HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-08-27, Page 5'A `e TSB W IN HAM ADV ANCB, THURSDAY, AUGUST V, 1908, rrg "JUST J%hplro, Profit In It If 400kly, Matured .lwnd prop•ely rl"Jobad. To raise baby boot profitably It Is absolutely necessary to have C41TOO of the beef type. They roust possess the ability to put on flesh in the right shots -^drat ia, they should be well do. Yeleped where the• most expensive Cuts Now Fall Goods are to be found, Then, too, they trust have tate po qr to mature early. Tho majority of animals catxnot ba got r Into that condition sit the desired age, Pearly maturity must be. A character- Istle of the animals bred from, and particularly should the (sire selected possess that special quality. Arrivi, ai, %to growing time in an anixnai'g lite is the time At which to feed, it, as it again tial; has been, Proved time and.� �//may/ •z ,,., We are to the front again with;. . 11 uy �� ' ��►��j�g I' . y all that is NEW in i v� • s,w°C•" '_ref`-," ��EsE:E:ftfe°.c!E&ie:c:fe•.rr'E+��` �:���������333�33%� HEAD OT, AN O$10 BADX DtRp' SE$D. W W a hundredweight can be added then at ►I°�1SS cos less than half the cost of the same; W n gainthe same animal at maturity, writess �. $ugh DtclCinney in Farm 1r rind fireside. For the first two weeks Oil Aug, 18th, while Goderich over 05 each calf should have a quart of whole and Seaforth 00. The passengers and milk three times a day, care being1l�CS baggage were driven from here to _, taken to teed it at blood temperature. to u ,ii Blyth to connect with the C. P. R. During the next three weeks half a Ili sV special train which was run through EX0LUSXVE Store closes at quart of a milk k should be added to lu0 p gCOn 7 p.m. Soccer the whale milt at each meal. When i4 e�v�t�e�� VV• iii to Winnie without change. DESHOBALERS %turdays and Winnipeg g g WILLIS ven'gs before the calf is five weeks old it should be • • For the past few days one hundred olidays. so developed that feeding twice a day r t h men have been workingout at Bright will be sufficient, also dispensing witlx?J�'��lH�i�391 Ili 'EtE>rSHFE:>�>>`F1Et>kattl on the Buffalo-Goderich line of the G. the whole milk and giving about three qtr/ 'fid quarts of skimmilk twice a day. T. R. putting in new track rails, and To supplement the loss of butter fat Our Stock is large and Our Prices ' taking away the old. The work will continue as far as IIolmesville. TheVictoria in mill;; a small amount of flaxseed tneai is used. It may be prepared in are not to be beaten in Canada. rails that are being replaced are of the proportion of a cupful of meal to Barrow steel and to a great extent are one and one-half quarts of water put No need of sendingout of town the 50 Ib. rail. The new steel is an 80 into a common stove kettle and kept at lb, rail, and is more suitable for heavy a temperature just below boiling for • • traffic. Ladies. three or four hours, which reduces the forDregs Materials. VV a can sup- .iweal to a land of jelly. - This is mixed�l�Tou at awf"DixJ with the skihxm2k at the rate of about Big Saving-- coli e7 e5 Look Ahead Far Illness. a tablespoonful to a pound of milk and �! �� may be gradually increased up n a and See for ourself. 1V o trouble _ Sudden illness and pains come in Aj cupful when the calf is .three months every family—to parents and children The Beat t at 1S New Fall old. By this time the stomach will be [, alike, But if you have looked ahead, strong enough to assimilate and digest to show you the foods. and have tight in your home, ready �1 'imrnediate use a bottle of Poison's C} • • T other food, and he should b@ taught fur i►iY� • Nerviline there isn't much to worry Stock Just arrived .01 he very to cat a little bran, oats, clover or any _ over. If it's a sore throat or contract- other dainty that he can be persuaded ed chest apply Nerviline and put a 121test 1�eWeSt and best to consume. Nerviline Porous Plaster on, If its ! • The- second summer is perhaps the colic, cramps, or any stomach disorder most critical period in the life of an i .