HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-08-13, Page 44 TRE WINGTIAN ADVANCE, THURSDAY,. ATTGI,1"ST 1., 1908, Teeswatlew, Vewa 11 telli$ Was Giertrode Skilling has been en- gAged ae teacher in ,A,rkell's School--- Ritchie & cosens � �> Ell, err'l�stsivere No. 0, Otilross, � V � i u � V � �o U Ut ��o� V [ ' —Ashfield voters' lists were ( i1X.0 t1 ��1I1 , lY1Y C e(1 in the clerk's office on July 31st, Mr, Elco, Mason of WIngbaln con. REAL ESTATE AreYouParticular ducted 80rVICe Ill lite I3t4pltat C1tUr(h ir, olid time copies sent to itis different AND IIWSURANCEVZ1VCr'I,Si�T, QZv19.T►T()0. Fuca, Halt Proprietor, parties provided by the act, here on Sunday Blit, Tho you Want things to be just se ? Thenn —.Reeve McMillan, of Hullett, wile �T� s^a � al Agents Iiorala Journal Patterns � �; a lvii,h, a gang of rasa eAgagedreen Is In town l in the s week- . 8 rets Ladies liouic d'alxrll....-,.,.�...,,,_�...�..,..._:�....._..,. W d like you for a Gustoll�OY. V1�e'VO rOrillSOd Is probtxbly the most extensive farmer buildingof a brick smokestack tit the n n np}� fit and • In. the township, lass dQ acres a corn, electric light Plant. Farm Properties, lies, O you satisfaction --premised you that style, �,���Qt#�� y nope Bros„ of the acmeP . this year, price Will please you --- Well keep our promise, township, have a self•binder which is The TeeswAtertions School Board hadB., Our best ads, are satisfied customers, two' resignations from the ting las f3orae exceptional values ill err ird Colne here _.-The Ontario Government has a this year cutting its List annual crap staff to deal with at its tweeting last T'arms, �� you want one, it Will for your next Suit or Overcoat. great "nest egg" in the O'Brien 'Aline this shows careful usage, week, The resignations were Accept- p pay you to see us, royalty of 15 per cent. of the output, —At a special meeting of Ashfield ed and other two Indies engaged to fill The good old Province Of On- �� � Q $15,0,000 per year from that one mine Council, in Goderteh, July 2901, to the vacancies, hiss Al, Evans of is a pretty good thing..Outer mines consider a right-of-way agreement stoney Creek is to take the Entrance . tarlo is all 'right. Mfi 's j �urn'� 1 �� also are beginning to pay royalties with the Ell Railway Co., it was work, and Tlies Al. L. Redburn of : - - - r.;,, _ . - - . m _ . _ _ •. ,., v, _.... i�.i .i � into the provincial chest. deelded' to consent to the company town will succeed Miss McKenzie, „/� t n R N N r . sy+ beginning operations at Port Albert Five car loads of cattle were shipped Town .Properties Hot Weather BARGAINS IN SWEET Hats, Colas, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc., --When the Senate had a Conserva• and at the Highteen Mile creek, „ from the station here luesaay morn - in eVery lisle that's new and up-to-date, tive majority, the Liberal leaders and —The Huron County Branch of the Ing, They were lifted by Mr, A. At, right prices. W'e have a Delicacies Bi���I�Vc Call and see our elegant Stock, press shouted for its reform. Since . Ontario Prohibitory Alliance has reg• Campbell, an agent of one of the big number of places admirably suit - then, death has taken many of the old istered a complaint about the sale of Chicago shipping and packing coin - Small Prices—Big Values, chaps away, -Their places have been liquor in the military camp', and asks panics. These cattle are all of .good ed for retired farmers, No pret- filled with Liberals, until now the every respectable young mats to re, duality and were shipped direct to the tier or healthier town in Ontario QUICK LUNCII, PICNIC FRESII BISCUITS AR, second chamber has a Liberal majori- fuse to enlist until the officers enforce Old Country, going by New York, than Wingham. Property bought ty, Now the Liberal leaders and their the law prohibiting the sale of liquor. For most of this lot $5,75 per cwt, was ]fere can always be