HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-08-27, Page 7.1K
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a t, VVERN
LIFE -0111
Makes Three Fruid,ss Efforts to
save Her Boy, .
,Falls Headlong to Rottom, of $fair$
With Child.
Ooy Dies Fiom, Injuries, Mother In
Precarious condition,
11 I
Vorydrig. Aug. 24.-Driverk back
three thues by flaine.9 4kut qiuolw� Mrs.
Van order, of Niles Valley, made An
herelit but vain effort to save her five-
year-old son Nelson, from death by fire
in it blaze which completely destroyed
tile Van Order homestead.
Ilepul"d by the finance, her own
arins and face badly burned and her
elot.hill't ,jitiouldering in a dozen differ -
C -fat, places, the brave mothor ' After
,titree, unsuccessful attempts to reach
t 11 a c, ro onk lit Nv I t i elk her only son was
sleeping, finally inanagea to reach Ilia
bed, grab the unconscious form Ili lie]'
arms And Stagger to the head Of the
stairwAy. '1110 long fight aguillat Such
great odds prove(l. to be to , o much fox,
tile frail wormili, and just as site v4,U
about to dash down the stairway. from
the burning liouse she collapsed. Tell
headlLong down the stairs and Was res, . -
-cued by neighbors just as the flames,
fainted by a .stiff breeze, tbreateued to
envelop mother and child. .
The boy ll,�ed several hours, Out
died last night as it result of *his in-,
juries. The mother is in a serious con-
dition and may not Survive the injur-
;les And shock.
11)he Vark Order axonici eau!:ht fire
from. a def"tive Chimney, L but .not
until the flaines had gained consider.
able headway was the blaze discovered.
'The mother &ud fAther -were Able to get
out safely, but tile little lad, sound
asleep Ili the tipper Storey, Was not
Awakened and remained wrapped in
slumber until the smoke and � flamda
rendered him unconscious. It Was in
this condition thott the mother, after
Tiew brave battle, discovered tAie -boy
and started to safety, when slit was
. overcome.
J - 1_. .
In A
Wife Waded Into Deep Water to
I Save Husband.
Scina,te, R. I., Au& 24,1n sight of
his bride of four weeks, who 'was power-
less to aid him,. John Colon was drown-
ed in Spencer's Mill, P -and here yester-
day. Wirs. Colon was 'withlat twenty feet
of her husband waen he sank, And the
only boat Ili tile Pond WaSL floating bot-
tom upward, 30 feet off shore,
Colon, Who was 28 years old, with a
companion named William Read, -went
fishing in -a leaky. skiff, -which empsized
when Colon moved forward to got the
bailing dipper. Read was able to swim
to shore, but Colon, who could not
swim, Sank.
In the meantime Mrs. Colon ]lad wad-
ed waist deep Ili the water, but was
powerless to Aid ]ter husband. Alter he
sank from -siglit she fainted. .
Colon .was superintendent of Irving
Spencer's faTili-and had lived Itere
abolit two yeaxs. He formerly lived in
" . I
When Runaway Ran Into Store -
Scared by Auto.
ist. Ca-tharines, Aug. 24�An exciting
runaway took place on Smith street, in
Tborold, on SaturdaX. Two daughters
of Michael J. GrIffith"s., a farmer, resid-
itig near DeCety Falls, drove into -town
-with a team of mustangs, which they
tied in the Summit House yard, and
,proceeded to do some shopping. During
their absence an auto came into the yard
and the driver ran the machine up close
beside the team. The Animals became
frightened, broke loose, and ran out to
Fruit street and into the front of Xoep-
pel's barber'shop. Then turning the cor-
net-, they crashed into Stone's fruit
store, friglikening Mrs. Stone, -svlio was
in cliarge, into a swoon, -and from w1lob
it was difficult to revive her. The wagon
'was smashed into kindling wood. It was
fortunate that no person was injured.
i � IL
'L L
And Applaud Governor Deneea-
More Militia Quit.
I ,5%iringfield, Ill., Aug. 24.---!Xwo repre-
sentative bodies of negroeA yesterday
passed formal resolutions applauding
Governor Deneen for the firanness with
which lie - suppressed the recent rioting,
and declaring for co-operation with tile
Chaniber of Commerce and the Business
Alen's Assoeilition lit the prevention of
recurrence of rioting .and the punish-
melit of offenders,
The mectitigs, which were the first
public go,thminga of blacks since the
Acits, were held at the Pleasant Grove
Daptist Church and St. JohiVs Aletho-
dist E�piseopal Church re,.4pectivoly.-
The Ith Infantry expects to returnto
Chicago on Wednesday, if no trouble
occurs on Tuesday, witen the finos of,1
the rioters are to'be pall For tile first I
-time since the rioting ,the Saloons werel:
allowed to resuille business to -day,
-6 0 6 1,
. �
In: Appointing Succeisair to tire'
Chief Clek.
London, ,Aug. 23,'I'lle stweessor to
Chief Clark will not lie, chosen imanedi- �
ately, it is understood.'The Coutivil will
Odic some time Ili selecting a inark for
lite position, .
There. are several iianies mentioned In
connee.tion witli the Appointment. Fore -
mon 'Callieron, of 11,11*11iltoll, Who 'was
Considered a elose t-olupotitor when
L(.,)Ark reepive,ol tile appointment, Alial
Forefusif Robert Aitchison, of Hamilton,
a w%pliew #A the foriner ehit%f of that
,city, ond to ulaft Tulleb likp Chief Vlark,
stre talkiM �of. N'tither of them will
'gliply for the pomflov, it is SAW, bot
I .. -,--�-..,.,-.-�-,----,----,.----� ...... . �,----�.---.�---.,-�,�.,.--."..�.,..-,----�- - -_ � � 11 -11- --..-----
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_ *I-- I I V. 11 I
� I
tioalle of that A14ornion consid B I I . -.:,- " "'..;"_�.;- , I
1, tt,k:e,t�to�-y P or 'I I At tile 8,11rux thilo .t( proxpect fair lit And thitt withill a short Wake y1le r _ ; _ �__;� . �_ - I., "I'll I . . -*"W* ,
,that �,d posdIdlities fox, the position. elia4it of another fultill. Durill- lilt t DEATH OF COL. T. D. o. EVAN$
E . . . . n would be deAd. Mrs, Wlllls� A uelghlikir, ,,
The 114ow of Doputy Chief Nobloo of " C R ,VIEW 'h`t', RAISED R P"AT E , "e, DEPORTATION -
Lit(' Toronto departluent, had Aldo been tilliat lie wg., very 11(li'vott" and re�itlo"-, , 0 wa14 I.iregent At tlkt� tiyap,,, KIZI just Ast tho P F H Lo' Qd t9 $unktro,kQ Aft#p
I luilld wits 1,11pposed fo, yolluK. mall flilislim laor "�Ilrcat to ellol,
PrOluillQ'ItlY likentioned, but it !a not b!� inflilviii'vol by the trotible about the hel, life Jill NOT MARRIAG ""',hort ,,,,,,,.
