The Wingham Advance, 1908-08-20, Page 74 ), - 4- 1*1 0 .-­­­---­­. .. ,, , , ,, -, ., ­­ �p - .." '...' 1. ... ". , . o , ", ih NO 0#1 40! � I . . . . 9 . 9 1 � FIVE KILLED, " 9 r I !007 .... J , ,.O -or � I � I I . r - � 9 tfroilts smashred first. The contoubt of the were wreckea ­ - � . - I - -1 �. ­­­­­­­. � , I -1 ­­ .., ­ .­ . I . � . I I . � I "; :. .... I . . . . . Wk.,� , ,1,1 .... �_ 'jo­­.' I , .: . . ; - - � ­ ' ' 'I - 1 1 . ­ , 'i I ;0�, j 0 r � i ' ' ' nweting of strikers, nna cr('ated great r "Inusellient, as the oollipally blvs 4mll . "' 4 A' 44' -1000 0. - ".. ""' r 0' ' , r --'10 ' , q Wo'l ­0W-W*04Mw-, " I . I A"00.0"ba-06"WW , , I , , , , , p , , .* . , "0*P16'* '* I � `0 � � Ili' - � 164W*VW*#""*&* I � 9' 1 1 W I I r ' � q � . , , I . . A .11. I 11 - 11 1, � ", 14 UIED BATON* - . 1 1#4 t,o N TALK 'A 9 . � hooltation Allowed biluall), to Ila for_ sundeiJ, — ' r V IL' R. Jr VJ FUL INTO Ch I-* 1; I � - � C P, R. ISSUES and a few to the S'oui,h. There Are still utterance ulay'be Indicated by tile f ol- for a steady job at good wages. Many Negroes -aft in Springfield, but lowing extracts front different represeii- tative journals. One says.- sitor or And offices And hurled luto the streets. Liqlillr - r . busy since tito strike iatarted trying tt ' ) pretty goTox pqsition In 18711 they comillenced work "The Americans themselves Will so- , L ­ , , EIGHT DYING. r ,t or carried away. wor Poured ou r rooma there were u la t1so * egro 11 ITE�111. . ULTIMATUM 0 till uQ'Invies. 'rho strikers Are (114 ) v 'ititbified with tile atthudo of the lull: BY WIRELESS, 4illong Mr. Moody"a little flock lit Chi- , eagQ and' J�rept It up, until their 4,-hurch r in tllp fire . . Flijal A ept to. J9 .. .ccij . hu, Cameroq, M6 Who wilotea I o R41440 Mother Hallam, victim of the Attack In Spring- wollikIll. ,hit arters, were riddlod with Springfield r Ica mild revolvera. kept hot making arrangements for se- jo-rity Of dall newspapers toward , company Is, th,clo, clabuing at 6 a yill T IF ­ —,. was swept Away g at re After the fire the two I I coutilluk-ji Rol 11"orm p Woo . � e d4to;k jailor, . Up lie was, Knocked 41 I - Down, Uots In. the. Result of the Race R lit tile three blooka Along this, street not a gegro -den of any Mad ,escaped. Strikers Must Return to Work or bAng unjustly favored. A sub-colil- inittoe h4s, been, Appointed to prepare A, . . ,f Oyer Coin be Heard at a Distance q � to, hrold 4ervices. in their temporary tabornaclo, aR4 to, help tile poor who had lost Ing I - the I lamc& In, - Woodstock, Out., August 17,--Jolin Montreal, Aug, 17e­JTAq A POIICOI114U City of Springfield. � Ili adahlon, the mob. wrecked the two . pawnshops of r 'Ishman And Fisher to q Lose Jobs, lesolution lealing with tile IntAter for a. niectilig f. o -morrow. 3QQ Miles. everytli a a received find ('alneron, who a month ago gave lip tilm ally right tc hit a mail over tile be�jfj ,. 14 Chicggo Troops, Now in Control! securo guns, "'I'llaIlls, which WAS filled withr -� I allolea . . . — ., � Importing Labor. Uroato, Aug, 17.—It is quite likely — - Will be Able to Talk to Others 700 ' Aocepted all inZ141111101%inta, hold meet- , in 104nglaud, and blicir first nice t - lugs , 11 t York was attended by Only pos,!�Iolt of goverriort3hip of the Oxford 0 Jall, ()It nee uut of old age, died at 8 III th 1110 Won, wIlQu the man )vgpta to' reaol, his mother iii the uppet, ,LQt.e,V Of A.r burning Imild - log? and Cili Quieter, � clothing And oth r usaall) e found ill such I;IaceiI, Was cleared out Mechaoics to be Brought From the � that the 4trikers wlJ send a probcst, to Obtawa against tile c.)Illpany huporidn" , ­ L Miles. Away. porsous, but before tboy ief t . WALawore o'clock tills morning, as tile result of an accident. Last night, oil xvturning from - � 1), Haqring the progress of the Stanley fire I --_--_-o I , - ,- I and not it thitig left to. inark the buil- ne.s$, All the shelves* Wore t0lk down, ' Old Country. , - . a ' labor to take thOr place;i, It Iva$ report- 'hat the Brotherhood Lowniotive ell t company shall contt.91 our shops. lVe theyy lowds 20-000 drailn 11g (,I of persoils to -boll ect ng ball Ili Lon- church, lie started for his study to ggt his slippers. lie operied tlio cellar door 9, Mr. Bothell, -A,bq$G mot,hor r r wao in one of the Apartments Above th Q . . Atb%tupt to Cut fixe Alarm Wires ,r the court - ,tera �Nt�rc split to bits And li,be hitniox othenvise demolished. . . - Canadian Pacific, Railway company of virenteur slid 10,11gincers will Apply to tile loverurueut for the appRuit- Dominion (A Pali% Aug. l*-. to Ilaval Licuteur, '� - Anti Colin, Jeauc*o and Nlercier, tile Ili. don. They remained, for two, ycars in the old laud, conducting services Ili, Yar- by inistake and fell the wholo distance t - o tile bottoul. lie aliglitell oil Ilia )lead � burnim, g4pag i throuirl, the lie' "ttolApted to pass J ^co Ile Of poh guarding the —fdrs, Hallat a Talks. I J)IIrilIg' All 'this or wrecking bystand s ^,re Yept al a, distance by tile rvckl(�s,3 , , Determinoltl Jo Control its Shops. !R` init of tilt Arbitration board li,Awpoil . . I entord of A, wimless teli,plione appom* fous parts of England, Ireland a land, And even � . lid Scot- boing lnvite�l to hold mild sustained jujuries which caused denth After less than twelve bou 0 r premises. Police constalile 420, Benal-d of No, —.-.— Springfit1d, Ill., Ang. 17,—With near- - shooting of tile tuout bers of tile luo.b. Most of the"Injured received Wounds , . I Montreal, Aug, 10,7—An eutirely new it And the C. P. It. oil t1w grount An engineer oil the L-ike I thnt SuptkrjoZ.. branch had been wrongfully dl�wliarged tua Which recent tosts h4ve shown to Do r , superior to anytliiiig existing, have ineeting- tit Cli-Aribridge and Oxford, It was wbW ]a 44 ngla-ild tlint the first edi- , . Mr, Cameron was 80 years of age, and ,. was one of the, best known and most 10 -station) stopped, him .4 ' lie ,-Oil A -114 told ))!ill C , 14 not got through, . I 1B ly the entire force of the Illinois Na- ljroui this cause. q pliase has been put upon tile O.P.R. 0 oil account of Ill$ aptivi ' ty as a trade adiloved reniarkAble success ivith their tion of Mr. &I'likey's 118acred Sougs And Solos," a thin Pamphlet containing highly respected regidents of Oxford Coullty� . tit I must, Xy raotliex, is up. thrOrs, ; Ind I Want to her lie tioual Guard in. control tQ-daY, $Pring� f1k.ld