HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-08-27, Page 6OW'. ,- �_', ; -�] ... �, , , , I'll 11 I .. .. � -
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Sabbath in tho Country,
(By V. Jeanie Swaille.)
With ilawn the 114unday beattLy steali
Aeross the suIum.k,r bills,
And pence, unto tile world utilmown,
Tbo sao�rea silence fill,t.
, -hi,,t
In sighing breeze and sin,, bird,
l liv Yoke i:6 heard.
The, liands from wpk�k d,a), labor free
Find time to gather flowers.
,lu,a Ilea
. . rts lot fall their burde is all,
JVhile playing 'rimth .Ile w1w;;,
Know yo how sweet tire pra,*rrs that
rise ,
From bloslaoining sea to "aulted Z,Irit,.,
Roftly the sweet-toued Sa,bbath bells
Seucl out their peal oil peal,
Until a host of worshippors
By sacred altars kiwel, .
Tile breath of roses. fills the air,
Sweet bleellse of the Ilouse of prayer.
The city has its towering spires,
Its temples rich and grand,
But ,sweetly steals o'er country Ways,
The SabbatIts of the land.
I�Jy heart with tender longing fills,
;Owmlkii '11111d. my :native 14114A. 7
0 iields aglow with clover blooms;
.0. hill of rustling corn.
Afy thoughts wing back its way to yotx
With. ovary sAbba,tll Morn,
Yet near, and far, and every where,
Lord of the Sabbaili, Thou C�t there,
I Prayet.
Help us to spend our life according to
Thy will, 'Thou Creat -w of mail. -Thou
knowest how many temptations assall
our life, and how prone we Are to 610
downwards, Thy grace alone can lsui-
tain us, and ,perfect Thy vill within Car
4 ' t. Tuns we come to Thee QY(Iry
dp'rla, men come for bread, NVe cannot
. without Thee. Thou are not our
occasional joy, Thou art our everlast-
in necessity. Ili God Nye live and move
an� have our being. We cannot see
Thee and live, but Nye can see Je6us
Chri,st Thy Son, a -ad listen to His words
and receive His testimony, and waUc by
Iiis doctrine, and trust ourselves to the
mystery of His cross. Amen.
. Laving Death,
No matter, WWI people may Pay about
not foaring denth, this natural eneilly
of mankind Is repulsive tb every healthy
hilman being, The fear of death is its
natural as the love of everything thiit
is beautiful and right. That ont, -.,Itould
Icve death labeyoudcomprehension, avid
yet tile wisc tillill Says there are people
who love death, and lie is rl,,,rlvt.' N�is-
dew Ili tier pers onifica Lion is made to
tj -�
say, "All they that hate ins love ilea U,
The man tbait idespises iviWoni ,and
truth allies himself to all the for�!;.i
tha� make for physical, moral and spir-
. � referred io
itilill death ilie wisdom heria
is SalleLified ' cominclueense that ta.kes fit,
to mcount a man's duty to himself, bis
tie.Uor and his Maker. The ninm w4ho .
is .
faithful in all Itertaining to Hui�belf,
not ill the selfish sense, but, in Lee genie
ot ti.),acting of himself and for hinis�!li
that wh�ch N conducive to Ills Nvell-bein011
la a wiser man. He who welglia MS
thoughts, words and nets in the light .
not only of duty to himself and his fol- '
lows, but fit the hig
,her coinception of bia ;
relationship to God HhAi,olf. is the wis- i
eat.. Unfortunately there tire people who ..
step at one of these points with,liat '
thought of the others. We hare, the fan- �
atical religionist, who leaves himself,
his family and Ills nedg-lbor out of the '
count-, the professional plillauthroins,,, -
who dettles. sW and forgets God, is an.
other tyue, and the third is the man
with Wit ' ons. the beginning and end of I I c
universe is his own little avoirdupois cf
flesh and blood. The world only needs the
rounded wisdom of all these three oou-
captions of duty to make it it veritiible
paradise. Ile that covets such wisdoin
covets the lilgh(,st Maid of life; ,Ito, who
ignores sach wisdom loves death. - 2in
against self is folly, sin against ist.els
neighbor orkilq, Pin attrainst the Al�
mighty IS Mttdl]4DSS. "All they that hate
me love death."
The Physician.
They sometimes call me "physician,J),
because I issue Ili prescription for reme-
dies. Here is one., A trinity for internal
treatment, two loves and a hate. In the
beginning we read of the first.separa-
I tion. Gool divi,led the light from tile
darkness, and lie has been devilling ever
since, He divided truth from error, evil
Minn. good. When this division takes
place in men there is a re.vulsion, a reve-
lation; error is seen to be ugly, and some
gleams of the eternal beauty divwns upon
I the soul, We have the old man, and we
open our eyes to the radiance of the new.
"Ye fliat love the Lord !late evil." It is
A wolidertul discovery when we see that
the wisdolu of the world is folly, and
whon. we detect our heart go,r'rig after the
world,, by reason of it better wisdoni,
-We h4to the ,,Id way, became it is hard
and Cruel 4nd shorti and brings -no real
satisfaction. The greatest evil in the
world is selfishness, because the beavt is
bound tip in the thing that is to pass
Away and perish. To set our hearts
lipon that which death can deprive Its
is not the highest w)s4om. The. first in-
gredient of this toedleine is, therefore� to
bate, to ablior and loathe thyself. Then
we turn to love, und love ii ever two-
fold. In loving thyself thou lovest not
thysolf as thine own, but as given thte,
by, one who has stolen thee from thyBelf, ,
trgusformed, renewed thee, and thei
given thee back to thystilf. to Ile. thine
forever, "Ito loved me and give Himself
I for mOl Ile found file one-, Ile ineor-
POtated Millsdi with me, and then gave
Me back to myself-, AD then it h now
time fit my accret, tiob. experience, Christ
in losia the hope of glory. So thi6we is
no more single. than doiiixble� chri-it lives
fit me R04 I in Ittill. Ile holds sullor-
visual glasses to ul,y- eyes, And 010 tile
divine wisdom, the. divinQ goodneR.4, the.
divine beality, the tlivine wonsterel Self
anti highest love arf� ever opposito, like
tfand darkness, tiglinem and beauty.
alvlte you ever observed the destructive
e'lement in tile Bible? NationA, cities,
ibstitutioniv, men. "I givk� men for thy
lifo, V'gypt R rlingom for illy people."
Tread softly her(,.; you trea(I. �n holy
gtound; take off Lily Owes-, yon de not
know ill); Indeed, very little, The Toot
nf gelfishm,A3 ig fiell. Ilere tit(, eternal
(,Iod urges perpetual warfare. This bat-
tleground is not in-tbe pli,in,,3 of Troy,
not Waterloo, bot (lettysburg, but the
human h#itrf. ITere we fight to win or
loote. Which iq it to Le? N tbt! fkmer
of Ain to burn 111) illy bloicd ftild wallte ,
and dmtroyt Or Is Ifl�A_ with iis rallsolil
power, Its bealing virtilte, it -i Morning
1*1111, its eonfoutding wipolorri, to Iny
It4 hill, upon my poor pilpitatilig fivait
and tr,4 the tho. wortlei, "Peam Ile Rtill"?
X T, Mixfr.
. ,. . . -L ;. 1 2 ,, . . i
I I 11
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AAwk- —AdW _&AL.&I.— .&&.Ad"— _.ftk&_.
"Flwl - I � I—- I 0*06 -1 -,"%, 1, - , "Iftoo"o *& drow Audrey to the 144.110j, and'in WQNDIZRV*UL 0AVEGN. -, C ", CURED 188U1441 NO. $6, IV08
1r, % , I 10 ,
--I mom�nt or two the exquisite -voice w4a " .1 - . . IN 24 HOY'K .