thought that lie (,,,in be 5evured, Iftan- AT SUAINEY it"(' "'a "to of# 0 001y 4, bottle front liq � It
1 . losk, oil tbo Fredonia faral. 4)lle llight it(, Port Dalh9usWs, Assessor In 0 Peck vo,oket. A4's W11IN tried to. grab 'ho I Xvilluipe.g. Aug. 21-0ol. T. 1). %
... via I,v hi?i present po;Itiou !,3 Inuvi, better - 61(11)t Ill the barn On Account of Ilia. rest- potson, but f� , tv
tit, 11 lie call hope for in Londoll . � WA4 too hlt'�. XIM, R,991- THE FATE, OF CANADIAN GIR4 10 aata,4, 1). 0. V. militatry 44triet xi.
. , ' I(Sdaloall, And when It(' ,;5a1d, boat lliglat of Trouble. Nt011 NVOIlt to her home, and draillt tAW q e to -day at J34ttlo V'raek saul.
� . thAstaut Chief Altken will Aldo be Austr4liau and American Forces at about ten O'clo(k, *11 am going ill the -- 6, N.Y.
ull ap0leunt for the position, it is un. poison. - tarium, where be went recently in All
dvrsto0d. Alo wild till applleakit four In Centenial Park. Will to Sloop, for I eivivialt '�et to sleep. People Appealod-Judge Solue tfillo iat�r sho, wa,, found ijv effort to relitin blo health after it slight
years ligo, when Chief Clark was ap. __ I lit the house," ]Ila a(Aion %vam ]lot tbought '' , lar husbatud Almost ol,�ad� j)ootore w,�, Annio. Williams Taken. in obarge by sunstrolo, isuffered wbile coalition
R oujilig
poiliteil, lint was '1111tiaccessful At thkat to hidivate anythil)", more thall it ole Ire . Hand and Council Worsted. ha"MY Su,"I'loiled, atid After 'working the Immigration Department on a p4m�e Soule wo6m 4go Oil on ex.
" .
. tilue. It is ,also litioler6tood that Cillef rhc� Largest Ceremonial ,Parade fi�V` 01411go. of Air and -bed n,s upkin other - ,Over 11W uneOWRIQue wolpion for sonio Intended Wedding Day, r, UV11104 hot dap, CoLEvaliv had tieen
Howard, tit tile I)oterboro 41ppartulent, . 111911fe, Alikillt six O'oloel� this kilorillug time sueceedt"(1, in, restoring her- suffl. - g;, Yewnk Z active military service anal
and a fortuer boudou firculan will Ever Witnessed T I
I I , . here, Ill,, brother-in-law Went out to the barn - St. Catho.Anes, Aug. 24; --The mutilgi- clently to have ]ter reukov,ed to it bo-4pit,11. I liever Owe In all t1lat tjiilo tuttil 1114
� . And found blin dead. Ila hall' buckled Pal Assessor tit Port JU X, ,.I
Apply for the position. , lbousle is having At midnight it tytl4 said that lo,ho wo, An ,Z In" ra Faille, X. Y., Aug. �4. --, fatal uttlack was, lie lucapa0tated
At the fire eblefe, , * 11 '11W hlillilgratiou officials stopped Ili f I
On Tuo, the strap. aromid Ilia nee), and then sat t, kahle, of his own. wil.) In a procarluu.; Condition atid lmol
,,sdoty 8" Ma lie levied Use 8 ,v�om,du y Ito Jeavea a. NvIdow, who
'IV, -i U rines Return Thanks— down to bring tile Strait, ot tit(, ti.,I) lip. � ,'4? I . recovery, Ad orhl� y 51,108 McMillan, daughtt-V
I oil Me throat so- as to vboke 6, 111111 to that f but ft slim ehall*� of thh- afterlition,allit Tildely Interrap4ld , 'r,
e0avelation, lit (�O;U,1111111111111P O" it IllemoriAl � Illents, 40 per cent, in excoss at - , I of Liout,-Gkivernor Sir I), If, Alc�11114111
swrylee to the ]lite Chief'Clark and other Seaman Drowne4, 1. dvAtli. tile previous yegr. I.,tally so per eept. 'o'f - - . what .Promised to be an i"Orestill . , .
weinbers of the associatiola .,vIlQ have of mamtolia,
, . I :4, - 1%, tile ,r4tvpa4-c,ra Appealed Against ecl, viony. Aceording to the ,story toldby Col, lu'vaus served through the North,
died during tit; year, Will be. held, ' ., their ONLY ONE KNOWS*
. .;,� ;_ - � S,yalney, N� S. W.,Aug, 24. -There was m,sesumeatt. Tim-oCourb of Revision , __ Antla NVIIIIalus, a )*ollng ('An4iau girl weai; rebellion nnd counnaudea the
I rp S1,XTy a. grand review 70 noon to -day in Con ,GIVEN A RECEPTIONI found itself untible to Adjust, luattel-8 of prepos8essilig appe'llauve. Anaut 114 Yukon fleld force In IN4,0. Tit South
SUICIDE Ai 0 tonnial Park, in -which 000 311011 � of the � ill tile tolls of the immigration (lepart- I Africa lie colnulanded
I I and As fill expeollout adopted tile roll O� Domilion Elections May be, Hold tile Caundialk
. royal navy, 3,000, men of the American Suffragette$ ? , I Tot -lit alid was atraltilig deportation, 11folilited Rifles, beirig mentioned in dea.
