excursions. I would strop i advise them to stay where they are that arrangements had been made to get Gov't. Drain west of Zetland re over Drs. McNaughton and G E T if they have not got money to carry cleaned *out and the private drain Ranson are in attendance, Being lots 26 and, 27, Cons. 11 and them through. I have been drepping from E. Wawanosh to Gov't. Drain The ladies of the Methodist Church 12, West Wawanosh, comprising 200 acres ; 150 cleared, balance bush. Good frame barn brick house. off at several stations, and find that the towns and country too are full of tiled, thA Tp. of Turnberry and East Wawanosh to pay $7 each toward the work have organized a Ladies' Aid Society. The following officers were elected:— g Vinegar and ]nen looking for work,. and if the boys when completed, - There is a never failing spring, and a can get anything to do at home, don't J. Burgess, Clerk, Pres., E. Mahood; Vice -Pres., Mrs. ` pood orchard of 150 trees, This farm come here. There are already far Cook; Sec, and Treas., Mrs.. Dixon. is nicely situated, four miles from Whitechurch, nine from Wingbam; close to postotTice, school, churches. more men came west than were adver- tised for, and yesterday there were four excursion trains into Win- Fordyce: Spices Apply on the premises to came nipeg with ten and twelve ,coaches Harvesting is almost over ; another Had Callouses Quickly Cuied. W. H. BELL, Fordyce. loaded to the fullest capacity. This fine day or two will finish it. Soak the feet in hot water and then morning I am at Elkhorn, and when I had walked around, I counted over 100 The Miss Ada McClinton returned to apply Putnam's Painless Corn Ex-, tractor—it removes the callous quick - ���• N O T I -C E. men. station was that full of Westfield after visiting friends at ly.. Be sure you get Putnam's only. men, I could hardly get in. They Bethel. Notice is hereby given that my wife, were lying all over the floor; it was packed full of baggage and men and A number from here attended the - T y having left my bed and board without cause, I will not be responsible for any others were lying in rooms all over in the hotels. Crops Iook fair all the meeting at St. Helens on Monday, for I'IOWIck. AT debts contracted by her after this way down to Elkhorn ; about half of the purpose of calling a minister. Council met in the Tp. Hall, Gorrie, date, without a written order from pie. Dated this 25th day of August, 1908, the harvest, is out -between Winnipeg and Alexander. From there it is not so far on ; just starting in this locality Misses Myrtle and Evelyn Webster visited at Westfield this week, accom- Aug. 19th, pursuant to adjournment; members all present; minutes of last Christie PETER TERRIFF. and crops are good here, anied b their cousin, Jas. Taylor. p y y meeting were read and on motion of g The weather was cold here last Mrs. W. H. Boles of Erin, Mrs. W. Downey and i3ainstock were adopted. NOTICE. night, arid a slight frost reported, but I think little damage done. Very odd E. Taylor and family of Guelph, who A claim from Conrad Schmidt for his buggy broken jobs of thresh,ipg have been done in have been spending the past week at damages by getting Notice is hereby given that I will Portage plains. There has been con- siderAle in J. Webster's have one to Win Wing - + g g- ham, on the road was considered by the Council. It was, moved by Messrs. „ . not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in my name, by any person, rain this locality and grain has been slow to ripen. There t _._ �. , Winter and Hainstock, that the Coun- THE TEA STORE whatever. is no doubt but what wages for har. cil take no action until ,they are made MRS. M. A. LAWRENCE vest men will drop away below the average. H. KENNING. A HIGH GRADE COLLEGE. acquainted with the facts of the case Belmore P, O. Elkhorn, Aug. 22, 1908. 7 -carried. The Forest City Business and Moved by Messrs. Underwood and Shorthand Co'lege, Y. M. C. A., Lon- Winter -That By-law No. 0 for the APPIes Wanted. STRANGE MISCONDUCT. don; whose ad, appeals in thirequesting prospective students s paper . to year 1908 to lay the rate on the dollar , be third time f 1 ` s ' Dear Sir:—On Thursday, Aug, ,� write for Frep Catalogue, is consider. read the and passed— 1� .,0th, the Brussels Baseball team carne to Belgrave to cross bats with tire Bel- ed one of the best equipped and best officered Colleges in Canada, g carried, Moved b Messrs. Winter and Dow- y CANADIAN NATIONAL, THE WINGHAM g rave teem, and after a brisk snappy There are Coven regular teachers. four in the Commercial Dept.* and _ na That the clerk be instructed to y EX8[BITION TORONTO EVAPORATOR game, in which they were defeated by a score of 15 to 14, they were invit- three in the Shorthand. The Princi. the Bookkeeping is have a By-law'prepared to have the assessing done in the month of Octo- ed by the home boys to a lawn social pal of g work a Chartered Accountant, with four ber of the present year—carried. $3.65 from Wingham Will be open for business about Septr. 