HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-08-27, Page 4PA THE DOMINION ELECTIONS. RECKLESS HARVESTERS. � �J �i (�, p,. , train wen, who took..earlier Ritchie W C!Usen LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE VIEWS -harvesters' train west tell of horrible, cowardly devils done by the ` elvilized REAL ESTATE ( Are You Part'icular M0 That A Dowinloi* election Is not far of is generally admitted. Already swages" a>t the surly 1►atvesters' AND INSURANCE excursion, and the state •of returned j - forecasts are being made, The. Advance does not venture predictions on coaches to evidenee of some of the r Do you Want things to be just So ? Then such an uncertain thing as a general election, but others (probably pos. wild (Icings of the hoodlum. • greater knowledge) do outline the possibilities. We. give here- Wheq A train of 21 coaches returned we'd like you for a .customer, We've promised wth twa p to West Toronto last week, that place Fenn Properties, y views, one from the Liberal standpoint, and another from the you satisfaction- romised you that style, t an p saw the worst looking train klltat leas. y , y Conservative point of view, Our readers can read both and decide for rice will lease you ••• we'll keep our promise, The campaign,however y P arrived there in ears. In additidn t0 S01nQ exceptional va1R�g in p p y p p themselves as to the prospects, , may develop y. Our best ads, aro satisfied customers, Conte here changes even in prospects. lesser bits of damage, windows and Farms, If ypu,wantquo, it will for your next Suit or Overcoat, chandeliers were broken, and shutters pay you to see us. " LIBERAL VIEW. THE CONSERVATIVE VIEW• splintered, and the .coaches ware fear- The good old Province of. On - THE The Montreal Herald (Lib.) thinks the Montreal [} corners sof t, piles of hag being in tariA is all right, ` Gazette figures that corners of who cera, • ,� / f On the way out elle deeds. of the Men's Furnis.�'�ing�, the Laurier Government safe, and the Conservatives are likelyto win. �•a figures it out something like this:-- The contest of 1001 gave the Govern- drink -crazed laborers are said to have .p Out of the seven British Columbia ment 140 and the Opposition 7:6 sup, forced the placing of the women all in Town Properties Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc., members, Liberals should have 4, In porters f'n a membership of 214, which one car. The trainmen say that the in ever line that's new and up-to-date. Alberta, there should be six out of the meant a majority of 60 when all were hoodlums pulled a school teacher from At fight prices. We have a Y P the east into one of their cars, stripped number of places admirably suit seven constituencies elect Liberals. voting. her clothing from her and were uflt Call and see our elegant stock, g g y ,;.It might be. says the Herald that the In the last election, the votes cast 'ed for retired farmers. No pret- Small Prices—Big Values, were,— of other indignities. Saskatchewan ridings might all go Among man instances of hoodlum- I tier Or healthier town in. Ontario Liberal, but allow six. Manitoba will Liberal .... ... . ...... . .. 536,230 g y • return five. This makes 21 from the Conservative., .......... 448,109 ism which the trainmen tell of are the than Wingham, Property bought west, In Nova Scotia the Liberals Difference .. . .... . ...... • 48,081 following c-- hers) can always lie re -sold. When the train stopped at Alliston now'hold 17 out of the 18 seats. The , ftiaxwell Herald counts 14 safe. Prince Edward While the Government m be had over 65 because of a slight accident, the her- y p Robt., per cent, of the members elected to testers swarmed out, and visited alit - is to give one Liberal and three Con- represent the voters in Parliament, its Ritchie & Cosens servativea, as at present.. New Bruns- . tie vegetable garden belonging to two candidates received barely 53 per cent. sisters, who lived alone in their little. 