. .1 1-_'.---- I 1� I �� _ � ,_ "," .. ,,'.-.. ,_' _, I � 14_�J_- _. I � 1.1 -1 ,�., fillill" the roont and flqAting throughthe Subtorran= Ch7m!!"r Way, Trla��oi yall e."AiieN 5 � - a I , . , '" " , " ,
__ _ __u j.- � , opell 1�illdilms. I P I L E S . t hard, pa r ��,,,,��",,,,,,,,,"'�,.i,,v,,O,,,,U,,,,L,o,or,', ;s on S4X.
, 144,1141901.1 , � jA�� j
I � Lar"ost In the World. 1 (1,01,11 E'Xtrgctor� It never burns, leayesito sour � -
I - ,
I "Wilat a lovely Creature, and what 0, 4,1tilotiallt intistrocrintfretIpUftrin NVIlat Iti D-M,l to bf� tho IUI60"t alld ; CC)Iltajll,illo4�,I(Ifjfif;114ti,ifiles,lbouguse4o�inl)oou* #^M,.V.0.f.,% ft M "'lip
ra, V0100111 6XVIallued Ole Viscount to. lain. J i Only of 11(1101119 gullis Oita bulula. Ajq, yeam lit *P ARWI IN MANITOBA, SASK4-TV1111-
P1190 until I livoll 1. but, Zaln-4itlIc ins"d , 11104 wond(riful vttbt ", tile. ("
self. Inbl"$�i?stlrs.l':.Itt:ed*t.i.Steeiii,grg,C)nt.,ni,d Irrantan clialilly'l til,eguaraiiWed. Soldby4ll ruggl6ts - wait and Albortlt, lwprQY04 and w1:11
. did not fizee that Audrey'v 0119 I'Vere i1tdd$,.-' I 1%olf, 6-1 V'rithtncd thut I could bm(ll)t - In the worlti has just livvil opell ed up I;) ; ;-r,o, bottle.s. Refuse subalitulco, . � Oct Our INt It'is tree Write ax, 4, 0. Mil-
ILI movo about, and a litaq work rouit4i ii.v Strat � let .a -
THP 11VIT17P17-ft I , I "Ildt'Wil- It N Iiii'allti-)d in tb(i 11.�VrAf' !PUTNAM'-S PAINLr-M-C, -I,Imit;a,NO-4�illelatYrox)IQP"F,vy"
I_ ,. , . I ._ .. 1.111, -1-- I .. .1 I
--...,— -01waso,". 4"_ �_ -
L-4 - I .1. I 10"01W
Was thqm� AxW Wadqu meaning in tl '
, Ile
tellply'a yl$;uarolp, or had has air Jordarl"
b"A JJALY04llpliobly OtillpiCt6UP1
"rQohl tlk,#,ro's iiothing An
, . . It. Dzuka line
got oft vith Ula 'notes, the will's do-
0royed, 44d I %in s4a.11
Ue ropqAted U14 stesuraneo, with, still
gr44ter 9oAWC,Aqe andoomforb lat4r on
k� the doj� Nv#*A the ove4ing grevir ou,
Aud no NuGA imas.ppon,red, and with
4orilothIng lilo a light heart he sent P"
*ogrstnI to, Audrey, saytui tho us
_. , ,
Ahould tottilm to London uoxt day, .
QT1AP=U X=. .
Aiiilr did not cry sis tl�a 'back of the,
box AMO told 1!lylvie, slie, shoA. but
ild smiled so-
knoNflOolomouta of tb� �owlj o( bov
frIeuild W aoquklata,fiaes In the, btlier
box" And 81*140,
Sofallblcs"VIO and wiA,known, a 3ady
P,jB Allas A.utg,v Hppe caurtot wear , hfr
heart upon ar alcove for dews to. R�0,k
at, muo si� she mat th0e, looking u � &
little, pals 444, % wols At tifA ais i0v4
11SU44 aVA
. - I it Ono I;%, froull of t�he fo#f�
I r1folits 94es4od Nw her fie4rt AqUed,, Mid
40NV 81�0 W1,404 tbat she liaA_ Rover isa,W -
tuo few "Y4.411 to Jd * I ot t t
Lord Lorrhr��ro h b "' few
� .. QQ
weeks orliar� ox-ot t' sho ba I
been bom .
She bad regoived q, 140*r from Joir4.9,x
urgiv an *wly mArriage, but toi "_
, �
she *6n� uO reply, and. her p,jla' . -
, -
WO, b%VO OSW4 114d considerably irl!r,4146:11
tb*t potsona.g6, �
Thus =4*a stoolI, Audrel L in 400p,
distross,, lWin in $ JO us
. - g a, v1s# fro '
I - upbr�,Idtug b,oroo .� f
444 oQuatautlY Allor
h hAsho In olliterlOg illi� an eitge,geihont
V171h him.
Throe .4yo qlapsed, and'on the oten-
_ . .
Ing �f th,o 161irty shit 0 . 014 Sel-IT.n.
frPid 70-4 thitili X was ftlad, gr Visit
sall_ ,
AgdToys �s the two girls ou;bv"
And 07�v* 'with her aims still rf=
hei, led her into 4to mit,tin w
"I didmi't know," said vfj'"Ma she
0001131 A her fl�cla anxiolIol ,
Thwe, Was a heotia flush on Al.;&
ch")AS RVA 0, W-14ful, restless 14� in
beor 04" "� W4 ShO AveztA fro;lu
871YIA� lovinj m,ailitinyJ but she tiul"
Mid eyou I= '
frj,_:�X balre e0ni busy," she *oAd, evaos.
Ivel , 'Wow is Merqv)
I - "I"tr b*ers" Ah4d. Sylvia, '%e
989ii's atzon tq�d and mor alloor.
. K If she Cd ncittleen I shon d have
insloteol uf�?u sellifing for the do3or; but
sh6 is roaiiy better;, .
'"Pin glad of that,- said Audrey, "for
my sake as well As here. eyt* , " �ollt 40'
I )
it 1; iveek,11,
AOt Ai1W after to-niglit, for t .
-wo," said Sylvia, ypon,darl " tw"
, , I'll
Cowin 11�1101; for file 7441', Isn't it
,.; 9,;
aplen� - 4 to ha no long 4 Wa
"Tes,)) amid ILdre'v yr
almlil" t I �f a L ill - 'T,
. I romp .orkly) "and I an mu
. " . ,
to spenrift vita mO, Not in
donj but 14 the oouiatirytls � . I
"In the countryl . I I tfull
Where zro you going?"' :
OTO my house, the at Lynw,
rqlled Audrqt
"To your h6iise4l'
"Yes," Went on Audrey, ,
riedly. 111 -they stLj it �3 a t M. -1
want a (olisage, .4 i1014 ro#,3011L know.
, . � �,
lim. tire& cd gotil, out uIr W I
.t , Inght,
afid so ---so X sail I wob 4 go do*yi t4p
the Grange, They -Lord and Lp4y MAX,
low-wamwol IUQ 0 go to t , 6, but
JX �Q �Vl _,ont
X ugto tho peas,A'v. It '; ulot wa
if'J want.p*thing, o4d v, �pell, of qMci
woot, a* ,yod any haxim,'signotitia, Stel-
Ili. e must $O to -morrow," she went on.
4q;ojA Marlow lias tolegTaphad down to
the � gerv.;�nti +4 h&vb thing* road,y for -
Is will cotmei 4own with us, if
;:t V Ptay, i447 t0h �Wvl oo; 0, Sylvia,
I want to show you tho, 01'r Ilo"ato In
wVqh I wail bo% Q4A irhich I love SO
doarly.. We V= wa; iliout the 14nes
ant-ami-th,er, =b- nobody tc�IL��.'
us:16ir ,T*ra=--wM 19 not be theref"
said $ylvla.
