HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-08-13, Page 54 f THE WtNGRAM ADVANCE, TITURSDA.Y, AUGUST 18, 1908, RIDGING THP HAp,. ACRTImpn MILK H -i °' Mill It It Garr qo 90tsily Pono by the Uee+ of a Strong Crate. When ringing hogs I ltave fourid notli. jug better than a good strong crate,. writes E, P. Say der in Natlonal Stock. man and ]Farmer. it is something ov- ety fur+ner who raises hogs needs and has had occasion to use several times every year. I have just ringed two old sows that will weigh 350 pounds each in fair stock condition. Of course they were strong, but after I sot thorn in the crate—an easy matter, for I coaxed them in with shelled corn --I easily held them with one hand and worked the ringer with the other, and I'm no Saudow either. I use I, by 0 inch boards for the , crate and use oak for the two top boards, As they hold nails better than soft wood. I nail strips across the top for the cover, leaving the spaces six Inches apart so I Can easily manipu- late a rope till I catch a noose around the upper jaw, I use a three-eighths incia cotton rope with a small Iron ring braided in one end, as the noose runs much more free• ly through this ring than through a rope. It Is an easy matter to work this noose around the upper jaw and then draw the snout tip through the crate, where it can be easily held by giving it one turn around one of the slats form - Ing the e6ver of the crate. All the rest is easy, and the rings can be inserted at leisure. I often fatten spring pigs and sell in September or October without ringing At all, and I prefer that way when Mothods Used by tho Dairymen lin. producing. it, In describing the .methods used In the production of what to termed "cer. tined, milk," Clarence R. TAue, assist* out chief of the (fairy division of the bureau of animal industry, says: It is the general practice in certified dairies to remove the manure at least twice dally to the held or to a suitable pit some distance from, the stable. In the most carefully managed dairies the whole Interior of the stable is washed and scrubbed daily with. water Con- taluing a washing Compound, Some use a disinfectant in the water once or twice a week,, as bichloride of mer- cury, carbolic acid or i, �rmanganate of potash, Rlebolride• of mercury is probably the most expensive of any of the disinfectants. Aside from, this fact, it is one of the most satisfactory be- cause It gives off no odor. Where the interior of the stable Is built of wood It is whitewashed from two to. twelve times annually or kept well painted. Land plaster Is the most common dis- InPeetant for floors and gutters,' Slaked iluie is also satisfactory for this pur- pose, Shavings are most in favor for bedding, The cows are cleaned daily with currycomb and. brush. The udder and parts in proximity to it are either washed and wiped with a clean towel or are wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. In many Cases the udder, Clanks, etc., are clipped periodically. Occasionally a dairyman sprays sta- bles nntl cows immediately before milk - 5. Three Days Vlore Isarcl's Clean Sweep Sale practicable, for occasionally the zings fug, It is n common practice tefes- T�,urS�a �- urwaymake bad sores, and consequently the feup the cows after they have been y. -.pigs will not do well, In that case I cleaned In such a way that they can have sometimes cut them out, Usually Y two rings insetted at the upper edge of the nostrils, with none in the center, If store close a • will effectually �>=vYent rooting and EXCLUSIVE f p.m. except Saturday still work no harm to the pig. At some $BOIc Saturday e and n time during the life of aold sow she DEALERS WILLIS & CO. even'ngs yboforo holld 9s, needs judicious ringing to insure a quiet disposition and good behavior.. J� _ ® Pavers Baby Beef, i Positively Ending Saturday Night Tile mare I feed cattle the more� _•am confirmed in my belief the day is Trunksu� �a���- not far off when comparatively few nimnrt rams vsrLD eN�so UE