The Wingham Advance, 1908-08-13, Page 7-4 rA � - - - - � -, I � . _. � '. 0� ____ � I- _- —.- � , , . . �, , v � , - , ." i, T. , 1� , - . . . I I I I . 4 10 � ;; ....... - - - ." - - -, -��_ �__ "' . ,; , "'. .. " - ',�­' , " - , , , , , . , . . . , . � ... �.. - , '_­�'� "I :X-, .�'_� � , - ��,_ , ... .. ,. �, . . _ . . . , ': � � . 11 I ­_ --1 I—— ­ .11. ­­ , - -1_.1-:- ­ .1 .-_1 ... ­­ 1. ..�­­.. I.., I -1 I - - I 1- I...... I I . 1. 11 2 11 _ � .".. __-, - _2_ ...., �. � .... � _ , . _ ., - .. � . , ,- ___ .�.��U �'__ __"' , " , ': __ ,.'-,., _�:� _-, � ._-11 �--- � � I � I .;, �..: ��' __�,��___­_ - ,;_�.�� . -..--. :. � __­ - - - - �. _. ��,'_- ,4­��.� ,,� _-� -�� , .�_'.t ,.;"; - I ­ - -, ­_ - — _ ,;;­ �, , , .""." '_' _­ _* . . — - � , . � ;.. -.,.— ­_­ - - - ___­______ __�­­­ M ,. V . $ . T ., NOT - I . MPORT I-AB011 � Priuce of Wales took Iihi turn in the I A warmut was issued for tile arrest n 'TRIP TO ENGLAND. I SYNOD OF stokehold shoviellitig coal. of Wal. Martini Jun., but ill) to tile preu. RIFLES FOR WANT TENTS — . efuses to' Ra. Never did tho "Sailor 11rince." As ho PIA, It(. ]-kill not been located. Judgment —,- Dominion Governmant R has 011co agailt beelt christelleAl, plijoy was obtained by defaulting civil act -ion, , lax Regulations. such pupulllilt,�,� it's Ilow, Reporlo; )lave and 10941 pr(weedings will be taken Whilmey Got's to See Ah'sut 11K. AND PEDDING, ()ttawa, Aug. 0.--Somo tittle ago ANGLICANS. � it that "the 11rinco went down Into tile THE THA WIFT, So against theelder Martin to ascertain to PROTECTIONIP 0 stokehoki Ili it spick-and-span. whito what witent lie is responsible for his milmlot; 4iod 944110013, . __ t1m Ornad Truuk VaQifio Itallifty C0111- .1 uniform, but whell he enlergm half Atli 801410, shortage. pauy asked permission of the (Ioy- ernitiout to bring into Calladit, abolit The Fifth General Convention In' hour later the evideace of 1118 contact Mothe ond Daughter Spent Nearky Whilo tbq�positlolxs of treasurer auti How C. P. 4, Prepares For Out- Toronto, Aug. lo.--kipyeral matters ,of. , Ir I - ­ I Have Lots of Fogd­ Clothing Need. fifteen bundred men under contract to I . . with coal was only too evidont." As . collector were held nominally by father - break at Nortk importallee to the people of Ontario de- ed For Women and ChUren. work on sections of the road now In'- Ott4wA.Nex Week., -s ,lug tlio%Atlt%iitic a Million., 41111 soli, tile latter kept the books and _ Day, pend upon tile forthcoming visit of Sir I i � 1 most travellet cross . looked after the business of both offices, * der construction Ill tile west� 8ilullar know, Any actual work III shovelling And his father Allselaims ally knowledge James NY-hitnoy to jf,'ngland. �Io leave* roquests have also been made by varl- coal would not )lave been required tD. . ous rallway contractors who wish to Questions That Will be DiSC11340d spell a white uniform !it the stokeliolil. Former Countess Willing to Beg of wrongdoing. The bonds of both off!- Men C14im Movement More Wide- Toronto to -day, and probably some of � � - - I is 111yeetigations will be reflected In Money Needed to Pravido. $hblter _ take advantage of tile preaeut,elack % As tit xuAttcr of fact, as tile photogralAW - For Brother Harry, I cials totalled only $1,000, And the agree - spread Than Expected. 11, Before Winter Sets In. - in the United Wates and' Before the Body. show, the Vrince donned overalLi vrhile ineut between the town and tile guaran legislation to be passed next session. labor market . I tee company birds the town to prose- - Together with 11011. Nelson 'Xonteitli, — - otber jore.1gil cOuxltI.jc$, all(r ,who asked - I I , "Putting in his thirty minutes of stok- Pittsburg, Aug. 10.- -That three for- cute in case of defalcation. With the - $5,000 thwt . restrictive legislations regardluLm Ottawa, All -amme or er's work—firsk pulling out the coal and In 'hids Difficulty In Minister of Agriculture, 'VYJIQ Ivill ICAVO Lord StrAthconit Contributes importAtion, of railway laborers ilit( . g, 10.—The progi then feeding the fu;nace,11 tunes, besides that of Harry K. Thaw, exception a About two thousand dollars Co pav F I - . I . in about a week's time, .'-,',Ir James will . , convelling .circular of the fifth goneral . way Ili the effort to the entire shortage appears in the col- - I- I Qa-tiada be withilmmi. Tile correspondent front whose glow- the Handling Japanese. (10 something towards shaping a new to Sufferers. d of ilia Anglican .Church of I save hini'froin tile electric chair, is in- IcetV,'g 'pooks. N,V'hat beeame of . . The Government, After careful inquiry SY11-0 CAlla- lug reports the foregoing extracts are formation given here froin one very inooloy is somewbat of a my'st,017, but ilroviixelal immigration policy. Then I by the inialigratiou branch, has decided da, which illany ilamiltollians will At- taken adds: "Of the 780 men, all told, there Is the question of educational re- " . a 0 141 . 11 Canada aboard the Indomitable, not one escaped I so to the Thaw .family, who has been to spedulation Ili, Cobalt stocks is credit- Montreal, Aug. Di --Two hundred a forms along the lines of teel I 'Vill school. Vernie, D.C..) despatch; Tit(, chict retlai- that tile supply of labor now I tend here, beginning September 23rd, is tile confidant of Mrs, William Thaw. ed Win. %4artin, junlor's, downfall, , , Ild Ing, which will be talked over with Von, is equal to reasonable dowands of all out. Tile lay delegates to or wanted to -mape his share of the hot, through it , lost of hor troubles. - Tile. propAifty And securities held by twonty-four Moro clilployees of tile L;, site here at present is tents and bett- the lower tollaoine and dirty work, As wVdi the Dr. pylle i,- tile old country. Simm Allag, A large quantity ,,-its despatchea railway construction work now in pro, Those who are said to ]lave lost their the missing tax collector have been turn- V. It. want oil strike at the Angui Hun, ,&, jqoxxtelth is to, mak6 the trip and the request to .8115POIld tilt! house m (A Niagara (all Prince, so with his staff -all underwent private fortunes tire Mrs. William Thaw, all over