The Wingham Advance, 1908-08-20, Page 611 � IT, A, I,
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. � � -�,_ 4, ��I.�� , I I I I I I -1 - I '1� 1. I I 1. iTorilan interrupted blul, BOR swouthly,
g ?4'.
. �_e - , r�v� ) I_
q;�,Av but with it fla8h of Ills eyes under his fo
. f� thick III,,
um - AT � -`-, I EU " , � . , "It Is 04 more scratch, thank you, ShoUld -0 list Of the 44gredLents of Pa.
I I I I runs, be submitted to Any medical oz,
I I" Trale, and the surgeor, id only It, . .
� at me for troutillug 14in o , a I, t1t,
. I . ... .�, _ � S ;'' � I k NVQU such, olig V00, Of whatever school or nationality,,
�� o Orson inn. , oceasion, What is it ),oil want?" be Would. be obllge4 to Adimtt without
(BY Tllemlosit� 0arri6ou.) "Well, SIr Jordan, my, men 'made An ron"YO that the medicinal herbs coin -
I sleuen of Illell's voinlKilly. - - = . I . i .,arrest last night." . POSIDgPorkina are Q1 two. lkinds. First,
The crowded tmerleti (till, 1. I lie pAluse(l, and lie saw the face lie at4odard and Nvoll4riod ca,tarrh rome.
Wbew till Alay long ivith o4ths n1i'l 1101"', was -Watching with. covert, Intentness 111013. J$Ocondp well-known an4 gondr-
Sit they Who oritran(n� will; *"ftN_%*40ft"V"ft10l1119*"hft_ grow %. ohado,yaler. ally Acknowledged torili romedivo. ,
. I . . � ,
So volue 1 out front jlol�"L- and vout "It's What I thought, 3sir, Neville! It's ' "Yes," said Jordan. "I was, turning "An arrest? said Sir Jordan, with tile What 14 one or the other of those uses
To rest it, ultows Ure,en hill. Your father's � ,1 Six, Qreville's, willt" out this drawer in search of some local- pollt , o and official intere , at due from tile they h%vQ stood the test, of many yoars�
. Nioville stopped short And. has face, Ohio and took up the revolver. Very 4strAte--no more. experience by physicians of different
Here none may ititivIr. till empty purso, - flusbe4. � carelessly, I am afraid, for it went off, do, Sir Jordan, arid as tile luall bad ooboolm, Thort.) onaboxiodisputd, about
Or ragged ,coat And poor, "Yes, sir, it's Ills .will, And tile bullet struck me in t some of your property in his possesalori, thisp Whatever. Fermin is Cox
But Silence walW within the gittkm, . I I and the last, he arm . I I thought it my duty to come to you Lit - Aposod of
70ti. may depend upon It; And-', he Am tightly punished for keeping a load- I some ,Qf the most offlonolous and unt,
� be -Ade tile door; fil ed 4xia read eagerly for .a minute, ad firearin 11; is A ridiculous and repro -
And Peace auo . I ; once And take your inatructiou0' tile,, voroAlly used herbal vonxIldles for oa.
The 'veary gue4f; is weleoulest, 014 JOT40,u,s face turned lliid, And
, . slapped his )land upon she table lionsible ,practice,, whio4J have always road it AWAY and picked up. a tarrhal d1seAses, and forsuoli conditions
The richest pays no score, . And dried o -4t, 4ellghtedl "Mr. Neville, ooridemned, Let this be a Warning to he til
Mr, Neville I . It's all rlgk) ,you, Green -0111 . � letter and glanced At It. of tho. human eye to= ao require a toulo. I
The roof is high, and arch%l and blue) "All rigtitl" repeated Xovil4e. "What ,,,46011, dear," said the alarmed valet. Tra,le watched him with the keen, but Each one of the principal InarodtqxxtO
The floor Is .spread with, pille; d.) , � . o doctor,, $1 , r Jordan �t hidden an oyinerit of A born detective, of Perrain, has a roputatioll. of Its OWA
qou mean 'Il oen4 for th � , , I
, L ?JP
On my four weals the sunlight falls old gentleman t .
me& that the � has "Proper Y of mine?" said Sir JQ`rda 1, In the cure of some phase of catarrit or
L A Once." .
lit golden fleeks and fi ne , I de e or and just thingl" said Jordan stopped him. I After a ause, ari4 ,lie forced a. smile. as a tonito medicine,
y. "Do4it you romemberp "No, no," lie said. "It is A mere flesh I (Tes, ir Jordan. VVelvo been oil the The $act is, chronic catarrh to a dis�
Arid swift and fleet, oil nol:iek,ss feet,, T1416 ey.oltedf� I I �
The .Four Winds bring me whie. Mr. Rovii1c, what I sAl.d the other night, wound, and does. not raj�jra surgical as- look -out for this illan for some thile case W.1itch Is very prevalent. Many
oxitOde the Court? . I S%'aL tl%t eV at,$#
or sistanoo, Besides-woll, and lie smiled, Pa,'T 2.-, thousand people know they have
Upon my board. they set 'their store- body Was surprised that Sir Groville llal�. Owhon we ha,ve comipitted a folly we do to said Sir Jordan, scarcely, hear- chronlooatarrb. They li,ave *visited doc-
Great drinks mixt cunningly, not meutione4 you, hili, f4vorito son, but 'not desire that it should be made more Ing lite own voice, - tors over and over againj And been told '
Wherein the peent of furze is blent All was over, then. Banks, was on,ught
With. odor of the sea, llmd left you without a pouxty," public than we can avoid, You dart tell doubt W made a clean breast of that their onsets one of chroxxiciontarrh.
said Ne%11Q, 0 the household the simple fhots, but and no It x
As frQm a cup I drink it up NeWell, air," hurried 61A Trald, " I ase Ask ill I am t nough not it In accounting for -his possession Of the may be of the nose, throat, lungs,
I I to stomach or some other internal organ.
To thrill tile veins of me. did the old gentleman An njuse to gossip About It, I do not Wish to bank notes, But Jordaii Was I& man Who .
-'1,;'-,4P I tice I He ll%dWt forgotten, YOU' see it running through all the London would die har&. There Is no doitbt as to the nature of I
It's I Will Bit, in God!s Greeii. Inn "' " and he did what was right. I coixf,ratu* papors,10 I ('So you have caught Jim Banks at the disease. The only trouble is the
UJavexed by maxi or ghost, late you with all my 11cartl Ilia',, i(Yes, Sir Jordan," said fhe man, to laatt" he said, With a congralulatol;Y L remedy. Thin doctor has txied to cure
, .