•+ just administer ten drops of Nerviline NORTH animal intended for early beef. while in sweetened water. No family medi- SAMPLES I N iv O R T H WIN DOW experience has shown that there is cines are more useful or more depend- very little difference in feeding inside s ed upon in emergencies than Nerviline = and Nerviline Porous Plasters. They or outside, so far as gain in live weight keep the doctor bill small. Refuse is concerned, the latter method will ! ! a Coo. so substitutes. prove the less expensive. When fed r AN j L L I S , & C 0 • inside it is absolutely c necessary that �� err • r� C 1 the ration consist .of a certain proper- y ra y� ■ ■ { - LUCjCtiO�E'. floe of green feed. To a certain extent 1 GIL J.11 y Ont, At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. ensilage will answer this purpose, but The tag rate for this year is 23 mills. does not seem to have the same flesh L * .• of producing effect as the green grass. ucknow tall Fair is dated Oct, 1 Of all the grass mixtures with which s1• ��� and 2. the 'writer Is familiar, oats and vetches John Alexander sold a colt for the - with a little clover or alfalfa hay are ® ®� sum of $200,00, which was shipped to the most ver, ite. All things co turn • Toronto. ' ' � •• � - � ' � t erect, however, it is preferable to turn � Rev. W. A. Bremmer of Ripley � ° ! � t them. out about the first of dune, being The Winaham- p y careful to keep them on good pasture, Van■ e preached in the Presbyterian church supplementing it with a small quantity t✓ on Sunday. _ (� . of meal. Lucknow School passed eight pupils EXCURSIONS TO TORONTO ht September they should be grad� g for Normal School Entrance, two tak- ually accustomed to stable conditions $1.00 lf"' ER ANNUM ` of in honors. FOR, THE EXHIBITION XH I BI►��+I/^ N by taking them off the grass part r- ay in addition to .LII�L'al�olthit+ill g e C' 1 l.:r 1.� ! 4J1�) the flare, especially with the occur- :;�WOver fifty tickets were sold here for rence of frosty nights, and given a feed the the h r ist excursion leaving here on SINGLE �.6 5 L G W $2.70 _ the graSsand meal. nd clover h In Otober theyThe Furniture Factory resumed FARE R A T E should be put on a regular ration. � work psi the lith after a short cried DAILY olv Steers that havebeenfed properly up , Have you a good supply of 1Iar- p to eighteen or twenty months of age l�l� y FAOR' M LABOREHU of repairs, etc. Saturday, August 29th, to Special Excursion Days, should be getting about one-half pound CMNA01 vest Tools 2 The time is at hand Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armstrong cele- Saturday, September September I, 3, 5, of meal per hundred pounds of weight PACIFIC �� � � � � brated their silver wedding on Wed- 12th, inclusive. 9 and 11. and gradually increased, so that when wuLWAY 1 � they are sold they will be getting near- nesday evening. when you ll need them. All Wickets- good to return until Tuesday, September 15th. iy a pound of meal to a hundred pounds to Harvest Fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Geo. Gaunt of Kinloss brought in live weight of the animal. Well-paid' work for over 25,000 men. two cucumbers weighing 2J and 21 C. P. R. Official Programme gives fall information regarding Excursion rates, special train and through car service, from all stations. Winnie Free tickets from ' pounds respectively. Dilator Milking