to the town, wbiell, will help to shops on Saturday morning, making a also, there, Is tile report that lie will re- frout Calgary it day or two after the fli�*91�1111'814tiollli governing 1111polva-ion of of NvIlom will likely be here) are; Von, m spell it, tile stokehold, and each acquit, the mother, and the two sisters, Alice, cover the deficiency. . _ t. The old fire, and these have proven itiost. accept- alien labor has not been granted. , total of well over main a in Amlidencon Forlteret, Hamilton; Van. ted himself well.11 foritierly tile Countess of Yarmouth, and . : -1 I I two thousand mwa , em4or of the C41tine - , 11 ­ - country Yisit. which will be of About six . able. Another large coualgrullent, was Arclideacon Clark. Hamilton; Rev. Rural . . - Mrs. George Lander Carnegie, These 114W Out. Tile latest. additions were weeks' duration, ivill provent6ir James to have come from Victoria, but has not - Dean Belt, Mllton,,Ont.; !toy, Rural three are said to have sacrificed almost Omployeas of the car depat'wileat, most taking part iii'Mr. R. if. Dordea?s federal reached Fernic, and it is reported to -day KING TO SEE !)call Davidson, Guelph, Very Roy. Dealt U. S. FL ,E`ET AT %,500,000 between tlient, certainly 'lot Of th0al ill the passenger car sliops. campaign. Holl, Mr. Foy, Att.urijoy-Gon- . . less tliaiI'$1,000,000. They are said to - They left the works in A body and . oral, will. be head of the dovernineut tuat the shipment had been cancelled oil sSutherlan(l, Hamilton, And Roy, V. B. )lave spent every cent of their available durina tho 11'remier'is absence. nit order from Ottmva. HoNvitt, I'lumilton. _. money, leaving jilem only the Coke Trust FATAL FIRE. utarched into Ilia city, where they as- t) . EMPERORS. NEW ZEALAND. and reserve fulia hicome4, which Wil� ­ , Sollibled at thq strike ho4dquartors and A The primary object of the Premier's There is no doubt that 0ioso supplioa ­ Tho lay delegates are. Messrs. Goo, 1-3. rs ago provided for Ili$ nd Mr, Monteith's visit to, tile old are needed tit once, and unless they collie Bristol, W, Nicholson, J. If, Collinson, liam. Thaw yea. held it iaQating, at, which it was xe. couixtry is to carry out certivill. investi- family. - Fire Swept Through a Crowded Solved that they should dcay out uu,,,jl gations ,with a view of establishing all 'soon the laboring population will be in Will Meet Emperor William at Adam Brown, 'Chancellor Kirwan Mar- London Newspapers, Comment Fay. In addition to this, it is, said, UArry the present difficulty Is over, improved method of dealing -svith emi- wy for sleeping accommodation. tln� all of Hamilton, auct, F. B. Kourick, . I X, Thaw has spent between $500,000 Tenement House. Air. Bell Hardy, chairman of the grants leaving .Great Britain with tile ' Citizens are hoping the holding up of - Crouberg In Prussia of Axicaster. orably on Its Visit. and $000,000 of his own money. This . Federation of 'Unions, stated this evett. intention of settling Ili Ontario. It Is, , The Lord Bishop of Niagara will, of in spite of his assertion that lie has Ing that Ito was well 'satisfied with In tile first place, the Government's de - the shipment is due to red tape error, spent only $200,000, At the time Harry Four Children Burned toDeathand It is im- I - The Coming Struggle For Mastery 1 and it will soon be rectified. And Em eror Francis Joseph at course, be here as a member of the up ' tile pro,nesj of the strike movement, mire to establish an eralgr4tion. office Ili I p per house. I was giving out these figures at Pough- i bdLli 10 treal and throughout the tile city of London, in addition to tile possible to build enough temporary .. Isehil, Austria. Oil the question of religious training In the Pacific Ocean. keepsio on Friday, his attorney, Charles Ten - Persons HurL systa.m. The reports lie had received, ono already in existence in Liverpool. I homes to house the laboring population . . in public schools, a resolution, moved Morschattsor. ht Pittsburg, was. making s, Indicated that tile strike move. Ili all probability the now office will be before October 1 at ilia earliest, and by-Rcv.-F. G. 6cott,aseconded by Von, the statement that Thaw had spent Now York, Aug. 10�Your children of ment had beexi �.atteli more widespi-eit(I situated in the Strand. in the heart of - tents will be Ili demand up to that time on, Aug. 10,-Kiiig EdwaM will Archdeacon Farthing, will be considered. London, Aug, I0,-rAQw of the morning about $600,000, Robert O'Mara, the re, titan he Ilia 'welfare of tile elty depends upo� Land one family dead, and tell other persons hrad expected, and many more tile Metropolis. satisfactory living conditions for the leave this. morning on his visit to Marion- It says: "Whereas, it is ilia duty of the Aewspapera comment on the arrival of celver for Thaw, 'who was the first mail . . ilien had gone out than had been cal. :1 - I I � workers, and these must be Obtained bad, where lie will rest after his long and church to provide as far as p6asible a tile American fleet Ili Now Zealand ivat- sent for by him after lie shot Stanford seriously burned or injured, is the re- culated on, -while others were still join- WORLD'S LARGEST MILLERS. ' Christian education for her children and White, said to -night that the figures cord of a fire that early to -day swept Ing tile illovenient. ,As to the claims of I ' and discomfort. arduous social duties during one of tho. that -a right knowledge of the Chril tian $500,000 are too shiall for Harry's a,,, through it crowded tenement in Bast che company that the men had gone out PillsburY Washburn Co.'s Crash with the minimum delay . 9 ors, and those chiefly to express regret . Receipts of clothing from all parts of nost strenuous season London has wit- religion is essential to At true -belief, that no British ficeft; is present to join, pouditures. * � westerlICallada, have becif liberal, And 1 lace in welcoming, the visitres. 