resold. PARTIES, ETC. RIVING WEEKLY. press are apparently satisfied that the paid, though >iYiore was paid,for Li'few Robt.. ,is —Leslie'Alahaff sod of 11Zr. Gibson thing is all right, and needs no refer- Y, head and less for others. Mahafiy, lot 20, con, 4, of Hibbert, Mr. Jimmie McCaig, who played inRitchieell 11 motion. * * was found hanging in his father's Patted Bleat ...... . ......... . .lee All loo Biscuits now 3 lbs. for the Teeswater ball team last slimmer, Ri& Cosens Ham, Ton ) . barn on Saturday morning.. The (� Tongue, etc, 260. Rest assortment in town, - Ful Risher --Promise and performance are two body was discovered by two younger is likely soon to figure in one of the Boiled Ham ..... ........ .•..300 Aatonlabile Biecuits, lee lb. or Tailor Men's R +t> Il1SJ1 �l very different things, When the leading teams of the country. He has Large Bologntl , , . , , , , , , , , ...100 3 lbs. for . ... . .. 11 ..... . • , 25C Liberals were in opposition, Federal brothers of the young luau, who en- been REAL ESTATE AND Sliced Smoked l$eef. Fruit Bisnuits, loc or 3 lbs. for 260 pp pitching this season with the ' tered the barn early on Saturday Best Canned Salmon.. 13c, 15c, 20c Lemon ,.quare Biscuits, 100 lb. /� �7 Voters' Lists were denounced and Georgetown team and somehow the INSURANCE - WINGHAM gi Dred Herrin 'V 'V declared an abomination. Yet in the morning. He was then quite dead. managers of the Toronto Eastern Canned Fresh Herring... er t..IOD Royal Biscuits, loc lb, or 3 lbs.26a session recently closed, the Liberal —About 75 Indians are engaged in League, always on the lookout for Canned Finnen Haddie • .. , .. loc for ................... 25c Government made a vigorous effort to pulling flax in Hallett, and about 100: good material, got knowledge of him, Canned Sardines ... , . Go, loc. 150 People's Assorted Biscuits, loc bi' h h 1` t or f DI nttobn more between Hensall and Kippen '- d M d h h'b' " Pickled Olives, Pickled Walnuts, lb, or 3 lbs. for.......... 260 coal Coal We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Residence Phone, No. 55 Office "" No. 04 Mill '" No, 44 este is etre es s a an on on ay a gave an ea i ition , Fall Term Opens Sept. Ist Pickled Onions, Mixed Piokles. Vanilla, liar Biscuits, loo lb. or That scheme failed, but it succeeded They get $7 an acre for the work, and of his skill. It is the intention of Home-made Orange Marmalade, 3 lbs, for .. . ... . .........25o in forcing such lists on six constitu- are required to find their own rovis- Those mho know best the merits o4 this English P'1 &Lemon Marmalade, Graham Square Biscuits l00 g q P Manager Sebafly to pitch him against school are its staunchest supporters, la q ions and lodging, which the do in Fruit Jam .. . ................100 Ib. or 3 lbs, for ..... , � ....25c encies in Ontario. � g, y Rochester or Baltimore in their next - .. tents. An occasional Indian can pull series here. Schafl was well leased Hong roc and u ELLIOTT y P R half an acre in a lou da but this is Y P Peanut Butter g y, with 'NcOaig's workout. This is a are Maple Syrup, home-made. —The Whitney Government was more than they usually do, great thing for M0, and Teeswat(r s Pork and Beans, per tin ...... Be given a majority of 5,3, and the contest Choice Now Lemons Bargains In Groceries —A man named Alexander Mellon- friends will be pleased to hear of'his TORONTO ON'x`. Oran was so clean that not one election is t gee .. , . , .... , . , ..30a doz. protested by the defeated party. It is aid was before Judge Doyle on Mon- making good, Thoroughneosas�nd saenlil„en Popularity, (Mediterranean Sweets). Canned Plums, reg, 13c for., .loc not like that under Laurier. Three of day morning on a charge of stealing a ) where yon will, you'll tend our graduates Choice Bananas.. , 20o to 26o doz. Bee J d PP Peaches, p, r tin.. 160 Sir Wilfrid's workers • in Montreal gold watch and chain from a hotel in g enables l the front. Their superior train- y Jelly Poer, Be or G for. 250 ing enables them to bet and Hold first- . ' , . , ., Oriental Jolly Powder, lee or - have raced the penitentiary. Four Gorrie, According to , his story A Painless Corn Cure. class positions, College open all summer. 