I , . Who Broke Premiers 1907, Although the evidence subluitted Between Oct, 20 and Nov. 5, 8011ke time ago, the Burtnul, of Cant. patches On two ocenslous, and p . romoted
Edward Smith, of Chisholm, Takes fleet, 7,000 of tile naval and ,nillittar,v Windows Released. Appeared to confirm the ution of tile Pierce and Labor Issued orders against to brevet rauk of 0allouel, For biq South
. forces of New South NVOCS, And 4,000 amessor, who then al)pealed to " the the importation o
� f undeeirable people African ,wryleea ho wits pande a V� 13�
flis Own Life. I cadets took part, It -Wits the largest cere. Count), Jud -for enloro;<mieiit of tile Ottowq, Ail,-. 22._117hile there I$ con. t-0 this coiultr3% (f it wasi found atI aliell . I � I I
I mckilal parade ever witnessed in Sydney, London, ' Aug. 2& -Two 'repentant, roll, go - alolerible belief that � tile electi , oils Nvill ball been guilty of litisconduct lit tltis
v vast nat Ith I c(ItIllbly withill three years after Ilia or
Th( _Iiral amplu , cutre was filled but attractive erialdnals eirane out of . -Judge Carman spent two days revis- lie held from October 2 1 0 JUQQE ORDERS THe LASH,
. .0 to November 6, ho 1,
Pleton, Aug� 23. -The lifeless body of with Spectators, including Lord North, the entire roll, of ter having decla .r A e C a
cote, Governor-General Ifulloway JAI this morning into tile lag I . red Vlore is really nothing to plot latuell rivall, the guiltiOlIQ was 11111)10 to A W611-Morlied Sent n e Giv n
Eldward. Smith, blaokstialth, of U11A. of Australia; tho at -tion of the inunelpal Courl; of Ve- fid0i to tile date rumored, October 23, &,portatioll,
Admiral Sir Harry Rawson, Gov. of inid-,4 of a erowd of �00 -orsons, who ' I I Chatham Colored Mon.
holin; Was found this morning hanging New So I cheered thow vociferously, p They were vl�Tioii illegul in Adopting Ally other than 1"lle, it, xiiaty be on,that date, Some Cidef Lons wits Served with, it U. S, Chatham, Aug, 21 -Five ,Y�arsl ittapd�
uth NVales, Vice -Admiral Sij tile Present assessor's roll, and in r0fils- -Wai�pi point to the fact of its, being It W-11"'allt t'11111119 foi- the arrest of Anna
to the linila of a maple tree outside of Richard Poor, commander -iii-chlef ofithe tile AlissvB New And Lelgil, -Wlio, a ing to hear and determine oil its merits l '12311 and also a Friday October 23r(1, 11211tial"'Ise, IN -110 is charged by the lassie. sollincut iu the Kingston .Venitelitiary
) t .
� a f, a a tary of the bureau, Willialli It. was tile scmitence likilided. out by Judge
-%vas in Australasian waters, short tinle agai, broke Vrbno 4;NI1n,*tvr eavl� lid ev `y 411 8L,l
his home. An examinalou, made British squadron ,i ppe I before it. The - 4-4 4 jOkO that Wu started from a �xxkall
of the remains, and frout the condi- Admiral Sperry and a number of ,other result of Ills 11okkor',s thorough Sifting . Wheeler, With being a disorderly ellar. Bell )"estorday aft9l1noon to Pete liar-
tiort of the body it Is believed the mail Asquith's winolowa witit stones and beginning. The chief has not spokell,
American admirals And officers. of the individual cases was chatiges were one WAy acter, eat ris, it colored man. The se
left his hoille abo�kit 1 o'clock this led witen, they it -ere Arrested or the Other, and until he does . T ed the woman. Who .
At the conclusion of the Parade the , atilloulte Made ill the assessquent of about 25 per there will be more or I . is bar old in. IN,ill-l-pl, (,Ole,s be Supplemented with twenty lasiiea
morning and went out and hanged Lint that they would use Witilis next time, cent. of the Propertied affected. Tito re- fts guisslao.g. I 11 t!" 10)""'011!"' NO Ilia a,montil I of tile b I egintillig of the
Ti � -
I - men from tile United States fleet Were. to five hundred I)ersous lit - Signs here and elsewhere, with the cam. It nee, ,�iai2� styreei, OP110it! tile Intel -114, i
self - entertained at lutiolleoll. watting
. were mostly woluen, I 6 duetiolls maile were less thall, two Per paigners on 'both Sides. arratiq'ing for ti011ill IlPtel. She Was taken to head. term a -ad an additional twenty within
D town yestorda;y and The outdoors ontertainnicuts to-itight ceut. I . oleoitings, point to a contest ,joul(.'*t1me quarters by Detective Cill-I.,V and held a -month of its expiration. The victip,
WAS, apparently in good licalth and itita to be Abandoned -because of rain. ODmot of theark Assisted the.* released There 'is now an agitation lit tit vil- this fall, but Nvliokx� ilo mAll'olut � (,aio Pending th`� arrival of 111%ppetor .John- was a tIlixteeT11f!1kr-9Id girl, Who while
Prisoners Into ,,a much decorated brough. jagi, toL have the council withholto 4'Zoarbrick. � .:I
spirits. No reAson. can be Assigned for Marines Pleased. pill and then disposed themselves . , I tile knuiveth. living with ]ter arandanotber in Detroit
his -taking his life. Deceased was in hAs , in
I - salar) of the assessor, us some claim *
1� A - I The woman says site has been '111 the was enticed over the line by Harris, who
00th y r aurm sarvived by his widoi windbuses and forined -it prooession, that'lle wa ' t pre -tended to be her father And declared.
ea I v . Sydney, W. bl� %, Aug. 24. -The , S not legally Appointed to' :- colux ry two weeks and � has lived at
. Ul I . Cole's J)IAQe since her arrival. She firr- he had it, position for her as a domestic
and three children An quest is 8, inarlues have addressed 4 letter Of breakfast was served in Ixonor of the � / -, I I . I OOR.
. I in - U. whicli drove to Ql1eell's Hall, where it office. .. WOLSELEY P
deenled unnecessary. thanks to the pe*ople of Sydne,y, tit NvIliob m(krtvr, to, tile woulall suffragist � d ha he was. Ili Chatham.
i - I cause. . I I to have been -y the use of threats lie kept 1wor
they tay, "If other places think they MISS' Chrystabel Panklaurst`Said in a . I married to Cole that afternoon but the .�o -� a I
`I'U'AJRIST BURGLAR. crin surpass s)�drkws welcome, she must speech that their imprisonment- ]lad been . Famous General Lost His Fortune Appearance of the police and ]Let- subAe. with Ilim ill the 'IcillitY Of C111 iTil 9
, I l 11 if r% e I neat V 4. 4. 11 I Cioss livinz, it nomadic life till t1he -
Confessed to One Robbery and is Be.
lieved to be Responsible for Others
in Laindon -Was Living in Sum-
mer Oottage,
St. Thomas, Aug, 23.-CIUM of Police
Arineprong yesterday afternoon arrest-
ed Edward Roberts, who is Suspected
of being the Itian responsible for the
recent (Iftylaglit burglaries. here And Ili
London. l'ober.ts, arrest followed till
alarm twark lit by residents in the South-
western portion of the city 1w Lite ef.
fect that a man hadeffected a
.in ext -
trance to several homes by way of
the back -doors And had acted srailge-
ly Around other houses.