Yet, ever fed and comforted, and bb waved the. will Above his head? whom this statement and explanation smile. .1 them. Ant doctor has tried to pro-
Gompanioned. by mine host, "this Makes YOU M rtoh man, mr, No- aeolued quite reasonable and natural, Trale put on an. expression of surprise, acribe for them,
And watobed at night 'by that white Ville Pf . I - "Let me bandage It. Dear dear; the "Jim Banks, Sir Jordan 7 Oh, no, I No Other household remedy so uni-
, I 11 0 1 'him V, I
light Neville staltoil. arni's quite discolored already, Sir Jet- wish we -had, gonfoum ,,,
gigh-swung from ,cons1t to coast. "Yes," aald Trgle breathlessly and dau,)$ . J.opd%n drew a long breath of relief, vereally advertised oarr as upon the
. I evidently as in;; . 4 dLighted. " if Aa him. I -his hetiat lev,Ved With I a sensation. ,of label tile prinoiPai active constituents
Jordan nodded blandly, thinking how I" showing that Poruna Invites the to
Oh, you Who in the House of Strife ,self 44 come lnt* 4 fortune. "Yes, 4 quickly a, practised surgeon would have reprieve. I .
Quarrel and game and sin, third of the moni*y is. left to you." seen that the, w ound said, raising inspection, ot the critics.
Come out and see what clicer may be ,,A tbirdi" said Neville, Inaredulousl3r, had been caused � .
. I _ bouts, Ago. his brow% but still keeping 1119.0 as Tlu* . I L .
For starving souls and thin, for he know how large a rim that thirX '700, -but you see for yourself that A der the concealing lids, I - Ktfrom Lightning Strokes.
Who come at last from drought And hist must represent. "And -and, Sir Jordan." is nothing sorlou Di th 1 lidao, in your tone that you bad, got th-A notori. . ' ,
To sit lit God's Green Inn! dXy_ L Is a q - Ous scoundrel." Fire insurance me nestimato that 40
110h, he's All r ht," replied Trale, the lotion, planall, an -that to right,
-Scribner's, ly a;ad grud xig!A; "there's a third for thank you. rdan. Itra curious You per cent, of barn fires are duo to light -
L Andlou may got me a cup "No, Sir Jo ,
F himi" he whVIffseftly, %nd -the rest, of tea. I think will rest a little this should have ,thought of bim, air, you nilig, 10 to 10 pox- cent, to carelessness,
Prayer. W to jewels, g6es to the young morning. Bring me the letters, pleaso, haven't beard, anytliing 9f him, Sir Jor- . 8 to 12 per cent, to overehated flues,
ith. oil ti I
Our Facher Ili Hen;veii, we stand in MWe ladyt the daughter of Sir Gravillole first . tire balance to other causes, Ind din
I and remember I do not wish the --or- dan?" ' ineendiarism. According to the r;orl
before the great mystery of retiLtalffig sweetheart; the lady Sir Greville bore ateidprit gossiped about." of the weather bureau of the depart-
., " He had come to give Sir Jordan a _
loib. We may not fully underst,and until such a grudge against, begging your par- - - "Yea, Sir Jordan. We were -all in a trg. chance; not for his own sake, but for
that great day whan we shall know eN,4111 don, air. I L eudous fright, arA Proms - thought it goville's, If Sir Jordan would make Q, - metif of agriculture for 1900, the tot%l
As we are known, bue even now we can Neville took the will and read it, but In xr�mber of strokes, of lightning fit 1809,
was burglars, for he declared he'd heard clean breast of it andi right Ills broth6f, I
feel the power of the LCross drawing Us to it is doubtful if, In his confused stoke, some one unlock a door. after we had Trale had, very reluctantly, And. after a . which eauted damage, was 6 ' 5,27, - the
higher and nobler things. We �la.% Thca be would have understood it -Without gone to bad last night." terrible struggle with his sansd� of duty, -number of buildings Injured 6,286, value
for the vision houra when the confushig Trale's explanation. It wag the outer do I or by which Jet. dedded to help Neville in 11hushin I of propert dost $3,010,15W, npimber of
� , 9 up deaths by -
sounds of carth are- . Tightning 503, number of 90-
siledi, and we call dan-had entered otealthily on his return �Jr Jordan's villainy, For Neville bhd
hear Thy voice arid feel Thy presence, "It's till plain now, Mr, Neville,"' said sons Injured 820, num�or of live stock
from the Burrows. thought this the better plan, In order to. , I
Trale, gravely; "we can ,so kil4e4 in the field 4,251.
1-1,elp us to walk Ili daily fellowship with ,,a now wh, ,'Frome was not mistaken," h6 said. avoid wpublic scandal, which would ox- .
the ever present Saviour, so that in all Sir Jordan was willing to Ju.etha' PO "I went down to the library for a paper hibit his half brother in an unenviable all chimneys omitting smoke that
the tangled maze of our daily living we of monev for the will. It 0 t Iop,iv,$ carries moisture with It are more often "
elth I" In the middle of the night. You had bet. plItt. struck than oth6r objects, barns con -
shall feet the benediction of his pretsetice. him of �-%ro-thirde of big w ter tell him -so." rale waited anxiously for a reply to
Alay the power of redeeming lcyc be OHAPTRR XXVIIL . taining bay that gives off moisture by
nia,nifest Ili us every day, so Jordan fled from the Wood And sped The man went down to tbe hal,I where hiq )"t question. evaporation, and porous tree barks Are
that We across the plain at a rate which would the servants were crowdiug together and Sir Jordan mottle grave regaralwith Ire uently struck. For the asme reason
may become ChriAlike Ili the spirit. of atiking in hurried h' . .
have astonished his ,fellow members of W ispro, and gave a bl%ad indifference. IoNouses are more attractive to light -
our lives. Amen. the cabinet. � his master's account of the Accident" "It How on earth should I hear Any- ping than other storehouses ,--Suburban
-Axid a plucky one lie is," he concluded,
of this Seau. plate possession of him, and his only do Took It all as coolly as if hold boon In Tral6l" he said. - L I
Monarchs The &1mon of fear had taken com- " I thing of a man of flint kind,my gop � Lite. I
- r, � , :!7 .
nk alre Was to put As great a space a's pos: half a dozen battle , ' I I
,p. I wd4ldn't have Tiale?4 eyes fell, and Ilia lips grew The Now York Alutricau of Dec. x8th,
Compared .wibli the "coraclo," the sible between him arid the ruffian who, given him credit for so inuqli nerve, that tighter. .1
wicker skin-cove4d boat in which our I wouldn'tl It only shows how mistaken 1007 says th%common house f ly is one
0 he knew, thirsted for his blood. "Just so, air,' -lie said. "It isn't -likely, � of .