Machine. one-way second class to Winnipeg. HAY RAKES HAY FORKS For tree copy apply to South Bruce Conservatives hold An Ohio foveater has secured oust- slam Winnipeg to points where harvesters are needed, PITCH FORKS TURNIP HOES their convention at Walkerton on J. H. BEEMER, Ticket Agent WINGHAM eat fora stew when r milking machine. east of Moose Jaw, and west of Moose ]div to When the machine has been adjusted Algeria at one cent per mile. ' Sept. 3rd to nominate a candidate to to the cow's udder and the teat open - contest AND SNAITIIS contest the ridingfor the Commons. Or write C. B. FOSTER, T R, District Passenger RETURN TICKET TO ONTARIO STARTING POINT FOR ADDITIONAL Agent, Toronto. Ings or ducts have been dilate[ by The entertainment under the aus- means of the dilators to form artificial $18,00, AFTER WORKING AT LEAST ONE MONTH HAY FORK ROPE—frons J in. -to 11 in. pices of the Citizens' Committee on openings, the milk, it is said, flows ' Apply to ticketagents for full conditions HAY FORK PULLEYS = Thursday evening of last week was a freely and automatically from the (� 1 14T:{,Z grand success both as to the enter- from territory grandtainms t .evicted, and* financial enter - I I jg� NORTHWEST OF TORONTO SOUTHWEST Of TORONTO EAST OF TORONTO TRIP ROPE AND SLING ROPE ySalt. The net proceeds were $l re -A' 1 a P � I �� � � � AUC'.5t. 'ids 'i$ "pIUC`a. 'icy 'iD AUG. 20, 22, 27 BINDER TWINE which will be devoted to the beautify- t l fit^. � SEPT. 11 B SEPT. .g i'T• 2� tt �� iug of Lucknow. n"l Gn/ , \ y. a From stations on Toronto-Northc From stations East of Toronto I 1 M.,yline, w-1tobutnotincluding Fromstadons on Toronto-�arnla North Bay line, to and mdudma Toroata-Sernia line. line, and soutli thereof in Ontatio, Sha,lwt Lake and Kingeon CALL" �N��N<�NNiNNJ ' a G „ TELEGRAPHY Tickeu iesued i4 women, but not at half -(are for children. f t ��„ HOMESEEKERS' VtCIAL TRAINS FROM ALL C. P. R. STATIONS ON THE W I N GH AM ADVANCE, North Hurons popular 1 Excursions affortl be,t aeeom- AUGUST 14. 10 and 20. Apply to neareet C.P.R. ticket scent And get our prices — they are the- very lowest. b newspaper, will be -sent to new subscribers until the ' mod tion, with Tourist29.epen. for leaflet tpvingeonditions, train rimes, etc., or write �t L env AskE Bent Uut them. II V ll 1 II k111 L First of January, lgo9, for the r Passenger o�_ . Pa en cr ACent TORONTO 5 C ��t� C. B FOSTER, ,sltict . shall sum of ....... axtngrta nrAcatrit rx pnAOE. • • • • , • . •. - J. H. BEEME.R -- AGENT— ZVINGHANI Plymouth �••openings thus formed in a much more outh Twingep The great question with the young- natural manner than by the use of the folks to -day is— auction milking machine. In a recent test fourteen quarts of The Best on: the Market. Leave yourorder. Where can i secure an education milk, It Is said, were drawn from a We will deliver it. in the shortest time, at the leastcow by this machinethe same being CANADIAN lA1IONA1 expense, and that will ensure, applied, operated and removed in sic me a good salary after ? and one Ste minutes. Each machine � ,2g E � C� I B j � ! � 1t�7 septfi. I�+ Is complete in itself, requiring ac air Aud. X H ^ie J[ ,[� Those arequestions which the'Vanngemt:nt Western Fair tubes or power plant, as in the case • • 04 this largo Tnetitution has put yoard o4 of the pneti matic milkers. at 1t thou ht and 'energy is solving, and Wo feelT 0, Kure Pare Green. a SDecia ity Wit. saying that ttvo arts oflowest the Very According to the description, but lit- TO,R best• FduuI'll 4t the very lowest he vo lu•• ' JJ.. prtco .