'file Tillics, "', it is believed here that the 112tli street. Scores were earried. dowfi un -willingly aii-d that many of thoin were � Causes Sensation. there is more than enough of certain neaed Ili years, Exceptional interest is be it resolved that this ,synod do p� 1 estimate ladders from the blazing building Ly going back to work, Mr. Hardy said tha t falaser'. NNromen'4 and lalffidrexxi'8' stp- taken Ili the trip, as King Rward -will oil record the opinion that our various however, goes further, saying: of money spent by, the f our menibers 0 the uniolls had a complete systunt of Winnipeg, Aug. D. -The great crash parel. is greatly licoded, and the call for Provincial educational systems should 'There is a legitimate fooling of plea- of ilia Thaw family mentioned tire so fireman. pickets at eatch important contra, who of the Pillsbury Washburn Milling Com - that variety ivill increase when inure of meet Emperor William at Cronburg) provide, in primary and s"OnAliFy appalling that Harry Thaw is ashamed The deak all ilia cliildreti of VInzClI8O kept thoroughly all fait with tim course pany in Minneapolis created a sensation the families return to the city. Men ro- Prussia, oil Tuesday, and Emperor Fran- schools, as well as in the universities, _ sure in this most mmiarkable laplay of to have it even hinted, and for this pur- Saust, janitor of the house, were. Ros- of evenks, and that up to date lie had here. Perhaps the best idea of import - quire sonic sorb of an outfit before they cis Josepk at Ischil, Austria, on Wednes- -some way of seettring under our public naval force and naval skill front a nation poso gave out the $200,000 statement. It ino, 10 years; Lugi, 8; Antonio, 4 ,lid not received a report of a single man go- once of this inammoth industry can be (lay, Oil the wily to his favorito water- school systems such religious illstrue. 4 known here, and positively, that there t gathered when their possible output is catt work in ilia mines, and the object is . which, Above all others, is considemd, ilia' I, Ing back. On the contrary, lie sald that to fit out tile heitils of fainilies first. Ing place. tions its the various religious bodies may natural ally of Great Britain in the Paci- were three attorneys in tile two cases Rotuceli 8 montits. Frank Saust, son of it wits reported to him that the 0. P. X milueed Lo bushels of wheat. Allowing Others can Ilass with what they have That the visits to tile two Emperors think right for the eltildren of their re- fie, aild, indeed, all over tile world." who ]lave received $100,000 or more tile jitnitur. is (Lying in Harlem Ilospital wits compelling its old employees re- 200 working flays for their mill, they for A few days. . will not be wholly private in character spective cominunions!' The Tinies also poilirts out that the apiece from Thaw. . from burns, -and Vitizenso Saust, the jan- fired oil pensions to go back to work oil could, and fit fact did, turn out 9,450,000 . I,, suggested by the fact that Sir Charles . There is tie doubt in Pittsburg that. barrels of flour in settle years. The Food is coming forward fiwtor than it Another im ortant resolution tha� forebodinh-4 as to the vastness of the t itor, and his wife, Cecelia, tire both But- pain of losing their pensions, in one can be ,absorbed, and tile committee will Ilardinge, Permaxiont Under Secretary will probably p be voted oil, moved by voyage, expressed when the fleeb start- lie mother and two sisters .of Thaw faring front severe burns abopt tile face case Ili Uoutreal a inan of over dglx',�y usual. average for 9, barrel of flour is to the Foreign Office, who always Ala- had to bear the brunt of the fight Alone. . four bushels of wheat. This would mean probably find it necessary to stop solid- companies the KRig oil diplomatic mis- Dr. 1,angtry, seconded by Rov. John ed from 11ampton Roads, have proved Tile five children of William Thaw; by and body, As lie asw,ped froin. a second Years having to return to work or I ... 38,800,000 bushels, or more than half of ing any further supply of eatables. Car- Pitt Lewis, says: ... Chat in order to pro- roundless, concluding: a former marriage, did not,'so far as storey window to eseape the flames, Ilia pension. the whole wheat crop of western Canada load after carload of flour, oatmeal, sions, will be present on both occasions. servo the faith which it is our aim to g "Ameriett certainly call decal heiself ,all be lefti-ned, spend Saulatore Logeforni -had his right hip ' Guards With Rifles. last year. ., meat, milk, tea &lid general groceries King Edward's aim, it is believed, itt maintain and propagate, this synod, the lucky to feq,l herself so scoure at ]Ionic tunes to any of their for- dislocated, and it number of others were I to endeavor to convince tile German and help save him, nor did tile two North Day, Ali,,, 9. --Tho (2. P'. R, This Pillsbury-Wasliburn failure is an house concurring, entiets that no e or less rieriously injured either b 45 has come during the wook, and A main- British its to venture on this experiment. It al- full brothers of Harry Thaw, Josiah Rad mor y -strike has developed no now features oil old sore, And it will be a good thing to 8 that the 11 1. . burns or from -contusions or I divisiov, "Qrth B titan .%,-a have it cleaned tip. Markets will, be ber of the Relief Committee e�xpressed Anstriall. Emperor px�lopfelllsor shall be itppointed to or con- aceratious tills on policy is not aimed at tile isolation or timle in his office in any college or urii- eady has given fresh vigor to ilia navy . Edward. caused by leaping from windows, At .N fty tile opinion to -day that the supply injury of Any other p6�vcr. versity under the church's jurisdiction here." It is known further that appeals by Shortly after midnight tile - flatitas arriving dakly to take the stri.wri' higher than ever next. week.- Anything hand was sufficient to meet all needs i Mrs, William Thaw, made recently to 0 places, abodt fifty, being at work in vav- affecting this company is of world-wide for i,hoist_ thirty days. I Emperor Waiting. O hes the conclusioxib Coming Strugrie. embers of her family for financial Aid "ere first discovered by a passer-by, ious capacities. Italians are being utl- interest owing to their fame as makers The supply ..,i liquors is- still ilil, al- Crouberg, Aug. lo.