forefathers, the ancient Britons, ferried you can be in reckoning up a tile great4 anemias of man. It Is
He ran without stopping until lie had person, as you say. But about this property. a solemn scientifically ascertained* fact 'O
over the rivers or coasted along tile left Burrows behind him, and reached don't It?" You know what It is that you've lost, that he is one 'of L the worst disseminators
shores, the modern liner is indeed a the lane leading to, the Court, then he Frome nodded, but looked ritther per- tir Jordlin, of course? What we found of disease known, far surpassing the
mighty and gigantic vessel, instead of stopped for ghost lack of breath and Plexed and dissatisfied. . '.... on Ws man?" mosquito in L this respect, WilsoAls Fly
'�It wasn't tile library door I heard un- Jordan was in a terrible Pads will kill many times more flies
a capacity for the accommodation of one� strong6h, and only then became consci- fix. I,Imd .
or two persons, the largest of these ous -of a stinging, burning pain in his looked," he sa4d; "for as I passed it the Banks passea t4e notes to a confederate
greyhounds of the seas have ample space : left arm. " I � last thing last night I noticed that the Who had ben caught? than any other article. I
for a complainant, including ,passengers He put his right hand to the spot, And ,door was open." "I—er—" -he began, then he shook .: - I-- .i I
and crew, of five thousand or inore per- withdrew. it wet 'with iblood. Then he "Or fanoied you did, Aft. Vrome," said hii head. "I ba,ve lost nothing that I Her Superb Pisdain.
sons, The principal saloons tire intignifi-' remembered hearing the sound of a re- tile valet, with dignity, he was quite aln aware of, Vale," he said, rather But there was one young ivoman In
cently and sumptuously de�orated pil- volver, and fooling a, sharp pang of pain Impressed b� 'his master's courage said .iiiigkily. - the box party at the thealre who took
lared halls, as stately And as imposing at the moment the candle went out, pluck. Trale regarded him in silence, for a -lie noisy chatter and giggle.
Banks must -have fired at and wounded Terhaps I did and perhaps I didn't" moment, . I .. n1op
as the baliqueting halls of almost Any . ' Att hort gaze fixed upon the stage
palace, while the luxurious state rooms hinf � .. retorted Frome, with much statelirioaps, "Perhaps you'll give it another she natched the progress of the p4y.
are masterpieces of the decorators' art, He listened, but could hear no soundo as he walked off to the servants' hall, thought, Sir Jordan," he said, Ili a low Indifferent to the gayety around her,
In some a daily newspaper ispublishea; of purs And after a moment to recov- followed h,v the rest of the crowd. except that� her - delloato, ariato6ratlo,
ui', 'th . Voice. I 0
and although happily there is no deliv- er his bre lie sped on to the Court When the 'Valet tool,; up the tea and Jordan raised his lids And shot a keen finely chiseled feattires bore a look of
ery of letters, yet the passenger is never again, alid lotting -himself in, stole up the letters to Sir Jordan, he was in bed)L glance at the grave fade. weariness and a iscornful, smile cui-yed.
sure that the throbbing pulsations of to his room. . . � and perfectly serene as if nothing had , "I don't understand you, Trale," lie her 'lips. . �
the electric current, set in motion a The first,thing'he did was to examine ])appalled, and thanked the man with . said. 'I'VVby do you not tell me what At last, however,- she turned liar hem I
, thousand miles away - Ills wound. It Was not a serious one the bland civility. . ,
, , will not be arrest this -property is?" ol(hyly and looked at the other members
ad br the wired,crossbar at tile mast. - bullet having just scored the fleshy part ,"Oh, one moment!" lie said, as Greene, "I'd rather it came from you,.Sir Jor, of the party. . � I 9
head'and be resolved into a message of Of the arm. belo2y the elbow, but it'Was after attendinR to his master's wants, dan," said Trale. "You see, it's a ques. Then she spoke to the elderly niat-
iood.or bad news for himself. extremely painful, and Jordan gnashed was leaivng the room. Tf-er-th �t I. -on sitting by liar sida,, �
And the paserigers-all sorts and con- his teeth and cursed and swore As he tlemall Who came the other d - a 0 9011- tion for'll proseomfe or nc .. "That girl in the - blue kirfiono " she
ditions of men, women and children. washed the wound and bandaged it With Y, ills Did Sometimes gentleman woule ,rather got )
Here a multi-inillionaire, ith an income some lotion. gentleman with the beard, you remem. go said, 11thinks she's the w1iole cu;,ta;d"
IV ber?" I . their .property back, and lot tile thief a - t, i i
larger than that of any monarch 'since Thon"he undr,assed,himsolf With dif. 'Tea, Sir Jordan." , - etot free, It isie-t for, me—" he stop- Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
the time of Oroesus, but notwithstanding 'ficulty-he did not dare to summon his "If he should come,L let ]JIM come Up. lied, then Went on with extreme gravity. , - - I
valot-and sinking into a chair tried to "Sir Jordan, I'll advise you, if I may -
his colossal wealth as liable to tile ills I rather expect him with some important venture to do ou with,out a liberty, to 1, Terrible Tests. I
to which flesh is hear, And to the har- ew papers from London." keep this matter quiet. I'm sure, Mr. f4so you are still looking for an honest
assing slings and Arrows of vexation and For the first moment or two it seem- When the valet lied left the, room I
- of grief as any ordinary mortal, Here ed to him that he was utterly and irre- Jordan turned over his pile of letters tin -Neville—" man I" L
A newly-weaded pair, positively engross- that the beat patiently, and then fluirg them aside. ('What a the lantern, for?"
trjOVebly ruined, Land He ate pea again, and watchta the ef- "I am," Answered Diogenes. a
. ed, eacli in the other, setting Out to thing he could do Would be to'leave the fect of tyle name. I
There *as none from Audrey; she had 'Weville?" said Jordan. ... i'dy-in bro. 4'That's to test him with. I am going
fight the brittle of life side by side to- country. At the thought be broke out not written him a line.
gether in a new country, wAh all the Into another lit of �cursjhg. thor Neville? What Were YOU gOT1119 to to lend him the lantern, and If he brings
"Curse liar," he muttered; "she treats say about him -what has he tO'dO with that back I'm going to try him with an
glad 'aliticipations Of Saliguille Yonth,, He, the Right' Honorable Sir Jordan me an if I wore dirt. She can't write a 0
Or here 4 gang of confederates, ruppar- Lynne) 13al-t.; a Cabinet, IMbilater, the short note of a few, words to the man Itt" , * umbreila.'�--Washlngton Star,
ently Unknown to each other, but intent 'nail people were regardin as, ILt any she is going to marry, can she? By "I was only thinking of what lield wlgh -- : l- . I
, ate, -a, 111col.v Premier, ob iged to run. Heavens I -Ing
fellow pasongerg by I 11 my lady, I'll br ak that -proud his voice, "I suppose youllaven't 'heard
on robbing their . done in the matter," said Trale, lowei - The Eclectio Method.