°, wo have l:ho moat nit -to loll , Greatest Live Stock Exhibition tlo or no attention WrL a until Duce the Ann sof, i with S 1 AND saga in both gg keddradjustment is made until the cow is Cixf'.13tQst and Best Attended Annual In (7lST. 11 with Sohuols in buffs T•ONI)ON tnfll;ed dry. t 'Vo hold the food -will of all the Rnilrottrts OF VESTER'i' 0NL TARIO IiXllil;iitlbn in all file World and aro tiro only College favored With the Feeding Co'Ws, G. ho'ole; Thus Two feelltUat v%os Jn have exc n Voll Programme of Attractions twice daily, incittding Kemp's Cows of a decided dad type will re- . y 0n mammoth a ttonpl placing ofngo in the Education �rkd in dairy he every 1'rovinoe $100900000 1� Lp�� i.lo -] ch,r plat►ng of ottr sr,uaonfa, 'aViid West Show. Best of ltiusior Fireworks Each Evening turn the greatest profit when fed to Bonds s • biassed Band • TI)o demand for the Tulograph Oporator their full capacity.- i4ebrAska Export- YDS Products in rrizGs and Aftractidns concerts dna Gito Atenographer id tncroa%hrg sitcro tend ATHLETIC DAY MONDAY SEPT. 14. went $tatlon. _ mar4 every clay and we oxperlonoo no cllM- � y yourself � y ....o: --- dulty "in placing our firadnatee, Come and eu o at London's Popular Fair i Grand Art Loan Collection Let Us Delp Yott Into A �. Prr imr thb Parlst Salovt avid other Old -World Galterfes. • -: - - -• ` -- _�----- - Bronciiitls Creeps into Cadsufnptioti, 19 Goon Posltton. - Coughing weakens the tubes end Iatokmaflontal A'IflifaryY Tattoo and Renfl� fib Sipocinolb HOMO RATES ON ALS. R'1.IZOAD� ' �Dl� EAT,I. T�RtK.-�-•• On�` !Intl iLiDU �"� makes a resting. place for tit@ bnccillf, r Big Hardw-are, G Prize instil, Entry, p'or,ria, Programtmos, stud all Why last bromchtti4 becomo establish- T�� Sle e o1�, Sebastopol lavenlllg lasses. Commence pd t? IVa easy to cure, just inhale xmiormatian given on application to Catarrhoxottc, breathe in fns soothing Mtluday'y August 31st. •_ balsnmta ,tm'd relief comes Int ont;e. - cr W�airth► O()® Performers. (('� `.. Por further partioitlarP«- iPG`w J. Exp, Presidetlt. A. . HtJ1aTF, Secretary. tCatarthozone is so certain, in bred- Superior s' !lt'111devfflie i' tel~IE'�1'Xriance �J. i.A y.hrlF+tr� "' �.J TA call..- write—& Pllosto, ,; �, Shititi that ever case xa Cared. r w�_^_.._w• ,-. Throat is st>rnngthrnsdr onxtgh stops,.. .a tang lttt (.elle a of 'fofioSratttlr3' �11 Q�1�1�_ • , , g 3r g 990, 00 Live � , .r � View w wind ltallwaygI nstruotiou..,... attxittrtiori goes away, datl ex' of oo a12 G Stock v M I� ♦♦ Tho t"anadtan T iogra h r t tubepmilwtis is :prevented. For throat _ 1y tt++ �,r �r r coughs. v )titer 1'rtay tlafe, KalYy C1Ytlk3 tteiC all iafarmaliae etldrata y. th oilN, fitaeafee, CIO Yell, IeroNia ST 1 �. OIff A l� Ffi, tin i �Pn t trouble, pAtttrt h and cough, , CAtarxhtl _ . rind IIgnln•ra �l01(sgo.... s iyny yy��.. y i _Wil y 31 zone is the remedy' 25@y anti $1 siz s C B 9 A P r Alt E S V A 0 At E V ' Tit 'Y` W lI VR lir ..a .Cr �Pr'r f7�ODA.I\ r r '►Alf, rmltl�....,.. ... .... ... M•,�.wl�ii.M..a�i a -i -'i ,.. .. _.. �.. .,._. ......: ..... ..... _ _.,,_ ..�,. _it�i ill d@fblE�far 41@� It t�l•1.4t�r.�; . A �, 11iA Wtl4 'Fest well No. 2 has it depth at pre. - , '• ' Sent of 8�3 feet, M A farmer not far frons town. had to �II.ANI� F- kill a $00 helfer this Nveek because it . Ui hatl ttlibereolosis l thls bvas quite a. loss. for him. FINEoT.A.ILORED GARMENTS �Q)� MEN N Atnong the successful students hone _. r . ... ._ . > deserves more credit than. Donald Our Fall and Ross, wha. took the complete Matri. culation R=minatlon though he only passed into the C. I, two year's ago, At the Berlin Bowling Tournament „y mer S � t * is j♦�'/ Winter last week, Dr.g g A g cam with in a. .most exciting gn,tictcs, came within two 1 �.1► i of winning the Seagram Trophy, the best prize oftered at the competi• Q this popular Bl'autl 4f Clothing, are here and tion. Miss Bertha Gunn, youngest .laugh. opened up for your inspection. They're the finest ter of Dr, Munn, had the misfortune garments ever siloVl'A Ill this town. to get her right arm broken in two places on Monday. She was ill, a o.