3 for....... .. .......25o g P Y• Enter a» time. Write for catalogue. in London are awaiting sentence. McDonald has been travelling from Easily applied --costs but a quarter W. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL BakingPowder. Layer Figs, regular 1. now Two—one from Hastings and the Place to place in Canada selling see- —.that Putnam's Corn Extractor, fifty J. 4 pkgs. for.. , per , . , • .250 g Cor. Youge &Alexander Sts, Green Rio Coffee, per lb... , 1.150 ^!� other from Frontenac—are fugitives and -hand jewellery, and it would years in use, • Insist on "Putnam's” M, Kerr & Bird's Baking Powder Roasted Rio Coffee, per ib. , ..15c from justice. Two statesmen are dis- aPPear that one source of supply was only, put up in 1 -lb, tins, equal to any Table Vinegar, 16c bottle for.. loc stealing, ' - 25o Baking Powder on the mar. 7 bars ... 25c qualified, and two from Nova Scotia g At all events the prisoner Cl g Richards' Cleanser, Soap, � i ket, We guarantee the quality. ' : Old Dutch cleanser, 3 tins. , . , 26c have held their seats only through the Pleaded guilty to the charge, He was 60T THE WRONG DOOR. Fall 1 erm open Sept. 1 remanded. Price..... , ...16c or 2 tins for 26c : , Royal Salad Dressing, 60a bot• process of appealing everlastingly to ` tle for • • , . , , . , . .250 the highest court. —The first of the twenty locomo-tives being built at Toronto for the They were newly married, and on a x --Prior to the Ontario election, Lib- Grand Trunk Pacific have been turned honeymoon trip. They put up at a -' Pickling lnegar. Toilet Soap. eral Orators and newspapers made a out, Already there are employed west of Winnipeg along the line 07 lo- sky -scraper hotel. The bridegroom felt indisposed, and the bride said she Niiv/ STRATFORD. ONT. Pure, quality guaranteed, Cider 'Wine + Infants Delight, lee or 3 for. great complaint, because the Ontario comotives, As the company expect would slip out and do some shopping, The sooner you complete a course in this school the sooner you may expect and White Vinegar. ,250 -Lanolia, loc or 3 for .......... 250 Legislature guaranteed the bonds of the Canadian Northern railway for to assist in the movement of the pres- In due time she returned and tripped lllithel u to her room, a little awed hold a position o4 trust. Our courses are thorough and practical. Our students 'Ave to Lily Boquet, per cake only. , , , Be Buttermilk Soap, Be or 3 for.. We two and a half million dollars. eat crop which promises to be a re- co breaker, there will in alI robs- P Y P by the number of doors that looked always succeed. assist graduates positions. We have three departments— Commercial, shorthand & Tolegraphie, Pickling Spices. Brown Windsor, Jumbo Tar, Sea Spray and Twin Cas - Strange to Hay, however, that these brtity be at least 100 locomotives alike. But she was sure of her own We employ experienced instructors. tile, 6 for ............•....25e lalJ�. FIRST; R S A D OUR same men and these same newspapers and tapped gently on the panel. Catalogue free. All kinds—Mace, Curry Pow- Pure Olive Oil, Castile Soap, 1 working on the prairie section by the PP g Y P , Gp� reserve a sacred and unbroken . "I'm ++ der, Ohilf Peppers, Tumeric, Col- large bars and Be cakes. ��� GATALOfiff P end of this autumn. back, honey, let me in, she ELLIOTT dl McLAcwLAlu a Seed Anise Seed Coriander Rose Soap, ink & white 2 for Be silence concerning the fact, that in a whispered, few hours, the Dominion Parliament _ On Saturday evening the wife of aanaeirALi Seed, Cloves Allspice, Cinnamon,Ta lor's Shaving Soap only 6a Y g No answer. i Y Ytii' THEN Decide on the Business College voted twelve million dollars for 4,000 Mr. L. Beatty of Varna, had a narrow ""Hone etc., etc. 1?Banner Shaving Soap only.... 5e miles private railways, and a uaran- y honey, let sw in 1" she b , :;; �• �� p y g escape -from what might have been a called again. Still no answer. w We ask the privilege of sending you tee of the bonds of the Canadian serious accident. She was driving.