ag i.s ruled by law and order, Lynching of Negro. - The lynching of tile Uggra was the I strike by the action of the comp�i*iy. . I "Ili011iSt, The strikers at W"t To- ronto regard this as the first step to. . . now Instruments, communicating nvith tiventy-three Pieces, wag Published, Ife was born in rl"t Nissour' where lie lived tile life of . a backwo " 46 get out," oxpos. tulated, "You ,aill , Vifty-five hundred Armed -soldiers patrol . most atrocious act of leriday ulght. taking tile bull, by tile horns, surd In I to tile 'next to r wa-rds a, sympathetic strike. Twelve tile Wireless station at Raz de Saine, I)Q- Finistere, Returning to America in 1875 the , now insepal 'Able evallgellsts"beld fariner for forty years. He came to Woodstock forti P 04111 48s') replied tile constable, pr . . him 4JIln lack. Deneen, Adjutaill,41pnen.i.1 "'"Ott; Oen, and a fitting climax to tile iruadiloned, issuing All ultimaturit Riox -a strike-breakers wore received at partnient of .nee of a aista. . meet- years ago, to take the Buffalo, X. Y, Aug, 16.—Miree 3 ei ' tile streets mild - the fever for blood has , temporarily least, the infuriated '�arbarity that grow As the became the effect that if they do not return to by noon next Tuesday MGT the Junction oil Saturday, but other, Mae the About 310 miles. Tito trallautitted words t rigs in the larger oitit�s, at Philadelphia, Brooklyn, New York, Cifleargo, Boston, jail gov-ernorsbip, which lie held with , sAtIsfa(tioll to all until obliged to Bet& u 11 p shed tile constable in his turn, . . Abated, at among owild the StItteep-1), mob drIlI1kQVIIr I'Vith flainG Anil liquor, worlt . str,kcra, r Will not be treated as � but a8 � general situation was %in. changed, L Ivere sonlewlla� fraillt, but could be plain- . I Yule %. Louis, and at Pr neeton and give it lip Owing to )Ila age, He was in the Ili reply, policeman constable 420— elemeut,wlilch ruled ital, for 48 hours. 'llicre-has been com- Earlier in the eveRing, before tile fire,bugs had reached the 1,blaek belt" ) I llaviil�(r 4efillitGly left thc service of . the OX.11-, Which ill turn will inakG ,I - I , I my 4 STOPS FUNERAL. ly distinguished, slid tile officers Are ('011fident that they can make great im- in the apparatus, IvIlich has Universities. The work, remarkably Site- cessful, spread out In fill directions, (trill forefront of every movement for "the general good mild -enforced tile resliect of r B6nard---gocording to the story told to Aid, Yates� lifted' his baton slid struck 'Over r I" paratively little, ill,oturbance since till, tile Regro was accused of shooting a every effort to permanently fill their it c4l got . provements been tile result of only four u1011ths' Ox- hur,drods of places were visited, In the United States, in Canada And even Mex- all, Juklge Cameron, of tile )IRRItolig . Supreme Court, is a During his ethell B the ]lead, felling him to the ground, Second. Infantry from Chicago Swept through tjie streets yesterday. Tile new,% w1hite man named Jim Hayes. Ile as- caped, however, and it was shortly after � places from. every Place mechanics. The notice$ to this effect wcrl� sent out ye sterday, and read.— Officious Sparrow Co Arrests perinientation, enabling the exchange of eonvei . sation tip to 000 or 700 'miles. ico� I And so the work went oil for thirty - son. term of governor lie hnd charge of maliv . notable prisoners, among them bein� . - Aid, Yates, chairman of the lNre Committee, says lie intends to At . ake of the coining oT the Seventh Infantry and the First Cavalry, both, of Ohicago, 2 a. in., when lie was seen standing in the doorway of 'Ilia home at H leventh "The leouilially will at noon oil Tuesday, August Isth, 1908, cornmence � p .. Large Chicago Funeral Party. Lient. Qolln is now, .superintending tile installation of till improved a lid more . ),cars on both continents. In 1808 Mr, Sankey- visited the Holy Land. singing mt � Direhall, the fanious murderer, who was oxecuted in 1890. the fullest inquiries into tihe inatter. r . Cilief' Benoit,.Of t)le city fire brigade, ]lad been beralaea all over the city, and this went far toward bringing alloat and Madison streets, A bystander describes what follows: "There was -no one near. A white filling vacancies Ili tile shops, round- houses and car departnienti. Tito an - I Chicago, Aug. K—Because a funeral Powerful Plant, lit an oude%yor to make poss ible the. transmission of despatches between Paris and Ne' W York. Cairo and Jerusalcu 'return tile . 1, On his Spanish-American War Was being wag- .; - .;� AD. TROUBLE, said this morning that th . I e Policeman I 'ad no right to bit the ma , n Bothell, I , " , orfix Oat MY11114% Erlelvwn, the 01plb"T, a ".ral rovolt of prigiftemen, 'File man stood half a block away. I saw seniority, standing of employees thereaffiv drove over a boulevard, which the Park :::.I ed, and lie went to Tampa, Fla., to man to rimulne worlc WAS re#4 at thr, but ought, if he tbought tile man WIRS , peace, The most overt act of the day Was nil it nsel!,, lie lifted a gun. to his ghoul, d . fired the gaged or resuming work will couAt only from the date on A Board prohibits, Policemart AWflain I -fallman arrested it. 110 took the corpse, . INHALING OXYGEN. hold meetings ill the camp there. In 1899 Mr. Moody died, and the striger-evange- I � -� . obstructing him in the exvcutio� Of 14S duty, to have taken Ili in into custody, - Attempt to out the fire alarm and tele- graph Wires at 7t4 and Washington 0 ,, nd aking quick Alm, at I r uegro. Three 911 , ots rang out and the . Which they start work.' The position taken by t he company hearse and 27 carriages fall of mourn- . I list was left to conduct big f �'fl��Iro mce't- lugs. -alone, III 1903 be lost his eyesight Advertiser May Not Attack Editor � . Chief Camlic - all, questioned on the power of the ,police in' streets, lit the heart of the business dis- tricts. With tile down, the city Ile" fell ba0c Into tihe house. The shol!t0ing attractea the crowd and they is that �Ye men stru.ok without rhyme . . or reason, under the influence of lead- ers to the police station a mile Away, and it was held there 30 R"llutes uu�'l - The Latest * Fad on Among Lond but for the last five years bad not bee", idle, issuing q t In His Space. - said: Is: such a case, 0 'A wires would have been practical at the , ly made a rush for the bouse. "The ars, who