� hammock, and falling out, put out her arm to save herself, with the result 200 new patterns, -which we will make up to your stated, • measure, to elloose from. People who think Clinton taxes high at 22} mills on the dollar, are " well ori as compared with the rate- payers of Seaforth, The total tax for school in, that. McGeeCam-pbell n is 7 town is 27 mills on the dollar and for the dolga Separate school supporters 28 1/10 mills. on the dollar. Clothiers and Men's Funishers Div. W. Jackson, Y, T', R. agent, reports selling 05 tickets fat' the excur. sion of Aug. 14h, and iii more on "JUST J%hplro, Profit In It If 400kly, Matured .lwnd prop•ely rl"Jobad. To raise baby boot profitably It Is absolutely necessary to have C41TOO of the beef type. They roust possess the ability to put on flesh in the right shots -^drat ia, they should be well do. Yeleped where the• most expensive Cuts Now Fall Goods are to be found, Then, too, they trust have tate po qr to mature early. Tho majority of animals catxnot ba got r Into that condition sit the desired age, Pearly maturity must be. A character- Istle of the animals bred from, and particularly should the (sire selected possess that special quality. Arrivi, ai, %to growing time in an anixnai'g lite is the time At which to feed, it, as it again tial; has been, Proved time and.� �//may/ •z ,,., We are to the front again with;. . 11 uy �� ' ��►��j�g I' . y all that is NEW in i v� • s,w°C•" '_ref`-," ��EsE:E:ftfe°.c!E&ie:c:fe•.rr'E+��` �:���������333�33%� HEAD OT, AN O$10 BADX DtRp' SE$D. W W a hundredweight can be added then at ►I°�1SS cos less than half the cost of the same; W n gainthe same animal at maturity, writess �. $ugh DtclCinney in Farm 1r rind fireside. For the first two weeks Oil Aug, 18th, while Goderich over 05 each calf should have a quart of whole and Seaforth 00. The passengers and milk three times a day, care being1l�CS baggage were driven from here to _, taken to teed it at blood temperature. to u ,ii Blyth to connect with the C. P. R. During the next three weeks half a Ili sV special train which was run through EX0LUSXVE Store closes at quart of a milk k should be added to lu0 p gCOn 7 p.m. Soccer the whale milt at each meal. When i4 e�v�t�e�� VV• iii to Winnie without change. DESHOBALERS %turdays and Winnipeg g g WILLIS ven'gs before the calf is five weeks old it should be • • For the past few days one hundred olidays. so developed that feeding twice a day r t h men have been workingout at Bright will be sufficient, also dispensing witlx?J�'��lH�i�391 Ili 'EtE>rSHFE:>�>>`F1Et>kattl on the Buffalo-Goderich line of the G. the whole milk and giving about three qtr/ 'fid quarts of skimmilk twice a day. T. R. putting in new track rails, and To supplement the loss of butter fat Our Stock is large and Our Prices ' taking away the old. The work will continue as far as IIolmesville. TheVictoria in mill;; a small amount of flaxseed tneai is used. It may be prepared in are not to be beaten in Canada. rails that are being replaced are of the proportion of a cupful of meal to Barrow steel and to a great extent are one and one-half quarts of water put No need of sendingout of town the 50 Ib. rail. The new steel is an 80 into a common stove kettle and kept at lb, rail, and is more suitable for heavy a temperature just below boiling for • • traffic. Ladies. three or four hours, which reduces the forDregs Materials. VV a can sup- .iweal to a land of jelly. - This is mixed�l�Tou at awf"DixJ with the skihxm2k at the rate of about Big Saving-- coli e7 e5 Look Ahead Far Illness. a tablespoonful to a pound of milk and �! �� may be gradually increased up n a and See for ourself. 