+ • • Honey, honey, its Alice. Let me Alma Ladies College .v . our intensely interesting, handsomely- Northern for over seven million dol- borne from Bayfield in a covered in," she whispered. illustratefl FLEE CATALOGUE. In lars. In all, nearly twenty millions buggy, with several children, when a There was a silence and still no ans- ST. THOMAS - - - ONTARIO fact, you reap owe it to ourself to et were voted to railways, and yet there dog frightened the horse, causing it to- Iver. After several seconds a man's 1 ,1 y Y y y g 28th year A leading Canadian y' is not a word. The men who so loud- shy and overturn the buggy, the ocen- ++ forest City � a copy and read it thoroughly before you voice, cold and full of dignity, came .,ollege. Endowment allows ex - [y condemned a guarantee of 2} mil- pants escaped with nothing more than from the other side of the door, ceptionally reasonable rates. A lull Khe Shisrt8aud select the Business College to attend. ,. �+� � ��� •••�� �•-•.,�;,..-• flu+t°e++ ane tions, are as mute as mice when their some severe bruises. The horse ran .. + year's tuition witli board_ $168 College Dot This Catalogue explains all about our Madatn, this i nut a beehive; it s a room and laundry �7 %��i 67vi 4opaon school, our faculty, our different courses. own party votes away 20 millions to away and striking some obstruction, bathroom." Take Advantage antage of Our railwa s u a few hours. Strange, is it for e kegj• traQadress ' Tells why we honestly believe our Col• Y . g was instantly killed. � T1ieRegislrar," 2 and upwards lege to be the best for you. After reading the book we will leave not? What do the honest electors think of such hypocrisy ? —In order to be in a position to par - you to fudge for yourself. Sending for a copy places you under no YP Y ticipate in the movement of this � � ' T obligation. ,lust mail your name and address on a postcard. "." the Grand Trunk ARTIIUR e) . IRVPIN CLEARING S f year's wheat crop, Students admitted any time. «Specie! openings September end January: —Finance Minister Fielding tried to Pacific Railway management is col- TRY TheForest City Buisiness and Shorthand College make the addition to the debt appear lecting care in the west. As often as D.D.S., Surgery LONDON, ONTARIO as small as possible by stating that a new G. T. P. car can be loaded for _ Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- LONDON, Wi WESTERVELT, Principal J. W. WESTERVELT, Jr.% C.A% Vnco:Pancipal the average is only $1,600,000 per the west, it is wheeled westward, un- nsyivania College and Lieent ate of Dur in � S boc i\ Ta k i n g Y p A POUND OF Dental Surgery of Ontario. _ + annum. The .facts are as follows :— loaded and held there for the thresh ---Office in Macdonald Block— He added to the debt last year not Ing time, when it is expected every- M A LC O LM, ,S. a,,,,,i/�aaa„IryhyMtlr•/ti+aw,�1lr,b�wuln+ $1,600,000, but $13,000,000. He is add- thing on wheels will be busy. Al- ing this year, not $1,600,000 (which he ready 500 of these splendid big box �� AND �y claims as his average) nor $6,000,000 of cars have been gathered and distribut• B.S.A., L.D.S., D,D.S. Conte and see these Goods. You'll which he accuses the Conservatives, ed along the line west of Winnipeg. nor $13,000,000, which he added last COFFEE Honor Licentiate of University of. Toronto a be glad you came —About 150 then gathered at ;t. and Lttal Su of Royal College of year, but at least $35,000,000. Lean- s Det taI surgeons of Ontario. Craig's near St, Augustine, last ,Lues- r ing