Audrey's f"o flumbooL In ber pocuet
we ' Jor4at's
.(a the tolegraint kiiiiiiiincin.g
retum'fo London CA the m0iovr. SIM
had dhown it to no ones, pot even 60
LI, Marlow, or per1two her I V
wo 41. not haire g1m hei oclit=11 U
sn4aon rwh `0:ff to tlw Grudge.
4ASh-Sir Jordau VM not be theral"
0110 gaido lo, kb wtt Rim will have to
be 44 tog au1=T:Zy1 littt don't
10,ux talk of hint, or any ft6 *14 but
oufadveg. We won't 14ention him,�o
, 't
V,r%y Ono tionn'doted *iWWA Toffolou
W 0 We Are down f0ifte. WOM just be
two e4hool girls out for & hondai, shan
W$ 9Y-IVJA.lr * �
od V`'� wRl Lot lt� on"ar I �' respoud,
�Ivixs pilly, ax(L %� Auchroy's
�d he, itvOnward In ths a rovoil then.
W41 %shlon. "My 'but I Lprgot .Morey,
; $ know wlietiller she ill me,
am I coula Lot len,ve ��Ler, Uloy, 20
Aleray ohtorv4 a t-Aat mqfn6b, �xd,
=Will,% .to Mim HOVO, WAS 84)OUt to re.
t iirfie# Aud , Atopl,od. 'her.
1%04% YOU W %104 WW4. -be all
tUe Ixtter for 4 bro of pure country'
id- marof?" she old,
1 0011ced 00m one to the other.
Itzeis", 44 faid.
4Ud I b6it sire you wT.flq, o,aid
U*4, ,goutly. ,49cs that nottlei it, We
O" '00 _06bl to my house In the
I - .
. 11110ol. WITU L03,15. . 11901Y, Ihel) I 11 -rd of 04 Smyl balia, und I ' - ' nipsig. NAU. .
I L '11:1 lhal4l,fol to 4ay 04 it li;ii �:urvd omll A103ILtaini lwar Triptitc, and w,1,,j (Ili: ., -1 � 11.11-11_
& little, while before Uda Trale rushed CORN aXTRACTOR , AN
I into Mra, Plirs-rius, llearly Rtaltling t"t � 44ni.V,ukjil*or,t4re�culs,burtis,b-iil.ict;,stiiTt)oss, "ov(11141d and fl,,74 surveyed, by Q. ,4. ll�,r. :::=�..Z.=,!.-..-��-.,--.�.,,,,,.. — I W 11) INVipm, ENT - 01CANA0
""I. 11 -A oville - 0601113, UlMs, (botful plucv, Sole fvtt� rolAr'll lCil 43 121 IS90. '110,3 greitt ("t4kril is roacip I I 1. , _ a Airill't land W 4,viollay nialisr. Disslstltul
ell from Opehisia, in IPtrla, flevatory, productive ArOblirds,, $4041 climate.
. � � -. I , W �l . __1 � � .-MA60S. good lady olit of Woo unit c'4115-111LR4 N skin p1tchco, aild- all skin Ifilurico Awl ilikascs. GOLF ON A HOUSETOP. Ogr Illitstrottall literature wr.te to blUtrii) &
�_ .A.hU..W_ I to spillig from his chair with 311 PxQl.11ll- Drugkrits anot itcreii stp 6oc,'a Wx, Qr Zu;n.l;uk ill""llt Lot I "ils, I I I L Xistrle, real osatat*, V04011 P.C.
11117411111111"WW1 -11041* �1� a Vc.,torontol, 3bo4f9r4x.:?$, : 'It" ,a howlL oa Of 11 mil. I
, ation, He bad placed himself in Tr le's . t I ully I Pi,itti'l$ Green In. a Billiard Rqqrn� ,. .. . '
'111arra,yl Go and got ready, you mat*- liands, itua, following hia. dlrec�tlolls, W'19 e" ----"-A . talli-side, tater bF two alinint pe,rpen(jjc_ ._ ., . ,._j�"'� o? � .� 'I ,L I
tyr. Ono ,you lia.vo begun to walk YOU stlil tit the cottage, though ('0116UT11ca � � UlAr (10,40cats Of 30 and 70 feet aad fill-, Driving Against Nets. I Whore go Qot it. ,
will feel more resigned to your oruill with 4-4 almost intoleral)IO des'ire to be �'i -�,' Y half all houl"i walk down a jre. Aerial obBervers may Peavit the leads (ITgntr
% aill ous wwaing, )at,,VvAy tyil:oh jk,aoa,� to of a I
fo,to to doing soluethilig. 0 f e �i't 11 '� C. , )ooklia over Regentlo . real Herald.)
� - aras "I'll",
I Marcy did. not respond to this loving "Wbat is it now?" 1.10 40mailded , 0,11". cm itilluenw. st-tt tit') and stftlafillitLi Park a Mort, of huge �rlo,ket list slid "Uentlemon,t- said the polatleAl oxndlo
batiter, but silently left the room, But lilrel?" I ,pv-r .1 7,11 eave of t�,rLi%t beal,ty with a dome -like .LIU;3 of .Oc
. - , ,
Orly. "Have YD'a g(�t the P00111 . ... & , .1 ( oanM matting. In another dAte, "you hAvo asked Me whore I got
Whorl, abol tad reaoh�d her ovni. site did ` 4N -O. but itis all rlylitt" said 'I'l1le, . �� ,� . - � , ". -, '.11 . roof 400 fect wide and Wa feet long, large house Ili tile AQ1�1110r1allOcif the it, '1%4 9upation. is luilsorting4t, but I
, . . .
not commence to paok Itame,444telyl In- 4,;N�I�lg Weville DOW a, ,,.�,,nol Sir Sor. _.. _ I I . � I � � I � I ". The Peculiar stalaguilto forinatiom oll,ner, who Is 4 metilbor of the Ilouse of
I are consiclereil, to lit) among tiv- Lords, has turned out his billiard table Ant going to Answer It- (Cries Of "Ahl")
otoad, she t1irew bermelf on her knees be- daWs gono 1101,1—,s . 11 I - . . � I . I � here ,
. . _____ __ ..._ �.... � _ ._ .. . ___
. most wonderful lit tile world; the PA- stretcli,�,d inatting over tile, floor and per' "I am not going to beat around the b4sh
side the bed and bid liar face fit her ,%onell' cohood Neville, fieVe(ilY, Weia Old Schoolmates of life, wilida n1oll"', through Wbat OU01113 AA D-1- forativil live round I . about this. matter. It It is a Crime to
h4lids. Then aft.v a while she roqo, and . "It's all right, 1 Pay. He,$ Only 'gone toles.
400 &�Id tightl set lips W- I , have money, I Pan going to otmid before
with A White 1! to f4ond-on, and- -a mail I can trust is in A conductor Rut a new brakettian to terinitiabla forent of -petrifled treea. Both these strange speotacle.5 Are indi- .
Zan to make & the jour- . ,It lose -amps off the train , - .. - . __ you a, Nelf-boafes".. OrITAInal-1, (alloute
propavations r . .1 Cation of the otill increasing prevalence
. . ho, gaille train wii - 'Plit 80410 ti I I , I . I I I .
lie t ji, bilia, and Vol"mo to were ri I 11 all. . The 'at oi of "Dar the'doorell, "Pon't let him es.
. -
Ot that I've oil , ding lit a box car. .'Ito bralegin. ?f the golf habit, n % tile leads
Rer face wore this coustrallial look of eight of hill" lglbt#a a I a .. . " __ , � __ is for practipe at drivingl the billia,rd
, Miss Audrey's beret" dropped into the ear And s id: "Where U`14&_Vomwvu&_4%awq� . c&pQl") "Wheradid1gotit? I-willtell
� ( ,� ___
resolute roprossf�n when tile party start- tell ou, thol tellisoll." - . __%, I ,��. �..�,
,, . room 3 COIM
A rel" ,�,r,e,,,you follows going?" "To A N 4,<�-, =,-J, , I erto4 into a putting.. green. you where I flit It." (A brief pause and
I .. - ,
V4 the next morntsig. .it was A lovid W Audrey 11.0 , yoj can't go to Atelilson on this ,.' L ,' ,;, "' �� avid suppressed exeltmoment.)