He was apprehended as he was leaving
James Carrie's house oxxj�oseberry place"
Three rings were found in his po*&-assluu,
and after two of them had been idend-
fied by Allss McKillop ots belonging to
-alarlzin,v h6r .
her, he confessed to but,
home oil Gladstone avenue. 1U1 c2iforts
to make him acknowledga the- other rob -
belies have been unavatihig, but the po.
lice are in possessionof evidence showi
Il icinity of Air: X. 41-13
Darrach's residence shoroy prior Lo the
robbery there last Thursday,
Roberts ajiswers perfectly to the dv,-
soription of the man who xansacked t1w
]ionic of Crown Al-torney ARRillop all,d
other Londoners durlito the Weatuian
fire'cliere oil Tuesday. 1-toberts has beon
nley in a sunitliur
cottage for' tile past month with his wife
and clilldren and autit. I
The police think he has it confeder,ito
1. ,
ill Some 0ther city. They also*tdoll,
�hat he is'a I)rofessional ecook And re-
spollsible for many of tile anisdeeds ill
London during the time of the old buys'
reunion. 0. the WAY to the police Sta-
tion lie made an attempt to regattia Ills
liberty, but. was'Overpowered. .
- - -
Bigotry and Intemperance Is Wind
sor Rector's Opinion. I
1VIndsor,.twg. 94�Rev. F. A. p. Cliad,
wick, the rector of All Saints, Church,,
Who has jusf returned from the Pan -
Anglican congress and a. delightful toink,
of the British isles, states that there
is much truth in the assertion of 11amar
Greenwood that intemperance, and big-
otry are the curse of England.
"I f ounit much drunkenness antona, the
lower classes Ili the old country, anralso
noted the -spirit of insularism," declared
Mr. Chadwick, in the coun-I., of an inter-
"The hisularistax is of course produe,
tive. of the bigotry Mr. Greenwood re,
fers to?, I .
I �J - 1�
Visits Wivdsor and is Treated to �
Auto Ride Around. -
Windsor, Ont., Aug. 24- Parl Grey
arrived here this morning on the Gov.
e6ment cruiser Swed,v, And paid all.ill.
fOlmIftl visib to the city, Ile was, received
by Hen. 11. 111. Sutlieriand, Hen, Dr.
IUUkune allit membors of the Board of
Trade, Ilia Excellency and party, inclult-
DOnRld Mann, Were taken for an auto
ride around, Windsor, Walkerville, Sami-
Wich and Belle Isle. This afternoon Ills
Excellency was tendered it river buting,
and later '"Pas entertained by 11iram
MrgIkcr,& Son, at WmIkerville. -
� .6 . - - L I L
Buffalo, Aug. 24.-A notice Is posted
Itt the office of 'Moadows, Williallits &
Co., lit the 111delity building, to the of-
fc('t that tile collipAny had suApendod
Ilie comiyany has eonilueted at brok-
erago busino8s in this city for & number
of years.
' .
N`eiv York, Aug, 24.. -The failtare of,
the Meadows-Willutins (I
.,o, wgg All-
likoutwed on t1w lVow York stoelc exchauge
to -day. The firm hah, offices At 38 JVAII
street. .
Buffalo,, Atig. 24.-11r. Williams re-
tired from tlie firin Several yeall-8 ago,
VLo, parLioulars of flip. failure are. Avail-
able .18 yet. 0*00 � , I
Y6 Double the Cott,
Port Arthur, A�g, '91 -The plaile of
Ur. Cecil P. fililith for the 116W set -vi".
41alat at flic, Pourm.-houge, wom rojoetmi
111y tile Power VommisAollerlq tal-alay
When it VV(L9 deoided, to -build an $9010M
ntruetare, lbstea(I of tbe $40,Mo daut
veeoltiltimided by Ur. Stuith,
-A_ "' , I
The I^iv, of I ... ). � ford, thA pynitig
Torontonlin who was Arnwried in'TAIco,
Winnip#�g a week ap tlioqky, was folmd
on �%turdsty oyetilug,
-F. � �, ne 0 1,11c, well
on the battleship Georgia, named Cas-
made ikoueli more uncomfortabia for
these suffragette,$ than it bad been for
One of"the Best Known Vessel.lda
-King Will Provide. I
11 Rl,vsk M. ra Nk L, al P Etna.
An interview with Inspector Zt Ir.
� P X � 6
escaped to, Chatham and informed the
Alitborities. Detective Skirving
sidy, wa:s drowned yesterdo,y, through
others. Undoubtedly an attempt, had
� .
brioll. resulted Ili the g1a. I being in-
. .arrested
the capsizing of a arnall boat in a
been ulade to erush the spirit of Aliases
Is Dead.
formed that it was d peided -she Wits
Harris. .
11 -
. -
INTew and, Leigli, but th", was impossi-
London, Aug. 23, -Lord Wolseley, one
. of the most famous of living Hngli&h $,I.
uullesirable Pei -son . and she would
have to be deported unless She intend-
. X� . .
Aliss Pankliurst also stated that the
Kingston, Aug. 24. -Capt. Tbos. Dolt-
diers, is, lit his old -age, Ili haird luck.
ed to Put lip ft fight lit Which case. she
would have to furnish $500 bond for
Turkish Official, � Who I'led for His Life
autualln callapnign of tile Stifftagettes
would be more determined tliall ally
n elly, the Well-known vessel man, of this
Several tbrea Lord Wolaeley has r,�-
lier Appearance.
I . Will Not Re
.* . turn.
Four Thousand Lan'd at Sydney�
that had gone before. The hotiored
guests both made short speeches,, but
t who had been ill for some time, died
01 T-
this morning ,it 0 o'clock,
eeived huge grants of money from PAr.
liament for 111.4 military successes, link,
his fortune bas been wasted lit bad In.
