The Wingham Advance, 1908-08-27, Page 3
1, .
1- �
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— . �
I . , .11 9 1 1 1 . -, , , .
- , , . , I I I � 9�9 __ -9: 9 ... I 1 19 1;1 �, .- 1. . I � 1-11 - I .1 9 ''. I � 91 , 9 .... ..... .. . . ....... ._", - , , , . .. . . - ! . , '.
� , , , . !"!1T7*!W!!" . . - - - �, � , " _- . I - � - %, .4__� _; I - . - � - I I . - - 1- —1-1- -1 - I _____1;;-1_, _ - _�,_ � � . � � . � . 1. I _. 9 11 .
� � ,01 �, �, ,,, , � � \ . I � .. - i- - . , , .... � . , ` . :' '.9 1, - ". I , I I - , - , , � �, - , ,9 I , - , :.� . - , �� " . .1. . I , � . I � - � 1 1 9 - . . 9 - .1 I .
, 1. - - � .. � 1. �' I , __ __ I -1. � ___ - I I-7— I .. I -,-- 1. I � . � I ... I , - -- , ,4 1
. I ' ". 9 . ,.. 1.
04 i
nlighty bestatV, tho largost of whielt—tito eff� "I 1-03 - wati not, the nulv one. The city via' f
'I - 1
*,**$P—O**-"%"00-*'*ft-04-*'Ooo-l$*'Olo� ooV"%ft**',"k-411'"11J1-10 - -4 Iantoiaurus-weta. n0g,rly *l, hundred A,,:V'10�,�5,1 .01 !� 0, ) -, I tar roluarked 1101V well you oani." I* BYSINESS GIRLS i I U I _,,b
P � . :
I �, - . I-, OF 1, �i 'A I J .. .
0 R � ." � .11 � A— , �''. .� 9 M_---.__--.- I i --.5 . �, M. — It.* lit leu,�th And, neiti-ly thirty foot : (0. *,,�,, I In I qq?,t&L a 0 1
''. .1 , 04 0 i ��.,--,� n I Then Blip flusLed with pleasure. I
. . �.., .Cg. " fflly. I (1011 t know as we can bAar U
. , high. A monster 111-0 this would roquire I C, 0
, -
41 .1 �. I i
Almost tho Population of A village for a �. 5�11, r 1* w) InUvh praiso," silo lauw1led. "It "t
I .. � AA' ; I
11 � -
� - ,"�' "s .6 .,
X , 2 � raeall And not the land only, but also . � ..,%'i' - *� , h I I hp(l conio pmdually, but so mu. -Il at - 4--,-
: Oka sea owarmed with gigantic life- Cw =- -4 �,",1,1111 . I : o4loo may turn our heads. Really,
, . ;� ,,
- tiomil belleve that tile son, I -serpent Is a . , J . 6 I - I . l, .; tifough, you have Ito IdQ3 ,how plQ5A- They Risk Heo,lth Rather Than Use
. . .
, I . : _ I at some Ono say silo oil-
. X survival, of that period-maily of them i =OF"' porma, . __1 � ant It is to ho, E40ploymentan4. Eventually
. - �
I %A � equa,117 at home Wth On 14114 a4d. in the - I _0 _11111 . . . . . our aingina. I Iltust (yo vialit
VOR THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE . I . . �Ivclll� and tell the ot,bora. I bolievo we
X , X2 0 -^eau, � . 0-reak Down.
" I
X I f .j��4 thence once more tile land. is sub- : "I. .., � I I'll were fooling 4 little disheartened And, ,
- . I . I
� inerged, quietudo reigning for louF Lagesi � . � """ know, you never do your best Thouoitnd# of earnest intelligent
. Z
11 1. 11 ,,, 1. � � '' ,�..,. I ... t...,. I.. ., �. � ......"., - I I , when You feel that Way( That'o why Gung women who earu their livell-
I 11:�� �., � _j �:J_ , , '.'.'. ,�_ , - 11--ij, -1, 1. �, i� ... . .. lo.-.. ,, OL the shells of Incalculable my riads of I . I I d 8 T,
040tva"*.Rlam"*.Nwaa.,$0.4wom.4,0.qvmb"o.qmtm..,tP-Qao..,A*-CQN..03X milluto. inarine organisms fal Q the . . . . . id not stay to iug for Sua(lay 004 away from home Ili pablie of.
I ,'n L ,
, bottom of tile 40A Ana formilig J1101olialk I � IN I
. School." ficeil, and large ,business ostablijillmdnts
deposits, whic1q. , .t The faces of the singers fit the choir Am silent suffering victfule of ovilitAxed
, with their gnow-white ' CT, :�, 1.
AccIdents That Happen. on Purpose. towltiov�, Ile Works Ili the dArk. Some- purity, are such a featare of beauty oil . L , . . I wero aglow with hapf)ineoa (Or did I lie; veil And 4of idelloy of strenga. Weak,
I I times 4 has a candbasocket in 1114 cap) . the shore line, of England. . . , imagine it) When thOY 04119 thO Q108- b1*0140so And nor Quo they I work
0n4 o4 the most mrvellous things in #omotimaa e. 4earch light borrowed from . , , � Ing hymn. I thought I had never against time, with vlevor a rest when
thi world, 4 the 4vctall numbQr of mon the Bible , . 31;Quot, ecioncil teil Us thore Than more upheavals and -more . . I -1 . heard them sing with MOM outhus, beadne,lie4 it -ad ba
= wow#A W40'hAve turned out to be Isellou 4 Vosphorus in tho huniall, bod changes, the shrinkage of the now cooled, . I L 11 11 I 11 I login, . I hour like a I 01caches make every
I earth foreinj upw4wd tho, Mountailt .. day. T�ittie wonder thoir
WU4, I ay Wooded Tho'Hoh inercha�t WIdoll & I could b$ aottoontihiAdi, As in, rangoo 'And orming tile beautiful hills . . . A' little praise lubricates the. ma- ebeeks Jose VIV tint of lioultli and grow
oil I kt, ho# *44 wouders- why he is, tho case og,tlwo �Irafly chinory fit the -wearlsome gria of pale and thin, their eyes Ar
� 9 Is 4 mArt. ,could 1>4l his And Ules, ravines iind porgw,L uprearod It - . . : I'll I and how easy 4 . e dull and.
4kbtQkqr ,be wanted to bo.: 0yrh litumIllant 11 I 1. . 4 . L . it Ill, it v" Only 0�1'unlcoa And beauty slowly but Barely
i+ru . , , for a the dArkiwos4 lw,� OlIffs and rolling dowils Which so 444 to .. I . �
I T�p . I li I �1110 I to spoak it I There owe men fades, Business girls find women, be -
%A1 00'. I t*bItIOU was to, 1>6 Rui rilght owwtivk�r, But man c&n %1,01 its love ' I nk,
, .