% days Anil Noville's face tiusliec" � 'I," _`1%,., 0''. ,.� V A now and strikinq example of tile 14
444 Sylvia felt unusually bright eart- us down train, DO get olf.11 "You get", caule tile r_�, I I � x IA t wag oxhilmed in Zile Royal Be. Gentleman,, I got it by betting that
grumble at h%vilia to 144ye I "Ves, at tile Grange, alto On] J z , . 11 � �y ,; V , - tattle Gardens yestorday, -wlien the ,
f Lis b,olloved a reply, and as. the now brakeman was - I- .. ,.,;z Lou boat would never get a, looX.1a in
_ .1 .. __ ,4 :
Xubblo)f At Whist at his .aVorl this evening with Lord MXVIOW 0,11(l . 1, .
, IFI, School of Golf opened, its to the, %� rathon I I
� te plub. I looking into the business and of a gun - � ., 4�1 . . rin, One of .4 .
"Plux m3r Woril,)' he saids "I $o6l like lady friend.." It I '.1 � Thou M4 opponents faded Aw4y.
a llkudrey horol" murmured Neville. he took tile advice given him and gov, :. I :1 .. . , , the first pupils was A famplis lu ley I �. _,:: .
selloolmistz,&ss taking bar favotito .kj,u wv44u pmem ; ,.,.a caboose and the , . , 10 �. �, reet J)hysleian, a, Scoteir[4u, who. 711t
pupils out for a holidayl a oilgaged to thot-that villain; Au" , ;S 11- A16 = I W_1% I
SignorI4 "An T 'Must, 00 to Iter- conductor asked him if lie had put the , . .. ., � I ,_ ., himself down for A lesson at 7.16 each
,Uavo you brought your skipping rope 4110 knows nothing, fellows off, "No," he answered, "I did I � -11. I 11 .... morning, . Send your name and a4drosq and you will
and hoopill I . Sho must lie told—,, . receive a fro amplis of KOOUX'S C(Ml-
And vloq they had left Itot and stff- And lie to,019 0, step or fAvo in the dIrOc' not have the heart to put them off. -The chic apparatus oUthe school con, OUND VANNYROY414 T=� Zvery mother
. `Xhey waut to go to Atchison, and be sists of ,liets and utting, greens, The na lady should uro It. VS -00 SUA400fatU117
I .
ehl4d the tion of tho GrAngo, � ',*, DR, 11UNT'S BUST DEN I - ir t
llii,�'Londou some miles b mine, K hoinsands of lRdles. A powerful but
0 irm. sides they STO Old schoolmates of Ci LOPER beginners, -under t ,a personal instruo-
a � Trale Caught -him by the t itrmleas, vegetablos madlatno for slokneoso
AlAdrey sosined to. throw off the I 0. jj 5 , tion of f.*;
tuda sold %voarinpas whIck liad Op "])Oilst do i'llythl meb., Mr. Neville", The conoluctor used soula-strong lan, Will demelap your bust from tw,o to t1iroll PrOfcssiOnals, arO almost 130111� uitar to wonion, and all d1seases aria
I proi"04 guago and then Paid ho.would put thern I Acitely eneireled by netting, but they heratmilt,
-laughed , Asta., fqt isultle time Yet. You _ nehop irk a very short time, . I mle by all druggists.
her, and the three talked aud . .11 _ 1) Wf _111111self. Ile ivent over to the cav otrike a free ball and can tell whether Rog ed;e for k
hopilly, while x0roy, with her ves-olos. 10VIN16 it ABSOL'UTHLY HARMLUSs, DR. T. A. $LGOUX, Uinit(34,
44, .1 $he wete not allW01 asleep, sat "'But tov�UP� 1506 har, MAA, 1 must, gee And met witTithe same experience as the -N. It Is sliced or pulled. I 170 King street West, Torolatc,
q brakentan. When lie got back to the Price $1.00, express Prepaid, ' For the advancod. golfer forty toot . . -I- � k
411411t 14 hart" he broke bn+� .V94010314,telil Tba V
, hift ornor, 0 . M-0 caboose the brakemmi paid, "Well did 4dwardlis Wredlelats Cornpally, tiet's, strotelled on tel6graph wires and �
Or'aa I he"to shell not "a I P SCIENCE BREVITIES.
. q, _ g I*iiago its waiting for W n t' 9�0%lc to - . I you put them offT" O'NTAW, they're OU Bathurst Street, gigantic telegraph posts, are providetl?
t bf 7M a t lZi I must see ho, lAttla Aud"Y Toronto, ont, Aria it Is calculated that A, good pl or Of a million girl babies born, 871j264
thb st4tion, altAl Audrel gisW schoolmates of mine, too."-Welllngton, I . I � I
, t "?" * .he . pointed out Iii;j dear little Audrey I" - - .
,t ghtqr as o the I Ar, XalL. News- � I. � . . . I., call safely drive at the net from New are alive at twelve months, Of the boys4
NMI, at too t .1 no use to
�q Sylvia, W�.O lelttjq� for. Trw10 4%Ny that it was 0 1-1 I- 4 . . According to History. tance of forty to fifty yards, No rega, $0,000 fewer'live through the first year. ,
*4.A41 At tie wlitildw, agger to be Intet, gdo WitIt him- ' , . jai- links. are provided, but there U plen- '
ested In enthlii4 and ovary spot' Coll, A.& -ll right air, l) lie s*ld- '41 can un4gr* A ' (Harpek's Weekly,) ty of room for short approachdo,-Un- . Great Britain is rich In incomes. There
I . nly ratur4l, Cloysio stlong A -APPEAL, . are 290 varieties found on the British
Ag�fOd With udroy, stawl Aid, It's I WINDSOR LADY'S . A woman in a western city who be. don Daily Mkil, - '
'Wasontly they CAIRO In A)ght of Ono Weill main 6t a sight, of -, - - Islands.
""'n. -40 to � I longs to a community called the "Sistors
ot the CobitL lodges, and Sylviii iiat,ur&ny bar. But, Mr. Neville, you won't spoll , , � fficer of The county of London covers 75,442
IL' To All Woniont I will send free with- full Dr. Jackson, former Health 0 .
, . the whole thing by doing 11y6hing Imstructloills, my home trgatiuen� w4toh of St. John the Bulit'st," not long Ago New York City, says In his report to acres,. but the London police, aroa, is 443,-
"4Rat P1840 14 that, Audreytoo i4*4 710 Vortlyely Cures r,oiucorrhoem, ulceration, spent a month fit a ba,akwoods district. Governor Hughes, that house flies are 421 .acres. '
And she did not notice tbe ;u4don ;Dut X01119 had- got 'his bat OT14 W0,11 Dloplilcemonte, Falling of the W*mb, Pa,la- � Shortly after her arrlyal she went to the cause of five thousand. deaths an- The Abyssinian army has 200,OOOL men
olonding of her lrlen&s taoie as she r6,. altoidy $tr.ldlIng off to the Grange. tul or irregul%r perlods. V�erina and Qvar- the local post office and -inquired, if any mially ,, in that city from typhoid favor and Its equipment includes 5.0 modern
I ..
