The Wingham Advance, 1908-08-20, Page 3*
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.M~$4140A*AV00* � � I 1, '' � I I ' *%00,*00~0^to*"*-Aomopao$400"400p*^"*%**O"qg& Blackmail Illailser, aged twellty-five, we- . .. . la a ,while It does thin and It Pax$ out ,,,,:R-ftw� ' ' '4W004, . 1� . . . - _... " THE DANGEFt IN DUST.
I . thtar, daughter, and son te4pectivel,y, the 11 r 11 a pretty gum. Proprietori of rue tracks ?
I victims of the triple t�%940 at 20, vllat- ... I r frequentI.Y inioure ivintst lk ritinstorut on Why 1n49or,Qccwpat1ons Are Moro
NfWS FROM THE OLD LAND - tiold-road, West Croydon, on Tuesday. - ' ' r r � big stake 4a,yo. Uain,y wouthor will out AMON6 THF JEWS Hazardou*, Than Others,
- . All throo ivere.found shot. Alice, AIRIIR,J� , 4 1 . . I roo. the atton4ance In half, but tho money In spite of the primal obligation of
I and )jet- daughter wore dead, and thoi eon _�' . Iro et' Offered for tho ,big stake must be paid News Notgs About Them rrom All mail to the dtist It Appeara from an ex
I 'al dlospitftl. .1 � , ,dU - 30," persons witnoss ..
died lator lit the genet Prooduct whothor 10,000 oi
Many, Interesting Happenings Reported From ; Two dogs ivere follud obot,'Olf'o near - - the rate, RecentI7 a allburban ron,l ca. Over tho wQrld. haustive study of the relation of the
r .
-i tile bedroom door and the other in tho �.. to,to concern, 101ioll spent $10,000 44- , 1 4, various industrial occupations, to popu.
. �
Great Britain. . sculler,v. . Peerless V41-tiolng an Auction sale 01 lots, took .:Z1 - . "" . I. Z. I. . � . r, , �� - ; - .., lar ailments And 4iseasen, m4di by
Mrs. Jennings, P, daughter of Mra. ,r �a - day fixed for the sale, iel bag oil exhlb! G 0 getown,
- -
_" _. _0 - .1 __ . __ . r - . ___._ ___ . W*W4,,,V"W*"VAR" A woo *VV00*VV--AW*W1W lk-lauper, who Uyva 4with her Itnalland fit � _! .out a policy against a rainstorm on the . �tion lit Ills leorge U, Rober, of the Ge r I
. Dried Beef - Paderowski, on Ills concert tours, takes beautiful studio in the ancient Diode- Medical Vollegoi and printed in the .our.
(London Daily Mail.) I And then, drawn against tile bar$ by 21) Chatfield -road, aiid�.iar brother bad il , -
' 3ight man, he wits gagged with a stout be,on out of work for live months. 11 out half a dozon different kinds of in. tian Baths, At Rome, a superb figure Of Tout Bulletin of JAbor, that dust I,% one
In the counting.houso of the Bank _01VIGoden bar. Then tile doctor, Mr. E. 11. Was till engineer and alail been in bl'83 . Unlih,o the ordinary dried I 8112-ftneO, U011leut and Itealtli, and a, sep. Napoleon seated in a.,large armchair, of the greatest enemies With which poo.
last place of eleployment for ten Years, r ar-Ato policy on his valuable fingers. Xu- resting on Ilia cane and garbed in the plo of tile world have to coet;omi Al.
of England a remarkable counting m%* Scott, .M. it. V. 1'. H., adminiateied tit() _ a wall at, 5ttllk in eon. most overy . oceppation involves it'; own
. chine has just been installed for ex- ge4i,tive beef—that sold in bulk— bellk, the violinist, aloo keops his fingers
, a hypodermic of worphia, Y lve buf he could not get on with a liew. fore. - . - . templation. Zie work has just been peculiar kind of duet, and the breatlrx.
porimental purposes, The invention Mine (twkinty, tin a Itisurad on ilia tours, Oaruso and soveral ing of it ir
E I ierl as 1111101 As tile man, In January be had, An attack of in- Li b
. , by's. Peerless Dried Deel " colupleted and Is considered one ,of the ato the lung# And respiratory
of a. Swedish engineer, tile. apparatus ill done for it man) were injected under Monza, and since lie left work lie hilil ., ther grand Clore, stare carry insur- w-bbit's, finest efforts. assag ,.
counts and sorts money into P4110Y tile skin of the right foreleg. !)oen ill again and was being medically 1 comes in a. sealed glass jar 11 tow-ce Against colds and other iiialadica p _as produces disease.
tubes or bags at the rate of 72,000 With three men Inside tile cage hold. attended up till tho-time of his death. " which affect only the vocal organs, The inoat Important action taken by Aside , from the well known effeoU of I
coins an hour. Fourteen expert Ash. in which it is packed the I Practically all the wealthy ow al conference of American fly in the various manufactures d,o the
iors'in the Bank of England, working Ing t1w llon!a head steady, the vetarlit, He bad boon depressed, but before Ills .3 ral,bis at the recent convention was. the greatest damage, In Nortll�)M ton, In
. the bar$) illness lie Was cheerful and affectionate, moment I o i omobiles not only insure their ma, -_ V
all day long, are only able to count Ary surgeon reached through - . It is sliced into th i9e. :1 nut .0, thef t, declsion to co-operato with the Jewish title Stato, says ,tile Boston TIiii0orlpt'.
F ver and daftly inserted the gIvAB eyo. -, The jury returned A verdict that the Z obines agairot damage by ill -lublication Society !a promptly Issuing roturns for 12 years allow
.10,000 worth of oil coins. The 4-plicioua thin wafer.9- i -1 I I that Among
new ma0hize.18 expected to do so in After the operation, When his ropes mother and daughter bad been wilfully I collision or other accident, but also car- translation of the Bible In English, to grinders, polishers and outlers 41seasto
bad been removed, Nero Walked ma3es- murdered do ,_ ry liability policies. If the chauffeur 11
a fifth of the time, by the son, wlio afterwar : M. be made with due regard ,to Jewish of the 114ug4 wore responsible for 72 per
Worked by eleotrioity� the appar, tically About Ills cage,'seemingly very committed suicide while mentally do, . None of the 'rich natural m runs down And ki4s or injures anybody ideas of the meaning of the text, cent, of the mortality, of which 54 per
proud of his Improved %ppearaitca, .But, ranged. 7. the damages which the victim gets must Joshua Stampfor, One of the pioneer$ cent. was tuberculosis. Needle polishing
atus sets about its task in a fasoln" .; flavor or goodness escapes ' W pald by the liability company, . in Germany is $or bad that one invest
a6ttng -,yay. An assistant first pours ulifortunately, a few- minutes later the L I 11 � 11 - I in the settlement of the colony retail g4tor found only one persoi .I.