misled them. They know ult­ - the police captain of the precinct order- oil the funeraV-s release. . . S. t, new editions of hig ng 8 and solos and publishing thq stor8o of y I . Toronto, Aug. 17,Severa�- decisions policeman has no right to � I � . we Ilia . . baton save in self defence, lit such A niercy of the Incendiaries, who found fir- ing the buildings in which the nogroes negro w -as carried into the yard. I'll WAS still Alive, but lt-� inisery w,as ;that many of tile men struck most willitigly, and the company has Wait- Tito funeral was that of Mrs. H. Ol- I ,"imark e lits Gospel bynims, The pongg and solos , � I ave ]lad nil enormous have been ""iVell 'by Judge J r . I -T. Lamont, CaSo I As Ott menfion the Policeman )lad . y 'to live or maintained small businesses, the !tier aged by two more bullet wounds. e A rope was. then tied around big neck ell two wdeks to give them. a chance IT sea and return to come to the' sen Leary Vaughan, and the procession Was wending from St. Basil's Church to the ; , London, Aug, 10�­A new fad has circulation, over 50,000,000 copies Iraving been published. . "I the Saskateliewall. supreme court pro- no r g -lit rArike the ra4n with his baton, The police know their powers easiest Way of helping the rioting along. The man who would have cut off tile A. r d lie waa dragged to Madison And Twelfth to work. Failing that, they will treat th as non-existent, and fill cemetery, At the corner of Pratt and Newulan avenues Policeman Hall rode invaded London, that of ijilialing OX -y- its stimulant for inind and body. The A a have, also been translated into Inally nauliges. INI"'. Salikev's worki in- c' ceedings. Oil(,- of these is of par,ticulal r Interest, namely, that; in coullectionwith Ill regard to tile use of the baton, and 'ire. supposed to adhero to their in. fire protection of the city was discover- cd on the roof of a building in' the act..Slead streets, where there was an olil tred, A man climbed the tree and a strike the, places cd the strikeis, not with but with. permanent ill) on his bicycle and told the driver of the hearse that lie was under arrest for gen it Several West End chemists supply cyl- clude 'Tile Gospel Oil oif," �'The Male (,hoir,, 'I'T e Christian Endeavor , , h Hymn Lachance vs, Aiken, Having contracted fo,r advertising splice in The Phoenix, Rtructionsl.,, . The policernalilB side ot the story h,L9 of reaching for the wires. A half dozen shots I r out the troops who were on pat-, e lie pulled the dead body I ""' rcp " 'a""! , L I lip a d fa,t,ue, the ropte. Then the mob ritrikewbreakers, emp loyeas, so that every man they a on Tuesday will violating tire ordinance. I ' order to avoid ail unseemly demon- inders, of oxygen to regular customers, whose numbers are Accord- Book," and ".Xly Life and Smered Songs 03 . : Arriong the best-known hymns o f h is publislied by the defendant, J. A. Aiken, (fOl"1100Y of Hamilton), Lachance not been learned. I . - - �. ,- - - rol in tile . square wore ain,ed Lit him as tried th to burn e body, but the flames would not I take on after nooi take the 'blace oi one of tile strik6rs, ,In onstration the funeral party drove to growing, lug to one of these chemists, several. on-positio-i are "The Nine n 011olled on. eavored to use this space for the pub- THE MELON SCASON. lie stealthily clinilied toward the wires. -One bullet probably lilt him, for lie catch. "The feet dangled Within reach and w1io, will be permanently out of a job � at a time whr4a work ia very scarce. the police station. Pmtiolmau Hallinnit solemnly riding ahead on his bicycle, society woulen are devotees Of tile habit, And reputablo pllysicialls ac- and "Whe;I tile MIA$ Ifave Away." . I licatign, of attacks upon Aiken. This. upon the plea that, having purchased' . Southern Darkey,4 Souqui Plehi Melt - dropped to the roof of the building find made a successful escape, Added to this last night to. fire tbe men and boys. played With the corpse by swinging it back and fortai against the building to hear the dull thud it It is stated at. the 0. P. R, head. quarters that tlle�oompany had Wait- At the station the mourners became so that it rush -was made to at- knowledge that With the inereased tacii- itius for its supply its �use is rapidly 11 — I : a SHOOTS H I MS) EL F, such space in The Phoenix, -lie was ell. titled to Inake whatever use lie pleased ed Hear,t of Court. Allentown, Aug, 17,— Johnson Brown, An attempt Affair was , the nogro section oil the northwest side would make. Tile face of the black man ­The hig upon the men long .enough. So far no serious, e . ffort had been ,aagz tac , sparrow cop. He drew his re- � h volver and held the crowd at bay until spreading I � '. rhe is supplied compressed in 9 of it. This Aiken objected to, and it sup. rome Ill 11119ei typical North Carolina darky, tit -Springfield, which was prevented by 0 prompt action of the fire department co, .was covered with blood. mob was still makinginerry with tbe body when made onywhere'to replace t&, strik.- by taking On Ine0trO -WOT1%, pight policemen came to his rescue. 0 min After lialf an hour's delay Capt gas Iron eyliuders fitted with a, tap, and, ' courb case was tile upshot. Ilia decision of the judge is that -the pub. stood before I a 1-1 III ,onor, tile Mayor, this afternoon, charged Ivitli vagrancy. The operating with a battalion, of the 17 irst the troops filed in behind and opened ars, .except . sea, where they wore at the roundhou - Kane, reprimanded the policeman &lid oil Attaching a rubber tube and funnel, 0 A, stremin of gas, 'g,entle or strong, call Man Blows Out Brains Wilile His Usher of The Phoenix is under no obli- gratiou to publish matter Attacking -him- Mayor eyed him for a in 11 4 t t I ate an I ell '41 [nrantry. A platoon of infantry ,was dispatched fire. I "I saw tjic iiorlc of the mob at close most needed. So far the rest of tile strike had not interfered With the permitted the funeral to proceed ti the cemetery. be applied At will in any direction, Us. two three Companien Slecps. . self in tile space lie Iliad sold for adver. said sternly- have a good notion to give 3,011 15 days.') hurriedly to Harvard Pat],, a new sub- urb just outside the city Iiinits to the hand,11 said the eye-witnesa. A few men would enter it aback and -After tipping C, wcaing of the railway tit all. But 'JIG r -he now �. ti ne had come when t T I r - A - SAVEAD 1111S LIFE Rally or minutes' inhala- tion of a gentle streant, mixed with air X sufficient at a time. . Creenwich, Conn,, Aug. 1G.