. . two *,.A, reachod the house, and Ian Tumors or Orow-ths, also Hist Plualles, letters had come for Sister BernaTilini). and other intestinal disea:aes. W115on's gulls- .
oNk.a.. court. We sbrJl soon bg InT, dusk made their "y' to thb orta- tfi�rvouvnosas, malano)ioiy, Palms in the Tlead, The rural postmaster looked bewildered, he flies anol tha die- When the chimneys of the Royal Mint
home now, SYlvial' the. added, q kly, ta,en,t%l g4rdeng, and Calitiously or t Up Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles, "Sister who?" he asked, incredulously. ease -arms too, at Berlin are elpaned about $1,000 worth
P it to Uold any fq as folfi q
,the It t On rs� to. tbo terraog. J(are, Itc . � - , Tfe,16 wbare caused by weakness pecullar to our Sister Bernardine," repeated tile lady,
4�e�ting P, PJ"4 ih , passing, " a*x. ,You can continue treribment at home at ptist."
. g VV ga�ed NOville's arm, . "a Slater of St, John, the Ba,
P `4 , ,No farther, 41r, plea,ael" he sald� " he Iq Own Ifedical Adylogr," also sani � "I think not," he answered, dubiously.
. rri on i 9 16YOUlde r % 00st of only 12 cents a wosek. My I)Ook
A, -a e 0=41 IA To% T fowclw4je �
4 bb Gmng it, ih0l 4�1(11 wi4dovvi exti opeoi some one X%I ht Coyne tree on. request. Write to -day. Address, Then, after some reflection, he added:
_ .
"AAfte # we re..Po I I You'll �o seen Uzi, N. Summers. Box H. 8, Windsor, Ont. "Say, ain't he been dead pretty near a
. I eZ m4g of delight and admix ot 64 &i7 moilioub,
. . itud all my plans will be spolled.11 �l -, I . hundred years now?"
a, 411 bro, fro;A $71 1 IT01119 shook him off, but stopped- Ir- How's Business? - I - .- . _
W ro I ly, I _ I , I I
y ; 04, "r, iWd she reiblutely. "Business to poor." said the beggar. Caterhall, Xfld.
Lai k "' a of w1l t �11 I qek awe. "I b4d )to Idea "Porlievez-perlia a she may come out
, .
unt now thlii You were Ouch 9, grest on the tilTracell' Wo said, and he, stood Said the undertaker "It's dead]" ' Millard's Liniment Co., Limited.
�adyl I wouclor how It must toot to be d gazed longingly at the lighted Win- "Falling off," said the riding school Danz Sirs, -While In the country last
tile mistress of all thfall) aii, .
bV0. teacher. summer I'was badly bitten by mosqui-
And she laughed. ,&t that moment there rose a womall"m The druggist, "O, vialill lie said. toes, so badly that I thought I would be
Audrey laughed, too, but the laugh V,1c, singing tile '(Ali, che la, more," OR'S all write with me," said the author. disfigured for a couple of woke, I was
died awqr ipta a sigh. with a power and sweetness that start- �. "Picking upl" said the inan on the advised to try your Liniment to allay
The 60liage dTow up at the door, at led and thrilled even the pratitial Trale. dump, . the irritation, and did so. The effect
which a row of servants lit livery stood OWhew I But that'43 fine, Mr. Neville," "My business is sound," quoth the bands. was more thall I expected fe-%v a li.
W00A$ with a real welcome for their - lie willopqred. Mau. cations completely curing 11j"43 irritaV11n,
, . .
vilitross, aAd A.udToy, gAitching some. He ot no further, for suddenly Nev- Said the athlete, "I'm on the jump," and preventing the bites from b coming
think of gylyws eagerness, took her ille lit;il a terrible cry of In- The bottler declared It was "Corki In , sore. MINARD'S LINIME NT ise also 'a.
. jire4 a arf, %.
hand and sodd: , The parson, "It's goodil' answered good article to keep off the mosquitoes.
tonan amazeenia , I -
'VkiiieRd lot me abow up y. 1, he gasped, clutalililf TralB, "I ma�e both ends meet"t said the Yours truly, ,
� i �Jo your v oggig
room,m. *1 thLat's the hsW 1, n ,. � . W. A�. V. t.
, . I .
�hqw * you �svetythlug —.I, , . xts, .. in overy limb. Whose butcher, .
I voice S tRit?" . The tailor rc,plied, "It gui.a me."
Sut not until after dinner, L devout- I . -Philaaelphis, Inquirer.
Khope I I excla'Imed. this *v1scouilit, who CHAPTER XXX, ' . - I I Neasuro Trin to the.South Pole.
a Vyoct this Joill-la6y down Imingnie. Well might Tralo stare at Neville With -_ A r sal Is on -foot in Sydney, Pays
I.f. 0 keeping the dirmir Vai .1 0 surprise and alarm. Ten cents' worth of Wilson Fly Pads tbe Kofto.h Aust,almirin, to organize
younA 10,49, or 1,11 tauo. 0 O a midsummer I leasurs expedition to the
. OU ' Th,i great strong VaStit was trembling "Vill kill moro house flies than three (,?
- bA61 . 6 ' 1310, like a leaf; the perspiration stood in big hundred sheets of sticky paper. 40
ac bU, by the way, al - � - Antarctic Cir at the end of Deoem.
gr�ph to Jordan Audrey, lit " up drops upon his forehead, bar next. The excursion would occupy
pose . . - - -
you did, and that he wnfil q9 a Over from w"Go9d Lord, W. Neville, What Is It?" Meeting the Condition. about a'month, slid would all),.v five
the Court tO4iflAUer__4l1?ts ., delylandod Trale. "Augusta," said 4r_, Wyss, when the or six clays within the Antarctic Circle,
"He Is In Lond6n," said A14rey, her a looked at him -vacantly. quarrel was at its height, "you- have A guarantee has Wen n. of 40 pas-
� a ye
maywar growing cold Justwitly. loTbilt, voicel Don!t you. Ii.ear?" he devised a great variety of ways to call songers at $125 per Tia.cl. , but 80 to
6-V41 U W, h 7" 4 I an a thp Bald. I me a fool." 100 would be neccVsary to make the
Viscount) b'4 In W U f` ,'b ('Yes, beautiful Isn't it?" said Trale. 4M,r,ly trip remuncratIve. �
blvia, 4d I itot a F , J a matter of necessit ," replied .
I Pto i .6 board at'q tha gi.eat opera singer All. Lou- . �� - j!_
ffie, 4slaotion. iippoihif,to , 2141 lo mad mboiat," . Airs, Wyss� "You have dio�log so many Mivard's- Liniment for sale everywhere.
Sylvia looked round the dalut,y rooms "Wiraff No I That Is Sylvia's voleal of being one." -From the Bohemian :1
MY."zine for July. - - .
wWh, although the ilptice, of t1joir 96bl- I shoulol know it among a thousaild.* It Detective -A glass of ale, please, THE WAYS OF BUTTERFLIES.
Ing had been so short, seom�d to � 11AY6 - is hers, lot me got" for Trale bad 'got Barkeeper -We don't keep ale. woth. I
been prop of f6r het f6t W09ka, b4d
_. old of hire, half fearful tha,t he It , ad Ing but soft drinks, __ . Entomologist Says They Are Best
ifiliftrGa ro (390jill iivOrY 04111ceiV410 Wit ilhai,o of his senses. -, Detective -Then kindly give mor x glass Actors in tkro World. I
tfturl the )nosk akaot ' ' Of ladies '660ld . "No, u6 Mr. Neville, you're, mistaken; . I
��U,j 0 1 of water. I am thirsty.