Animal, With a, mighty roar and toss of ' Many business m9n in Britain Carry a in eight
a great bag of mixed, coins into n ut Ilia A FINGERS FOR PATRIOTISM. . or dries out. It reaches you I I tranee all the year round on ,tile life h suddenly At the age
receptacle at the roar of the, machine, his malle, shook 9" . ow eye. . . r of those pursuing the calling to be over
rin- ' 7. " - was active in all move- ,
Mr. Scott, w a with 0.11 the 4 o f Xing Bdward, as they did for years 40 years of age. The Quincy stone -
ho Was formerly veta � ., nUtXl. r of 00, stampfol
and the operator takes his stand in ary surgeon to the Homburg "Zoo," ex- Seventeen CoreariTtudents Sacrificed fresh an 2. prior to the death of Victoria, mants affecting Jewish colonization in cutters are shown to be Buseoptible to
front of it, A movement of a lever . aril for Their Country, Palestine, The colonists of Petah. Tlk,
brings up a heaped trayful of sever. plained that the eye wa,s purposely Th � meot retained. - Some Wall street - stock speculators
al hundred Coins, 'which are tipped made small so that it will, not irritate In Corea, whore the rebellion of a . make it a practice to carry Insurance on wail decided to asta,bliall. a hospital in cmilmPtIOR,
over by a rapid mechanical action. the socket. "It will be replaced soon, - Libby's Peerless, Dried - Ills memory which should- be known As Seventy-two per cent. of the deaths
ale L on fovt - thousaad natives against the . . . . r' . �1 the life of President Roosevelt, becauta, "Beth Joshua." among the metal grinders of Solingen
They fall with a. musical jin UP And After a low weeks, when the tissues panese has - of the market u,pheaval which would fol- are due to consumption, as compared
a polished metal plate. become more used to h harish rule of foe Jd Oeel is only one of a Great - low .the sudden deith of the head of the The attempt to plant cotton in Petah With 35.5 per dent, among the general
This Is tilted downwards at one f0rifu body, a larger permanent eye will brought upon thent at tile hands of number of high-grade. ready . nation. Lloyds will not issue Its gamb- Tikwah hhs fuet with unqualified sue- population. Workers in mica, ftat and
end ,and broken up, by raised motal r their mastero o, deliberate war of'ex- . . . I - lhig*polloles to overybody� if must know -twienty
be Inserted. tinotiou, patriotism runs in weirdly . � . cess. OvQiF a hurritred and. bronzing powders ui)Qd in'tho-mamilac-
. to serve, puro food.products , '' danams Are now devoted to t4 Indoatty t
rAles, Into exaotly a hundred squarbs, L . the mail And know that,�is rugular bus- � re of wall pa;per, laray o0livenir cards,
Orient4l channels. Row it was that I and spe�flailsts have'b6oa impotted fro U I
which may be so altered In size that � - Iness 4ill suffer a lose lit vv,ent of the , M Inolildings, trames, ft., axe found predis-
CENSUS OF HORSM.- that are prepared In L1hby9S h onings Against which lie insures. Egyjptqo supervise the Indusiry. A great posed to dtaea4as o the respiratory pas -
any destrecl Coin, slipping into them, . � seventeen students of Pungho showed app oin a .a L
is held firmly in its lace. As the Lord Carrington, Minister of Agrioul, their devotion to. country by- each Great While Kitchen.. - L_ - , future is expectea fr . th cottou, indu - I
' I I . sages, and. the'brouzo p6wder in Ad&
.cutting off one finger as a memorial E . � try in the Jewish colonies. - . r
coins fall upon the plate, mechanism ture, announced In the House of Lords on FRUIT CROP REPORT. , tIon Is likely to produce headwhe and'
hidden beneath it causes It to move - Of`fering on the altar of theland's de- . The Russian press throughout the dijoases of the digestion.
Monday the Government plan to encoux Just try a package of any Weather conditions. in Canada have land is commenting on the m4sterly ad, Persons ngaged In glass-outting not
. rapidly to and fro with a aievelike age horse-broeding, especially ill view of parted freedom recently Appeared In I
. the translation from the Dai Hall Ual. - boon favorable during the month Of dross delivered by Deputy Roditchow, a
motion. The result Is that, should arTy needs. 11 Shim 9 I a Corean paper edited by : of these, such as Ox Tongue. July for the fruit industry. son, r Do only sufferofrom, Inhalation of a a"
it be desired to abstract sixpenoes It to proposed to register stallion$, alin-lan in Seoul, . icklos, Apples are estimated somewhat lower nou-Jew, in thoe?ro umR- RO and irritatin rom lead
from a heap of larger morley, all the mi a.%, and their offspring, the aim being -It 'wa-ft Vienna Sausage. Pi , g dust, but also I
to r 8 this tranplation which was wanted to know Why the Poles are drag. olsoning from the use of putty powder.
bigger coins which fall upon the movm . , for July than for June. Early and fall )Is, while the
secure the annual breading of 15,000 entered as an exhibit in recent court -1 Olives, etc., and see how ova - yed forcibly to the scho( � gem finishers also have a high consump-
Ing plate are In ille space of a few foals. Besides the covering fee, the prooes'dings against the same English- - � apples are estimated as slightly ab ow is driven away from school. He tion and slok rate. The emery and cor-
seconds "aifte&' off it to return to owner of the stallion will be entitled to or , delightftilly dif. medium. Winter apple% at less than h - branded the nobility and the Clergy as undum indust�y must be classed with
their original receptacle, a, on H, T, Bothell, who through medium crop. Quality good.
while in a too for every registered mare found in in"' I It ocriteo ah4 called the Ministers of the trades intrinsically dangerous to
a vernacular and an English newspa- . J,p
each of the hundred squares Rea a foal to a registered stallion. It may be per has been Causing the Japaneso ferent they are . Pears are reported a light crop, a.%'- t a Russian Cabinet "a band of brazen- healt,11, on account of the peculiarly irri.