I - 1,
LortdQn, Aug, 24.-Izzet Pulia, the
formox Turkish official, who. fled Tor his
AtteadChurch. ' .
did not complain of f4eft, treatment
while ilk prison. Miss Leigh states that
Death Was, the result of cancer of the
stomach, which disease developed as the
vestments. His lordship has ,just b"tt
to,sell his h-ou"hold ittraliture,
life ki, short time after the constitution
NvAs proclainked lit 'Turkey, Arrived here
Ilia short time aho expected Prime Alin-
ister Asquith to say-, "Sigh no more,
result of an injury at the Skating rink
three years Ago, when Captain Donnelly
It 19 PrOb't, 116 thUt the King Will gkVG
him in Hampton
I . .
aturday, .
. last $. .
nn ain," said the
Sydney, X S., W., Aug, 2& -F out,
thousand men of the United States' fleet
-ladies; the vote is yours." �
�; - 4
fell upon a stone'. Captain Donnelly was
an apartmenit Court
Palace there to spend his last days ill
Sultan's 4o=er favorite. "England is
now my home, my country.,,
'were permitted ashore to*-da,'y And 2,200
years Of 4190, and was born
Gard on lalaxid, a son of the late Cap-
t04'1`iax John Donnelly. He
�colufoi't. .
I � :�
. -
Canadian Branch of Royal
I Mint Was
' Rzet, Pasha!s account, of the Young
Turks' coup tells nothing new, but he
. of these, including 134 officers, attended
bad been in-
Spector of likills, examiner of masters
Surning-Ho-w, Fire Fighters Dis-
was impressively earnest in his declara-
Itigh anus In +he cathedral, The ser-
and mates, Inspector of Lloyd's and bu-
posed of Difficulty-Olimbed
tion that both the Satlan and himself
vices -Were impressive and speclai'musle
A Young Sailor Drowned Off a
reau veritas and head of the Donnelly
. I
- Fence and Broke Window.
always desired the constitution. Despite
the fulfilment of their desire, Izzetrush-
had been arranged in honor of the
Americaub. .
Yarmouth, Shoal.
Salvage and Wrecking Company. Ile
Was an alderman of Kingston for seven
Left'a Lot of Money But No Mention
Ottawa, Aug. 23.--Snaokc was observ-
oil to Englarxd� He feared to land at
. ,
Great -crowds lined the streets amd
took quite AS much interest Ili the
x �
years, a trustee on the Board of Educa-
tion, a Mason, an Odolfellow And a mem-
of Hi's Son. ;
. eat to be liouring front the ljoWal .&Uxxt
Genoa lest his women folks' dressea be -
tray Ilia identity, there being one or two
- he feared.
!pg. sallormen AS on the first day of their
Halifax, Aug. 23. -The Government
ber of the Royal Arcanum, He Was a
Presbyterian, a Conservative, Governor
Ottawa, Aug. 22�-It. has been poiried
Oil SUOSCX Street On, �'SEl,t11TdRy EarternOoka,
allid a Passerby rung in an alarm trunk
n in that city Whom Ile
Me I '
sent his family to a place of eafety,
A banquet Was given to -night Ili tile
steanter Restigouche, Captain Bouchard,
of Kingston,aeneral Hospital and a di-
out that the will of Sir Adolphe Caron,
the mearest box. Milken the fire brigade
-,Ybich he does not mention, and then
made straight for London.
town hall by the Roman, Catholics to
which arrived at Westport, Brier Island,
rector of the Odolfellows' Relief Associa-
an ex-PostanaaMr-Geneml of Canada,
arrived in iull torce smoke was is.4tung
t - :�
1,200 men and officem of the fleet,
, Winch Was attendedby the federal mia.
yesterday afternoon, reports the loss of
Hen And Chickens Shoal,
- t�oka. A -xvido-sy and four children our-
vive. vale son, Harold, graduated in
and which left an estate ofsome $02,00,
made, no mention of his son, A.'D. Car-
in clouds from hall a dozen of tlie base-
ment Windows. The iNlinc is a branch of
-ers, ju tes and other officials, C
Koran 'Coasts 'were
Yarmouth, on Frifty afternoon, The
young mail's name was Ernest Tluenuin,
June at the Royal Military College.
. .
-1 I V
on, Who has a position With the Cove 911
ment. The property-, -after certain
t4e ltv�nal .&izot of Loudiiii, and is carl-
ducted upon the regulations made by the
Trapeze Performer and Wife Seriously
.presided. drunk
o the ' ana, President.
aged About 19,/single and, a 'native of
debts are paid, Is left to the,widow and
authorities in.hugland. The Alint does
injured by Fall.
Allentown, Pa., Aug. 24. -Harry Miller
Oil t 0 memoirs -Mkich the -Ameri.
ea a will carrZr awa Y- will be a tama
St. Margaret's' Bay.' Five men Were
working oil the acetylene buoy which
daughter, but the ,will.'says nothing as
to the Son. Provision is made for the
ran on Satui-itay afternoon, andthe
britisli authoritieshad neglected to make
and his -wife, Framoes,'brape2-10 Performers
Is ,to
kangaroo, which Cardinal 3-foran Will
marked the Hen aifd Chiekew� shoal
-In some way the whole lot of them
Hamilton Mani's Visit to Brockville
lebration. of 200 low masaes for the re.
p"Ose of his soul. Some $18,000 of the
plovi*iOn lit the regulations for such an
emergency as +1 iai*of Saturday. '
_ at ')Or ney Park, met With 9, serious -
ciden t. Miller was hanging,on all -upper
present -to the flagship Connect
acut: Rear
Admiral Sperry, Lord and Lady North-
were thrown overboard. Mr. Gallaher,
St. John,
Prevents Fatality.
estate -is in Ontario, and the balance in
The firemen, laierefore, found them-
trapeze by his feet. Around his neck .
- WAS a strap, through which his -wife
cote, Sir Harry And Lad7 RAwson and a
large number of the
of who had charge of the work,
was. quite badly injured, but was rescued
Brockville, Aug, 24�lVm. -MaKa3P, an
:: : ,I , I
-selves Separated from the blaze bya
- .4tacle in the f,Drin of a re u.
unique 01) 9
placed her feet and hung ]load downward.
officers and men of
the visiting fleet attended the A%.glleakk
together -with tile ex-
" the
co )tion , '�i� ' Others'
Df L In tuall, whose injuries prob-
elderly resident, Was lighting his pipe
latiOn that no. one alloikid be admitted
to the Mint when it war, not runnin-
The strap broke and the woman fell to - ,
the stage on hor head and shoulder, dis-
The Bapti4ta and CongrogtAlonali Ste
,�ly r, - ku f,
, P veXtel hi om again coming
to the
near a window yesterday, -when a and-
Cinematographic Displays to be Used
- Phere was an armed guar I"
(I Ott band to
locating the latter And fracturing ]ter
arm. a She also suffered a cut oil the -
United in service, which also was largely
I attended,
Z - �: I
den gust of wind blow a curtain against
the match. In: an Instant the curtains
to Aid Students.