—Willimm ' 4ising purposes. The -decision stipulated that after the so ttlenient of counter -claims, executions The darky gasped and quivered. "Fo' de Lawd's sake, yo Honah, don' d ill O dat lie "])Ole do southeast, shortly before midnight. Sev- eral allots had been. fired, but so far As over the bed and tearing open the mat. Ire , ould poll I '0, a v A it"I O' r oil ' al"I's, company Inuat coase dallyiVig with I . tl,e position and must got into shape 9 A-.4 to the general use of tile gas Indiscriminately Jordan, a young married man 25 years ' old, with a yotmg wife and three child- may issue against tile plaintiff for $77.60, gasped. dat; don' do datl Don! yuh know dat dis am the water- it has been learned nobody was injured, The ti -oops returned to headquarters at p " in t 11 T l th �G t"' ! a A 0 hat .waB a I ei it They loit than' f ell,. sur. tile to run 1 every depart- 'ts railw in ment. With tl% end in view the Hamilton Boy Got Beyond Depth at by the public, medical opinion is adverse. It is unquestion. ably a powerful And valuable stimula lit, ren, *which lie had been unable to slip-, port foi- some time, allot himself while . I : -� FOREST FIRES. nielon seasoll in Jersey, and Fse ought to be thar to help gather Pem? $Deed the -county jai). The suburb is Adjacent h m f Central coal mine, f..� 'r, I 0 t.il . - - v uld not be ffitei!fored with And It was 710 form al ultimatum. had been. sent to the men, and preparations were be- ' . Tiverton. but excessive use is dangerous. 'Tile r form lying lit bed with his Wife shortly after midnight Saturday and died instantly. . Fse ought to be thmr, Judge"' ,,R - .oW I ong will it take you to get out 0 where niany uegroes ,ire employed. � � Z : 1, I Ing made to secure mechanics in Eng- to fill the' vac� ­ ozone 9f oxygen in minut quanti. ties is, of course, excellent, but when in- e It is believed that he -planned to kill his $2,000,000 Loss and Destruction of of town if I let you go?" queried the Mayor. . Throughout the night headquht-ters of I the two brigades had frequent Varrols 0 1� I CALL OF THE BLOOD 1 and and elsewhere alacies in the departments to such an . Tiverton, Aug. 17.—A number of haled. in larger quantities it becomes A. dangerous headache entire family, but his nerve, failed hini at the last moment, Saturday afternoon Game on Vancouver Island. I "Toll dat dar fat pleeseman to shove from frialitened citizens, who' requested front extent as mighf, be necessary. young lads were bathing at Inverlittroll, polson, causing and irritation" -of the tratoolls membrane and*- Jordan is reported to have told a friend list White trash out bf der way to give me room to git, and den watch out," prote;iiomn auspicious charactefs. With the deatli yesterday of Wifflant AN ALLIANCE UNITING TH I, Lose Advantage of Si.trvice. The result of the ultimstuni Will be when one of them, Dail Ewen, of Hamil- tOn, Who is visiting his couslit, D. 1'. so on. So also Prim oxygen is absolute- ly dangerous and must be largely that lie wanted to end his life and those - Of Iiis wife And children, me he feared Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 17.—The Cana-' I . was� the reply. . The Donegan, the agred colored man, who was lynched Saturday niglitt, and Frank E. that old employees of,the company d) CompbelT, got, out bf hi sdepth. lit) . �dilut- cd. . they would suffer if lie died. He waited until Ilia family was asleep and then than Pacific Railway has re ceived word that forest fires are raging in the south order was given, the crowd gave' way; there Was a sound like a horse Dilillore, a AvIlite niall. who was allot While watching, the rl6tin,tr the list of ' Proposed -Treaty Between Britain and now on strike will, if they not re- turn to work before tile time limit, of their long ser- woukd, have been drowned only for the . quick action of Mr. Gain AicArthur ,wholesale - - I � 3 'V'T'OMEN DROWN. blew out Ilia own brains, . �; -' part of Vancouver Island, and that many m valuable timber have galloping and several minutes later A, huge cloud of dust -was seen rapidly the known dead was increased to five. Night to . the United -States—A Suggestion lose all Advantages vice Plad it given positions again 'will salesman for Mr. H. E. Dond, clothier, of lforonto. He noticed the boy . ' IT . GRANTED WISn. been destroyed. The crearn of the thn. ber wealth of the island is being swept travelling Jerieyward. . - - :6 more tire not expected recover, And the unknown list is still figured at Growing Out of Visit of American com� in as new men, with service dating from their resumption of work. struggling, and lit, once jumped into the brought the little fellow to - — - Away. . In the Robertson River district POST $50 TO GREET FRIENDS. � fifteen. Springfield is steeped in the deepest sorrow, but ]ilia determined to Fleet to Australia. The custom of the C.P.R. has always been that in dull times men were laid water and shore. The boy was quite exhausted, Two Companions Also Perish In At- Sive — — Cardinal Gibbons Congratulated b there is a fire frontage of five nifles. At Bear Lake eight buildings -with supplies Happy Ho*stess Laid *Purse on Depot take the most viaorovis steps to assert . justice. Two bundred are prisoners in London, Aug. 16�Despatches rela- , fleet , off in order� of service, the policy be- ing to retain the older men as far as but lie was rolled about and Ivrappedlin b1tinkets and Was soon himself again. . tempting to One. * C0 I Y . Merry Del Va 1. for" survey parties were destroyed, And also A. nu . inber of, isolated dwellings and . Seat and Forgot It. � Lewes, Del., Aug. IT.—Laying her jail for rioting, and stand to this cllarg� ed with murder by the special tive to tile visit of the Ai nerican Australasia are read here with the possible, There are a large number Mr. McArthur, the rescuer, is a son of m thur, of this place, And Grand Isle, Vt., Aug. 10.