UOA*r.�_ - f4d the butoltor should be,. Wn�qelf Of An , illumitimAt, gram�r then . litess And to Its, AttraQtIveness, I \ and women In country choirs all over Cause of their work And Worry, look nld-
0 1
bahsg"FFoA IuBtea(l Of cutting Joint$ M And at length, now In Its very prime, I . : I the lar,_d, who unselfishly sing oilt
"t of phoolphorus. It Is costly, It 14. What Is oralkta& But, al%A he soon . . .� Pr than their years. What tile 4qlrloasly
his la"s as. &_ young man had o9mo to AWP $6 is . . yields . -_ \ I their lives, And no Ono e7er thinka
I , oudikling, no one orl". "Give to'tomptation, and tabs s against' bis 1 L ! Aced is the frequent holp o' A trqa
. ,
pass. . I I i I I to drop a flower of gratitude or% their If
, - t1s Of your oil, for our Isulps are glo'? Qrest6r. lint no one need, suffer from - � -,,, � aVeS. L strengthening remedy to carry them
Am4, a #41l more marvelous thing A�- n ; ,�. �. . unmarked gr -through the day. Dr. Williamso Pill
, ..
L. ,
out,01 011, thit boalbon, perfumail 611 In this jail of his first aronts. Par, the, . 1, Give them a word of ap k
. ;_-1 .
OtQd * thel changes hetv* we solitary sanctuary . . 'L I.. . proctation,
09 84yi of cl�� by offerrh Himself As A .,�,�. � 11 . I yythoughtless church- car and me Pills are like actual food to the starv.
I IAO W48 Out Of ton It! Here Is another gifted one, Blow an4 stibstIttit '1� I L 7 1 it ever beloto ,, � _ in I of tile bus] -
LL I .01 hilielf bore he punishment 11 : � a, fargex cou� ad .... rves And tired bra -
f,vwh a X � . , I �
11 4vent, that turned thol ead, and sure, thick do,rkuese "Pin'l f6 iitto, by p,).1 wilo will nee . : . I 0 ,� n44 girl. By making rich, red blood they
, apt Him As their , .. I pon for the principal invested. -Bel, �
Course of the *hole Uh along a Itew-i I I - I . .�. L
open to the shadow of death. Myst, 1�aasfter. And whoi0vo will may I I I 159P,Ply ,just the kind of dicip t1lat girls
! - axe gavoia. on the face of tho rook, 461111:1 freely . J;ltailcip�k . 1. , k m I need to preserve their health and flieli,
meeting with a stranger.1- on I to !4 that 10024ption. . i n
t sentence overheard In A , -ol% tl*- I .1 I . OR THE FARKME RS. good looks. They bring bright eyes, Ili( gh
. I elf bear mArks of rAIndw . Z I I
p va*:V�,� U;,"ro 1, 7 . . I I I F
,J� .. - , L drops, wboa the strata, was Sot b W44 I"'- WORKING OF: I thus make the daX S
Vu. =1 tA 14 rid from a; I I , FRENOH FARMS. , I - � L , spirits end I
*, . eA tMthe . He re-paopl" tile old I . 'L , , duties lighter,
no IKt L ei6th; a irtli, 0 ,,,,,,,,, "'Joitab"o. �_ I I , .
iotftO, spas the sIll .
, oluess, a t6iltd&Y, Avor$&Z haPpon-,_ p1#Q _ 7 Vn 0, tbO boy From the Rich t,andowner to the Half .
, , . Results of Co -Operative Experiments Miss Alexandrine Bvdaw,d, a steno.
44 . fit the bo�, , iiiot are VOOR $ � grapher, residing At 30 Itiolicifeu street,
' I
IA' f tWs nd have ovot 41% over, L4 , Share Man. . I . L
, Ifigto- dome I - . ! mog th,s drowned, oil, go long.Wi I Apr& I - . With Autumn Sovrn Crops-. Quebee, gii�_S: "For
. I*& I i . L the post couple of
L . rf .611t per I In. Praxice there Is a alarArolty of V..*_� I I � 'Veare I.felt my cons
14 X, f0i -
slits; a men od Wom , .
Ig I'll tittition being krad.
t 41ifts diffaTMA to What ey were'! �J� 1%%1PA *04in,000 oury,oyop f em . .- . I I - bally Undermined through �Onstant in -
I , 1,
bdik% . r 14 6 &WI t , Qrs, I I
t Or ' t th�'IrA4 tWa ooiAed ftsolf , I : I Three hundred and seven farmers
� .
t, , Into r moilths W1 dayVl W6, or I I
TAfe's little accidents we, call them, and, , oat laudQwaarsi we need not �. door Work, and the. great tax all my
indot won SA4 women have had 01 an , - 0 L 994 I T4,ey are aQt in their fields. . I I . I . throughout Ont4rio conducted experi- nerves bbrougli the long tedious hours
, , -_
IrIM The �.o '' ad oW thmil noter U-4. Fiq � _sI4q;r, . I . . . ments with autunin sown arops dur� over a t eivriter. But it
eapis 4 one time & tinote4V to V ,z 41 A14 _ ,�.. # I ' g, i4ming, talking,pol, - 11 I I W" only some
t.h�j gre ' In x mont s
lio*. tbol years have gone by, they ,dan to hit,Z4 gut, 4itlque utqtAw.�WaA no _ ;dl Lth I ,;, I . - � Ing the past year, Reports have been of IT Ago that the climax came
t t# L * Olt I i . I .. 11 � received front twenty-six.of the couti. wben one Afternoon I lost consciousness
" fule ths, thousands. Take the ties of the Province. Those dounties througli extreine *eakness, Tile real ser�
7 ' tbeV boon t* %t �.' I - � 1.4% - . U . I
L,, V Nff qr*, q # o, T Q Animber
, ,in e091440 't4%t itigo J� P rig. h y
. �
14*t Changes , tuo.r live _. � ; flu# � * , _4
�%' :�w 19 M'0, In f6vo .
,ad 0 t _ _0 ts no 1048i ,� ., i Domp '1l;r he 1. . I
- , V, p - Rothe �
"Pallo Nyw9ft Y4P bira f - " x4pow '.1 I OhIlds, for instance- which furnislied the greatest number Icusness Of ni,y condition was then pa.
th46 utbe avold6uts ,,13�aaito iii.lythipg, I 0 pro ,0;44 . . . .- �! .
tuoile poop would havq laughqd tile J�p% , Itera V 0, 10, r . ., 1, .1 7vo# Z. 014g, �goj own 400,000 acres Of laud. Other � . /I _aftab. , I .1 I I of good reports of, succesplully con- thetically ipparent, as I was. confined
) Sir - — - .