-Hunporor William. of what is known -as higher criticism " irislb Church, New Zmlftiid, Aug. 10. In who summoned ald by ,-;)'Ing off a PiS- . though tliero was A report to -day that . &t several stages the opium tr,�ffi, 1), ill Harry's case, met, )lot only with re- lized Ili tile rougher branches olf the of flour ttn(I their unique position as the there was a blind pig in operation. The Arrived here at 11,55 o'clock this morn- wiii be discussed, and a resolution -will 7 --The newspapers here cordially welcO1110 fusal, but the' quarrel 'resilltill. was so tol, which was followed by inany �tlier work. Pa9searter cars have been fitted largest millers in tile world. The Pills - Ing, in preparation for his meeting with the arrival in New Zealand waters Of the bitter .that there has been pa'rtial es- sl,ots, which attracted hundreds tj tile up to pl.avi ,_ 0 -ages consumed here - be passed expressing satisfaction at tile 13 el tie eating and sleeping accom- bury-Wasliburn Company is now an only Alcoholic bevel Kill,, Edward, who is expected to arrive ie, thus adding to the confusion. By inodations 'for ilia str'ike-breakers, who w far are those administered to sick efforts now being mado ill China to so Unit -ed States Atlantic fleet. The Christ trangements between her and the chil- c English syndicate, the sons of the orig- ' rion- P, that time ilia fire had spread through persons by medical men. here to -morrow, on his way to MR - press this traffie. The Dominion Gov- Church press, Ili all article oil the sub' dren of her husbaud by a former mar- are canfully guarded by 0. P. R. po- inal Pillsbury having sold out sonic prov 11 '6, riage. � bad. Yject of the visit of the fleet, declare the first floor hall,way and cut off es- licernen. - The railroad yards are pa- twelve or fifteen years ago. The head The work of relief now includes issu- A : I_ ormilent, will also be urged to tile COMIlusien of the Anglo-J'apanese alli- ,,lie llas spenti his money like a cape. There were 150 persons in ilia trolled at itight by offices of the company tire in London, Ing household utensils to those who lost the drug Ili Uallada. once was oil drunken sailoO) was the har4h reply building -.ill of whom were asicep. rifles, but no hostile demondbration. of it) 8 1101 agration. The 0 atid. asked to libilt its importation and ily "a 1willperary expedient," ty persons were. resetted by firemen And the annual meeting is'alw , d everything in the confl, "AD" BRINGS JOY ' to preserve peace, and professes to see Ili made by one mcniber of tile Thaw f��- Tbir e" any kind has been made fly the strik- there. The stock is ]told in small blocks, e;z has done little n I be, I 0118. committe � Ol- nothing yet sale. A resolution to ill& effect -wII on settling ladders. TAlany would not in ilia w 6y of distributing the cash re- passed , and forwarded to ilia federal tl c.futuro 11, struggle for inatstary !it tit(, fly to the mother when Bile suggested wait for the ladders, and leaped to tile The trains tire moving oil salted. there being some rule to that effect, calved all, contributions. HAPPINESS IN FAMILY OF MAN authorities. Pacific, in whiehT-hc United States and that Harry -was in need of more money, st,reet. below, wliere they fell. injured -and uled time. but whether the limit is ten ox�,fifteen Nearly all the supplies required has SAVED FROM'SUICIDE. Another important inatter that will 1), Great Britain will be natural allies and that If lie had it, it was likely lie shares could not be ascertained here. been sent gratis, and there is a large sition to consider tli� agithist the far Eastern forces. would soon be freed. were carried to the hospital. After hard Impostors in West. The mills have a total capacity of 31,- . Mrs. William Thaw turned again to work tile firortien finally got tile blaze Winnipeg, Aug. 9�Tlxe most start- 150 barrels every 24 hours, and were cash balance. It will be needed, and its 1� revision &lid adaptation of a book of. They Can Land. her ovil daughters, Alice and Margarct. under cotitrol and went through tile ling feature of tile strike sInco its until 'recently always operated at full Inueb, more required if proper provision Back to Work To-day-Empolyors Pro- common prayer. Melbourne, Aug. 10.-Reforring to ilia "He's' not only my brother, but be building to see titat all wero out tin -hurt. development here has been the discov- capacity, There are five mills in the Against th le nter is to vide Balance After Chicago Tri- Much time -will be devoted to reports refusal of it;,he Now Zealand authorities fought for me- and would have killed Tile police declared the fire was un- cry of several impostors who -were group, and all are situated in Minne- be made. bune Readers Lend $260. on Sunday school work, and the import- to sanotion a rifle match between teams tile man ,who litter became my husband doubtedly of incendiary oi-igin, as a circulating a list asking for subserip. apolis Tents will be impractic h ance of this will be emphasized. made up of sailors from the American when he said something slighting of me. strong o4or or keroselve was-dotected in tions towards the strike fund. One . Minneapolis, Aug, 8, -'Shortage of in cold weather. and money will be used � These are hat a few of the more im- battleships and the Dominion volunteers I did ,,Of believe him then, but I know ilia lowcx� hall, where tlic blaze started. had gathered over a hundred dollars. ready cash, all attempt on the part of to good advantage if rit. enables poor Chicago, Aug. I.O.