—Three young — the Gowishan Lumber Company's build- � Inge. - A. pathetic feature oi the con pocketbook containing nearly $50 down Ili the the grand jury, which the State'g Attorney is to re- .to keenest interest. The note -which at- of old employees of the company ell - red in -the strike, and they Will be gag . deserves every praise for his heroic deed, women wbo Were staying at a cottage - Rome, Aug. 17. ---Cardinal Gkhbons left here yesterday for Switzerland. Just be- flagration, is the loss of game. H I" on a seat waitina room of depot of the Perinsylv"ania Railroad, quest to -morrow. A careful estiniaLe placm the number , tracted the most Attention was soauded follows: pretty hard hit by this decision uin- less they return to work. The young lad rescived is a son of Mr, near Adams' Landing ,vere drowned to- : day while bathing in Lake Champlain. . fore leaving lie was informed that the Pope ]lad his I -equest, and ].I d ft dreds of grouse and millions of otl birds have perished. The loss to timber - Mrs. Charles Lynch ran out to greet so -me company arr � oil th, I a noon - ' ivin Of negroeg Who IIRY3 left Sprinafleld, from Auckland as "'rho officers of the American fleet I Will Got Englishmen. William EWen, foreman of the Harnilto n Gas Works. - They were Miss Lucy, Perry, aged 19, tranted appointed several Washington ecclesias- is said- to be $92,000,000 already, and the fire shows no sirrn of abatement. ti-ain. In the pleasure of seeing since the beginning of tile race W�' Lr tit 2,000. Of this number nearly thrile- tire surprised and gratified by the ex- It was stated at the 0. F, R. offices . I - I . . � Plattaburg; Miss Sarah Disaaway, aged 27, Plattaburg; Miss Elizabeth Disasway, tica as domestic prelates to the Pon- tiff. . — her friends she never thought of her nioney un . til thab niglit At allpier, whou a, fourths have gone out of the county on tent .and cordiality of their reception. to -day that tile compapy did not ail- RAN AWAY. age not given,, a cousin of Sarah Diane- This being the fortieth anniversary of 1. S N WON* sudden realization of her mrelessness railroads and ither-urban Iiii-es. The ,­ ----I- '-----1.,--1 i-- .P---4. ;. Linillftf.P anv difficultv in. filling the WnV I 1-11. ­'a­Vn+I­ M P—M-1 0-ii'l— .. caused her to ium.l) from the table and - -- ­­ b-. -.Y -ii- "4 .. AV.V Im tfl� rural districts. I regarded as a signiflealit prelude to it . vi'auum V. .... ....­., ­ ---- --------- ical. trades were very dull all over the Tho great mass of the scurrying blacks closer relation between tile United world, and there Were thousands of , swe sUll within tile ,��tatc, Some have statos Anil Australia," nien in England and other countries gone W ' INM, souri X e-iltucky, Indiana, e of comment on this who would be glad to travel anywhere and a few to the S'oui,h. There Are still utterance ulay'be Indicated by tile f ol- for a steady job at good wages. Many Negroes -aft in Springfield, but lowing extracts front different represeii- tative journals. One says.- The co any was further Ili a to recruit from Lliese are planning to go At tile first op. book, it is believed, did so wl Ith tile idea of returning it to the owner on an- pretty goTox pqsition portunity, "The Americans themselves Will so- 13,ngland, sitace they controlled their , Would 1114tber Die. knowledge it. because Great Britain own ships and trains, and could bring . is a friendly power and because the the men out at a minimum Of ex- Dloomington, Ill., 411g. 11.—Mrs. Bar] J�i,jtigb. navy continues to.hold tile pense. Already the cables have been Hallam, victim of the Attack In Spring- supremacy of the sea, so'that the Am- kept hot making arrangements for se- field, 'which Started. tile race war, is in doubt as to tile identil6y Of her asagilaut, inds it both smfe erican battleship fleet fi And Opportune to make the circuit ot cutin ell and so soon as the time - g in it set li� the company ex�lres the lim. In an Interview she declared that she the globe, Under these circumstances new ilt%i will be secured and brought Was uncertain whether Richardson, who all Ang)o-Aincripan treaty suph as is out. at fast as possible. 'It wag ad - is now a Prisoner In 1310onlilitgtoll, is the Inall. being discussed Ili the press of the An- to be called mitted at the head offices that the English mechanica were no.' generally glli�ty Sh says, however, that site is ahno-st tipodes scarcely appears for, althmigh were, it seen to be feasible as satisfactory as those trained on this vertain that he is the man, bdD lit the and desirable, Britain would not be aidel being more highly specialized' , darkness which Prevailed site could. not diseern tile found hanging back. But, in ally'case, but it was pointed out that the -work ab such big shops as the Angus was nogrols features sufficiently to positively identify him, Site will .jav it need nob be placed in competition or Ili culiftict Ivitli, the Ang,lo-Japanese being more and more specialized, and nothing nuire than that he looks sclli�t- treaty or, for that matter, ,% jripo. no doubt was felt that if necessary tile of every striker could De inq th like Cho mail. As. Hallain's greatcA c3neern now is Anierican n1liance. The Paths of Brl- tain mild Japan in the Pacific and else. place satisfactorily filledo and would be. over 'Gila race wZ'r which resulted from where continue to run parallel, and, � . Men Say Bluff. bor n4sfortune. Althou"ll herself prob. although i-ftee, �lood And 'speech must "The unions have forced tho point ably I;be :most pUiful sulfierer of tile af. Always have. their special binding pow- practically as to whether they or the fair, she shows gonuine regret over the er, And, while we call understand and company shall contt.91 our shops. lVe general bloodshed and ilestritation, and sympathize with the sentiment of white propose %G, -control thom Ili future, and SAys that she would rather die herself Australasia, it would be folly to begin shm.11 do so if we have to replace every b.han to have beeh iN innocent cause, thinking or talking About quarrelling - mail who has struck." This was the � Not the Man. with loyal and valuable friend I s, for no final declaratioll, of one of the lending Springfield, Ill.,'Aug, 17.