. -0 to live, bb nm� sing Or he woul d experiments were Bruce, Norm
to 00 to9p.1 axe 8.0 416wito see the '11, - �Uoni; of finance and many gentle I,— - � ....... ....... ��� �.. I m m lacking even the strength
, �dlp, The YeE7 stOpeo, It W' we f � .- ,- . .
ditig Andof rovideAq In.3 - . a 9WTI - uivit 9f anqioiat house are mastor4 of . . I f iddlesex, Grey and Haftsr,,
guia ft � 1 ,40 QVoT7 :2 I . 0 to walk abcut. I was attended by A fic.
.04 . - �r- i.of muilo, 114 atrik% waxer In h� �go& jJmgA� is fig. -very. useful as A separate waist exper � eutemr. deserve much tor, but. After being it month under his
I � _4 -will be found
- _ .. 1. �y . This stylish over-bloup,e
4-b W1, -it 'In a 10racitilotto 0 fro Istignp. Oh I the witirmurinq o&4=0 9.9 0 ,ego are at the + it for t a ood -work they Have care
__ Nich "Minters" as th - to wear over the dainty lingerie blouse, or it may form part of a costume, showed no signs of improvement. It
. t in a 14w Uniplil'obreara. He apom his, 4 r, hei(� of thO. hierdrolty; the farming The five gored skirt is a graceful model and one of the nowest of the as - done f r themse ve
de4* anil in BlUe stories, . , . I � a 0 a and f or the farin- Nvas'at this stage that one of my rela.
� ia:4W on the lisip. He 4u41 ' lie It*- b�rdu, tho gang r. Thbir ors generally. Average results of the
chinos connyversation Or a t ununport- teoraii faililo son, The top is tucked to deep yoke depth, except In the front, which is tives read of tile cure of a youlig girl
ant o6cial eve � at, . . . 91 1 conducted co-operatite ex- - I
iOY04 harniogy, bO thI4116, he t* nb4a,lit- la*ls ors exploitii Ili the broad, bu I 0
81* left plain fit pa The circular floundos add a becoming flar to . e case ,bore a striking resomblaqce
i nwelhiohe"intay be lit medium sweep or round length, The car ' ily
But if Ohriitiaiw people had 1earilt 6d. 1, his lonely darknoss he gathers his psh.j a wp6y thAt rules the syndicate the lower ad a par!�a a with autilmn sown crops I wiles by We use of*Dr. lVilliams'
their lesson arighto how difJ*rent Would sCork he comes up to the wa t And T*h harms of the &ea,t .�f are hoi�let presented in a vo;y 'concise
. ec� I ..o�thwest, design would t excellent for voila, taffeta and satin cloth. I P100rio,11,111111 began the use of tbese'Pills
1111? . ot " g do.yrn the scale. '-Next �
bil the OAe I One of the Iil�st"C]Wering . writes down his compositions ths Of4v,N ._ . . . form. .
. - if a a, .� r4er oo a the fa)%er generals, Th . I 11 I . I � . . I I Winter Whoat-Three varieties of the next day, and I attribute illy eom�
- . 1� I t plate recovery entirely to them. I had
th '.
timehingg of Christ Is tbAt liihixyl ovoli n 4',,,v share. 9 it" *�d0wl " .= d P - - -
the in vial ivents there is the gu14- W90h no bird, of prey go-Wetb, n or 1 dlomt They 4rt the cap- dozen Other employees call cause his wintor Wheat were distributed last
I jwf"h 4a f4 . A It,)) 11 "Rd botwo�4 thq owner DO YOUKINOM WHAT whowishad
=dt tft , , not taken more, than three boxes when
J;ig of the %#vehly Falther. Not _qP'n's oyo � A I && 4 ;W46 8 r I began to get better, And after taking
ik efforts to go for nought. autumn to those farmers
, �
. I � I . - I a a' Agm explo or 644 VqTy lim- fr1hi Whom t'hoy' rout a U,qn ro A freight handler in tile depot, picking to. test some ol the leading varieties I
9y" & A fez$ to the ou d UdA I , - - �
Rk un. . the pills for about a month I felt., as
- , 11 'to' - .ri tol 4jA J4 ljq his rap& � 6�r.§, and th' to -offi the when on their 6wa farms. The following
, Ht . �p, Itexo' I �W , ,Q thRou to Wh . the package up, a
a- .1 � � I V atisfies himself strong gild was enjoying as good health
, 0
kfm . Z to ' Rearoh the , 0 ot. , V H ly I ever tur . YOU. ARE D"'ING? he has dumped the load into,the car. But
.9 9 m, *0 ka ,-XI .1 I .6ffi have are the a,varages in yield of straw
7 xi�, = t of V Q � * 0 / a. Uff*. T r general Is . if In this he scrapes, the shigping tag Q,n( I am-
1krok7a 5 e , per as ever In my life."
q .
- ,
' -49 , . f 6A.I., . . I 0 - V.� . Pe . I " g � 111 o a 1.4 tons and 26.9 bus., abun. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
.— to � , � a' - from the box he has made t a work of
Vil h '' Node - ify" AQ ' du 0 , I of graln' acre -.-Imperia
M, 1. SO under to I
guai . L fe'R little I j , � , ev�s iiv Into tra, � , 1�11 , 10
q , , .
12 6, searched Jo - ..; " . ry aras -Iowland.) ce, 1.2 tons and 23.3 bus.; and irtall at
. , , #�Iih�hj at R11, but eyiii Which bo,Tet. Of old - At 00 t JUL a. (By John A. I 'd arn' from any medicine dealer or by
- , , . . Ee agricultural . ..
I tV, that Someone q , - �- . , *110 C111ti" n 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50
� L .1 r .. i V 4)�� - kill others Impossible, If in some trans- I .
n9i W.Wrt 9 , Aa" No. 5, red, 1.2 to a an& 22.2 bus
sh§ux to M% mn4eai now He *. ', e *i, 'go , I 6 � I wonder what proportion of the young for another handler smashes the box
. * . - , - I - 'SpIt. . � . . � . I., � 11 I's A�
- I 11 ii Iiieeping V I . 1-1 . , T b hAo fib 0 at class is Not only did the Imperial amber from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
, ., T 0 Tvif 0 open, what of a satisfied customer of the .
& Wgtphfig q% ii ..nate, 4A ,wor q ��
_ pan our path. and grad- I= ,q - 14 PC . , ( ,�o * 0 ran th I f in man in modern business, stopped sudden- I the greatest yield per acre In, Brockville, Oat.