Iced round 'Wif , It a, aig-1, of &a. ' ld you .&rot" he said. "Thei lady Barkeeper -Sorry, but our water I
dahiral loo, 49L � Paul Coebalet, a professional ornitho-
lbAriltiort,which gro�r into an 4942Alition. W 0,0 clin the Bohemian Magazine fo8 loligist of Paris, France,
,: i3i.ngtit Is the great opera singer) hard. -Pr , logist and enton
of delfghi as shot ra,it to t40' - 'f 4 'IV. , that Aff Molon's mull a.bout. Her JUIY6 - arrived7in New York. a few days ago oil
'th, how can you ever 1 L I I
e4VO t P4r8- Rama's Signorina Stalls,," __ . ._ _ his wa.y to Brazil on a butterfly hunting
disor for tba,t awful Londoul" 6 0 ex- , "it is noti" said poor Neville, fiercely. expedition. Re is a short, thick -set mail
elaimeir "This makes me long for our! ,,It Is -it is a lady-ohl" and he put , of 38, And keeps a, larg.6 butterfly and
little cottage in the country more keen, I his hand to his head. "Ant I dreamifigi . bird store in Paris, which is patronized
ly �hah ever; doesn't it you, MerofV : Svh-I4 herel So ucarl Hold Qn Wrv,lej A SURGIC AL by collectors front all parts of the world.
Mitxq §&ilad iiadly as ebb beh over I'M not xpgd, lie you think. I 0 you M. Cochelet W ,accompanied by all its.
, .
the lbrtmAntesix which a fisald was help- ilib%t the lady you hear is an 91d friend. WIN �
ii�ij liar to Opack. ' WOO li4n parted, Aid— f) R!_ "I expect to remain lit Brazil about
Audrey you must show yup everr 13 .ill four months," Mr. Coolilst said lit spea1c.
it p9lild not go on, for the voice St 0 P Es" R A T 1021 "I"Cut-
thing mlial All the plae" you d to floatWg out to theiii. , wed bim
. COO I ing of his trip to a Now York Press re.
t, )A$ in "When 3'N"li Vy'd-ro 0, &I, SO the f W1611 a commingling of C�kquisfte pili . I . I - 11 � 11 � I porter. "I have hunted In Brazil many
=f hin a an4 a0mads You lokre� I shill I al j6y. 1 . � . tinles -before, as the country affords no
tQ iee the-i0i 4114 that I way Stonily, Mr. Neville.'11m. sure . 11 I losis than, 700 specimens different species
guada iilysi�f that I hAve k4ow �,Tr - mis Trale" - I .. - of the butterfly, which is nearly twice
- W:, 70A taken " said soothingly. "I )5; I - � -
& Mw ears few w bki- Dili- Rad the �'IiZ afticulars of the PaIrty I - . 7, I as many as can be secured it all Europe,
Xiorl Whiot a tis that isiiis witst from ,it, of &O , servants. It is the - I I 11 $'Nearly all butotrilie
- ing and drifakfill; v It , sa a fly uplifl)", Ile
spend time in eat' Vh4n' 6jerv� singer, Indoodi indeed A Is. It I I id. "I do not know just Why they do
thate in so r4ilch to dQ and only I've': you .knolvl her------." 11 � 14 that, but they do, and where there is a
days to do it In." . "I Imow nothing of her," broke in 11 . � -lie hill they fly
. .Wrei'm &essing room adjoillod. that Neville with agitation. "I only know ��, track or pathway up t
I T along the track, Whan they get to tl,o
4�WO' t 9 Ivia 4nd the two girli tAlk- tbo 12Y *he is Sin I summit anil there is no More patil, to
I . -ging In there,",Oud
Mo4mJgo OpUL door ap the� cdla,4- . 'he pointed to the diawinghoom. Tv6
Ott their elothbs, and a4 tuq had insisted heard her voice too often not to kitow ' 'L I 1. I follow, they seem to feel lost and air-
t0dill MOWY'8 going At 040,9 to her cl-�vn ft. It's the deareit, swoateO vOide in - - . ola round alld round, oftan for hours,
to rest, Anafay wti,m constantly all the world to me. Lot iho go, Tralel" . I- I *---'A I and then suddenly olls-appear, I have iiev�
9 in to Sylvia With offers to help, Then he stopped of his O,Wa . Ord- . - I - . � /1"01 - or been abI6 to -find where they go not
11 why they act like that,"
el . , - � , - f Z ! -terflies and
'ItI, for Trale eoula not have hold htnaud ,
V it %P
0 arm which Sylvia rofused l4ughingly�
"My d6ar Audroy,� I have not b4on t4p I groanod. . . - , , . . Mr. Cocilialet holds that but
mistress of a, i4oated faA94 44d hCOu*' � lsk3-Godl I forget]" he said. "Icault - 111011's are the best itebors In the wotld.
t6med to lady's wal and Uilaor, of - go yot. She thinks I'm dead; the shock If t1jere Is any one thing that a hBirds/t said he, "Are, of course, the
honor. I can drog# lu�yself- Y, Ono : woilid ill . her," wommi dioads more than thdr it butterfly's chief enemies, b1tt, some bub-
time I 11SOST0011 hold ayythIngTo dreas, At t6s .TrOA0 wt%g oquvinetta that he I is Purgleal operatioru terflies do not agree with birds' diges.
1�111 she added bilght r. . tion
. 0 - had to, deal with it i0isadman, (0 01111 stti,te vithout bqw,of a imittilaud the hon-poloorlous varietice
The ditineir gong mounded, aft& the, f1hfg�s you dead, Air. Xavillel" It those the birds don't eat In a
_T viscount came up the great said;, s;� ly, - .0 coatradletion that there are hulk-
iroltle of t a - most wonderful way. The result of such
$Wrms shoutin' blithely, but waritigly "YO4 '118�2 Neville, sluldni on to a drods yes thousanda, of OPOVations mimicry Is. that birds, !lot baing experte,
119�w, you 11,1" 4,ud t'�ay WOA I seat jail resting his head oft his 49mols. perfp;&N upon wonlen fri or hog- - leave both kinds alone, And the Same
do,wil. As they pabaed a Ong t4o 111 oxatt tAll You. "an, Vale, but I can pitals Vhidh 9TO entirely Unneeesw thing occurs among catorpillara, beables .
tiorriolor '$ylVI4, who wanted to look toll you this muohj� tliat I love liar, SaVy "d raan$- havo beert 4voided by - slid ,ill kinds of insects. There is a mo�h,
0ei,ytrhere at once, gimuctia through an ved liar doarly, vVith all my heart, for instance, which rests on. the ground,
Jila t'st iWo wdro part6d out fliefe Ili LIMA E. P N HAWS
X0 qla door into room In havo T I , 11"K 'I,, Is"& large moth, and as it rogta among
a , h a , ho ost ,lit 41st of a hu - - -
� go -rook AVstt41fa,. Sho thought me dead sa,w VF,QQ9T__ABLE COMPOUNI) dead leaves its wing tips julver Con -
Jug horse, a %it's house and 6rito'ller ro .killed, As she thoVght, poor g1ri, and stantly., Now, tile bird's great ertotay Is
toyIL4 thought it boat for her to think so., � 16proof of this statenlent reacl, bho onako, and this uroth'knows it.,Each
11ut *04 my playroom," said Audirojv. je6 jo* what 4 heartless fool. I Was the followitl� letter, I of Itwiving tips form a Perfect imitation
"(N how ba I wast t:Ula 1 " , Apn $9, s tod 10,Wt" . I
�#py of a, small snake's head and the birds
"k, utit6t 1�ivo, 9, ride on that hoj%6," 1�fia J Vf ,rose, t, . iatltiA Blai;, Catniftu, Ont,":
_ 9 is gink down ag4i'll, ir- 304 s, lievor go near it, .