I _
sixpenny-giece. . . . possible to assist less wealthy owners of all sorts of trouble. The Japanese - - cept in British Columbia and southern faced liars." . . tatimeharacter of the dust, '
By moo anism even more ingenious mares by the payment of the wholo& or from others = Ontario, lyliere a medium crop Is ex -
the hundred coins which have been part of the fee. . Resident -General recently had Bothell . pected. . The sixth annual convention of the I miners, charcoal men, firemen.
caught on the plate travel through up for trial before the British Resident , I youhaveeaten. - Earay peaches are reported it gull Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United chimney elveepa, etc,,. vfho Are exposed
metal channels Into paVer tribes, and There is a general agreement that for violation of a British order of , I . - ; crop. States and Canada Was held in Paterson, to the constant Inhalation of coal dust
. � groat'encourageinent would be given to oil prohibiting/ an En4ishman N. J this week. The unihn consists of and soot, suff6 badly from catarrh, but
4tre stacked without the cliance of . 001M I to peaches are reported light to
breeding if three -year-olds instead of from printing seditious matter in a Libby,NcNeill& - La % 4bo�t one hundred rabbis in all parts of not especially from consumption. Title
error in twenties forties or sixties. five -year-olds were bought for the Army. foreign country, On the strength of , ,,r _. 1. - medium. the United States phd Canada, repre- should be gratifying information to a
An Over -Seas baily Mail r9prosen- The Army Council will make Arrange- his article about the tingerless stu- -11 . Libby, Chica(lo - - Cherries have prove ium crop,
tative witnessed a Contest between I and have sold at fair prices. senting 4 very lar�o constituency that Is much wider circle than the folloVers of -
this machiiRe find an expert cashier. a he produce of ,regis- dents and others of like nature Both- . Plums Are- reported light generally, constantly'being augmented by the am!- these callign, since in the sm-oke-ridden
. tored Animals At three years, to purchase oil was imprisoned and fined by the gration of Jews from the 31�uropean Jew- modern cities the conditiori, of nearly
In the mugazine of the machine wore the young stock Approved, And to pa� - .JU, In British Columbia certain 'sections ro-
poured nearly 1,000 pennies, while be- court of his awn country, . .. .. I rt o, medium crop. -In the Georgian rice. The union has for its purpose the everybody approximates that of the coal
forb the cashier, who sat at a table, towards the keep of the horses until they Here is the seditious article in all . RaDy district three or-iour varieties pro, r8gulAtIOh Of Jewish affairs and life in minor.
was -a large bag of similar coins. At are taken over by the Remount Depart, its wealth of exotic Eiastirn phrase- accordance wtth Talmudic precept; and 1_.1 1
4 given signal the machine and the ment. The other stock will be reported 010 . LLOYDS' GAMBLES. raise well. crop. It Backe to organiz� the Jewish schools FISHWOMEN ON THEIR DIGNIT.f.
to the Board of Agriculture for registra- '& great is the finger blood of , Grapea are reported a full on such a basis as will permit of the in -
man bega4i to count 'out 400 pennies. , Concern Has Strawberries and raspberries have
In twenty seconds from the start an tion, the seventeen students) How brti- The Famous Insurance been reduced by dry weather, but the struetion of the children in the prin- How They Forced the Removal of an
eleetric bell at the side of the appar- The scheme will .be carried out 8 with liant Is the finger blood of the seven- Been Taking Queer Chances. average has been very good ciplas of true Judaism, and at theesame Officious Police Inspector, -
the assistance and advice of a can ults- teen studentst At this blood we gas- - * time be in accordance with conditions
atus ran softly. The 400 coins had Insurance against Black Hand out- Small fmita, other than the above,
been counted out Into twenty neat tive committees. Local schemes will be tioulath, at this blood we dance for here. . A tel4ram from ChorbouTg describes
adopted, with possibly prizes for regis- joy. All feeling Coreans, men and rages and losses resulting from the pos- are yielding or promise A full 0 0 Btr"ge happening there yestorday
. tubes, each containing twenty co, 8, i . Tomatoes re a medium crop,rrf�ening Harr Nisseldwitz, tile Jewish DO ty a
I t red stock at local shows. There will women, you should gesticulate and sible election of "rAlliain Jennings Bry- t ,� morning, The fishermenhad brought in
while the cashier, laboring heroloarly, 0 he pregnt Doum%, is 4DphI21111iT14
had sorted out exactly elghty-one pen- be no difficulty in extending the scheme dance at this blood. At this blood 'an Are not the only queer policies writ- early- . to il
nies, for the county associations. Mr, Lloyd- we sing and at this blood we wail. All ten by Lloyds, the English association u ases are not about the future of the Russian Jow in a big cat@x of fish and shelffilsh and the
I — Geovgo, added Lord Carrington, Would men and women In Cores, who have of underwriters, -which will inwir, so prevalent as usual. Russia. In an article in Itu'Z_"I't rho market was just opening when a police
meet the views puL before him to the the power of tears, you should sing The United States report prospects expressed his belief that the majority of inspector stopped up to one of the fish -
A NEW DOG. of his ability. . and wail at this blood, I . ,gainst almost anything, providing an for a medium crop of apples, evenly dis- the pQurna, with the ".a tion of thw- wives to make note of an infringement
is paid. to t
I utmost extent adequate premium ' 3l. Jews' i local by-laws.