1 wick is figured to elect five Liberals of the votes. The Opposition, which cottage. They had spent all the stem- REAL ESTATE AND Tailor & Mens Furnisher out of thirteen; seven they have now.. had only 31 per cent. of the member- mer cultivating their crop of veget- Quebec is safe for 50 at least and may ship of the House of Commons ables and fruits, but the horde of har- INSURANCE - WINGHAM. I go 55. Ontario at present sends 39 through its candidates received 47 per Liberals, and it is not intended to lose g P. venters swept over the place, rukhless- cent. of the votes.. All that it is need- ly ravaging it in a few minutes. Then, any, but put it at the lowest, 20. fill to do to reverse the situation, is when it was destroyed, they picked up It' would •then stand according to for the Opposition to gain six per tall Term Opens Sept.lSt this lowest possible schedule:— FP g P the .onions scattered about and pelted p �ib�4l6i �WitN NN�N��/�N1 ! The West 21 cent, of the vote. It is on such car• the frightened women with them, At 1 Those who know best the rsuppo of tl;ta school aro its staunches t supporters. Nova Scotia .... . . .... . .. :: , 14 row margins that political success another station, the men, being New Brunswick....... , , . 5 depends. thirsty, went out and drank three ELLIOTT' Prince Edward Island... • 1 Since the last election, there have saloons dry in the space of a few CQuebec . ..... . ........... • • •. • 50 been man changes. Ontario has minutes. The trainmen blame the C. a oal Ontario ................ . ....... 20 Y g gone twice over-whelmingly Censer P. R. for the trouble. The first train TORONTO, ON7. . Total .................... . ... 111 vative. New Brunswick, Manitoba is said to have had only a couple of We aro sole agents or We carry a full stock of The IIouse now has •221 members and British Columbia elections have constables and of course the had no This college stands First in err Popularity, q Thoroughness and Genuine our to the celebrated Scranton Coal, Lumber (dressed or undres- and ill would not give a majority, resulted in Conservative victories. In chance to keep a couple of thousand where you will, you'll fled our graduate- 6' 7 yr ushing Co the front. Their superior train- the first- which has no equal. sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar but it is said that the Liberals figure Quebec, there are indications of a rioting harvesters in order, Ila e nablt s thens. C to Gotge an an l mer. Posts, Barrels, etc, on carrying a good many more seats, break in the "solid" province, and pro- Enter any time. write for catalogue. Also the beat grades of .. , . and the Herald says they are in no minent Liberals such as BourassaW. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Smithing, Cannel and. Do -mood to lose one of the 30.Ontario and Lavergne are pronounced op- Weak Women. Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts. mestio 4Coal and Wood of Highest Price Paid for all ridings, so it figures that Laurier will ponents of Laurier. all binds, always on hand. kinds of Logs. have 40 of a majority in the next Par- One of the estimates given by a Lib•o Letter Of Interest To Many In Wingbaln. liament, for Ontario is to be the bat- eral paper allows that the Conserva- — i Residence Phone, No, 55 tle ground royal in the election, tives may win X00 seats. Three more Fall Term Opens f, After a vera long and trying expori- Sept.s Office No. 64 � Figuring on 40 of a majority in seats would give them a bare majori- ence, Mrs. W. C. Parker of Jackson, I Mill " No. 44 V a Am IdEAN the new Parliameht for Laurier, and ty, while it is said that there arse Mich., writes a friend as follows:—"I rjNTRRL the present representation from On bright prospects in 125 conatituencie., have been sick and run-down for more than a year. I took all kinds of m,edi- �},a,�iitwNN4H►bls�lya'•,f��N�N�NNtN� tario being 39, it looks as if Ontario and the more optimistic see a large clues that were recommended by Was being depended on to furnish majority for the Conservatives in the friends. I was in such a nervous con- STRATFORD. ONT. the majority. next Parliament, dition that I could not bear the slight- The sooner you complete a scares in est noise, and so weak that I could _. _.. ,._.._. _..,.. •_.., thio school on sooner you may expect e hardly walk up -stairs. A friend advis- hold n position of trust. Our courses are �.�....,......,.. s.....