. enforce this regulation, And it was suP_
Ported bW'a steel fence thirty feet high,
� head and internal injuries.
. Following the storm. of Yesterilay glor.
.... d his clothing caught fire. Char I les
Place, a visitoir from Hamilton, WAS
London, Aug, 23,-ArAmated photo-
graphs giving realistic impressions of
g -
protected along the top by wick-edspikes
filur Inches apart, eltoil, capable of impal-
Miller also fell and landed on Wp of
his wife, sustaining severe bruises, BQ6
lous weather prevailed to-da�y, There was
a, gay scene in the aiaibor And the fleet
passing the house at the time and hear-
surgical qperations have already been
used for demonstration. to medical
lng , trespasser. The men on Watch
will be incapacitated from further work
this season,
Was crowded with visitors.
I �l -_ I
ing the screams ran, in and'amothered
the flames with a blanket. Mell-afs
students, but have been regarded more
oier the treasure within the -building re-
- fused to relax their orders and, openthe
I I �-
I P11V
. I IJ I
.. I - ,
wife, an invalid, -Was sitting in W room
Watching him burn, but waa powerless
or less as curitisitics.
There is a, itiovenient --afoot, now,
- t,imit the firemen, though the
Smoke ,%vas
Chinese Claimed Influence With To-
'to extend assilitance. The right side of
howe-,er, to introduce 0'uen1A`tOgr&0
growing volluxle every MO-
Norwegian Steamer Wrecked on the
Chicago Man Mobbed by Crowd-.
ronto Police in .-Protecting Gim.
bling ouses--Qot Thousands Dol.
his body was badly burned, but it Is
tholight; lie will recover. .
displa3s of op6ations into tile orain-
ary niedical curri,du!1liffi, and' some-
Finally Chief Prevost took the matter
irto -lis Own hands, and ordered ladders
West Coast of Norway.
Bergen, Norway, Aug. 23 -That Nor.
WiJl Pay Damages.
lars From Innocent Fellow-
., F
Loneon hospitals it is Suited, �e-
,-in Qis new feature in the new se -
up to the top of the spikes. Up went the
firemen and- hose, Chief Prevost leading,
wegian steA xner Folge, Foxiden, from
Bergen to Haugesund, on the West.
coast Xorway, Was wrecked last
Tile PToposed use of the clixellia.
while the guard -within the wall stood
. ,lit near Skoneviks and sank in three
Dresden, Aug, 24.-A. Bartlett, of Chl-
Toronto, Aug. 24. --With the, whole
�, I .
t_� grad)h is Strongly depreeated lit Per.
tan medical quarters, the operating
And Watched the fire-fighters descend in.
to forbidden ground. A'xes made short
minutes. The steamer carried sev-
enty passengers, and it is believed
cag.,O, aceouipaxki4 his wife and
daughter, was automobiling froul Karis.
detective force of the city rounding
theatre being regarded as sacred and
not a desira0ble for
Work of of ,the basement windows,.
and a Stream of water Was. turned
that forto of therix were drowned. Fif-
bad to Dresden last Saturday when the
them up, five Orientals were taken into
* *
I *
Plague Carried Off King's Son
place photographic
operators, Who may also introduce dust.
through the iron bars of the window up-
OIL five tons of coal lit front of the
teen bodies have been recovered,
captain Of the steamer was among
car run over and killect. a -ooy eight years
yesterday on a charge of o;n-
a and
It will, nevertheless, be adopted for re-
those saved. .
old in the e of Scluniedeburg, 30
Spiracy t that alleges A, system of ingen.
His Father Forthwith Got Vac-
cording muscular a,nd other ' move-.-
furnace within, This had become ignited
I - � I
I ,
Pailes from .Cho boy I -an suddenly
in front of the machine from behind &
jous frrald Almost -without ot, Parallel.
cinated-Now Everybody Wants
uxnitg in nervoits diselks
of rotodical instruction. es for purposes
nd Was ,blazing inerrily,
I a There was nothing else on fire, .is the
car. - I ..! . J.*i 141
The five Chinese. are. Roy Join, 7i2l
to be Punctured by the Doctors.
1 - I
building is fireproof, And there was noth-
I The 0. P. P, Operators' StrU at
When it became known that the child ,
Bathurst street� Lou Tong, 882 YoTige -
. 0 in tile Vjl-..J�3. Q1 Ll�c CoAl but Stone
I Montreal.
waa dead,"the villagers 'made a hosirile
street; HOY Jack, 335 King %trot West- -
Paris, Aug. 2&--Telegranks received
and concrete work. The fire was soon ex
Montreal, Aug. 23,-A small -sized
demonstration against the Bartlebt par-
y, the members: of which took refuge
Jim Lee, 2211 Queen street cast, And Lee)
Ling, 721 Bathurst Street. The cliari�
from Caiubodia, the French Asiatic pro-
Rev. 0. L. Perry Prevented a Panic
thiguished and the firemen went back
the wi,y they came, The only damage
strike took place yesterday in the local
Ili a nearby hotel, It; was decided at 2
in effect is that tlie meal e
hat King Sisowath has
in Toronto Suburb.
Was from sixtoke, which -penetrated every
0. P', R. telegraph offices. An operator
named Medley, who has some negro
olqock Sunday morning that the eliallf-
fake police-proteative assoelonisioint,utlicah
�cen Vaccinated, and that a perfect craze
Toronto, Aug. 24. -Great excitement
part of the building. � I
blood Ili Iiis volins, WAS, promoted to be
feur Was blameless, Mr. Bartlett, ho,w-
ever. said that lie would indemnify the
ObtAilled money from gullible Chfueso
by promising protection (against the po-,
foe vaccination has set in at Ills court.