In tiny handbags, In wicker baskets, In reply to Lord Renage, Lord Car- 'What blood is the finger blood of .Lloyds has been in the Insuring bag!- tributed lit season and territory. Octobrists, are friendly and of tht
in portmanteaux, in wooden cases, rington said that they pr�posed to have the seventeen -students? It is the ' reaches are a full crop, Other fruits that in Course of time equal right4s 'will The worarl had stepped two yards
ue4s ever since 1692, end there is no xec- be given to the Russian.JOWB- further than the bynlaw allowed'her to
in portable kennels, carried ih mot� a obnaus of All the horses In the coun- blood of patriotism, It is the blood of Ord of it ever having defaulted on 11 just good. for a me- . do. A minute later a, second police com.-
ori, in cabs, in wa one, came reoant� tr gublio spirited indignation, it is the claim. - Great Britain has prospects The Commander's oross of the Francis
IV to Ragan* Part, the largest and Ti is understood that the Government lood of anxiety foi the times, it is divint crop of all lea; other fruits being I Int *�ta made --against a Woman who
. Lloyds )Vag a famous coffee house In J9seph Order has been iconferred on a
, aid will be 00,000 a ,year. the blood of madness. How brilliant _%&-A. McNeiFl OIL oulwifflor Emil Jacob, of Berlin. gad undertaken to sell the fish of a
most varied collection of dogs ever London frequented by business man of gor , �: chief f rult I divist Privy C
seen at the Botanic, Gardens. . Is the finger blood of the seventeen - Z flebwIfe Nvho -was ill. A third complaint
. students I . substance, who, like many of their hlud I . . Mr. Lionel Abralialms, financial seore- orman who went
tary- to the Indian Office, has been made was made Against a fish
The exact number of entries Waa r LORD BLYTHSWOOD DEAD. 'A few days ago a traveller from to -day, wore willing to take a gantlyhr's - DANGEROUS OPIATES. I O;at of his turn In putting up his exteh
2,616, and they descended trom. St. � I A. Companion of the Bath. 1, �
Bernard's weighting 200 lbs. to toy WeWagret to announce the doath of Haraheurig came into our office with chance to make good profits on their for sale. I
pu a a few ounces. Lord Blythiwood, which took place on tears streaming from his eyes, xe- � . Agroup of patrons of the place, ]�Ost of the liquid medleires adver- Two Jewish Senators were added to The'ii�w'. of the police officiousness
I t a- minutely the history, of the =ng many owners of shipi, deoldid. those already existing by the King of spread quickly. 3&ny of the women were
In this astounding collection one. Wednesday at his Scottish seat, By h counting - . tieed to cure stonlacilt and bowel troubles
kennel of five puppies took unmistak� wood House, 'Renfrewshire. Born in sevenleen students' blood. Thlo is t3 form a sort oif mutual proteati* so- and summer complaints contain opiates Italy, They are Dr. Pic Fbaj professor still bargaining with,the fisherman, but
able preeminence. They were born 'lilythawood, as soldier, scien- counting minutely the history of the alety And insure vessels and their car- When the mother of pathological gnAtonty At the Univer- the last bids and counterbids could not
11885, Lord and are dangerous alty of Turin, famous for his fight
in quarantine, and descended from tist and politician, served his Country first moon, spring - having returned goes against lose by any of the num. gl,�os Baby?s Own Ta�lots to her little . ndt tuberculosis, and Signor Giacomo be heard for the shouts of the women as,
- to the'Northern continent, When the erous causes iXhich Afflicted travel by ones she bits the guarantee of a, govern- Aga' . the
parents Whose ancestors have a ftnl� well. Though he was the first peer of - tablishedibehind the fish baskets on
Ily record of centuries in the Pyrenees .� of the oldest fnoort was full, over fifty students -of. sea in those days. Each one in the group I - Levi Civita, Mayor of Padua o minutes the word
, his line, he came of Ono - mcait ans,lyist +,hat this medicine eon market place. In tw
r The species is practically unknown in - and most n4able Scottish families,boing the Pochang School of Pungho vil- made himself responsible for A . certain - tains no opiate or narcotic. Amd ille The now Goveinor-General of Ddessa, paesed round that the flshwkyes
Britain, and the dogs are not the lage, in the district of I-Iarnheung, as. amount of the possible loss and received . Tolinatzov, is proving somewha,t -of was
descended From the same ancestor as . . a1t-ibib M w , oing to close the market In o,rder
least like any species we have. A the Dukes. of Argyll -Sir Colin Campbell serabled together, singing a song of a proportionate share of the premium. has tile Assurance that no other in surprise to the Jewi0h community "v
will so speedily oure.stomach and bowel .% their indignation against the
little sharp ridge .of bone at the back of Lochow. I otism. The ,subject of speech- The first policy written was on the roubles, if they come unexpectedly. Give there. lie seems to take a personal tit- too. . .
patrl 8 "The Heart Which Pro- . acting Pol
of the head and a black eye are the his teens, Lord making wa abip Maria, ,on -her voyage from Sb�dk- t forest in all the vIrlous Affairs %ff For some time All was hurry And
a relied on as tests of purity of When, scarcely out of At�hibald serves the Home Should be Trans- holm. to London, says the St. Paul Des- the -well child au occasional doze of the Jews, so that After the recent lbrou-
Blythswood-then Lieutenant ; those tablets and they Will prevent s:ok- bustle; within ton minutes the market
11t0iollt � patoll, The amount involved -was Z700 -square had been dleared and the fish re -
I 0 it by the people of the Pyrenees. Campbeli-served with distinction in the ferred to the Country." ,a they have gone through they hardly
The "Their feelings touched by the scen- nessiby clearing the stomach and bowels b"
cLogs, which grow to the size Crimean war, where he Was badly aterling,'or about $3,500. This Policy Was -t Boile, know what to make of it. . turned to the boats in which they h*d
Of St. Bernards, are as gentle as a wounded. He retired from the army And ory, and the terrible end to which daW June 20, 1892. Having no thought of offonding matter, Mrs. Wilbei Herr David Wollsolin, President Of the been -brought into harbor. Thu's ft was
St. Bernard, but ate Incomparable , things - had� come hA!inj increaiod of the long and . honorable care6r -ahead Carrville, Ont,, says: "I -have usad ligross, was received in Audi -
both as watch dogs and sheep dogs. turned his xttention to Politics- He sat their restr4at, they burs forth. Baby's Own Tablets for stomach antl Zionist 00 that the 75,000 inhabitants of Chorboutg
The color is white, dappled with . for two period$ in the Rouse of Com- sobs and con into for their society, the founders made no - as by the Premier, M. Stolypin, And
I - soled and exhorted oa�ch bowel. troubles and kilow of 'no oli�Lr en - were without fish Jesterday, The strike
mons as momber for Renfrewhire eon- of Borrow Attempt to peqetuste their owit, names the Minister of Foreign Affairs, M. Is
othoF in- *or ' .. � medicine go i -old by medl- Came 'to an end to. -day owing to the
mouse and tan; a rim ot the darker a in the early do d Pall" In connection With It but more as a jolge xUlsfactory.11 8 *oIsky. The Premier removal by the municipal authorities
stititencles, the first tire ' Au- I Wtaned -with In -
color always encircles the black eye Seventeen of them overcome by their 0 dealers or by mail at 26o 1% box
and gives the dog a quaint and wise seventies, And the second time from 1885 fervent feelings pointed to the blue than anything else Aeoided to'designato 4" The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00.1 teirest to the exposition of the Zionist of tl,,a obnoxious police inapeebor,-From
air, of meditation. Their Introduce seventies and the econd time from 1886 It'by shatly, using the name of the po- - from
r skies and made a vow, saying, 3�rockvllle, Ont. movementi,and ptomised that in the fu_ r the London Standard. .