-There was joy in portailt issues, but there will be scores oil tile ground that regulations forbid now that lie was right, an(I I'll beg in Tile fire is one of it number of fatal They Wero absolutely unauthorized to English sharelialders to freeze out Am - families to find sheite' unil. protection of matters directed Ili the line of the the landing of armed parties of foreign- the streets before I'll allow him to stint blazes that ]mile recently terrorized thtet act so by the unions and were con. ismanage- against the frosty blasts. CNiLributions one Italian household oil the northwest aches which will be ers, Ron. 1homas Thomson Ewing, 0 neighborhood. verting the money so obtained to their erican interests and alleged ini intiont And the side laot night, for had not the head ,f church's various bra Com- for ,money,l' was the wily the former nient are Among the various reasons from the Dominion Gover . presented !it the form of inemorials, re- monwenith Millister of StAe for Defence Countess of Yarmouth is said to have -1 : : own use. Tlie company find difficulty given for the appillication filed to -Almy British Columbia Government ]lave not the family�a family Of eight Children Of parts or motions. The work on missions state, lie will not allow these technical met the ]list request of her mother for in handling the Japanese as strike- .for a receiver for the Pillsbury - yet been received, and it I,., not known year old-- and their ever-growing needs will also regulations to interfere 'with the rifle more money. breakers, inasmuch as they are easily WashlItArn Flour 3%filling Company, Lim - these will. include ally cash. greaduated sizes Lip from I . KILLED BY STRIKERS. a whether been saved from guicide? be gone into at length. matelies of a similar nature that have The financial condition of Mrs. Wil- influenced by -the pickets and leave ited, Minneapolis. . They will be most welcome ii� that formi 'Saved[ Saved! lainsaveill"shouted 1-foly communion will be held on tile been -arranged as A, part Of the exiltertaill- liam Thaw is said to be pitiful.' The ' I its soon as they underdtand the situa. or elevators of the and the liberality which tile PeOP10 Of morning of each day of the synod at. 0 tior.. 'They also demand high pay, ar may be con- ill(, Italian, coming into the crowded Ili- in lit d rill the battleships' calls at %91,000 which Harry confessesto owing Three Men on a Passenger Train company ,will cIose down because of the Canada, It u g it drop in tile ave shown so f -truent ,W�e ill the afternoon. ,,I Christ ,Church Cathedral. ports in Australia. her is said to be but Non -Union Men Work. receivership proceedings. It was era- . ays ,It Icast, without tie aliai tinued for several d 11 the needs of will ,lot )lave to go to prison. To-nior- The members of the upper house, com. Welcome in Japan.' bucket. Site has placed a mortgage for . Shot In Alabama. I London, Ont., Aug. O. -A number of phittically announced to -day that opera - insuring satisfaction of a row X go to work as usual.' posed of two archbishops and some 20 Tokio, Aug. 10. -In the course of I1,4 $100,000 oil Lyndlixtrat, tile old home- non-union men are at work Ili the 0.1j. tions would be more vigorously pushed F ernic. The mid(ke aged man who seemed wild or 21 bishops from all parts of Canada, address delivered at an informal meeting stead of the haws. It is boarded up than ever. Estimate. of Losses. with delight was the nian -who a few will deliberate in a large room at the f the Yokohnnia, City Assembly Mayor and bears tile appearance of a ruined Birmingham, Ala., Aug, 9,-Thrce R. car shops and special constables ara - . - - . residence of Rev, Canon Kittsoxi� rector 0 men . -were instantily killed And eleven guarding the exitrRuces to the shops and - - - A ' - days ago had advertised in. the Tribune: of Christ Church Cathedral. The Be$- Mitsuhaslii dealt with the forthcoming castle. roundhouse. The officials say they ex - careful estimate of the losses sus hearbod person . . . in y , two probably fatally, whe poet to have a 6;ipleto force at work STUCK IN THE MUD. tained by business concerns withill the "UnIm sonic kind gates, visit of the ­American fleet in terms of , ears past 1-farry Thaw's mother wounded n . .. comes to my rescue with $500, whiell I sions of ilia lay and eleriatl delt, cordiality. Among all the treaty pow- has been known as the best con . utur striking witters fired -into % paliganger before the ,end of the iveek. city makes the total ftmount 111)"b $I,- . ower house, will be held in IA'tuaer Pittsburg, ))or Ila a 11. 500,000. This does net inel"Je, tile losses will repay In $5 weekly in-Aalintelitst I t 1 lo' 1 ers holding relationg with Japan the to charity in train on tile Birmingham Mineral Strikers Are Uneasy. . MemOria-I Hall. There will be many tributions reaching perhaps $ , 1,10 I lest Pass Coal Coulpany, will kill mysblf.1 xay of entertainment al. United'States, lie deelared,'held towards a Railway at ff -ly this morning'. n of si. Unknown Man Drowned -at Quebec of the Crow's Is uxxxb�,r Cont- The money, which was to replace a features in the 1 1 this'natioll, A unique position. ' . has withdrawil from all It r r to loeton eal Toronto, Aug. I.O.-The ea * _pAI9 the railways ox- tile Elk 1, ranged by local committees, - I It or- Tile dead Lire: Conductor Joe Collins, lence maintained by the officials of the —Woman Suicides. lose will be not sun, that he had colleebed from his eiii- - . . �; : I 1� — organizations, giving tile & s are 0. Z. Dent, Deputy Sheriff i Win. HON- Cituadian Pacific Railway Company to. pany. The'botal. Of t1 a ployers' existamors and lost, was raised - .1 -ward excuse -that she con less than $1,250,000, and it may b If CALABASH PIPE FAD. the money. ard, noti-ituion- minor. wards�the strike in -the local shops has much more. Losses through the do. through the agency of the.Tribunc. WOMEN'S CAR, 'I - r I The train was a special bea.1-hig non- caused sonic uneasiness among the Quebec, , Aug. 9�­An "unknown inan, ' struction of private houses nrO estimat- the, kind-hearted citizens,who contilfrinted . a ilia man Cape Farmers Unable tO Stipply the — union men to tho Blocton mines under strikers, who are hopeful of having aged About 45, well-dressed and evidently . i ed at $1,250,000 to $1,500,000. This gives $250 of the surn needed to say . . . POPE PIUS. guard of soldiers and deputies, On tilt,- their ranks augmented by all the railway - in the an aggregate loss within ill-, city itself could have seen him last night in the Demand. Women Work For Food, Not For outwkirts of the town the exighwer slid. broffierhoods, That the company is pre. a stranger, was found drowned of over $4,000,000, And it WRY "I'll