gs,IA gylvhi, detormined1r. g Jutely "Some one must break the WtJWS to itmi Phikb=.- i "Butterflies, too, are very inquisitive,
I W 0 '�'�,r, the ndive that I am RJIVO. to X Was Oto� for fi,re years, one doo I
Ailcli6y 4141"loa, . th t� catch otherwiso
'. ... Pild a, frequent way to
o;q mus do it, Tralo.rs
11 bAvo 46n(F many a hunt 04 11179, and 01 attillable opeeinieriP 16 to aboot one of
been thrown off sooros of Wallis i0he tor to�ia me It *as ulcUt and an. i"O
I �J J!rale looked anything but Comfort- other told Ric It Wa6 a f1broid. tumor ' them and pin it down, Hundreds of ita
. I ' 'y tiho s2
X6v4lo rockis& him too faot� IiL� aocidin. ab a and adviscd tin operation. No ori� kilad attracted b 11611 will earn -o to
--.oil putpose. Wo used to ploLl togothor I 'I go In thard, Pitill lie 'said. "Lora, kn6*s what, X sliVerod, and the beer. sea what hag happened and then the not
in "t,rdom; there Is scarcely a, �IACO X t coZaidn't. This, viscount Would be Ing idown pahis Were terrible. comes into play." - .11
shall she* you In Which he ana, II&Ve - insLa 11 , "I wrotoi to r4i sister about it, and she . � .1 -.' I I
tot M*ixt, 6b, Auch hap�T � hours, Poor 4(you toust do It gerkuy, Tra.16,10, NOV. advised rAe +4 take Lydiev U . Plukht,in's ' With the Idlilattala,
Niville V, Ille wont oil, as -If he had Rob heard him. 'Vegetable Compound. � . c'Mistah Walkah, wot ant do ditflu lea
And. *4 tll;41 '%w has the Idnaost heaft. and—and It It has Ouftd tie Of all my troubles, ' 'tween a traVlar startin' to Tangier lan,
Buji Sylvia would not permit any 99ho il $book- Llst6nl Therdt Oh, I 0, it plata *I veal hash"
Ing, for thot flight, At tiny rate, 4�ua the I 00 th ) otion'" Ad I did not hove to have this opera.
dli6ltot with those V06 loyel�r 004 was, 2 pu t I Ishould bear her ot lif lie tiolot after all. The Coin onuil also thfil give that one tip, George, What Is
_ da b6 so near fior " 61 diffetonce between P, traveller start-.
#9 p# viscouRt, a#OWoa Utah Alun,nuta t)iAt X JUVI grily, t O' Ara the helped ins to ptss safSy through, 0
. ' a wlitfully, hull Ow I -
L 4XI116 �V 9 I hashIly -
bud of the 60 eat Uo h9A oWr vat4n- 4 Ohmigto of 1,46.11 Ing for Tangier and a plato of ,veotl,
Lot Vitle Acid beside him,-tympkthathids � FACyS lroft Sit
U9 WAA so . t. ppy that he 41d tot QV�on ,KWOMgN "Do one ant Morocco bound au� CIO
! 6 VW 0 �laoo of the Right gon, Sir Istit tat bl paphsx lr.� mental ballad !'Take Your Vace Away,
I ed, "
it, ikxd, 'T.1 I I I U!, not 8613A liwouq OU ,oitit Until to-mottowt Vor thirty yelars Lydia E. Pin
.� I I , �,
1%141i*"�) T 10yot Irito to her, Mt. Neville," he fAggostedi h0lWa Vegetable C6m oundi mado - udilall am littlf Call."
I I "Lit(lios and.pritlemen, the colobtated
Altilr 1116t iiie gitIr Wolat Into the Z t 1A Y. from rooW mid. herbs, gas been the vocalist, Prof. Rox do Boto, will now
grtat d"M09-roo0l, Utd., 016ii(Tot of Neville laughed griftily. . Standard remodY f0V fe=10 Ills g that beautiful ikud touching fieliti-
WMah *oUld bay 6truak Sylita with "N'Valt tin to-moltowl 1401 Not Aft, atldhaspositivolyMedtholiag,ti(isol, P1111arence, You, have been using a ga,fety
'I 61111 bAd 114 lill,1111 " oLhor houvi 'W'hatl After fill thes& �Vomon 'Who have bon troubled With � Rator."
s4s,W cl,alffht, I
400111401W ZO 4plondov on f1s, stAgot4siol months of midemlik and wrotched Tolig- displaceinents, inflainnutdon, ulcera. —0.4.6—
. T,
rvlwuht joilfto& them 3tot a Very ing forhert 110.1 hat" __ -_ fibroid tumam, Irregularities They're Populat NOW. ,
Ott bato0al. Trala beeanitl frightened. . lfo�y die p,%Ws an(I bioka che.. I "How sliall I tell your father of -,)ur,
6TO filieft ay #lAtue- In youir Agfoo* ,(To be eontlylued-1 I porio . � orga"Inentr
. 1� ,
utotte 61po-Aha, forblolditig ' you to plax I 1.1��, 11 ..,'..-;jL � Xm rinUllain limtom -an mAt , "it� � ig Interested lit It'Aftiess" Auggeqted
the 11,�hfhiga,16 for your flitnail do Ile--Woul(I you so�,,ro&m If I 6110104 'WOWCU t10 *AtO he* 101- nAV10*4 the girl, "Vould better go aft a notifica.
km f, he, s4id. Mod you? She -.low, Goorge, you know '811A 'on comillittce and. pass it off ill that
"If thpTo Vera I wmila break it wnil very wc%ll I have Aueh a 0101d, I Call s0h,tdd- boa guld46d thou.44vids to VA
V61 forititt.11 ra"Iftaed 8Y1VIfk, fifi& fole lly fSJX4kk kbOV40 a WhiSfift. hwthol Ad &.08S) tynxis MlImso way* It
N .
'fAZA tO,W4*Qw1" Cried Sfylvia� I
XSrV# 0$4M dropped,
0-70i miA let we "tay At home and
_ 6 "re tj thohoues, pleallio,', she gala
I 4 Llaw �oliiw ,
1411 11, owd Sylvin, "NOW, don't
4 ZL�Rran Marcy awl It fA you who
11"t Re baty me 4ur of us.
ro-E, 0, I I 2 &,id
- , 4 4ft yg in a Colin ry,
Vb0A 0, 109 t�*e It is ahnoo we havo
"Ott it. Xi)*, Mafty�,_,s .
.,Y shook hat head. I
461:t 41
-4 vq� Mild Of M% 1101>0 so oho
fAlt , , ';a'
, J '%lit I *oWd �ZG .-Jo
Ilbii Would rather I gf4yed (ftpea Up'
In Ws wyetchod Lonaft, in this lovely
V040114470 666111 OW gylvid� "I Will not
go w1thout out"
('AA& I W411 Rot go wlVbout Sylvid'),
pid 14 Aii&oy, ralyolirteiy.
U"e,Y'Atiodd, a trouM�Kl o0rogsion, Olt
1*1 $Ile fata, *111th was usually 00 Im.
"Must I 1 6 $1 the $aid, In N low it
, I
"too th t y could eftr= hear her.
, �
I'Vce, youialatte said Sylve. "I know
&Xattly -how y6u feel - )
Ubry atairw slightir Ad her eyes
licstigh-6 *1,01a's filloo for 4 moment iwl�h
A rAlf-fright4ifted glatoc
*TOR feel lit it You W,Xd4 r4thor -do
wiytlilug thaii move, frout 7our 6wil
mino, and that just Provo how "I
IOU *=4 a Cutiv, TlAro we tro two to
0". And AS 7411, k6OW1 04$ O$ tb# tWo
Is th`6 ))lost. wilful VIA 01salwo of 1541-
fnrA�,, so that you Axo bound t6 gf*fa liull -
N4Z* dIll not OW114 'but W ,- -
Artdot before Lot. I
"It I inuot go," alial s0il *A 'If tha
*Ord# 4*kt hoi aft effort. "
Syl*ltt elappoil her lAnds oAd. ,optog
to ibud MOW her, I
� i .. - _k. . 1, �.. _�%,.*� k ...,.A- _ . � — I", ,L I , � I - , - . - . �
I I - .
Novel . Effoot In Landscape Gardening.