is Mrs. Van Ness. It would be safe being elevated to the peerage twelve I "We will certainly r6c6ier our pular proprietor of the coffee house, . !: 7 3, ture no obstacle would be put by the !: -,F, .
to prophesy a rage for the species. years later. - Corea; We ,will certainly take back -wlilch served them such good che6i. . . Government to the progress -of the movq- . Feast of the Garlands.
That Was the beginning ,of Lloyds. De- ; morit in Rliggla. Is-wolsk
Lord BlythsWooid was a very rich mani . our mountains and rivers of 8 000 li r Staying Up LatC' _y was still more .
a big inheritance including a 4argeF'Vart and we will certainly add lZte to signed originally As a society for mar. (Aldan Arthur XrApa in August St. Cordial, and expressed bi4sympathy wlth The marriage market (or fair) Which
THE N9W PATaNT LAW. of the land on Which the west end of odr history of 4,000 years." . lite insurance- and that is still its prin. Nicholas.) the movement and his desire to sea it To- was recently held at 10musalnes In Bed-
GermaW firms that cannot afford to Gl&sgqw is built. He was an enthusiastic . 'So saying they ea6h out off one Of cipal business -it has issued policies one evening when my bedtime came alized. gium has many counterparts elsewhere,
erect factories in Great Britain will art collector and an ardent scientist their fingerR with the' sword,s they Rplast. all conceivable kinds of risks. I dIda?t want to go. The wombu of Holland have taken to .
have to abandon their patent rights. being particularly interested In aerlMi were wearing and with the drops of As 1h bho begiaming of Its Career, UOY415 go mother said I might stay up . heart tb;� cruel t1`04ment accorded to says Pea,rson.'s Weekly.
Meanwhile there Is just now a rush to navigation. . blood they wrote a dovenant. Is still backed by a group of men, intioll ,Vor; ju-f this once, you know. the Jews of Roamania. As A result the In several, there is held what Is known
. .
secure factories on British soil. one It is not generally known that Lord 'How great is the blood of these more numerdus than the first group, and � Ary hai been asked as the feast of the garlands. Tba nw-
German group of dye factories has had --Blythewood contributed largely to our seventeen atudentifl How extraord14- each one stands to lose -more than did And so I stayed and stayed and stayed, queen. of that Coal , riAgeable maidens assemble at sunsIt,
to Invest no less than Z200,000 in build. present knowledge of X-ray work, while ary is the finger blood of these sevft- the whole *I the origlaul group. Each Through all tile night, I think, by the Women of Amersfoort to exercise I
sapphires he teen students 1 member of the society must subscribe And never -,vent to bed at all, her power and influence that the Jews of sIn:g, dance vAd rinke incrry. 2'"a wasat
Ing inootorlea in Great Britain. only recently the artificial her collutry may be treated With lese ! Ach"Plat If flowois on her forehead amA
The now British P4tent Law, the main prepared by the action of radipin on the 'We dare to praise this finger blood $25 000 on his eleeblon. This fund makes Nbr slept a little wink. carries a uos6gay tied. with bright col-
01-ause of which requires a foreigner e4- worthless mineral substance corundum as a harbinger of freedom and a fore- up ? the reserve against the legitimate. . 'Ll barbarity. lo . ored. ribbon in Iter hands.
ploiting a patent in this country to man- caused no little interest 1mong Jewelers. runner of civilization and a flower of business of Lloyds -namely, marine in, But when at last the sun arose) Five Sewish L 0 in 'the Govern- . If a, laid Is attmotod by a maid he
ufacture the goods on British soil, has _ the world of' education. Studentsl surance. A -shining warm And red, jileat of Yeklmtrinoalav wer-exleltod: by PIU40 a flower from. her bunall. She
now been, in force sit months, And is al- - RS, Studental You should take good care All the freak insurance, such as I found I had my nighty on, 9, hutTicare that within half an hour de pro�:de
AFTER THIRTY Y'7A the not to notiod, but when the
ready having its widest effects. of, u, elves. . poholes Against Black Hand -outrages gad And was sitting up in bed. vasta,ted the fields Lind destroyed the merrymaking breaks up at dawn she
It appears not improbable that the Sir 'Robert Hart, Director-Generml of - Chartshekoes have left glorious mon. .Bryan losses, 14 wAtten' by dYforent I 4. — hatiaesp leaving the Colonists in most dis- will, It she roolproes,tes his feelings,
rceent prophecy of Sir Alfred Jones to tIle Chineze Maritime Clistomst who ro- - uments in history except through groups of men who are members of Needed in Every Rome. trossing straits, All. th ntire bouquet by the rlbV-on
. .
the effect that the new law will cause centlyfrc�furned to this country on a blood? Slithwang, for instante, out Lloyds. If a man thinks the Black Hand When he reached home lie opened the sessions having been Wrecked by r1torm to the handle of tile door of the cabin
I the investment of f.26,000,000 of foreign twelve month,& sick leave after thirty his elbow in the iiarnestness of his Is going to blow up his'sbore and CAUge package he was carrying ana diiplayed and tempest. - whafellho r4mides or alteTA%tively fling
. -largely Germall--capital In manufac- years' absence, is quietly resting In Lon- - seeking after truth. Isapil, out of his him a loss of $10,000, he goes to tibe a number of placards, some of -which A eon of Roumanian Chambe; of
.gress It thr,oilgh lbhe open onaelamitt of his bed -
tures in this coufttfy will be fully realiz- don and find.4ng now things- to surprise devotion to religion, out his neck. Old orainerce, which recently took place In
y after his long sojourn of out off his arm In the .zeal to attain LloyAs agency, -which commultieAteg witb 'read, 11F or Show," and others "Vor Use," 0 chamber, .