amsn�rmFm>u as, _ cattle that are more than eighteen • • months old will be marketed for not lig down till they have been ������� � �� �� slaughter, writes a Missouri feeder to milked. After each cow is milked the � d e Orange Judd Farmer. Once. I had the Telescoves dill: is passed over the cooler and jute Idea that the larger the cattle the (lie bottling receptacle in the greater the profits. In those days_we bottling room. One man Bottles the Move Qui'kG Bapgains never thought of marketing a steer as milk without assistance and is able to fat until he was around four years fill and cap 200 to 300 bottles an hour l l \ `� • old. Conditions have changed ma- ' and place them in the milk -log Vr V�r terially. This is the age of baby beef. • c to a few dairies the milk -lug is not There is less waste to young steers, Biggest Stock. Best Selection. done in the regular stable, the cows A and the qualify of their beef is far bet- being taken to a milking room entirely _.............._...._.._ ..._,.., ,._ ter than that from aged stock. I separated from the test of the baro. Watch For AM. Next 'Week grind all my feed and rash the cattle Lowest Prices. This roots is well lighted, and every — along until the are about fifteen precaution is taken to make It abso- months old, when I let them go. lately sanitary. Other dairymen claim that last as good results can be se - A FEW SAMPLES IN SOUTH WINDOW y cured by milking fn the regular stable , Co. O _ if proper precautions are taken. "'"�' THE DAIRYMAN. Some peoducers of certifled milk use nothing i'or sealing the bottles but or - C divary pulp caps stain ed with the S., Grac YA. small pasture handy to the dairy ^"�7 name of the commission and the date. W ing haul, Ont, barn in which the cows may be mal-ild W�. LL & COO Others use various co cap. she adds-Iowed to eat at night during mild tfou to lite ordinary cap. The 'milk .- weather is a great help. Much of the pails used in certified milk plants pre - feed consumed at night does more sent a Great Variety of styles. General- A- good than that taken in the daytime. =At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. ly speaking, they have a small open- ' Neat Butter Prints. Ing, Some are provided with a strain - For private dairying there Is prob- + 1 er, through which the milk passes in ably no better package than the pound entering the pail, This consists In print wrapped in parchment paper. It some instances of several thicknesses ®� ®. is well to have a brand engraved in of cheesecloth, in others of both cheese - print which will leave its impress cloth and absorbent cotton, and in still up The Wingham Advance upon every pound of good butter sold, others of meta] wire. but never send any poor batter. under A0110. Arif010111M this brand, as it would be liable to Dehoening Calves. spoil ones reputation. All butter prints It is becomin- an almost universal oo PER ■ �,■ ANNUM L 0and 'butter packages should present a THE BIGBOOKSTOREl practice to tieh� n cattle Because theyE-*R+neat clean a earance and never beare more ensil handled and it pre - 61.2"N. I 11M I 1, allowed to be smeared with particles vents them from injuring each other. of butter or stained with imprjnts of it is no small task to remove the horns dirty fingers. _ from a mature animal; one even dreads Scours In Calves. taking thein from yearlings and two - Scours SOME,—Still we have left six new Rugs that we . , ERS If the calf begins scouring, at once year-olds. There is also some dagger cut down the feed of milk. The pres- will sell you at wholesale prices, as we do not wish of annuals Bleeding to death or get- ' y� t0 Carr them in stock. tion aisauecl .by foreign matter lodg ti Have you a good supply of Har- ecce of scours is the Best indication of y _ b p ,; 7 : Indigestion, and indigestion in the case iug,in the wounds. It is therefore bet- VANTr;D vest Tools 2 The time Is at hand of the calf comes most frequently from THIRTY OFF.unt to lean and Express Wagonia at 30 per ter to destroy