1V o trouble _ Sudden illness and pains come in Aj cupful when the calf is .three months every family—to parents and children The Beat t at 1S New Fall old. By this time the stomach will be [, alike, But if you have looked ahead, strong enough to assimilate and digest to show you the foods. and have tight in your home, ready �1 'imrnediate use a bottle of Poison's C} • • T other food, and he should b@ taught fur i►iY� • Nerviline there isn't much to worry Stock Just arrived .01 he very to cat a little bran, oats, clover or any _ over. If it's a sore throat or contract- other dainty that he can be persuaded ed chest apply Nerviline and put a 121test 1�eWeSt and best to consume. Nerviline Porous Plaster on, If its ! • The- second summer is perhaps the colic, cramps, or any stomach disorder most critical period in the life of an i .•+ just administer ten drops of Nerviline NORTH animal intended for early beef. while in sweetened water. No family medi- SAMPLES I N iv O R T H WIN DOW experience has shown that there is cines are more useful or more depend- very little difference in feeding inside s ed upon in emergencies than Nerviline = and Nerviline Porous Plasters. They or outside, so far as gain in live weight keep the doctor bill small. Refuse is concerned, the latter method will ! ! a Coo. so substitutes. prove the less expensive. When fed r AN j L L I S , & C 0 • inside it is absolutely c necessary that �� err • r� C 1 the ration consist .of a certain proper- y ra y� ■ ■ { - LUCjCtiO�E'. floe of green feed. To a certain extent 1 GIL J.11 y Ont, At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. ensilage will answer this purpose, but The tag rate for this year is 23 mills. does not seem to have the same flesh L * .• of producing effect as the green grass. ucknow tall Fair is dated Oct, 1 Of all the grass mixtures with which s1• ��� and 2. the 'writer Is familiar, oats and vetches John Alexander sold a colt for the - with a little clover or alfalfa hay are ® ®� sum of $200,00, which was shipped to the most ver, ite. All things co turn • Toronto. ' ' � •• � - � ' � t erect, however, it is preferable to turn � Rev. W. A. Bremmer of Ripley � ° ! � t them. out about the first of dune, being The Winaham- p y careful to keep them on good pasture, Van■ e preached in the Presbyterian church supplementing it with a small quantity t✓ on Sunday. _ (� . of meal. Lucknow School passed eight pupils EXCURSIONS TO TORONTO ht September they should be grad� g for Normal School Entrance, two tak- ually accustomed to stable conditions $1.00 lf"' ER ANNUM ` of in honors. FOR, THE EXHIBITION XH I BI►��+I/^ N by taking them off the grass part r- ay in addition to .LII�L'al�olthit+ill g e C' 1 l.:r 1.� ! 4J1�) the flare, especially with the occur- :;�WOver fifty tickets were sold here for rence of frosty nights, and given a feed the the h r ist excursion leaving here on SINGLE �.6 5 L G W $2.70 _ the graSsand meal. nd clover h In Otober theyThe Furniture Factory resumed FARE R A T E should be put on a regular ration. � work psi the lith after a short cried DAILY olv Steers that havebeenfed properly up , Have you a good supply of 1Iar- p to eighteen or twenty months of age l�l� y FAOR' M LABOREHU of repairs, etc. Saturday, August 29th, to Special Excursion Days, should be getting about one-half pound CMNA01 vest Tools 2 The time is at hand Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armstrong cele- Saturday, September September I, 3, 5, of meal per hundred pounds of weight PACIFIC �� � � � � brated their silver wedding on Wed- 12th, inclusive. 