cheating at cards, or by Any otlier way awq�� and Mae himself- The . thought spirit of yours presentlyie�j will too'ch
Was unendurable. of him, Sir Jordan" L Sjones-Would you mind prodacing the
which their distorted ingenuity can de-, Thep presently he b I egaii to take it you to estimate Jordan Lynne a littlo Jo � to, t
v1se. But the detectives know each one more highly than OU appear to do. rdan knit his brows. That Trale had bottle from -which you eft-ved me yes r-
of thein, and'before the journey is over 1730re 110POful view Of the situation, and Wait awhile, my lairly; waltill somoobjeet in wandering off Ili. this pe- day? -
perhaps one of two of them -Will be in the fact that be had lost the ba,illmotes He was so disappointed and mortified culiar way In hinting and insinuating, he , The Barkeep (with pride) -Thio is %, I
r4ther helped him to this vfeNy than 1, suspected. air.
durance vile. And in the steerage is tile liar silence that he half resolv Sjones-Very Well; ZOW give Ito a
- be would go up to London at once; but "No," he said. "I have--er--,had him
vast crowd of emigrants, some, deter oaerwiso. Y ad that
mined by pekseverance .and hard work Of course Jim Banks had the notes. he knew that he dared not go where there sedrehed for—" arink from some other bottle.--Ohioi,ogo I
to achieve success, some, lazy and WWI.- He must have seized them a moment was a chance of Jim Banks turning tip ((;yes I Journal. I
out energy, sure to rerrinin down at tile -ad, and having them 110 a an advortisoment Ili the papers, any ng . I 0
&fter he had f1i , sit,. Perhaps it you were to Utt
Would bV 64tiafiorl� and not likely to in - � - .
bottom rung of the )Adder, ,And some, gal'li give him one day," he thought. that something to his advantage had . I
discontented and misled, fatuously trouble Jordan q any rate, for a til�jj., .,If he does not come to -day I shall kn3w turned up he might think Sir Grevilla - ..... I I
thinking that their wild and linpractica- .Sc large a 811161 as Jim Banks bad so. that he Is off with the notes, It's A, had )of.t.,hlm a fortuno-�" _ .'.��* L .,..
'hie theories would have better chance of red Would keep him quiet perhaps for large surn to lose," and he groaned, "but lie pa.uged. and eyed Jordan attentive- .i;i!1: .:;, t
being Attained in a more cosmopolitan yeare. It's well spent if it rids ins of the scoun, IT. I .111! . .: ,:T a
As to file will, tile ruffian had either RN IN
country. drel. He'll leave the country soon, tkiat's Jordarl's handj under the bedclothes, .11-1. .f1j, .
loft or desi.royed it, that Was evident one comfort, And perhapt Provfdence'wilt closed spasmodically. iD �,
And then after it few days the 'vessel Ahd 1w, Jordan, need not feel any Anx. (,A . I
arives in port And the vast heterogenous dispose of him ,buce And for all. Such 9 Sir Groville left ,him nothing, J I N -
lev!:, I I
y *10 that Accra, . I LIM
crowd disperses in all directions, in al- Vermin are sure to come to a sudden should be sorry to receive him, Trale," il . t� 4 1,
. ..
Rb spirlte, began to ripe. After all,the ,11 IN!.: I ill
most till eases never to meet again until chd; some drunken quarrel will fiNsh he :aid, slowly. "And now about this-- !I1 ,-, 'Ili 0.
n I .J I
that Great Dav When All sliall stand be- him." till man and property?" and he raised ;1, .I.; .filfigl
bUXi 004 124d turned out better than it i
14 M -6d to have done at first slight. I m. .....11- a
fore the GreatAVhIte Throne to be judg- T4 "n, This valet, entered. Ills eyes rind met Valcla gaze defiantly. 1J, 111 '. 11P.1 %* ,,11�11,11 I
I had disappeared, Jim Banks 'Mr. Troia, Sir Jordan," he said. "I Tralo breathed hard for it morrient. He I i I ': I 1. ,14,1, ` I I
ed According to that which Ili their it ,I
th _I.?, N
Wf Wlul * 0 P0,90099i0b. of the notes, , . I O."p. !
earth -life they had done, whether it ovIlky r�ad u told him that you were unwell, but he had given Sir Jordan the ohance lie, 11181111 I `Jie * I 9
0 for absenting himself for ,114111.: 9f t11141 .
And that Trale, lied decided to give him, an(I Sir ;:- I., '. ... ii - I
were good or whether it -were evil. Hall, dald it wall important business, I . :9
I .
py they then who haa lived the life of a len&y Wriod, and lie, Jordan, could it you could sea h of 111 MI T. III .
90 01I 016' Way In comparative fIeace. . fill Jordan had declined to anvil himself I I
the Ailiteous, and Against whom the Jordan kept Ills counterianae, though it. Now it was to be war to the knife. ;;;;;; I R I
Accuser could bring no Accusation. for Orla conviction, howver, stood out his heart leaped with the fear which His ruarnier changed -to respectful offl- . 11 0 0
that He who is now the 5uprenip Judge, clear Ili hie mind, and that was that big lurks ready to spring within your vil- I ; IN 11 0
marriage With Audrey must take place daligm.
during Ili,; sojourn on earth paid, oil the lit cmee. There mustbe no delay, he must lains) heart. Trale, the inspector, want- 4 "The man we caught .had been robbing " 6
ere'" of Cal�ary, the penalties due by bteol%te the mastor of the Grange a,bd Ing to see hinil What could it rriefin? tile Court fowlery, Sir Jordan, and, was
thorn. Audrey's wealth as soon as possible. Could it be possible that Jim Banks had found with Bolne of the pritil . a
that at his -back, lie thought bean captured? I birds in his possession," he %aid, Ill- More proof that Lydia E* Pink-
he .910ortainly," he said, blandly. "Lot most briskly. "Ile Is -the ,on hatillsv4bigetable Corapound cures 111
Purity of Heart. . old"haven ,venture to defy Jim Banks r: Trala come up." I
The passionate and unceasing prayer 'Whtn Adr.t he turned up. , of Ono of the gardeners, Ana 1 didn!t female Ills, a
of each one should be for truth And :0 "Up here, Sir Jordan?" said the valet) know whethor you wouldn't be Inclined Mrs. Johrl seot.� 480 Gra'Ad Trunik (
CtvVithstanding that lie had arrived surprised. .
heart purity and for flellveraree from at Most cheerful find hopeful state to let him off for his father'a risks," St., )/Jontre&1, W.rit.6s Mrs. ."Pb*h6m i a
evtry suspicion of pretence mid olmin of MW, he did not venture to go to bed, "Yes, certainly. It may be important Jordan eyed Trale keenly. � 11 I was very Much run clOWn in
business, We must not neglect ,our g'Thauk you," he, said. "I quite appra- haAlth from a lomale trouble Was thZ V
and ullreality. While charitable to oth. Ill oltile the ruffian should follow him to publio duties while we are ablo to per- 41%to your feeling In the matter, but illortoua, and v4ry Weak, and Bufto.