The plague broke out not long ago at
prevailed in St. John's 11reabyterian
Church last nigitt when a youth opened
I I : - !
assistant manager of the operating
room, and as a result fourteen operators
family of the It O.Y.. ob ___
lice for
. their gambling houses,
PnoinpexlC, and the V reach doctors wish-
it c,ide door and raised it cry of t1fire!)
went On strike. Medley is a skilled and
� - -
It IS Claimed that Since January, when
the five started business, they have col-
el to vaccinate the people, but one of
Sisowath's Dolong Mathura, deelar-
Haditnotbeen for,the presenceof inind
of the Rev. 0. L. Perry, of Newport,
- .
� ,
faithful operator of twenty years' stand -
ing, and as lie was next in line for
lected about a thonsalkil dollars obtain-
Q against vaccination and, al-
Wqxleq, who Was conducting lClie service,
kelativ6s 'of Victims Ask For a
motion received the appointment. The
per week from
the keepers of the Chinese gambling
though one of his wives died ,of the
there might have been sciious resii1tq'
Rev. Mr. Perry -was in the midst of li�
Government Inquiry.
men who went out are operators brought
Dispute Between Canadian Northern
Places Of tile city.
plague, lie refused to allow'her body to .
b3 removed, Soon afterward he, too,
discourse when tile cry of "fire" was
here originally from the United States.'
They TO111SO to ,work under a colored
and Its Machinists.
Tile formatioil of the "association!'
followed a number of Police Court pros-
caught the plague and died. '
given. 'vVithout awaiting to wscertain
Ivixether the cliurch was In flaindt, tile.
Whinipeg, Aug. 21-RelAtiVes of thc
the disasteT in the -
man. The company state that they will
-cp utions about, the first of ,the year,
when several of the men Arrested yes-
Me father, the King, immediately seli�
for the doctors Arid was vaccinated. He
inister told the clioir to begin the
singing of a Well-known hymn.,
V*cthti of , Which
,qteakner Premier was burned and eight
of those on board lost their lives have
fill the places of the strikers.
- - r
' I
Ottawa, Aug, 24�Tlio Labor Deport-
ment has been asked to authorize the
terday helped the (,'town in prosecuting
the proprietors of a number of gamblingo
Wanted to -be vaccinated four tiniesr-
once on each leg and, Once on each arm
Alknost every person Ili the crowded
church rexxxaixie'�i in their seats sufftei-
sent A memorial to the. Minister of Mar -
lite demanding a searebilig investigation
London, Aug., 25.-A despatch to the
I appointment of a Board �of Al4bibrittiou
under the Lernieux act to settle it dist.
- PIRceg. Shortly after this the five are
Said to have gone around the various i
-and the doctors -had the greatest dif-
ficulty fit making him understand that
ent long to avertIm Panic. The service
then went on, although many women
Mid setting forth tile charge that there
was negligence and a lael, of discipline
Times iron-. 'Ab�,.*::, dated, Aug. 93,
states that there have been no active
plate between tile NuAdlan Northern
gambling places and claimed ,thab as it
this was unnecessary. Then all the Alin-
had to go to their home,;, being so bad-
among the crew.
developmehts J., the situation at that
Railway Co. and some fifty of its Ina.
chinists ,working on the Lake St. John
result of assisting the police they were
in 1% POsitioll to fix thifigs so th t I
a t toy -
could to-
1 the lKings's
'Steve Were vacchiated,, all
wives and all the royal household, and
the rush- to f ollow these illustrious ex-
ly frightened.
' Tito police tire now looking for the
It Rev. A 'Per
� - � , I .
Co . 11
city since the airrival of Ain Ed Dowlh,
whose original purpose was to attack -
Railway, mostly residents of Quebec.
guarantee protect'tbat gaming
youth. Nvas Al.r. . r Y's fare.
revolutionists. He is now encamped
The in;u have named Alfred Chartrain
houses front further police raids. For
amples ha.4 been Such that more vaccine
�vell sernion, lie having taken the pulpit
three miles outside the own, where Ilia
as ,their re wese-titative, And it is thought
the protection they, demanded varying
has been telegraphed for from Saigon.
during the absenee of Rev. J, Mel).
forces Show little signs of activity.
the formal order allowing the Appoint- '
Sums, generally, from ,W to $10 per
The only people of distinction in
Scott, .
Scotch Farmers' Deputation in
- -
I talent of a board will issue from here to.
The "association" prospered until
Paoinpent Who refuse to -be vaccinated
are the ,Minister of War and it ditumliter-
1. I 1-1
Hamilton on 31st.
- 44.10 1 . .
ftboub it week ago, when some of the
in-law of the Xing. They threatened to '
Vr(inkfort, Germany, Aug. 24.- Hi�tr
Chinese began to doubt the genuitionLess,
commif suicide if forced to -allow the
The Xing
Constantinople, Aug. 94.-Illie f ire
Ottawax Ont.$ Aug, 24.-',k,lr. J.
Geltormann, cashier of the coupon do. .
the Mittledeutselle Credit
of tile proteetion. The result wus the
doctors to operate on them,
NvIll,11 broke out, in tilit Stamboul quar-
partment of
detective office got wind of the game,
Acting the the
wasted no -words on them. He, has Shut
them they
ter of Constantinolile yesterdayi was
11049c, who I me Of the pArty of the
Scottish, in, tile told
Blink, shot himself dead Ili this, city to-
day. He had enibe2zled $125,1DOO from
oil advice of police, mark-
up in the palace until sball
extinguished at midtaig);t. The J10USC-9
agrieXurists cit,y
Oct money Was handed to tile five as
change their minds. .
tit the quarter were rnoAly built of
the Times they Would visit Hamilton on
the bank. X, e left A, letter of confession -
PAYInent for the alleged Protection. In-
. -, I
� �', - I I
Wood And proved easy r the
the 31st inst., to -morrow, They go to
addressed to the management,
I Pinaheial Losses Believed to Have
formations against them Were then -
sworn to by Yee Luck, And warrant,A is-
stied. When Arrested yesterdzy the
f1diales, carried 4ty the higlipr%;lild'o It is
intimated that more than 2,000 build.
Brockville Anil 'then on to Belleville,
Woodstock, London and ,other poitott.
- I I I' -
- I
Seen Responsible for Suicide of
triarkett utoney was found on three of
were destroyed.
A number of firemen And �,Vomeftnud
Dublin, Aug, 21-111cliard. Croktr
day becalue all honorary burgess of Dub.
Ellsworth 9. MtAvthur, on Farm
. I
Near Dunkirk,
the Ilion,
The arrest of sonic, of the Orientals
Young wife sit the Falls Swallow.
children ftrd reported to have be,n
rn . The holikotest; prob%.