—Tlie claill) Of better reason tRan that blood I is thicker C. p. It. officials to-dayl so tll.,.t -it is Goo. Richardson, the alleged atl;;acl�er than water." . Another runs thus� "New Zealand evident the company Intends to fight tM strike to the bIt1u,,r end and to make of Mrs, Hallam, And one of tile 11,0groes spiritod out of Springfield opfore tile journals which suggest it treaty bo- bTifted the end bitter for the strikers. The jiGting reached An acute stage, tllalc Ike I tween this country and Oto States forget that ,,;,a desire nothillo 0 1,,tter have not altered their policy as a result of this ultimatum, expre,ssi.hp could prove an alibi Ili tilt- accasation better, that Nvo have several times at- ,the opinion that it 'is something o I a Aga -Inst him is generally er, dited lipre. )&-i% said by reliable person. -i who have t"I'll ell 0.1wing About ail Alliance 'Of tile Itilglish-speaking world, and . that bluff, \Vhile tile leaders are urging the men to stand firm a, good many of investigated 'thc matter that not Only Bichardson's wife, but it nua-ber of his , , failed. Ir . Oill wo, have upon each oc,cfts Preinier Deakin could bring tile British tile Older men are inclined to waver at 'tile of losing tile advantage of Iteighbors, white its well a -i blaek, Are to swear that he Wts lit ho'llt Empire and the great reptiblie pornian- lie pro,gpeot their long service, And it is likely Umt prepared until late Ili the ,evening of the night of ently togetlier Would render tile woAd a siipremo service and would im- it number of them will return to wo�'k beforo tile expirmdon of the tinic 111111t. tile alleged outrage, I mortalize Ilia name.11 THE BALLOON EXPLODED. . Council of War, I - �; -, t Life in Danger. A council -of war was bila at the, MOTOR BOAT CRUSHED. Ottawa, Aug. 16.--ThO condition of tile Capitol 'Llils Afternoon by Governor — Oanadian Pacific rolling stock at Wift- Deneen, Adjutaill,41pnen.i.1 "'"Ott; Oen, Three Poptons Wore Drowned in the nipeg is being looked into by an official 10. 11, Wells and Col. Hanborn�$ and Niagara River. or tile Railway Coulluission, Inspector it plan was ndopl,od to ".ii,lnr further demonstrations jinprobable. Clol. San- Buffalo, X. Y, Aug, 16.—Miree 3 ei ' 'Clark. A few days ago it vulliplaint was received fro,in Ala, McArthur, of Winni. I borne was g)-011 coullan-1111 of a pro%,! sons ware drown4ed to%flglit Ili the 2)ing Iliver, 'whell �t motor boat, loaded to who declared the U 13. R. trains tit 101, I alomal brigad,,, aon,41,41og, (,,f tb,i Fii,qt and (Ile Second Infantry MogilnentA, . arri , raile, was ran. down by a, pleasure tile tilt point wore being iull ill so pool' .-a ..., condition -of repair Ulilt tile lives Of � with instrueltions to prvierv, till lxuc.� baige. Airg. Will. PA cis, I)ITH, Charlotte Meyers 0,1111 � Pagel o, it ten -y oar. the travelling public, mild tile em lo ces , r1w in till, territory we,st (if .Sev.-iith street, � T-110, two tegIM0014 Qsf3b';4lV(J 110.1(1- 0 bar -e. Old Ind, were Ilrowited, wholl tit " of the company wore endangered. * r - CoIllplaint ukis addressed to the .Niffillste (JURrUITS On 00 011IRI)l gr0t 311.5, MITI- ctuolied the motor boat, 3welino Ilagel�, It ten -year-old girl, saved herself by of Railways, . oral U'ells, with lwadillafl ra At t'.10 graqjug the loose end of a line And Situation Favora Strikeell. - ,over ,.,, V01111ty jail, Posted guat-JR I,y P �,,. _ prillilig li-rhulf )land oycr listrid aboard 'N'o r Lit Bay, Aug. 18. --The strike situa- effy eftt.t of Seventli Rtrovt Th.- Firit Cavalry was detallov.1 under 11aJor tilt.. bargt, N1,1thout tollehijig the water. ti 0. P It. aV . oil Oil till$, 11WIS1011 Of tile - I - 'Tho Frank Bush -it Divki.)n lwad(plartovii Three, (ithera in the inotor boat were up, by Passing eraft, Or's tile atrI10M Uhaplcau. and Schreiber shops are idle, not a stri'44 under IMajor4lenevill Young, . ' (4overnor Peneen sti.1 t i -day 1hat plehed - Henry 'Schallsi, at the W11,0.04 of the �, while tt'c North brodker being in,evidenee - Bay the new staff is dwindling dailyy six 110 h.. wanted (A) prot"t t1le Kf�y, �O f, at, motor boat, thought be could pass undor the how of tilt%, barge. Whoft it 11161 coudlig out 'on Saturday. Four of flio, fleeing negr,,es could return Ili matet1. 0 W,qs too late ho, tried to turn and was - the[)) wel'O 91V011 trAll4iol-tittiOn to Molit. Ilive call protept, Clow 11 -re , , alld IVe rull down, d'. parde followed oil the "I'lle to real by tile 00-11pany, and two Were look- Od aftv-1. by tile Strike Committee, The millb when they sciAter About the �eountry,ll said ill(- (4overnor, 4(tf they , . [Ift"OngerIq all r"hea b-'U'ge ' - 0W., Hide, Aild, tile lifild wolk of tile crew atlike-breakers torning out diate that living fit boarding ears i-4'uadv-.4raT)lv, vvi'l (.onle back Avo will rdvi, t1w:a food , I dlovp flielli, Imck liefoio t1w ,opbip himM turtle. . , � and predict Mieral 4e,settioli. Strikers AIM shvIter in'Gavorninent Ovts,ly I --- ��. — — vlabn that t1lo lovoillothn-4 Are getting &crilia 6Y t1io Disturbineat. The Dolunark-(.Ir��'�,nlavd t%xpoditiall, lit it very bad. eowlition, 404p.,Ohilly ty.) q IM hou ,,,ro buildin'T4 bw Iled, li'rhl.i�v wl,40 lin% returned mffisr two yeftr-,q, to- .11 [Ills Iveittorn divi.4iou,4, alid. tlwy look for ;,.)" fli. night wore tww)401 -.4,4v -lfrail.4 I , " , orfix Oat MY11114% Erlelvwn, the 01plb"T, a ".ral rovolt of prigiftemen, 'File built In:111y YNIN qq.l tit h,ria,t vint, jill(l 1,%vtir voiiijinnionq, pr4hilied In tht' compally'a notim calling Oil tbe wivi crurnblitiv Ividt ­4�,,. li,,,,.. Lvl.,A.4 jai o" tif th rmollt prolylinrint eitivislig, of man to rimulne worlc WAS re#4 at thr, . Y. . oung Wife Repents Deed by iiecorcung Lo une report ot tne . ac. Ci dent wli'ich has reached here, the visilop, uurainai avierry uoi Val, r-apai Secretary of State, sent him from Castle I - -- ­ rdulai Hafid Lost 300 Killed and ­ " " --Z' —4, When the i ... -- .9 It was called up he inade instant but no trace of the Committing Suicide. three young women werp ill the water them dropped Gandolfo a telegram warinly coiigmtn- . lating him on "tile memorable day." - 500 Wounded. searclij pocketbook or i"ney could be found. 'llic into a deep hole. The other two start- 11 : 11 - . person who picked up the Pocket- , .6pringfi0d, Ill, Aug, 1G.—Mrs. Hosier�. ed to her assistance, when they also got. beyond their depilli and all went I - MINERS I D L E-1 0 Tangier, Aug,. 