I ellg out step bj, ;4p a great It. Iq 0 NII4 aind hi - , - -, A 0 Q tb r6ad? Or if at the destination a negli- 91,10 .
I ffy�' I
" 1110,11 �40 III A nd-1 6m so, r ar gent agent continues for a week or ton ,ve expern4on i -
ualli kir-L : 0 1 "I tile co-operati ' ts through -
I T.r� " J 412 . us gres, ly under such a questioning based on a I - - -
I hwaA He . 1161 tu tjigs , I do*nel; if the Jesse be lopg an I Ontario in 1908 and In 1007, but MILLIONS IN TEXAS ONIONS.
DlYllne VAI _ "o , 11 ELU-' out
, , * I Oih'46d. *�oik t , 0, yp% t� 4 sound philosophy, woilld be able to d),ya to may that no such package lime
Thq 'A, 0 of Providence Are , � - �� � 06, *1 4 4 it alsi came first In popularity, with
� .past 0 P� rB4' U& 96'6d he fares not Ill' swer gatisfactorily that they do know. r'.,rIv,d I. his freight shod? In just such
y an, t9 b III jfo�r fro ,
. 1, g, but novert�o . I I 1 ,_p ,
xmdq an La age I W;O . t4o the experim tars In each of these What the Growers of, the State Have
6 , *
" it - _1 VV .44 his stoo and Implements. way one man's Work laps over into the
ry d - ho ff 14 �o, If tindd � . 11,
" - t .104, . .
dility it and - underst " �� I �" .L. u(JI# he is well L. do, Ask yourself, ynung mant Do you know ears. The Ttiperial amber will again
# i�. I 1) a - 6 po work of another. Until that man knows
r UZ Ilt even the. day's"Mile h4��. � V. 9 3hepotlerTse what you are doing? - �e distributed throughout Ontario Done to .Improve the Crop. "I
A , DIU OW $ i aoz,�u moil, labbrelrs, a .
In a. 8 a men seem to be, thd special ou t'itJ ; or this autumn as one of the three var- Texas onion growers have gone the
I ,41 he what he is doing and can do iL intelli-
. . mo, 0 and 3hore lie is becoming the I was tallZing with one of the wealthy gently, -with A full sense of its I
0 of rovidence. t', wh N. 6 , 111port iotlet f9r co -or
Everi*lng . do we 1410 of Him I )3ut ` O' OfTrehoh fainter, for the small , or'ative experlinqnts. men of the Bermuda Islands one botter '
. .. business men of this country on one occa, aitcl bearing, he is 'a second rate Worker I I
- t , 9 seeing to turn to supels. - I of His p6wer who can unddr-, &hil):�-be who ploiighed We own , The afton's oldeh Chaff, which we. � and. have produced -ada
- . C a I a Texas Berm
0 can tilllxrh� It is . tiott nit it tu 1 A— -, � .
I creg-l-Is Ivi W , b f siqu and he was deprecating th6lack of or worse, . ,, distributed for 40 -operative experl. ordiin superior in flavor and hardiness
4 ally Ay . 0 ore the uni-
11 a I when others suocaqd.. to X,Q (�E oonpas fthe secret place to find, V4 . I .i. .. 7 to &r4. colidelittation i interest ind. understanding that existed I - r" e4Q11 of to the Bermuda Islands onions. .
, ""' �
V_61� polte little. %k6 l- being The Country Chole. ftelve years provioys to thei'aul ;I
x L� '. I 5 mouti throughout Ontaa!10 in
mofo than A. matter of brains Ali& fi�)Rjt , 96 iiithor pulses , through my placid a `2 antong hundrede of his young employees. ,&UM , Lapt summer, the agent of the Solith
riovj4enoo is beh L it all, and &Ori 0 mind; ,d9gfr6yed by the all Obsokbing depart, Thev came to work on time in the inern- (Tulia D. Peck.) �f 1QQO, and whiih is robably Own Texas Truck Groweral AuDdaltion visit.
, IF
I . . .
q .Ise ralItig beald the der ol6aid, 1 churgi my s=ed. self pure things to me -at otorg. - . fng,�tlioy went through a act routine of morl) oxt4nsively In gntario aff the' ad the Bermuda Islands and'the Canay
hm f* 49 an accident in bri .
I III a .�iiat measure this man Is in'- the d47, Wld went hownswar "Your choir is a very good one for bent time IV n all other varieties Islands and secured a big consIpment
, .
NA .. " , P . U a car while other voices sing. depende4 foe a yg;Lr he �ays his ly at night. Each one of these hundrids vajplace like this " remarked the civ "I winter wbl4 . itt o9mblItted, has not of swd. These seed have produced tbu
,. laoiits. #14ch th' . rdO i protablyvw he rents his I on looked more or less Carefully to hii rou- ,tor, as she walked down the aisle paofi In de in the co-operative tosts v� $a
N Of man ill a ,
at . *14 Cl Onion cron in Texas bf a —ter
_46 a o God is the greatpat force Hold Converse with. myself and hum.bly a 1eq d nine years, tine far as it concerned his work in front of me. I listened for the
I . I
, §O of three, six gn
In be wor. still. It rules everything wait, I . .. #�ZA mogtO,r In his dqi�Wn. H ' for that day. At night this employee's answer as Mrs. Browid is wont th ex-
gloiy in the Test within tbp te . 0 !An 1T � 6nq thought was
bu the Will of men, and as Temw�son And I b - a . buy Ow afid gainer As .he s that fifteen or sixtelin press herself in a frank, unembellish-
, , �
I " "' t diffJoUity is In E hoUra later one more day's routine would ad Engligh,
, , . . .
, P i " wills are outs to make 0 *oq Qf Mine, bid fvelco*c tou"06 rNit, S 'IAiii orta a t .
, ,
I .
a!' I The highest deepest, last and only pf6aiming laborers, ;or the 'young main be ill. ,,,,�'Thdy do their best," she replied,
- -
e � Choice. ' t" , th iti ls, to the fa�otorlas; so FIThis office of mine is swept Out, ut let me tell you,, the country
. too, w�orkseficnit choir is the most 'unappreciated the
A Hurricane of Fire. e im III the . fie dawn to dusk and with, scrubbed And dusted every working night mopt unpaid and the most self-eadri-
(By a Bauker.) )TTxgr;Lut odors of the offering sweet, Id his women work. of the year," said. this man, -With a sweep :
Tm_U p %, pmi,, As 1, ,t,oilvor in the scale is the fiarmor 4f the arm. 'Irlook it over sometimes in ficing of all the adjuncts of the
9.1 ali the form of =ture, with par- 46 I " his land on shares. receiv. the I see where the scrubmau church. They sing year after year, and
hap tw exception of severe earlbliqua,kos, woralf of the product. His farm- has lin .