+........,....:. r► Pd me to trythe cod liver preparation, thorough and practical. Our-tudonta �� A` Q P P always succeed. We desist graduates to 4 bf tori ar 11'l�r Y��J Items vinyl, and I did so with w ervondefel positions,etc We havethreedepartments— . results. Aly weakness Anil nervous' Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphic. � DON'T ` I tens are all gone, I can waltc any die-. til o employ, Catalogue experienced instructors, ,,,,,,,,�,�,�,,, „„,J L,K �,.,.;.,,Y lLance, and have gained very rapidly in Catalogue free. GO TO. -.BUSINESS 1 strength and flesh. I am writing you ' COLLEGE UNTIL YOU'VE READ THIS FREE —The acceptance of a tender for the —Trains will be running.under the of my experience in order that you. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN 1 construction of a line to convey power Detroit river through the great steel may advise any one. whom you knowPn1NCiPAhf from Niagara Falls through a popu- tunnel of the Michigan Central rail- is suffering as I was what to take." BOOK ! lous and manufacturing centre of Ont- way by the early part of Sept. 1909. This is only additional testimony inT7 regard to the value of our cod liver n RTRUR J. IRWIN ario is an indication of the progress of -Mr. Howatt, who has been living Preparation, Vinol, which we have so x the present day. That this line is to unhesitatingly recommended to the D.D.S., L,D.S. 1 h E t, h '11 h fl cove it Is immense y Important t at in as awanos , wi s or y i of w in ham for the last few i be owned by the Province is another people g Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen - CA A L � � you should get all the Information to a farm on ..the Hallett boundary; years. Vivol is not a patent medicine, g y . �" evidence of the growth of the princi- but a cod liver preparation made b a nsylvania College and Licent ate of cheat a college before you enroll he is a good representative farmer, P P1 y %, as a student. Your success dal pie of public ownership. It is impos- scientific, extractive and concentrat- Dental. Surgery of Ontario. v, „ and will make a good citizen. , —Office in Macdonald Block— zed � f pends upon your eholoa, sible to overestimate the benefit that ing process from f•esh Cods livers ' ( Our Free Catalogue taus all about may result from such an undertaking. — combining with peptonate of iron,-� lN our Method. of Toaohfng—,rhy we tunp y g' A company has been` organized which is a needful constituent for the I !`tVp out graduates who are always indsmandl *e* for the purpose of opening up a coal blood, all of the medicinal healing and W. J. :PILICE It explains the Commercial and Shor11 oil bed in Ashfield. Derrick and other hand ooarses in detail. Showathovalua —The strike of the C. P. R. machin- body building elements of cod liver /� '♦ �+ oitho BusineasEduaator'aAasoo,ation's ists is still unsettled, and the men are apparatus are on. the ground, and oil, but no oil. B.S.A., L.D.S., D.D,S. Take Advantage of'O Lel ? Diploma: And this large. handsamel We ask every person in tiVinghain illustratedbookwill.bese.ttoyouFRE still out. The Company gave them operations have begun. who is run-down, nervous debilitated Rotor graduate of University of Toronto by return of mail if ou will lust son ' and Licentiate of Royal College of yy us your name and add»ssl until the 18th to return to work. The and every aged, feeble person to try Doi tal Surgeons of Ontario. - Students edmltted any elms: —John Fingland, 13th Of HUllett, men' claim they will win, and the Vinci on our guarantee to return / The Specimi Opening September and Jaeuary has a bear cub playing bout his money if it fails to give satisfaction. Oai•ibm .rx BmAvms BLOCS WINOHAM , 1 The Forest City Company are managing to get along, orchard; it was caught b his son J. Walton McKjbbon, Win ham. y Forest Cit 4 Business and Shorthand Coileja but ,,,t is feared that the rolling stock CLEARING 45ALE ttsfnes, and :tor fid f,w, wcst¢LONDON. OND J iONTARIO We tonsil, fn c,s, is sufferingand repairs ettin far be- Will, who is on mission Work in the r � y - neighborhood, and was sent here to be CANADIAM DOME CIRCUS London• College Od ' rrfadpat vloa•rrindpa hind. The strike is n unfortunate raised. —Jahn Kerr, to whom Chatham occurrence, especially at this time. of During Stock Taking the year, when the result of the west- -$ party of American tourists, owes gas and Canada the Tilbury oil • fields died in Detroit, Monday morn- Wingham Circle, N0■ 434 