17—A wireless despatch � book, it is believed, did so wl Ith tile idea of returning it to the owner on an- wife of A, -physician of Spring Valicky, doWn, none of them being .able to swim. received front Abdel IN Aziz, the Suhan, announcing the victory of Ilia troops over nouticerrient of ownership. . . , -- - had just finished reading a letter from ' her daVghter, Vera, confessing that she There were no other bathers near 6nd no one else on. shore was able, to go Ohio River Tqo Low to Admit of ' �lio troops under Mulai I-rafid, the usurp- . ing sultan, Ili an engagement which was , THESE PAMPERED PIGS. =d her clollement, with. �Vjlllmin a tight -rope walker, when she to the rescue. I The bodies wore recovereil and Were Coal Shipments. ' ,il fought recently during the march. toward Morocco City, says that tile defeat of Dwellers in "Sanitary Sty" Will Be received's telegram announcing that tile sent I to Plattsburg to -night. I Pittsbura Aug 17.—Dii lity per cent. OP 0, 9 the enemy was complete, The losses. of Warmed by Steam. girl had committed suicide at Now"Ber- lill-, ton miles wast of this city. . I I : I SANKEY. DEAD. - - of the coal hics, along tile Mononga- 'A the adherents of Mulai Hafid are esti- mated at 300 killed—and 500 wounded. Danville, Pa., Aug. 17.—Work- is under the "sanitary 11he girl was the adopted daughter of hch,River are idle and th'ousands Of 111111- An ilufacilSe amount of booty, including way oil new pigsty," at tile Danville State Hospital for the JEn. Dr. and Mrs. Hosior. When 17 years . I ers are out of omj�IoSmiont as a result - A. large number of eaulel, was captured..-- ' booty was so that the sane, for which the LogiSlaLtrfte appro- old she became infatuated w! th Johnson, a member of a carnival company, and THE �OTED SINGER.EVANGELIST of the' low water in the Ohio River. Prac- ' tically all the coal front this district is .the great victors were obliged to Belt at quarter the inar. printed $6,000, and lialatial quarters are promised for the pigs to be housed there. � ran away with him. Until site confessed PASSES AWAY AT BROOKLYN- . shipped by river, but for several weeks ket price Ili Order to got rid of it. Abdel Azig, at the ]lend of a column, ,.rhe sty will be wartneil, by steam heat, hdr unhappiness li�r whereabouts were unknown. The body ,%vita sent to ,Spring Was for Thirty Years the Inseparable Uto water line b0cri. so low ito shipment could be made. 'Elie consequences is that defeated the Rebmann tribe, who were lighted by electLiie_fty, and tile hogs, will not partake 'f coininon swill, but will 0 Valley for burial. . - Companion of D. L. Mo6dy in _ every barga is loaded witill. coal await_ Mulai d supporting I ITafi ,killing 50 of the tribeampit and takN 200 prisoners. feast on "Cooked food." This� implies ­c - ' - AGAINST AMBIDEXTEPITY.' . Evangelistic Work Ili Britain and illf, all it and no more coal call be $1 I Ille nimed until, ein'-pty barges Are rccoivC4 to I � I . Death of David Stirton. that as a feature of the 11sanitary appar- ntils and equipment" the piggery is to America—Writer of Hymns—BlInd store it in. The situation is said to be Guelph, Aug, 16—In Clio deabli of have a cuisine. Protected front the cold Sir James Crichton Browne's Fad is I Opposing Fads. for Five Years. t Il e years. I - e David Stirton, aged 93, which took and with their diet under constant sur - veillallee the hogs, could not do Otherwise London, Aug. jOi--Sir Jliines Crichton . - New York despatch: Irm D. Sankey, � DIED IN A LAZARETTO. place yesterday, Guelph loses its old- eat resident. Ile was one of those known than prosper. They will not be permitted to wallow Browne, who is a confirmed anti -fad- (list, is now i ,unning a tilt against the tho evangelist, died at Ilia home Ili . -Brooklyn last night, . . I Pathetic End of General Wardwel I as the La Gullyrans, who responded to � Invitation to come to this John Galt's i lit the mire, because there will be no mire. Everything will be kept immacu- movernolit for aUidexterity recently initiated by the headmaster of Eton. Irm David Saticoy, as lie tells him in Arizona. selibiori, where lie Arrived at tile agi of late. The building Will be of two Browne callis it a fad and dcclare� that self Ili his introduction to lit "�tor; I Tombstone, Ariz., Aug, ill.—aerieral 11 years, lit 1827, just four months after StoreyS, And in all probability the hogs I anibidexterity on a large scale is !in- of the Gospel Hymns," was born lit lS40 at Edinburg, in western Ponnsyl- G. D. X. Wardwell died yesterday while Ili quarantine with his leper wife. Ifer tile first tree was cut in what is.known as the Royal 'City. Mr. stirton waa elect- will sleep Above stiLirs. Z _- U I possible and undesirable. It *&s, said lie, by the superior need of his ri,relit vania, . Ilia father, Hou. David San- sufferings front the combined effects ed to Parliament in the Reform inter. THE BALLOON EXPLODED. . 0 Itand that inan ]lad gained Ilia victory' key, was engaged Ili the commission and forwarding business, slid After- of leprosy and tile nervous strain fol- lowing the notoriety of ffieh' ease .]ilia c ests in 1857 and Ihis political career con. United uninterruptedly until 1876. On the Two Pertons Killed at Irvanco-BrI. and to 'try to undo Ilia dextral pre- eminence was simply to fly in tile face wards took up farming, so that young Ira's ybuth Nvas largely spent oft the destroyed her reason, and a -lie is ltottlly unaware that her husband is dead. death of Col. Kingsinill, lit 1878, the appointment of postmaster at Guelpb tish. Exhibition. of evolution. I At Eton milibidoxterity was being Ili- farm, He assisted Ili farm work and General Wardwell was a veteran of Efforts waA given to Mr, Stirtoll. - - London, Aug. 17.—Two persons, were killed And six injured by the explosion euleated by an ordinance that all boys received the usual school privileges . ,Iltbieh fell to the lob of the boys and the Mexican and civit wars. to deport, Mrs. Wardwell to the leper, - f , BROKE HIS ARWI. of the envelope of the balloon ou,ned who for their transgressions were called upon, to Write "lines" should girls of those clays. Ira was convert- colony havo brought out complications, , Berlin, Aug. 17,"AA the Parseval dirl- by Capt. Lovelace of the New York' Xcro Chlb - (it tile grounds of the henceforth do so wilt.h. the )Lift han(L , ed at the age of sixteen at sonle to- vival mectings, held lit tile I(inty's Lhe Federil authorities refusing aid And the lberritorial officers being unable to -"ibl-e balloon -was approaching its land- Pivaco-Britigh Exhibition to-dity. Pre - Sir Jamos had )lad tile opportunity of asking olle of the boys, how lie got oil ' , CLapol, some tAireo miles from Ilia boi&. act under the pi.vsent law . It is pr,b. ' LIP isolated 'lie' ing plact here til -day it was forced