,era we abolila deal unsparingly with our- the Court, and 110 $It up In his chair form them.,, L
selves, "SeArch me, 0 Lord, and try nip li*t#WA9 for any Bound that ,might tin. on must remember that, as it niagliff- from boating down rLins, Indeed I
and see it there bo. tiny wicked -vv�y in, molla" JIM Banks' presence. The valet showed Trale tip, and the Tritto, Trale, I have a duty to porionn did not care whothet lived ot died, I
me." We slioul,Il loarit even to, digh-ust A0 the !tight passed silently, and"At inspector's sharp eyes ran over Sir Jet., to society. T'his follow fflUSt 'baL made felt so badly Sometimes.
dan's fade arid round the room, as he an example of, Yes, certninly, I shall IlLydia.g. Pfbkh6xd1oVegotab1eConsA
ourselves, And to live as in the. presoneo 9 o'clo4k Sir Jordan, whose acute brain amid in 'his grave, official rannnor., .f all my' -
-of Him before whont the seeret thotitylita had been hard at -.vork 86heming a mode prosecute, and 1111st father will be Ills- Pound OMPletely dared me 0
� "Beg your Pardon for this Intrusion, I L
of our hearts Amid ililted aml revonlod. of allftad Against all contingencies, got a It Vro4 from my Aervice.11 trioublea. I gained in flesh, and v=
Sir Jordan, And I'm very sorry to trouo .(
For the balting, penitent qinlior, JcAug - till) dl"rraxigdd 11 -try good, Sir Jordan," said Trale, free from backaebe, femo,le trouble,
the bed to give It the blo ,You, but You being the nearest mag. slolt headaches, and noi-vottonegs.
bad nothing but tiVnipathy inil love, b"t with strodghtened 11 a, "Thoroks iothing P1691 hdaktily r4commend LydU 1�
"""WrIod of having boon slept inj took latrAte, an(L In fact, tile only Ono In the P h 16 1
for the men who livita lives of pretelifi- h% ftyolvlar, and daliberately fired It out diAttlet, just at present—" more, Sir i6rdanll And a oked 0
ou,4 shAin hpha& words of 4eatbing. wi- 6i the window, � him steadily, I b1chNuts Vegetable Compound tot
Sir Jordan Ant lip hi Ills dreAmi I '011 Woxnen'is 4ilinents, knowing Vrh4t it .
thering denunciations, tho niost awfal In 0, IOW minutes Ito heard hurriad And a foldt quiver passe(I Oyer %,"9'wu 111sank youi lio," said Jordan, "Bo jilisdone jor c.,, .
, a pals ni
flint ever fell froin the lips of man. fObtAO" is, t1a eotridor, and A. knock face, but he kept )till eyellds do W�ix And cod enough to ring tha bel for MY Mano
What boots it if we win tho golaon op. SOInid*4 Ili, file door. Coil-mornhig, Trale. I Aln mile oblig. FACTS 'FOIR SICK WOMIEK,
inions of )nail If fven at the liar of oot "()0JxloL tA " Aald Jordan, in mi ag big lips lmpAmively closed. odtplyon foroombig aria It, It tl L.
itated "Don't apologize, Trale", he said, � Igt le "Ad Pot thitty tears tYdia 9. P -ink.
Own ColifIdellee We Stand eoftilelor0d? *4140 alli'tho valet, with A pale face graclounly, "Whitt 18 Ili? Sit down,)' bafoto me ao promptly, tin In sor h0,M'9 Vdgeta le COM ound mailo
Our self-vonAoilination iq but flie px� find klatrn6d Manitar, ontored, that my sense 61 ality Will not pa=t I
and he wavod Ills hand. to it chair. Tin md from toots eAd herbs, ?as bwOlnx ,
a ful condemnation � 'X -X bog Your pardon, Sir Jordan,)' doing so the dratiling-goft toll f6wa, to overlook thin theft.11 � '0� �
Whi(%11 shall eomA when w(� stand in tlm 1116 Ilimal With supprogand dXcft4rft01ftt, from life wounded arm, And Tritlo, witf, "Good-mornln& Sir ,Jordan," gsl(l TrAlb otAndoM remedy for femoo Is
white light of the present"#, of Min Avoo "bbIt *0 llaird A, platol $hot just now) it woll-feignod start, okelalmod with to. r 04Y, and' lie wont downstairs. and has positively oured thousands �1
Pleads With us now au n ,qftvior, bilt Ile. to spodtful odifecru; I'vel,1,,"! he murmured, ,,joi, mr, xevillato L *ornefi *h6 havo been troubled With
I .1 I .
ford Whom wo inuRt appoar AqL A Ju(Ige. JotddAl was ,standing at the drosoffig 11M've you had An ftocident, Air .Tot. and the old name's sako, I've gi'QbnL You ftj)l 41ftentll in:fla1_AMh**1(.)n,U1ftrft
. , L I
. . , A , Jio— t4b* hOldlift the baftdagd round his daill Ifni gotry—ft a a) Jordaftl you'll w1ah you'd'. 9�1616,%Oia turf-iors, IrregWaritles,
I ivvas Vtt Thug. At% . , "Yes, An accident" Assented Jordan tI:ZalI111t1%1101,1(')ro 'long. Vou're 4 cool hoAd, � peti6&0 P8&80 bulwhol 'that bear- �,
t1l(, $ _ & M14+tl6ndy indf
01turralill" baWls , J�ftrlf. "Iterk"A it "It'd, all light, don't be aldtinod", lie amoothly. I'll picked up A, revolver-whioill tool" And he thook Ills head *Ith An air m,9-doVM16eIh1K, AdU18 $ I'll 06.
publisher watit,; it quantity of pootry. M40, turning irithquite A, pleasant staile, of admiration. "But you don't best Mr. tiob ditftOSS or. *,J�.q � , 0 , . 011.
� bad beAt lying In Ono of my dre,worA, I nerIVOUA pro =1
b(form me x4ollar n woril.1i I though -h4 Agamod to whice, no it Ili pitin, niia tfI6 thing Went off And the bullot "o,",Ie I I ft'd help itt"I Wh ) d0fi?b utt tty it? ,
Y'You got it wrong, Jolm,'� maid 1114 *4 *#A, I ,#ho firtd.11 . lorar"111 lay back, his litowo knit, his ,b bi , hain tft*it#A 4U Istek
apatod thy Arin. Tt Is h mtroi nothing, ytr,� r �
vlfe, Afftr reading till, JoLtter. 11�1.t%. of. ' 1#70, Sir Xordanill s&I(I the man, BA_ yolt wom aftying-,, lipfi- working, -as lie went oyet,tvllry Word *6rAft to Wtito' her for adtleto
rV--AVngIdrfgtoft *". , *fill a(doniAlmeftf, and "'Ating "Ot'L 6ne, Yhomo,ritill heiiald( As 0t6eriep th4t bad pamed. . I Sho h" itidod thousAndt tO
Att"i bvmdagod atittict .