ad. Over 20,000 British ,patents have the home office, and a group of say, 10 ided on various me"uros I
))eon granted to foreigners within the : half a coatury f "Tiveral" he exclaimed, triumphantly, Buollaxest, doe The famous Tunis marriage ma,T4 of
n Vie east. , fame, While his enthusiasm to serve, will prejuclici
It things which strike me most his country made Akpl dye his hair members will bird themselves to pay t1t flatter myself I have solved tile rprob. Which %IIV affect large which so much has been wriftoii� IsItq1d
last three years, and not one of thopr6- The two � $1,000 each in event of losaj and the IeTn,)x . . classas of Je,Oish traders. twfoo a year, in the spring atid-the
as patents were taken in London," he said recently, "arc in the black. S
out hita been carried on to Any great ex- aradox. One is the onor- , '90thin can be done without blood. - policy is written. "Solved the problem? What in the The Authorities of the St. Petevsb4re; Autumn. The Ttt fan 6ttend In
naturo.of a p I � their It Fhl*ber dowry
tent I* the Uydted Hingdom, yaoug speed and volume of the traffie In The bo�'Wefs should therefore be filled Nearly every stallion of importance on world do you Intend to do with those University have announced that only ten undrd-de, each Nvi
with blood, the eye should Always. the Kentucky breeding farms is insured, cards?" . par cent, of Jews will be a,dthibWthire In dolu and jewelry disposed abouk heir
The time limit set by the law for th tht streets, And the pace At which You - . . .
r is tile surprising number ' shed tears of blood; the body should L' some ,of thein for 'as muoh as $100,000, eel am going to give them to you," he next year. Ilia "gold oNdlo 44 malden-
a The othe � rot',,-enaltales It enwivist, md in it it
mantLfActure Qf foreign -patented good, live. bathe In blood -in rivers ai�a seas of Mary race horses In training were In- replivdi "so that you c Several - nuns in Wadowlea, Gallo*, er .
in Britain expires on August 28th next. of people who seem to have nothing to . blood -and the hearts should be pol, sured Until A feJV years r g the various cushions scattered 0out the were put oii trial lately On ifte charge ail unslu4tllod daggm When this Js
After tl d`0 do but. enjoy themselves. The way aan advamoo house."---rhiladelphin Inquirer.
ia,t date patents not "worke in i ished b contact With mountains and Oltocession of losses Caused pi when a ., of ha -ii a ducted a Jewish girl of the gently remc,Ved by a passing gallant
in BAtish territory may be revoked on whiell the Police govern the traffic is - I irteen from the ho6pits4 in the And presently returned it means that, a
s ng. I, o - rocks o7blood. In this wa the people of premitims t6 practically a. --------* - t I . age of i
+1h:Lp1111c9,.ti0o1lu of any f course, knew their cap bly prohibitive . -
ro 'or f Patents I Will become a people of Cod and this figure. The crowning bloqY came whon Partli Kept Her Word- town and then caused her to be bap- propwal has been made.
. . . rr oustora prevalls among the
acities in this direction, but I did not A preiwtic
it an f4otur'r, Ii : country a country of blood. Then 0 -mos 11. Keene's Highball broke bill "You promised to be true forever, tized.
are appealing roo,lize until I paw it and how 'Crop " there will appear national heroes of log In t1is last furlong of a race and had and a. day.- . �, Work is now in progress on Itho $80,� Oorb,on mrddena� who at stated hAor-
to their Government to seek tin exten. cated t1teir 'lobora have becoina It Is res,thess and grandeur, The finger to be destroyed. Hi . ghball - Wail Insured ,(, vals Assam . blei in the market plmoe. In
sion of the time limit, and to take retal- wonderful that there are go, fo�v acal- : 9 0 And I was true a day," respondad 0oo edifice to be erected for the Jewish front of oaell. is a ligh-toil lAnip, oriblem
. lo d of the seventeen students will for A. large amouni% the coquette, "At least, give me gdtleAtioral Institute At Admiral Boule, of -conjugal fido]lfty. A youn� man
JAtory meagures,. 4, deuts.11 . look insignificant for 9, nation of Race horpos, And valuable polo Pori credit for living pAttiallY UP t46 rAY vard and Ha:rriSoll street, xazs" City, fwls attra,
as ,W. As gently blows upon
The -Influential, concern known as the Sir 'Robert mentioned at Amusing dif- .20�000,000 00foans., re still Insured bat the policies 1110110, I contract."-Detiroit Free Press, MO. the flame, extingulghing it. The girl
Unlan of Industrialists 113und der In- iloulty he hits to encounter. 'He lifts so ; . - . - L .1. I 6anly cover possible losses wbilia the 2T . — _++.*�_
to many new rames And new facet to ra- The well-known JAvish Writer, editor plighta it,, It is a rejection. If &a
duistrI6116n) has presented a petition ICE CREAM IN AFRICA. mals are lit transit. The dangers of the A, Literalist. , the JoNviall World, And foraiga, editor leaves it 0,10,10 the of
the Imperial Cho.n.c6lor, the 1?edoral mernbor, and It is not MY, After a Beare I fet Is sooepitable,
I lAtroductions in as many minurteg, to Now Industry Started in the Dark to be too many for the Inaurers. Ious hospitalsP" of the Jewish Grmp England those 4uriouA MUT-
0ounoll, and this Reichstag. T -he peti- & , -raee,#tf&ok and the polo field were found "Why are you calling UP the vow- 0 hid, Lucian Wolff, Bytit In
tion proposes t ths, right barite to the right face. Contindrit, . . . Lloyds makes A, lot of Vney out of "My frIond Snigglebat assured me gives his Assurance in tin "Libld In that keto Ara not unk"wn, Although they
To seture through diplomrfflc�ehatiitcls - paper that Premier Stolypin is about to are n6t openly acknowledged as such,
clThat Will lead You to Mika allow- - A new industry in the form of An Ice- the va-garles Of the wes,th0r, It bets hold pay me $5 to -day or break a, log number of reforms. Aft. Ono has, b,�cn held on St. Ma
the extension of tile time limit from a,r%,,.j,ss1 he aodd, "for the native China. A111 t go- and I watt I I imotgurato a r rtha's Hill,
at *h to at least a Year hence, 1,10,11 INV ten, lie visits Britain. Slut tin all guitey, on each rtaurring Good Ni4lay
. I We-ordlim madufutory hits Won bligo sums right along tbkt It ITito W find out which 16g he Wolff state$ that very shortly the court-
Aup 28b I ia- Ing... to rain oil Ae6rtaln day. Every Cute broAo.'�-XAhAas City .16-avrial. Ab
0 Pitt Itito force SiTailft'r measures ChinAmen took alike to tild, Briton on atarttd in Monrovia under. the propi I. I � martial will be olished slid all o1fdad- duritig some centuries. And the statute
aga;iritt r4,;ngligh patents In virtue of totthip of ,one of the Attaches to the - ---. � . . 1. . I - . . .1 . I - r trial. lit'.