Ottawa, Out,, Aug. 24.-NVill. Dillornic,
lill. Ito Signed the roll find received froth,
t1lo Lord 'Mayor a Certificate graiatil'.go
. .
was only effected After hollys of si�arelx .
ing. There Was one exceptiou, Jillf Lee,
ed Carbolic, ACIA.
lily Nvill number 7,000.
� _. I . 1-1 - 11
of Ott%w , is dead at N'owark, X. 1. 11�',
I.ep, ,tqng A,
WAR lit .
, trolley wire
, for tile
him the freedom, ,, f tho'city.
Dunkirk, Aug, 124, --Cjoronor Blood, of
Dunkirk, WAS kallail to the home of A.
for W110111 Several deteetiVes were se'Our.
ing the city, heard, that several Chinese �
Niagara Foil , A ig. '23.-Anxiou 0
' Is t 8 t
I -I
street rokilway company 16116re when the
I horws attitelied to the wag -on on which
- - -
. .
. L Town Ott a fatiliT near cowdoll'a Cor
to set'
were undc�, Arrest, (Lila -walked '
V�.hat the trolible wits, Ile Avila very
die, and resisting efforts of physicians
Plymouth, Aug. 24. -The Xbrth Ger.
was standilig rall %Way5 throwing 111111
- -
io the ground, Ito Sustained inPlu"t's
Brussels, Aug. 24.-TIm lyidependeuct
B0,1ge publishes a stittellle�nt that, Iiiiig
llen� Ili the town of Arkwright, about
lnuelt alia8lied when placed, bi'v*tl 8 t 0 kly.
who, aro. world '
ing over her, Mrs.
� livall Lloyd steantor lCaiser Wilho.lin. it.
has established it new roeord in tint(%,
is (10011 ill. a 81
thaf eall-'-d Ill . lort tinliN
�_ . , .
Edward wilt meet 1011g Leopold Ott his
'eight miles solith of Dunkirk, to investi.
� gate tile Xleath of 14"Isworth 11. .
- I ____
11"991ostoll, 25 years old, llovers b.,.
� Q
LWO011 lite Old dedid, at a ioeftl hospi ., I.
apqe(l and: av,A-ige Speed for tiny ves.,
4el over the long co ,
, lit -so, 3,080 inilt's.
40.�� 46
way bltek froin 1-hatieubad.
11 I'll: - -
Who WAS follual, dead hollighig from a.
Tito youtig winualt swallowed a. quan-
from $anilv Hook to Plymouth, She,
'distallee '�Na
Tjourde,4, Aug. 24, -Pilgrims to tile
I post by a horse's bitchbig strap, Tito
Mrs, $herwin, of Toronto, Ralach6d
tity of earbolie acid, And wheyt found
11111111? tit(% Ili dayq. nine,
number nf 7,500 yeAtorday attobdod the
Moutreal, Aug. 24.- Jaineq IteIr Ilar-
coroner held Ali inquest and decidoil that
Pasteur Institution Iry Time.
by her huslyttid %vivi so far th-tt
gOne '
hours alld 5.3 illinutos, all itvp�4ige for
colebrAtionR Attending the 50tIt anuivor-
die, the British TAtbor Xt. P., arrived
the d(N.Ath wag A, cle,tr Case of suicide,
Ive4krtlitir IvAs abold 47 year,% old. Ile �
New York, Aug. ,J�The pliveicilMs (it
only after hard. work were physiclang
tho rull of 23.71 knots ati )tout,,
sary of tlit-, apparition of the Virgin. A
itutgnificent .-hurelt has beolt Proetod on
11k,rk! 1q).day ,ghortly before noota on tile
.itllail I.Ina, 11 ,)oil
PA Lill.
formerly lived lit North &St, and l4st
the pvAtoul. Institute reportoit io-night
diat Mrs, 81herwin, of Toronto, who is
able to Intlueo re,cipiration by artiflelal:
"", ""' ""'
I . .
- -�_
. March hit bought it hil-ity lir ,,4t
Sti-CO, Frodoffln, but finding it not 114
untlor freatiumit there to prevent
ItledlIff. -
, Toronto, Aug. 94�-Tho tiew office of
llft� Q ,,,,,,,,,,,,,ir,t,o,,,,"�i,l',',,,,,i,,, I8`-,8!ai,'1�hi`r"-
teoll IoNlittp.,4 of different 'flatloualitie'l
V411111,11M AS he AIIVPOA�d When he -bought
tables, aft,6r it, rac43 ,front, ber houlp in
(,allatla, IA progreming Well. It Waq
A. 1'r .i. R'ggle.Aou, the polieo Say, 1111d
,ionio trouble o.,irly to-iloy with her
the Imaillgration Insluvtor-fol, illis N_
taTI(i Goveyriment at T,Anidaut, Rmgland,
Im...411pil. lit tile, eporulolfiv% .
-.-- ---+*4- 1
ltpllo, Xvv., Auf,p- 124- Tho ilatilvaiail
town of Itntoll forty milm vllst of
it, 110. reor-ptly Aol<l A week ago lie
Arid his wift went to viv,oit rqr. ,J,own,
Add(41 tll,'tt tllk% treltialmit Was begun twori
t-noligh iii ward off the, di".am,., and that �
hushand; and aetertailloa to (.lid Iv.r
lite. 181to, went to the 'home. of her
baiia been filled by tile appointment ,of
Xeville 11. VoleoA, fortner vletk�ton.*,111
r�p io ante. 1,%OM bftrvt%4tt%rs li�vv left
tile musterit Provinces f0T the V01WITIt 1
Ilona, wag cle..4troyod by fir-, yesterday.
I.M% $1.1.'),(M. ' .
wht, it o 1�rother of Mri. XeArthuri atial
Mrs, Slv�rwln is not likely to develop it,
mother, told her tbAt she, Avas firva of
for the Vnit,%d Statm -at Niagara 1,14114.
wheat flerd"54
Tbe bkilytoltm* were taken to Vallort
, k ,, , ., I , � . I'll � ! ,.�� , I .., .
I 1, . �� � I , . . , � ... �: . i � �L� " ---
, ,
, I A��. �� .- I ���� ......... .! i.L�, � � . _
. I'll 11 .. 1. - , ,�
__ ,6�_.Ijt j�",L. - .t �_ I 1111AL4, - 11� . ,,, "I'll "'ad .i_ 41_&� ...�A.��.. . I... ��