Increase of joy and wonders ever swell- 9 ne� I . I inorg'htet a corner of the floor here who yet Was ever kn a ask a
fire is iiiijuestioBablLthe most devastot- R, is done wifider the directibit of the, lin(I there. I sea, where the feather good word for them 0*"'nf tothep sing
, I .
ini 44 slarlaing. s V'ro-ely popu 9, Ing, O'WUek or f . armar-goneral. This is tho ?Hsten com�lac
1 t- I'rie-all Heaven, His triumplis to be broom and dust cloth have 'MiseLd ever so well, people
Q4 O.Rintries prairie �J bush f4.e4 axe elling. ,� Inethod In , at Ferrietes, the pa,�ches �f dusty mahogany and glass. but lot them make a false note
. ,
do.*Ueil as bpi . � 't �St4to iloo Baron Rothschild So= times, looking over an especially entylo from the key, and how they
rond ii;�asuro tertif ' rt h(1 0 0 or r p
, ,pug, i
'irbilo, athQuJIX law fQrMid4ble yot a I H. T. Adillen f4"the Sein-ot-Marne. Usually but a. lighted bit of cleaning, do you know are, criticised."
sevjA th "Av is a bawflAarlig spea- Small firm is illoted to the "haM If It were not that it would be impos- The city visitor smiled at her
t" of ;476 04 terror.. Belief. 9 s4akes man." In reality he is the sible for me to do it, I would send for a hostage' vehement Words, but I pon-
I 61A'' in". . Lot what you do not believe in alone. 96if of thil now regime, for finan ,,id dared them in my heart and decided
BY s, 0 ds ot other tile he&tbaT is 4%l scrubbing pail,.dusters and brushm,
I AV. Ignited b stroi wind, You -believe in 0brist's liolinegs. Stand faudality has preserved many of me set this room Ili iroper ordo that I had always unconsciously be-
. ,� - ti , , , th the by that and let there be fostered in old servitudes of the lsoil_ - -
Snif . - ,
Voo ft, i ' lieved them. I knew the singers wait
fre 0,11 Is a' adf V . once? But morb tilan that, in doing the
�� pre mg -
rapidity o �vI14-flra. In a slbbrt tile a your heart the spirit of holiness. You In, the first place he may at. Any I ,iork I would got especiall interested in week after week to relia6zeials with -
believe in Christ's love; let there be tilhe be called away to work in the� out regard to the weather or the con-
higli durling billow of raging fire is ad- It, simply because I -woul7do it as well ditions of the roads, going front two
vanaing Across a. wide stretch of heather, f ostered iUA your, heart the � spirit of a owner's fields. He must make all re- as I knew how to do it,"
aw"ping over it lii�o 161we besown of de. pure affection, Animating you in all your pairs. He must dig trenches wherever This7wemlthy man had forgotten, how- to six miles. They leave their work
Stril4tioll, And Metamorphosing an ax- dealings. That is an acceptance of Christ the owner sees fit. He must suppl' to sing at funerals, for unfeeling
Of lovely,4110 bloom into a and is enough for a beginning, and Is all the straw and hay the owner y ever, that in thus scrubbing out and would they be did they not cheerfully
. kongd, desola; vW&rneas. Now the %s iouch as the first disciples were equal qliires and send to life kitch' "" dusting his owa: private office he would respond at such a time. They must
I . on agge have brought to bear on the work 'Ot forego the Sunday morning nap, for
devo , clery4nt has 'reached 9, copse to at the outset. In other words, do not nd'butter and vegetablas in season. ly his Interest in seeing the work pro -
.4 4.- 0 must allow all or any of the owa. on a tardy choir would be a disgrace to
of 10 ty ,ijid fu a, few moments, with try to be accomplished theologians, bilt - , p any Church. All this with never a
1'O , A& '!' 1 b to cook their food 1 . arly done, but he would have had be -
a a, thousand furnao strive to be Christian In inearnating fik 04 a & orers n ation
,as, tb a his kit9ben whenever such laborirs, hind him all the powers of coneentr thought of remuneration.
fla�i.*"' he'" oxivol" tha euUr hove irk your own character and life the personal and of experience that had
. .. (LfiVe i sto employed uoar by. And lastiv, In years of gigantic business orgailiza- They certainly did sing well, but I
44 of fire, ttiiigmes ' rated in
.1. , 4 � � rks of truth and charin that Were illust could not recall a word ,of praise from
142-o daiA43V liftor 44 � , tht Christ. Do not try to brm� � f thd O , r fbi a the work ill doti� � .
, , the stars � . tign.
I I ther or J 0 ma a outside laborera and selid any one. It was not difficult to re-
baWng u�iva�di isr aboje th to oat dq*n out Of the sky or t �h 'f I t' It in not Impossible that most of the member, however, when a slight infe.-
,a na !,UV a fields, for which the
branobats; and now a delightful Tell, a their breadth and altitude, but stand I �h 9 Man" Must' pay. -From persons responsible for the care of his tal�e had occurred, how a smile of
vir I the 0 9 aglizine.
. y fairy glon, a gard6n of wild 'flow- down quietly and adoringly undei;�the , I offiep could -neither read nor Write. They m1rtN had swept from face to face
4t, and deeor4t,e4. by nature with bang. soft, mellow light that it Is there sweet 7� - 4 I may havebeen brought up under the hard like rip�los on a pond of water
148 *foAths of wild,91Gmatip, 14 in u. mo- ambition to shed upon Ton, "The, Marsellialso." conditions of poverty which scorns even Then resolved upon a new O�urfla
talt engulfed. In tile 44 " destfuiltion. WAen Claude Rouget de Lisle, an uw Ban'tary conditions, of action as the sweet-faced organist
_ry There is too much querying about Cleaning his hand-
:$" are wheoling r,o"a and rou�a ut. what we do not know mud too little act�' known offider - quartered with lits regi. some offices every night, some of these met me going to her class.
t*rh*0oCor . L qrlos d4 they 're driven Ing oil the basis of What we do kilo ' vorkero may have been occupying tene- e1your voluntary was fine!" .I re -
I & I . ws ment at St;ra�abqig in tjio early days of '�
VV&4r frolil reu sti hqlpj�sj bRoming so bewildered by the unsoarch- on,bearing the May. meat rooms that are not cleaned once a marked, heartily. She' stopped and
�0�ljngs'j 4A Zt, '6�4 frO, I s t the 36sugh revolutl
GV . .. tli 0 ablengas of the sky a o tutabling - month. Granting this possibility, the
. t I jr of that city 'ixpross a desire, for a gav a a surprised, 'tentative look,
i avo,A bit, torn$ Ay Cat, situation Inalwo case of the millionaire's Yllich7changed presently to a joyous
0 :er Insects Ong over the plain road Is mmrll�' �atrlotic song, oat down And colhilosed , .