the budding horn a few ,- cent. discount to clear. clays after the calf is born. The halt r �"\ overfeeding. s IN is clipped otY from around this Button - 1 Keeping a Milk Record. LIMOGUE CHINA. — We expect our new stock here this and caustic potash is applied, says a '~ �=' � Manitoba, Alberto when you'll need them. A record of the daily milk yield o _ , week, so collectors of pattern No. 6.. can then get any- _ writers in Farmers Advocate. The �' M' - Saskatchewan should always be kept, not only for A"' the purpose of knowing what each thing they wish, as we intend to keep this constantly - stick of potash should Be wrapped to; W : S J. CANARIA Work harvesting for 25,000 in stock. This is the best pattern made—See it. protect the fingers, and then moisten men, Good wages. HAY RAKES HAY FORKS cow produces, But in order to know 1 x ,i PACIFIC her Bail uses, but and how mach feed one eta with water and rub over the k,,� 3 �, , y - SCHOOL BOOXS ETC. -- If you need an 'thin in School + RAILWAY EXCURSION j CU r NS PITCH FORKS TURNIP HOES site ought to have. The milk sheet will y b g button till the skin becomes slightly `;. / y iJ� iR1�R�la►J Books Or Supplies, we can shit you,, as we Carty a sore asci the calf shows sig us of smart- i_ „ .i ;�t r� $s7 mi1s�1�71� L� reveal the condition of the cow quick- gO WINNIPEG!"' IPEG , er than anything g full line. _ Ing. The person who applies the pot- SCYTHES AND SNAITHS y g else. As ton as she - �' ' °"" Goin>;� �® Second nMi should be careful not to permit r ; n, eats well and the milk yield Increases _ WALL PAPER Just now, these can be bought right,_ any of It to run down the calf's facet;;,) %� "r r '' Trig + • Class , HAY FORD ROPE—from J ill. to 1.1 ill, _ rapidly the more feed may be liven. = WINDOW SHADES as we want to mna•ke room for new or get into its eyes, for it will destroy '. r, � -� � Free tickets from Winnipeg to points where farm The place to stop increasing the feed = - 1, laborcrsare needed, withinccrtain limits. HAY FORK PULLEYS will be spawn by the slow increase in stock coming in. Big Wall Paper Remnant Sale next = the Bair and cause considerable pain ti, �, \�, milk yield. week. There will be Bargains and hope you secure 1P it g^ts iu the eyes. in n few days c tu,, .5 q ,` .f` �rt �; �; Itefurn for $1S O® after of least i I j V additional ' 30 days work a scab will form, which will soon dis- , TRIP ROPE AN, D SLING ROPE Stable Ventilation. your share of them. appear, and If tbu work Is properly I Ulf If your stable is ventilated only doge no horns will develop. If the ly f!, 4, i EXCURSIONS LEAVE BINDER TWINE' from above you aro drawing off the = button contir+lies to grow the appiica- hi ,'% ' warm cit, which means loss to the . COME AND SEE US. tion can be repeated. 1141 �r�• 6,i'�t�is�� AUG* G* IS & STjPT• cows In. A > > Mr. Foul aaiirOmu t bert and e drawss of n off on a Feed Per Next Fall. e purest ff,I f/ ,,, 'll,i fi n l I • 4 ! q/lliJlf from Sarnia tions i Te oiit North Ba Toronto -4 9 ' C L L IeveI with the staBle floor, for bad air T p" WALLE� l)o rtat overlool: pEaviditig plenty oP t I„�1 is much heavier than good riir, \ylit ELLIOTT1 .� t�/ 1 �--1 feed for next fall and winter. Too fro- 4 I�• Jl ' VVIPORTANT the cows Ile down and the ventilation fluently the farmer does not exercise 1 "1 h Is poor they Breathe foul air. It has 1 s r Ask C.P.R. Ticket Agent for time of special And get our prices —they are the very lowest. BIG BOOK STORE --bear Bank of Commerce the precaution lie should to assure the , l Ii ���, trAin on August 14th. if no Agent convenient, Its effect on, the cows as well as on the live stock a liberal supply of the best ( a t ��,f ' ti r ,iJ, write to:-- product. bra •ofa�• feed. bo not depend on a single fed 1It,i Pt,t �"i , kIii C.H.FOSTER, Dist, Pass. Aft.,C,P.R.,Toronfo i Some Good Advice. crop, nor on a single planting. leo not .