to F6 midst of his family they would have felt London, Aug. 0,111110119 pipe smokers denly saw a log across the track, and at paring 'to fight the men to Al, finish wits Quebec Yacht Club pond, adjacent to million more. The insurante is impos- 'well repaid. Fun. Fifth Anniversary of His Coronation once it volley wits fired into the train. apparent, oil -Saturday when part of the tile custollis house,, this morning. He was sible to guess -,ft this stage but tile ThA remain has been there has been of late a great, domand 1hp, arigineer did not stop, but let tile paint sb4p at West Toronto was trans. discovered standing upright in the mud average- is not more titan 400'per contl made up by the oulplOyeTff., who Also for calabash, a spoies of gourd grown Celebratei. cow -catcher throw the log -Jroin tile formed into temporary boarding quartex:-, when the tide was low Tlis clothing on business property, Alid not more than ]lave acted !it a manner to incur the ever- in South America. So popular has tile dicely Hamilton Says Man "Must :a wits scarched for signs of identification, ) � I track, and lie then. put on full speed. The for ilia a( onimodation of the strike- . 25 per calit. oil citizens. lasting gratitude of the man who feared * ' Support All, If We Da Not Labor."' Ro'nie, Aur. 10. -The fifth an 8 a but with the exception of three one - to tell them of, his lose of bho firm's calabash pipe become, according to the . niversxtry place -where the WIrtack wits made is a breaker -nd the special r police doing dollar bills and a tel -centenary guide The Crdw's Nest Pass C011 CO- lost report of the Cape of Good Hope 'J.'rade I . of the coronation of Pope Pius was espe- exit, the ground being oil it level with duty in 'the yards. The anks of tilt, heavily by the destruction of the talc- money. % I ;Ixe.lower part of the windows. The police were also reinforced on Satur book, nothing was found to show who Ili the afternoon ilia first $1250 was Commissioner large quantities being ex. London, Aug. 1D. -The abolition of vially celebrated at the Vatichn yester- I day as$ " a lie was. 3 Rants behind tile rocks Above iiottr- by tit. ddition of seven special 'phone and electric light system. It is ta,ken over to the office of the man's out- ported both to the United States alid'to tile special tram car for women from ilay. tit a ilia , coli- A middle-aged wonian, wife of Joseph not anxious to continue tMie branches pleyors. It has been decided to keep his the continent of Europe, as well as to � 'Tile great function occurred in the ed a murderous fire dircdtlY "tit st-0les, who were sworn in before 'Magis of its business and is prepired to sell name secret, and for the same reason England, that there is difficulty in keep- South London to -the citY be6ause Sistine chapel in the presence o.f the Pon. windows and at tile ofigin0el', trate Hills. Moreau, carter, committed suicide this Out to the city. it is it -W anxiolis tile name of tile firm Is riot disclosed. in with the demand. . . men insisted-11int thoy.were justified tiff, tilt. Saci-ed College, the Papal court, Almost every window Ili tile ttttift wits 1� - - � . morning tit her house, Despairies, street, to dispose of its water supply system, � U supply, moreover, hae been At- in boarding ,it also, has aroused a patriarchs, arebbishops, bishops, go -al,.i broken, And ;hots struck All parts of I )Y means of Furbolia neid. Every effort will be m -de to enable the rhol net �ded , . I . I _� I . � which "rves the whole c?)y. Tile muni- man to start life anew unhampered by fected by thC ravages of tile Caterpillal. storm of discu6ion. The Daily Mail of religious orders and members of tile the crigine and cab. The tralft ptoccl C. P. R. STRIKE I cipality is in all uneertila financial h owledge of his However, farmers Ili Riveradule, had a leader arguing that women diplomatic cotpa, the.Roman aristocracy to Blecton, and the dead and Injilred PERISHED IN STABLE. pest' were returned to Birmingham. position at present, however, and while disgrace -for solle holds it -is ner . Montagu and Ladysmith districts, Cape brought such treatment upon them.- and the Knights of Malta. A Sympathetic Strike of Many there is a strong sentiment in f %vor of The firm gave him a, rece Colony, whence ilia calabash is obtained selves,and -urging them not to compete The -mass was celebrated by Cardinal - � r '. Liveryman Burned to Death in Fire public ownership, tile diffictuty in secur- amount.. almost exefusively, hope to have all with men in the labor market it they Marry del Val ,and the responses were at Montreal. Ing the money to acquire th-L franchises Then he made out a note, in . - HEIR TO X21000. Other Employees which lie agreed. to repay the loan at ablindant, supply -next year. wished to meet with respect. Cicely sung by the fivnious Sistino choir, con 'Montreal. Aug� 0,Roberb McGilvie, and proporty is Appreciated. tile I -ate of $5 overy two weeks. The boom Ili calabash pipes has been - Hamilton, author of "Diana of Deb- dudcod by Father Porosi. Ca,rdinal, Gib- __ The carpenters have xiot hAd out for a great been to these farmers,, who sons," made a' -spirited reply, 8110 bons, the oldest, Cardmal priest, assisted - a sta iscus-ii,till of tile His employers assumed his remaining Pri o r Could Not Pay $6 Fine Would be a Violation of the fire in a stable on Versailles street this extreme terms in the di obligati6ii'd over $300 and will Also il� have been enabled to turn their poor said she was not old enough to to- Cardinal Marry del -Val, and offered ill- S lle labor question. it is understood they Aluot a san, of $5 from his salary every land to profitable account, the gourds member the time when courtesy and cellse to ilia Pope. For Drunkenness. . . Lemieux Act. morning, The fire, which broke out will make the scale forty cents per other week until the entbire debt is wiped growing only.in dry and poor soil, respect to women existed, and she % .I - I . shortly after 1 o'clock, was Pitt out . hour, with time and a half for over. out. By the irony of fate the oalitbash pipe doubted whether they ever existed � withou"t much trouble, but three horses time and double time for SniiJays- �rhe The man's salary is $22.60 a -week. fad may -possibly be exhausted by next as an instittition At all. She declared SHORT IN ACCOUNTS. ' were burned to death. quesition of ,the propriety of ordinary that women worked* to eat, not felt . Victoria, B. C,, An-' D.