wl Vi9t, the re,.V*4 fires. 0 for us on tho grdund. There Is no offices was that, unused to cleanliness smile. I
I the 7mrds-and mu. to of the "Olimpt do "Why I how nice of you to say
en . V , Is and untrained fti'it, his workers did not
A44 =ti t is iig Vq 0 to astronomical rq4eaTob, but uerro potir I'Artuee du Min," he scarce. thatl" she said. "I'm sure I thank
Wd6#4t.mmelma. 0 164petviaotorloo tire built on the -earth, not �, foresaw a twoutioth century progi- kaow what they were even do) yo
?M�f *qj*i of awaqjoit Q .- 9tiop
is preeeA4,0d. WheTe, In t1hi* O' . - in the alrj and whothei it be the sec. . " Pre4all roftiblio being welcom- . . But it Is so unusual. I've pla,
. rin% , i Zoni �( A . tl�tey didn't know clewiliness When they
= !�' � . . You
wag a flower ad eA I *ago " ad the organ. for twelve yearg___6vJr
" ' 0 Ito �ilto 41 the Inoteritil 6r'of the I 9 . n - , I is Ims to %the liar. BMW it, _ %,
AAbre A 1�1# Z1�6, "40frah Aft,' I Or4a . I I . .
I . , - t4 poid 4 fIrh*inexjt th�t are the objoqt 'ale of the since I ca,:U6 to town, and in all th t
,4ep our 11 0 wn of Is ng of the revolu- It is one of the greatest tri
. treMbUng in tao brooto; �ulqTt ' t d use of wbit -We belfty'4 , . xs a rd I the house of employer of men that his emT,Ioyeeg so time I remember only two people wh)
14 I , 0. & . the rarely think of what they are oing. Ask told me they enjoyed it.
liVomall,thtt a hand4ome ilk or a. M. I , soars *a ing-st6ne to t�, on A 11 25th, 1792, Then '�L did feel ashamed and re-
. � .
. . is the sure stop 4 ' or of tillob r
in I ' 4n ,9 mid Z at f 'roq;�.Q tile claim agent of a great railioad how
41,Tica 010VOta P131 or * t ere 4ger rfohor belle of to--morio*. it mr, of tv
, 9 IT6 . &�upe, where proved. .
a ok o brA4k6n, Or a hotow, Ly In e thm hath my comihandulailts' and it 6 � Id r n usiAsm at a much money mere unthoughtedness costs
A vilpfth. of Ald flowers, t4ll oplTIM Of Ic4epeth them, lie It Is th � 'of 0 gathering. volunteer -batt4lon. � his company in a single year, and his ,,"But they do," I assured her,
� .
19 foxglovq. Qr �f the 40, Will* and he that loveth .me shall be love -d of J *0 .10aiing for Paris adopted - It for it answer will surprise yoU*. For the rail- only they accept it aFt I t'hey-(In +tie
92, W buftOtfly % ' 41 . glorious sunshine, the b rds and the
_ )a � r<W4 or NZ rq7 Dy rather, and I Will love hipa'andwill jasrohing song, un4er the t1tId e�-,b%at , roads Of the-Vilited States'these unthink- flowers."
Ity w0le many anot .r f o:rftl boxqt�, rahuffest myself to him.k—Charleg IT. 44 )Aisoillaig," "4 on August 1Gth It Ing workers cost their employers tens "We do it for the Muster," she said,
, _ .
ng In the eviloinj a b*tnad 4esdit, Parkhurst, . . Dogs "but It is pleasant to know that one
lirr% ,&Ad joyless) life struck down And I ., , *a th� U4,tfonal anthem of tile of millions of dollars every tear as the
. I — F6# � -o composer lived to be peitw expense bill for unthoughtednegs.
I J 41i, *ft it likes it."
ionq M liy deAth, ;,a4lant, beauty n#w The Earth's Xonogenests ilo&4 b� t,&uis Philippe in 1,880,—Dun- Before a package, of freight comes to I hurried on boforo she took away
i #p0oftie and ultlovely waste, DA'd t1lo, (By S Banker.) IL ' . d6 AdVartleor, the band of the receiving Agent, the he o sell respect. But
jaooiis molo4y of the ohorisfors of the � N 4" - �, - - � � - packer will need to have packed lutelli-
1. � 104 now hush"Od In the sllilftOG Of the In the earlier epOhs of Its history, the Bildge- BuIldeps. gently. When the agent bills that pad- I determined to experiment farther
, and watit, out of ray way to meet the
10 " mpsat ot this earth of oura *as sUbjoot We read of the horges of the bat- 11 and sees to its markinga, he mutit sopran.a.
", WbO h 0011tta* all this Is to tho ' to contliiuecl and violent dhkiigim lik- leffold 0 04.1 and various other oAll- NIVIO a, thought for W6, agent's -work at q did enjoy your anthemill 1 said,
lat 61c th*or6 it another class of , the destination of that fr6ight, The pur- -
l b 4 it the I`MrAill 40111 When the t�A romoto period far Away 4o*4 I th I'll . and I want vou to miow It,"
240t; 1*1116 grace OW")? Over It. _ Min, vIst& bf the past, without ic - ' 8 t
Zrall Olrr �rjiw &Iij Sm. n' Wlaoso *6rk ia also heroic, bu pose of the employing railroad Is to She, too, st6pped ,and looked at me
WlAro before was but 6 id) arid ok- void, It Is plunged in tho blaekaboig' of h tivi' ldolfi heard of—men who plegae its patron by transporting. this in an uneertaid, Incredulous way.
Istemo, living only fo,r tl* life, And darkiiiega, 6WIng to the douso� inlets And rase deaths hi in the Air, They Am freight In quick time to itsZestina,tion. "Do you mean it?" she asked. "We
- what tha I on neor calls "rig , gets ') t After the agent at tile point of a,
W"Out hope foi the next world, ilaW, agilhaltila vapora Arising from Its genii I , 1�1 , � J Bit d not think it so good as usual, and
At RoPlY 411ft had revOtclsd the molten surface, Thon durlAg the long - A � 'd, 4TS thd oieators of the world'a shipment has clone hI1 that he can (!a, welve sting it before."
01? 'ps d6wii, , lbly, it ratty be that way one of is ,."I liked it," I assured hot, "and
16* 0 thO SkViOut, Who 'on the droAs aeons following it gradiis.11y cools bf9 bit god slid the huge "sit scrap, possi I
roAolek - 4511 of American eftfoo. Vt1lout - ,� - - , " , , - :. , � , , , - . I - � � .. . . I
�pfatlou for that soul's trivilagres. and the wondrous principle of -life a - _- . - .. � . . -_ ' I I I � - .. � _. �. . - � . I .-,.;
Moijs, daAneft is ahanied Into I' ht ,to; at first of Itin extremely low 7 tboir bravery and skill the towering.. : ' I - . .. 11 ''... I .1 .. . ........ 0-.... -..A_ I �
� .