•'i lnli�/t •,, ( 1 ' , 1 ilk � •,►' � � 1, Here are some good pointers from fitu ge on.barely feed enough to winter ' - ' "` • ` f a prosperous New York dairyman: the stock—figure on having a surplus. Ply -mouth Twine Itindness to the cows pays big'cdivi- Neither is the quantity All to be looked dends At the pail. Absolute regularity after. Consider well the duality. Con - Is one of the essentials of success in sider also well the fact that the stock "j^ ]' /�" NATIONAL t /�' The Best on the Market. 'Leave your order, dairying. A frequent change of diet � must be kept growing and in good flesh C A 17 t>• D I A N LSI L !l T 1 O N A l.i We will deliver it, milk flow. '.Pet the and eango the and vigorous du s the winter. ate, Is a good thing, but make chin e s the toxo ono says Farmers Advocate, Cow ly or you wilt upset and de "rang frequently.Western Fair "� t r �j When the stock Is not growing every Aug. 29 1E,L3►. H i B 1 .1. I O 1 \ Sept. 14 "Star boarders" have no place in the minute. rightly conducted dairy. • ► <)IT udder with tt loth before amilki gys Q a � f ' +. � Keep the Pig Oentle. - j sO h �y ` Pare Parls Green a Specialty she first few drops of milk drawn Greatest Live Stock Rhlbltlon Never scare n young ill Always from udder contain more or less 11n• `>,l sr heap it gentle and it will grow thu - T 01.R'O N T 0 purities and should be kept out of pail.O'� T� Ttld fasted.. Any person who has ever ban - A. Gd $ Attended Annual cheap and very useful milking stool OF WESTE'R� died pigs is well nwaro that the l'e$teSt and lire xltibition in all'the World Is made or file spool from which barb- among the most contrary animals in n a ed wire has been. removed. Saw off the Full Progranime. of Attractions twice darty, including Kemp's existence and that when you under - ends sd It will sot level, and Cut a Wild `Nest Show. Best of MUSIC. Vlreworks Each Evening take to drive thein their tails always Every Province aJralllnlbth Ward to Ston top. Make tt hand hole seem to be 011 the wrong ends of Sends $1009000.00 )�ia55ed Band through the board, and the stool fn ATHLETYOUNG'SIC DAY, MONDAY, -SEPT, I4. them. They are like same people—the>f ' Its Products in Prizes and Attractious Concerts refit u`f _ _ .:...... kan be coaxed, but cannot be dri.Ven_ Conte and enjoy yourself at London's Popular ;Fain Grand Art Loeb Collection From the Paris Salon and tither Old.Wdrld Gallo -ries. Dr. l•`amjltoe 'follows Nature',¢ P1nt1. � tell flay Fever Prideds. No Fhysieifau fuse more stieeessful in R"DUCED RATES ON ALL R I�ROA.DS Let theta know If thea' ltnv(t 1171y Y pectnele treating atornttclt and liver trouhlair Vever or AAthrnit that Ontart lion: rti(a The • Ij g' aur, p q i Ginza �G Military un �Aixsttd 1 Big than r. Hamilton, He avoid(d Prize Lists, Tt1lory liven 11 Pro ramin(,ti, soil sell ,A erin:LguAv Relief is *instantSebastopol lC:tirAh n'ledicines and produced it von- inforta,atton given on applieatton to c�do�•>jsnite gt:+tratnteed lar the. worst dor-fol pill. of vegetn,bhs composition A M HZ7NP 56Crf%t&t .' All r ealets sell Ot}ttCrrltoxanri With aG Performxters. that alwaya cares. Dr. Hamilton Pills f l y for $I. Try it. Superior Vaudeville Performance �* Are noted for promptly eating billions. _ •-- Ij W 12EZD .resident. J. WINGHAWONTARIO nosA, sink headAches, constipation and " _ wGtodecleli Hotel QotnoFLttyrt ,,int. � • stoinaeh trouble. They work like a.9,000 Li'v'e Stock on View chstrm, very mild, yet searchingand (ted, 11to been inr;arperrate8, .milli r(u �✓/ authoriyed eit,pital of $10,000, The tonic laxA ng. No fo Whore can i t! Dr. n Sept'r J ler 1'rlxM 1Gi6(y, kalwr lflsnln Anil ell iaCatmsiion (ddrNyt 7, 0. URR, 1Nen■let, tib geliy Toroolo leaf la,z tine 'lee fclrmn(I thxti itt plr. Londo, lircviAional dirf5rtorA are 7. W. i+(ir• � y,. 49M16 *40M I 1-Umiitou s fills. Try them wid be, � ,� (. A. 11 E A P F A It F S F It U NI E V lu Ii Y W It aS R V. C Hodr ns iwd V.. Rr. Ig lrmrtlrn, fI. I rC �- � eofrvirfae(a, �o a.lr all dealot�i, i S d3 ...... _ _ . M ' l.■ick.-..r. S'Y..�.._'"----�•li'a�,�:�1YY.r.il'a.iiY • ..�..._ - ..., - - _ _ ' • S gal .. n