Her& a. " I I ifoflately� 1-14" the surgeon 066A It, W (To be 4outwilat), h6illAth. A11df8$o#,1;Y11bs MAO-
- , 1, , , ., , 11� 11,�� 11 � 11., , - , 'm � 411 "., , ,
, . 0*1-"`L - 1�.' I I I I
�-_- . ! _
- . - , _ -1 -I �, - _'�'�_� �
1 -vq 0 r% NS CLIFIVE)
4-; "
Way to Keep 0 Those Hot NI
001 .ghts
1 IN 24 140YRS
� You vatil imitilesslyremovo A% VOW, 0 May
1 11, I I
414. soft bleedills,
Says Fat Man.
Or I
% al ply no Alutualli's
i-VorpFatractor. Itnever uri'im, loaVes no seat,
"You hear a lot of talk th I t
PsQ 10
days About the troulIles folks have lit
" -eolltAInsl)oacj(lo;lm,uallizIlposbecallm000lilpose4
i OUIX Of he'lling gunis and balins. ,Fit yeara In,
! (Ise. cure 9vartulteed. Sold by 411111ruggisto
getting to sleep," Baia tile fat m4li. who
ill town 411 summer. "'lite trouO'
250.bottles. Refusesustitatf.s. . ,
with them is -that they don't know how
to keep cool,"
'_ _ . - -
Ilia romarks, aroused tile chronic
-��;'-- — —I.-- ---. -- . . I �
The College Game.
"Sounds firto to me," he rexuarUed.
Silae, WhIpp . envill had not been, in eol.
,You talk 4.15 if you really knew some-
thing. Perbaps you've a cold Air
logc� inote than a itiontli until he began
, g4
current Piped 44wa from Alreenland on-
UA119 411 the student plan ad4ition
.V in
. .
to University mannerisms. Vien Ilowrote
to, y�ur bad or,,have your pillows stuff-
his fathi,r like tlds�
ad with cracked %ice, I don't suppose Your
ever gets. all sticky on these hu-
,,Dear Vather'—This college gsl,m.o Is
certainly expensive. I can't stay in it
wheir there isn't a breath
of Air stirring; x4ing Ices, And I'll toll
without Iliore 01iiall, It is hard to snt
good IA-esulti Without the xieceiiisp,ry
You you can't be4 It. It you can, )jw.jen
- .
tp. We're listeuing.VVIiat's the 44swort"
lab Iley, I &lit a otrivilger have and irly
credit Is no Your loving sorl,,,
"Hot water bag,"!repfled the fat man.
I . .
A chorus of jecra(greeted thin Temal
I � ' k,
-By the next mail he received this; .
ie he wout on to e.-Viain,
"Dear silas'--Quit, the game. Your
141 don't suppose it over penetrated
father riever could play poker, so I don't
your thick akulle, did it," he asked that
D34 no use in your trying to will. YVur
OTO Are more than a few uses for a
loving Orather",
hot .Water bag? Never toalk one to bed
—)I�om the Dolionnian.
With ru in tile winter, did you, when
... 1 . I
-- . ..-
your, room was so cold that the Acets
-__�_; .. .
seemed freezing together and put It at
"Nover 414 Omagh thinking with that
idea factory of Tours, did you, to real.
zo that a hot -water bag can be a cold
�b ' a horse with a supp000da7lu-
Water bag uA As well? Fact,
"Whon I
curabluAngbone for $30, Cured him witb
$1.00 Worth of XINAIWS 14WIMY'ST,
want to spend a oomfort-
Able night and &o.dge the discomfort of
a hot feather that hotter
And ,sold him for $86. Profit on LIXI-
ment, $54,00,
pillow sociris
tban the sun soaked aspbrat, I get out
My three quart hot Water bag. I fill it
Hotel Keeper, St, PhIllippo, Que.
witit Ice Water, not too full, but juji
to It's a lit+lo soft. Then wrap a amoo,th
towol around It, and tboro's the finest
h6t weather pillow that ever was,
A for your feet, and
- ' . . I
I 7ou arelift, comfortable in a littlo
ffbile you fool the heat worse than I do,'
) troit Free Press.
I .
I WV& ch
. V %.J%t
ChewiinEf Tobsteco
Rich and satisfying.
The big black plug.
What are man's greatest pleadures?
While the great thJukero of thought havo
bee" 9u'licly trying to answer -this all-ina-
V.rt..t question, and as usual have only la-
volyod a more intellectual controversyli We
have been working quietly and bava'obtaiu-
d some startling results, 40ro Is the I
coloulete; I
oureelves, talk. I
y, -,,t i It lu-,,.r t I a 0. I . I
ketenIng to ourselves. I "
14pevoraina, o .
""I"In .
And I..f but not least, Talking -From The
Bohemian, -_ : I- ,
Xinar4ls Liniment Cures Colds, etc.',
. -1 - I.
Why He Da ' need. .
Wle. Gonee, .the ballerina, says of
dancing: "To dance well one must love
to dance. Gloomy dancers don't I'm
ure, dance for the love of it. They inake
me think of'o, French prince who-waltzee
at a 'State ball thrice running with a
ar0tty matron. Though he danced exe-
drably, the matron was flattered, and
when the prince claimed a fourth waltz
he smiled and said- 'Thank on, air, for
this marked compliment.1 71
1 don't in-
tend it as a compliment,' the prince an-
swered, She bit her lip. 'Then,' she
laid, 'you must be very fond of danding.1
I detest dancing,' lie said. 'May I ask,
Nrince,) pursued the lady, 'why On
ailed?' Wadame ' I he answered stilfly,
if you must knowo - I � d � ance to . perspire."'
All Druggists, Grocers and general
tores sell Wilson�s Fly Pads.
I - V
Bismark0s Test of Von Moltke.
In telling in the August SfcClure'a'
f an interviiw with Bismark in 1861,
n which they discussed the. Austrian
var, Carl Sohurz says:
'Then he came to speak of the bat -
IG of Kooniggraetz, and especially of
hat "anxious nioment" in it before
he arrival of the Crown Prince In
he rear of the Austrians when some
russian attheks had failed and thpre
%rore signs of disorder among the re.
ulsed troops.