out guarantees, subsidies and gBSIeE tv BEAVER BLOOM — rPVINOrtAM it” ant [owns, the outlay will be at least $15d day afternoon to raise the frame of Best in the market. Qaali- SHIRT WAISTS. -3 doz. only White Lawn and Mull Shirt 000,000 to $20,000,000 more than last the new barn he built in place of the ty guaranteed. Waists, beautifully trimmed with lace, embroidery and year. Four months ago 'e Fielding one that was burned last spring. The tucker, A genuine snap. Reg. $1,75—now $1,25. RPg. estimated a reduction of $7,000,000 in barn is 50 feet by 71 feet and is built DOMUNI� B� Ka $1.50, for 99e. Reg. $1.25, for 75c. RPg. 75c, for 50e. therevenue. Withtherecotd of fall- on the old foundation. The timbers FRESH GROCERIES u ly Black Sateen tucked Waists, regular 81.25—now $1.00. W in revenues o£ the last quarter before - went together first-rate and the frame g q ALWAYS IN STOGIE UNDERSKIRTS.—Wide, lacy and. very pretty. Reg. $2.00, was up and the rafters an by 5,30 him, he would now estimate the o'clock. Walter Tisdale and Joe READ OFFICE, TORONTO. g• $ � g• $ � decrease at $12,000,000 or more. for $1.75. Re 1.50 for $1.25. Re 1.25 for $1. AaV1ng� �CC®)t.ln ,� �Dui'� Kinahan were captains. The race Ste in and inspect our VV ■ ■ youp, these circumstances and condi- P P , AT COST.—Drawers, Corset Covera and Night Dresses. was so close it was hard to decide line of Crocker before ur- tions, it is not re -assuring to the conn- y p which side won. After supper a game chasing. We are bound to Capital (paid up) - $3,97b ( 4. �j� �° try for 14Ir, Fielding to plead that he i;• ' - DRESS MUSLINS.—Positively must go at any cost. Reg. best ■ riend. is now onl be Inain to Ile a of football was played between sides please the ptlblicl, IieBOCVe taco aro ed- " $�r2g7+ 30o for 20C. dte 20C for 15c. Re 15o for 10c. y beginning p p chosen from the crowd. A. Pentland ° g ' g• ' debt, met with an accident at the raising. Total Assets, over $48,OW,000 - A BARGAIN IN CORSETS. ---Celebrated D. & A. Corsets, He fell about eighteen feet from a girt i • Work That Weakens. Produce Taken, Cash Paid WTNGHAM BRANCH. straight and curved front, ]secs trimmed, good jean and and sprained his arta and shoulder. for Butter and Eggs. easy fitting, Reg. $1.00, for 75c. Reg. 75c, for 50c. CONVENIENCE --No formality in open He, however, fared much better than Farmers' Notes discounted, , Booth's Kidney Pills Have Done Oreat he might have, as be came very near �A BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS.- Must be cleared out, ing accounts, or in depositing 'or falling on a pile of stones. MALCOL M Drafts sold on ail points irr Can- _ Extra wide pleated Shirts, sunburst style. Reg. $1.50, withdrawing. imoney. Service for People Who Work in A.a 1/ Ada, the United States and Europe. for $7:.20. Reg. $1,25, for $1..00. Reg. $1.00, for 60c. Wingham. - _._ .1 a ' PRIVACY—Information as to savings Man Wia ham people work oxer SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -_ SHOES TO CLEAR. --720 pairs of Ladies' and Children's g Y g P There Is No Secret. Interest allowed on deposits o4 $1.00 and Shoes, to clear at 50c per pair. (lay in -some strained unnatural post- upwards, and added to principal quarterly, accounts is Confined to trusted tion, bending constantly over a desk, A SNAP IN TOWELLING. --23 inches wide, all pure linen, Clerks, pledged to secrecy, riding on jolting wagons or cars, About Our Cod Liver Preparation•-• bending over heavy house work, lift- Vinol.BLUEVALE A. T. $PllDllli, Manager = Special at 12 C—now 10 ors, Ing, reaching, pulling, all these strains WINGBAM BRANCH tend to wear, weaken and injure the —`--`- It.vanetone, soitoiter = AT REDUCED PRICES. Laces, Embroideries, Collars and C. SMITH �� A � kidneys until they fall behind in their - So many patent medibines and ad- .SAW MILL. _ � greatly prices. A work of filtering the poisons frown the vertised cures