tile his first visit, and just as Ull Cbln -_ L . . � I 1. .... �. .. I., ... n uIA and mop fairs that are ati,ll oolebt&W
German Patent law Which Admits of r& es' Liberian Commission now visiting the .- Wolff seems to be certain that Stolypill it, various rtiral looAli are n% ring
taliatory mexallros. names sound the mine to all l3ritons United )%6tes, I . I r will shorItly propose a . pr*J0 Oi ties r 4
� look pra,atleally the same to the China, M . . t f � the marts In all I but name. I ..
To open nogotfatlom With the Britith The'rhaebinee is of Anoricall manu. I .. witolloration of the 0oftaitiOn `bf the , I r. I
Government with it view to romovirg as mttn, and the �ifferelices of urtmo convoy facture, And says "par's Wakly, hits .1 I I ,laws, .
soon as Possible compulsory mitnuhlo. nothing to big mind. a cap"ity of' one ton. It turns out 500 - _V_ 11 -- 11 1. � �- � r � , I I
ture of VatenteA Articles by placing Ole I - haVe lost illy orient4ticil, to to pounds of lea ana tell gallors of too - - .
InItabitatits of both countries on all speak. I hsLve not got my point of via*. cream daily. It is Principally All lea I I .Ail ThiusuAl OccUrr4rlco.
equal footing, on the lines of the After spending an maily yoays in Mira, cream machine, but ice fa such it rarity - %-#-V'* 11X see," said Waggaby, bobind his
Liffig (Ifteme faces and lienriing - .
y so -ospeo o d d t r- - N6rals m6r belight- .4,4 morning palvr, "there Is A gt6at IlPfls-
German C the t r od ad o expe I :*
agreement resitbed betwetil ,b,nog(, tongue at every turn, I 1-ive at _�hab tho'pi a Real Sum .
eLud 8wItterlpoid. - . � Ing Ill 010 East!' '.
thntm tho oaX leoling of boing a Afronger ment in Its manufacture. This la the first Sti RED WN "Whatt" A robollioli. in Persla,110 tried L _ . 11
f4linng you. It is strayi, effort of its kind in Liberia, And the DED EAT .- .
.it tc� wftlk do" demand for fee, especially for Aver- his Interested -gueat. . 0
OLAS$ EYE IFOR A LION. - ft street And m,eo.t Inoboily whom I know, stricken subjects, julluenced the tiparl- . Nvith milk or crettill an(I fregli frilits. DiVard 11OWlY I'Xo, only tht san."-naltim6ro Atnor-
For the past fortnight Nero, Mr, Boa ard nobody who knows me. I'men lit eir- ,�oodg An(l try thig 11A,tUtg1 (liet jor a. tiWe an�l notO .6 icall. ,
took's best performing Ilon at lh,rl's cl(%, With W111011 1 Wj14 t intimate a meat. The mallager declares that the . I I
Court Dxhibition, has been without , . I,Ao6 load to the ultimate onlargement, of the . how ywar energies Will il'AV160680 an(! YOur 80rits re- Ill f " I . 1.
Aft n,'I', neratlin ham spr"g iip.,'So Ynaty plant, IvIth a cold storage at-tAehe(l, This I vivo. I Beginning of Teoubla. I
o oi tfie' proirrinent men of Pritain are I ", I I
- ..
,s .mv Ott Sune 4th lie V,114 Brutus, an- -felt -need In .-Clynthia, I have joined A
)OVIOrtillug lion, tillile to blow$ kilowft to me only b� nalne.11 Pitterpr1se line filled a long NOUA19141NO WITHOUT 13pino H ItATINO Mr. Phusser
throUt jealousy of a four-year-old lion. Monrovia, especially Among th6 inva,114a * . som) BY ALL OROCE R6, 101)a . Don't Worry Cluti. .. . , r , * .. .
0144 named Nollio., As A result, X#rols . of foreign birth. Tilt priee of lea sit , � . am , . , - - I I V � A I I ,�..l W.;,i*.J 11 . I � -L- � I . Mrs. 11huaser-1 wh softy for the olub. � ,
N Whig 60 damagul that It had to INFLUENZA TRAGEDY. I)R,sent its four cento par,pollnu., and the � It will have to ebango its name. � I
1611 b op . do 6 - , on
b6 rttrdovod, andthe other morning it the Croydon, eoroner, Dr. Jaoknon, prim of Ice ma,111 per galloll 1.1 $140, T I I
. n U
wat replAkea lv,ltlt a glass olle, hold tin inqu#st rem.ntly on Nfrm. Man. Under the eireurAttaneog this llutury IN �,-, "I A - A tool and his limey may be soon 6 �4 h 11111 .
Wii�- lemooft about big neck Old U981 "r, t1goa fifty-ttgbt, Miry Annit An- - surb, A treat in ON tropkAl region that � I - _ - patted, but the supply never semg t6 0 1. 0.4,
)(Oro WAS thrown to the Hoot of 111W cast Mlst4 M"tar, agia thirty, And Yrkhoig nob4y ever atop4 to oousl4tr tho p,rioe. I . I I '11 , *11 11 ji'm lout. �
1A 4, . : I
%.*_ - I - 1-44,41 .
"Y"O."".0 I - _
11 I ... .. I .
, q D.
, � 440,Au � _
� , � -
� I ., . �
4 � .... , I '. . .7, i7,1:Z1
I , � I I
"Are you putting by something for A ralay
ilay? all�od a Allosion-woulall of 4a awrt-
"Not MO!" Waff the I'00illftr- I -In rO,Ylllg
ull $04 a halhlay ))aw, Jujasgow Tiorild.