sud- i1puly down by An air current While at a parations fov� an ascent,%vore being made When the accident occurred, The citiloo In the performance of his ta'sk. 110111, . u`te sunple. We UtO 110 replied, "it, aq I Next, year his father, who had been for some years in the State Legislature, able that she will "elualn and be cared for until deatli. : - n I height of ' 600 feet. The ship struck tile - - firm ground Violently, breaking the left i.i supposed to have been the tbmwilig down of a lighted niatolt, Miss Hill, aged I the Pon in the fingers of the left hand assumed the Presidclicy of a barik and moved to Newcastle. There Ira. attended HAS GONE BACK HOME, of Captain '%?'oil Krogh. � I . s,ovellicen, secretary to Capt. Tliovelaee, and we work them. Ivilth the tight." As A, result of Physiological inquiry high school and later entered -his fath- . I .. P'&sod Christ Re. I I CATTLE STOLEN, was one of the persons killod. She wtis burned to a chider. The other victims, ,'fr AT Si mines said it could not now b,o doubted that right and left ba , ,,tie 'd_ or's bank, Ile became ii, in,unber of tile UoLhodist Episcopal Church at NoWeas- Fanatic Who as tuens to States. Clififlilli u, Ont, Aurf 17�—An epidemie r., -, w6re Also inuployed -by Capt. Lovelace. Capt. Lovelace's clothes ,lvere burit- Pleas were dopendont oil cerebral or- tle qnd before long was inade superin- kmxlont of thii Sunday sobobt and leader IVinnipeg, Aug. 1.0 Sharpe, theleild. '— of tattle stealing similar to that which in East Kent several years ed, but Otherwise 110 sustained 114D in' . ganization. And nothing else. Autbi- . dexterity was; eoninion Oil ly amot ig, of the choir. Here Ilia voice first began to er if the strange bunch of fanatics who ed the country, believi Rg 20 -y invall, " *for I se.-. partner, ta rel)Orted in I dalp, ., .4 ]I, 9r, "I "I complained freqnently, of missing ies. Jur " ­ ­ - - . 1. I iffiots, &till to endea-vor to insure its ILI ivatioll woul ell. 1. lieral vult -a mean t1le attivet attention. , Oil tile outbreak of flio war In 1860 A divine Ineagago tile. ' Doilkbobor'a, dcfWd arrest a t stook, and the police biffleve t1w c,ttj,j`c WILL TAKE 8 IX MONTHS, largernent; of the already overgrown Mr. Smikey, then twenty years of Age, joined tilt XMCA111,10 VOillpally And Who Successfully . tile bands of tile illunigration authorl- must have been Atololl, � olb — Tho guivay Of Huds6n't Say Raliway lunatic asylli � ilia. � I-- 4.1 . And saw service Ili Maryland, often ties, has been its good As his Word. Ito declared that if tile Doukhobors refused . NEW ENGINEER. ' Route. � Death of Matthew Folger. . 'Xiligatton, I , - C religious services ill the � ass"I'lig 11 Union After the lie re- to recognize hiin as Christ lie Would TO- Toronto, Aug. I't.—Kpilneth 1,11itken, N1711ruirpeg, Aiif��. 17..—Chlo-f Vilgifteer .. 0 it s u`i§1I,Da Railway Murphy of ill Ill o Aug. 16.—MatthoW Itenry Folger died lit one o'clock yesterday cam war tu I P. 'a to tho assiatanee of Ilia fath- rl e, in- tu 1.4 Arty rn acrogs tile lin,o. Ile and ,Ili p. Are 110NV ell route South from velgen to- Toronto, was to-amy Appointed by tit(' lle-ard of Control As elighleer in ellarge, ,� , , , a -a survev arrived from at to Ay with 'hla akeiatalit, -,L%lr. Law, and will morning after years of illness, but ,,, who had become a collector of ttrila-1 revenue, in tile auweiling wards tile international boundary, and of tilt% City's eloetrical Power distribitt- , be joined to-inorrow by Mr. Arm - only it coniparpAvely short HMO con. filled to Ilia home, Ile wasagoil 07 yo.ars. and &A , Years was In much demand in JAs to III$ strange crusade Iq over. . . +;1�0 lug, plant, to be ereeted to distribute , power brought from Xiagara Valls over ion. Thoy strong, the hNAd of the �Oxptditi Ile, is sinvIved by three arium, Howard its a singer at conventions and poll- tical meetings, In 1807 lit. ,,Sankey NEEBISH CHANNEL 1 (Aov(,rlllllpllt traraynission lines. He Will expect bliftt the work will optupy six month.%. Tito Party Will be dividetl ill- Irenry, of New York, Ana 113. W,, 'manag. er of the Niagara, Navigation Co., To entere.4 ,7. Ni. (',,. A. work its Secretary q,auit f4te. �tarle, Ont., Aug. 17.—T-110 receive a Balar,v of $3,000 a year. I I I .1 . - - V) four, each takl*g 4% settlory -of tile Tonto. � of the Xevveastlo -branch, aud Ili 1870 N,,*0,(,bbqIl t,lbannol, which cost $4,000,W0, ELEVE I,Oko torritory to II6 cove're(l. been 1041 0- , went its delegate to the IntOrfiRtiollal was opollo(I to traffic .YestOrday, when The Couiervativts havo vleelftIr- St. Vatharinen, Aug, 17.—Tbo Que�h!A 001montioll of tho (Issociation at 111. . steftniox Oporge I'% lialter weitt tll(k . Grattl Rapid,% Mkh,, Aug, 17.—A des. 'ilia itift -ill' _, is was ouly an oleetioli .bftit avil gt Tlotel, ,'At, Paul stroot, one of tile illo, ,.. dialidpolis. J,1- 1-4 'here that 11.0 fir.At ; through, wltlt Prolidont Livillptoilp" of H 'Aing wrl", front Vptoskoy to" 3vo list in it 11 tl4at It would ii(,�<%r I t. Wivo, 1) t t e popular boliteltion in tile rity, ham clIftngpql met D. ,I,. 'Allimly, With WhOul 110. W48 thp T.,alc(% V41,Triel'S' A1510dittiOn, On bOMYd- 1 04�241 saym That 'the r�xortitg Rteatuar ntrivol ,nf nIft with lInIPP110A PtOvel the liftilds, Capt, William MeAvay, who lifts to lie adlsoelato(l in OvAllplistfe worl, The Canadiftit steamer Conestoo WAA T,(elfknftll WA,'4 blown Alp nil Carp, T,nkp gonuffienem of the Govemnitnt's hitoo. I Voll(Int-teli it for th'I pa -'4t clgllt yr'ar A, fol tile next thirty vear& Moody ill(, flecond boat tlivollgli, followilig tho thi.q Illoriling with, a loss .nf 11 lives. . ttoli, , Tiftying diRPORNI Of tilt- 1)114i'10104 (INVIT19 to ill henlLh, in Chotrlom D. Martin, Of heard Slinkev"A 11lighli and nt on" propriAell Viat they go into ovau-Avlls. � Tlakor elo,qP.1,v. VoRsolluon Pxprt%8#4 great ratisfaetion �Vith tilo firprovenlont, an It . 46�6# ­. ..­�­ I Valgary'. im 1 Ural. .T. A. IV. 'Unrtiti, of . Ai�q,�Z --4.*-ft-- I " nail 11litr t being 'A00VI lATtOd A T0nl . Itntuilton. Tfi(� lu%w proprietor todcog tie work torthei. SatiL."y Ims u -n- .4,111, MOO, rutylgatioll of ill(, TIVOT Aftfor, vl.41thig her liaronbi, 11r. and Nloq, Over- Victoria morlev restomblo I a bald,limilptl mall Anti' vowAsloft ImIllealately. Willing 04 fIrAt. but ,af(4-r*viLx "ontlim' FmT1 tavt� lVill0b 0610. . holt, 118 ftvonuo umth, 111i ll�tdr,