' "It was an anxious moment," said
lismark, "a moment on the decision
f which the f ate of the arnpire do.
ended. I confess I felt not a little
ervous. I looked at MoItke, who sat
tuletly on his horse and did not seem
o be disturbed by what was going on
round us. I thought I would test
yhother he was really 4 calm as he
'K's"�& I rode up to him and Ask -
' whether I might offer him a
, in
Igar, since I noticed that he was not
�xloking. He replied that he would
le glad If I had one to spare. I pr
anted to him my opon case, In W111,11
here were only two efgars, one it very
ood Havana and the other of rather
- -
- I . ,,
- . Highlanders In Pekin.
According to all accounts, the arrival
of the Carnerou Highlaxid4is In Pekin to
replace the Middlesex Regiment as loga-
� .
ti�la guards has created something of a
- sensation among the inhabitants. '41ho
- kilt Is a source Of great wondiIrmxpixt.
The China Times asserts that the na,unf;
are �ard at work trying to rosivillate
. the aootch language.. -"They exe report-
- ed as already ma,king favo , ablo pro.
gTeso. Instead of their favorl,14 e1l*e*-
Rion, 'me no savoo,l they now op_Vlq ,L
dinna,ken/ and they great the f6rolper
with Guid manixl� I With ' qJ1 914call4rit
Auchtermuchty accent." It III; added
that some Chinese oompradores, who Are
me" of an o;KqWsfdve turn of mind,
want to kxxov� "what for now soldier
man catchee cloths mile same Willsisl0l
which recalls- the story
wit . Of the Uosslan
Cylinean veteran aeclared that the
� best ffiliters In thooDritiall Army were
the women.---.,%nta Fe Mekles,xi.
� I I I
� .
COLORATOR Is tha Only preparation
HAIR to Its original color, Air drug-
- gists, $I. ,Confidential advice given. Ad '-
dreas the Colorator Corporatfori, 179
.K.Ing street west, Toronto.
-1 I
W ' hy I Tip My Walter.
Beqnuse he holds . a good deal over my
' ]lead.
Because I defeat being a Waiter my.
self. I
Because a little change is good for
the poor fellow. . .
. Because I am really not rich enough
to be eccentric. � . I
Because it seems to be one of the re-
quirements of,..civil service.
Because I'i�ill not feed well unless lie
is well feeld.
, Because if I didn't tip him he might
tip the soup�Boston Transcript.
I . 'I - I
Your dining . room and kitchen can be
kept free from -flies by using Wilson's
Fly Pads as directed oil each package
Get the genuine Wils6ills, no other E;
killers compare with themi �'
I - I � I . - .
The Shortest Epitaph.
(PhiladelWia Bulletin.)
The undertaker paused In his meas-
. "There is only olie one -word epitaph
in this country," he said, hanging his
tape Across his shoulders, 'It is in
I thi' town of Worcester. I bell I
I ev At
is quite a drawing card , HOIJU_
makers come to see it froin Miles
"The epitaph consists ot the wotd
'Gone." A Worcester auotione6ir Itty
dying. He whispered to his wife with
a quiet smile: "I've been "G"higo
going," all my life. Now I'll soon Do
... Gone." Put that on in tombstone
dear. That one word "gone" only.j
"The wife complied," concluded the
tgrWced at them and even
3d them with great attention irk
to ascertain their relative value,
ion with stow deliberation chose
he Havana. 'Very good/ he said,
omposedly. This reassured me vo,,y
auciti, I thought If Moltke can be -
tow so much time aftd att�4tfoxx
pon the choice between two olg4ra
hings cannot be very bad. Indeed,
fd;� minutes later we heard the
town Prince's guns, We observed iiii.
toady and confused movements on
he Austrian positions, and the battle
as won,
I 11 11 I
We Journey Free.
Rven as 4 roge,
Fulfilled of beauty and desire, I
Lots fall its petals Ono by one,
Tile good day goos,
Subsidoa with mellower note tho
wavol's long owellf
Tile twilight athers In the 4ell
kud all lines malt in one. A ainali'llird,
Ilia codar on tile, Cliff
And In the listening quiet of tho eopixe,
11rillt lorth big ovansoug--PTIs 6voA,
ingla own -
The Irost. tile 'Peace,
Tho strife of ddy outgrown.
V4 know the sign aiW heed the low
coniftland4 I
Ana hand In )land,
Denting out treasure safe, Above the
And Waste of y0ats-tho slow Ant -
. I
Of Mfolm fullolount-WO ]MAdy free
With tynat In tI16 great Ilystory.
ToWara the fast-ooming nigit.
I -Antle Whita %y,
I �'. .. c..
Many a biliff OWAAP hat A, wlid who
d*xt call Ills bluff, �
1 - I
Mfnard's Liniment Cures Dlphtherf&
1 -1 �
In Porting With Friends.
If thou dost bid thy friend farew,elil
But for one night though that famwell
may be,
Press thou Ilia haud in thine.
How call'st thou tell how far from flies
Fatb or caprice may lead his steps ere
that to -morrow comes?
Men have been known to lightly turn
a et.
And days have grown to months ,and
months to lagging years
Ere they have looked in loving eyes
Parting fit beat is undorlaid with tears
u pain,
Therefore, lest sudden ,death should
come between,
Or time or distance, clasp With pressure
The hand of him Who gooth-fotth,
tinghen, b"ate death, too;
Yea) find thou Always time to Bay aomb
earnest word
Between the Idle talk, . ! - ' 1 r'.
Lest with thee henceforth, night axl4
day, . .
Regret should walk.
—Covtn�r_y Patmore.
( - -
It takes bravery t.6 the for it woman,
and courage to live with one; all selon.
tiats d4clare the last-nftmM abaraoter.
istio less prevalent than the first, -
. . . I 11 -
� I
__ , ___ . __ _ __________ ___
. ! I & ... . I I 1. * � . I. 1. 1, t 1. .. � .
& - , , 11 .r I I I .. : I I 11 I L I I I I . I � . . 4 t I �. , -4, AhX 1. 11 I J "
--- ,� -r , _"..,.: . �- ,L . I 1. I
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Ill 1 a A., AiaLl. I , I " A�6_-, I I ,� I . i_ tL .., _M.&L4��L,�AY.40� _ ,.� . . , "I �� .. . rr 11 I I I .
_ __ - ,-.-. ,� , 11 , 'V� ;SL� �
.mb-l", Z �" - �� :LLLLL , I tvlj�> - — L_
"J-. ;. , , -
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..000.�:� _ ., -'WAN!"
, . I 1� 1,1101111.11104�
I , 1.
� �- I I . I .11 1. - . � 1. I.. .. �, \, ,, � , I I ,,, 11 I � ,
IBSTJ14Q No� $I-, loo
.. � �
... ..01'", . 1-11-11 .�1111�...,
, "
'a '' I I " . 'rQR`0A , , " ." :�. I 1. .
, V%,
� I �, 'L_11� 111. I � :_ .1 I - .:_ , 4
MATO& Day 00 +141.