9 and 11. and gradually increased, so that when wuLWAY 1 � they are sold they will be getting near- nesday evening. when you ll need them. All Wickets- good to return until Tuesday, September 15th. iy a pound of meal to a hundred pounds to Harvest Fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Geo. Gaunt of Kinloss brought in live weight of the animal. Well-paid' work for over 25,000 men. two cucumbers weighing 2J and 21 C. P. R. Official Programme gives fall information regarding Excursion rates, special train and through car service, from all stations. Winnie Free tickets from ' pounds respectively. Dilator Milking Machine. one-way second class to Winnipeg. HAY RAKES HAY FORKS For tree copy apply to South Bruce Conservatives hold An Ohio foveater has secured oust- slam Winnipeg to points where harvesters are needed, PITCH FORKS TURNIP HOES their convention at Walkerton on J. H. BEEMER, Ticket Agent WINGHAM eat fora stew when r milking machine. east of Moose Jaw, and west of Moose ]div to When the machine has been adjusted Algeria at one cent per mile. ' Sept. 3rd to nominate a candidate to to the cow's udder and the teat open - contest AND SNAITIIS contest the ridingfor the Commons. Or write C. B. FOSTER, T R, District Passenger RETURN TICKET TO ONTARIO STARTING POINT FOR ADDITIONAL Agent, Toronto. Ings or ducts have been dilate[ by The entertainment under the aus- means of the dilators to form artificial $18,00, AFTER WORKING AT LEAST ONE MONTH HAY FORK ROPE—frons J in. -to 11 in. pices of the Citizens' Committee on openings, the milk, it is said, flows ' Apply to ticketagents for full conditions HAY FORK PULLEYS = Thursday evening of last week was a freely and automatically from the (� 1 14T:{,Z grand success both as to the enter- from territory grandtainms t .evicted, and* financial enter - I I jg� NORTHWEST OF TORONTO SOUTHWEST Of TORONTO EAST OF TORONTO TRIP ROPE AND SLING ROPE ySalt. The net proceeds were $l re -A' 1 a P � I �� � � � AUC'.5t. 'ids 'i$ "pIUC`a. 'icy 'iD AUG. 20, 22, 27 BINDER TWINE which will be devoted to the beautify- t l fit^. � SEPT. 11 B SEPT. .g i'T• 2� tt �� iug of Lucknow. n"l Gn/ , \ y. a From stations on Toronto-Northc From stations East of Toronto I 1 M.,yline, w-1tobutnotincluding Fromstadons on Toronto-�arnla North Bay line, to and mdudma Toroata-Sernia line. line, and soutli thereof in Ontatio, Sha,lwt Lake and Kingeon CALL" �N��N<�NNiNNJ ' a G „ TELEGRAPHY Tickeu iesued i4 women, but not at half -(are for children. f t ��„ HOMESEEKERS' VtCIAL TRAINS FROM ALL C. P. R. STATIONS ON THE W I N GH AM ADVANCE, North Hurons popular 1 Excursions affortl be,t aeeom- AUGUST 14. 10 and 20. Apply to neareet C.P.R. ticket scent And get our prices — they are the- very lowest. b newspaper, will be -sent to new subscribers until the ' mod tion, with Tourist29.epen. for leaflet tpvingeonditions, train rimes, etc., or write �t L env AskE Bent Uut them. II V ll 1 II k111 L First of January, lgo9, for the r Passenger o�_ . Pa en cr ACent TORONTO 5 C ��t� C. B FOSTER, ,sltict . shall sum of ....... axtngrta nrAcatrit rx pnAOE. • • • • , • . •. - J. H. BEEME.R -- AGENT— ZVINGHANI Plymouth �••openings thus formed in a much more outh Twingep The great question with the young- natural manner than by the use of the folks to -day is— auction milking machine. In a recent test fourteen quarts of The Best on: the Market. Leave yourorder. Where can i secure an education milk, It Is said, were drawn from a We will deliver it. in the shortest time, at the leastcow by this machinethe same being CANADIAN lA1IONA1 expense, and that will ensure, applied, operated and