Vilist 1100-"l told that yv.olilan I Ilail beat
niy, way around tile Ny4pr1d."
t;eeolld 11al)o-IlWas Wie Interested?"
Virst liobo-"Ycll, Mie 90t OUt A 1"49 und
told ine I cot;14- ))PF%t MY waY to de 411olOr
table.,,-qyracuse Herald.
oi ,'I've got thp Most gardens Ill t1ils part
t10 coutitry", boasLed tho nowly-ulade
ml))Malre, 11111ght lu the coatre of them id
the lilmk exi,olvalve wit 41al In the Nvorld."
"A sun-olil li all.rigbt during the day,"
mmarlred a 114tener. "It's useless at night."
"Aline Isn't," retorted t1je M111tonalra
proudly. "I've got itilne aur1,0uu404 with
olectr10 lights," -From the 13ollotQ14n.
t"sAYes.11 said Rlyetia, "I went to A 5 o'clock
a with iy, wife yosterday."
"Graclou" exclailtied Citumbloy, "didn't
It almost dvlvo you crazy?"
"O. no! I dIdn't n0ad It. I c�wit 9, boiler
Oop you kilow."-PhIladelphla Press,
"Lot Joy be unconfined," said lbo Wa4tar
.t cercnionles.
1, ,Tm pullIng tho cork zoAv," answered the
.Poner of the goods.-Dirnillighani Ase-Hor-
"I dreAmt I 4welt In mzwble balls," shriek-
ed the soubrette, as sba pranced down 00
etc- �. .
"I'd like to set nt the� 1dJQt w1to woke you
up." growled the sctiaty,baLred itian In the.
front row,-Colunlbus Dispateli.
Mistrem (to new servattt)-1 must IMPress
ujwn you, Nyliell you go to the dining room.
not to try to got the dirt oft the "Old Was-
ter" vith a -wet rag, but use 4 dry, soft
Cloth ouly. -
us. in4rm, be T, to wPzb
the master?-Chleago Journal.
Judge Founel-I beard that your brother
vmki cast upon strange watem.
Colonel Bluegrass—Sub, all waters are
strailge to hint. -Judge.
Her Father.
"What did father say when you asked
him for me?"
"He didn't say anything. He fell on
my neck and wcpt.'�Chicago Record -
Herald, .
�w These High Buildings.
. "Express elevator to the roof ill yelled
tile starter. "We drop the dining car
at the 106th.floori'l-lVasbington Her-
Like Most Campaigns. .
"What was the feature of the Cuban
,�'The cigars," re�lied the absen-t-mind-
veteran, -who was deeply interested in
polities,Cleveland Press.
. Policy. I
"What are you"forover kick,ing for a
raise in salary for?" asked the first
elork. "You're getting a good salary,
ain?t you?" .
"Yes," replied the other.
111rell, ain't YOU satisfied?"
"Sure! but I don't want the boas to
know it, or lie may cut ille down.'�-
Cathoue Standard And Times.
Two Hairs.
"I begin to reali7*,11 said young Mr.
Nallow, ' I aw no longer a mere
youth now that I've got a lit.tle hair oil
If:y III)."
"Yes," said Miss Knox, "and I suppose
ir a month or so you'll' have another
one."--Catliolic Standard and Times.
Putting Her Wise,
'-f was surprised to note;" said the
Mischief -maker, "that Tom, Gailey isn't
your .steady co pany tiny longer.))
T ,
"Oil, but lie is.' replied the engaged
girl, .
. "You're mistaken. I saw him coming
out of Jenkins' cafe to -day, and lie was
very ulliteady."-Catholle Standard and
Times. .
. m.
The DL'rnier Resort.
"The English stlf�rngettes are threat-
ellina t use bombs �
'�Xndoif they have no effect?"
1),"Th,cit, I s'pose they'll resort to hAt-
ns!�-Kan& City
, journal.
. -
P6sslbly True.
"Well, 'wbat is your opinion of pros-
perity?" ' I
"ANV,ell,'" answered the iinprovident
inan, "my opinion of prosperity is that
it is something for,which I am expected
to a three cheers because some other
felflil", has it." -Washington Star.
One Good Feature.
"I am not adroit. Emu dm I do some.
thing t1rit inalizes me worry.
"That's bad."
"Well, each new worry makes me for-
get the worry of yesterday. It might be
% '
worse.'�-Louisville 4C, .
A Few Suggestions.
"The steamship people. complain that
they have exhaustid all the names end-
ing '10 " ,
"'Ronoense. There's the a4stric, tile
Dyspeptic; and they might lautich a nice
fi�railv vessol and call it the Paregoric."'
-Plifladelphia, Bulletin.
I Result 6f His Observation.
"Conductor," said tile balighty Pa,Sgeft-
got-, "you Ought to know by till$ time
that I always get off At Goethe street,"
"I suppose I ought, nia,daul," Irespon4ed
tile strcOt car conductor, touching his
cap; "but that's where most ptople fall
Regetiftil It.
I Caller (trying to bo coiliplimentaty)-
r untiop one luterc,.Ailig peculiarity about
your little bov. He Is afiibidextrotts.
lfr% Struclioyle (with R frosty glealit
Ill her eye -Not At till, ;-\fts- lli,Jliome.
1IN IVgA RIV just 44 straiglit na any-
Hu Xnew.
$.Why is it," lisked the Iteadwr of the
clai,tt lit vhpiniitry, "that Acre, is moto
� mitrinimit ill beang, for fxalliple, than
- thoro Is lift porkIll
11130oallse'" aftsworoa tile boy with ill(',
bad,pyo, "when you order 'pill at a. Inneh
eminter you g0c a pla,i�efnl of beam wild
oilly 11-11i it bite of lyork",
I . Ilia Mother Xnew.
I driod my hair and washt the dirt
All, llllekl�bprry off my Olirh,
1 14 loy IPA gntt 11114ti brown
lit-forp't vanw, back home to town;
T waite(l f -ill mv baindlk liatI. 10141;
That wivvero(I'till- Ilkn look-, I foil;
'My 11.1t ill air rulil tried to be
. .4 iullPr(101lt AR t ('011141 1)0—
put, .1lon't N,()It icnow, liv mu,vver know
I I'd been ii gwjuninh� -. *�orttdn true.
. llaliirvinio Amt.
. * .0 � .-A6,
_.. .:_ . ., - �., !�,,,.�C_A-_