, 119 I 4 10, e, then As tho earth bacttula more alla —;�V
It6poltestoas Into antiolpA. IoUg Of etornAi Atruetittea whioh span the worldl
� more capable of supppAink� It, subse- . ir .a I i . -I .J
� !�aat rivets and gorges could not be � I Ila I mi
yIA7, 0,0d glit'll, glooniy� doubt la,bo jubf. , 44�41�_111 `(V,A� IXY�A'A 1)1`.... =
Ant And tfildraphitht olstion. gumt ere
higher ar
The Secret Path. the dry I
Waters, v
Th(ift is & )nine for 011YOr k1ad a Plus order he'l
*heod they find the gold. Man p6no- men bore
tomw 131W plad" which the Acute v1sion antly in I
of birds of prtlk hae not A0,04 and which tile w6ru
fire foot of ivil bfttts have not tro,aderl, After ,�
The b or 00 After pk#01401M $t6UaX And J1016fidid
t- tifta"Ing crowns of monmoho are 110worlosi
ro a
p as of life litaus-try. .Va wqks to in tile wi
Q4 Oixkj k Wups that Are "too 6 hit$ rJant pro
a &tfi,aa gookok Ift his omp. It d4n bus forming I
infilos holooreop* bit light by Sir 1 Cmph- suell it t
I . D ' * els ifility laikip, All tabuls am it time tI
.1 let , 1 $014 very deep, tation e(
. 1A O oy'air thl-Alt of mitift Above and oftA
. oufta uok itt vita mah, be is st wittiown
1 4, mA t& Wnerl ha e&pj�otes himieelf. ; th* lapse
... # "d difflAult, talk, M Works I ow* the
... to hk 0"WV itud foo,11"A #* 6*aftit V
. ,41.;�.lscL,-��,,,Agd4�1� , I;, AL,A�t I L �
of whiter r_0
autu, n. O C
A 1 07
1 stood fl In i
4A and of a fine quality. Whereas it
b varieties was. formerly estimated that the Der -
d In the wanda, grower shipped 1,000,000 crmtes of
ooth White 9. I
Id of grain onions to t 'a country dnnuanLy, it is
with 34 bushels, afid -the Comincla, .UVW OBIA--Meil -611AV L,11sir shipmenta this
second with 28.6 bushels per acre, year Amounted to about 380,000 crates.
tast year the Mammoth Whits sur. Some 750 carlaods of onions have been �
phosea the Common rye b an aver.;' shipped out of southwest Moxam aWady,
age of 5 hifighels pe- acre Throughout and the movetnent is not yet over. It. is
Oittario. I ealUmated that over 1,000 carloads will
Fertilizers with winter w1weat-In be W ped. These have brought prl6es.
the co-operative experiments with dif. at fkalt as h1t It as $600 and $7000 a ear.
foren manures applied in.the spring 100A be4re Is competition of other dn-
of thx� year, the average yields of ioni came in, but now axe bringing from
� V
.- .
144 � I � I 11 . _. . , 4
, -------
__i-��. 'I , I - 11.1
Nood�ed Ropkiring, .
Ali" Allalvua� the self.."Onallb �phli-
ter, had boon doing hvi, ols-il Wnrlielit'g
in till Automobile.
9401dy," said the dirt.y fi,il ipir,iii.ty
47ing to squveye tile egggplant that 16,14,
hanging over tbe aide, "yer hquawher,o
out 01 order. it. WIPAI!t honk
Adulterant Too $qarco,
Vann -How ,jIll
, . do. you knoll, y0f, 1.
pure milk at that sualincr
Dabbs -Well, I was tbere, a inoath,
444 it rallied only opeo, Tht,re wpj,t� e -l -
even cowii 0A the place Alut Only Clio
W 0,114. a � 11 the water that ;,iian't
4-2k by Vig tbirsty lbottirciers waq
needed for priming the pump, You o. -In
figure out the probabilities foryo-tr4olf. .
Juvenile Reasoning.
"Tommy, do we know, anythin(j, A!,011t
heaven 21, , 0
"Yes'na, it's different from the eartiti.
Mie people there live oil the insitip j)f
it.,, 11,
F4 How do you make that out?"
0 "AVIIX, We,say 'Oil earth' And 'in hPay-
n.) 33 �
. .
More Light on the SubiQct.
The Doctor—AVe know now that hay
fever is camed by the pollen Of Olant.S, -- -
The Profe,ssor—T-liell the cure 'for *it.
Of cOUr-0, is aPollinaris water.
. ;
How the Argument Regan.,
llipson�Take youx, oat of
,illy eye, )-oil blundering idiott .
Snort7_lftove your eye m*ay fraaj
Illy unabrella, yoli lazy bound!
But They Will Do It.
Full man a. husky sivininier �
Has (tone to his last long sleep �
By divi�,y into, tile water
Where Ithe watel, iv,agnit deep.
- —
Scholastic Orphan, I
Mllat is,ia inater?"
Don't aal�llle .questions like that. I
. .
I got way education ill correspondeme
" . I
To Ohlige a Friend.
"Colonel, I have made % bet with a �
politicaN enemy of yArs that yoa will �
tell me how you are going to vote next .
fall. Do I lose?"
"N'o; yon Avin, 1'11 tell you, Ruggles,
but I wouldn't do it for anybody else.
I'm going to vote all Australian ballot."
-Chiongo Tribune. �
Up Against It.
"These vacuum -cleaners are going to .
111irt the pl%y-writing biz.11
"As to how?" .
"When, liousemaids become obsolete,
what are Ave going,,:td�' 46,rq� ,-,u-
brettes V$ . I � . , . . . .
. Learning Eirly. � '
Teacher—If yoli tire kind and polite to
volli, pInYina'ces, ivIiAt will -lie the, result?
Scholar—Th,ey'll think they can lick
mee--Philadelphia, Inquirer.
Mrs. Youngwife—I want sorrie salad.
Salesman �Yes'm. How many
hea d -o, P .
Mrs. Youngwife—Oh, gracious, I
thougJA you took the heads off. I
just want plain chicken salad.
. . I
A Real Surprise Party.
1117vThore, 4re yon goin' Ma?" asked the 4
youngest of the five children.
" Fin going ta a surprise party, way
dear," angwered the mother.