81 A. 7J. 07"OK VOR Olt
I � �
I , _�_ : , , � . I " " � I
. � . . 1. 11 "I 1, . 11. 1� �, � � �. I -
Won And Albert&, 1TWOV0, and WVN.
oet our lit, it's ti -90. Writs, ull. V. 0, U11-
lor, Limitlig, No. 211 XalAtYM 11106c, W1.2-
alpeR. .Man,
I� .. I . � I �
sooner ,produe Ve'orobards IdS&I 911AIStO,
Per IlTul6tr;04, lltora.turo wrkv, to 4ole t%
Xu�rle, Toal estate, VQrnon, V-0.
11 � . . � .
I � . � 11 I .1
Worth Knowln$.
Colery rubbed on the hands will re --
move tho odor of onions.
Iodine stalas they be removed by wet -
tin , them with Wong ammenia water.
'I ab orbe
I 0 Ai cotton 10 applied at Oxide
when milk Is. spilled on a woolleu dress
or dovA, all trades of the stain *111 be to -
A place of narrow webbing, such as Is
usea in furniture, sewed oil the inner
aldo of r.ogo, will prevent tile comers
wilI gentl� frigtion -With emery paper
remove the shins from the shoulders
and elbows of one's 0own. Rub just
onpugh to raise a little nap aind then go
ovor with a warmed silk IiAndkerohier,
To -glean the Ivory handles of kniv6s,
mit axximonl� and Qli*o oil In equal
parts, and Add exiouglipr"red chalk to
make A paste. Rub the ivory with t4is,
and lot It Irk before brush . Ing off, Ser.
eral applications roay be necessary.
An et6y polish toe the daily rubbing
of the dining table is p,U emulsion xnatis
frox# two parts of table oil to one -part
of "negar, ThIA Applied with a soft
"IMI,or flannel and Y
. ubbed - afterward
V h 4% dry onk Will be found efficient Ili
removing all ordinary stains.
: : I -
It you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protrudi7ag Pilde, send me your
� ,
- addrm, and I iviii toll you how to cure
yourself at home:b7 the now absorption
treatmontl and will also send some of
bills home treatment free for trial, with
references from your ow4 locality it
requested. Immediate rdlief And per-
mationt cure Assured. Send no money,
but ton others of this offer. Write to-
kff to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8,
indsor, Ont.
-1 : : . .
How He Was Fooled.
"I thought you wrote me there were
no mosqattoes at Your place," said
-the visitor.
IV 11 11 a aced Farmer Corntos-
Bel, "I illoug%wt I was tellin' you der-
rect. I didn't believe they was any
molaquitoes here. When I wrote that
I Was UP to Si Sirrilln's place and I
thought all the raosquttoes in the
world must be In his front yap&" --
Washington Star. .
�: :
Minard's Liniment Cures Gafget in,Cows.
-1 - Vo �
Ile lod her, away erm the orush oil the
dalloing floor to a beach beneath an artific-
ial, P D'Uh -
you here to tell you
:OmothI4�g tha4 has been on my mind for
Gme thno," he whispered norwilely.
VlAiOns Of a romantic Prwosal flitted ac-
ross her mind.
"You 'havo?" alle, answered coyly,
"y0h. volAaW, no I know will lu.terest you,
Now obe was almost looldlig for the tjoam
of ,the ring in bia band.
"OWPAiQual What it it you Vrish to toll ine,
Ur., 13,apiiwood?"
W611 -or -I don't know, exactly bow to go
lZut it," .
W(M don't -be ba&Nul,"
"MNYF4 -
-l"I =he�d, dear."
"Zi -I brought. you off from the oTowd to
te)l Toll—"
1. 11res, 04017.0., 1
"To -to toll you that there are -two buttons
: loos.q oil the back of your waist mod—"
BIlt with an arotle-drolo stare #he swept
by him and George was aAone.
,,, - t, .
A popular Idea used to prevail that
all teas were pretty much alike, 'but
"Saladall Tea is Proving a pleasant sur-
prise to Uousands of particuler tea -
drinkers, Sold ,by. grotera everywhere.
: - __
A Noiseless noorn. .
For many phyaltal researches a, per -
featly, noiseleses room Is a desideratum.
If such could be devised it Would open
voxt now possibilitlesof research. At the
niverolty of ttredlit Vla problem ha4 '
been apparently Aucoessf-aily solved by
the room designed by Zwaardema.ker.
The walls. and ceiling of the room are
eleven Inches thick, and are formed of
a* aVarato layers. The first consists
of P, feltlike material of horsehair,
known as trieliopleso, this Is followed by
, a layer of poroui stone isolalod from the
floor by almot lead. An Air space, of
about 'an inch is followed by wood, and
then a course of ground cork and sand.
The final layer is of speAdly. prepared
fround cork, known as corkstem,-From
he London Globs.
_; : I
The source of all Intestinal troubles
Is the common house fly, hisbuzz is the
. first symptom of typhoid. Wilson's Ply
Pad is the only thing that kills them
I � i 04
I cannot spell -I wivh I coodl
The 41otionary is no gould
To aid a boy in spelling wa,ite,
And illothet Is too busy quight;
WS 9 never can take ,time to solgh
6ethor a horse ahould Inoy *or nay,'
beth-or to pon. "The pretty Plhour
�xiie tip and withered In our ow1r
ft6Act, and anyhow, I trigh
oorreot or even hy.
lika to be a savage, thaln
114 nover bead to spell asonl
_,ric,m the isobeintan Magazine Itor Juiv.
. I - I- .
H Is Status.
"Are you rclated to the bride or groota
eleatl" asked the busy usher.
"Then What interest have you In the
,'I'm the defeated candidate.11-Clitia-
tiAn Register,
. .1 � I I 1. I . 11
49 . � I inm and the Natuta
The CritnO .0Pt,h"oXtX' Mo.
and� And It tells the XbW of CdMO
the gat Is the IlIettee CrIl"p-AND WtIY,
Consequent., 11 �,' It You ar' "i'mated a 'Post -
W -14 ,,&M WM,�Wos thh Bright L111106
Is tile title of a Mighty loter. CY* 004neel to votl At Onto.
I Asl� Vou aft *-Why flot tot us
, 'Id
Ing Little Booklet oltj W�Wlh� an 610 a IN60y T"ay ?
Words, that has Jutt 8"a
Imotd. . The L 13, Eddy Co,
kIt EdIs the Val"o of *4 Hoh, Coada.
ashboams) IN* r#A141=6 Olt* noil 11110001 fosll*
��� * 'L � ,, . .., -_ .i.64
111.111tll; - . - 11. � I. I., _ 111.1 � 11, r 1"... . I 11 . .1 1-11-, -1-11.-.- .1.1
- I . � .