-A-fter spend- Ottawa, Aug. I.O.-There is tit present was. 0 stable. Four months ago Ito lost $283 from his year. . jail because lie could no prospect of all , . � 9�hero . no knowledge of tit citizens wielding the lianimer oil their . I - - I pleasure, and added-. Ing ton days in y Government inter- mail,$ fate until litter, when the ruins own property has not been settled. pocket. It was part of the firm's money. .. "With regard to women, who Ili the WM. MARTIN, JUN., NORTH SAY not r&ise $0 to pity a fine for drunk- fereftee to settle the U. P. R. irtachinistal were being (leared tip, and his charred . �Nrheti lie discovered Ilia loss, liti vainly LIFE NOTHING TO HIM. COLLECTOR, MISSING. me I found. lie was a widower , face of every obstacle, have elbowed ' TAX ounces, Xifred Arthur Johnson, alias A. strike, And the compAtny and the _11 rema its were Lord Strathcona's Gift, attempted to reirribursp the firm, bor- Vileir way to the higher professionn., . - Stanley, as Ile has always been known will be left for the present at least to and leaves a young daughter,. Montreal despatch: The royal Trust rowing small sums at ei,orbitivnt, rates of Unknown Man Hanged Himself in permit me to remind you that if w,). Accounts Show Shortage of Twenty- I , _-, Company this aiternoon received a, tole. idOfest. Toronto Park. 0 men are allowed to cultivate their eight Thousand Dollars-Williarn here, received word on 11"ridaY in jail fight it out betAveeii them. It is pointed I gram from Lord Stratlicona, who %ailed I -, - brains they will certainly use their Martini Son., Town Treasurer, De- here that lie has fallen into a fortune out by the Liabor Department that a DOCTORS ARE SCEPTICAL. to -day for ,E ngland by the likilpres.% of OLEVCLANDIS OAR FARE RAISED. Toronto, Aug. 10,-"Lifo is nothing !it brainB when they are cultivated. Not nies Complicity. of ;e%000 through the death of IN sympathetic strike by other railway- They Say Hysteria Was Cause of the .- - , ty men'$ u Britain, instructing it to donate, on his itself and no use to live." Leaving this are we alarmed by the prospect you, father. 111le father was a Tri nions to aid the strikingincelian- hent Miracle. account, the stint of $5,000 for the relief 3 Cent Fare and Conductors�' Indif- despondent message with the signature have held out, of a eliango in tile re- North Bay, Aug. 9.-M7ith the eivic House pilot, and settled tin annix ty ics, as lilts been suggesed, would be a G -a Fertile fire sufferers. . � lation of the sexes. Nothing can alter treasury allort twelity-cight thousand some y h says Kingston, .rtiig. O. -The miraculous forehce- Cause Deficit. ,,John" attached, an unknown man hang. .e&rg ago upon the soil, which violation of the Lemieux act, whic of ill d a has never collected, The falullY that no strike call occur In connection lic,alilig of Miss ;!fit) Ottawa, Aug. 1. -The town of Renfrew - the fundamental law which &SWO men dollars, the tax collector missing an - h y Glient, it 1-folinoss his donated �150 to the rellef fund for Cleveland, O., Aug. 10. -Five ed himself to a limb of a tree in High td women together. * a warrant out for his arrest. North Day solicitors ilave been sea,rching for with tiny public utility prior to ilia , , cent cash Park. The body was found near tile "If of tilt inquiry by it Board of Movernerit evangelist. to 'accepte(I vvith ' fire sufferors. fare, with 8 -cent tickets, may be put Regarding the other relations of contributes its quota to the many sell- the man, And communicated whil. tile holding incredulity by medical men. Those who . ,I g- ceneill . Ation and Investigatioli. This tile British Columbia northwest clittanCe'to tile park Slinday 1b. we see no reason for forebodings. sational shortages recorded in Canadian Cof Vancouver. Johnson was iveo, saw lier whilo. ill admit that Bile was A, Victoria, 33. 0,, Aug. (I. -In responge- into operation by the Municipal Trac, morning shorUy before 7 o'clock. 0"O R. For several years Pi sufferer, tilat site is around now, but Provided that we do our share of lipwspapers reeciffly. n ,od by .1, Vancouver detective over ),ere would dollar any other union of 0. P. to the cable of sympathy from King tion Company as tile reguit' of a caucus The suicide appeared t6 be it roan of worIWS work 'honestly and capably, the, positions of town treasurer and tAx on another case. employees front going oil stTike now tllc,v attribute her recovery to oxelt?- 14dward, Itransinitted by Bin -I Grey to about 30 years of age, 110 wits Of me- man must respoot us '�vhcther lie will � collector I - 4 1 without becoming liable to the severe 14110 is & voting woman of iter- 111romier McBride for thet pec,ple of 10er- to -day of the 'IndbritY Of tile City dium height and somewhat stoutly built. If Inan Wallis have been filled by William 11 penalty provided in tile Lemieux Bob. ment. , , �. . Council with Mayor Johnson. I.lis faco wAlB swarthy alill. deeply pool,- or no. To conclude, to 10artin, sell,, and Wkn. Martin, ion C volts temperament, and while ill was LiN I nie, the Premier has .sent tilt fiollowing - This policy is said to I -,v tile result Of k1op us out of the paid labot market, fathior and soil, both, well known aii'd' FLEW EASILYa The -0111Y cliAlleQ Of! any strike of � tremply lethargic, Stimuntioll )1.111 act- inessage for His Majesty- , tler;nit me a Ponsideraii1e deficit in tile operation marked There was. Ito mark of tiny there is only one way to manage it, highly icBpcelCd CitiXCIIS, who AdVe would be in connectio tivity to retitiest your Excel . leney to convey kind ni;allt him that *wouid revoia his . P. It. employevf4 5ra who . were. needed, All(I tile al'003l'I'lent tu His Maj,esty the King �11 behalf of of tile street car systaln, which a few He must support all of us, not' juit grown