"I shall introduce this year," said a
landscape gard.oner, "Wo novelties on
the grounds of a Newport millionwire-
a floral clock and a revokyIng flower
bed. I
"The clock is to be a circle twenty
flat in diameter. The face will be of
grass, The hands will be of white car-
natious. The numbers will be red roses,
=as, heliotrope had so on, This
will work eleetrIcally, and, .of ,
course, the mechartiera will be concealed.
WilPit keep good time? Olt, th-e best.
I made an experimental one last ,week
that only varies eighteen seconds a day.
"The revolving beds will be a feat'are
of &,sunkan garden, There will be four
of them, cach, 12 feet square, and they
will revolve electrically at a revolution
a minute. .
"These novelties will be, the first mo-
tion pieces Over introduced Into Ameri-
Bulletin. .
.: - __ I -
Competitions in butter -making will be
held in the amphitheatre of the Dairy
Building of the Canadian National Ex-
hibition, Toronto, at 10.80 A. in. and 2
p, in, each day from Sept, 3 to 11, in-
clusive, excepting the Oth. A Farmers'
Institute Convention will be hold in the
,1, �Iiitheatre of the Dairy Buildin on
at date. All persons intereetu in
'' itural edueaticliial work will be
made welcome to this convention. There
will be on exhibition throufliout the
wholp two weeks of thefar models
Illustrating methods of cooling And
taking care of milk on the farm. Damon-
strations in milk testing will Also be
given each day, Farmers and farmers'
tvives are cordially invited to ask ques-
tions regarding the demonstrations.
1:1 - �: .
Made Xoney by It.
A little quic . k luitch'place on Broad-
way has a sign that reads, "Combina,
tion Brokfast." . .
"Yap," said the proprietor, "I know
there ought to be an 'a' in It, but It
brings a lot of timart Aloes in to tell We
how to spell and they usually, stop to
have a sandwich. What will you have,
ham, ,chicken or cheese?"
I :11
lylinard's Liniment Cures DAndruff, ,
i - t .
Corncob Houses,
In some parts of Europa oornoolit are
used for building purposes. The cobs are
Collected and taken to a factory where
heavy compresses crus -h and mold them
into blocks of various sized, just as bricks
are variously molded. These Mocks are
then bound with wire, so as to make
them hold together. They are then
soaked fix tar to nia�e 'them wator-tight,
and are ready for use After this treat -
meat. Of couree, they a,re much lighter
than bricks, are Uw#.vs dry, and W4ke
good ,houses, This li but one Of the
very many ways Ili which Europe shows
a, granter economy than America does, --
Philadelphia Record.
I .1 : I
Wilson's Fly Pads kill them all.
I . I I - V
Mr. New -I want to get a couple
of canaries.
Dea,Ior�Stou want songsters, I sup.
Pose? .
Mr. Xow-Oh, yea, I Want Ono that
sings classical music, and one that
sings popular airs.
� - I I I
Vinatats Liniment Cures burns, late.
.1 - .- � .
� Property Narned, .','J';�IM
Lady Visfto�r kwha i,.3 ueAug. entertained
by Tormuy)-And who a.re you nAined
after, my littld,islaril
Lady Visitor-Aft,6r your pa,pa, I sup.
pose, What is his tiftme, near?
Lady VIs4tor-Xolftsoft".I What does
Your maroma. Call blint .
Tommy (promptly) -Donkey.
, , . 1. � I . � � I I � I
� __ -, __ —
ot gold is taken iroin the soot.
.Fifty fine vessels are constantly em-
ployed In laying and. rrpAiring t1io sub-
marine cables of the world.
- ___`Ula.au��&', ,iA ---,LIM ss'llgi J.'I ,�,1k,1,.k!;k
Ill I Men should fi
:1 4
. . 10 look for this -1
"I I I I — 3
I . 4 I , I a g o n 4
Chewing I
Tobacco. It 4
guarantees thehigh quafity of 1.
Black Watch I
The Big Black Plug. I Z
2272 '
1 LA 1.,sAAS 1, � .. 11 __ 11
� - .
. Hunter's Tussle With a Doer.
James Snook, of this city, had an ex-
citing experience with a, buck deer at
Occidental, in .Xarin county, yesterday.
Snook was out bunting alone, and, eight.
in the Animal, firea two shots. The deer
.1, and, thinking that it was dead,
Snook ran up to big prize, To his glar.
prise the a,pparently dead, animal jump.
ad up and rushed at him viciously.
Before he could pToteot himself Snook
Was knocked down and, tra,milled into In-
sensibility. He finally recovered, and
upon staggering to his feet' discovered
the deer lying dead not more than two
hundred yxrols A.Way.
Snook sustained it fracture of two bibs
by being ittruck, by the deer's horns when
he was first thrown to the ground. In
addition he was Considerably bruised by'
tile e.ninlit.114 hoofs.—From the San Fran-
cisco, Chronkle.. I I t
Take no substitutes for Wilson's Fly
Pads, No other fly killer compaxoswith
4 - 1�
Up Against a Hard One.
Tho great delver into the secrets ot
nature had accumulated a fortune and
rotire'd from active business in order to
be able to give Ills whole time to study
And 'a Printout, vla" observed to be
licifttiln profoundly
Vh,t are You gi�lug your mind to
now 2" Inquired one of his laboratory as-
"I am merely wondering," lie answer -
ad, "What becomes of all the corks."
� - . -
- -
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
3 - _�� I
Ban on Jokes and Courtin' Items.
We are anxiou7s to secure, some good
correspondents in each locality in
the iity�n
spo dents, who will give us the
Corr ,., .
re4 no,, jokes or courting items
needed, but we want "scribe" who
will send in good, wholesome news;
for si4oh we ard willing to pay, so
Write to us, and let's see what you
can do. Send us a letter or Po and
sign your name, go we may hitiow
yoii,—Ftom tb- Sinith Groves Tirfies.
. ��,, ^ 1�
The most coollitg� of hot weather bev-
orage4 is iced "Salada" Tea. It Is most
dolli'lous, -: , :- �
. .
Told in DetaiQ'
She was too late to buy a ticket At
the station Saturday morning, so she
Fot aboard the ciar just as it was,leav-
ng. As the conductor approached 9he
opened a satchel and to* ott a, purse,
gavf, tio cents to the conductor, closed
thb purse, opened the gatelial' put the
purse back, and Olosed the satchel
Tile Conductor gave her back 016
pened the satchel,
took out the purse, closed the satchel,
opened the purse, put in the chang,p,
closed tile purse, opened tho, satchel,
dropped the purse In, anti closed the
satah&—AkTon, M Y�) Herald.
..." I — 11 i
� I 11 I __ , .
I I k.. - . I . . % � � . .; .. I . I �- i I - " . . 1. 11 -, .. I.. , . -
$6 11, , ... Oknsoy Crimp, *and MCI ftaturies
The Crimp of the JkV crimp�
and the 'L q And it Tells the kind of Crimp
. that Is tht Better Ctitno-AND WHY.
ConS,nCe,,, "', YOU bee Interested, tk Post.
.eq tie Cord will litIng this -11right Little
-4 01tysl 011ittier" to you At Oace.
It the title of a Mightyltitee-, 'q Ask Voortelf �-Wliy 'hot let us �
i� 34fid You a Co0y To -day?
h 9 Lit(to. 130AW Ott Wilsh" a
,oards, that has Jost Boull L Z
Issued. The E. HL Eddy %0-60 'm�:
4 It WIS thit Valtre of the, 04tho tit Hull, Canada. 3
wathboards" thtlllr�#, A I tu.ftlil. I Olt'.. tholl 1Lfet*S.1n.C* ibsll. I 14
-1 1.11.11 1. . I I L
, I 1 -13
. -11
... 1. ,", 11-.1;- ,.,..""I'll. ."''I'�.1j,� ... ---_--r---'- ... . ... 11
Al -It
�— - - I— ___ . -.a.&--