3rd, and will be given by Trinity ChurchT on the grounds of 'Mr. Garner Nicholson, years auditing experience and several College teaching to his Sas. Roe waited on the Council Good going Aug, 29th to Sept. 12th prepared to a the highest possible rices Pay g P P where the were given a free ticket grounds d to the rounds an treated years credit. The Principal and first assistant of claiming damages for ]raving lost a 1. Rates. Excursion hates ............. $2.70 for peeling apples. to refresh- ments, all around at the booth, They thereupon the Shorthand Dept„ are graduates of the author of the system taught in req, while crossing the Maitland river in Glorrie, on account of the wat r Good going septr. 1st, 3rd, 5th, nth, 11th. BROWN & WILFORD proceeded to show their appreciation of their courteous treat- the Collo a—Gre g , gg' A• Gold Medal each is awarded being too high. Moved by Messrs. All tickets valid returning from To - ronto on or before Sept. 15th, 10418. 1 Soe ddvert,Wng for merit b whoa In �1c1 elfin durin y p� y g g the evening and dlsf hrbing the year from both the Business and Short- Underwood and Winter that the Council other matter aped - , ]al train service, or ask nearest Grand Trunk Agent. N E W crowd, and finished up by clearing Illi. Nicol- hand departments to the students take no action_carried, large son's cellar of its contents, and carry making highest percentage through. out the year on the Business Educa- A number of accounts were presented and considered, -and on Farm •Laborerss Excursions Telephone Directory. Di" ing off all the victuals belonging to the church people, its well as a num- ber of lanterns belonging to tore Exams. "" , motion of boun s. Downey and Hain- ---To--w- MANITOBA, AL13ERTA AND neighbor- stock passed for payment: The Bell .Telephone Company - den• ing farmers. Their conduct surely contradicts -the saying that "There is TOWNSHIP OF TURNBEPRY The Council then adjourned to meet SA$XATCHEwAN VIA CHICAGO AND DULVVI of gorier among thieves," and on their' on August3lst at fine pan, to receive / ada is about to publish a now issue of the next visit to Belgrave they will meet Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursnwnt to the voters' List Act, by tenders for arch culverts and for a g10,bo Gtoing-f.13.00 nd,littohal Iieturntng Sept. 1st from roronto, North clay find in - Offir t cial Telephone Dlreet©rt' with the sort of treatment they merit. (Q139%1tVICiL, Ills Honour the Judkko of the County Court or the Countq of Iiirron at the Foresters' Halt at tiro Village of Bludvalo, on new roof on the Tp, hall, , L. Walker, Clerk. tcrrnediate,staticha, and all stations west thereof in Ontario. Aug. 27th. Sept. 2.14, from Toronto and ea4t and east of Orlilia Tuesday, September 22nd ' �� _ = to air �.Ticket" tw$l also be famed via I'. Ity. on above and other a for %Ole; THE A GOOD SCHOOL. 1005, at 10 0 clock a.m., to hear and detoraline complaints, of errors and omissions in the `Me perfection Of 'Womanhood. t°i and Trunk Agent par. tioulars as to restrictions, etc. - DISTRICT OF 'rjlj/ESTJERN Voters' Llat of the Municipality of Tdrnberry for the year 1110& Who odes not. env and admire a y LABOR DAY ONTARIO The Central 23usiness College of Dated at Btuovalo this 2dth day of August, lovely woman ? The secret of her love- ' ' I N d t U It' I N G Stratford, whose cad appears else- where In this paper, is undoubtedly 1008. IOiIN llU11Cir lineal, of her perfection, is health. 11116 sleeps %vel), eats well, digests well{ Retain tioketa at Ainglo Vere between ell stations in Canada, also Detroit, and • one of the best business training' C1ork of htixnicipality of Turnberry intricate fnpitions are vigorous and porn Huron, Niteli., Bntialn Black 12adk and Suspension :Brillo, N.i� N! A M 1,� eelioots In i0auada, to -day, The key- regular. Of all woman's/ remedies Good going gePton'Ib *G. a, ti. 7. Return lima Tuesday, Sept, 8th, dote of Its courses is thoroughness.CAME ESTRAY Ferrozone Is Clio best; it vitalizes the Its grad'1lates are hdlding leading poai- functionsupon which health depends Orders for 11ewr ootruootione, ohallgm of ftrt)s t amoa ohangos of atrest addressee, or tiono in the important e6mmoreial centres of the Dominlon.. The College has On try my .premises during' July, a ...makes the purest, richest .blood, gives perfect comploxiou and lots Of ror tickets and full inforlutttlon, ball oil W. 1119NAY, Town .A.gont, or wrlw for d4 licafiY entries, should be handed AT uD10E til issued a handsome 111ustrated cat- year-old Steer, Owner will please vigor. Every woman and girl who 1). McDonald L. �zaliL �r alogue whirls will be mailed feed toy any peretsrl Interested,-•� Httlort prove proport , ay eitpensod told retno�+d.- W, VV'Af.,TER, Lot 38, seek@ health, vitality, lookb-•••l+et liar gat Fdrroxone today, Fifty bent@ at ` , blakial P.sr Wi* AAsnt,, lWout-0. focal 1GCatltlgor, MCLAltrdU'LItr, grihofllals. Coit, 18, blast Wawitnodll, all dealers, I 4 v.. :... .. sem- _ __....�. �...-,•.� ._._,,.� __._....r.�.