are now offered to the - blood. Booths Kidney Pills eure sick public that we want to call the ppecial mill as destroyed . Belts at read reduced r:c ' kidneys, tit new strength in bad attention of the people .of Wingham Though our ,w" backs, -4 cures pprove it. to •the fact that Vinol is net in any b fire we have still a lar a stock r Mr. Wtn. Dore, of Shuler street, sense a secret or, patent medicine, y ' g n Iv e sacrifice these goods to make room for fall of Lumber and Shingles on hands Protection all Sofa 'tVingham, Ont„ says : For centuries medical men the arrivals. You may reap elle benefit. , Itad suffered with attacks of luta- world over have recognized the great and can $ll orders as usual. bago across my back for many years. tonic and curative elements contained At i l,S L111161 b It would come on me after" taking in the cod's liver, but how to extract C�ATfi ANI7� CEI4I)I;NT `f U Tyl 1 X `U "i � 1.11 `L` D VVIN(iI-IAM cold or tieing in the clamp to any ex. these mediciat elements from the use• plso on hand Yor sale. v •r -i.+• .a.1 •+tea. +a.w tent, settling in the small of my back loss and repulsive oil which enveloped �+Cc��' ,(n enla e7oallwwN tp xx and the region of the kidney and ek- them has been the problem hitherto DUFF 1 L' 1'Y .fii�T. } Policies , General HaspttaY. tending into my lidos. I would 1>e unsolved. VlJ lt' T�� �n(I����nL I Qllc�e� linable to stoop over or lift anything = This was finally aecomplislted by (t7nder government Ttiepeotton.l and I could scarcely straighten mysolf two eminent French chemists, AndHighest Prices Paid For Produce. Pleasantly situated. Pal I fnrntsbed. up. The Brine would become highly the result is Vinol, it deliciotis modern Or— Open to all regularl licensed tihystotana. colored and would contain an amount Cod liver preparation without bit, CANADIAM HOME CIRCLES ' bb Dominion „ - Ratee for patients wh ch include card and of sand like sediment highly Colored made by it scientific, extractive and J The Qominlon Life r . nutpingl -;a.m to 15.00 per week, aocarding end ndorou9. I had been using differ- concentrating process front fresh cods' �' to location of room. Nor further In a. "Cut remedies for ears hitt had nw,t live; ter thus Combining with peptanate lien•-Addroee . g Wingltam Circle, No 434 A sound, well managed t , 4' MtsS Y. B. SV`ElLCi1; found the desired results until on t►d• of iron all the medicinal, healin , � supdrintobdont, vice of our drig ist, Mr. McRibbon 'body-buildingg elements Teed liver Canadian Life Assuraudd oampany. Ont, I used Booth's Pitle, They quickly re- oil, but no oil, Means this 1st Thursday its call month, Rox Vis; i#*inghitm, Hoved me, my back Aren thened and Asi it body builder and strength to the Chisholm Hall, At s p. ni. Candi. Average rata of Interest g creator for old people, delicate child• dates for whoa , reliable insuranoa aro earned iu 1900— The ADVANCE 1s North the doll heavy slut had neon gone, the Brine cleave to iii natural solar, ren, weak, run-down persons, after holt he 6 oofs, Soo ottr,aloe from any . T'i,�' 'Rif• Hurons leading' trews- I am stronger and better in every way sicknt±ss and for Chranfe Coughs the sago rate he Mari, ricks t,000pted 4t x,73 FI';It C]>a1�1��'. .1.,x,`1 ,L.Y.�, ' and edultl not hesitate to recommend Colds, Bronchitis, and all thfoY ,tt An (t ==-II paper, Are you aSite- B'ooth's Kidney Pills." Sold by deal- lung" troubles, Vinol is unekbelled, TUIV. T. s, Bo>tr.m 'r, lt,11onwsmt tvdT.7 iCit T: RAhn Sartl3et' If not, why ? ers. Ptica!io cents. The It. T. Booth Try It on our offer to return m6nay if 1,eadar ate,,3eoretafy iboal aaotit •� cvinaiiaitt, crit,, Ltd., ritatr eMwhlrn�N.wleYte Only $t per year. g e gg L7n.► Ltd„ Tart Tyrlo, Ont„ Sots Cl �oKi�llotwr drtisai�t,�'A'Vfh 'ttettr�iarwOn�, "q�, y.'iV'vxa..�..�. 1wlr.Sa M .. -. -.. �;. • ._e_. .. .�- .L—.i s'i, r ..-.:f...t:-_ �, ��..J`:.- " :. � ,.•�. � r.� __ �..�r �i..�yYBYI