removed in sic me a good salary after ? and one Ste minutes. Each machine � ,2g E � C� I B j � ! � 1t�7 septfi. I�+ Is complete in itself, requiring ac air Aud. X H ^ie J[ ,[� Those arequestions which the'Vanngemt:nt Western Fair tubes or power plant, as in the case • • 04 this largo Tnetitution has put yoard o4 of the pneti matic milkers. at 1t thou ht and 'energy is solving, and Wo feelT 0, Kure Pare Green. a SDecia ity Wit. saying that ttvo arts oflowest the Very According to the description, but lit- TO,R best• FduuI'll 4t the very lowest he vo lu•• ' JJ.. prtco .°, wo have l:ho moat nit -to loll , Greatest Live Stock Exhibition tlo or no attention WrL a until Duce the Ann sof, i with S 1 AND saga in both gg keddradjustment is made until the cow is Cixf'.13tQst and Best Attended Annual In (7lST. 11 with Sohuols in buffs T•ONI)ON tnfll;ed dry. t 'Vo hold the food -will of all the Rnilrottrts OF VESTER'i' 0NL TARIO IiXllil;iitlbn in all file World and aro tiro only College favored With the Feeding Co'Ws, G. ho'ole; Thus Two feelltUat v%os Jn have exc n Voll Programme of Attractions twice daily, incittding Kemp's Cows of a decided dad type will re- . y 0n mammoth a ttonpl placing ofngo in the Education �rkd in dairy he every 1'rovinoe $100900000 1� Lp�� i.lo -] ch,r plat►ng of ottr sr,uaonfa, 'aViid West Show. Best of ltiusior Fireworks Each Evening turn the greatest profit when fed to Bonds s • biassed Band • TI)o demand for the Tulograph Oporator their full capacity.- i4ebrAska Export- YDS Products in rrizGs and Aftractidns concerts dna Gito Atenographer id tncroa%hrg sitcro tend ATHLETIC DAY MONDAY SEPT. 14. went $tatlon. _ mar4 every clay and we oxperlonoo no cllM- � y yourself � y ....o: --- dulty "in placing our firadnatee, Come and eu o at London's Popular Fair i Grand Art Loan Collection Let Us Delp Yott Into A �. Prr imr thb Parlst Salovt avid other Old -World Galterfes. • -: - - -• ` -- _�----- - Bronciiitls Creeps into Cadsufnptioti, 19 Goon Posltton. - Coughing weakens the tubes end Iatokmaflontal A'IflifaryY Tattoo and Renfl� fib Sipocinolb HOMO RATES ON ALS. R'1.IZOAD� ' �Dl� EAT,I. T�RtK.-�-•• On�` !Intl iLiDU �"� makes a resting. place for tit@ bnccillf, r Big Hardw-are, G Prize instil, Entry, p'or,ria, Programtmos, stud all Why last bromchtti4 becomo establish- T�� Sle e o1�, Sebastopol lavenlllg lasses. Commence pd t? IVa easy to cure, just inhale xmiormatian given on application to Catarrhoxottc, breathe in fns soothing Mtluday'y August 31st. •_ balsnmta ,tm'd relief comes Int ont;e. - cr W�airth► O()® Performers. (('� `.. Por further partioitlarP«- iPG`w J. Exp, Presidetlt. A. . HtJ1aTF, Secretary. tCatarthozone is so certain, in bred- Superior s' !lt'111devfflie i' tel~IE'�1'Xriance �J. i.A y.hrlF+tr� "' �.J TA call..- write—& Pllosto, ,; �, Shititi that ever case xa Cared. r w�_^_.._w• ,-. Throat is st>rnngthrnsdr onxtgh stops,.. .a tang lttt (.elle a of 'fofioSratttlr3' �11 Q�1�1�_ • , , g 3r g 990, 00 Live � , .r � View w wind ltallwaygI nstruotiou..,... attxittrtiori goes away, datl ex' of oo a12 G Stock v M I� ♦♦ Tho t"anadtan T iogra h r t tubepmilwtis is :prevented. For throat _ 1y tt++ �,r �r r coughs. v )titer 1'rtay tlafe, KalYy C1Ytlk3 tteiC all iafarmaliae etldrata y. th oilN, fitaeafee, CIO Yell, IeroNia ST 1 �. OIff A l� Ffi, tin i �Pn t trouble, pAtttrt h and cough, , CAtarxhtl _ . rind IIgnln•ra �l01(sgo.... s iyny yy��.. y i _Wil y 31 zone is the remedy' 25@y anti $1 siz s C B 9 A P r Alt E S V A 0 At E V ' Tit 'Y` W lI VR lir ..a .Cr �Pr'r f7�ODA.I\ r r '►Alf, rmltl�....,.. ... .... ... M•,�.wl�ii.M..a�i a -i -'i ,.. .. _.. �.. .,._. ......: ..... ..... _ _.,,_ ..�,. _it�i ill d@fblE�far 41@� It t�l•1.4t�r.�; . A �,