up with tile town and apparently with a grievance of tile operati , elllu� through her inutgIllatiorij -ind put Illonths ago wits tiLken over by the Muni- identity, tile tag an his suit; being re- one woman lie happens to havAl rxlar� prospered !it a general insurance busi- Phst Trial of Wright Aeroplane Ili soille tiluc A90 Applied for it board to life And vigor into bpr systent. tile peoplo, of Pritish Coltonlihi, their moved and tile pages of it inemoranilm ' but all of us, sisters, aunts . Investigate the alleged dismissal of an � �- I I , -, cipal A holding company, to be *operated - were c 8 ness, bcosides having the 0. P. It. tOwn ,,\I0gAxIitI(b, 14ite. Tile board -p w e for his gi witilis book that wao found in his pocket , 'a FISHING BoAT OUT D104N. message of symptechy. Lat -st reports oil tt straight 3 -cent basis. ii '!'in 0 ticket office and holdbigg various eivi France Successful. operator at dee nae of gratitud cous widows and spinsters. Her' - in tile ease has not reported its finding, of;ieials of the Munieipitl are sold to lipgrly all torn out. The Writing that We want food. Ate we to want clothes, sitions. pdlilt to tho-lom of life bei il lois than faver tile -wa 0 11 0 po , now rate until. up -repay,' ears had been left v s ill short of . evi and house room? Tf -wo do not earn Som�o months ago Win. Martill, jun., but it ig unde6tood that; it will find in Gorman Schoolship Sinks a Oloud- . twenty, and further danger N 'Ain aliti- arO ill lise, when it is AtilticipaQ prac- dently written after the man had decid: them ourselves man must work doxIble which Aug. 0,- Wilbur favor of the 1111ion, And the company is elpaw. Relief is being distilbuted, and . &I to and his lift. . tides to earli- them for us. Is he go., was appointed Police Magistrate, Le Mans, France, T�, inade Ilia prepared to ftee(-Pt tile award- Oster Schooner. perfeet order exists." - tivally all fares will be collected. The - ,��z _-1 - , Ing to do itP11 position' lie has held up to tile present Wtight, the American AVIfttO ­ - - lialifav, 'kug. 0---4116 Gloucester It. (-4. ftiqtell, Mayor of Woodstoelt, growing deficit, it is claimed, is due to OAL. I -0 � I . time. The appoilitlife"L of A now tax first liscont in France to-dAY, and it wits .- I ).t, schooner lftgglo, and , ass., f j, tile fron transfer system inaugurated ft PRINCE SHOVELLED 0 collector this spring folioNvied by all magnifiecot success, on starting ilia not QUARRYMEN, .4hing has telegraphed *tile rrejuler that tile short time ago, tog�tlior with indifferent NAIROW ESCAPE. audit -of the town booics, revealed a large. 1% '� Lptalix BfIck VOCILUMLIT, was city of Woodstock has grftnt(-.d $200 to tolleetionR by conductors, He Helped to Stoke lihdomitablo On ,tnge in tile volleetor% x1ccoullis. And InOtor his aeroplann rose it% the air, ttnd Otta'Oft, Opt., Aug. 10. -The Railway `NfaYl C11 ,and sunk by tile Govinan tile relief fund, - - ­_ Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 10. -This morning 81101 I has given .judgment in the Tull down Captain Ilalts, HomeWard Voyage, An arrangement wall made between tile Attiled powerfully Aind easily three tithes (lotinuissioi case, oligillating from - '4011001 I Freva, Dr. Ragan, Provincial Reedth Officef, the tast-bound 0. 1". R, train No. 00 lilt racecourse, eovering sonic Atone quarrips .111�11` Of ItAllfal."t, (it CATHOLIC SOCIETIES- tl,!N olved to pro- Around the ronto, Irlie quarryinelt first Talsea � sixty Inilm south;ast leaves to -morrow "for tilt,, "011,0 of the J.jondarx, Aug, O.-Througholit, it buggy & mile west of Pritannia anil Council 1th" tile of"C'als "IV (about two Tol �'Iatunlv night, find alth toll. -Tli,4 coilventfOrt of w .tit. of 0TO540119 sma'Alled it, but tile Inall aud horse en. tt'Qt tile town, by turning ovel. t1licir pro. three kilometroa and A half a. It an iner�aqe of five e0fits I.I.S6 O'elook oil � disaster, to look after tile lie, Boston, Aug. 10. vek the In domital Ile's ft pet,ty to the municipality, thus avoiding miles itna It fifth) in thrm minute objectioxis to lell argi - - - __ - ___ Captaill 'MeCathrall and eigh t ditions. ,tn VedeTation of Ca1holle So- the Atlantio from Belle Islv%, Nfld.t 11 I o capod iniraeulously. The driver, Stephen . ttib le4l that 0)(11, mile. 0 nn I 50000. e cha. I Id I the, Amerie. inic litigation antl vriminAl proppoditip. ThiB took the turns perfectly, Anti JAII(le(I With Pei toll. all(l tl , AN crew 0i'tho. � fl,411ing vessel werof droWntfl. to -day by a - d apply. Neither of 01080 I. - ­ piled 10itstnet, Ireland, In three days has be(m Drilln, of JockvAlo, -was evidently dru LI)A0111te preeision. 1porty persons, most- linsis %boill . . , -110 vollision there. Was a __4�� 010ties W1144 formally b it lintailing fillip to 13rhinli pride. Col- and went direetly in front of tile PlIginp, Ilot 1)(41lig carried out to ill(', `satisfaction I iIt tile decision, but a kt tit(, thile of t . inp.4, ggion, prvcet�l , It wou decidea to in- ly ilowilpa .ivetiouq Imeceptled .4 sp, etl by Aolonin hig it -per Inell, witnessed tho, flight, ..., )" and tilt, fishing seboollel It is pjp�.'etm tbat flip Young Turk bus )ital, of tile ('011110111ors, it . prepared fixing drilip frr. " n written about her it, Ile ivas taken oii the train to a host * actions against nnd,gxve NVright it great ovation whott now seale flag beeft Party will denlond die di4lia Ilding or the lnasq of tequioni for the d"eaq0t rd',Iiil- 1111111i 11XV0, b0o nd tilt- man in the -a scalp wound stitelied, and then lie . I *jtiftite t-riminal And civil . quickly Went to tht bottowi, r. men", brrs at the ('1111rell of tile Immaculate I tile d4ily pro", A � dolleetiltd. specific rates (rolii bpeelfle points SuGti'A Albairlari garrison of 20,000 stroveb bas read 8vith qvidity hoW th 0004 hoftio, both father &W 4011- tie at Yildiz. conceptiolft, L I . . . � I � . 4 � 1. � .. I . ,I. I , � .. _ I , 'AL _� I ,ija&, , . 1:0di1h__..L - 11!a ! 0*1400i all im"44 i im am ­_ _.,WW*�. _ _;",.�� 1000 d, a owsb"� % '000—ft A - I . , , ,;A ­ ­ �___ 10- _� ­ I— - _A_�, - — - ___ �. . . - . .. � ­ - - ­­ . � - - .. -,--- � " I 9 I � i_.L.� - - -