ern harvests is awaiting shipment charged with driving their auto. neck- , eastward. lessly at Leamington and causing the ing, aged 45, leaving a wife and two gawrl�lrrh+M�W��M/W'MA+MtwtdM+ injury of a couple of persons were cbildren. The first oil well of the dis- Meets the 1st Thursday in each month, but in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 P.m. Candi- --There have been changes made arrested at London and taken back to trict was drilled on Kerr s farm, dates for cheap, reliable insurance are Leamington, where it cost them $150 luck cam slowly, and hope was solicited. Ask to see our rates from any Come and See these Goods. You'll in the representation of the Western g of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at almost abandoned. Still, Mr. Kerr the same rate as men, provinces since 1904, and the new to acuate matters, - be glad you came. House of Commons will con9ist of 221 —Geo. H. Towler of Goderich T stuck feet, it, and finally, ata depth of Rmv. T. S. Boynm T. F. Rc. Sere ^• - .members, as follows :— 1,500 feet, success rewarded his efforts. Leader Rea Secretary _ ' who met with a distressing accident Since then wells almost innumerable W. J. wirrms • Fin. Secretary I f ( SHIRT WAISTS—3 doz, only 'White Lawn and Mull Shirt ........................ 86 on July 26th from the kick of a horse, Quebec- ........................ 65 have been found, some of diem very Waists beautifullytrimmed with lacA embroider and Nova Scotia......:..... 18 passed away on Tuesday of last week ; pa in y ?, ""' his age was 52 ears. It was thought y g' tucks. A genuine snap. Reg. $1.75—now $t.25. Reg ; New Brunswick ................. 13 g y g $1.50, for 99c. Reg. $1,25, for 75c. Reg. 75c, for 50c. Prince Edward Island.... ..... 4 for a time that recovery was likely, DOMINION ( Manitoba ..................•... 10 but blood poisoning eventually set in Send Black 'Sateen tucked Waists, regular $1.25—now $1,00. Saskatchewan. .......... 10 A Normal School to train and his weak constitution succumbed. Alberta.. ... 7 for life in the home. UNDERSKIRTS.—Wide, lacy and very pretty. Reg. $2.00, British Columbia ...... , - fur .. • 7 to the inevitable. Yukon ..:.............•... .. 1 l ndowment permits low HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. for $1.75. Reg. $1.50, for $1.25. Reg. $1.25, for $1. —Nfr, Andrew Henderson, con. 4, ratgs and high- ' No formalit O)r *•* McSillo ,has 3lambs, which in man daughter class advantages. AT COST.—Drawers, Corset Covers and Night Dresses. 1 y , P y g 28th year and bet - .rhe cost of running. -the country respects surpass any we have yet ter than ever, Write for Cata- delay in opening last year was 165 er cent, higher than Capital aid u $3,976,000 DRESS MUSLINS.—Positively must go at any cost. Reg. Y p g heard of. These three lambs are all t� loges : Aima College, St. p �p p� 30C for 20c. Re 20c for 15c. RP 15C for 10c. it was twelve years ago. The annual from one ewe. They were dropped 'Chomas, Ontario. 4 Reserve lava pznofi s) $5,297,000 ' g' ' g' ' S AY I H G S ACCOUNTS. expenditure per Bead of population about the middle of April, One of ALMA COLLEGED. has grown from $8.14 in 1905 to $18 in these, a wether, weighed 95 pounds. Total Assets, over $48,000,000 A BARGAIN IN CORSETS.— Celebrated ed g d Corsets, 1907. The outlay on current account The other two are ewes and weigh 00 WINGHAM BRANCH, straight and curved front, lace trimmed, good jean and has risen from $36,040,142 in 1905 to pounds each. _ easy fitting. Reg, $1:00, for 75c. Reg. 75e, for 50c, a Large Or small Sums may $76,652,401 in 1907, or more than one Farmers' Notes discounted. BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS.—Must be cleared out. hundred per cent. Last year $35,253,- --A Boston woman who 'has just be deposited or withdrawn P y celebrated her olden anniversary as a Extra wide pleated Skirts, sunburst style. .Reg. $1.50, 970 was spent on capital and special g yDraft sold on all points in . P P P cook, boasts of having made and ada, the United Statee and Europe. for $1..20. Reg. $1.25, for $1.00. cess $1.00, for fi0c. as desired, account as compared with $4,753,241 Going' At Cost _ in 1905. Thus the appropriations un- baked 394,000 pies, 2,000,000 dough- SHOES TO CLEAR. -120 pairs of Ladies' and Children's nuts and something more than 1,500, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. �• ;, _�• der this head have grown to the ex- Shoes, to Clear at 50c per pair. "b - ;� , } tent of more than six hundred per 000 puddings, besides a multitude of Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and other dainties and no end of baked upwards, and added to principal quarterly, 'WINBHAM BRANCH cent. in a little over a decade of the A SNAP IN TOWELLING. --23 inches wide, all pure linen, o beans. Her recipes aro all her own A beautiful display Of Special at; 12, now 10 Cts. present Administration. The suer- . P �-"' C. P. SMITH - Agent th nil#ional outln.and she refuses to write a cools D. T. HEPBURN, Manager nM'wl/A mous expansion in e y book. AT REDUCED PRICES. --Laces, Embroideries, Collars and = would not occasion ac much surprise - i 1�, vanetone, Solicitor ' and, criticism were it not fqr the pre- —One hundred and fifty-three town. Dinner, & Tea Sets, Belts, at greatly reduced prices. vious angry criticisms of the infinitely ships in Ontario have abandoned = Toilet Sets and We sacrifice these oods to maize smaller outlay of the :previous Admin- statute labor and reverted to cash. syn- ' istratfon. It is absurd 'for a party, in tern of maintenance of roads. Sixteen a Safe g robin for fall unmeasured terms to condemn the counties in Ontario have undertaken a {� r� Protection lend Safe "arrivals. You may reap the benefit. "extravagance" of its political oppon- good roads program by which they Fancy China- - ��- _4 _ ents, and then, straightway upon ob- plan an outlay of $3,200,000, of which Tnp�lQ�mpn+ U 4, taming office, to proceed to treble the wilder the provisions of the Qood AT ''COST while they last, 'We COME AND S E Eva der disbursements of public funds. `If Ir, Roads Act the province will bear one- mint make room for the was, as Sir Richard Oartwri ht de,„ third. The trend of sentiment to-do Alin Col+fhzNnri sx g �` ' Xmas. Goods, . General Hospitals tiered, "a shame and disgrace" to is all in favor of a centralized system - ^ spend 41 millions in one ear, what of administration of maid roads. --- The Endowment policies iUndor C3ovornrnont Ynspootfon,l P y Highest pr1CCS Paid For Produce. Pleasantly situated, Beautifully furnished, must it be to spend three times as New `York State, with its great We also handle the beat TEAS= - Open a all roitted. eautliceful plurnis ed, much ? Yet we never hear a word population, has reached the point and COI']i`nHS in the market. Re,toe for patients ( hfch include hoard anti from Sir Richard. where, with A good roads program of T1iE98 C�R4'Cl;li]tEs always The Dominion . 1 Its .�lt[l tsursinsll- -6Q to $15.00 pot` week. according II inion I ifs to location of room, Icor further Informs• fifty million dollars, a central on hand. 110 tlon--Addrosa" administtatlon fa imperative. Good _ Miss 1. 1% WS1.0ii A SUCC£SSUUL COLLE". P � »,,,,, _ A o6tind, well managed an Superintendent, roads are essentially a business pro• ii y. 'Canadian Life Aasnrance Oom inn • • - uta Ilea 223, �iringham, Ont. The Elliott Business College of To-. position, A. W. Cempbell, elle !Produce Taken. Cash raid 1. ronto Is well known m one of the lar- Average tato of Tt±tertlat ive - -_ _. __ _..__ ------ .est and best comi otelM schools iii deputyminister of public works, felt Butter and Eggs, earned fit 1f100-- yiAiiaenA141fYYYVMw, o,...»....N... .. J110 81)vA'NCI; Is North Canada» All intending to secure & WndWrnterestinthe,broader scope of�I► Hurons oil`s 1e Ciit1 il0VtW5y busine8s eclaoation are invited' to road Improvement is unquestioned, 6.1-1 "t ("ENT- �� ,,�.a,� _ 1�I�h ltrasaa" •dsGir ee�t r e Ou n sUl - write to the. oolle i� for a handaoibe has pointcA out that good roads repre• a W � g - a io i sdiencifln c,arnai. er idoioy paper. Are y dataio{�ue, The fall. term open asci Ali invs3atment which will brCsiAMALCOLM' w dL'f7�Tt T. AALL �"aa a yaar,post•ga t>3•t?atd, Sept. lot next. liiundreda of atudeitittl - s oriber ? i f flat, why g Local Agetit �• wieghani, lgf � y go out frow,tii this oollogn each rent' to handaomo returns by increased pro - Its Values... r *ssiYirli • aI,�ll1�»�ttal�,al1��'I��,t� Only � per yoga good ist►sttiona, 1� p I ,D •.¢alb" i:. �fA...�.:ri"..s•. Las - k,o;