A — -11 ; 4. ol) .
grain per acre for the past five koars
Are as follows: Mixed fertilizer, 2.6
414DO to $600 a eaxlaod, The gross re-
turne of tits onion crop in th� parlisl
(0 _. go 11g, 00
.Nlo, dear. You weren't invited."
bush.; nitrade of soda, 25.8 bush -
Texas will be over a million d It=
After a few moments' deep thought:
muriate of potash,. 25.7 bush., Zi
YeAr. This does Act include the a t
"Say, in&, then dealt you think 'they'd
sup6rphosi;hats, 25.8 bush. The. un.
. �
sold'and donsumod at home. -
.be lots more surprised if you did. take
us ELIIV-Everybo�dy'6 Alagd4dile.
fertilized and gave an averg gg of
22.4 bush. per acre. The supbrphos
A few days ago a whole shipload of
I -oft for "antid
------- -
w at the rate of 826
Opnfrobns! At the present rate that the
Doesn't MfLtter.
pounds and he muriate of ortash
end the nitrate of soda as 160
groners are prospering Texas in a few
years will have a class of onion million-
. I
"Uncle Jellpsa,pllp,b, I'm going to name
pounds per acre. The mixed fertil-
izer consisted of one-third the
,�ires,-P`roln the Teas n
illy kitten After Tou-11
"Well, Well, that's Twice of you )I
tity of each of the other three fertil-
F,rmer. I .
- � I -
"Oh, it's all right. Mother says I've
izers here mentioned. The usual cost
of the fertilizers, as used In th9se ex.
How Advertising Pays.
got to drown, the thing, anyhow!'-Illus-
't;rated Bits.
�0'rim mte is between four aHd fivb
11arg r acre.
That ti,dyertloing is the greatest force
Foddot crops -In each of live years,
the seed of hairy vetches
in the industrial life of a nation is W#pl
proved by the fact that a I �) ger siAouai
"Here's an invitation to the,wedding
Alex -rider
and of wlIi-
ter rye has been distributed through. .
out Ontario for oo-operative 6%pori.
of In6n 0 invested annus, 7 In Itthan
ih aily Ver -',-,!I 01, cf:jrt. A thouftr4
of Hamilton Sones to Mary
Jane Wiggs. Gracious, I wonder
141111oft elol�ltrs a 7wio ex pended. in ad-
what �Tones is marrying ]war for?
. inon:ts in testinf these crops foi, fol-
der in the average of the
v trtising, 1 V44 suffi which equals I �er
just to see his, name
in full."-Catliolic Stan
five years' experim6tits, the hairy
ce at. of t Je efitire Keatth of the nation
spelled out -
dard Times. .
vetQhes produced slightly the largest
fodder but
�iwd elp roxAmates th4 valw) of all the
' imporgof the countr.t. This enori:nppol
yield of gre64 per acre, in
1008 the largbat yield was
ntount is *pent for spaces in newspapers
by the winter rye.
Distribution of material for experl.
a�d m4WInes, for circulars, posters,
0 . -
,igns, UoVeltleg and In the manY'Otbu
Widower -I don't like that girl you
want to marry, Charlie.
ments in 1908:--
I a throp It which the newA of the
. I
t. Miles brought before the
Son -I'm glad to hear it, father
As as the supply laats material
11 wo rI1 is*
Now I know I haven't any cause to
W be
ill istributed free of charge In
the order In -Which the appltoaticlas
pu.b Ic
h,; great ipyeatment of capital edle
be jealous.
are �ec6ivad from Ontario farraors
wishing.,to 6xperiment and to repqrt
over $15,000,000,000 worth of the V.1011
ducts Of thp nation's industrIal eiforts.
The Truthful Boy.
",Do you go to Sunday School, little
the results of any one of the f 61low.
3�.At year there were
g2o, -manufacturers in the, country
boy?" .
Ing tests- 1, three varieties of wintar
wheat; 2, tv J vArieties of Winter rye-,
with the totill capitulation in round
The sales
"Don't say 'nopo,' that isn't right,"
s with winter wh6at;
nuutb#rs of $14,000,600,000.
"Well, It -1 said 'Yap' I'd be tellift'
4, Autumn and Spring applications for,
nitrate of soda and common salt
regulting from the extensive advertising
91#algna of these manufacturers pro -
yer a lie.'�-Boston Transoript.
With wigltbr wheat; 5, winter emmer
with winter wheat or winter barley;
dueek! or ieturn to these m&nufacturers of
Ore ,than $15,000,000,000.. Compared
I And It Hurt.
6, hairy vetches and winter r I ye, as
th the hxpeuses incurred by the pro-
wooden leg has been pain.
fodder crops. The size of each plot
duoere to teach the consumtr---�whfch it
mg him of late,` sald Sdholes to his
is to be due red wide by tw I
o r3de-
-16 06,600,000--t,ho
,lightly iNexcess of $1,01
long. Material for numbers a 4
CoM of Accomplishing the tale of the
can that beP" said, Mrs.
I -_
will be sent by express and that for
,vast amount �f approx-
Scholes irritably,
the others -by mail.
imatea 7 .... 12MVen"gulcl Ms..-
Mra.13arney has been thrashing him
� Cf. A. ZAVITZ,
kine. �
With it," was the explanation-Sudge's
I O.A.C., Gifelph, Ont., Aug. IM,
I -1 I .1 1:1 ,
t908. A
Foiling Fleas in the Palmetto State.
I . � - I .
Your druggist, grocer) or general state..
6o to the woo,da out a medium idai i
sapl ug, pool the t&rk off a -4d lay the
Financial Wisdom.
"Y ather, what is the curso of wealth V
will supply you With Wilsoies
gj�pl�g wherd the fleas dbound-4n
"The way;a man has to work for it,"
Fly Pa4s, and you cannot Afford to be
hog bed or stable. The fleas will
-Detroit V66 Press,
�wftboitt them. Avoid willsAtisfactory sub.
ump on the white ,Wood and be so
stitutes. �
with 'the 'gap or moisture that
.0 6. -
A 61i6n for Advartleing.
that the sapling can bel taken up, car�
fibd away, and dropped With its full
"WIIA04 411 that elamor?" Asked, tile
More money Is expanded In Advertla-
passenger list of fleas. The operatf64
may be repoated until all the fleas
" Approaching Manhattan.
travOler, .
(,That, suh,".roplied. the portor, "is tho
Ing thaft In 'Any other field of humAn
are dartied off, That is the plan of
11 oople. of Xmv York braggin' that they
,,effort. According to, a eomputatiowi
a great cypress brother in bluck.-
have Abated useless nolsek,suh."-Phila.
made by the Van Norden Magazino the
I I - __ I
Front the Barnwell. People., - .1
" 11 . 1. I I I �. .
delphin, Ledger.
. J,